HomeMy WebLinkAbout2375 54 ...8_-..-.........__ '--.._----- ...---"...-.--.-----.... ') 0 U I) i l\J .. Recorded at.. ..............................o'elcck ............M., ..._..____.........._........._.._....~....._... .............._ R...pllon No.....49,0381...... ......._............_..__.........._.._._..!....!.?l.!.:~rd.r. , r 'II 'J t, I.:.~' Tms DEED Mad. thl. / 7~1v RECORQRl'S _MP.., n IU!l -CAO ~:A __ ~~~ :::{~ Co"" 0"'0004 ne :-1Tl-< Si~ -- ~~: .. N'm ,,,C>~ (,J Ig) ...,,......, ~il ~I~\\ ;:1 '" "'I ~ d'70! ~ 197z...,botween I1AFY EVERITT. MYRON F. WIlLETT, 111:0 GECI<GE A. WILLETr, 1'FUSTEES of th. and Slate of Coll). County of rado. ot the tint part. and JEFFERSON COllNTY, a body n corpontlon l'It'pnb:td and ex.8t1ng under and by virtue of the lawI of the State of Colorado politic and of the second part: WITNESSETH, That the laid part ies (l the tInt part, for nnd In consideration of th lum ot One Dollar ancl other good and valuable considerations-----------------j'16iAJ,vW to the said partie!i ot th,~ fiTl'lt part In hand paid by the~uld party o! the le(ond part, the reep.ipt whereof Is hereby confcned :u.d ncknowledged, he. ve gran~..ed, bar''Ilned, lold and conveyed., a"ld by then preACn".. do grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm, unto the laid plrty of the second part, ttl~ luccessors arod auigns fr,rever, all of the following dcscribedirlt""- Of parcel of lan.1, lituate, lying and beine ill. tho C.)unty ot Je fferson and Strite of Colorado, to wit: Beginning at a point 310 feet Ea..t of the West 1/4 coriler of Section 29 Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. ~ thene. East 100 feet along the North line of the Southwe"t Quarter of said Sectio'll thence South and parallel to the West line of naid Southwest Quarter 45 feetl thence West and parallel to the North lint! of said Southwest Quartlir 80 feetl thence Southeasterly along the arc oE a circle with 20-foot r~dius, center of said circle lying 65 feet South of the North line and 330 feet East of the w,,,,t 1 line of said Southwest Quarterl thence North 65 feet t.O the Point of Beginning. Containing 0.105 acres TOGETHER with an and Ilngular the hereditamentl and appllt'ttnaneea thereunto belon&ing or in anTwile nppertalnlng, and the reveraion and reveratotUl, remalndoer and remalnden, renta, IlIuta and profit. thereof: and aU the e.tate, rlcht, title, Intel"e't, claim and den\and whau(ltTer at tb. ..Id part lea at the tint part, either In haw cr equltv, ot, in and to the above bargained pr-..mJu., with the heredltamenta and appurtenance.. TO llA YE AND TO nOLO the .aid p~mile' aban barplned and deterlbed, with the appurtenancel. unto the .aid party of the .econd part, Ita .uccollom .nd ...lena torev.r. And the .ald I'D.rt lea ot tho tir" pa~.. tor them .el v~s holrs, executorl. and Idmlnl.traton, do eovonant, Cflnt, barrain and arree to and ll'ilh the laid party ot tho second part, its auecel,on and a.lpI, that at the Umo at the ~.ellinE' ond delivery of tht'se presenta, are well lebed of the prtmlN! loon conveyed, II of ,"cod. lUre, perler.t, ahlollllo I\TId indefeaaible eltate of inhf'ritance, In law, In fee Ilmpl(., and ha ve 1000 right, tull power and lawful authority to l:'Tnn!.. bargain, lell and convey the a.....m. In mlMer anel torm u a!orenld, and that the laml! are free and clur from nIl former and other gTan~l, bArgains, sales, liena, taxea. auollment& and encumbrancel of whatever kind or nature nc,eYfr, .and the above bargained premises In the quiet and peaeml pOllel.ioD of t.he uiu party of the lecond put, ita :Juc':essora 81. IlssigT1S, against all and every penon or penonl lAWfully c1alminc or to claim the whola or ""r rart ther.of, tb. ....d part ieso! th. fil'1lt p,rt.holland ,till WARRANT AND FOREVER DE~'END, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Tb. ..Id partie$! th. fll'1lt part nave h.reunlo 1.1 their hinds aIld seal s the day and year first Above written. Signe-d, Sealed anc.: Delivered in the P~senre of . I;~, , JZ..'1 cr::y~~.d:::..[SEAL] (/ /J l_r,/,/,-1':J- . '6J....4..,.?</~,J.sEAL] , M' ..1:,.... 1~.."L..J_;;;J....J..Llf,p[SEAL] / 7 /tL da7 of O+.".....J p W.JJ....1i 'I 71'7,0'-~:? ( (-0 p'p U.-, b. , '~( N<Jtaryl"ublle. .A.TJ:ON-r_PWecr..w.~ord....Uehtq eo.. us..... ltocrt 1Lrwt, Dottl".... Colorado-I.11 ?~.,s ~.,\ , iI, " ~ H ~ to CI Co.) 0> J J