HomeMy WebLinkAbout1640 152 00; )~)~) ""-,2- 1G40 1~ o Q ,1 ~, '1 8 J CE:n IF lED COpy 01' RESOI.UTIO;; lG10 1~~ Cr L.. fL,).1 \':'1 '\i3 \mF.RE.-\S. by .J plat 01 :: I'e~r."1 ;:.t<c'''\l\l::l 1:1 f"'C\: l~:n 18..,. m.! ~.'-l . ,,(. .-tJ- ra recorded in Pl.'1t nonk at pngc __I of the Jefferson County Records, cert:lin streets, avenues and all(~Y5 ~jlto\"n thct't:on Here dedicated to tl"~ pub il:, ,lnd \UlEREAS, tbl~ lo11o\....ing dc-sel- ibcd laud arc/is no lo11ccr necessary lor use by the public, and \,'IlERE/\S, said ltl...l .:1rc/1$ not tJithin the limits of any city tJr tl1wn and docs not .torm the boundary line of i.I city, town or CQU:1LV, <lod 11HEREN;, no l.1n<1 would, by.:l vaco.ti("ln of ~;aid ~rcJ. he Jelt wilhotlt an established public road connecting it witll another established public road, :\nd HHEREAS, the J~[ferson, Count)' Planninc Commiss ion has approved the 5did proposed vacalLon of ~ti~~ l-:m.J, THEREFORE, HE IT RESOLVED, bv the Board of County ConlITlissioners of Jefferson County, Colorado, ;Hlrsuant to ChaptC'r L)O, ,.rticl(' 1, CRS '53, th....t the folloving described le.:"d situate in ti,e County of Je[tcrson, and State of Colorado, be and it/tlley arc hereby vncatc(1, suhJect to n rescrvation of casements [or tIle continllcd use of existing gC"i.'er, g.1S, \,Iatcr or similar pipC' lineR <lnu appurLcn~lnccs, cxigting ditches nnd .:1ppurtenanccs, allrl existing electric, telephone LInd similar lines and appurtenances, i[.a~y T".to. .:~'-':. Cll~ (:~~'::1.,.. t ~J~~}f'\~"-;7;_~~"" ,..J~?f(~J ..l.:-(1~'1 _3_=- (_ "'7,' ... +''''o-f 't ... (;/ ; c... t:.' ~; It.1 ~,{.,_-t._ rYl ( /..-_ '-... . ,-,. _ ":_<,1-, _j',,; ~~'-":;"'C;it'tr ~.t"..-:;' 7...t\.../~._ ",\. t [;(;'n~.,~::.l ,i c-,;J-(l,.'-.s~G. 6( ,s:':_c.,j .:5 fa] 1 C'S'3: :It 1 :-ci:;t ,-,', 't.u .1-1'- ('1 ~" " (1 3 r~('cc: st:'i I ';.._z.... ;r.i:.t ; .9 __ ~ f :. '-, 1 t~. t.1~ ::"'/ .:~_ .t,;:' cf sa~r....;:I .i. I t..__c(,; :1011 :il",;, ~zi:x ,re of Cl .~-' .r-.rt, r:.J...'.13 c......::v~, ~ e C'._..:' I cf s~~.:h :-,~G~'-.s .~ 2: ;\., :.2S.'Jt of teL. .;7.,1;1 fe.;t ,..t_. r..l. s---,iu ~~c':":):t ~ ~:'~~<.l..~.:- 0... ~:-.J~ t'...l~" t__ i-'ci:.t --o;':--.icr-. ];f;'l O!l t:-.t ~.. J_ .L-' 21 ::;:~. foc~ :1tr1"; ~ " c..: ::;.:u";: ::_::<-< L...... :wh, ,'(c~t 1_J1l; '"l u..:..t<.::..:::' '.. ;..... _ ,~ t,ll.- I::" :. C1 >--'.?,.:::n;,in...." ;..-::.- ,'1. ~ I :~1::1~::~' l=',''-l:~::~ ~=~~,~.~:;..~..:,.:c2~~,~, l/~>i~f- ... ~,~~; ;/~~--,~~l~~:i -i -UU G''':'~'' :;='3~CI r.1:3'''::':~J' -' ,'1.<:' foll", :~: ::"_SL1:l_;._ .J7, 'J. !:ir.t :::1 t~;_ ','.:..Jt :_:;..: C'1 t;l.. ~tc-,"() '''','J('I..:l(.d str"it:. ''::;~;: rr.::nt ~,.~,. :~ch~ ;;g~~ <~~f;CY' C:,.:.~r'~_. ~..~,: :'~;/.~;i~:1~O:~:~j ~:,~;~~;~~':~~~:;::~l~~~~ i:'~;'::\:~; cl c ,. ~ _~ Uc f ~ _ ... ~ ~...; c i .~ ('f l... u-::.... STATE OF COLO;~nDO COUNTY OF JEFr-CRSON /,' (' I, Jc..-J.., / ~ ,~~, l,ounly Cl('rk Bo.:n;d of Cuunly Cor.-mi."si0I1L'I- G(~rtiLy that tht' l\ltl.nn pa~J:.('d ,1t t!H' l"l""tul.:J.r -_~l n:cC'ting sioners held 11:1 -L....I~_~.-=---- ./ r tlle_~inut~ Ronl( / ,,;,.,'\'~ . " 1/:);11_ . (.,?," 'I , ':,i" " ut;~~.: ,...:,.~~;;:;', :"...... c;...'. ."_" ":';':', ;",' " ' ~n(l I{~corde( aile! Clerk to the abnve is a trut' copy of a reSQ- ct the IIo.1.1"d '_'f CC1untv Commis.. a:; it itPi1C lrs on record in / -- .'" .' / ' ~ / I r ........,1...--- ;'ll.] Rl'cnrd0( ,:~',.j (.()unVy Cll'rk f .et ,. 1] b