HomeMy WebLinkAbout1019 89 WI RR1~NTY DEED ----------~----- . r HI 3 DEE f), Made'this /.$ ~' day O~~~I F~":"'- . in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-six, hetween' M r, P~,'''~ G~OVE GR ANGE NUMBER 15.4, a non-profit corpor'ation duly or'gani'.ed and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Colorado. of the first part, and PUBLIC SERVICE ~OMPPNY OF' COLO- R 'DO, a corporation duly organi,:,ed and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Colorado. of the second part; \r, IT N E S ) E T H, That the said party of the first part, for and In conSlderanon 01 tne sum 01 i en :.Joiiars (:i;lu. UO) and Dth~~ V1:!.lUi:l.;-'[~ c,mside rations to the said pa rty of the first part in hand paid by the said party of the secan:! pa"'t, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and ,,':.k,,~wt~dg':"!. l1:>th !,,;,'anted. bar~ained, sold and conveyed. and by these f)resents does grant, !::l<lt'gain, sell, convey and confirm. unto the :sai.d pa!"ty of the second ,1l1~.t, its successors and assign!; for.::ver, all the following described ;)<1.:'(:1.'1 0: land, situate, lying and being in the County Ol Jefferson and .:,tate 0: Colorado, !Q-",,'it: ;>'~ginnil1g at <' iFlinl ,78 R! feet south and ?11 f\'et east or tne nor'thwest t'(){ nero uf the ~L l/! 3\\ 1/' ()f 3ection _.~', lOWr1::i(U J . .J'......l'th, i~~:1bc; f~ \~jest qf thp 6th P. IV!. thence eas~ anJ p,u'allel to the nor'th line of said ~E 1/. )\\ ii" ift:,. reef, thence north par'ailel to the w~St hile.Jf said ~~4. tj ::J",\ If~, I I TPpt; theHct' 'w'est parallel t:~ the !"!.)!"t.h 1i'1l:' of Srd{1 .,~-'~. 1/ I :;Y\ l/.~ 190. ,J' feet; thC'nC'i~ south ~ ~ce t i u :.I(J1I1 t uf bt =-l'innin~. rese rvinD" an' ~~::> ~ ~ ~ntu the groan fi; I f?asement r,;; .:l pri '. nte !"Qadway ove t' tin i ~(~'''os.s rh!-.sc :)renllSl.:".~ r ;G.. r H ::: ':, Nith all r.'n 1 8ingllta:' the hereditaments :lnd :" l;,,:~.tr~n:ln::es thel"e,mto ;)E'lfJnging, 0/' in anywise appertaining, 2nd '11(' "o;'.en,.;ion :mcl {'€' <'t';;iotls. remainder and t'l~maind~rs. l'ents. :3,; les ,In I profits th0:'e<l:', <lit.! <l!t the estate, d~ht, title, inter'cst, . '''lim ,'o! len::1n:l \Vh:l!..~(l,.\ i'l' of the said party of the fit'st Dal't, :~!t;'~ ~.' in '~I_W l.r' ,,),~.u~t..v l}~ trl and t() the ;loove o' ar2ai.ll....,} 'J' -..-........ ...... '-..... ~ . t:UJ~~t;:~, ~lJith tht1 h("}p.:~ditanlf;:'llt.':S ;l:J i H I }l~ t..;i"',:::';--'::":~: r ' H . V L --; i) r,) n '.) I :J Lhe s:1id prennses rtvLlVe .J; r'!.~.(1if}t. 1 dn J .Jes':: ilH~'f, Lvith q~l.l ~pplll.tt.\n;:tnces unto the :-;nid otlt'ty .If the second 'J:""!, lIs ";'1' .'t'S,H)!'>; <In:] ;\Hsigns f'lt'ever nd the ,,~id '):l,.ty f)f !h_' t'lr'st p;1T't, f,), ll:jcff, Us :Ju'~'__i.:6.";'.d':, rin~:l U.B::.:i;~'!'~~. .l.,lh 'I 'pnnn:, (; 'all!. h:l"!.Ulln ,11111 :)/.!"{'I' ttl <In,] with the saLI p<1I'ty ~f thi? s,- 'lmd p:'>rt. it!;! ,.;dt', ess, !'Co; an,l us.'iigns, tl1M at the time of thte en- =ii':~[lng '11. i d(!t.l"f~r \- Ii' 1,;If..:::''H~ t~1 "".l 'nt."; it i::.:; 'Nell sei erj of thp nrflmi'ses ~, /.J4' , ...