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CIVlL Ml'ION NO. 26685
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T~~ MA'rf:R c-.c an. regularl, tfR' hcar:L.'"lg toMe d.8,J' Upo:l
a Can...t w Bntry of Rule and Order ,,1t.~ ....peat to the
IlCClUU1.tiC!!l of ~ propel''' which i. the Bub.1ect ..tter ot
~. aa1!lan; ...U Conaent bes.na duly exeouted b7 the per. on
1ntci'Wii~~ ~ the ewn~ Im!i ~MI! Qthl!l!'W1.Si!! inter..ted ...,r
re"4J it .W....ing to the Qoun tree said Oan.ent and the
.~ pl-aAL~" nerein ~qst 8.14 p~rDUU is th. ~.e::4 ~~e~
and thoae othel'Yise int.r..ted and that saU ~e%'Son ha!! ~@e4
with ,he petitlcnera upon the c.,en..tton ~u be paid herein J
1'= CC"JB'f PD!!!: That it h-. '1).-.11 IUld eOllPJ..~. .1ur:l.s-
dle~1Cl1\ tit the .o;.~;c=t =Ue!' of this ~~tton an:i the party
\bento, tMt aervia. hu _een ..de upon all inter..ted parti..,
aa 2'Cfili..... bl' laIfJ ..t the pan,. has acreed that the sua of
'''1,000.00 ...pr..ent. the tull o.,en..UCIft to be paid t6J' the
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.11 ot~r co.t. ot .aid party! that pur.uant to ..id agree-
lMIit the petlt1tlner~ M~ ~~o~tt.ed in the Reshtry Fund of
~1. Caun the total .ua ~ $41,000.00, &It &r..d upon; and
'tliiiN:tG'F.! 1. t 1a
ORDDBD, AJ)JUDOJ:D and m:CRDD tbat Parcel No. 138,
d..er1bed 1n ~ib1t "A", Bttached hereto and 1neorporated
here1n by reter~ce, hu been dull' .,nd l&WtUl.1.y taken by the
petit1_er. p\lftuant to tohe Statute. and tM Con.titution 01'
-the 8t&te 01' OolO1'.do; that the inter..t. 01' the ..1d
r..pond_t in said pareel have been acquired b1 the petitioners,
and ~t ~e title to a.ld propert" tosether with ali
apprtmanc.. thereunto belon&ina, 18 herebY ve.ted in the
petition....; and, it. 1.
J'Uti~ QP.DSP.,Btl 1:\.'lat a ce-.Y"t!tie(! cop,. of this Rul__ and
Or4er be rwoorded and indexed in the office 01 the Clvk and
Ree.rder oC ;;ett.rson County in like ~er and 1n like .freet
.. It' 1t "ere a deed 01' c:onve,.anoe t'1'_ the owner md plU"tle.
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PROJ~CI NO. ! 70-3(0)265 ~O~ 2
W. 48th & Waosworth - Mt. Vernon Canyon
I'ARl:l>L NU. ijil
A !:rai:.L or p;J reel. or l.L Ilt1 NO. 1~t\ of ~he Department of ti1.8h\llays,
State of Colorado, Project No. ! 70-3(5)268 Sec. 2 containing 0.392 acres,
more or less, in ~he ~l,~ of the SW~ of Section 29, Township 3 South, Range
69 ~st. oj the Sixtb Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado,
.aid tract or parcel being mo e particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the west present R.O.W. of existing Young-
field St. (November, 1964) from which point the west 1/4 corner of Section
29, T. 3 S., R. 69 ~., beaTS N. 820 27' W., 8 distance of 1,322.4 feet;
1. Thence along the said w~st present R.O.W. N. 00037' W.,
. distance of 10.0 feet;
2. Thence along the! aaid west present R.O.W. S. 89043'30" W.,
= distance of 22.0 feet;
3. Thence continuing along the said west present R.O.W.
n. 00= 37' W., a dtstance of 125.0 feet to the south pre-
.ent R.O.W. of West 32nd Ave. (November, 1904);
4. Thence along the said south present R.O. W. , S. 890 43' 30" W.,
. distance of 125.0 feet to the northwest property corner;
S. Thence along the west property line, S. 000 37" E., a distance
of 135.0 feet to the southwest property corner;
6. thence along the south property line N. 890 43' 30" E., a dist-
ance of 147.0 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.
The above description contains all the land conveyed to the Humble Oil
Company by Warranty Deed dated October 16, 1957 and recorded in the office of
the Clerk and Recorder, Jefferson County, on Octob~r 18. 1957, in Book 1085,
Page 501_
The above described parcel contains 0.392 acres, more or less.
21.2:1 160