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44th & Ward
roar Yana rlaa 1Laa YOa1 �� �'� out gala atw am amr amt 4Lm 90x1 ��� � aa arar amr aCw wa. � amr war alar cmr um sLw a La511 — LtatL ill — �I /l I I Lmll OM �- lan erm ama � WY�I scau 1 IOEI dwell MONO OL 1 Pasodo�d 'C J co d Q C d III Vl Q t OWL m", OLrtL cmr — OclLL I i f � I I arcr oom '1S UBI }Am S I � NO cm alm aLm._ OK► owl S UOUO scm mm' So mw� s m Km m a� an es A.L N C 0) m c y m Q m E C (D c � 3 U � m m U W J C � C .2 _U .� O Q U) � c f9 E E a a) U y C N N f9 U 0 O F m 0 Q t OWL m", OLrtL cmr — OclLL I i f � I I arcr oom '1S UBI }Am S I � NO cm alm aLm._ OK► owl S UOUO scm mm' So mw� s m Km m a� an es A.L w kCity of Wheat Ridge October 2001 Prepared by: Arthur L Anderson and Associates, Inc. Waterton Planning Group West 44th f # # / #:. Rede Tabk of Contents Preface I Plan area 1 Il: Plan Purpose 1 III. Plans .Relationship to .focal Objectives IV. Project flan A. OverallRedevelopmentPlan 6 B. .I.andAcquisition 8 Land Use D. NvwzeImp=w?az p E. PublicImprovenzents 8 V. Planning and Design Standards VI. Procedures for Implementation entation 1 A. Project Activities 11 B. RedevelopmentAgreements Z VII, Financing 13 A. PublichnancingMec6nams 13 B. TaxlnawnentBonds 14 Tax Increment Reimbursement 1 D Capital Improvement Program 1 E Other Financing Mechanisms 14 F. Authorization 16 G. T IFI etails 16 H Alternative Utilization of TIF 18 VIII. .Relocation 19 A. Objectives 19 B. Relocation Plans 19 I.X. Reasonable Variations 19 I III 1 11 1 1 ill PEP I I I I; I I! I I III I. Plan Area The Urban Renewal Area (Area) is roughly defined by the following boundaries: Tabor Street • the east, Interstate 70 to the north, Youngfield Street to the west, and an irregular line to the south of West 44th Avenue. Figure 1 shows the configuration of the Plan area. A legal description • the Area is found in Appendix A. The Urban Redevelopment Plan (Plan) for the Area located in the vicinity of West 44th Avenue and Ward Road has been developed to achieve, • illustration, the following purposes: LM ill g p I I I �� I ��� I jlw� q � 1� ME= EM Wheat Ridge West 44"' Ave. and Road Urban Renewal Plan I Nm Figurel: Plan Area -Ward Road/West 44"Avenue qp�'Iipp�lpi The Urban Renewal Plan is in conformance with the 2000 Comprehensive Plan. The Wheat Ridge 2000 Comprehensive Plan, has identified some of the following goals for the community: Additionally, the Comprehensive Plan has identified goals related to future land use, commercial development, quality housing, and environmental sensitivity. The Plan places emphasis on the following goals: OM Ave/Ward Wheat Ridge West 44 Road Redevelopment W. Wheat Ridge West 44" Y. Road Redevelopment Plan large "Small Scale Commercial" - To the west of the smaller shops services is pro.. provide variety of services for residents and non-residents, such as restaurants, convemence stores and gas stations. .access to each site will he determined as part of the redevelopment project or projects. Located south of West 44th Avenue, a proposed community commercial center may include the following uses: following the area may include the w N M EM 'IAI ---1 I I-2 � m �� Co M M UN ITY� CO M M E RCI AL �EI 0450 Rdoop I F— MMLP-CIAL f f I c ip Lxi-'5TIN(, P-E-51PEATIAL Page 7 Plwot)[-P 1 ON/Off AMP 00or COMMUNITY COMM[RCIAL LAiz(;L FORMAT W 44th Ave. CoMM UN ITY Co KI M E-RCIAL OFF EXSTiN(� f f lCF- [X-5TIH� -6-1 cf) L- 0 -0 m Tp-AN-51TIONAL P-LNPLOAL com m u N ITY COM M LIZOAL TR , ANNTIONAL iZE-51PLNTIAL RE.-'51PLNTlAL i rr . N i and Improvements Acq uisition enc oura • e t 1 rivate re ment o f 1 to e within the Plan A p ower !. l an d a '1111 11 riia i ".T ! M � C. • Use • P g f • • munici sales tax generating retail and office o borderin resi neigh borhoods. w est end o f W est 44 A venue bet ween i • Road is designated as a retail/service area. D. Private Improvements A • AmbitecturalDesign Manual and this Plan. All new development and redevelopment be reviewed to insure that development is in conformance with this Plan. Author is HILCUL 01 LHIS r1all aIM"Way PlaCC SUCII COVU=07,1 I I Ll 4 NO 0 the Area as it deems appropriate. E M N IT7 I I I 0 i 1 1 1 111111 1 � I � � ; � • • ' 4 EM= • V "NO paragraph of the Manual. OREEMM= • Coordinated signage • Detached sidewalks where feasible • Screening of parking All proposed plans submitted for redevelopment of the Area must address these elements. in general the streetscape should consider and/or incorporate the following improvements in the Manual. Typical arterial commercial streets will have a required streetscape easement along the traveled way. This will consist of a 4 to 6-fo• t landscaped area, a minimum foot width sidewalk and a seven-foot amenity area along the travel lanes. All crosswalks should be enhanced, therefore more visible to vehicular traffic with the use • scored concrete and concrete pavers to define the intersections. The use of street trees to carry the visual image from the residential portions of West 44th Avenue through this area is important. Street trees provide the pedestrian scale and esthetic appearance that is necessary at this gateway into Wheat Ridge, Screening of parked vehicles adjacent to the pedestrian streetscape will be important in this portion of West 44th Avenue. The use of fencing combined with low walls will provide a unique effect along this portion of the roadway. +� ,� . i � 4 i � i # a # M � � �' a * .� s " !. i MIZIMM= These include all powers defined in the Act, such as but not limited to: The sequence of projects will be determined by the actions of the private sector. The large commercial format will probably be the catalyst for redevelopment of the Area. The Authoritr, is encouraxed to seek a user for this uniAue site as the first �$riorn;X. Future redevelopment should follow this action. The City of Wheat Ridge and the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority recognize W- 10 MURCI WIN CIMIL, LIM k.,ILy TV Lue 7TILIMLy nave enmr VU111 assist each other in redevelopment efforts. EM « f M pr 3. Owner Participation A Another technique that can be used to implement this Plan will be owner participation agreements. Under terms of these agreements, certain public investments r o ccur. private reinvestment or new investments are to 4. Intergovernmental Ag reements �e tut • +;, redevelo mm NMI, uses all(I all -c WrMa' services to effect 5. Enforcement of Codes, Law and Regulations The Act addresses authorization for the elimination and oreventio oTpro c odes , Area in compliance with and by adherence to applicable .g and plans addressing the purposes of the Act. E M OMEM= wm Wheat Ridge West 44" Ave/Ward Road Redevelopment Plan The Authority may issue bonds to finance the administration of the Plan.. The '41w7w 'niow v " w ra&ta—nd issuance- costs of the financing. Bonds supported by TIF are not required to be guaranteed by the city or any other governmental entity. EMU= MM= The following are illustrative of some of the financing mechanisms available to the it of Wheat Ridge to finance this Plan, subject to constitutional restraints or requirements. WM Wheat Ridge West 44 Ave/Ward Road Redevelopment Plan nancin Description Applicabty Advantages Requirements • • Area Mechanis Property Tax Anticipation Bonds M MAKSIVIAMMU - municipal vote requirement - may require majority vote of property owners in district backup for bonding UEM Wheat Ridge West 44' Ave/Ward Road Redevelopment Plan G. TIF Details Section -5 7kcT, ?ro7rU=escrTpLT*TT . - - I - - WI this Plan. The description relates to all property and municipal sales taxes generated within the Area. 1. The effective date of this plan shall be October 22, 2001. The last date of certification of assessment of taxable property within the boundaries of the Plan Area was September 15, 200 1. The base year for property tax valuation shall be 2001. EM • 11 �� • 11 • • the month o f the year 20 prior to March 1, 2002. The twelve month period base year for the division o f sales taxes shall be January 1 2001 through December 31, 0 divide 4. The ad valorem property tax and City sales tax shall be according to such Section 31-25-107 (g) of the Act, for a period of a effective date of this Plan. 5. The division of City sales tax generated an d collected f rom within the P lan Area shall be as follows:: a. The base year amount shall be paid into the funds of the City annually commencing on January 1, 2002. with additional time to establish necess accounting and record processing systems. I b. One hundred percent • amo unt ex penses base year shall be paid into the special tax increment fund of the Authori to be utilized for debts and all other o bligations de posit related to the carrying out this Plan. d. All interest earned on the • Auth increment revenue fund shall be paid into the tax increment revenue fund of the Em Wheat Ridge West 44 Ave/Ward Road Redevelopment Plan Furthermore, the details of the utilization of TIF may also be provided by agreement between the City and the Authority. WM Wheat Ridge Road Redevelopment 1. To prepare, adopt and implement relocation policies and procedures in accordance with 31-25-1,05 of the Act. 2. To establish an information program to advise businesses and individuals to be relocated of property . To keep businesses and residents of the Area informed of the progress of the redevelopment. business, family, tenant or individual is relocated. Such policies shall include but not be limited to the following provisions: 44 Mal"0111 4' ° Y ' APPENDIX A LOW Description to w il 9 N r3 The area described above contains 2,851,196 square feM (65.4545 acres), more or less. I The drafter of this description is David F Brossman, P.L.S., prepared 10/11/01 on behalf of the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority, 7500 W, 29"' Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80215- 6713, and is not to be construed as a monumented land survey. S s rL Ward Road/West 44th Avenue Urban Renewal Plan LM MF • • • r s . LE r I N MEN i M rt I I mums= The Urban Renewal Area (Area) is roughly defined by the following boundaries: Tabor Street to the east, Interstate 70 to the north, Youngfield Street to the west, and an irregular line to the south of West 44 Avenue. Figure 1 shows the configuration of the Plan area. A legal description of the Area is found in Appendix A. I An Urban Renewal Plan (Plan) for the Area located in the vicinity of West 44 Avenue and Ward Road has been developed to achieve the following purposes: A. To eliminate the existing blighted conditions \ ~_~ ^ � \ ' | ' ' / | �. | / ! ' / ! / � / • IIIIIII IIIII I ffl�gl lI liI� l�I III III! III I I I� I 1111=�� H. To develop projects which reflect an image of quality development, through good landscaping and design. I. Provide a fair and equitable relocation plan for existing businesses. 1 1 1 F III. Plans Relationship to Local Objectives The Urban Renewal Plan is in conformance with the 2000 Comprehensive Plan. The Wheat Ridge 2000 Comprehensive Plan, has identified the following goals for the community: Additionally, the Comprehensive Plan has identified goals related to future land use, commercial development, quality housing, and environmental sensitivity. The Plan places special emphasis on the following goals: 5M Mm I ' am The following is a description of the Plan found in Figure 2. Located north of West 44 Avenue, the community commercial center will include the following: am • "Small Scale Commercial" - To the west of the large • commercial site, a cluster of smaller commercial shops and services is proposed. These businesses provide a variety of services for residents and non-residents alike. 0 Access to each site will be determined as part of the redevelopment. Located south of West 44 Avenue, the community commercial center will include the following uses: Lim SIR 1 10 1 IF � 11M I � I� I q III MUMMEM Lake shall incorporate pedestrian amenities allowing use and enjoyment of the adjacent open space. A landscape buffer shall screen the back of all buildings from public view. Located at the intersection of West 44 Avenue and Ward Road and Youngfield, the area will include the following uses: • "Neighborhood Commercial" - 'the western end of the Area sees a large volume of through traffic, from Youngfield and Ward Roads to 1-70. This is area is designated as neighborhood commercial to encourage development of services. ].* '* This designation varies from the Future Land Use Plan, which calls for Office use in this area. % � MEMMMMM Negotiating for land acquisition for the relocation of the access ramps for 1-70 is the responsibility of CDOT. OM w MWESEM intersections of Youngfield Street and West 44th Avenue and Ward Road and West. 44 Avenue, flood management and drainage improvements. RTD should be consulted concerning location of transit stops as the area redevelops. Ili I FRIFF 0 '1 1 IME I 2MzU= V. Design Standards The City of Wheat Ridge Streetscape and Architectural Design Manual describes standards for the Arterial Commercial streetscape of West 44th Avenue with the following design elements as found in paragraph "gzlgx= In general the streetscape should incorporate the following improvements as found in the Manual. Typical arterial commercial streets will have a required streetscape easement along the traveled way. This will consist of a 4 to 6-foot landscaper area, a minimum six-foot width sidewalk and a seven-foot amenity area along the travel lanes. All crosswalks should be enhanced, therefore more visible to vehicular traffic with the use of scored concrete and concrete pavers to define the intersections. The use of street trees to carry the visual image from the residential portions of West 44th Avenue through this area is critical. Street trees provide the pedestrian scale and esthetic appearance that is necessary at this gateway into Wheat Ridge. • Screening of parked vehicles adjacent to the pedestrian streetscape will be important in this L� I Jill JJllJllJi,J I Will ll 11 1 �l Jill MWEEMM portion of West 44th Avenue. The use of fencing combined with low walls will provide a unique effect along this portion of the roadway. The Architectural Design Guidelines provide guidance for redevelopment of this area. The following specific elements should be considered when projects are reviewed: is • t 3: ' . Pi IF • • .. M * . mwzmzmm s Y a 14 V! 1 1 19 MMI0M 1 11 �I 111 MWMMMM M Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority may exercise all legal powers without limitation to implement this plan. These include all powers defined in the Act, which include but are not limited to: The sequence of projects will be determined by the actions of the private sector. The large commercial format will be the driving force for all future redevelopment. The Authority is encouraged to seek a user for this unique site as the first priority. Future redevelopment will follow this action. 1. Public Private Partnerships W� physically and fiscally successful. The following are several primary mechanisms, which will insure that these private actions will occur. a. Disposition and Development Agreements (DDA) b. Owner Participation Agreements C. Other Legal Arrangements The Authority can join in any legal arrangement to effect the implementation of this plan. NM III 111irr IwIl l� 1 1 1 i ZEUMERED= Public Financing Mechanisms wM I III "I I III M 1 1 M 1 , 1 IF MMMSMM ME= 4. Capital Improvement Program One of the primary ways the City of Wheat Ridge can Wheat Ridge West 44th Ave/Ward Road Urban Renewal Plan 5. Other Financing Mechanisms The following financing mechanisms are available to the City of Wheat Ridge to finance this Plan subject to constitutional restraints. 7i7 nc pill Applicabil Advantages Disadvantag iMechanism ity es to Area ENTAM M, Special, District Bonds - issued by City requires municipal vote - payable by general fund or ad valorum, mill levy -City creates district for special improveme n -majority vote of property owners needed to counterac t district creation assessmen t based on relative benefit to property owner - City issues bonds payable -public improvemen is - backed by City's f aith -Backed by City's faith - municipal vote requirement - usually require backup for bonding. WM 1111111 "1 *. M • f .Y: d • R.:w w � * I�d • I by revenue Sales and -°e bonds - public Property issued by improvemen Tax City is Anticipat i.on. Bands �eas - City or public - leasi City or Revenue Authority improvemen revenues public Bands awns is provide corporation property greater such as - leases surety for Authority to bonding must become developer than developer. -- rental income fee is revenues used for bond repayment. w � * I�d • I I III � I � III I M I! I � l � ' i 1 MOMMEM W� MW I ME= after the effective date of the adoption of this tax allocation provision, as follows: 4. The property and City sales tax shall be divided according to such Section 31-25-107, for a period of twenty-five years from the effective date of this Plan. 5. The division of City sales tax generated and collected from within the Plan Area shall be as follows: a. The base year amount shall be paid into the funds of the City annually commencing on January 1, 2002. with additional time to establish necessary accounting and record processing systems. W� I MUMMEM b. One hundred percent of the incremental amount in excess of the base year shall be paid into the tax increment fund of the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority as required for debt service and other expenses. d. all interest earned on the deposit or investment of funds allocated to the tax increment revenue fund shall be paid into the tax increment revenue fund of the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority. 7. In connection with the issuance of bonds, the Authority will establish such other funds and accounts as may be necessary to: a. Service the debt on bonds, loans notes and advances, and b. Create a debt service reserve to cover a portion of the debt service on bonds, notes, loans or advances. 11111 1-1111111111 Jill gil li� MW III MERM M r1 QMMi�� 1. To prepare, adopt and implement a relocation policy and procedure in accordance with C.R.S. 31- 2 -10 (1)(i)(IV) and 31-25-105 (1)(j). 