HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1981 AND AUDITORS' REPORT ********** I'.'lef,,-Jc WEISS CARR & GRUENLER. P,C. ~g>uMi.c,8f~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1981 TABLE OF CONTENTS Exhibit Auditors' report Combined statements Combined balance sheet-all fund types and account group 1 Combined statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances-all governmental fund types and expendable trust fund 2 Combined statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances-budget(non-GAAP budgetary basis) and actual-general and special revenue funds 3 Statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in fund balance-policemen's pension fund 4 Statement of changes in financial position-Police- men's pension fund 5 Notes to financial statements Financial statements of individual funds General fund: Comparative balance sheet A-l Special revenue funds: Combining balance sheet B-l Combining statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances B-2 Statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balance-budget(non-GAAP budgetary basis) and actual Federal revenue sharing fund B-3 Park acquisision fund 8-4 Capital improvement fund B-S Building demolition fund B-6 Senior center fund B-7 Urban renewal fund 8-8 Fiduciary trust and agency funds: Combining balance sheet C-l General fixed assets account group Statement of general fixed assets by sources D-l Statement of changes in general fixed assets by function and activity D-2 'i'Lef~c WEISS CARR & GRUENLER, P.C, ce~ifd <;JiulJio.sfi~ 8751 East Hampden Avenue 0 Building B-1 0 Denver, Colorado 80231 0303/686-6882 The Honorable Mayor, Members of the City Council and City Administrator City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado We have eKamined the combined financial statements of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado and its combining and individual fund fi- nancial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 1981, as listed in the table of contents. Our examination was made in ac- cordance with generally accepted auditing standards and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. The fi- nancial statements of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado for the year ended December 31, 1980 were examined by other auditors whose report dated March 13, 1981 expressed an unqualified opinion on those state- ments. In our opinion, the combined financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado at December 3l, 1981 and the results of its opera- tions and the changes in financial position of its Trust Fund for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Also, in our opinion, the combining and individual fund finan- cial statements referred to above present fairly the financial posi- tion of the individual funds of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado at December 3l, 1981, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Our examination was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the combined financial statements taken as a whole and on the com- bining and individual fund financial statements. The accompanying financial information listed in supporting schedules in the table of contents is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the combined financial statements of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. The information has been subjected to the same auditing procedures applied in the examination of the combined, combining, and individual fund financial statements and, in our opin- ion is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the com- bined financial statements taken as a whole. February 9, 1982 W~~~~~,~C. Members of The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and The Colorado Society of Certified Public Accountants ~~ '.. ~ '" .,""'"O~r .....,. '\ , '" ~ \\ ",,\O.-tO) (""'l\O (f'\r\ Q U"I (""\coNoot'cS"l"'" ~ '" crcpct..,pcrMNMr- <=> ...If"'! 0\l"1 C"I t"'l t'l"'I 01 ..;;;'C;;;;';ll\~ ..; cO~";";O'lM ~ M A or-O\.....Ir-O.-l~ft'\ t- 0\ 0\ It''j(''''l f""' M (/I '" 00 tl'I.-I cr (""'l 0\ lI'(J'l\Oo,4'" <:10 .. ....0 '" .... r- .... '" '" M .. ..." <J> 0'" ..~ .t~ ...... .,.......,. \ .. '\ \\ ~",,,,o~'" ",,,, "'~<>"''''r-~''' '" ........ ~ "''''....r-r-.... ",r- "''''''''''....~o<> r- ~~ ~ ;~M~;;I"'.... ~~M~M;~<> ~ ...... 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O>~ll< ~...... c: .c:...... c...... ell 0 ::I:J nj nj.u 0 "" Po 0, ~ 1;1 !@ ~ E-l~I-lU~H::E Pl~UP"IllP"UOU uo ~oo l.l i:i l.l ::> '" CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO Exhibit 4 STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE POLICEMEN'S PENSION FUND Year Ended December 31 1981 1980 OPERATING REVENUES Contributions (Note 3): City Employees State of Colorado Total operating revenues $ 97,681 $ 80,160 97,681 80,l60 11,995 l2,Ol4 207,357 172,334 l89,874 lOO,522 15,762 220 412,993 273,076 92,753 37,294 4,080 92,753 41,374 320,240 231,702 1,119,422 887,720 $1,439,662 $1,119,422 Interest Miscellaneous income OPERATING EXPENSES Withdrawals by participants Insurance Total operating expenses NET INCOME FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR FUND BALANCE, END OF YEAR See accompanying notes to financial statements. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION POLICEMAN'S PENSION FUND YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 3l, 1981 Exhibit 5 Year Ended December 31 1981 1980 SOURCE OP PUNDS Net income Sale of U.S. Government Securities Increase in accrued interest $ 320,240 $ 231,702 26,l87 (l5,329) INCREASE IN CASH 331,098 l,09l,682 CASH, BEGINNING OF YEAR CASH, END OP YEAR $1,422,780 See accompanying notes to financial statements. 231,702 859,980 $1,091,682 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1981 1. SUMMARY 011' SIGNIP'ICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accounting policies of the City of Wheat Ridge conform to generally accepted accounting principles as applicable to governments. The following is a summary of the more significant policies: A. FUND ACCOUNTING The accounts of the City are organized on the basis of funds and account groups, each of which is considered a sepa- rate accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self-balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues, and expenditures, or expenses, as appropriate. Government resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds based upon the purposes for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities are controlled. The various funds are grouped, in the financial statements in this report, into three generic fund types as follows: Governmental Funds General Fund The General Fund is the operating fund of the City. It is used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. Special Revenue Funds Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources(other than special assessments, expendable trusts, or major capital pro- jects) that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. Special Revenue Funds of the City include the following: Federal Revenue Sharing Fund The Federal Revenue Sharing Fund was estab- lished to account for those funds received through the "State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972, as amended." This Act provides funds to units of local governments to be used for ordinary and neces- sary maintenance, operating expenses, and capital expenditures authorized by law. The Act also speci- fies certain restrictions and procedural require- ments. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES-(Continued) Park Acquisition Fund The Park Acquisition Fund was established to account for funds received and designated for use in the acquisition of additional parklands and improve- ments. Capital Improvement Fund The Capital Improvement Fund(formerly Sales Tax Improvement Fund) was established to account for funds received as a result of a one percent increase in the City's sales tax. The expenditures of this fund are to be used for capital expenditures as approved by City Council. Building Demolition Fund The Building Demolition Fund was established, during 1981, as a revolving fund. Structures are demolished at city expense, the property owner is then billed for the cost of demolition. Senior Center Fund The Senior Center Fund was established, during 1981, to account for contributions made to the Senior Center. The expenditures of this fund are used to support activities of