HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986 252 -;.'z( ') 'e' I 262690 ....~~._, '-"'-----_h___ 2626Sf)O COUJl'l'! OF JBP)'!RSON AND STA'l'B 0' COLORADO .'-J, ~~'r fI, 1-1 ,. N ,'ILED IN :;\ 0". ' ~,J n ,"Ill:. 01/ DEe 8 ? 50 PH '&7 RECORDED 11l(1l.)~ JA,!t.ul...'=t>-~ ACTION N~UHT1!QlllWnIAI,r & RECiJRDER :r~o-3(81 1'~~Cf~I~8 IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR THE CIVIL BOARl> OJ' COUNTY COJiIIUSBIONERS 0' JUPJ:RSON COUN'l'Y, and the DBPAR'l'NEN'l' 0' HIGHWAYS, STA'l'B 0' COLORADO, Petit1onere, VII. RULE AND ORDER SAUL N. DAVIDSON, ANNI'l"l'E M. J)AVIIlSOK, IIOJlIIAN PLOSS, BARBARA J. PLUSS, J'IlAJllt M. STAlIBRO, all Treasurer ot Jetter.on CountJ, Ite.pondente. 'rRIS XA'l"l'BR oame on regular17 tor he.ring on thia da;r upon the Caami.aionera' Cert1t1oate ot Aacerta1nment and Aese'BSent t11ed herein on the 31st da7 of Ootober, 1967, whioh CamMiasion ..a duly appointed to detenDine the oompen..tion to be allowed the respondehta intere.ted 1n Paroel No. 148) and 1t appearing to the Court tram tbe reoorda and tiles herein that all pereon. int.reated .a owners or otherwise, a. appearing of reoord, have bean Joined herein aa partiaa respondent and that the Court hall full and oaaplete Juri.diction ot the subJeot matter ot thia aotion and the partie. thereto) that .ervioe he. been .ade upon all intereated partiee aa required b7 lew) that the Caamiaeion, atter hearing the proofs and allegations ot the parties. and atter vieWing the premiae., did tind and detenDine in aooordanoe with Chapter 50. Artiole I, Seotion 18, Colorado Raviaed Statutes 19631 " 1. The acourate d8ll0r1J)t1on ot the land taken. A.FTER Il:rCOROIf'lG PLEASE MAn. tor nil nfl[urtment of HIs:f1wly' of Ihl StIli ot Co!onlllli HI#:hWIY Olllu Bulldil'lC unr [nt Ark"n,.. ^venuI Dcn'o'tf, Color.do 8'0222 AnENT1ON: Right of Way Section 19M. 252 >t, ~ ~, k,' ti, ~. ,- ~~ ..- ,~~~"",'rl/l':"""~'_''''>;~'l..;.~,,;.~.>rr''':'.!l-J,.J'''~,~'W,!J!I';t;.!'r'$:~l~::f:~,r~'7"" .: 1~18f; 2~3 , 2. The value of the lan~ or property actually taken to be .24.725.00. 3, The damages. if any. to the residue or such land or property to be NONK. 4. The amount and value of the benetito, if any. to be NONK. THE COURT FURTHER PINDS that the petitioners have depo8ited with the Clerk or this Court the aum or $25,136.82, which sum repre.ent. the total amount awarded by the Jury (.24,725.00). together with reapondenta' intereat aa allowed by law ($411.82), and therefore, I~ IS ORDIRKD. ADlUDGID and DECREED that Parcel No. 148, desoribed. in Exhib1t ~A". attached hereto and incorporated herein by rererence, haa been duly and lawfully taken b~ the petitioners pur.uant'to the Statutes and Conatitution or the State of Colorado} that the 1ntereata of the respondents in 8ald paroel ha. been acqUired by the petitioners, and that title to aaid property, together with all appurtenancee thereunto belonging, i~ hereby veated 1n the petitioners, and IT IS PURfKln ORDIRID that . oertified copy of this Rule and, Order be recorded and indexed in the office of the Clerk and Recorder Of Jerterlon County, 1n like ..nner and with like effect as if it were a Deed of Conve~no. from the owners and partie. interested to the petitioners herein. DA'l'ID th1s ~ '1 't\ day ot ~ 0 ^., Q ,->-, / A.D. 1967. BY THE COUl\'l'1 GEORGE G. PIUEST Ccr JUDOJS '.' ;/ ReCORDING PLEASE MMt T('h cP'~(m"ftt (If WC~wIY~ 0' thl! St.le of r.('llort61 .. , l)lll~ !hn1rjtn~ i~~' ,",11 ~n~.J~ rlV~rllll! \..\'?'\.Ilr, l:\lI"I~do 1.10222 AnnmOtt RiJ<1\t 01 WI,! Section , ' .' -'IX';!; 25:1 ~ i,:".~ , ~>\ l~JBG 2~1 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION PROJECT NO. I 70-3(8)268, See, 2 W. 48th & Wadaworth - Mt. Vernon Canyon PARCEL NO. 148 A tract or parcel of land No. 148 of the Department of Highways, State of Colorado, Project No. I 70-3(8)268, Section 2 containing 1.320 acres, more or less, in the SEt of the NW.t of Section 20, Township 3 South, Range 69 Weat, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colo- rado, said tract or parcel being more particularly described as follows: Bp-ginning at a point of intersection of the cast property line with the southerly R.O.W. of S. H. No. ,~ (November, 1964), from ~1ich point the center of Section 20, T. 3 S., R. 69 W., bears S. 580 16' 15" E., a dist8nce of 1,114.3 feet; 1, Thence along the southerly R.O.W. of S.H. No. 34, S. 64' 20' 30" W., a distance of 299.1 feet; 2. Thence along the southerly R.O.W. of S.H. No. 34, S. 29' 50' W., a distance of 150.6 feet, to the south property line; 3, Thence along the South property line N. 89' 50' E" a distance of 345.3 feet, to the east property line; 4. Thence along the eaat property line N. 00. 10' W., a dist- ance Qf 259.1 feet, more or lcss. to the point of beginning. The above description contains all the land conveyed to Saul N. Davidson, Annette M. Davidson. Norman Pluss and Barbara J. Pluss by Warranj:y Deed dated March 14, 1958 and recorded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder, Jefferson County, on April 9, 1958, in Book 1113, Page 541. The above described parcel contains 1.320 acres, more or less. M1TIl IUCORD!tIG PUlISE MAll TO, He !'1~:l-;I\m '''1\ r.1 \"')'W~yS of the Sl~t~ 01 r('!cr~c1o Hlr,':/I~Y tJtt.( p ntl"',11:~ 4201 (~^.1 1I1~~r.~JS 1'\'~:1LJe r:rll'..~l, (oirol3r1l1 8:J2U "T1f~ll')N: Rii:hl ol W~y ~cclll'ln I' \ \, 1!}8i) 2:)'1