HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/24/1998CITY OF WF[EATRIDGE BOARD OF ADJUSTINJENT Nfinutes of Meeting September 24, 1998 I. CALL THE IMEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman ABBOTT at 7:30 p.m. on September 24, 1998. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 1. 2. ROLL CALL Members Present: Tom Abbott Bill Echch Bob Howard Susan Junker Karen Thiessen Robert Walker Members Absent: Paul Hovland Linda Mauro Staff' Present: Sean McCartney, Planner Ann Lazzeri, Minutes Specialist The following is the official set of Board of Adjustment minutes for the Public Hearing of September 24 1998, A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Department of Planning and Development of the City of Wheat Ridge. KI APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA It was moved by Board MenlberJU`NKER and seconded by Board Member THIESSEN to approve tile order of the agenda. The motion carried by a vote of 6-0 with Board Members HO LAND and MAURO absent. PUBLIC FORUM ('This is the time for anyone to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda.) There was no one signed up to speak. v Board ot'Adjustment Palge I 09 `24198 5. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case !No. WF-98-1 (Contintied from Au-ust 27, 1998) An application Submitted by Duane. Helms for approval of a flood plain special exception for the purpose of replacing Z� an existing sin. le- faaaaily home and detached garage with a new single-family home' with an attached oarage, The property is zoned A-1 and located at 4221 Jellison Street. This case was presented by Sean N He reviexved the staff report and presented slides and overhead projections of the Subject property. He entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised that there was j urisdiction for the Board to hear tile case. He stated staff's conclusion that the proposed infill and construction of the 2,620 square foot sinole-family residence Would not have a negative impact on the existing 100-year floodwav and that, - iccordino to the Flood Plain Administrator (Bob Goebel) the request met reqUIrernCrItS of the Flood Plain Ordinance. Therefore. staff recommended approval of tile application. In response to questions from Board Member HOWARD, Mr. McCartney stated that the elevations shown oil the plan were not in existence at this time. but were proposed elevations; and that the applicant would need to obtain a fill permit from the Public works Department before any fill takes place, Vice Chairman ABBOTT asked if a letter of approval had been received from the homeowner to tile north. I Mr. McCartney replied that, to his knowledge, a letter had not been received: however, a letter would be required as the approval process continued. Pete Zienike 4271 Jellison Street Mr. Zienike stated that lie is the son of the subject property owner. kIr, Helms. Mr. Flehils also owns the adjacent property to the north, iMr. Zlernke stated that he does not plan to have as basement in tile house, however, there Would be a crawl space. Fie stated that the finished floor would be three feet above tile flood plain and that there would be no furnace or other utilities in the crawl space. In response to Board Member ECFIELMEYER's questions concerning the s'wale on the property, Mr. Zienike replied that it tile situation is being addressed by hydraulic engineers. Board Member HOWARD asked how far the property line was from the center line of Clear Creek. The applicant replied it was about 40 feet. Vice Chairman ABBOTT asked if there was anyone present who wished to address this matter, There was no response. Board of A(�justment Pa-e 2 09)24i,98 UTpou a motion by Board tMernber JUNKER and second by Board Member THIESSEN. the following resolution was stated: Whereas, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer: and Whereas, the Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WF-98-01 is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer', and Whereas, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law and there were no protests registered against it; and Whereas, the relief applied for may be granted without detriment to the public welfare and �Vitl`IOUt Substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of \k'heat Ridue, and Whereas, the Board finds that, based upon all evidence presented. the evidence and facts in this case do SUPPOrt the granting of this request. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that Board ol'AdjUStment Application Case No. \\'F-98- 01 be and hereby is APPROVED. Type of Flood Plain Exemption. To allow for demolition of an existing single - fami residence and construction of a new single-family residence oil a property located within the I 00-year flood plain. For the Following Reasons: I , 'I"'he request has met all the requirements of the Flood Plain Ordinance. 