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♦SII City Of c�7�IheatR�dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Memorandum TO: Case files for Case MS, WZ, and WA -19-05 / Hinkle (S&S Plumbing) FROM: Scott Cutler, Planner II DATE: February 26, 2020 SUBJECT: Processing of Case Nos. MS -19-05, WZ-19-05, and WA -19-05 The following cases were processed concurrently for the property at 12060 W. 52"d Avenue: • WZ-19-05, a Specific Development Plan for S&S Plumbing • WA -19-05, a variance to the Hinkle ODP to allow for additional office space in the SDP • MS -19-05, a consolidation plat WZ-19-05 and WA -19-05 were approved by Planning Commission on February 6, 2020. MS -19-05 was approved by the Community Development Director on February 26, 2020 All relevant files for the above cases maybe found in the WZ-19-05 case file. ♦�Ae -• V, City of 311e��-C��IOMMMMUNiTy`7'�TheatI�j, DEVELOPMENT Memorandum TO: Kenneth Johnstone, Community Development Director FROM: Scott Cutler, Planner II DATE: February 7h, 2020 SUBJECT: MS -19-05 / Hinkle Summary of Request: The applicant requested an administrative subdivision (consolidation of two lots into one lot) on property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and located at 12060 W. 52nd Avenue. Findings: • All comments from referral agencies have been addressed. • Engineering has completed review of the plat and civil documents and have found them approvable. • The plat complies with the subdivision design criteria established in Section 26-410 of the Wheat Ridge Municipal Code. • Planning Commission approved an associated Specific Development Plan (Case No. WZ- 19-05) and Variance (Case No. WA -19-05) on February 6, 2020, which were reviewed concurrently with the subdivision document. Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the administrative subdivision at 12060 W. 52nd Avenue (Case No. MS -19-05), with the following conditions: 1. The subdivision and SDP documents shall be recorded prior to issuance of building permit. ♦SII City Of c�7�IheatR�dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Memorandum TO: Case files for Case MS, WZ, and WA -19-05 / Hinkle (S&S Plumbing) FROM: Scott Cutler, Planner II DATE: February 26, 2020 SUBJECT: Processing of Case Nos. MS -19-05, WZ-19-05, and WA -19-05 The following cases were processed concurrently for the property at 12060 W. 52"d Avenue: • WZ-19-05, a Specific Development Plan for S&S Plumbing • WA -19-05, a variance to the Hinkle ODP to allow for additional office space in the SDP • MS -19-05, a consolidation plat WZ-19-05 and WA -19-05 were approved by Planning Commission on February 6, 2020. MS -19-05 was approved by the Community Development Director on February 26, 2020 All relevant files for the above cases maybe found in the WZ-19-05 case file. S14mgm4 g65 g L qA G«m APPLICATION E+5 Awl! # gm6q! 31�1&m Emg !qG APPLICATION iRe Ni"q� P;TJ7I> R 30%00 (HE%:502 300.00 mIy _... y R 2t R y '0=46D yqm qR m Ra M. 0 1:1 IN. »Gym qSc + � s [ #.m I!m 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. `1141 City of ]�rWh6atR�ige PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting February 6, 2020 CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair OHM at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commission Members Present Commission Members Absent Staff Members Present: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Will Kerns Daniel Larson Scott Ohm Richard Peterson Jahi Simbai Vivian Vos Melissa Antol Janet Leo Lauren Mikulak, Planning Manager Scott Cutler, Planner II Jordan Jefferies, Civil Engineer II Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary APPROVE ORDER OF THE AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner PETERSON and seconded by Commissioner LARSON to approve the order of the agenda. Motion carried 6-0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — January 16, 2020 It was moved by Commissioner VOS and seconded by Commissioner PETERSON to approve the minutes of January 16, 2020, as written. Motion carried 6-0. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda.) Planning Commission Minutes February 6, 2019 -1— 1. The proposed zone change will promote the public health, safety, or welfare of the community and does not result in an adverse effect on the surrounding area. The proposed zone change is consistent with the goals and object' s f the City's Comprehensive Plan. 3. proposed zoning, and land use are consistent with the i ent of a plaed development, compatible with surrounding Ian ses, and will re t in a high-quality development. 4. The infra ucture in the area can support the dev pment. 5. The criteria ed to evaluate a zone change sup t the request. 6. The proposed sity is less than half the all ed density for that zone district. A friendly amendment by Co 'ssioner P RSON was accepted by Commissioners KERNS and LA ON t rop the word density from reason number 3 and added reason numbe 6 During discussion, Commissioner RNS ressed support for the project given the walking distance to ameniti such as the s ool, grocery store, park, and recreation center. Commissioner SIMB expressed concerns regarding ffic and parking. Commissioner SIM observed that the density appeared to bin appropriate on. \ transiti Aioner OHM, LARSON and KERNS would like staff and the plicant to the driveways, sight distance, and grade of the alley near 38t' Av ue, and and icing issues during the design phase. Motion carries 4-2 with Commissioners SIMBAI and VOS voting against. B. Case No. WZ-19-05 & WA -19-05: an application filed by Real E Solutions, LLC and Point Consulting, LLC for approval of a Specific Development Plan (SDP) and Variance on property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) for the construction of a 7,000 square foot office/warehouse building for the property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and located at 12060 West 52°a Avenue. Mr. Cutler gave a short presentation regarding the SDP, Variance and the application. He entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. He stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met, therefore the Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case. Planning Commission Minutes -6— February 6— February 6, 2019 Commissioner SIMBAI wanted confirmed that the ODP had not expired given that it was approved some time ago. Ms. Mikulak explained that ODP's do not expire and once zoning is approved it exists in perpetuity. Commissioner LARSON wanted clarification of the original ODP and restrictions to the office space. Mr. Cutler and Ms. Mikulak explained the office/warehouse percentages in the ODP, in the current City Code, and some of the conflicts that appear when comparing the first and second sheets of the ODP. Commissioner VOS wanted build -to requirements explained along with the parking requirements. Mr. Cutler said City Code requires buildings to be closer to the street so the entrances are closer to the street and the parking is located to the side or rear nad is less visible to enhance the streetscape. He also explained that the proposed amount of parking exceeds City Code for industrial buildings. In response to a question from Commissioner OHM there was discussion over the merits of curbing and landscaping between the shop bays on the west side. Commissioner OHM asked if there will be light spillage north of the property line. Mr. Cutler explained that on the north side of the property 52nd Avenue is getting an upgrade as part of a City project and there will be light there as well. He also mentioned that the lighting on the west is existing. Staff confirmed illumination of drives and walks is acceptable. Alice Hinkle, applicant 3420 Garland Street Ms. Hinkle gave a brief history of their plumbing business, she mentioned they are proud of their employee base which has increase over the years and this is why they want the office space to be bigger to meet the current and future needs of the business. Commissioner LARSON asked where they are located currently and to explain their employee base. Ms. Hinkle mentioned they currently rent office space and have some small storage space for materials. She explained there are 5 office staff and 15 plumbers who Planning Commission Minutes -7— February 7— February 6, 2019 take their trucks home with them every night so no trucks will be stored on site overnight. Commissioner VOS asked what the anticipated percentage of office space and warehouse space is being proposed. Ms. Hinkle said 52% will be office space. Commissioner VOS asked if the variance is because the business has changed over the years. Ms. Hinkle said yes and the building will be more usable and sellable; it will be marketable, but intention is to keep it. Commissioner OHM wanted to make sure the caliper of the trees is corrected by staff and inquired about the existing trees on site. He also had concerns about the heights and types of some trees near the power poles. He would also like to see the plant schedule clarified to name indian grass not switch grass. Ms. Hinkle said most of the existing trees have been removed. She added the bay doors will be for trucks to backup and load and unload trucks and there are no curbs around the landscaping. It was moved by Commissioner VOS and seconded by Commissioner SIMBAI to APPROVE Case No. WA -19-05, a request for approval of a variance to the allowed percentage of office space on property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) located at 12060 W. 52nd Avenue for the following reasons: 1. The variance would not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. 2. The applicant is proposing a substantial investment in the property that may not be possible without the variance. 3. The request would not be detrimental to public welfare. 4. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. 5. The property in question would not yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located. 6. The variance request does not compromise the original vision for the property as described in the ODP and allowable uses. Motion carries 6-0. It was moved by Commissioner LARSON and seconded by Commissioner PETERSON to APPROVE Case No. WZ-19-05, a request for approval of a Planning Commission Minutes -8— February 8— February 6, 2019 8. 9. specific development plan on property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) located at 12060 W. 52nd Avenue for the following reasons: 1. The specific development plan is consistent with the intent and purpose of a planned development, as stated in Section 26-301 of the City Code. 2. The specific development plan is consistent with the intent and purpose of the outline development plan. 3. The proposed uses are consistent with those approved by the outline development plan. 4. All responding agencies have indicated they can serve the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. 5. The specific development plan is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the outline development plan and with the City's adopted codes and policies. With the following condition: 1. Prior to construction, a building permit shall be subject to review and approval by staff, and shall be consistent with the representations depicted in the SDP. Motion carries 6-0. OLD BUSINESS • Ms. Mikulak explained that Wheat Ridge Speaks is up and running at www.wheatridgespeaks.org and had the business cards for WR Speaks handed out to Commissioners. Commissioner LARSON thought it ran very smooth and was intuitive. There was a brief discussion on how WR Speaks works. NEW BUSINESS 10. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner PETERSON and seconded by Commissioner SIMBAI to adjourn the meeting at 9:37 p.m. Motion carried 6-0. S6tt'Ohm, Chair Planning Commission Minutes February 6, 2019 Tammy Ode"cording Secretary WZ-19-05 & WA -19-05 / S&S Plumbing 12060 W. 52nd Avenue Approval of a Specific Development Plan and Variance Planning Commission February 6, 2020 i 7 = j- a '1� -:, _� � : �.:P — - a�•`,�-.. N w+E S Information Systems Legend OSubject Property - Planned Commercial Development (PCD) " Planned Industrial Development (PID) Industrial Employment (I -E) Mixed Use Commercial Twist Oriented Dev U -C TOD ra AIM w _ r IN II/l" 0 Co4eEOCeNtl IDre A N W+E S r 7 aaf A" 6 — 52ND AVE..._.._. ..... .... ��!5J ra AIM w _ r IN II/l" 0 Co4eEOCeNtl IDre A N W+E S Request/Purpose Proposed Conditions — 7,000 sf footprint office/warehouse building (two stories, upper floor loft) — Parking lot — Water detention pond — Landscaped buffer area — Two points of access 3 FNB Ww Q. IGRT 21 SWGm'^ ill ' r`illi° 9 BFU lel3 FNB •y� I ° e ri►2 GLS 3R US W i ROCK MULCH - =i '" •� 2 GLS PBS �Y�. , ROCK MULCH 3IFNB ROCK MULCH 9 RUS ROCK MULCH,, - MULCH .r 2 EXTERIOR -NORTH ELEVATION 3/16--v u 1 EXTERIOR -WEST ELEVATION Pori ,27•_,r LEVEL 2 nr-m Request/Purpose Variance — ODP had 20% maximum for office space, atypical — Applicant is requesting ^'52% office space — Parking requirements can still be met with increase in office space Process ODP approved in 2003 Referral — No concerns from outside agencies — Public Works and Planning have found the SDP and plat to be approvable — Civil documents approved 15 -day Public Hearing noticing for Planning Commission Wheat Ridge Speaks Staff Conclusions -Variance Staff finds: — The variance would not alter the essential character of the area — The applicant is proposing a substantial investment in the property which may not be possible without the variance — It would not be detrimental to public welfare — The application is in substantial compliance with the ASDM Therefore, Staff recommends APPROVAL of the major variance, Case No. WA -19-05. Staff Conclusions -SDP Staff finds: — The SDP is consistent with the ODP and is in compliance with all standards set forth in the ODP and City Code — The SDP is consistent with the purpose of a planned development — All agencies can serve the property Therefore, Staff recommends APPROVAL of the specific development plan, Case No. WZ-19-05. ♦�4le 1W Ir Wh6atRiLd e g CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission MEETING DATE: February 6, 2020 CASE MANAGER: Scott Cutler CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-19-05 & WA -19-05 / S&S Plumbing ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a Specific Development Plan (SDP) and Variance on property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) for the construction of a 7,000 square foot office/warehouse building. