HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-16-21City of W heat -Midge PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA December 16, 2021 Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on December 16, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. This meeting will be conducted as a virtual meeting and in person at 7500 W. 291h Avenue, Municipal Building, if allowed to meet on that date per COVID-19 restrictions. Members of the Planning Commission and City staff will be physically present at the Municipal building for this meeting if allowed by health guidelines. The public may participate in these ways: 1. Provide comment in advance at www.wheatridgespeaks.org (comment by noon on December 15) 2. Virtually attend and participate in the meeting through a device or phone: • Click hereto join and provide public comment (create a Zoom account to join) • Or call 1-669-900-6833 with Meeting ID 836 0134 5290 and Passcode: 752931 3. View the meeting live or later at www.wheatridgespeaks.org, Channel 8, or YouTube Live at https://www.ci.wheatridge.co.us/view 4. Attend in person (meeting will be in-person unless prohibited by COVID-19 restrictions). 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —October 21, 2021 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) (continued on next page) Planning Commission Agenda — December 16, 2021 PUBLIC HEARING * Page 2 A. Case No. WZ-21-12: an application filed by Jacob Hill for approval of a zone change from Residential -One (R-1) to Residential -One B (R -1B) for a property located at 9605 West 38th Avenue. B. Case Nos. WS -21-06 and PBG -21-02: applications filed by Upham Partners for approval of a major subdivision and for approval of a Planned Building Group site plan with 11 buildings on property located at 4000-4066 Upham Street and zoned Residential -Three (R-3). (Note: Staff will present both related cases at one time and requests that both items be introduced at one time with the public hearings for both cases opened concurrently. Two separate motions will be required.) 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Upcoming Dates B. Project and Development Updates 9. OLD BUSINESS 10. ADJOURNMENT Public comment is welcome during any public hearing item. The standard procedure for a public hearing is as follows: a. Staff presentation b. Applicant presentation — if applicable c. Public comment —time may be limited at the discretion of the Chair, often to 3 minutes d. Staff/applicant response e. Close public hearing f Commission discussion and decision Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. Call Sara Spaulding, Public Information Officer at 303-235-2877 at least one week in advance of a meeting ifyou are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. 1. 2. 3. 4. City of i�9r WheatMidge PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting November 18, 2021 CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair LARSON at 7:00 p.m. This meeting was held in person and virtually, using Zoom video -teleconferencing technology. As duly announced and publicly noticed, the City previously approved this meeting format in order to continue with normal business amid the COVID-19 pandemic and the related public emergency orders promulgated by the State of Colorado and the Wheat Ridge City Council. Before calling the meeting to order, the Chair stated the rules and procedures necessitated by this virtual meeting format. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commission Members Present: Commission Members Absent: Staff Members Present: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Melissa Antol Kristine Disney Will Kerns Daniel Larson Janet Leo Jahi Simbai None Lauren Mikulak, Planning Manager Stephanie Stevens, Senior Planner Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary APPROVE ORDER OF THE AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner ANTOL and seconded by Commissioner LEO to approve the order of the agenda. Motion carried 6-0. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — October 21, 2021 Planning Commission Minutes November 18, 2021 -1— It was moved by Commissioner DISNEY and seconded by Commissioner LEO to approve the minutes of October 21, 2021, as written. Motion carried 4-0-2 with Commissioners ANTOL and KERNS abstaining. 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda.) No one wished to speak at this time. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. WZ-21-12: an application filed by Jacob Hill for approval of a zone change from Residential -One (R-1) to Residential -One B (R-113) for a property located at 9605 West 38"' Avenue. Commissioner LARSON mentioned that this case has been rescheduled to a later date. B. Case No. WZ-21-10: an application filed by 2°d Chance Homes, Inc. for approval of a zone change from Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Commercial (MU -C) for a property located at 12100 West 40 Avenue. Ms. Stevens gave a short presentation regarding the zone change and the application. She entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. She stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met, therefore the Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case. Commissioner KERNS asked about the lake behind the property and if there is any trail access to it or the Clear Creek Trail. Ms. Mikulak remarked that informal access is down Van Gordon Street. Commissioner DISNEY thinks the amount for rent seems high for a workforce housing and wondered how it will be determined it will be workforce tenants renting units. Ms. Mikulak noted that during the neighborhood meeting it was mentioned that the rents will be below market rate. Mark Nemger, applicant 1085 Locust St., Denver Mr. Nemger introduced Eric Boogaard. Eric Boogaard, applicant Planning Commission Minutes -2— November 2— November 18, 2021 2732 Elk Stone Ct., Colorado Springs Mr. Boogaard mentioned that rents will be determined by the market and will be market rate (as opposed to deed -restricted affordable). Commissioner ANTOL asked for clarification of the building height. Ms. Stevens said they are limited to 62 feet in height. Ms. Mikulak noted that the maximum height is for new construction only. Mr. Nemger added that the current building height is 47 1/2feet. Commissioner SIMBAI asked for more information about 2nd Chance Homes. Mr. Boogaard mentioned that he and his partner have been in real estate for a combined 30 years in the multi -family arena and primarily in the investing side. After seeing the need for housing, they started their first project about 1 1/2years ago in Colorado Springs; second project in Pagosa Springs; with a few other prospective projects in Glenwood Springs. He added there was a project in Fountain, but it was not a conversion. Stuart Sloat, applicant 2211 N Corona St., Colorado Springs Mr. Sloat mentioned that a few projects have been in disrepair and needed to be revitalized. Commissioner LARSON asked if ownership has been transferred yet for this property. Mr. Boogaard said the closing took place the week prior. Commissioner LARSON inquired about the renovation process from 108 units to 100 units. Mr. Boogaard gave an extensive description of the renovation process, starting with as -built drawings of the building by an architect who figures out the layout. He mentioned a couple of the smaller units will be combined into 1 -bedroom units and others will remain as studio units; common areas being turned into 2 -bedroom unit; all units will also have kitchens. He added they are hoping to have storage for tenants on the lower floors. In response to a question about the Property Management team, Mr. Boogaard said Atlas Management will be managing the property and they have worked with them before and are local from Denver. Public Comment Planning Commission Minutes -3— November 3— November 18, 2021 No one wished to speak Commissioner KERNS supports workforce housing and thanked the applicants. Commissioner LEO thinks this project is a good idea. Commissioner DISNEY mentioned she is in favor of this project. Commissioner SIMBAI also likes the project but has 3 concerns: 1) 2°d Chance Homes website did not give a lot of information, 2) the outcome for long-term residents, 3) the height of a building if this property owner sells. Commissioner ANTOL said she is excited to see activity and investment on the 441h Avenue corridor and supportive of repurposing the hotel for housing. Commissioner LARSON agreed with all other Commissioners thoughts in supporting the project and noted to the developer and management company that the property historically had a poor reputation and upkeep. It was moved by Commissioner SIMBAI and seconded by Commissioner KERNS to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-21-10, a request for approval of a zone change from Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed -Use Commercial (MU -C) for property located at 12100 West 44th Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed zone change will promote the public health, safety, or welfare of the community and does not result in an adverse effect on the surrounding area. 2. Utility infrastructure adequately services the property. 3. The proposed zone change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan and consistent with the character of the West 44' Avenue. 4. The zone change will provide additional opportunity for reinvestment in the area. 5. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change supports the request. Motion carries 6-0. 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS Planning Commission Minutes -4— November 4— November 18, 2021 A. Commissioner LARSON encouraged any resident of Wheat Ridge to consider applying for Planning Commission in Districts I & IL He also reminded all residents about the City's Annual Holiday Celebration on December 4 from 3- 6:30pm on 38�1' Avenue between Upham Street and High Court. B. Upcoming Dates Ms. Mikulak informed the Commissioner that there will be no December 2 meeting, but the December 16 meeting will be used to hear cases. C. Project and Development Updates Ms. Mikulak mentioned that City Council recently had a study session regarding affordable housing strategy. She also mentioned that the last permits were issued for the last buildings at Yarrow Gardens, now called Westridge Row Homes by Thrive at 44"' and Yarrow. Ms. Mikulak noted that the bowling alley at Gold's Marketplace will be opened as a brew pub bowling alley. Commissioner ANTOL asked if the City is exploring any regulatory refinements with regards to affordable housing. Ms. Mikulak said the expectation is the plan will include a menu of tools to support affordable housing. Commissioner LARSON inquired about the work being done at 38"' and Kipling next to Starbucks. Ms. Mikulak mentioned this site will be a single story two -unit building, possible service, or retail oriented. Commissioner LARSON asked about Oak Street by Medved and the new warehouse and why the street is not full width. Ms. Mikulak clarified that it is typical to shrink the crosswalk distance at intersections but will look into it. Commissioner ANTOL also asked about the work being done just south of the Rec Center. Ms. Mikulak said it will be a Christian Bros. minor auto repair shop. 10. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner LEO and seconded by Commissioner DISNEY to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 p.m. Motion carried 6-0. Planning Commission Minutes - 5— November 18, 2021 Dan Larson, Chair Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary Planning Commission Minutes -6— November 6— November 18, 2021 ♦�441 City of Wheat ��e CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT REVIEW DATES: December 16, 2021 (Planning Commission) / February 14, 2022 (City Council) CASE MANAGER: Stephanie Stevens, Senior Planner CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-21-12 / 9605 W. 38' Ave. Rezone ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a zone change from Residential -One (R-1) to Residential -One B (R -1B) LOCATION OF REQUEST: 9605 W. 38' Ave. APPLICANT / OWNER: APPROXIMATE AREA: PRESENT ZONING: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Jacob Hill 21,065 square feet (0.48 acres) Residential -One Neighborhood ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION Location Map Planning Commission Case No. WZ-21-12 /9605 W. 3ff Ave. Rezone All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The owner of 9605 W. 38"' Avenue has submitted an application requesting approval of a zone change from Residential -One (R-1) to Residential -One B (R -1B) on their property. The zone change is the first step of the process for the property to potentially be utilized for two single- family homes. If the zone change is approved, the applicant plans to submit a subdivision to split the property from one lot to two. The goal of the zone change and subsequent subdivision is to create two buildable parcels for single-family homes (Exhibit 1, Applicant Letter). IL EXISTING CONDITIONS The property is located at the northeast corner of W. 38"' Avenue and Independence Court and is an oversized corner lot. An Improvement Survey Plat submitted by the applicant shows the property is almost twice the minimum size for R-1, measuring 21,065 square feet (0.48 acres) in size. The lot width parallel to W. 38"' Avenue is 140 feet and the lot width parallel to Independence Court is 150 feet. The site is currently vacant land; the site used to contain a single-family house that was demolished in 2020. According to the Jefferson County Assessor, the home had originally been constructed in 1898, was 1,020 square feet in size, and was listed in fair condition. The site has roughly 15 feet of fall from the south end of the property to the north end. The property is currently zoned Residential -One (R-1). The surrounding properties are also zoned R-1 and Residential -Two (R-2). There is a pocket of Residential -Two A (R -2A) zoning to the southwest. Most of the surrounding uses are single-family and duplex residential uses. The W. 38"' Avenue and Kipling Street major commercial intersection is about two blocks to the west. III. PROPOSED ZONING The applicant is requesting the property be rezoned from Residential -One (R-1) to Residential -One B (R -1B). Both zone districts are intended to provide high quality, safe, quiet and stable low-density residential neighborhoods. Both zone districts allow only single-family home development duplexes and multifamily are not permitted. The subject property is too small in either zone district to allow any of the nonresidential uses contemplated by the zoning (churches, schools, government buildings, and group homes). The applicant is requesting the zone change to R- 1B so they can subdivide the oversized parcel and build two single-family homes. Surrounding zoning is predominantly R-1 and R-2 with a pocket of R - 2A to the southwest, and surrounding land uses are mostly single-family homes and duplexes. While R -1B is not located in the area, the single-family zone district is consistent with the surrounding area and would not result in significant change to the area. The applicant desires to rezone in order to provide the opportunity to build two homes that are proportional to the lots and more affordable. The following table compares the existing and proposed zoning for the property, with standards for new development or major additions. Planning Commission Case No. WZ-21-12 /9605 W. 3ff Ave. Rezone Development CURRENT ZONING PROPOSED ZONING Standard Residential -One (R-1) Residential -One B (R -IB) Allows for single family homes. Also Allows for single-family homes. Also Uses allows for churches, schools, and allows for churches, schools, and government buildings. government buildings. Architectural None None Standards Max. Building Height 35' 35' Min. Lot area 12,500 sq. ft. 7,500 sq. ft. Min. Lot width 100' 60' Max. Lot coverage 25% 40% Setbacks Front / street facing 30' 25' Rear setback 15' 10' Side setbacks 15' 5' min. on one side, 15' total When reviewing the site, staff determined that R- 1B is the most suitable zoning for the applicant's proposal after considering several alternatives: • The property is 3,935 square feet shy of being able to create a 2 -lot subdivision under R-1 which requires 12,500 square feet per lot. Variances for new subdivisions are not typically supported for lot width or lot area. • The other predominant zoning in the area is R-2, but this was eliminated for two reasons. While the property has the lot area to create two single-family lots in R-2, the corner lot condition requires 80 feet of width along both streets and thus would require a lot width variance to create two -single family homes. Further, R-2 allows for the potential of a duplex on a street which is otherwise predominantly single-family homes, so R-2 was not recommended. R -1B was determined to be the most appropriate option because it retains the single-family character of the area and no variances would be necessary to accommodate future development. In a subdivided condition, it would result in two lots which are compatible in size with surrounding conditions. With over 20,000 square feet to work with, the subject property could accommodate two single-family lots that far exceed the minimum lot area requirement of R- 1B. If subdivided, the new lot sizes would fall between R-1 and R-2: the lots would be about 15% smaller than that required of R-1 (12,500 sf minimum) and consistent with the size of a single-family home in R-2 (9,000 sf minimum). IV. ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA Staff has provided an analysis of the zone change criteria outlined in Section 26-112.E. The Planning Commission and City Council shall base its decision in consideration of the extent to which the following criteria have been met: 1. The change of zone promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. The zone change will not result in adverse effects on the surrounding area. The rezoning would allow for one additional single-family dwelling unit compared with what is allowed under R-1, and Planning Commission 3 Case No. WZ-21-12 /9605 W. 3ff Ave. Rezone this would be consistent with adjacent land uses. R-2 zoning and duplexes reside in close proximity, which allows for higher densities. The oversized corner lot, if subdivided, would result in lots that are comparable in size to the surrounding R-2 lots. Staff expects no significant adverse effects on the surrounding area. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 2. Adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the types of uses allowed by the change of zone, or the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. All responding agencies have indicated they can serve the property. In the event that the current utility capacity is not adequate, the property owner/developer will be responsible for utility upgrades. A building permit will be required for any construction on the property, and fire and building codes are required to be met. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. The Planning Commission shall also find that at least one 1 of the following conditions exists: a. The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies or plans for the area. Envision Wheat Ridge, the City's comprehensive plan, identifies this area as a Neighborhood (Exhibit 4, Comprehensive Plan). This designation identifies areas where residents of all ages can live safely and comfortably. Defining characteristics of an established neighborhood in the comprehensive plan are: consistent character, mature landscaping, high rates of reinvestment and home ownership, consistent maintenance, and high desirability. City goals that are met with the rezoning proposal include encouraging reinvestment in a property, maintaining consistent character, and creating opportunities for home ownership. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. b. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. Staff has not found any evidence of an error with the current R-1 zoning designation as it appears on the City zoning maps. Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. c. A change of character in the area has occurred oris occurring to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage redevelopment of the area or to recognize the changing character of the area. Staff finds no evidence of significant changes in the area. The zone change request from R-1 to R -1B neither responds to nor results in notable change of character. Planning Commission Case No. WZ-21-12 /9605 W. 3ff Ave. Rezone Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. d. The proposed rezoning is necessary in order to provide for a community need that was not anticipated at the time of the adoption of the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan. The proposed rezoning does not relate to an unanticipated community need. Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. Staff concludes that the criteria used to evaluate zone change support this request. V. PUBLIC NOTICING Prior to submittal of an application for a zone change, the applicant is required to hold a neighborhood input meeting in accordance with the requirements of Section 26-109. A meeting for neighborhood input was held on August 19, 2021. This meeting was advertised and conducted as a virtual meeting on Zoom. Nine members of the public attended the virtual meeting in addition to the applicant and staff (see Exhibit 4, Neighborhood Meeting Notes). As of the date of distribution of this staff report, November 5, 2021, the City has not received additional comments or inquiries from surrounding property owners. VI. AGENCY REFERRAL All affected service agencies were contacted for comment on the zone change request and regarding the ability to serve the property. Specific referral responses follow: Wheat Ridge Engineering Division: No comments. If future development occurs, comments will be provided at time of plat for this site. West Metro Fire Protection District: No objections. Xcel Energy: No comments received. Century Link: No comments received. Comcast Cable: No comments received. What Ridge Water District: No comments received. Westridge Sanitation District: No objections. VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes that the proposed zone change promotes the health, safety and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. Staff further Planning Commission Case No. WZ-21-12 /9605 W. 3ff Ave. Rezone concludes that utility infrastructure adequately serves the property, and the applicant will be responsible for upgrades, if needed in the future. Finally, staff concludes that the zone change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Because the zone change evaluation criteria support the zone change request, staff recommends approval of Case No. WZ-21-12. VIII. SUGGESTED MOTIONS Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-21-12, a request for approval of a zone change from Residential -One (R-1) to Residential -One B (R -1B) for property located at 9605 W. 38t" Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed zone change will promote the public health, safety, or welfare of the community and does not result in an adverse effect on the surrounding area. 2. Utility infrastructure adequately services the property. 3. The proposed zone change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan and consistent with the character of W. 38 b Avenue. 4. The zone change will provide additional opportunity for reinvestment in the area. 5. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change supports the request." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-21-12, a request for approval of a zone change from Residential -One (R-1) to Residential -One B (R -1B) for property located at 9605 W. 38"' Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. 2. ... Planning Commission Case No. WZ-21-12 /9605 W. 3ff Ave. Rezone t�P�S IC39THAVE Uz ljll HAVE ' + �•� _.w _ 37H PL n 2 i^ 37H 9 AVE _ ILI - N � �-• 36THAVE' a s - EXHIBIT 2: ZONING MAP Planning Commission Case No. WZ21-12/9605 W. 38'h Ave. Rezone EXHIBIT 3: APPLICANT LETTER Written request and description of the proposal • The need for the zone change. We would like to change the zoning for 9605 W 38"' Ave from R-1 to R-113. With R-113, we will have the opportunity to split the lot into two separate, equally sized lots just under 12,000 sqft each. This will allow us to build one single-family home of appropriate and proportional size to the lot. • Present and future effect on the existing zone districts, development and physical character of the area. If granted the opportunity to re -zone and subdivide the lot, the separation would be from east to west. This allows the access to each lot to come off of Independence Ct., which would be safer as W 38"' is a highly trafficked road. Our proposal to re -zone and subdivide the lot creates an opportunity to build two appropriately sized homes, fenced with yards and beautiful landscaping. We believe it will compliment the physical character of the area. • Access to the area, traffic patterns and impact of the requested zone on these factors. • Availability of utilities. With re -zoning lot 9605 W 38"' and possibly subdividing the lot into two, each access point to each lot would then come off of Independence Ct. Right now, the lot has access off of Independence Ct., as well asW 38"'. We would close the access off of W 38"' and repair the sidewalk, thus reducing disruptions to traffic on W 38th. All utilities enter the lot at the South East corner making them easily accessible for the current lot and could also be ran for a potential second lot easily. • Present and future effect on public facilities and services, such as fire, police, water, sanitation, roadways, parks, schools, etc. We believe re -zoning 9605 W 38"' and potentially subdividing the lot into two equal lots of 10,532 sqft will not affect public facilities and services. The newly subdivided lot sizes will be either as large or smaller than some of the surrounding lots — some of which currently have multiple units on them. By keeping 9605 W 38"' as two single-family homes, and not multiple duplexes, we believe it won't overcrowd the lots or the surrounding area. Therefore, not drastically affecting the water, sanitation, roadways, parks or schools. • A discussion of the relationship between the proposal and adopted land and/or policies of the city The proposed re -zoning will provide the opportunity to build a smaller home, proportional to the lot that is more affordable. This will allow the potential for two single-family homes, while respecting all neighbors and setbacks, as well as maintaining a landscape with plenty of room for yards and driveways. Planning Commission Case No. WZ-21-12 /9605 W. 3ff Ave. Rezone EXHIBIT 4: NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING �I City of Wheat k dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29�'Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING NOTES Meeting Date: August 31, 2021 Attending Staff- Zareen Tasneem, Planner I Location of Meeting: Virtual Zoom meeting Property Address: 9605 W. 38a' Avenue Property Owner(s): Jake Hill Property Owner(s) Present? Applicant: Applicant Present? Existing Zoning: Existing Comp. Plan: Yes Jake Hill & Alexandria Hoeft Yes Residential -One (R-1) Neighborhood Existing Site Conditions: The property is located at the northeast corner of W. 38a' Avenue and Independence Court and is a corner lot. According to the Jefferson County Assessor's Office, it measures 21,111 square feet (0.485 acres) and is unplatted. The site is currently vacant land; the site used to contain a single-family house that has been demolished. The site has roughly 15 feet of fall from the south end of the property to the north end. The property is currently zoned Residential -One (R-1). The surrounding properties are also zoned R-1 and Residential -Two (R-2). There is a pocket of Residential -Two A (R -2A) zoning to the southwest. Most of the surrounding uses are single-family and duplex residential uses. The W. 38a' Avenue and Kipling Street major commercial intersection is about two blocks to the west. Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant is proposing to rezone the property from R-1 to R- 113. An Improvement Survey Plat submitted by the applicant shows the property measures 21,065 square feet (0.48 acres) in size. The lot width parallel to W. 38a' Avenue is 140 feet and the lot width parallel to Independence Court is 150 feet. The zone change will allow the applicant to subdivide the property in the future into two R- 113 compliant single-family lots, creating the possibility for two new single-family homes. The applicant plans to build their home on one of the newly subdivided lots. Planning Commission 10 Case No. WZ-21-12 / 9605 W. 3ff Ave. Rezone The following is a summary of the neighborhood meeting: • In addition to the applicant and staff, 9 members of the public attended the neighborhood meeting. • Staff discussed the site, its zoning, and future land use. • The applicant and members of the public were informed of the process for the rezone, which would need to occur before the applicant could subdivide. • The members of the public were informed of their opportunity to make comments during the process and at the public hearings. • The applicant made a brief presentation on wanting to rezone to allow for the subdivision of the property into two single-family lots, and build a home for themselves on one of the lots. The following issues were discussed regarding the zone change: • How would the property be split for the subdivision? What do you expect to do with the other lot? The dividing line would be from east to west. The applicant anticipates either developing the lot themselves or selling it. • The neighboring lot sizes are athird of an acre; these proposed lots will be smaller. We do not want a duplex. There is a literal ditch and rural character to this area. We would hate to see this property become smaller lots; we do not want to turn into Denver. There is an existing duplex to the right of the property, smaller lots to the east, and surrounding lots in general are smaller than the proposed lot sizes. • What is the allowed maximum height and lot coverage in R-113? Primary structures in R -IB can be up to 35 feet tall, same as all other residential zone districts in the City of Wheat Ridge. The maximum lot coverage in R -IB is 40%. • Will you build a "box," like the ones you see in Denver? Will the homes be made of brick? When will you start construction? Where do you work? The applicant stated the box -type homes were not their style, that they were not sure of the building material yet, and that they were not developers. They just want to build their first home together, there is no development -backed money. Staff reiterated that the zone change, subdivision, and building permits would need to be approved, in that order, before any construction could take place. The applicant was still in the very beginning of this whole process. • I do not want a 35 -foot "monster" with 5 -foot setbacks. That is an invasion of my privacy. I am protective of this neighborhood and do not want a subdivision. We have defeated 3 rezone requests and we will petition against this one as well. I want guarantees and floor plans before you can proceed. W. 381h Avenue is a busy street and you do not have any plans. There is a house that has been under construction here for 7 years and the City has done nothing about it. • Why rezone to R-113 now? Why not build under R-1 now and then rezone to R-113 later? R-1 has different development standards that will affect the house's placement on the property. Prior to the neighborhood meeting, staff received several phone calls and an in-person inquiry from neighboring property owners with general inquiries on the development standards of the R -1B zone district and what the homes would look like. Planning Commission 11 Case No. WZ-21-12 / 9605 W.38�`Ave.Rezone EXHIBIT 5: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The following in an excerpt from the Structure Map within the Comprehensive Plan. Subject Property Neighborhood Planning Commission Case No. WZ-21-12 / 9605 W. 386 Ave. Rezone r C haracter/E sta bli shed Neighborhoods: Neighborhoods will be the places for people to own homes and thrive and where residents of all ages can live safely and comfortably. Most neighborhoods contain a school or park focus. Some have a semi -rural feel. Most are generally bounded by major arterial and collector streets. Planning and zoning will deterr-nine the appropriate mix of single family or r11ulti-family uses within these places in the future. Established Neighborhoods: The City will continue to work with neighborhoods to focus on improving stability, horde ownership, property values, protecting significant views, and provide high quality infill in established neighborhoods. 12 M% 04M� I � "All LM �-,- -'44 View of the subject property looking south from Independence Court. Note, the house has been demolished. (Source: Google Maps November 2021) Planning Commission 14 Case No. WZ-21-12 /9605 W. 3ff Ave. Rezone ♦�4le ® City of Wheat ��e CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT REVIEW DATES: December 16, 2021 CASE MANAGER: Scott Cutler, Senior Planner CASE NO. & NAME: PBG -21-02 / Ridgetop Village Site Plan ACTION REQUESTED: Request for approval of a Planned Building Group site plan with 11 buildings in the Residential -Three (R-3) zone district. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4000-4066 Upham Street APPLICANT/OWNER (S): APPROXIMATE AREA: PRESENT ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE: Upham Partners 82,849 square feet (1.9 acres) Residential -Three (R-3) Single-family ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION Location Map (X) PBG REGULATIONS Planning Commission Case No. PBG-21-02/Ridgetop Village Site Plan Site All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST Case No. PBG -21-02 is an application for a planned building group (PBG) site plan on property located at 4000-4066 Upham Street and zoned Residential -Three (R-3). The applicant is proposing to build 11 buildings under the R-3 multifamily development standards, including common amenities and drive aisles, for a total of 22 dwelling units. Pursuant to Section 26-116 of the City Code, aPBG site plan is required in all districts other than planned developments and mixed use districts for properties on which more than one (1) primary structure is proposed. Applications for more than four (4) main structures are required to be reviewed by Planning Commission at a public hearing. This case will not require review by City Council, and the decision of the Planning Commission is final. A separate application for a major subdivision (Case No. WS -21-06) is being reviewed concurrently with the PBG, which will allow the applicant to sell each unit separately. Given the total number of lots (22), this request is a major subdivision, which requires Planning Commission to make a recommendation to City Council who is the final authority for approval. A separate staff report is provided for the subdivision application, which will ultimately be reviewed by City Council. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS AND PROPERTY HISTORY The site is located on the east side of Upham Street, midway between W. 38' Avenue and W. 44' Avenue (Exhibit 1, Aerial). The site is 82,849 square feet (1.9 acres) in size and contains four lots with one single-family home each. The existing homes were built in the 1920s -1950s and are in average/fair condition, according to the Jefferson County Assessor. The existing lots are unusual in that they are double depth (a full city block deep) and approximately'/2 an acre, which is oversized for the area. The property is zoned Residential -Three (R-3), as are all of the surrounding properties on Upham Street in this area (Exhibit 2, Zoning). The school property to the east is zoned Residential -Two (R-2), as are properties further north on Upham Street. Properties further to the south on Upham Street are zoned mixed use (MU -C and MU -N), reflective of the commercial and higher -density character of 38' Avenue. The area has a wide range of residential uses, ranging from some single-family properties to large multifamily developments. The property to the north contains a three-story apartment building, the property to the south contains a single-family home, and properties across Upham Street to the west are primarily multifamily except for one single-family home midway across the street. The property was subject to a rezoning application for a Planned Residential Development (PRD) which was approved by City Council in May 2019 before being overturned by voters in November 2019. Based on the results of the referred ballot question and public comment received, the applicant has completely revised their proposal to be compliant with the existing R-3 zoning. Details of the proposal are described in Section III of this report. The permitted density calculation in the R-3 zone district is one (1) dwelling unit is permitted for every 3,630 square feet of land area, which equals 12 units per acre. Given a net lot size (gross acreage minus Planning Commission Case No. PBG-21-02/Ridgetop Village Site Plan required right-of-way dedication) of 80,029 square feet (1.8372 acres), the property is eligible for 22 residential dwelling units. III. PROPOSED PBG SITE PLAN A planned building group entails site plan review for a site with more than one proposed primary structure. The purpose of a PBG is to promote better overall utilization of a site through comprehensive review of elements such as circulation, access, parking, and building layout. The proposed PBG site plan is provided for reference (Exhibit 3, Ridgetop Village PBG). A PBG site plan is not a rezoning; the applicant is proposing to develop the site under the existing standards in R-3. All uses and building forms, setbacks, and heights are permitted by the R-3 zoning. The PBG has been reviewed by staff for compliance with all R-3 zoning requirements. The applicant is proposing to develop a residential community comprised of 22 units. The related subdivision plat will allow for individual ownership of each unit. The unit breakdown consists of 11 two -unit buildings, with two varieties of architectural elevations, and additional enhanced architectural features for the street -facing units. Each building will be two stories in height and less than 29 feet tall (or approximately 26 feet tall to the mid -point of the roof, which is how the City measures building height), well under the R-3 maximum of 35 feet. The standards set forth in the site plan are binding, which means the applicant could not increase building height or density after approval. Upon approval, the PBG will be recorded against the property with the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder. Circulation, Access, and Public Improvements Per City Code, public improvements are required to be built as part of the subdivision process. More detail is provided in the staff report for Case No. WS -21-06. The developer will be required to improve the frontage of Upham Street along the site, making upgrades to the existing curb, gutter, and sidewalk and widening the street slightly to accommodate for on -street parking. The applicant is proposing to build a u -shaped private drive through the development to allow direct access to each building, which will result in two curb cuts on Upham Street. This drive will be 25 feet wide and is lined by sidewalks, allowing for pedestrian access along the drive and through the site. Parking Each dwelling unit will have a two -car garage. In addition, the eastern corner units (Buildings 3 and 11) have driveways sized to accommodate two (2) vehicles per unit to accommodate guests. Five (5) additional on-site guest parking spaces are provided, including one accessible space. Street parking will also be allowed along Upham Street, which will be widened slightly by the developer. The on-site parking provided meets the City Code requirements for multifamily residential development of two (2) spaces per unit plus on-site guest parking, consistent with Section 26-501. The additional spaces in the two corner driveways adds eight (8) additional parking spaces, allowing the overall development to exceed the minimum standard. Landscaping Section 26-502 of the City Code establishes landscaping standards for residential development. Staff has applied the multifamily standards which are more onerous than those for single-family development. Additionally, provisions from the City's Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM) apply to this site requiring common open space with amenities. Planning Commission Case No. PBG-21-02/Ridgetop Village Site Plan The proposed plan exceeds the 30% minimum landscaping standard with 34% landscaped coverage. This includes a mix of common area amenities and private yard space. The common amenities include a community garden in the central/east portion of the site, bicycle racks, and landscaping areas on the north and south sides of the site adjacent to guest parking spaces. These common areas will be located in tracts, to be maintained by the owner's association. The site plan also exceeds the standards for quantities of trees and shrubs required. The applicant is providing seven (7) required street trees along Upham Street. Section 26-502.D.3.b requires one additional tree and ten shrubs for every 1,000 square feet of required landscaped area. The applicant is providing 38 trees (24 required) and 240 shrubs (240 required). Additional ornamental grasses and perennials are being provided as well. A unique feature of the site compared with other recent townhome projects in the City is that each unit will have a private, fenced yard space with additional landscaping. Architecture As noted above, each building will be two stories in height and less than 29 feet tall. Multifamily developments in the R-3 zone district are held to the relevant standards in the ASDM, specifically Section 4.3. This includes requirements for enhanced fagade design, materials, and fenestration. The site plan proposes two types of "modern farmhouse" buildings with a variety of elevation types. The street -facing elevations (Buildings 1, 4, 6, and 9) have additional enhanced features including wrap-around front porches, stone wainscot and chimney detailing, larger side windows, and window awnings. The front doors of these units face Upham Street, meeting the City's requirement and helping to enhance these elevations and activate the street. All fagades facing a public street or public space contain at least 25% openings such as doors, windows, or balconies, most over 40%. All units will have a front porch in addition to the private yard space described above. Although the two building types are similar, the differences in color, orientation of the siding, and enhancements to the street - facing units will provide visual variety throughout the development. IV. PLANNED BUILDING GROUP CRITERIA In reviewing a PBG application, the decision of the Planning Commission must be based on the following two criteria from Section 26-116.D.3 of the City Code. Staff provides the following review and analysis of the criteria: 1. The proposed plan complies with the zoning and development code and is not contrary to the general welfare of the immediate neighborhood and economic prosperity of the city. The proposed development meets or exceeds the minimum R-3 development standards, including setbacks, lot coverage, building height, landscaping requirements, lighting requirements, drainage, and parking. With two points of access and the amount of parking spaces on site exceeding the City standard, traffic and parking is not expected to be impacted. The proposal is significantly less dense at 12 units per acre than the surrounding multifamily properties which are closer to 21 units per acre. The two-story design of the buildings will be less impactful than the typical three-story multifamily and townhome construction. Planning Commission Case No. PBG-21-02/Ridgetop Village Site Plan The application also meets the broader goals identified in the City's Comprehensive Plan for encouraging investment in property, the creation of new and varied types of housing stock, and thoughtful residential design. The project adds to the mix of housing types already in the area, which include single-family homes, townhomes, and apartment buildings. This project introduces a complementary option that reflects the key value of the comprehensive plan. Lastly, the site is within walking distance to 38' Avenue and is within the scope of the City's 38' Avenue Subarea Plan. The corridor plan calls for a "strong identity and robust commercial and residential markets" to support the main street corridor. This project contributes to a strong residential market in the area, which in turn supports economic prosperity. Staff finds that this criterion has been met. 2. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM). Staff has determined the application complies with the standards and intent of the ASDM, including the site design, open space requirements, and architectural design of the buildings. The street -facing elevations with large front porches, windows, and awnings are neighborhood -oriented and pedestrian -scaled and will enhance the character of the street. The community garden and landscaped areas provide gathering spaces for residents beyond their private yards and allows more space between buildings. Staff finds that this criterion has been met. V. AGENCY REFERRALS All affected service agencies were contacted for comment on the PBG regarding the ability to serve the property. Specific referral responses follow. Wheat Ridge Engineering Division: No concerns. Civil construction documents are under review. Wheat Ridge Building Division: No comments at this time. Any future development will be required to obtain building permits that will be reviewed for compliance with current building codes. West Metro Fire Protection District: No remaining comments on the site plan. The applicant is working with West Metro to obtain approval of the civil construction documents. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District: The applicant is coordinating minor remaining comments from Wheat Ridge Sanitation. The district can serve the development. Wheat Ridge Water District: The applicant is coordinating with Wheat Ridge Water. The district can serve the development. Denver Water will also review and approve the plans. Xcel Energy: No concerns. Neel is comfortable with easements being recorded by separate document. Applicant is working with Neel designer on utility plan. Planning Commission Case No. PBG-21-02/Ridgetop Village Site Plan Century Link / Lumen: No concerns. Comcast: No concerns. VI. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Staff concludes that the proposed PBG site plan complies with the zoning and development code, will not have adverse effects on the surrounding area, is in substantial compliance with the ASDM, and that utility infrastructure adequately serves the property. The applicant will be responsible for utility upgrades and public improvements associated with the development. Because the PBG evaluation criteria support the zone change request, staff recommends approval of Case No. PBG -21-02. VII. SUGGESTED MOTIONS Option A: "I move to APPROVE Case No. PBG -21-02, a request for approval of a planned building group site plan on property located at 4000 to 4066 Upham Street and zoned Residential -Three (R-3) for the following reasons: 1. The proposed plan complies with the zoning and development code and is not contrary to the general welfare of the immediate neighborhood and the economic prosperity of the city. 2. The proposed plan is in substantial compliance with the City's Architectural and Site Design Manual. 3. Utility infrastructure adequately serves the property. Option B: "I move to DENY Case No. PBG -21-02, a request for approval of a planned building group site plan on property located at 4000 to 4066 Upham Street and zoned Residential -Three (R-3) for the following reasons: 1. ... Planning Commission Case No. PBG-21-02/Ridgetop Village Site Plan EXHIBIT 1: AERIAL (2020) Planning Commission Case No. PBG -21A2I Ridg¢op Vdlage Sde Plmv EXHIBIT 2: ZONING MAP Planning Commission Case No. PBG -21A2I Ridg¢op Vdlage Sde Plmv EXHIBIT 3: RIDGETOP VILLAGE PBG SITE PLAN Attached as an 11x17 document on the following page. Planning Commission Case No. PBG-21-02/Ridgetop Village Site Plan DECLARATION OF PLANNED BUILDING GROUP WHEREAS, UPHAM PARTNERS, LLC, HAVE SUBMITTED A PLANNED BUILDING GROUP PLAN FOR THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE'S APPROVAL PURSUANT TO WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS, FOR THE LAND AREA LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS: A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE EAST X OF THE NORTHWEST % OF THE SOUTHWEST X OF THE SOUTHEAST Y/ OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBE AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID EAST; THENCE S00014'04"E ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID EAST % A DISTANCE OF 132.00 FEET TO TH POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING S00014'04"E ALONG SAID EAST LINE A DISTANCE OF 264.61 FEET; THENCE N89039'47"E A DISTANCE OF 328.96 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID EAST THENCE N00013'09"W ALONG SAID WEST LINE A DISTANCE OF 55.00 FEET; THENCE N89039'47"W A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET; THENCE N00013'09"W ALONG A LINE THAT IS 20.00 FEET EAST OF AND PARALLEL WITH SAID WEST LIN A DISTANCE OF 209.63 FEET; THENCE N89°39'59"E ALONG A LINE THAT IS 132.00 FEET SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE NORT LINE OF SAID EAST X A DISTANCE OF 308.89 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL CONTAINS (82,849 SQUARE FEET) 1.9020 ACRES; AND WHEREAS, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE HAS APPROVED SAID PLAN ON NOW, THEREFORE, UPON FINAL APPROVAL OF THE PLANNED BUILDING GROUP BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, THIS DECLARATION IS NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS OF THE LAND AREA AND TO ALL OTHERS THAT IT IS THE SUBJECT OF A PLANNED BUILDING GROUP AND THAT SAID PLAN AND THE ORDINANCES RELATING THERETO ARE BINDING ON SUBSEQUENT PURCHASERS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS UNLESS THE PLAN IS ABANDONED, AMENDED OR WITHDRAWN IN WRITING AND DULY RECORDED AND SHALL LIMIT THE CONSTRUCTION, USE AND OPERATION OF ALL LAND AND STRUCTURES INCLUDED WITHIN SUCH PLANS TO ALL CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS SET FORTH IN SUCH PLANS AND ORDINANCES. MATT HILL, MANAGING PARTNER, UPHAM PARTNERS, LLC STATE OF COLORADO ) )SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF , A.D. 20 BY WITNESSED MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS DAY OF I , BY THE WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION. CHAIRPERSON CITY CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS DAY OF BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. ATTEST CITY CLERK MAYOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR CHARACTER OF DEVELOPMENT RIDGETOP VILLAGE A PLANNED BUILDING GROUP IN WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO AT O'CLOCK .M. ON THE DAY OF , A.D., IN BOOK , PAGE , RECEPTION NO. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER BY: DEPUTY THE RIDGETOP VILLAGE PROJECT WILL CONSIST OF TWENTY—TWO FEE SIMPLE TOWNHOMES. RIDGETOP VILLAGE IS LOCATED ON UPHAM STREET, LESS THAN HALF A BLOCK NORTH OF WHEAT RIDGE'S MAIN STREET, 38TH AVENUE. THE APPROXIMATELY 1.84 ACRE SITE WILL COMPLIMENT NEARBY REDEVELOPMENT. THE ARCHITECTURE IS A MARRIAGE OF MODERN AND FARMHOUSE STYLES WITH SUBTLE DESIGN ELEMENTS OFFERING HOMAGE TO THE AGRARIAN ROOTS OF WHEAT RIDGE AND MANY OF THE WEST METRO MUNICIPALITIES. THERE WILL BE TWO ENTRY POINTS INTO THE DEVELOPMENT FROM UPHAM STREET WITH STREETSCAPE TO PROVIDE A SENSE OF ENTRY FOR THE NEIGHBORHOOD. EACH OWNER WILL ENJOY BOTH PRIVACY OFFERED BY PRIVATE, LOW—FENCED YARDS WITH LANDSCAPING, AS WELL AS EASY ACCESS TO THE COMMUNITY AMENITY SPACE. THIS GATHERING SPACE OFFERS A COMMUNITY GARDEN PLOT BORDERED BY PEDESTRIAN WALKWAYS AND SHADE TREES, WHERE RESIDENTS CAN BUILD COMMUNITY AND ENGAGE WITH THEIR NEIGHBORS. VICINITY MAP o R3 W SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE 1 OF 8 COVER SHEET 2 OF 8 SITE PLAN 3 U) ELEVATIONS 4 OF 8 W 5 44 E F.H AVE OF 8 LANDSCAPE PLAN 7 OF 8 PHOTOMETRIC PLAN 8 OF 8 PHOTOMETRIC DETAILS PROJECT SITE 5 SPACES VISITOR PARKING SPACES Q W 41 T Aki !/EN E STREET PARKING) 0- u O c� BICYCLE PARKING SPACES = 2.2 = 3 BICYCLE 4 BICYCLE SPACES m SPACES 0 3 O 0'q U..I Q w z `J 3 TH A VIJIIE 0 0 z o�w C) U) Q U) J J C) O J W 1000 2000 1 1000' PREPARED BY BRIGHTLIGHTER ENGINEERING 1 N. BROADWAY, A225 DENVER, CO 80203 CONTACT: JESSE DONOVAN, PE 720-504-8629 jesse@brightlightereng.com PREPARED FOR UPHAM PARTNERS, LLC 4251 KIPLING STREET, SUITE 310 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 CONTACT: MATT HILL 303-859-3720 DESIGN TEAM: OWNER/APPLICANT UPHAM PARTNERS, LLC 4251 KIPLING STREET, SUITE 310 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 CONTACT: MATT HILL 303-859-3720 matt@epiphanydenver.com CIVIL ENGINEER BRIGHTLIGHTER ENGINEERING LLC 1 N. BROADWAY, A225 DENVER, CO 80203 CONTACT: JESSE DONOVAN, PE 720-540-8629 jesse@brightlightereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OUTDOOR DESIGN GROUP, INC. 590 WEBSTER STREET ARVADA, CO 80002 CONTACT: MATT CORRION, PLA 303-993-4811 mcorrion@odgdesign.com c I I RvF-Yn R ENGINEERING SERVICE COMPANY 14190 EAST EVANS AVENUE AURORA, CO 80014 CONTACT: BRETT MILLER, PLS 303-337-1393 x101 bmiller®engineeringserviceco.com ARCHITECT GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER DENNIS RODRIGUEZ A.G. WASSENAAR, INC CONTACT: DENNIS RODRIGUEZ 2180 SOUTH IVANHOE STREET, SUITE 5 303-358-9056 DENVER, CO 80222 dvarch®comcast.net CONTACT: KEITH SEATON, PE 303-759-8100 www.agwassenaar.com SITE DATA TABLE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION LIGHTING DESIGN KALIN & A55UUTAI L5, INU. 9364 TEDDY LANE, SUITE 101 LONE TREE, CO 80124 CONTACT: BRYAN KASIN 720-489-1609 bkazin®dmka.com ZONING R3 SHEET INDEX SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE 1 OF 8 COVER SHEET 2 OF 8 SITE PLAN 3 OF 8 ELEVATIONS 4 OF 8 ELEVATIONS 5 OF 8 LANDSCAPE COVER SHEET AND PLANT LIST 6 OF 8 LANDSCAPE PLAN 7 OF 8 PHOTOMETRIC PLAN 8 OF 8 PHOTOMETRIC DETAILS DESIGN TEAM: OWNER/APPLICANT UPHAM PARTNERS, LLC 4251 KIPLING STREET, SUITE 310 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 CONTACT: MATT HILL 303-859-3720 matt@epiphanydenver.com CIVIL ENGINEER BRIGHTLIGHTER ENGINEERING LLC 1 N. BROADWAY, A225 DENVER, CO 80203 CONTACT: JESSE DONOVAN, PE 720-540-8629 jesse@brightlightereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OUTDOOR DESIGN GROUP, INC. 590 WEBSTER STREET ARVADA, CO 80002 CONTACT: MATT CORRION, PLA 303-993-4811 mcorrion@odgdesign.com c I I RvF-Yn R ENGINEERING SERVICE COMPANY 14190 EAST EVANS AVENUE AURORA, CO 80014 CONTACT: BRETT MILLER, PLS 303-337-1393 x101 bmiller®engineeringserviceco.com ARCHITECT GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER DENNIS RODRIGUEZ A.G. WASSENAAR, INC CONTACT: DENNIS RODRIGUEZ 2180 SOUTH IVANHOE STREET, SUITE 5 303-358-9056 DENVER, CO 80222 dvarch®comcast.net CONTACT: KEITH SEATON, PE 303-759-8100 www.agwassenaar.com SITE DATA TABLE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION LIGHTING DESIGN KALIN & A55UUTAI L5, INU. 9364 TEDDY LANE, SUITE 101 LONE TREE, CO 80124 CONTACT: BRYAN KASIN 720-489-1609 bkazin®dmka.com ZONING R3 LAND USE TOWNHOMES TOTAL AREA [ACRES/SQ.FT.] GROSS [ACRES/SQ.FT.] NET 1.90 ACRES 1.84 ACRES LOT COVERAGE REQUIRED PROVIDED MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 35' 28'-9 3/4" (TWO STORIES) MINIMUM FRONT SETBACK 25' 25' MINIMUM SIDE SETBACK 15' 15' MINIMUM REAR SETBACK 15' 15' MAXIMUM DENSITY 12 UNITS/ACRE (22 UNITS) 22 UNITS MINIMUM OPEN SPACE 30% 35% Q 1.5 SPACES PER 1 BED UNIT, 2 p PARKING REQUIRED SPACES PER 2 OR 3 BED UNIT. 44 44 SPACES SPACES REQUIRED N z _ _ > 5 SPACES VISITOR PARKING SPACES 1 SPACE PER 10 REQ. SPACES = (13 SPACES INCLUDING ADJACENT 4.4 — 5 SPACES STREET PARKING) 0- 5% OF REQUIRED VEHICLE PARKING p BICYCLE PARKING SPACES = 2.2 = 3 BICYCLE 4 BICYCLE SPACES m SPACES � LOT COVERAGE *SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE EAST % OF THE NORTHWEST % OF THE SOUTHWEST X OF THE SOUTHEAST Y/ OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID EAST THENCE S00014'04"E ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID EAST X A DISTANCE OF 132.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOU 14'04"E ALONG SAID EAST LINE A DISTANCE OF 264.61 FEET; THENCE N89°39'47"E A DISTANCE OF 328.96 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID EAST THENCE N00013'09"W ALONG SAID WEST LINE A DISTANCE OF 55.00 FEET; THENCE N89039'47"W A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET; CASE HISTORY THENCE N00°13'09"W ALONG A LINE THAT IS 20.00 FEET EAST OF AND PARALLEL WITH SAID WEST LINE A DISTANCE OF 209.63 FEET; THENCE N89°39'59"E ALONG A LINE THAT IS 132.00 FEET SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID EAST % A DISTANCE PBG -21-02 OF 308.89 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. WS -21-06 PARCEL CONTAINS (82,849 SQUARE FEET) 1.9020 ACRES. PROJECT # SQ. FT. PERCENT (%) NET LOT AREA 80,029 100 BUILDING COVERAGE 28,761 35.9 LANDSCAPE/OPEN SPACE* 27,553 34.4 HARD SURFACE 23,715 29.6 *SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE EAST % OF THE NORTHWEST % OF THE SOUTHWEST X OF THE SOUTHEAST Y/ OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID EAST THENCE S00014'04"E ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID EAST X A DISTANCE OF 132.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOU 14'04"E ALONG SAID EAST LINE A DISTANCE OF 264.61 FEET; THENCE N89°39'47"E A DISTANCE OF 328.96 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID EAST THENCE N00013'09"W ALONG SAID WEST LINE A DISTANCE OF 55.00 FEET; THENCE N89039'47"W A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET; CASE HISTORY THENCE N00°13'09"W ALONG A LINE THAT IS 20.00 FEET EAST OF AND PARALLEL WITH SAID WEST LINE A DISTANCE OF 209.63 FEET; THENCE N89°39'59"E ALONG A LINE THAT IS 132.00 FEET SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID EAST % A DISTANCE PBG -21-02 OF 308.89 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. WS -21-06 PARCEL CONTAINS (82,849 SQUARE FEET) 1.9020 ACRES. PROJECT # UP2110 PROJECT DATE 07/27/2021 DESIGNER CWK REVIEWER JSD CN (D Lu N N WCy) N N w � CN (D N (D 00 0 c 0 U) (i ( o Q p JQ c) 00 N z _ _ > O U w 0 J cc)w o cD 0- _ p 'q ^_Q 0 z m � O 0'q U..I Q w z `J N LLJ = 0 0 z o�w C) U) Q U) J J C) O J W C) Lu N N N N N N Q ti 04 N 0 c 0 z O U C) Lu J J J z O m U) > U) U) > m m m W a a a c~n z � N M O� w mO \ G O _ O O O O wZ) �z COVER SHEET 1 OF8 2.6' EXISTING EDGE OF ASPHALT PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) RANGE LINE 1-.,— 26.5' (� OF R.O.W) 25' X 15' - SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE (TYP.) PROPOSED STOP SIGN - NORTHERN VEHICULAR ENTRANCE. S00° 13' 08.59"E MODERN 264.633 DESIGNER CWK V JSD w o 1A: Lo W FARMHOUSE 1 � c 0- m OPTION o � ELEVATION N �!e MODERN o3c: m J WITH m w Q FACING a B ELEVATION 42" FENCE UPHAM FRONT FARMHOUSE 2 YARDS. 6' FENCE ALL OTHERS PROPOSED HYDRANT AND POCKET EASEMENT (NP) I SOUTHERN VEHICULAR ENTRANCE. PROPOSED 2' PAN, 6" VERTICAL CURB, AND 5' ATTACHED WALK 25' X 15'-/ SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE (TYP.) -EXISTING � FLOWLINE TO REMAIN -ADJACENT PROPERTY BOUNDARY RIDGETOP VILLAGE A PLANNED BUILDING GROUP IN WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 237 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO o rmvmu i r uvur < i i r. iv, r-, NNW J rL 3) TO BE INSTALLED ON THE PROPERTY LINE 3960 UPHAM STREET PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) JEFFERSON INVESTMENTS V LLC (4080 UPHAM STREET) S89' 39' 59.16"W 302.392 X- N890 39' 46.51 "E 302.458 ADJACENT PROPERTY BOUNDARY JEFFERSON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT R1 (7101 WEST 38TH AVE) Y, n BUILDING ELEVATION NOTE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION \ 0 20 40 V 1"=20' BUILDINGS SHOWN ON THIS SHEET CONSIST OF TWO DESIGNS, WITH TWO OPTIONS FOR STREET FACING UNITS AS NOTED BELOW. OLORADO- KNOW WHAT'S BELOW. CALL BEFORE YOU 111G.. l■wmo.i. PROPERTY BOUNDARY EXISTING LOT LINE PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY PROPOSED EASEMENT EXISTING EASEMENT PROPOSED SETBACK LINE ELEVATION 1: MODERN FARMHOUSE 1 DESIGNER CWK V JSD ELEVATION 1A: MODERN FARMHOUSE 1 WITH STREET FACING OPTION A PROPOSED CURB & GUTTER ELEVATION 113: MODERN FARMHOUSE 1 WITH STREET FACING OPTION B ELEVATION 2: MODERN FARMHOUSE 2 > J ELEVATION 2A: MODERN FARMHOUSE 2 WITH STREET FACING OPTION A EXISTING CURB & GUTTER ELEVATION 213: MODERN FARMHOUSE 2 WITH STREET FACING OPTION B 0001: 10 a�0aff:1I 1XI mYi]La41a9:1IIf] IL DRAINAGE EASEMENT PR STORM MH N00' 14' 00.25"W 264.614 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVING PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVING PROPOSED STRIPING PROPOSED ADA PARKING STRIPING PROPOSED SIGNAGE BUILDING FOOTPRINT A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE EAST OF THE NORTHWEST Y/ OF THE SOUTHWEST Y/ OF THE SOUTHEAST % OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO BENCHMARK "CIN OF WHEAT RIDGE SURVEY MONUMENT, CIN DESIGNATION POINT 15809°, MONUMENTED BY PROPOSED 3.5" BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE STAMPED "USGS", LOCATED IN THE INTERSECTION OF WEST 38TH DETENTION AVENUE AND PIERCE STREET. ELEVATION = 5428.16 (NAND 88). POND BASIS OF BEARINGS BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 23N TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, BEING THE CENTERLINE OF UPHAM STREET AND MONUMENTED ON THE NORTH BY A CITY OF WHEATRIDGE 3.25" BRASS CAP RANGE POINT AND ON THE SOUTH END BY A 3.25" BRASS CAP RANGE POINT STAMPED IS 13212, 1994" WITH THE RANGE LINE ASSUMED TO BEAR SOUTH 00'13'13" EAST. 31.0' BUILDING FACE TO BUILDING FACE MIN. r"":-1.0' BAY WINDOW ENCROACHMENT 33.0' BUILDING FACE TO BUILDING FACE FACE OF BUILDING 25.0' FIRE LANE EASEMENT AND WHEAT RIDGE SANITATION EASEMENT (EA) 1.5' 30.0' WHEAT RIDGE WATER DISTRICT EASEMENT 4.0' SIDEWALK 2%- R.O.W. LINE (WEST SIDE) 10.0' EDGE OF ASPHALT (R.O.W. IMPROVEMENTS VARY ON WEST SIDE) CONCRETE PAVEMENT 4% _ r J�: � •J ti PRIVATE DRIVE SECTION A—A' SCALE: 1'-5' OF R.O.W 11.0' DRIVE LANE 2%- ASPHALT PAVEMENT 1.0' i 4.0' SIDEWALK PROPERTY LINE (RIDGETOP VILLAGE) AFTER DEDICATION 26.5' 6.0' 5.0' PARKING SIDEWALK_._ 2.0' L-6" VERTICAL CURB UPHAM STREET SECTION SCALE: 1"-5' PROJECT # UP2110 PROJECT DATE 07/27/2021 DESIGNER CWK V JSD Cfl Id a ti 0 07 0 � c00 cio Q QO O Lo O LEGAL DESCRIPTION PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVING PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVING PROPOSED STRIPING PROPOSED ADA PARKING STRIPING PROPOSED SIGNAGE BUILDING FOOTPRINT A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE EAST OF THE NORTHWEST Y/ OF THE SOUTHWEST Y/ OF THE SOUTHEAST % OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO BENCHMARK "CIN OF WHEAT RIDGE SURVEY MONUMENT, CIN DESIGNATION POINT 15809°, MONUMENTED BY PROPOSED 3.5" BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE STAMPED "USGS", LOCATED IN THE INTERSECTION OF WEST 38TH DETENTION AVENUE AND PIERCE STREET. ELEVATION = 5428.16 (NAND 88). POND BASIS OF BEARINGS BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 23N TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, BEING THE CENTERLINE OF UPHAM STREET AND MONUMENTED ON THE NORTH BY A CITY OF WHEATRIDGE 3.25" BRASS CAP RANGE POINT AND ON THE SOUTH END BY A 3.25" BRASS CAP RANGE POINT STAMPED IS 13212, 1994" WITH THE RANGE LINE ASSUMED TO BEAR SOUTH 00'13'13" EAST. 31.0' BUILDING FACE TO BUILDING FACE MIN. r"":-1.0' BAY WINDOW ENCROACHMENT 33.0' BUILDING FACE TO BUILDING FACE FACE OF BUILDING 25.0' FIRE LANE EASEMENT AND WHEAT RIDGE SANITATION EASEMENT (EA) 1.5' 30.0' WHEAT RIDGE WATER DISTRICT EASEMENT 4.0' SIDEWALK 2%- R.O.W. LINE (WEST SIDE) 10.0' EDGE OF ASPHALT (R.O.W. IMPROVEMENTS VARY ON WEST SIDE) CONCRETE PAVEMENT 4% _ r J�: � •J ti PRIVATE DRIVE SECTION A—A' SCALE: 1'-5' OF R.O.W 11.0' DRIVE LANE 2%- ASPHALT PAVEMENT 1.0' i 4.0' SIDEWALK PROPERTY LINE (RIDGETOP VILLAGE) AFTER DEDICATION 26.5' 6.0' 5.0' PARKING SIDEWALK_._ 2.0' L-6" VERTICAL CURB UPHAM STREET SECTION SCALE: 1"-5' PROJECT # UP2110 PROJECT DATE 07/27/2021 DESIGNER CWK REVIEWER JSD Cfl W o N W07 0 N wL Cfl ti 0 07 0 � c00 cio Q QO O Lo O z J _ = 00 O ti _ > J �o co W C� _ p ^_Q o z m > O 0 W Q W z (DcV ., w => 0 zU) C O C) W o w J J J J O � W o N 0 N 0 N ti 0 07 0 � z O U C) W 0 J J J U) U) m m m W a a a coz Q� N co O� w i o o 0 0 0 0 w� W SITE PLAN 20F8 ------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- [I;!1IIII�YI�IIIIIY�IIIIe ::::1::::11::::1:::: i�Illiini ---------------------------------------------- 16 Mik' I -- 7-- 1 ------------------- �IIII��VIIII!