~...,,-:.:;,- :. a;;, .J: I") "'_:, .: ! l fJ!-;lfc...~t. :1:h~I'lJJ~tJ~ ~nd inIJ~Jp.R..;;ible .'Sl"l,' ',,If inh", l:;!n ':, in I'1W, iI' ;'.,,, :;im;)l~, ilnd hath goo,l I'h.ht, full ,f)N.'t ({nd Inwllll outtlOr'ity to gl'lHll, hill'll.aln, sellllnd t)ol1vey t.he same .11 mlHIII'ir ,,,,,I f" m :,f'.J "':-i.,i". nil:! that tht! some l.'lt.c ft'l~(;' Rnd cltw r , ..;...oi.,.. ~j,. ""~r"::;,;'j:'.~P:: 't' '-J':,;,',.'" '.:'- ,~ ":r.. i~~ 'i'._ ....',1,...'....'. ;~t; ~.~ ,,,,,I, ,,", -',;";l. ,i~~I:f. 'r...,,'.'," "~ < .~ :zi "1' \: { ,.- '. ,iI ~. , ,~,j ~, , ~~:,"if-" 1019 90 i from all former and other grants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments an.d incumbrances of whatever kind or nature soever; Except G~neral Real Estate Taxes ~nd r"f~offat TlHl'-H:~l ,ssessments for the yea!' 1906. payable in 19c,7 and the above bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable pussession of the S!!lid party of the second part, its successurs and assigns against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, the said party of the first part shall and will W,' RR -,NT \ND FOR.EVER DEFEND I~': \,lrv'ITNF:_33 '..,"HE Rt>J:F , fhe said PD.!~ty of th~ fi!~st {:.:::-t hvth caused itS corporate name to be hereunto subscribed by its Board and nttested by its Secretary, the day and year first above written Nil PLE GR;.JVE GH :--JGS ;:-.ruMni;;l{ L,., BY~~Uv-&'{)_~ ~/"~~ M:astel' , __~_' 1~"-~?1-(,:Jd!'/lL{} ~ _ __ Member'. 2xecutiye Committee and Roa I'd TTE5T: -) /' ~ ----- ~,- ".!, - j J,-...I J " ... _L f'-1~Lf~'-:-~.:.:i:.2(..eI~~ 1\1embe r., Cxe~uti\.'.:! ......ommitt~e n nd i-3oa I'd '" .... rl rlIJ",~jJ~ ..L..~~ _ I . ~___ See: l'etar 'd I' , -/' . - /,," VI r" r V -~-, /J-{", V J L -~-. - .._- -.- -- --- - -.-- ~mheC'. ,-,xl.,~utiv~ :.:'ommitr(,p and :3oal"! ) r TE 'JF' COI ,)}{ Dc)):-" . .._ ..__ !" T ~r '1 .,VUJ.tt.j .;~ di.... ii;...; .:;lI;...:ii. I '("he fOl'e.7uing instr lImcnt ""'(J~ n("'kn()~vl.,~ 10p j h.d',,,., ...., ~ d,,~_~ J-, ~~ .... - .. .... "I":l~- ,." '--''0.-' -,. \ ~..,.... "'.J.J...' /t:J ~ day of :-ieptember', l!) G, byt".JI.."J.E.s II. t;/.J..J.. .'1$ i\:"",I"I', nll,l fl~F).A>4 ~ .5/1S"AlfJ] . as ,~ecretary. R!1 I ~J.Ii!tJ7Il.L-S-.1_ A'~iJE..RL 1; SEt;E,f ___ .._ ____ __' "nd SLL.PLrrj~6-w , :.; :\':"ni"0Ici ~ ,:,~eclltive Commlttp.e end Hoar'rl u!' :\Juplc G'':'()ve C;,7ani<,--;j'lmih'r If).1 " :.,....\:l ~ob:t.P.t;?fi;'. COt'pOra tion .. .. .' ~~~, .... ..~~"~' i~ ..-, ",CiI~..'~.....,_, ~- ',.-. ..4. /'':;,'.''1 -'~~. ..~tJ l f6 hL~" ;1.~Vl."'I.l.I';Jl \...vUJrr.l;,;:.iun \':.'<.IHn..:~: r'1Jf/Ht'H 7. ,~v ". n' ."r'., . . - .-:--....:.;~ ;,\.... /) " ",., :12- ".. ',\~ '" !J,. t \ ~.: l\" \hleSs my hnnd (Jlld official sea l. ........~ ...,~j. ...'t4~:" "J~'''''' .".,i f'.' ~""; II.' ..... f.....'. , '.:!"', I r:ct\- "",. ,,.::,:,,,_:'I"ff'l.. fl' ,I' -y~--~~._--- '\[Olnr'y Puillk " . "",c'.,c.',....',...... .. .,,;. .t:- .;'" ';'.""'< .-t.-.-;-:.: lq " ..r~'