HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938 28 Rt'cordcd at.__ _._o'e1n~k.... . .... M.. s' :ilQ -18 'I:'JnlJ. 'jQ9r ,\ n..'.t1.. N.,..2J6598 ............"".........Reeo'!'de'!'. THIS DEED. ~flld~ thl,ll 9 th May In the year of our thoU!~and l'l'n~ hundl'\'ld and six.ty-seven ReM Investment Co. I .II. corpon-tion duly o'l'C.II.nlr.ed an4 "..IIUnK under and by virtue ot the lul" ot the State ot Cohn-do, ot the fint part, and County of Jefferson, :~ ~~ % ~.- ~ !: -ll.-..;a; ..;zc ~ ~~~~ ,~...,'t:: W ;:=I~ i21{~~ ;:, ,.... ... ~ Cl: s::: day of Lord on~ , between r-(" p' . O. ;;:!' ::-". N W (7) CJl to <Xl a body politic and corporate I of the County of Jefferson Scate ot Calor.do, of the aeeond pl'lrt, WITNESSETfl. That the laid part)' of the t1rlt part, for and in I'onalderntlon of the lUll'. of other good and valuable consIderation and ten ------------------------------ DOLLARS, to the laid plany of the first part In hand paid by the said part y of the aeeond part. the r<<elpt wbereof la he~b:y ~onfe..ed and acknowledged, hath rt'mllled, rell'llIed, sold, ~onveYed and QUIT CLAIMED, and by tbeae pree- enta doth tflmiae, release, len, convey and QUIT CLAIM unto the laId part Y of the leeond part, its SUCCCS :ilJ4Je and alltif11a fOrt'ver, all the right, title, Intcrf'st, claim. a1';d denu.nd .bl~b tbe hId patty of the fint part hath In and to the folloW'lnl' de3t'rlbt-d land situ.te, lyl,nl' and betnC in the County 01 Jefferson and State of Colorado, to-wl.t: f""".:' ,,- e, z ors, The Northerl)' 40 feet of that part of the NW~ NE~ SW~ of Section 29, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P. M., described as follows: Beginning at a point 221:5 feet East of the 16th corner common to the NWt and swt of said Section 29; thence East along the East-West centerline of said Section 29, a distance of 153 feet: thence South at right angles to said center- Une 328 feet; thence West and parallel with the aforesaid centerUne 153 feet, more or less, to thi! East line of the property of the Maple Grove Grange; thence North 328 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, FOR ROAD PURPOSES RCM Investment CO. BY.....~..;iJ,.~.~:..~_._..:,:: P..,.ld...t. (A A;(. day 01 May .. President I.1Id MBvIs G. Carvill .. Seel'eta.!'Y of ..1' 0.11<., ) t, tJ' a corporatIon. V7. ~~ i(f' /!. ' .{.'f[...,..........................................'"...\........~;:;.P;bi.;;:...... 't Na. S. JOJ..B. Quit Cl.lm l)eed.,-CorPOf1ltlon ForTI\" ~PAllY .INI..... C...., -- ?8 I .-- - ! -.---', 1~}38 \