�JIIIIl�II' °1!!!L 01 I��I�lO I��I Y DING SEAM _METAL ROOF �- ■ PORCH RAILING AWN ��� = • • E PORCH COLUMN BASE 11 ..............11 ■IIIIIIIIIIIII ■ E M ............... - � ■���������������■ 11 L�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111Now.— MEN .... .... .... .... -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- �Il�llliil�ii11ill nilL'.il�l iift11IIIIIIJIIIIIII�IIILJIIIIluu91111LIJIIIIILJIIl151l9Vlllll� "aillllll �IIIIIIII1I --------_--- ►----------- MENEM NONE MENEM MEN 01, 01 ����olllll IIIIIo�����(I 01 111 I��-1-11111 111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIII All 111111 milli ■�1 I�1�IIIII !� II -------------- I��li��i111111111 I�II111111lIIIIII,I'lllllll�lII11111 11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ IIIA11 �:� 11117■1117 I AI III ■ ■ 10 01 ____________________ ____________________ I I Ell iIVIQ'/eililmlii�ii01�!I■101 =X11111111■I■Illlllliilll■1111�i►��PORCH RAILING PORCH RAILINGIia=1■I■'■I■I■ -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------- ------------- ----------------------- Illrlll11111117 Ir11l�1 01 ���°°,�,,,,,,,,,,,,,1=11■i■ii■i■11=It■i■ii■i■i1=11111111�i1i: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IIIA ------------- ------------ III ■ I RIDGETOP VILLAGE A PLANNED BUILDING GROUP IN WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO LANDSCAPE PLANT LIST GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES 0 N 00 DECIDUOUS SHADE TREES Regent Servioeberry Arrelanchier alnifolia'Regent 6-8' 6-8' Low Sun RGB Rose Glow Barberry Berberis thunbergii'Rose Glow' MATURE MATURE WATER Sun SIZEAND Dark KnightBlue Mist Spirea SYMBOL COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME 24 Low Sun SUNISHADE Arctic Fire Dogwood QTY 34 34 HEIGHT SPREAD USE Isant Dogwood CONDITION 4-5' AGG Autumn Gold Ginkgo Ginkgo biloba'Autumn Gold' 25-50' 25-35' Medium Sun 2" Cal., B&B 2 SKC Seedless Kentucky Cofleetree Gymnocladus dioicus'Espresso' 50-60' 40-50' Low Sun 2" Cal., B&B 6 SSL Sterling Silver Linden Tilia tomentosa'Sterling Silver' 40-50' 20-35' Medium Sun 2" Cal., B&B 3 ORNAMENTAL TREES Gro -Low Fragrant Sumac Rhus arorrrratica 'Gro-Lovrl 24 6-8' Low Sun EVERGREEN SHRUBS W MATURE MATURE WATER OO SIZEAND J Q SYMBOL COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME SUNISHADE QTY MATURE WATER HEIGHT SPREAD USE BOTANICAL NAME CONDITION U) CSM Crimson Sunset Maple Acer x Crimson Sunset 30-35' 20-25' Medium Sun 2" Cal., B&B 6 EAR Eastern Redbud Cercis canadensis 20-30' 20-30' Medium Adaptable 2" Cal., B&B 7 ABP Autumn Blaze Pear Pyrus calleryana'Auturm Blaze' 25-35' 20-30' Medium Sun 2" Cal., B&B 7 SCP Summer Charm Peking Lilac Syringa pekinensis Summer Charm 15-20' 10-15' Low Sun 2" Cal., B&B 3 EVERGREEN TREES 0 0 0 0 LU � z MATURE MATURE WATER LANDSCAPE SIZEAND PLANT LIST SYMBOL COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME SUNISHADE QTY HEIGHT SPREAD USE CONDITION PIN Pinon Pine Pinus edulis 20-30' 10-20' Low Sun 6' ht, B&B 4 DECIDUOUS SHRUBS -do MATURE MATURE WATER SIZEAND SYMBOL COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME SUN/SHADE QTY HEIGHT SPREAD USE CONDITION RES Regent Servioeberry Arrelanchier alnifolia'Regent 6-8' 6-8' Low Sun RGB Rose Glow Barberry Berberis thunbergii'Rose Glow' 3-5' 5-6' Low Sun DKS Dark KnightBlue Mist Spirea Caryopleris x dandonensis'Dark Knight 34 24 Low Sun AFD Arctic Fire Dogwood Cornus sericea Arctic Fire 34 34 Medium Adaptable 1SB Isant Dogwood Cornus stalonifera'Isarif 4-5' 4-6' Medium Adaptable BRB Burkwoodii Red Broom Cosus scoparius'Burkwoodii' 24 34 Low Sun RUS Russian Sage Perovskia atriplicifolia 34 34 Very Low Sun DSP Dakota Sunspot Pate ntlla Potentilla fruticosa Dakota Sunspot 24 2-3' Low Sun GFS Gro -Low Fragrant Sumac Rhus arorrrratica 'Gro-Lovrl 24 6-8' Low Sun EVERGREEN SHRUBS W OO W^ Q J Q J J Z MATURE MATURE WATER SYMBOL COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME U) U) SUN/SHADE w HEIGHT SPREAD USE BCJ Blue Chip Juniper Juniperus horizontalis 'Blue Chip' 8-12" 64 Low Sun SRJ Skyrocket Juniper Juniperus soopulorum'S ky rocket 15-20' 2-3 Low Sun MMP Miniature Muga Pine Pinus mugo'Mops' 24 2-3 Low Sun / Part Shade ORNAMENTAL GRASSES 34 HMS Heavy Metal Blue Switch Grass Panicumvirgatum'Heavy Metal' 34 so 4" Pot/ 36" O.C. 9 PGF Purple Gayfeather Liatris spicata 'Florisbn Violet 24 18-24" MATURE MATURE WATER 8 SYMBOL COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME C) Z SUN/SHADE N HEIGHT SPREAD USE 4 BBG Big BlueslemGrass Andropogon gerardii 4-6' VFR Vaiegated Feather Reed Grass Calarragrosts aGUtfora'Avalanche' 34 KOR Korean Feather Reed Grass Calamagrostis brachytricha 34 VMG Variegated 'Maiden Grass Mscanthus sinensis'Variegatus' 4-5' RMM Regal Mist Muhly Grass Muhlenbergia capillaris Regal Mst 34 HMS Heavy Metal Blue Switch Grass Panicumvirgatum'Heavy Metal' 34 o PERENNIALS O SYMBOL COMMON NAME 5 Gallon Cont 2 5 Gallon Cont 18 5 Gallon Cont 15 5 Gallon Cont 5 5 Gallon Cont 3 5 Gallon Cont 10 5 Gallon Cont 10 5 Gallon Cont 10 5 Gallon Cont 5 iqu SIZE AND 12-18" Low QTY CONDITION Sun 5 Gallon Cont 11 5 Gallon Cont 6 5 Gallon Cont 11 MW SIZEAND CONDITION QTY 2-3' Low Sun 5 Gallon Cont 11 18-24" Low Sun / Part Shade 5 Gallon Cont 16 2-3' Low Shade 5 Gallon Cont 5 2-3' Medium Sun / Part Shade 5 Gallon Cont 8 34 Low Sun 5 Gallon Cont 14 12-18" Low Sun 5 Gallon Cont 14 Sun 4" Pot/ 36" O.C. 9 PGF BOTANICALNAAME MATURE MATURE WATER SUNISHADE SIZEAND QTY HEIGHT SPREAD USE SPACING FLI False Indigo Baptisia australis 34 2-3' Low Sun / Part Shade 4" Pot/ 36" O.C. 22 OGD Orange Daylily He rrerocallis'Rocket City' 34 2-3' Low Sun 4" Pot/24" O.C. 6 RHP Red-hot Poker Kniphofia ovaria 34 2-3' Low Sun 4" Pot/ 36" O.C. 9 PGF Purple Gayfeather Liatris spicata 'Florisbn Violet 24 18-24" Low Sun 4" Pot/ 36" O.C. 8 ,.r • 42" FRONT YARD FENCE so`o A N.T.S. 90/10 Fescue/Bluegrass Mix GALVANIZED SPRING LOADED HINGES 2"X4" CEDAR RAILS 3" GALVANIZED a DECK SCREWS co BEVEL TOP OF CONCRETE AWAY FROM POST M = - CONCRETE o COMPACTED TED o` o Ito o' III o 0 SUBGRADE 10" -I 4" DEPTH COMPACTED GRAVEL 1. ALL LOW PERENNIAL AND GROUNDCOVER PLANTING AREAS SHALL BE MULCHED WITH SHREDDED WESTERN RED CEDAR WOOD MULCH, AT A DEPTH OF 3". WEED BARRIER FABRIC IS NOT REQUIRED UNDER WOOD MULCH. 2. ALL PLANTING BED AREAS NOT DESIGNATED AS COBBLE SHALL BE MULCHED WITH 1-1/2" DARK GRAY ANGULAR GRANITE, AT A DEPTH OF 3", INSTALLED OVER PERMEABLE WEED BARRIER FABRIC. DO NOT INSTALL EDGING BETWEEN WOOD MULCH AND ROCK MULCH AREAS. 3. ALL PLANTING BED AREA DESIGNATED AS COBBLE SHALL BE MULCHED WITH 5-10" NATURAL GRAY COBBLE OVER PERMEABLE WEED BARRIER FABRIC. FILL IN GAPS WITH 3/4" ROCK MULCH OR PEA GRAVEL OF SIMILAR COLOR TO COBBLE SO THAT NO FABRIC IS VISIBLE 4. SOD EDGER SHALL BE 14 GAUGE ROLLED TOP STEEL EDGING (DARK GREEN COLOR) IN THE LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. EDGER IS NOT REQUIRED WHERE SOD ABUTS CONCRETE. 5. ALL AREAS TO BE LANDSCAPED SHALL HAVE ORGANIC AMENDMENTS THOROUGHLY INCORPORATED INTO THE SOIL AT A RATE OF 5 CUBIC YARDS PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET, AND TILLED TO A DEPTH OF 6 INCHES. 6. ALL SOD AREAS, BED AREAS, AND LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL BE FINE GRADED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF NEW PLANT MATERIAL. ROCKS, WOOD, AND ANY MATERIAL LARGER THAN 1" IN DIAMETER SHALL BE REMOVED FROM ALL PLANTING AREAS PRIOR TO SODDING AND PLANTING NEW MATERIALS. 7. EXISTING TURF, SHRUBS, TREES, AND PLANT MATERIAL TO BE REMOVED SHALL BE FULLY REMOVED FROM THE SITE, INCLUDING ALL ROOTS. 8. ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS SHALL BE WATERED BY A FULLY AUTOMATIC UNDERGROUND IRRIGATION SYSTEM. 9. SOD AREAS SHALL BE ZONED SEPARATELY THAN BEDS, AND SHALL BE IRRIGATED VIA POP-UP SPRAY HEADS PROVIDING FULL (HEAD TO HEAD) COVERAGE. HEADS SHALL BE COMMERCIAL GRADE WITH REPLACEABLE NOZZLES, PRESSURE REGULATORS, AND CHECK VALVES. 10. BED AREAS SHALL BE ZONED SEPARATELY THAN SOD AREAS, AND SHALL BE IRRIGATED BY INDIVIDUAL DRIP EMITTERS TO EACH PLANT. DRIP COMPONENTS SHALL BE COMMERCIAL GRADE RAIN -BIRD OR EQUAL POINT SOURCE EMITTERS, WITH ALL PLANTS RECEIVING IRRIGATION. PLANT MATERIAL NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS 1. NO SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT APPROVAL FROM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. VARIETIES HAVE BEEN CHOSEN FOR THEIR SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS. 2. CONTACT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, OR OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO TAGGING PLANT MATERIALS FOR THE PROJECT, TO CONFIRM WHETHER OR NOT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT WANTS TO BE PRESENT TO SELECT ANY OF THE PLANT MATERIAL FOR THE PROJECT. 3. REQUIREMENTS FOR MEASUREMENTS, GRADING, BRANCHING, QUALITY, AND THE BALLING AND BURLAPPING OF PLANTS LISTED IN THE PLANT LIST SHALL FOLLOW THE CURRENT ISSUE OF AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK ISSUED BY THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN, INC. (ANSI -Z 60.1 , OR MOST CURRENT PUBLICATION). 4. PLANTS SHALL MEET OR EXCEED THE MEASUREMENTS SPECIFIED IN THE PLANT LIST, WHICH ARE MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE SIZES. 5. ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO INSPECTION AND APPROVAL. THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT WORK AND MATERIALS THAT THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FEELS DO NOT MEET THESE SPECIFICATIONS, PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE. 6. PLANTS ARE TO BE PROTECTED FROM WEATHER AND SUN WHEN BEING STORED AT THE SITE. KEEP ROOTS MOIST AT ALL TIMES. 7. EACH PLANT SHALL BE IDENTIFIED BY MEANS OF A GROWERS LABEL AFFIXED TO THE PLANT. REMOVE ALL LABELS AFTER PLANTING AND MAKE LABELS AVAILABLE TO THE OWNER OR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 8. FOR BALLED AND BURLAPPED TREES AND SHRUBS, REMOVE BURLAP FROM THE TOP AND SIDES OF THE ROOT BALL, BUT NOT THE BOTTOM, AFTER SETTING THE ROOT BALL IN THE HOLE. A MINIMUM OF 3/4 OF THE WIRE BASKET AND SURPLUS NYLON OR BINDING SHALL BE COMPLETELY REMOVED. f ` � i C0�04_�D0, 8� KNOW wx►rs BELOW. CALL BEFORE T"" DIG. PLANTING DETAIL FOR ALL TREES & B&B SHRUBS DO NOT CUT LEADER N.T.S. PRUNE IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO PLANTING USE NYLON TREE STRAPS AT END OF WIRE (EVERGREEN TREES ONLY) 24" LENGTH BY 3/4 DIA. P.V.C. MARKERS (TYP.) OVER WIRES 12 GAUGE GALVANIZED WIRE USE 3 GUY ASSEMBLIES FOR EVERGREENS, AND TREES OVER 3" CALIPER 24" LENGTH BY 3/4 DIA. P.V.C. MARKERS (TYP.) OVER WIRES 3" DEPTH SPECIFIED MULCH. PULL MULCH AWAY FROM TRUNK. MULCH TO 6" OUTSIDE OF STAKES. (PROVIDE 24" RADIUS WOOD MULCH RING WHEN PLANTING IN NATIVE GRASS AREAS) TOP OF ROOT FLARE SHALL BE 3" ABOVE GRADE OUTSIDE OF PIT. TREATED WOOD POST WITH GROMMETED NYLON STRAPS. USE TWO GUY WIRES ES: ISTALL WATERING SAUCER IN NATIVE AREAS. )NSTRUCT 6" HEIGHT WATERING RING FOR INITIAL 1/2(X) (X) 1/2(X) WATERING. REMOVE IN SOD AREAS PRIOR TO MULCHING. 3. AFTER SEPTEMBER 1ST, INSTALL 4" TREE TAPE ON DECIDUOUS TREES FROM 6" OFF THE GROUND TO THE FIRST BRANCH. REMOVE PROMPTLY IN SPRING. 4. COMPLETELY REMOVE WIRE BASKET, ALL TWINE & PLASTIC. REMOVE BURLAP OFF TOP 2/3 OF BALL. 5. FILL PLANT PIT WITH 1/2 SPECIFIED SOIL MIX AND 1/2 PIT SOIL. PLANTING DETAIL FOR SHRUBS, AND ALL CONTAINER PLANTS LARGER THAN 1 GALLON N.T.S. SET TOP OF ROOT BALL 1" HIGHER THAN THE FINISHED BED GRADE SPECIFIED MULCH- CAREFULLY TUCK MULCH AROUND EACH PLANT (PROVIDE 12" RADIUS WOOD MULCH RING WHEN PLANTING IN NATIVE GRASS AREAS) III . � .•. . <Y.:F. LOOSEN SIDES OF PLANT PIT, AND WATER THE FILL IN WELL TO ELIMINATE LARGE AIR POCKETS NOTES: 1. PRUNE ALL DEAD OR DAMAGED BRANCHES PRIOR TO, AND AFTER PLANTING. 2. CRUMBLING OR BROKEN ROOT BALLS WILL BE REJECTED. 3. DIG PLANT PIT TWICE AS WIDE AND HIGH AS CONTAINER. 4. TAKE CARE NOT TO DAMAGE ROOT BALL WHEN REMOVING THE PLANT FROM IT'S CONTAINER. 5. FOR ALL PLANTS IDENTIFIED WITH WATER USE OF "LOW" OR "VERY LOW" ON THE PLANT LIST, KEEP WOOD MULCH 2" BACK FROM TRUNK OR STEM. 6. FILL PLANT PIT WITH 1/2 SPECIFIED SOIL MIX AND 1/2 PIT SOIL. 7. SCORE ROOT BOUND ROOT BALLS TO FREE UP ROOTS. PLANTING DETAIL FOR PERENNIALS, ANNUALS, & ALL CONTAINER PLANTS 1 GALLON OR SMALLER N.T.S. 111-t Ile O.C. SPACING 2-1/4" OR 4" SIZE PLANT MATERIAL AS SPECIFIED ON THE PLANT LIST SPECIFIED MULCH- CAREFULLY TUCK MULCH AROUND EACH PLANT TO PREVENT THE SMALL PLANTS FROM DRYING OUT (PROVIDE 8" RADIUS WOOD MULCH RING WHEN PLANTING IN NATIVE GRASS AREAS) PLANTING BED SOIL- AMENDED PER SPECIFICATIONS UNLESS A FORMAL PATTERN IS CALLED FOR, PLACE OO O PLANTS AROUND THE PERIMETER OF THE PLANTING AREA FIRST, THEN FILL IN THE CENTER RANDOMLY AND AVOID CREATING "ROWS" NOTE: IF INDIVIDUAL PLANT LOCATIONS ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE LANDSCAPE PLAN, SPACE PLANTS AT THE O.C. SPACING SHOWN ON THE LANDSCAPE PLANT LIST PROJECT # UP2110 PROJECT DATE 09/09/2021 DESIGNER CLS REVIEWER MGC 00 N C\1n00 i n i OUTDOOR —DESIGN GROUP-- WWW.C7DGDESIGN.COM OuTDooR DEsiGN GRour, INC. 5690 WEBSTER STREET ARVADA, CO 80002 (303) 493-4811 �I 11, o W04 N W 0404 N LLI 00 N C\1n00 N aw 1 N V a cp LO Jj Q o 00 0 N z� > O U ~ w Q J cfl o (D 0 q- C) Z N i w 4 Q ZZ Z 0 � > W J o U) W �I 11, o W04 N 04 N 0404 N Q 00 N M N N 0 0 0 Z 0 U) W^ Q J Q J J Z 0 m U) U) U) w U) z z� ow o C=) 0 0 0 0 LU � z LANDSCAPE COVER SHEET & PLANT LIST 5 0 F 8 RIDGETOP VILLAGE A PLANNED BUILDING GROUP IN WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO LANDSCAPE PLAN LANDSCAPE LEGEND START OF 42" FENCE 3-RMM 1-SKC ROCK MULCH 5-RUS SIDEWALK PROPERTY LINE 1 -SSL 42" FENCE SIDEWALK SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE 42" FENCE 1-SKC ROCK MULCH - 1 -SSL 5-RGB START OF 42" FENCE - STREET LIGHT BIKE RACK - 5-DKS 1-SKC 3 -HMS SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE 1 -SSL ROCK MULCH SIDEWALK ROCK MULCH 42" FENCE 5-RGB 1-SKC 3-VMG START OF 42 FENCE SITE AREA CALCULATIONS DESCRIPTION REQ. PROVIDED LOT SIZE 7 80,029 SF MINIMUM OPEN SPACE (30%) 24,009 SF (34%) 27,553 SF TOTAL SOD AREA (60% MAX) 16,703 SF (6-39%) 1,738 - 10,939 SF* PUBLIC N/A (11%) 9,151 SF - SOD N/A (19%) 1,738 SF - LANDSCAPE BED N/A (81%) 7,413 SF -USEABLE** N/A (30%) 2,869 SF PRIVATE N/A (23%) 18,402 SF -SOD N/A (50% MAX) 9,201 SF MAX NOTES: * TOTAL SOD AREA DEPENDS UPON FINAL PRIVATE BACK YARD SOD AREAS. AREA IS LISTED AS A RANGE WITH THE TOTAL POSSIBLE SOD AREA AT 40% OF TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA. * * USEABLE AREA INCLUDES COMMUNITY GARDEN AREA AND SOD AREAS. - PRIVATE YARD SHRUB LOCATIONS AND SPECIES T.B.D. AND FIELD VERIFIED BY INSPECTOR. A r'\ I A /1CA IT Mr7C%11-1CA IT 4 r Ilk l r_ rlt/_1rl n arc+ 1 -PIN ADJACENT RESIDENT STREETSCAPE CALCULATIONS DESCRIPTION REQ. PROVIDED UPHAM STREET - 199 LF (199 LF / 30) x 1 TREE 7 7 TREES r,��li n nl ll �l l -f- 1 -EAR PROPERTY LINE i 1 -ABP Im 1 1 -SCP 1 -CS M 40 PROPERTY LINE ri1 -ABP m N O eA s TOTAL LANDSCAPING CALCULATIONS 0 00 00 °�oo0 0 DECIDUOUS SHADE TREES ORNAMENTAL TREES EVERGREEN TREES DECIDUOUS SHRUBS EVERGREEN SHRUBS ORNAMENTAL GRASSES LARGE PERENNIALS 41 COMMUNITY GARDEN FENCE 10 0 10' 20' 40' SCALE:1 "=20' DESCRIPTION REQ. MINIMUM PROVIDED TREE (24,009 / 1,000) x 1 24 TREES 38 TREES SHRUBS (24,009 / 1,000) x 10 240 SHRUBS 240 SHRUBS co 04 PUBLIC 174 SHRUBS *PRIVATE 66 SHRUBS (MIN. 3 / BACK YARD) NOTE: * PRIVATE YARD SHRUB LOCATIONS AND SPECIES TO BE WITHIN PRIVATE BACK YARDS AND DETERMINED UPON INSTALLATION. INSPECTOR TO VERIFY A MINIMUM OF 3 SHRUBS PER BACK YARD FOR A TOTAL OF 66 SHRUBS. 8' MAX oC es` 1C)AA 0 , 8� KNOWs BELOW. CALL BEFORE Tall DIG. (SEE SHEET 5 FOR FULL PLANT LIST) ` SOD PRIVATE YARD LANDSCAPE 6' WOOD PRIVACY FENCE 42" FRONT YARD FENCE 4' WOOD COMMUNITY GARDEN FENCE N.T.S. GALVANIZED SPRING LOADED HINGES 2"X6" CEDAR RAILS WIRE MESH 3" GALVANIZED DECK SCREWS BEVEL TOP OF CONCRETE AWAY FROM POST CONCRETE fl MPA CO TED C VIII o o' III o 0 - SUBGRADE 4" DEPTH COMPACTED GRAVEL WOODEN PRIVACY FENCE N.T.S. ARVAR CEDAR POST 'CEDAR ETS "CEDAR NGERS W TETE TH kCTED GRAVEL PROJECT # UP2110 PROJECT DATE 09/09/2021 DESIGNER CLS REVIEWER MGC co 04 co 04 OUTDOOR --DESIGN GROUP-- WWW.ODGDESIGN.COM OuTDooR DEsiGN GRouP, INC. 5690 WEBSTER STREET ARVADA, CO 80002 (303) 493-4811 W CN CD N W 04 CD N L00 co 04 co 04 N awn 0 (D V a r p Lo (D J Q o 0 0 zO~ �j 0 � p J cfl o CD Q Q N i p W "IT Q z V = Lu 0 z p C W (n J o U) W C) W CN CD N 04 CD N 04 CD N Q co 04 co 04 N 0 0 m 0 r z 0 U) W D J J J � ~ z m m 0 m � � U) U) W w z 12� N M zlo� O_w U) co 5; o 0CD o 0 0 04 0 W =) Z LANDSCAPE PLAN 60F8 I +0 . o +0 . o +0 . o i +o . o +e1 +11.0 RIDGETOP VILLAGE A PLANNED BUILDING GROUP IN WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO .0 *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o , +o . 0 +0.0 +0.0 +0 I +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 11• t +0.0 +0.0 `6'00 `0.0 +011 0 +d .0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 1+0.0 +0 b I +0!. 0 I +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 I+0.0 +01 01.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 1+0.0 �II +0l 0 I +o!. 0 I +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 1+0.0 +01 +01.0 � 0 ��Lu V 0- - A j +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 I +0.0 +01.1 +OI. 1 120 O w ELEVATIONS) QLL] +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +4) +oj.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 I +0.1 +0 i. I +0 3 +0.0 +0.0 +0.1 1 +00+01.1 +0 8 +0.0 +0.0 +0.1 +0.2 I� +01.4 I +0I 7 c:) ~ P.PO I POLE: 4" SSS BLACK I I +0.0 +0.0 +0.1 +0.1 +0I. +0 14 U) I 1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 I+0 . 1 +OI. +0 j 1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 . +o .0 I +ol i +0,0 I +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 0 . o I +OI. +010 cf) M GE j +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 .0 +01. +o J o I +o. 0 1 20' CITY -STANDARD STREETLIGHT - W/SMALL ELECTRIC PULL -BOX. FIXTURE SPECIFICATIONS REPRESENTTHE ENGINEER'S UNDERSTANDING OF THE REQUIRED FIXTURES. FIXTURE SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED IN WRITING BY OWNER OR OWNER'S 1 COORDINATE W/PUBLIC WORKS +o. o FOR PLACEMENT OF ELECTRIC PROVIDE COMPLETE LUMINAIRES INCLUDING LAMP(S) ANDALLSOCKETS, BALLASTS, DRIVERS, REFLECTORS, LENSES, HOUSINGS AND OTHER COMPONENTS REQUIREDTO POSITION, ENERGIZEAND METER. 0 0 0 0 PROTECTTHE LAMP AND DISTRIBUTETHE LIGHT. +0.0 +0.0 +0. c 0.o +Oi +0 i 0 +0.0 +0.0 +0. 0 0.o +OI I 0 +0 .j 0 j +0.0 +0.0 +0. o o . o +01 +0 .j 1 j +0.0 +0.0 +0 . 0 0 . 1 +OI I +0 .!3 1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.1 0 . 2 1 +CI I +0..16 +0.0 +0.0 +0.1 0 +1 I +0 18 I +0.0 +0.0 +0.1 0. 2 +I I I +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 a . 0 +d . j +0.11 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 0 .0 II +C1. j +0.11 + 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0 +I O. +0 io . I +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 .0 +01. +0.10 + 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0 +II OI. +1 O. PPo +0.0 +o . o +0.0 ).0 +ol. +0 . p +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 ).o I +01. II +0. +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 0 +0I +0 . hl RIDGETOP VILLAGE A PLANNED BUILDING GROUP IN WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO .0 *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o *0. o , +o . 0 +0.0 +0.0 +0 I +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 ® � 0.0 x +0.0 +o\ +0 . o Lx +0.0 +0 . o +0 . o +0.0 +0 . o +0 . o +0.0 +0 . o +0 . o +0.0 +0 . o +0 . o +0.0 +0 . o +0 . o +0.0 +0 . o +0 . o +0.0 +0 . o +0 . o +0.0 I+o . o +0 . o +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 *0. o *0. o +0.0 x x Lx x xx .0 x .0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +o.o ^+o.o o o oo o.o o.o o.o + +o.o +o."_I. a `a ..o _+o.o +o.o +o.o +o.o Il+o.o +o.o +o.o +o .lo +o.o +o.o +o.o +o.o +0 +0 0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 • II +0.0 +0 P 0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 II +0.0 +0 p 0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 0 +0 H 0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0 ` 0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 0 0 +0 I.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +010 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 .0 +0 ,,II 0 +0. 0 G +0. 0 +0.0 n u 0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0 0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0 110 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0 0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 1 +0 . 0 +0 10 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 tl�0 .110 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 � . o _ +0 .I 0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +012 +o.o +o.o +o.o +o.o +0 f +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 1.5 +0.115 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.1 +01 +0.0+0.0 +0.0 +0.0 -x- +0.0 +01 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 0 +0 t +0. 