2. To establish an information program to advise businesses and individuals to be relocated of property and facilities available for them. 3. To keep businesses and residents of the community informed of the progress of the redevelopment. C(OPY CITY OF WHEA'r RIDGE, COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 27-2001 Mffl�� TITLE: A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE WEST 44"' AVENUE/WARD ROAD REDEVELOPMENT PLAN WHEREAS, with the adoption of Resolution No. 16-2001 on July 23, 2001, the City Council determined that blight existed in the vicinity of the West 44"' Avenue/Ward Road area of the City; and WHEREAS, such resolution created the West 44"' Avenue/Ward Road Redevelopment Area (Area), an urban renewal area within the City and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 16-2001 also directed the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority (Authority) to effect the preparation of an urban renewal (redevelopment) plan (Plan) for the Area for consideration by City Council, and WHEREAS, the Council has been presented with a proposed Plan; and WHEREAS, the Authority has endorsed and recommended approval of the Plan by Council-, and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission has submitted its written recommendation to the City Council that the Plan is in conformance with the Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan. and WHEREAS, a copy of the Plan and information regarding the impact of the Plan were submitted to the Jefferson County Board of Commissioners, and WHEREAS, the Jefferson County School District also received a copy of the Plan and has been advised and permitted to participate in an advisory capacity with respect to the potential use of tax increment financing; and WHEREAS, notices of the public hearing for consideration and approval of the Plan by City Council were provided by publication and by written notices to property owners, residents and business owners in the Area in compliance with the Urban Renewal Law. C.R.S. 31-25-101 et -, and . Lset . I WHEREAS, a public hearing on the Plan was held on October 22. 2001, providing a full opportunity for property owners, residents, taxpayers, people and business owners in the Area and all interested persons to be heard; and WHEREAS, the inclusion of certain areas and properties designated in the Plan within the Area would provide for the elimination and prevention of blight and the WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is in the best interests of the City of Wheat Ridge and the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority to adopt the Plan as proposed. NOW THEREF01)(E BE IT RESOLVED by the Wheat Ridge City Council as f'ollows: Section I That the City Council hereby makes the following. findings with respect to the proposed Plan: A. A feasible method exists for the relocation of families or individuals who may or will be displaced by redevelopment projects in decent, safe and sanitary dwelling accommodations within their means and without undue hardship. 13. A feasible method exists for the relocation of business concerns that may or will be displaced by redevelopment prqjects either in the Area or in other areas that are not generally less desirable regarding public utilities and public and commercial facilities, C. The City Council has caused its staff to take reasonable efforts to provide written notice of the public hearing to property owners, residents and business owners in the Area at their last known addresses at least -30 days prior to this public hearing of October 22 01. D. Section 31-25-107 (4) (d) C.R.S. of the Urban Renewal Law does not apply in that not more than 120 days have passed since the first public hearing on this Plan, because this is the first public hearing. E. Section 31-25-107 (4) (e) C.R.S. of the Urban Renewal Law does not apply in that City Council did not fail to previously approve this Plan. F. The Plan conforms to the City's Comprehensive Plan. N G, The provisions of the Plan, consistent with the needs of the City, provide maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise. fl, Section 31-25-107 (5) C.R.S. of the Urban Renewal Law is not applicable to this Plan. J. City Council has determined that the boundaries of the Area have been drawn as narrowly as feasible to accomplish the planning and development objectives of the Plan in accordance with Section 31-25-107(l) C.R.S. of the Urban Renewal Law. Section 3. The Jefferson County School District was permitted to participate in an adv T epacity regarding this Plan. ' Section 4. The Jefferson County Board of Commissioners was provided a copy of the Plan and information regarding its impact, in compliance with the Urban Renewal La Section 5. The Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority is authorized to exercise the powers of eminent domain to carry out, effect and administer the Plan. Section 6. The P roposed Plan accompanying this Resolution and incorporated herein i-� adopted as the 44 Avenue/Ward Road Redevelopment Plan for the City of Wheat Ridge. 'rhe Plan is an urban renewal plan as defined in Section 31-25-103(9) C.R.S. of the Urban Renewal Law. Section I The 44' Avenue/Ward Road Redevelopment Plan shall control the land area, land use, design, building requirements, timing of development, and procedure 0 for implementation of such Plan in the 44"' Avenue/Ward Road Redevelopment Area and in the City of Wheat Ridge, as may be applicable. DONE AND RESOLVED this ` d day of October 2001. Cerveny, Mayor El I # :. # 1 # # Mr. Windholz again referred to his memo of October 22, 2001, that is attached to these Minutes as part of the record, as well as the impact statement to Jefferson County Commissioners and Superintendent of schools. Shaun Pearman, owner of WardleFeed B . uilding, wondered if the historical significance of th building was taken into consideration; hoped that existing businesses would be given preference in this redevelopment plan, Rick Scheurer, attorney representing Auto Nation Ford Dealership, asked for clarification on approval process of application currently under review, Mr. White replied that this application is was not under the redevelopment plan. Todd Hammond, business owner in the area in question, stated that he has been treated very well by the City; he asked a variety of questions. Dennis Hockman, owns a property at 7661 West 41" Avenue, and 7685 West, 41 SI Avenue, asked questions regarding the redevelopment plan. Motion by Mrs. Shaver to adopt Resolution 26-2001, a resolution approving the redevelopment plan for the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Redevelopment Area with the changes suggested in Mf. Windholz memo attached to these Minutes; seconded by Mr, Edwards; carried 7-1 with Ms. Figlus voting no. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: October 22, 2001 Page Art Anderson presented the West 44 1h Avenue=ard Road Redevelopment Plan. He stated that this is a tool to get things done, there are currently no plans for this area. Mr, Dahl asked Ms. Figlus for the record if she was in attendance briefly in a meeting with the Urban Renewal Authority where this plan was considered; she stated yes. He asked if Ms. Figlus would be able to render an impartial decision on the plan presented for Council tonight, Ms. Figlus stated yes. Diane Christensen, questioned the traffic coming off 1-70, especially the tractorltrailer traffic, Mayor Cerveny stated that this has nothing to do with the Urban Renewal Plan, but is , ;omething the Colorado Department of Transportation is working on, 1 i e s t . Kent Young, owner of Cats Paw Kennel, questioned expanding businesses his property is not even in the plan, Mayor Cerveny stated that we are only addressing the plan tonight, nj areas that are not in the plan. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: October 22, 2001 Page - 6 - Item 4. Council Bill 18-2001 - An Ordinance revising Compensation for Certain Council Members. Council Bill 18-2001 was introduced on second reading by Ms. Figlus, who also read the titl summary and background. Clerk assigned Ordinance 1230, 1 Motion by Ms. Figlus to adopt Council Bill 18-2001 (Ordinance 1230) on second reading, increasing the compensation for elected officials who begin new terms of office after the November 6, 2001 election, to $7,200 per year,* seconded • Mr. DiTullio. Motion by Mr. Mancinelli for an amendment to strike the amount $7, 200 and insert the amount $6,000 per year; seconded by Mr. Gokey; tied 4-4 with Councilmembers Gokey, Shaver, Mancinelli, and Edwards voting yes. Mayor broke the tie by voting no. Motion failed 5-4. 11'ar.1#14not. Item 5. Council Bill 22-2001 - • Ordinance amending Chapter 16 • the Wheat Ridge Code • Laws • amending Article X concerning Massage Parlors and by the addition of Article XI concerning Massage Therapy Practice, Council Bill 22-2001 was introduced on second reading by Mr. DiTullio, who also read the titl summary and background. Clerk assigned Ordinance No. 1231. 1 Motion by Mr. DiTullio to adopt Council Bill 22-2001 (Ordinance 1231) on second reading seconded • Ms, Figlus; carried 8-0. • ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1650 38TH STREET SUITE 103 WEST BOULDER, COLORADO 80301 Telephone: (303) 443-3100 Fax: (303) 443-7835 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor & City Council, City of Wheat Ridge DATE: October 22, 2001 1 11 - • M 1 1101 JRIIJIJJJIa]I2gIIIJg�� The consultant's attorney and IVVURA's bond counsel have reviewed the proposed plans and documents, conferred with me and provided suggested revisions to the Plans and Resolutions. The Planning Commission has also recommended revision to the 44 Ih Avenue/Ward Road Plan to assure compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Therefore, I recommend the following revisions to the proposed Plans and Resolutions for your consideration: Ivu 'I ff#=PJ 11fir-41 0 At the end of the first paragraph of Section 1. 1, add the following sentence: "The term "Redevelopment Area" shall have the same meaning as "urban renewal area" in Section 31-25-103(8) C.R.S. of the Urban Renewal Law." Change Section 2.3 to provide as follows: "23 Urban Renewal Project. Based on the existence of blight, the Redevelopment Area is appropriate for authorized undertakings and activities of the Authority, pursuant to the Urban Renewal Law." Delete the entire second paragraph of Section 2.3. Add the following sentence to Section 3.4: "A legal description of the Plan Area is included in this Plan," 4. Change the title of Section 4.0 to read "Redevelopment Activities". 5. Change the title of Section 5.0 to read "Project Financing". 6, Delete Section 5.1 a. regarding Tax Increment Financing (TIF) in its entirety. Change the title of Section 5.1 b. to read "Potential Utilization of TIF" 7. At the end of the first paragraph of Section 6.0 add the following sentence: "The Authority, in cooperation with and at the direction and guidance of the City, shall adopt such refinements and revisions to this Plan related to the general land use concept." ITMMM 1. At the end of the first paragraph of Section 1.1 add the following sentence: "The term "Redevelopment Area" shall have the same meaning as "urban renewal area" in Section 31-25-103(8) C.R.S. of the Urban, Renewal Law." 2, Change Section 2.3 to provide as follows: "23 Urban Renewal Project. Based on the evidence of blight, the N"4W Authority, pursuant to the Urban Renewal Delete the entire second paragraph of Section 2.3. 3. Add the following sentence to Section 3.3: "A legal description of the Plan Area is included in this Plan." 4 Change the title • Section 4.0 • read "Redevelopment Activities." 5. Change the title of Section 5.0 to read "Project Financing." 6. Delete Section 5.1 a. regarding Tax Increment Financing (TIF) in its entirety. Change the title of Section 5.1 b. to read "Potential Utilization of TIF." 7. At the end of the first paragraph of Section 6.0 add the following sentence: "The Authority, in cooperation with and at the direction and guidance of the City, shall adopt such refinements and revisions to this Plan related to the general land use N concept." kMMM1 MU t # In Section 11, change the first sentence to provide as follows: "Reference to the redevelopment plan herein shall be and mean the same as the urban renewal plan as provided in Section 31-25-103(9) C.R.S. of the Act. The Urban Renewal (Redevelopment) Plan (Plan) for the Area located in the vicinity of West 44" Avenue and Ward Road has been developed to achieve, by the illustration, the following purposes: "L Engage in all undertakings and activities in compliance with the Act." 2, In Section III delete in its entirety the following "bullet": "Lirnit industry to the development of light industry that will add to the tax base and provide jobs for local residents." 3. In Section IV A., page 6, change the last paragraph entitled "Neighborhood Commercial" to provide as follows: Office/Business Center. The western end of the Area has a large volume of through traffic from Youngfield and Ward Roads to 1-70. This area should be desi nated as small office/business center to encourage develo - Fement • small businesses, offices, research and development, or laboratory space that may have a retail, component," The accompanying land use map on page 7 should be changed to designate "Small Office/Business Center" land uses at the two sites proposed as "Neighborhood Commercial". 4. Under Section VII F., delete the last sentence in its entirety. 5. Under Section VII G., delete the entire subsection G. regarding "TIF Details" and re- number subsection H. as G. 1. Change the first sentence of Section 1. I. to provide as follows: 9 "To the extent that the Area may consist of an area of open land which may be developed for non-residential uses under the Plan, City Council hereby determines that such non-residential uses are necessary and appropriate to facilitate the proper growth and development of the City in accordance with sound planning standards and the City's objectives." 2. In Section 1. add paragraph J. as follows: J. "City Council has determined that the boundaries of the Area have been drawn as narrowly as feasible to accomplish the planning and development objectives of the Plan in accordance with Section 31-25-107(1) C.R.S. of the Urban Renewal Law." 3. In Section 6 add the following sentence: "The Plan is an urban renewal plan as defined in Section 31-25-103(9) C.R.S. of the Urban Renewal Law." Roglutiqu N9. 26-2001 AuDravinp- the Wadswqrth D-onlaardCuridgm Rdadumul 11) Change the first sentence of Section 1. 1. to provide as follows: "To the extent that the Area may consist of an area of open land which may be developed for non-residential uses under the Plan, City Council hereby determines that such non-residential uses are necessary and appropriate to facilitate the proper growth and development of the City in accordance with sound planning standards and the City's objectives." 2. In Section 1. add paragraph J. as follows: J. "City Council has determined that the boundaries of the Area have been drawn as narrowly as feasible to accomplish the planning and development objectives of the Plan in accordance with Section 31-25-107(1) C.R.S. of the Urban Renewal Law." 3. In Section 6 add the following sentence: "The Plan is an urban renewal plan as defined in Section 31-25-103(9) C.R.S. of the Urban Renewal Law." 1. Change the first sentence of Section 1.1. to provide as follows: "To the extent that the Area may consist of an area of open land which may be developed for non-residential uses under the Plan, City Council hereby determines that L9 such non-residential uses are necessary and appropriate to facilitate the proper growth and development of the City in accordance with sound planning standards and the City's objectives." 2. In Section 1. add paragraph J. as follows: J. "City Council has determined that the boundaries • the Area have been • -S ji feli J1, aclisj We ilanQig NJ dejel 3. In Section 6 add the following sentence: "The Plan is an urban renewal plan as defined in Section 31-25-103(9) C.R.S. of the Urban Renewal Law." Thank you for your consideration of these proposed changes as recommended by your legal advisors and Planning Commission. M 7500 West 29 Avenue * Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 DATE Planning A- Building 0 Engineering ■ * M olmn =- fIn-cAv&n cover r)aae) Original to follow in the mail 11 Yes N© Wheat Ridge West 44 Ave/Ward Road R Plan The Urban Renewal Plan is in conformance with the 2000 Comprehensive Plan. The Wheat Ridge 2000 Comprehensive Plan, has identified some of the following goals for the c ommunity: Page 4 I Wheat Ridge West 44 Ave/Ward Road Redevelopment Plan "Small Scale Commercial" - To the west of the large commercial site, a cluster of smaller commercial shops and services is proposed. These businesses provide a v-2.�-��*n-residents, such as restaurants, convenience stores and gas stations. • Access to each site will be determined as part of the redevelopment project or projects. "Neighborhood Office" - Development along Tabor Street should be defined neighborhood office. These uses will generate less traffic demands than those us along West 44th Avenue and provide a sound and visibility buffer between th residential neighborhood on the east side of Tabor Street and the proposed I-�] Uff Mo Located south of West 44th Avenue, a proposed community commercial center may include the following uses: C44t* * r 4 r rofoty spce- 'Aot MM It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner BRINKMAN that Case No. WZ-OI-05, the portion requesting approval of a subdivision plat for property located at 12700 West 32nd Avenue, be approved for the following reasons: 1. It meets all requirements of the subdivision regulations. With the following conditions: 1. That, at the time of any change in use or redevelopment of Lot 2, the land be dedicated for road purposes. The motion passed unanimously. 8. OLD BUSINESS A. John Elway AutoNation - Commissioner BRINKMAN suggested that the city arrange a neighborhood meeting with the applicant prior to the December 6th public hearing to discuss the concerns of both sides. There was a consensus to have Alan White check with the city attorney regarding this suggestion. (Chair McNAMEE declared a brief recess at 9: 1 0 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9: 15 p.m.) 