1 Approval of the request should not have detrimental impact oil the existing I00- year floodway. The proposed hydrological study shows that the property can be filled to comply xvith the requirement that the Finished Floor Elevation be a least one foot above the Base Flood Elevation, 4. Bob Goebel, Flood Plain Administrator for the City of Wheat Ridge, recommends approval of the exemption permit. With the Following Conditions: The proposed fill limits be revised on the north property line to eliminate the encroachment and to create a small drainage swale between the lots. Board of AdjUSUrIellt Paoe 3 W24/98 If the above drainage swale cannot be accomplished, the City must receive as letter from the property owner to the north giving written permission to fill onto their property, The motion carried by a vote of 6-0, with Board Members MAURO and HOVLAND absent. Vice Chairman ABBOTT informed the applicant that his application had been approved. B. Case No. WA-98-26: An application submitted by the City of Wheat Ridge for approval of an I I -t"oot backstop height variance to the I fs -foot backstop fence height requirement and a one-foot fenco, height variance to the 6-foot fence height variance requirement for the purpose of installing a 21 -foot high backstop with a 7-foot fence around the perimeter of the basebal field. The property is zoned R-2 and C- I and located at 4900 Marshal I Street. This case was presented by Scan McCartney. He reviewed the staff report and presented slides and overhead prQjections ofthe Subject property. He entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised that there was j urisdiction for the Board to hear the case. He stated staff's conclusion that, based oil all criteria, the application should be approved to provide adequate protection to automobiles and spectators. He also stated that staff intends to initiate an amendment to the zoning ordinance to alleviate the need for future variances for baseball backstops, Board kiernber ECHELMEYER asked -what the backstop height requirements would be Z� when the zoning ordinance amendment is drafted. I'vIr. McCartney replied that such determination WOUld be made based Oil currant industry standards and whether or not practice fields or competition fields are involved, Joyce 'Manwal Rect Superintendent, City of Wheat Ridce fit response to a question from Board I'VIember ABBOTT, Ms. N/lanwaring stated that the indUSUN standard tor backstop fence height is between 20 and 30 feet. Board Member ECHELMEYER asked if the City Would bear any liabilivy for automobiles which may be darna-ed by errant foul balls. Ms. Manwaring replied that the City is not responsible t'01• Such darna-e. Board N/lerriber WALKER expressed concern about the distance from home plate to tile bike path located near the Outfield. Nits. Manwaring replied that the measurements of the field are apl'.)ropriate for the age groups which will be utilizing the park. IkIr. McCartney stated that it Would be approximately 260 feet from home plate to the bike path. Board of A(ljLJStoleot Pave 4 09/24/98 Vice- Chairman ABBOTT asked if there were any individuals present who wished to address this matter. There was no response. Upon a motion by Board Member THIESSEN and a second by Board INilember ECHELMEYER, the following resolution was stated: Whereas, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer and Whereas. Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WA-98-26 is an appeal to this Board from the decision of all administrative officer; and Whereas, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law and there were no protests registered it; and registered Whereas, the relief applied for may be granted without detriment to the public welfare and Without substantially' impairing the intent and purpose Of the re(UllatiOnS governing the City of'Wheat Ridge; and Whereas, the Board finds that, based upon all evidence presented and based upon the Board*s conclusions relative to the criteria given for this variance, the evidence and facts in this case do Support the granting of this request. Now, therefore, be it resolved that Board of Adjustment Application Case No, WA-98-26 be, and hereby is, APPROVED. Type of Variance: An eleven-foot backstop fence height variance to the tell-foot backstop fence hel,"Jit requirement and a one -foot fence height variance to the six-foot fence height requirement. For the Following Reasons: I The Board finds that variance criteria numbers 3.6. 8 and 9 are met as far as its concerns. 1 This variance is basically for the safety, welfare and benefit of spectators and passersby. Vice Chairman ABBOTT offered all amendment to the motion to add two additional reasons for granting the variance as follows: 3. Approval of the variance creates a condition which will be in compliance with a national standard as stated by the City's Parks Superintendent. Board of AdJusiment Palle 5 09!'-74/98 4. . The 2l -foot Iii ah backstop Would have no effect on adjacent residential property. The amendment was accepted by Board Members THIESSEN and ECHELNIEYER. The motion carried by a vote of 6-0 with Board Members HOVLAND and 10AURO absent, Vice Chair ABBOTTanIlOLUlced that the request had been approved. C. Case No. WA-98-27: Ali application Submitted by Ken Sanchez for Beatrice Anders for approval of a 15-foot side yard setback variance to the 3 )O -foot side yard setback requirement to al low a 22-foot by 22-foot detached gat The property is zoned R I -A and I ocated at > Wright Street. This case was presented by Sean McCartney. He reviewed the staff report and presented slides and overhead projections of the subject property. He entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised that there was jurisdiction for the Board to hear the case. He stated that the City has received two letters of opposition to this