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Receptlon NO'i'\:'5B:1B:1:'::'
.. ....... ....', ........ ......Rl!(order.
Lee Sand and Gravel Co" ~ Colora,'o
corporation t
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'" hose address Is
Wheat Ridge,
Coun ty of
. State or
Colorado , for thE: cor.fl'rdcraf;i 1 of other good
and valuable consideration and trm --
doll.lrs, In hand paid, hereby nell(s) and ""nvey(s) w
Adolph Coors Company, a Colorado corporation,
whose ,ddress Is Golden
Coun "" of
,and State of Coiorado
the follOwing real property In th~
County of
J effersun
, and State of Colorado, to wit:
See Exhibit" A" hereto attached
with all its appurtenances, l\nd warrant(s) the title to the same, subject to taxes for the I'
year 1971. due and payable January i, 1972, and all subseqUent taxes, deed of
trust recorded in Book 2210 at page 7l0, Jefferson County recurds, which gr,."tec I
assumes and agrees to pay, agreement recorded in Book 2310 at page 380, Jeffer I
son County records, and any easements, rights of way and conditions of record, I
. 1971 .
" ,'I st~Uu,'\
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AA;;.' t ~ecretary
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"., ~">ltIIIJJI.t..;9.U11tY of
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-"The !or"~~inidri1trument was acknowledged before me this 17th
dk<y:oC' ,No'.ten:b6!: ,1971 ,by Charles R. Eatchei, President and Howall K.
.collinS ,CIIss' t SeQretary of Lee Sar.d /lnd Grovel Co., a <:orporat1on.
, "My eqrnmi~i~ $xpires JU:Je 20, 19J'3.
'K:,Y{\l1!~'.1ny,~ and official sea!.
. OP'lI.~O~,\.\,,,,
I'"'' \l\~
day ot
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'1Ilt.'Of'l/ A('k"c,tcreda","t_t( by n..t~n.l ~ 0'" ~rlM'ln. htre Inftrt name or n..me.: It bY penon actlnw 1ft ,..,.~",:..tI". elf'
ornela.l cl\!:Nwlt,. or.. ..ttom~,..ln-fact Ulon In..rt ~",r\" of (Mr.on aa l&Iecutor ..U.'m'T-In.ta.at o!' (tt.b.tr OLp&.C:lI'-1 Of' 11.....unl"-
1.101'1: If b)' "t!lOllr ot OOrpon.Umlo ~n \nMln Ill.tnIl ot .ucb oftloft' or ortl(lllltl .. ~ pru14wt or O"Hr oltloen of lrtK.l\ 00....
lIoratJon n..min. It.
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No. Hit7. ~h"....t1 IkM-I'-\'~ 111.N'. r;.Jt.1J.1!IU..-BraAford pgWJr,lllna OG.. 'II..... Bielat IhrwI. 0....,. OflIar...-t-n
~, mlI_'__' -~,..,.~
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2318 217
p .,\.nC~~L .\:
:.':..... p:'l.:....t 0"1 the S~ of Scc.tit-,n 20 ~nC: 01 ~tc: XE;' of t::c -:-'1/~~ cZ
2..}..;.~ ion 291 ?own:;;hip 3 SC\l~h) R:1~)Gc GO West of the 6t:4 P .!.r. f
~0~c~i~~d ~s follown:
::.):;i;1;-li41~ at a point ~~) t~.~. 2:l.zt :..~i[Cht o~ V/:'.y li~O ot Y:;v.:.;~:'...~:t
~~''::''''.;bt) :from v;hicli. !'Join'': tho :"J.uartc:: co:.~ncj." be: ';WOOi.1 s~i(j" S(:ct.::'(..:.~
:';0 :.ac.. ~O bo~..~.s ~7c:..th 73022:'52" ::::n.st, 1::'06.05 fCO~f and \'/h:.'Z:" iH:'::-.-:-,
is :'.180 the 1\o~.th'.':c:sto:::-l:;' CCi' ~lcr of Ridr.:o Subdivision i thC::1cO ;:c.:-t....