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 12060 W. 52nd Avenue APPLICANT (S): OWNER (S): APPROXIMATE AREA: Matt Ward (Real E Solutions, LLC) Jim Shipton (Point Consulting, LLC) Alice & Scott Hinkle (S&S Plumbing) 23,498 square feet (0.54 acres) PRESENT ZONING: Planned Commercial Development (PCD) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Mixed -Use Employment ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) Location Map COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DIGITAL PRESENTATION Planning Commission Case No. WZ-19-05 & WA -19-05 I S&S Plumbing All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST This request is for approval of two related applications for the purpose of constructing a two-story, 7,000 square foot office/warehouse building for a plumbing company. • Case No. WZ-19-05 is an application for approval of a Specific Development Plan (SDP), and • Case No. WA -19-05 is an application for approval of variance to increase the amount of office space allowed from 20 percent to approximately 52 percent of the total floor area. A consolidation plat, Case No. MS -19-05, was also being reviewed concurrently with the above applications to remove an interior lot line allowing the entire site to be on one parcel. Staff has found that application to be approvable. Consolidation plats of three lots or fewer can be approved administratively, which is why Planning Commission is not reviewing that application. Rezoning to a planned development in the City of Wheat Ridge involves a two-step process. The first step is the Outline Development Plan (ODP), which for this property was approved in 2003. A Planned Commercial Development is a property -specific zoning, and the approval of the ODP changed the zoning designation on the land, and established allowed uses, development standards for the property, and access configurations. Specific Development Plan The second step in the process for development in a PCD is approval of the Specific Development Plan (SDP), which focuses on specific details of a development such as final drainage, architecture, lot layouts, and specific building location and orientation. The SDP must be found to be compliant with the ODP in order to be approved. Pursuant to Section 26-302 of the Municipal Code, the applicant chose atwo-step approval process, first completing the ODP process in its entirety before submitting the SDP for review. When this two- step process is broken apart, the SDP application must be heard at a public hearing before the Planning Commission, who is the final deciding body for SDP approval. The criteria for review and analysis of the SDP are provided in Sections III and IV below. Variance Section 26-115.0 (Variances and Waivers) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws empowers the Planning Commission to decide upon applications for variances where a variance is requested as part of another process such as an SDP review. This request is in excess of the fifty (50) percent threshold for administrative review, requiring it be heard as part of the SDP application. The criteria for review and analysis of the variance are provided in Sections V and VI below. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS/PROPERTY HISTORY The subject property is located in the northwest corner of Wheat Ridge (Exhibit 1, Aerial). Across W. 52°d Avenue to the north is unincorporated Jefferson County. The site is located on the south side of W. 52°d Avenue between Union Court and Vivian Street. Planning Commission Case No. WZ-19-05 and WA-19-05IS&SPlumbing The subject property consists of two parcels, both of which are vacant, and is zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) Uxhibit 2, Zoning Map). To the south and west is the Wheat Ridge Industrial Center Planned Industrial Development (PID) with existing large office/warehouse and industrial buildings. The properties to the east along 52°d Avenue are zoned Industrial Employment (I- E) and contain a variety of small businesses. The catalyst for much of the development activity in the area is the proximity of the commuter rail station on the RTD G Line. The Wheat Ridge - Ward Station is a quarter mile walking distance from the subject property. Multifamily residential redevelopments are located within two blocks of this site. As part of this development activity, the City has initiated a construction project adding curb, gutter, sidewalk, and center turn lanes to W. 52°d Avenue between Ward Road and Tabor Street. A copy of the approved Outline Development Plan (ODP) for the subject property is attached, which was approved by City Council in November 2003 and titled "Hinkle Development" (Exhibit 3, Outline Development Plan). This plan is included to provide context when reviewing the Specific Development Plan (SDP). The applicant for this SDP is the same plumbing company that submitted the ODP application, S&S Plumbing, which is owned by the Hinkle family. III. SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN Attached is a copy of the proposed SDP, which includes 7 sheets (Exhibit 4, Specific Development Plan): • Sheet 1: Cover page — This page includes signature blocks, legal description, and general reference information. • Sheet 2: Site plan — This detailed plan shows the site layout, including building location, parking, water detention, easements, and the site data table. • Sheet 3: Landscape plan — Includes a plan, plant schedule, landscape percentages, and a landscape coverage map. • Sheet 4: Landscape and site details — Includes planting details, landscape notes, and site furnishing details. • Sheets 5 and 6: Elevations — Includes building materials matrix and legend • Sheet 7: Photometric plan — Includes lighting cut sheets. Allowable Uses Uses permitted per the ODP include a variety of uses including contractor's service shops, retail, and office. The uses depicted in the SDP are consistent with the approved ODP. As noted above, the plumbing company that applied for the ODP is also the applicant for the SDP, and it is an allowed use. Setbacks The ODP requires a 50 -foot front setback, 15 -foot rear setback, and side setbacks of 5 feet per story but is also subject to the City's Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM). The ASDM has since been updated to include Traditional Overlay Areas which mandate 0'-12' build -to requirements in place of front setbacks. This site is compliant with all setback requirements, including the mandated build -to zone in lieu of the front setback requirement dictated by the updated ASDM. Per Code, these build -to requirements supersede the front setback requirements imposed by the underlying zone district. Planning Commission Case No. WZ-19-05 and WA-19-05IS&SPlumbing Height The ODP limits building height to 32 feet. The SDP shows the building will be 27 feet, 11 inches tall to the peak of the roof. Lot CoveragelOpen Space The ODP limits building and hardscape coverage to 80%. The SDP shows 77% building and hardscape coverage. The overall building coverage is 30%, and 23% of the site is landscaped, exceeding the 20% requirement. Additional landscaping is located off-site, but the property boundaries contain a sufficient number of species and area to meet the minimum requirements. The off-site plants are located in a shared easement on the adjacent property to the west which will allow for the continued maintenance of this area as well as the paved access points to the west side of the building and the parking lot. The landscape plan, provided on Sheet 3 of the SDP, shows the proposed species and locations, including tree and shrub counts. Access and Streets The configuration shown in the SDP is consistent with the conceptual design from the ODP, although the position of the building has been flipped to accommodate the build -to requirement. Access to the development will come from two locations; the access drive to the west, as well as an entrance off of W. 52°d Avenue. Due to the location of the detention pond on the east side of the property and the build -to requirement, the Engineering Division supported a second entrance to the site directly off of W. 52°d Avenue to allow for better site circulation. This driveway is compliant with all City requirements for spacing from property lines and sight triangle. Improvements along the frontage, including curb, gutter, and sidewalk, will be constructed in 2020 as part of the City's Investing 4 the Future bond -funded projects. Architecture The ODP requires the architecture to be in compliance with the ASDM. This type of building is subject to Chapter 4.2 in the ASDM. Multiple types of materials are provided, including manufactured stone, textured metal panels with a pebble finish, and ribbed metal panels. The north, west, and east fagades are subject to enhanced transparency and materials requirements because they face or are visible from public streets. The south fagade does not face any public space and is therefore exempt from the material and transparency requirements in the ASDM, which is why this fagade is primarily metal. The building has a gradually pitched roof that overhangs the fagade, adding visual interest. Downlighting across the front fagade further enhances the columns of stone. Staff finds the proposed architecture meets the standards in the ASDM. Parking Parking must comply with Section 26-501 of the City Code. Office/warehouse buildings must provide 1 space per 300 square feet of office, and 1 space per 600 square feet of warehouse. Per code the ratio is a maximum of 75% warehouse, and a minimum of 25% office which is in conflict with the ODP that requires a maximum of 20% office, and a minimum of 80% warehouse (and the reason for the variance request, discussed in Section IV below). However, the SDP is in compliance with Section 26-501 for parking counts, providing a total of 23 parking spaces plus one accessible space, more than the 21 the code requires. All spaces and dimensions meet the City's requirements. Drainage The SDP proposes a detention pond in the northeast portion of the property. The ODP shows a detention pond along the northern property line, but the location was shifted to the east to accommodate both the build -to requirement and natural drainage flows. The pond can tie in directly to Planning Commission 4 Case No. WZ-19-05 and WA -19-05 /S&SPlumbing storm sewer in 52nd Avenue. The detention pond will contain grasses and the walls will be enhanced, creating a panel effect that meets the intent of Chapter 3.10 of the ASDM. IV. SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN CRITERIA Criteria for the review of SDP documents is provided in Section 26-305.D. Staff has provided analysis of these criteria below. Planning Commission shall base its decision in consideration of the extent to which the criteria have been met. 1. The proposed specific development plan is consistent with the purpose of a planned development as stated in section 26-301 of the zoning and development code. The intent of a planned development is to permit well-designed, innovative developments which may not be feasible under a standard zone district and to promote flexible and efficient use of land. Other general purposes of a planned development are: • To promote the efficient use of land to facilitate a more economic arrangement of building, circulation systems, land use and utilities. • To promote compatible development with adjacent commercial, residential and/or industrial land uses through proper land use transitions and buffering techniques. • To promote conformance with the adopted comprehensive plan, established policies and guidelines for the area and for the community. Staff has concluded that the SDP is consistent with these goals by adding to the employment base in the area per the comprehensive plan, adding a compatible office/warehouse building to the predominantly industrial area, promoting an efficient use of an infill site. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 2. The proposed specific development plan is consistent with the design intent or purpose of the approved outline development plan Prior to 2003, the site was zoned Agricultural -Two (A-2) and at the time commercial zone changes were required to be utilize planned development zoning. The ODP does not have a specific design intent, but the "Character of Development' statement describes a vision of future development and articulates a desire to complement adjacent buildings. The SDP is consistent with the intent and character statements of the ODP and raises the bar on commercial architecture in the area. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. The proposed uses indicated in the specific development plan are consistent with the uses approved by the outline development plan. The proposed use is consistent with the allowed uses from the ODP and is being proposed by the same company that originally proposed the ODP. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. Planning Commission Case No. WZ-19-05 and WA-19-05IS&SPlumbing 4. The site is appropriately designed and it consistent with the development guidelines established in the outline development plan. The SDP is consistent with the development guidelines of the ODP in all respects including height, setbacks, parking, landscaping, and building design, with the exception of the office space percentage which is covered by the variance request. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 5. Adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the subject property, or the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. All utility agencies have indicated that they have ability to serve the redeveloped property. The developer is responsible for the new infrastructure required by the utility districts. The City is upgrading W. 52nd Avenue to include curb, gutter, and sidewalks in 2020. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 6. The proposed specific development plan is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual, Streetscape Design Manual, and other applicable design standards. The proposed SDP is in conformance with the design standards established in the ODP and is compliant with the ASDM for heavy commercial and light industrial buildings. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. V. VARIANCE ANALYSIS The applicant is requesting a variance to the ODP which, on sheet two, limits the amount of office space to 20% of the area of the building, and requires a minimum of 80% of the building be workshop and warehouse area This specifically applied to the building contractor's service shops (including plumbers). As noted above, this is atypical of office/warehouse buildings, which usually have a minimum percentage of office space (25%) and a maximum warehouse percentage (75%). This numeric standard on page two of the ODP also appears to be in conflict with the permitted uses on page one of the ODP which allows general office and also suggests that service areas should be "incidental to an office or showroom principal use." The applicant is requesting 4,120 square feet of the 8,050 square feet of gross floor area be occupied by office uses, or 51.2%. The building footprint is 7,000 square feet but there is a loft area proposed on the second floor for office and storage. As explained in Exhibit 5, Applicant Letter, the business has changed substantially since the ODP was approved in 2003. The business now requires more office space as the number of employees have grown. At the time of ODP approval, the applicant intended to use a portion of the building, but now intends to occupy the entire building. While not directly explained in the ODP or in the applicant letter, staff research determined the ODP requirements were partially put in place to reduce the overall parking burden for the site since warehouse requires less parking. A review of the SDP determined that the site contains sufficient parking for the proposed revised percentage of office space, which would take up approximately 52% Planning Commission Case No. WZ-19-05 and WA-19-05IS&SPlumbing of the total floor area of the building. The requirement imposed by the ODP appears to be somewhat arbitrary and there are no parking concerns. Further, an increase in the office square footage is appropriate for a transit -oriented neighborhood, condition that has changed the area since the 2003 ODP approval. VI. VARIANCE CRITERIA In order to approve a variance, the Planning Commission must determine that the majority of the "criteria for review" listed in Section 26-115.C.4 of the City Code have been met. The applicant has provided their reasoning for requesting the variance (Exhibit 5, Applicant Letter). Staff provides the following review and analysis of the variance criteria. 1. The property in question would not yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located. If the request were denied, the property would continue to be developable for commercial use meeting the ODP office space percentage standards. However, the applicant would not be able to use the site as they have intended to run their business as it exists today. The ODP standards were written nearly 18 years ago for a business that has grown and changed substantially since then. The code drafting in the original ODP does not follow best practice, whereby an office use should be allowed in any amount if it can be parked appropriately. The percentage of office versus warehouse as required by sheet two of the ODP is atypical and inconsistent with the permitted uses on sheet one. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 2. The variance would not alter the essential character of the locality. A variance would not alter the character of the locality. There are other office and light industrial uses in the area with a larger mix of office space than the Hinkle ODP allows. The site has sufficient parking spaces for amount of proposed office space and neither its use or site layout would be out of character for the area. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 3. The applicant is proposing a substantial investment in the property with this application, which would not be possible without the variance. The applicant is proposing a substantial investment in the property through development of a 8,050 gross square foot building (7,000 square foot footprint), a parking lot, landscaping, and a detention pond. Without the variance, the site could still be developed but the building would not be able to accommodate the owner's business model and they would likely need to find an alternate location. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 4. The particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the specific property involved results in a particular and unique hardship (upon the owner) as Planning Commission Case No. WZ-19-05 and WA-19-05IS&SPlumbing distinguished from a mere inconvenience if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out. The property itself is a regular shape, has regular topography, and can be accessed from multiple locations. The variance requested is not due to these features. Staff finds this criterion has not been met. 5. The alleged difficulty or hardship has not been created by any person presently having an interest in the property. The hardship has been created by the interested party's desire for a different ratio of office space as a result of their business model and development intentions changing. Staff finds this criterion has not been met. 6. The granting of the variance would not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located, by, among other things, substantially or permanently impairing the appropriate use or development of adjacent property, impairing the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, substantially increasing the congestion in public streets or increasing the danger of fire or endangering the public safety, or substantially diminishing or impairing property values within the neighborhood. The request would not be detrimental to public welfare and would not be injurious to neighboring property or improvements. It would not hinder or impair the development of the adjacent properties. The adequate supply of air and light would not be compromised as a result of this request. The request would not increase the congestion in the streets, nor would it cause an obstruction to motorists on the adjacent streets. It is unlikely that the request would impair property values in the neighborhood. The development of a vacant lot would improve the character of the area Staff finds this criterion has been met. The unusual circumstances or conditions necessitating the variance request are present in the neighborhood and are not unique to the property. The Hinkle ODP and its development standards are unique to this property. Staff finds that this criterion has not been met. 8. Granting of the variance would result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities. Planning Commission Case No. WZ-19-05 and WA -19-05 /S&SPlumbing Engineering has found this project meets ADA regulations regarding site accessibility, including parking spaces. However, the amount of office space on the site is not relevant in the consideration of reasonable accommodations for accessibility. Staff finds this criterion is not applicable. 9. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. Staff has found the site to be in substantial compliance with the applicable standards from the Architectural and Site Design Manual, notwithstanding the approval of this variance request. Staff finds that this criterion has been met. VII. AGENCY REFERRAL All affected service agencies were contacted for comment on the SDP and plat request and regarding the ability to serve the property. Specific referral responses follow: • Engineering Division: SDP and plat approvable. Civil construction documents approved. • Building Division: Will review all building permits incoordination with the Planning Division and Engineering. • Arvada Fire Protection District: No outstanding comments. • Valley Water: Service can be provided, applicant to coordinate. • Xcel Energy: No outstanding comments. Applicant to coordinate service. • Century Link: No comments. • Comcast: No comments. • Fruitdale Sanitation: Service can be provided, applicant to coordinate service. VIII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff has concluded that the proposed Specific Development Plan is consistent with the planned development regulations, with the goals and policies of the City's guiding documents, and with the Hinkle ODP. Because the requirements for a SDP have been met and the review criteria support the SDP, a recommendation for approval is given. Two motions will be required for approval of this application. First, a motion for approval of the variance, which is required for the SDP to be approved. Second, a motion for approval of the SDP. The variance application requires a supermajority of present Commissioners to be approved, as Planning Commission is subject to the same voting ratio that applies to the Board of Adjustment. The SDP may be approved by a simple majority. Planning Commission Case No. WZ-19-05 and WA-19-05IS&SPlumbing IX. SUGGESTED MOTIONS —VARIANCE Option A: "I move to APPROVE Case No. WA -19-05, a request for approval of a variance to the allowed percentage of office space on property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) located at 12060 W. 52nd Avenue for the following reasons: 1. The variance would not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. 2. The applicant is proposing a substantial investment in the property that may not be possible without the variance. 3. The request would not be detrimental to public welfare. 4. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. 5. The property in question would not yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located. 6. The variance request does not compromise the original vision for the property as described in the ODP and allowable uses. Option B: "I move to DENY Case No. WA -19-05, a request for approval of a variance to the allowed percentage of office space on property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) located at 12060 W. 52nd Avenue for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. ... X. SUGGESTED MOTIONS — SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-19-05, a request for approval of a specific development plan on property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) located at 12060 W. 52nd Avenue for the following reasons: 1. The specific development plan is consistent with the intent and purpose of a planned development, as stated in Section 26-301 of the City Code. 2. The specific development plan is consistent with the intent and purpose of the outline development plan. 3. The proposed uses are consistent with those approved by the outline development plan. 4. All responding agencies have indicated they can serve the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. 