HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-21-21- 6A� City of WheatRidge PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA October 21, 2021 Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on October 21, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. This meeting will be conducted as a virtual meeting and in person at 7500 W. 29' Avenue, Municipal Building, if allowed to meet on that date per COVID-19 restrictions. Members of the Planning Commission and City staff will be physically present at the Municipal building for this meeting if allowed by health guidelines. The public may participate in these ways: 1. Provide comment in advance at www.wheatridgespeaks.org (comment by noon on October 20) 2. Virtually attend and participate in the meeting through a device or phone: • Click hereto join and provide public comment (create a Zoom account to join) • Or call 1-669-900-6833 with Meeting ID 863 6643 3240 and Passcode: 063388 3. View the meeting live or later at www.wheatridgespeaks.org, Channel 8, or YouTube Live at htti)s://www.ci.wheatridge.co.us/view 4. Attend in person (meeting will be in-person unless prohibited by COVID-19 restrictions). 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —October 7, 2021 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) (continued on neat page) Planning Commission Agenda— October 21, 2021 PUBLIC HEARING * Page 2 A. Case No. WS -21-02: an application filed by Silver Cloud Properties, LLC for approval of a 6 -lot major subdivision in the Residential -Three (R-3) zone district located at 3900 & 3920 Upham Street. B. Case No. MS -21-07: an application filed by Frank Zwolinski with Power Surveying for approval of a minor subdivision to replat 5 lots into 2 lots on property zoned Residential -One C (R -1C) and located at 2844 Depew Street C. Case No. WZ-21-04: an application filed by Norris Design on behalf of Evergreen -Clear Creek Crossing for approval of a zone change from Planned Commercial Development (PCD) to Planned Mixed Use Development (PMUD) with an Outline Development Plan located at 4051 Clear Creek Drive. 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Upcoming Dates B. Project and Development Updates 9. OLD BUSINESS 10. ADJOURNMENT * Public comment is welcome during any public hearing item. The standard procedure for a public hearing is as follows: a. Staff presentation b. Applicant presentation — if applicable c. Public comment —time may be limited at the discretion of the Chair, often to 3 minutes d. Staff/applicant response e. Close public hearing f Commission discussion and decision Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. Call Sara Spaulding, Public Information Officer at 303-235-2877 at least one week in advance of a meeting ifyou are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. 1. 2. 3. 4. I��/ City of WheatMidge PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting October 7, 2021 CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair LARSON at 7:03 p.m. This meeting was held in person and virtually, using Zoom video -teleconferencing technology. As duly announced and publicly noticed, the City previously approved this meeting format in order to continue with normal business amid the COVID-19 pandemic and the related public emergency orders promulgated by the State of Colorado and the Wheat Ridge City Council. Before calling the meeting to order, the Chair stated the rules and procedures necessitated by this virtual meeting format. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS UN Commission Members Present: Melissa Antol Kristine Disney Will Kerns Daniel Larson Janet Leo Scott Ohm Jahi Simbai Commission Members Absent: Ari Krichiver Staff Members Present: Kenneth Johnstone, Community Development Director Scott Cutler, Senior Planner Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVE ORDER OF THE AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner SIMBAI and seconded by Commissioner LEO to approve the order of the agenda. Motion carried 7-0. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — September 16, 2021 Planning Commission Minutes October 7, 2021 -1— It was moved by Commissioner OHM and seconded by Commissioner ANTOL to approve the minutes of September 16, 2021, as written. Motion carried 6-0-1 with Commissioner SIMBAI abstaining. 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda.) Edward Fleegler, resident 3812 Taft Court Mr. Feegler described the proposed merger between Inter -Mountain Medical and SCL Health. He believes this is an important consideration and should be addressed before moving ahead with the master plan. Commissioner LARSON closed the public comment PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. WZ-21-07: an application filed by Chris Student, representing P Street I, LLC for approval of a zone change from Restricted Commercial (RC) to Mixed Use -Commercial (MU -C) for property located at 6011 W. 44"' Avenue Mr. Cutler gave a short presentation regarding the zone change and the application. He entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. He stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met, therefore the Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case. Alex Berman, applicant representative 6011 West 44' Avenue Ms. Berman said that this rezone would allow for a more diverse tenant as RC is quite restrictive. Commissioner DISNEY is aware that MU -C allows residential and asked if there is any anticipation of apartment being a use on this site. Mr. Cutler clarified that any redevelopment would be up to the property owner and residential is a permitted use. He reminded the commissioners that there are height and density restrictions for residential uses based on the City Charter. Commissioner OHM inquired if Staff recommended keeping the southeast access on Harlan Street. Planning Commission Minutes -2— October 2— October 7, 2021 Mr. Cutler mentioned that would be addressed at the time of a future site plan and not rezoning. Commissioner SIMBAI asked about the statement of MU -C more accurately reflect the surrounding area Mr. Cutler addressed that MU -C is intended for commercial corridors and larger format retail uses. He added that the code does not allow rezoning to Commercial - One, but the list of uses is similar. Commissioner SIMBAI asked if the applicant, P Street I, had previously owned this property and why the applicant doesn't see the traffic increasing for this site. Ms. Berman said she thought that P Street I was a 1" time owner at this site, and they feel the traffic will be consistent with current bank traffic but until the new tenant is found it is very uncertain. Commissioner SIMBAI asked if it better to do a zone change before or after a tenant is found. Mr. Cutler clarified that zoning can happen at any time provided that staff can recommend approval based on the Comprehensive Plan and the City's adopted documents. Commissioner LARSON asked what MU -C does not allow. Mr. Cutler mentioned that MU -C does not allow industrial uses, high rise residential or commercial buildings beyond what is allowed by the Charter, outdoor storage. He added there are strict restrictions for auto uses in the MU -C zone district. Commissioner ANTOL asked if a gas station is a permitted use for this site. Mr. Cutler explained it is not a use by right and a conditional use permit is required that includes strict design requirements. Commissioner KERNS asked if MU -C allows for retail on the bottom floor and residential above. Mr. Cutler said yes, as long as it meets the height restrictions. Vivian Vos, resident 6920 W. 47' Place Ms. Vos disagrees with the zone change criteria analysis related to public health, safety, and welfare and adverse effect on the surrounding area. She feels there will Planning Commission Minutes -3— October 3— October 7, 2021 be an adverse effect due to traffic. She also does not understand how the zone change will bring the property into conformance with the comprehensive plan. Ms. Vos feels the property owner wants a less restrictive zone district so they can sell it and the new owners can do whatever they want with the property. Commissioner LARSON closed the public forum. Mr. KERNS does not feel traffic will increase due to the MU -C zone change and feels the zone change make sense. Commissioner DISNEY reminded all that the bank has been vacant for some time and supports the zone change due to the location and would like to see some retail opportunities at this location. Commissioner OHM said originally, he was on the fence for this zone change, but because of the retail to the east it is an appropriate zone change and if residential goes in, there is a height restriction in place. Commissioner ANTOL is in concurrence with the other commissioners and is an advocate for redevelopment of banks because they sit vacant for a long time. She would also like to see more options of uses at this site. Commissioner SIMBAI said he was also on the fence for this zone change, but for reasons related to the timing. He mentioned that if approved he would like to make sure the use fits in with the community. Iq Commissioner LARSON concurred with all and thinks this property is a gateway into the City of Wheat Ridge and would like to see a good, new use at this site. It was moved by Commissioner DISNEY and seconded by Commissioner KERNS to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-21-07, a request for approval of a zone change from Restricted Commercial (RC) to Mixed -Use Commercial (MU -C) for property located at 6011 W. 44' Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed zone change will promote the public health, safety, or welfare of the community and does not result in an adverse effect on the surrounding area. 2. Utility infrastructure adequately services the property. 3. The proposed zone change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan and consistent with the character of Harlan Street north of 44' Avenue. 4. The zone change will provide additional opportunity for reinvestment in the area. 5. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change supports the request. Planning Commission Minutes -4— October 4— October 7, 2021 Motion carries 7-0. B. Case No. WPA-21-01: a resolution recommending adoption of the Lutheran Legacy Campus Master Plan and by such adoption amending the Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Johnstone gave a brief background regarding the resolution and the Lutheran Legacy Campus Master Plan and introduced the MIG consultants. Mark de la Torre, MIG 4345 Brentwood Street Mr. De La Torre gave a brief overview of approaching the project, engagement meetings, and what the master plan does and doesn't do. He also talked about the preliminary concepts that had been presented to the community. Jay Renkens, MIG 6137 Everett Street Mr. Renkens explained the structure plan and the amendment to the Comprehensive Plan, the overall development framework how it evolved based on the community's feedback. He also talked about the implementation and the next steps for the Lutheran Legacy Campus Master Plan. Public Comment Edward Fleegler, resident 3812 Taft Court Mr. Fleegler reiterated the me r between SCL and Intermountain Health Care will be an incredible opportunity and feels it is important to wait on the master plan until the letter of intent and the silent period is over to support the health and wellbeing of the citizens of the City of Wheat Ridge. Anne Brinkman, resident and former WR Planning Commissioner 7420 W. 34" Avenue Ms. Brinkman said the Lutheran Master Plan is really nice. She spoke of her concerns of the Rocky Mountain Ditch Company and its valuable water. She does not want to see the Master Plan treat the ditch as an amenity for children to play in. Ms. Brinkman explained it is protected by an easement. Lucille Ray, resident 3230 Balsam Street Planning Commission Minutes - 5— October 7, 2021 Ms. Ray said it is important for the integration of the SCL & Intermountain Health Care to happen and would like the site to stay medical in nature. She does not think the plan has the best interest for the City of Wheat Ridge. She also mentioned there is too much development in the City of Wheat Ridge and wants the community to remain as is and not have the developers take over. Michelle Davis, Ventas Representative 3455 Lutheran Parkway Ms. Davis communicated that Ventas has made a significant impact in the community and will wait to support the rezoning until a later date to see its uses. Bob Brazell, resident 3830 Carr Street Mr. Brazell has concerns for the possibility of high density on the north side of the Lutheran Property and thinks it is misconceived. He also has concerns about parking and stated he opposed to the project. Jenny Shaver, resident 8835 W. 32"d Avenue Ms. Shaver mentioned she enjoyed working with Mr. De La Torre as part of the focus groups but does not agree with the high-density homes and does not think the Rocky Mountain Ditch should be played in by children. Ms. Shaver also has concerns about increased traffic. She also believes the history of the Blue House is important and asked about West Pines moving. Janelle Shaver, resident 8090 W. 35" Avenue Ms. Shaver feels there was not sufficient notification to the community about the Master Plan process and believes focus groups are considered public outreach, and there was no input taken. She feels that changing the Comprehensive Plan is a huge deal with not enough public input. Ms. Shaver thought the 3 concept plans were too similar and would like to see urban agriculture instead. Lisa Wilson, resident 3231 Balsam Street Ms. Wilson thinks that progress can be shaped and appreciates all the public meetings and feels the Master Plan shows that MIG and staff are listening. She said it is evident in the green space and walkability, a balance of density and concentration of higher density only in the center. Ms. Wilson appreciates the consideration to all the input and to a Master Plan that will create a unique livable addition to the community. Planning Commission Minutes -6— October 6— October 7, 2021 Don Wood, resident 2385 W. 28" Avenue Mr. Wood said he is a representative of the Historic Society and mentioned there is a good deal of support to save the Blue House on the Lutheran Campus because it is one of Jefferson County's jewels. He said a potential for the site around the house could be a park and would like the Commission to take into consideration preserving the historic building on the property. Sandy Nance, resident 4097 Field Drive Ms. Nance said she was pleased to see the Master Plan mentioned the Blue House and the Chapel for adaptive re -use. She is concerned that there is a push to get the plan through before the historic designation of these buildings. Vivian Vos, resident 6920 W. 47" Place Ms. Vos mentioned she is confused about this process and wants a definition of the Master Plan and how it amends the Comprehensive Plan. She said the letter of intent is intriguing and thinks a better use of the existing buildings would be for science labs. Ihor Fights, resident 9775 W. 36" Avenue Mr. Figlus urged the Commissioner not to recommend approval of this plan because of the process. He feels the community's input was not accepted and there was no direct contact with the immediate neighborhood and thinks the whole process needs to be revisited. Joshua Meyer, resident 8835 W. 32"d Avenue Mr. Meyer believed the project is motivated by money and not community involvement. He stated there is still vacant retail property on 381h Avenue and doesn't believe there is a need for more. Mr. Meyer said the neighbors were unaware of the meetings and the plan disregards the community and would like to go back to the drawing board. Rosemarie Bowden, resident 3535 Dudley Street Planning Commission Minutes -7— October 7— October 7, 2021 Ms. Bowden is concerned about the health needs of the community, development and about SCL becoming a smaller hospital. She said there is a need to preserve hospitals. Mariann Storck, resident 4120 Balsam Ms. Storck agreed with other speakers and encourages the Commission to reject the Master Plan. She would like to maintain green space in the City and not have more retail space because there is already too much vacant retail. Dan Findlay, resident 3375 Dudley Street Mr. Findlay mentioned he has been part of the process and thanked staff and MIG for their hard work but agrees with the uniform opposition of the Master Plan. He moved to Wheat Ridge for the open space and echoes what has been said by previous speakers. He also mentioned he is sad to see that not everyone is engaged. Chris Leatherwood, resident 4185 Carr Street Mr. Leatherwood mentioned he is a lateral member on the Rocky Mountain Ditch and wondered who will ensure access to the water. He also agrees with other's comments and asked why all sides of the property have wide buffers except on 30, Avenue. He urged the Commission to deny and get more public comment. Scot Tallmadge, resident 4380 Dover Street Mr. Tallmadge has concerns of traffic and parking and does not think traffic counts have been considered in this process. He also does not think Rocky Mountain Ditch should be an amenity. Haley Findlay, resident 3375 Dudley Street Ms. Findlay has concerns of traffic on Dudley Street and parking on the Lutheran property. She does not want to see more apartment buildings but would like to see more open space. She also echoed what other people had to say. Tamara Phalen, resident 4205 Dover Street Planning Commission Minutes - 8— October 7, 2021 Ms. Phalen said she lives north of Lutheran and urged the Commission to reject the Master Plan because there is too much high density. She also echoed the thoughts of others and would like to see more single-family homes and senior living. Sarah Westmoreland, resident 4130 Balsam Ms. Westmoreland's main concern is traffic impact on the north side of the development. Richard Skallen, resident 7235 W. 28" Avenue Mr. Skaflen's has concerns of traffic around Wheat Ridge High School and Wheat Ridge Middle School. He mentioned a concern for safety for the children walking on 32°d and 38"' Avenues. Commissioner LARSON closed the Public Comment. Commissioner SIMBAI asked if item #2 in the resolution could be explained and if the Master Plan can be changed years from now. Mr. Johnstone explained the Master Plan content will inform any changes in land use on the property and it is being adopted in its entirety. He added it is at the City's discretion to update master plans periodically and is a role for Planning Commission and City Council. He explained that the Master Plan would serve as a guiding document. Steve Chyung, SCL 8300 W. 38" Avenue In response to a question from Commissioner ANTOL, Mr. Chyung explained that SCL entered into a Letter of Intent (LOI) with Intermountain Health Care which is based in Utah. He clarified that the LOI was made public a couple of months ago and is for the two healthcare systems to merge. Mr. Chyung said it will not change the status of building a new hospital because SCL and Intermountain operate in different markets. Commissioner ANTOL asked if approving this Master Plan also approves the different densities on the site. Mr. Johnstone said generally yes, but it should be understood that when a Comprehensive Plan is adopted then the densities are not absolutes and there is flexibility to be determined by the zoning. Planning Commission Minutes -9— October 9— October 7, 2021 Commissioner OHM asked if there is criteria that will inform if the Rocky Mountain Ditch Company will remain open or be buried. Mr. Johnstone