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/\GRF.F::F1lT:... Fllrfd for "'f~C()r:1 11.1". ~"l.~ cl~l;cy. p.;.~. ;:.'ct':,.' ~:', t,,;. -i.I'.,/ljul!""', 11""....... , ;(toljo,.liltr. ARTlcr,';s n~ kIJ.PF: '~~I'Z,'J,..l.. "l-~", r",... ~ of U'.e Town o~ t..rv'\.(~'\, ~,)J~t.. ~..." r~; - m ~'.l.;" coO .:~:~::~, '. ... 1:;~~'''', btt":e,:~:'; ":';J -:-toCY" tu'rl Jo~,! A"..'lo.!"hn o-~ t.'" ~ ~fj~'!t1:~ ~~~:e::'.s')r. VI .t"1t"1 r '~olor".l.dl)~ 0" t. ~ ~l!'s~ ~,~:-~, .WIT';F:j~j!-:';i, Tr.A.t if t~l; ::'\T't.; n~ +. ~ ..' , . I"f:'!"t,o'!"'r U:e e"J'(~r.",~'::~3 ht:-f::01-:-~~;:t.;:.... ;'. ,?:eCOT:u. ~ 1':. 3~~11 ::'!'S":. t.n.kh the ,?I!y::~n~.~ 'lr:! I ~;l~;'l:;~()~o\ ;1l~!:1~~\.~~r~1:.~;~b:.'~ ~~:;~ ~~~~r.,~ ~~ "L~'~~~~ ~.~ ~~r.:;;y~ ~~r,~.~. :~~~~~~~~~e to; i& t'ollcnr1Tli' lot 16 "-(eco o. , ~- -- , ~.' !c!~~~ "'!!:~:"'''":1:.~ re..d r. J..b!'lt-!''\ct to . (_ '" .' wi.. l' ?~rcel o~ ;-l'l),lr'~ "1,:,,.: '\ ,.ot. 1:;.) ..1xt~r. 1n.~:. l/I'I- ;';.1=-:.1/4 ;-:ec. Ii ~'.. ,., Arrl t}-,t' 3.111. ;1'1!'t.:;,' o~. t. f! 31oCOTr. -\r. " ~ ~ -:.- -, 'f. hr,~~ se.i~ ?'IT't.y or t..;.~ -:!r3t . -i.... ~ : " ~... ..E= (;...y c':'I~r.'lT.t:~ 'lr,(1 !l.':r(;(! t'> ;-:,'/ to t c I m<i.r.r..e!' ~~l1.~-:;ir:t ~re ".J~!:"~ _.~.,:LL tL ho ...1r"-'r'e~1 Tw~nt.. .oll'-''':''~ ':?7J.cn) i~ tJ... ~~~~~~~;~~~~i:;~I1~',;~~:;~::~~~~~~~~~~:I~~~~;:~~~i:~~f::~~~~~~I~:~~~~~~~~~~;~:- I t~,o- seco~~ i'3.rt. t.~ :;...l-:.. ....:.~:--E:/~:2 ~1'_~~':J ~rvi 1 Cll~e of f":\11'jrf; of" t e :!l~i" ;::'\:"1:.:; 0;- pa.rt t.'hi,\ c t... \.- - v. +-'" r.a.,,"'<1Tl...~, c.r ?l:lr-or:: nr....- 0:" ~'-(: cc':e'....~t:3 O~ '-1" t '~i u: on .act 3. "~ll ~~ to':'''''!'!t.,.,: "-r...-l ~e~-:-r:-,1r(:'; Ilt t,i-e el""^,........, 0" ....~. "0.-., ....,;. e rs ":t". U? hI l' . . ~'--~~' .-'--o..~ ...."'...; ., .~~,,:~~I(t.~~I~u...- ot(.hi; ,i~~~ ..~,~.l~~-t; ~~ t~~e~~~d:.~~YO~t~: ~ec~~~~~"rt. - ns.Y3' nc- '~,::' 'P~YJ::ents -'\:le O' thl'" . l""' . e seeOTl"J P1'll"t '5'tt&11 ~o'rl'elt- ...11 or tt.e fi;".,t ....'\,..t 1 5 ~I)r:t, !\::' ..n.~,d s'J:c!: pa~.:::ent' 3::!\11 be ret~lned bJ.' tor'e "18.1(\ ? !"ty . . l'. n ~ 11 s'J."...~,"ctio:: ar.d 1:qu1d'l.tlon 0'" 11.11 da,7'\ es b.t "'l"~q,i""e.~ ar.d. !:e shall ~"\ve ri,.:c.t to '!'