HomeMy WebLinkAbout1902 545 P\ -: J"~ 0;) , ',- '.f (. ?11 r:1 II .......u................ .... I I J;, j ) i-It J IN TlIE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR TIll COUNTY OF JEFFEI'..sON AND STATE OF COLORADO CIVIL ACTIO!'; NO. 25115 BOARD OF C01Dfl'Y COMMISSIONERS Or- JEFFGRSON COv1r.rY, and the DEPARTMENT OF IaGHWAYS, STATE OF COLORADO, Pet1tloner3, VS. RULE AND ORDER V ARCO , INC., -al'ld PM;";;: S'i.' 1.mJ110 as Treasurer of Jefferson County, Respondents. THIS MATTER came on regularly for hearing thin day upon the Commissioners' Certificate of Ascertainment anJ Assessment filed herein on the 16th day of August, 1966, which Commission was duly 8ppo!nT.~~ to determine the compensation to be allowed the respondents interested in Parcel No. 140; and it appearing to the Court from the records end tiles her~in that all persons interested aa owners or otherwise, as appearing of record, hav~ heen Joi,\'ll;ld herein as parties respondent and that the Court has ~Jll and complete Juri~diction of the subject r.atter of .1 this action and the parties the~etQ~ that nc.;1co boG baen mndc upon all interested parties as required by law; and that the commission, litter hearing tho proofa and alleg!ltion~ of the parties, and after viowing the prominee, did find and determine in accordance with Chapter 50, Artlclo I, Section 18, C('llc';'~.1do rt6viaed 3tatute~ 1963: 1. ThO !iccurate deccription of tho Inn!! t~l>?n. N 2. The value of tIle land 0" p:'operty nctull;t:ty taken to be ~2, 1150.00. ~c.....) -, c ~-:; r; -" c.. : :,., -" ;.~.~.; .. . ',", -; ...~, ,t ~~.; t"HI:: ',1:) '~:;];~F2;r-~:J."~s;\:,,"~;;""~,~,1:f;:::~[ti:;;~~:'''",',.... , . 'n " l~HlZ ::>1l; THE COURT FURTHER FINDS that the petitioner3 have depoaited .;. with tn~ Clerk of this Court ~he :HJm of ~2J78o.78, '1:1h1ch nvm repreeent~ the amount awaraed by the Commioo1on, together with reapondentn. 1n~crcnt ne e.llo~!ed b;,' IaN (~~'35. (8) ancI allowable coats in the sum of $295.00, and therefore; " IT IS ORDERED, AD~JDOED Ahu DECREED chat parcel No. 140, described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and lncol'porated herein by r~rerence, has been duly anu lawfull=>, taken by the pbt.:!.t~Q!1'21'~ pursuant to the Statutes and Constitution of the St~te of Colorado; that the interests of the respondents in ~aid parcel have been acquired by the petitioners and that tit.le to said property together with all appul~enances thereuntb belonging, 1s hereby vested in the petitionersl IT :IS FURTHER OnDERED that a certified copy of this Rule and Order be recorded and indexed in the office of tho,) Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson County, in like mann~r and with like effoct as if it wer" a Deed of conveyance from the owners and parties intere.ted to the petitioners berein.. DATED thie .'{1.tl day of _ <t LJ7f:.~.t. ,A.D.. 1966. . " / BY THE COURT I " /; j-.L. -1 ~ ,- Judge t "-Hl'" ~:"1':~ 2 ,:c." .~~.~,...~~"'I'!';~~""1"m"'.T~.j, '_-:.'~':f.1t...,.......>,\, .'1' ~~~:. 'r'\'l"'_'r-:~Il>'t'~ ~ ~.tJ)-':'i't'''''<l''''',r''''~'F'' . ." . '~, :,:t ,{.>t, ,I ,,;,. . (:Y...' ~::~"... .:r'~.,,!/~~/!:', ,Jc;'':;''i,,_, ':;:::;,.~',_ -';t:;;~ ;;~~~",,:~:~~';;~~r""~i:':-'!"?"C:" - .<t".