0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 . 0 0 +0.0 ---- 0 . ----- 0 . 0 -- ' 0 . 0 0 0 0 . --- 0 2 0 2 + +0 . 1 +0 . 1 + 0 +0�0 - +0 . 0 +0 . 0 BYO . 0 0 • +0 . +0 . 0 +0 . 0 +0.0 +0.0 0 0. 0 0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 +0:,o 0.0 0.0 0.1 .1 0.1 0 1 0.0 0.0 0. .0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0_0_ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 + + + + + ++0+ + x+n n ,Q_ o.o x o.o x .o �.o o.x x .oq� + + + + o.o 0 0.0 0.0 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .01 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 - x x x x x x x x x P'O + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o. o.o o.o o.o o.o + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + x + + + + 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 R 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 J. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.� 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 N PHOTOMETRIC PLAN TYPE "B" FIXTURES SCALE: 1 " = 30'-0" LIGHT POLE PER LIGHT FIXTURE SCHEDULE ANCHOR BOLTS PER POLE MANUFACTURER'S REQUIREMENTS WITH LEVELING NUTS ABOVE & BELOW BASE PLATE 3" x 5" HAND HOLE BOLT COVER PLATE 2.I6" +_In 2-6 lo rN CONCRETE BASE & Qae /\\/ REINFORCING STEEL/,//\ p : I a \//\ lo #6 CU WITH 20' COIL BELOW POLE BASE FINISHED GRADE PVC CONDUIT (1" MIN) BACKFILL, CONCRETE, REINFORCING STEEL, AND ANCHOR BOLTS ARE SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER TO PROVIDE STRUCTURAL DESIGN FOR POLE BASE. POLE BASE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION dc L rc-,6LORAD-0, KNOW WHAT'S BELOW. CALL BEFORE Y OU + + + +0 +1 +'+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1+ + + +0 + + + + 0.0 0.0 0.0 i.0 01 0 Ct.O .0 0.0 MB,,4,�,0 0.0 0.0 ® 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 � 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 j LJ ® X x # *0 + �p :+ +I +' +0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + .0 0.0 0� 0.0 0 o d.o o .0 0.0 Lx�j 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 oX 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 j x x _x.__ x x _x_ x x + + +0!. + " + ^ +-rpt + + + + + + + o.o o.o o.o o.o of o 0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0:e�,ha-�.-0..o x_ o.a_a.,a -�.a-a.X�+a.a a.a a.a a.a a.a a.a a.a a.a + + + + +1 +� + + + + + + 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 OI 01.0 0. 0.1 0.4 0. 0 0.1 0.4 .3 .1 0.0 .0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 II� I ° • II *0 +1 + .0 0.0 0.0 10.0 010 0,.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 .6 0.8 .1 0.5 9 1.1 .1 0.5 1.0 0.1 0.4 0 .5 .3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0_4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0i0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Li 1 + i +0 + i + + ' + +0 i + + i i + + i +I +i + +0 i 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 01. 01.0 Q 0.0 0.� I .01 10.3 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.3 1.0 OH3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 OLI 01.1 0.1 .3 i 1.2 .1 _ 1. 6 1. :1.1 G Q.6 0.8 j .3 0 7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 I o.0 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 0. 01.1 .2 I / �/ .3 2.4 .4 2� d1.2 0a8 1.3 d 0.8 0`3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.1 +I +I + - + i + t + + + + + I +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 + 1 OI. 0 3 ____- __--- __ 2. 4 2. 0 +. 7 +. 1 0. 6 1. 0 0. 1 0 0 0. 0 1 ----- --rt---- ---- - AQ -- �' d i 17 B. a' p d \ a + + + + +II +0' +' + +2' +2 + +2 ' +2 +2 + + + + +1 +1 + +1 + +2 +' '+ + + +0 + + + + dd p 0.0 0.0 0.1 1 0� OI. �8 G 2.0 �.5 2.61 .5' .1.4 2.6 .0 Q2.7 . A' . 2.•6 d2 .a 2.� 2.5 d � Q8 1.6 .7 1.8�.Q .0 .\5Q '.0.9 1.Op 10.8 43 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 d Mo *0 + + + + + II '+1.. + + *1 +1 + t2.. +2'. ' p' +2 +1,d + + +1 +' + + d + p+ + + + + 0.0 0.0 Pp0.1 0.2 01.4 0 7 .8 1.. 9. 1<9 . 1:,9 �.5 1.5<1 1.4 a1.7 2..0 2.0 2.0 149 1.8p 1.5 1.'1-+0.9, 0.9 1.2 1.6 2.-3 2.2 "1 9 .� 0.9 4 0 7 0.0 0.0 0.0 I I I p p d d Q. .. p 4. p° c 4, B +' t \ 0. 0 +0.0 +0.1 +0.1 1 + 0 + + +1.4 0 14 p 9 - -- -- 5--- ---- '2'. 1--- 4---- 2 1. 2- 9 2 6 1. 9 + 2-- •---- 1. 0• + +0.0 0 3 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 u Ll 4. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 OI. 011 .2 0.8 / 0.3 .7 2. p 242 1.8 1.1p 0.7 .7-'uT"-u.0 0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 ° F I --- ---- i 4• +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0 . 0 +al +0 0 +0 . 0 - - +C. . 0 +0 . +0 . ° +1.3 +1 2' +1 . 1 d+0 . I 8 +0 . 5 +0 1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 + + + + 1 +0 + -r--- +C + + 40' I + + +0112 + + + + 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 OI. 0 0.0 O.Cf ;0� .7 1 a 14 3 0. �3 1 1.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1llwllllD a tli +0.0 + + + I + ' + + + + I +1.4 p' +0 6 +2 , 1 +0 . 6 +0 1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 0.0 0.0 .0 01. 0 J o 0 0 0.0 --- ----- o --- �---- 1.9 0 7 2 12.1 1 I PULL -BOX •+0.7 • •+0) • ' Bap I +o. 0 20' CITY -STANDARD STREETLIGHT +0.0 +0 . o +0.5 +i 6 +0 7 +0 + 5 + +0 + +1 4 +0 + + + 2.1 �. 5 +0 .'5a +1': 5 I +0.1 +0110 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 W/SMALL ELECTRIC PULL -BOX. COORDINATE W/PUBLIC WORKS 1 . • • n n I I +o . o FOR PLACEMENT OF ELECTRIC +o . o +o . +o . 7 + +i . 0 1 +o . 5 + 1 + . 4 + . 2 +o . 4 + + . 7 +0 2 +0.5 + . 5 +cJ LTJ °° + . a7 2..1 : * . 4 +o . `2 1 +0.4 +0 . o +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 METER. • I ---- --- ---- --- n p :I WWI I+010+ + • ' + b +1 + t + + +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 + +0.0 +0.0 +0 . 1 I �0-0 +011 d 0 . 0 +0 . I+. 0 11 I 1 �1 0� d. 6� 11 7 1. 5' . �O . 2 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0 . o o . o +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 0.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.1 0.2 +0.0 +0.0 +0.1 0 o +0.0 +0.0 +0.1 +0 . ® 0.2 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 + 7 +0 . .0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 .0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 .0 PPO +0.0 LUMENS +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 T.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 rII I� 2' .II ).o +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 t .0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 t. � +0 .I 0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.5+0.2 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 • IIIh +0 +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 1.5 +0.115 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.2 +0 . [ *k +0 . ® +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 ii +0 .4 +0. 12 0.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 + 7 +0 . +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +2.1 +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 LUMENS VOLTAGE Q rII I� 2' .II +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 0 0. 0 0. 1.1 0.5 0.1 0.3 1.0 0.6 0.3 0.9 0.6 0 1 0.2 0.8 0.7 .2 0.1 0 1 0.1 0.0 0. 0 0.1 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0. D 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + x 0 0 .� 0.1 x 1 xo.o Q,.o o.1 0 0.1 0.1 0 0 0.1 .1 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0. o.o 0 0.0 0.0 x x x x x x- x x x P'O x + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o. o.o o.o o.o o.o + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + x + + + + 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 R 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.� 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 N 2 PHOTOMETRIC PLAN TYPE "A" & "B" FIXTURES SCALE: 1" = 30'-0" LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE KAZIN & ASSOCIATES, INC DESCRIPTION OF LUMINAIRE BASIS OF DESIGN DESIGNER BEK REVIEWER MOUNTING ti T_ DESIGN 0 ID DESCRIPTION FINISH Ooh O MANUFACTURER MODEL NUMER OR SERIES Iq O LUMENS VOLTAGE Q INFORMATION J Q LOAD (VA) o CN z_ _ > O U -8- AFF (PER ARCH J � 0 ��Lu V 0- - A EXTERIOR LED SCONCE BLACK 0 BASELITE OR EQUAL W514 -BLACK -BI -BLACK -12W LED -3K -BLACK 12W 1,000 120 O w ELEVATIONS) QLL] Z Lu Z(.9 U - CN= 0 Z 16' AFG (2.5' o HEAD: DSXO-P2-30K-T3M-MVOLT-SPA- LLl B POLE MOUNTED AREA LIGHT BLACK CONCRETE BASE, 13.5' LITHONIA OR EQUAL PHOTOCELL-HS-DBLXD 49.0 5,500 240 c:) ~ POLE) POLE: 4" SSS BLACK 0 m m m 20' POLE ON U) MOUNTAIN STATES & a m m C LED STREET LIGHT- CITY STANDARD BLACK CONCRETE BASE - CITY a ERL1-0-04-B3-30-A-BLCK-L 22.0 4,000 120-240 cf) M GE N CIO STANDARD GENERAL LIGHTING NOTES FIXTURE SPECIFICATIONS REPRESENTTHE ENGINEER'S UNDERSTANDING OF THE REQUIRED FIXTURES. FIXTURE SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED IN WRITING BY OWNER OR OWNER'S 1 REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO ORDERING FIXTURES. NOTIFY ELECTRICAL ENGINEER OF ANY FIXTURE CHANGES PRIOR TO PURCHASING FIXTURES. 2 PROVIDED HANGERS, ADAPTERS, INSTALLATION KITS, PARTS AND PIECES TO INSTALLTHE SPECIFIED FIXTURE IN THE LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THE PLAN. PROVIDE COMPLETE LUMINAIRES INCLUDING LAMP(S) ANDALLSOCKETS, BALLASTS, DRIVERS, REFLECTORS, LENSES, HOUSINGS AND OTHER COMPONENTS REQUIREDTO POSITION, ENERGIZEAND 3 0 0 0 0 PROTECTTHE LAMP AND DISTRIBUTETHE LIGHT. UNLESS SPECIFICALLY INDICATEDTO BE EXCLUDED, PROVIDE ALL REQUIRED CONDUIT, BOXES, WIRING, CONNECTORS, HARDWARE, SUPPORTS, TRIMS, ACCESSORIES, ETC. AS NECESSARY FORA 4 COMPLETE OPERATING SYSTEM. SITE ILLUMINANCE (A & B) AVERAGE = 1.2 FC MAXIMUM = 5.7 FC MINIMUM = 0.0 FC AVG/MIN RATIO = N.A. MAX/MIN RATIO = N.A. DRIVE ILLUMINANCE (A & B) AVERAGE = 1.7 FC MAXIMUM = 3.4 FC MINIMUM = 0.3 FC AVG/MIN RATIO = 5.7 MAX/MIN RATIO = 11.3 DRIVE ILLUMINANCE (B ONLY) AVERAGE = 1.4 FC MAXIMUM = 3.4 FC MINIMUM = 0.1 FC AVG/MIN RATIO = 13.9 MAX/MIN RATIO = 34.0 PROJECT # KZN21182 PROJECT DATE 7/27/2021 DESIGNER BEK REVIEWER BEK ti T_ KA I N & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS 9364 TEDDY LANE, SUITE 101 LONE TREE, CO 80124 (720) 489-1609 Lu 04 o N W 'r. - 04 N 0) ti T_ p0. 0 °1 ti O Ooh O (y) (y) Iq O ♦ ^� V Q Q J Q 00 o CN z_ _ > O U w J � 0 ��Lu V 0- - 0 0 Z Q MD W O w QLL] Z Lu Z(.9 U - CN= 0 Z C o U) LLl J J O J W c:) ~ Lu 04 o N 0 0 N 'r. - 04 N ti T_ N ti O Ooh O Z O U U) Lu o J J J Z ~ 0 m m m U) a m m UJ a a cf) M N CIO O� W U i 0 o 0 0 0 0 W Z PHOTOMETRIC PLAN 7OF8 PG1118H551J \ C� t RIDGETOP VILLAGE A PLANNED BUILDING GROUP IN WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO r3/8-7 X 3 [76] LONG S.S. HEX HEAD AUGER BOLT 2 PLACES - 03/8 [10] S.S. PFLAT WASHER kT�EEST 2 PLACES UAZITE LOGO 1 1/2 POINT [038] PLACES GROUND 01 3/8 [35] X 1/16 [2] GROUND LAB DEEP RECESS 3 PLACES f DIRECTIONAL LA L LABEL DETAIL SCALE HALF ;ELF ALIGNING, ,CEABLE S.S. EZ -NUT ;ES CUSTOMER APPROVAL APPROVED BY: NOTES: DATE: 1. CUSTOMER IS CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. LOGO TO BE SPECIFIED: 2. THIS ASSEMBLY IS RATED FOR A STATIC DESIGN LOAD OF 22,500 LBS. [100,080 N] OVER A 10 [254] X 20 [508] AREA AND MUST PASS A MIN. STATIC TEST LOAD OF 33,750 LBS. [150,120 N]. 3. ELECTRONIC MARKER SYSTEM FREQUENCY 101.4kHz. 4. LID TO BE SECURED WITH 12 GAUGE WIRE. 67/ LC JD" 04/m/15 g0� S N.T.S. QUAZITE• it X 18 X 12 BOX & COVER ASSWLY A R/ (3) TEST PODO & (2) PULL SLATS i/u 109298 1 i PG1118Z545 A 41 DETAIL City of LG -B03 STREET LIGHT PULL BOX "�9r Wh6atRiLd a CODE STREET LIGHT PULL BOX DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LG ENGINEERING DIVISION APPROVED BY: SN APPROVE DATE 10/2016 BASELITI © Coy x -y I1QN ) PROJECT TYPE: MODEL # / / % / / / / f / A B C D E F G H I J K _ SQ 41W 31K 1 UM1?-0 PR3 NOTES: WAREHOUSE W508 - 12WLED (MAX) W512 - 12WLED (MAX) W514 - 12WLED (MAX) W516 - 12WLED (MAX) W516X - 45WLED (MAX) W518 - 75WLED (MAX) W520 - 75WLED (MAX) W524 - 100WLED (MAX) W527 - 10OWLED (MAX) W5167 - 45WLED (MAX) WC514 - 12WLED (MAX) W5206 - 75WLED (MAX) (SEE WEBSITE FOR SWATCH COLORS) BLACK (*SEE NOTES FOR LIMITATIONS*) 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 19P, 20,20P, 20PB, 20SB, 21, 21P, 22, 22P, 23, 23P, 38, 39, 40, 41, 41.5, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, MG. Y2" ARM EXTENSIONS E1, E2, E3, E4, B1, E16, E17, E18 ARM EXTENSIONS E3A, E4A, E5, E6, E7, E8, E9, E10, E11, E12, E13, B15, B15S, E19, E20, E21, E25 E14 - CREATE YOUR OWN (BASELITE WILL TAKE YOUR SKETCH AND FABRICATE A CUSTOM ARM EXTENSION TO MEET YOUR NEEDS). Y22" WALL MOUNT B13, WIVI WM13X, B10, B11, 8101 %" WALL MOUNT B9, 39C, B12, WM10, WM11, WM14X, WM15, WM35X, WM55X, WM60X, WM61X WM70X WM71X LED CORD MOUNT LBLC, LWHC, LTCB, LTCW, LTCHB, LTCHW, LTLB, LTLW, LTLB, LTLW, LRCB, LRCW, LRCHB, LRCHW, LFHB, LFHW, LHBLC, LHWHC, LCBLC, LCWHC LED ADD-ONS LWTM, LSLC, LSTC UNIVERSAL ADD-ONS SO Y2", SQ %", FH Y2", FH '/a", TRB Y22", TRB %", SWL, LGSWL, CNK, INB, RINB SEE SECTION "B" FOR COLOR OPTIONS. (SEE PAGE 4 FOR WATTAGE LIMITATIONS) LIGHT EMITTED DIODE (LED) 12W, 25W, 45W, 75W, 10OW 27K - 2700 K 3K - 3000 K 35K - 3500 K 4K - 4000 K 5K -5000K (SEE PAGE 4 FOR DIMMING OPTION SPECIFICATIONS) LDM120 LDM277 LDMO-10 CL3, CL4, CLT3, CLT4, BL3, BL4, RE3, RE4, GR3, GR4, AH3, AH4, FR3, FR4, FRT3, FRT4, PR3, PR4, BA, BAX, BAF, PR8, PR8F, FN, OC GR8, GR12, GR14, GR16, GR18, GR20, GR24, GR27, REF, UGR, LGR8, LGR12, LGR14, LGR16, LGR18, LGR20, LGR24, LGR27, CRL8, CRI -12, CRL14, CRL16, CRL18, CRL20, CRL24, CRL27, FLE12, FLE14, FLE16, FLE18, FLE20, FLE24, FLE27, FGR8, FGR12, FGR14, FGR16, FGR18, FGR20, FGR24, FGR27, GU -1, GU -2, WG -1, WG -2 SEE SECTION "B" FOR COLOR OPTIONS. (1). FINISH OPTIONS 75,76, 77, 83, 84, 88, 93 AND 98 ARE APPLIED BY HAND. THESE FINISHES WILL VARY IN CONSISTENCY. (2). FINISH OPTIONS 38, 39, 40, 49, 54, 57, 58, 61, 62, 63, 70, 71, 72, 73, 78, 83, 84, 88, 92, 93, 98 ONLY AVAILABLE INSIDE AND OUT OF FIXTURE. OTHER FINISHES ARE WHITE INSIDE. (3). FINISH OPTIONS FOR SHADES 5 10" IN DIAMETER ARE THE SAME INSIDE AND OUT OF FIXTURE. SHADES > 10" IN DIAMETER ARE WHITE ON THE INSIDE. (4). FINISH OPTIONS 61, 62, 70, 71, 72, 73 ARE FINISHED WITH A SUPERCHROME ON THE INSIDE FOR ALL LED LIGHT SOURCE OPTIONS. (5). COLOR CORDS ARE NOT APPLICABLE FOR LED OPTIONS. *ALL ARMS COME WITH A CAST BACKPLATE (CB1/2", CB3/4", LWTM, CFWTM, ECT.). *ACCORDING TO THE LIGHT SOURCE THE BACKPLATE MAY VARY IN SIZE. (EXAMPLE: LED LIGHT SOURCE WILL HAVE A DEEPER BACKPLATE TO HOUSE THE DRIVER.). *ALL FIXTURES MOUNT TO A 4-0 JUNCTION BOX. *FIXTURE DIMENSIONS MAY VARY ± 0.25. W508 H-6" W-8" W512 H-8" W-12" W514 H-9" W516 H-9" W-16" W516X H-9" W-16" W518 H-9" W-18" W520 H-10" W-20" )E, H W W524 H-16" W-24" STEM MOUNT ST6, ST12, ST18, ST24, ST36, ST48, STXX H W W5167 H-7.5" W-16" BASEL ITE CORPORATION 12260 EAST END AVE. CHINO, CA 91710 PH: 877-999-1990 FAX: 909-548-4774 EMAIL: SALESna.BASELITE.COM WEBSITE:WWW.BASELITE.COM . . TYPE' A NOT TO SCALE CORPORATION - *ARMS RATED FOR WET LOCATION * MAXIMUM SECTIONS OF ARMS ARE DIMENSIONED U�� E1 8.5"(H) 18.5"(W) E2 18.5"(H) 35"(W) E3 16"(H) 24.75"(W) /E4 14.5"(H) 22.25"(W) 61 4"(H) 12"(W) kk-T � E16 4.75"(H) 8.5"(W) E17 4.75"(H) 9.5"(W) E18 4.75"(H) 12"(W) E26 12"(H) 14.75"(W) *ARMS RATED FOR WET LOCATION * MAXIMUM SECTIONS OF ARMS ARE DIMENSIONED E4A 14.5"(H) 23.75"(W) E5 15"(H) 38.5"(W) E6 9"(H) 23.75' (W) E9 41.75"(H) 28.125"(W) E3A 16.375""(H) 26.25"(W) E20 85"(H) 27.25"(W) E7 9"(H)49.75"(W) E8 12"(H) 31.25"(W) E12 6(H) 39"(W) E10 18"(H) 55.75"(W) I �Oo Baselite will take your sketch E13 30.625-(H) 26.75"( SIL II and fabricate a custom arm extension to meet your E11 19"(H) 36.5"(W) E25 32.625"(H) 28.5"(W) ID All arms sold with Cast Backplate (CB E14 TBD" H TBD" W O ( ) B15S 7s"(H) 19s"(w) E21 12.5"(H) 28.5"(W) E19 10.625"(H)11.5"(W) *MOUNTS RATED FOR WET LOCATION * MAXIMUM SECTIONS OF MOUNTS ARE DIMENSIONED B10 6-(H) 12.5"(W) B101 6"(H) 13.5"(W) 1311 6"(H)14.5"(w) B13 6-(H) 16.5-(W) WM13R 12"(H) 9.5"(W) WM13X 12"(H)10.5"(W) *MOUNTS RATED FOR WET LOCATION * MAXIMUM SECTIONS OF MOUNTS ARE DIMENSIONED B12 6"(H) 15.5"(W) 139 5"(H) 18"(W) 69C 5"(H) 18"(W) WM14X 18"(H) 14"(W) WM15 23"(H) 19.5"(w) `CHAIN HEIGHT TBD BY CUSTOMER BASEL ITE CORPORATION 12260 EAST END AVE. CHINO, CA 91710 PH: 877-999-1990 FAX: 909-548-4774 EMAIL: SALESanBASELITE.COM WEBSITE:WWW.BASELITE.COM NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION rc 00LORADO- L KNOW WHAT'S BELOW. CALL BEFORE YOU BIG. Catalog Num D Series Size 0 Number LED Area Luminaire Notes mr I 10%:Z, � TyPe NIGHTTIME ! i r�1 FRIENDLY iC Buy American Introduction Specifications EPA: 0.95 ftz (.09 m2) 26 Length: (66.0 cm) Width: 13" <1C (33.0 cm) Height,: 3,. L (7.62 cm) Ht Height2: 7" HZ (17.8 cm) Weight 161bs (max): (7.25 kg) W The modern styling of the D -Series is striking yet unobtrusive - making a bold, progressive statement even as it blends seamlessly with its environment. The D -Series distills the benefits of the latest in LED technology into a high performance, high efficacy, long -life luminaire. The outstanding photometric performance results in sites with excellent uniformity, greater pole spacing and lower power density. It is ideal for replacing up to 40OW metal halide with typical energy savings of 70% and expected service life of over 100,000 hours. • . L74 1/2 [13] X 2 [51] PULL SLOT DSXO LED W/ 01/4 [6] CENTER PIN PIRH (2 PLACES) COMMUNICATIONS heiight,ambientsensorenabledat5fc1920 LOCATOR Am DSXO LED Forward optics 2X 05/8 [16] THRU HOLE TIS W/ 01 1/4 [32] X 1/2 [13] ® O DEEP COUNTERBORE Shipped included Textured dark bronze CZ PG1118H551J \ C� t RIDGETOP VILLAGE A PLANNED BUILDING GROUP IN WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO r3/8-7 X 3 [76] LONG S.S. HEX HEAD AUGER BOLT 2 PLACES - 03/8 [10] S.S. PFLAT WASHER kT�EEST 2 PLACES UAZITE LOGO 1 1/2 POINT [038] PLACES GROUND 01 3/8 [35] X 1/16 [2] GROUND LAB DEEP RECESS 3 PLACES f DIRECTIONAL LA L LABEL DETAIL SCALE HALF ;ELF ALIGNING, ,CEABLE S.S. EZ -NUT ;ES CUSTOMER APPROVAL APPROVED BY: NOTES: DATE: 1. CUSTOMER IS CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. LOGO TO BE SPECIFIED: 2. THIS ASSEMBLY IS RATED FOR A STATIC DESIGN LOAD OF 22,500 LBS. [100,080 N] OVER A 10 [254] X 20 [508] AREA AND MUST PASS A MIN. STATIC TEST LOAD OF 33,750 LBS. [150,120 N]. 3. ELECTRONIC MARKER SYSTEM FREQUENCY 101.4kHz. 4. LID TO BE SECURED WITH 12 GAUGE WIRE. 67/ LC JD" 04/m/15 g0� S N.T.S. QUAZITE• it X 18 X 12 BOX & COVER ASSWLY A R/ (3) TEST PODO & (2) PULL SLATS i/u 109298 1 i PG1118Z545 A 41 DETAIL City of LG -B03 STREET LIGHT PULL BOX "�9r Wh6atRiLd a CODE STREET LIGHT PULL BOX DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LG ENGINEERING DIVISION APPROVED BY: SN APPROVE DATE 10/2016 BASELITI © Coy x -y I1QN ) PROJECT TYPE: MODEL # / / % / / / / f / A B C D E F G H I J K _ SQ 41W 31K 1 UM1?