~;r.~...r e.r.d t.ake :lo!'se :osior. c" 5'1.11 ?"e--1:!le~ - .> ~ .. 't IT I:S :i'1.I7i!At..T.."1 AG;:~2., Tl'lt t;;.! tl:-.:.t: o~. ?~:--*-eJ1~ S;':'I.11 be nr. ~5~'er.t1~1 ?S.'!''t 0'" t;i~ contr!\ctt "lr.rl l.r at ''If'..}' ti:- tJ":,:;. S'l:!:~ sh'\L1 'te f",:,'!'f"e!tef~ A.nj ?'et.,.,:",~lr:~<; 1r. tl--,(: :-:-"-r:~'e!" a.bove provi~ed, the :!l!Ud pc~rtl 0...' t. ~ s.~cor.:i ?1.rt nO~g ~t;!"eb;r COVell .nt R.r_d a[;rt:'t: to ~ur- render am cellve'!' U? s'!i!l !\covt' desCl'lted ;::::'e1:is~s P"::l\c~'lblJ' to tr.e 5....1 ;::'1r~y o~~ t ~ first psrt i~edi&teL; uron tte ter:1r.~tion 00 t~1s contr~ct ~~ BrQresal~, and if .s1\"-11 rt:~1~ in ;>osse~~1on of' ae1'~ rrer:::i:!les I'l.~tof::r suet! t&rr.1r:"-t1on_ s!:Fl11 be ~ ~ fU11ty o. n. forcfbll; dtttl.!rt':1" 0'. ::-'-.11 ?l'...:r1.se. '-lrfl~'" t,,1-'e ..tQ.1;\.JV:-, :J."," ..'~ 11 bo:: ~U~- I ,..,eet to all tl-e condlt1or.s '\r.d rrrovisio!':s cho'", st!lte:! ~rd to &',ictlor. 6.;-:' T't;-.ova.l, rore1bly.or.otte~se, w1t~ or w1tt,o~t ~rOC~3~ o~ L1W. !...~~ ~~ :!.~ f'o~!'!:~e!' :!"'.1"t'l!!.11~ I\F"'.... >1.),11 un'~t::,;.tccd, ti;'\~ .~~l t1:~ c'J"~"'J\nt~ A.r:d 9.;-r~E::- lIlf:n~s + herein cor.tair.e1 shall extf::nd to !lnd oe ooli;:~tory UpO-:1 t!'e heir5, 'O:'xecutors, f1.~1- min_s,,!'!'ltor3 ~r..d B.ssirr.s of the r~spective p!'!.l'tie:l. I~i WTT-iESS \If'iF.HEOF, Tre ?arties to tr:&s,:: presents have hereunto set their hBn(\~ B.r.1. seRols the d9.j.' !md ye'\r first above vrrl":.ten. ~'iP.ry ;-;tocke (srN,) 1/ VACATI'Y'i D.!-:!-:D:- Filed for ro::corJ. at ~ 0 'cloe}.: 1... )1. ?e-b '',l ~, Aa D. 19O5. Ii. ,j. JuC! em, RecoT'der. ." I V ~ CAT IOn DEE D . 'H::!-"'REAS, Hj>' a. Pl9.t hearing da.":.E-, Oct,)cer 5rd, A. 1). 1f.'90, and filed for record Octo- L ::e'!' 4-t.:!!~ A. n. lRQO! ar.d j:..lI.y reeordell it:. book T=c (2} at ;:~F'"' nrop. (1..) of T::.wn plats in t..e Of"f"ice nP tre ::ounty Clerk ar.d Recorder 0:- .Jei -,=r:sun ;:;v-.;.;~~-., ~~!.",!,._.ln. .Torn Juc}1eln tre o-:orner of the SO:J.t:-. or.e-~:n.1r of' tt.e ~~outh West cn€: Q:.l:lrt.er (S.l/2 of' S."?f.l/4), Section Fifteen (15) n.rr1. tha.t p!'l.rt of t~'1:1 No:="th llest quarter (N.W.l/4) 0:" ~':;ection T".'f2.nty" two (22) lj'in7 ~lorth of t:-a Harth GaIner.. Ro!:'.c, SO called, dirt layout and. plat stl-1d lar.d unier t::e n'l.::.e and st:;l&: of' .iUCITF""..1'S n!...t:lD~:q.') P~JACE. AHD., w!