HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972 137 I i ~ :!I'i I J I r r 1~--."" ~ r 'I ! , I i ;:i...' 'l.-<..<.- r t 254971 25497 I ~', ';- l' , 'to (,0<:/" is " t~~;;j ~~"" ~...-,. ' \..'--'-: IN 'l'lm DISTRICT COURT Ilf AIfD l"OR TH1!: COtOO'! or JJrnReoi'i Arm I" 1.. ,J ( ;.1,' 1 ,~ l U~. Ocr 5 3 1 g PH 'E7 ii' J.~72 13';' 268~!r , -1 " ~ I , :' :"11 ....... "W .ftA"A."""'" u.n4A V& wU~.nAUV CIVIL ACTION !ro. !lOAM or OOtnrrT CoteCISBIOftBRS OJ' JBJ7'ERSOK COtnl'l't, and the DlPAJITJIn'l' or HIQIIVA'fS, STAn or COt.ORAllO, FeU t1.onera. Rt1L: Am) oamm r 7C>-3(,) r", I, I'l? f; ,.I,! .,1. VISCO COlPOftATIOI, ~ Colorado Cc.rpol'At1o.n L"l.:! VP.A.'O!: ~. !'!'AlmRO AD Trealurer o.t Jetterlen c~untJ .1'Ponden tl. TBIl! KAT'l'IIl cUle on rllgularlJ tor hearing thill 4q upon thl C~..io.nen' Certificate ot AIl!.rtoJ.nlIIent and u.e.nent tiled here1n en the 24th d~ ot Aucvat, 1967, Which Commi.alen w" dulJ appeinted to. dete~ne the c~penlation to be allowed the reepondentl interellted In Parcel Xe. 173 "8'1, 2 and 177 ]lev. 31 and 1 t app'taring to. the Ceurt trOtA the recorda and 1'119ii1 heroin that all perlen. lntere.ted &R own.r. 0.1' o.th.rwi... al eppearlng o.r record. ha.,. Hen joine" herein .. partle" r..pondlintl the Court tinds that it h.1 tull and coapl.te jurildiction ot the aub.1ect matter ot thi. action and the parties thereto I that lerr1ce ha. been a&dl upon all intere.te4 parti.. a. requine b1 law} and that the l:~..ien, atter h_dog the proota and allc<<atlona o.t the partie.. and atter .,iewing the preal.... did find an~ d.t.~n9 in aecordanee with Chapter 50, Article 1. section 18, Co.lorade aevi.ed Statute. 19631 1. That bhiblt -A- preto.1~ 1;0. rareel. 173 ~ev. 2. 117 It..,. '.. and ibddbit ..." preta1nJ.ng to tha ace... dpta .. pret&1n1na to Pared 177 ~ev. 3. aooura'e1T .e.orioe. tlul land talum and tb.i 11ne. Mer "Melh &ace.. 1. d.nied. rellpecthe17. ',' 19':12 137 ,"', 'lk~~i~~~,'y,:I;':',:,: ,;,~..."...;,; ,<..;:., .,~ ..:-_..~~~,.,..;.,_....,.;.,..--.---._,..._. .. .;f.;r"'~~~';~;"'" " --~i"':'-I<-"","''''''''', .~..",.. "!:-.~ "..~'t~."""~ '>::"'''''''':'-''~~~~''' i I _"t.: " t {~~.". :- q~t !'it' ,:~,::^. ~ I'i i' ~ ~>Wi . ~;~: < t'~;.F"; , g~~ g..;;... f-:;~t 1~2 l:lA II. 3. That the value ot the land or prop.rtT aotuallT taken 1. $19.530.00. That the damage., it any, to the residue ot tn. .ubject land or propert1 are $2.685.00. 4. That the lUlount and value ot thll benetit. it any. b 11011. 'nil COtlJlT nhcrft5l'l PIrms that the pot! tioner. hav. hC.H'etoto.:"e d.po.itod with the Clerk ot the Court the ~um ot $14.500.00J that the respondent OWli.r. have lf1 tht'lli'1~lIn ~;\CJr.trOlil tile IIUlII ot $10.875,00. leaving a balance on deposit ot .3.625.00, t~t the re.ponaents aye .nt1tl.d to Statutor" Inter..t in the ..ount of .5l0.