-0 PR3 NOTES: WAREHOUSE W508 - 12WLED (MAX) W512 - 12WLED (MAX) W514 - 12WLED (MAX) W516 - 12WLED (MAX) W516X - 45WLED (MAX) W518 - 75WLED (MAX) W520 - 75WLED (MAX) W524 - 100WLED (MAX) W527 - 10OWLED (MAX) W5167 - 45WLED (MAX) WC514 - 12WLED (MAX) W5206 - 75WLED (MAX) (SEE WEBSITE FOR SWATCH COLORS) BLACK (*SEE NOTES FOR LIMITATIONS*) 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 19P, 20,20P, 20PB, 20SB, 21, 21P, 22, 22P, 23, 23P, 38, 39, 40, 41, 41.5, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, MG. Y2" ARM EXTENSIONS E1, E2, E3, E4, B1, E16, E17, E18 ARM EXTENSIONS E3A, E4A, E5, E6, E7, E8, E9, E10, E11, E12, E13, B15, B15S, E19, E20, E21, E25 E14 - CREATE YOUR OWN (BASELITE WILL TAKE YOUR SKETCH AND FABRICATE A CUSTOM ARM EXTENSION TO MEET YOUR NEEDS). Y22" WALL MOUNT B13, WIVI WM13X, B10, B11, 8101 %" WALL MOUNT B9, 39C, B12, WM10, WM11, WM14X, WM15, WM35X, WM55X, WM60X, WM61X WM70X WM71X LED CORD MOUNT LBLC, LWHC, LTCB, LTCW, LTCHB, LTCHW, LTLB, LTLW, LTLB, LTLW, LRCB, LRCW, LRCHB, LRCHW, LFHB, LFHW, LHBLC, LHWHC, LCBLC, LCWHC LED ADD-ONS LWTM, LSLC, LSTC UNIVERSAL ADD-ONS SO Y2", SQ %", FH Y2", FH '/a", TRB Y22", TRB %", SWL, LGSWL, CNK, INB, RINB SEE SECTION "B" FOR COLOR OPTIONS. (SEE PAGE 4 FOR WATTAGE LIMITATIONS) LIGHT EMITTED DIODE (LED) 12W, 25W, 45W, 75W, 10OW 27K - 2700 K 3K - 3000 K 35K - 3500 K 4K - 4000 K 5K -5000K (SEE PAGE 4 FOR DIMMING OPTION SPECIFICATIONS) LDM120 LDM277 LDMO-10 CL3, CL4, CLT3, CLT4, BL3, BL4, RE3, RE4, GR3, GR4, AH3, AH4, FR3, FR4, FRT3, FRT4, PR3, PR4, BA, BAX, BAF, PR8, PR8F, FN, OC GR8, GR12, GR14, GR16, GR18, GR20, GR24, GR27, REF, UGR, LGR8, LGR12, LGR14, LGR16, LGR18, LGR20, LGR24, LGR27, CRL8, CRI -12, CRL14, CRL16, CRL18, CRL20, CRL24, CRL27, FLE12, FLE14, FLE16, FLE18, FLE20, FLE24, FLE27, FGR8, FGR12, FGR14, FGR16, FGR18, FGR20, FGR24, FGR27, GU -1, GU -2, WG -1, WG -2 SEE SECTION "B" FOR COLOR OPTIONS. (1). FINISH OPTIONS 75,76, 77, 83, 84, 88, 93 AND 98 ARE APPLIED BY HAND. THESE FINISHES WILL VARY IN CONSISTENCY. (2). FINISH OPTIONS 38, 39, 40, 49, 54, 57, 58, 61, 62, 63, 70, 71, 72, 73, 78, 83, 84, 88, 92, 93, 98 ONLY AVAILABLE INSIDE AND OUT OF FIXTURE. OTHER FINISHES ARE WHITE INSIDE. (3). FINISH OPTIONS FOR SHADES 5 10" IN DIAMETER ARE THE SAME INSIDE AND OUT OF FIXTURE. SHADES > 10" IN DIAMETER ARE WHITE ON THE INSIDE. (4). FINISH OPTIONS 61, 62, 70, 71, 72, 73 ARE FINISHED WITH A SUPERCHROME ON THE INSIDE FOR ALL LED LIGHT SOURCE OPTIONS. (5). COLOR CORDS ARE NOT APPLICABLE FOR LED OPTIONS. *ALL ARMS COME WITH A CAST BACKPLATE (CB1/2", CB3/4", LWTM, CFWTM, ECT.). *ACCORDING TO THE LIGHT SOURCE THE BACKPLATE MAY VARY IN SIZE. (EXAMPLE: LED LIGHT SOURCE WILL HAVE A DEEPER BACKPLATE TO HOUSE THE DRIVER.). *ALL FIXTURES MOUNT TO A 4-0 JUNCTION BOX. *FIXTURE DIMENSIONS MAY VARY ± 0.25. W508 H-6" W-8" W512 H-8" W-12" W514 H-9" W516 H-9" W-16" W516X H-9" W-16" W518 H-9" W-18" W520 H-10" W-20" )E, H W W524 H-16" W-24" STEM MOUNT ST6, ST12, ST18, ST24, ST36, ST48, STXX H W W5167 H-7.5" W-16" BASEL ITE CORPORATION 12260 EAST END AVE. CHINO, CA 91710 PH: 877-999-1990 FAX: 909-548-4774 EMAIL: SALESna.BASELITE.COM WEBSITE:WWW.BASELITE.COM . . TYPE' A NOT TO SCALE CORPORATION - *ARMS RATED FOR WET LOCATION * MAXIMUM SECTIONS OF ARMS ARE DIMENSIONED U�� E1 8.5"(H) 18.5"(W) E2 18.5"(H) 35"(W) E3 16"(H) 24.75"(W) /E4 14.5"(H) 22.25"(W) 61 4"(H) 12"(W) kk-T � E16 4.75"(H) 8.5"(W) E17 4.75"(H) 9.5"(W) E18 4.75"(H) 12"(W) E26 12"(H) 14.75"(W) *ARMS RATED FOR WET LOCATION * MAXIMUM SECTIONS OF ARMS ARE DIMENSIONED E4A 14.5"(H) 23.75"(W) E5 15"(H) 38.5"(W) E6 9"(H) 23.75' (W) E9 41.75"(H) 28.125"(W) E3A 16.375""(H) 26.25"(W) E20 85"(H) 27.25"(W) E7 9"(H)49.75"(W) E8 12"(H) 31.25"(W) E12 6(H) 39"(W) E10 18"(H) 55.75"(W) I �Oo Baselite will take your sketch E13 30.625-(H) 26.75"( SIL II and fabricate a custom arm extension to meet your E11 19"(H) 36.5"(W) E25 32.625"(H) 28.5"(W) ID All arms sold with Cast Backplate (CB E14 TBD" H TBD" W O ( ) B15S 7s"(H) 19s"(w) E21 12.5"(H) 28.5"(W) E19 10.625"(H)11.5"(W) *MOUNTS RATED FOR WET LOCATION * MAXIMUM SECTIONS OF MOUNTS ARE DIMENSIONED B10 6-(H) 12.5"(W) B101 6"(H) 13.5"(W) 1311 6"(H)14.5"(w) B13 6-(H) 16.5-(W) WM13R 12"(H) 9.5"(W) WM13X 12"(H)10.5"(W) *MOUNTS RATED FOR WET LOCATION * MAXIMUM SECTIONS OF MOUNTS ARE DIMENSIONED B12 6"(H) 15.5"(W) 139 5"(H) 18"(W) 69C 5"(H) 18"(W) WM14X 18"(H) 14"(W) WM15 23"(H) 19.5"(w) `CHAIN HEIGHT TBD BY CUSTOMER BASEL ITE CORPORATION 12260 EAST END AVE. CHINO, CA 91710 PH: 877-999-1990 FAX: 909-548-4774 EMAIL: SALESanBASELITE.COM WEBSITE:WWW.BASELITE.COM NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION rc 00LORADO- L KNOW WHAT'S BELOW. CALL BEFORE YOU BIG. Catalog Num D Series Size 0 Number LED Area Luminaire Notes mr I 10%:Z, � TyPe NIGHTTIME ! i r�1 FRIENDLY iC Buy American Introduction Specifications EPA: 0.95 ftz (.09 m2) 26 Length: (66.0 cm) Width: 13" <1C (33.0 cm) Height,: 3,. L (7.62 cm) Ht Height2: 7" HZ (17.8 cm) Weight 161bs (max): (7.25 kg) W The modern styling of the D -Series is striking yet unobtrusive - making a bold, progressive statement even as it blends seamlessly with its environment. The D -Series distills the benefits of the latest in LED technology into a high performance, high efficacy, long -life luminaire. The outstanding photometric performance results in sites with excellent uniformity, greater pole spacing and lower power density. It is ideal for replacing up to 40OW metal halide with typical energy savings of 70% and expected service life of over 100,000 hours. • . L74 EXAMPLE: DSXO LED P6 40K T3M MVOLT SPA NLTAIR2 PIRHN DDBXD' DSXO LED height, ambient sensor enabled at 5fC19ae PIRH High/low, motion/ambient sensor, 15-30'mounting g Black heiight,ambientsensorenabledat5fc1920 PIRIFC3V Am DSXO LED Forward optics 30K 3000 K TIS Type I short (Automotive) [ T5S Type short' MVOLT (120V -277V) 5,6 Shipped included Textured dark bronze P1 P5 40K 4000 K T2S Type 11 short T5M Type medium 3 XVOLT (277V -480V) 7"" SPA Square pole mounting Textured natural P2 P6 50K 5000 K T2M Type II medium T5W Type wide 1206 RPA Round pole mounting 10 Textured white P3 P7' /W T3S Type III short BLC Backlight control" 2086 WBA Wall bracket' EGS P4' Type T3M Type III medium LCCO Left corner cutoff' 2406 SPUMBA Square pole universal mounting adaptor" 0 Rotated optics 0 V T4M Type IV medium RCCO Right corner cutoff' 2776 RPUMBA Round pole universal mounting adaptor" = P102 P122 Z TFTM Forward throw medium ELECTRIC METER - PEDESTAL 3476 Shipped separately P112 P13' 2 T5VS Type V very short' J 4806 KMA8 DDBXD U Mast arm mounting bracket adaptor 1. Re: CDOT spec M-613-1. Pedestal/control box shall be mounted in reinforced concrete E R L 1 0 04 B3 30 A BLCK L (specify finish)12 ■ Go Shipped installed NLTAIR2 Might AIR generation 2enabled 14 PIRHN Network,high/low motion/ambient sensor" PER NEMA twist -lock receptacle only (control ordered separate)16 PER5 Five -pin receptacle only (control ordered separate) 11,11 PER7 Seven -pin receptacle only (leads exit fixture) (control ordered separate) 11,11 DMG 0-10V dimming extend out back of housing for external control (control ordered separate)18 PIR High/low, motion/ambient sensor, 8-15' mounting Dark bronze height, ambient sensor enabled at 5fC19ae PIRH High/low, motion/ambient sensor, 15-30'mounting g Black heiight,ambientsensorenabledat5fc1920 PIRIFC3V High/low,motion/ambient sensor, 8-15' mounting Natural aluminum height, ambient sensor enabled at 1fc19'1 PIRH1FC3V High/low, motion/ambientsensor, 15-30' mounting White height, ambient sensor enabled at 1fC19a0 FAO Field adjustableoutput21 Shipped installed DDBXD Dark bronze HS 22 House -side shield DBLXD Black SF Single fuse (120, 277, 347V) 6 DNAXD Natural aluminum DF Double fuse (208, 240, 480V) 6 DWHXD White L90 Left rotated optics 2 DDBTXD Textured dark bronze R90 Right rotated optics 2 DBLBXD Textured black DDL Diffused drop lens22 DNATXD Textured natural HA 50°C ambient operations' 0 aluminum BAA Buy America(n) Act Compliant DWHGXD Textured white Shipped separately /W LED Roadway Lighting BS Bird spikes23 p EGS External glare shield Type MD W '. L/THO/V/A One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 1 -800 -705 -SERV (7378) • www.lithonia.com L/GHT/NG © 2011-2021 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR TYPE' B NOT TO SCALE DSXO-LED Rev. 05/04/21 Page 1 of 8 Wheat Ridge 20' Mounting Height KZN21182 PROJECT DATE 7/27/2021 DESIGNER BEK MANUFACTURER: MOUNTAIN STATES LIGHTING BEK ti C14 LED Roadway Fixture O WIRE ti07 O 'Project � 0 r V 1. 1. Contractor shall use 120/240 V single phase, 3 wire. name E Evolve"' -Is LO I # 20RTS 5.6/3-6n SGL HOR MAST -ABC -HH -AB -BK J Q Wiring shall be daisy -chained parallel branch circuits. Wire Size to be determined by load (input 0 loop Date Date � � O U � 0 J /W LED Roadway Lighting W - p watts), length of circuit and size of breaker in accordance with NEC. Wire shall be stranded p Type MD W C copper, THWN, 600 V or IMSA 19-1. 0 ERL1-ERLH-ERL2 0 V < Z W Z U cV = 0 Z 0 o3: � ELECTRIC METER - PEDESTAL UJ J TOP CAP LU UJ I) J I J 1. Re: CDOT spec M-613-1. Pedestal/control box shall be mounted in reinforced concrete E R L 1 0 04 B3 30 A BLCK L 6" LONG x 2 %" OD HORIZONTAL TENON pad 6" thick with %" chamfered edges and pad shall project 2" above grade. Pedestal/control Go _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ ____ ___ m box shall have a minimum of 2" overlap of the enclosure on all sides, front and back or precast Polymer concrete pedestal foundation. m m m 2. The lighting control cabinet shall be NEMA 3-R minimum. a 02* A3 -T ell Narrow 27=2700Ko GRAY= Gray A=4Bolt Slipfittert I a MOUNTAIN STATES SUPPLIED GE ERL1 FIXTURE PHOTO CONTROL CO - D = ANSI C136.417 -pin with F - Fusin 2=208 C3=Tgpeul III 40=4000K Shorting Cap DK62=DarkBronze G=Internal Bubble Level 0� NOMINAL 4000 LUMEN OUTPUT, - 3=240 05 D3 Type IV E - ANSI C136.41 7 -pin with 1=IP66Optical o Select M DISTRIBUTION TYPE PER CITY STDS. 1. All pedestrian lighting shall be controlled by photo control mounted to control cabinet. Photo 4= 277 06 non -Dimming PE Control.* I ,,.-Lau lclawa tai 5=480 07 See Table 2700K or * R=Secondary p /5kASPD 3000K CCT PE Control Only available for SEE SEPARATE FIXTURE CUTSHEET FOR DETAILS. control should be installed facing north, and away from ambient light sources. D=347 08 *NpminallEST e U=DALIPro Programmable yP for IDA 120-277Vor480VDiscrete.Not 9 2. Photo control shall be ANSI C136.10 compliant and UL listed. O o H = 347-480* 09 classing subject to X = Single Package # 10 typical variation, approved units, available for 347-480V or 347V Y= Coastal Finish yp.. O 0 3. The load On a photo control shall not exceed 80% of its rating. Not available Discrete. with Fusing. See Table individual units XXX= Special Options Z may differ. NOTE: Dimming controls wired for Must choose a f Contact manufacturer for Lead Time discrete voltage *120V only, not 0-10V standard unless DALI option . CIRCUITRY DETAILS with F option. compatible with "U" requested. #'W' option provides single pack box 0-10V dimming. per fixture. Std Packaging = 20 units per Magna pak container. * Recommended for installations within 750 ft. from the coast. Contact POLE: 20' SHAFT: ROUND TAPERED STEEL 1. Separate circuits for street luminaire and pedestrian lighting shall be required. 2. Circuits for pedestrian lighting: Factory for Lead -Time. EPA: MINIMUM 11.5 EPA @ 90 MPH, 1.3 GF a. A lighting contactor will be required for single point switching the lighting on the +Notavtiaeewith WIDTH: 5.8" TO 3" O SHAFT circuit. n347 347V, 480V ^Not available in 347V, 480V or 347-480V for Lumen Output Levels 07, MOUNTAIN STATES LIGHTING PART # b. The lighting contactor is a single multiple pole power switching device (relay) 08, 09, and 10. =�v' - - - 20RTS - 5.8/3 6" SGL HOR MAST ABC - 1" AB -HH -AB -BLACK located within the branch circuits and is connected in series to the photo control. c. The lighting contactor will also require control by a Hand -Off -Auto (HOA) switch :� that uses the operation of the photocell when the switch is in the "auto" position. 3 Bl -UO -GI Bl -UO -GI BI-UO-Gl ERL1 _02A340_-120VIES N/A ERLI _02A330_-120VIES N/A ERL1 _02A327_-120VIES NIA 10273 O PAINT FINISH; POWDER OVER d. The photo control should control the contactor using a normally closed wiring 2000 1900 1900 14 N/A 61 UOGlBIUOGI BI UO GI ERLI_02B340=120VIES NIA ERL1_02B330=120VIES NIA ERLI_028321_120VIES NIA NZINC RICH RED PRIMER confl uration. This will force the li hts "ON" if a failure occurs. g3 3 B1 -U0 -G1 Bl-UO-Gl B1 -UO -G1 ERL102040-120VIES N/A ERL102030 -120VIES N/A ERL102027-120VIES NIAg TBD TBD TBD TBD N/A TBD N/A TBD N/A (GALVANIZED ANCHOR BOLTS) PULL BOXES 1An electrical pull box shall be installed at each pedestrian light. Pull boxes/junction boxes will be a . p p gIES A3 Bl -UO -GI 1 -UO -G1 B1-UO-Gl ERLI 03A340-12MMES ERL1 03A340-347-480VIES ERLI 03A330-120-21N.IES ERLI 03A330-347-480VIES ERL1 03A327-120-277VIES ERL1 03A327-347-480VIES B3 B1 -UO -GI 1 -UO -GI 31 -U0 -G1 ERLI 03B340 -120M7N.IES ERLI 038340 -347-480VIES ERLI 03B330 -120-27N.IES ERLI 03B330 -347-4 OV.IES ERLI 033327 -120-271VIES ERLI 03B327 -347-480V 03 3000 2900 2800 22 26 C3 B1 -UO -GI BI -UO -GI BI-UO-Gl ERL1 03C340-120-277VIES ERLI 03540-347AV.IES ERLI 03C330-120-2MES ERLI 03C330-3474OVIES ERLI 03027-120-27NIES ERL1 03527-347-4OV.IES minimum 12"X12�� X12" tier 15 Quazite polymer concrete (stackable) open bottom. In driveways Or parking lots boxes will be 11"X18"X12" depth tier 22 Quazite polymer concrete (stackable) A3 B1TO6161-IODG1 BITODGI ERL104A306112M77IIIES ERL104A340-3347-480VIES ERLI 04A330 ERLI 04A330 ERL104A3276-1120d77VIES ERL104A32763347-480VIESHANDHOLE 04 4000 3900 3800 31 34 3" x 5" open bottom. B3 B1 -UO -G1 BI -UO -G1 BI -UO -G1 ERLI 04B340 -120 77VIES ERLI 043340 -3474OV.IES ERLI 04B330 -12WN.IES ERLI 0413330 -3474OV.IES ERLI 043327 -120dM ES ERLI 04B327 -347-480VIES C3 B1 -UO -GI 31 -U0 -G1 BI -UO -G1 ERL1 04340 -120-271VIES ERL1 04040 -347-480VIES ERLI 04330 -120-277VIES ERLI 04030 -3474OV.IES ERLI 04C327 -120-211VIES ERL1 5027 -34740VIES 2. Splices shall be in the hand hole of the ole and not in the pull l box. If necessary cess a r tsplice i n apull p p Yo D3 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD box, waterproof splices shall be installed. A3 B1 -UO -G1 B1 -UO -G1 BI -UO -G1 ER1.105A340212N77IIIES ER1.105A340347-480VIES ERL1 _05A330-120-21N.IES ERL1 05A330-347-480VIES I ERL1 05A327-120-211VIES ERL1 05A327_-347-4NIES OS B3 C3 5000 4900 4700 39 43 Bl -UO -G1 1 -UO -GI BI -UO -G1 ERLI 05B340_-120-2MES ERLI_O5B340_-347-480VIES ERLI _05B330_-120-277VIES ERLI _05B330_-347-480VIES ERLI _053327_-120-2MES ERLI _O5B327_-347-480VIES Bl -UO -G2 Bl -UO -G2 BI -UO -G2 ERLI 05340 -120 77VIES ERLI 05040 -347-480VIES ERL105C330 420M7NIES ERLI 05C330 -347-4 IIIES ERLI 05027 -120-277VIES ERL1 05327 -347-480VIES 3. Pull boxes shall be bedded with 1/2"- 5/8" angular aggregate, minimum 6" deep and box set to I ANCHOR PLATE DETAIL landscape finished grade elevation. D3 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD A3 B2 -UO -G2 62 -UO -G2 B2 -U0 -G2 ERL1 06A340 -12N77IIII5 ERL1 06A340 -34740VIES ERL1 06A330 -120 77VIES ERLI 06A330 -347-480V.15 ERLI 06A327 -120-277V.15 ERL1 06A327 -347-48OV.15 06 B3 6000 5800 5700 47 52 Bl -UO -G2 1 -UO -G2 B1 -UO -G2 ERL106B340-120M11VIES ER1.106830-347-480VIES ER1.I_06B330-120-217IIIES ERL1 06B330_-347-480VIES ERLI_ 068327_-120-27NIES ERL1 06B327_-347-480VIES BASE PLATE C3 Bl -UO -G2 BI -UO -G2 BI -UO -G2 ERL1 06340 ERL1 06340 ERLI _06C330_ -120-2M ES ERLI .06C330_-347AV.IES ERL1 _06C321_-120M71VIES ERLI _06C327_-347-4 OV.IES CONDUIT D3 $' THICK x10.6" x 10.6" (Steel) PLATE TEMPLATE TWO-PIECE HEAVY DUTY 1. Conduit within the pull box shall extend approx. 4"-6" above the aggregate. „ ° 2. Conduit shall be UL listed a minimum 1-1/4"0 sched. 80. no more than four (4) 90 bends shall be TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD A3 B3 B2 -UO -G2 82 -UO -G2 IB2-UO-G2 ERLI 07A340 IES ERL1 07A330 .IES ERL1 07A327 JES B1 -UO -G2 BI -UO -G2 B1 -UO -G2 ERL107B340 .IES ERL1 078330 .IES ERL1 078327 .IES 07 7000 6800 6600 58 O 4 SLOTTED HOLES (1% " x 24' at CORROSION RESISTANT employed shall not exceed 360° within a 200' distance. ( ) C3 Bl -UO -G2 61 -UO -G2 B1 -UO -G2 ERLI 070340 .IES ERLI 070330 .IES ERLI 070327 .IES TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD 90° use 12" 0 BOLT CIRCLE. ABS BASE COVER, 3 5q" 0 WIREWAY (CNTR'D.) 3. Conduit shall be buried a minimum of 18" dee In open round 24" in roadway and 12" min. p p g ,y 82 -UO -G2 62 -UO -G2 B2 -UO -G2 ERLI 08A340 .IES ERLI O8A330 .IES ERLI08A327 .IES 8000 7800 7600 71 PAINTED TO MATCH POLES. ANCHOR BOLTS Y under concrete walkwa s::MA3 62 UOG262UOG2 B2 UO G2 ERLI 088340 .IES ERL1 O8B330 .IES ERLI 088327 .IES B1 -UO -G2 1 -UO -G2 B1 -UO -G2 ERL1 080340 .IES ERL1 08C330 .IES ERL1 080327 IES 4 - 1 " O x 3'-0" Long w/ 4" Hook TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBDPROJECT 4" OUT OF CONC. CAISSON/FOUNDATION 62 -UO -G2 2 -UO -G2 82 -UO -G2 ERL109A340 IES ERL1 09A330 .IES ERL1 09A327 .IES B2-UO-G262UOG2 B2 -UO -G2 ERLI 098340 IES ERLI 098330 IES ERLI 098327 IES 09 63 9000 8800 8500 84 1. Caisson/foundation, 24"0 X 48" for lights, 24"0 60" for lighting C3 62 -UO -G2 BI -UO -G2 B1 -UO -G2 ERLI 090340 IES ERL1 090330 .IES ERL1 090327 IES pedestrian and x street with steel p g g g D3 REVISIONS: pp 3-21-18 Changed to tapered on descrip. Lst Chg 9-4-19 P.O. Box 449 reinforcement. Set to landscape finish grade. standard 2. Steel reinforcement cage refer to Cit g ( Y- detail). TBD TBD TBD I TBD TBD TBD A3 B3 62 -UO -G2 62 -UO -G2 B2 -UO -G2 ERL11OA340 IES ERLI 1OA330 .IES ERL11OA327 IES 62 -UO -G2 62 -UO -G2 B2 -UO -G2 ERLI 108340 .IES ERLI 1OB330 .IES ERLI 106327 IES 10 9800 9600 9250 97 C3 62 -UO -G2 2 -UO -G2 B2 -UO -G2 ERL1 100340 IES ERLI 100330 IES ERLI 100327 . . .IES Conifer, CO 80433 3. Lights shall be grounded onto cage in caisson or by separate grounding rod. TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD D3 MOUNTAIN STATES LIGHTING Phone 303-838-4430 DESCRIPTION OF ITEM: Fax 801-605-9058 20' Round Tapered Steel Pole JOB NAME: ` 141 Wheat Ridge Residential 20' Tapered Pole/GE ERL140 = City of �1�heat STREET &PEDESTRIAN DETAIL CODE SCALE: DATE: DRAWN BY: DRAWING NUMBER: � ldge NTS 6-22-20 PMP 20RTS-5.8/3DRX-1 "AB 2020 LIGHTING NOTES 4 REP: QUOTE #: DIST.: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Mountain States ENGINEERING DIVISION APPROVED BY: SN APPROVE DATE 7/20 TYPE' C NOT TO SCALE PROJECT # KZN21182 PROJECT DATE 7/27/2021 DESIGNER BEK REVIEWER BEK ti C14 � C14 KA IN & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS 9364 TEDDY LANE, SUITE 101 LONE TREE, CO 80124 (720) 489-1609 UJ o N UJ 0 N UJ UJ ti C14 � C14 O M I ti07 O O � 0 r V Z 0 LO I � J Q O 0 0 Z � � O U � 0 J /W Cfl 0V W - p L.L p Z Q\ MD W C / O 0 w 0 V < Z W Z U cV = 0 Z 0 o3: � C/) UJ J 0 LU UJ I) J I J UJ o N 0 N 0 N < ti C14 � C14 N ti07 O O � Z O L.L U C/) UJ I) J J J Z O Go m m v>J m m m UJ a a a CO Z 0� N M 0 LU CO C O o _ O 0 O 0 LU ::) Z PHOTOMETRIC DETAILS ♦�4le 1w Ir Wh6atRiLd e g CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT REVIEW DATES: December 16, 2021 (Planning Commission) / January 10, 2022 (City Council) CASE MANAGER: Scott Cutler, Senior Planner CASE NO. & NAME: WS -21-06 / Ridgetop Village Plat ACTION REQUESTED: Request for approval a major subdivision with 22 lots and additional tracts. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4000-4066 Upham Street APPLICANT/OWNER (S): Upham Partners APPROXIMATE AREA: 82,849 square feet (1.9 acres) PRESENT ZONING: Residential -Three (R-3) PRESENT LAND USE: Single-family ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION Location Map (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Planning Commission Case No. WS-21-06/Ridgetop Village Plat Site All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST Case No. WS -21-06 is an application for a major subdivision on property located at 4000-4066 Upham Street and zoned Residential -Three (R-3). The applicant is proposing to subdivide the property into 22 lots, plus four (4) tracts under the existing R-3 zoning. Given the total number of lots, this request is a major subdivision, which requires Planning Commission to make a recommendation to City Council who is the final authority for approval. The purpose of a subdivision plat is not to review specific site plan details, but rather to confirm appropriate lot configuration, access, rights-of-way, easements, and utility service to the site in order to create developable parcels for land uses that are already permitted by the underlying zoning. The plat will allow each unit in the development to be owned separately. A separate application for a planned building group (PBG) site plan (Case No. PBG -21-02) is being reviewed concurrently with the plat. The PBG will be reviewed by Planning Commission at one public hearing. That case will not require review by City Council, and the decision of the Planning Commission is final. That application includes specific site details including site design, landscaping, architecture, parking, and lighting. Staff recommended approval of that request. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS AND PROPERTY HISTORY The site is located on the east side of Upham Street, midway between W. 38' Avenue and W. 44' Avenue (Exhibit 1, Aerial). The site is 82,849 square feet (1.9 acres) in size and contains four lots with one single-family home each. The existing homes were built in the 1920s -1950s and are in average/fair condition, according to the Jefferson County Assessor. The existing lots are unusual in that they are double depth (a full city block deep) and each approximately'/2 an acre, which is oversized for the area. The property is zoned Residential -Three (R-3), as are all of the surrounding properties on Upham Street in this area (Exhibit 2, Zoning). The school property to the east is zoned Residential -Two (R-2), as are properties further north on Upham Street. Properties further to the south on Upham Street are zoned mixed use (MU -C and MU -N), reflective of the commercial and higher -density character of 38' Avenue. The area has a wide range of residential uses, ranging from some single-family properties to large multifamily developments. The property to the north contains a three-story apartment building, the property to the south contains a single-family home, and properties across Upham Street to the west are primarily multifamily except for one single-family home midway across the street. The property was subject to a rezoning application for a Planned Residential Development (PRD), which was approved by City Council in May 2019 before being overturned by voters in November 2019. Based on the results of the referred ballot question and public comment received, the applicant has completely revised their proposal to be compliant with the existing R-3 zoning. Details of the proposal are described in Section III of this report. Planning Commission Case No. WS-21-06IRidgetop Village Plat The permitted density calculation in the R-3 zone district is one (1) dwelling unit is permitted for every 3,630 square feet of land area, which equals 12 units per acre. Given a net lot size (gross acreage minus required right-of-way dedication) of 80,029 square feet (1.8372 acres), the property is eligible for 22 residential dwelling units. III. PROPOSED SUBDIVISION PLAT Plat Document The proposed plat document consists of three pages Jxhibit 3, Ridgetop Village Subdivision). The first page includes a legal description of the property; signature blocks for the owners, City, surveyor and County; standard declarations and notes; and a data table. The second page includes the plat map which shows proposed property lines for the lots and tracts. The third page includes easements, including access, water, sanitation, and drainage. Lot Configuration The site is being developed under the multifamily development standards in R-3, and the plat allows individual ownership of each unit and HOA ownership of common tracts. The subdivision creates 22 lots, which will allow the developer to sell each of the units individually. The proposed development is not a rezoning; the applicant is proposing to develop the site under the existing standards in R-3 and all building forms, setbacks, and heights are permitted by the R-3 zoning. In addition to the lots for the attached units, the