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W-- -=-'-~::1C1 ilnCl (,rilV~1 Co , a Colorad:>
II "orporation,
t whnse "ddr""s is WhC31 R,dqe,
I County of Jefferson
, State of
Colorado , for the consideration of other good
J Id vnluatle consideration and ten --------
dolbrs, in hand paid, hereby !lell (.) and convey (5) to
Adolph COJrs Compdny, a Colorado oorporation,
wh:lse .,ddress is Golden
County of
I effi':-rs0n
, and Stete of Colorado
the following 1'e.~1 property in tho 'I
County of J eiferson
, and St.te of Colm-ado, to wit:
See Exhibit" A" hereto attaohed
with all its ar'purtenances, and warrant(s) the title to the same, subject to tax0~' for the i
year H71, due and payable January j, 1972, and all subsequent t~x",s, '11)0'1 of '
tru.sl reoorded In Book 2210 at page 710, Jefferson County records, WlllCh grantr'0.\I[,
<l,;sumI)S and agrees to pa;', agreement recorded in Book 2310 at page 380, Jdfer-
!Ion C"untj records, and any easements, rights of way and condltl')ns of rccord_
~~~::~~~~:JLlitd:::::: i
Pre sident I
day of
. 1971 .
, S,gmd,lhill
to.:"'" ~-:!~ ..' 'I
ljllcesf: . ~ (',
'~tt;;~~Q;/~;{Y ~:f2';~
, M.s.' t .j3eoretary
" r
... ''''IIjIlI'II.C~)Unty of Jefferson
\(~\:...:,. / "'1,
, -The !or\!~~i;ii~trument Wag acknowledged before me thia
ds,)"o!' Nove-mber ,1971 . hy Charles R. Eatchel,
Collins ,ellss' t S"Jretary of Lee Sand and Gravel Co., a
My commis,io!i txJ,ires June 20, 1973.
,,;:"~itf\"" mY,~)l<f and official sea!.
OI' .'.: ~)\'.\,\\'
Presidellt C11d
Howurd K.
an, 11
, ~''r-J_'''---: t-
.' ~"'~''^,," Co ( ..'" :..",i.)p,,,........,,.
............~'_... --:'... ii.. // U\.lIr71'ubll(
.8t~f,,!Of'1I Ac~"(.U'a.ed""It."t.-H by natum.! pt!rwoTI or perwonl h.='re InM"rt name Or' nM,m..: It b~ 'ru~r a;-:~~~ ~~ ~;~~t~~.....~~
Orndkl <:l\]>I\.Clty (.r ... a.ttom.,..lr.-fa.ct lht'n In.ut n,arn. .or ",,~ ... ~~I~~~..\~m.:!:"".h.~jlnl or o'her .,tf~....tI of ""dl. ,.,.c_
t:on: If by '1frt~r ot oorporatlon then lnlM'rt n..me 0 IlUC of......, or 0 ... u ,
pomtloll "",minK It. _ ___.--:~
==;~;;:-;~:=::~~~:lIt,. ~hort I'o...--8M. 11I.I.U, (".R..S. IHI._BnA'ord Publlal>ln. Co.. II!ol.U 15tnot 8t..r..t. n.-H..r, C..l.....l" ,...71
2318 ;~Jll;
2318 21'7
~j':::~..L .\:
u ') .....,:. ,j: ...~C ~;.\ 0": :-,~~-:;'ion 20 G..H': 01 -::;-~C: :'j;~. (.If t.u.. 01
~:....',.-...i,):-. ";0, ~...'v.i.1:3...i;l 3 ::';OU-'':~l, R:>.;',[;o G:J ','lest 0;': "~.-.c: C~.. p.:
'-..)~.~:~:. ..:'::. .:'.5 .::ol~v"'~;:
..: ::.:...........~: ~ a-:: a :~o...::..:. on -:::10 Zo.st :..'"i~:1.C 0:': w:'.'J 1...::'0 G: ~"" - ~...'
