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thoU~:l.n" nln., hundred and Stxty-scven
nCI'~ mvestment CO. ,
II. corport,., .!, u111y organl:uod and l':dstlng under and by .;rlua o{ the law.
"f the S\..o "of Colorado, of the tiNit part, and County of Jefferson,
a l.Jcrly !)0l\tic and corporate,
nfth(l Counl)'(lf Jefferson
S':1!C M ,~;"r'Qo. of the lIe('onll ~.\rt.
W"j'I'.;E::.SF.T1f. That thp, 1lI\1d part; of the !Ir~t part, for and in
,:,'nsit.";'""vn of the ~um of other good and valuable consideration
tl:'~\ - ----------------------------- DOLLARS,
to th,.. 1\.;;\ "arty of the fi.rat p"rt in hand paid by th<! mild part y of the .econd part, the receipt wbert'Of i.
hereLy c(>"("'~.ed olnd Il.cknowledgcd, ht'th reml!led, l'l'l('ued, .old, convcyed and QUIT CLAIMED, and by thelle prell-
ent8 ,:>;>: ,~.,:i:o; n.'ienJe, ",ell, convey.und QUIT CLAI~ unto the t!ll.lri part y of the lll"1:ond part. its succes ors,
~ It:lU :Ildgns forever, all till' right, title, Interellt, t:'IRim and demand whleh the ..Id pllrty of the first part hath
;.. il.nd (." Lh" !ol'=,_ing deserlb"'~ land .ituat.., tying and being In the
Cclln.l ,'Jefferson anJ State ot Colorndo, to-wit:
The No:therly 40 feet of that part of the NW{ N.E:i
sw-l- of Section 291 Township 3 South, Range 69 West
of the 6th p, M., described as follows: Beginning at
d point 22;.5 feet East of the 16th corner common to the
NWi and swi of said Section 29: thence East along
the East-West centerl1ne of said Section 29, a distance
of 153 feet; thence South at right angles to said center-
line 328 feet; thence West and parallel with the aforesaid
centerline 153 feet, more or less, to the Eas~ line of the
property of the Maple Grove Grange; thence North 328
feet, more or less, to the point of beginning,
tllbject to the condition that the unty shall
}oeeptinee of tho "1 thin deed 19 85{:ume maintenance only after c r,~trucllon
FOR ROAD~8<1J8! thiSn./_~C_df1 of lhereof In acco~da,1ce with tile ubdivision
J AI -- Y ./ ""Z'RcgulaHons of Jc1fe~~on County a saId reg.
'="____________J.l.tv.t;:.... .... n 19':w-_r.ula1ions ply to roads,
(m'FER~.. U '1 COMMISSION Doted T" rson cO(j~:s?;o '.~_''''_''
lIy ;.....----'2;:-ch;l-;~;~-- _____ Chairman --#-Ji!.i< '_ ___
TO ':1-\ j:.r.:: AND TO HOLD lh8 same. forether with al and l.inrular the ..ppurl~nances and prlT;Jeres the-reDDto
b&lung\r-.lJ. 0":' in ll'llywille ther~unto appertaining, I\nd an the elltate, right, tide, interest and claim whataoever, ot the
hid Pr.11../ ot the fint put, either in law or equIty. to the only prop~r uae, benefIt and behoof of the oid part
?I,iJ;,.""""n.; iiont.,' ,!tS ~'i.~d'~~.lgn. !or...r.
",,:: L'~ tf'!':'~m.'ESS \vlhmsOF. The said party ot the tlrst pari bath eAulletl it! eorporate name to be beNlunto
,.::..." \\'::IJ"-'~~I~lr:l:'i'~1l - ~ Preaiden~, and lto corporate seal to be hert'!unto lLffixed. attellted by ita
J" {"' 0 .00 ~~r' '-f:h~~y ..:dyel\f- firat" :'bovc wrltten.
;:ij~ l::.~:tztf~~~'~~'~~~~~~"
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~'t;t:;,: '1'1 Ot C ,"'p AT~ OF COLOf'JDO, 1
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_4':" :r1:,,: .u-~Yr" (..., "'f:~il~t~trub\e~t wall acknowtedred befot'e me thIs
-;.;4.; .o-:.,~\~..~ ,~."~',./""~<:K~';<.'~:~;;,,"
- ." .. by' a'....' Gordon S. Carvill
',,,' ~. .~~ \..;'~"
;:~j ,~,:-;) '~t,.~:c1~;"r~~}~!."" Mavis G. Carvill
;..,,\l'....' ~ V !>c.'i-1: T.Il~ tea,. r ~.J.
~'..:;"',~L~ t.lfr '0';)"'," ~::'~""..r' ,e7:Jl\t'"a ~_,;i' 0/1$... ) I t,f
~ ,:~...~:ti :'~'~#';.II~i,;:i4?~ "~bltidalllea. "'V7 (
'\,., "~'~;ii\~:".';'~~~" /V..d....~./;f,
:::/J.\~:. ":.,~Ni' ~. '.L::.i.,~~o' .',;J .r,
RCM Investment Co.
By., ~ ~~1;;;;?.~:_............,
r. ;1-...(
day of
President .nd
Secretary ot
a cot'pontlon.
........... ......~~'p;;bi~:.~...
~w;,:\:~n~ ~"C\"mD..d,..C~,o""M Po.m,
,~. "':~ A~TQ I'ORM
. C. lJtJ0:;"'ATT'Cj'RNEY. ..--
~PJrny.' NI"... e..."
1~13H 21.f::114 215