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Recorded Il.........._............_..clock............y.. ......_........._.................................................
Recopllon No......... ................._....................................... ....
H 131 q,Q ~ :J# CA
This Deed,
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Mad. thi. 20th day of August
.19 74
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. corporation duty orpnlzed and uiltil:l.lZ' 1Dlder and by virtue of the law.
of th. Stat. of Colorado olth. flr,t port, ",d
CITY OF WHEATRI DGE , a Municipal Corporation
a corpora.tion duly orpntzed and uistin.. ander and by virtue of the laws
of the ftatc of Coler ado of tbe aceond part:
WITNESSETH, That the AJd party of the Iirat part. for and In conlideration of the .um of ___________
to the laid pa.!'tJ' OTili"e ftr.t partm1iiild paidD,.-the-..idparl7 o(tlie .e<:ood part, the receipt whereof is hereby
confe-tled and acknowtedced. hath ~ted. barplned, lold and con,.e,.ed, and b,. thele pretenb doe, annt. barpin,
.eU, conny and confirm. aato the .ald party of the .ecand part. ill .UCcellors and .ulm. forever, aU the fottowina
described or parcel of land. situate, lyin.. and bem. in the Couaty of Jefferso
and State of Colorado. to-wit:
That part of the NEt of Section 22, T01l11ship 3 South, Range 69 Wes
of the 6th P.H., described as follows: BEGINNING at the SE corner
of Lot 180 CLEARVALE SUBDIVISION, said point being the SE corner 0
said subdivision; thence Southwesterly.along the South boundary of
said CLEARVALE SUBDIVISION, 1077.5 feet; ; thence South and paralle
to the East line of said NEt, a distance of 75 feet; thence North-
easterly on a line 75 feet South of and para11e1 to the South
boundary of said CLEARVALE SUBDIVISION, a distance of 1077.5 feet;
thence North 75 feet to the point of beginning,
County of Jefferson,
State of Colorado.
TOGETHER, with all attd slnl[Ulu the hen&tamerlu and appurtelWlc::es thereunto belon~.. or in anywt1e
..ppertaininl', and the reTenion and renniOD'. remaInder and remainder.. nub. b.ues and profits thereof; and ..11
tbe e.tate, rfcbt. title, Interest. d&!m and demand whatsoenr of the laid Plrt1' 01 the firat part, either in law or
equity, of, In and to the .bon blt'pined prembea, with the hereditamenta ud appurtenanc::e..
TO HA VB AND TO HOLD the &aid prembe. above barphzed and de.c::ribed, with the appurtenances unto the
nld party of the second part, Its .aeceuorJ and .ulan. foreyer. And the I&Id
party of the fir.t part, fOf' itself, ib .uecelaorS and "s'-nt. 40th C::O'Ytnant, annt. barpln and qree to and with the
.aid party of the .eeood part- ill .uc:ceuon and a..ign., that at the thae of the en.eatln.. and deliYuy of theJe prel4
entl It JJ well .eJzcd 01 the preml.l'!l abon eoaftyed, .. of good, .ure, perfect, absolute and indefeuible e.tate of
inheritance, in Jaw, in lee .lmple., and hath ~ rirbt, fult power and lawful authority to I'"lnt, barpin, .e1l and
convey the .ame in manntf and form afOftwd, and that the tame arf! free and clear from all fonner and other
&,rant., barpbs, ..te., lien.. well. UlellmentJ and Incumbrances of whatever kind or nature .otver: EXC1!:PT
an Easement and Right of Way 20 feet wide across the Northerly
part of subject property as granted to the Metropolitan Denver
Sewage Disposal District #1, recordsd August 19, 1966, in Book 189
at Page 133.
and the abOVe bup.in.ed premises in the Quiet and peaceable pOlle..lon of the taJd party of the .ecODd part, its 'Uo:-
cellor. and uliign. ....in.t ..11 and tTet)' penon or per.on. lawfatty dalmln. or to c::lalm the whole or any part
th.reof. the Mid PutT of the r..,t part ,ball and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND.
IN Wl'!'NES,~ WHEREOF, The said party of the fint part bath calUed Jb corporate name to be hereunto Iu.b-
tcri1i~.lfi}fJt;;""" pre,lden~ ",d Ita corponot. .eal to be her...to affixed, lue.ted by Its
,e(:f...... .. , .~.~,:~~~ ru-.t above... Jtten.
_.'ift"t ~ '.~ \ AVGO~...~~:g9QD...t~~..V..~T~I~ ..B.~
.::a: i - l.A.t~: CJ
:. ~" .:. ....c... ~ ....i:.:L .._.... .... .. ....... . ..... . ....... . By .:~"2?';L,.c:::.- ..<L~VI...........................
~,ol2o..-;':~ ",.:- ." S hcrwta:rJ'. uno El"ar.l., ce-r..w-L
%,~".:j;$.,!1:"Tj!'&}t-~LORADO. }
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''"'%..=...~.n.,. of.........ap."-M.OJl....
The 'Wllllq'f;.. indrument Wh adcnowledged before me this
1974,by Bruno Elari,
Vice- PrelidaJ~and
~.... !~:.:-;~"T7.f._,.~
J .'~~ ,,' '. '->;'-~'~
INDUSTRIAL BAliK, _ ,Ptl\~~}.
My notariAl commlulon e.xPirtl~" \, ' 1 dJ'; . . (~ , ctt\' ~~.
WllDell my hand an4.9ffk:ial . :: JIo": ;." ... .' :.'K.:..
( _.. '__"__'" .... ;; ""', I ~l /~/
,) .:~'" .: :;..~...
d., of
No. 717. WJ,."AlfTT D~".,..U-" c.rp........-8....tlel'lll Paw,...... 0... In''fot et.lrt.~ o...-er, c~l.n
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