HomeMy WebLinkAbout1183 158 ... __._.~._......~ __ ,__-'j'~ '. .,_..,......_~~..,_ ... " ..-"-~""_-<i;""<!'" J" ......~---,.~..... . :'"'~',~:':,"''~':'~''''' ~ :l./~~;~'~:'~~"I;\tf..ti~:R''b-6'19'5a':f'1:;'(~~ :;-d.;>/tl~, ;' ..,;;~;;r ~ dlli~.' 1183' 1....8 ..., ',.; ,..' ," ,'-/1-.... ----, .-,..,. t ~;./~....~:7 "';' : ,:.":l;, , "~~'" ,I' N;.25g..1...~ 'lWBERT:W: NEWTO:'~.'R:~~.;i':- ' ,.' "';"'. ,\;,:" ,~',;,,,~ N.. I&. ..~ a.;- ".1\ 7..... 'he."""".. \I.....A N.c...lIf1t. ...,....1caJlIalII.l-.4......... D.nw '()Ik .< ,'~t~"'!':':~: . , . '. .' . ~Z'. ,; '~i; : '~r{di I 'I' ,I . ~ ,i ,', ,"'1 ,'o!lb. €:'...: ' . . l~' ... t,.' .. ; 1 r ;. ~ I' I < f-.. :'.:. '" .~'r'" ,,..;. ~C~ t"""~':,. :-... j',~'; \~~" , TmsfuAD, liadepu. ,17t.h':~' ,,,,:,..tla~ot ~~ F.b~~ :'.' " ,~.:: _. . . , ~- ....... _"" ........)o'.f" .J ......-' ~ u.o..KDd IliDe Illuidrecl ancI Firt,:-nirie :..~ k~' CHARI.E.; F. 'roUE A!m ID\A. L. 'roLL;;: -, -;,.' ~.-~..., . ~.~~ r' I , ,:' . ,,' '!'" .. ." III \he ~ of _ Lori . iu>d Blala of C9lomo, of \he Ant put, ancI --. f." . ;~ :} , .1 ! r ! t I _ Co1l1llT of, J effer"cn Dl::PklTJ3:IT. OF mG;r,:jA15 ' of the CMIIirJQll:: aDd Blala of Colorado, of the M<ODd put: 1VlTNE88ETH, That the _Id put ~os " , ,f the ftnt put, far aDd In oona\d.,..tl... of the ...... of ',l'en Dollars and other valuable ccn"idcraticrJliMililil.l.til.Jilrlil.lrlJ,MilNil;;.iiiJiiJ.Mi. to tha aaJd part ios of the Ant part In hand paid h7 uU. ..Id put Y of the _oDd put, the ucol,t "henof Lo h....b7 eonf.- all<! acltIlowloda'ed, ha 'Ie cn.nt<d. barp\Md, aold aDd COliToyecI, snd by theM pruenu do.,., ce '5U!,~barp.ln. ~U. conny a.."ld cnn.dnn,uto the...ld part ~t of tM _ond put,i:s * aoa a..iCna fonver. all the followlnE d..<rlbed:l<lx ro?J: ~pu.et. rr:"c"~.. of land. altuate.lyiDI' and kine h1 th.t Counl7 of ",Tof!"cr30:1 at.d Stat.e or Colorado. to-wit: A tra.::. or ;:..:~cc.:l c~ la:;d ..(.. 2:);'" Re",. of Dept. of !I:ir(,~':o..:,.::;1 pro~cc~ ..(~. =. C32:}(1), ~c.n:.:l:.:;i:~<.: 1.~2'1 ~\.':r;5, ,;nure l.r.lc::;~, 1n t:1C 5:::: ~~ ",Sc;: :.: ",~IC: ~t.c ..~~ 1.;[ 3cc .2l, T. J ~'J :t. ')fj II" of ~;:c S.....:-:~l~ Po:'., In ~e:fr:;,,:v ....(-::,::.~.J Cvl(.r~c.{)J G::L,d :.:'a.:t. or p~rccl 'o.~i:~S r:-.c:-c p.:\r~icP.a:'~:' c1c;jc:'..b('~ 410 ~'\.l},,~i:::;: ':':IC .5. ~2 foc:' c,f ~hc S.l~ c: '::10 .5....~ v: :iiC 3::; of .5ee. If. C:it: ~.lC . J'J "'(;~:. t" ~~.,... .~..... ~... ~~,..... ~".l of" "'. 1-.1""....". ""0' "1 .'l.t. ... ,,:..:: D /.;. . a..ocr'" i..... ....."" ........... ~..... j,l~ 0.. ...nc !\~..". 0.. ;:;; c. -'- ,"-_ ...:&~... ..J., .