~OJ that p.titioner, have ,ub.equ.ntl, depo.it.d the eum ot' ."8,225.30J and, th.r@tore, 1t 1. OIDIIUD, AIl1V!lOJP) AID IlICJtI.!D that Parcel. No.. 173 Rev. 2 and 177 Rev. 3. -d.lcribed 1n bhib1.t wAB. attached h8r~to and 1ncorpo~t.d herein br reterene., and the d'leription ot the &CC.I. lin. ov.r which inaN.. and ~.. i. to b. d.ni.d. d.lIcr1bfJd in blU.bit "BB. attached h'1'1Ito and incorporat.d herein br reference. t..... b...-n ~~17 =~ l=~..:ll;" t.:.~e~ ~ t~= pet1t1c~~!'! pt!~~l'!t to' j: , I i ;( j, I II {I th. Statute. and Con.titution ot the Stat. ot' Coloradol that the int.r"te ot the r..pond.nt, in .aid pareell I~v~ been ~quircd hy the petition." and that title to I&id propertr together with all appurtenanc.. theraimto be1onsins. 18 h.l'lbJ' ve.ted ill the petitioner'l and it 1. PlJR'J:UIl. 0QIlX]) that a certitied COP1 ot' tM" Rule and Ord.r bo ~~ord.d and index.d in the ottice ot the Clerk and Recorder ot J.tter.on Countr, in lilte aann.r and with like eiieet &I it it w.re from the owner. and psrtile 1nte~.t.d to the " " Ii 1~1'72 J:I., ...., (7 T" .'... 1967. ~ rCJ l'\"".j,... ~ <;,-,,,,'.,,'c t-" JUW~ I. I' I .'".... ~~~ ~ -:,iJ~fl~;,;~~~-;>'-^---- ~'.....,'-_...\~.~...,".,.........,.l.~' ",:,::-""'~~',~''''''''' ......,'<~,,~"-"'.........~.,.., ii - .. ! I \ I I l~I'n l:m EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description Project No I 70-3(8)268 Section 2 W 48th & Wndsworth-Mt Vernor. Canyon PARCEL NO. 173 REV, 2 " trnct or parcel of land No 173 Rev. 2 of the Deportment of Highways, State of Colorado, Project No. I 70-3(8)268 Section 2 con- taining 0 035 acres, more or less, in Lot 15, Nicholas Gardens Sub- divlsiod in the NE~ of Section 20, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, said tract or parcel being more particularly deocribed 30 "olluws: Beginning at a point on the eaot line of Lot 15, Nicholaa Gardens Subdivision fr0m which point the center of Section 20, T, 3 S" R, 69 W, beara S, 46. 23' W a distance of 1,100,4 feet, 1, Thence N, 89. 40' W , a d.atance of 25,6 feet to the eHst property line of a tract in said Lot 15; 2. Thence along the said east property line, S. 00. 00' 15'1 E., a distance 0: 60,0 feet to the north right of way line of West 44th Avenue (May 1905); 3 Thence ~lo~g the said no~th right of WBY Jine, S. 89- 40' E , a distance of 25.6 feet, to the said east line of Lot 15; . 4 Thence along the said east line of Lot 15, N. 00. 00' 15" W., a dista~ce of 60.0 feet, more or lese, to the point of begin- ning The above described percel contains 0 035 acres, more or less. AlBO " J A tract or parcel of land No. 177 Rev 3 of the DepBrtment ~f Highways, State of COlorado, Project No. I 70-3(8)268 See, 2 containing 1.306 Bcres, more or less, in Lot 15, Nicholas Gardens Subdivision in the NEt of See, 20, Township 3 So~th, Range 6g West, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, COlorado, suid tract or pHrcel being more partict',larly described as folloW's: Beginning at 8 point on the north property line of a tract in Lot 15, NicholR~ Gardens SubdiviRion from which point th~ center of Section 20, T. 38, R .69'W bears S 32. 