HomeMy WebLinkAbout0520 .. @ ~J1 w Ul u.. >- - g;~c> z C\J ~ co => - <..:l g Q.. ~ CI) .-< .- (/) , . RECEPTION NO. F:l Ji'.'OC'.4El 9/18/2001 11:38:28 PG: 001-004 PAGE FEE: 20.00 DOC.FEE: RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, QUITCLAIM DEED THIS QUITCLAIM DEED, made thIs '71!! day of C;;6<-~ ,2001, between THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, a municIpal corporatIOn of the state of Colorado, whose address IS 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat RIdge, Colorado, 80215, (hereinafter "Grantor") and CONNIE J. BURKEPILE, whose address IS 6285 West 35th li Avenue, Wheat R.1dge, Colorado 80033 (herem after "Grantee"). J / " WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for and in consIderatIon of the sum of Two Thousand Two Hundred Forty-Eight and Twenty-Two/One-Hundredths Dollars ($2,248.22) and other good and valuable consIderatIOn, the receipt and suffiCIency of whIch is hereby acknowledged, does hereby QUITCLAIM unto the Grantee, her hell'S, successors and aSSIgns, forever, all the nght, title, mterest, claIm and demand, If any, which the Grantor has m and to the following real property, together with Improvements, If any, SItuate, lymg, and bemg m the CIty of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, more particularly on ExhibIt A, attached hereto and made a part hereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together WIth all and smgular the appurtenances and pnvIleges thereunto belongmg or m anYWIse thereunto appertaming, and all the estate, nght, tItle, mterest and claim whatsoever, of the Grantor, eIther in law or eqUIty, to the proper use, benefit and behoof the Grantee, her heIrs and assigns forever IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has executed this deed on the date set forth above. GRANTOR: T A~J~ Wanda Sang, CIty Clerk 1; , " '"'\ , , . :J ,1_, l) ""i ~---.. , CNil' 53027\38\7\9.0\ , . EXHIBIT A PARCEL C A STRIP OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS' COMMENCING AT THE NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 25, WHENCE THE NORTHWEST CORNER THEREOF BEARS N89047'14"E; THENCE S36035'Il"W, A DISTANCE OF 138762 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE SOoo01'28"E, A DISTANCE OF 9.67 FEET; THENCE S89052'55"E, A DISTANCE OF 91.48 FEET, THENCE NOoo01'28"W, A DISTANCE OF 9 77 FEET, THENCE S89049'08"E, A DISTANCE OF 91 48 FEET TO POINT OF BEGINNING, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. CONTAINING 889 SQUARE FEET OR 0 020 ACRES MORE OR LESS PARCEL C1 [LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED] PARCEL C2 [LEGAL DESCRIPTION A TT ACHED] CNB\53027\38171901 ~~ v ':'\ligi/ ~nd Cons.!!/tants REV' 08-08-0 DATE. 05-09-01 / .' f ~ BY M.J.L. 480 Yuma Street . Denver, Golorado 80204 Off' (303) 436-9233 . Fax' (303) 436-9235 JOB NO: 00068 Connie J. Burkepile Parcel Cl LEGAL DESCRIPTION A STRIP OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 25, WHENCE THE NORTHWEST CORNER THEREOF BEARS N89047'14"W; THENCE S36035'll"W, A DISTANCE OF 1387.62 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N89049'08"W, A DISTANCE OF 91.48 FEET; THENCE NOOo01'28"W, A DISTANCE OF 1.88 FEET; THENCE S88038'32"E, A DISTANCE OF 91.50 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 86 SQUARE FEET OR 0.0020 ACRES MORE OR LESS. .. -- ~ -, I igil Land Consultants _V~ --- - REX 08-08-01 DATE: 05-15-01 BY M.J.L. 480 Yuma Street _ Denver, Colorado 80204 Off' (303) 436-9233 - Fax: (303) 436-9235 JOB NO' 00068 Connie J. B~kepile Parcel C LEGAL DESCRIPTION A STRIP OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 25, WHENCE THE NORTHWEST CORNER THEREOF BEARS N89047'14"W; THENCE S36048'54"W, A DISTANCE OF 1380.22 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOOo01'28"E, A DISTANCE OF 9.23 FEET; THENCE N88038'32"W, A DISTANCE OF 91..50 FEET; THENCE NOOo01'28"W, A DISTANCE OF 7.07 FEET; THENCE N90000 I OO"E, A DISTANCE OF 91.. 48 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 7 4 6 SQUARE FEET OR 0.0171 ACRES MORE OR LESS. GORSUCH KIRGIS LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW TOWFR l. SUIT!' 1000 l1515 ARAPA'tli..H STRl:El Dl'NVER. COLORADO 80202 TElEPHONE (303) 376-5000 , f,\c'I],\ULE (03) 376-5001 December 14, 2000 Wanda Sang, Clerk City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Re' Davis Property Dear Ms. Sang: Enclosed are the following documents for your safe keeping: 1. General Warranty Deed to the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, between Colorado Roses, Inc. and the City recorded on October 27, 2000, at Reception No. F1136389. 2 Bargain and Sale Deed between Colorado Roses, Inc. and the City recorded on October 27,2000, at Reception No. F1136402. Sincerely, I) LA (/.JtJwv ))l )/~firV.~~. Madonna M Wyman U Secretary to Gerald E Dahl Enclosures GEO\530L7\34094301