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.. _.~ -, .~ at;( tlf{) 44G I ""':>'1. .;'"...,......... :-u~"'..,."">_....~".~ ""'.,';. -~,'/~;; , "~,,,,,,..~ ".':: ""'-' !<, r A:1DtI'n::-.~!-:)rT o'!" WAr.l.,(~ Alf'r6d Hl\rrls et" ux. 1'0 r.;, 1:, ntltW'\l't.. l'1te, for r corrl 0 t ~:~.\O 0 'clock. r.H. "!P\;Ch l~, A. ;). 1909. n .,)' .Jllch~l'1, Ri:co1't1t'l'. 1.'\'.0'1l'.it.h, l1~!l'lty. ~,...,,,,j : ' '" "" 'l.':1~t:)':1 /.TjTI 7,tl.'!1 flY 'IrO:i;r- PF:~:~,l';I~':; Thn.t r Ilf d 'f' ... f\~ ~-I:'I!'Y]v'" .,., H1di ' " , Te If\r, la, l\t:tt '1.'Q ..,'. ~ I "rOj 'it (JnLt1611, i. t.hfl 0(111111,'/ of' ,rill'l'FI"'I\On \. .,L () ',0 or"\'\ t'.... 1 ' ('1'1'1,(0'\11 l"I"'" ~'l 1~"'O, :). :\nl\ n conr.1\T.~rat1on of' t..1i 1r:'\cht- , q',..'" )", t:" r t' '.. '.. . w I\l":n 0" ":trtn '. ., \ "..."''''t, (1~ f''''~.1'm 1\.If')'" ""'1d . ~, "!' Ql'(l':l1~ t.:'l be rlvt>n.o ' b 1''''- - ., , l\1V,'mC'~~ ".~'\!l 11eUv..!,' ... ", ~ .. rn"" y .....;, :1t"\ ':If the !\~l\ ~~\~,,!l'" ~'''''o''' +1 J. of ...6rl,; .nnd1~", 1)' h1:.: +;0 ;!:{' r,.lr :r~lt"el:r Silt f'l....~.... to' ~i;~ u tr,~ t,C\ tb:~, r fl.'~ 'h~1"Cl~Y ~3df"Y'., t"'[ln~"lt... '\r-d . ... :'I'\lct r." F;. ,~t~\':"\'ft, )11:; l?'iPC'l'O"" "n'l r.;...~ 1- !\r.t\ ~U~' t t':"~t.Ql"a, '\11 11:\' .,.~lC' ~ . , ... ," ." ",,,,,...n ~,- '. .- ~ 0 beoo:::& till'l ~o ~."'t 1'.,.... +}1 .. \ . ,~8 n.T'u ?!\~. to no Qnl"l1o:t,l ~.. 7'e ~T"l '\11 !!U'" f'e"'3on .,ro.. i 1 "'.., ,\~\~.~ 1"1'1'" t},,, 'it f" 1 - .h f' ~ "rl'- f::8'l, ( , :..;;:,. 6-::,P1.0:.'cr, ,'or 'It\.~. I\.nll '\1'11' t ~ ~'O~ '0 ller., lr. th.: C':l:mt~. ('1" .1()1- o:n" by 1':Er for s~.trt e~Illoy~l", to.... th~ ,:...... .~ 0, to be.: don':! '\1\'_ ~t'~\'iC6~ ~.0 b,-, [Q:"_ }l.al'ch 1\. D. 1:)C3 fol" t}'tf fUll t.... 1" P..lou ot ti~e- COtl.""H'lcini":; on t~':.:: l~tl' rhv of And I do hel"vb~' nutr:o'ri"~ ,~.m o. one ~lef'.~ th6nCt1 t':.o':xt t!n~u!;.r. - , '~ t ' '- "1J"I' CP?O'N~!' th Mi \ F. "'t ' a.~en Or nttorr.Q~', to (1',:-nnr.cl . ll'" . ., (. " r.. S eo',':'1.l"t, hin d'J.1Y o.lltnot'i~e' such w ' 1:'0 ec"" l"'CelVt.!I.~ ......c i' -. . . !'l,.~eu, fH~'!"~ir.f~~, SUJ':'. and su~:,~ ~~'re'" en.....r.p.~ ",' . ,. t.,' 111; 'or Ii.;:a t:r.Porct> i-','ty;r,t;l:t u~ to, tlr.e, in IlC' n!l~.€! o'!' o~~e!'''J:i~>l- tP"';'b~' .:.' ~~.~ due, n~' r;ait o~ oth~':'''':~e 1'ro':1'\ tb',c ,"l!;; =:~:~~T d~,'~ ~e~'!:!e~ ~"l!' !'