HomeMy WebLinkAbout1900 478 \c.. :~~~t ~'; t" ' ;~~>#t~;:;} : II ,~.." "oJ' .' ;\~~I 5 I I Rtcor4td at 0'(10(._ M 19_ ~J\tI.iII!'.HJl<l 20n7r,.,r; ""'''~'''' ;,"' ,,,,',,"' _ I 'l\no~~jiJ~mf5ffits mhat 11. Or bs. " , >iii" >>. ;", 'It ",;, '~"~i.~t\ . .,~ l j .'~j.t.'I'iO:t ". ~;~ lo'!:. OLI u,. Grafttor or Grantors-, of tl'le O"d eov"'y tf ",:-..'r~ '=1 ;i4:~'~-t;";'Oftd Sta" of Color~d:, . tOt' and oft COftlod..Q1,OI'l of lhe lul'h of TEN DOLLARS oM Of.... ooocS Oftd tOluable COftl~ toWtt told GtonIoror GtontOtl ." hQnd QQ>d. lhe' ~Ct,pt _I'ltrtol .1 """by con'"std ond oc~..... tpafttH. ~ IOtd on4 con..yed. 0"4 tly tta". elfru"t, do l'l"'bJ GRANr, BARGAIN. SELL AND CONVCY ....to'7';. The Department of Highways. State of Colorado. G'Ol'lIU.." wcunOfl ond 01\'9'" fort'tet. the folto-mo ,"11WOPIffJ SItuate "'... ..... Count,_ ...er~('r!. 'r. and SIO', of Colorado. 10."" ~~1~l~:",~~:" ~ ~ ,~ ~ ,.' ~ ",<1 :':'l. :o-.~ I..~;~l)pp~r~nt ....tBl'hvJ7'B, ~t,t,~ ..:~ C~:o:-td~. '.1 J' . _ C''''nt...'l tatus C)."l ac",l. Irore or l~&!I', in r.!:,f ..;, ':. . r. , ''',J~t. ~")r~-6l!'rW'...t., or tb~~ Sh,th f'rtnc~p',: ~''t':''.d~ ~. in . ~', ~ ~:,,~.c-~ ""t"P.1:~@'1 b~~!1g r:.ore i ir-leu !'\r ;; '.i"'"n:- b ::.:. -;>2':. "~t'~' Jr, ch tb.' ..~<corn(':- .! ..:<<t,~ '0 ...-0" ... :-B." r....tt " c' " ~ ., b' 'I l' fltu.('e' O'f' 35~O tt!t:" ~!} th.... nortr.~:-:j' r=- v" '..u!:;. :1(6); :,' r ,,-or,' ',~' .d r."'rt.h,'rl" pAi:.r.'t'-f'l<<h~' Or W'a.1 lint', U. r--',' ;0' ~.. h f.., " '.~.' c.....tb,. ~ 1/16,;11.... ?t "'" I..: "r '''old ,",':cn . ".-~. f'A;;,;Z',' ",..~J ;; I".. ~):!C:t. fl.. 1\'\~ a dlpt tnc~ ')f " ,,- r.("'. " ~ I. I,' . , ..0; ~~. :-- . "1 ~~p ~r.' 1 ~ ,"l ~'":,,. ~ : - ~ l'. C'. ~ '~r.". . ~ . ,nl'.. ,:' .. !'. 'Ir,( ':. J... .t~T 1!' !'~f.t : fe,.t); ~!' ''';1' .. :-e~t I,,; ,. " Of :11atllnee of ~76.7 reo~t to).: t:.... 8~1Iid. n 'r'.t:-~ 'ut~. !/ltJ i! ,. n l' '. Tr. nc-.... t, ....l~:'; r..: ';j' " . . ~~ ~r leas, t., tt. rJ~n... )f ~ -v' 'J, ~cr~~'1 pnrcr: c;-'nt"tn. O:~ __ ~re.; f.t-,il;~%:; PA.'lC!:;L 110.\68 B mora,' 1''' It-... y f ~.ll" r~' ,:"c":. of .l\nd ~o. 168 B or th'! De-p..rtrnt ~r Hlghvoya. to .t.t' )r C,lor8dJ, '!") C" ~-; , '; ").V~',..;':; ec ;. c)ntttlnlng 0.02_ 1IC'f'f'!8. more "r leiS, In t.he ~:* of t.hf :-;..l ,...t' ""ctian .0. :-""vnr,t:~f'I 3 S":Iuth, R.nge 69 We-at, or the Sixth Prlnclpd tJ" rldhn. in ~'ff"r!'