the center. Urban Renewal Fund The Urban Renewal Fund was established, during 1981, with seed money from two funds to be responsi- ble for and seek to accomplish the redevelopment and rehabilitation of blighted areas. Future revenue may come from bond issues, incremental sales taxes, or other sources. No appropriation was made for this fund for 1982. Fiduciary Funds Trust and Aqency Funds Trust and Agency Funds are used to account for as- sets held by the City in a trustee capacity or as an agent. For the City these funds include an Expendable Trust, a Pension Trust, and an Agency Fund. Expendable Trust Funds are accounted for in essentially the same manner as governmental funds. Pension Trust Funds are accounted for in essentially the same manner as proprie- tary funds since capital maintenance is critical. Agency Funds are custodial in nature(assets equal liabilities) and do not involve measurement of results of operations. Trust and Agency Funds of the City include the following: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. SUMMARY OP SIGNIPICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES-(Continued) C. BASIS OF ACCOUNTING Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expendi- tures or expenses are recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial statements. The General, Special Revenue, and Expendable Trust funds are accounted for using the modified accrual basis of ac- counting. Their revenues are recognized when they become measurable and available as net current assets. Expenditures are generally recognized under the modified accrual basis except for accumulated unpaid vacation and sick pay. The Pension Trust Fund is accounted for using the accrual basis of accounting. D. BUDGETS The individual and combined statements of Revenues, Ex- penditures, and Changes in Fund Balance-Budget(non-GAAP Bud- getary Basis) and actual for the General, Special Revenue and Expendable Trust Funds present comparisons of the legally adopted budget with actual data on the (non-GAAP) budgetarv basis which includes encumbrances. All other statements ex- clude encumbrances, as required by GAAP~ expenditures ~re only recorded when the liability is incurred. E. ENCUMBRANCES Encumbrances, commitments related to unperformed(execu- tory) contracts for goods or services, are recorded for bud- getary control purposes in the general and special revenue funds. Encumbrances outstanding at year-end are reported as reserved for encumbrances since they do not constitute expen- ditures or liabilities. Encumbrances do not lapse at year- end for budgetary purposes and become part of the following year's appropriations. F. ACCRUED VACATION AND SICK LEAVE City employees earn vacation leave which may be either taken or accumulated, up to a maximum amount, until paid upon termination or retirement. Unused sick leave, in excess of 480 hours, may be converted to annual leave or cash upon re- tirement or termination. Such amounts have not been accrued at December 31, 1980 (Note 6). G. INVESTMENTS Investments are carried at cost, which approximates mar- ket at December 31, 1981. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES-(Continued) H. DEFERRED REVENUES-PROPERTY TAXES Property taxes are levied on December 31, of each year and attach as an enforceable lien on property as of January 1. It is the policy of the City to record the property tax receivables in the year in which the taxes are levied and to recognize the property tax revenues in the year in which the lien attaches on the property. I. TOTAL COLUMNS ON COMBINING AND COMBINED STATEMENTS Total columns are only presented to facilitate financial analysis. Data in these columns do not present financial positions in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Neither is such data comparable to a consolida- tion, inter fund eliminations have not been made in the aggre- gation of this data. 2. RESTRICTED ASSETS-cASB General Fund cash of $100,000 has been restricted by City Council for emergency situations affecting the lives and property of the City's citizens. Expenditures must be approved in advance by the City Council, or in situations where members of City Coun- cil cannot be contacted, the Mayor and the City Administrator can approve expenditures, provided a subsequent report is made at the next City Council meeting. 