HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPA-79-8+7 l PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN I. Amend the Future Land Use Map for approximately 50 acres has two areas which are designated as follows: Area A. - Approximately 55 _ acres Parks and Open Space green. Clear Creek has been a major source of gravel for mining operations for many years. It appears that the mining phase has been completed in this area and that the unclaimed areas are now used as water storage for the Coors Company. This land has been leased to the City for open space uses, therefore, the parks and open space.green color is desig- n: nated. Area B. -'Approximately 15 acres Multiple Land Use Chinese.Red. See II for further description. II. Amend Section To The Land Use Map as follows by adding new subsection (Page IV-27): E. Master Plans for Multiple Land Use Areas 1. Youngfield South of Clear Creek ZJ5_Acres. Because the area is on a reclaimed gravel pit with large open pits remaining to the east for water storage and open space uses and the proximity to the noise of I-70, this area is not best suited for residential uses. The residential areas to the south and north and the open space used to the east indicate that the allowed land uses should not be harsh, unsightly or of a bulky size. Youngfield is an arterial street with access to I-70 one-half mile to the north and south as well as access to two collector streets, 38th and 44th, at less than a half mile. These characteristics lend themselves to business park uses that insure attractive buildings, landscaped with a maximum height of one story. The height of one story will allow a view of the mountains for thosa-using the open space trail system along Clear Creek and around the fishing lakes. r: •-....MEDIUM TO HIGH DENSITY AT COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY CENTER DMMEP.CIAL LAND USE NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL ` COMMERCIAL ACTMTY CENTER IDUSTRIAL LAND USE X ••-•-INDUSTRIAL JBLIC / SEMI-PUBLIC LAND USE •-•-••-••--•-••--PARKS b OPEN SPACE y = PUBLIC/ SEMI- PUBLIC iULTIPLE LAND USE MULTIPLE USE ZANSPORTATION fill VIM- ARTER AL rt ......................COLLECTOR ........................BIKEWAY O 1000 2000 2640 NORTH SCALE IN FEET Q~OSEp COM `)2E14ENS1VF_ LAN JC AM -.H)MEnvT T 15:10-41 wl _ r. eL3a&®1a 4>l1A~3VIA r ut Y it.: {1• + Jv MULTIPLE LAND UsE fA~I Pp,RKS 4OPF-N-SPACE, I~RO~oSF_~ ~ t MI. atPLE LAKb UsE I ~aAaa,. 1 I f 1fT X -7" t,^ I~ F3'gns 1!l1111i1 ~~F : a~~j; + }q ~ j yS ~ p$y ~ l .~N f 1\d~tNU {1i1lI[ititlltl~flt y a ~ +tF~x A-~ ilPl r rRR ` $r > Yt ~f ~k1 eI&i9 ~ili(ti0ll3! !]Ii!! h _r y} r i s . , r .wo.~a6tt1 s~ I UM: I 64Cp.y:K , p],~" a .da ' 1 { aat l~ ~l~~3{1111 I11i~111~ 3pl{{!i 1 ; r jy, Y ~y} r f t a1~ $ r, 10 -79-8' go Planning Commission City of WheatRidge RE: Lee Sand and Gravel Property Located on Youngfield between 38th Avenue and 42nd Avenue The below signed citizens are concerned about future development of the parcel of land formerly mined for gravel by Mobile Premix, located on Youngfield Avenue„ between 38th Avenue and 42nd Avenue. We suggest that this land be considered for purchase through Open Space Funds (or other available funds) with the intent of keeping this land in continuity with the green belt being utilized by the citizens of WheatRidge which adjoins this parcel. There is adequate room for much needed playing fields while still maintaining a very open atmosphere for the fisherman, hiker, jogger, horseback rider, eteetera. It would be an ideal access to the green belt. These and many more ramifications should be investigated before we lose the opportunity to acquire this land I for recreational needs. C u O r_ 2 X1350 ✓/,.n~''~7 i ~ S / y 8 2 Got /92,:LQa~ ~ W~ has? s i y /C6GE5 CU °17"e / s ( /mss ~i4z`~ ~ V SY Kc~ (1 ~ f u ate/, / u e2 el, Al vou CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - MEMORANDUM To ..John Jerman, City Administrator From Charles Stromberg, Director Community Development Subject Fiscal Impact Study Date August 8, 1979 Approved Data cc: Carold Hampf, City Clerk -__t>Tom Lam, Supervisor Long-Range Planning Section At the August 6 Study Session of City Council, Mrs. Turner asked me for an estimate of time to complete a Fiscal Impact Study related to the Planning Com- mission request for consultant assistance in reviewing the industrial land use area of the Comprehensive Development Plan. Please transmit this letter to the Council for the August 13, 1979 meeting. After talking with Mr. Jim Murray of Briscoe, Maphis, Murray and Lamont, Inc., I conclude that it would be possible to complete a fiscal impact study by September 26, 1979 under the following conditions. The new Planning Intern would be assigned to do the basic legwork involved in a fiscal impact study in conjunction with some part time help from other members of the Long-Range Planning Division Staff as well as the Department Director. The Council would authorize the Community Development Department to utilize Mr. Jim Murray on an hourly basis with a $1500 maximum fee for the purpose of advising the department on the design of the study, which would be written up originally by City Staff members. The consultant would be available to answer questions during the data gathering and calculation period and would also be available to review the results of the work to insure that the results of the study were reasonable and done in accordance with the procedures that were originally developed with the guidance of the consultant. Project Design. The purpose of the fiscal impact study would be to update a portion of the Economic Base Study which is Section VI of the Comprehensive Development Plan. The specific portion of that section to be updated is the Development Economic Impact which is found on pages VI-33 through VI-43. The chart on page VI-35 and 36 is a summary of the cost comparison of developing 10 acres of residential development compared with 10 acres of commercial development compared with 10 acres of industrial development. This data would be updated using current and projected costs for the City of Wheat Ridge and would be detailed in seven categories rather than the three listed in the report. These seven categories would be: 1. Industrial 2. Industrial-Commercial 3. Low Density Residential 4. Medium and High Density Residential 5. Commercial-Office 6. Commercial-Strip Retail 7. Commercial-Activity Center Retail Unit Costs for the above comparisons by the seven types of land use would be generated by developing unit costs for the total city for the years 1981-1985 by the cost categories and by the revenue categories. Also, it would be possible to determine a projected financial condition of the city during the years through 1985 based on various mixtures of land use. If the Council would like to move forward with this study, the following action could be taken: SUGGESTED MOTION I move that the Community Development Department be authorized to conduct a fiscal impact study and that Mr. Jim Murray of Briscoe, Maphis, Murray and Lamont, Inc. be hired on an hourly basis to advise the staff as the staff prepares the report. The. total amount P',L,,f 1~'ce'w of compensation to the consultant shall not exceed $1,500. *See. attached chart.