~:w:..'~:.J-'~, ":i..'O;.1 Y.01i.:::", ~)Oi:1t ~:lC 0.UUj,,1t~:;.,. co:..' nc j." ';(t';WC(;:, .::.;;:.:'..c.. _,r..;~_::...:"
:;J :-.;'oc. :'0 :)0:".:'''::; '.'~o:.."~:'o 7:' o2~ 1 52" :::~~t, 1::"06. OZ :;.':cc:.., ~\.....C: ','/. :.. ::.'1 .'J.. w
i::; ......1.S0 "..;::c :\o:'~:i."'''::5'''cc:;,''ly CC~:';'1cr of ::lid~o :;u:::'(~ivi::;:'G.1, ",:., (:~";C''': ,...~ w.
e . ':':;3 I :';'':;'' ::;:,~:;t :-.loi.1~-,; "'.:llC :\'o:.."'thorly 11:10 oi nid;~,:: 3u:........:'.. '/:i:>ic.;. J ::..2. ,L..
:f~...::-:; ....:.:l~..cc .:0:........-:. oOot~o" East, 180 feot; thence: ::0:,...;, ~.;-:;".:.'"71::..,.
E:~::;..J 1'05 foot; tr:.cn..:c SOU':::l 34"26105" East, 105.73 'icc~ ~0 ~':';'..: ',.~_
1~::~ o~ ~ p~~~cl 0: l:~d dcsc~ibcd in ~oo~ 750 at p~~o (G2 0: :c__~:-
s.... CO' ........ -"ccu~"c'~ t'lC"lCC ~-U'''''"h 000::"3.A.1I "'05"" "'10'." (..':c.. '(." .~""
:,;., ~"~J......:'..." .:~: ~':' ~~''''''J) "'.., oJ, .:~.....".... Lo ~ "...:..:.... ~:....;.... .:.: .....: ;:~: 0..; I
...............00 .LCl,,;.. ..0 ..1.0,.; ~or....h l_no 0... 0:.....10 .......he... c.esc......;..I_G. ...... ,....00.. ......~
~.: '-~GC .:G2, t~l,,;,lC0 Sout~ C70581 E~st alcn~ the ~ort~ ~i~Q Gf ~;.~t.
....R._...:.~ I C3.1.:2 i'c.::-::: to tho ~','cst lino of tho Jol~:1 P~. Lee t::';lC'': ;.;:;
........:;.:.::....:..Joo :.;';, 0CO~; ....C2 at :-"';:'~o 3~~C of Si.lid rcco~..GSj thc..;c:: ~;(.,:'_:. (It.:.:.,'
.... _!' ~\'c:: -.; a :-\}:"~ ...,: ~2c _ :':cst li~l'). of s~ic. J o:~n . ~. . ~e T:'''<lc'''l.-, ~~oo :- r.:c..:., v
~..,; :;o'~.".::: ..;...;.:~o c... _'carl 01 tl1C Vn.llcy S~~bCD.VJ.SlO;'l.; t;:cr.c.:: :;v::'''~.. l,' 0
"..:.:>';:. :~5.~5 io..:~ .~~o the S:: corne.... o~.. t:;=-,?t of l:"nc1_~Gr.lv"':j'C:c. ~..:o,.
::~...."old. ,\. L0C 1,;.~. (oed rcco~".:.cd 11'1 neo.: '~9.' z.t j?':'f:O ov~, '~.-.0:-.CC: . eM'::::'
011:10 t f..7" ,,"::;3.., :'~~'-'.:10 feet ~.O tho ?\l:: co:,"ncr of sr-"id !:2:"v::"d ::. u.::c.
~:':'.~:;-::; ~..:r.cncc ~o..... ....i. 80030 I Z.:'" \'tCG".:, E.Z~.1':.7 ieet ~o ~.~C . .o:;....-.:..-:.:.c...-::.
centerlin>? of said Section 20; thence North 82.38' 15" West, 516.::'; feet; thcn,:e
Se,uth 000 32' 00" J:ast. 122.05 feet; thence South 72057' 58" West, 145.09 ie,::;
....;.~:....:.c ::::G;';~.. 7::\"..Gtl~1I ',';'(:~t, ..3'-:'4.C5 10e..: '':0 ~hc :: ~..:-:; l":l ;.....: 0: .....~.y
~ .....: 0';: ~\')~;.." ~ ....:~...c:. street; ~.::..::nco Dcutl1 C ~~l'~ '16" l~~s-:: :I. :O:1f; s:.ic.