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Case No. WZ-OI-05 Commissioner SNOW requested that the record reflect the Commission failed to make a decision mandated by the zoning ordinance regarding whether the special use for the drive-through facility for the Walgreens store went with the applicant or went with the land. She requested that an appropriate motion be prepared for the City Council hearing of Case. No. WZ-Ol-05. B. Review of Proposed Redevelopment Plans for Wadsworth Corridor, 38th Avenue Corridor and Ward Road/West 44th Avenue Resolutions for the proposed redevelopment plans for the Wadsworth Corridor, 38th Avenue Corridor and Ward Road/West 44th Avenue were presented by Alan White. He stated that there are presently no specific redevelopment projects in the works for any of these three plans. These plans simply set the stage for possible future redevelopment to occur. It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS to approve Resolution No. 01, a resolution finding a proposed redevelopment plan for the Wadsworth Boulevard corridor redevelopment area is in conformance with the Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan. The motion passed 5-0 with Commissioners COOPER, THOMPSON and WEISZ absent. Page 6 Planning Commission October 18, 2001 It was moved by Commissioner COLLINS and seconded by Commissioner BRINKMAN to approve Resolution No. 02, a resolntion finding a proposed redevelopment plan for the 38th Avenue Corridor redevelopment area is in conformance with the Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan. The motion passed 5-0 with Commissioners COOPER, THOMPSON and WEISZ absent. It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner PLUMMER to approve Resolution No. 03, a resolution finding a proposed redevelopment plan for the 44th Avenue/Ward Road redevelopment area is in compliance with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan with the addition of the following language: Changes were made on page seven of the map to change the western most area to match the designation on the map in the Comprehensive Plan as small officelbusiness center and remove bullet No.9 on page 4 for the reason that the Comprehensive Plan limits all industry to the north of /-70. The motion passed 5-0 with Commissioners COOPER, THOMPSON and WEISZ absent. 10. COMMISSION REPORTS There were no commission reports. 11. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS A. Economic Development Task Force - Chair McNAMEE reported that the Economic Development Task Force will hold a breakfast for the business community at the Wheat Ridge Recreation Center on November IS at 7:30 a.m. Planning Commissioners are invited to attend. She also reported that an educational seminar for small business owners, or prospective owners, will be conducted some time in January. B. Code Changes - Alan White reported that code changes regarding creation of a conservation district as well as changes regarding code violations are scheduled to go before Council on second reading at the end of November. Further, the City Council has requested ajoint Planning Commission/City Council study session to be held some time in January to discuss the lSOO-foot separation. Residential setbacks will also be discussed at this study session. 12. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner COLLINS and seconded by Commissioner PLUMMER to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. (Y)OIlQ/j IfOI'().M~ MARIAN McNAMEE, Chair /' Planning Commission October 18, 200 I Page 7 achy fOa ci-wheatridgeco.us ,eject: W. 44t and Road Redevelopment Plan Kathy - Attached is two Word documents that make up the redevelopment plan. I shipped via UPS two plans that need to be inserted into the Plan, on pages 3 and 7. These pages are blank and the document and should be replaced with the two plans. Please let me know if you have any problems opening these documents or do not receive the UPS by noon. My phone number is (970) 577-1197. Thanks, Lauren Waterton --- w;ncMn,5( c4rthlink,net --- EarthLink: It's your Internet. &�-IpQygr- ", 011c Printed for Kathy Field <kathyfoa .,city-ci.wheatridge.co.us> 10/12/2001 law F-11MV, lvj�� 021 1; 100 Jefferson County Parkway Golden, Colorado 80419 M= ............. Pursuant • C.R.S. 31-25-107 (3.5) of the "Urban Renewal Law," the Wheat Ridge City Council previously transmitted impact analyses related to three proposed urban renewal areas in the City. Draft copies of the plans were also transmitted. I i IT11101111 1 1 1 1 1 11*1 appiqlVal 077ITTe C-77 Ill-79'11777TY on ITY it" - 7 - 22, 2001 in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 W. 29 Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Sincerely, Alan C. White, AICP II Fil, Ms. Jane Hammond Superintendent Jefferson County School District R-1 1829 Denver West Drive Golden, Colorado 80401 The Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority previously sent to your office maps showing the areas where three redevelopment (urban renewal) areas are proposed in the City. The Authority has recommended approval • the proposed plans. Copies of the plans are enclosed. Public hearings to consider adoption • the plans will be held before the City Council • October 22, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. at the Wheat Ridge Municipal Building at 7500 W. 29' Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 1151111111��151!1[ ]Iij IV, "*ff#ttWWtI#qII= Sincerely, .N Alan C. White, AICP CAMyFiIes\WPFiIeskURA\schooI dist lettenwpd Superintendent 1829 Denver West Drive Golden, Colorado 80401 @ � �' � � � � Maps of the areas covered by the three proposed redevelopment plans are enclosed. The Urban Renewal Authority will be considering the plans at their meeting on October 15, 2001 at 5:30 p.m. at the Wheat Ridge Senior/Community Center at 6363 W. 35' Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 22, 2■■ 1 at 7:00 p.m. at the Wheat Ridge Municipal Building at 7500 W. 29' Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Marv tvnear=XYge Tepartment ot rianning an ■ Development, 7500 W, 29" Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Please contact me at 303-235-2844 if you have any questions. 11 I IT i V, FI n W FIF1 11 1 1 11 10 CIA i m a� a� P18AGinog uepyo4s a r i CIA i �6qa �P-, 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing to consider adoption of three Redevelopment Plans wil be held before the City of Wheat Ridge CITY COUNCIL on Monday, October 22, 2001, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 W. 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridg Colorado. XU lf) - I Boulevard to Wadsworth Boulevard, the 44th Avenue Corridor from Tabor Street to Youngfield Street, and the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor from 35th Avenue to 45th Avenue. The general scope of the urban renewal projects under consideration is to redevelop the areas • mixed use commercial areas with the 38 Avenue Corridor as the "main street" or downtown of the City. The Wheat Ridge Renewal Authority will be considering the proposed plans at its meeting on October 15, 2001 at 5:30 p.m. at the Senior Community Center at 6363 W. 35th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. You and the public are invited to attend and speak about the proposed plans at this meeting too, Elwyn Kiplinger Jim Goddard Ida di McKay 3905 Independence 3885 Depew St. 7880 W. 47" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Raymond Gagnon 81h 5300 W. 3 Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 D i 0 Yarrow St., #24 N1/beauV.idQe, CO 800 Glen Wardle 13200 W 72"' Ave. Arvada, CO 80005 Louise Turner 11256 W. 38" Ave. N n-.e-,?A 80033 A Van & Teri Carver 6735 W. 31"Ave. Denver, CO 80214 Roy Wardle 5920 W. 39" P1. Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Patty Pyell 7610 Three Acre Ln. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Rose Marie Cerrone 3310 Jay St. 80033 1'e Kathryn Havens 9 7060 W. 39 Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Charles Redig 44- 43 10 Quail St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Jean Fields 3270 Fenton St. Wk,eat Vidge, CO 80212 Char-Rose Townhomes LLC 4200 Yarrow St. U00) Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Roger Loecher 5500 W. 44" Ave. Denver, CO 80212 Anne Lisle 'v 4555 Teller St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Shaun & Terri Pearman 8030 Marshall Cir. Arvada, CO 80003 Gerald Archer 5250 W. 38" Ave. Denver, CO 80212 Walt Pettit Wheat Water District 6827 W. 38" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 * --- ------------------------- : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : ---------------- Owner :North Jeffco Park & Recreation District Parcel :020812 Site :13200 W 72Nd Ave Arvada 80005 Xfered :12/15/1998 Mail :9101 Ralston Rd Arvada Cc 80002 Price Use :9149 Exempt,Political Sub,Land Phone :303-420-2838 Bedrm: Bath; TotRm: YB: Pool: BldgSF: Ac:11.82 * ---------------------------- : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : ---------------- Owner :Archer Gerald A/Patricia M Parcel :021065 Site :5250 W 38Th Ave Denver 80212 Xfered :12112/2000 Mail :5250 W 38Th Ave Denver Co 80212 Price Use :2112 Co ,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: Tot :l YB:1952 Pool: B1dgSF.7,402 Ac:.42 * ---------------------------- : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : ---------------- /owner :Fields Jean D Parcel :021151 Site :3270 Fenton St Wheat Ridge 80212 Xfered :12103/1998 Mail :3270 Fenton St Wheat Ridge Cc 80212 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-237-8935 Bedrm:2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1949 Pool: BldgSF:960 Ac: * ---------------------------- : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : ---------------- v Owner Carver Van E/Teri J;+ Parcel :022750 Site :6735 W 31St Ave Wheat Ridge 80214 Xfered :1110311997 Mail :6735 W 31St Ave Denver Cc 80214 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm:3 Bath:1.50 TotRm: YB:1950 Pool: BldgSF:2,142 Ac: ---------------------------- : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ---------------- 'V6wner :Loecher Roger P Parcel :023080 Site :5500 W 44Th Ave Denver 80212 Xfered :1212111984 Mail :5500 W 44Th Ave Denver Co 80212 Price :$111,000 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone :303-422-8500 Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1967 Pool: B1dgSF:12,540 Ac:.43 *- _- r--------- ----- ----- -- - - - MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : ---------------- j/'Owner :Cerrone Rose Marie Parcel :024020 Site :3310 Jay St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :02/10/1982 Mail :3310 Jay St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-233-2774 Bedrm: Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1952 Pool: BldgSF:1,543 Ac: * ---------------------------- : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : ---------------- Owner :Wheat Ridge Water District Parcel :024332 Site :6827 W 38Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :03/01/1990 Mail :6815 W 38Th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$97,900 Use .9149 Exempt,Political Sub,Land Phone :303-425-4124 Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: BldgSF: Ac:.21 * ---------------------------- : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : ---------------- 6wner :Char-Rose Townhomes Llc Parcel :024672 Site :4200 Yarrow St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :07/3112000 Mail :4200 Yarrow St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :5112 Res,Apartments,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: Tot :4 YB:1972 Pool: BldgSF:39,827 Ac:2.08 ---------------------------- : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ---------------- Owner :Havens Kathryn M Parcel :024748 Site :7060 W 39Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :07115/1987 Mail :7060 W 39Th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1947 Pool: BldgSF:1,044 Ac: * ---------------------------- : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : ---------------- 1,, Owner :Lisle Willard E Parcel :025297 Site :4555 Teller St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/0411950 Mail :4555 Teller St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-424-0222 Bedrm:2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1951 Pool: BldgSF:1,500 Ac: * ---------------------------- : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : ---------------- ,�/Owner :Wardle Roy L Parcel :026744 Site :5920 W 39Th Pl Wheat Ridge 80212 Xfered Mail :5920 W 39Th Pl Wheat Ridge Cc 80212 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-424-0467 Bedrm: Bath:1.50 TotRm: YB:1952 Pool: BldgSF:1,467 Ac: Information compiled from various sources. Real "state Solutions makes no representations * ---------------------------- : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : ---------------- /owner :Kiplinger Milo Elwyn Parcel :048121 Site :3905 Independence Ct Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered Mail :3905 Independence Ct Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-424-3542 Bedrm: Bath:1.75 Tot Rm: YB:1958 Pool: BldgSF:1,943 Ac: * ---------------------------- : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : ---------------- i Owner :Turner Jerry B Parcel :049234 Site :11256 W 38Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered Mail :11256 W 38Th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-422-5134 Bedrm:4 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1964 Pool: B1dgSF:1,617 Ac:4.39 * ---------------------------- : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : ---------------- Owner :Gagnon Raymond A Jr/Elizabeth M Parcel :109793 Site :5300 W 38Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80212 Xfered :08/12/1996 Mail :3319 Ames St Denver Co 80212 Price :$70,000 Use :5178 Misc,Residential,Mixed Use Land Phone :303-238-1070 Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1945 Pool: BldgSF:1,896 Ac-..14 * ---------------------------- : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : ---------------- Owner :Graul E George Parcel :109820 Site :7610 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :12/05/1988 Mail :4200 Yarrow St #24 Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :5179 Misc,Commercial,Mixed Use Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:3 YB:1959 Pool: BldgSF:31,508 Ac: 2.20 * ---------------------------- : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : ---------------- C/Owner :Goddard Jimmie D Parcel :154015 Site :3885 Depew St Wheat Ridge 80212 Xfered :03/09/1993 Mail :3885 Depew St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 Price Use :1155 Vacant,Residential Phone Bedrm-. Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: BldgSF: Ac:.11 *_r___________-_______ ______ : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : ---------------- �,,/Owner :Wheat Ridge Water District Parcel :188572 Site :6827 W 38Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :12/01/1985 Mail :6827 W 38Th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :9149 Exempt,Political Sub,Land Phone :303-424-2844 Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1948 Pool: BldgSF:2,141 Ac: * ---------------------------- : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : ---------------- Owner :Goddard Jimmie D/Meda Snow Parcel :199041 Site :3885 Depew St Wheat Ridge 80212 Xfered :07/26/1993 Mail :3885 Depew St Wheat Ridge Cc 80212 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm:3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1983 Pool: BldgSF:1,624 Ac:.19 * ---------------------------- : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : ---------------- 1/owner :Wardle Glen C Life Estate Parcel :202658 Site :13200 W 72Nd Ave Arvada 80005 Xfered :10/21/1997 Mail :13200 W 72Nd Ave Arvada Cc 80005 Price :$653,700 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-421-1268 Bedrm:3 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1907 Pool: BldgSF:1,491 Ac:.69 Information compiledfiron various sources. Real Estate Solutions make's no representations *_-____- _______ ®______ _______: metroscan / Jefferson (CO) : ---------------- Owner :Pyell Pattyl;Pearman Shaun Parcel :026745 Site :4175 Wadsworth Blvd Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :0510711999 Mail :9140 Stuart St Westminster Co 80031 Price Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone :303-426-6209 Bedrm: Bath: "Tot :l YB:1960 Pool: BldgSF:2,000 Ac•.16 * ---------------------------- : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : ---------------- i, ,, "Owner :Mckay Kandy. Parcel :026816 Site :7880 W 47Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :07118/2001 Mail :7880 W 47Th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm:3 Bath:1.50 TotRm: YB:1951 Pool: BldgSF:1,164 Ac: * ---------------------------- : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : ---------------- t/Owner :Pearman Shaun/Terri Parcel :099896 Site :8030 Marshall Cir Arvada 80003 Xfered :01111/2001 Mail :8030 Marshall it Arvada Co 80003 Price :$245,000 Full Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath:2.25 TotRm: YB:1977 Pool: BldgSF:2,007 Ac: * ---------------------------- : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : ---------------- t'Owner :Pyell Patty S;+ Parcel :199376 Site :7610 Three Acre Ln Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :05107/1999 Mail :9140 Stuart St Westminster Co 80030 Price Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1950 Pool: BldgSF:7,441 Ac:.85 * ---------------------------- : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : ---------------- Owner :Redig Charles E/Phyllis M Parcel :426594 Site :4310 Quail St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :11/0612000 Mail :4310 Quail St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price :$238,500 Full Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm:2 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1998 Pool: BldgSF:1,550 Ac: Information comp led, various sources. Real Estate Solutions snakes no representations 10/05/2 11:06 3038601809 CLARION ASSOCIAFES PACiE 01/02' Clanon Asxodaits LLk I loo pmvd-my suffe. 400 Amw. CO so2W 303.fisa2" FAW3011160)mv PlanWng and 7o*ipig Aaal Farat, CommW,$ APP -412f F" z 2, POgev (io-ludino 0 DOM! ''III I I MEN!! III IIIIIIIIIII lill IN 10/05/2001 11:06 3038601809 v to L/ V P/ CLARION ASSOCIATES PAGE 02/02 A GEA affiVigk County of Jefferson 100 Jefferson County Parkway Golden, Colorado 80419 ME: Notice of Impact Analysis Related to Consideration of Adoption of the 44"[Ward Redevelopment (Urban Renewal) Plan Dear Commissioners: Pursuant to C.R.S. 31-25-107 (3.5) of the "Urban Renewal Law," the Wheat Ridge City Council hereby transmits for your information, an impact analysis related to the proposed 44 Avenue/Ward Road Redevelopment Plan. Also included herewith is a copy of the draft Plan. 1111KIIII11 iIIIIIIi 11 !Ili! I iI 1 1! 