said he does not know because the ditch company has its own opinions with pros and cons to each approach. Commissioner OHM asked how long this process has taken so far and if any postcards were mailed to the community. Mr. De La Torre explained that the technical process began in February of 2021, sc about 7 months of active engagement. He said no postcards were sent out, and Mr. Johnstone elaborated that there were 3 editions of the Connections Newsletter mailed citywide which contained notification of the process including specific dates for engagement. Commissioner OHM mentioned there was a lot of detail in the Master Plan Appendix and wanted clarification on trip generation. Mr. De La Torre confirmed that this Master Plan is not a development plan, so the worst-case scenario was analyzed (meaning the land uses with the highest trip generation) and it was only 7% higher than what the hospital generates today. Commissioner OHM also asked if the facilities report could be explained with regards to the Blue House and Chapel. Mr. De La Torre explained that the Abo Group's'dssessment of the two structures. Both have significance and could be repurposed, but both need some structural work and there is asbestos. In response to a question from Commissioner OHM, Mr. De La Torre confirmed that large residential lot sizes result in more expensive (less affordable) homes. Commissioner OHM referenced the Corners project at 38"' and Wadsworth and asked how the subject property compares in terms of the required entitlements. Mr. Johnstone described the timeline of changes on Wadsworth. The Charter was amended by voters in 2009 to allow additional height and density in the Wadsworth and I-70/Kipling urban renewal areas. Subsequently, the Wadsworth corridor was legislatively rezoned through a public process and public hearings. In response to a follow-up question, Mr. Johnstone said we don't yet know what the timing could be for a potential Charter amendment and zone change at Lutheran. There are several variables that can inform that process over the next several years. Commissioner DISNEY asked what would happen with the property if the Master Plan did not exist. Planning Commission Minutes - 10— October 7, 2021 Mr. Johnstone said not much would happen because the hospital zoning is so specific and limiting; there is not any flexibility to allow other uses or directions. Commissioner DISNEY inquired about the merger between the two healthcare systems and if Intermountain decided to come in with a research facility would it negate the Master Plan. Mr. Johnstone clarified the Master Plan would not preclude a research facility from coming in and the Master Plan cannot be that descriptive. Commissioner DISNEY said she was shocked to see the amount of people who participated in the process and asked if MIG was happy with the numbers. Mr. De La Torre was very encouraged by the number of people who participated in the process and Mr. Johnstone added there were many more people engaged who are not sitting in Council Chambers tonight. In response to a question from Commissioner LEO about the Blue House and Chapel, Mr. Johnstone said the two structures are not historically designated and legally there is nothing keeping them from being demolished, but the document reflects that the community values those structures and will continue to seek ways to adaptively use them. Mr. Chyung added that the evaluation of a developer needs to take into consideration the historical value of the structures. Commissioner LEO asked if there will be a need for additional police or emergency services moving forward. Mr. Johnstone mentioned there hasn't been a specific discussion yet about police and emergency services but there is an existing high presence on the existing campus and as part of the 2022 Budget, if approved in October, there will be additional police positions added to the force because of the new site at Clear Creek Crossing. Commissioner Kerns asked why Ms. Brinkman does not want people wading in the Rocky Mountain Ditch. Ms. Brinkman explained that there are water rights to the ditch and if waded in then it will get polluted. Mr. De La Torre clarified that the imagery in the presentation showed various forms of nature play but did not mean to imply that the ditch will be a water amenity. Commissioner KERNS asked if the public process and outreach could be explained because he saw the articles in the Connections Newsletter. Planning Commission Minutes - 11 — October 7, 2021 Mr. De La Torre explained use of What's Up Wheat Ridge. He also explained that the 4 public meetings were each intentionally in a different format, including a walking tour, virtual meeting, in-person meeting and an open house format. He mentioned that he also held focus groups which were filled by open solicitation; promoted in What's Up WR and the walking tour. Mr. De La Torre also said there was a business focus group comprised of different community business entities and a stake holder steering group. Mr. Johnstone added that the City decided this is a community wide project and needed to get the word out robustly. Connections reaches all residents. Commissioner SIMBAI asked what the pros and cons would be to the process if the City, MIG, and SCL Health went back to the drawing board as recommended by some community members. Mr. De La Torre said it would undermine the process and all the analysis that has been done. Mr. Johnstone concurred and does not know what it looks like to go back to the drawing board and does not think it is fair to all those who have participated to this point. Mr. Chyung added that a medical use only does not leave us anywhere to go with 100 acres. Commissioner ANTOL wanted clarification that a planned development will be one zoning change as opposed to multiple developers coming in and piecing out the property with multiple zone districts. Mr. Johnstone said that a Planned Development vrould go through the same zone change process including a neighborhood meeting, public hearings and adopting an Outline Development Plan consistent with the Master Plan and then finally a Specific Development Plan to sell off different blocks of sub -areas of the property. Commissioner OHM asked if the appendix is available to the public. He added he likes the flexibility of the Master Plan. Ms. Odean said the appendix was all together in the agenda packet online. Commissioner DISNEY said she is grateful for the amount of work that went into this document and process. She felt public input was taken into consideration and has gone far above what the people want, and she understands the reality of no buffer on the north side of the property. She also mentioned she does not like density, but we need affordable housing for the number of people who want to live in the City of Wheat Ridge. Commissioner DISNEY also felt there was plenty of notification to the public Commissioner LEO thinks this is a huge effort and a great project, but a work in progress and does not think it is ready to be entered as an amendment into the Comprehensive Plan. She feels there is a need for healthcare in the City of Wheat Planning Commission Minutes -12— October 12— October 7, 2021 Ridge due to the increase in population and does not like the thought of fewer beds at the new SCL site at Clear Creek Crossing. Commissioner KERNS thinks it is important to have housing diversity and choice and this Master Plan offers that. He also mentioned that that even though the Blue House and Chapel are not designated as historic the Plan recognizes their value. He added that traffic is already generated by the hospital and that is not going to change with new development. Commissioner LARSON asked who is paying for this Master Plan study. or Mr. Johnstone said SCL Health is paying for the planning process. Commissioner LARSON also asked about the existing protection for the Rocky Mountain Ditch and what part of the process with that be discussed. Mr. Johnstone said there is existing controls in place, and it will be looked at during the ODP/SDP phases. It was moved by Commissioner OHM and seconded by Commissioner ANTOL to adopt Resolution 01-2021, a resolution recommending adoption of the updated Lutheran Legacy Campus Master Plan as an amendment to the City's Comprehensive Plan, Envision Wheat Ridge, and forwarding said recommendation to the Wheat Ridge City Council. Motion carries 6-1 with Commissioner LEO voting against. C. ZOA-21-04: a code amendment modifying Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws adding reference to extended stay lodging to Chapter 26 use schedules. 1wCommissioner SIMBAI indicated he has a specific and particular interest in this ase and recused himself but will be back for the close of the meeting. Mr. Johnstone gave a short presentation regarding adding reference to extended stay lodging to Chapter 26 use schedules. Public Comment No one wished to speak. Commissioner LEO said her only concern is about meeting other licensing and operational requirements and if cooking facilities were not provided and people were using hotplates and asked if this is conditional. Planning Commission Minutes -13— October 13— October 7, 2021 Mr. Johnstone said this is one of the requirements and there are other requirements for extended stay lodging in Chapter 11 such as, but not limited to, separate sleeping quarters. Commissioner DISNEY asked if the intent of this amendment is to have the ability to go to hotels to remodel them and would this amendment help with higher crime rates. Mr. Johnstone confirmed this and added that extended stay doesn't mean the residents are criminals but there is a correlation in some of the properties. Commissioner OHM asked about page 10 section 3b and about the permitted uses and if the language is correct as written. Mr. Johnstone said this reference will allow owners to ask for approval of extended stay lodging per the planned districts through a special use process. Commissioner ANTOL asked if there is outreach to the motel operators. Mr. Johnstone said yes, and the feedback was, it will impact the motels' business models. Commissioner LARSON asked if this would add a paragraph to Chapter 11. Mr. Johnstone said most of the changes are in Chapter 11, and the only change for Chapter 26 will relate to the use chart. It was moved by Commissioner LEO and seconded by Commissioner DISNEY to recommend approval of a code amendment modifying Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning extended stay lodging. Motion carries 5-1 with Commissioner KERNS voting against. 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Upcoming Dates Mr. Johnstone said there will be an October 21 Planning Commission Meeting and at least one meeting in November. Planning Commission Minutes -14— October 14— October 7, 2021 B. City Developments Mr. Johnstone mentioned this has been a very robust construction year with the Clear Creek Crossing site. He the TOD sites are experiencing a lot of sales and the property next to Medved is moving along at a steady pace. 10. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner DISNEY and seconded by Commissioner KERNS to adjourn the meeting at 10:57 p.m. Motion carried 6-0. Dan Larson, Chair Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary Planning Commission Minutes October 7, 2021 15— City of Wheatl�, e - OFFICE of THE CIIYMANAGER City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29� Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2819 F: 303.234.5924 HOW TO PARTICIPATE IN PUBLIC MEETINGS In March 2020, to help control the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the City of Wheat Ridge began conducting virtual meetings for City Council, Planning Commission and other boards. Virtual meetings encourage public participation as usual while also keeping the community, elected officials, staff and residents safe while continuing to conduct important City business. Starting in June 2021, the City returned to in-person public meetings and also retained the option for virtual public participation. The City will continue using this hybrid meeting format for the City Council and Planning Commission; this means that public meetings will continue to be virtually accessible and will also be held in-person if allowed by public health guidelines on the respective meeting date. This guide describes the various ways in which the public may participate in public meetings. 1. TO COMMENT IN ADVANCE • Click this link: www.wheatridgespeaks.or¢ • Use Wheat Ridge Speaks to review agendas and staff reports and to submit written comment. • For City Council meetings on Wheat Ridge Speaks: — You may submit comments at any time until noon on the day of the meeting. — For public hearings related to development or zoning, content will be posted about 10 days in advance. — For all other agenda items, content will be posted about 4 days in advance. • For Planning Commission meetings on Wheat Ridge Speaks: — You may submit comments until noon the day before the meeting. — Content will be posted about 10 days in advance. 2. TO COMMENT VIRTUALLY DURING THE LIVE MEETING (by web or phone) Join the live meeting through the web link or phone number (with access code) provided on the calendar on the City's website and provided on the top of all meeting agendas. Find the calendar at WWW.ci.Wheatridge.co.us/calendar • You will be joined into the meeting and automatically muted. • When public comment is invited, all participants will be unnamed and called upon by last name. (For example, the Mayor or meeting Chair may say: "Now is the time for public comment. All members of the public will be unrnuted. Please mute yourself or keep background noise to a minimum. If your last name begins with A through F, you may now speak.') • Please only join via the Zoom web or phone meeting if you intend to participate. If you wish to simply view the meeting, see option 4 below. 3. TO COMMENT IN PERSON • Confirm that local health guidelines allow the meeting to be held in-person. The meeting format will be described on the City's calendar at www.ci.wheatridge.co.us/calendar • When you arrive, sign up on the roster to speak on a specific agenda item. • Review these tips for commenting during a public meeting or hearing: https://bit.ly/WRPublicHearings 4. TO VIEW THE MEETING LIVE OR LATER The meeting will be live streamed and archived for viewing at: • www.wheatridgespeaks.org (watch hereto follow along with the agenda packet) • Channel 8 on your Comcast feed • YouTube Live www.ci.wheatridge.co.us/view Rev August 16, 2021 HELPFUL TIPS FOR A GOOD VIRTUAL MEETING EXPERIENCE • If joining through the web, log on 5 minutes before the start of the meeting, since some online products require downloads and installation. • State your name when you speak. • Turn off nearby cell phones, if you are using a computer to connect. • Please use a headset or earbuds. • Only have the virtual meeting application open on your computer. If you are running other programs like email or have additional websites open in your browser, it will interfere with your ability to hear or see the information. Close all other applications and windows when participating. • Please limit distractions when possible. Be aware of background noise. • Video streaming is a relatively new technology. Some things to be mindful of when connecting with your computer/tablet or smart phone. If your computer/tablet or smart phone is older than 2015 it is recommended that you use a landline/standard telephone to dial into the virtual meeting number to ensure that you can hear the meeting clearly. Internet service minimum needs to be 40-50 Nlbps for best results with a virtual meeting. Depending on the Internet speed and service in your neighborhood, the most reliable way to participate in the meeting is to call the phone number provided, rather than joining the meeting though the web link. 2 ♦�4le 1w Ir Wh6atRiLd e g CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT REVIEW DATES: October 21, 2021 (Planning Commission) / November 8, 2021 (City Council) CASE MANAGER: Scott Cutler CASE NO. & NAME: WS -21-02 / 3900-3920 Upham St. Subdivision ACTION REQUESTED: Request for approval a 6 -lot major subdivision in the Residential -Three (R-3) zone district. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 3900 & 3920 Upham Street APPLICANT/OWNER (S): Silver Cloud Properties, LLC APPROXIMATE AREA: 56,714 square feet (1.3 acres) PRESENT ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE: Residential -Three (R-3) Single-family ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION Location Map (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Site Planning Commission 1 Case No. WS -21-02 /3900-3920 Upham St Subdivision All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST Case No. WS -21-02 is an application for a major subdivision on property located at 3900 and 3920 Upham Street. The applicant is proposing to subdivide the existing two (2) lots into six (6) lots, plus a drainage tract. Given the total number of lots, this request is considered a major subdivision, which requires Planning Commission to make a recommendation to City Council who is the final authority for approval. The purpose of a subdivision plat is not to review specific site plan details, but rather to confirm appropriate lot configuration, access, rights-of-way, easements, and utility service to the site in order to create developable parcels for land uses that are already permitted by the underlying zoning. The plat will allow new development lots to be created which meet the Residential -Three (R-3) zoning requirements. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS The site is located on the east side of Upham Street between 38' Avenue and 44' Avenue (Exhibit 1, Aerial). The site is 56,714 square feet (1.3 acres) in size and contains two total lots that are roughly the same size: • 3900 Upham Street: contains a single-family home built in 1942 • 3920 Upham Street: contains a single-family home built in 1931 The property is zoned Residential -Three (R-3), as are all properties in this area along Upham Street (Exhibit 2, Zoning). Properties to the south are zoned Mixed Use — Neighborhood (MU -N) and Mixed Use — Commercial (MU -C) and contain a variety of uses, including office, the fire department, a public school, and the 4 -story building known as West 38 containing high-density apartments and retail. Properties along Upham Street in this area contain a variety of residential uses, including apartment buildings and single-family homes. Part of the school property to the east is zoned Residential -Two (R- 2), and the school building abuts the southeast corner of the subject property. III. PROPOSED SUBDIVISION PLAT Plat Document The proposed plat document consists of two pages (Exhibit 3, Fox Hollow on Upham Subdivision). The first page includes a legal description of the property; signature blocks for the owners, City, surveyor and County; and standard declarations and notes. The second page includes the plat map and data table which shows the proposed property lines and easements. Lot Configuration The subdivision creates six (6) lots that are compliant with the R-3 development standards. Lots 1 and 6 are located along Upham Street and contain the existing single-family homes. The subdivision is designed around the preservation of the existing homes. Lots 2-5 will be located to the east behind Lots 1 and 6, and will be accessed by a central private drive that bisects the site. The private drive will allow Planning Commission Case No. WS -21-02 13900-3920 Upham St Subdivision access to all lots which is required by City Code. The subdivision also creates Tract A at the east side of the site, which is designed for drainage (water detention) and landscaping. Each lot has been reviewed for compliance with the R-3 development standards, including minimum lot size and width. Any future development on the rear lots will need to comply with the R-3 standards including setbacks, building height, building coverage, and parking. Lots 2 and 3 (on the north side of the drive) are only eligible for a single-family home, based on lot size and width. Lots 4 and 5 (on the south side) are eligible for a single-family home or a duplex, provided all other development standards can be met. Based on the size of the proposed lots, no multifamily development would be permitted within this subdivision. For this reason, staff will review proposed homes for each individual lot at time of building permit rather than through an overall site plan or planned building group. Easements Several easements are created by this plat to allow adequate infrastructure and access: • The central easement is for service and emergency vehicle access (SEVA), utilities, general access, and maintenance and it allows all lots access to Upham Street and to the utility network. • Tract A is dedicated as a stormwater detention and water quality area. No buildings or structures may be constructed within this area because it is fully encumbered by a detention easement per note 8. • 10' drainage easements are dedicated along the north and south sides of the property, and between Lots 3 and 4, to allow drainage to flow to Tract A. This area will be landscaped but is also not buildable. Public Improvements The developer will construct public improvements within the dedicated right-of-way on Upham Street, upgrading the existing frontage with a 5 -foot attached sidewalk and curb/gutter. These improvements will allow on -street parking on the east side of Upham Street along this property. A street light will also be added on this side of the street. A Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) will ensure all improvements in the public right-of-way and other on-site improvements necessary for the site to function, such as utilities and drive aisles, are in place prior to any future Certificate of Occupancy. The SIA dictates construction and maintenance responsibilities as well as the timing of permit issuance relative to completion of the public improvements. Parkland Dedication The subdivision regulations include a parkland dedication requirement for all residential development based on the assumption that additional residents in the City will impact the demand for parks and open space. The fee is $2,497.29 per residential unit paid at time of building permit issuance. Credit is given for the two existing single-family homes, so fees are only required for any additional dwelling units that are built. IV. AGENCY REFERRALS All affected service agencies were contacted for comment on the subdivision plat regarding the ability to serve the property. Specific referral responses follow. Planning Commission Case No. WS -21-02/3900-3920 Upham St. Subdivision Wheat Ridge Engineering Division: The plat is approvable. Civil Construction documents are under final review and must be approved prior to construction and issuance of building permits. Wheat Ridge Building Division: No comments at this time. Any future development will be required to obtain building permits that will be reviewed for compliance with current building codes. West Metro Fire Protection District: No remaining comments. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District: No remaining comments. Applicant to set up service with district. Wheat Ridge Water District: Applicant to set up service with the district and obtain approval from Denver Water. Xcel Energy: No remaining comments. Applicant to work with Neel to establish service. Century Link: No concerns. Comcast: No concerns. V. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Staff has concluded that the proposed subdivision plat results in a logical lot layout, including the proposed right-of-way dedication. Staff further concludes that the subdivision plat complies with the standards in Article IV of Chapter 26 of the City Code (subdivision regulations) and that all utility agencies can serve the property. The plat provides for development of a land use that is permitted by the underlying zoning. For these reasons, staff recommends approval of the subdivision plat. VI. SUGGESTED MOTIONS Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WS -21-02, a request for approval of a major subdivision on property located at 3900 and 3920 Upham Street and zoned Residential -Three (R-3) for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of the subdivision regulations (Article IV) of the zoning and development code have been met. 2. All agencies can provide services to the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. With the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall pay the required fees -in -lieu of parkland dedication at time of each building permit. 2. The developer shall enter into a Subdivision Improvement Agreement with the City at the time of recordation of the subdivision plat. Option B: Planning Commission Case No. WS -21-02/3900-3920 Upham St. Subdivision "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WS -21-02, a request for approval of a major subdivision on property located at 3900 and 3920 Upham Street and zoned Residential -Three (R-3), for the following reasons: 1. ... Planning Commission Case No. WS -21-02/3900-3920 Upham St. Subdivision EXHIBIT 1: AERIAL (2020) Planning Commission Case No. ! 21-02/3900.3920 Upham St dbdxlivsmon EXHIBIT 2: ZONING MAP Planning Commission Case No. ! 21-02/3900.3920 Upham St dbdxlivsmon EXHIBIT 3: FOX HOLLOW ON UPHAM SUBDIVISION Attached as an 11x17 document on the following page. Planning Commission Case No. WS -21-02/3900-3920 Upham St. Subdivision FOX HOLLOW ON UPHAM SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/4 SECTION 23, T3S, R69W, 6TH P.M. CITY State Plane OF WHEAT 1701258.75, Easting: 3118217.58, Elevation: 5471.62. RIDGE, 23 Randy Fortuin, PLS 27263 COUNTY w Z o- bi J OF JEFFERSON, to the POINT Job No: 20-2609 a distance of 10.00 feet; STATE Date August 31, 2021 00'13'04" j OF COLORADO of 80.00 For and on Behalf of CBM Surveys, Inc. THENCE N 89'39'11" SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I Randy Fortuin, PLS 27263 do hereby certify that the Survey of the boundary of FOX HOLLOW ON UPHAM SUBDIVISION was made by me or under my direct supervision and to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, in accordance with all applicable Colorado statutes, current revised edition as amended, the accompanying plat accurately represents said survey. SHEET 1 OF 2 VICINITY MAP EST 44TH Bearings are based on City of Wheat Ridge Point #15809 (N:705840.03, E:121076.85) being the Southeast Corner of Section 23 and Point #14809 (N:708482.61, E:121063.18) being the East Quarter Corner of Section 23 both representing the East line of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. with a City of Wheat Ridge horizontal Coordinate System (see Note 3) a. below) bearing of N00°17'47"W. The monuments for these two corners are described graphically hereon and being 3.25" Brass Caps, PLS 13212. 3) GEODETIC NOTES: a. The Current City Datum Coordinate System used is a ground—based modified form of the NAD 83-92 State Plane Coordinate System, Colorado Central Zone 0502. b. Vertical Datum used is the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). c. Ground to Grid combined Scale Factor is 0.99974780300, scaled from base point PHAC 1 V) N High Accuracy Control Point #1) having the following NAD 83-92 State Plane FOR REVIEW PHAC1: Northing: 1701258.75, Easting: 3118217.58, Elevation: 5471.62. COMMENCING at the Southeast corner of said Section 23 Randy Fortuin, PLS 27263 WHENCE w Z o- bi J THENCE N 63°40'52" W, a distance of 1,472.09 feet to the POINT Job No: 20-2609 a distance of 10.00 feet; THENCE Date August 31, 2021 00'13'04" j W. 43RD AVE. distance of 80.00 For and on Behalf of CBM Surveys, Inc. THENCE N 89'39'11" E, a distance NOTICE: 318.98 feet; W. 42ND AVE. S 00'14'00" E, According to Colorado Law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey distance of 174.81 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event may any action based upon any o N defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown m W. 41 ST AVE. hereon. SITE 1) SURVEY NOTES: Cn = w a_ w a. Per Colorado Revised Statutes Sec. 38-51-106 (L), all lineal units depicted on this Survey Plat are U.S. Survey Feet. One Meter equals 39.37 divided by 12 U.S. Survey Feet according to the Cn National Institute of Standards and Technology. u7 v 1 " = 500' ¢ o' b. The geodetic point coordinate data shown herein has been derived from the NAD 83 HARN State D w Plane Colorado Central FIPS 0502 Coordinate System, and has a horizontal Accuracy Classification o of 0.07 U.S. Survey Feet at the 95% Confidence level, as defined in the Geospatial Positioning Accuracy Standards of the Federal Geodetic Control Subcommittee (FGDC—STD-007.2-1998). _ 2) BASIS OF BEARING STATEMENT: WEST 38TH AVE. _ Bearings are based on City of Wheat Ridge Point #15809 (N:705840.03, E:121076.85) being the Southeast Corner of Section 23 and Point #14809 (N:708482.61, E:121063.18) being the East Quarter Corner of Section 23 both representing the East line of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. with a City of Wheat Ridge horizontal Coordinate System (see Note 3) a. below) bearing of N00°17'47"W. The monuments for these two corners are described graphically hereon and being 3.25" Brass Caps, PLS 13212. 3) GEODETIC NOTES: a. The Current City Datum Coordinate System used is a ground—based modified form of the NAD 83-92 State Plane Coordinate System, Colorado Central Zone 0502. b. Vertical Datum used is the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). c. Ground to Grid combined Scale Factor is 0.99974780300, scaled from base point PHAC 1 (Permanent High Accuracy Control Point #1) having the following NAD 83-92 State Plane coordinates: PHAC1: Northing: 1701258.75, Easting: 3118217.58, Elevation: 5471.62. 4) ON SITE ZONING: The property described herein is Zoned R-3 (Residential -3) 5) FLOODPLAIN DESIGNATION: By graphic plotting only the property described hereon falls within the Federal Insurance Rate Map, Community Panel No. "08059CO214F" (dated February 05, 2014) Said Parcel hereon falls in Zone "X" described as "Areas determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain and Areas of 0.2% annual chance flood". 6) PREVIOUS EASEMENTS: This Plat Supersedes all previous Plats, Development Plans and Easement documents. All Easements previously established or granted by Plat, Development Plan, or by separate Easement document over the subject property are hereby Terminated, Extinguished, and Removed by this Plat and replaced by the Easements shown herein. 7) LOT LINES NOTE: Lots 1 through 6 and Tract A are Hereby Created by this Plat. B) STORMWATER DRAINAGE EASEMENT: The Stormwater Detention and Water quality area shown herein as "TRACT A" shall be constructed and maintained by the owners, any subsequent owners, their heirs, successors, and assigns. In the event that such construction and maintenance is not performed by said owners, the City of Wheat Ridge shall have the right to enter such area and perform necessary work, the cost of which said owner, heirs, successors, and assigns agrees to pay. No building or structure shall be constructed within TRACT A and no changes or alterations affecting the hydraulic characteristics of said Stormwater quality/detention area shall be made without the approval of the Community Development Director. 9) SERVICE AND EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS (SEVA) EASEMENT The Service and Emergency Vehicle Access (SEVA) Easement shown hereon is hereby dedicated to the City of Wheat Ridge and shall be constructed and maintained by the owner and subsequent owners, heirs, successors and assigns. In the event that the owner(s) fail or refuse to perform any required maintenance, the City of Wheat Ridge shall have the right, but not the obligation, to enter said easement and perform necessary work, and shall bill the owner(s) for the costs of the maintenance work. In the event that the City is not reimbursed for all such costs within thirty (30) days after mailing of the bill, totaling the costs incurred, the City shall have the right to place liens against the property legally described as list each lot and block and tract of the subdivision to the full extent of all costs incurred. IT IS NOT JUST A SURVEY. IT IS A RESPONSIBILITY — IN HONOR OF 13155 WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION: Recommended for Approval this day of by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission. Chairperson CITY CERTIFICATION: Approved this day of ATTEST City Clerk Community Development Director by the Wheat Ridge City Council. COUNTY CLERKAND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE: State of Colorado ) ) SS County of Jefferson ) I hereby certify that this plat was filed in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson County at Golden, Colorado, at O'Clock . M. on the day of I , at Reception JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER By: Deputy OWNER'S CERTIFICATE: I, Aaron Graber, Manager of Silver Cloud Properties, LLC being the owner of real property containing 56,714 square feet (1.3020 acres), more or less, described as follows: A parcel of land located in the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado being more particularly described as follows: 00'13'04" COMMENCING at the Southeast corner of said Section 23 distance WHENCE the East One—Quarter corner of said Seciton 23 bears N00°17'47"W THENCE N 63°40'52" W, a distance of 1,472.09 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 89'39'11" W, a distance of 329.02 feet; THENCE N 00'13'04" W, a distance of 94.81 feet; THENCE N 89'39'11" E, a distance of 10.00 feet; THENCE N 00'13'04" W, a distance of 80.00 feet; THENCE N 89'39'11" E, a distance of 318.98 feet; THENCE S 00'14'00" E, a distance of 174.81 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. have laid out, subdivided and platted said land as per the drawing hereon contained under the name and style of FOX HOLLOW ON UPHAM SUBDIVISION, a subdivision of a part of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado and by these presents do dedicate to the City of Wheat Ridge and those municipally owned and/or municipally franchised utilities and services those portions of real property shown as easements for the construction, installation, operation, maintenance, repair and replacement for all services. This includes but is not limited to telephone and electric lines, gas lines, water and sanitary sewer lines, hydrants, storm water systems and pipes, detention ponds, street lights and all appurtenances thereto. Owner: Aaron Graber, Manager, Silver Cloud Properties, LLC State of Colorado ) ) SS County of Jefferson ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Day of 20 by Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Notary Public MORTGAGE HOLDER CERTIFICATE: COMMERCE BANK CERTIFIES THAT IT HAS EXAMINED THIS SUBDIVISION MAP AS A LENDER FOR THE PROJECT AND DOES HEREBY APPROVE OF THIS SUBDIVISION MAP. COMMERCE BANK M. PRINTED NAME AND TITLE (SIGNATURE) SHEET INDE DESCRIPTION NUMBER COVER SHEET 1 OF 2 PLAN VIEW 2 OF 2 COVER SHEET FOUND 3.25" BRASS CAP PLS 13212, IN R.B. 7 I I U N P LATTED ZONED R-3 U N P LATTED ZONED R-3 E.S. ALLEN SUB. ZONED MU -C N 0 20 40 60 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft_ 22 W N89°39' 1 1 "E 10.00' I I FOUND 3.25" BRASS CAP PLS 13212, IN R.B. 1 IT IS NOT JUST A SURVEY. IT IS A RESPONSIBILITY - IN HONOR OF 13155 FOX HOLLOW ON UPHAM SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/4 SECTION 23, T3S, R69W, 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO HATCHED AREA IS HEREBY DEDICATED BY THIS PLAT / FOR UPHAM STREET RIGHT OF WAY 3,833 Sq. Feet +/- U N PLATTED ZONED R-3 SHEET 2 OF 2 U N P LATTED ZONED R-3 N89°39' 1 1 "E 318.98' o nt� E 87.63' 95.43' 95.42' 10.00' 0 24. 'D 2i. 5" 15 10' DRAINAGE EASEMENT 1 I --2 N6�5 HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT-------sss3s'11"w 257.59'-----y--------------------1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - m^ Z 5ti O d i 55 W r S89 4iv 30.00' o �sro 5� 00 lo� LO LO loK a I L6 L6 m Iz m 00 0a R=28.00' I O 3: w1 3: CB=S44'39'17"W' 310 14- LOT 1 0 0 LOT 2 CD=39.60' 0 LOT 3 o O O D=90'00'00" o u 0 7500 Sq. Feet 7541 Sq. Feet / 7540 Sq. Feet I z O 01 0 O 3 Z 0] z / z S89'39'17"W 146.30' -1--- - - - - N I SEVA UTILITY ACCESS �I AND MAINTENANCE EASEMENT HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLATl ao S89*46'00"W 74.16' N 30.00' �I S89'39'1 1 'W 87.65, - - - - - S89°39' 1 1 "W 95.43' - - - 10.00 589°39' 1 1 "W 95.42- - - � ------ -- -- --- 589'39 57.38' 1 1 - --S89'46'00"W 74.14- - - - - 3.46' 589'39'11"W 79.01---- , it-- ---- - _--- --� I O �►{09 S00''33"E / I 10' DRAINAGE EASEMENT M N00'09'33"W L- 8.55' R=28.00' HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT O 8.52' S89'50' 7'W A=43.98' 01 10,09' CB-N45'20'43"W 1 z CD=39.60' D=90'00'00" I. Ihl m 1 C1 I 1r m N L0 m 00 O 13 Li LOT 6 00 0 o LOT 5 1 C 0 t o LOT 4 a 7822 Sq. Feet a 9142 Sq. Feet 3 o z 9141 Sq. Feet 01 o 00 Iv 1 Cn z to z IZ 1 I I I L - S89'39'1 7"W - J 30.00' DRAINAGEEASEMENT 10.00' HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT 26.50' 87.67' 95.43' 95.42' S89°39' 1 1 'W 329.02' UNPLATTED JEFFERSON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT ZONED MU -N ZONED MU -N LEGEND AREA SUMMARY TABLE (VALUES ARE MORE OR LESS) Description Sq. Feet Acres LOT 1 7,500 0.1722 LOT 2 7,541 0.1731 LOT 3 7,540 0.1731 LOT 4 9,141 0.2098 LOT 5 9,142 0.2099 LOT 6 7,822 0.1796 TRACT A 4,195 0.0963 ROW DED. 3,833 0.0880 TOTAL 56,714 1.3020 I I N 0 a� TRACT A 4,195 Sq. Ft. I I" 0.41' o 0 o � -- 1 O O I O O Iz r -M QQ FOUND BRASS CAP, PLS 13212 • SET #5 REBAR WITH RED PLASTIC CAP, PLS 27263 ALIQUOT CORNER (SECTION) AS NOTED ADJACENT LOT LINE BLOCK LINE EASEMENT LOT LINE HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLAT SECTION LINE SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY TIE LINE CENTERLINE OF RIGHT OF WAY / 00 W E. Y4 COR. SECTION 23, T3S, R69W, 6TH P.M. FOUND 3.25" BRASS CAP, PLS 13212 IN R.B. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PT. NO. 14809 NORTHING = 708482.61 EASTING = 121063.18 ELEVATION = 5391.18 LATITUDE = 39.46'35.8723" N / LONGITUDE = 105°04'19.5036" W / av a/ / I / I JEFFERSON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT ZONED R-2 POINT OF BEGINNING \ \ /V \ 74j2 al FOR REVIEW Randy Fortuin, PLS 27263 Job No: 20-2609 Date August 31, 2021 For and on Behalf of CBM Surveys, Inc. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT S.E. COR. SECTION 23, T3S, R69W, 6TH P.M. FOUND 3.25" BRASS CAP, PLS 13212 IN R.B. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PT. NO. 15809 NORTHING = 705840.03 EASTING = 121076.85 ELEVATION = 5428.16 LATITUDE = 39°46'09.7627" N LONGITUDE = 105°04'19.4879" W SHEET INDE DESCRIPTION NUMBER COVER SHEET 1 OF 2 PLAN VIEW 2 OF 2 PLAN VIEW o_ =I �I 0) m coM W �I�^ W I N N z O N Lel �/� v!m C) w N O cn =lom W 1.1 O u z _ a � w w OI w z J N w FOR REVIEW Randy Fortuin, PLS 27263 Job No: 20-2609 Date August 31, 2021 For and on Behalf of CBM Surveys, Inc. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT S.E. COR. SECTION 23, T3S, R69W, 6TH P.M. FOUND 3.25" BRASS CAP, PLS 13212 IN R.B. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PT. NO. 15809 NORTHING = 705840.03 EASTING = 121076.85 ELEVATION = 5428.16 LATITUDE = 39°46'09.7627" N LONGITUDE = 105°04'19.4879" W SHEET INDE DESCRIPTION NUMBER COVER SHEET 1 OF 2 PLAN VIEW 2 OF 2 PLAN VIEW rri p� In%rmdion Systa s entl Q 9 bpd RopM � �� � _ ■fay' 1 . Ear arm e E U m S v T .. WA 3 'CN `�l41 r City of Wheat CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT REVIEW DATES: October 21, 2021 (Planning Commission) CASE MANAGER: Zareen Tasneem, Planner I CASE NO. & NAME: MS -21-07 / Depew Street Replat ACTION REQUESTED: Request for approval of a minor subdivision to replat 5 lots into 2 lots on property zoned Residential -One C (R -1C) LOCATION OF REQUEST: 2844 Depew Street APPLICANT (S): Frank Zwolinski, Power Surveying OWNER (S): Depew St Partners LLC APPROXIMATE AREA: 16,600 square feet (0.382 acres) PRESENT ZONING: Residential -One C (R -1C) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhoods ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION Location Map Planning Commission Case No. MS-21-07IDepew StreetReplat Site All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a 2 -lot subdivision on property zoned Residential -One C (R -1C) and located at 2844 Depew Street. The property currently consists of 5 substandard lots. The purpose of the request is to demolish the existing structures and allow for the construction of two new single-family homes. This request is considered a minor subdivision, which requires a public hearing before Planning Commission. For this case, Planning Commission is the final authority for approval. Depew The purpose of a subdivision plat review is to confirm appropriate lot configuration, access, rights-of- way, easements, and utility service to enable future development. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS The property is located on the east side of Depew Street, between W. 281i and 29h' Avenue Jxhibit 1, Aerial). The municipal boundary with the City of Edgewater is located to the southwest, south of W. 271i Avenue. The property currently contains a single-family house and two sheds. An alley runs along the rear of the property. The owner applied for a building permit on October 5, 2021 to demolish the existing structures on the property. The property is zoned R- 1C, a zone district that provides for high quality, safe, quiet and stable, medium -density single-family residential neighborhoods. The site is generally surrounded by residential zone districts and uses. West 291i Avenue, to the north, is primarily a commercial corridor in this area and parcels along it are zoned Commercial -One (C-1) (Exhibit 2, Zoning). The subject property was originally platted in 1890 as Lots 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32, Block 4 of the Lakeside Resubdivision, which includes the six blocks between W. 29th Avenue and W. 281i Avenue, and between Fenton Street and Sheridan Boulevard EFhibit 3, Current Plat: Lakeside Resubdivision). Each lot was platted as 25 feet wide by 133 feet long; 25 feet wide lots are typical of older subdivisions in this area. The combined total area of the subject site is 16,624 square feet (0.3815 acres). III. PROPOSED SUBDIVISION PLAT Plat Document The proposed plat document consists of two pages. The first page includes a legal description of the property; signature blocks for the owner, City, surveyor and County; and standard declarations and notes. The second page includes the proposed lot layout, including lot lines and easements (Exhibit 4, Proposed Plat: Depew Street Partners Subdivision). Planning Commission Case No. MS-21-07/Depew StreetReplat Lot Configuration The site is rectangular in shape: 125 feet wide along Depew Street and 133 feet deep. The proposed subdivision plat creates two lots oriented towards Depew Street. In the R- 1C zone district, newly platted lots are required to be at least 5,000 square feet in size and 50 feet in width. Both of the proposed lots meet these requirements: • Lot 1 is 70.5 feet wide and 8,812 square feet in size, and • Lot 2 is 54.5 feet wide and 6,812 square feet in size. The existing structures are proposed to be demolished and each lot will be eligible for a single-family home. Public Improvements When new properties are created through the subdivision process, staff reviews adjacent street improvements to confirm that they meet current roadway standards. There was no right-of-way (ROW) dedication required along the Depew Street frontage as the width of Depew Street in this area is sufficient. The curb, gutter, and sidewalk will need to be brought up to current design standards with new development or the developer will need to pay fees in lieu. Since the alleyway along the back of the property has existed as a prescriptive ROW alley, an 8 -foot -wide strip of ROW along the eastern rear property line was required to be dedicated to the City through the plat to formalize the existing condition. Easements It is standard practice to include utility easements along the perimeter of all lots created for single- family homes. This plat establishes easements of varying widths surrounding the lots: 10 -foot easements along the front lot lines and 5 -foot easements along the side and rear lot lines. Parkland Dedication The subdivision regulations include a parkland dedication requirement for all residential subdivisions based on the assumption that additional residents in the City will impact the demand for parks and open space. When land is not dedicated for a public park, a fee is required in lieu. Per code and Council Resolution, the fee is $2,497.28 per unit to be paid at recordation. The fee is assessed against the net increase in residential units or lots. In this case, the net increase is one new residential unit. Timing of the fee collection is at the time of the building permit. IV. AGENCY REFERRALS All affected service agencies were contacted for comment on the subdivision plat regarding the ability to serve the property. The developer will be responsible for any needed upgrades to accommodate the proposed development. Specific referral responses follow. Wheat Ridge Engineering Division: The plat has been reviewed and approved. West Metro Fire Protection District: A fire hydrant will need to be added on the Depew Street frontage. Xcel Energy: Requested utility easements for the overhead lines and are covered by the blanket utility easements established by General Note #1 on Sheet 1. Planning Commission Case No. MS-21-07IDepew StreetReplat Wheat Ridge Sanitation District: No objections. Wheat Ridge Water District: New service lines, as well as tap fees will be required. Century Link: No objections. No comments were received from Comcast. Referral recipients are advised that no comment received indicates having no objections or concerns regarding the proposal. V. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes that the proposed subdivision plat results in a logical lot layout for the proposed future development. Staff further concludes that the subdivision plat complies with the standards in Article IV of the zoning and development code (subdivision regulations) and that all utility agencies can serve the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. For these reasons, staff recommends approval of the subdivision plat. VI. SUGGESTED MOTIONS Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. MS -21-07, a request for approval of a minor subdivision to replat 5 lots into 2 lots on property zoned Residential -One C (R -1C) and located at 2844 Depew Street, for the following reasons: 1. All agencies can provide services to the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. 2. The requirements of Article IV of the zoning and development code have been met. With the following conditions: 1. Fees in lieu of parkland dedication shall be provided at time of building permit. 2. Public improvements (i.e. curb, gutter, and sidewalk) must meet current design standards with new development or fees in lieu shall be provided, to be determined by the Engineering Division during building permit review. Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. MS -21-07, a request for approval of a minor subdivision to replat 5 lots into 2 lots on property zoned Residential -One C (R -1C) and located at 2844 Depew Street, for the following reasons: Planning Commission Case No. MS-21-07IDepew StreetReplat EXHIBIT 2: ZONING MAP planning Commission CaseNo.M 21-07/Depe .4reet Replat EXHIBIT 3: CURRENT PLAT LAKESIDE RESUBDIVISION [See attached] Planning Commission Case No. MS-21-07/Depew StreetReplat 9th Ave TA r 60 N LAKESIDE B e i n g parr' Ste• S E 4. Co e c. ? 5 T P. 3 S. R. 6 9 W. Scale toy ft to an inch _ ___________ .(92. 7.7----- -- - ASHLAND -----------------Av-E.----------'----------------------eAc���✓ E. M WASHINGTON 60 ac .JJ7111 CO �e , '1 ;; eo 99 4 = V) - -- - - W JG S s aG S if i 3Y f JS 8 Jr Z 'a J./ rotd if Le — — to — — W C�L Amest4 /7 f : S 23 z 2/ e ; i0 /JJ It C Chase Benton I A Val 11A1R11 Mat cw�a iii �A L IZ rd ti h,rt�, c t1� k i-i7� �. 1, tlI1 lau,4 '-qi4 o S�b;.6 tS'iuSkti�a �raQa 6u�. teI:.za.r�l",4I aI��SGlJau�,:.prVu,l 4a, R�n�cLi.pcnld;�cwA4 ;dt .b�o,t�d:�d6�ait.p a, � ,� {i�) �ta � �! w4, ��i �d and -n kluo,at�.�n-:+�djce!4� �u u•�t aac'u!Ws�a O qr-wi.i:UdUdL i.!l{-, 1wfiu��ry IFa"a►uce-L�f;p1Q,o4-►Gll tw L { ela^ e wt+ ��, o Ski�,i+��r ;,',A'4�lL`h4.+!.�fb1,ua%Frcu�c;4w�.d.►-.���c�k,o6u al WA `whI,;,", LvuuWwbCl'aqQ 4.iclnUus. ►clwtow`r.VA �rLOWwkuowk tv4 U, & MV o-,� du ' �(c4 4ALLgllw ^ cc (51 �au�)LL eaoi+.r i ", «c e�. � ►� A6fiaciaA(i � � �� �`�4•� �u � :. ja '�,� � <, q,, ry;L , -tD &A 61 OL • -i �.GtG .E'iy (� � 1 wcU C. IU � wut �r � a�i � , � �Il. '"�! � . G scw<w`'sr n Ja�.u.: ' U, .su �a v ra Qu,Ge kt �abo►, u;.dt�ii _ _ f /9��^ , ..of.�m.«�j ' t....K t dl'.111K `yJiut�i UW> ��}; a}1 fu�4r1��dN � +�ua.nGau,c�Lt ua,eel�w�ul Qt�W �drsi Ca - AA 1.^^...1 ....T... .. ... �,..1..�,,,.,•,.T„..,..%...1.»5.,..1„TwlWul Book, .2 pA,".E /u /,' 'kece p1-ranl *4-.Z4 50 a y J9 i w lid^-- S J` L--, J s, ,a Jo rl t! ,2 1J �f i4 r7 .. 13 r! " ri 2l zn it 60 N LAKESIDE B e i n g parr' Ste• S E 4. Co e c. ? 5 T P. 3 S. R. 6 9 W. Scale toy ft to an inch _ ___________ .(92. 7.7----- -- - ASHLAND -----------------Av-E.----------'----------------------eAc���✓ E. M WASHINGTON 60 ac .JJ7111 CO �e , '1 ;; eo 99 4 = V) - -- - - W JG S s aG S if i 3Y f JS 8 Jr Z 'a J./ rotd if Le — — to — — W C�L Amest4 /7 f : S 23 z 2/ e ; i0 /JJ It C Chase Benton I A Val 11A1R11 Mat cw�a iii �A L IZ rd ti h,rt�, c t1� k i-i7� �. 1, tlI1 lau,4 '-qi4 o S�b;.6 tS'iuSkti�a �raQa 6u�. teI:.za.r�l",4I aI��SGlJau�,:.prVu,l 4a, R�n�cLi.pcnld;�cwA4 ;dt .b�o,t�d:�d6�ait.p a, � ,� {i�) �ta � �! w4, ��i �d and -n kluo,at�.�n-:+�djce!4� �u u•�t aac'u!Ws�a O qr-wi.i:UdUdL i.!l{-, 1wfiu��ry IFa"a►uce-L�f;p1Q,o4-►Gll tw L { ela^ e wt+ ��, o Ski�,i+��r ;,',A'4�lL`h4.+!.�fb1,ua%Frcu�c;4w�.d.►-.���c�k,o6u al WA `whI,;,", LvuuWwbCl'aqQ 4.iclnUus. ►clwtow`r.VA �rLOWwkuowk tv4 U, & MV o-,� du ' �(c4 4ALLgllw ^ cc (51 �au�)LL eaoi+.r i ", «c e�. � ►� A6fiaciaA(i � � �� �`�4•� �u � :. ja '�,� � <, q,, ry;L , -tD &A 61 OL • -i �.GtG .E'iy (� � 1 wcU C. IU � wut �r � a�i � , � �Il. '"�! � . G scw<w`'sr n Ja�.u.: ' U, .su �a v ra Qu,Ge kt �abo►, u;.dt�ii _ _ f /9��^ , ..of.�m.«�j ' t....K t dl'.111K `yJiut�i UW> ��}; a}1 fu�4r1��dN � +�ua.nGau,c�Lt ua,eel�w�ul Qt�W �drsi Ca - AA 1.^^...1 ....T... .. ... �,..1..�,,,.,•,.T„..,..%...1.»5.,..1„TwlWul Book, .2 pA,".E /u /,' 'kece p1-ranl *4-.Z4 50 a EXHIBIT 4: PROPOSED PLAT DEPEW STREET PARTNERS SUBDIVISION [See attached] Planning Commission Case No. MS-21-07/Depew StreetReplat OWNER'S CERTIFICATE WE, DEPEW STREET PARTNERS LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, BEING THE OWNERS OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 0.3815 ACRES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. - ALL OF LOTS 28, 29, 30, 31 AND 32, BLOCK 4, RESUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS 1 TO 7 AND THE NORTH 1/2 OF BLOCK 8, LAKESIDE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, LYING WITHIN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 67H PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE 1/4), FROM WHENCE THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE 1/4) BEARS SOUTH 89 40 03" WEST A DISTANCE OF 2646.15 FEET, WITH ALL BEARINGS HEREIN RELATED THERETO, - THENCE NORTH 507629" WEST, 1490.65 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 28, AND BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING - THENCE ALONG THE SOU 7H LINE OF SAID LOT 28, SOU 7H 894053" WEST, 133.00 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID BLOCK 4,• THENCE ALONG SAID WEST LINE, NORTH 00794J- WEST, 125.00 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 32; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, NOR7H 89'40'5J" EAST, 133.00 FEET 7HE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 32,• THENCE ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOTS 32, 31, 30 AND 29, SOUTH 00794J" EAST, 125.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 16,624 TOTAL SQUARE FEET OR 0.3815 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS. HAVE LAID OUT, SUBDIWDED AND PLATTED SAID LAND AS PER THE DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED UNDER 7HE NAME AND STYLE OF DEPEW STREET PARTNERS A SUBDIWSION OF A PART OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO 7HE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THE PUBLIC THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS RIGHT—OF—WAY, AND DO FURTHER DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEA T RIDGE AND THOSE MUNICIPALL Y OWNED AND/OR MUNICIPALL Y FRANCHISED U77LI77ES AND SERVICES THOSE POR77ONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS EASEMENTS FOR THE CONS7RUC770N, INSTALLA77ON, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO 7ELEPHONE AND ELEC7RIC LINES, GAS LINES, WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES, HYDRANTS STORM W,47ER SYSTEMS AND PIPES, DETEN77ON PONDS, S7REET LIGHTS AND ALL APPURTENANCES THERETO. FOR: DEPEW S7REET PARTNERS, LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY r.� MAURA McHUGH, MANAGER DATE NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT STA 7E OF ) ) SS. COUNTY OF ) r.� DAMON DECKER, MANAGER DATE THE FOREGOING CER77FICA IF OF DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF BY MAURA McHUGH. NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: ADDRESS OF NOTARY.• STATE OF COUNTY OF 7HE FOREGOING CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS 20---, BY DAMON DECKER. NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: ADDRESS OF NOTARY - BASIS OF BEARINGS DA Y OF SOUTH 89-40103- WEST, BEING THE BEARING OF THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE 1/4) OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF 7HE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, AS DEFINED AND MEASURED BETWEEN 7HE MONUMENTS FOUND AND SHOWN HEREON. STATEMENT OF ACCURACY DEPEW STREET PARTNERS A REPLAT OF LOTS 28 THROUGH 32 INCLUSIVE OF BLOCK 4 OF RESUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS 1 TO 7 AND THE NORTH HALF OF BLOCK 8, LAKESIDE, LYING WITHIN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE 1/4) OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 1 OF 2 THE GEODE77C POINT COORDINATE DATA SHOWN HEREIN HAS BEEN DERIVED FROM THE NAD 83 HARN STATE PLANE COLORADO CEN7RAL FPS 0502 COORDINA7E SYSTEM, AND HAS A HORIZONTAL ACCURACY CLASSIFICATION OF 0.07 U.S. SURVEY FEET AT 7HE 957 CONFIDENCE LEVEL, AS DEFINED IN THE GEOSPA TIAL POSITIONING ACCURACY STANDARDS OF 7HE FEDERAL GEODE77C CON7ROL SUBCOMMITTEE (FGDC—S7D-007.2-1998). VICINITY MAP Scale: i'=600' DEED OF TRUST HOLDER THE UNDERSIGNED, AS LEGAL HOLDER OF THE DEED OF TRUST RECORDED ON -----------AT RECEPTION NUMBER OF 7HE RECORDS OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY COLORADO CLERK & RECORDER, HEREBY CONSENTS TO THE WITHIN PLAT. SIGNED THIS FOR: COMMERCE BANK DAY OF BY. PRINTED NAME AND 77TLE.- NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT STA TE OF COUNTY OF 20 __. THE FOREGOING CER 77FICATE OF DEDICA77ON AND OWNERSHIP WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS 20--- BY ------------------------------- NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES - ADDRESS OF NOTARY - ACCEPTANCE OF DEDICATED INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY Case History MS -21-07 SHEET INDEX 1 COVER SHEET 2 MAP SHEET GENERAL NOTES 1. ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AF7ER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN 7HIS SURREY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN 7EN YEARS FROM 7HE DATE OF THE CER 77FICA 77ON SHOWN HEREON. 2. 7HIS SURREY DOES NOT CONS77TUTE A 777LE SEARCH BY POWER SURVEYING CO., INC. FOR INFORMA7ON REGARDING BOUNDARY, EASEMENTS AND 777LE, POWER SURVEYING CO., INC. RELIED UPON THE FOLLOWING 777LE COMMITMENT ISSUED BY FIRST AMERICAN TI7LE INSURANCE COMPANY - COMMITMENT No. 104-2120426—S, WITH AN EFFEC77VE DATE OF APRIL 22, 2021 AT 8.•00 A.M. 3. FLOOD ZONE DESlGNA77ON.• 7HE SUBJECT PROPERTY LIES EN77REL Y Wl7HIN ZONE X (AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.27 PERCENT ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN), AS SHOWN ON FEMA FIRM MAP 108059 C 0218F, WITH AN EFFEC77VE DATE OF FEBRUARY 5, 2014. 4. FIELD SURVEY COMPLE77ON DA 7E• MAY 16, 2021. 5. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY CONTAINS --&16,624 TOTAL SQUARE FEET OR (0.3815 ACRES OF LAND. 6. ALL DISTANCES FOR THIS PLAT ARE SHOWN USING (GROUND) MODIFIED STATE PLANE MEASUREMENTS (U.S. SURVEY FEET ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST 0.01) CONSISTENT WITH THE CURRENT CITY DATUM. o. THE CURRENT CITY DATUM COORDINATE SYSTEM USED IS A GROUND—BASED MODIFIED FORM OF THE NAD83/92 STA 7E PLANE COORDTNA7E SYSTEM, COLORADO CEN7RAL ZONE 0502. b. VER 77CAL DA IUM USED IS THE NORTH AMERICAN VER 77CAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD88). c. GROUND TO GRID COMBINED SCALE FACTOR IS 0.99974780300, SCALED FROM BASE POINT PHACI (PERMANENT HIGH ACCURACY CONTROL POINT #1) HAVING THE FOLLOWING NAD83/92 STATE PLANE COORDINATES- PHACI: NORTHING.• 1701258.75, EAST7NG.• 3118217.58, ELEVA770N.• 5471.62 FEET 7. 7EN—FOOT (10) WIDE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY GRAN7ED ON PRIVA7E PROPERTY ADJACENT TO ALL FRONT PROPERTY LINES OF EACH LOT IN THE SUBDIVISION OR PLATTED AREA. FIVE—FOOT (5) WIDE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY GRANTED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO ALL SIDE AND REAR LOT LINES OF EACH LOT IN THE SUBDIVISION OR PLATTED AREA. THESE EASEMENTS ARE DEDICATED FOR 7HE INSTALLA77ON, MAINTENANCE, AND REPLACEMENT OF ELECTRIC, GAS, TELEVISION CABLE, DRAINAGE AND 7E1EC01VMUNICATIONS FACILl77ES. PERMANENT S7RUC77JRES AND WATER METERS SHALL NOT BE PERMIT7FD WITHIN SAID U77LITY EASEMENTS. SURVEYOR'S NOTE "PER COLORADO RE9SED STA7U7ES SEC. 38-51-106 (L), ALL LINEAL UNITS DEPIC7ED ON 7HIS LAND SURVEY PLAT ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET. ONE METER EQUALS 39.37 DIVIDED BY 12 U.S. SURVEY FEET ACCORDING TO THE NA77ONAL INS 77Tl/TE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY. " SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, RICHARD B. GABRIEL, DO HEREBY CER77FY 7HAT THE SURVEY OF 7HE BOUNDARY OF "DEPEW STREET PAR7NERS" WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERKSION AND TO 7HE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED DAY OF ED177ON AS AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAT ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO HEREBY ACCEPTS THE DEDICA77ON AND CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF THOSE LOTS, IRACTS, EASEMENTS, ALLEYS, ROW, AND OTHER INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY DEN07FD ON THIS PLAT AND ASSOC/A TED EXHIBIT AS BEING DEDICATED TO THE CITY FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES. BUD STARKER, MA YOR DA TE A TIES T.