~~s~ r_Jt~ 0: w~y line, 2:17.00 1c~:, mO~Q or lc~s, to ~~o poin~ (.~
b~~:":lnlr.e:, :;;':,-:~.;)'..;." tl1a t !Jo:....tio;. thul"oc...L' dosc~"ibcd ~.s f (;;.. :.0'.1/5:
'.;,':......:: ..::......lct bc.;~in:1~n~~ at tho Sc\.\"'.;hwosto:::-ly CO;''':.cr
0:: :':-~:"...:cl A hCl"oinholoro closcr:.bcd, so.id point
l~~....n~ ~ 90int on tha E~st right-of-way li~e of
'...'6',.n:.~:-Z io ld S.t::oat, ::~"om which point t~o quartGr
co:';,;,,:, bC'.;wcen SoctionEl 20 an'; 29. 'l'ow;,ship 3
.so~th, R:l.neo 60 Wcs"'-: of tho 6th P.M., b~Zl.rs
Kort~1 73022'521f East I n distanl:o of 1305.0(;
fec-::, :1.rlG which point :.s also tho ~orth-
\\'esterly corne:" of Ridr:o Subdivision; thenco
:\'orth G1. 025'23" E:ls"~ :l.lon~ tho Southc~"ly
boundary line of 1':-.:::'co:l. A and tho No:'the1'ly
bou:1d:Wy line of RidGo Subdivi:;icn :l. dis-
t:l:1CO of {95,S7 feet; thence North 0011'16"
y,'cst, p:trallcl to the West boundary line of
Parcel A, ~ distanco of 1,772.95 teet to a
point; the:1ce South 750~6 '12" \'Iest. 1':.:',,11e1
to -:::,0 :',o1't;,e1'1y bound"ry line of 1':trcol A.
0. disto.:1ce of ~G2. 77 foot to a point on ti10
\':cs~ bm.lnclnry lino 0:2 st.id Parcel A; 'thence
SOi..:.....:h OOi:.~ '1G" Zast nlon;: the) 'Nest boundary
li:-. c.:? l~arce 1 P., :l distance o:f 1,873.23
:cct to the point of be~i~n1~~.
'";...)..0-::(-1,:):;.... \'/i~.;h -a 50 foot non-exclusive e.o.semcnt O~/0:"" ::-~:1d. :.C:"0~;S
~.:.,C excc!ytcd rJ."r-:.ct as described hcreinaoovo fo:" in:;ress, 03;::'~\:S.s .:;'.c.
u~i:ity lines, said 50 foot e:-.semont to run po.~all01 ~i:~ ~~a
:~o:""~';:i.c:."ly line 01 said excepted T:....~ct and tv '.)0 loca~'~c.. '.i....i:: :.~.:
:.o:.....nc:-ly 150 fce't of said e:~ccptcd Tract, ~nd also to:;c:':h('~:" \.::.:'
:t 5(") foot non-c=-=clusive easo:::ont over and ac:i:'oss 55.10 :':i~e~.: e~ :. .,;
~(i~l:~:l CO .10 fGc-~ of ~':1<: cx<?c!?tod '!'l"act as. dcsc:,"ibod h0~:~.~n"';0\'~ ~ ,
..:,y,.... J.rJr;::.....css, C:~;....cs.s n.na utJ.l:l.~';Y lincs, sald e:lsc~..a:;,t to ,).0 ':'r'~:';'~'~ M
to -.::-..0 Southej."l~r lino of said oxceptod Tl"Oj,ct with the 5::; foet c..:.::-.};-'-
s:..o;~ being r.~cn.su:"ed perpondicular to the South ::'ine of s;.ic ~;=c~;>-;:0d
23113 ~1~1
;(::318 ::aH
~'1 . ';C~:L 11:
.~ ',:-._"t o~ ....:110 t:~. of tho S""'.~ 0.:' Section 20, '!own.s:...i~ 3 ~;GI;th, ~-:'a:-.;;c
00 ...:$": ()..' ...::.:) G".:l1 P.~,i., doscribed :.5 :rollow~.:
'''- ir:::i:'<: :-....,: -'';'''.0 NW CQ:..:'r.cr o:!! s::.ici ~\:s~'. of tho s,.'; ~ w;-,;c :Jc.-~.:'i-.
00:'.)1 :..~:....~;, 557..: feot; thcnC3 North SD~.50t l:nst; 505 5" ::.~C"t, ~o
-:.:,~ ....;r\Jc po.n':: of boCil1n....n~; t~1.onc() ~or"th B9CJSO' i.:::l,s"t, 2C5 fcc-: t
~;-.'~~..cc Scuth .1502( t West, 287.09 fect; t11cnCEI Northcrl,l 201 fec-:,
:':.0..,,:. or less, to tho truo point of bCf'inning,
Co;;;.y of Jefferson, State of Colorado.