1 11111111111111111111 Iii lill III riilll�i In il EM= There is no proposed redevelopment project at this time for the urban renewal area and, therefore, no estimated completion time. When there is a redevelopment project proposed a revised impact report, with a revised Plan, if applicable, will be transmitted to the County Commissioners. 2. The estimated, annual property tax increment to be generated by the urban renewal project and the portion of such property tax increment to be allocated during that time period to fund the urban renewal project: Because there are no urban renewal projects at this time, and because the utilization tax increment may not be realized until a feasible project is proposed, there w I renewal project, the plan may be modified, if required, Ynd such impacts will be documented and submitted to the Commissioners, The public hearing before the City Council to consider adoption of the plan will be held on October 22, 2001 at 7:00 pm. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 W. 291h Avenue. Development Director, at 303-235-2844, P�C� For the City Council NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING M • i • pit Wanda City Clerk To he Published: Wheat t idge Transcript Date: September 20, 2001 7500 West 29th Avenue FAX 303/235-2857 U23MM Um • I DA: September 21, 2.001 RE: Consideration • Redevelopment Plan Jill ffe - 17 - 75 5 7KOge - CT l l in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 W. 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. The area included in the proposed plan is generally the 44th Avenue Corridor from Tabor Street to Youngfield Street. The general scope of the urban renewal project under consideration is to redevelop the area as a mixed use commercial area. All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing. Copies of the proposed plan are available at the Planning Department, 7500 W. 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. The 'ITheat Xidge 'Kenewal Authofinty will be considering the proposed plan at its meeting on October 15, 2001 at 5:30 p.m. at the Senior Community Center at R 35th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. You and the public are invited to attend and speak about the proposed plan at this meeting too. 11808 W. 44th LLC Alexis Investments Corporation 3224 Beech Ct. 11930 W. 44th Ave, Golden CO, 80401 Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Heinz & Thea M. Silz Duran Duran Logistics, Inc. 15745 Hwy 34 11930 W. 44th Ave. Fort Morgan CO, 80701 Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 RV America, Inc, 2220 Rand LLC 11808 W 44th Ave, 11930 W 44th Ave. Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Richard J & Rose M. Pozorski Quality Inn 6313 Urban St. 12 100 W. 44th Ave. Arvada CO, 80004 Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 2220 Rand LLC Legend Properties LLC 11900 W 44th Ave. 3650 Vance St, I Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 JW Brewer Tire Energy Transportation, Inc. 11900 W 44th Ave. 12150 W 44th Ave. Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Prospect Cafe V ' Design Systems Solutions, Inc, f* 11900 W 44th Ave. 12150 W 44th Ave. C"T6 V - 4 Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Bart Macgillivray Dick Doriguzzi, Inc. 3737 Broadway 12150 W 44th Ave. Boulder CO, 80304 Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Public Storage, Inc. Excel Signs & Graphics 11901 W 44th Ave. 12150 W 44th Ave. Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Partners Preferred Yield, IN Factory Direct Sattelite Outlet PO Box 25025 1,2150 W 44th Ave, Glendale CA, 91201 Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 12150 W 44th Ave. Wheat Ridge CO, 800331 National Auto/Truckstops INC 24601 Center Ridge Rd. 300 Westlake OH, 44145 Denver West Travel Center 1.2151 W 44th Ave. Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Factory Direct Sattelite Outlet 12151 W 44th Ave. Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Patrick J & *eborah J. Notok 15654 W Wedge Way Morrison CO, 80465 Falcon Books, Inc. 12190 W 44th Ave. Wbeallli 0 • 80033 Ronald & Gloria Cunningham 12200 W 44th Ave. Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Golden Eagle Growers 12270 W. 44th Ave. Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Abner S, & Yvonne M. Beccera 12280 W 44th Ave. Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Abner's Market 12280 W 44th Ave. Wheat Vidge C*, 80011 Edwards Meats Michael Crotty Palanar Reef Restaurant, LLC 12280 W 44th Ave. 12420 W 44th Ave. 4400 Ward Rd. Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Abner's Garden Center Ralph Deorio Eugene & Laura Frisk 12280 W 44th Ave. 12500 W 44th Ave. 17400 W CR 8 Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Brighton CO, 80601 Vickers Petroleum Corp. Hari S & Doris Sachanandam Classic Car Care INC PO Box 696000 3224 Beech St. 4415 Ward Rd. San Antonio TX, 78269 Golden CO, 80401 Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Total Petroleum, #135 Ralph Deorio Trust Classic Trailer Sales, Inc. 12300 W 44th Ave. 3051 Nelson Dr. 4415 Ward Rd. Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Lakewood CO, 80215 Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Mary lble & Terrance McLean D & Sons Deorio Memorial Heinz & Thea, M, Siz 3269 Zinnia Ct. 12550 W 44th Ave. 15745 HWY 34 Golden CO, 80401 Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Fort Morgan CO, 8071 Masters Vacation Homes, Inc. Ralph J & Evangeline Mangone Brenda Kathleen Williams 12301 W 44th Ave, 2781 Bert Ln. PO Box 471 Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Golden CO, 80401 Watkins CO, 80137 Public Storage Euro Partnership Suzanne & Gary L. Wilson Tabor Street Properties LLC • Box 25025 1362 Old Squaw Pass Rd. 711 Vallejo St. Glendale CA, 91201 Evergreen CO, 80439-4705 Denver CO, 80204 Public Storage Richard & Lavonne Beckfeld Skitzo Offshore LLC 12351 W 44th Ave. 4210 Xenon St. 4651 Tabor St. Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 PS Orangeco, Inc. Dennis Fritz Trailer Source, Inc. 12351 W 44th Ave. 4375 Xenon St. 4651 Tabor St. Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Cat Spa Cattery, Inc. C Deorio Investments LLC 12.410 W. 44th Ave. 7990 Melrose Dr. Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 PROGRAM TAX048 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ACCOUNTS WITHIN GEO CODE RUN 9-06-2001 AT : PAGE I 10 YTD TAX PAID ll'�( 13 ABNER'S MARKET 6083 .META RS, INC 5993 ALI" T: ES CREMATION SVCS INC t,4674 ALEXIS INVESTMENTS CORPORATION 3524 -Aloy- BURIAL & CREAMATN Ala,_ B 6246 -AH9RjCAN_AWN;NG CO 92 lAkWING SERVICES INC. 7 68 a 7 DENVER WEST TRAVEL CENTER, INC DEORIO, D & SONS MEMORIAL 23 4 EDWARDS MEATS 1 /2687 CLASSIC TRAILER SALES, INC. 5831 ENERGY TRANSPORTATION, INC. ,/6076 FACTORY DIRECT SATELLITE OUTLT 6521 FIVE STAR NAILSI t/' ,1020 DURAN DURAN LOGISTICS, INC 6483 FLOWERS FIELD 4631 Co. 1-11/11,91 _uzw' MASTERS VACATION HOMES, INC. 1, 87 5 PALANCAP REEF RESTAURANT, LLC 6608 IMAGININGS t i--'4603 PS ORANGECO, INC. ORANGECO. INC alt} ,04 PUBLIC STORAGE 36 PUBLIC STORAGE, INC. " 96 SAWA INC Ll� 4396 TRAILER SOURCE, INC. 5515 - NEUJUNARY-"kGNOSTIC TECH YTD TAX PAID ll'�( 6208 44 CLUB 9 ABNER'S GARDEN CENTER t,4674 ALEXIS INVESTMENTS CORPORATION 4808 -- AM9RTCXW - 9COOL OF DOG TRNG 17 5285 AUTUMN GOLD LANDS CAPES'"TNC 94 wqGHT DI ING CO, 2416 A&hMP4NQ-*RNttsD, INC % 121 CAT SPA CATTERY, THE 1 /2687 CLASSIC TRAILER SALES, INC. 1 884 A ll DESIGN SYSTEMS SOLUTIONS INC 278 DORIGUZZI, DICK INC. t/' ,1020 DURAN DURAN LOGISTICS, INC 552 EXCEL SIGNS & GRAPHICS 494 FACTORY DIRECT SATELLITE OUTLT 1044 FALCON BOOKS, INC. 1938 GOLDEN EAGLE GROWERS 6608 IMAGININGS t YTD TAX PAID ll'�( PROGRAM TAX048 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ACCOUNTS WITHIN GEO CODE RUN 9-06-2001 AT * PAGE 2 GEO ACCOUNT BUSINESS NAME ('/s,8r. ISLE OF CAPRI BLACK HAWK LLC 5759 JW BREWER TIRE L,6461 PROSPECT CAFE 546 PROTECTZVB- INC L,3351 QUALITY INN RV AMERICA, INC. '""981 TOTAL PETROLEUM, #135 mkl�v m 24 $ 192,157.55 TOTAL SELECTED- $304,262-86 AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, effective the _Z,3 day of 2(}(11 , by and between the WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY (here l after referred to as the "Authority") and ARTHUR L. ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. (hereinafter referred to as "Anderson"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Authority had retained Anderson to conduct a blight analysis under the Urban Renewal Law of Colorado in the vicinity of 44' Avenue and Ward Road; and WHEREAS, Anderson had entered into a Professional Services Agreement with the City of Wheat Ridge ("City") dated January 23, 2001 to memorialize such agreement and to perform such professional services for the Authority and the City; and WHEREAS, such services have been performed by Anderson to the satisfaction of the Authority and the City; and WHEREAS, in reliance upon the analysis by Anderson, the City has formed an Urban Renewal Area in the 44" and Ward Road vicinity; and WHEREAS, one of the tasks and purposes of the Authority is to implement and administer projects and activities related to urban renewal areas; and WHEREAS, to effect such administration the Authority and Anderson desire to enter into an extension of/or supplement to Anderson's professional services agreement to prepare a proposed urban renewal (redevelopment) plan for said urban renewal area for the City's eventual consideration and possible approval. THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 2. This Agreement shall terminate upon completion and approval or final disposition of the plan by the City Council or December 31, 2001, whichever is sooner. 3. Invoices shall be submitted to the Authority on a monthly basis for services performed and expenses incurred during the prior month. The Authority shall pay such invoices, as approved by the Authority, within 25 days of receipt of invoices. 4. That the following provisions of the said Professional Services Agreement shall remain in effect in relation to applicability thereof to Anderson and the Authority: Article 4; Article 6; Article 7; Article 8; Article 9; Article 10; Article 11; Article 1213; Article 13; Article 14 and Article 15. ARTHUR L. ANDERSON & A7SSOCIAT S, INC B Authorized R6presentative WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY -Af By Chair ATTEST: Secretary CAWork\Wheat Ridge\Anderson Professional Services Agreement,doc City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum a0=1 11 1 111 1 1 1 1111 :11 � 1 : 1 � ��� SUBJECT: Extension of Contract with Arthur L. Anderson and Associates DATE: August 7, 2001 In order to continue the progress on the 44 "/ Ward urban renewal process, staff proposes to extend the contract of Art Anderson to prepare the urban renewal plan. This procedure has been approved by Jim Windho1z. A motion is needed to extend the contract with Art Anderson to prepare the urban renewal plan for the 44"/Ward area. C1MyFfles\1t`PFi1cs?URA\cxtcnd art menio,wpd Art AnGer tion 'Ar RV619jul AM � ") Wj August +, 200 ,Alan White City of Wheat Ridge 7,500 West 29th, Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Subject: Urban Renewal Plan Proposal Dear Mr. White, I am pleased to present this proposal for the preparation of an Urban Renee al[Aare for the Ward Road/ West 44th Avenue blighted area. Art AnclerSon 1W t68191ul Q)V:ZbAM LjStj Urban Renewal Plan Proposal Page 2 The Plan will be a working document consistent with. the require rn ants of the Urban Renewal Statues with specific action, items to achieve the plan goals. This document will be completed prior to the last meeting of the City Council in October 200t The cost of preparation of this report will be $3(,),O( X), plus reimbursable expenses not to exceed $2,500. It is requested that Wheat Ridge provide the following at a scale of 1:100 and 1:20 for the study area. detailed area maps, plats, and aerial photographs. All available information concerning the C1 T de , ,ign of the new 1-70 interchange is requested. Thank you for this opportunity to present this proposal. Very truly yours, Arthur L. Andersonand Associates, Inc. /s/ Arthur L. Anderson .Arthur L. Anderson, President 44'11H IVALRD ROAD/IfEAST AVENUE A R EA A t 1, `t li June 25, 'T Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. 2342 Pine Street Boulder, Colorado 80302 WARD ROAD/WEST 4zr'm A VL�NUE AREA JILIGH1' SiJIEVF.Y Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority Wheat Ridge, Colorado June 25, 2001 Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc 2342 Pine Street, Boulder, Colorado 80302 lWalt Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 11 14 14 Figure 1: Study Area Figure 2:1-70/Ward Road/W.44th Avenue Intersection EXHIBITS M Anderson Arthur L. « WARD ROAD/WEST 44TH AVENUE AREA BLIGHT SURVEY m The area within and surrounding the intersection of Ward Road and West 44t Avenue as shown in Figure 1. 1 i�i 1116611111 1111 11161 �i WARD ROAD /44th AVENUE AREA BLIGHT SURVEY ca a� a� a� d �t b c� 0 b c� a� b a� 6�0 w 3= Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 3 WARD ROAD/WEST 44"R AVENUE AREA BLIGHT SURVEY ME= Ref. i. The 1-70/SH58 Interchange Feasibility study performed by CH2MFULL for the Colorado Department of Transportation dated July 2000 R ef 2. City of Wheat Ridge Zoning and Development Code R ef. 3. Report prepared by Officer. Deri Patt for Interim Chief Cassa, of the Wheat Ridge Police Department dated February 12, 2001 Re 4. Data from Planning Department, Building Inspection Division .ref 5. Data from Wheat Ridge Code Enforcement Division files Re 6 Telcon with Mr. Clinton Dattel of the Bayou Ditch Association, This Association provides water to six irrigation ditches. The water is carried in the Slough Ditch. R ef 7 Interview with Mr. Steve Noel, Environmental Protection Specialist, Oil Inspection Section (01S), Colorado Department of Labor and Employment. Re 8. Letter from OIS to UNOCAL (Union Oil California). Re 9. Irrigation District Law of 1905, C.R.S. 37-41-l0l-ct§& as amended. I MM=111111��M WARD ROAD/WEST 44" AVENUE AREA BLIGHT SURVEY Numerous factors of blight were found to exist in the study area. Some of the factors may be categorized under several headings as permitted by statute. Therefore some specific items are listed more than once. The study findings are tabulated in « ° +< d»< of the list of "Blight Factors" found in C.R.S. Section 31-25-103(2) as amended. I I v WARD ROAD/WEST 44TR AVENUE AREA BLIGHT SURVEY The following is presented as evidence of inadequate lot layout, accessibility, size and usefulness: WARD ROAD /40 AUANUI, AREA BLIGHT SUMV Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 7 Figure 2: I -70 /Ward Road/ West 44th Avenue Intersection 103= q 1 C ; 1 '1 Isrionin # West 44th Avenue and 1-70 East access, curb damage due to trucks passing over curb while making the tight turn from West 44th Avenue. (5-14) # West 44th Avenue and 1-70 East access has a cross walk and signal but there is no sidewalk or handicapped ramp at either end of crosswalk. (5-16, 5-17) 1 Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 8 WARD ROAD/WEST 44TR AVENUE AREA BLIGHT SURVEY 11-1-ligg • 1 WARD ROAD/WEST T8 AVENUE AREA BLIGHT SURVEY •� � s The following is presented as evidence of deterioration of the site or other improvements: Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 11 Anderson Arthur L. a Associates, Inc. Page 12 • Junction of Swadley Ditch and Slough Ditch is overgrown with vegetation and has trash in ditches. (3-24, 6-5, 6-6, 6-7) * 12390 West 44th Avenue has a tree growing out of irrigation ditch control station. (4-5,6-8) 1110#11111 WARD ROAD/WEST 44"N AVENUE AREA BLIGHT SURVEY 9. III III! , 1111 Irllmm= 12MM=411111111 11 � ilmli Hal 1 141M M" 1 00 d \ % 1010NIMI Fi M 1 14 M will $ \ \. M The following is presented as evidence of defective or unusual conditions of title rendering the title non-marketable: # 12420 West 44th Avenue. From City of Wheat Ridge property line maps it appears that a structure at this location is built in the right-of-way of Wright Street. This should present problems of marketing this property in the future. (Exhibit 3) # The following is presented as evidence of the existence of conditions that endanger life or property by fire or other causes: Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 14 WARD ROAD /WEST 44TR AVENUE AREA BLIGHT SURVEY 0, Lou # * 1 rliv 5.9 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION OF BUILDINGS 01 PROPERTY; The following is presented as evidence of environmental contamination of buildings or property: * 12151 West 44th Avenue, has undergone pollution remediation due to underground fuel leakage. The site was released by the Oil Inspection Section (01S) from the active remediation on December 7 The letter of release to UNOCAL, owner of the property when the spill occurred, is quoted as follows: contamination at or from this site (Emphasis from original letter). WARD ROAD/WEST 44TH AVENUE AREA BLIGHT SURVEY 112, Ji 1 1 1 MMUMN 11::; 1 • MME= Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 16 WARD ROAD/WEST T K AVENUE AREA BLIGHT SURVEY WARD ROAD/WEST 44'" AVENUE AREA BLIGHT SURVEY WAIU) 110AIVIVEsST 44TH AUNUE AKIU BLIGI1T SURPI ?Y 7.1 SLUM, DETERIORATED, OR DETERIORATING STRUCTURES Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 19 4601 Tabor Street 4601 Tabor Street (1 -13) 4433 Tabor Street (1 -20) 4601 Tabor Street (1 -14) 12151 West 44th Avenue: Slough Ditch structural damage (2 -17) WAIM IIOAl)/WEST 44Te AUNUE, AlUU BLIC"FUT SIJRI13Y 7.2 DEFECTIVE OR INADEQUATE STREET LAYOUT Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 20 Tabor Street (1 -9) Tabor Street (2 -3) Tabor Street (5 -1) Xenon Street (3 -17) Wright Street (4 -1) Youngfield Street (3 -13) W1111) MAIVIVEST 44'rH AVE N11 AREA BI.I ;wr sunny 7.3. FAULTY LOT LAYOUT, ACCESSIBILITY, SIZE AND USEFULNESS i`' West 44th Avenue Lane Ditch (2 -4) 7.4 UNSANITARY OR UNSAFE CONDITIONS 12151 W. 44th Ave. Slough Ditch Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc (2 -14) Page 21 Tabor Street Slough Ditch (1 -0) 12700 W. 44th Ave. Swadley Ditch (3 -14) 12151 W. 44th Ave. Slough Ditch (2 -17) Youngfield Street Swadley Ditch (6 -3) WAIU) 110A1)/WEST 44Te AVENUE AR13A BLIGIHT SURYI?Y 7.4 UNSANITARY OR UNSAFE CONDITIONS y Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 22 Tabor Street drainage swale (1 -15) 12151 W. 44th Ave. (5 -21) No sidewalk on Wright Street (4 -1) No sidewalks on Xenon Street (3 -17) Unlimited curb cut on Vivian Street (4 -22) Signalized crossing with no sidewalk (5 -16) WARD 110AD/WEST 40 AWNUE A111:A BLIGIIT SURF Y 7.5 DETERIORATION OF SITE OR OTHER IMPROVEMENTS Capacity of detention pond reduced (1 -5) 12151 W. 44th Ave potholes (2 -22) (4 -6) West 44th Avenu sign deterioration (5 -15) Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 23 Wood produce boxes A Junk truck with stacked tires (1 -21) 12151 W. 44th Ave drainage (2- Mvt t�rl�E�il WARD ROAD/WEST 44Te AV1:NU1: AREA 1BLK'FHT SURVEY 7.6 INADEQUATE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS OR UTILITIES No sidewalk on Vivian Street (4 -22) Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 24 Tabor Street has no sidewalks (2 -3) Van Gordon Street is only half paved (4 -13) Youngfield Street has no sidewalk (3 -13) Wright Street in poor condition (4 -1) WARD ROAD / AVENUE - 311 44 e- • A / WEST 44 T SURVEY Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 26 � v 1-0 4651 Tabor Street. Trailer pa 1-1 4651 Tabor Street. Irrigation ditch junction 1-2 4651 Tabor Street. Close -up of irri ditch ]unction 1 -3 4651 Tabor Street. Irrigation ditch condition, overgrown 1 -4 4651 Tabor Street. "lose -up of ditch condition, overgrown 1 -5 4651 Tabor Street. Stored boats in dry detention pond 1 -6 4651 Tabor Street. Stored boats in dry detention pond 1-7 4651 Tabor Street. Irrigation ditch S. side of property 1 -3 4651 Tabor Street. Close-up of ditch condition 1 -9 Tabor Street. Looking S. No curb/ gutter sidewalk 1-10 4601 Tabor Street. Garage in poor condition 1 -11 4601 Tabor Street. Close up of garage 1 -12 4601 Tabor Street. area behind garage. Note tra iler, truck pallets. 