HomeMy WebLinkAbout2321 183 , ~'IIIIIIIII_III'~~ 'jr{", en," ,< ""n"" H 5.9 q : " Ch . r:)"~~Ql, po.... r:>~... /.0 ~ .I I-'-----------~-~--~------ --- -~-~--------10'i?'j~,:n V-----n-! '3:1 "'-;-1(1;1( 'I: I Re(:')rdEdot~_.+_oc-lock__ M. _ ___"___._~IS_._. . I " ' L--- 8..g--g~':':)!1..l~)'=o='-,~S'1',~,,;3 ,--=_=_ =_=oc-=,==,===""""".=---~==-===-===_~..,......---=~=----,o ~n--=---_ Bec,...,rds,~___~ ~fCn1Jt:ol\1l]1[L~!tf(!1t~5€1Prl~S~11ts ,-, '"'-', 1TI11&t 11. or' ~Oe, EDl10ND L, YF:IGON and ALICE E. FRIGOll Ill; GIC111QI (r Grcnl()r~, of tile I)r;d Courd) of Jefferson ,and Stole of Colorado , f'~f (In,j in cOI~slderal on of 'ne sum l)f TEr~ DOLLAns and other ~ood end volvablf? conSlderolicns to H"e said (;r'Jntor i r GmnlOIS in r-or,j flCid, the reC~lpl wher€c,lls hereby cOflfessed and oCkncwledQed, hcve granted, ba:goined, sold an::l ::onvE'yed Gn1 b')' these pr~~:'n's dJ r1ereby (;RAN7'", B/JR:;,4iN, SELL AND CONVEY unto STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGH\VAYS Division IOf Highways, State of Colorado the Grr:"""e,its successorS ond oss:qlls forever, the fOl!owinQ reol prCllCirty, sifuated in the Counfy ~f J,; ffen:on aM ~~t'lf"-,, of COlOfCdo, lo.wi~ sq,ft /'1. tract or parcel!)f land, No. 109 of GrQn~ees F'roioc\ Nt,. 5U 0072 (4) See:. 2 conlo'lning 1, 6~,() /~. mor'~ crless, in Tract 5, Ni,~holas Gardens, a aubdiviaion in the SEt of Section ]7, l'('WTIship 3 S0t. .n) Range 1)9 West, of tne Sixth Princ{p11 Ke'Iidian, in J,~fferson Cour,ty, CclorE.do. sate tract or parc,~l being mor.~ pB-ticulllrly described as follw.s: The West 5.0 feet of Tract 5, Nicholas Gardens. 'rle ahov,~ described parcel contains 1,650 6,~.ft., more or leSA. ~ = n~ 0<- c. ~'", .n- Co -:::: r_; "- z~ -'0 ~'" ~~ Ul ~.- = n, ._1', ; --...J m r , :~! l'U ~ ,,'g CD '" ",::: '" I", --t'"' -..J , n ::...:~ gi; <> , r~ - Ou CD , ........... '" " - ,4 :r :..: I t I 2:l21 1''';1 ) --- - --- ---~------------ -------- ------- ------------ ----- IN~\Jj)>.,<< KN~IlII_IR~Ii\(IIIIiJe_.I'IIQIIII_R\I.,\illll~..DRlDft.~IR\'~1lIftl1ll , ,-