HomeMy WebLinkAbout0169 ~ ) \ i ~ n('I'(l!"I.h'u at. .o'c1ock ...........M.. f>l r II 11 ON 140. 11 J,()I' I')' I'll 1I1/:~4/IJIo I:; :t,1 f,ll:(,l(lll"ll 1N COUNIV OF JEFFERSON :'.1 ~ll (,I rol. (>f,~ll(' \ I (I , - :\ .111) ",.-,- f \\'t;,., I::. r~" I~('ct'p:ion r-;'o.. TIllS DEED. l!.d. lhi, 19 s,"1 , between .Ja!1;\l2S !'" Johnson /~/ '::JrL(~NP day of At)~LIST of the Cl'Junty of Colorado, of the !ir~t part, and J:f-f fEr<'><'N and Sea te of Cit\ of \\hmt Ridge a corporatlcm oTJ;:nnized ar.d existing und('l' /lnd by virtue of the InwI of the Statl! of Color~1do . of the 'ecand part: WIT::\'ESSF.TlI. That th(' lIn.id partY of the fir.llt part, for Qnd In consideration of the sum of -------- Ten ard 00/100---..----------------------------.. -----..--------------- DOLLARS, to the said part Y of the first part in hand paid by the laid party of the second pnrt, the Tccl.'ipl whc~of Is hereby confeucd and n('knowled~ed. ha S I'1!milled, released. lold. conveyed Rnd QUIT CI~AIMEr. anti by thc~C! pr('!'cnh doeS remise, relf>"'Isc, IIeIt, convey &nd QUIT CLAIM unto the sa.id pnrt;r or the ~,eC'ol.J pnrt, itl! !!UCCNHlors and u~igM forever. all right. title. intere~t.- claim nnd demand which the said partY of thc fir1lt part ha 5 in and to the !?l1owing d~cribed ,I28rcel of lam ~ituatc, yin~ and being in the Clty ofi ~~Jijq..te, Jefferson Ilnd State of Colorado, ~ wit: ^ p:lrtion of lard as described in Book 2577, page 13'), .Jefferson County Hecords, St.:lte of COlorado, lying southl-.<>sterly of a curve concave to the northeast having a radius of 20,00 feet. Said curve is tangential to the east line of the west 25 feet of said Book 2577, page 135, am the nrJrth line of 44th ^venu"", Said parcel contains 86 square feet rrore 0': less. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the 8ame together with all and .ingular the appurtenance!! and privileges th~reunt() belonging or in nnywi!!e th('reunto appertaining, and all the ClintC. right, title, fnterc!!t and claim ....hataoever. of the !laid party nf the first part, either In lnw or equity, to the only proper use, ben' tit nnd behooC of the said party of the !l('C'ond pnrt, its s"':cC'essor~ and assign!! forever. I:V WlTl'OESS WHEREOF. The said part y of the first part ht- S and seal the dny nnd year first above writt('n. ',"n.d, Sonlo" nnd Dohvcrod in th~. ~~~.n.. ofl I I , I h('rcunto s....t his hnnd r~:;'~AL] [SEA!.] [SE,\!.1 [SEAL' STATE OF COLORADO, I... County of The for('g()jn~ in!trumC!nt wn~ acknowledged before me this In ,by. day of My ("ummi!\~i"n "xl'irl'>I 19 Witness my hnnd 'lnd official 8('81. r'~, <" -N~;.~;..;:P\lbii-~:. { - -;;:.'''. ----.:.~-=:-_-:-_"C~ ;. II "rn. )I!i'~ I.~ ,:~ i,1 \~ ~.I" l';~~;~.'~'( nr;n lr',;,~l': :rl R ~~~~) ;:~~"~~\l~ rU~ f ~ ~~~ : ~l!r ~ c:r' ~;",~t I~~~: l~~ t,~~l~'/~,\,.<'d"t~~\~ ;;~tl~~~ rot trlc i,~' ~?!;~;~ t{'t~<,"r ~ ~i;7',~;;;;.'lf~};;i,:..1~'r~'.~~:;'t,;~:'.,~~r'Wh "fn""T ,..,. "J.rl~"'(!r"'." th., Ilr".ld,'nt or o!lHIT orrtc"rtl ,,' ~ll('h C<''1lnrntlnn, IltltllHlIl' It.. -,'Ilu/tof"'li No. 522. 1l"IT {'I.A!:\I nrn:1l TO CORPORATIOS. li'n.lrn,d Publ ~I,jn.. C" 11<~~.~R S[,'''I Str......t. D,."v,',. C"" ~d" 1[.71