!l:!~~ ~~;1 ~'~'e"': ~l,,:.~~:!l~:.~:ll"'E 7l~ th l~i:: ~"'ttll '1.!,!-1 t!'Jl~' to :):It ir. I cona~'t.l.ons of :.~~ S'\id eo"'~ll(n'_"",,- ...;-- .-'-.,e ~L.n .:-~~lori. n~ ti::-:e '\s ry """'~'th '1.r:n t.ho'> n:frerlt: i ~'. \I~.n.'t.,_ll~cr1"'J.l.v,. "'1',-- ....'~ . J ..~!'!" s, l",~~idir:r with :"\' ~n.it\ l".lsbf\~'(~ J II ..., ~,j.r,....:r ,,:;.rr1.;, ,~-i~;~ ~:' :;....:!. n.~sign, con3ent to i\r,<..l j,"in in' t: ~ ~ ".~ '~,: " "" tl~ he'!"t:br for th~ consider!\t:.:oT'::'I 'l:'or ~9.i~~ , am eArnil1hS .qfo"C~,\~.1 Pt'{ ? ..." :1,~_b...,::-r:...on" ...0 sn.id Ste'':'1.r: of:,,'.I 1'1.i'1 r,l"'-"'l..'hd" "'\. p,..' '.,,,'.~'~",x"-_:l. " ...' hi~ b.bo'!" ;'r.:1 !'ll)~".i~~'~~\; '~\~.~r~[)..~~~~.'\nrl Sl1l';,3 to 'hP:co~.~ due to ;':,l ::;'-1.1" r.;J,:>.1'~r::\ c~ '~!'1"<>~;" 'l.llrj(~:"""'"'I""..,InJV1tn.as Wll.~eof, '"'v,. the anid AUNd.Hnrr.1s &ncJ Ar. i our n'\rrcs ~nd nr~"1xe,: our ~~l\J." tli3 1:':.1: o~ .~....!'c~ ll'r:~.~ ilarris IH\V1it IHt'reto sUbscr1b~d I I I Alr:-~ul ilfl.!"!"is Ar.ni& i1!\!'!"is f';,.,'t!.) (~:.:"\i,) .~:"~' State of Colorodo, ) :5$. Jej'f"ersoh, County, } Alfruu Hnrris f\r(t /..r.nie llnr"'i!", 0",,""""1" d"< ) to be th ... . _ . ., '.... ,.....' ..r.. 'I. ~ rl~ who t\r.... ?f~!' ,onnll;/ k'!'Jl'\i1 to j'l'! e same t'er:'\an~ ....hos,.:: t11.r-,~~, n.r(\ 13ubs~rib~d to tl'e 1'0"'-' "no! r: i .+......... t: . " bef'o're :ne thin 13th daY' of' :,s"l"cl;' Li FT' ~ .. - <.; _n, ns".~...~n~, !>.P?!lo:':'en ~ .1 - " . . h. . ... , ~n ..).,r~cn ~1.nd seve::rl\ll.~,r 1'.ckno'ylt::.'.l,"'d th(;: 1'0. ego N; instrU;':etlt of \"1"1 ti.r.c" to ad t"'d'" PrdM !'I.c'" r,t"; j. , r t). . - th€:rein eXI?re~sed. 0" . - .. <. '- ,., ('::~'C1, o!" ,!e U';.:f. 'l.nr ;>urpr'!h:t1 ~~ co~~i~sion eXl-ir~s ~ct ber 1, lr12. Wi tr.~ ~~ !t'.y hand ~r:.rl. not"l.rif\l S~~ 1 ~ 't~' ., ;-,.,.';r (Not,rhl) ( SF.AI,) A1..:-::x'r .-. .~:l.';.egor. nQt~r:{ '!?Ub lie. 'f'" ~~ ...: .-....; .VACATIO~ Dr.F.D }<:~lOW ALL ~,~;::H BY T;~E~;;: r~F:SE,;'l':), }'h'\t '.'/:.,re'\.~, .Johr. Juche;:; did on t!:e 3rd. dl.Y 0,' (JctOb€:'r, A. . l'''C..J~, l~.y o'.1~ [1.1),: pl,.'\t. ' JUCRF:-!.'S GARDr.:,,\I P!."CF ~~ .~;J,c. €t~ 's (J."l.!'der Pl<tce t~"l sout.!" O~.~ half (,--).l~) ot' t~:e BY Saut!: West ~.un.rt8r o~ SBetif'r. ?i;~t~'E-~; (15) <J.r.rl t!:!\t p'\l"t or .JOHN .ruCiIl:-::.i: t.t:e NO!'"tr -i{eg:., ;jt~rt",~ 0f' .2e~tiO:>T' 'r-....f\r.t,v-t..rQ (22) lyiJ'.g Filed for 'rt:cord At North of tile !'IOrt.n t;ol\lt:JJ I"':C. ::::::"!