."m ("':'mntv. (',lorltJ',. !:'dd tr,ct or percel ~lng more plllrtlcul"rl.,)' dcscrlbt'd '18 f) cvr, ;:.,.,...' ,:'. ~-'>- ''J~''''';t , B..ft1nnlr.~ at " pnint :In " north~rll propert)' 1100 troll which tht' nr"Jrth ~ corner of ""'('~lon ~('. T. 3.;., ~. b) tl . be1lro n. ~; ~?;';:1'" I., . !dlltunee or 1079.8 feet: . ~'~:"~:::.''0 -:hl!nce. .. 00. 00' 15" E. . d1at.lle'e~,~Ot>>l~.O feet: ~:':::s;-F;ittf~?:~ft. no. nct'. N. 64- 20' )0" g. " d1et~~.:~;~~:~,~,'S felt"t;: _~'~-'l,~,i';~~:"~" t' 3. Then,.. N. 00' 00' 15" 101. K dlltalice'or'l?ll!.9 reet. to the ..Id ..,U>,',', "~," I L_::_ l~Ou '1'i'~ CeontlnlV'd) ~ ~IUIi y;:1 r"': .~._~.. T 7().~(q,~,,...,.~ '~P(" rarl,:"} N.,. lC)t\ B ~h', t ~:" ~ 4 ....h.ne'.. ~1!on,.,: th,. ~'I!d north,'r1;y prn~rt)' Un". 5 740 )0' 'fl., 'I distance ('If ';> ? rt>..t. tt'::lTl' lr 1"'.8, to the pc'lnt or b"glnnl~. Th' Ib lV,. d"f:C'rlb,'d vlrcel c:mt8ins 0.0.::4 acree. more .'T 1.'s;.. ~~q P'\RC~I. 110. IbR C 'l t:",";.:~, "'r r-,:-c", o~. 18no No. 168 C or th~ 0. P'lrt:r.~nt '~r Hlp'tw"IYs., ~~tat~ :'lr C:>lond'1 " ~l' . 7')..,'4' 't.'... ::"c~l:)n ') c"'ln't'\in\ng O.32r;, hcr~r.. ~~:"~ 'T 1. ss. 1n thr ~'~ ="f ," .,:', c~i':m O. ;wn!".t'.!p 3 ~-'uth, fhng.. b'l 'Jest, ('Ir ttlf' ~~~xth f'rfnclpa1 Mer:d..~jn. I'r; '~. \.~('\unty. r.....'or ld), "1'lIid tr:.ct "1' pt.rc,.t b-:l~ ~or~' p'Irticu1urly dcsC"ri'tl"d r"l. m..!" ~ .. ' p.,. n:.~r.,ll "J" " r'"' nt )0 :l pr.... rty Un ~ t> ^.. t:;. -1TS :L OJ. 40. 30" ~:. frJotr .",.t:~C'h thp fl 'r~r. ,: ('.,:"tl" .. ulst.ncc ~f 11~.3 f~et: .,t.v ~ 0r. c, f 1 .r,..rc.... 't O~ th.' sdd pr",p'rt111~, N. 74- 50' t.. n di~bnc~ of )1 ~ :,..."t t ~ ~r. n,rth~5;)uth ~ linn ..:If 1"ld St'ctlon ;.::0: 71".. tlC"'.h ..,f.l! th.~ s:.!d n',r'.r.-,"~u..tl t :\n~. N. 00. 00' .' _.. j 1ic' .ne ':. .... 1, .. h d h; tnm:C' nf )0.0 rl~.::t: " ,j t!lnc"_' ,.1' 1]2.0 f"'-"~ : d...:-t'ln:-'" of _0'.7 f. et. , '. 'r . ~. 1 ':,' l .. .' ~. r . )- 1 ). 1 b'.g 1::'. ... l.~ tro cw d-:'~(,:".b.1 r'.!'c,'; c:'nbinr: O.~2c, 'te:""s. t'O:'~ )!' :,!:r;' ,~. .....y O)!, th~ r'rps~nt tl'l6d. ,f' "raier. VhQ.. 'JoC:"' S l.'~:, . F? -. I .... I "".,..~ ( '. :.;:..... C... C:--o l.. :x: ... - , l.. ,~ ,. & I I I ,- \:!Ot, ~ 79