3. PENSION PLANS During 1981 the City withdrew from the state-wide defined benefit pension plan, with state permission, and instituted a defined contribution money purchase plan for its police em- ployees. During 1981 each participant was required to contribute 9% of their compensation with a matching amount from the city. In 1982 the contribution will increase to 10% from both the par- ticipant and the city. 10% is the maximum required contribution for the City; however, under certain conditions participants may contribute up to 15%. During 1981 the participants and the city each contributed $97,681 to the plan. During 1981 various investments of the fund were converted to cash. $1,375,870 was transferred to the Equitable Life Assur- ance Society as trustee. Per an allocation of assets statement prepared by consulting actuaries a total of $1,415,347 will be transferred, $39,477 is due to be transferred from a City of Wheat Ridge checking account. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 3. PENSION PLANS-(Continued) The City also participates in the Colorado County Officials and Employees Retirement Association Retirement Plan. This Plan covers non-police employees. The participants are required to contribute 4% (and can voluntarily contribute up to 10%) of their compensation from the City, the City contributes an amount equal to 4% of the employees' compensation. The City's contribution totaled $42,725 for the year ended December 31, 1981. The City has no liability under the Plan other than the matching payment. 4. CHANGES IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS A summary of changes in general fixed assets follows: Balance January 1,l98l Additions Deletions Balance December 3l,l98l Land and buildings$ 5,471,l03 Equipment 1,502,575 Highways, streets and storm sewers 8,llO,5l9 $l5,084,l97 $521,621 62,693 $427,826 $ 5,564,898 18,933 l,546,335 8.110.5l9 $446,759 $l5,221,752 $584,314 5. BUDGETS Budget amounts reflected in the accompanying financial statements are based on the revised 1981 budget as adopted by the City Council. The revised budget for all funds except the policemen's Pen- sion Plan is as follows: 1981 estimated revenues Fund balance carryover from 1980 Total revenues Total appropriations for 1981 expenditures $ 6,915,084 3,543,737 10,458,821 $lO,458,82l A budget was not provided for the Policemen's Pension Fund because in the opinion of the City Attorney, this Fund is not under the control of City Council and, therefore, is not subject to the budgetary requirement of Colorado Statutes. This reporting is also consistent with generally accepted accounting princi- ples. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 6. COMMI'l'MEN'l'S AND CONTINGENCIES No provision has been made in the accompanying financial statements for vacation and sick pay accruals. At December 31, 1981 the accrued vacation pay commitment was $l06,082, the accrued sick pay commitment for hours accrued in excess of 480 hours was $10,8ll, or a total of $ll6,898. As of December 3l, 1980 there are certain claims, suits and complaints arising in the ordinary course of operations that have been filed or are pending against the City. In the opinion of management, all such matters are adequately covered by insurance, or if not so covered, are without merit or are of such kind, or involved such amounts, as would not have a significant effect on the financial position or results of operations of the City if disposed of unfavorably. 7. LEASES In December 1979, the City entered into a four-year agree- ment to lease data processing equipment for rental payments totaling $18,397 annually. The agreement provides the lease is contingent upon the City's ability to fund the rental on a year- to-year basis. 