-:::!' FrlQ.,. ('l.lso hnoV'm n.3 8:0~ o'clook A.M. Mch, Jeffel"son Avenue), nIl in T07rr.S~ip thr8e (3) South, R~r~e Six- 15.th, A.D.1909. ty-nine W?st, which said pla.t Wf:.~ ~1'J.lj'; ril~..-l. fo!' record on t!l1:t iH.J~Juch!.m, necorrle!.~ 4th. day of October A. D. 1&-;0, n.n:t recordetl ir:. Book 2 of ~ Town plats at paGe one (1) of th~ r cord~ in the of rice ~f the County Clerk ~~d Recorder of Jefr8!'son Cour.ty, Color do. a~d WHERl-:AS, the 3!\id John ';uchar.. 1s st.ill t.h. owr.~l" of nIl the s ,id lots I\r.d blucks in the portion afsain plat 'in tJ'8 South 111l.tf of ti--.8 SOJ.t): ;rest r.U9.-=-t.::r {S.1/2 S_l'i.l/4) of' section f'irteen (15) exce}}t .lot 01" blocl.: eight (8), }10 bein~, th~ O':"-l'l"'..::::" of' lots or blOCKS one(l)~ two (2), three (3), f0ur (4), ~iy~ (5), six (6), s~ven (7), heing all tho \ots or blocks in tht'J South on~; ~'_!1.1f of' ~.1:~ ,~out "iest ";.u'\t't...r (;,.l.;:~, S;;;.l/4.) ~ection fif- te~m (1.l:)) except lot (\r block ei!:ht fs) 3S ..1t'ore3~li:l, n:ncl he H.l!Jo bein{~ trio: OWII~r or lots nine U)), ten (10), ttleven (11), t7i::,lve (1~) thirt,-:en (1;'), fm.t'!"t.p.en (14), fifteen (I5) e.nd ~ixtf::'en (16), bein-- All of the- lots ot" bloc,,~ in tl1"! ;~orth one ht>.L' of' '/',he Hartt Jttst Q;"nrt:r of' ;ect::.on ~2, ':o','~s'-i? t~'~e(-1 (':::) ~:).lt , :\n.r,:.-~: 6(') \re~t. AND, WHErEAS, t~e sa.id .;Ot~l J;J.CJ~d:::: :t:sirfl:'> ~Q v:-.c'\t~ t]-,nt :;-,o!'c~n~'.. of ~'\i --:-)1 t, being ~nd situflt.e i~ t:!'e ,~outr one h~lf at" the ~o'c1th W~~t \Iuurt...;'!" (;-:;.1./<1 ~. '1.1/4) t10n fifteen (15), Townshir th'!"E:f: (:;) Souti1, R!l.r.r;e G,: 'e:1t, ~md the iJarth n.nlf of North We~t Quarter (J'.l.l~ N .\'1.1/4) ')f '1i'ction 'l","o::nt~'-t'10 (;~2), TOMlship tl~r~e (3) :,outht RA.nc;e 69 'West, exce~.t Slli~.. T10t D't" Block eight (~), un~ WHl:::?F.A0, th& 3~"I.it1 str.::o!'t'l h.'\V6 never het~n openet~ to or 'lccep't-e:1 b~' t:te pu11Uc:, n.n1 hO \'lork hn.) evel" been done or. tb1 3t!'t:".t~ ny ~;r tn'r.n, Cit~' 01' n:unicip!'I.lit:r. NOW THERr:}~ORF., thd 5.:\10. John .7uchit:::! beir..:; ti.~e O',.11el' of t~le ,1.nave dezcribE::(\ l~nd uoes ~Elreby vnc~te the: sn.iti ~)l!'l.":. ~n'H~ :let n3ide tt,il ~."I..';.t't E\.r.t~ the stral1ts non n'-Uej's ot' the D!Llr.e, and it 8~A.ll ht'.. 