HomeMy WebLinkAbout1912 348 " 1\ '_'~'~ \:. 3:: r Recorded c!, I R I .. L- _ ec.eo Ion 1'1:0. I I 1 I j I ! I ! I i , I ! I I 1 I I ! I I i i I I , I i I i I i I , I Recc'der L.i 1Knn~JIlm~1IDtts~1'rS5ffit5 1lrt. ~ f 'fI 4'0""" ~ tt ~..~... ........, ""'. ,...,......... ?20..1~_M 19_, LEE S. MENDEL the Grantor or Grantors, of the ond C<!vnly of Jefferson ,ond SIole of Colorsdo for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS and other good and valuable consl !ratlOns II,) me soIa Gramor or Gn;;mtors In hand peid, the receipt whereof is hereby contessea and ack"owledg~d! havl! gran'ed, bcm(!!f\ed. soid and conveyed, cnd by these ",esenls do hereby GRANT, BARGAiN, SELL AND CONVEY unlo The Department of Hiyhwqys. State of Colorado. Grantee, its successolC$ and assigns torever, the fOliowing reo I property situt..le ill the and County of Jefferson ond Sfole 01 Colorado, la-wi., A tract or parcel of land No. 169-Rev. 2 of the Department of Highways, State of Colorado, Project No. I 70-3(8)268, Section 2 containing 0.224 acres, more or less. in the E\ of the NWt of Section 20, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, said tract or pQrcel being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point corner of Section 20. T. 1,01'8.8 feet; on the southerly property line. from which the north t 3 S., R. 69 W., bears N. 02~ 39' 15" E., e diatance uf 1. Thence along the southerly property line, N. 740 50' E., a distance of 51.8 feet, to the east line of the NWt of Section 20; 2. Thence along the east line of the NWt of Section 20, N. 00. 00' IS" W.. a diatance of 200.0 feet; 3. Thence S. 740 50' W.. a distance of 46.6 feet; Thence S. 00. 00' 15" E. , .!! dtst8rtCe Qf 50,0 feet; Thence S. 74. SO' W., a distance of 5.2 feet; Th~!:e.e s. 00. 00' 15" ~.. i .!! dist.nce (If 150.0 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. 4. S. 6. The above described parcel contains 0.224 acres, more or less, of which 0.13e aeres are in the right ~f ~y ~f the present road. ~ ~ W ;J:~- CJ -t ho;r. __ -< Jl:: C:-'l . f"'oo..l ("":.;"'1 ;.-=- ~<.!"1 ~- ~ ~:rl:;~"'-J . l'J..c- ~-~! ~ ",~! W'" "''-I ~::c: <5 -I tL....: m _. "" Q'i .. ~" " ~- ,- m> , Oc "" . 1 i 1 I I L-- 19:1Z 348 .~".,.,.....-,~.: -...." ,,,",=~'-'.'~"'" ..., .- 1\ 11 I ~ ~ I 'I It 'I i I I ! !i I ;i I' I :! ~111:.i ~i; I Ii "" II It-Ii if I 11 I, if Ii . H :l i :1 !I if " :t if ii .J '>"~~";~~ \ N <:) A ..... N