HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/23/1998Minutes of Meeting
July 23, 1998
CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chair
Person MAURO at 7:30 p.m. on July 2' ), 1998, in the Council Chambers of the
Municipal Building 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Members Present: Tom Abbott
Members Absent: Bob Howard
Susan Junker
Staff Present: Sean McCartney, Planner
Ann Lazzeri, Minutes Specialist
The following is the official set • Board of Adjustment minutes for the Public Hearing of July
• • these minutes is retained both in the office ♦ the City Clerk and in the
Department of Planning and Development • the City of Wheat Ridge.
Sean McCartney advised the Commission that Case No. 98-22 (Agenda Item 4-C) had
been improperly published and posted and staff was therefore requesting the case to •
continued to the August 27, 1998 Board of Adjustment meeting.
It was moved by Board Member HOVLAND and seconded • Board Member
ECHELMEYER to approve the order of the alglenda with the exce tion of Case No. •8-
22. The motion carried 6-0, with Board Members WALKER and JUNKER absent.
4. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any subject not
appearing on the agenda.)
There was no one signed up to speak.
Board of Adjustment Page 1
A. Case No. WA-98-20: An application by Jon Bradbury for approval of an I I -foot front
yard setback variance to the 330 setback requirement to construct a garage. Said
property is zoned R-2 and located at 4 Newland Street.
Following discussion regarding claritication ot setbacK requirements ant e IrreguM
shape of the lot, the applicant appeared before the Board.
Jon Bradbury
4380 Newland Street
Board Member ECHELMEYER suggested the possibility of extending the present
garage out 20 feet to be in line with the front of the house which would still
accommodate a garage and a workshop,
Mr. Bradbury replied that lie had considered this option, however it would not allow the
square footage he desired.
Board Member HOVLAND suggested the possibility of extending into the existing
• make a two car garage with access from Newland.
Mr. Bradbury replied that the new structure would be approximately 1 -1 /2 feet taller
than the older structure. He explained that he wants the roof of the new structure to be
higher than the present garage in order to alleviate flooding during heavy rains. He
stated that he planned to integrate the roof lines.
Board MemberABBOTT referred to the flooding and expressed concern that adding
onto the existing structure ,vould result in a somewhat flawed drainage plan and a
crooked driveway-when there seem to be alternative locations.
Board Member ECHELMEYER asked if the separation between the house and the
garage met fire code. Mr. Bradbury replied that a fire rated panel would be used for the
wall between the garage and the house and that the north wall • the garage would meet
fire code.
Upon a motion by Board Member ABBOTT and second by Board Member THIESSEN
the following resolution was stated:
Whereas, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and
Whereas, Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WA-98-20 is an appeal to this
Board from the decision of an administrative officer; and
Type of Variance: A request for approval of an I I -foot front yard setback variance to
the 30-f► ot front yard setback requirement to construct a garage.
Board of Adjustment Page 3
For the Following Reasons:
I There are other development alternatives on the site which would allow
compliance with the ordinance.
2. Approval of this request would alter the essential character of the locality as no
structure of this design, layout on the lot, or visual effect upon the neighborhood
or the-primary structure itself, occur within the vicinity.
There are no demonstrable hardships.
Xoard MemFeTEU?;ECR1 I s a e nat ne wou vote in ravor a 1 •
denial because he felt that more effort could be spent in redesigning the structure to
meet code requirements.
Board Member THIESSEN stated that she is not in favor of granting a variance of this
percentage and that is not visually appealing to the neighborhood.
The motion carried by a vote of 6-0 with Board Members WALKER and JUNKER
Chair MAURO advised the applicant that his request had been denied.
B. Case No. No. WA- 94 -21. . An application by Landmark for approval of a 10 -foot side
yard setback to the 15-foot side yard setback requirement to construct a detached
garage, Said property is zoned R- I and located at 6710 West 28th Avenue,
Following questions concerning clarification of setback requirements and location of the
proposed garage, the applicant appeared before the Board.
Board of Adjustment Page 4
Lester E. (Gene) Hartley
6710 West 28th Avenue
Mr. Hartley was sworn in by Chair MAURO. He stated that, since an attached garage
would be cost prohibitive, he planned to build a detached garage. He felt that his
proposed location would look best and Would be more serviceable. He explained that
moving the garage back would entail additional expense for fill to make land level .