'neT'u~ltitr j,hO"f'n o.t~ a.tytdr+~ rt.t>.i~ 1'0 de~.::ribo,i q,f, follo"'~\, to-'.'rit: The Sm.to. !,A.lf' of the ~~O~lt Wac t (1Utl.l"':.t:r {S.l/.? or ~.w. t/4) :~ect~~n :"if't"tm (15), ex- cept C01!'Jr.t:tnc1r,p; nt tr-e Southen.st COl"nel~ of the ;;nuth \,le:Jt t1uo.rta!" 01' ~l[l.id It)..:tion Fir'- teen, Town8hi:)~ ~nn 'Rnn;;e "'~for(;s.....1tl, Hnd exter'rtir:;: t~'er:ce ,tt3t 660 .fe,..t to -:;.j-€tc~l':t..~r o~. Fir~t 3trer.;t .'lfl the t"~mf.: i~ dQ'"Jcl"ibetl 01, '!j!'€: !'l:tt of ~l\i 1 ,Tuchem'~ :i,').!'l;qn Pb,c.s:, tnerce North 600 fect, t.,Etuoe East 660 feat, trance ~O~tJl to t.l'e ,1P.Cll or bl-' innin.'", b€-in~,~ TJot 01' Blook. eif.ht ~nd to the CAnter 01' tLe ~\trt:tdJ$ su!'rouY'din~ 5tl.itt lot or bloc'l(, tixcept 30 feiJt on the Ea.~t extenrtir.,g nlonF t118 (Jntil"e re.~\t li.,€, ~r s~irl ~'() ltr h'\l1' 01' the ~~outh \'le3t ~ua;l"tl;lr af qA.id Section is; 'I'owr.sl:i? ;1 South, I\::\ll~:,e u9 l€tt:<t, ,md. n.lso ti'o ro;.,,:o.i~lder of" 9ai'd p~al. dCtB.ii'i:\~ tv ~~ '.""Cfl.t.-.ri stell !.'8 d.:.:scribe8. nos fo.llows, to-wit: " ,'. ., "" I '.1 , , ~ I , I !....;' 1 il1r:, Sec- the , t ~ ,- "1 I I I I i ! or j i I I I , ! i I j Ctot'\:::'iR.l) ,~".U I'l !>__~,';"~ISF.Ar.)'<i"~"""""'c"'" 'n I I ~',.".; ~. ! " 1 .- '" . '" ~~, I ;. f ... ct10n Twenty-two (~:..:), '~'f)"mf\";j~ Tlie North h1.1f of' the ~ort;' Wilst ftll\rtler 0 ~e . t~r.fJ (3) South, P8":-e (;I) Y/'C:1t. ',1" ulio <,r.. l\tt.l.!" of' Florll :itrtl'flt, :lJ"l 1" ".11 q"h\ VAOlUO.' n}'l\lt e:'ftfJr.rt to 1'.T. 1..0l... 1~ l lftl'1l1 eXc8ut 01" 0""" [''\If' i,f" t ' 1 41' C":J (,. l,~., :".~"'~!" . ..~~1'" ,ft~ , . " .. 1 . . elut'.8 atl !'t:"e~t.:\ ~h <.. ..." -.... ... i.lock e1r:,ht R.S 'lbOVe d~r.cr..:":')t::.i. ~,"'~.-. ~~c..", st-t:i\ot~ !Iurl"'o'.J!':(~1nr tht:t s~id \.0.. (L ... ~'i'n: ':"C fe~t ~=iUllr8 eY-clu~ive cf ~t: s.t':"ee~:). , f" ,.. 1 t_ i"; ...:"_ ev " ~ ,". . _.. ...... .~' ...", thi. Fth day 0 ..."'c.. n . In "I'&~tiltoT\v Whe':"tlof , 'J.. u~,,~::- '-.I ."...- , . ,,' our Lcrn one thIJUSRn::\ nine .hundrt:c\ '~n..-\ nint:. Jorn Juc....tl'i. {r,FJ\.~J) S7A7'E 0;: COLO?A.:YJ" :'5. Je:-:el"~on ~ounty.) \.. ..... n-,J'h'1c 1'" "\_! '"or e:dd CO:.ll t;; :1~ tr.... St,,,t~ "forp.- I, n. .s. ~~r~on ~ !O;~~~ ~a~;a~ ~~,!~ ?A-~or.~lly ~O~ to ~e to b~ t~ 9..'\1d, 1:('- hari"h)l ce... tLy 'to. -!\1'b'" .....t.. the r~"'&,"olna; V'\c'\tion De~"'cl .:) hf\vli.F;: eX~c'n.