\'o .,~ .l. - t::c .i. )0 .::... t:.crcr.:i'. 7:~a ~j..:':c ("c:;,::"_ocd rnrcc: cc;.:"a::13 1..';.2"" n.;\C'~, ;'".c:-o ",r lc:;::;. t TOGETHER with .U and dnl'1lar the hereditament. and appurttnancea tnueunt.o ~lona1nl', or In anpri.M J .ppertaln~. and th., rennton and reversions. rcmaindt:r and runaindet'S. f'tnta, luuu ..nd. proM... thU'~!: AW aU the estate, right. tiUe, Interest, claim .nd. demar.d wh.t6oenr of the aaJd put i e:::; o! the Ant part, either In law or equity, of. in and to thl!l '.bon ba.rc1lined pn:mtaes....ith the he~tt.amu."" and ..ppurlenance". TO BA YE AND TO HOLD the aid premlrt'S .bove barrained and dexribed, with the appurtenances unto th...M part;' ot the ,<<and paJt, i:'3 ZUc~C~:>Gr M.t:D and utt~ foreTtr. And the said part. ic~ o! the ftnt' put. for tne::' HI vcs, ,t..l:c:.r heir., u:ecutOrt. and adminl.traton, do conl\l.'""4 --. cnut, baf'l'&iu a~d.me to a.nd ...nth t.be u,Sd part' :. of the .econd part. ~tn ~u '.;t,;o~~(; r .:w:t4: and ....I~,-~-' 'that at the-Ume of th. ensea.llnl' and delinry of theM presenta ~l~c,:,' .:i.;"C weli" It'iud of the P~." .bo'Te connred, AI of I'~, lure, perfect. abl~lut.e and Indefeulble elt.." of inherita.ne~. in Jaw. in Ieo dmple,..anJ ha 5 rood richt. lull power and lawCul authority to kT1lnt.. baz-r.aln, uIt and conny the same In manner and fonn as a!o~uld. and th.c:.t the ..me are f~ and dear lrom ..n fonne.~ and otht'r ~nt.s. barplru, ..lea. Jleu, lu:es. aaa;lment. and lncumbrancc. of whatenr kind or nature loeVrT. and the abon b:rjr'1~~dc~r~~d~f~ i,n the quiet nnd pc.('uble pOIllt'lIion ot the laid part :. ot the ,trond part, ... ...3 ~ and Plrenl. Ia'aln.t all a~d every penon or peNon. lawfully daimlni' or to ('1.lm the whole or an7 part thenof, the laid lJart... ':.co of the Ant part .hall and. will \V AR.RANT A.ND ,FORr.\'ER DEFEND, IS WITNESS 'WHEREOF, Th. said part to':::I oC the "TIt part ha '10 hUl:Unlo set t.:\o:r hand and i..l the day and ,...r tint abo"" wrltten. , . 1 ' oJ:':;->'/,.? ,/,.-:-. ,'? (t' Si-td ~alt'd and Inlher-ed In the Pnunce of ..y,:.;'l'"'~:(./":''''-;'''''~''':"/~'''~~'':''-''"'"'('''''''''''''"R'''[SEALl ." , . C:v,:U..;:;,3 F. ',(;l,Li: , i' ~ - /1 I 1. tr...,. i '... ,. l . t. \ ~-"_....,_..,-"_.._-_..,_..,.._...,.....,_.._--=_..,,---:- 'j,Lj'i'I::wIi~--",:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"lBEALl ~,' "" \'~---_._--'---'-~,:'i:p;;;~--'--~._l=" ~;~-._'- ; ~~.~_.' .- 'to ., N ~ :.;,~,,'. 1 :.,:'~ ;':\:t ~"""JI/!:~' ~ ,~.,,' - .~.;............"~"_'''''~<';''' ~';;:;'"""1';-...>".":"'~,~ '-.r<.-_~,,~"1"'::'.":"""'~.'\.....,