5. The specific development plan is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the outline development plan and with the City's adopted codes and policies. With the following conditions: 1. Prior to construction, a building permit shall be subject to review and approval by staff, and shall be consistent with the representations depicted in the SDP. Planning Commission 10 Case No. WZ-19-05 and WA-19-05IS&SPlumbing Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-19-05, a request for approval of a specific development plan on property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) located at 12060 W. 52nd Avenue for the following reasons: 2. ... 3. ... Planning Commission 11 Case No. WZ-19-05 and WA -19-05 /S&SPlumbing Geographic Informagon Systems Legend Subject PrapeM EXHIBIT 1: AERIAL (2018) JEFFERSON COUNTY Planning Commission Commission Case No. WZ19-05 and WA-19-05/S&SPlumbing 12 EXHIBIT 2: ZONING MAP Geographic Informagon Systems s Legend O Subjed Property � Planned Corrmercal � �� x, L, CeveloPnnent lPCC) �� O" N i Z' + Pla etl d rt al Ce P C(PIC) i T `le no t a l e pl mernid a)I e d T s MIxMO C ert al _ TranistOriented Dev P,1 Planning Commission 13 Cole No. WZ-I9-05 and WA -I9 -O5 / S&S Plumbing EXHIBIT 3: OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN This ODP was approved by City Council in 2003, and includes the development standards for this site. Attached as an 11x17 document on the following page. Planning Commission 14 Case No. WZ-19-05 and WA -19-05 /S&SPlumbing 0 R -C -4 h 94-5"y a- 5. -01Y i S :4y: 3,F COUAfiy Of (ZS�� S-65� v-4� Ctl I wm4 $ Zl. U,, SITE l W. 52nd AVE. o 3 VICINITY MAP N.T.S. LEGAL DESCRIPTION HINKLE DEVELOPMEENT AN OFFICIAL OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE QUARTER (ONE 1/4) OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN; CITY OF. WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO TABLE OFALLOWABLE USES A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST E -QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DE IB AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THIS SOUTHEAST ONE- QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 17, THENCE N 89"11'27" E ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SPUTHEAST ONE -QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 13 A DISTANCE OF 817.44 FEET; THENCE S 00'18'30° E A (STANCE OF 30.00 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 13, STANDLEY HEIGHTS AND THE INT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING N 89'11'27' E ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 3 A DISTANCE OF 160.00 FEET; THENCE S 00°16'30" E A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET TO A POIth ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 13; THENCE CONTINUING S 89°11'27' W ALONG THE SOUTH LIN EbF SAID LOT 13 A DISTANCE OF 160.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 13; THENCE N DO°18'30" W ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 13A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING 23999.08 SQUARE FEET (0.55 ACRES) MORE OR LESS. THE BASIS OF BEARING IS A LINE BETWEEN THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDAN AND THE EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 17; SAID UNE BEARING N 89'11'27"E. SURVEYOR CERTIFICATE 1. CLIFFORD R. PALLESEN, A PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF THE HINKLE DEVELOPMENT PLAN WAS MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION IN JANUARY, 2002, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED THE ACCOMPANYING PLAN ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. t � CLIFFORD R. PALLESEN �- �..,T,� P.E. & P.L.S. #8953 CASE HISTORY WZ-02-03 ".APPLIANCE SERVICE AND REPAIR. 2. BAKERIES, RETAIL 3. BICYCLE AND ACCESSORY STORES (INCLUDING REPAIR AND SERVICE). 4. BLUEPRINTING, PHOTOSTATIC COPYING, AND OTHER SIMILAR REPRODUCTION SERVICES; NOT TO INCLUDE LARGE PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND/OR BOOK BINDING ESTABLISHMENTS. 5. BOOK STORES AND BINDING REPAIR SERVICES. 6. BUILDING CONTRACTORS SERVICE SHOP INCIDENTAL TO OFFICE OR SHOWROOM PRINCIPAL USES. THIS WOULD INCLUDE CARPENTERS, PAINTERS, ROOFERS, ELECTRICIANS, PLUMBERS, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS AND SIMILAR USES WHICH DO NOT USE HEAVY EQUIPMENT IN THE BUSINESS, HOWEVER, DO HAVE VEHICLES, TOOLS, MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES USED IN THE BUSINESS STORED UPON THE PREMISES INSIDE AND WHERE SOME CUSTOMER WORK MAY OCCUR ON THE PREMISES. 7. BUTCHER SHOPS. 8. BUSINESS MACHINE OR COMPUTER SERVICE AND REPAIR- 9. EPAIR9. CAMERA AND PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLY, SERVICE AND PROCESSING, 10. CATERERS. 11. EXTERMINATORS. 12. FLORAL SHOPS, 13. INTERIOR DECORATING SHOPS; INCLUDING PAINT AND WALLPAPER SALES. 14. LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING SHOPS. 15. LOCKSMITH SHOPS. 16. MOBILE PHONE AND TWO-WAY RADIO STORES. COMMERCIAL MOBILE RADIO SERVICE (CMRS) FACILITIES SHALL FOLLOW SECTION 26$15 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. 17. PICTURE FRAME SHOP. 16. SHOE REPAIR AND SALES. 19. TAILORING, DRESSMAKING AND CLOTHING ALTERATION SHOPS, 20. WATCH, CLOCK AND CAMERA SALES AND REPAIR SHOPS. 21. SIMILAR USES PER SECTION 20-307 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. 22. GENERAL OFFICE CHARACTER OF DEVELOPMENT THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT WILL MEET OR EXCEED THE INTENT OF THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AS STIPULATED IN SECTION 26-301C OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. THE BUILDING WILL ACCOMMODATE ONE TO THREE BUSINESSES. THE BUILDING WILL BE DIVIDED INTO 3 SEPARATE OFFICEMAREHOUSE SPACES. LARGE DOORS WILL ACCESS THE WAREHOUSE SPACE WITH A SEPARATE ENTRANCE FOR THE ADJOINING OFFICE. S&S PLUMBING SERVICES, INC. WILL OCCUPY AT LEAST ONE OF THE OFFICES AND USE THE WAREHOUSE FOR PARKING WORK TRUCKS AND A SMALL INVENTORY OF PLUMBING MATERIALS. THE PROPOSED ARCHITECTURE FOR THE BUILDING IS TO BE CONSTRUCTED FROM BLOCK OR WOOD FRAME WITH NEUTRAL COLORED BRICK WAINSCOATING. THE LANDSCAPED AREAS WILL BE NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE. THE BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE GROUNDS WILL COMPLEMENT THE ADJACENT COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS. OWNERS CERTIFICATE THE BELOW SIGNED OWNERS DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED AS A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE USES, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW- WE FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF REZONING TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, AND APPROVAL OF THIS OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN, DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTIONS 28.121 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. UNIFIED CONTROL STATEMENT THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 12050 W. 52nd AVENUE IS OWNED BY WAYNE S. HINKLE AND ALICE J. HINKLE. THE ANTICIPATED USE OF THE PROPERTY IS TO BE A COMMERCIAL OFFICE/WAREHOUSE BUILDING CONSISTING OF 3 UNITS. ONE OF THE UNITS WILL BE OCCUPIED BY S&S PLUMBING SERVICES, INC., WHICH t5 OWNED BY MR:AND MRS. HINKLE. THE OTHER TWO UNITS WILL BE RENTED OR LEASED TO OTHER BUSINESSES AS DEFINED IN THE TABLE OF ALLOWABLE USES'. MR. AND MRS. HINKLE WILL MAINTAIN THE BUILDING, PARKING AREAS AND LA JDSCAPING AREAS. WAYNE HINKL ( ALICE J. HJWLE NOTARY CERTIFICATE STATE OF COLORADO ) j";me-r6on )SS COUNTY OF DENVER- ) THE FORGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEGED BEFORE ME THIS .904 DAY OF =It, BY WAYNE S. HINKLE AND ALICE J. HINKLE. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: R rl 00.7 WIT ANE AND OFFICIAL YlVNOTARY 7N i•�T L_ �ldOv 1 hM1� Lic oma••. cOLOAM1� PAGE 1 OF 2 PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION L RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL THIS III[ DAY OF -_i�,i�1 5L 20 0�' , BY THE WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION. T CHAIRPERSON CITY COUNCIL CERTIFICATION APPROVEDTHIS 244b DAYOF RDYtwxbtr COUNCIL. ,20Q3J BY THE WHEAT RIDGE CITY ATTEL§T__ CK -Aa~ Ir DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT JEFFERSON COUNTY CLE_ RKAND RECOR_E STATE OF COLORADO 3 SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON) 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO AT Is:ya: 3WO'CLOCK- M. ON THE 131W DAY OF Ve4vu"_, 2011L A.D., IN BOOK laY , PAGES, RECEPTION NO. rIqj63.4V JEFF C�O/U,N,W CLERK AND RECORDER x . BY: DEPUTY G NOTES BASIS OF BEARING: A LINE BETWEEN THE CENTER AND THE EAST 114 CORNER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, MONUMENTS AS SHOWN ASSUMED TO BE NORTH 89`11'27' WEST. ZONING: PRESENT -A2 PROPOSED -PCD REVISIONS CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DEs.-BY DRN.BY DA KSS 217A KSS 1012E WAYNE AND ALICE HINKLE, 3420 GARLAND ST., WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 L DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS MINIMUM SET BACKS: FRONT: 50 FEET REAR: 15 FEET SIDE 5 FEET PER STORY SIDE: 5 FEET PER STORY MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: 32 FEET MAXIMUM NUMBER OF UNITS- 3 MAXIMUM BUILDING AND HARDSCAPE COVERAGE SHALL BE NO MORE THAN 80% PARKING STANDARDS: ALL PARKING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 26501 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS LANDSCAPING STANDARDS: LANDSCAPING SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 20% OF THE TOTAL AREA IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION M502 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STANDARDS: ARCHITECTURAL DETAIL TO BE APPROVED BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE "STREETSCAPE AND ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN MANUAL" IF USE IS CONSISTENT WITH ITEM 6 FROM THE TABLE OF ALLOWABLE USES, EACH LEASEABLE SPACE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF 80% OF SPACE AS WORK SHOPIWORK AREA AND A MAXIMUM 20% OF AREA AS RETAIL, OFFICE OR ANY COMBINATION OF THE SAME. ALL ROOF TOP MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST BE SCREENED FROM VIEW. LIGHTING STANDARDS: ALL EXTERIOR LIGHTING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 26.503 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS FENCING STANDARDS: ALL FENCING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 26803 OFTHE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS SIGNAGE STANDARDS: ALL SIGNAGE SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH ARTICLE VII OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS OUTDOOR STORAGE PROHIBITED CASE HISTORY WZ-02-03 HINKLE DEVELOPMENT AN OFFICIAL OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PAGE 2OF2 A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE QUARTER (ONE 1/4) OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 42' LOT 2 WHEAT RIDGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER LTD. PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT 20 iC0 20 40 1"=20' LEGEND PROPERTY UNE --W-- WATER LINE — — SS— SANITARY SEWER LINE — — G — GAS LINE I-- ASPHALT PARKING EXISTING BUILDING I I z I ORNEWAY CROSS I ACCESS EA9EME� � � I I X ,I LM I U Z LOT 13 �_ ;� — — — — — - — — � STANDLEY HEIGHTS, — 55' N 39'11'27" E 817.44' -� W. 52nd AVENUE_ _ N 89.11'27" E - (CITY) _ � _ _ _ - POINT OF COMMENCEMENT (60' R.O.W.) o w I I I C RTW��r CENTER SEC 17. TTS, NEW 60' x 100' BUILDING I o I 1 1J7 R69W, 2 1/2" AL CAP._ FF EL. - 5490.5' -- EXISTING UTILITY EASEMENT I IN RANGE BOX I POINT N $9.11'27" s -- I n'�'� — — CULVERT ON I III I IN7 DE7ENTICN POND REBAR W/RED PLASRC CAP 1 I I OUTLPT STRUCTURE � uemeeGr+W'm p 0". LANDSCAPINGD ILLEGIBLE I I I 5r n� — XISTING BUILDING y I / B. UTILITY EASEMENT e _f! %.— PLAER I WALL NT ESCAPE _ 1 0i j p w LOT 2 WHEAT RIDGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER LTD. PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT 20 iC0 20 40 1"=20' LEGEND PROPERTY UNE --W-- WATER LINE — — SS— SANITARY SEWER LINE — — G — GAS LINE I-- ASPHALT PARKING EXISTING BUILDING I I z I ORNEWAY CROSS I ACCESS EA9EME� � � I I X ,I LM LOT 13 ;� F ; s'_sIDEwALK. � STANDLEY HEIGHTS, 3 55' y, INDUSTRIAL ZONING I I I o w I I I C RTW��r IZ NEW 60' x 100' BUILDING I o I 1 1J7 FF EL. - 5490.5' -- EXISTING UTILITY EASEMENT I I N—EXCLU NE �EASEMEN ON I III I IN7 1 I CWRI OUTLPT STRUCTURE � uemeeGr+W'm p 0". I 5r n� — XISTING BUILDING y I / I e _f! %.— PLAER I WALL NT ESCAPE _ 0i j p S F,9'11'27- W 160.00' I I 0 - _ ecpwlr DRIVE — — — — L —.