8. ACCOUN'rING CHANGE Effective January 1, 1980, the City changed its method of accounting for encumbrances and property taxes, on a retroactive basis,to comply with the provisions of Statement l-Governmental Accounting and Financial Reporting Principles. The effect of the accounting change in the method of accounting for encumbrances for the year ended December 31, 1980, was to increase the excess of revenues over expenditures by $3,004 for the General Fund and to decrease the excess of revenues over expenditures by $308,195 for the Combined Special Revenue Fund. The effect of the accounting change in the method of ac- counting for property taxes at December 31, 1980 was to record property taxes receivable and deferred property taxes revenue to- taling $444,397. 9 . OTHER MA'l"l'BRS Council Resolution 757 authorized the establishment of a Police Department Bond Trust. Under this program (fundl the City would collect cash bonds from individuals arrested in the city and being held on warrants issued by other governmental units. The bond trust is a state-wide program. No funds were collected or disbursed during 1981. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION FINANCIAL STATEMENTS GENERAL FUND CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET GENERAL FUND DECEMBER 31, 1981 AND 1980 A-l 1981 1980 ASSETS Cash Certificates of deposit Accounts receivable: U.S. Government Jefferson County property taxes Due from other funds Restricted assets-cash Other assets $ 460,756 2,l02,241 $ 86,347 2,224,5l6 446,00l 89,842 lOO,OOO l2,769 6,099 444,397 616 lOO,OOO 9,964 TOTAL $3,211,609 $2,871,939 LIABILITIES Accounts payable Due to other funds Deferred revenue-property taxes Total liabilities $ lOO,697 $ 446,OOl 546,698 88,837 359,4l6 444,397 892,650 FUND EQUITY Fund balance: Reserved for encumbrances Unreserved: Designated for subsequent expenditures Undesignated Total fund balance TOTAL 47,985 48,783 years 2,352,lOO l,600,604 264,826 329,902 2,664,911 1,979,289 $3,211,609 $2,871,939 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS " .... '~ o~~l 00 ol~ " 01 "'0--0 "' Ot--MM .-<., 01 010--.-< N 0"'''' "'Il'" , , , I ".,,, .. 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CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO B-3 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE-BUDGET(NON-GAAP BUDGETARY BASIS)AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1981 Total revenues Variance favorable Budget Actual (unfavorable) $234,l84 $238,112 $ 3,928 7,500 43,302 35,802 241,684 281,414 39,730 464,228 28l,592 l82,636 REVENUES U.S. Government Interest income EXPENDITURES Capital acquisitions EXCESS(DEFICIENCY)OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES AND ENCUM- BRANCES (222,544) (178) 222,366 FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR FUND BALANCE, END OF YEAR 222,544 229,132 6,588 $ $228,954 $228,954 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO B-4 PARK ACQUISITION FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE-BUDGET(NON-GAAP BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 3l, 1981 Variance favorable Budget Actual (unfavorable) REVENUES Interest income $ lOO $ 740 $ 640 Charges for services 500 19,078 18,578 Total revenues 600 19,818 19,218 EXPENDITURES Capital acquisitions 3,350 l,589 l,76l EXCESS(DEFICIENCY)OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES (2,750) 18,229 20,979 FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR 2,750 2,813 63 FUND BALANCE, END OF YEAR $ $21,042 $21,042 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO B-S CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE-BUDGET(NON-GAAP BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1981 Total revenues Variance favorable Budget Actual (unfavorable) $l,834,000 $l,932,461 $ 98,461 353,026 353,026 19,570 19,570 l05,000 396,292 29l,292 1,939,000 2,701,349 762,349 3,6l5,000 2,9l9,383 695,6l7 (1,676,000) (218,034) 1,457,966 (65,5l8) (65,5l8) l,676,000 l,525,524 (l50,476) $ $1,241,972 $1,241,972 REVENUES Sales tax Jefferson County Urban Drainage District Interest income EXPENDITURES Capital acquisitions EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES(USES) Operating transfers-out FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR FUND BALANCE, END OF YEAR CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO B-6 BUILDING DEMOLITION FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE-BUDGET(NON-GAAP BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 3l, 1981 Actual Variance favorable (unfavorable) Budget REVENUES Interest income $ $ 488 $ 488 EXPENDITURES