~n parson whOsE! !\.ue is !'1l1:~cr eU. 0 .... - ~ ~ rl t').. ... 1'1 .1 .1 . .'"..... @ this d!J.- 1....1 2~T~~n s!:d ~ckr,o"'le..!.e. .~!l...8 8 rr.e.., tbe S~, !LP?e"~. \ 'b...o,1: %::1.... 1: .-ent. :).' w:-1".-'- as hi~ r!"~e -.n:' volur.t"l.ry "l":~ 'l:~ .....::.:::i ~-.-.! ~-!'l1."'.~.~ '!h~!I'\ 1.-' _1"1:'\ ru:: \... .v-.-t'. ,_ ....~...~.. def'd "or t.l:e u~e~ ~nd purpo~.8 ther61n sat. ~?J.'w'_'.':-'U~~f'-~~':ch'^ j) 19()('). <liven 1ln.ler ry h~r:d s.rd r.ot"\rinl st'~l th~~ 1-, d'\"f , ' .. ~ Co=.i~!t1or.. ~~i1"tt.3 ~~:rc): 26, 1'012. i!. S. :~:::,ton ~:ot~!":' ?'.l.....,li~. ~':Y<r ,~,,-,"'~""P.;~~t.'ih1t..,'j.;;,;. .io-..,~. "i";~.'!"~~~ .I I :1 i CON'l'RAC'!':- Filed tor ~c(lr:i ~t ~:lO ('l'clock .~.'~_ :~'\rcl' 15th, A. i~. 19(';. H..i ..1:.lc1"'p.-, 'RecoT:ler. ;, Yorrlaon, Colo. 10, 9, 07 Thl~ certifies th.!\t I "~!"'ee to !'lell to ;:'. }.!. ilreenhow Cn-a lr":''!'lr\r.:.rl. !\n:\ gi~tjo. !\CT'''~:' 0:" l'.nd be! t, the Sout~. h~lr of' t~'e- South west Q\1'\rter of" t!:e s.~:. qU"'Lrter of sect:::,!. nt _ . ., .'..... \. ....~ doll-" ...... ~... ,:!.,-t,J "<Inn ir ...,.,...,., ~l 'r' ~ 5 S U~r.g. 71 ~tS~ rO'fl tte g~ 0':' ';'1'1;1 l....m....\ . . ~..~. ,,'..' "';'_ .:. .....,~ ",..,.;J, , ...... j .:, Art;r'I bav~ cut a~ ~~~eu fro= s~i~ l~r.d sll ti~bers t~~~ I Wi3h to t~ke ~~o~ s~i Ism, I''; ;... .~. ~;;,. A G R E EKE NT. K~OW Af,JTJ llf:N BY TRP.sF. PR.I.~F.NTS thAt !...'Y?..A C. r~.:.BF.RTfiON of tr,e cit>' and cou!":.ty 01' Denver and State of Colot"\do h&reby Bg-ees to 5&11 a~l convey unto W. R. F.LLIOT~ ot th.., Cit..v !\..?ld .County ~r Denver 9.nd State or Colora-no, a.nd sa.id Elliott A.r;rees he~"bY to purchf\se for the consid~rBt1~r of rourteen ~urlJred ar.d Forty Dollars (~1440.00), "t>!h:l roiiol-'dn,;.; UtltiCl'iU\::l'\l ?!'"Oi'IH'''r.j', -:;. t:.:.~~'!: l~: t!:~ ':;ullnt.y of .jeffer~un '\flU 3t.3tC vi Color~v, and }mown snIt de3cribed ft.:) follo'..'l'3, to-wit:- L,")ts nu.'!lbered five to tw~lvft (5-12), both inolusive, in Blouk nwnbe!.tird Four (4), W..t CoU"" SUb. 'Ihld' cor~ditions ot said sa1-o:: A.r~ as 1'01 10\1S:- PA.rty (Ii' the -I.ccond p!\rt s..l-:o.ll ~~.. Fifteen Dollars (~l5.00) on t~e signing and del1very ot thi~ ngree~n+', the rec~ipt of which sum is h~r.by confessed ~~d acknowledged: tila party of the s~~ond par: ~1~- tller !'\grei:3 "to pay t....'1e Slut of Fif'teen Doll!lrs (~15.00) on t.