HomeMy WebLinkAbout1606 409 ~~)}g~.. - ~fJ.ot'.t. LOUI S S. HOLST AND PJ\CHEl HOLST the Grantor Of Groiltors; of the ana County of Jefferson ,and StOl' of CO]1"lr,qdo , for and in c:onsideration .ofthe sum of TEN DOLLARS and other good and valuable considerations 10 the said Grantor or Grantors in hancfpaid.th~ receipt whereof is hereby confessed and oc.knowledged.have granted, baroainBd. sold and conveyed, and-by these ......nl. do hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SElL AND CONVEY unlo The- Department of Highways. State of Colorado. Grante.. its successors and assigns forever, the followinC) real property situate in the and County of JeI fcr:::cn and Sf~te of Colorado, ro~wit: - SC.CtiO:1 1 sq. Atractorparcelofland,No.319 of Grantee's Project No. 17('-3(")26", containing: 33,(:O.o.{l mor.e or-less,. ill ;"lle 5k)4 of [he SE1 or Sl'c L.iUll 1';, TlJ\\;\t::,~i..i.p 3 ~0uUl'. P..;'i'i~C ..J:; ;;CGL.., of '.:he Sixth Prin~ir;;J :-Ieridi.:!n) in Jefferson County, Cnlcr~do, seid tr,1ct or p;;rcel bcint" more p;rticu] irly c1esc't"iLed ;:1[. f,'jllc~.".s: ft. lMfA ""t; c} Tile ..hove described p.'~rcel cnnt.nins 3.3,Cu0.0 '" i'"L. III01:"e or les5 T:"le Sou!:.,} 100,0 [eet of the .f' of the SE-Z of the S,:~ of thA SS.j; (If See. IS, -'-. _ S., }.~. 69 \'J. '" c: "'" :) ,~ :5 :.0 ....; .- -, '- ~.:l ~ "",,:':-"'~'1~~~-'~:' 'V~':'-,~' ~...-~.,..~.-"~,=-c TOGETHER with all and silUlula' th. hallldila"*1ls and aPPUrttna"'" thttIunta btlonglll9.cr in anywltl apptrlai.inv,CIlll tilt ..- ,~ and t'MrSionS. remainder ~ remainders. ..nta; iU~1 ond profitt thlreof. and all the "'atl, rlQht~ tltl.~ intl"si, clolm and dlmDnd wl\al$Ot""' 0" 'hO saidG""'I", cr Gr.ant..., lither in la.. cr equity, 01, In and 10 the abo.. bolQaIntd 1ft/Il1.... with Iht hartellt.m.... CIlll "'. appur1tl1Onc... TO HAVE AND TO HOLD /h. said preml... abo.. borQalntd and dtIC,ibtd. with tilt .ppu_... u.t. the said Grant".nd 1 its succ...... .nd assigns lat..... And the said Granlor cr G,,",'orl, 'or them..'.... ",.i, hei"....uI"" and admlnillratcn, do .-.ant. .~ gra!". borQain and aor.. to arid with Ihe said Grantee and ils successors and DSliQflS, that at the time of the IJllcution and delivery of J ~hH' P":~Sf~: they wered weh II seiZedd o~ 'he pr, emises above conluveyed, as of GOOd,lur.. perf~t, ablOlul t'd and indeflalh, ibte est~. of' inhe,itance,' ..,1. in k!w. in.... .mole, an ad oao rloht. ull powe, and law I authority to grant, Dargo,n, sel on con.ey I e some .n Ihe manIWand form aforesaid; that fhe same areffle and elsor from 011 other grant., baroain',la1n. lien','a...1ossessmttltt and ,ncumbroncn of what- ."er kind fII ftatur. lO'V". by. thrOUCJh or under the Grantor or Grantot'Si that the said Grantor or Grantors will WARRANT 'AND i 'FOREVER DEFEND the above bar,;ained premises in the qui.t and peaceable poss,slion of th.lOld Gran"'1 andi'. IUCCI'lors ]_' and assigns. against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim tne whole or any part thereof, by. throU9h Of unde, - the said Grantor or Grantors. t:::"~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantor or Grantors have hereunto sel their hands thili .J - e day of 111 ~~ L AD_, 19~~ Si9ned in 'he.presence of: RI.CHEL HOL ----- ~~ ,~-?- ;y{L~ , STATE OE ~h;--Cl q/ C) , r:r:a~d Q,u~~_J~ _ \......<..1 ( .. ":'.\.~...llie..,.,'c'~9. inlitrument was acknowledged 'f'(" ',( '0 ;/ ,\ ,~Oll~ S"'?~~! ST A"D RACRE:L HOLST ;"}. :'~l;a\ \'v :',..;' -:--- " _~~ ..,:~ ...W1TNE~.;:n~/hond and Official Seal, I - ~;"[;,-:;.,,...,. Ex - MY Commission expires 1l"..c. 5, 198' ~.~....9, /-- -f 1 ,d~ ""~ . y." ISSlon pires. '~t:;~llDl~' - ~ . STATE OF --} ss ----~ ond County of lss. befare me this~af J J:,' h .... , by The foregojng rnstrument '1'105 acknowledged before me this__day of WITNESS my hand and Offici.1 S..I, M~ Commission Expires: ____ ... ~ ~ ,,, c: ~1 lot o C 0 .j ~ ~ ~ c::.\:l C)..... n; en ~..:::: ~;: , ." ~ !e:.:~ I~ :5 1'.1') 0"" b~ ~;:Ii --a ~~, :S rr~ ~!~ ~ c:lo. v:l J tIl tIl H 5 ,..l S2 " to ._ "0 ::cf "5..9 o -s8 i- ~ CO i~ ~~ CLl ~ ... tIl 6 '" [;j ,..l ~ .... '" '" u -;] Nota', Public: ~ ii r!! r ~ ~ ~ z 8~ ~ll ~ ~ . l!l =.s.! J ~H l. r 'Er;u 8 Iii ~ ~ g~~f~ ~~ ~j~il '-r ~ g f!~ "61~ w I ~I-,)1l1 :a J .r>~U til t " 11 .8"11 .,; ,....L..., f I 1 ~ ! I ~ i j! I ~ ~ 1,1 ! ~ "Ii) J ! Ifill ~ = !hi ~ .19n ,19_. ! ':~ 'C f " >- I