1 -13 4601 Tabor Street. building condition, roof poor 1-14 4601 Taber Street. Building condition, siding damaged 1 -15 Tabor Street at 4601. Drainage swale for storm drainage 1 -16 Tabor Street at 4601. Close up of drainage s ale 1 - 17 4549 Tabor Street. Unscreened temporary electrical bones 1-18 4433 "Tabor Street. Rear of property, junk cars, trash 1-19 4433 Tabor Street. Close -ups of property 1-2 33 Tabor Street. Close up of property 1 -21 4433 Tabor Street. Truck in front y ard w ith stacked tires. 1 -22 4425 Tabor Street. Outdoor storage of junk refrigerator equipment. 1-23 4425 Tabor Street. Hales of car dboard an d produce boxes. 1 -24 4425 Tabor Street. produce boxes stored with no screening WARD ROAD j WEST 44 T 8 AVENUE AREA BLIGHT SURVEY 2 -0 4425 Tabor Street, R efrigeration equipment from street 2 -1 4425 Taber Street. Produce boxes -2 4425 Tabor Street. Bales of cardboard 2 -3 Tabor Street, Loo king N. curb/ gutter /sidewalk 2 -4 NE Comer Tabor/ 44th Ave. Irrigation ditch control M5 W. 44th Avenue, Looking W. boor 1-70 signage 2-6 1.1801 W. 44th Ave. Looking W irrigation control 2-7 11901 W. 44th Ave. flatted drainage s ale overgrown. 2-8 12151 W 44th Ave. Pollution mitigation facility. 2-9 12151 W. 44th Ave. Large pond SE comer. 2-10 12151 W. 44th Ave. Pond area 2 -11 12151 W. 44 Ave, SE comer portable classroom parked. 2 -12 12151 W. 44th Ave. SE comer portable classrooms parked. 2-13 12151 W. 44th Ave. Close-up of Classrooms from street. 2 -14 12151 W. 44th Ave. Truck parking blocks in irrigation channel 2 -15 1.2151 W. 44th Ave. Truck parking blocks in irrigation channel 2-16 12151 W. 44th Ave. Damage to irrigation channel 2 -12 12151 W. 44th. Ave. Damage to irrigation channel 2-18 12151 W. 44th Ave. Damage to irrigation channel 2-19 12151 W . 44th Ave. Damage to irrigation channel 2 -20 12151 W. 44th Ave, Damage to irrigation channel 2 -21 12151 W. 44th Ave. Damage to irrigation channel. 2 -22 12151 W. 44th Ave. larking lot condition. - pot holes 2-23 12151 W . 44th Ave, retention pond 2-24 12151 W . 44th Ave. "Trash left along fence line WARD ROAD / WEST 44 T " AVENUE AREA BLIGHT SURVEY 3-0 12151 W. 44th Ave. NE comer parking lot 3-1 12151 W. 44th Ave. NE comer parking lot 3-2 12151 W. 44th Ave.: comer parking lot 3-3 12151 W. 44th Ave. Pavement condition 3-4 12151 W. 44th Ave. New tires and junk stored. 3-5 12151 W. 44th Ave. Used toilets and junk behind restaurant 3-6 121511'x. 44th Ave. Trailer with flat tires, expired licence plates 3-7 12151 W. 44th Ave. No sidewalk, truck return lane. 3-8 1,2151 W. 44th Ave. Walk signal-no sidewalk. 3-9 12151 W. 44th Ave. Truck return lane-curb damaged by trucks. 3-10 12151 W. 44th Ave. Truck parked on landscaping and over curb 3-11 12700 W. 44th Ave. Irrigation ditch through property 3-12 Undeveloped Lot-Youngfield. No access 3-13 Youngfield. No sidewalk/ curb/ gutter 3-14 12700 W. 44th Ave. Irrigation ditch overgrown 3-15 12700 W. 44th Ave. Used cemetery headstones abandoned. 3-16 12700 W. 44th, Ave. Vacant land 3-17 Xenon Street. No sidewalk/ curb/ gutter. 3-18 4375 Xenon Street - Trash accumulation 3-19 4375 Xenon Street. Trash accumulation 3-20 4395 Xenon Street. Storage of granite and marble for headstones. 3-21 4395 Xenon Street. Storage of granite and marble for headstones. 3-22 4395 Xenon Street. Storage of granite and marble for headstones. 3-23 4395 Xenon Street. Storage of granite and marble for headstones. 3-24 4395 Xenon Street. Irrigation ditch condition overgrown. WARD ROAD / WEST 44 T " AVENUE AREA BLIGHT Arthur L. Anderson, and Associates, Inc. Page 30 4 -0 W. 44th ,Ave, locking P. 1-70 signs 4-1 Wright Street. No curb/ utter /sidewalk. Very narrow. 4-2 12390 W. 44th Ave. House in poor condition. 4 -3 12390 W. 44th Ave* junk in yard 4 -4 12390 W. 44th Ave. Junk in yard.. 4-5 12390 W. 44th Ave. 'Tree growing out of irrigation ditch control. 4-6 12200 W. 44th Ave. Sign in poor condition 4-7 12200 W. 44th Ave. 1 -70 sign - very small 4-8 12190 W. 44th Ave. Adult bookstore. 4-9 12130 W. 44th Ave. 'Trash enclosure overflowing 4 -10 South end of Van Gordon St. "Trash 4 -11 South end of Van Gordon St. 'Trash 4 -12 South end of Van: Gordon St. Trash 4-13 South end of Van Gordon St. Street only partially paved. 4 -14 12100 W.44th Ave. Temporary fence separating property from lake 4-15 12100 W.44th Ave. SW comer parking lot poor condition. 4-16 12100 1^V.44th Ave. Temporary fence down n 4 -17 12100 W.44th Ave. SE comer er par 'n lost in poor condition. 4-18 12100 W .44th Ave. East side parking lost poor condition 4-19 No Picture 4 -20 1 280 W. 44th Ave, Outdoor unsereened storage used pallets. 4-21 12280 W. 44th Ave. Parking lot condition 4-22 12230 W. 44th Ave, Continuous curb cut on Vivian Street. 4-23 12280 W 44th. Ave. Parking lot condition 4 -24 NE Comer -20 access and W. 44th: Ave.: No pedestrian improvements. Arthur L. Anderson, and Associates, Inc. Page 30 5Ui + d1 hii c Log Roll #5 March 5, 2001 i I & 5-0 12151 W. 44th Ave. Trailers still present. Ponding still present. 5-1 Tabor St. S. of W. 44th Ave. Narrow Street 5-2 11808/11880 W. 44th Ave. any curb is to no entries. 5-3 11801 W. 44th Ave. Seasonal market 5-4 11808/11880 W. 44th Ave. any curb is to no entries. 5-5 11875 W. 44th Ave. Junk in building rear 5-6 W. 44th Ave. Overhead utilities 5-7 12151 W. 44th Ave. Trailer still present. bond` ng still present. 5-8 12151 W. 44th Ave. Congestion entering location 5-9 12151 W. 44th Ave. Congestion entering location. 5-10 12151 W. 44th Ave. No sidewalk 5-11 12100 W. 44th Ave. Temporary drainage ditch bypassing detention. 5-12 12100 W. 44th Ave. Landscaping in poor condition 5-13 12150 W. 44th Ave. Temporary signage 5-14 12151 W. 44th Ave. Damage to curb/ gutter by truck movement 5-15 12301 W.44th Ave, Signage in poor condition 5-16 1-70 Access at W. 44th Ave. Crosswalk but no sidewalk. 5-17 12301 W.44th Ave. No sidewalk. 5-18 4400 Ward Road. Parking lot E. side in poor condition. 5-19 4400 Ward Road, Parking lot W. side in poor condition. 5-20 4400 and Road. Landscaping in poor condition. 5-21 12151 W. 44th Ave. Open access to irrigation ditch on street. 5-22 12151 W� 44th Ave. Landscape and curb in or condition. 5-23 4400 Ward Road. Landscaping in poor condition. 5-24 12410 W. 44th Ave. Commercial use in R-1 Zone i I & �r 40 6-0 12700 W. 44th Ave. Aband headstones. 6-1 12700 W. 44th Ave. Abandoned headstones 6-2 12700 W. 44th Ave. Abandoned headstones 6-3 Youn Irrig ation d itch. 6-4 Youngfield / W.44th .Ave. Intersection.. Elevation of I -70 6-5 4395 Xenon Street, Irrigation ditch. condition. 6-6 4395 Xenon Street, Irrigation ditch condition. 6-7 4395 Xenon Street* Irrigation ditch condition. 6-8 12390 W. 44th. Ave. "Tree g rowing out of irrigation ditch. control. 6-9 12390 W. 44th. Ave. House and drivew 6 -10 12230 W. 44th Ave. Two driveways close to intersection of Vivian St. 6-11 12200 W. 44th Ave. Parking lot condition poor. 6-12 12190 W. 44th Ave. Parking lot in poor condition. 6-13 12190 W . 44th Ave. Parking lot in poor condition. 6 -14 12150 W. 44th Ave. Commercial property vacancies. 6 -15 South end "fan Gordon St. Half street paved 6-16 12150 W. 44th Ave. S. access to Van Cordon St. 6 -17 12150 W. 44th .Ave. Access into half street 6-18 12150 W. 44th Ave. junk left by street 6 -19 12100 W. 44th Ave. Hand dug ditch to bypass detention. 6-20 12100 W. 44th Ave. Hand dog ditch to bypass detention. 6 -21 12100 W. 44th Ave. Condition of driveway at S. entrance. 6 -2 12100 W. 44th Ave, Sidewalk section replaced with asphalt 6-23 12100 W 44th .Ave. SW corner parking lot 6-24 12100 W. 44th Ave. Detail of parking lot condition, WARD ROAD / WEST " " AVENUE AREA BLIGHT SURVEY Arthur L. Anderson •! Associates, Inc. Page 33 Jft I I w To: Interim Chief Cassa From: Deri Part Date: Februarf 12, 2001 Subject- Crime Stats I was not able to pulls stats for the calls for service prior to 11 -04-99. There are numerous difficulties with our old records management system in performing this type of function. The most problematic is that each address must be searched separately, The old system does not allow the search to be defined bv Aerefare all cal Is for r' y t 44-WARD mu M 0 m 0 02108101 13:19:48 116 MXUL A U - 9 lus M MM. 0 u Is 0 02/08101 13:19:49 310 b= M f♦ fx ♦r... os� t♦ x., x • � *. * lac *�� �.... ,...♦ 11� �u. V R�� 1R sl ,y °i JIB f ♦ #* r* ♦ `k8 ♦ �� W ,� � p � , ilk a r� � 1► * % * : i t A * OR *�IIIILI,. e a r ! • n � iyi Ala IY M. i! �� el � f r � . VA rt# # * * T 11 � � i M 02 108/01 13:19:49 51 WO �► r • ,, t aW�M��' �« one "1M � �• M M I� '',,. w � T� ♦ � M b � F � i u R ei� Cray • # #1 M R Me rn r :0 02 108/01 13:19:49 51 Old= 02108/01 13:19:49 616 02/08101 13:23:46 44TH - WARD - TABOR 02108101 13.27:41 111 wow 02108101 13.27:41 111 WARD ROAD / WEST 44" AV ENUE • BILL OWENS 00vernor DEPARTMENT OF LABrIMAND EMPLOYMENT VICKIE L ARMSTRONG e.4 On Inspecifon secton executive Director Tower 3. Suite 610 1515 Aropohoe Street JEFFREY M WELLS Oenver, Cotorodo $0202-2117 Deputy executive Director (303) 620-4300; Fax (303) 620-4028 RICHARD 0. PIPER state inspector of 0#3 Bridgett Balbierz UNOCAL 755 HWY 105 STE 2H PALMER LAKE CO 80133 Re: Petroleum Storage Tank(s) (PST) at former Denver West Auto/Truck Stop, 12151 W. 44th Ave., Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County. (Event ID 992) the above referenced site dated November 7, 2000. The 01S cannot release you from any liability that may • associated with any contamination at or from this site. questions call me at (303) 620-4014. cc: Marilyn Hajicek, P.G., Remediation Program Manager Mike Meschke, ARCADIS Geraghty & Miller, Inc., 8222 S. 4e St., Ste. 140, Phoenix, AZ 85044 12M M 1101 ZMAYIN ► 511 MOKIRIMP-101 DIE EA�MLTA ON 91��� WHEREAS, the Urban Renewal Law of Colorado (§31-25-101 et seq C.R.S.) authorizes the analysis and consideration of factors within the City of Wheat Ridge to determine if blight exists within certain areas of the City to utilize the provisions of the Urban Renewal Law to eliminate and prevent blight and to develop and/or redevelop such areas for the economic and social well being and public health, safety and welfare of the community; and WHEREAS, such analysis has been undertaken to determine whether factors of blight exist within the vicinity of Ward Road and 44 Avenue, which study area is depicted on Exhibit 1 hereto (hereafter the "Study Area"); and WHEREAS, following requests for proposals and responses thereto, Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc, ("Anderson") was chosen to conduct such blight analysis; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners ♦ the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority (the Authority) was presented with such analysis, and reviewed and considered the evidence and factors of blight presented to it at its public meeting on July 9, 2001 by Anderson representatives; and WHEREAS, based upon the blight analysis and information presented to it, the Authority enacted Resolution No. 01-03 advising the City Council of its opinion of the existence of factors of blight in the Study Area; recommending that City Council hold a public hearing to consider evidence and determine if such factors of blight exist in the Study Area; and that if Council makes findings of blight, that it establish an urban renewal area; and WHEREAS, in compliance with §31-25-104 C.R.S. of the Urban Renewal Law, notice of a public hearing was provided to hear evidence and determine if factors • blight existed in the Study Area; and WHEREAS, in accordance with §31-25-104 C.R,S, of the Urban Renewal Law, a public hearing was held on July 23, 2001, at which public hearing a full opportunity to be heard was provided to all residents and taxpayers of the City of Wh, eat Ridge and all other interested persons; and WHEREAS, at such public hearing the City Council was presented evidence of the existence of factors of blight within the Study Area. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge as follows: hearing; and consistent with §31-25-103(2), the City Council hereby finds that the following factors of blight, as defined by such law, exist in the vicinity of Ward Road and 44 Avenue, within the City of Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado: A. Slum, Deteriorated or Deteriorating Structures. Dwelling structures, garages and accessory buildings are in a deteriorated or damaged condition. An irrigation ditch also has substantial damage and deterioration within the study area. One parcel of property and a residence thereon encroaches upon the right-of-way of a public street. N weeds and overgrown trees and vegetation; deteriorated signs; inadequate arl deteriorated drainage facilities. F Unusual Topography. Unusual slope conditions exist in the vicinity of the 4600 block area of Tabor Street making development and access to the site very difficult. G. Defective or Unusual Conditions of Title Rendering The Title Non- Marketable. In the 12000 block of West 44� Avenue, a structure is constructed in the public right-of-way of Wright Street. The property cannot • marketed in this condition. The oil which overflowed into a detention pond and into properties and creeks also polluted one of the irrigation ditches. One of the detention ponds on West 44th Avenue contains petroleum contamination. &Qd=-j The City Council finds that the vicinity of Ward Road and 44 Avenue, iw "M " 5&gItm3— An urban renewal area within the City of Wheat Ridge in the general vicinity of Ward Road and 44" Avenue as depicted on Exhibit I hereto is hereby created and to be known as the Ward Road/44" Avenue Redevelopment Area. &glign-4, The staff is hereby directed, with the assistance of the Wheat Ridge r e Urban Rene ae%ce ocess for A • Lftf-a-t urhan 19 plan, to be known as the Ward Road/44' Avenue Redevelopment Plan, to be eventually considered for approval by the City Council DONE AND RESOLVED this day of 2001. Wanda Sang, City 0 NI r o III 0 IMIM 44 Ih Avenue Corridor N I3 The area described above contains 2,851,196 square feM (65,4545 acres), more or less. I • MOM a The drafter of this description is David F. Brossman,P.L.S., prepared 10/11/01 on beh-"I of the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority, 7500 W. 29"' Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80215- 6713, and is not to be construed as a monumented land survey. El WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY I G I N Al UK CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS, such analysishas been undertaken to determine whether factors of blight exist within the vicinity of Ward Road and 44 Avenue, which study area is depicted on Exhibit I hereto (hereafter the "Study Area"); and WHEREAS, following requests for proposals and responses thereto, Arthur L. Anderson & Associates, Inc. was chosen to conduct such blight analysis; and WHEREAS, said study and analysis and the data and evidence presented at the public meeting validates the existence of factors of blight in the Study Area consistent with »3»» »1! ©< C.R.S. of the Urban Renewal Law. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority as follows: Se-c-tion 1 - The blight study for the vicinity of Ward Road and 40 Avenue and the data and evidence related thereto is hereby accepted by the Board of Commissioners. Law, me t \ \ \! << 1*11UN nurct)y unts Ma Ulu FuNwing it Mirs at *1 MOM exist in the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Study Area: A. Slum, deteriorated or deteriorating structures; ara C. Faulty lot layout in relation to size, adequacy, accessibility or usefulness; and D Unsanitary or unsafe conditions; and E. Deterioration of site or other improvements; and F. Unusual topography; arM G. Defective or unusual conditions of title rendering the title nonmarketable; and H. The existence of conditions that endanger life or property by fire or other causes; and Section 3. The Board of Commissioners finds that the vicinity of Ward Road and 44 Avenue, in its present condition and use and by reason of the presence of the foregoing 10 factors of blight, substantially impairs the sound growth of Wheat Ridge, constitutes an economic liability and is a menace • the public health, safety and welfare. Section 4. The Board of Commissioners respectfully recommends to the Wheat Ridge City Council the following: A That, in compliance with the Urban Renewal Law, it give noril of and hold a public hearing regarding consideration of blight factors in the vicinity of Ward Road and 44th Avenue; and & That if the data and evidence at the public hearing is sufficient to comply with the Urban Renewal Law, it make findings of the existence of factors of blight; and C. Based upon such blight factors, it establish an urban renewal area in the general vicinity of Ward Road and 44 Avenue, as it deems appropriate; and D. If it makes such findings of blight and establishes the urban renewal area, that it authorize the procedures for commencement of the preparation and consideration of an urban renewal plan for the area. M DONE AND RESOLVED this day of ' 2001. EA'T' RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL ATTEST: cr tary to the Authority a . '4 ;S MMID - • gal • i I I I , Itt"Joy-lowl lillm 'M 19 I CITY COUNCIL,MINUTES CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, 7500 W. 29th Avenue, MunicipAl Building Motion by Mr. DiTullio for the approval of the Minutes of July 9, 2001; seconded by Mrs. Worth; carried 6-0. - -------- -- Bill Schroer, 5595 S.