(>~ 20th nay at"' e:!.ch ~r.:: cvoeI"Y month, beg1nnin;!, on the 20th day 01' 1la.rch, A. D. 1908, until the: pr.1t~ci?tl.l .;i..J;.. of' $1440.00 has bc~n pl'\1d, inti:r.:3t to be paid. on 1\11 unpf\id !\1:lounts n.t tl~~ ratot 0:' six (6) per cent. per annum, interetlt payabl>) q\m.,..t.~r1.v. It 1s turth&r mutually agr~..:d thn. t fl.ll BL~ount8 he!.: e1n~lortt:r :Jet fo!"th j'l)"l.Y bi ?nid on or before t e time speoified, wihh interest to the dg,te of such i>aym"en't.;,~. F?R.rty of the: f1rst part fu"ther 8.g!'-ee'3 that when SA.irt sun:. of 81440.00 has bee-n p&llt 5~11 will Iilake s.nd execute !:!. proper do::f1tl of conveyance for SA-i.' pr~Ii.1i$t:9 to tt.e ?n:"t~. ,,!,' the 3eoor.d part, hi~, helr!\ or 8.~si;::n8, free and cle!!!" of &11 liens, incumbrances ~;nd : ~s:tltl~sr,ent~ or .....hatsoever kine! and n'\turo, nr.d I 1"urt1'er !l~~:'eo:: to fu"'nisi1 ~n rlost.... ..l:~ I' or title to d~te showing goon and 1ndetuasib1e title. It is futhel" Und~l"3tood and agreed that possession of tf'..e property is ~o 'ba- \~e- tlivered to the party of tte seoond p8.rt on the signlnr.; an:l de-11vilry of this .'3.grecr.lont In case of failure to promptl,v pa;r the monthly 1nst.'\llm€lnts her~inb-afore referred to, together with the- int~rest at the time dUEl', th6 party of th~ second part, for hlInl'telf, his heir~ and assigns shall and does hereby aeree that a~v an~ nIl ~oneY3 pain unrtor this ~greel'Jent on said prryperty sh8.11 bi.l: forfeited to the pn.rty of the first pftrt ~s 11quinat~d du.me.ges, and further agreAs in cnsit of :!ouch fA.ilure to surrend.er a.n dc- live!' 1l? p05ses~1on of said property ptH~oe~blY !\nd 'Rithout prOO&IH\ of lnw. IN WITNESS WHI.RY.o1-o' the Lla.rtias hel'$to have herounto eet the1<r hnnrla A.nd cen.lo th1~ sixth d~ or FebTunry, A. D. 190R. S3..":'_H~ 1 Cohen ~ ...", --> ' " ,... _..c....~. "''--~'-.. '.::0,,'7." ,."",.. Filed fo!' ~ecor1 at S:30 o'cloc~ A. AIl.':\r-:E18?r! :- Y. ~~~ch 15th, A.D. 190~. J. Jucr~~, ~ecord~"'. " ..$'-..s::....:'", -').;. ~\:'~ '~ " " " . ~', ~;~. \, ",,;i-." I.' '~: '<<..,' ''';' Myra C. IJ'Unb&rtson W. R. 1':J.l1ott ( ;;!.;ALl (SEALl -------------------------------------------------------------.------------------------ :;. I I . . _ ~".....-L,,- .--.--.- I J ) ! II " ~ " II !i ~ 'I ~ j " >> . ;, \ 'I " I' /. I; ii , U I II ~ ~ Ii 1: l' >\ ..] " i! ~ 'I ~ I, ~ :1 I. 1 " 11 ~ II 1 ;1 I. 'I