HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/23/2011L k E NVA " N Wheat Ridge Housing Authority Minutes of Meeting August 23, 2011 2. 3. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair BRUNGARDT at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29 Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Authority Members Present: Authority Members Absent: Staff Members Present: Cheryl Brungardt Joseph DeMott Janice Thompson Katie Vanderveen 4. 5. Kathy Nuanes Sally Payne, Deputy Director Dick Matthews, WRHA Accountant Larry Nelson Cornerstone Realty Betty Maybin, Cornerstone Realty Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES — July 26, 2011 It was moved by Katie Vanderveen and seconded by Janice Thompson to approve the minutes of July 26, 2011 as presented. The motion carried 4 -0 with Janice Thompson abstaining. OFFICERS REPORTS Dick Matthews distributed and reviewed details of the Housing Authority's balance sheet as of July 31, 2011. PUBLIC FORUM No members of the public wished to speak at this time. Housing Authority Minutes 1 August 23, 2011 6. NEW BUSINESS A. Marcie Emily — Parkside Townhomes Mike Torres and Jennifer Craver, residents at Parkside Townhomes were present along with Marcie Emily who manages the Homeowners Association. Mr. Torres expressed concern that, because the property is in a flood plain, financial problems have been created for the HOA. Flood insurance premiums have increased significantly and account for 30% of the budget which cuts into the contingency for other items, such as roof repair. The HOA as drastically cut snow removal and other services. Mortgage companies are calling to say the HOA doesn't have adequate flood insurance. Three homeowners have stopped paying HOA dues because they have increased so much. It is difficult to sell a property because of the high HOA dues. The high cost of flood insurance is jeopardizing the HOA. He distributed copies of the HOA's financial records. Mr. Torres, Ms. Craver and Ms. Emily asked if the Housing Authority might offer some solutions to this problem. Sally Payne will contact the City's flood plain administrator about any possible solutions and get back to the HOA. B. JCHA 3891 Moore Street — Bid Proposals Henry Wehrdt presented an update, with photos, on the rehab process which is about 15% complete. It has become apparent that the entire house will have to be rewired at a cost of $3 -4 thousand. Seven bid packages were sent out on High Court property. Mr. Wehrdt reviewed the three bids that came back. It was moved by Joseph DeMott and seconded by Janice Thompson to approve the bid from H &F Services for remodel services at 3891 Moore Street in an amount of $89,785 with a contingency fee of $5,000 and ask the contractor to come back with any savings on framing of the new family room and new gas fireplace unit. The motion carried 4 -0. C. Patrick Eidman — Fruitdale School Mr. Eidman introduced Michelle Chichester who is a Surveys Assistant with Colorado Preservation. Mr. Eidman stated that he would assist in the formation of a stakeholders group to pursue end use possibilities for the Fruitdale building. The Governor's Energy Office will send a staff person to assist with resources for the project. The State Historical Fund will send their deputy director. If Slater - Paul architects are chosen for the project, they will also send a representative. Housing Authority Minutes 2 August 23, 2011 The building is eligible for National Historic designation and he hopes to have the nomination complete by the October 1, 2011 deadline. He has history on Temple Buell but needs to do more research on Fruitdale history. The HSA grant application should be submitted within two weeks. Approval from the State Historical Fund should result in about $15,000 to do the assessment and then a subcontract can be arranged with an architect. HistoriCorps will lend assistance in cleaning up the building if necessary. (Katie Vanderveen left the meeting at 5:15 p.m.) Concern was expressed about preschool parking against the back of the fence as close to the building as possible. Ms. Payne explained that this will not be allowed once work on the building has begun. Mr. Eidman clarified that municipal -owned property does qualify for historical grants. Kathy Nuanes submitted Janice Thompson's name for membership on the stakeholders committee. There was discussion regarding other possibilities for membership. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Sally Payne and Cheryl Brungardt toured the property at 5610 West 36` Place. The property looks great and should be on the market some time next week. 8. OTHER Joseph DeMott suggested a property for possible rehabilitation. It was moved by Janice Thompson and seconded by Joseph DeMott to direct Cornerstone Realty to investigate the possible purchase of a home at 4505 Yarrow Street and that a possible bid should not exceed $89,500. The motion carried 3 -0. 9. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Janice Thompson and seconded by Joseph Demott to adjourn the meeting to September 27, 2011 at 6:20 p.m. The motion carried 3 -0. ' Cheryl IVrungardt, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Secre ary Housing Authority Minutes 3 August 23, 2011