- Zang Street, Littleton, expressed concerns regarding the Northwest Quadrant Feasibility Study, its process and possible extension. He urged Council to reject any involvement in the NQFS or a CDOT-led successor. -1teml Resolution 16-2001 - finding the existence of blight in the vicinity of Ward Road and 44 Avenue. Nesolution 16-2001 was introduced by Mrs, Worth, who also read the title. - . - Art Anderson was sworn in by the Mayor, He prepared the Blight Survey for the City he gave background of his extensive experience in this field. He showed photographs of the blighted area and made some corrections to his written report. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: JULY 23, 2001 Page Motion by Mrs, Worth to approve Resolution 16-2001; seconded by Mr. Edwards; carried 7-0. DECISIONS RESOLUTION NS, _ANQ M -OTIONS Item 2. Motion to award RFQ-01-009, Administrative Space Planning and Design Consultant Services, to C4i Design Group for the total amount of $69,988 for Phase I and 11. Item 2 was introduced by Mr. DiTuffio, who also read the title, summary and background. Motion by Mr. DiTullio to award RFQ-01-009, Administration Space Planning and Design Consultant Services, to c4i Design Group, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, for the total amount of $69,988 for Phase I and It; seconded by Mrs. Worth; carried 7-0, Item 3. Approval to award RFP-01-023, Real Estate Services for the City, to The Broker Team. 11 Item 3 was introduced by Mr. DiTullio, who also read the title, summary and backgroun I Motion by Mr. DiTullio to award RFP-01-023, Real Estate Services for the City, to The Broker Team, Lakewood, Colorado. Services shall be on an as-needed basis, Funds shall be allocated at the time of request for services; seconded by Mrs. Worth; carried 7-0. X PUBLIC HEARINGS BIDS/MOTIONS X RESOLUTIONS Quasi-Judicial: Yes ORDINANCES FOR 1ST READING ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING X No SUBJECT: Resolution No. A resolution finding blight in the vicinity of W. 44" Avenue and Ward Road, SUMNIARY AND -BACKGROUND. City Council, upon recommendation of the Urban Renewal Authority, approved the hiring of the consulting firm of Arthur L. Anderson and Associates to perforrn an evaluation of the physical conditions of sites and structures along W. 44 from Tabor Street to Youngfield Street. The analysis is contained in the accompanying Blight Survey, Anderson and Associates concluded that there was sufficient evidence • factors of blight in the area. The Blight Survey was presented to the Urban Renewal Authority on July 9, 2001 and the Authority adopted Resolution 0 1 -03 finding the existence of factors of blight and forwarding this recommendation to City Council. The Authority made no changes to the recommended area shown in Exhibit I to the Resolution. ATTACHMENTS: 1, Resolution Inca.__ 2. Urban Renewal Authority Resolution 01-03 3. Blight Survey ORIQINATED BY: STAFF RESPONSIBLE: VU-90-AHROM CAMyFih:s\WPFi1eiWRA\44th Ward blight cc,wpd Nufflimm BUDGET IMPACT: "I move to approve Resolution No. a resolution finding blight in the vicinity of W. 44" Avenue and Ward Road," CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. Series of 2001 hearing, and consistent with §31-25-103(2), the City Council hereby finds that the following factors of blight, as defined by such law, exist in the vicinity of Ward Roa and 44' Avenue, within the City of Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado: N weeds and overgrown trees and vegetation; deteriorated signs; inadequate and deteriorated drainage facilities, F. Unusual Topography. Unusual slope conditions exist in the vicinity of the 4600 block area of Tabor Street making development and access to the site very difficult. G Defective or Unusual Conditions of Title Rendering The Title Aon— Marketable. In the 12000 block of West 44"' Avenue, a structure is constructed in the public right-of-way of Wright Street. The property cannot be marketed in this condition. The oil which overflowed into a detention pond and into properties and creeks also polluted one of the irrigation ditches. Section 2. The City Council finds that the vicinity of Ward Road and 44' Avenue, Section 3. An urban renewal area within the City of Wheat Ridge in the general vicinity of Ward Road and 44' Avenue as depicted on Exhibit I hereto is hereby created and to be known as the Ward Road/44' Avenue Redevelopment Area. Section 4. The staff is hereby directed, with the assistance of the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority, to commence the process for the preparation of an urban renewal 0 plan, to be known as the Ward Road/44"' Avenue Redevelopment Plan, to be eventually considered for approval by the City Council BOOM- a-CKWUL611 "TOOM day of 2001. Gretchen Cerveny, Mayor Wanda Sang, City Clerk 9 WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO, 01-03 TITLE: A RESOLUTION FINDING THE EXISTENCE OF BLIGHT IN THE VICINITY OF WARD ROAD AND 44 AVENUE AND MAKING RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS, the Urban Renewal Law of Colorado (§31-25-101 et s WHEREAS, such analysis has been undertaken to determine whether factors of blight exist within the vicinity of Ward Road and 44 Avenue, which study area is depicted on Exhibit I hereto (hereafter the "Study Area"); and WHEREAS, following requests for proposals and responses thereto, Arthur L. Anderson & Associates, Inc. was chosen to conduct such blight analysis; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has been presented with the results and evidence of such blight analysis at a public meeting on July 9, 2001; and WHEREAS, said study and analysis and the data and evidence presented at the public meeting validates the existence of factors of blight in the Study Area consistent with §31-25-103(2) C.R.S. of the Urban Renewal Law, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority as follows: Section 1. The blight study for the vicinity of Ward Road and 44" Avenue and the data and evidence related thereto is hereby accepted by the Board of Commissioners . Section 2. Consistent with §31-25-103(2) C.R.S. of the Urban Renewal Law, the Board of Commissioners hereby finds that the following 10 factors of blight exist in the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Study Area: A. Slum, deteriorated or deteriorating structures; and & Defective or inadequate street layout; and C. Faulty lot layout in relation to size, adequacy, accessibility or usefulness; and D. Unsanitary or unsafe conditions; and E. Deterioration of site or other improvements; and F Unusual topography, and & Defective or unusual conditions of title rendering the title nonmarketable; and H. The existence of conditions that endanger life or property by fire or other causes; and L Environmental contamination of buildings or property; and 1. Inadequate public improvements or utilities. Section 3 The Board of Commissioners finds that the vicinity of Ward Road and 44 Avenue, in its present condition and use and by reason of the presence of the foregoing 10 factors of blight, substantially impairs the sound growth of Wheat Ridge, constitutes an economic liability and is a menace to the public health, safety and welfare. Section 4, The Board of Commissioners respectfully recommends to the Wheat Ridge City Council the following: C. Based upon such blight factors, it establish an urban renewal area in the general vicinity of Ward Road and 44 Avenue, as it deems appropriate; and D If it makes such findings of blight and establishes the urban renewal area, that it authorize the procedures for corturiencement of the preparation and consideration of an urban renewal plan for the area, 19 DONE AND RESOLVED this I. day of , 2001 WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL it ATTEST: Secretary to tae AA thor ty \ \\ ` !\ 0 No 11 q! 1. 12505 W 44' Ave. Owner: Hari S Sachanandani ; Doris Sachanandani Mailing Address: 3224 Beech CT, Golden CO 80401 Square Feet : 33,535 2. 4415 Ward Rd. Owner: Classic Car Care, INC Mailing Address: same Square Feet : 32,670 3. 4400 Ward Rd. Owner: Eugene Frisk, Laura Frisk Mailing Address: 17400 W C R 8, Brighton CO 80601 Square Feet : 37,600 4. 12351 W 44"' Ave. Owner: Public Storage Euro Partnership VII Ltd. Mailing Address: PO Box 25025, Glendale CA 91201 Square Feet : 93,959 5. 12301 W 44' Ave. Owner: Mary lhle, Terrence McLean Mailing Address: 3269 Zinnia CT, Golden CO 80401 Square Feet : 14,000 6. 12151 W 44" Ave. Owner: National Auto / Truckstops INC. Mailing Address: 24601 Center Ridge Rd 300, Westlake OH 44145 Square Feet : 572,967 7. 11901 W 44' Ave. Owner: Partners Preferred Yield, INC Mailing Address: PO Box 25025, Glendale CA 91201 Square Feet : 207,056 & 4651 Tabor St. Owner: Skit Offshore LLC Mailing Address: Same Square Feet : 1,19,672 9, 4601 Tabor St. Owner: Mailing Address: Square Feet: 10. 4549 Tabor St. Owner: Mailing Address: Square Feet: 11. 4433 Tabor St. Owner: Mailing Address: Square Feet : Skitzo Offshore LLC 4651 Tabor Street 115,552 Tabor Street Properties, LLC 711 Vallejo Street, Denver CO 80204 41,775 Brenda Kathleen Williams 11 4501 or 4425 Tabor St. Owner: Heinz N Silz, Thea M Silz Mailing Address: 15745 HWY 34, Fort Morgan CO 80701 Square Feet: 37,267 13. 11807 or 11801 W 44 Ave. Owner: Heinz N Silz, Thea M Silz Mailing Address: 15745 HWY 34, Fort Morgan CO 80701 Square Feet : 37,099 14. 11875 W 44 Ave. Owner: Mailing Address Square Feet : 15. 11808 W. 44" Ave. Owner: Mailing Address: Square Feet: 16. 11880 W. 44' Ave. Owner: Mailing Address: Square Feet: Richard J Pozorski , Rose M Pozorski 6313 Urban St., Arvada • 80004 42,950 11808 W 44" LLC 3224 Beech Ct,, Golden CO 80401, 134,152 11808 W 44 Ih LLC 3224 Beech Ct., Golden CO 80401 20,000 17. 11900 W. 44" Ave. Owner: 2220 Rand LLC Mailing Address: same Square Feet: 99,624 18. 12000 W. 44"' Ave. Owner: 2220 Rand LLC Mailing Address: 11930 W. 40 Ave., Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Square Feet: 44,258 19. 12100 W. 44' Ave. Owner: Bart Macgillivray Mailing Address: 3737 Broadway, Boulder CO 80304 Square Feet: 125,264 20. 12150 W. 44' Ave. Owner: Legend Properties LLC Mailing Address: 3650 Vance St. 1, Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Square Feet: 116,976 21. 12190 W. 44' Ave. Owner: Patrick J & Deborah J Notch Mailing Address: 15654 W Wedge Way, Morrison CO 80465 Square Feet: 23,625 22. 12200 W. 44"' Ave. Owner: Ronald L & Gloria E Cunningham Mailing Address: same Square Feet: 39,988 23. 12280 W. 44' Ave. Owner: Abner S & Yvonne M Beccera, Mailing Address: same Square Feet: 32,900 24. 12300 W. 44' Ave. Owner: Vickers Petroleum Corp. Mailing Address: PO Box 696000, San Antonio TX 78269 Square Feet: 21,780 25. 12420 W. 44' Ave. Owner: Michael Crotty Mailing Address: same lm� 26 12550 W. 44 Ave. Owner: Mailing Address: Square Feet: Ralph Deorio Trust 3051 Nelson Rd,, Lakewood CO 80215 16,374 27. 43.1.5 Van Gordon St. Owner: Gary & Suzanne Wilson Mailing Address: 1362 Old Squaw Pass Rd., Evergreen CO 80439 Square Feet: 54,581 28, 12700 W. 44 Ave. Owner: Ralph J & Evangeline Mangone Mailing Address: 2781 Bey Ln., Golden CO 80401 Square Feet: 25,047 29. 4365 Xenon St. Owner: Richard L & Lavonne A Beckfeld Mailing Address: 421 Xenon St, Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Square Feet: 10,454 30. 4375 Xenon St. Owner: Dennis D Fritz Mailing Address: same Square Feet: 10,454 31. 4385 Xenon St. Owner: C Deorio Investments LLC Mailing Address: 7990 Melrose Dr., Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Square Feet: 9,060 31 4395 Xenon St. Owner: Ralph Deorio Mailing Address: 12550 W. 44 Ave., Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Square Feet: 23,391 TO: Ron Patera, City Treasurer FROM: Alan White, Planning and Development Director 60W SUBJECT: Blight Study Payment DATE: March 21, 2001 I spoke with Jack Hurst about paying this invoice. It was his opinion that if Council, in their motion to award the blight study bid, also included that this study was to be funded from the hotel/motel fund, then the money was appropriated. No budget transfers or further Council approvals would be necessary. The attached minutes show that the award of the 44"/Ward blight study was to be paid from the hotel/motel fund. Call, me if you have questions, cc: Jack Hurst, Acting City Manager CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: January 22, 2001 Page - 4 - Motion carried 7-1 with Mr. Sifer voting no, A, Approval of Expenditure ltem.1 B, Contract for Economic Development Assistance with Brian Rick and Associates, Inc, C. Motion to authorize staff to proceed with a Request for Proposal for initial clean-up of the Davis property, U. Bid Award for Blight Study, E. Designate 38" Avenue (Sheridan to Wadsworth) as Streetscape Test Project, Consent Agenda was introduced and read by Mrs. Worth. Motion by Mrs. Worth to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, seconded by Mr, DiTullio. Mr, Siler asked to pull Item D, Motion carried 8-0. Motion by Mr. Sher to approve D_ seconded by Mr. DiTulfio; carried 8-0, Ww u "13AIA "IA V � r • kwim ! • # i • 2342 Pine Street, Boulder, Colorado 80302 5 Figure 1: Study Area .44th Avenue Intersectiol Appendix 1: Photographic Logs EXMBITS Page 1 2 2 4 5 5 5 6 I I m WARD ROAD/44TH AVENIJE AREA BLIGHT SIJRVEY 1.0 SURVEY OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE an area that, in its present condition and use and, by reason of the following factors, substantially impairs or arrests the sound growth of provision of housing accommodations, or constitutes an economic or sor public health, safety, morals or welfare: (a) slam, deteriorated, or deteriorating structures; (b) predominance of defective or inadequate street (r) faulty lot layout in relation to size, (d) unsanitaill i (e) deterioralip (f) unusual top, (g) defective or (it) the existent (i) buildings th code violations inadequate fac MIZIRMOM e'rendering the title nonmark-etable; ger life or property by fire or other causes; for persons to live or zvork in because of building , deterioration, defective design, physical construction, or faulty or (j) environmental contamination of buildings or property; (k) inadequate public improvements or utilities; or Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 1 WARD ROAD/40K AVENUE AREA BLIGHT SURVEV ...... .... .. � 6 7. 8. 9. The study area is defined as: M Rolm 4"y boards with maps and photographs K"I in this report as Exhibits 1, 2, 3 and 4. The area within and surrounding the intersection of and Road and West 44th Avenue as shown in Figure 1 - Unusual topography; Defective or unusual conditions of title rend, E ination , ovironmeital contam. Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc, Page 2 WARD ROAD/40 AVENIJE AREA BLIGHT SURVEY 3.0 SURVEY METHODOLOGY (continued) personnel and are quoted within the report. Numerous reports and relevant documents were reviewed and are quoted and referenced in this blight survey. The information collected from these sources was then com • ared and analyzed with the factors found in C.R.S. Section 31-25-103(2), as amended. The following reports and interviews were used in the are referred to by reference number. These conta" N mm Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 4 WARD BOAD/44FE AVENUE AREA BLIGHT SURVEY 5.0 SURVEY FINDINGS Numerous factors of blight were found to exist in the study area. Some of the factors may be categorized under several headings as permitted by statute. Therefore some specific items are listed more than once. The study findings are tabulated in the order of the list of "Blight Factors" found in C.R.S. Section 31-25-103(2) as amended. Z� IM MM Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 5 WARD ROAD/40H AVENUE ABU BLIGHT SIJRVFY 5.2 DEFECTIVE OR INADEQUATE STREET LAYOUT. (continued) MINOR ill i � IN I i useful size of the property. (1-1, Exhibit 3) Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. PageM WARD ROAD/44TIR AVENUE AREA BLIGHT SURVEY Mail treet right-of-way. This creates accessibility problems to adjacent properties as well as maintenance ruble ( -4, 2-6) 124 ( West 44th Avenue according to City of Wheat Ridge maps has a structure and pr e ° ty lines located in the right-of-way of 'Wright Street. (Exhibit 3) MEEMMY.Mly V.1 The following is presented as evidence of unsanitary or (2-14,2-15,2-16,2-19) 11 1111111111111 lii I ill 1 11115 11 WARD ROAD/40H AVENUE AREA BLIGHT SURVEY The use of drainage swales on Tabor Street (4,549 and 4601) creates a traffic safety problem if vehicles leave the paved. surface. (1-1,5,1,-16) # Pedestrian movement along Tabor Street is unsafe because there are no sidewalks. ON are no curbs/ gutters t on Vivian Street is unsafe because there are no curbs/ gutters Street causing 22) * The Abner N vehicle access. at 12280 West 44th Avenue has two curb cuts on West 44th Avenue WARD ROAD/40H AVENUE AREA BLIGHT SURVEY Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 10 WARD ROAD/44TH AVENUE AREA BLIGHT SURVEY 5.4 UNSANITARY OR UNSAFE CONDITIONS (continued) # 4601 Tabor Street has junk pallets stacked in a field ,, violation of zoning. (1-12) * 4601 Tabor Street has a truck and trailer parked on the property in violation of W" d ro*f6r pedestrians since there is no sidewalk in this area. # � The following is presented as evidence of deterioration of the site or improvements: WARD ROAD/44TJR AVENUE AREA BLIGHT SURVEY to snow melt was pres nt on February 18, 2001 . Water del, indicating poor site drainage. (2-9, 2-1 The ponding was COM I screening of parked vehicles g. (2-13) �, Slough Ditch, large concrete parking *Khitting concrete stop barriers at such a speed to cause them to 16, 247 2-18, 2-19, 2-20, 2-21) WARD ROAD/44TH AVENUE AREA BLIGHT SURVEY - P Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 13 WARD ROAD/4 AVENUE AREA BLIGHT SURVEY 5.5 