HomeMy WebLinkAbout1436 141 DEe 271961 , <1436 141 l.I~~JIlm~1T8llt5 :" nat '1, ~ hr., ! !-1. .... E ; JOHN W. McOOY AND LUCRETIA E. McOOY ~ .!! tht Grantor or Grantors, of th. and County of Jefferson ,and Sl~te '" Colorado for ondln consldtrotlon of tilt sum af TEN OOUARS and other QOOd one! voluabl. consld.rations to th. told Grnnlor Of Granlors In hond ,old, the ..celp! whereof II twrtby confttltd and ocknowltdVtd, hove oranttd, bo'9"lntd, told and conveytd. and by th... prtttnll dO htttby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL AND CONVEY unto The Department of Highwa.ys. State of Colora.do. Grant.., itlsuccessors and anlonl ~. th. fallow1no rtal property situate in lhe and Countyal Jefferson and SIoIt of Colarado,to-wlt: sq. ft. A tract or parc.1 of Iond. No. 326 aI Grant"'1 Project No. I 70- 3( 8 J26R containirIQ 32,495.0 ~ mort or 1.11. in the SE~ of Section 15, Township 3 South, Rar.ge 69 West, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, said tract or parcel beinG more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point which is S. 890 52' W. a distance of 555.05 feet. ar.d !1. 10 06' W. a distance ot 100.0 feet from the Southeast corner of Sec. 15, T. j ~., R. 6'1 vi.; 1. Thence S. 890 52' W. parallel with the south line of the SE~ of Sec. 15 a dista~ce of 324.95 feet to the east line of , .Dover Street; \", ~ \ ~'. " 2. , Thence S. 1" 06' E. along the east line of Dover Street a ~distance of 100.0 feet to the south line of the SEt of Sec. 15; 3. - Thence.N. 89" 52' E. along the south line of the SEt of Sec. 15 a distance of 324.95 feet; 4.. Thenee N. 10 06' W. a distance of 100.0 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. The above described parcel contains 3~,495.0 sq. N ........, If.ore or le3D. ~~., " 1436 U~ TOGETHER with 011 and sinQulor the hereditomentl and o~rtenonces IheAunlo belorlQlnQ, orin onywl. oppertOlninQ,and lilt "m- lion and _relonl, remolnder oM remainders, "nil, Inu" and prnflll llItrlol; and 011 the wate, rlQht, IllIe, Inlo"lt, clolm and demand whotlOtVl/ 01 Iho laid Gl'OI\loI or Gronlorl, ellher In low or equity, aI, In and 10 Iho oboYt bo'90lntd promll", wllh lilt heredllom..... and tho o~rtononees. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the sold proml... above bo'9alned and described, witlllllt appurtononees, unto lilt sold Granl" and liS weeessors and 05510ns forever. And the said Grantor or Grantors. for themselv", thllr heirs, executors and odmlnlstrafcn. do ~, arant, boroain and ooree to and with Il'le soid Gronlee and its successors and Olllonl,lhot oUhe time of the execution and detlvery of Ihese prellnt.. Ihey were well .11Od of lhe premises above conveyed, 01 of QOod,lure, perfecl,obIoIull and IndtflOllllle",oft of Inheritance, In low, In Fte Simp'" and hod oood rloM, full power and lawful authority to oront, borooln, ..II and convoy Iho .ome in Ihe mon...1rd fOrm aforesaid; that th.somtortt.... ond cleor from 011 othlf' orants, boroo!n., 10 Its, li.nl,lox8I.a'SllIm,ntl and .neumbra~1 of what- Iver kind or nature 10lver, by, throuoh or under Ihe Grantor or Grontors; that the lold Grantor or Granlorl will WARRANT AND FOREVER OEFENO Iho abovo boroolnod pre mi." in Iho quiet and peoeeobl. po.....lon of the sold Gront.., and II. .ueeo..ors and aulons, aQoinst 011 and every person or persons lawfully cloimlno or to elalm the whole or any port thereof, by, throUQh Of' under Tn. laid Grantor or Grontors. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ~c<'~,.,,?<',.- SiQn.d In the pres.nce of: A.D.,19~ the said Grantor or Grantors hay. hereunto "' their handl this ;/9 STATE OF (~, ~ .r a. c/o ) '1''"'''- J 9' l s,. ,i ;"0<1 County 01, . j:.-< r-~'--~__ ,l'. , \,\~\,\\l.~~,. ::"," '\ _ : S~.>;':h~'IOi~(~}~~;i..umenl was acknowledged before me thiL.!l.Eyot ,/ V( ,'/ .~omM(', N<:,~~D LUCRETIA E. McCOY ~X -_:',-:;:.,~ ,,';~.;.:; ,,". ,O"',I~t_\C :~':'h.l:~' ,. ~....- ..... ,".. . ~:"".WI:rNE.S6";in~$,ond and Official Seal, '<:~Jii"~~~\\ ~.., ~ ~ "'MyIQjPT\',r;ission Expires: / ~ /- STATE OF and County of 1~ 4;.)/) Ie" (j~-~ S6HN 'fi. HcCOY .f U LUCRETIA E. !{cCXJY -1, " ,,-t ''- , ~ I} l( ( ( .~ ;l) I c~/;1?b<,__ 19~/ ,~, C~~\( ~?, d.at1..d:~,-~~. Nolo,y PutlllC }ss by The foreQoinQ instrument was acknowledged before me this_day 0'_ ,19_, WITNESS my hand and Officiol Seol, My Commission Expires: > .. "'''-'' >- :5~ '" P. ~~ " "D :~ ~ ~ ~<: 0: ~:S M 6CD CJ: t'- .~ C"; H?:;C"'"'l g I~ ~ ~ ct;lfrg~ 0....J0. ~ ~~ :; R(~ ~ u ~ 0 >< ~ fi J<::; o ..., ,... 8 ';~ ~ .c::o .SZl"tl :r::e 'o~ o '28 .. C1)..... l~ ~~ III .c:: t- ,,, <: ~ u ~I Notary Public ~~ fEr4 'E ~ m '0 ~g ~.; ~ ~i~J<i'~il1 ~ t~~ a i l!~~:~~~" ~ j ~!r~.~~.~: 9 <.le~l 15~ 8 '0 ~ 1! ~., ~~. u. 0 8,1l~ ~~'C~ ~ ~I ~.1~~n~1 t;:; ~i,ll'6~15 11 ~ 1 pi g J .---. " ,....... ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ o IJ) a: UJ tt: w -, .. i i i ! "F~ ~ z ..)P ! ~ 1~~S I ~ ~ ~]!! ~ 1 ; !hl ~ I II . I I i