plat also creates four tracts which will be owned and maintained by the HOA: 1. Tract A: Private access including drive, sidewalks, and guest parking 2. Tract B: Common open space (community garden and gathering area) 3. Tract C: Common open space (landscaping) 4. Tract D: Common open space (landscaping) Easements Several easements are created by this plat to allow adequate infrastructure and access: • A 25' wide access/emergency easement covers roughly the boundaries of Tract A. Additionally, all areas with driving surfaces includes a blanket access easement for owners, tenants, and guests. • A drainage easement between Lots 8 and 9 allows conveyance to the off-site detention pond on the Jefferson County Public Schools property. The site is relatively flat and there is no storm sewer in Upham Street, so the applicant has worked with Jeffco Public Schools to coordinate shared use of an existing detention facility immediately east of the site on the school district's property. The school district has provided written consent to this arrangement and an access and maintenance agreement is prepared be executed if the project is approved by the City. The school district has no objections to the plans. • Water and sanitation easements are being recorded by separate document in coordination with the utility districts. • The applicant is working with Xcel and additional easements may be required, to be recorded by separate document. Planning Commission Case No. WS-21-06/Ridgetop Village Plat Public Improvements & Right -of -Way Dedication The plat dedicates a 6.5 foot strip of Right -of -Way (ROW) along Upham Street for the majority of the frontage, with a portion at the south end being 26.5 feet wide. This will allow Upham Street to be brought up to current City standards for local streets. The ROW dedication is wide at the south end because Upham Street in this area actually lies within private property, not dedicated ROW, so the dedication will allow the City to fully control Upham Street in this area (although it was already within a prescriptive easement). Public improvements will be constructed within the dedicated ROW on Upham Street, upgrading the existing frontage with a 5 -foot attached sidewalk and new curb and gutter. The street will be widened slightly, allowing for on -street parking. A street light will also be added in this area. A Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) will ensure all improvements in the public right-of-way and other on-site improvements necessary for the site to function, such as utilities and drive aisles, are in place prior to any future Certificate of Occupancy. The SIA dictates construction and maintenance responsibilities as well as the timing of permit issuance relative to completion of the public improvements. Parkland Dedication The subdivision regulations include a parkland dedication requirement for all residential development based on the assumption that additional residents in the City will impact the demand for parks and open space. The fee is $2,497.29 per residential unit paid at time of building permit issuance. Credit is given for the four existing single-family homes, so fees are required for the net increase of 18 new units, for a total of $44,951.22. IV. AGENCY REFERRALS All affected service agencies were contacted for comment on the subdivision plat regarding the ability to serve the property. Specific referral responses follow. Wheat Ridge Engineering Division: No concerns. Civil construction documents are under review. Wheat Ridge Building Division: No comments at this time. Any future development will be required to obtain building permits that will be reviewed for compliance with current building codes. West Metro Fire Protection District: No remaining comments on the site plan. The applicant is working with West Metro to obtain approval of the civil construction documents. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District: The applicant is coordinating minor remaining comments from Wheat Ridge Sanitation. The district can serve the development. Wheat Ridge Water District: The applicant is coordinating with Wheat Ridge Water. The district can serve the development. Xcel Energy: No concerns. Neel is comfortable with easements being recorded by separate document. Applicant is working with Neel designer on utility plan. Planning Commission Case No. WS-21-06IRidgetop Village Plat Century Link / Lumen: No concerns. Comcast: No concerns. V. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Staff has concluded that the proposed subdivision plat results in a logical lot layout, including the proposed right-of-way dedication. Staff further concludes that the subdivision plat complies with the standards in Article IV of Chapter 26 of the City Code (subdivision regulations) and that all utility agencies can serve the property. The plat provides for development of a land use that is permitted by the underlying zoning. For these reasons, staff recommends approval of the subdivision plat. VI. SUGGESTED MOTIONS Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WS -21-06, a request for approval of a major subdivision on property located at 4000-4066 Upham Street and zoned Residential -Three (R-3) for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of the subdivision regulations (Article IV) of the zoning and development code have been met. 2. All agencies can provide services to the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. With the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall pay the required fees -in -lieu of parkland dedication at time of building permit. 2. The developer shall enter into a Subdivision Improvement Agreement and a Lot Sale Restriction Covenant Agreement with the City at the time of recordation of the subdivision plat. Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WS -21-06, a request for approval of a major subdivision on property located at 4000-4066 Upham Street and zoned Residential -Three (R-3), for the following reasons: 1. ... Planning Commission Case No. WS-21-06/Ridgetop Village Plat EXHIBIT 1: AERIAL (2020) Planning Commission Case No. W 21-06/RNgemp G"illage Pkn EXHIBIT 2: ZONING MAP Planning Commission Case No. W 21-06/RNgemp G"illage Pkn EXHIBIT 3: RIDGETOP VILLAGE SUBDIVISION Attached as an 11x17 document on the following page. Planning Commission Case No. WS-21-06/Ridgetop Village Plat OWNER'S CERTIFICATE: WE, UPHAM PARTNERS LLC, BEING THE OWNERS OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 1.9020 ACRES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE EAST 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE EAST 1/4 CORNER OF SAID SECTION 23; THENCE S41°50'16"W A DISTANCE OF 1960.91 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID EAST 1/2, SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S00014'00"E ALONG THE SAID EAST LINE DISTANCE OF 264.61 FEET; THENCE S89039'47"W A DISTANCE OF 328.96 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID EAST 1/2; THENCE N00°13'09"W ALONG SAID WEST LINE A DISTANCE OF 55.00 FEET; THENCE N89039'47"E A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET; THENCE N0001 3'09"W ALONG A LINE THAT IS 20.00 FEET EAST OF AND PARALLEL WITH SAID WEST LINE A DISTANCE OF 209.63 FEET; THENCE N89039'59"E ALONG A LINE THAT IS 132.00 FEET SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID EAST 1/2 A DISTANCE OF 308.89 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL CONTAINS (82,849 SQUARE FEET) 1.9020 ACRES. HAVE LAID OUT, SUBDIVIDED AND PLATTED SAID LAND AS PER THE DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED INTO LOTS UNDER THE NAME AND STYLE OF RIDGETOP VILLAGE SUBDIVISION A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THE PUBLIC THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS RIGHT-OF-WAY, AND DO FURTHER DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THOSE MUNICIPALLY OWNED AND/OR MUNICIPALLY FRANCHISED UTILITIES AND SERVICES THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS EASEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LINES, GAS LINES, WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES, HYDRANTS, STORMWATER SYSTEMS AND PIPES, DETENTION PONDS, STREET LIGHTS AND ALL APPURTENANCES THERETO. UPHAM PARTNERS LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY BY: NAME: NEIL SHEA TITLE: MANAGING PARTNER STATE OF ) ) SS COUNTY OF ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BY ME THIS DAY OF 20 , A.D. BY NEIL SHEA. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC WHEAT RIDGE GEODETIC INFORMATION: 1. THE CURRENT CITY DATUM COORDINATE SYSTEM USED IS A GROUND-BASED MODIFIED FORM OF THE NAD83/92 STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, COLORADO CENTRAL ZONE 0502. 2. VERTICAL DATUM USED IS THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD88). 3. GROUND TO GRID COMBINED SCALE FACTOR IS 0.99974780300, SCALED FROM BASE POINT PHAC 1 (PERMANENT HIGH ACCURACY CONTROL POINT #1) HAVING THE FOLLOWING NAD83/92 STATE PLANE COORDINATES: PHAC 1: NORTHING: 1701258.75, EASTING: 3118217.58, ELEVATION: 5471.62. STATEMENT OF ACCURACY: THE GEODETIC POINT COORDINATE DATA SHOWN HEREIN HAS BEEN DERIVED FROM THE NAD 83 HARN STATE PLANE COLORADO CENTRAL FIPS 0502 COORDINATE SYSTEM, AND HAS A HORIZONTAL ACCURACY CLASSIFICATION OF 0.07 U.S. SURVEY FEET AT THE 95% CONFIDENCE LEVEL, AS DEFINED IN THE GEOSPATIAL POSITIONING ACCURACY STANDARDS OF THE FEDERAL GEODETIC CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE (FG DC -STD -007.2-1998). LOT TABLE LOT SQUARE FEET ACRES 1 3,328 0.0764 2 2,228 0.0511 3 2,228 0.0511 4 2,190 0.0503 5 2,831 0.0650 6 2,558 0.0587 7 2,528 0.0580 8 2,526 0.0580 9 2,554 0.0586 10 2,826 0.0649 11 2,083 0.0478 12 2,231 0.0512 13 2,228 0.0511 14 3,328 0.0764 15 3,170 0.0728 16 2,121 0.0487 17 2,123 0.0487 18 1,927 0.0442 19 1,894 0.0435 20 2,118 0.0486 21 2,116 0.0486 22 3,162 0.0726 RIDGETOP VILLAGE SUBDIVISION SITUATED IN THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 23, T.3S., R.69W. OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO C 1/4 COR. DESCRIPTION E 1/4 COR. SEC. 23 W 44th AVE SEC. 23 PRIVATE ACCESS 18,637 SQ. FT. / 0.4279 ACRES TRACT B OPEN SPACE H U) TRACT C OPEN SPACE 2,204 SQ. FT. / 0.0506 ACRES TRACT D OPEN SPACE w w CD U) LOTS 1-22 54,295 SQ. FT. / 1.2464 ACRES TOTAL NET 180,029 SQ. FT. / 1.8372 ACRES Lu 182,849 SQ. FT. / 1.9020 ACRES H w W 42ND AVE �- 0 m �? W 41 ST VE o SITE ° c co O_j O / U. U. SE OFSECT/ Aa p S 1/4 COR. tl SEC. 23jhL W 38th AVE km 7�� �� �� �� SE COR. VICINITY MAP SEC. 23 SCALE: 1"=500' SURVEYOR'S NOTES: 1. THIS SURVEY WAS BASED ON TITLE COMMITMENT NUMBER 598-F0597699-150-KB3, AMENDMENT NO. 10 PREPARED BY FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY AS AGENT FOR FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, WITH AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF MAY 24, 2018 AT 7:00 A.M., AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY THIS SURVEYOR FOR OTHER EASEMENTS AND/OR EXCEPTIONS OF RECORD. 2. BY GRAPHIC PLOTTING ONLY THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS SITUATED IN FLOOD ZONE "X" AREA DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD PLAIN ACCORDING TO FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) COMMUNITY PANEL NO. 08059CO214F LAST REVISED FEBRUARY 5, 2014. NO OFFICE CALCULATIONS OR FIELD SURVEYING WAS PERFORMED TO DETERMINE THIS INFORMATION. 3. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE EAST LINE OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN BEARING S00°17'47"E AS REFERENCED ON THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE HORIZONTAL CONTROL NETWORK AND BOUNDED BY THE MONUMENTS SHOWN HEREON. 4. THIS SITE IS CURRENTLY ZONED: R-3 (RESIDENTIAL 3) PER THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. 5. THE ADDRESS OF THE SURVEYED PROPERTIES ARE 4000, 4042, 4062 & 4066 UPHAM STREET. 6. PER COLORADO REVISED STATUTES SEC. 38-51-106 (L), ALL LINEAL UNITS DEPICTED ON THIS LAND SURVEY PLAT ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET. ONE METER EQUALS 39.37 DIVIDED BY 12 U.S. SURVEY FEET ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY. 7. INDIVIDUAL TOWNHOUSE LOTS SHALL NOT BE DEVELOPED FOR ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN TOWNHOMES. 8. THE OWNER, HIS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS GRANTS A BLANKET EASEMENT FOR ACCESS AND TO FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH THOSE AREAS WITH DRIVING SURFACES. SUCH GRANT OF EASEMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE OWNERS, TENANTS, CUSTOMERS, AND GUESTS OF THE OWNERS, AND SHALL FURTHERMORE GRANT ACCESS TO AND FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH SAID EASEMENTS TO THOSE ENTERING SAID EASEMENTS FROM SIMILARLY RECORDED EASEMENTS FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND/OR FROM ABUTTING PUBLIC STREETS. 9. TRACT A IS TO BE DEDICATED FOR PRIVATE ACCESS AND SHALL BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY RIDGETOP VILLAGE HOA/METRO DISTRICT AND ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. 10. TRACTS B, C AND D ARE TO BE DEDICATED AS COMMON OPEN SPACE AND SHALL BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY RIDGETOP VILLAGE HOA/METRO DISTRICT AND ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. 11. RIDGETOP VILLAGE HOA/METRO DISTRICT AND ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS WILL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF ALL PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY INFRASTRUCTURE. LAND USE SUMMARY TABLE DESCRIPTION TiR4CT USE AREA TRACT A PRIVATE ACCESS 18,637 SQ. FT. / 0.4279 ACRES TRACT B OPEN SPACE 2,599 SQ. FT. / 0.0597 ACRES TRACT C OPEN SPACE 2,204 SQ. FT. / 0.0506 ACRES TRACT D OPEN SPACE 2,294 SQ. FT. / 0.0527 ACRES PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY 2,820 SQ. FT. / 0.0647 ACRES LOTS 1-22 54,295 SQ. FT. / 1.2464 ACRES TOTAL NET 180,029 SQ. FT. / 1.8372 ACRES TOTAL GROSS 182,849 SQ. FT. / 1.9020 ACRES CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS: THIS PLAT CONTAINS LOTS, BLOCKS, OR OTHER LAND INTENDED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF OWNER -OCCUPIED MULTI -FAMILY DWELLING UNITS OR ASSOCIATED COMMON AREAS, LIMITED COMMON ELEMENTS, OR IMPROVEMENTS (THE "MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT AREA"). TO THE EXTENT THAT THE FOLLOWING CLAIMS INVOLVE ANY MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT AREA (OR THE IMPROVEMENTS THEREON) WITHIN THE PROPERTY COVERED BY THIS PLAT, SUCH CLAIMS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO BINDING ARBITRATION IN LIEU OF SUBMITTING ANY SUCH CLAIM TO A COURT OF LAW. ANY AND ALL CLAIMS THAT ALLEGE A CONSTRUCTION DEFECT AS DEFINED AT SECTION 26-1302 OF THE CODE OF LAWS AND: (1) ARE BETWEEN ANY TWO OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING PERSONS OR ENTITIES: (A) ANY OWNER OF ANY PORTION OF THE MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT AREA, (B) ANY COMMON INTEREST COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION CREATED WITH RESPECT TO THE MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT AREA, (C) THE SUBDIVIDER, DEVELOPER, CONTRACTOR, OR ANYONE CLAIMING UNDER OR THROUGH ANY SUCH PERSONS, (D) ANY PARTY THAT CONSTRUCTS OR DESIGNS ANY PORTION OF ANY RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS UPON THE MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT AREA, AND (E) ANY CONSTRUCTION PROFESSIONAL AS DEFINED IN THE CONSTRUCTION DEFECT ACTION REFORM ACT, C.R.S. § 13-80-802.5, ET SEQ., AS AMENDED ("CDARA"); AND (2) THAT PERTAINS TO ANY OF: (A) THE MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT AREA, (B) ANY DWELLING UNIT, COMMON AREA DEVELOPMENT STRUCTURE, LIMITED COMMON ELEMENTS, OR OTHER IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED ON THE MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT AREA, (C) THE COMMON INTEREST COMMUNITY TO BE CREATED FOR THE MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT AREA OR ANY PORTION THEREOF, OR (D) THE DECLARATION OR OTHER DOCUMENTS GOVERNING SUCH COMMUNITY. THE FOREGOING SHALL NOT PRECLUDE ANY OF THE PERSONS OR ENTITIES DESCRIBED ABOVE FROM ENDEAVORING TO RESOLVE ANY SUCH CLAIM(S) THROUGH EITHER NEGOTIATION OR MEDIATION BEFORE SUBMITTING SUCH CLAIM(S) TO BINDING ARBITRATION. ADDITIONALLY, THE MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT AREA MAY ALSO BE SUBJECT TO A DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS THAT MAY IMPLEMENT AND EXPAND UPON THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS PLAT NOTE AND THAT MAY EXEMPT CERTAIN CLAIMS FROM THE REQUIREMENT THAT SUCH CLAIMS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO BINDING ARBITRATION, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT ANY SUBSEQUENT AMENDMENT OR CHANGE TO SUCH DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS OR RESTRICTION SHALL NOT ELIMINATE THIS REQUIREMENT THAT CONSTRUCTION DEFECT CLAIMS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO BIDING ARBITRATION IN LIEU OF SUBMITTING ANY SUCH CLAIM TO A COURT OF LAW. FOR PURPOSES OF THIS PLAT NOTE, BINDING ARBITRATION SHALL MEAN SUBMISSION OF ANY CLAIM DESCRIBED ABOVE TO THE ARBITRATION SERVICE PROVIDER SPECIFIED IN THE DECLARATION OR OTHER GOVERNING DOCUMENTS OF THE COMMON INTEREST COMMUNITY, IF QUALIFIED PURSUANT TO THE UNIFORM ARBITRATION ACT, PART 2 OF ARTICLE 22 OF TITLE 13, C.R.S., AND, IF NOT, AN ARBITRATION SERVICE PROVIDER SO QUALIFIED IN SUCH ARBITRATION; THE COSTS AND EXPENSES OF ARBITRATION TO BE BORNE EQUALLY BY THE PARTIES. ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF ANY INTEREST IN THE MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT AREA ARE DEEMED TO HAVE ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS PLAT NOTE AND SHALL BE BOUND BY THE PLAT NOTE, WHICH IS RECORDED IN THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE, DEEMED TO BE A COVENANT RUNNING WITH THE MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT AREA, AND BINDING UPON ALL SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST, GRANTEES, OWNERS, HEIRS, ASSIGNS, AND ALL OTHERS WHO ACQUIRE AN INTEREST IN OR TO THE MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT AREA, TOGETHER WITH ANY COMMON INTEREST COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATED THEREWITH. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I, CHARLES N. BECKSTROM, A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF RIDGETOP VILLAGE SUBDIVISION WAS MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION AND THE ACCOMPANYING PLAT ACCURATELY AND PROPERTY SHOWS SAID SUBDIVISION. I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT I, CHARLES N. BECKSTROM, A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, CERTIFY FOR AND ON BEHALF OF ENGINEERING SERVICE COMPANY THAT THE PLAT SHOWN HEREON WAS PERFORMED BY ME OR UNDER MY RESPONSIBLE CHARGE, THAT IT IS BASED UPON MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, THAT IT HAS BEEN PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE, THAT IT IS NOT A GUARANTY OR WARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AND IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. DATE OF SURVEY: AUGUST 27, 2020. CHARLES N. BECKSTROM PROFESSIONAL L.S. NO. 33202 FOR AND ON BEHALF OF ENGINEERING SERVICE COMPANY CITY CERTIFICATION: APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 20 BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ATTEST CITY CLERK MAYOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION: APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 20 BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION. CHAIRPERSON CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE: ACCEPTED FOR RECORDING IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO ON THIS THIS DAY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER BY: DEPUTY CLERK CASE HISTORY PBG -21-02 WS -21-06 20 SHEETINDEX DESCRIPTION SHEET NO. COVER SHEET 1 PROPOSED LOT LAYOUT 2 EASEMENT LAYOUT 3 COVER SHEET SHEET 1 OF 3 C 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 23, T.3S., .S. 2 12 30 O 6 20 40 Scale: 1 " = 20' LEGEND COURSE DELTA PLAT BOUNDARY LINE LENGTH ADJACENT LOT/PARCEL LINES - - SECTION LINE 89053'59" NEW LOT LINE - - - - SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT N44042'59"E EMERGENCY ACCESS EASEMENT ----------- DENVER WATER EASEMENT R.O.W. RIGHT-OF-WAY L.S. NO. LAND SURVEYOR NUMBER BK. PG. BOOK AND PAGE REC. NO. RECEPTION NUMBER 4.71' ALIQUOT CORNER 4.24' SET 5/8"x24" REBAR & 1 1/4" YELLOW 89053'59" PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "ESC LS 33202" CURVE DATA TABLE COURSE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH Chd BEARING Chd LENGTH C1 89053'59" 5.00' 7.85' N44042'59"E 7.06' C2 90006'13" 3.00' 4.72' S45017'07"E 4.25' C3 89053'47" 3.00' 4.71' N44042'49"E 4.24' C4 89053'59" 12.00' 18.83' N44042'59"E 16.96' C5 45000'00" 3.00' 2.36' S67°50'01 "E 2.30' C6 44057'34" 3.00' 2.35' S67048'48"E 2.29' C7 124020'41" 3.00' 6.51' S27029'38"W 5.31' C8 39048'39" 52.00' 36.13' N 14046'23"W 35.41' C9 96005'16" 3.00' 5.03' N42054'41 "W 4.46' C10 85049'19" 3.00' 4.49' S42058'20"W 4.09' C11 34006'21" 52.00' 30.95' N16049'10"E 30.50' C12 124012'34" 3.00' 6.50' S28013'56"E 5.30' C13 44014'56" 3.00' 2.32' S66053'45"W 2.26' C14 44053'30" 3.00' 2.35' S67013'02"W 2.29' C15 90006'13" 12.00' 18.87' N45017'07"W 16.99' C16 90006'13" 3.00' 4.72' N45017'07"W 4.25' C17 89053'47" 3.00' 4.71' S44042'53"W 4.24' C18 90006'13" 5.00' 7.86' N45017'07"W 7.08' C19 80023'52" 25.00' 35.08' N49027'50"E 32.27' C20 54029'55" 3.00' 2.85' N 17°59'03"W 2.75' C21 54029'55" 3.00' 2.85' N 17°31'02"E 2.75' C22 80036'06" 25.00' 35.17' N50001'58"W 32.34' R.69W., OF THE 6TH P (FOUND 3 1/4" BRASS CAP L NO. 13212 IN RANGE BOX.) WHEAT RIDGE POINT #14709 I� LAT: 39°46'35.8539" N N LONG: 105004'53.1524" W Ic STATE PLANE COORDINATES N: 1708037.64; E: 3117648.92 WHEAT RIDGE CITY DATUM N: 708468.52; E: 118435.38 p I I I II 20.0' I 20.0' I 40 00' w IOW p�LWL� pawIx m�QQ I I _ I to w O m No >, N 10 al RIDGETOP VILLAGE SUBDIVISION SITUATED IN THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 23, T.3S., R.69W. OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO N89041'34"E 2627.84' = Q w I o 0 0 mol N a � 3:I I 60.51' Q ^ m WW w I I I- w I M co Q I to J Q O �> 9C1 I W> o O� �� oc� I N mp �ZU I U)3: 0) N LOT 15 C 3,170 SQUARE FEET N O O W I I O M 0.0728 ACRES LL ° fn D' I 'r,OU o LL. I =U O J z O 00 p Z cMo oa � I a I N QLUI I a, S89039'47'W 60.51' U- I I o O wI Z I z J � I CD w I m IEqI w N LOT 22 = N I Q W I H `n 3,162 SQUARE FEET � O I Z d 0.0726 ACRES NI J I J D I am z j 60.51' D2 Xw 89°39'47"EI w of rm - 2000,.CN N I I I 60.51' i p NORTH LINE OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 23, T.3S. ,R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. 