Board Member ABBOTT asked for clarification on the need for fill. Mr. Hartley
replied that the yard slopes considerably behind the present driveway and if he were to
move the proposed garage back another ten feet, it would require considerable fill in
order to make the ground level with the rest of the property.
Upon a motion by Board Member ABBOTT and a second by Board Member
ECHELMEYER, the following Resolution was stated:
Whereas, the a2j2licant was denied 12ermission by an Administrative Officer; and
Whereas, Board
• Adjustment Application, Case No. WA-98-2 1, is an appeal to th
Board from the decision of an Administrative Officer; and
Whereas, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law and there were
no protests registered against it; and
Whereas, the relief applied for may be granted without detriment to the public welfare
and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing
the city of Wheat Ridge.
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WA-
98-21 be and hereby is APPROVED.
Type of Variance: Request for approval of a I 0-foot side yard setback variance to the
15-foot side yard setback requirements to allow construction of a detached two-car
For the following reasons:
There are other structures in the immediate neighborhood which have
nonconforming setbacks of this nature,
2' The proposed garage would be located on the southwest corner of the properli
approximately 73 feet from West 28th Avenue.
Board of Adjustment Page 5
3. - ucture would allow for adequate separation
The proposed location of this str
between the adjacent habitable structure and therefore would not impair the
adequate supply of light or air, nor increase the danger of fire.
4. Currently accepted community standards would expect a two-car garage in a
dwelling of this type.
5. Alternative locations would seem impractical and significantly detrimental to the
livability of the primary structure and its rear-yard area.
Board Member THIESSEN stated that she would vote against the motion because,
while she understood the owner's plight, she felt the situation presented more of an
inconvenience than a hardship to the applicant, She indicated that she would vote for
something less than the two-thirds setback variance requested.
Board Member ECHELMEYER commented that the request concerns the back comer
of a piece of property that has normally bordered horse property and the neighbor to the
west has a very large truck garden. He also stated that he believed the necessity of
filling in the slope would present a hardship to the applicant.
Board Member ABBOTT asked the applicant if he would consider a 5-foot variance
rather than a I0 -foot variance.
Mr. Hartley returned to the podium and agreed to accept 5-foot variance. He expressed
frustration with the fact that there are other nonconforming situations in the City of
Wheat Ridge.
Board Member ECHELMEYER assured Mr. Hartley that the Board was not trying t*
make things difficult for him, but rather was attempting to keep the neighborhood
within theconfines of the City of Wheat Ridge rules and regulations.
Board Member ABBOTT offered an amendment to his motion to change the variance
from a I 0-foot to a 5-foot side yard variance. This amendment was acceptable to Board
The motion carried by a vote of 5-1, with Board Member HOVLAND voting no and
Board Members WALKER and JUNKER absent.
Chair MAURO advised the applicant that the variance was granted.
C. Case No. WA-98-22: An application by Linda Christensen for approval of a I 0-foot
side yard setback variance to the 15- '
• •
foot setback requirement an a 15-foot frnt yard
setback variance to the _ )O-foot front yard setba ' ek requirement to allow a private storage
shed. Said property is zoned R-2 and located at 2790 Vance Street.
This case was continued to the August 27, 1998 Board of Adjustment meeting due to
improper posting and publication of the application.
D. Case No. WA-98-2�: An application by Sandra Hutchcroft for approval • a 9.5-foot
yard setback to the 15-yard setback requirement for the purpose of constructing a
storage shed. Said property is zoned R- I and located at 3 )26") Taft Court.
Sandra Hutchcroft
3263 Taft Court
Ms. Hutchcroft was sworn in by Chair MAURO.
Board of Adjustment Page 7
In an attempt to establish hardship, Board Member THIESSEN asked why the applicant
purchased a home with insufficient storage.
Mrs Hutchcroft replied that she looked for two years before finding, this particular house
that would'meet her husband's home business requirements
• be able to park his
vehicle and have room for an office in the basement. She pointed out that there is
• use for the proposed area because there is no grass there and it is not visible
from her residence or the neighbor's residence.
Board Member ABBOTT asked for clarification regarding setbacks in the
neighborhood. Mr. McCartney replied that all the structures in the neighborhood
seemed to have similar setbacks of 13.5 feet.