- STEPHEN KIRKPATTICK, CITY CLERK DA IF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL THIS ----- DAY OF ------------- 20---, BY THE WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION. CHAIRPERSON RICHARD B. GABRIEL, P.L.S. Colorado License No. 37929 for and on beholf of Power Surveying Compony, Inc. 6911 Broodwoy Denver CO 80221 (303) 702-1617 www.powersurve_Xng.com COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ACCEPTED FOR RECORDING IN 7HE OFFICE OF 7HE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO THIS ____ DAY OF ____________ 20 JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER ED DEPUTY CLERK W. 35th AVENUE/ WW Lu W o/ W W � W � N W. 33roeAVENUE n` W M L VI = t ami W. 32nd AVENUE ,� C ��-- H W '----F W W U 0 U W N m W W. 30th AVENUE Q � g SITE W 0 w W AREA W w 11 0 w N Z W. 29th AVENUE m Z O F - Lu I LL W. 28th AVENUE W Q City of Wheat Ridge n rF c0i N W. 26th AVENUE City of Edgewater THE GEODE77C POINT COORDINATE DATA SHOWN HEREIN HAS BEEN DERIVED FROM THE NAD 83 HARN STATE PLANE COLORADO CEN7RAL FPS 0502 COORDINA7E SYSTEM, AND HAS A HORIZONTAL ACCURACY CLASSIFICATION OF 0.07 U.S. SURVEY FEET AT 7HE 957 CONFIDENCE LEVEL, AS DEFINED IN THE GEOSPA TIAL POSITIONING ACCURACY STANDARDS OF 7HE FEDERAL GEODE77C CON7ROL SUBCOMMITTEE (FGDC—S7D-007.2-1998). VICINITY MAP Scale: i'=600' DEED OF TRUST HOLDER THE UNDERSIGNED, AS LEGAL HOLDER OF THE DEED OF TRUST RECORDED ON -----------AT RECEPTION NUMBER OF 7HE RECORDS OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY COLORADO CLERK & RECORDER, HEREBY CONSENTS TO THE WITHIN PLAT. SIGNED THIS FOR: COMMERCE BANK DAY OF BY. PRINTED NAME AND 77TLE.- NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT STA TE OF COUNTY OF 20 __. THE FOREGOING CER 77FICATE OF DEDICA77ON AND OWNERSHIP WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS 20--- BY ------------------------------- NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES - ADDRESS OF NOTARY - ACCEPTANCE OF DEDICATED INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY Case History MS -21-07 SHEET INDEX 1 COVER SHEET 2 MAP SHEET GENERAL NOTES 1. ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AF7ER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN 7HIS SURREY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN 7EN YEARS FROM 7HE DATE OF THE CER 77FICA 77ON SHOWN HEREON. 2. 7HIS SURREY DOES NOT CONS77TUTE A 777LE SEARCH BY POWER SURVEYING CO., INC. FOR INFORMA7ON REGARDING BOUNDARY, EASEMENTS AND 777LE, POWER SURVEYING CO., INC. RELIED UPON THE FOLLOWING 777LE COMMITMENT ISSUED BY FIRST AMERICAN TI7LE INSURANCE COMPANY - COMMITMENT No. 104-2120426—S, WITH AN EFFEC77VE DATE OF APRIL 22, 2021 AT 8.•00 A.M. 3. FLOOD ZONE DESlGNA77ON.• 7HE SUBJECT PROPERTY LIES EN77REL Y Wl7HIN ZONE X (AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.27 PERCENT ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN), AS SHOWN ON FEMA FIRM MAP 108059 C 0218F, WITH AN EFFEC77VE DATE OF FEBRUARY 5, 2014. 4. FIELD SURVEY COMPLE77ON DA 7E• MAY 16, 2021. 5. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY CONTAINS --&16,624 TOTAL SQUARE FEET OR (0.3815 ACRES OF LAND. 6. ALL DISTANCES FOR THIS PLAT ARE SHOWN USING (GROUND) MODIFIED STATE PLANE MEASUREMENTS (U.S. SURVEY FEET ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST 0.01) CONSISTENT WITH THE CURRENT CITY DATUM. o. THE CURRENT CITY DATUM COORDINATE SYSTEM USED IS A GROUND—BASED MODIFIED FORM OF THE NAD83/92 STA 7E PLANE COORDTNA7E SYSTEM, COLORADO CEN7RAL ZONE 0502. b. VER 77CAL DA IUM USED IS THE NORTH AMERICAN VER 77CAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD88). c. GROUND TO GRID COMBINED SCALE FACTOR IS 0.99974780300, SCALED FROM BASE POINT PHACI (PERMANENT HIGH ACCURACY CONTROL POINT #1) HAVING THE FOLLOWING NAD83/92 STATE PLANE COORDINATES- PHACI: NORTHING.• 1701258.75, EAST7NG.• 3118217.58, ELEVA770N.• 5471.62 FEET 7. 7EN—FOOT (10) WIDE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY GRAN7ED ON PRIVA7E PROPERTY ADJACENT TO ALL FRONT PROPERTY LINES OF EACH LOT IN THE SUBDIVISION OR PLATTED AREA. FIVE—FOOT (5) WIDE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY GRANTED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO ALL SIDE AND REAR LOT LINES OF EACH LOT IN THE SUBDIVISION OR PLATTED AREA. THESE EASEMENTS ARE DEDICATED FOR 7HE INSTALLA77ON, MAINTENANCE, AND REPLACEMENT OF ELECTRIC, GAS, TELEVISION CABLE, DRAINAGE AND 7E1EC01VMUNICATIONS FACILl77ES. PERMANENT S7RUC77JRES AND WATER METERS SHALL NOT BE PERMIT7FD WITHIN SAID U77LITY EASEMENTS. SURVEYOR'S NOTE "PER COLORADO RE9SED STA7U7ES SEC. 38-51-106 (L), ALL LINEAL UNITS DEPIC7ED ON 7HIS LAND SURVEY PLAT ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET. ONE METER EQUALS 39.37 DIVIDED BY 12 U.S. SURVEY FEET ACCORDING TO THE NA77ONAL INS 77Tl/TE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY. " SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, RICHARD B. GABRIEL, DO HEREBY CER77FY 7HAT THE SURVEY OF 7HE BOUNDARY OF "DEPEW STREET PAR7NERS" WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERKSION AND TO 7HE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED DAY OF ED177ON AS AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAT ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO HEREBY ACCEPTS THE DEDICA77ON AND CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF THOSE LOTS, IRACTS, EASEMENTS, ALLEYS, ROW, AND OTHER INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY DEN07FD ON THIS PLAT AND ASSOC/A TED EXHIBIT AS BEING DEDICATED TO THE CITY FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES. BUD STARKER, MA YOR DA TE A TIES T.- STEPHEN KIRKPATTICK, CITY CLERK DA IF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL THIS ----- DAY OF ------------- 20---, BY THE WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION. CHAIRPERSON RICHARD B. GABRIEL, P.L.S. Colorado License No. 37929 for and on beholf of Power Surveying Compony, Inc. 6911 Broodwoy Denver CO 80221 (303) 702-1617 www.powersurve_Xng.com COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ACCEPTED FOR RECORDING IN 7HE OFFICE OF 7HE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO THIS ____ DAY OF ____________ 20 JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER ED DEPUTY CLERK 30.00' 1 _ 30.00' CONTROL POINT #16981 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DATUM: / N 700556.4179 Gi E 123755.1565 FOUND ALUM. N RANGE BOX, MARKED AS SHOWN X61 a LRl (ACCEPTED AS S 1/4 COR OF SEC 25, T 3S, R. 69W., 6th P.M.) i pl 'AKF�Oa sb" SEC 25 / SEC 6 LS 14158 / %s! 0 DEPEW STREET PARTNERS A REPLAT OF LOTS 28 THROUGH 32 INCLUSIVE OF BLOCK 4 OF RESUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS 1 TO 7 AND THE NORTH HALF OF BLOCK 8, LAKESIDE, LYING WITHIN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE 1/4) OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 2 OF 2 N00'19'43"W 50.00'(M)(R) (LOT 33, BLOCK 4 OF RESUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS 1 TO 7 AND THE NORTH HALF OF BLOCK 8, LAKESIDE) NOT A PART ZONED R -1C NOO19'43"W 1 N89"40'53"E 133.00'(C)(R) 125.00' 8.00' [n u --------------------------- ----------------------------------- 5' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT GRANTED BY THIS PLAT ( LOT 32, BLOCK 4 OF RESUBDIVISION OF I BLOCKS 1 TO 7 AND THE NORTH HALF OF BLOCK 8, LAKESIDE) I I I I I I I I I I I EXISTING LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT _ i - � I I I LOT 1 (LOT 31, BLOCK 4 OF RESUBDIVISION OF I 8,812 s.f. (0.2023 ac.) BLOCKS 1 TO 7 AND THE NORTH HALF ZONED R -IC OF BLOCK 8, LAKESIDE) 10' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT 5' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT GRANTED BY THIS PLAT GRANTED BY THIS PLAT [5'] Q � I I I _ EXISTING LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT I a I I I a I � � I I oLO CD U (LOT 30, BLOCK 4 OF RESUBDIVISION OF � uj 5 WIDE UTILITY EASEMENTS BLOCKS 1 TO 7 AND THE NORTH HALFI a`� o04 GRANTED BY THIS PLAT OF BLOCK 8, LAKESIDE) I , = V: w - - - - - - - 00 0 o O) `J N89'40'53"E `" t o 125.00 N EXISTING LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT ------ -------------------------------------- I LOT LINE HEREBY CREATED I v BY THIS PLAT I 3 I � [10'] (LOT 29, BLOCK 4 OF RESUBDIVISION OF I BLOCKS 1 TO 7 AND THE NORTH HALF I OF BLOCK 8, LAKESIDE) LOT 2 6,812 s.f. (0.1563 ac.) ZONED R -IC EXISTING LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT I - I � I 10' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT 5' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT I GRANTED BY THIS PLAT GRANTED BY THIS PLAT I I (LOT 28, BLOCK 4 OF RESUBDIVISION OF r BLOCKS 1 TO 7 AND THE NORTH HALF I OF BLOCK 8, LAKESIDE) 5' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT GRANTED BY THIS PLAT II L--------------------------ZT-----------------------------------J (LOT 27, BLOCK 4 OF RESUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS 1 TO 7 AND THE NORTH HALF OF BLOCK 8, LAKESIDE) NOT A PART ZONED R-3 SOUTH LINE OF THE SE /4 OF SEC 25, T. 3S., R. 691/, 6th P.M.- - S89 40'03"W 2646.15 (M)(R) BASIS OF BEARINGS (LOT 27, BLOCK 4) FOUND NAIL & 1-1/4" DIAM. BRASS TAG IN CONC., PLS 38138 (ACCEPTED AS NE COR LOT 40 OF BLOCK 4, RESUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS 1 TO 7 AND NORTH 1/2 OF LOT 8, LAKESIDE) U C4 WA z O N FOUND NAIL & 1-1/4" DIAM. BRASS TAG IN _CONC, PLS 38138 (ACCEPTED AS SE COR LOT 39 OF BLOCK 4, RESUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS 1 TO 7 AND NORTH 1/2 OF LOT 8, LAKESIDE) (LOT 9, W o �w 4 THE NORTH HALF 10 LAKESIDE) U wcu PART a MEASURED c4 LOT NUMBER CONTROL POINT #16981 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DATUM: / N 700556.4179 Gi E 123755.1565 FOUND ALUM. N RANGE BOX, MARKED AS SHOWN X61 a LRl (ACCEPTED AS S 1/4 COR OF SEC 25, T 3S, R. 69W., 6th P.M.) i pl 'AKF�Oa sb" SEC 25 / SEC 6 LS 14158 / %s! 0 DEPEW STREET PARTNERS A REPLAT OF LOTS 28 THROUGH 32 INCLUSIVE OF BLOCK 4 OF RESUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS 1 TO 7 AND THE NORTH HALF OF BLOCK 8, LAKESIDE, LYING WITHIN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE 1/4) OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 2 OF 2 N00'19'43"W 50.00'(M)(R) (LOT 33, BLOCK 4 OF RESUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS 1 TO 7 AND THE NORTH HALF OF BLOCK 8, LAKESIDE) NOT A PART ZONED R -1C NOO19'43"W 1 N89"40'53"E 133.00'(C)(R) 125.00' 8.00' [n u --------------------------- ----------------------------------- 5' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT GRANTED BY THIS PLAT ( LOT 32, BLOCK 4 OF RESUBDIVISION OF I BLOCKS 1 TO 7 AND THE NORTH HALF OF BLOCK 8, LAKESIDE) I I I I I I I I I I I EXISTING LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT _ i - � I I I LOT 1 (LOT 31, BLOCK 4 OF RESUBDIVISION OF I 8,812 s.f. (0.2023 ac.) BLOCKS 1 TO 7 AND THE NORTH HALF ZONED R -IC OF BLOCK 8, LAKESIDE) 10' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT 5' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT GRANTED BY THIS PLAT GRANTED BY THIS PLAT [5'] Q � I I I _ EXISTING LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT I a I I I a I � � I I oLO CD U (LOT 30, BLOCK 4 OF RESUBDIVISION OF � uj 5 WIDE UTILITY EASEMENTS BLOCKS 1 TO 7 AND THE NORTH HALFI a`� o04 GRANTED BY THIS PLAT OF BLOCK 8, LAKESIDE) I , = V: w - - - - - - - 00 0 o O) `J N89'40'53"E `" t o 125.00 N EXISTING LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT ------ -------------------------------------- I LOT LINE HEREBY CREATED I v BY THIS PLAT I 3 I � [10'] (LOT 29, BLOCK 4 OF RESUBDIVISION OF I BLOCKS 1 TO 7 AND THE NORTH HALF I OF BLOCK 8, LAKESIDE) LOT 2 6,812 s.f. (0.1563 ac.) ZONED R -IC EXISTING LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT I - I � I 10' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT 5' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT I GRANTED BY THIS PLAT GRANTED BY THIS PLAT I I (LOT 28, BLOCK 4 OF RESUBDIVISION OF r BLOCKS 1 TO 7 AND THE NORTH HALF I OF BLOCK 8, LAKESIDE) 5' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT GRANTED BY THIS PLAT II L--------------------------ZT-----------------------------------J (LOT 27, BLOCK 4 OF RESUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS 1 TO 7 AND THE NORTH HALF OF BLOCK 8, LAKESIDE) NOT A PART ZONED R-3 SOUTH LINE OF THE SE /4 OF SEC 25, T. 3S., R. 691/, 6th P.M.- - S89 40'03"W 2646.15 (M)(R) BASIS OF BEARINGS (LOT 27, BLOCK 4) FOUND NAIL & 1-1/4" DIAM. BRASS TAG IN CONC., PLS 38138 (ACCEPTED AS NE COR LOT 40 OF BLOCK 4, RESUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS 1 TO 7 AND NORTH 1/2 OF LOT 8, LAKESIDE) U C4 WA z O N FOUND NAIL & 1-1/4" DIAM. BRASS TAG IN _CONC, PLS 38138 (ACCEPTED AS SE COR LOT 39 OF BLOCK 4, RESUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS 1 TO 7 AND NORTH 1/2 OF LOT 8, LAKESIDE) (LOT 9, BLOCK 4 OF RESUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS 1 TO 7 AND THE NORTH HALF OF BLOCK 8, LAKESIDE) N07ED OTHERWSE NOT A PART (M) MEASURED c4 LOT NUMBER (R) RECORD -------- NEW EASEMENT LINE (DIMENSIONED IN BRACKETS [ J ) - ADJOINING PARCEL OR LOT LINE NEW LOT LINE HEREBY CREA7ED BY THIS PLAT CENTER LINE N PUBLIC LANDS SURREY SEC77ON LINE PLAT BOUNDARY LIMITS (LOT 10, BLOCK 4 OF RESUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS 1 TO 7 AND THE NORTH HALF OF BLOCK 8, LAKESIDE) NOT A PART (LOT 11, BLOCK 4 OF RESUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS 1 TO 7 AND THE NORTH HALF OF BLOCK 8, LAKESIDE) NOT A PART U 7C4 - z - N (LOT 12, BLOCK 4 OF RESUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS 1 TO 7 AND THE NORTH HALF OF BLOCK 8, LAKESIDE) NOT A PART (LOT 13, BLOCK 4 OF RESUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS 1 TO 7 AND THE NORTH HALF OF BLOCK 8, LAKESIDE) NOT A PART POINT OF BEGINNING LEGEND OF SYMBOLS & ABBREVIATIONS Q MONUMENT FOUND, AS NOTED ACREAGE SET REBAR & 1-1/2" DIAMETER YELLOW Q PLAS77C CAP, PLS 37929, TYPICAL UNLESS 2 N07ED OTHERWSE (C) CALCULATED (M) MEASURED 16 LOT NUMBER (R) RECORD -------- NEW EASEMENT LINE (DIMENSIONED IN BRACKETS [ J ) - ADJOINING PARCEL OR LOT LINE NEW LOT LINE HEREBY CREA7ED BY THIS PLAT CENTER LINE - - PUBLIC LANDS SURREY SEC77ON LINE PLAT BOUNDARY LIMITS LAND USE TABLE LOT No. SQ. FT. ACREAGE 1 8,812 0.2023 2 6,812 0.1563 ALLEY RNV Dedication 1,000 0.0229 TOTAL 16,624 0.3815 M A o N N \spj CONTROL POINT #16973 Iso s� CITY OF GREAT RIDGE DATUM: jos 9jy N 700571.7687 E 126401.2737 /y POINT OF COMMENCEMENT �rrg `90 FOUND 3-1/4" DIAM. ALUM. CAP IN 4��65• RANGE BOX, MARKED AS SHOWN SCALE: 1" = 10' �pJ J (ACCEPTED AS SOUTHEAST COR OF SEC 25, \ T. 3S., R. 69W., 6th P.M.) of WHEAT, 10' 0 5' 10' A, T3S �o 1*�14' Wh6atRjid e g CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT REVIEW DATES: October 21, 2021 (Planning Commission) / December 13, 2021 (City Council) CASE MANAGER: Scott Cutler, Senior Planner CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-21-04 / Clear Creek Crossing Planning Area 9 ODP ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a zone change from Planned Commercial Development (PCD) to Planned Mixed Use Development (PMUD) with an Outline Development Plan. LOCATION OF REQUEST: Approximately 4051 Clear Creek Drive (west side of Clear Creek Drive north of W. 40th Avenue, in Block 5 of Clear Creek Crossing) APPLICANT: Norris Design on behalf of Evergreen -Clear Creek Crossing OWNER: Coors Brewing Company APPROXIMATE AREA: 568,679 square feet (13.06 acres) PRESENT ZONING: Planned Commercial Development (PCD) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Mixed -Use Commercial, Regional Commercial Center ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION Location Map EKlapnp Outlook at CCC Apartment. Planning Commission Case No. WZ-21-04 / CCC PA -9 ODP Site 1 All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant is currently under contract to purchase the subject property at approximately 4051 Clear Creek Drive and is requesting approval of a zone change from Planned Commercial Development (PCD) to Planned Mixed Use Development (PMUD) with an Outline Development Plan (ODP). The request will add an additional planning area (Planning Area 9) to the Clear Creek Crossing Planned Mixed Use Development. IL EXISTING CONDITIONS The site is located beyond the current northern terminus of Clear Creek Drive, on the west side of the Clear Creek Drive right-of-way and north of W. 40"' Avenue The existing street currently ends as a cul-de-sac with a trail extending to Clear Creek. To the west of the property is unincorporated Jefferson County, to the north and east is the Clear Creek Crossing development (currently under construction), and to the south is a Coors Brewing Company water storage facility. Coors previously owned the subject property, and there is a minor lot line adjustment underway to allow the transfer of ownership to Evergreen and creating the approximately 13 acre site. There is an 80 -foot wide Denver Water easement that covers Clear Creek Drive to the northeast and parallel to the northeast property line. The property is zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) (Exhibit 2, Zoning Map) and development standards are regulated by the 2011 Clear Creek Crossing PCD Outline Development Plan (ODP). The site is currently vacant land. The water storage facility is also zoned PCD and the adjacent Clear Creek Crossing development is in the 2018 Clear Creek Crossing Planned Mixed Use Development (PMUD) ODP. III. ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The applicant would like to rezone the property to Planned Mixed Use Development (PMUD). This corresponds to the PMUD zoning that covers the adjacent Clear Creek Crossing site. The subject property is described as "Planning Area 9" to complement the existing 8 planning areas in the adjacent PMUD. PA -9 is proposed as an extension of the Homestead District, with its own distinct ODP and associated Design Pattern Book (DPB); these are modeled for continuity after the standards of the overall ODP and DPB for Clear Creek Crossing. If the zone change is approved, the applicant is proposing to build multifamily rental apartments on the site. The apartments would be a "phase two" of the existing Outlook apartment site across Clear Creek Drive to the east, where construction has been completed and it is fully leased. The proposal would be less dense and lower in building height than the adjacent Outlook height, capped at 250 additional dwelling units and with 2-3 story buildings. Rezoning Process Rezoning to a planned development in the City of Wheat Ridge involves a two-step process. The first step is to approve the ODP, which establishes the development standards and permitted uses for the Planning Commission Case No. WZ-21-04 / CCC PA -9 ODP property. In this case, the DPB acts as a supplementary document to the ODP with additional details including more substantial development standards and references to the original DPB which applies to the balance of the Clear Creek Crossing development. These two regulatory documents establish the allowed uses and development standards for the property and establish access configurations for vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles. While rare in Wheat Ridge, a design pattern book is common for developments of this size, for which formatting flexibility including photos and graphics are necessary to explain substantive development standards. The second step for development in a PMUD requires approval of Specific Development Plan (SDP) for each development site. For example, in September 2019, the Commission approved the SDP for the Outlook apartments site. A similar application and review would be required for any future development on the subject property. Existing Zoning The existing PCD zoning on the property was established in 2011 with the Clear Creek Crossing Planned Commercial Development Concept ODP, which included the entire current Clear Creek Crossing PMUD site, and the subject property. At the time, the project was owned by Cabela's and proposed to be anchored by a Cabela's and Walmart Superstore. The subject property was in Planning Area 7 (PA -7) of the PCD. The zoning allowed for a wide range of commercial uses, including retail, office, and some special uses including campgrounds. Residential uses were not permitted. Under the PCD, development on the site was severely restricted by a limit on the "floor area ratio" (FAR) for this site to 0.08 FAR. On the 13.68 acre site, development would be limited to a single -story building of about 47,672 square feet (595,900 square feet of land area x.08 FAR = 47,672 square feet). Although this could be considered a large building, it is a very low density use for the site and would prohibit any big -box retail or multi -story office. As suggested by the "campground" allowed use, the site was intended to be used as a Boy Scout camp, but those plans did not come to fruition. The low FAR was intended to balance out the significantly higher FAR and development that had been proposed for the site at the time, including the Cabela's and Walmart. The original PCD included land owned by Jefferson County, Cabela's, and Coors. Evergreen purchased the property owned by Jeffco and Cabela's which was about 100 acres in size and comprised a majority of the original PCD. In 2018, Evergreen rezoned that property to PMUD for what is now described as Clear Creek Crossing. The subject site remained under Coors' ownership and has remained vacant. Proposed Zoning The proposed PMUD zoning is required in order to accommodate the proposed residential use and to remove the FAR restrictions on this property. It's also necessary to ensure compatible site and building design. The proposed zoning incorporates many standards and principles of the Clear Creek Crossing ODP and DPB approved in 2018. However, the rezoning for the subject property is considered a stand- alone application with its own customized standards with the creation of Planning Area 9. The proposed rezoning consists of two documents: 1. Homestead District Expansion ODP of Planning Area 9 (Exhibit 3: Proposed ODP): This is the ODP document that establishes the zoning boundary, character of development, permitted uses, and general site boundaries, access points, and open space. 2. Design Pattern Book (DPB) for Planning Area 9 — Homestead District Expansion Proposed Design Pattern Book): This is an independent document from the existing DPB for Clear Creek Crossing and contains details on the design review process, concept site plans, a Planning Commission Case No. WZ-21-04 / CCC PA -9 ODP site analysis, detailed development standards, a diagram of the planning area, additional open space details, and signage standards. This document makes some cross references to the overall DPB for Clear Creek Crossing, as many of the proposed standards are the same. Development Standards The rezoning documents propose the following development standards: Unlike other planning areas within the Clear Creek Crossing development, the proposed allowed uses for PA -9 are only residential, with some limited civic and public uses including open space or civic buildings. Although different than the original ODP, the allowance for residential in this planning area allows for a natural expansion of the existing Outlook residential uses to the east. The site takes advantage of waterfront on the west and south sides and mountain views to the west. Given the nature of the site far from the interstate access and commercial corridors/areas, the site is likely less appropriate for commercial uses, and many uses may not be economically viable. The site is adjacent to a future major employment center and retail opportunities and will contribute to the overall mixed- use nature of Clear Creek Crossing. The maximum building height of 50' is lower than that of the Outlook apartments in Planning Area 2 (PA -2), which allows residential buildings up to 65' and other buildings up to 90'. The lowered height limits in PA -9 result in a maximum height that tapers down from the large-scale SCL hospital building, to the mid -rise Outlook site, to the more low-rise development proposed in PA -9. The vast majority of other requirements will be the same in PA -9 as they are in PA -2, including parking (vehicle and bicycle), architecture, materials, landscaping, and lighting, which will follow the standards outlined in the original DPB for Clear Creek Crossing and themes from the Vision Book for Clear Creek Crossing. The required open space percentage of 20% is also the same. Unlike PA -2, PA -9 is capped at a maximum density of 250 dwelling units. Although the site is in an area exempted from height and density restrictions in the City Charter, the maximum of 250 units in PA -9 will allow reasonable development without overly impacting existing roads and infrastructure (refer to the Engineering comments in Section VI of this report for more information on traffic). Planning Commission Case No. WZ-21-04 / CCC PA -9 ODP PROPOSED ZONING Planned Mixed Use Development PMUD Uses Residential and limitedpublic/civic uses Shall adhere to standards established in overall Design Pattern Book for Clear Creek Crossing, Architectural Standards including architecture, materials, landscaping, and lighting (generally "modem agrarian") Max. Building Height 50' Max. Lot coverage 80% Min. Landscaping 20%, plus dedicated open space tract Build -to Area 0-20': 50% along western property line (lake shore) and 30% along Denver Water easement Density (Residential) Maximum of 250 dwelling units (approximately 19 units per acre Unlike other planning areas within the Clear Creek Crossing development, the proposed allowed uses for PA -9 are only residential, with some limited civic and public uses including open space or civic buildings. Although different than the original ODP, the allowance for residential in this planning area allows for a natural expansion of the existing Outlook residential uses to the east. The site takes advantage of waterfront on the west and south sides and mountain views to the west. Given the nature of the site far from the interstate access and commercial corridors/areas, the site is likely less appropriate for commercial uses, and many uses may not be economically viable. The site is adjacent to a future major employment center and retail opportunities and will contribute to the overall mixed- use nature of Clear Creek Crossing. The maximum building height of 50' is lower than that of the Outlook apartments in Planning Area 2 (PA -2), which allows residential buildings up to 65' and other buildings up to 90'. The lowered height limits in PA -9 result in a maximum height that tapers down from the large-scale SCL hospital building, to the mid -rise Outlook site, to the more low-rise development proposed in PA -9. The vast majority of other requirements will be the same in PA -9 as they are in PA -2, including parking (vehicle and bicycle), architecture, materials, landscaping, and lighting, which will follow the standards outlined in the original DPB for Clear Creek Crossing and themes from the Vision Book for Clear Creek Crossing. The required open space percentage of 20% is also the same. Unlike PA -2, PA -9 is capped at a maximum density of 250 dwelling units. Although the site is in an area exempted from height and density restrictions in the City Charter, the maximum of 250 units in PA -9 will allow reasonable development without overly impacting existing roads and infrastructure (refer to the Engineering comments in Section VI of this report for more information on traffic). Planning Commission Case No. WZ-21-04 / CCC PA -9 ODP Access Two access points are proposed into the site, one from Clear Creek Drive across from the northern boundary of PA -2, and one between the site and PA -7 (the hotel site). Clear Creek Drive will be extended moving the cul-de-sac bulb to the northwest. Additionally, the trail along Clear Creek Drive will be extended along this site. These access points align with regional circulation goals established in the overall DPB for Clear Creek Crossing, and Specific Development Plans will be reviewed for each site to ensure compliance with circulation and street hierarchy requirements. Open Space and Parkland Dedication Open space concepts are a critical component of an ODP. The developer will be responsible for incorporating a trailhead area, including a structure, on the property. The requirement for a dedicated trailhead area at the northwest corner of the site is included in the ODP and DPB. This area will be constructed with the proposed development along with the extension of Clear Creek Drive. Parkland dedication is required for all residential developments based on the assumption that additional residents in the City will impact the demand for parks and open space. The calculations for land and fee amounts are determined by Section 26-414 of the City Code and by City Council resolution. Typically, applicants pay a fee in lieu of dedicating parkland. In this case, the trailhead and amenity can be encumbered appropriately for public use and dedicated as a separate tract maintained by the metro district. This component is large part of the reason that public uses are permitted in the planning area on the ODP. This land dedication will count towards the overall parkland dedication requirement and will significantly reduce any required fees. All calculations will be based on final unit count and total area dedicated for the trailhead structure/area as a public amenity to be determined with the Specific Development Plan. IV. ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA Staff has provided an analysis of the Outline Development Plan Criteria provided in Section 26-303.D of the City Code. The Planning Commission and City Council shall base its decision in consideration of the extent to which the following criteria have been met: 1. The change of zone promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. Based on the existing character of the area, the proposed rezoning will not result in adverse effects on the surrounding area. The only immediate neighbor at this time is the Outlook apartment site in PA -2, which has been completed. A future development site in Planning Area 7 to the southeast will contain a hotel use. There are no immediate neighbors to the west or south, as Coors uses those sites for water storage. The Engineering Division has confirmed the amount of added traffic generated by this site is marginal when taking the entire Clear Creek Crossing development into account. The road network can accommodate the proposed unit count. The developer will also dedicate a trailhead structure and tract to the benefit of all residents of Wheat Ridge, which will promote health and provide a community gathering space. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. Planning Commission Case No. WZ-21-04 / CCC PA -9 ODP 2. The development proposed on the subject property is not feasible under any other zone district, and would require an unreasonable number of variances or waivers and conditions. The current allowances under the existing PCD zoning are limited given the restrictive FAR requirements. It is more logical to rezone the site to be more compatible with the surrounding PMUD zoning and design standards as opposed to using the existing and outdated PCD requirements which were established for a very different development concept. The proposed PMUD zoning allows for this site to be unified with the balance of the Clear Creek Crossing development and subject to the same architectural and site design controls. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. Adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the types of uses allowed by the change of zone, or the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. Adequate infrastructure currently serves the property. All responding agencies have indicated they can serve the property. In the event that the current utility capacity is not adequate for a future use, the property owner/developer would be responsible for utility upgrades. A Specific Development Plan and associated plat will be referred to the utility districts prior to development occurring. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 4. The Planning Commission shall also find that at least one 1 of the following conditions exists: a. The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies or plans for the area. The City's 2009 comprehensive plan has two designations for the area: Regional Commercial Center and Mixed -Use Commercial. Regional Commercial Center designation is intended to include anchor stores, employment uses, restaurants, and hotel. The comprehensive plan does not specifically anticipate residential uses in Regional Commercial Centers. However, the Mixed -Use Commercial designation also at this location focuses on long-term infill, redevelopment, and reinvestment with a mix of uses. The 2009 comprehensive plan designations were very specifically influenced by Cabela's development plans which dated back to 2005 and called for Cabela's to be the main anchor tenant with accessory retail and restaurant uses. When PA -9 is considered in combination with the larger Clear Creek Crossing development, the project as a whole upholds the long-range goals of the City to create a mixed-use development. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. b. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. Staff has not found any evidence of an error with the current PCD zoning designation as it appears on the City zoning maps. Planning Commission Case No. WZ-21-04 / CCC PA -9 ODP Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. c. A change of character in the area has occurred or is occurring to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage redevelopment of the area or to recognize the changing character of the area. As noted above the 2009 comprehensive plan designations were informed by the proposed development at the time which was being driven by Cabela's and focused on commercial uses. Contemporary mixed use developments rely on a broader land use mix and retail and commercial development has changed dramatically in the 20 years since the City adopted the comprehensive plan. Regional developments like Clear Creek Crossing are expected to accommodate a "live, work, play" lifestyle and mix of uses. The 2011 zoning for this site, which anticipated low-density commercial development or recreational/educational uses does not align with the zoning of the adjacent properties. The site is likely not viable as a commercial opportunity given its existing zoning, and the proposed Boy Scout camp did not move forward with developing the site. The proposed rezoning to PMUD will encourage more efficient development on this site that would otherwise sit vacant under Coors' private ownership. Housing demand continues to be strong, and with proximity to the new SCL Health Lutheran Hospital anchoring Clear Creek Crossing, additional housing is appropriate for the development. The Comprehensive Plan is nearly 13 years old, and it is in the public interest to approve a zone change that responds to these changes and supports the contemporary definition of a "regional commercial center" and provides sufficient rooftops to support the viability of retail and restaurant uses that are desired in the center. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. d. The proposed rezoning is necessary in order to provide for a community need that was not anticipated at the time of the adoption of the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan. The PCD zoning approved in 2011 could not have anticipated the unprecedented growing need for all types of housing in the Denver Metro area in the next 10-20 years. Although the comprehensive plan addressed the need to increase variety in housing types, it did not anticipate the Clear Creek Crossing site to contribute to housing supply. With the Outlook Phase I fully leased it is clear there is significant demand for rental housing in this area. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. Staff concludes that the criteria used to evaluate zone change support this request. V. PUBLIC NOTICING Prior to submittal of an application for a zone change, the applicant is required to hold a neighborhood input meeting in accordance with the requirements of Section 26-109. Planning Commission Case No. WZ-21-04 / CCC PA -9 ODP A meeting for neighborhood input was held on June 30, 2021. This meeting was advertised and conducted as a virtual meeting on Zoom. No members of the public attended the virtual meeting. Only the applicant and staff were present (see Exhibit 7, Neighborhood Meering Notes). As of the date of distribution of this staff report, October 8, 2021, the City has not received additional comments or inquiries from surrounding property owners. VI. AGENCY REFERRAL All affected service agencies were contacted for comment on the zone change request and regarding the ability to serve the property. Specific referral responses follow: Wheat Ridge Engineering Division: No concerns with the zone change and the development moving forward as proposed in the trip generation letter. They will formally approve the traffic memo at the time of SDP review if the unit count proposed remains the same or under 250 units (the cap proposed by the ODP). As part of the federal review process associated with the hook ramp design a master Traffic Impact Study (TIS) was completed prior to the 2018 zoning. The TIS relied on the prior development concept including Walmart and other big box stores and establishes overall trip counts for the project. With the change from a low FAR to a multifamily residential project, the specific site has an increase in trips, however the Clear Creek Crossing project as a whole is still within the acceptable levels established within the TIS. The applicant will also provide a drainage conformance letter with the SDP submittal. Consolidated Mutual Water District: No objections. The property is not currently served by the district but is eligible for service provided all requirements are met. The applicant is coordinating directly with the district. The district will review specific plans at time of SDP. Denver Water: No objections. They provided instructions for what is allowed within the easement that traverses much of the property, and will review plans for this area at time of SDP/plat. Applewood Sanitation District: Applicant coordinating directly with the district. The district will review specific plans at time of SDP. West Metro Fire Protection District: No objections. Will review future SDP and plat for compliance with fire code and access requirements. Xcel Energy: No objections. Century Link: No comments received. Comcast Cable: No comments received. VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes that the proposed zone change promotes the health, safety and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. Staff further concludes that utility infrastructure adequately serves the property, and the applicant will be responsible for upgrades, if needed in the future. Finally, staff concludes that the zone change is Planning Commission Case No. WZ-21-04 / CCC PA -9 ODP consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and the overall goals for the Clear Creek Crossing area. Because the zone change evaluation criteria support the zone change request, staff recommends approval of Case No. WZ-21-04. VIII. SUGGESTED MOTIONS Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-21-04, a request for approval of a zone change from Planned Commercial Development (PCD) to Planned Mixed Use Development (PMUD) with an Outline Development Plan (ODP) for property located at approximately 4051 Clear Creek Drive, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed zone change will promote the public health, safety, or welfare of the community and does not result in an adverse effect on the surrounding area. 2. Utility infrastructure adequately services the property. 