HomeMy WebLinkAboutComp Plan Map July 1992P~k 1V4dAttq& M E M O R A N D U M TO: orders of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan FROM /Glen Gidley, Director of Planning & Development RE: Updated Future Land Use & Major Streets Plan Map DATE: July 14, 1992 The attached FUTURE LAND USE & MAJOR STREETS PLAN map replaces the larger fold-out map found in your Comp Plan book. it includes all official amendments since the last published edition, March of 1987. There have been no changes to the map's back side, the Comp Plan summary narrative. This is a color Xerox reproduction. Should you need additional copies, please let me know. GEG:slw attachment gsas~~ogsps$$sa~ossssgs$ss$A°8 a~o~g$sssna~gs$gss sa s - m - " - - - - o b _ P w m m o 0 o r ~ r ~ m ~ m° m ~ a N ~ - I ~ _ _ b O P I 0' m I m I N 4'1 4 N O I ' y N C ~ ry ~Wy I11 i LL i C (~~1~ Z _ J N LI N VI Z w ? I j]% N S 7 O [1 F Y w V1 N _ :Z S~ 3+ C O ? W < LL O N I~ IL rig N p~ Yl N 1 5 O N t] Q' C U ryl U T N J N P 0 T t `O II) F / 3 n (Q(~' ~p O T p1 W p: U~ 1L LLLL Y C 1U Y L C O V T U N CIS] LLI p y 4 N T G ly S:' 7 L ) K 2 O O < C _ _ y C K O F O El C` ) i R y Il L O _ Y CY S L' O W < N s ~ ~ § ~ r ~ ~ a ~ a a ~ o ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ c < d ~ 1 w < S ~ ~ 'c r t c .u 1 ii d 1 N s w `u7 S N r n 1 I-ND USE LCM DE>151r' r uul o^, e1r A H:GY CEwslir GO^"ME:RCIA_ LAND US= ' CGt6`T~GIAL AcnACTMEwr <z fL- Nr=R NVSTR A- LAND USE ING.5TRVi 3LIC/ c I-PUBLIC LAND USE MORM ?ARKS : GrTY 5PAGE 1 L -i?L LAND U5E , r:.Lnrl_ vs TRANSRORTATION ~ M1RTL~I+L MungREEMEN CGLLCCTC^n LCG~l 06p~60vOY~ Elrz~Ar 1 I F6%r gg N Y ~ SLALE FUTME !I WHEA COMP HENSI ND USE t K ARVADA i r wr-.+ LVCE5IDE MOUNTAIN MEN O IL LL !0 1 1- O n. rc 0 V Z 5 H o H A, E H.5260 AVE K 7 W O O Z 0 V YLHTH H.:151` AVE V1S9iii AvE - 1131 H A4'E H321* avE O ~.w cs. LV EnOOD CROWN HILL REGIONAL P,\PK CRG.'P1 Mu.L J IAY~ 51TE ?LAN ¢E CRO'.JN HILL G°_Ic1ARY REG`iIN55 5P"dA+L L vo ?_r 1115 - w- !Tit ,u-E H-' TH A%E COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE The comp-hmeve awelopmmt wan is a public dmumen, officially aaawm by toe CITY PI Mall Ridge as a lonpHerm Polp" guide Io promote aenrable ph n iGi. social and ttonom¢ dweo y mmt 01 Ine City. The direction of the plan was determined by ine citizens Of Wheal Ridge with guidance from the Planning Comm,- lion as well is from AS proleeamnal Planners and M91mmll of the Cal 'left In Wdlllan. the malonly Of Ine emnom¢ Due Study was wepued by Obunger-Seim, a comullmg firm. Each Segment OI ine dim WAS rev.wed by Ine au rtegnmrnood II.Marig 9roum M, Planning C.A miss on aMe approved by City Counc I. The man n compr eed of the Goal and ObjIlInn a population, Lind Use. Tranemnalion Parks and Recreal on', Emnom¢ Bate and Public Fall t a Sections Below U a summary of The Plan. The dcCUmml n its entirely ra available in the Cewrtmenl of Community De+eoDmmt. 'The Parke aM Rabeanon Plan was; aoprwq a aaewala Snlny Qn MKn 1975. A summary of Inw Plan la Ilaela n Ine GauxAm tit e, Community Owtuament and other CITY olh(ga. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES no Goals And ODlecilved are ideally an ..pre ,San of AN, Will of the Citizens concerning the future development of Ine City. They Serve AS the Gen Iw IN physical d...I.Oment plan aria m a I'M us- Work for demon mating alter adop0on of the Plan, POPULATION From 196o to ISM the City-. o- I81,619 to ]9795 138%I. From 1970 to 1tP5 - em population i areased by 6000. In 1976 IN asf- •as 34000. PoPUlanm IlWeaks rlae a direct besting on the physical develo, met o1 the City. In order to protect antl retain the low density Man. after of ine City am to insure that 'he demand for City eemGa Gn at met. a homal rate of growth is recommmdee. 