HomeMy WebLinkAbout0121 ~.oo . RECOROEO FI~EFFER50N COUNTY 0 ORAoO SIAiE OF C%~ 87073705 RECEPTION.~ 6.00 at /D't 18 7' I,: ',~I INTRODUCED 8Y ALDERMAN Jack Bramble ORDINANCE NO. 121 Serieo cf 1972 CA~72-o5 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE IJACATING CERTAIN STREETS, EASEMENTS AND TRACTS Lo- C~TED WITHIN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE: I.E. VACATING CERTAIN DESCRIBED STREETS, EASEMENTS "D TRACTS LYING IN THE NDRTHtJEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 21, TGblNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 59 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. WHEREAS, by a Plet recorded in Book 20, Page 22 of tne Jefferson County Records, cB~te1n streets, easements and tracts wera dedtcnted to the public usa; and \- J.- WHEREAS, the following streete, eesements end trects are not nsceeaary for use by the public; end WHEREAS, no lend would, by a vacation of said streets, be left without an eatablished public roed connacting it with another established public rond; and WHEREAS, said streets, aasemente, snd tracts ere loceted within the City limita of the City of Wheat Ri~ge; and WHEREAS, the Wheet Ridge Planning Commiaaion hes spproved the vacetion of eaid strssts, eassments, and tracts. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Tha following described streets, eesements end trects in the City of Wheat Ridga be vecatad to wit: Tract C, Fruitdala Valley Subdivision Tract 0, Fru\tdale Valley Subdivision Tract E, Fruitdele Valley Subdivision TrMct F, Fruitdala Valley Subdivision Tract G, Fruitdale Vslley Subdivision Tract H, Fruitdale Vslley Subdivision Eaeements in Block 3, Fruitdale Velley SubdivisiDn Weet 46th Avenue ae platted in Fruitdale Valley Subdivision West 46th Plece ae platted In Fruitdale Valley Subdivision Section 2. Effective Date: This ordinance shall teka effact ~n~ be in force thirty (3D) deye after publicetion follOWing final pasa~ge. INTRODUCED, READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED first reading by e vote of ~ to ~ thie 26th octobal' , A. D., 1972. AND POSTED on day of AND POSTED on second and 7th day of READ, ADOPTED ,: elD ORDERED PUBLISHED final reading by a vote of 3 to 1 this December I A. O. I 1972.. ( ATTEST: : I/~ \ I ~,..::::{fiC/J'~ -;'" ....~~o::.' !*LI. --Lou1E'E! F.. TLirril3r City Clerk . RECEPTION NO. 87073705 CERTIFICATION OF POSTING AUO PUBLICATION We, Louiss F. Turner and Helen Elise McMillen hereby certify that Ordinance No. 121 was duly published in the Whest Ridge Sentinel on the 2nd dsy of 1972 November and posted by us following first resding on the 3rd day of November 1972 at the following lo:ations within the City of Wheat Ridga: Wheet Ridge Poet Office Wheat Ridge Branch Librsry Westridgs Sanitetion Dietrict Columbis Heighta Echool Proepect Valley Fire Depertment Wheet Ridge City Office Wheet Ridge Council ChsmberA We, Louise F. Turner end Helen Elise McMillen hEreby certify that Ordinence No. ~ wes duly publiehed in the Wheat Ridge Sentinel on the ~ day of Decamb~ 1972 and posted by us following aecond reeding on the 15th day of Cecember 1972 et the above listed locations within ths C~ty of Wheat Ridge. / ' '-' 1?C:U'f~' ./ ~~ Louisa . Turnsr City Cleric " ," '" /'... .: .:('...... :L