Board Member HOWARD asked why there was a change on the original application
from an 8x2O-foot structure to a I Ox2O-foot structure. Mrs. Hutchcroft replied that this
change was made when they considered that they were presently renting a I
1 x21 -foot
storage area and would need that same amount • space to meet their needs.
Board Member HOWARD asked what kind • roof was planned for the addition. M
Hutchcroft replied that it would match the existing roof, but would be a bit lower. I
Upon a motion by Board Member ABBOTT and second by Board Member
ECHELMEYER, the following resolution was stated:
Whereas, Board of Adjustment Application, Case No. WA-98-23 is an appeal to this
Board from the decision of Administrative Officer; and
Board of Adjustment Page 8
Whereas, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law and there were
Now, therefore, be it resolved that Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WA-
98-23 be and hereby is APPROVED.
I=. 140M WWI aim= I WIN--
L11C I 0-POUL SlItC yztr* SU FacK rEquircif IVIR I a—Ulf WY a if"If-toof afta
storage structure.
With the Following Conditions:
2. The highest point of the roof of the variance structure shall not exceed nine feet
above grade.
Board Member HOVLAND referred to the 6-foot utility easement and noted that a 9.
variance would encroach into the easement. He asked if there would • a problem wi
the Board granting a variance which might encroach into the utility easement. Mr.
McCartney replied that if a 9.5-foot variance is granted, the applicant can always buil
less if the utility company disapproved. 1 0
Board of Adjustnietit Page 9
Condition No. 3. If the utility owning the easement impacted by this variance denies
encroachment upon their easement, then this variance will drop back to the maximum
size so as not to encroach upon the utility's walk easement.
Mr. McCartney stated that the applicant had just informed him that all the utilities were
flagged and found, to be on the east side of the property.
The amendment was accepted by Board Member ECHELMEYER.
Board Member THIESSEN expressed her concern with a 63% variance.
Board Member ABBOTT indicated that he would • willing to change his motion to
decrease the variance in order allow less encroachment into the easement.
Board Member THIESSEN stated that she would support the motion if a condition is
placed to satisfy her concern that no future additions along the building line granted by
the variance be allowed.
Board Member ABBOTT offered the following amendment to the motion:
Condition No. 4: That approval be given fior a 7.5-foot side yard setback to the 15-foot
side yard setback requirement which would provide that no addition to this variance
structure may be made, any portion
• which encroaches into tile 15-foot side yard
Chair MAURO advised the applicant that the variance was granted.
I Board of Adjustment Page 10
There was no old business to discuss,
A. Board Member HOVLAND referred to a previous variance request for a fence height on
32nd Avenuejust -west of Robb Street where the applicant was not allowed anything
over four feet in the front. He recently noticed that the homeowner had since added
lattice work to the top of the four-foot fence. Mr. McCartney stated that he would have
code enforcement investigate the situation
B. Sean McCartney advised the Board members that there had been a restructuring of the
Planning Department. There are now two divisions: Planning Division including
planning and zoning and the Codes Division which includes building and code
enforcement, He stated that instead of a chief building official, there is now a code
administrator who will act as code enforcement supervisor and building official.
Board Member ABBOTT moved and Board Member HOVLAND seconded to amend
the minutes as follows:
Page 18, fifth paragraph, should read as follows:
"Board Members ABBOTT and HOVLAND expressed their opinions that this matter is
not under the jurisdiction of the Board of Adjustment and should be taken before the
Planning Commission because the matter concerns a developer, and an entire
development plan approved by the Planning Commission and City Council, and
not a homeowner."
The motion carried by a vote • 5-0, with Board Member THIESSEN abstaining, and
Board Members WALKER and JUNKER absent.
It was moved by Board Member HOWARD and seconded • Board Member
HOVLAND to approve the minutes as amended.
Board of Adjustment
The motion carried by a vote of 5-0, with Board Member THIESSEN abstaining, and
Board Members WALKER and JUNKER absent.
It was moved by Board Member HOWARD and seconded by Board Member
THIESSEN to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 p.m.
LINDA MAURO, Chairperson
Board of Adjustment
C:Tarbaral,B0A\ 1998MlNSk980723.44`pd
Ann Lazzeri, Secretary
Board of Adjustment
Board of Adjustment Page 12