I, Ann Lazzeri, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment, do hereby
certify that the following Resolution was duly adopted in the City of Wheat Ridge,
County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, on the 26th day of February, 1998.
CASE NO: WA-98-2
LOCATION: 4243 Harlan Street
An interpretation to the Restricted Commercial Zone District to allow a
non-residential counseling and treatment facility as an allowed use. If approved,
the interpretation will be City wide, therefore, there is no specific site referenced.
Upon a motion by Board Member ABBOTT, seconded by Board Member THIESSEN,
the following Resolution was stated:
That reading Section 26-21 (a) which is entitled "Intent and Purpose", it would
seem that a non-residential office performing professional and personal services is
allowed in the Restricted Commercial Zone District. Following the general
principal of a cascading system of use by right, it would appear logical and
consistent that a use by right in the Restricted Commercial One Zone District
would carry over into the Restricted Commercial Zone District unless there was
an apparent reason otherwise.
Related to Section 26-21 (b) (1), it is this Board's view that the language in
question was included not to affect non-residential uses, but to provide for
additional process for residential uses.
Therefore, it is the interpretation of this Board that a non-residential clinic and
office for psychological, social, marital, development or similar counseling and
treatment, including counseling and treatment for substance abuse and alcoholism,
however, not including residential facilities or residential treatment is, therefore, a
permitted principal use in the Residential Commercial Zone District.
VOTE: Yes: Abbott, Echehneyer, Howard, Junker, Thiessen,
Mauro and Walker
No: None
Absent: Hovland
WA-98-2/Board of Adjustment Resolution
Page 2
DISPOSITION: Board of Adjustment interpretation that a non-residential clinic
and office for psychological, social, marital, development or similar counseling and
treatment, including counseling and treatment for substance abuse and alcoholism,
however, not including residential facilities or residential treatment, is therefore a
permitted principal use in the Restricted Commercial Zone District.
ADOPTED and made effective this 26th day of February 1996.
INDA MAURO, Chairman Ann Lazzeri, Secretary
Board of Adjustment Board of Adjustment