3. The proposed zone change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan and consistent with the goals for the Clear Creek Crossing area. 4. The zone change will provide additional opportunity for reinvestment in the area. 5. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change supports the request." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-21-04, a request for approval of a zone change from Planned Commercial Development (PCD) to Planned Mixed Use Development (PMUD) with an Outline Development Plan (ODP) for property located at approximately 4051 Clear Creek Drive, for the following reasons: Planning Commission Case No. WZ-21-04 / CCC PA -9 ODP EXHIBIT 1: AERIAL Geographic In6rmdion Sye�ans \ entl Q &bjea pioperr, z " a � r o i EFFE�sc r. _.� W. 33nd Ave Planing comm;ss;o„ 10 Case No. W 21-04/CCC P9-9ODP EXHIBIT 2: ZONING MAP Planning Commission 11 Case No. W 21-04/CCC P9-9ODP EXHIBIT 3: PROPOSED OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (ODP) See attached document. Planning Commission 12 Case No. WZ-21-04 / CCC PA -9 ODP EXHIBIT 4: PROPOSED DESIGN PATTERN BOOK (DPB) See attached document. Planning Commission 13 Case No. WZ-21-04 / CCC PA -9 ODP EXHIBIT 5: APPLICANT LETTER JJJJ NOIKIZIS DESIGN Planning I Landscape Architecture I Project Promotion July 6, 2021 City of Wheat Ridge, Community Development City of Wheat Ridge — City Hall 7500 West 291h Avenue Denver, CO 80033 Re: Description of Rezoning + Outline Development Plan Proposal Clear Creek Crossing PMUD — Planning Area 9: Homestead District Expansion Dear Stephanie: On behalf of Evergreen, we are submitting this Rezoning and Outline Development Plan (ODP) Application for Clear Creek Crossing PMUD — Planning Area 9: Homestead District Expansion for the City's initial review. The site is located north of 40th Ave on the west side of Clear Creek Dr and is vacant land currently owned by Coors Brewing Company. The following team of consultants has been assembled to complete this application: Owner/Applicant: Evergreen Devco Att: Christine McRight 1873 South Bellaire Street, Suite 1200 Denver, CO 80222 303.757.0401 CMcRight@evgre.com Planners, Landscape Architect/Agent: Norris Design Att: Jared Carlon 1101 Bannock Street Denver, CO 80204 303-892-1166 JCarlon@Norris-Design.com Description Civil Engineer/Surveyor: HKS Engineering Att: Michael Moore 1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 Denver, CO 80203 303-623-6300 MMoore@HKSEng.com Architect: Kephart Att: Adam Kantor 2555 Walnut Street Denver, CO 80205 303-832-4474 AdamK@Kephart.com The Clear Creek Crossing PMUD project is intended to provide the City of Wheat Ridge with a destination development that provides a wide range of uses to help the city's commercial, residential, and employment bases. Using unifying design elements, including architectural style, landscape design, urban design with special attention paid to its public spaces, this project is envisioned to be a unique and authentic in its uses and architectural style, while still providing a cohesive experience for the user. Planning Commission 14 Case No. WZ-21-04 / CCC PA -9 ODP J NOKKIS DESIGN Planning I Landscape Nchili Protect Pmmotion The overall project will focus on creating a strong sense of place that protects the site's heritage and promotes cultural awareness and strong kinship ties. Clear Creek Crossing will celebrate the intrinsic values that define the City of Wheat Ridge and will embrace the simple beauties of the landscape in an authentic gesture. The theme for the project is a modem agrarian design aesthetic that blends traditional agrarian forms and materials with modern archetypes. To accomplish this theming within the district land uses of the project, a group of districts have been established to allow a unique treatment to each land use while maintaining cohesive design elements throughout all districts. Clear Creek Crossing — Planning Area 9 is planned as an extension of the previously approved Homestead District within the Clear Creek Crossing PMUD focused on providing multifamily residential uses, including apartments and/or townhome formats. The addition of this approximately 13.1 -acre site would provide much needed residential units for the City of Wheat Ridge's quickly growing community, designed and constructed in according to the requirements of the use and in consideration of the characteristics of the site. The Homestead extension will place priority on circulation and walk -ability to other districts as well as the adjacent Clear Creek Trail System. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Norris Design Jared Carlon Principal -2- Planning Commission 15 Case No. WZ-21-04 / CCC PA -9 ODP EXHIBIT 6: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Cap following io ar, excerpt fiom the StrvcNve Map evi[Itio the Comprehensive Flan. Subject Property Ro9ipn�1 c ror a VN Regional ComimarQ4n Center ceR�T/ (Clear Creek Crossing) ■Mixed -Use Commercial al Mixed -Use Cmmhmerdal Plammg Comnb4on Case No WZ21-04/CCC C 9ODP EXHIBIT 7: NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING NOTES Meeting Date: June 30, 2021 Attending Staff. Zareen Tasneem, Stephanie Stevens Location of Meeting: Virtual Property Address: Approximately north end of existing Clear Creek Drive (PIN 39-194-05-023, Schedule 300513419) Property Owner(s): Coors Property Owner(s) Present? No Applicant: Evergreen — Clear Creek Crossing, LLC Applicant Present? Yes Existing Zoning: Planned Commercial Development (PCD) Existing Comp. Plan: Regional Commercial Center, Mixed -Use Commercial Existing Site Conditions: The site is located beyond the northern terminus of Clear Creek Drive. The existing street currently ends as a cul-de-sac with a planned trailhead. To the west is unincorporated Jefferson County, to the north and east is the Clear Creek Crossing development (currently under construction), and to the south is a Coors Brewing Company water storage facility. Coors Brewing Company also currently owns the subject property. There is a 100 -foot wide drainage easement that runs parallel to the western property line and an 80 -foot Denver Water easement that covers Clear Creek Drive to the northeast and parallel to the northeast property line. According to the Jefferson County Assessor's Office, the site measures 13.36 acres in size. The property is zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and development standards are regulated by the 2011 Clear Creek Crossing PCD Outline Development Plan (ODP). The site is currently vacant land. The water storage facility is also zoned PCD and the adjacent Clear Creek Crossing development is in the 2018 Clear Creek Crossing Planned Mixed Use Development (PMUD) ODP. Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant would like to rezone the property to the Clear Creek Crossing PMUD zoning and incorporate it as a new Planning Area. The applicant's desire is to have the site be added in as "Planning Area 9" to the ODP, as an extension of the Homestead District, with the Clear Creek Crossing Design Pattern Book (DPB) standards also applying. If the zone change is approved, the applicant is proposing to build multi -family rental apartments on the site. The apartments are proposed to be less dense and lower in building height than the Outlook Planning Commission 17 Case No. WZ-21-04 / CCC PA -9 ODP multi -family project to the east. Initial submittal materials propose 262 units across 14 buildings each two- to three stories in height, including the carriage unit building types found in the Outlook development, as well as a clubhouse. Two new access points are proposed along Clear Creek Drive. Two parking spaces per dwelling unit are proposed in the form of surface parking. Subsequent character images submitted by the applicant proposes the development to be similar to the Outlook Gateway development the applicant has built at E. 56th Avenue and Tower Road in the City and County of Denver. The buildings will be primarily oriented to take advantage of the views of the water ponds to the west and south. The following is a summary of the neighborhood meeting: In addition to the applicant and staff, the applicant's architect team was in attendance, including Jared Carlon and Kelly Walls of Norris Design and Rachel Patton of HKS, as well as co -applicant, Jeff Wikstrom of the Evergreen multi -family group. No members of the public were in attendance. The following issues were discussed regarding the zone change request and proposed development: • None Staff received no comment from others in the area regarding the proposal. Planning Commission 18 Case No. WZ-21-04 / CCC PA -9 ODP HOMESTEAD DISTRICT EXPANSION AN OFFICIAL OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF PLANNING AREA 9 HOMESTEAD DISTRICT EXPANSION FOR CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, CO A PARCEL OF LAND BEING ALL OF LOT 1, BLOCK 5 AND A PORTION OF LOT 2, BLOCK 5, CLEAR CREEK CROSSING FILING N0.3 RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER 2019087681, LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 30 AND THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PARCEL OF LAND BEING ALL OF LOT 1, BLOCK 5 AND A PORTION OF LOT 2, BLOCK 5, CLEAR CREEK CROSSING FILING NO.3 RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER 2019087681, LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 30 AND THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO TOTAL AREA OF PLANNING AREA 9: HOMESTEAD DISTRICT - EXPANSION = 570,636 SQ. FT. (13.10 ACRES) MORE OR LESS NOTE: FINAL LAND AREA VALUES MAY VARY BASED ON REQUIRED CITY ROW DEDICATION FOR CLEAR CREEK DRIVE. CHARACTER OF DEVELOPMENT CLEAR CREEK CROSSING - PLANNING AREA 9 IS PLANNED AS AN EXTENSION OF THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED HOMESTEAD DISTRICT WITHIN THE CLEAR CREEK CROSSING PMUD FOCUSED ON PROVIDING MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL USES, INCLUDING APARTMENTS AND/OR TOWNHOME FORMATS. THE ADDITION OF THIS APPROXIMATELY 13.1 -ACRE SITE WOULD PROVIDE MUCH NEEDED RESIDENTIAL UNITS FOR THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE'S QUICKLY GROWING COMMUNITY, DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDING TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE USE AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SITE. THE HOMESTEAD EXTENSION WILL PLACE PRIORITY ON CIRCULATION AND WALK -ABILITY TO OTHER DISTRICTS AS WELL AS THE ADJACENT CLEAR CREEK TRAIL SYSTEM. GENERAL NOTE THIS OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN IS CONCEPTUAL IN NATURE. SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT ELEMENTS SUCH AS SITE LAYOUT AND BUILDING ARCHITECTURE HAVE NOT BEEN ADDRESSED ON THIS DOCUMENT. AS A RESULT, A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN MUST BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PRIOR TO THE SUBMITTAL OF BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION AND ANY SUBSEQUENT SITE DEVELOPMENT. CASE HISTORY ANX-05-01, SUP -05-01, WZ-05-01, WZ-05-02, SUP -05-04, SUP -06-05, WZ-06-03, WS -06-01, MS -06-09, MS -06-10, SUP -10-01, ANX-11-01, WZ-11-01, WZ-11-02, WS -11-01, WZ-16-07, WZ-19-01, MS -19-02, WZ-19-09, WZ-19-10, WZ-21-04 SHEET INDEX 1 COVER SHEET 2 LAND USE MAP 3 PERMITTED USES PROJECT TEAM PREPARED FOR. EVERGREEN - CLEAR CREEK CROSSING, L.L.C. 1873 S. BELLAIRE STREET SUITE 1200 DENVER, CO 80222 PN1r_.1N1PrQ- HARRIS KOCHER SMITH 1120 LINCOLN STREET, SUITE 1000 DENVER, CO 80203 m� om wz U LU Q U n PLANNING & LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE. NORRIS DESIGN 1101 BANNOCK STREET DENVER, CO 80204 VICINITY MAP 40th Ave. YOUNGFIELD St. CLEAR CREEK DR aa v t -1-7 :\ � t I PLANNING AREA HOMESTEAD DISTRICT EXPANSION APPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE LU z U 0 CITY CERTIFICATION APPROVED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE THIS DAY OF , ATTEST CITY CLERK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR MAYOR JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK & RECORDER STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFERSON ) NORTH NTS N co HEREBY CERTIFY THIS PLAN WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDED OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT O'CLOCK M. ON THE DAY OF , A.D., IN BOOK PAGE , RECEPTION NO. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER DEPUTY > 1)') NOPWIS DESIGN Planning I Landscape Architecture I Nroject Nromotion 1101 Bannock Street Denver, Colorado 80204 P 303.892.1166 F 303.892.1186 www.norris-design.com z OWNER'S CERTIFICATE UNIFIED CONTROL STATEMENT O THE BELOW -SIGNED OWNER(S), OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) THEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED AS A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE USES, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN U) THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW. I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF REZONING TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, AND APPROVAL OF THIS OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN, DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26-121 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. I..L X LLI H o U �n EVERGREEN - 40TH &CLEAR CREEK APARTMENTS, L.L.C. Z STATE OF COLORADO ) � 0- )SS'^ COUNTY OF DENVER ) X �/ J w THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF , A.D. 2018 0 U p BY Q � O WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES:a (n 0 C) o NOTARY PUBLIC W Q � W � LLI H w LLJ O 2 O II(5 COORS BREWING COMPANY, A COLORADO CORPORATION APPLICANT: STATE OF COLORADO ) CLEAR CREEK CROSSING, L.L.C. )SS COUNTY OF DENVER ) 1873 S. BELLAIRE STREET SUITE 1106 THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF , A.D. 2018 DENVER, CO 80222 BY WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC z DATE: 7/6/2021 O 8/16/2021 10/11/2021 U DC SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE ( j Z I, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF THE CLEAR CREEK CROSSING DEVELOPMENT WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN O ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAN ACCURATELY r , REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. SHEET TITLE: SURVEYOR'S SIGNATURE SURVEYOR'S SEAL 0 � COVER SHEET F�m O 01 OF 03 Z m} LU W Z 0 � =Of 0 0 ZONING: PID OFFICEIWAREHOUSE (EXISTING) 0 100 200 400 NORTH SCALE: I"=2001 HOMESTEAD DISTRICT EXPANSION AN OFFICIAL OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF PLANNING AREA 9: HOMESTEAD DISTRICT EXPANSION FOR CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, CO A PARCEL OF LAND BEING ALL OF LOT 1, BLOCK 5 AND A PORTION OF LOT 2, BLOCK 5, CLEAR CREEK CROSSING FILING NO.3 RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER 2019087681, LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 30 AND THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 40TH AVENUE FUTURE 0 UNDERPASS. HOOK Is 111 RAMPS ■ ■ . . Ile 40000 7000000000000000000000000000000000000000 I ♦♦ �/ ' ■ ' ■ PLANNING ` i P PLANNING I / 0 PLANNING ■ AREA 4 • AREA 4 ■ I 0 I I AREA 3 ` (2.98 ACRES) ■ (3.12 ACRES) (11.04 ACRES) • A A I I L-A ■ CLEAR CREEK O ■ ' I I PLANNING I w I 0 0 CLEAR CREEK DRIVE AREA 1 Qz / se Is Is 0 i (26.74 ACRES) •0 00000�A A—�A ■ I PLANNING.'/��•• I PLANNING I ■ AREA 8 I , ■ AREA 5 (15.48 ACRES) ; (4.19 ACRES) I • ` • ' • All, PLANNING AREA 6 `--I�---------�----. I I (18.75 ACRES) I I • I �J�� ♦ nn nn n�n����� ■ I PLANNING `♦♦ .G��,pQ.�i•• • - — -■ DSLQ. 5LQ.`:.�Ld.`�� - - AREA 2 / .' PLANNING I . I (12.54 ACRES) �. AREA 7 meg' ■ - �/ (3.43 ACRES c�/ MULTI -USE TRAIL CONNECTION ■ • (� I ` i (BY PROSPECT RECREATION AND PARK DISTRICT) ■ 0 REGIONAL I WATER • ZONING: PCD QUALITY • • COMMERCIAL ' (VACANT) 0 (11.72 ACRES) I i : * ZONING: PCD ■ COMMERCIAL 0 y PLANNING AREA 9 (VACANT) HOMESTEAD COO ■ O : / EXPANSION ! POND * SOUTH 0 / (13.10 ACRES) FO.Eff 111160ST-151C • 0 0 0 0 NOTES ................................................................................................................................................................ COORS 1. INTERNAL PEDESTRIAN CROSS ACCESS BETWEEN ,SED POND PLANNING AREAS SHALL BE PROVIDED; LOCATIONS AND UCTURE WEST ALIGNMENT OF SUCH CONNECTIONS SHALL BE FINALIZED 'ION DURING SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLANS PROCESSING. 2. ASSOCIATED WITH THE CLEAR CREEK CROSSING DEVELOPMENT IS A VISION BOOK THAT SHALL BE KEPT ON FILE WITH THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. 3. FINAL LOCATION OF TRAILHEAD STRUCTURE TO BE DETERMINED AT TIME OF SDP. ZONING: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (EXISTING) LEGEND _111111010.11IONIF_\I0101110117.11 110 :�6 `1�11[1Z�1���1CZ�1C���i��C7�11� PROPOSED PRIMARY TRAIL OFF-SITE MULTI -USE TRAIL CONNECTION PROPOSED SECONDARY TRAIL :�1I��1�Z�1�,��i� VEHICULAR ACCESS (CONCEPTUAL) PLANNING AREA PEDESTRIAN OR VEHICULAR CROSS ACCESS (CONCEPTUAL) CDOT W LINE u.i 0 z N M 0 0 0 0 0 000000 v v v v v v 000000000000 _A -A JJJJ NORRIS DESIGN Planning I Landscape Architecture I Project Prandon 1101 Bannock Street Denver, Colorado 80204 P 303.892.1166 F 303.892.1186 www.nords-design.com z 0 U) z Q LU z 0 U_C a U) W 0 C _ G W 0 o 2 = 0 APPLICANT: CLEAR CREEK CROSSING, L.L.C. z 0 U Z) ry z 0 U 0 LL 0 z 1873 S.BELLAIRE STREET SUITE 1106 DENVER, CO 80222 DATE: 7/6/2021 8/16/2021 10/11/2021 SHEET TITLE: LAND USE 02 OF 03 LEGEND: P: PERMITTED USE NP: NOT PERMITTED USE SU: SPECIAL USE HOMESTEAD DISTRICT EXPANSION AN OFFICIAL OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF PLANNING AREA 9: HOMESTEAD DISTRICT EXPANSION FOR CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, CO A PARCEL OF LAND BEING ALL OF LOT 1, BLOCK 5 AND A PORTION OF LOT 2, BLOCK 5, CLEAR CREEK CROSSING FILING NO.3 RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER 2019087681, LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 30 AND THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO ALLOWED USES PA -9 COMMERCIAL SERVICES AND RETAIL INCLUDING (CONTINUED): RESIDENTIAL INCLUDING: 0 ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY P DWELLING, SINGLE ATTACHED P DWELLING, DUPLEX P DWELLING, MULTIPLE P DWELLING, LIVE/WORK P MOTOR VEHICLE SALES, OUTDOOR DISPLAY NP PUBLIC, CIVIC AND INSTITUTIONAL INCLUDING: NP COMMUNITY BUILDINGS INCLUDING LIBRARIES, AND MUSEUMS P GOVERNMENT AND QUASI -GOVERNMENTAL BUILDINGS AND OFFICES P HOSPITAL NP PARKS, OPEN SPACE, PLAYGROUNDS AND PLAZAS P PUBLIC USES AND BUILDINGS P INDOOR AMUSEMENT AND RECREATIONAL ENTERPRISES NP OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT FACILITIES NP SCHOOLS, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE, COLLEGES, UNIVERSITIES, TRADE SCHOOLS NP UTILITIES, MAJOR NP UTILITIES, MINOR P URBAN GARDENS (SEE 26-637) P TRANSIT STATIONS, PUBLIC OR PRIVATE P WATER STORAGE NP ART STUDIOS AND GALLERIES NP COMMERCIAL SERVICES AND RETAIL INCLUDING: NP ADULT ENTERTAINMENT NP AMUSEMENT FACILITIES OR OUTDOOR RECREATION NP ANIMAL DAYCARE, INDOOR WITH NO OUTDOOR RUNS OR PENS NP APPLIANCE, HOME IMPROVEMENT AND HOME FURNISHING STORES NP AUTO SERVICE AS AN ACCESSORY TO PRIMARY NP BANKS AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, NO DRIVE -THROUGH OR DRIVE -UP NP BANKS AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, DRIVE-THROUGH OR DRIVE -UP NP BARS, TAVERNS AND NIGHT CLUBS NP CAR WASHES, AS ACCESSORY TO RETAIL NP DAY CARE CENTER, CHILD AND ADULT NP DRIVE -UP OR DRIVE-THROUGH USES (SEE 26-1106E WHEAT RIDGE MUNI. CODE) NP DRUG STORES, DRIVE-THROUGH OR DRIVE -UP NP EATING ESTABLISHMENT, SIT DOWN NP EATING ESTABLISHMENT, DRIVE-THROUGH OR DRIVE -UP NP GROCERY & SPECIALTY FOOD STORES NP HAIR, NAIL AND COSMETIC SERVICES NP m} Dm W Z U 3: 2 K U 0 ALLOWED USES, CONTINUED PA -9 COMMERCIAL SERVICES AND RETAIL INCLUDING (CONTINUED): 1. