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I .\1l~1.V1U4 (lue-hair (t) <)f thllt ".,rt of tne South oue-half It) of the Southwest (lne,j,fo'.11'th 2~5l:
I (t)of: ~ct1on thirteon (13), Township Three 0), South Bange lixty nine (69) WeBt, lying !aat of .' ',;'
l!laet.er171ill" of 1.& Veta Avauue and South Rnd 1I&st of l!-mth....ster1y H~.. of 1!lock Nineteen (19), in
P~rkGl~Ke~fi~e. S~ovcd ~:lins (~~o.pt Block. twelve (12), sixteen (10/, BeventuBn (17), ana a ~en . .~
I (lO) ~~ tract her..tofore con"e~'ed. t" 1!eU.. llush by deed In book 11.7 at page 479), the sald Und belDC
l1IIOre 1l8l'Ucular17' described all follows: Beginniig at a point OD the South 11na of Section thirtellD (13)
1S6.~-fe.t West of South quarter (t) corner of Secticn thirteen ~13), Township t~ree (3) south, R4uge
aid) nin.. (09) ""H; thpnee N"rth 650.5 feet; thence south 53D '+7' Wnt 123.7J feet; ~hanee Worth 89. 13'
West 104 feet: thencs South 450 3g' 1Jeet 140.3 feet: thence South 300 02' West 90.3 het; thence South ag.
28' last 109.6 feet; t':ence South 150 51' East ~g f..et: thence Es.ot 135 feet to a Bt~; thetiCB South t
259 feet to t,he South line of Baid Section Tnirtaan (13); thence Weat along aaid Section 11ne 136 feet; to
the point of beginning, together with 2! inches of water from the Rocq Mountain Water Oo~ and 1ll"oportio
interest of uarty of first ?8rt in Draper Pipe Line, Jeffereon County, Colorado, upon the follow1ug terma~_
to-wi~: aaBh. ~
A,'U~ it. 'hQ""".D' t......A ."'l":"'.it'l1nT'l nT' t.hQ ~nl1!"t. t:hj:lt. it ~n'..!!d bl'!n~f'it t'l-].l! !!~id. ~~t.~te !~ !!el!. ~.leh ~e~!. eet~te ::.
Illrhat~-s';ie:-d;;:; r,,~d'b;i~~.s.d. fo; the rights of e:n. it is ordered that Ba.l.d property be sold at 1
'I ~;~:~i:~:~r~~e~~i:~S::t~~~~d~~:e~~;~~;S~~I~;~~l~:~~:~~~ a;;~~: ~~~t~:~,O~;~~:;tt~;a~~n::e~v~~t8~1
'DrO'Oe:rty.. or anv '08rt the.,..~t.. I
1- - ~t apon ~ing SUCll saie said 1l8t1tioner shall tr,ereupon report her action in the premis"s to
this Co~ withall convenient snasd
I Dol1Il in open ~ourt, thill 23rd day of July, A..D. 1929. .; I
13y The COUI.t
Signed, G!'l8.s. McCan.
I CQunty iudge.
AB'D ~1!A.SJ " btlnd '"-It ftlf!ld it!- dl1i!! tim9 i~_ !!a.i~ e~U!"t ~!! prc?!ded by law.
AIm 'IIlBKIAS The .aid party of the first ".,rt did. on the 23rd day of July. A. D. 1929. sell at whate
sale, for the total ..mI of Two ThoUJIand ($2000.00) Dollars, to he parties of the second part, the herein-
after d...cribed real .stat e.
.tJm WlmRIAS, 011 the 23rd day of J-JJ.y, A. D. 1929 the said party of the ftrs.t 'Dart, as administratrix, I
I of .aid estate as ai'oreBa~d, s~bmit:ed to tne 8":d COl:rt ~ .r~port ot' .~h sale so made a~ aforesaid; and I
Ion ft;lild l.Sdlt aI!lm6d day, t;:e stud 6.....1.8 .as~ by orueT 't GalQ liOurt" aUlY anproved and. con....ii'D1edy and tha't
I t.na a.iA Y\D,..t.v 1\1' t.\1. f'i ""@t. nA'rt.~.I:l. A.l1thnr17.ed A.nti d; rAetetl tn AXRrn1t.A .Ann "Al hrA'" tn t.n_ TCtlJ"~h8.M'" of '88,11
i h~;einah;; ,i';,8~1l~;d p;~p~rt;: - th;- p;.;ti~~ 0':: - th;'Bec~~ '~rt ~ ~ g~~d-a~d-B;;,rfi~i;nt need ~f c;,nve;;...ce
for the premise. and property so .old.
WOW, ~H5KmFOBE, !hi. In~~itne.seth, That the aaid party of the first ~art. in consideration of
premises, and the further consideration of the said sum of Two Thou.and $2000.00 Dollars, to her in haDd
paid b7 the ea1d!>'U'ty of the second part, .the receipt of which ill hereby acknowledged, bas Bold and CODT
I ad. and by theae ";)reaent8 11088 Bell and convey un~o the 8B.~d. ~8:rt.~e. of the second -part in joint tcm.tmCJ'"
I their respective heir. and aseigns, all the right, title and 1nterest which the said A. Farneworth hae in
hi. lifetime in and to the following d~_~Qrlbed real estate, situate, lying and be ng in the County ot
o Jeffereon, and State of Colorado, to-wit:
I Jl> 1Uld1vided on....half <i) .ot. tnet ;>art. of tpe South one half (ti of South one fo=th el) of Section
T'nirteen (13), Townshi~ 'll1ree (3), South. ;Bange suty nine (69) Wen, lying East of 1I&sterly line of
La Veta Avenue and South I>nd East of Southe..lIterly line of lllock nineteen (19), in ll"rkelY'J aetghtll,
I Second fIling, (8%cept Blocks twle.-e (12). sixteen (16). s""enteen (17), and a ten =rp t,.",,~ 1'I..,...~..i'n,...