5gA00 I 40000 m 1 I 30000 I 000m rims NN HAlt 1980 3COo T[N WHEAT RIDGE POPULATION PROJECTION The eastern 213 of the City Is nerdy fully develOTAML Marelme, mw prowtn wed pnmYlly take pbce on the Walter. ..do of the City. Popuaum AT f-0 d lopment Is p-leded .1 44,000. LAND USE GOALS The poab fm land lye are an attempt to remnede the existing 'Me use Wnmm With Ideal Who uSe relelloninips and 1. prmarve the inch, desnmle IMe uy Wmmra. arwnle Ine WoDams and promote compatible new development. Lasted Waw Mt Ins goals that ate mlMded a.1. in., this Gol'i A. TO rmLgnae land As a valuable and limited resource. Which Mould be used in the del mach, Of all Callma. B. To reeogmse no IragifitY of the ervironment and to plan tar land uses wnlch will Pause ! mihimum of hum 10 the mwronmem. C. TO prorate an said d and PJA t emn..ml tar ml clti- zmS. D. To plan tar !n urean (Afro which will mnlplemMt the tranapar. Iatgrl pier and mareoN, the leealblllly AIM utilization .1 may vane. E. To mature final Such devNOwnmt la a positive contribution 1, 1N entire community and is related to existing dewlo0m nt. rather than Ailowanq Pmlaea Io WAA heph OIY. F. To anipha do, planning far the nWghWr S: recognising the different needs of each, while Striving to Integrate each One Into the talon of the City. RASidandoll GaW A. To provide housing chances to meet a wipe variety of housing needs. B. To IoGle housing in uW mnvmlMl to service and the proem amenlllm. G To provde hop in acquiring the type of homing needed for those wnd nKp II. 0. To make renpemal areas aeSnal Azi pleding, Iuwuh.$ and protected from adverse Inllu.me, IMMM=_ wat- Hon-Resdm141 GAS,. A. To promote mnvemem commeRlat farviG and public uses wllnln the neighborhood, w1.11 are in harmony with ine residential use, In 16. M.l,hMAAqqi B. To encourage .no uses which will provda employment for me blRms. So That in the tutu,. TOM, pmple will be able To live dAd work wmmn he Car. C. To Armin- for AIdadAal commercial, iah. aAd aervae uses provided that they are conveniently ICGIed, attractively developer, and meet the demonstrated needs al in. City. 0. To continue to allow only light industry and 10 u(Stle rhos* m- busmes within umnM, weu.planned industrial puu. THE PLAN The Land Use Plan consist, of an analysis of me existing sinus lien, recommendations on me location and extent of the various land use GlegOnes and me mnc2s 10 gmae decisions on land um in the i Tnere are seven land use Gagones Snown on the comprehensive development plan: I Re,wenlai pow. medium and high dennly) Nei9nGfhan <a berv,ce and mmmnience retail) Z d c (any a,. ..If be decimating A. MuillAle Use Are. led (any me will tie comroerm. dapenwnp on 4 C delign) a. Omic and emt Public 6. Activity Center 5 . Public a no and pen n S Industrial ui OG Space Th. plan, as pre an be Ilan Pape. Inl land Inown of the e pfMOmmanl lam an. ty . protection - lIy conga family lly he.. . Tire Os Mlon of AI, commercial activity, nowwet. has peen difficult T . ne ao es 11 Lslp commercial leas along the manor sl(Gel, QI- Ay in many any causes come residential activities pinned 's msuaale. The detrimental elan' Of strip commercial Include; functaxat lane me oa adfirm:Iran tic congestion resulting from nummods curb cult: Of 1 muale puking; and and the dlimWOping vile' efe% of end development. However. strip development haze, to CAN serW come a able part the mmmenily. The Plan lan ny e Plata All ,meat nlmn and nmu continuation of of be Trade dhopmml PRa SAO VIDING substantial ed banking i mprDrwment Gn Cia e come, u s ee mma ed ala im a mo enlarged acecareas. These a ban n be landscaping. S thems and (Sauced curb cols. . These acone MI me m