HomeMy WebLinkAbout1083 107 ~ j';- f' j fl[" I' ,," ~ o""l /d t - ~ '0'1 Rffi>rded .t._"..................o'c1..k.... ....... M.., O."."'t:..........,'~...l.",.J .:0 ~1'"I"'1" " UCI< W' "'~WT01; ReeepU.Oll NO.......U.'-..../~...t...( ~.!'.,..........."............."...... 1083 107 ... Raeorder. THIS DEED. Mad. tbla l~'t!l. dOl' of t.. I 1.... in the year of Gur ,Lord one thousand nine hundred and i;il t) -Lev l'n ~:;:.:T F..:', ';0" :j"llu between t :. .1.C.:~~ l\. ;. ,/1~.~)i..,~?j~.\(-; of the- County of .: l' l 1'l'l lon and State of Colorado. of the first part. and t.l L t' vt:.ftr~on 2. 'i)Cfj.... (,1;'iC '_'Ir' ~;'~e 1 't'YS . ,. ~'Go\lh,,:-.t.." CI_l~lnt./ cf 01'l:or~d..e ur;ut;:r ~.Stnte af Colorado, of tho second part. WITNESSETH. Thst the !:dd p~!'t ~{th,. 1'i""t pRrt, for nnd in con!lldcration of the Rum of C I1t: .i..iO 11':1:- :1';':. ':~IP.I' ~'--',..lU 0.:1(; V...llL~lLlt: \.-(lrd,.Iilh.l'~.!.....' n ------------- . ~-- DOLI~ARS. to the !9.id pnrt i t;'bO! th(' firRt parl in hand pnid by the Baid pnrt.,; of the lI('cond flnrt, tho r~(>iflt whereof is hereby con!esKed and ncknowledR'(?d, hn V t' remi!led, rclensed, sold. ('onveyed and QUIT CLABIED, and by these prescnts do remise. release, sell. convey and QUlT CLAIM unlo thQ ~H\id pnrlJ' or the l!.Ceond JH\rt. i ~S hei~. succeSSOr!!! and assif:l\s. forever. nil the right. title, interc!ll. clnim nnd d('mnnd which the said part i e::; of the tint part ha \I e in nnd to the followin~ doscribed l,'\.11''-'' t" 1 :) l' r ': ~'r; '.: 1 S Dl' 1 r..: i'. d situalc,l)'ing and being in lhe Counlyof \. ' : ; ll' L on nnd Stnt(, o! Colorado, to-wit: ~ II t' .. ('IlJ. t.ll ~,t~ t ...,,<.) : ~"t ~.~l~~ ot:d I. I'--i .," a' : .;t ! 1:'(,: t 01 t nt: 1t';;:.2 ,,-,n ....";J" ,..., c ........-..l.. :\l'_\;J-J. 0:' 1'11:.' ..t)l"",:: : "C:; 0: .. .; 1 t:t.:t ::1 ~ : Jt~ :"':IUt.dl ';0 1 ~t:t c1 ~,:Jt "t"~t ....5 ~ .. " ...--..... . :"'I_'c~.icn -~ . T..;~: . t ,~. 0: !.:IE::' .. -~ ~ l...! .J;;. 't.. - "-l' ~ /~ " .... -: ,. 'J-; ~:t -! .. h; ~ ;. , .' / ,; ~ ' _ f" . . < -;: o(A1. ; "" '/ ,-... ,/ .'-"-G-/......-.7.--vr:__.-i.-""I... . ~ ... .. '~i Ji~:T,-- -' ,I' -"'':--'' ......"... c___ /- ~' u !\!'_2:; B:t_(t.C~:_' ",', ,'/ _/ ;' / ~--~ -.-.C:_'_"_:::__., ~ri _/ CJld...r:r:3.:1 ----_I.c- J:.Fi' .'h ". " I' By ~~G':~_-i:'::: ~~--~'</;.;:;-~__.~ GI,al'-~?n -..... ....~ --.--------- TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with "ll and singular the appurtenanees and prh.itegeB the~unto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining. and all the e!ltate, right. title, il1terest and c:laim whaUot"ver, of the said part.:. t~:'" of the first part, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benc!it and behoof of' the ~atll part.. of the second part. i t..s heit1'l and 88Si~s forever. lS Wln.-ESS WHEREOF, The said pnrti e u of the lirst \)art ha.! ';: hereunto a.et ..... -=... r hand S- aud acOl! S the !!~y ant.! y'!'~r fiNtt. ahnve written. Silt1)cd, Ses.led An" n..livered in the Preaene(' of ,],...;. ~ .:...:.l ~;i [SEAL) ;:~ Iv , t" . '-!':<o [SEA!.) ...) [S~:Ar.) [S~;"\!.) STAT!': OF COLORADO, 1 \ ... County of I l"" 1 1 I:: 1 ~ ',J n J The for~Roing in!ltrumcnt Wa.3 aeknowlcdRed before me thil'l (41,',,; I. dnyof ;.. t. A. 0.19 v / ,by. ,,1.' w p.'J.d. hi, Commission Willes May 20, J%8 My commtslton expirc.! , 19 , ''''llno.!!.!1 my hflnd nnd otrlclt\ll'H'nl. "'(,,('; \ ". -', " .' . ~.., : \.S,,: .....' , .. ....... .J v:\,.. .. . :-:<1''''"'' l'uhU..