DETERIORATION OF SITE OR OTHER IMPROVEMENTS (continued) 5.6 UNUSU. * The following is presented as evidence of unusual topography: # 4651 Tabor Street lies below Tabor Street creating property usage problems. The building parking area and surrounding area is at 5408 feet elevation (average) and the adjacent Tabor Street is at 5425 feet elevation (average). This makes future development and access to the site difficult. (Exhibit 3) 4��s ( -z� 10,�t, ca, dlhvc�, WARD BOAD/44TH AVENUE AREA BLIGHT SURVEV �M 0 akN1 M R NEM 0 a IV 11112-161 Van a my olmu SOM The following is presented as evidence of defective or unusual conditions of title rendering the title non-marketable: * The following is presented as evidence of the ex stance of life or property by fire or other causes: hazard (1-23,1- * 4425 Tabor St Z= M 1-20) dowked s, debris, junk and tree A MEMMMM= stored are a fire hazard(2-1) * 12151 West 44th Avenue northeast comer, collection area for the detention pond had a strong petroleum odor and oil sheen on water surface Light pole an ground in pond area. (3-0,3-1) Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 15 WARD ! fi AV ENUE r SUR The following is presented as evidence of environmental contamination of buildings or property: undergone # 1,2151 West 44th Avenue, has pollution remediation due to underground fuel leakage. The site was released by the Oil Inspection Section (01S) from the active remediation on December 7, 2000. The letter of release is quoted as follows: An interview Wit Oil Inspection Section stated that though the property was rei e oes not mean that all contamination has y still have petroleum pollution and should be considered as ell inated. WARD ROAD/44TU AVENUE AREA BLIGHT SURVEY qr- . .. ... The following is presented as evidence of inadequate public improvements: Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 17 WARD ROAD/ 44TH AVENUE AREA BLIGHT SURVEY Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Arthur L. Anderson, President March 15, 2001 WARD ROAD/zUrIll AVENUE AREA BLIGBT SURVEY D Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 19 WABI) 110110/44TH AUNUE AREA BLIC"FUT SURVEY 7.1 SLUM, DETERIORATED, OR DETERIORATING STRUCTURES dww\ 4375 Xenon Street (3 -18) Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 21 4601 Tabor Street 4601 Tabor Street (1 -13) 4433 Tabor Street (1 -20) 4601 Tabor Street (1 -14) 12390 West 44th Avenue (6 -9) IYARD ROAD /44TH MIMI?. t IMA BLIGHT SURVIN 7.2 DEFECTIVE OR INADEQUATE STREET LAYOUT Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 22 Tabor Street (1 -9) Tabor Street (2 -3) Tabor Street Xenon Street (3 -17) Wright Street (4 -1) Youngfield Street (3 -13) WARD 110AD /44TH 11YENUE AMDA 11LIIiUT S[111V Y 7.3. FAULTY LOT LAYOUT, ACCESSIBILITY, SIZE AND USEFULNESS - It 7.4 UNSANITARY OR UNSAFE CONDITIONS 12151 W. 44th Ave. Slough Ditch (2 -14) Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 23 12700 W. 44th Ave. Swadley Ditch (3 -14) Tabor Street Slough Ditch (1 -0) West 44th Avenue Lane Ditch (2 -4) Youngfield Street Swadley Ditch (6 -3) 12151 W 44th Ave. Slough Ditch (2 -17) IVARD M)AD /44TH AYl3\TIJE AREA BLIGHT SIJR"?Iy 7.4 UNSANITARY OR UNSAFE CONDITIONS Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 24 12151 W. 44th Ave. (5 -21) Tabor Street drainage swale (1 -15) No sidewalk on Wright Street (4 -1) No sidewalks on Xenon Street (3-17) Unlimited curb cut on Vivian Street (4 -22) Signalized crossing with no sidewalk (5-16) WARD 110M)/ -40 1XV117NUL AMDt1 BLIGHT SURITV 7.5 DETERIORATION OF SITE OR OTHER IMPROVEMENTS _ r . L _. r. Wood produce boxes 1 Large snowmelt pond (2 -10) Sign Deterioration (4 -6) Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 25 Capacity of detention pon d reduced (1 -5) Junk truck with stacked tires (1 -21) 121651 W. 44th Ave potholes (2 -22) MME (5 -15) 1VARD 110AD/40H MIENUE ARIDI 11LIfy"H ' SUMMY 7.6 INADEQUATE PUBLIC IMPROVEMNTS OR UTILITIES Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 26 Tabor Street - no sidewalks (2 -3) Van Gordon Street is only half paved (4 -13) Youngfield Street has no sidewalk (3 -13) Truck return lane in ROW (3 No sidewalk on Vivian Street (4 -22) Wright Street in poor condition (4-1) t L"4 ......... . 0 III 0 0 CH2MHILL July 2000 1 Local jurisdictions include Jefferson County and the cities of Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Lakewood, and Golden, DEM,EXECUTIVE-SUMMARY.0 X 07107100 ES-I Existing Conditions Roadway Facilities and Existing Traffl CORSIM (a standard microscopic simulation tool developed by FffWA) was used for this feasibility study to evaluate morning and afternoon peak-hour traffic operations within the DEN\EXECUTIVE-SUMMARY,DOC 07/07100 ES -2 study area for baseline (existing 1999) conditions. The study area for the model extended along 1-70 from Denver West Boulevard to Kipling Street and along SH 58 from 1-70 to McIntyre Street. The arterial streets includ thi modil w � those surface- W In adiiiii, OWN The existing conditions and critical issues for the 1-70/SH 58 Interchange and nearby facilities are summarized below. This surnnary was developed based on the project team's investigations and in conjunction'with the PRT. The existing conditions are as follows: M • The EBSH 58 iamp to EB 1-70 (Ramp A) had 58 reported crashes from 1996 to 1998 with 15 (26 percent) rear-end, 11 (19 percent) guardrail, and 8 (14 percent) sideswipe accidents. DEMEXECUTIVE-SUMMARYDOC ES-3 07/07/00 The 1-70/Kipling Interchange had 208 reported incidents during the period, and 109 (52 percent) were rear-end crashes. Accident statistics were also provided by the City of Wheat Ridge. The majority of crashes occurred during normal (dry) operating conditions and were primarily rear-end and broadside-type crashes, as well as a few guardrail incident-, along 1-70 entrance and exit ramps, The Kipling Street/44th Avenue and Kipling Street/38th Avenue intersections have experienced several incidents involving bicyclists and pedestrians on their way to school. I • An overview of environmental issues was performed for the feasibility study. The following environmental issues, but not limited to these issues, will be studied further in the EA: The wetlands in the project area include a cluster of large ponds near the 1470/SH 58 Interchange (some of which have been reestablished and serve as wildlife refuge areas) and wetlands within the Clear Creek corridor. The 1-70/SH 58 Interchange area is centered in the course of Clear Creek and therefore in the 100-year floodplain. The project lies within a Non-Attainment area for carbon monoxide, particulate matter less than 10 microns in size (PM,o). The majority of the immediate study area has little ecological value since it largely consists of developed property and highway. There is known presence of the Ute Ladies Tresses Orchid (an endangered species) east of the project area along the Wheat Ridge Greenbelt. Presence of the orchid and potential presence of the Preble's Meadow Jumping Mouse will be investigated during the EA. A preliminary database search on hazardous materials revealed several leaking underground storage tanks in the area. Once the purpose and need statement (problem overview) was developed (also see June 21, 1999, PRT minutes in Appendix A), key criteria (e.g., safety, traffic, environmental issues, cost, etc.) were developed that could be used to assess potential alternatives for improvements. DEMEXECUTIVE-SUMMARY.DOC ES-4 07/07100 RE XEGUTIVE_SUMMARY. ES-5 07/07/00 On the mainline freeway, LOS will degrade by one or more LOS grade for most segments by 2020, and most ramp merge/diverge areas will be operating at LOS F. This suggests that the freeway system is already nearing capacity during peak travel periods and will require efforts to reduce major congestion in upcon years. These alternatives were reviewed with the PRT. An initial screening process was used to eliminate some alternatives and refine others ir. an effort to create a more focused set of alternatives. The C-D road options were eliminated because it was found that the C-D road would not improve traffic operations significantly and would increase project cost considerably. The trumpet interchange was deemed unsatisfactory due to the amount of DEMEXECUTIVE-SUMMARY,DOC ES-6 07107/00 right-of-way it would require. Improvements to WB 1-70 ramps a� 32nd Avenue were deemed independent of the 1-70/SH 58 Interchange project and were not retained in the alternatives analysis. Both an interim (initial) construction phase and an ultimate interchange design were developed for all three alternatives. For the ultimate design, replacement of the existing EB SH 58 to BB 1-70 flyover was included to address operational and safety limitation's of the existing ramp. However, the phasing and funding plans for improving the 1-70/SH 58 Interchange will necessitate constructing the improvements in phases. The evaluation approach used the seven criteria listed previously to evaluate each alternative. Usine the e cifte4i, each altettatig w iitk-ed-usl't P ir evaluation was conducted to determine if there were obvious discriminators between the alternatives. Then, where ap'2Lopriate, more focused technical evaluations were conducted- Altemative 1 was selected as the recommended alternative; however, the PRT and project team recognized that there were opportunities to take advantage of certain features of Alternative 6. This led to a combination of Alternative I and 6 that resulted in the final recommended alternative described in Section 7.0. DENNEXECVr]VE-SUMMARY,DOC ES-8 07/07100 Recommended Alf Alternative 1 was determined the recommended alternative after undergoing a comprehensive screening and evaluation process. The evaluation summarized in Section 6.0 considered the previously listed seven criteria, and Alternative 1 ranked overall highest (highest in five of the seven criteria). Alternative I offers definite advantages in terms of safety and operations. It has a higher design speed, and the environmental and neighborhood impacts are less because less right-of-way is required. The construction costs of the flyover design may be somewhat higher; however, these costs will be offset by savings in right-of-way acquisition. DEMEXECUTIVE-SUMMARY,DC C ES-9 07107/00 will be modified accordingly. EMEM DEMEXECUTIVE-SUMMARY.DOC ES-10 07,107100 1 J 7r? Of YAL ( fc, � ) *Av�c- N E WHEATRIDGE POLICE DEPARTMENT 7500 W, 29TH AVENUE . � M HAT RIDGE, CO 80215-671 f � DER PVT , w f POLICE ITiAINING COORDINATOR "ULn FiousiN ' )TEL COORDINATOR ) , „.gp {d{p( y y ,.,y py d a6i°&Yci,w{ eatridge.co. s NON OFFICER N '' '237'2220 RE DS 3.235.2921 (" , , S FAX -235 -?972 FAX 303-235'2, .... W�STCCATM}P&ALWhN FAX ,: -235• To Interim Chief Cassa From: Deri Part Date: February 12, 2001 Subject: Crime Stars I was not able to pulls stats for the calls for service prior to ' 11 -04-99, There are numerous difficulties with our old records management system in performing this t I ype of function. The most problematic is that each address must be searched separately. The old system does not allow the search to • defined by year, therefore all calls for service at an address beginning in 1987 through 1999 will be displayed. From there to get any ffirther breakdown, a hand-count must be conducted. For many of the calls, a NIBRS code sheet is required to interpret the - incident code numbering system to an alpha interpretation. For the identified areas of study, this method would require the address search of well over 200 addresses, If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Der' UjIbm ' , 1/ r :Y ! R t I !� *��� • w M Mx M h !n d !. • � AF y♦ f ��� x u x �,� T!� • i • a `j� j� �M • rr �i �t M n M a QU u x m h Ii m � • !1 a '. t r �iy � to �# �'�• U14 ! i ! Gn w � t� x* o M ' , 1/ auRzaa 02/08/0 1319:48 2/6 02/08/01 13 :19..49 316 .. ,.. + • A � �W• M e am om �! sm r� yw aa6 A I' rq 1u IM: am sm om Boom t � tt ♦ � M s Ua «Iw IN j w..... w w � �� w t a wnni� # ! �.. s • �Y rr .. R w w "�* wr 7� w �M t • n � * � • t an ON �r�n man � �� •�� � � � r � M � I, U 1111 I 'i.�� t � I � �� i �. �V� 4 1 1 .. . •iM 02/08/01 13 :19..49 316 UMME 02108/01 13:19:49 4/6 3 FJt tR = s r - TRUCK - STOP IP_, ♦ y Y dt yr. YX PIV A T lli 1�IIIIII � ♦ x. x FALCON S yyy rrosM J�ma AY • #s a "rw .� * r•r P . ,dry Y ur ii r I I "w *i + x � # vI * it r�� I I � �. F U Y I� i 4 s 44 - WARD 02108/01 13:19:49 616 //THE/ //NO d i emm" 020&011&2 46 a . . 111 020&011&2 46 a . . 111 02108101 13:27:41 111 As a-�ol -o2, -0 f 6 Code 7 Out of Service TRF Traffic Stop 911 'Unkn 911 C all -D A Animal DOA A -DIGIT Asumal Fighting A -T - L Animal Trouble AND Abandoned Vehicle AB USE -1 Child Abuse 1 US -2 Child .Abuse AB USE-3 Child Abuse 3 ACC PTA .Accident PD ACC PI Accident PI ACC PP Accident PP G- MV T Aggravated Motor Vehicle Theft ALARM Audible Al AL Mr F Fire Al arrn ALARNI Mold up Al arm ALAR.M- Panic Al ALAR.N4-S Silent Alarm RBI -C Alarm Chargeable ALRM-NC Alarm ton- chargeable ALCOHOL Alcohol in Public AR SON Arson ASSIST Assist ASSIST-D ASSIST-D Civil Assist Domestic ASSIST -0 Civil Assist tither AS SIST -P Parrs .Assist ASSLT -1st I" Degree Assault A SLT -2nd 2" Degree Assault ASSLT - 3rd 3' Degree Assault AT-RISK Theft from elderly and at Ris BAR Bar Disturbance BAR.K. Animal Disturbance BITE Animal Bite BOAT Boating Regulation Violation BONM Bomb Threat BRANDISH Prohibited Use of Weapon BRIBERY Bribery IstBRG -C I" Degree Burglary Commercial lstBRG -R. lit Degree Burglary Residential n RG -C 2 Degree Burglary Commercial 2ndBRG -R 2' Degree Burglary Residential BURG-3rd Burglary 3' Degree yet CABLE Theft of Cable Service CAN Canceled CR CARD Unlawful use or manufacture of Financial Transaction Device CCW Concealed Weapon CHECK Welfare Check CHILD Child Prostitution CODE Code Enforcement Violation COMPUTER Computer Crime CON-GUN Possession of a Weapon by Previous Offender CONTSUB Unlawful Use of Controlled Substance C P Criminal Impersonation C IM Criminal Simulation CRMIS Criminal Nfischief CRUELTY Cruelty to Animals CUR-FEW Curfew Violation DCP Damage to City Property DD Domestic Disturbance DEFACING Defacing Property DETOX Detox Assist DISORDER Disorderly Conduct FIST Disturbance DOA Death Investigation DRUG Drug or Narcotics Call DUI Driving Under the Influence DUID Driving Under the Influence of Drugs DV Domestic Violence DWAI Driving While Ability Impaired ELUDING Vehicular Eluding EXPLO False Report of Explosives EXTORT Criminal Extortion F-PROP Found Property FA First Aid FALSE False Infonnation or False Reporting FIRE-G Grass Fire FIRE-O Fire Other FIRE-S Fire Structure FIRE-V Fire Vehicle FISHING Fishing Violation FORGED Possession of Forged Instrument or Device FORGERY Forgery FORG-2ND Forgery 2 Degree FRAUD Fraud by Check Q 41 GAMBLE Gambling Offenses GAS Gas Th eft GUN Person with Gun HARASS Harassment HAZMAT Hazinat Incident HITR N Hit and Run Accident HO r rz . 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Report SUSP -1 Suspicious Incident SUSP Suspicious Person a� SUSP -V Suspicious Vehicle Tt Wi -- ST I' Degree Criminal Tamperi TAMP-2ND 2` Degree Criminal Tampering T - Criminal T pering Other T-HAZ Traffic Hazzard THEFT Theft THEFT-MI) Theft Medical Records THE FT-R Theft Receiving TH EFT-RNT Theft of Rental Property TM -F , Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts Felony TM`VP-M Theft of locator Vehicle Parts Misdemeanor TOOLS Possession of Burglary Tools TRA FFIC Traffic TRAP Anim Trap T SP l ST l' Degree Criminal Trespass TRESP 2° Degree Criminal Trespass T SP Degree Criminal Trespass Theft of Rental Property UNK Unkn own Situation UNP RTY Unwanted P arty VAGRANT Non-criminal Transient Behavior I~I_ASLT Vehicular Assault VEHHOM Vehicular Homicide VE H-PARK Vehicles in Park VICIOUS Vicious Animal W.A. Warrant .Assist WALK Walkaway WANT Warrant WATER Waterways Violation ED Unlawful Use or Possession of Marijuana WE LFARE Welfare Check WIRE Wire Tapping a t wi ' ",r 'h i 04Y ! 450eS.G54 TOr woeatridge, ColoraCo honatukwa Wdj/99 -wisili0j"ouc oil 11UP11 -'jall 01 AtKvictji 911 CALL11 -A-iKdLjVj1j5jAX1MAL CALL11 -mdw>c! 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ORUtK VIO GOLUJI -R�;V!311101RECOVEREO STULEN VEH11 - KUNAW i �:- j 114 i RUNAWA j I -�;HOP1211151SHOPLlt IN CUST11 HEARD11 Ok:�ISMUKt INVtblIGAl'IUNil Ut�FENULK REUISfRA'TION11 ""01Q.1 UAL '-JAKl'Yj,l -Z;Opi!� REFORI PERSUNil -fAM�*ljli-li3j'fAMPERlNG IN PROGII (AMP$141114i TAMPERING COLDII ; 4i iXAf-Fl(. 1" EST J 11 IS j T E� T 11 4 1 i iz,' 114 H J1 o f c c I It a' Ktf-1 CO L U 11 1" ze ,�� �„ e, , .� �. �., ,. , G:\rfq-01-007 44 & ward blight study.DOC contract or bid award, The contractor is specifically advised of the provisions of this portion of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, which was enacted pursuant to Ordinance 787, Series of 1989, a copy of which is attached hereto and expressly incorporated herein, This contract is specifically subject to the provisions of said Ordinance and adopted Code Section. 9MMUJIMA " M. - 419M OT . I UZI M 14001"PEN Ila Statutory in conformance with the compensation k-24 Insurance W761MMIMM $250,000 each person; All policies and/or Certificates of Insurance shall include each individual entity as an additional named insured. Nothing herein shall be deemed or construed as a waiver of any of the protections to which the Agencies may be entitled pursuant to the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, sections 24-10-10 1, C. R. amended. G:\rfq-0 1 -007 44 & ward blight study,DOC "Msit The Consultant agrees to indemnify and to hold the City and its agents harmless for, from and against any and all claims, suits, expenses, damages or other liabilities, including reasonable attorney fees and court costs arising out of damage or injury to persons, entities, or property causes or sustained by any person or persons as a result of the negligent performance or failure of the Consultant to provide services pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. CHAOU0 M:0141 • ----------------- g5EHMMt-# A. The Consultant acknowledges that his failure to accomplish the work as described shall be considered a material breach of the contract and entitle the City to consequential damages resulting from failures, acts, or omissions including but not limited to reprocurement costs, insufficient or improper work. G:\rfq-01-007 44 & ward blight study.DOC The City and the Consultant agree that this Agreement may be canceled for cause by either party with a fifteen (15) day prior written notice. The cost of completing the portion of the work which remains unperformed at the time • such termination, shall be deducted from the contract price before payment is made. B. The City may terminate the Agreement for its convenience upon thirty (30) days written notice. In the event • such termination, the consultant will be paid for all work and expenses incurred up until the time of such termination. C. All work accomplished by the Consultant prior to the date of such termination, shall bd recorded and tangible work documents shall be transferred to and become te sole property of the City prior to payment for services rendered. I :11111MR41i ALTIUMMENIVA IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed, • caused to be executed by their duly authorized officials, this Agreement in four (4) copies, each of which shall be deemed an original on the date first written above. WANDA SANG, CltY- LERK (Seal) NAME M M&IIJBI log L t �4 COMPANY NAME 42 ADDRESS: 77- G:1rfq-0 1 -007 44 & ward blight study.DOC City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue • �r Mi �4 -- , cc C D LU w L a cm c z cl a. CC t'n e • �e R VA oil. L&t LU U) 8 t = CS3 W � 0 co co c > CL U,. CL fn co ADVERTISEMENT !NEQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Consulting Services For 44"' and Ward Road Blight Study Project No: RFQ-00-007 Project Title: 44 and Ward Road Blight Study Budget: $50,000 !