{F'.?EA.C;, the s:A1c1 Jo:'~ JUC!leZ; riesires to v~*cR.t.e SAid ilIa.t in so f'c:r &.~ tr.e S&tte relates to t:he.t certa.il", st.l'e~t known R.!i Fourth Street ~s t~. e sn.:e extt=nds P#long t.! e ~'/e~t hounnary of SfJ.!..-; pin- flrD p"irtlcula.r~~ along the We:;t boundB.l'Y 00 Ba.ocks :"our (4), rive (:i), twelve (12) :lr.d thi!'t!':en (1;). Tte portion of ~,id ::;treet rl<=;:glre(! to 'be v!\c:\t~r! :1s ct'::~crlbed I!.' follows, tll-;o;-lt:- CO:rJ!:encin..s A.t the '.forth West COITel" of s,rlr' plat and e^t~rAing ~outh I!. dlst~r.ce of T~enty six hurireri &n~ forty (2640) ruet to t~e cen*er line o~ Flora. ~tree~. SB.id 9tre~t havine never ~een opened to the public, and no i:-;;rc.:t:;:-..:!'~ h"!.-;;::-.7 ~e~!l i'1.r'!e b)' !l!"~' 1r:c.o?or~t{:rl town. ~r ::-1!~_1cl~alitY. p' _ !io..... :'::c:"~:"D:'e"l :;:, ":-onr. ;ac'-er:., t~~r_ "r.: o'---c,:.r- Q~ 3<~l-: :- L"C~." ()..lr (.....)"1 - ::,"e (')), tw~lve (12) a!".d 'tl.lr!.u:n (1;-), d" hc!'e~y "IClC.:l.t'o:" r..r.~ s6t o.sid-=: t!:e ~H\Li Fl'\t 0:" s3-id Juct.e:r.'s G!'!.!"deT!9 Place, in .10 ~flr 90S tr_e sa..."r.e l'pl...tes to th~ sa! Fourth street. r~j m0-'~S wn:SP.EfJ:<'"I I hq,ve hereur.to subscribed ~ n'lme s.nd '1.f1'1xed ny seal, this 25 d~y or F~hruary, A. D. 1909. . John Juci'em (:>F.AL) ST AT": OF COy..oRADO, :ug. J DD Cour tv ) r " :i. eurton, 'l Not'l.l'~' Pul:rllc in ~~n:l for 5[1.111 Count.'! Eh.1. arson 1 oJ. , . . h 'h i ,. 1 k 1n tl.l: StA-ttl '~fO!"tJIH].1d, ,.1,0 h(;re'bl cort1fy tJ,rLt .Tohn Juc. em, "11..0 .' ~er8on!\1 y novr.'l to me to he the ?er~or. whos,; l,.'.~f' 1:1 ~U'D!,c!'1'beci t::>. th09 forer,01ng VAfJ!\t.!on Dewl, a.?p6n.red before me tl'i:l d~y in pergon n:'d a.ckT'.o'..rh' .r;ed tr.'\t h8 !'Iif:r:~r~, ge"L1.e~ fl.nr\..rle11v~red t:1c... SA.id instrun:ent of 'IIr1tiTlf;'-l.~ r.ig f'r(;e "_rn. voluntary act o.nd def.d, ..nr t. f' U3e~\ and jJu.- ':Joses there1n get forth rmd ::pec1fir:d. 1 Given under my hand k.nd ;'lotfl.rlf'1.1 Defl,l tl:is 25 d'lY of Febrl1n.T}', A. D. 1909. i!.y Corr.m1ss10n ey.pires J,{9.rc]: 26, 1912. (Notarial) (SEAL) H. ::i. Burton !1otfLry Pu'ulic. I - ,