56! 30" t", n di stance of 1013 4 feet; 1. Thence N 00. 00' 15" W. a distance of 200.8 feet; 2 T~ence, N. 14. 12' 45" E , !l distuJ'!.ce of 234.0 feet; 3. Thence, N. 51. 23' 30:' F.., a dintnnce of 223.1 feet to southerly r1ght of \IllY purchnned on Pro<-\~ct F 032-1(1); l~. Theflce, along th~ said coutheriy right of "my, s. 6!~. 20' 30" W., B distance of' 368.1 feet to the vent line of Lot 15; 1~l72 l:m \,--- " j- "' "1 -I ,"I , : /1.+ Ii: ~ '~ 1'1 , ,ti 13. .-1 "; Li f. It,1 :1 ~ 'I k ~ ~ I" a I \ I . ~ I i H I i i ! , ,1 I "<:- i .;..........__~..._.-.....,~..-....~....._v.o.......:.~~_~,_ :~9,:.,1' '~_'7"~,;'''.-..: ,,' :,' ~"';"""'~.:l'1~;,4!~~,~",~~~~',"'1t\t~~&~~~....,~'Cl~.,~~~.~~~'\~,,-..~.7r'~'''''' -..1?4, ~ .."~i' . ~ . . . . ..1",' ',," ':''''~;''\~,r;:~~T'l~l~>~'>~:::x".'~1.i'.~ ,}r, "~~}~,';,?~ '~~~, ,!':;0- :'-'~".'~,"".~'""", '.1.t._...,~,.~""",""",. ., :''!,''~'.('''' ,'. .n.,. -.!. ''--','" , ., ,~.,.,'" ,__ .,,,..~,':,~'.;~,.', ..'~ e,.1-,'~....,.",-:,-;:,'..,.';'...,,\"l'~'\~':'''''''';''i~C'''''''~'''; .,..~."]14(--';"':~;'~""'I"'~>"'"'"" : ... 1 I , j ,I 1 ' 1972 1-10 2xhibit "A" Project No, I 70-3(8)268 Sec 2 Parcel No 177 Rev_ 2 Continued Page 2 5 Thence, along the said west line ('Jf Lot 15, S 00. 00' 15" E. A di stance of 406 9 feet to the said north property line; 6. Thence, along the said north property line, S. 89- 40' F., 8 distance of 100 0 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning The aonve described parcel contains 1.306 acres, more nr less \ I /' ~/"i 1~f?2 :140 ~"""",,"~""~~<;.....c........~__ i --- --,-,--- ---- ! -iii ,I \ \ ,~ ,j . 1~l'72 H1 EXIlIBIT "B" Access ~scriptjon Project No. I 70-3(8)268 Section 2 W, 48th & Wadsvorth-Mt, Vernon Canyon PARCEL NO. 177 Rev, 3 EASTERLY LINE Beginning at a point on the north property line of a traet in Lot 15 Nicholas Gardens Subdivi.ion in the NEt of See, 20, T3S, R6gw, of the Sixth Principal Meridian in Jefferson County, Col~rado, from vhieh point the center of said See. 20 bears S. 32- 56' 30" W, a distance of 1013,4 feet; 1 Thence, N. CO~ 00' 15" W, a distance of 200,8 feet; 2, Thence, N 14' 12' 45" E, a diet.IJ.nce of 234,0 feet: 3. Thence J N, 51' 23' 30" E, a distance of 223.1 fe~t; 4, Thence, N 64' 20' 30" E, a distance of 15.3 feet, more or less, to the east line of said Lot 15, / ,~ ./ ! 19'::2 :I.ll ~~~'----'--_. .- " , I I I i I I I I I I I I I , r (. : \!'.,' ~f.' ~~ I ~.,..,....,' ,~; I..~ 'I~~ , -:"~~ :j .i. iL~ "'-1 r"';: .".",,1 ,~.~1 'I ~;- I tii:.' a' I..,..' "-' ~ ~ :>' ,'I. :Yo: .... ~ .' :;..,.;' ,'~,,"=f:7....'.;~;.~,;)~,~.~t--"~:. '. r,' ,", ~.~;j,' . " ~ .'ll " I I I I 1 ,I II :1 .' I: " 1'1 i j \! !i : I 1