HomeMy WebLinkAbout1912 792 .. .\' ..".... '7 IReCOrJed ot _ _O'C1OC~ _ M 19_, r-_R.K~!.!2!Lti2 ~90~2 -~ . ,_. --~ _~Re-'order i 1Mo~lIlm~'(IMsf'lrf5ffit5 1 Ihat '1. or .~. R. SOL CERSORSKY 1he Grantor or Granlors, 01 the City ond County 01 DEIlVER, .ond Stole of Colorado . for and 4n conSideration of the sum Of TEN DOLLARS and other 900d and \roluable conSlcuotion"i to the said Grantor Of Grantors ," hand paNt, Ihe receipt whereof IS hereby confessed and acknowledged, have granted, bargolned, SOld and conveyed, tlnd by these ",.;;~"IS do hereby GRANT, 7ARGA!N. SELL AND CONVEY unto The Department of Highways. State of Colorado. Grantee. Its successors and QSSlgns forever, the following real property situate In Ihe and County of ond SIole 01 Colorodo, to-wit' A tre.c:t or parl:el 01' land 110. 175 Rev. 2 01' the Departlllent 01' H1ghvays, State 01' Colorado, Project 10. I 70-3(8)268 Sect10n 2 cont~1n~ng 2.190 acres, more or less, in Lot 16 licholae Cnk~D11 SUbd1vie1on, in the D~ of Section 20, TOV118h1p 3 South, iaap 69 Vest, or the Sirlh Principal Meridian, in Jetterson Count.y, Colorado, aaid tre.c:t or parcel beill@ JDl)re particUlarly described as tollOVB: Be8iDDill& at a po1nt on aD elUlter17 property line trOll which the center of 5'i!Ction 20, T. 3 S., R. 69 W. beara S. 2.0 ", a.5" W. a distlUlCe 01' 838.7 teet; 1. TheDCe, II. 890 40' II. a d18tance 01' 2.1. 2 teet; 2. 'fbeDCe. If. 44. 50' \I. a diStance 01' 70. 9 tee"t; 3. 'fbeDee, 1.00.00'15" W. a distace 01' 256.7 teet; ~. '!'haDee, II. 6~. 20' 30" E. a distace of 184.6 feet; 5. TheDe., s. 890 05' 30" B. a distance of 111.8 feet; 6. '!'M!ne~, s. .3. 20' 30" E. a distance 01' 164.6 teet, to the eaat lille at Lot 16 I1icholas Gardens Subdivision; 7. !'beDCe. alO1l@ the ..id east lilll! 01' Lot 16, 11. 00. 00' 15" W. a distance of 3ItO.~ teet to the aouth ri8ht 01' va)' 111l1! ot the abaDdoued D. a. I.M.RR. purcllased 'G1I4er Project SP 11-58-501.; 8. !'IIeace, alO1l@ the ..id south right ot va7 line, s. 64. 20' 30" Ii., a distance 01' l!67.2 teet to the east present r1cht ot va7 11_ (Iove.bar, l~) ~ Ward Boad; 9. 'lbeDee, alol1& the said east present ript at way lilli!, S. 00. 00' 15" E., . dist&llce 01' lI63.1 teet to the north present. right 01' vay liDS (Jlov..bar, 1964) 01' West 44th Ave.; ~' .c 10. 'l'beDee, alol1& the said north present 1'181110 of way line S. 89. 40' B., . distance 01' 321.2 t.et to aD ...terl,. propert,. lilll!. 11. 'lbeDce, &10118 the said euterly property 1 iDe , If. 00. 00' 15" II., a dietaDCe 01' 60.0 teet, .ore or lees, to the poiDt of be8111Jli1l@. The above deilcrilld .-reel cOlltaiDll 2.190 acres, .ore or l.sa. n ,- ~ n '" ... I- N <=. ,'. (") :17.: ., -, - N _'J: "-. ~ " -, " . \: C) ~ ~,r V "-' .<~ "" CD N " CXl .... ::II: . " '- '" N .. co ".. c m :;0 '" ... , t!O 191~ ~