C ~~~5'2811 :S~st =-..lcn[~-:':hc NO;:l:: t"ly lino of Ridl~o Sub<.:i"i:iion, 111~..:\:'
fcc-:; t::..11i.CO ~o7:'::h 000'..:1.0" E:L t, 180 :feot; thence !:O~:"I;h. 58";;'71~3"
E:'.::i::, lD5 :feet; thenco Suu~:! '310026'05" East, 165.78 feet to t:-.c .(;~-:
l:..:~" o~ :l p=-:..~.::cl 0:Z l~nd dcsc:.,..ibcd i;1 3001' 759 at PZl.!i(: '162 -,"Z Se:::f.;l'-
bC~: CO'.,~nty ::cco::"o.s; thC11cG l~o:...th C005t3011t 1'lcst alo:::.~ f;t..~d. ~k:st ::.:-.&,
:JC:::.05 ice"'.; ....;0 th~ i{orth line of s:lid .tj."n.ct described in Bc)o.: 75:
:~.:; :"':'..f;C' (G2; -::hci.1cC Sout:) 87058' E:.st alonr;: the North line (If s:;..-;..c
-..._....ct:, ':;3.1.32 feet to the YJcst J.ino of tho J01-:n R~ Lee t:-act z..s
....,.,s.:::.....i;jcd :'11 3oo~;: 2C2 at :)~~e 320 of so.id recol~ds; thence: 1,":--:::. 0"GS'
...._" .Vczt a:!.()11~ the "\':est lii1\'} 01 s~id Joi:n R. Lee ..r:."ClC't: I 200 =oc-:: .~o
~..0 So~;t~ line c:' ?carl 01 t~1e Valley S:;1Jclivisio:l; thence ~:or~:.4 B60
....).:o~ r :$5" 65 feet ..~O the BE cornc:" 0: t:":lct of l::.nd cc.nvcYGd t:o
::;.:.:old :,. Leo by ('~ed rcco7.,..c:.cd ill Boo:: 497 at ~z.ga 562:; the~ce :.c:."~:.
0"29' [:,7" ~'.'(:s'':', 357.30 feet ....;0 tho NE cO::'ncr of said Y.c:.:"o::"d ::. La.
..::.....1.c"t ~ tt.cncc SO......~,Ll 89030 '3811 WCS~, ~ZO..~7 feet 'to 'the :~or"t:;-Sv-":'~..
cEnterlin" of said Section 20; thence North 82. 38' 15" We '. 516.24 fee,,; th(,nce
Sc,uth 0;)032' 00" East, 122.05 feet; thence South 72.57' 53" West, 145.09 fact;
...;-.0~1CC ~vl:ti.. 7Zov~:6'12" i'lest, ;314.CS icc"', ~o the :E;lSt ri;.;ht o1"uw:.y
~:,.." of you:1~~:ZiclG streot; ....:.~';.onca Dcuth 004-1'16" !:ust nlong s:lid
2ns-: r.i.~:~"t 0: \'/rlY line, 2117.00 loot, mo:'O or lees, to 'the point c~
ba;;:...nnl.r.g, :';XC:~:)T tho. t po:..~tio:1 t'r'.<.n~cc..Z dcsc:&,"ibed as fo1j,ows:
..:,'hD -:;r~ct bc\~ill;-:in~ at t~1C Sou".;hwcstc:rly C04.;-..cr
01 ~:~:...~c1 A hCl.cinbo:Zore doscr;..bcd, said point
bo~n~ a point On ~~hD E:ls",: ri:;;ht-of-w~y linG of
~ounJ~icld S't::cc"t, fl."om \':h.ich point t~o quarter
co~~or betwee~ Sections 20 nnd 29, Towns~ip 3
South, Ranea 69 Was"'; of the 6th P.M., 'c~ars
l\Ol~tJ1 730'22 r 52" E~st I fL distanco of 130G. 06
fco~, :tnd which point is :llso ti"lC }\ol.th...
westerly corner ot Ridgo Subd.ivisionj th(Jnco
!\orth 6'.1 D25 '23" 1:::15"'; n.lon~ tho Southc.l,:ly
boundary line of :: ;rcel A and tho };0:.".;hcr1y
boundary line of Ridae Subdivision a dis-
tanco of ~D5.S7 foetj thcncG l~('j.;'th 0044116"
i'lest, parallel to tho West boundary L.r.a ot
Pnrcel A, a distance of 1,772.95 feet to a
pointj thence South 750~G'12ff West, pz..l"~llel
to tho Nortllcrly bounc1:try linG of Parcol A,
a distance of 462.77 feet to a point on the
~ast bounda~y line of said Parcel A; thenco
South OD"1-1 f 16" E:\st n.lon~ tho .Nest 1..1 )undary
lino of Parcel A, a distance of 1,87,3.23
feet to the point of be~i~n1ng.