-- --- D REBA-R %7' 6LLOW PLASTIC CAP • I FND?8291 352REBAR W/AI. CAP - 1 I CONCRETE DRAIN PAN I I �I - EXISTING 1 STORY BULLRING LOT 2 WHEAT RIDGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER LTD. PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT 20 iC0 20 40 1"=20' LEGEND PROPERTY UNE --W-- WATER LINE — — SS— SANITARY SEWER LINE — — G — GAS LINE E 1/4 CORNER SEC 17, T3S. R69W FND CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX L.S. 13212 1984 SEWER MANHOLE PROPERTY CORNER X WATER. VALVE RIPTION _ _ _ DES. BY DRN, REVISED PER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMENTS _ _ KSS REVISED PER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMENTS KSS PALLESEN ENGINEERING, 2010 NELSON ST., LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 WAYNE AND ALICE HINKLE, 3420 GARLAND ST., WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 EXHIBIT 4: SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN Attached as an 11x17 document on the following page. Planning Commission 16 Case No. WZ-19-05 and WA -19-05 /S&SPlumbing S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION (PER WARRANTY DEED AT REC. #201800865 LOT 1, HINKLE CONSOLIDATION, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. BENCHMARK CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, PHAC 4 BEING A 16" STAINLESS STEEL ROD IN A MONUMENT WELL LOCATED DIRECTLY NORTH OF THE PARKING LOT FOR FRUITDALE PARK ATTHE INTERSECTION OF MILLER ST. AND W. 47TH AVE. IN WHEAT RIDGE. ELEVATION = 5375.38' NAVD88 BASIS OF BEARINGS BASED ON THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, ASSUMED TO BEAR N89 -11'13"E UTILITY CONTACT VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 12101 W 52ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80033 TELEPHONE: 303.424.9661 PROJECT TEAM 191T0/►19Ci S&S PLUMBING SERVICES INC. 3420 GARLAND STREET WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 CONTACT: ALICE HINKLE FRUITDALE SANITATION DISTRICT CIVIL ENGINEER 4990 MILLER STREET POINT CONSULTING, LLC WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 8460 W KEN CARYL AVE, SUITE 101 TELEPHONE: 303.424.5476 LITTLETON, CO 80128 CONTACT: TIFFANY D. WATSON, PE TELEPHONE: 720.258.6836 A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO COMCAST LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ��� 6793 W CANYON AVE #13C POINT CONSULTING, LLC VICINITY MAP LITTLETON, CO 80128 8460 W KEN CARYL AVE, SUITE 101 TELEPHONE: 303.930.2000 LITTLETON, CO 80128 1" = 2000' CONTACT: JIM SHIPTON, RLA � r ?QONQ TELEPHONE: 720.258.6836 LU Z LU �� SHEET INDEX CENTURY LINK ARCHITECT 700 W MINERAL AVE MCPHERSON ARCHITECTURE 1 OF 7 COVER SHEET LITTLETON, CO 80120 1735 NINETEENTH STREET#200 2 OF 7 SITE PLAN TELEPHONE: 866.642.0444 DENVER, CO 80202 3 OF 7 LANDSCAPE PLAN CONTACT: ZACH MILLER 4 OF 7 LANDSCAPE DETAILS J TELEPHONE: 740.978.0171 5 OF 7 BUILDING ELEVATION 1 /Z Q 6 OF 7 BUILDING ELEVATION 2 XCEL ENERGY SURVEYOR 7 OF 7 PHOTOMETRIC PLAN 10001 HAMPDEN AVENUE POINT CONSULTING, LLC LAKEWOOD, CO 80227 8460 W KEN CARYL AVE, SUITE 101 >�> O i CONTACT: DONNA SANDERS LITTLETON, CO 80128 CASE HISTORY TELEPHONE: 303.716.2072 CONTACT: CAMERON M. WATSON PLS - SURVEYOR w Q n Q w WZ-19-05 100 U WA -19-05 = 3 Q WZ-02-03 v� MS -19-05 Know what's below. 0111 before you dig. OWNERS CERTIFICATE THE BELOW SIGNED OWNER(S), OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) HEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THATTHE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED AS A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE USES, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW. I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THATTHE APPROVAL OF THIS SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN, DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANTTO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26-121 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. 12060 W. 52ND AVENUE LLC NAME: WAYNE S. AND ALICE J. HINKLE TITLE: OWNERS STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF . A.D. 20 BY WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE I, CAMERON M. WATSON DO HEREBY CERTIFYTHATTHE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF HINKLE CONSOLIDATION WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TOTHE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATURES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAN ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. SIGNATURE H cp ��� w _o ) ��0 OZZ�Z C9w�c0 Z w � r ?QONQ z0 LU Z LU �� o Qw N w Z 5 w w Z O Q /Q` O V J i i \ 1LU /Z Q /O Z LU J CA >�> O i 0 CHAIRPERSON w Q n Q w 100 U LL = 3 Q 0 v� J U Z v Q PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION z0 rn APPROVED THIS DAY OF BY TH E WHEAT RIDGE LU 5 w PLANNING COMMISSION. 0 L LU CHAIRPERSON w Q n Q w U LL = 3 v� U CITY CERTIFICATION 0 W APPROVEDTHIS DAYOF BYTHE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ATTEST q O� 0 Z CITY CLERK MAYOR m 0 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR w w 2 V) w 0 COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE U STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) Z Q Q I HEREBY CERTIFYTHATTHIS PLAN WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF Q Q THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT 0 m m m GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT O'CLOCK_. M. ON THE w N N N DAY OF A.D., IN 0 } BOOK PAGE, RECEPTION NO. U U U U U ) L/LU U JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER p N BY: DEPUTY w 0 1010- N O - O _ LU Co� N O U U U O W p O O O O N N N N = S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 1 --- -------------r T --------------�------------� --��------------- EX HYDRANT HYDRANT EX. STORM INLET W. 52ND AVE MANHOLE — — ----------------------------------------------------------- (60'R.O.W) ---------------- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — •------------------------------ EX. SIGN EX. LIGHT POLE CONCRETE — — — — — _ _ — — — M71VFWAY EX. LIGHT POLE _--- EX. LI _ \' r NVERTEDU EX.TRANSFORM R — -- 1 1-- EX. SIDEWALK �� BIKE RACK EX. SIDEWALK0. 80 QDL WHEATRIDGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER SUBDIVISION S H O P PROPERTIES LLC 12200 W. 52ND AVE REC. NO. F0672939-1998 Know whafs below. 0111 before you dig. =3 EXISTING 10' ACCESS EASEMENT RECEPTION NO. F0858118 VII NO PARKING `II FIRE LANE SIGN EX. PAVED DRIVE 1 5 r L�co 5' 0 0 i2 Z I LS 12' �\ CONCRETE I DRIVEWAY 26' III INGRESS/EGRESS 12' I ESMT III REC. NO. 84102000 NO PARKING 10' LS FIRE LANE SIGN CONCRETE I DRIVEWAY 12' 26' STOP SIGN LS CONCRETE DRIVEWAY EX. EDGE OF ASPHALT 22' 1 I� CURB TRANSITION FROM 0" TO 6" HEIGHT I F S VALLEY WATER DISTRICT ESMT REC. NO. 82070583 RETAINING WALL I — — — — — _ — LS CURB TRANSITION FROM 0" TO 6" HEIGHT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CONCRETE CHANNEL W/ DIAMOND STEEL PLATE 100' ADA RAMP ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN WHITE ACCESSIBLE PARKING SYMBOL S&S PLUMBING 7000 SF ADA RAMP s FFE: 5494.50 CONCRETE SIDEWALK CONCRETE SIDEWALK 70.0' ASPHALT DRIVE NO PARKIN FIRELANE IGN 4" HITE 18.5' PAR ING S RIPE VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER — 40.5' uq9.M STOP SIGN MANHOLE POND OUTLET 10' m Z w o C7 O U Z U o o 80' U-1 Q d III PAVEMENT MARKING 2' CURB CUT Q 8' AN 8.5' DRAINAGE EASEMENT INSIDE EDGE OF POND ASPHALT DRIVE - 18.5' ----LL{ LS VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER TRASH ENCLOSURE—\ 160.03'S89' 11'1100"W EX. ASPHALT RETAINING WALL 2' CURB CUT 33.0' 10' LS 4' CEDAR FENCE EX. BUILDING RETAINING WALL VALENTI I N0, EMANUELJ & EILEEN B 12050 W. 52ND AVE REC. NO. 92133526 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY GRASS SWALE w 0 0 A.9" m Z w LU C7 O U U o 4" THICK YELLOW UQn U-1 Q DIAGONAL III PAVEMENT MARKING o U W W LS V) I-- 0000 N N N N i i i I� 71 I�- LU 0 8.5' DRAINAGE EASEMENT INSIDE EDGE OF POND ASPHALT DRIVE - 18.5' ----LL{ LS VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER TRASH ENCLOSURE—\ 160.03'S89' 11'1100"W EX. ASPHALT RETAINING WALL 2' CURB CUT 33.0' 10' LS 4' CEDAR FENCE EX. BUILDING RETAINING WALL VALENTI I N0, EMANUELJ & EILEEN B 12050 W. 52ND AVE REC. NO. 92133526 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY GRASS SWALE w 0 0 4' CEDAR FENCE EX. BUILDING LEGEND -- PROPERTY LINE EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER CURB AND GUTTER EASEMENT BOUNDARY LS LANDSCAPE AREA SIGNAGE [ ROAD LIGHTING SITE DATA SITE AREA: 23,498 SF ZONE: PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT (PCD) BUILDING:7000SF 30% COVERAGE MINIMUM SETBACKS REQUIRED FRONT: 0-12 FOOT BUILD TO AREA FRONTAGE: SIDE: 5 FOOT MINIMUM PER STORY REAR: 15' PARKING: REQUIRED PROVIDED OFFICE (4120 SF) 1 SPACE PER 300 SF (14) WAREHOUSE (3930 SF) 1 SPACE PER 600 SF (7) HANDICAP = 1 SPACE PER 25 SPACES (1) TOTAL 21 + 1 ACCESSIBLE 23 + 1 ACCESSIBLE 4 BICYCLE SPACES PROVIDED (2 U -RACKS) LANDSCAPE REQUIRED: MIN. 20% X 23,498 SF = 4700 SF LANDSCAPE PROVIDED: 5319 SF (23%) GENERAL NOTES 1. REFERENCE SHEET CO.00 FOR PROJECT BENCHMARK AND BASIS OF BEARINGS 2. W 52ND AVE DESIGN BY CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, DATED 09.03.19. 3. APPROVED EVA SHALL BE PROVIDED DURING CONSTRUCTION. UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED, THE EVA SHALL CONSIST OF THE FIRST LIFT OF ASPHALT OR CONCRETE SHALL BE PROVIDED PRIOR TO COMMENCING VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION. 4. DESIGN FOR THE RETAINING WALL IS TO BE PERFORMED BY OTHERS. 5. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND OPERATIONALTO PROVIDE THE MINIMUM REQUIRED FIRE FLOW PRIOR TO COMMENCING VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION. 16 8 0 16 SCALE 1" = 16' 11111111111110 ocp�_��� w N'0 0 z z z �* O o U Z w � zr U' w�c0 UZwww N ?QOQ�� Z QwwU ZQO JQz U U J 3 > w0U Q z U< zw� >�> J O i C) 1 Q 00 z A.9" m Z w LU III O U U o O w UQn p > LU p III 0 U vw U W W LS V) p 0000 N N N N i i i I� IIIco lil I�- 4' CEDAR FENCE EX. BUILDING LEGEND -- PROPERTY LINE EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER CURB AND GUTTER EASEMENT BOUNDARY LS LANDSCAPE AREA SIGNAGE [ ROAD LIGHTING SITE DATA SITE AREA: 23,498 SF ZONE: PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT (PCD) BUILDING:7000SF 30% COVERAGE MINIMUM SETBACKS REQUIRED FRONT: 0-12 FOOT BUILD TO AREA FRONTAGE: SIDE: 5 FOOT MINIMUM PER STORY REAR: 15' PARKING: REQUIRED PROVIDED OFFICE (4120 SF) 1 SPACE PER 300 SF (14) WAREHOUSE (3930 SF) 1 SPACE PER 600 SF (7) HANDICAP = 1 SPACE PER 25 SPACES (1) TOTAL 21 + 1 ACCESSIBLE 23 + 1 ACCESSIBLE 4 BICYCLE SPACES PROVIDED (2 U -RACKS) LANDSCAPE REQUIRED: MIN. 20% X 23,498 SF = 4700 SF LANDSCAPE PROVIDED: 5319 SF (23%) GENERAL NOTES 1. REFERENCE SHEET CO.00 FOR PROJECT BENCHMARK AND BASIS OF BEARINGS 2. W 52ND AVE DESIGN BY CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, DATED 09.03.19. 3. APPROVED EVA SHALL BE PROVIDED DURING CONSTRUCTION. UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED, THE EVA SHALL CONSIST OF THE FIRST LIFT OF ASPHALT OR CONCRETE SHALL BE PROVIDED PRIOR TO COMMENCING VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION. 4. DESIGN FOR THE RETAINING WALL IS TO BE PERFORMED BY OTHERS. 5. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND OPERATIONALTO PROVIDE THE MINIMUM REQUIRED FIRE FLOW PRIOR TO COMMENCING VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION. 16 8 0 16 SCALE 1" = 16' 11111111111110 ocp�_��� w N'0 0 z z z �* O o U Z w � zr U' w�c0 UZwww N ?QOQ�� Z QwwU ZQO JQz U U J 3 > w0U Q z U< zw� >�> J O i C) 1 Q 00 z U, Z w LU - m O U U w O w UQn p > LU p J ^ L.L Q w U vw U W W V) V) 0 c� O m O i 7 A J J J J Q w 7 N N N O U �UU� LU LU UQn p N N V w O BOO No�o CV LU o N o U U U o W p 0000 N N N N i i i = ��� j LANDSCAPE I COVERAGE 5319 SF I I LANDSCAPE COVERAGE MAP SCALE: 1" = 30'-0" Know what's below. 0111 before you dig. S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO I - / SHE- OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE F— � H�-�I - �f �--CJI---------- �I -0- W. 52ND AVE ------- ----------- ------- ------ (60' R.O.W)------------- - --- STREETSCAPE BY CITY / ; —i— — 4 ° 4°Q a°moi 4 �. u e — A L;—Lo 3S G 4RU F" _ 2 RUS � 4 PBS I 21 SVA 4 GLS --— 9BRJ 7 RUS 4 PBS / I I i ROCK MULCH i 2 PBS - 9 SWIG BS9SWG ROCK MULCH INGRESS/EGRESS ESMT REC NO. 84102000 — —2 GLS 3 RUS :k I� IJ IT JII ROCK MULCH 3 GLS 3 RUS i VALLEYWATERESER DISTRICT ESMT REc. No. s2mass3 MCS ROCK MULCH — — — — — r —4-T- 1 4 L l_ EXISTING POWER LF T - / /8 FNB 1 GLS 1 GRT 2 BRJ �XISTI F POWER POLE 2 GLS 3 FNB 3 RUS 1 3 BRJ 2 GLS 1 SSC 3 FNB FCECVALENTNOE ANIELJ&EILEEN R2050 w. 52N 0 AVE 9 N02133526 f9 RUS / 190MI 1 rj1rnIn STEELEDGER NUTTALL ALKALIGRASS SEED MIX DECIDUOUS TREE EVERGREEN TREE 0 ORNAMENTALTREE 4)0�101:6 DECIDUOUS SHRUBS OGEVERGREEN SHRUBS ORNAMENTAL GRASSES + ) STREETSCAPE TREE LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS OPEN SPACE (5319 SF) Size Notes Habit LANDSCAPE RATIO REQUIRED PROVIDED EXISTING TREES 1 / 1000 SF 6 6 0 SHRUBS 10/1000 SF 60 79 0 PERENNIALS AND GRASSES 0 30 0 PLANT LIST Qty. Sym. Scientific/Botanic Name Size Notes Habit DECIDUOUS TREES m m LU — Cn 2 GRT GOLDENRAIN TREE 6' HT STRAIGHT TRUNK, B&B 25X25 FEET Kcelreuteria paniculata STRAIGHT SPECIMEN QUALITY, STAKED SPACING 36" O.C. ORNAMENTAL TREES Q U W Spireajaponica 'Walbuma' 2 CCP CHANTICLEER PEAR 2" CAL. STRAIGHT TRUNK, B&B 20X10 FEET Pyrus calleryana'Chanticleer' SINGLE TRUNK SPECIMEN QUALITY, STAKED SPACING T O.C. 1 SSC SPRING SNOW CRABAPPLE 2" CAL. STRAIGHT TRUNK, B&B 20X15 FEET Malus sp. 