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, SITE DESIGN, STREETSCAPE, SIGNAGE, FENCING, 0 LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE DESIGN U) HARDWARE STORES NP LIQUOR STORES NP MOTOR FUELING STATIONS NP MOTOR VEHICLE SALES, OUTDOOR DISPLAY NP MOTOR VEHICLE SALES, INDOOR DISPLAY NP OPTICAL STORES NP OUTDOOR STORAGE AS ACCESSORY USE NP PAWN BROKERS NP PERSONAL SERVICES NP PHOTOCOPYING AND PRINTING NP PRODUCE STANDS (SEE 26-636 AND 26-613 FOR HOME OCCUPATION NP RECREATIONAL FACILITIES, COMMERCIAL NP REPAIR, RENTAL AND SERVICING OF AUTOMOBILES, NO OUTDOOR STORAGE NP RETAIL NP SPORTING GOODS STORE NP VETERINARY CLINICS AND HOSPITALS, NO OUTDOOR RUNS OR PENS NP Q HOSPITALITY AND ENTERTAINMENT INCLUDING: ART STUDIOS AND GALLERIES NP HOTELS, MOTELS AND EXTENDED STAY LODGING NP PRIVATE CLUBS AND SOCIAL CLUBS NP STUDIOS INCLUDING ART, MUSIC, DANCE,TV AND RADIO BROADCASTING STATIONS NP TEMPORARY OUTDOOR THEATER / PERFORMANCE P THEATERS NP � OFFICE AND INDUSTRIAL INCLUDING: Q MEDICAL AND DENTAL CLINICS NP OFFICES NP OFFICE - WAREHOUSE, NO OUTDOOR STORAGE NP PROCESSING, ASSEMBLY OR LIGHT INDUSTRIAL OPERATIONS NP RESEARCH LABORATORIES AND OFFICES NP WAREHOUSE NP WHOLESALE NP Lu ANCILLARY USES INCLUDING: Lu w PARKING FACILITIES (INCLUDING STRUCTURES) P TEMPORARY USES INCLUDING: 0LLJ SPECIAL EVENTS, INCLUDING FESTIVAL AND FARMERS MARKETS (SEE 26-635) P JJJJ NORRIS DESIGN Planning I Landscape Architecture I Project Promotion 1101 Bannock Street Denver, Colorado 80204 P 303.892.1166 F 303.892.1186 www.nords-design.com NOTES: z 1. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, SITE DESIGN, STREETSCAPE, SIGNAGE, FENCING, 0 LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE DESIGN U) PATTERN BOOK FOR PLANNING AREA 9. z Q Lu 0 C) C-0 Q U) w Q U 0 � Q (n o o Lu o LLI C0 0 U) Q l- Lu Lu w 0LLJ 0 2 O U APPLICANT: CLEAR CREEK CROSSING, L.L.C. z 0 U z 0 U 0 H 0 z 1873 S.BELLAIRE STREET SUITE 1106 DENVER, CO 80222 DATE: 7/6/2021 8/16/2021 10/11/2021 SHEET TITLE: USE TABLE 03 OF 03 n CLEAR CREEK CROSSING WHEAT RIDGE, CO Design Pattern Book Planning Area 9 - Homestead District Expansion September 2021 jJJ Evergreen Ga1i'owa NokklS DESIGN Development I Serulces I Investments Planning. Architecture. Engineering. Planning I Landscape Architecture I Branding TABLE OF CONTENTS - APPENDIX 0.0 SCHEMATIC REVIEW 0.0 Schematic Design Review Process.......................................................... 3 0.1 Design Development Review Process........................................................ 4 1.0 OVERVIEW 1.1 Property Description...................................................................... 5 1.2 Concept Site Plan......................................................................... 6 1.3 Site Analysis and Constraints Diagram....................................................... 7 2.0 SITE 2.1 Development Standards...................................................................... 8 2.2 Homestead District Description.............................................................. 8 2.3 District Diagram............................................................................. 9 2.4 Homestead District Expansion............................................................... 10 2.5 Development Standards..................................................................... 11 2.6 Street Map................................................................................. 13 3.0 SIGNAGE 3.1 Signage Map................................................................................. 14 PLANNING AREA 9 : HOMESTEAD DISTRICT EXPANSION 0.0 Schematic Design Review Process GENERAL COMPLIANCE The Homestead District Expansion ODP must comply with all applicable statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations promulgated by the City and other governmental entities which have jurisdiction over the Project, including revocable permits in the right-of-way (ROW), Americans with Disabilities Act, building permits, and permits for other public works matters. APPLICABILITY All development within PA -9 - Homestead District Expansion is subject to the PA -9 Design Pattern Book (this document). Design review shall be conducted by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) as established by the Master Developer and the City of Wheat Ridge. OBJECTIVE The objective of the design review process is to create a clear, consistent, and predictable process for development at the Project. The ACC shall perform schematic design review prior to the planning review process required and conducted by the City of Wheat Ridge. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS The Applicant team shall meet with or submit approved design documents to the ACC at the following four key Project phases: Pre -Application Conference, Schematic Design, Design Development, and Final Recordation Phase. Informal design review meetings may be requested by the Applicant at any point in the development process as necessary to identify solutions on specific issues. PRE -APPLICATION MEETING A pre -application meeting shall be held between the Applicant and with both the ACC as well as City of Wheat Ridge to review the scope of the Project, the design review process, and identify all requirements, presumptions and considerations. The Applicant shall submit at the pre -application meeting the following: • Intent Statement • Development scope, Project uses and adjacent uses, and Project description • Context Photos • Conceptual Site Plan • Conceptual Elevations, are encouraged • Any special considerations SCHEMATIC DESIGN The Applicant team shall submit a Schematic Design Development Plan to the ACC. The ACC will request a meeting to discuss the application within 14 days from the receipt of the Schematic Design Plan. At this meeting, the Schematic Plan will be reviewed for compliance with the ODP and Design Pattern Book. In addition, the Application will be reviewed for its overall compatibility with the Clear Creek Crossing Vision Book, representing all of Clear Creek Crossing, including the PA -9 expansion. The applicant shall submit the following: • Narrative describing elements of Project design and their compliance with the ODP and DPB. • Site Plan • Floor Plans • Elevations APPROVAL The Schematic Design Development Plan shall be reviewed and comments shall be provided by ACC to Applicant within 14 business days after receipt of such submittal. ACC shall approve, recommend revision and re -submittal for subsequent Schematic Design Review or deny the submittal. 3 PLANNING AREA 9 : HOMESTEAD DISTRICT EXPANSION 0.1 Design Development Review Process DESIGN DEVELOPMENT City Staff shall include the Clear Creek Crossing ACC in its referral process as it relates to documents and plans submitted to City of Wheat Ridge within the requirements of Specific Development Plan review and approval processes. The ACC will provide comments on these documents and plans to Wheat Ridge planning staff as requested in referral correspondence. Schematic Design review comments and approval correspondence will be provided to Wheat Ridge planning staff as an attachment to the referral comments. The City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission has the ability to grant waivers to the standards set forth in this Design Pattern Book through a Specific Development Plan public hearing. MODIFICATION OF DESIGN STANDARDS These Design Standards are intended to have some flexibility. The ACC, with Wheat Ridge Community Development Director review and approval, may grant an alternative to a design standard if it finds the Applicant has satisfied the following: • Alternative is consistent with the stated intent of the design standard. • Alternative achieves or implements the stated intent to the same degree or better than strict compliance to the design standard would have achieved otherwise. • Alternative will not create adverse impacts on adjacent developments. AMENDMENT OF DESIGN PATTERN BOOK The ACC shall be permitted to recommend amendment of the text of the Design Pattern Book at any time. However, if the ACC elects to amend the text of any of the provisions, such amendment shall not be effective until the ACC obtains written approval of the consent of the Wheat Ridge Community Development Director. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE (ACC) Committee: • 3 seats, appointed by mutual agreement between the Developer and City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Director: • 2 seats held by the Developer • 1 seat held by City of Wheat Ridge Planning Staff member Summary of Schematic Review Procedure and Architectural Control Committee's Role: 4 Submittal to ACC for Schematic Design Review and Approval • ACC provides letter to City regarding required schematic design review indicating plans are consistent with the intent of the overall development including any conditions or stipulations of approval. • City of Wheat Ridge referral to ACC during SDP review and approval processes. • ACC provides letter from to City regarding SDP document referrals, describing any significant differences from approved schematic design and including any additional comments relative to the design intent of the proposed site plan. PLANNING AREA 9 : HOMESTEAD DISTRICT EXPANSION 1.1 Property Description Located at the southwest quadrant of Hwy 58 and 1-70 in Wheat Ridge, Clear Creek Crossing is an 124 -acre Planned Mixed -Use development, including retail, entertainment, hotel, multifamily residential and employment land uses. With the site's proximity to Clear Creek, the Project will include a strong connection to the creek with its trail networks to and through the planned development. Clear Creek Crossing's community -driven approach will embrace simplicity in its design, taking cues from the natural beauty and history of the location while taking advantage of visibility and direct accessibility to a major freeway corridor, providing the community with exciting new opportunities to live, work, shop, dine, stay and play. The Planning Area 9: Homestead District Expansion, is a 13 -acre addition to this particular district within the Clear Creek Crossing PMUD. Located north of 40th Ave and on the west side of Clear Creek Drive, the property abuts Planning Area 7 and lies west of Planning Areas 1 and 2. In addition, the property is adjacent to Coors -owned water storage ponds, to both the west and south. Planning Area 9 will include multifamily residential uses that follow development standards consistent with the Homestead District in the CCC PMUD. The vision book referenced herein shall cover the entirety of Clear Creek Crossing. PLANNING AREA 9 : HOMESTEAD DISTRICT EXPANSION I I I I I ^cz IL Q) cn 4) U O U N r -I w aZ �o 0�� ULL _ J I 0 w N � � D OWE 3Na w0ce J � as d v Q w Q 0 H N w Q 3 00 U PLANNING AREA 9: HOMESTEAD DISTRICT EXPANSION w ,U Z U Z w U Zz> Q 0 J 0 v U of U w aZ �o 0�� ULL _ J I 0 w N � � D OWE 3Na w0ce J � as d v Q w Q 0 H N w Q 3 00 U PLANNING AREA 9: HOMESTEAD DISTRICT EXPANSION • u F �kl M Z w �(D �Z w— r� wX �w ■. Ur v Z 0iN u LU Yw 0 LU Q� d WQ LL .' w UJj U Q Q ' (n w d w 1..._...� >w w QQ }w LU Zw wa OZ LU > w cin U� �� 0 I � t I I I ' Z U `.��•. ♦ I p Z�Q .mob �♦0 N u . ,♦LU • '♦ ♦' o Q Hl0�,r.000 • �I o �� o • W + . �• a Z Lu ' �� � ♦ ♦ i 3 z v` w Z Lu LU I LU (3 ',,o-oo .ILA".■i-0-0-■-MI-E-r■■*■**h■■■■■■■■■■■■■l LU 0-u z ♦ ♦ 1 U ZWLU Q I U I W oz> ♦♦ ' U Nuv I ♦ ♦ oloo 'o 000o ooI I� PLANNING AREA 9: HOMESTEAD DISTRICT EXPANSION 8 2.1 Development Standards The original Clear Creek Crossing site is adjacent to the subject property and inclues eight (8) Planning Areas. It was originally rezoned to Planned Mixed Use Development (PMUD) in 2018 (Case Number WZ-16-07). The regulatory documents approved as part of the zone change included an Outline Development Plan (the Clear Creek Crossing Planned Mixed Use ODP) and a Design Pattern Book (herein referred to as the CCC DBP). The CCC DBP establishes several subdistricts within the development, including Homestead, Harvest, Vineyard, and Wagon. The subject property represents an expansion of the original Homestead District to create a new Planning Area 9 (PA9) within Clear Creek Crossing and ajdacent to the existing PAs 2 and 7. Each Planning Area has a distinct set of development standards and allowed uses. Refer to the CCC PUMD : Homestead District Expansion ODP for the permitted uses in PA9. This document ("PA9 DPB") regulates the site and building design PA9 exclusively. .2 homestead District Descrlpti HOMESTEAD - Multifamily residential uses, including apartments and/or town home formats. Buildings shall be placed according to the requirements of the use and in consideration of the characteristics of the site, while placing a priority on circulation and walk -ability to other Districts including the adjacent Clear Creek Trail. Parking will be in surface lots; with above -grade garages tucked under units in buildings or in separate buildings allowed as well. PLANNING AREA 9 : HOMESTEAD DISTRICT EXPANSION ---� �-�-- -- -ter. Ej Ate ■ 'Ln■ ` - . '-tai 10 lip ■ ■ ■ d r ■ ■ • W U U i 2.4 PLANNING AREA 9: HOMESTEAD DISTRICT EXPANSION Residential uses encouraging medium to high density development at a location adjacent to 1-70 and visible from Hwy 58. Consistent with intent, guidelines and standards set forth for design theme and architecture as well as site elements detailed in the Design Pattern Book. CLEAR CREEK e Z F ZONING: PD I Y • COMMERCIAL (VACANT) A PUBLIC GATHERING SPACE ' PROPOSED SIGNALIZED FULL MOVEMENT INTERSECTION W PUBLIC SIDEWALK PRIMARY MULTI -USE TRAIL TRAIL CONNECTIONS EXISTING SIGNALIZED • ' FULL MOVEMENT FULL MOVEMENT INTERSECTION INTERSECTION ■ ■ ZONING: PD ■ COMMERCIAL ■ (VACANT) PA 9 EXPANSION■ ■ ■ ■ APPLEWOOD TPA ILHEA D EXISTING CLEAR CREEK TRAIL SECONDARY TRAIL MAJOR ACCESS INTERNAL ROAD MINOR ACCESS NETWORK LIMITED MOVEMENT INTERSECTION or- - — — — — CDOT A' LINE PLANNING AREA CONNECTIVITY 10 PLANNING AREA 9: HOMESTEAD DISTRICT EXPANSION I QQ 00 Et J� �' QL ZONING: PD I Y • COMMERCIAL (VACANT) A PUBLIC GATHERING SPACE ' PROPOSED SIGNALIZED FULL MOVEMENT INTERSECTION W PUBLIC SIDEWALK PRIMARY MULTI -USE TRAIL TRAIL CONNECTIONS EXISTING SIGNALIZED • ' FULL MOVEMENT FULL MOVEMENT INTERSECTION INTERSECTION ■ ■ ZONING: PD ■ COMMERCIAL ■ (VACANT) PA 9 EXPANSION■ ■ ■ ■ APPLEWOOD TPA ILHEA D EXISTING CLEAR CREEK TRAIL SECONDARY TRAIL MAJOR ACCESS INTERNAL ROAD MINOR ACCESS NETWORK LIMITED MOVEMENT INTERSECTION or- - — — — — CDOT A' LINE PLANNING AREA CONNECTIVITY 10 PLANNING AREA 9: HOMESTEAD DISTRICT EXPANSION 2.5 DEV STDS: HOMESTEAD DISTRICT EXPANSION PERMITTED USES REFER TO CLEAR CREEK CROSSING PUMD -HOMESTEAD DISTRICTEXPANSION FOR ALL PERMITTED USES SITE PLANNING BUILDINGS SHALL BE PLACED ACCORDING TO THE SETBACKS OUTLINED BELOW. GIVEN PLANNING AREA'S ADJACENCY TO COORS -OWNED PONDS TO THE NORTH AND MOUNTAIN VIEWS TO THE SOUTH, BUILDINGS SHALL BE PLACED TO CAPTURE VIEWS. PEDESTRIAN CONNECTIVITY TO ADJACENT USES AS WELLAS WITH THE TRAIL NETWORK IS REQUIRED. SETBACKS AND BUILDING ORIENTATION RESIDENTIAL USES PRIMARY FRONTAGE: WESTERN POND ORIENTATION AT LEAST 50% OF THE PROPERTY'S FRONTAGE ALONG THE WESTERN PROPERTY LINE MUST CONTAIN A BUILDING WITHIN 0-20 FEET OF THE PROPERTY LINE ORIENTED TOWARD THE POND TO THE WEST. SECONDARY FRONTAGE: CLEAR CREEK DRIVE AT LEAST 30% OF THE PROPERTY'S FRONTAGE ALONG CLEAR CREEK DRIVE MUST CONTAIN A BUILDING WITHIN THE REQUIRED 0-20 FOOT BUILD -TO AREA. DUE TO THE DENVER WATER EASEMENT ALONG THIS FRONTAGE, THE BUILD -TO REQUIREMENT SHALL BE MEASURED FROM THE WESTERN EDGE OF THE EASEMENT. MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE 80% MINIMUM LANDSCAPE REQUIRED 20% MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT RESIDENTIALANDPUBLIC/RECREATIONAL USES : 50'-0" MAXIMUM RESIDENTIAL DENSITY 250 UNITS PARKING SURFACE AND/OR STRUCTURED PARKING PER SECTION 2.5 (PARKING AND SERVICE) OF THE CCC DESIGN PATTERN BOOK. ALL PARKING SHALL MEET THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE STANDARDS, CHAPTER 26, ARTICLE V, SEC. 26-501 1.0 SPACE PER 1 BEDROOM MFR UNIT 2.0 SPACES PER 2-3 BEDROOM MFR UNIT 2.5 SPACES PER 4 BEDROOM MFR UNIT PLUS 1.0 GUEST SPACE PER 10 SPACES BICYCLE PARKING BICYCLE PARKING PER SECTION 2.6 (BICYCLE PARKING) OF THE CCC DESIGN PATTERN BOOK. 1 BICYCLE SPACE PER EVERY 10 UNITS, BUT NO LESS THAN 3 SPACES BUILDINGS /ARCHITECTURE REFER TO SECTION 3.0 (BUILDING DESIGN)AND 3.10.2 (MULTI -FAMILY ARCHITECTURE) OF THE CCC DESIGN PATTERN BOOK MATERIALS REFER TO SECTION 4.0 (MATERIALS) OF THE CCC DESIGN PATTERN BOOK LANDSCAPE REFER TO SECTION 5.0 (LANDSCAPE) OF THE CCC DESIGN PATTERN BOOK LIGHTING REFER TO SECTION 6.0 (LIGHTING) OF THE CCC DESIGN PATTERN BOOK SIGNAGE REFER TO SECTION 3.1 OF THIS DOCUMENT FOR LOCATIONS AND SECTION 7.0 OF THE CCC DESIGN PATTERN BOOK FOR STANDARDS. OTHER REQUIREMENTS PLAZAAND GATHERING AREA REQUIREMENT, REFER TO SECTION 2.10 OF THE CCC DESIGN PATTERN BOOK PUBLICART REQUIREMENT, REFER TO SECTION 2.12 OF THE CCC DESIGN PATTERN BOOK PLANNING AREA 9 : HOMESTEAD DISTRICT EXPANSION SITE PLANNING- HOMESTEAD DISTRICT EXPANSION FIGURE 1: PLANNING AREA 2 +9 PRIMARY FRONTAGE ILLUSTRATION (NOT TO SCALE) 0 PA -2 CD Lo I � I r AT LEAST 50% OF THE PROPERTY'S oho A141: PRIMARY FRONTAGE `� MUST CONTAIN A�� BUILDING WITHIN �lv 0-20 FEET OF THE o V PROPERTY LINE 000P�- V SECONDARY PA -9 ACCESS EXPANSION PROPOSED ALTERNATIVE FRONTAGE FOR PLANNING AREA 9 AT LEAST 30% OF THE PROPERTY'S SECOND FRONTAGE MUST CONTAIN A BUILDING WITHIN 0-20 FEET OF THE PROPERTY LINE FACING CLEAR CREEK DRIVE PRIMARY ACCESS 12 PLANNING AREA 9 : HOMESTEAD DISTRICT EXPANSION 0 LU N 0 w J N zwZ Z �wZ wZ wZ w Q 0 cnz0 (Dz0 z0 >0 > Ow w �Ow w Ow 0— w 00w QLU LU LU LU LU� LD~ XD~ D~ �~ U w aw? LU LL LL zZ �z Q �0,_ �• F1t *0 *4 1 r� r., PLANNING AREA 9: HOMESTEAD DISTRICT EXPANSION t z w LU w z Q O D z z LU a Q > < w w z w 0 O 2 w V ¢ F-- ¢ F-- I Ln O z N ryi ui �o µ ■ 0 Q �. Z ■ ■ Z w < 0 > O N .71V SIN% ` ■ W LU Io o I V) 0 bbd 0 • o . I Z Lu LU CY _ Ys - - :► (z ----■--------- O LL z z O = :�j w Q O �n�H> n� ■ J Z�Hw W I w 0 a H 0 u N H ■ w Q V }� c� I zea OWQLU ■ J 00> lW7Q0 Z Uz .V� V V zz00 c/) ^^ l7 I ■ N F Q D m 0 O x10 Z LU J CD k PLANNING AREA 9: HOMESTEAD DISTRICT EXPANSION rri p� In%rmdion Systems [=I Subje6 Pmperry .,_ [WoWA /YAlT 1 i N JEFFERSON __ COUNTY inn W. 33nd Ave