* 0 •':s The City of Wheat Ridge and the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority (WRURA) are seeking the services of a qualified consultant for the purpose of preparing a blight study, The purposes of conducting the blight study are to: Survey certain areas of the City for the existence of blight, if any, in compliance with the Urban Renewal Law of Colorado. on 11hII1lffMM* T PIN : Anticipated completion by April 23, 2001 19 �= Date & Time: 01/09/2001 at 2.00 p.m. (local time) City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building Attention: Linda Trimble, Purchasing Agent 7500 West 29 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 7500 West 29 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Phone: 303-235-2825 mm��t MUM Wanda Sang, City Clerk 11 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS CONSULTANT SERVICES FOR 44 1h & WARD ROAD BLIGHT STUDY RFO-01-007 The City of Wheat Ridge and the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority (WRURA) are seeking the services of a qualified consultant for the purpose of preparing a blight study. The purposes of conducting the blight study are to: Survey certain areas of the City for the existence of blight, if any, in compliance with the Urban Renewal Law of Colorado, 2, Determine which areas potentially could be included in an urban renewal area, r*4 I Liu., JR2., L-J im a A-M I a pq III P , i MEE= up .......... I 4 rM W*k our-AMWIL# 03M 11 ll;ji I ! Iljf�li I III !!1I I rARYU0 zxu� I' lligow_ l 11IN AIN U I Tor sets form tne Tinaings Or 0114W11.0 I'S ia * aw " _iiiiiiiwi, INS state statute. ZMEMUMUM Presentation to WRURA Presentation to City Council UWM January 22, 2001 (Council approval) March 15, 2001 April 6, 2001 April 17, 2001 April 23, 2001 The selection process will involve three stages: 1) written submittals will be screened and scored and a short-list developed; 2) short-listed firms will be invited to participate in oral interviews prior to final ranking; 3) Negotiate pricing submitted with initial proposal. SUBM17TAL REOUIREMENTS. In order to facilitate review, submit one (1) original and ten (10) copies. Submittals must be received at: Address: City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building Attention: Linda Trimble, Purchasing Agent 7500 West 29 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Mark outside of package: RFO-01.007 44 �h & Ward Road Slight Study Deadline for receipt (whether mailed or hand delivered) is: Tuesday, January 09,2001 by 2:00 pm, local time. q1111 li!111I��� = # FilliI,�!111 I! 1. Submittal will be evaluated by a panel of selected individuals. The panel will review and score the submittals. Firms ranked the highest will be invited to an oral interview. It is anticipated no less than three (3) or no more than five (5) will be interviewed, 2. oral _jntemews: it is anticipated that oral interviews will be conducted the week of 01/15/2001. Interview times and location to be announced at the time of short list. IMM111NO11110- 11 ��* LOJSIOIR�gqg OMNI fW91 protocol outlined under " Point of Contact." 510001919HAPM JT6 SC I for the b�lance of the project, D. MINORITY/WOMEN ENTERPRISE PARTICIPATION REPORT State any MBE/WBE participation. Not used as a criteria for evaluation. Firms will be judged not only on their past experience for the type of work involved, but also on their G:\rfq-01-007 44 & ward blight study.DOC A.5 Experience overseeing and coordinating multiple concurrent projects. A.6 Identify past studies your firm has prepared, indicating the year of preparation, the client and a reference. (Copies of such studies may be requested by the City) A.7 Experience with projects for public clients including the following issues: A.8 Familiarity with governmental decision-making and review process. BA Qualifications and capabilities of firm. 6,2 Firm staff resources. B,3 Current and projected work load. Indicate the project team members time availability and the firm's ability to meet the projected time lines. B.4 Local Denver area emphasis on the above, C. PROJECT APPROACH (30% of Total Score) For the projects and services outlined in the RFP document, describe how you plan to accomplish the following project control and management issues: on= D.2 City staff will assist in providing information for the project, The following data will be provided if available: Zoning Information Property Ownership Information Sales Tax Data as Appropriate Traffic Counts Accident Statistics Crime Reports/Statistics Building Permit Information Recent, current or planned infrastructure improvements I i i W I III i: I I M I IBM !I I! I I I I GArfq-01-007 44 & ward blight study,DOC CITY OF n RIDGE PROFESSIONAL AGREEMENT SAMPLE contract or bid award. The contractor is specifically advised of the provisions of th portion • the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, which was enacted pursuant #rdinance 787, Series of 1989, a copy of which is attached hereto and express incorporated herein. This contract is specifically subject to the provisions of sa #rdinance and adopted Code Section. Fil 4 1 .111019 583MMEEM 1%1•1011,*014 M JVVA J 0 kam'S . ON M Statutory in conformance with the compensation Insurance EM $250,000 each person; U�� =� mA- All policies and/or Certificates of Insurance shall include each individual entity as an additional named insured. 11 11 Ingot 101, C.R.S., as amended. GArfq-01-007 44 & ward blight study.DOC The City may, from time to time, require changes in the scope of services of the Consultant to be performed herein. Such changes, including any increase or decrease in the amount of the Consultant's compensation, must be mutually agreed upon in writing by the City and the Consultant. The Consultant shall be compensated for all authorized changes in services, Rursuant to the Request for Proposal, or if no provision exists, pursuant to the terms of the Change Order. IOU are rea e equ national origin, Such action shall include, but not be limited to the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship The Consultant agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices provided by the local public agency setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. Mocon trac or, provicRu a tne M iorl_ *115 WIWI I unrtw*—�M-*w#�_ sul 1! 04 NUM M- for standard commercial supplies or raw materials. I 9MOUNIMM The Consultant at all times during the performance of this Agreement, agrees to strictly adhere to all applicable Federal, State and Local laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances that affect or R# vern the work as contemplated under this Agreement. ARTICLE 10 – LAWAND VENUE GArfq-01-007 44 & ward blight study.DOC The City and the Consultant agree that this Agreement may be canceled for cause by either party with a fifteen (15) day prior written notice. The cost of completing the portion of the work which remains unperformed at the time of such termination, shall be deducted from the contract price before payment is made. The City may terminate the Agreement for its convenience upon thirty (30) days written notice. In the event • such termination, the consultant will be paid for all work and expenses incurred up until the time of such termination. G:\rfq-01-007 44 & ward blight study.DOC Dated this Day • , 2001 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed, or caused to be executed by their duly authorized officials, this Agreement in four (4) copies, each of which shall be deemed an original on the date first written above. OWNER I # WANDA SANG, CITY CLERK (Seal) MWININ COMPANY NAME I NAME TITLE me go TITLE PHONE MEM skin RAW pill; A lf ? " Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc Urban Redevelopment Consultants 23T2 Pine Street Boulder, Colorado, 80302 303.447-2341 e-mail: artander@i�urbanplanxom I owner in connection with laws governing condeinnation. This survey will measure a wide range of physical, environmental and safety factors based upon on-site inspections, research and interviews conducted with staff of the City of Wheat Ridge. Data will be gathered in the following areas These ten factors are within the statutory definition of blight. Because the presence _ blight is a cumulative finding, these factors will be depicted in graphic form to show . 1 the geographic incidence of various blighting factors. Maps and photographs will be used to which graphically demonstrate the physical distribution of the various factor NEES= Arthur L. Anderson owner/president of Arthur L. Anderson and Associates will conduct this blight survey. He is uniquely qualified to perform this service having performed 1welve such surveys in the Denver Metro area and surrounding mountain communities. The surveys include: Project Name Municipality Completion Date Englewood Broomfield Broomfield Arvada Silverthorne Northglenn URA Superior City of Denver (DU A) City of Northglenn City of Edgewater Town of Estes Park December 2000 February 2000 November 1999 November 1997 Se2tember 1996 March 1995 January 1•94 March 1990 1988 1987 Q- -007 Fade t�, # The Ridge Home Project involved the area of Arvada containing the abandoned state facility known as the Ridge Home. This survey was conducted for the Arvada Redevelopment Authority in order to establish an urban renewal area and promote redevelopment of the site. The contact Michael Chit-,,vood has retired. M��� Phase 2: Analysis: The existing conditions observed will be evaluated against the criteria stated in C.R.S. 31-25-103(2) which describes the general conditions found in a blighted area. Phase 4: Presentation to Governing Board: The results of the survey will be presented to the Wheat Ridge City Council. .11 tn� R { ssaossu� Mason I ill+ II I III 0 P } II OIU! wassan E Nauman an a nownswasons :. a ,� . v i • i : mass ■■ �rn���rw In Room an i yMY MIN I ll IIV I R I n Mason on an a an . i rr rr ran lonsommonso�€ wt w r�r0 nsmmossons� a� a woman Eggs on on a no a won a [us man now Mason a �killl� Yu !� yyi Monosson was an wassummusm Mangano sommanow -- WWM M an i EMNIMMIUMUMUM M muumuu �. ■���r����� ■�r� ■Mangano i - an Unswunno ra 00 00 W a mossommus an an a i i s :. �nommussamon■ Noun man :ykli11����lmannwnwas mass own a an UW Mason an a ling. Dan l ! NI IIMIIII , !I ! somuusn 11111 -,I Ill'���r ■111 — muumuu mana® IVIIM a. i �assmsr ®Nub immmussamn Mason ��lmannownsommusan Osumi . w ■ssu■munamossummussr was . i m , .. i ■ ■ ■■n RFQ-00-007 Page 7 fim The physical blight survey and first draft will be completed by March 15, 2001 with a final draft completed by April 6, 2001. This timeline assumes a January 22, 2001 contract award. MMMUM Arffiur L. Anderwn Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc 2342 Pine Street Boulder, Colorado 80517 303.447.2341 e-mail: artander@urbanplan.com Arvada Urban Renewal Authority Town of Superior Town of Silverthorne Ridge Home Old Town Superior Entire Town of Silverthorne Executive Director, Golden Urban Renewal Authority Executive Director. Edeewater Redevelopment Authority Englewood Industrial,Conditions Survey November '' Figure 1: Study Area Figure 2: Aerial Photograph of Study Area 9 cm 0 WA mm� i •. mlm� . I ii I I�m lllllli��� n Jill sr The study area is defined as: A industrial land east of the RTD Li3,ht Rail line between West Yale Avenue, on the north, and West Dartmouth Avenue, on the south. Area is shown in Figure 1, with an aerial view in Figure 2. This area includes the General Iron Works (GIW) property. M Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Pagel West Amherst Ave. West Bates Ave. R-2 West Cc ell Ave. Ul w West Dartmouth W W a West Amherst Ave. MMM3MEM= Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 31 West Bates Ave. R-2 West Cc ell Ave. West Dartmouth MMM3MEM= Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 31 Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc, Page 4 • • I I I I I I I lVIIppqgI� p�plq� Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page I Englewood Industrial Conditions Survey Numerous factors of blight were found to ®. in the study are Some of the factors may be categorized under several headings as permitted by statute. Therefore some specific items k© listed more than once. The study findings are tabulated i<©.\4 rer oft list of "Blight Factors"' found in C.R.S. Section 31-25- 103 (2) as modified in 1©!'b < House Bill 99-1326. M111 111,1111111; 11:1 Emm� Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 7 Englewood Industrial Conditions Survey 5.4 Unsanitary or unsafe conditions (continued) E��� plifillilill 11 ' i �: � :,i 1 1111,11 1 : 1 0 - # . - . mm►� 5.8 Existence of conditions that endanger life or property by fire or other causes 5.8 Existence of conditions that endanger life or property by fire or other causes (continued) ?111 111�: 1111111111111� III 1 - 1111 111�11111:1 11 1111 1 I T L M III it- Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page I I all= Englewood Industrial Conditions Survey TABLE 1 CONTAMINATION LEVELS PRESENT IN SOIL LEVELS FROM SURFACETO 2 FEET DEEP Bore Hole Arsenic Mg/kg Lead Mg/kg Mangane Mg/kg Benzo(a)pyre u k BH 1 • 5.15 64.9 • 246 • 420 BH 2 • 7.44 56.3 • 226 • <330 BH 3 • 4.08 1450 • 150 • <6600 BH 4 • 4.14 <5 • 392 • <330 BH 6 • 6.68 <5 • 241 • <330 BH 7 • 6.06 6.15 • 455 • <330 BH 8 • 42,9 • <100 • 948 • <330 BH 9 • 12.4 • 405 • 489 • <330 BH 10 • 16.6 • 5.08 • 160 • <330 BH 11 • 10.7 • <5 • 277 • <330 BH 12 • 37.3 • 38.3 • 1070 • <330 BH 13 • 23.1 • 99.7 • 935 • 3700 BH 14 • 45.9 • 336 • 1590 • <660 BH 15 • 11 • 6.01 • 275 • <330 BH 16 • 108 • 56,600 • 1140 • <330 BH 17 • 32.5 • 80 • 890 • 1100 BH 18 • 15.8 • 560 • 355 • <660 BH 19 • 23.8 • 147 • 1080 • <330 BH 20 • 9.83 • 45.0 • 265 • 3500 BH 21 • <10 • 44.7 • 269 • <330 BH 22 • 3.71 • 8.53 • 152 • <660 BH 23 • 11.2 • 33.3 • 295 • 1000 BH 24 • 9.15 • 6.01 • 913 5 1200 BH 25 • 6.57 • 84.3 • 375 • <330 BH 26 • 2.0 • 20.4 • 103 • <660 BH 27 • 6.5 • 43.9 • 310 • <660 BH 28 • 17.4 • 443 • 1230 • 3600 BH 30 • 5.9 • 449 • 175 • <330 BH 31 • 16.187 • 244 • 588 • <330 ARSENIC: all values exceeded Tier 2 Residential and Tier 2 Industrial Limits LEAD: Values in red exceed Tier 2 Residential and Green exceeded Tier 2 Industrial limits MANGANESE: The value in red exceeds the Tier 2 Residential level BENZO(a)PYRENE : The values in red exceed the Tier 2 Residential level Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 13 Emm� TABLE2 VI IVY \2 Grou r ndwate Standi /f7ff\ Or Guideline Manganese 8 2=!22:2 > ©® f« 0 2-Methylnaphthalene 530 Tetrachlotoethane 14-OW mmmm� mm Arthur L. Anderson, President October 30, 2000 0% It , * 70U Re*%resentative Plhotoevraph-j F •5 Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 16 I N cv ry a 0 Q .r �a u° c� C� u� �n �a IJI 2 0 paq { y e VJ V y � M i. yy q R � C i ! 1 R w r � � h AM i zx l 1 k� t 1 c> �a U c l h k� t 1 r la P« roeti wo V4 I MIF M i �d i Hkf sy } M t8 J # Mss 4.Y *V I tt w t , s WeiilI II M" "k" kOk > y ¢ C A+ 4 y � ca ar p a� tom; 9 Englewood Industrial Urban Renewal Plan Arthaar Ander.-zon and Agror ite Inr., Noe 1.4 8.1 Photographic Log Roll #1 August 17, 2000 8.2 Photographic Log RoH # 2 August 20, 20CW Arthur I.. Andemon nnd A qnciite Traci. Noe 76 iiiiii � I III , �'Ill �ill�iiiiiiiiI , 11 111111,111 . ;;;;; !III! mul • 8.3 Photographic Log Roll #3 August 20, 2000 Englewood Industrial Urban Renewal Plan 8.4 PhotograpWc Log Roth #4 August 28, 2000 4-1 junk 11 - I 11, cars parked on Yale Ave. ROW extended. 4-2 Junk cars parked on Yale Ave. ROW extended. 4-3 GIW N. end junk, waste and obsolete equipment. 4-4 GIW N. end junk, waste and obsolete equipment. 4-5 GIW N. end junk, waste and obsolete equipment. 4-6 GIW N. end junk, waste and obsolete equipment. 4-7 GIW middle. Drums marked as unknown 4-8 GIW middle. junk, waste and obsolete equipment. 4-9 GIW middle. Drums bulging with no markings. 4-10 Alley E. of Fox. junk heaters stored in parking area. 4-11 Grease container on alley, leaking. Storage trailer unstable. 4-12 Inlet in parking area. 4-13 Alley W. of Fox. Bldg. in poor, unpainted condition. Firewood stored against structure. 4-14 House on Cornell between alley and Galapago. Poor Condition. junk stored on porch. 4-15 House on Cornell between alley and Galapago. Poor Condition. junk stored in back of building. Non-conforming residential 4-16 Parking lot S. of "Shootist" unpaved. junk at back of lot. Lot used by °` hoot ist". By code must be paved. 4-17 Structural cracking in house on Galapago. Unpaved parking lot for business. 4-18 Alley W. of Galapago. Unlicensed vehicle, junk accumulation. 4-1.9 Alley W. of Galapago. Unlicensed vehicle, junk accumulation. 4-20 Alley W. of G, alapago. Fence falling over. Site deterioration. 4-21 Alley W. of Galapago. Abandoned Double 'l: concrete sections. 4-22 Alley W. of Galapago. Concrete block bldg. Structural cracks, graffiti. Windows sealed over. 4-23 Alley W. of Galapago. Concrete block bldg. Structural cracks, graffiti. Windows sealed over. 4-24 Alley W. of Galapago. Adjacent to block bldg. Fence falling down. Rental unit vacated, 4-25 Alley W. of Galapago. Adjacent to block bldg. Fence falling down. Rental unit vacated, trash left on alley. Arthim I ., Andemon nnd A Ino- Paae, 'N IW