~o~etho~ with.n 50 foot non-ahclusivo casemont cye~ nnd ~cros~
":..~c excepted T:-act ns described hereina'bcvG for ingress, err:-.:- 61.::.<1
u'.;i:ity lines, said :10 foot casement to run parallel with t;,
:;o::"::herly line of sald excepted T'.:act and to ".:>e located \!it; t.~e
;;o::-'::herly 150 feet of said e;,ceptcd Tract. and also togcthe- ,':' t,~
a 50 foot ~on-cxclusive eas~~ont vVGr and ac~oss 55.10 ~ce~ ~ ~~u
:O'..lt~1 SO .10 :fect of the o;-::c'Jptod Tract as described hGreinab va
io;.,.. il1[;:&''"css, cgresp nnd utility 11r..es, said eascma:.t to :Je .r~..r=tllc:'
to the Southerly linA of said oxcepted Tract with the 50 feot cii~a~-
s:..o;; bci~(l' measured perponciicuJ ar to the South :ane of saicl o>';..:epted
Tract. .. . ,
2318 217
1"1.. I (, '1;- II
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2318 218
1!,....:~C:;L n:
:~ :>=,,::.t of 'the ~l~~ of tho SW.; ot Soc.t.ion 20, Towns:1.ip 3 ~;outh, r'.~nzc
~0 ....:st of tl:o G~h P.M., dCf':ribcd :.s follows:
:':c.::in-::.inrc :Lt tho NW ('.oj..nc~ o~ s~id ~{!2)~ of tho S\':1;; t'hor.ce Gc~~h
00:..0 I :::,~st, 5570,: feot; .:hcn.;o: N'orth 89 Q 50' Eas1; 50S. 57 teet, ~o
~:-'..J ....:ruc point of bcginl.....""n~; thence ~or'th egQ50' East, 205 fcc~;
~~~~CC South 45024' West, ~r7.09 feet; thence Northerly 201 fee~,
::,o:..~.:: or less, to tho true pc- ...t of beginning,
County of Jefferson, Stat~ 01 Colorado.
",,::C:L C:
':':.0 :::ast 25 feet of the South 210 feet of the Xorth 773.7 ;:cc:t of
~~~~~ 1, Pearl of the Valley, tOGether with a ~i~ht-o~-way as
j):"~cG0ntly existinr; over the propc:'ty to the WG~t for ingrcr:.:s ard
C~:::'.C!.3S to tho abovo doscrioDcd propcl.ty from Wcst t..4th Avenue,
~.),;c.~l:el" with the b:tl:tnce of l"nc1 necezs"l"Y to give ingress "nC:
0:;=035 :f:....om ','lost 44th Avenue to the afore-dnscribcd parcol of land,
~s .)ccep"ed by Jefferson County for road pUl"poses,
County of Jefferson, state of Colorado.
':\nC~L D:
?:.~act 1, EXCEPT tho North 773.7 feet theroof, Pe::Lrl of the Valle:".
Cou~~y of Jefferson, State of Colorado.
?/.RCEL E:
'i'hr~.~ p~j,..t of tho W~. ,of tho S~~ of Section 20 J Township 3 South,
~o.n~o 69 '.'lcst of the 6th P.:.L, doscribed as follows:
i3cGinnin~ at the intcrscc~ion 01 tho ~iorth and South c('nterli:i0
o~ Section 29 and tho cente:,,"line ot West 38th Avenue J said pc.i:i.~
bci~~ 521.~2 feet .South 01 the North quarter ~orner of s~1d Scc~ion
29, ?ownship 3 South, nan~o G9 "lest of the 6th P.M.; tne;lce ~:or-=h
7603-1' East :222.39 feot to tho tl"ue poin't 0:1:' 'r,cginn1ng; ti.1e::C13
Xorth 500 feet; thence Wc:::t 136.31 feet; ti"'~cnc.-' North 1425.23 leet;
thence Sout~ 87053' East 665.56 ieet; thence South 711.22 feet,
thence West 250 feet; th~nco South 319.49 fc:;~t; thence East 250
feet.; thcr'.co South 714.5. feet to the ccnt(:''1'lir.c of West 38th
Avenue; thence South 7So:<'l' \':est 5~3. 71 fcet to the t:::-ue poir.t of
'uc~inning. E,:ccpti:Jg thcrcf:co..l the following parcel conveyed by
instrur.lCnts ..ecorded in nook 1194 at Page 381 ar.d Book 11'14 at
Page Z90 desc:::-ibcd as iol10ws:
BC!.tinning at the intersection of the North and
South cer.te:::-line of Section 29 and the center-
line of ",'"st 38th Avenue, said poi,~t baing
521.42 feet South of the North qm'rtcr corner
of said Section 29, TownShip 3 SOLth, Range
69 ':lest of the 6th P.:A.; thence l1',l"th 76434'
East, 222.39 feet to the true polnt of
beginning; thence North 500 feet; thence
West 136.31 feet; thence North 340.28 feet;
thence deflectinr, 8205S' right, 418.44 foet;
thence South 51. 2-1 feet; thence East 250
feet: thence South 714.59 :feet to the center-
line of West 38th Avenue; thence South 76.34'
\'lest, 543.71 feat to the true point of
County of Jefferson, State of Colorado.
Together with all water I water rights I ditch, ditch rights I rc e-rvoir and
reservoir rights appurtenant to snid lands, and I e..LSO all nghts of .;runtee our-
su,lnt to agr'eement recorded In Book 2310 at page 380, J€:ferscn Cour,ty,
23~8 218
~...~n..__.a "R1I1f.w't'!I'I.,....m...