ine essential a aallfaverrans. auto S addition, mameld wing. matinee of frvisi as on At tce ais ode( than 'Me auto mould eld W eT Cat d by the provision t coops. tri nd a bikeway'. Th. ne Oda S building owm ner met Mid concentrate a on on bmuligGlwn efforts such AS diem up and recall. atreel plantings, mrpoval of power poly Said land%aped butlers Wlwmn uses. beallidl, Tn vironana OI PmOl and vISO par aht WI asp visual and ocall. environmental imprwemmu Will & ISO WnEln adytmll neigh. mrhhW S. The at commercial Rea. Study vit the need I. mpand Gnaln types el mmme me (nal 1 Th,y In the ine City, The "no USA Plan remm- menG the wer commercial ty centers Which wail crevice a lleal m inn Map m enwrohmennmml. These centers es will crevice .11 rangoe s mopping ing lmllin an0 orGr mTagen a use, ..M . sum as servn:o rr.1 q arid a ..n W..Iy And d Th. de. ext Primary empn asn wIll ill r bem intan upon pfnpa king st Ine ern arts eels will include Shared is of emceed mruclulm, hAetr, eve landscaping. plain. mans and ng o ond d YM ive a(mnfunrat it theme, ci Tne,TTWT Stull Should mie be ah emmDnme to 11 a as ws the irland com- Wnson sN marsy aria higher yam va Its.. ues as as well the rzmsm feasibility tof of ma .MAMAI More inert cm geMrmnq sorely needed bmune lAn IM fetes On become a u for if glmi canters dl xthe city. And cut eul vanary mat., p and Pan providee jfar tar a la the Delwhad nled rnaay plane will be designed ousbaPanama acll of Ina Mrm CenIM. New Industrial development le needed to provide lobs and a secure KOMmIc asks. no Plan relentess Ina arN north of 1.70 for Industrial davMapmml due to good Acceks 10 Internee 70. avarlAbll. By of relatively undeveloped and list land arm, IS wet AS eves 10 railroad That. TRANSPORTATION AND BIKEWAYS GOALS The goals tar, trau spMatlm am biAAh ya we Intended to mmPle- .1 Ine PMODlaed lam um Wtlmni arse to acmmmmale projected traffic volumes Safely. In mdihon, alternative mere of tranimrla. lion rte stressed. Usled below are the goals for trafnpomllm and nikawlya: A. To partitlGle in the development at a well-balanced regional Irmaporlauon System TO ewe pimple and goods in a role. mpadl- Ijous ma esanuale minMr. B. To wovlde m Mornallve Iranimnallon system ed as to re- verse the existing emphasis on IM automobile m the primary means of tramponatlon. C. To ensure public Safety (or pedestrians, bicyclists, and motor. all,. 0. To promote grape future development by curtailing aningan- ized aural developmmt. E. TO plan a transportation network that will complement m inno- Wive land use plan. F. To plan a a1,.t network that route Traffic ..and the neighmfnoMS rather than careening them. G. To promote the awelopmmt of community nivily centers wnkn wilt pmream the use of the automobile. H. TO increase The altr%livenasa of the City's ,trees. BIKEWAY GOALS A. TO mimmae T-1nc congeallon antl rmunent air poltu ion by providing safe and mnvanlenl alternatives to the private automobile. S. To provide a mean. of Transportation lot tnme who do not or cannot own automoDJee, or prefer not to use Ihem. C. To encourage biking deb walking as viable forms of Irmsporta. lion and recreation. THE PLAN no T...lpoi Plan consist. of an inventory of all Transport.. lion elements and recomintriu iana im future strmt clavJlGbona and design standard,; am elm prevnpon far modes of uslm,enatan Other than The Said, The major streat pan Shown on the front bover is a result al nrm, classifications. Dectalom on Street clayilkallon wee based on the amount and kind of traffic urrted and the Surrounding land use and in Addition to the exdtlnp mndillai future MITI, prolediom were con3idwed, Clay Ilrmb are divided Into tnrm cla0aea: I.I. dejectar And -I- trial