I, Ann Lazzeri, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment, do hereby
certify that the following Resolution was duly adopted in the City of Wheat Ridge,
County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, on the 26th day of February, 1998.
CASE NO: WA-98-1
APPLICANT'S NAME: Leonard Kearns
LOCATION: 2971 Teller Street
Upon a motion by Board Member ABBOTT, seconded by Board Member WALKER, the
following resolution was stated:
WIIEREAS, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and
WHEREAS, Board of Adjustment application Case No. WA-98-1 is an appeal to this
Board from the decision of an administrative officer; and
WIIEREAS, the property has been posted the required fifteen days by law and there were
no protests registered against it; and
WHEREAS, the relief applied for may not be granted without substantially impairing the
intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Board of Adjustment Application Case
No. WA-98-1 be, and hereby is, denied.
TYPE OF VARIANCE: A request for approval of a five-foot side yard setback variance
to the fifteen-foot side yard setback requirement for the purpose of building a two-car
detached garage.
1. There are other areas within the site which could accommodate the
proposed structure.
2. The hardship was created solely by the applicant.
3. There is neither benefit to the community or to a person with disabilities
but to the sole benefit of the applicant.
4. A nineteen-foot wide two-car addition can be constructed without variance.
Case No. WA-98-1/Board of Adjustment Resolution
Page 2
VOTE: Yes: Abbott, Thiessen and Walker
No: Echelmeyer, Howard, Junker and Mauro
Absent: Hovland
Board member ECHELMEYER then moved and Board Member JUNKER seconded that
the variance be granted for the reason that the approval will not alter the essential
character of the locality and that there is adequate supply of light and air to the adjacent
properties on either side.
The motion failed by a vote of 4-3.
VOTE: Yes: Echelmeyer, Howard, Junker and Mauro
No: Abbott, Thiessen and Walker
Absent: Hovland
DISPOSITION: A request for approval of a five-foot side yard setback variance to
the fifteen-foot side yard setback requirement for the purpose of building a two-car
detached garage was denied, based on Chapter 2, Article 3, Section 2-53 (d) of the
City of Wheat Ridge Codes of Law which state that Board of Adjustment motions
not carried are thereby deemed denied.
ADOPTED and made effective this 26th day of February, 1998.
L A MAURO, Chairman
oard of Adjustment
Ann Lazzeri, Secretary
Board of Adjustment