'Spring Snaa' SINGLE TRUNK SPECIMEN QUALITY, STAKED 9 EVERGREENTREES FERNBUSH 5 GAL. SPACING 60" O.C. 1 FAS FAT ALBERT BLUE SPRUCE 6'-10' HT. FULL FORM, B&B 30X15 FEET Picea pungens 'Fat Albeit' SEE PLAN SPECIMEN QUALITY, GUYED 10 2X1 FEET 2.5X5 FEET 5X5 FEET 1.5X6 FEET 4X3 FEET 0.5X6 FEET 2X3 FEET 6X3 FEET T 20 10 0 20 SCALE 1" = 20' A _ Lu `� 0 0 Z Z� ��� Z c� 4*OU w��� �Zwww ?QOC,4 `n Z o w U Z Q OJ Q Z 0U J 3 > Lu Q ZLU UU — OJ 13- 0 Q 'ITJ 00 Z DECIDUOUS SHRUBS O Q 5 RUS m m LU — Cn O U F 11 MCS MAGIC CARPET SPIREA 5 GAL. SPACING 36" O.C. —2 BRJ Q U W Spireajaponica 'Walbuma' 18"-24" HT. 5CANES MIN. W 14 GLS GRO-LOW SUMAC 5 GAL. SPACING T O.C. O O O O = Q Rhus aromatica'Grc-Lata 18"-24" HT. 5 CANES MIN. EXISTING POWER POLE 9 FNB FERNBUSH 5 GAL. SPACING 60" O.C. Chamaebatiaria millefolium 18"-24" HT 5 CANES MIN. 10 PBS PAWNEE BUTTES SANDCHERRY 5 GAL. SPACING 48" O.C. Prunus besseyi'P011 S' 18"-24" HT 5 CANES MIN. 32 RUS RUSSIAN SAGE 5 GAL. SPACING 36" O.C. _ Percy kia atriplicifolia 18"-24" HT. 5 CANES MIN. EVERGREEN SHRUBS 25 BRJ BLUE RUG JUNIPER 5 GAL. SPACING T O.C. Juniperus haizicntalis'Wiltonii' 18"-24" SPREAD 5 CANES MIN. 5 BSJ BLUE STAR JUNIPER 5 GAL. SPACING 48" O.C. Juniperus squamata'Blue Star 18"-24" HT. 5 CANES MIN. ORNAMENTAL GRASSES 33 SWG SWITCH GRASS OR INDIAN GRASS 1 GAL. SPACING 36" O.C. Saghastrum nutans ESTABLISHED 2X1 FEET 2.5X5 FEET 5X5 FEET 1.5X6 FEET 4X3 FEET 0.5X6 FEET 2X3 FEET 6X3 FEET T 20 10 0 20 SCALE 1" = 20' A _ Lu `� 0 0 Z Z� ��� Z c� 4*OU w��� �Zwww ?QOC,4 `n Z o w U Z Q OJ Q Z 0U J 3 > Lu Q ZLU UU — OJ 13- 0 Q 'ITJ 00 Z v O Q Zw m m LU — Cn O U C W O::DW U n E >J W Q (2w Q U W — V = 3 U W W W V) ' ^ �,/ J J J J J Q O m m m 7 N N N o ��O 0) V) w U n E N N "7 V W o ��O 0) N O O W O N O U U U O W O O O O = Q N N N N S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, ATTACH GUY WIRE TO TRUNK WITH SPECIFIED TREE COLLAR DOUBLE STRAND OF 12 GA. GALVANIZED STEEL WIRE TWISTED z" DIA. WHITE PVC PIPE OVER WIRE, 25" LONG MIN TEMPORARY 4" DEEP WATER RETENTION BASIN NOT NECESSARY WHEN TURF OR DRIP IRRIGATION IS OPERATING SET ROOT CROWN LEVEL WITH TOP OF SOIN IN BEDS. IN IRRIGATED TURF AREAS PLANT 3" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE APPLY SPECIFIED MULCH TO REMAIN PERMANENTLY SPECIFIED 30" STEEL POST (3 MIN.) DRIVEN VERTICALLY INTO UNDISTURVED SOIL FLUSH WITH GRADE FINISHED GRADE REMOVE ALL CONTAINMENT MATERIAL FROM THE TRUNK & SIDES OF ROOTBALL THAT IS NOT 100% HEMP REMOVE BURLAP &TWINE FROM THETOP3 OF ROOTBALL REMOVE FIBER OR PLASTIC POTAFTER PLACING IN THE PIT ROOTBALLS THAT ARE BROKEN APART AFTER CONTAINMENT IS REMOVED ARE DAMAGED AND SHALL BE REJECTED HOLE SHOULD HAVE ROUGHENED SIDES SPECIFIED BACKFILL MIXTURE AND FERTILIZER APPLICATION UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE EVERGREEN TREE PLANTING W/ GUY WIRES NOT TO SCALE SHA DE TR EES: LOWEST LI MBS MIN.6-8' FROM ROOT CROWN AFTER TWO YEARS NO LIMB SHALL BE WITHIN 8' OF PAVEMENT DO NOT CUT OR DAMAGE LEADER PRUNE ALL DEAD OR DAMAGED WOOD PRIOR TO PLANTING WRAP ENTIRE SURFACE OF TRUNK BELOW SECOND BRANCH WITH SPECIFIED TREE WRAP AND SECURE ATTACH GUY WIRE TO TRUNK WITH SPECIFIED TREE COLLAR 3" DIA. WHITE PVC PIPE OVER WIRE, 24" LONG MIN. DOUBLE STRAND OF 12 GA. GALVANIZED STEEL WIRE TWISTED TEMPORARY 4" DEEP WATER RETENTION BASIN NOT NECESSARY WHEN TURF OR DRIP IRRIGATION IS OPERATING SPECIFIED STEEL POST (2 MIN.) DRIVEN VERTICALLY TO EXTEND A MIN. OF 30" INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL SET ROOT CROWN LEVEL WITH TOP OF SOIL IN BEDS. IN IRRIGATED TURF AREAS PLANT 3" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE APPLY SPECIFIED MULCH TO REMAIN PERMANENTLY FINISHED GRADE REMOVE ALL CONTAINMENT MATERIAL FROM THE TRUNK & SIDES OF ROOTBALLTHAT IS NOT 100% HEMP REMOVE BURLAP & TWINE FROM THE TOPS OF ROOTBALL REMOVE FIBER OR PLASTIC POTAFTER PLACING IN THE PIT ROOTBALLS THAT ARE BROKEN APARTAFTER CONTAINMENT IS REMOVED ARE DAMAGED AND SHALL BE REJECTED HOLE SHOULD HAVE ROUGHENED SIDES SPECIFIED BACKFILL MIXTURE AND FERTILIZER APPLICATION UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE B DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING NOT TO SCALE L /\ I\VV I Uf uu V1f . SIDEWALK, TOP OF CURB, OR TOP OF SEAT WALL PRUNE ALL DEAD OR DAMAGED WOOD PRIOR TO PLANTING CREATE A 2" DEEP WATER RETENTION BASIN & APPLY RING OF SPECIFIED MULCH WHEN NOT IN A BED SET ROOT CROWN OF UPRIGHTSHRUBS 1" ABOVE TOP OF SOIL. SET ROOT CROWN OF SPREADING SHRUBS ATTOP OF SOIL FINISHED GRADE OR TOP OF MULCH 3" BELOW PAVED EDGE APPLIED SPECIFIED MULCH TO REMAIN PERMANENTLY SPECIFIED WEED BARRIER FABRIC UNDER INORGANIC MULCHES SPECIFIED PREEMERGANT HERBICIDE BELOW FABRIC REMOVE ALL CONTAINMENT MATERIAL FROM THE TRUNK & SIDES OF ROOTBALL THAT IS NOT 100% HEMP REMOVE BURLAP &TWINE FROM THETOP3 OF ROOTBALL REMOVE FIBER OR PLASTIC POTAFTER PLACING IN THE PIT ROOTBALLS THAT ARE BROKEN APART AFTER CONTAINMENT IS REMOVED ARE DAMAGED AND SHALL BE REJECTED HOLE SHOULD HAVE ROUGHENED SIDES SPECIFIED BACKFILL MIXTURE AND FERTILIZER APPLICATION LIGHTLY COMPACTED PLACE 3" OF SPECIFIED BACKFILL BELOW THE ROOT BALL UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE C SHRUB PLANTING NOT TO SCALE RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SOD ADJACENT TO WALKS AND CURBS MULCH ADJACENT TO WALKS AND CURBS SIDEWALK, TOP OF CURB, OR TOP OF SEAT WALL FINISHED GRADE OR TOP OF SOD LEVEL WITH PAVED EDGE SPECIFIED SOD OR SEED FULL DEPTH OF SPECIFIED AMENDED TOPSOIL PLACED APPROX. 1" BELOW TOP OF PAVED EDGE FOR SOD AND LEVEL FOR SEED SIDEWALK, TOP OF CURB, OR TOP OF SEAT WALL FINISHED GRADE OR TOP OF MULCH Z" BELOW PAVED EDGE SPECIFIED MULCH SPECIFIED WEED BARRIER FABRIC UNDER INORGANIC MULCHES SPECIFIED PREEMERGANT HERBICIDE BELOW FABRIC FULL DEPTH OF SPECIFIED AMENDED TOPSOIL PLACED THE NECESSARY DISTANCE BELOW PAVED EDGE SPECIFIED SOD OR SEED FINISHED GRADE OR TOP OF SOD LEVEL WITH TOP OF EDGER FINISHED GRADE OR TOP OF MULCH Z" BELOW TOP OF EDGER SPECIFIED MULCH SPECIFIED WEED BARRIER FABRIC UNDER INORGANIC MULCHES SPECIFIED PREEMERGANT HERBICIDE BELOW FABRIC SPECIFIED EDGER FULL DEPTH OF SPECIFIED AMENDED TOPSOIL PLACED THE NECESSARY DISTANCE BELOW TOP OF EDGER D EDGE TREATMENT NOT TO SCALE E STANDARD BIKE RACK NOT TO SCALE GLOBALINDUSTRIAL.COM, U -RACK BIKE RACK, BLACK, 2 -BIKE, FLANGE MOUNT. ITEM #T9F442804MBK igo 8'0" O.C. F CEDAR FENCE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE POST CAP 1' X8"WOOD CAP 1" X 6" VERTICAL WOOD PICKET 4" X 4" POST (TYP.) 2" X 4" BOARD (TYP.) 3" GALVANIZED DECKING NAIL (TYP.) 12" X 36" CONCRETE FOOTING (TYP.) FINISHED GRADE LANDSCAPE NOTES H 1. THIS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN IS TO BE USED IN v� ' m m m RECOMMENDED RATES. m>>> CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, IRRIGATION, ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL PLANS TO _ � o cO,04 (-,o) E 7 O LSo FORM COMPLETE INFORMATION REGARDING THIS SITE. N O O O Z Z zLuUr Z z C9w030c0 UZiwww — 0 2. LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO ALL APPLICABLE ? Q O N< c Z_ � STATE AND LOCAL CODES AND SPECIFICATIONS. J U o Q U _ U REMOVE CONTAMINATED SOIL. BACKFILL WITH SPECIFIED TOPSOIL. r tn�Z� N p wap � 3. ALL MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR, FROM DATE OF FINAL Z Q OJ o Q Z ACCEPTANCE. u U J 3 AND ORDERLYDURING AND UPON COMPLETION OF HIS WORK. � Q ^ ZU F CEDAR FENCE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE POST CAP 1' X8"WOOD CAP 1" X 6" VERTICAL WOOD PICKET 4" X 4" POST (TYP.) 2" X 4" BOARD (TYP.) 3" GALVANIZED DECKING NAIL (TYP.) 12" X 36" CONCRETE FOOTING (TYP.) FINISHED GRADE LANDSCAPE NOTES H 1. THIS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN IS TO BE USED IN v� ' m m m RECOMMENDED RATES. m>>> CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, IRRIGATION, ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL PLANS TO _ � o cO,04 (-,o) E O O O LSo FORM COMPLETE INFORMATION REGARDING THIS SITE. N O O O Z Z zLuUr Z z C9w030c0 UZiwww — 0 2. LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO ALL APPLICABLE ? Q O N< U Z_ � STATE AND LOCAL CODES AND SPECIFICATIONS. J U o Q U _ U REMOVE CONTAMINATED SOIL. BACKFILL WITH SPECIFIED TOPSOIL. r tn�Z� N p wap J 3. ALL MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR, FROM DATE OF FINAL Z Q OJ Lu Q Z ACCEPTANCE. u U J 3 AND ORDERLYDURING AND UPON COMPLETION OF HIS WORK. � Q ^ ZU U 3 4. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXAMINE THE SITE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE WORK IS TO BE Y U PERFORMED AND NOTIFY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IN WRITING OF UNSATISFACTORY CONDITIONS. DO 00 3 W p NOT PROCEED UNTIL CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN CORRECTED. w � ' ^ v z 0 'ITJ 5. BEFORE COMMENCING WORK, CONTACT APPROPRIATE UTILITY 00 COMPANIES FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS, AND COORDINATE WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR IN REGARD TO LOCATION OF PROPOSED UTILITIES, IRRIGATION SLEEVES, CONDUITS, ETC. 6. ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL MEET OR EXCEED SIZE IN SCHEDULES. 7. OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE RESERVES THE RIGHTTO REFUSE PLANT MATERIALS WHICH DO NOT MEET THE QUALITY REQUIRED FOR THE PROJECT. ALL DECIDUOUS TREES SHALL HAVE FULL, WELL -SHAPED HEADS, ALL EVERGREENS SHALL BE UNSHEARED AND FULLTO THE GROUND. PLANTING PROCEDURES SHALL CONFORM TO DETAILS. 8. ALL TREE AND SHRUB BED LOCATIONS ARE TO BE STAKED OUT ON SITE FOR APPROVAL BY OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 9. ROCK MULCH: INSTALL 3 -INCHES OF 24", LOCALLY AVAILABLE, WASHED RIVER ROCK MULCH IN ALL SHRUB BEDS OVER TYPAR 3301 WEED MAT OR APPROVED EQUAL, AFTER APPLYING PRE -EMERGENT HERBICIDE. 10. ALL B&B PLANT MATERIAL SHALL HAVE ALL WIRE, TWINE OR OTHER CONTAINMENT MATERIAL, EXCEPT FOR THE BURLAP, REMOVED FROM THE TRUNK AND ROOT BALL OF THE PLANT PRIOR TO PLANTING. 11. GROUNDCOVER IN THE DETENTION POND SHALL BE A NUT -FALL ALKALIGRASS SEED MIX FROM ARKANSAS VALLEY SEED. 12. DISTRIBUTE IMPORTED TOPSOIL OVER AREAS TO BE GRASSED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF FOUR (4") INCHES, AND TO A DEPTH OF TEN (10") INCHES IN SHRUB AND PERENNIAL BEDS. TOPSOIL TO BE NATURAL, FRIABLE, FERTILE, FINE LOAMY SOIL FREE FROM WEEDS, LITER, GRASS, STONES LARGER THAN 1", ROOTS OR ANY OTHER MATERIAL WHICH MAY BE HARMFUL TO PLANT GROWTH. 13. SOIL PREPARATION: MIX THE FOLLOWING SOIL AMENDMENTS AND APPLY TO SOD AND SHRUB BED AREAS. A. ASPEN RICH COMPOST-- 4 CUBIC YARDS PER 1,000 S.F. B. COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER (20-10-5): 10 lbs. PER 1,000 S.F. C. SUPERPHOSPHATE: 10 lbs. PER 1,000 S.F. 14. BACKFILL FOR TREES AND SHRUBS: SHALL CONSIST OF 1/3 ASPEN RICH COMPOST AND 2/3 SITE SOIL. FERTILIZE WITH AGRI-FORM TABLETS AT MANUFACTURER'S v� ' m m m RECOMMENDED RATES. m>>> v 7 N N N 0 Q 10 10 7 w Lu N O O p N (1) v 15. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FINISH GRADES IN LANDSCAPE AREAS. w z 0N O — 0 16. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL AS NECESSARY BYTHIS WORK. w rn U 0000 0 p w 17. TESTSOIL IN PROPOSED LANDSCAPE AREAS PREVIOUSLY PAVED OR BUILT ON FOR STERILENT AND V) REMOVE CONTAMINATED SOIL. BACKFILL WITH SPECIFIED TOPSOIL. 0 p J Lu 18. CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR ALL DAMAGE DUE TO HIS CONSTRUCTION AND KEEP PROJECT AREAS CLEAN J Q AND ORDERLYDURING AND UPON COMPLETION OF HIS WORK. w p ^ w U 3 w W w � ' ^ v J J J J Q 0 m m m w m>>> 7 N N N 0 10 10 7 w Lu N O O p N (1) v LL 0 10 10 7 N O O Lu 0N O o w Q 0000 = p N N N N V) fluKnow what's below. ® Call before you dig. S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CIN OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 3 TRASH ENCLOSURE FRONT 3/16" = 1'-0"J4 TRASH ENCLOSURE SIDE 3/16" = 1'-0" 1'-0" _ _ __ - _ -_ - - '_• - 1'-011 1 1/2" o a�' ;{> v `)' 1 1/211 '= _ _ •,p • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _t _ _ 'i ,i-• .,( •-f �-! 1. r p 0z O z m 0 i NORTH ELEVATION (PRIMARY STREET FRONT) I FACADE AREA -1,753 SF ii ■■■ viii I 1 GLAZING w 528 SF 30.1% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A W 287 SF 16.4% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 304 SF 17.3% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 634 SF 36.2% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL LU V) V) 0 SF _IM TRANSPARENCY 216 SF 33.3% SOUTH ELEVATION cn m m mZ:)ZDZD FACADE AREA -1,673 SF .■. Z:) C/) co 1 GLAZING 66 SF 3.9% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A V) 0 SF 0% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B LU 0 SF 0% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 0 SF 0% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL 1,607 SF 96% EAST ELEVATION FACADE AREA -1,664 SF 1 GLAZING 294 SF 17.7% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 347 SF 20.8% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 115 SF 6.9% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 344 SF 20.7% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL 417 SF 25.1% WEST ELEVATION FACADE AREA -1I664 F 1 GLAZING 297 SF 17.8% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 212 SF 12.7% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 188 SF 11.3% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 303 SF 18.2% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL 243 SF 14.6% TOTAL BUILDING FACADE AREA - 6,754 SF 1 GLAZING 1,185 SF 17.5% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 846 SF 12.5% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 607 SF 9% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 1,281 SF 19% _ _ _ �t• _ _ .-„ _ _ _ _ _ 'J tI_ ,ate_ _ •y _ - _ - 2J-'• _ sem_ _ _ _ _ :',_ _ _ _ _(•_ _ _ _ _,.