I conveyed to 13e11e Bush by deed in 1300k 117, at nBge 479), the sal. d land being more tmrt1cularly described
as_follows; 13egiDning at a point on the South line of Section thirteen (13), 786.4 feet West of South
quarter (i> corner of Section thirteen (13). Townahip three (3), South, R=ge aixty ",ine (69) West: thance
I Jorth 650.f feet: th..nce South 53. 47' We.t 123.75 feet: thence North 890 13' We9t 104 feet; thll11ce South
. 45- 3~' ~9~ 140.3 feet; t~~~~ !outn 3Qe n?1 ~e~t 90.3 fGp.t; the~~e ~~~th ego ?~t Ea~t 109.6 fest; th~n~e :
I South }5. 51' Bast 38 feet; thence Jl:ast 185 feet to a stake; thence South 259 feet to the South line of sai.
,Se~t10~ Thi?teen (13); thence West along said Section line 136 feet; to the point of begi!lUing, together I
With 2t i,D".,C..,h.ea of water from the Rocky Yountain Water Comnany and proportionate interest of nart7 of firsi.',.,
part in ~per Pipe Line, Jet'ferson County, Colorado.
i'O IlJ.VJI DD TO BOLD TH!I: SAllE, Wit;l all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in a~ise appertai ,0
to the proper use benefit end behoof of the said JBrt1es of the second =t, the survivor of them, their "
I helre and. assign; forever. I
I ili 1iI;rJ:ESS tar; ~~F, if'ca a~;.1d !"...~rty of the fi!"st part j a.s s.Eninietr!it!"u j ~f eaid estate af &fa re!!!!.!d"
-, iJ!y;..barsunto set her_ ha!ld!!!!.d seal. the ~ and year first hereinabove written. I
ft,;ft OF COLCiUm
Stella Farnsworth
Aa the administratrix of
A. Farnsworth, Deceased.
( Seal)
the Estate of
.. ::. ~.a. R. r--.:.l1~i", C~t:~~[ _f t:..; C~-"".r! ~......'^...... ........ ~,~u ....U.l. tiit; ~iu Jelz'e::i't'iuu Cu-llilty,
in tne state aforesaid, do herilby cert1f~ that Stella Farneworth, who 1s ~eraonally \tn"wn to be to be
the admi"""tretr1" of the estate of'" Farnsworth, deceas.... and known to "'" to be the 'Ccrson ..heae came
b.ubecribed to the for~oing dee1, ",>neared before me this day in ~er.on and acknoWledged t2 tshe bad as
~ edudnatratriz of saId estate, s~ned, sealed and delivered the sa'd instrument of writing as her
fr.e and .-oluntar,y act and deed for the uses and uurrns~. therein Bet forth
9i?en 1.1!!.der ~ h9!!d !l!ld O~:f!eie.l seal t~is 23rd dsJ." of July, A. D. 1929.
I Eva R. Mler, J
k , (Official Seal) !1ark of the Co=ty Co=t.
~'tn, ~n..."u...." .... ....". ."." ."................."....."."....... ..."n........."............"................... .
I UVilIPl', iiie.. for r..eo... ... 9:25 0 'dock A. M. .hi. 26 .w.~;ie;"ifi1~~,,;: ~~~~rder,
I · .. · . · · ~ * · · . · · · · ·
In ooDddera.Uon of One Dollar,. cash in hand paid the receipt of which is hereby acknrwledged, I ~
!<,st, for 'lQ'ae~' and for ~ heirs and assigns, do hereby grant unto a.A.. Tooker h1a heirs Md acs1gns 1"01'8'1
,the rish- ,to UJill 88 A roacl~, .. strip of land F1ftolln (15) felJt dde. eAcl1.l8ive of ditehea,' ..long th. West
.,Ida of ~ 2,,3,'" ~r.. tr~{ more or l..SB from the land owned by K.A. 'r-ooker, deecribed "! fOll""s:
!h.e Ireat ~4 acres ,of the ::I. of the mrt of Section 16, Townah~ 3 South, Range 69 West Jeffer.on Count..
Colore4o t,o the eo_ty 1lae4. ' ~ ,
. W1tl1~"s .., ."IhaIul and aeal and dated thiB 20th ds,v of July, 1929, at Denver Oolorado
Albllrt Tos~, (5aal)
State of Colorado
~t'7 of :Denver
) SS.
~e foregoing 1n.trument waB ackcoaledged before m.. thia 20th day of July, 1929
'.. . I
c,., . allll 'official seal
!lIijln !ll!:"i!1la Jenu"l'lf 8,1930,
";:t11 Sea],i) ilo;yd I!:ellisoidtary Public'
t4!tt~~~'t""!t~o!.. .".",,_ .!!'f'f!'!'!! ."~!! "'''~n.n ........."." ....... _....u.n_" _ft..ft..l\ .,,*".,,_" *n.,.~n....n..Jt.n... ."."....~..