:) :-:C~~L r.:
"-":.~) :::l,.S-:': 23 rcc~ of tho South 210 feot of the }:c.l"'th 7~<:..~' [(;(;';: cJf
"..'",-0;.":-'; 1, PC:J.~'l or the Valley I tor:othol- with a ri3ht-o~ -','/~LY ,-1,::;
:)_~c;3.Jntly cx:.stinrr over tho propo:'ty t'J tha Wl)st for ....;-.~i~C:SS ~.:.r.d
c ~"'.0.j$ to tho above dcscr10cd propel4ty f:'o:n \'lest .t;.~t:--1. AV"l';).i.:.C I
::.J.,~".:l..cr wi tit tho balanco of land nccc:E;sary to give i"lg-russ olrlG
c -;;'.C'.:i$ f~~oJ:\ ~','..)st 4<1th Avonuo to "~hc aforo-doscribcd p:l.rccll of .Lar.d.
::05 .:.:cep1:ed by Jefferson County :tor road purposes,
County of Jefferson, State of Colorado.
~:.j'\C=L D:
7:'act 1, EXCZPT the North 773,7 feet theroof, Pe.,rl of tho Valle::.
Cou';J.ty of Jefferson, State of Colorado.
P/.::'C~;L E:
?ll~~ p~rt of tho W~ pi tho S~~ of Section 20, T01vnsllip 3 South,
:lo.n;;o G0 I'l~st of the Gth P.:.:', dc!;crib3d :.\5 follows:
I3c~inninlj at the intcrscc"\:ion 01 tho North and South ccr.terli::c
0:: Sect.ion 29 and the ccntel"lino of W~st 38th l..v:Jr.uo, .:;u:id P::'l:-,";:
b8in~~ 52l.~2 feet .South of tho North quarter corner of sr.id ~.0c""ion
20 I ':'owr:ship 3 Sout11, nango G9 Wast of the 6th P .;,!. j the:lCC :,or-:.:h
7503~' E~st 222.39 feat to tho true point of beginning; t~c~ce
:;0:.,......::'1 500 Zoot j thenco "lc~t 136.31 foot; tl:.enco North 1.1:;5.23 fl)C:;
ti",ence Sout~1 87058 I East GG5. 5S :feet; th~nc.c South 711. 2:1 fc(~t I
~he~cc Wes~ 250 feet; thcnc~ South 3~9.49 fect; thenco E:lst ~50
fC0"';; thcncv South 714.59 foet to the cant\;'rlir.c of West 3~,th
i,venue; thence South 7603'1' ,'lest 5~3.71 fer."t to the t~'ue poil',t of
;'er:~nnir,:-:. E,:ccpti:1ti thercfron tho followinr: pr.rce 1 cO:1Ve)"ed bj'
instru",ents )..ecorded in noo:; 1194 at Page :;;37 ar,d :300;'; 119<' at
Pa~e 390 Gesc~ibcd ns follows:
r:c~:innin:-: nt tho inte~section of the North and
South ccntc~line of Scction 29 anel the cl~nter-
linu of 1','est 38th Avenue, said po:i.nt bninr;
521.12 feet South of the North quarter corner
of said Section 29, Township 3 South, Hnng"
69 ':lest of the 6th p.:,!.; thence North 76034'
__st, 222.39 feet to the true point of
beginning; thenco North 500 feet j thenl:e
Wcst 136,31 feet; thonco North 340,28 teet;
thence deflectinf~ 82058' right, 418.44 feet;
thence South 51.2'1 feet; thence East 2:50
feot; thence South 714.59 feet to the .=enter-
Une of \'lest 38th Avenue; thence South 76034'
\'I€'st, 543.71 feet to the true poi:~t of
County of Jefferson, State of Colorado.
Togcther with all water, water rights, ditch, ditch rights, "cs,,,vc,ir "",C
reservoir rights appurtenant to said lands, and, al~,o 2111 ng~lts of (,.r(l;~~CC pu.-
SU<1nt to agreement recorded in Book 2310 at page 380, Jeffe'son C:our:y,
:Z:J:l8 ~:18