- _ - 33.6% o- o- ��� I W - 2 EXTERIOR - NORTH ELEVATION I���t= � !— —���—.tet♦— I ���� --s � � - - e - f�fs�■,As�s�s�■,As�■,As�� f�s�s�� ®■■ �®moi r p 0z O z m 0 i NORTH ELEVATION (PRIMARY STREET FRONT) I FACADE AREA -1,753 SF ii ■■■ viii I 1 GLAZING w 528 SF 30.1% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A W 287 SF 16.4% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 304 SF 17.3% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 634 SF 36.2% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL LU V) V) 0 SF _IM TRANSPARENCY 216 SF 33.3% SOUTH ELEVATION cn m m mZ:)ZDZD FACADE AREA -1,673 SF .■. Em �,=-e0� mmm '_s �s��s�'■ 4 jivill MEMO -- IN � ■i�®e�®e�e�.� �■i��®ewe}®e}� �e�e�®_�� IN 54-L - - - � M - ?aE - - - kom a s` e s Is r �.i i i fiif0''��■��i-���e���-���-���e���-moi i i>e �mee a i�iie coir ea�:eaaeaaear�aaear�aaearea� bio EXTERIOR -WEST ELEVATION 3/16" = 1'-0" ROOF � 127' - LEVEL 2 112'-0" CEILING � 109' - 0" v LEVEL 1 � 100'-0" v MATERIAL LEGEND r p 0z O z m 0 i NORTH ELEVATION (PRIMARY STREET FRONT) Z FACADE AREA -1,753 SF 0 I 1 GLAZING w 528 SF 30.1% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A W 287 SF 16.4% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 304 SF 17.3% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 634 SF 36.2% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL LU V) V) 0 SF 0% TRANSPARENCY 216 SF 33.3% SOUTH ELEVATION cn m m mZ:)ZDZD FACADE AREA -1,673 SF Z:) C/) co 1 GLAZING 66 SF 3.9% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A V) 0 SF 0% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B LU 0 SF 0% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 0 SF 0% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL 1,607 SF 96% EAST ELEVATION FACADE AREA -1,664 SF 1 GLAZING 294 SF 17.7% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 347 SF 20.8% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 115 SF 6.9% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 344 SF 20.7% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL 417 SF 25.1% WEST ELEVATION FACADE AREA -1I664 F 1 GLAZING 297 SF 17.8% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 212 SF 12.7% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 188 SF 11.3% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 303 SF 18.2% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL 243 SF 14.6% TOTAL BUILDING FACADE AREA - 6,754 SF 1 GLAZING 1,185 SF 17.5% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 846 SF 12.5% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 607 SF 9% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 1,281 SF 19% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL 2,267 SF 33.6% E3 w 0 � w N W OU w = w J�Oo Uz U WS) QUOOLA�ZUQry zUzd) a: z7-LUv) Ozpp JwCLp 014 CL U ED LUJ Q OoJ Uz a- •o Q 0 J z r p 0z O z m 0 i J v z Z w 0 I 112'-0" w O� N O O o W Lu W LU w C) V w U 06 LU V) V) V) C14 C14 CN CN ROOFr 127' - 11 " p 0z O z m 0 i Z LEVEL 2 v O Q 112'-0" 0 N O O Lu W Qa a a) CD w JI Q J Q w w C14 C14 CN CN 5 cn m m mZ:)ZDZD Z:) C/) co =D m V) UUUU LU N p 0 _ O o N M [ [ [ [ TP LEVEL 1 100'-0" 10% M 0 N O O Lu o -o Qa a a) CD w � N O O O O w C14 C14 CN CN cn Know what's below. 9 ® Call before you dig. S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 2 EXTERIOR - SOUTH ELEVATION 3/1611 = 1 '-0" ROOF 127' - 11" LEVEL 2 112'-0" LEVEL 1 100'-0" LX I LKIUK - LAb I LLLVA I IUN 3/1611 = 1 '-0" MATERIAL LEGEND NORTH ELEVATION (PRIMARY STREET FRONT) FACADE AREA -1,753 SF 1 GLAZING 528 SF 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 287 SF 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 304 SF 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 634 SF 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL TRANSPARENCY SOUTH ELEVATION FACADE AREA -1,673 SF 1 GLAZING 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL EAST ELEVATION FACADE AREA -1,664 SF 1 GLAZING 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL WEST ELEVATION FACADE AREA -1,664 SF 1 GLAZING 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL TOTAL BUILDING FACADE AREA - 6,754 SF 1 GLAZING 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL ROOF 127' - 11 " �! LEVEL 112'-0" LEVEL 100'-0" 0 SF 216 SF 66 SF 0 SF 0 SF 0 SF 1,607 SF 294 SF 347 SF 115 SF 344 SF 417 SF 297 SF 212 SF 188 SF 303 SF 243 SF 1,185 SF 846 SF 607 SF 1,281 SF 2,267 SF 30.1% 16.4% 17.3% 36.2% 0% 33.3% 3.9% 0% 0% 0% 96% 17.7% 20.8% 6.9% 20.7% 25.1% 17.8% 12.7% 11.3% 18.2% 14.6% 17.5% 12.5% 9% 19% 33.6% E3_ w 0 J W � z m OU w = w J�Oo Uz U WS) QUOOLA�ZUQ� Z()Z6 QQZwv) Ozpp swap U LU LU J r, Q Q V OoJ U0 a- No 00 z r z V IL z Z CIO LU IL 0 =D LU J LU 0 CL C) V) U 06 LU V) vi V) LU C� Q LU 0 0 O z m 0 N Z 0 Q w I w Z J m o J Q Z H 0 < o m m z:) o ZD o M Z oN 0 V N O U V)U o U LU o, N -o�_ N M 0 0 O z m 0 N Z 0 Q w I w Z J m 10 %O o M 0 N O o0 Lu o, N Qa O o: o0 oo w 0 0 0o w N 04 NN _ S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. 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FIXTURE BB FIXTURE AA LEJ Gardco PumForm LED wali xo -ce r omfort PWS otters a sleek, low Profile design that will complement a range of architectural styles Comfort optics are designed to enhance msual comfort by reducing glare. PureForm wall sconce provides up to 10,700 (omens to accommodate multiple mounting heights up to 20, and is available with Type 2, 3, 4, optical distributions. A full range of - control options is avaElable for additional energy savings. Optional emergency battery backup option Is available for path -of -egress and Is Integral to the lummaee. S&S PLUMBING III xs. Is w"Darr..'"tow. tto-i-, nerrerv..wcmeur t z'oam..'rwwle.r'nxnx.e^mm�xvmnw wmruxr Not "loWe il.t.0 rwmazr'nrvvrmeHuft . XolawlMbwrinalMmmroloWm s xn monw. auae«nhmm.-v E MWwMaeenMn..PY. .�M.l...mvomzm 9 fool tarak➢4Mnemennrtvta'm NMp riMlyr¢BPp Pvi4-vu."rn.A rr.'Lxmn eemren rvre o+s.rers lkmrl r. 20036LEDMG-BRZ/FST Name Sandpiper AN - mom s mW- a le o w tool oNo O rryy u zw m.v all wn nN Eav Xa loo. NWAO` M'ma au IN, o'col a'w� wm gpar Nook, m o ewrromerl.u'.a'.o .u,u" mu sXem. uwr _e.ue.ss exw mo m..wazwnsuewezrsvnuxn�v.rr.i¢w.6.nt n xaaawee.nnsirMursvn.vm'_:amnd iLL4v prrwmrmerresrcwc[rue. a g©a IME n z `J' n Q WA Length r. 0.5' Z WA Width :: 4.5' Diameter:: Z M CID Project Name : S&S PLUMBING w 9" Location:: 4.5' L Type:: BB 0 Vofiage r. Quantity:: J w Wattage :: Notal:: > I No w IL 0 20036 7F1n1sh:: LL V) 541594223316 e:: Wall w ze (BRZ) 3400 Difuser:: Frosted(F5i) '0^v v AAL Finishes :: Satin (SA Aft, Diffusers :: N/A Energy Star :: Fbdure Campy Length :: WA Length r. 0.5' Width :: WA Width :: 4.5' Diameter:: 6" Diameter:: WA Extensil 9" Height:: 4.5' Height:: 18" Yes Vofiage r. Overall Height :: WA Max. N V Wattage :: DaellNpatio Specification IthotomeMcs Recommended Dimmer Location Rating:: Wet Frame Material:: Aluminum CCT:, 3000 Not Dimmable Cergficatocal cETLus Difuser Material:: Glass Cl 90 W IES File:: Yes Vofiage r. 120-277V N V Wattage :: 30W JAB Compliant:: No Lamping Type:: Dedicated Nominal Title 20 Compliant :: N/A LID W mens :: 3400 Lamping Base:: SSL Energy Star :: No2314attage Lamp : 2 Delivered ADA Complant :; No Lamp Wattage:! ::! 15 W Wmens:: Crim ppeme:: WA: ArkkaW Yana:: WA Mal Grade ;: Yes Total Wattage :: 30 W Emergency Lighting c No Lamps Included a Yes Wananly:: 5Year Limited J -Box Type:: Standard Lim Drawing 01 Lin Dewing t2 IES RIO IV 9" cw`.a .a........ t Upon Hwn I A92aoa z1 U LT 16 S 0 16 SCALE 1" = 16' IS O tT 0 Z m 0 Z Q J d 0 w 0 H 0 d N O 0 -0 W O - W U U m o U W U U U W UD., N V N M i N O -0 W O - W U U m o Q W 0000 = EXHIBIT 5: APPLICANT LETTER November 4, 2019 City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 291' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Re: 12060 West 52nd Avenue This letter is an explanation for the increased office space of our building. When Scott and I purchased the vacant lot around 2002, our business was smaller than it is now in 2019. The original idea for what we would build on the lot was still a similar environment for our commercial plumbing contracting business to operate as it is now; a flex space with office and warehouse space. In 2002, 1 only had one person helping me in the office and Scott did all of his `office work" in the field. We were overworked even then, but now are more realistic about the amount of help that is required to efficiently and productively operate our business. We currently have 5 of us in the office and I will be hiring at least one more. Additionally, our employee that manages our stored plumbing materials, currently housed in multiple storage units, will have a warehouse manager position. Scott and I established S&S Plumbing Services, Inc. in 1993 and incorporated in 1997. We are extremely proud of the hard work, determination, excellent relationships and a bit of luck that went into building our plumbing contracting business into the successful operation that we have today. We look forward to building a beautiful, functional building that will reflect our pride in the excellent plumbing work that we do. Best regards, Q'i X14 Alice Hinkle 12060 W 52ND Avenue LLC 3420 Garland Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303-946-8921 alice@sspsdenver.com Planning Commission 18 Case No. WZ-19-05 and W4-19-05/S&SPlumbing f City o Wh6atRid e g POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NO. WZ/WA-19-05 / S&S Plumbing PLANNING COMMISISON HEARING DATE: February 6, 2020 (name) residing at 3 120 Gaz,,- I" S r- kl ,e lQ4� CO �-s as the applicant for Case No Public Notice at (address) WZIWA-19-05 hereby certify that I have posted the sign for 12060 W. 52nd Ave (location) on this 23 day of January and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. Signature: NOTE: This form must be submitted to the Community Development Department for this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file. MAP T� til City of i�� Wheatldge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 LETTER NOTICE (As required pursuant to Code Section 26-109.D) January 23, 2020 Dear Property Owner / Current Resident: This is to inform you of Case No. WZ-19-05 an application filed by Real E Solutions, LLC for approval of a Specific Development Plan for a 7,000 square foot office/warehouse building and Case No. WA -19-05 for approval of a variance to increase the percentage of allowed office space for property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) located at 12060 West 521 Avenue. This request is scheduled for public hearing in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The schedule is as follows: Planning Commission February 6, 2020 a, 7:00 mm., You are invited to attend the public hearing or submit comments online by going to www.wheatridgespeaks.org. The online comment period will open by 5pm on Friday, January 24 and will close at noon on Tuesday, February 4. Contact staff to submit written comments after that time, or attend the public hearing to provide oral testimony. All documents and materials for this request, including the staff report, are available for review at www.wheatridgespeaks.org and at the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division. If you have questions or would like to make an appointment to review the case file in person, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you, City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. If you need inclusion assistance, please call Sara Spaulding, Public Information Officer, at 303-235-2877 at least one week in advance of the meeting. www.ci.wheatridge.coms A N VicinitN Mai) Site is outlined in red T 14 41 . 4 -R 0 r7 A v P F. - WZ1905.doc WA1905.doc MA 1:4q AMP 9, k 4 12060 W 52ND AVENUE LLC AA WHOLESALE STORAGE LLC ARVADA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 03420 GARLAND ST 05040 ACOMA ST PO BOX 3-D WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 DENVER CO 80216 ARVADA CO 80001 BENALLO PIORENA L BENALLO ANTHONY J BENALLO DEAN J 05202 UNION CT 1 ARVADA CO 80002 DANIEL BRUCE C DANIEL KAY L 14022 W 54TH AVE ARVADA CO 80002 GREENSTREET ELSIE M GREENSTREET TERRY L 11475 PEARL ST APT 158 NORTHGLENN CO 80233 BURNER SUTHERLAND PROPERTY LLC 00594 BUNKHOUSE RD DARBY MT 59829 DUANE C DAVIDSON TRUST 16581 RED CLIFF CIR MORRISON CO 80465 HARDMAN CONTESSA L 05223 UNION CT 3 ARVADA CO 80002 COUNCILMAN DAN L COUNCILMAN DAVID J COUNCILMAN HEIDI J 11995 W 52ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 GREELEY MARY GRAHAM 05203 UNION CT 1 ARVADA CO 80002 HEBBERD HANNAH L PRING ADAM L 05222 UNION CT 1 ARVADA CO 80002 HIDEAWAY AT RAINBOW RIDGE CONDO ASSN INC HEWINS SANDRA S COLORADO PROPERTY MANAGEMENT GROUP HOWELL JOHN A 02065 5 ROBB WAY 13697 E ILIFF AVE STE 6 05223 UNION CT 4 LAKEWOOD CO 80227 AURORA CO 80014 ARVADA CO 80002 IBC DENVER II LLC JONES DANIEL N LONG CHERYLYNN 01153 BERGEN PKY 1 454 05223 UNION CT 1 05223 UNION CT 5 EVERGREEN CO 80439 ARVADA CO 80002 ARVADA CO 80002 LOUX MEREDITH RENEE MILLER JACK AJR PETITCLERC TOM 05202 UNION CT 00825 BROADWAY 05202 UNION CT ARVADA CO 80002 BOULDER CO 80305 ARVADA CO 80002 WESTWOODS PROPERTIES LLC RAI LTON TERRANCE L LEWIS BETTY JEAN REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT GOLDEN COMMERCIAL GROUP 05203 UNION CT 6 01560 BROADWAY 15400 W 64TH AVE 9E-11 ARVADA CO 80002 DENVER CO 80202 ARVADA CO 80007 S H 0 P PROPERTIES LLC SAINZ MARK D SCOTT MARK A 13020 W 58TH AVE 05223 UNION CT 6 05203 UNION CT 4 ARVADA CO 80002 ARVADA CO 80002 ARVADA CO 80002 SHARP HEATHER M STEVE AND JANE SHELTON LLC TCCH MANAGEMENT LLC 05222 UNION CT 2 05645 ORION CIR 12000 W 52ND AVE ARVADA CO 80002 GOLDEN CO 80403 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 TERRY AND PAMELA MCCLELLAND FAMILY TRUST 01880 KERR GULCH RD EVERGREEN CO 80439 TOBIE MARY ANN 05203 UNION CT 5 ARVADA CO 80002 TRUJILLO MARY E 05222 UNION CT 4 ARVADA CO 80002 VALENTINO EMANUEL J VALENTINO EILEEN B VALLEY WATER DISTRCT WARD ROAD STORAGE LLC 03631 JADE AVE 12101 W 52ND AVE 05025 WARD RD ST JAMES CITY FL 33956 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THAT PART OF LOT 13, STANDLEY HEIGHTS AS DESCRIBED IN BARGAIN AND SALE DEED RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. 