HomeMy WebLinkAbout1640 153 ........ 164U 153 o 0 11 r: 0 U Recorded at.. ..........o'clock ...........M., P....ptlon No.Ofr1fiQQ .RN'order. r~ -~ Tills Dn:n, ~!.d. thl. ! clay of 1'''1' 20th JI In the year ot our fArd one thounnd nino hundred And :3...:t:, : pp SEr LJ iL 11 ,"; '53 1640 152 T~ :......... S. ) ,,",' J.; ::~l.~:..a.'..:t A. .31 r'h 11i',l.l ~r....'..'1' ..\. r. l~ C01..l,HY 0;' ,. I'fl'I'.20il betwMn of t~~'\ ,~. ... Ac, ~ '" .1...... ftnd Stl'ltt" of Colorado, of the tlTtlt pnt, I!.nn Cr"'-" r" ~c~., _" ('.I~t.... .:1.._ o.JiLc. f''Vj ". :;Jnh~ f '-. -'. County of "';,;:-::'-:F:':i;". .\ ~( .:. : ~ ~ 1 l _",f', (', .../:.'<' fr'r'e~ and Stata or Colnr"llo, of the ,,!'Cond part, WITNF.~RRTn. Thftt tho .r.ld parC ' S of tho flrllt part, for "nd in t'(ln!itll'rntion of the lIum of ~/ ~"..::c "'0,: C:.:,-_ ''-'.\.. ..l...~...,,I._ ,,~.......\...' j'".. ",,- - - - - -DOLLARS to th~ !'IBid pllrt: .s of the (Irlll pnrt In hl\nd pRld l1v tht' !'lAid )lBrt" 01 the !IN'ond port. tho receipt whrr""r b hereby conf(,!I!lrd and acknowl('d~"d, hl\ ". r('milled, r('leaIH.(I, lIold, eom'e)'cd Bnrl QUIT CLAL\fED, nnd hy thellc prcl'l(~Tlt..'1 do remille. rcl('ll~(" !lcll, convt")' and QUIT CLAIM unw the !laid pRrt" of the 1I('('ood pnrt, h...iMl, IU{,{,(,I!lOMl Rnd I\s!liJOms, forever, all the right. title, Intercl'It. claim nnd demnnd which t'IH' .Ilid part '1 of thr fi~t part ha ,., in and to the following d('lIcrlhcd lIituate,I)'lnl':' and beloJ:' in the County 01 ::.~:.1'( r'l~ nnd Slak of Colorado,w-wit: ....\:L' ","':~ fl~,-,t G... L_ ;.o..'lo.'IL...... ':'..l.. .)..:...~ ":1-.;- (~..: r~ ~ 'L~: t,'C-1i t..~ ("'/~' ('1 to.'w ~b..t.. o:~c-t.. r.j (1/,,.;' r'l :~~.,. .....v,,~.!t~ (...<--~. .:t,?I~. ~~:.' ......:?..,. . 3wL., 't:'j,..; ~_, ~..., 1: :'1iLi,' c,;!.~ t..~ .,:~;t ~ ,L;- .~d: (',:;: I (' t _ ','..:"t "~,.._"~.r (...,_' ,... :..L ~'r;!':l. ():'.w-.......l'.~ ~~/_: c... _..C...:. ....'t... ~ (..:.....' , "L_('.~"~: 1':.."i~ 'I tc ..:t:~~.: ~J ~.. t::_ "i_"t S'~.~., ':of ':....~- ,-._,,~,,: r~, .. :,,; fr'" :-. '.~ -"'..." :L;"Ic,. .It ti ..r; ~ c;~ t:."" .." .. ..j',e c~" r-, ?se:-.'L,''-' :l';.r~ '..,~.i,:h .C'~::.. d_.s '7.':'-~ ~e t ':0~~., c.:. t~,-, ,:: .;.....1'.11:..';' "'... ::'J..{' -.t:..... t ,1";'("[.1- .. c~ -+.: ;cr::t. :. _i' ~ ~',,~''''', t~l(' :;,,;~t..'l :.i 'r..:.c ..- JU.)~...<::: ..... I} fu.t ';,;. t c"~, .ic .ci...t, u t ~:...:,....;,CL; f f i- f t t~~ ~...'" r t..'~ '-;L3~ 11.:1:- _ i ,,,,: . \ (~..... ":1,1 -;.' r:- -;...:.,; iJ:""": i'_c:' ';:1';,; t..L:.<';_ y tL _1~t~<.:J' fr.. t t.... ;IL rl..~ cl L<' '1.1:' 'c. ~- ~.... t ., 18 / f r,~ A ",:t- ~. :~ ._r. ?J}l; j;(- ( , / Cr:.l.il; \D O~QI(,,!-,,-,~ (u_ ;'-"':. n. ':j~ ~' TO HAVE AND TO II '0 the !lAme, tllgcther with all and alnRUIBr the appurtcnaneel and pflvJ\('~el'l then:'unto belonJring or In anywiAe thereunto appt-rtninlng. and all the e!ltllt<" riJ:~ht, title, int.crt"st and claim what~oev<,r. (1f thf' said ptlrt ~ ,3 of tho flnt pllrt. either in law or equity, to the only proper u~e. benefit and behoof o( the lIairl part J of the lIe<'ond pllrt. ";'9 hell'1l and al.~ign~ forever, l:'i WITSF.~S WHEREOF. The Il'lid part of the first part h. and Ileal the da:i' and }'<,nr !il'!t llbove written, 1', t.5 -JLi hereunto !let hand SilVled. Sealed and Delivered in the Preaenee ot ,.-L':7tdt{1/ f;~'!:./.!1:<'::,/,.. j;:,. ';1-- II (/// !//tiC..t(Cl.. ......L(.. YI'~' c -1" r cc...-7: . /7< ;r"/~,.. , .ir:I.-~f/_' j,..t.,L.y::0t:..c.'L,~ 1 / , 1',/ ~;rATf: OF COLORADO, I JIIII. 1,\ ."\"IIII"'lt .,\ ~ \.!. f.. l) I,,~ ,,', .. ..,=.... fJ'/'o, ~ ; " -Mif"'~~;'~nf::' instrument wa1'l acknowledg!"d before me thll1 ::: / t;:,,().T.t\It.~J)~""',~Y" hOlHld E. Sh'-"<31"J', :.1ur 'or(~~ A. ','-', i "",""'~.:*;:;""1..\". . "., ~ P l..J 31o\,f.CorU~~ilon cxpirf''I J111y 15 ,1963 Witnl'1I1'1 my hRnd ami officia.l ~('a1. u~;j..~.. ~./~., .~:~),../ '... .... ,.' ~. ',J~ [) ,- r' "1\. '........ il. I..' ", "~\' II '''''lll\'' II 1 County o( Jerf'9r~on .21r't day of .Junc Sh'-'l;lr:)' .~n:l Fralll: 1. '\"''\1'' .. ..// N..ta,..,. I'llbli.. 1_...-<. '~"._'...r :"0'... ~, .".1 nnll el<.,"., [l",'d, SECumnl~ \~ ABSTRACT COMPANY .(,NI,.... (.....,. '..,......".'. .,_., .[SEAL] .[SEAL] .(SEAL] .[SEAL] C:1] ...'(';) $ t"'"