HomeMy WebLinkAbout0531 ------ RECEPTION NO. F J t:,O','[':,H',) 11/15/2002 12:34:04 PG: 001-001 PAGE FEE: f.O_O_DOC.FEE: 0.00 RECORDED IN JEFF ' -' lR~ON COUNTY, COLORADO I ^ I ~\:: I b I. .. N ~ <=1 1c1~ , ~ t> .u :c ,.,. ~ Project Nu, S,OI-OI LocatIon, 4090 Harlan Street Whcat Ridge, Colorado ~ll033 CORRECTION TO WARRANTY DEED WITNESSETH THAT The Aldo Capaldo Family Trust UT A 5/10/94 For The Benefit of Irma Capaldo and The Irma Capaldo Revocable Living Trust UTA 5/10/94 for the benefit of Irma Capaldo, as Tenants in Common, whose address is 7307 West 71 sl Avenue, Arvada, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, 800m, for the consideration of ONE and NO/lOO DOLLARS ($ I (0), in hand paid, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey to the City of Wheat Ridge, a mUlllClpal comoratlOn 'n the State of Colorado, whos(' address i~ 7500 Wp,st 29\h Avenue, WIH~at Ridge, ('olr,,'ad.. 802 15-67 I 3, the following real property situate, lying and being in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, Stak of Colorado, to WIt. A tract of land lying in the SE 1,4 of Section 24, Township 3 South, Range 6<) West of the 6th Pnnclpal Meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, described as: THE WEST FIVE (5) FEET OF THAT PARCEL OF REAL PROPERTY AS DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION NUMBER F0964849, IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE COUNTY OF JF:H'RRSON, STATE OF COLORADO Said tract contains 425 square feet, more or less. SaId tract to be used as, Right-of-Way Also known by street and number as. 4090 Harlan Street, Wheat Ridge, CO 8(0)3 The purpose of this document is to correct the ownership information in the document recorded at F1528973 in the official records of said County of Jefferson, State (.f ('0!01";3<II), With all Its appurtenances, and warrants the title to the same subject to easements, rights of way and restnctlons of record, if any Signed t[us cfli \ day of r~, \'q\'Q" 2002, ) . ~ f , _ '; / I Ht (Ll,."<'OU",t Clltt C Irma Capaldo (Trustee), Grantor UI(LCJi. 0 -,JC/(l'L\.t___, Diane A, Alfrey (Trustee), Gr~or ST A TE OF COLORADO ) ) 5S ) COUNTY OF JEFFERSON . . " t< ~ l1"'f";( The foregomg Il1strument was acknowledged before me t[lIS ~ day of I;' ,.' ,2002, by Irma Capaldo and Diane A. Alfrey, as Co-Trustees of the The Aldo Capaldo Family Trust UTA :'i/IO/94 For The Benefit of Irma Capaldo and Irma Capaldo Revocable LIVIng Trust UTA dated May 10, 1994. II My commiSSIOn expires: " I' I f -I Witness my hand and official seaL ~'/: {.{,,!/. ... ./- /'~ <;l.} ! , '! ( " ':" (, .' Notary Public f.' l )- / ,'('1 ,._ ""'-. I . 1 I ,.( / 1 1 " , " l , c '(' j{ 'I