5.05' ?2 �,L4,0/&6.08' w H S89°39'47"W 56.00' 1313.92' CD V W o Qw I Wgww 5.00' � w CALCULATED SE 1/16 CORNER OF SECTION 23,E paw U U Z 0 m��Q S89°39'59'W 64.68' M T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. w=oma Ui LOT 14 S89°39'47"W 0) w- ~LO 2 m N 0 (SET 3/4"x30" REBAR & 3 1/4" ALUMINUM CAP L.S. NO. 33202) M LO 0.0764 ACRES --wo WEST 44TH AVENUE ° >, N STATE PLANE COORDINATES o 7.14'� o C:) 0 0.0442 ACRES o Z N: 1706723.12; E: 3118967.86 I I 20.00' 26.50' (PUBLIC R.O.W. WIDTH VARIES) S 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 23, N00°14'00"W39'47"W WHEAT RIDGE CITY DATUM N:706755.27 T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. 2,123 SQUARE FEET E:119453.83 (FOUND 3 1/4" BRASS CAP L.S. N: 707153.66; E: 119754.67 S44°46'00"W LOT 7 NO.13212 IN RANGE BOX.) 0.0487 ACRES ELEVATION: LLOT n LAT: 39°46'09.7205" N N89039'59"E 1315.37' --��, 0 4.84' IUNPLA70 9 59' `9 2,528 SQUARE FEET STATE PLANE COORDINATES LOT 10 o N N: 1705393.28; E: 3117656.79 SQUARE FEET M V 2,231 SQUARE FEET (REC. NO. 2018003341) WHEAT RIDGE CITY DATUM EXISTING PARCEL LINE S89°39'47"W C1 N: 705823.48; E: 118443.25 o TRACT A ZONED: R3 HEREBY REMOVED N:707019.90 0.0512 ACRES o 21.63 � N89039'59"E 308.89' 17.00' 14.97' C13 THIS PLAT E:119452.82 o 0.4279 ACRES (PRIVATE ACCESS) z 0.0478 ACRES 6.50' 60.51' S89039'47'W 32.95' �, 40.50' LU o 40.50' 40.46' Lu o 64.47' 55.95' ti 0 0 2,599 SQUARE FEET o 00 TRACT C 2,294 SQUARE FEET M U) 0.0597 ACRES o 2,204 SQUARE FEET o 000 0.0527 ACRES U'� 0.0506 ACRES � � rn LOT 4 ,C) (OPEN SPACE) N89°39'59"E 6 Y o 0 2,190 SQUARE FEET 0 0.0503 ACRES W N89039'59"E 16.93' 6 6, M 40.57' � GAO n L 0 16.00' S00014'00"E C5 DO 56.00' 1 9.59' SE CORNER OF SECTION 23, T.3S., 2,526 SQUARE FEET LOT 20 15.00' LOT 5 0.0435 ACRES LOT 1 � LOT 2 Lu LOT 3 0 0 2,118 SQUARE FEET 2,831 SQUARE FEET 'r' 3,328 SQUARE FEET M 2,228 SQUARE FEET M 2,228 SQUARE FEET p N00°14'00"W 4.98' S45°20'01"E LL 0.0650 ACRES o 0.0764 ACRES o 0.0511 ACRES o 0.0511 ACRES 0 19 _rn ch 1.76' CD p I Z � 6.41' CD U) CD.49' N r - •- ►► o S89039'59"W IN,N00°14'00"W CD `" �?y, WHEAT RIDGE POINT #15809 IaLAT: 7.91' 5.99' - ZONED: R3 S89039'47"W 64.66' wI \ 39°46'09.7639" N :6p) I rn 60.51' 40.50' 40.51' 32.55' 5.97' Cl) S89039'59"W 55.95' N89039'59"E 180.05' N89039'59"E bo 0 STATE PLANE COORDINATES 5.02' rn = Q w I o 0 0 mol N a � 3:I I 60.51' Q ^ m WW w I I I- w I M co Q I to J Q O �> 9C1 I W> o O� �� oc� I N mp �ZU I U)3: 0) N LOT 15 C 3,170 SQUARE FEET N O O W I I O M 0.0728 ACRES LL ° fn D' I 'r,OU o LL. I =U O J z O 00 p Z cMo oa � I a I N QLUI I a, S89039'47'W 60.51' U- I I o O wI Z I z J � I CD w I m IEqI w N LOT 22 = N I Q W I H `n 3,162 SQUARE FEET � O I Z d 0.0726 ACRES NI J I J D I am z j 60.51' D2 Xw 89°39'47"EI w of rm - 2000,.CN N I I I 60.51' TCT A18.637 SSQQUAARE FEET YEXISTING PARCEL LINE HEREBY 2,558 SQOUAREE FEET 0.4279 ACRES REMOVED BY THIS PLATN89°39'59"E 0.0587 ACRES S89039'59"W 184.37' (PRIVATE ACCESS) 40.50' 1 40.52' 37.79' Inn � 13.69' E LOT 16 0 2,121 SQUARE FEET ° 0.0487 ACRES 0 0 (n S89039'47"W 40.50' 0 0 LO LO 0 ° 0 0 M (REC. NO. F101145) ZONED: R3 zo N LO LOT 21 2,116 SQUARE FEET 0.0486 ACRES - 0 0 0 z i p N00014'00"W 5.05' ?2 �,L4,0/&6.08' w H S89°39'47"W 56.00' ch CD V W o Qw I Wgww 5.00' � w paw U U Z 0 m��Q S89°39'59'W 64.68' M a N I w=oma Ui LOT 14 S89°39'47"W 0) w- ~LO 2 m N 0 3,328 SQUARE FEET M LO 0.0764 ACRES --wo ° >, N o 7.14'� o C:) 0 0.0442 ACRES o Z N I I 20.00' 26.50' 60.51' S 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 23, N00°14'00"W39'47"W N:706755.27 T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. 2,123 SQUARE FEET E:119453.83 (FOUND 3 1/4" BRASS CAP L.S. S44°46'00"W LOT 7 NO.13212 IN RANGE BOX.) 0.0487 ACRES WHEAT RIDGE POINT #15709 LLOT n LAT: 39°46'09.7205" N 13 --��, 0 4.84' LONG: 105°04'53.2076" W 9 59' `9 2,528 SQUARE FEET STATE PLANE COORDINATES LOT 10 o N N: 1705393.28; E: 3117656.79 SQUARE FEET M V 2,231 SQUARE FEET 0.0580 ACRES WHEAT RIDGE CITY DATUM EXISTING PARCEL LINE S89°39'47"W C1 N: 705823.48; E: 118443.25 o TRACT A N m TCT A18.637 SSQQUAARE FEET YEXISTING PARCEL LINE HEREBY 2,558 SQOUAREE FEET 0.4279 ACRES REMOVED BY THIS PLATN89°39'59"E 0.0587 ACRES S89039'59"W 184.37' (PRIVATE ACCESS) 40.50' 1 40.52' 37.79' Inn � 13.69' E LOT 16 0 2,121 SQUARE FEET ° 0.0487 ACRES 0 0 (n S89039'47"W 40.50' 0 0 LO LO 0 ° 0 0 M (REC. NO. F101145) ZONED: R3 zo N LO LOT 21 2,116 SQUARE FEET 0.0486 ACRES - 0 0 0 z 40.50' 40.55' 31.38' 11.54' ,I' S89039'47"W N89039'47"E 184.48' v 13.45 0� LOT 9 TRACT A 2,554 SQUARE FEET 18,637 SQUARE FEET - 0.0586 ACRES 0.4279 ACRES S89039'47"W (PRIVATE ACCESS) o S89039'47"W 179.99' _4.00' 04 _ 40.50' 40.55' 31.38' 7.05' �� N00014'00"W o 1313.92'- POINT OF COMMENCEMENT E 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 23, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. pIN ►.°��/ (FOUND NAIL & 3-1/4" BRASS CAP L.S. fl m i �Cl??I NO. 13212 IN RANGE BOX.) STAMPED N T c AS SHOWN �/ oI� °�O MI WHEAT RIDGE POINT #14809 U) �'� � LAT: 39046'35.8741" N j LONG: 105004'19.5029" W STATE PLANE COORDINATES . 1315.37' N: 1708051.74; E: 3120276.06 / I WHEAT RIDGE CITY DATUM w , N: 708482.61; E: 121063.18 CD olo / SIM POINT OF BEGINNING N: 707021.66 E: 119755.20 0 L w w x H U- g 0 a I c/) _ w� ��LL CD LL O o w `° I z� 2 M U- C6 ON z wp la o� ~ c H 0o LL U- I CO CS O0 w Z H J O H w I v, w }} W ZUo M 0 m uJ> o 5- o H Z N Wqt _ � N Q N r p C,zoow � zo m w V)� 00 aU)DOz CCi 0't W 29 z0 a W�UN W (1)LL O L�LI(Aw ILLLL Q o U CO 0m(� Wm 4 a 04 w d CA W w 2 0p I LLL Iw o z CD00 J Cn w I N00014'00"W 5.05' ?2 �,L4,0/&6.08' S89°39'47"W 56.00' o 5.00' °46'17"W0 U r S89°39'59'W 64.68' M bo M LOT 18 S89°39'47"W �90 1.76' EXISTING LINE EREBY LO 1,927 SQUARE FEET --wo .� o 7.14'� 0.0442 ACRES o U N LOT 17 0 0 N00°14'00"W39'47"W M 2,123 SQUARE FEET S89046'00"W N S44°46'00"W LOT 7 0.0487 ACRES LLOT n 0 13 --��, 0 4.84' 9 59' `9 2,528 SQUARE FEET (n LOT 10 o N SQUARE FEET M V 2,231 SQUARE FEET 0.0580 ACRES LOT 11 EXISTING PARCEL LINE S89°39'47"W C1 N00014'00"W o TRACT A N m HEREBY REMOVED BY 0.0512 ACRES o 21.63 � 18,637 SQUARE FEET M 17.00' 14.97' C13 THIS PLAT o 0.4279 ACRES (PRIVATE ACCESS) z 0.0478 ACRES b S89039'47'W 32.95' �, TRACT B LU o Lu o S89039'47"W 60.20' S89039'47"W 40.53' ti 0 0 2,599 SQUARE FEET o 00 0 0 2,294 SQUARE FEET M U) 0.0597 ACRES o o 000 0.0527 ACRES (OPEN SPACE) � � rn N89°46'00"E Z (OPEN SPACE) � Cq LOT 19 4.84' 6, M 40.57' S45°14'00"E GAO LOT 8 1 66.35' 1,894 SQUARE FEET 56.00' 1 9.59' SE CORNER OF SECTION 23, T.3S., 2,526 SQUARE FEET LOT 20 0.0435 ACRES w CD N00014'00"W 0.0580 ACRES 2,118 SQUARE FEET CD o 4.98' UNPLA7TED 0.0486 ACRES o � S89°46'00"W o (FOUND 3 1/4" BRASS CAP L.S. _rn ch I Z 6.41' "' rnl r - •- ►► N0.13212 IN RANGE BOX.) (REC. NO. 05930068) U -► �?y, WHEAT RIDGE POINT #15809 IaLAT: S00014'00"E ZONED: R3 S89039'47"W 64.66' wI \ 39°46'09.7639" N :6p) 4.51' G co 40.50' 40.55' 31.38' 11.54' ,I' S89039'47"W N89039'47"E 184.48' v 13.45 0� LOT 9 TRACT A 2,554 SQUARE FEET 18,637 SQUARE FEET - 0.0586 ACRES 0.4279 ACRES S89039'47"W (PRIVATE ACCESS) o S89039'47"W 179.99' _4.00' 04 _ 40.50' 40.55' 31.38' 7.05' �� N00014'00"W o 1313.92'- POINT OF COMMENCEMENT E 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 23, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. pIN ►.°��/ (FOUND NAIL & 3-1/4" BRASS CAP L.S. fl m i �Cl??I NO. 13212 IN RANGE BOX.) STAMPED N T c AS SHOWN �/ oI� °�O MI WHEAT RIDGE POINT #14809 U) �'� � LAT: 39046'35.8741" N j LONG: 105004'19.5029" W STATE PLANE COORDINATES . 1315.37' N: 1708051.74; E: 3120276.06 / I WHEAT RIDGE CITY DATUM w , N: 708482.61; E: 121063.18 CD olo / SIM POINT OF BEGINNING N: 707021.66 E: 119755.20 0 L w w x H U- g 0 a I c/) _ w� ��LL CD LL O o w `° I z� 2 M U- C6 ON z wp la o� ~ c H 0o LL U- I CO CS O0 w Z H J O H w I v, w }} W ZUo M 0 m uJ> o 5- o H Z N Wqt _ � N Q N r p C,zoow � zo m w V)� 00 aU)DOz CCi 0't W 29 z0 a W�UN W (1)LL O L�LI(Aw ILLLL Q o U CO 0m(� Wm 4 a 04 w d CA W w 2 0p I LLL Iw o z CD00 J Cn w I LOT LAYOUT SHEET 2 OF 3 N00014'00"W �,L4,0/&6.08' S89°39'47"W 56.00' 5.00' °46'17"W0 S89°39'47"W 1.76' EXISTING LINE EREBY o 7.14'� EMOVDPBY THIS PLATCEL N00°14'00"W39'47"W 19.28'6.98' LLOT 13 --��, LOT 12 � w2.228 LOT 10 o SQUARE FEET M V 2,231 SQUARE FEET pLO LOT 11 S89°39'47"W C1 2,826 SQUARE FEET `n 0.0511 ACRES 0 0.0512 ACRES 0 2,083 SQUARE FEET � 17.00' 14.97' C13 0.0649 ACRES Z z 0.0478 ACRES b TRACT D ul o 00 2,294 SQUARE FEET M U) 0.0527 ACRES Z (OPEN SPACE) 40.50' 40.57' 1 38.53' 1 66.35' 1 56.00' 1 N:706757.05 E:119756.28 SE CORNER OF SECTION 23, T.3S., S89039'47"W 328.96' bR.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. UNPLA7TED � `� tis (FOUND 3 1/4" BRASS CAP L.S. I rnl N0.13212 IN RANGE BOX.) (REC. NO. 05930068) �?y, WHEAT RIDGE POINT #15809 IaLAT: ZONED: R3 wI \ 39°46'09.7639" N :6p) A LONG: 105°04'19.4871" W �\ 0 STATE PLANE COORDINATES 01 N: 1705409.82; E: 31120289.73 ` WHEAT RIDGE CITY DATUM 1316.83' _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - 1316.83' - N: 705840.03; E: 121076.85 _ _ SOUTH LINE OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 23, T.3S. ,R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. CALCULATED E 1/16 CORNER OF S89038'24"E 2633.65' SECTION 23, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. Survey WEST 38TH AVENUE o.: 29-086-P (PUBLIC R.O.W. WIDTH VARIES) LOT LAYOUT SHEET 2 OF 3 2 12 30 O 6 20 40 Scale: 1 " = 20' LEGEND BEARING LENGTH PLAT BOUNDARY LINE (W) L1 ADJACENT LOT/PARCEL LINES - - SECTION LINE S00014'00"E NEW LOT LINE - - - - SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT S89039'47"W EMERGENCY ACCESS EASEMENT ----------- WATER EASEMENT - - - - - - DRAINAGE EASEMENT R.O.W. RIGHT-OF-WAY L.S. NO. LAND SURVEYOR NUMBER BK. PG. BOOK AND PAGE REC. NO. RECEPTION NUMBER N00014'00"W ALIQUOT CORNER Q SET 5/8"x24" REBAR & 1 1/4" YELLOW 8.06' PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "ESC LS 33202" WATER LINE DATA TABLE 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 23, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. (FOUND 3 1/4" BRASS CAP L.S. NO. 13212 IN RANGE BOX.) WHEAT RIDGE POINT #14709 IM LAT: 39°46'35.8539" N N LONG: 105004'53.1524" W Ic STATE PLANE COORDINATES N: 1708037.64; E: 3117648.92 WHEAT RIDGE CITY DATUM N: 708468.52; E: 118435.38 p I I I I 20.0' I 20.0' � I COURSE BEARING LENGTH LENGTH (W) L1 N89039'59"E 187.31' (W) L2 S00014'00"E 55.62' (W) L3 S89039'47"W 187.54' (W) L4 N89039'47"E 187.48' (W) L5 N00014'00"W 55.62' (W) L6 S89046'00"W 11.56' (W) L7 N00014'00"W 10.00' (W) L8 N89046'00"E 8.06' (W) L9 S89039'59"W 187.37' (W) L10 N89039'47"E 8.00' (W) L11 S00°13'09"E 10.00' (W) L12 S89039'47"W 8.00' WATER CURVE DATA TABLE COURSE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH Chd BEARING Chd LENGTH (W) C1 90006'01 52.00 81.77 S45017'01 E 73.60 (W) C2 89053'47" 52.00' 81.59' S44042'53"W 73.47' (W) C3 89053'47" 22.00' 34.52' N44042'53"E 31.08' (W) C4 5021'44" 22.00' 2.06' NO2054'52"W 2.06' (W) C5 56052'13" j 22.00' j 21.84' j N61053'54"W j 20.95' SANITARY LINE DATA TABLE COURSE COURSE BEARING LENGTH L19 S89039'47"W L13 N89039'59"E 184.32' L14 S00014'00"E 56.62' L15 S89039'47"W 184.53' L16 N89039'47"E 184.48' L17 N00°14'00"W 54.62' L18 S89°39'59"W 184.37' SANITARY CURVE DATA TABLE L26 N00014'00"W COURSE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH Chd BEARING Chd LENGTH C6 90006'01" 49.00' / I 77.05' S45017'01"E 69.36' C7 89053'47" 49.00' 76.88' S44042'53"W 69.23' C8 89053'47" 25.00' U) 39.22' N44042'53"E 35.32' C9 90006'01" 25.00' 39.31' N45017'01 "W 35.39' DRAINAGE LINE DATA TABLE COURSE BEARING LENGTH L19 S89039'47"W 13.96' L20 N00014'00"W 2.54' L21 S07048'28"W 3.22' L22 N8201 1'32"W 11.83' L23 N07048'28"E 17.33' L24 S8201 1'32"E 9.49' L25 S00°14'11"E 6.31' L26 N00014'00"W 2.49' L27 N89039'47"E 10.75' L28 N63047'57"E 3.57' Lu U W w LU w raWof 00 LU Of I.- 1: Co NCq O >, N O 2.50'• (TIE) 2.50' - (TIE) M Co of 0 N 0) 0 M 0 0 Z 1 8.74' (TIE). I 2.50' (TIE) RIDGETOP VILLAGE SUBDIVISION SITUATED IN THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 23, T.3S., R.69W. OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO N89041'34"E 2627.84' NORTH LINE OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 23, T.3S. ,R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. 1313.92' CALCULATED SE 1/16 CORNER OF SECTION 23,, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. (SET 3/4"x30" REBAR & 3 1/4" ALUMINUM CAP L.S. NO. 33202) STATE PLANE COORDINATES WEST 44TH AVENUE N: 1706723.12; E: 3118967.86 (PUBLIC R.O.W. WIDTH VARIES) WHEAT RIDGE CITY DATUM N: 707153.66; E: 119754.67 ELEVATION: N89039'59"E 1315.37' IUNPLA77ED (REC. NO. 2018003341) ZONED: R3 IN:707019.90 r.eenArn nn N89°39'59"E 308.89' w LOT 1 N Lo -------------------------- ------ 0 0 N ------------------------------ EXISTING 30, WATER EASEMENT (REC. NO. ) LOT 15 W H M LOT 22 (W) L10 EXISTING WATER EASEMENT 1 (SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET) p J o ^ (W) L12 0 0 N I I I I I 2.50' (TIE) - I I I I I I I I I I ch p Q H U L j w J al LLo Lu W W o a it .-. I �LU N W STATE PLANE COORDINATES co MA WIco Q � w CY C) � 0 CYi o 2mN0 = L a z I L0 0 0 O LL O �O d STATE PLANE COORDINATES / 1315.37' N: 1708051.74; E: 3120276.06 / I WHEAT RIDGE CITY DATUM w , N: 708482.61; E: 121063.18 0 O / 0 M W U) W > O CCO W> _ Lo _ �I M Q N vi N I >� O IN Co i �O > owl H M I >> QO O Ixo U o fA 0 I ft = U �zi Z m am � T n oa w I a F- LL O w z J w �I I Em �wIa z c� 0 I I I I L89039'47"E - -A 20.00' Lu U W w LU w raWof 00 LU Of I.- 1: Co NCq O >, N O 2.50'• (TIE) 2.50' - (TIE) M Co of 0 N 0) 0 M 0 0 Z 1 8.74' (TIE). I 2.50' (TIE) RIDGETOP VILLAGE SUBDIVISION SITUATED IN THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 23, T.3S., R.69W. OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO N89041'34"E 2627.84' NORTH LINE OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 23, T.3S. ,R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. 1313.92' CALCULATED SE 1/16 CORNER OF SECTION 23,, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. (SET 3/4"x30" REBAR & 3 1/4" ALUMINUM CAP L.S. NO. 33202) STATE PLANE COORDINATES WEST 44TH AVENUE N: 1706723.12; E: 3118967.86 (PUBLIC R.O.W. WIDTH VARIES) WHEAT RIDGE CITY DATUM N: 707153.66; E: 119754.67 ELEVATION: N89039'59"E 1315.37' IUNPLA77ED (REC. NO. 2018003341) ZONED: R3 IN:707019.90 r.eenArn nn N89°39'59"E 308.89' w LOT 1 N Lo -------------------------- ------ 0 0 N ------------------------------ EXISTING 30, WATER EASEMENT (REC. NO. ) LOT 15 W H M LOT 22 (W) L10 EXISTING WATER EASEMENT 1 (SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET) p J o ^ (W) L12 0 0 N I I I I I 2.50' (TIE) - -- OF COMMENCEMENT 0 w ch p Q H U L j w J WHEAT RIDGE POINT #15809 LLo Lu W W o a it .-. I �LU N W STATE PLANE COORDINATES I � w CY C) � 0 CYi o 2mN0 N °N 00 L0 0 0 O j I Z d I I I 20 00' 26.50' S 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 23, - T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. (FOUND 3 1/4" BRASS CAP L.S. NO.13212 IN RANGE BOX.) WHEAT RIDGE POINT #15709 I LAT: 39046'09.7205" N LONG: 105004'53.2076" W I STATE PLANE COORDINATES N: 1705393.28; E: 3117656.79 WHEAT RIDGE CITY DATUM N: 705823.48; E: 118443.25 ------------------------- 25' EMERGENCY ACCESS EASEMENT HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT N:706755.27 E:119453.83 POINT OF BEGINNING N: 707021.66 E: 119755.20 TRACT C LOT 5 LOT 4 LOT 2 LOT 3 WATERLINE `� SANITARY EASEMENT EASEMENT zI r ---------------- (W) ----- ------(w) L8 Lf, w ULu I H � (W) L1 w g I ------------------------------------------------- ---- -�--- O a I� L13 N89039'59"E 236.91' Co EXISTING 25' �`�\/!y LOT 6 w = TRACT A SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT �. c�, c� z (REC. NO. ) `�\ LL 0 i 1 (11V) C4 O ------------------------ L18 S89039'59"W 211.91' \ I w Co (W) L6 C9 w � I SANITARY --------------------------------------------------- ------ (W) L9 ( C$ \\ I N - I EASEMENT EXISTING (WI L8 . ° � m WATER EASEMENT DETAIL WATER EASEMENT r- - I \ w0 rS SCALE: 1"=5' (SEE DETAIL THIS SHEE) : N N �cc, I 0 (W) L7 L- ---(� C4 w U I a LOT 16 LOT 17 LOT 18 (W) L6 T To LOT 7 = w :o I � Cl) 00 --�o IC I 25' EMERGENCY z ~ J I v i ACCESS EASEMENT O I I o HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT w - TRACT B w I I L17 I I i ZUc^o Iq0 CR W> LOT 8 0 5- o z C'4 _ O rn _ " w I I EXISTING 30' v N w N ~ TRACT A I I Q Z p o 0 � z m w U) 3: LOT 19 I l i WATER EASEMENT a a) J O z M- w W LOT 21 I I I (REC. NO. ) c� O z O I U O ti_ V O t L24 L28 - Iwi U w I U) LOT 20 I t� L25 L26 LU Cn Ix p Co ai W J L27 - m N89°39'47"E 44.00 - - - L23 o - - - � CV w a Cl) w W) L4 l C3 C8 J / L22 S89039'47'W 43.66-L20 L19 o I w / L21 - I O L16 N89039'47"E 211.94' o w z INAGE 0 EXISTING 25' ASEM NT C H SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT /G1 �,G� HEREBY GRANTED Q TRACT A (REC. NO. ) / BY THIS PLAT w L15 S89039'47"W 236.94' LOT 9 - ---- ----------------------------------------- ----- ------ � EXISTING 30' WATER EASEMENT LOT 14 (REC. NO. ) LOT 13 I LOT 12 (REC. NO. F101145) ZONED: R3 S89039'47"W 328.96' LOT 11 1316.83' SOUTH LINE OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 23, T.3S. ,R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. S89038'24"E 2633.65' LOT 10 TRACT D UNPLA77ED (REC. NO. 05930068) ZONED: R3 w H CV 00 00 CALCULATED E 1/16 CORNER OF WEST 38TH AVENUE SECTION 23, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. I (PUBLIC R.O.W. WIDTH VARIES) N:706757.05 756.28 N61 - 00 hk - 1313.92'- ;4POINT OF COMMENCEMENT (FOUND 3 1/4" BRASS CAP L.S. E 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 23, WHEAT RIDGE POINT #15809 T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. a LAT: 39046'09.7639" N LONG: 105°04'19.4871" W (FOUND NAIL & 3-1/4" BRASS CAP L.S. o rn STATE PLANE COORDINATES NO. 13212 IN RANGE BOX.) STAMPED N c� Cli / AS SHOWN CD `'� °�O MI WHEAT RIDGE POINT #14809 U) �'� / LAT: 39°46'35.8741" N j LONG: 105004'19.5029" W STATE PLANE COORDINATES / 1315.37' N: 1708051.74; E: 3120276.06 / I WHEAT RIDGE CITY DATUM w , N: 708482.61; E: 121063.18 0 O / 0 M U) POINT OF BEGINNING N: 707021.66 E: 119755.20 TRACT C LOT 5 LOT 4 LOT 2 LOT 3 WATERLINE `� SANITARY EASEMENT EASEMENT zI r ---------------- (W) ----- ------(w) L8 Lf, w ULu I H � (W) L1 w g I ------------------------------------------------- ---- -�--- O a I� L13 N89039'59"E 236.91' Co EXISTING 25' �`�\/!y LOT 6 w = TRACT A SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT �. c�, c� z (REC. NO. ) `�\ LL 0 i 1 (11V) C4 O ------------------------ L18 S89039'59"W 211.91' \ I w Co (W) L6 C9 w � I SANITARY --------------------------------------------------- ------ (W) L9 ( C$ \\ I N - I EASEMENT EXISTING (WI L8 . ° � m WATER EASEMENT DETAIL WATER EASEMENT r- - I \ w0 rS SCALE: 1"=5' (SEE DETAIL THIS SHEE) : N N �cc, I 0 (W) L7 L- ---(� C4 w U I a LOT 16 LOT 17 LOT 18 (W) L6 T To LOT 7 = w :o I � Cl) 00 --�o IC I 25' EMERGENCY z ~ J I v i ACCESS EASEMENT O I I o HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT w - TRACT B w I I L17 I I i ZUc^o Iq0 CR W> LOT 8 0 5- o z C'4 _ O rn _ " w I I EXISTING 30' v N w N ~ TRACT A I I Q Z p o 0 � z m w U) 3: LOT 19 I l i WATER EASEMENT a a) J O z M- w W LOT 21 I I I (REC. NO. ) c� O z O I U O ti_ V O t L24 L28 - Iwi U w I U) LOT 20 I t� L25 L26 LU Cn Ix p Co ai W J L27 - m N89°39'47"E 44.00 - - - L23 o - - - � CV w a Cl) w W) L4 l C3 C8 J / L22 S89039'47'W 43.66-L20 L19 o I w / L21 - I O L16 N89039'47"E 211.94' o w z INAGE 0 EXISTING 25' ASEM NT C H SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT /G1 �,G� HEREBY GRANTED Q TRACT A (REC. NO. ) / BY THIS PLAT w L15 S89039'47"W 236.94' LOT 9 - ---- ----------------------------------------- ----- ------ � EXISTING 30' WATER EASEMENT LOT 14 (REC. NO. ) LOT 13 I LOT 12 (REC. NO. F101145) ZONED: R3 S89039'47"W 328.96' LOT 11 1316.83' SOUTH LINE OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 23, T.3S. ,R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. S89038'24"E 2633.65' LOT 10 TRACT D UNPLA77ED (REC. NO. 05930068) ZONED: R3 w H CV 00 00 CALCULATED E 1/16 CORNER OF WEST 38TH AVENUE SECTION 23, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. I (PUBLIC R.O.W. WIDTH VARIES) N:706757.05 756.28 SE CORNER OF SECTION 23, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. (FOUND 3 1/4" BRASS CAP L.S. NO.13212 IN RANGE BOX.) WHEAT RIDGE POINT #15809 a LAT: 39046'09.7639" N LONG: 105°04'19.4871" W STATE PLANE COORDINATES N: 1705409.82; E: 31120289.73 ` WHEAT RIDGE CITY DATUM 1316.83 N: 705840.03; E: 121076.85 EASEMENT LAYOUT SHEET 3 OF 3