street. Their lumlkmS are AT Iollowi: Local Strew: The label suet system Sexier PImA,i 10 provide direct smear to m{cent pr im and ammo to the higher Omer of streets. Local atrmis nay xirve rmleental ryoth low and nigh deer ehty), minor mmmemlal and Industrial two aks. It otters the lowest level 01 mobility and venally .much not comet. par. routes. All traffic carried by Iobel nree. shWM hsM an origin or a destination wden the neignbornood. Celacter Strma: The mIIW., ere rt Is the prlnclGl traffic artery within residential areas. The mllenor System coTledc and distributes traffic betweed arterial and local Streets antl elm moves as A mnneo- for within The community. linking nelghmrhmm Or aray with eats oaer. A mllectm street "Mentally San Wpppn minor commercial establishments along Its route. unarm Straea: The artenll Stree system Interconnects highways am communities. It provides high polmtW for the location 01 mm to nigh densty residential Land used. It eso PermN rapid and rela- tively unimpeded traffic movement through the City- Bus roves Mould W provided to Mane the Or Ondln9 land uses and to furnish Inlra-mmmuolty continuity. ArMIW $ned$ mould not pea' irate Identifiable nelghMorhoods. STREET DESIGN STANDARDS Tne design rtandarde for AOeral, COllnw and (Aral Trees. AS well as for street Intenectlorn Are shown Wald. pia r i~ NRFISSt In addition to !treat planning. tn. Trmsl%In.u.n Plan alb T.. menas a lull lransoMtalion network 10 Include walkways, bikeways and mass transportation. ESN of these comes Mould be develope0 at the salient msSible date to releafe the mounting ortai of private automobile usage and 'no 'VoSeqUent air pollution Lanosutano win on placed aA.Agnae of -e existing and Inure {Ifa,, rlgnl Y IT ,Or wnmevAr passible, Ail. .,,fill p.,I, Ind --1 DESIGN STANDARDS FOR SiF£ET NTEF,'SM706 tNipf W y sJRa13aRP R Mpl6fOlwM Ia9SM033RiP wrtslvnwo urx a wnoul wm'zclviv mazrnw a ampw, BIKEWAYS Th. Bikeway Plan is designed to complement the Land USA and Tranrponallon Plana. APpronmalely 36.5 mllee of bikeways linking major aclivnY eau, parks and xlimb And neighborncom ate planned. Wherever poypble, the plan .tines ..,a„rig sirmis dAd dralnagaways for routing. For Path Safely and economic reamns. ar- lerlal and mpeclor ereem are avoided whenever possible but where high traffic volume sireela are pnopmed as routes. Physics sees,S, lion will De Provided. The Bikeway Plan is Snown on the front page. 61b BIKE ROUTE t ECONOMIC BASE GOALS The gels lot the emnomlc peso are intended to maximize the 1Aty'' economic Potential and to provide the citizens with convenient .sees to needed dome and eervi as and to provide .options, em- Illoyment apponunlties. The Q.t. I., IN ecendmk Date are listed below: A. To encourage a strong, diverellled economic Wee, watch will enable Me City to provide quality mrvnam at a reasonable tax rate. B. To -till- the limited devel-Pa le commercial land In a reamn- •iDle manner. C. To provide a full range of fetal] shoppmg with Spatial emphAo- .ate upon mcrmeng furniture. Galling and dry Soma roles. 0. To Provide A dissident shopping environment which will make !Mopping In comfit. Solely and convenience possible. E. To provide employment for IT. no wish to work In the City - Pre tly apinard alely 95% of the residents Wwk elsewhere. THE PLAN A community's econOrnle b!so Is an ummnant mWidernlon In Ine comprehensive planning process and in the evaluation of develop. .Mt pro(Maals. The Ecommic Bate Study analysed a number of factors And con. clmm Thal the City had a Stable and dlvmallied labor IorG and that Ine average family Income IS 9% higher In. Ina rest of the me2- ,Than arm. These are indicatima of economic hmhth; however, ine City's