request. I%4r. I'vIcCartney stated staff's conclusion that, based oil criteria presented in the staff report, approval of this request could be detrimental to the public's wvelfare, create congestion in tile public streets and Could after tile essential character of the locality. Further, based on the lact that staff" did not find any evidence of hardship, aside front personal inconvenience for the property owner, lie stated that staff recommended denial of the request. He advised the Board that. should the request be approved, staff recommended that the request be chan(_ to a I 0-foot side yard setback variance to allow 6or a driveway depth of 20 feet. In response to a question from Vice Chairman ABBOTT. INIr. McCartney stated that lie had received another letter of'opposition in addition to the letter included with the staff report. Board Member ECHELMEYER asked the address of the property owner who submitted the second letter of'opposition, Mr. IMcCartney stated that it was all adjacent propel 1 Ward Boatel. oNN'ner at ) Vice Chairman ABBOTT referred to staff's concern that approval of the application could increase congestion in the public street and asked for clarification. IMr. McCartney replied that this concern was based upon industry standards of' a driveway length ot'20 feet for example, a driveway length of less than 20 feet could cause a large vehicle to extend onto public right-of4vay. Board of Aqjustment Page 6 091124,198 Ken Sanchez 8277 West 71st Place Nlr. Sanchez was sworn in by Vice Chair ABBOTT. NIr. Sanchez stated that he is the builder representing the owner, Beatrice Anders. lie explained that the proposed Structure is not planned to serve as a garage but as a workshop. He explained that it would be necessary to vviden the existing gate to use the structure as a garage and there were no plans to widen that (late. tie stated that there is all attached two-car orara( e that will be used for the owner's vehicles, and that moving the proposedstrUCt Lire Would necessitate tile removal of some patio concrete and an existing wood shed, N/Ir. Sanchez, upon consultation with Beatrice Anders, advised the Board that it was the desire cat" the applicant to amend the variance request from 15 feet to 10 feet. Board Niferriber ECHELMEYER expressed concern that the application was for a slioi)/ and the actual use would be as a workshop. Mr. NIcCartnev replied that the setback requirement applies to any structure, regardless of use, and therefore the Board had jurisdiction to consider the case at this time. Board Nlember ECI-IELMEYER asked Mr. Sanchez if he was planning to construct a driveway from the building to the street. Mr. Sanchez replied that they were not planning C Construct a drivexvziy; however, they would be willing to comply with the 20-foot setback reqUil-C race rat. Board Member HOWARD asked if the applicant could show the Board a drawing of the proposed structure. Mr. Sanchez replied that fie did not have a drawing with hini but that it was planned to have a 22-tbot by 22-toot structure with a gabled roof. In response to Board N—lember 1-10% comment that it Would not match the house. Mr. Sanchez replied that the other structures oil the property do not match the house since it is very difficult to match tile A-frame Structure of the house. III response to a question from Board Member ECHELN/lEYER, Mr. Sanchez stated that the structure will contain four solid walls with either an 8-foot bay door or a french cloor on the South side to facilitate the movement of wood\vorking equipment and Supplies, Beatrice Anders 3iI2 Wright Street Ms. Anders was sworn in by Vice Chairman ABBOTT. She stated that She bought tile property because Of its Unique design, tile room in the back yard tor her grandchildren to play and to Construct a woodworking shop where her husband can invent and build equipment f=or people with learning disabilities. She said it was not practical to add the shop area onto the present house. Board of Adjustmcm Page 7 09 _14198 In response to a question from Board Member ECHEUMEYER, Ms. Anders stated that she does not plan to install a concrete drive to the street. She also stated that, without the XM'iance, her back yard would be extremely small. Board Member ECHELMEYER asked if a future owner would have to apply for a variance in order to build as driveway Should that owner wish to use the structure as a garage. Mr. N explained that if this variance is granted. a future owner Could build a concrete drivewav Without having to apply for a variance or a permit. Board Member HOWARD asked the applicant if she had considered alternatives Such as all I SN - 24 foot structure. The applicant replied that mature trees oil the property prevent building any further to the South. Vice Chairman ABBOTT commented that perhaps the applicant could build a smaller structure. providing for a lesser variance. N/Is. Anders replied that they needed tile requested Size to accommodate her husband's equipment. Kell S'.11)CIICZ returned to the podium and stated that they had considered a smaller structure, 110 , WeVer, the\ Wanted to build the structure as close to the corner of the property as possible to retain more ofthe back yard. Vice Chairman ABBOTT commented that the applicant is giving away sonic square t*oomoe ofthe Structure by leaving ail eight foot setback from the fence when only five