lO,OOO lO,OOO EXCESS(DEFICIENCY)OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES (10,000) 488 10,488 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES Operating transfers in lO,OOO 10,000 FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR FUND BALANCE, END OF YEAR $ $10,488 $10,488 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO B-7 SENIOR CENTER FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE-BUDGET(NON-GAAP BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1981 REVENUES Interest income Other Total revenues EXPENDITURES Other EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR FUND BALANCE, END OF YEAR $ $1,994 $1,994 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO B-8 URBAN RENEWAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE-BUDGET(NON-GAAP BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 3l, 1981 Budget Actual Variance favorable (unfavorable) REVENUES $ $ $ EXPENDITURES Other 74,5l8 58,202 l6,3l6 EXCESS(DEFICIENCY)OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES (74,518) (58,202) 16,316 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES(USES) Operating transfers-in 74,518 74,5l8 FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR FUND BALANCE, END OF YEAR $ $16,316 $16,316 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FIDUCIARY TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS '" C "0 ~ ~~~1 ~ " u .-< .. "''''''' "M~ ~ "'01 "'O~ '" 0 . I , I I , , , .o~ " .. .-<"'.. U" 0 U 01 01 '" C~~ U1 V> V> ~ OJ 0 '" < ~ .-< ~ '" 0 0 N ~ N '~ ~ C C C .-< .-- 00 '" <Jl .-< C " <11 0 ~ '" 00 '" Cl 01 0"" E.... - , , , , , Z 'M <11~ '" '" '" ~ 0 " '" ~" U C .. r- .-< 01 Cl "" OJ C ~ 'M ~ 01 .. <Ii 0< Ol <11 " '-<0. ><OJ ffi 0. " 0 .-< .-< 0 UOJ 8 .. V> V> CI Z:z::~U 0 filr/lQ)J:;Ll U to ~Cl <OJ.-< U '" .. ClZ -0 " Z<,....f~ '" <C1M H '" Ul '" E"qDD:l-1 Ul OJ< 8 ::H,,?CQ 8 < ~~~~ [;l ZU E S ~~~~ <11 " .. <>: ~ ~ 0 HO 8 ~ ~ >, UU ~ ~~ !3 " ~ >< " 'M .-< 'M ~ 0< Cl '" " ".0 U 00 +' ~ H ~ 0. 'M 'M m ~ 0 ~ C U U "" '" ~ " > 0, ~ <11 ~ 0 0 "'M ~ .... S '" U 0. U <11 '" oJ ~ .-< ~ ~ <11 U '" .... " '" '" " '0 C ~ . ~'" ,., 'M ,Q 8 c ~ '" ~ ~ o c.~ ..., H ::J.(.J~.-I " ~ ,,~,Q ~ '" ~ S oeOAl c" u.. '" " C U~ ~ ~ ~ .... ~ U 0 (/} W E ~ <11'-<'" .. " "" ltI tl 41 tIl C" ~.. OJ ~~ ~o U" '" ,,<11 Q)~"O"",,, O1",CU.ctll <11" tIl.-lwraU <11'" C UU" >C Q.1.c c ~ c"O >oJ -.-I t/l..-! 1-1 CO."", ~..... l'I3 Ql 0 ltI Q) " 0 .(.J O\~ :::l QJ ~ +J'O~8.-l> ~8 ltI C...-I n. e '0 1-4.... C '" ~ '" I-I......(.J " . <11 8.-1:30 .o~ ~ .. d1:> 1-1 ~(1lUl:::l 1-4-.-4\4.!.(.J '" ~ tf.I.c Odlj QJ Q) (1.1 . 1-1 ..:1.0<11 'O<1IC tmollluc:>:::>u 1-4 raP::: Cl> c'" " ltI 0 C 0 :il::o " " <JlU >:H '" Cl .. ~ H ..:I FINANCIAL STATEMENTS GENERAL FIXED ASSETS ACCOUNT GROUP CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO STATEMENT OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS BY SOURCES DECEMBER 31, 1981 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS Land and buildings Equipment Highways, streets and storm sewers INVESTMEN'l' IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS: Assets contributed to the City Cost and estimated cost of assets acquired by various funds of the City 0-1 $ 5,564,898 1,546,335 8,1l0,5l9 $l5,221,752 $lO,156,579 5,065,l73 $15,221,752 ~I .i1 0 N "' ~ ~ "' .-< .-- 0 '" .. uEoo .. c~'" N <Xl mu.-< <Xl .-< '" ....~ "' .. 01 nlCl.-< Ol 01 01 '" " nl V> ~ '" r- '" ~1 ~ c '" 01 N 0 01 0 '" 'M N " '" "' U " '0 V> ~ Cl " "' ;::; .-- ; , C ~ .-- 00 '" ~ ~ ~ "' '" '" WE W ""'" '" N '" c~~ r- 01 N H me 01 o.nl ~~ .... "''' U> .,. M .-- ~j ~ I Ul .-< N M C N .-< Ul ~ 0 8 rn 4-10.-4 "' OJ CC" 01 CIl 00" .-< Ul 0.-4 U.!J U> '" .., 'M " '" OJ .-< '0 Ul .-< .-< <Xl ~ ~ 0 " <Xl "'.-< ~ '" '" .... Cl H"'''' nl " .... N '" <Ii ,"0<'-< ~ C H ~ W N 0 .-- 0 C1> - C> .-< .. 00 ..., ;:i~'-< W ~ .-< 0 0<01 "'" V> U OJU Z"'''' OJ OJ OJ "ClOl ~ " z:i!tS >, 0 '" "' ; Cl . j .. M "' H H U ~ nl N 01 01 '" ZOJ u".... UlOCl C C<Xl N '" .... 8 OJH nlnl'" 0 .-< .-< ... "O<Cl .-<';.-< N .. 0 '" ZUOJ nl !i g~ Ol" '" '" nl'-< V> U.. '" .. 0 ..'" '" 0", '" '" OJ 0< 8 '" H Z U OJ tS 8 '" 8 E " Ul c ~ <Il E :;2 C ~ >, W " ~ ~ B > W "" 0 '" ~ '" m 0 H ~ ~ ... .-< m u u ~ ~ 'M 'M ~ ~ .-< .-< "" c .0 .0 ~ ; ~ " " m " 0. 0. 0. "