teommlc Date is denOml in mm. racks. Although The industrial bane IS good for a Suburban community, mere i' rem par growth And IM. grmMh a Smammbealed in The land use plan. Expansion Is also bassiee In ine um of servim and wholesale Irmo. However. M. mml notable deficiency, Is In the Teeple gams aW.1 of the retail market. Presently, Wheat Flags merchants capture only 54% of shopping Jac s, Purchases - clothing. furniture - time lot which comparison :hopwng is imponam. Anther deficiency in The retail mane At in the miscellaneous Islas - jewelry. sporting goods, etc. In an attempt to increase Sales All in Mme areas. Arovide for .onvenient mapping and to fully uulae -e limited area lot commer- cial ameioomenl. The Lana Use Plan r mmends IMe creation of ✓e 1mme¢ial Activity Centers . Wier Ine provision of a Moopin^v cannot environment, the browsing and mmpeuon shopping necee- Sary lot The purchase Of shopping and miscellaneous gams Should arid. Any amnion affecting the AclNily Content or the expansion of stria commercial areas Should M made with Gre. Since recall devel- opment has a great deal at Impact upon the economy. PUBLIC FACILITIES GOALS The goab 101 Public Facilities are aimed at the pnovsOn of the highest level of services p raibie for all the residents of the City; reautang, however. not IA. City flat little coniml Over eery .Sen- flat service'. Llslm below arc base gels: A. To pan and provide, on an equitable basis. a lull range of the hl9Marl level of services the citizens are willing to zupport. B. To improve the efficiency of City government and pool-DU01ic agencies. G. To wee of thern al e Whenever pin health D. To be tie aware of the needs eds of Wheat t Ridge citizens in and welfare. THE PUN Public facilities and services we mental a a mmmunty and their adeausly and quality Tiredly affect the livability and the growth of The wmmunily. WHEAT= RmGE1' AW E - -GTY-hW_L. _ 'iCYI OYg11YOaTanR'y The conatruclion et a City Hall facility is one at the most urgently needed plans. City offices ace p,.Ily comatnad In ode widely scattered location recalling in last lime and Ir,mrhvanlence fm off, lens and the staff alike. !resent Plans are for the constrmmh of a 30.000 square local lednly which will noose all city CeM 13 at MIT Avenue and WAddwarth boulevard. The site will also cor am a Sark am community T Wlmminp peel. Another problem is the delivery of water and eMiMt" servima. There are 30 wee and 9 SoratelgO distress servbg the City. Tne plan mcdmmand. an IrWmth $lady of possible solar alert. Including mnwndat'Ion If city Ownennlp. The City t, Aari'ed by two volunteer fire districts. Wheal Ridge and Anat. Service b mmuale. Pal mmy come firs AydynIS are needed. Water supply IS the malty problem far both duarricts because of inadequate Ilnes and low measure. Because of the num- ber Of wale districts. It will W difficult to wive Ice problems of elsmwie flow. The plan aW r m meets investigation of lure d1F Met boUmarlas and tN Aa-bllshmenl of aMIWr lire iation. School District R-1 estlmsles a door. In mrollmml in the CITY'* Schmis of 15% by 1980, therefore. IN Pan urges moGratdn between the City and the ehpol enrkt in 0minp WAetkW apes for unda -causcey and dotes Schools, The Jelfmmn County UP" IS neaad in an InAdmoate IaeNy. B has 1408 sauce pmt and floating for 15 Adults. but aCGming to the AmeriPan Library Association. should Nye 21.600 square Iml and 108 reel'The library plane to relmate as anon AS m ibi.. ReommwWm oy ine CITY al Wawat Ridge Panning Camml. July 15: Tom, Approval 0Y The City 01 WASST RIQge City dauncn, Sawembwp_7]7.._1,9_-_. ihouM AS places underground. The overall .fact will W a vast Im- prwemenl mine apcearanG of Ine City's ereeb.