feet are required, Atithoriv Gibbons 12420 West 35th Avenue NJr, Gibbons was sNvorn in by Vice Chairman ABBOTT Fie stated that his residence was diaootially across the street from the applicant. He expressed his concern about tile legality of' the existing 1'ence which is six inches frorn the inside edge ol'the sidewalk alono West 35th Avenue. He Further expressed his opposition to tile proposed setback variance which fie felt would be out ot"character for the neighborhood. In response to as question from Board N/ternber THIESSEN, Mr. Gibbons stated that he was still opposed to the variance in spite of tile fact that the applicant had amended her request by five feet. In response to a question from Mr. Gibbons about the legality of the fe ' lice. Mr, McCartney explained the relevant portion of the code and informed Mr. Gibbons that the fence was in compliance. Board Member HOWARD asked to see the letter of protest that was not included ill the packet. The t'ollowino letter was introduced into the record as an exhibit and given to the Bmird of'A(IjUSMICIII, Pa-e 8 09,24/98 Board members for their examination: Exhibit "A" - Letter from Mr, Yemen. '1541 Ward Road. expressing opposition to the variance. Board Member WALKER asked if there was ail option to continue the case since the report referred to the proposed structure as a garage rather than a workshop. Mr. ,'McCartney replied that this was not an option since the variance must be considered on the basis of Structure and not its intended use. Ken Sanchez returned to the podium and stated that, should the variance be denied. the structure Could be constructed to be in compliance with the code. however. it would still leave the option for a future owner to install a concrete driveway and use the structure as a garage. In response to a question from Board Member THIE SSE N, Ivlr. McCartney explained that ail approval is not required to install a Curb cut for a driveway for single family residences other than to make sure the drainage meets requirements. I Vice Chairman ABBOTT requested that the owner address the Board and specifically state her intentions in regard to the use of the structure. Bernice Anders returned to tile podiLlIll and stated that the use of the entire struCtUre will be as a shop. She stated her original intention was to add a shop onto the house, but it Would have been cost prohibitive fior her to do so. Upon a motion by Board Member THIESSEN and second by Board IN/lernber ECHEUMEYE-R, the following resolution was state& Whereas, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer, and NN'lie•eas, Board of AqjUStillent Application Case No. WA-98-27 is an appeal to this Board from the decision ofan administrative officer; and Mice - eas, the property has been posted tile fifteen days required by law, and there were protests reoistered against it; and Whereas, the relief'applied for may not be granted without Substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City ol`�\ Midge. Now, therefor -e, be it resolved that Board ofAdjUstrnent Application Case No. WA-98-27 x. be. and hereby is, DENIED. Board ol'Adjustnient Noe 9 09"24/98 For die followitig, reasons: Strong protests were registered by the affected neighbors in the area against the variance, The Board does not believe that granting this request would be aesthetically pleasing to the nei-liborhood. a . There are other developmental prospects oil this property that call be achieved without the variance, 4 There are 110 unique circumstances that would require the grantim of this request over the neighborhood protests. 5 Granting this request Could significantly alter the character of the neigliborhood. 6. Granting this request Could diminish or impair property values, Vice Chairman ABBOTT stated that lie would vote in favor of the motion for all of the reasons stated, He stated that, even thOLI(Ill lie sympathized with the applicant. it was the z:1 Board's position to look for hardships and weigh those hardships against the ordinances adopted by the City's elected officials, Board Member ECHELMEYER stated that lie would also vote in favor of the motion because It appears that ifthe present wooden shed were removed. a Structure between the concrete patio and the five-foot casement oil the east Would accommodate the 22-foot by 22 Eliot structure and still leave rootli 1'(-)r a play at-ca. The motion lor denial carried by a vote of 5 - 1, with Board Member WALKER voting NO and Board \­Iernbers HOVLAND and MAURO absent. Vice Chair ABBOTT advised the applicant that the request had been denied. 6. OLD 13USINESS Mr. McCartney asked if the Board would like to schedule a study session. There was a COnSenSLIS of the Board to hold a study session bef*ore the end of the year. 7. INEW BUSINESS A Approval 0f'1%`IiIlUtCS ofAug 27, 1998. It was moved by Board Member WALKER and seconded by Board IMernber JUNKEER to Board ofAdJustment pai 10 09,124�98 approve the minutes as presented. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0 with Board Nlember 1 abstaining; and Board Members HOVLAND and NMALJRO absent. 8. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Board IN/lember HOWARD and seconded by Board Nlernber JUNKER to adjOL11 the olecting a 9:22 pii. I- TONI ABBOTT. Vice Chairman Ann Lazzeri, Secretary Board ol'Ad Board of Adjustment Board ot'A justment Pa-e 11 09/24/98