2018008652 IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER FOR JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO: BEGINNING AT A POINT 160 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 13, STANDLEY HEIGHTS, THENCE RUNNING SOUTH PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 13,150 FEET, THENCE WEST 80 FEET, THENCE NORTH 150 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 13, THENCE EAST 80 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, @\017 BEGINNING AT A POINT 80 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 13, STANDLEY HEIGHTS, THENCE RUNNING SOUTH PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 13,150 FEET, THENCE WEST AT RIGHT ANGLES 80 FEET, THENCE NORTH 150 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 13, THENCE EAST 80 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. DESCRIBED AS A WHOLE AS FOLLOWS: A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SAID SOUTHEAST ONE- QUARTER OF SECTION 17 AND CONSIDERING THE NORTH LINE OF THE SAID SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER TO BEAR N89°11'13"E WITH ALL BEARINGS HEREIN RELATIVE THERETO; THENCE ALONG THE SAID NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER, N89-1 F 13 "E, A DISTANCE OF 817.77 FEET; THENCE S00017'56"E, A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID POINT ALSO BEING ON THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR WEST 52ND AVENUE AND THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1 A, WHEATRIDGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER SUBDIVISION RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. F0672939; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY, N89°11'13"E, A DISTANCE OF 160.00 FEET; THENCE S00017'56"E, A DISTANCE OF 146.87 FEET; THENCE S8901 1'13"W, A DISTANCE OF 160.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT 1 A; THENCE ALONG THE SAID EAST BOUNDARY OF LOT 1 A, N00017'56"W, A DISTANCE OF 146.87 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 23,498 SQUARE FEET OR 0.5394 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. . REMM811 ia. F085811a 5/0311999 9:02:36 PG: 001-015 PAGE FEE: 76.00 DOC.FEE: 0_00 RECORDED IH JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO EASF,lyl�li,l " KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Shop Properties, LLC ("Grantor's, for the sum of Ten Dollars ($I0.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, do �(} hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey to Wheat Ridge 52 investment Associates, a Nevada general partnership, whose legal address is c/o RFG Management, Inc., 8400 East Crescent Parkway, Suite 475, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111 ("Grantee')its successors and assigns, a perpetual, nonexclusive easement for the purpose of permitting the passage of motor vehicles of all types; the passage and accommodation of pedestrians; and to construct, maintain, use, alter, repair, place, replace, reconstruct, inspect, operate, and remove paved roadways, sidewalks, signage, utility lines, sprinkler lines and systems and landscaping; and for purposes of setback and other laud development requirements for the benefit of that certain real property more particularly described in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado (the `Benefited Land'), together with related appurtenances on, over, under and across the following described premises located in the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado (the "Easement"), to wit: A ten -foot wide strip of land as depicted and described in Exhibits A-1 and A-2, and A-- 3 attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, along the eastern edge of the northern 150 feet of the parcel of land more particularly described on ]Exhibit C, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference ("Grantor's Estate'. Grantor warrants and covenants that Grantor is well seized of the premises above conveyed, have good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance in law, in fee simple, and have good right, full power and authority to grant, bargain, sell and convey the Easement, and that Grantor's Estate is free and clear from all former and other grants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments, encumbrances and restrictions of whatever kind or nature soever, except for taxes and assessments for 1999 and all subsequent years and encumbrances, restrictions and reservations of record. The Easement traverses Grantor's Estate and is and shall be perpetual for the benefit of and appurtenant to the Benefited Land. The grant of easement contained herein is not intended to grant to the public a right of use based upon the uses of the Easement described herein. EXECUTED this _44 day of �1J..1 ... A�,Gfflesseri, Manager/Member �. - :e< m Consent of [Grantor's Lender] Exhibit A — Legal Description and Depiction of Easement Exhibit B — Legal Description of the Benefited Landlord Exhibit C — Legal Description of Grantor's Servient Estate BECK MON IIB. F0858118 2 STATE -OF COLORADO ) O } ss. CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER ) The foregoing instrument � was subscribed, sworn to and acknowledged before me this _�_ day of (�iG L/YL_�j 1999, by John A. Cillessen. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires 11/197/2001 - 09 41 - My commission expires_: �Notary Rd Public _�- :`ti STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER ) The � going intro ent was subscribed, sworn to and acknowledged before me this day of1999, by JabTeil Y. CiIlessen. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires My commission expires: 11/07/2001 Notary Public 4 -2- RECEPTION XD. FO858118 3 [Grantor's Lender] hereby acknowledges and consents to the above grant of Easement from Shop Properties, LLC to Wheat Ridge 52 Investment Associates and covenants and agrees that Lender's lien on Grantor's Estate pursuant to that Deed of Trust datedZ 1998, and recorded on f 2 a 199$, at Reception No. 7, O I in the real property records of Jefferson County, Colorado, is hereby made subject and subordinate to the Easement. 13i. n/RTJaal L ,6i6 Ay2tJRDR 1/C e— , [President] IMMON NO. FO858118 Exhibit A-1 / [Legal description to be provided by Grantors] ---. A 10 foot x 150 foot strip of land on the Eastern edge of hot 1A Wheatridge Industrial Center Subdivision as recorded August 13, 1998, Jefferson County, Colorado. Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 1A, South 150 feet, hest 10 feet, North 150 feet and East 10 feet to the point of the beginning. (see attached Exhibit A-3) MaYMO RD. FQ858118 Exhibit A-2 Easement is indicated by the dark line. �E 5 �o O t� � pZ '1{ NT n 'rI �E so -a• � or' � o � ; _ r�•- F I Ftrxr� r}_s_�t IFF SF= £rs^re.ze:•i§ ?FI nn� m s: .{'«ii?ps'F rr E ;��: cr "g Fgf :a!e•iz_f•i>,'sS}�ia� $!i_ m y}1}�:s a� } S}FrE� zi Fs F; �yFgDiFF?d:E1 20 'PL -4 1— 4re}'c[cr.}� * FzRr,i1 =}'•i- rE '�'FF£egFx a ri; n F�£ r F rx�£ig•dfr_pi?&KF£prpr33pps -A z Y' rrEF'�FF°?=a�y i x E i^ txv v §IiF jo� 4* r b" �F� � �o O t� � pZ '1{ NT n 'rI 0 pLbNM-ern Damm I'" C,DxO m� � so -a• � or' � o � ; _ r�•- F I Ftrxr� r}_s_�t IFF SF= £rs^re.ze:•i§ ?FI nn� m s: .{'«ii?ps'F rr E ;��: cr "g Fgf :a!e•iz_f•i>,'sS}�ia� $!i_ m y}1}�:s a� } S}FrE� zi Fs F; �yFgDiFF?d:E1 20 'PL -4 1— 4re}'c[cr.}� * FzRr,i1 =}'•i- rE '�'FF£egFx a ri; n F�£ r F rx�£ig•dfr_pi?&KF£prpr33pps -A z Y' rrEF'�FF°?=a�y i x E i^ txv v §IiF jo� 4* r b" �F� � s rn 111p DI HIP E5 e 93 �7 a,o-Sa Zz• 5�x D C-) m z m . ..r F F QiY S S_sxp �'F FF Si=� x-zzrz-xe:•€ rFi? z, xo _��i $�; y��rsr'F NAg�g,i?PFJ �• :�i�� �izi ��i xH z}aF3i a��°y'o �iF�`x f<.'�?11 F piS:z�� �y[c• ss=xie�sz_€iz-x;r€j x ar'grgjfi i� V �T•x.px.. ]�€4 �=9 :i:�`Eca?ggr?T!z;�i g�d $x�))QF�Fx"axi r ?cak{ � gs xi ;iF g�"FE Fi� a,q e89 ipii3�cl•� p�a ? ttr Ts' !�?Q ! L p �xlr�'£p��gr4r3rla�e it It 683 •r�y ,t x_ i rr['x it € e?.aix__rgr€€r: '• x .. �- �'r a�x aFr p �°� i:i�cgFF�i��{e°:°e: c sQF gg gg €x .e°LF• � .�t a � Q4: 34.a Q E xpNflFk' E ' . ..r F F QiY S S_sxp �'F FF Si=� x-zzrz-xe:•€ rFi? z, xo _��i $�; y��rsr'F NAg�g,i?PFJ �• :�i�� �izi ��i xH z}aF3i a��°y'o �iF�`x f<.'�?11 F piS:z�� �y[c• ss=xie�sz_€iz-x;r€j x ar'grgjfi i� V �T•x.px.. ]�€4 �=9 :i:�`Eca?ggr?T!z;�i g�d $x�))QF�Fx"axi r ?cak{ � gs xi ;iF g�"FE Fi� a,q e89 ipii3�cl•� p�a ? ttr Ts' !�?Q ! L p �xlr�'£p��gr4r3rla�e it It 683 •r�y ,t x_ i rr['x it € e?.aix__rgr€€r: '• x .. �- �'r a�x aFr p �°� i:i�cgFF�i��{e°:°e: c sQF gg gg €x .e°LF• � .�t a � Q4: 34.a Q E xpNflFk' Exhibit B Parcel 1: REWTIOX RG. F0858118 J A portion of the east half of Block 13, Standley Heights Subdivision, except the north 150 feet of the east 240 feet thereof, Jefferson County, Colorado; the property is located in the NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 17, Township 3, South, Range 69 west of the 6th Principal Meridian, more particularly described as follows_ Beginning at the center of Section 17; thence north 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east on an assumed bearing along the east -west centerline of said section 17, a distance of 807.44 feet; thence south 00 degrees 25 minutes 00 seconds west, a distance of 17797 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence north 89 degrees 47 minutes 00 seconds east, 250 feet; thence south 00 degrees 25 minutes 00 seconds west, 265.06 feet; thence south 89 degrees 47 minutes 00 seconds west, 250 feet; thence north 00 degrees 25 minutes 00 seconds east, 265.06 feet to the True Point of Beginning, being Lot 2 of the wheat Ridge Industrial Center Official Development Plan and Plat - 1st Amendment, as recorded in Book 82 at Page 21 as Reception No. 84119348 on December 27, I984, in Jefferson County, Colorado. Parcel 2: That portion of Lot 13, Standley Heights more particularly described as: beginning at a point 160 feet west of the northeast corner of Lot 13, Standley Heights, thence running south parallel to the east line of said Lot 13, 150 feet; thence west 80 feet; thence north 150 feet to the north line of said Lot 13; thence east 80 feet to the point of beginning, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, and beginning at a point 80 feet west of the northeast comer of Lot 13, Standley Heights, thence running south parallel with the east line of said Lot 13, 150 feet; thence west at right angles 80 feet; thence 150 feet to north line of said Lot 13; thence east 80 feet to point of beginning, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado_ BEMMOM IM. F0858118 Exhibit C [Complete legal description to be provided by Grantors] being hot i of the Wheat Ridge Industrial Center Official Development Plan and Plat - 1st Amendment, as recorded in Book 82 at Page 21 as Reception No. 84119348 on December 27, 1984, in Jefferson County, Colorado. Lot 1A Wheatridge Industrial.C.enter Subdivision as recorded in Book 142, page 38, Recording #F0672939 dated August 14, 1998, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado M `',.' `' •' • 30' . 0. '15, 30. 45 LOT 13 STANDLEY 14EIGHTS I Z11NING Y 4I !} -' Ft� RE RE �.t. CSNR�CtTpN 17 a 3 if l< 'BASS CAP �N S 1: C1 TH I�... F, ,P i312 x'; _ F - OF BEGINNING h N `89'11'2TE CN 94400 `',.' `' •' • 30' . 0. '15, 30. 45 LOT 13 STANDLEY 14EIGHTS I Z11NING - ----------- - _ CSNR�CtTpN 17 3 if l< 'BASS CAP �N 1: R N PGTN{ BOX i312 OF BEGINNING h `',.' `' •' • 30' . 0. '15, 30. 45 LOT 13 STANDLEY 14EIGHTS I Z11NING C/ TRIDGE. INDUSTRIr NO TH _ LINE SOUTHEAST 1!4 AND BASIS FOR BEARINGS VEST 52ND AVENUE . .�-°R4•1t7••F:?!,4"49' (N S9.47'00"£;269.32')- >10" UTILITYEA$EF'MENT <tYPICAL) 7U 603 SQUARE FEET 1.621 'ACRES; +/— riy DETENTION POND EASEMENT \DEDICATED BY THIS PLAT N� SEE NOTE 9. lS. V ✓ EXISTING 18,000. SQUARE FEET BUILDING TG REMAIN S <s .3 V m 3 In r. v z� 2 ulcj ulZ e U ' S w 4=Z jN DkC Q f k a 5m wLa L J .CZ <0 CL I fn_ W { d { WLa I w (AX S w S � I S <s /o LOT13 STANDLEY HEIGHTS A-2 ZONING 88'G8'AD`41 9.79' 8S'4T00`W 14.00'1 COMMENCING AT 014 AN ASSUMED QUARTER Or 'SA{D 5.00'17442 E. A L BEGINNING, THEN( $:001742 1- 4 I DI$TANOE 0F.9.7 FEET TO .A POINT HEIGHTS,. THENCE 13,-_A DISTANCE .+ 414•..&8 FEET TO SQUARE FEET.OR HAVE. LAID OUT, DRAWING. HEREON. INDUSTRIAL CENT RIDGE, COLORAD( THE CITY OF WHI MUNICIPALLY FRA .. an,n nCAI oonoi OF- A, IN PIAT AID SECTION 17; :HENCE N_89'11'27'F THE' NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST 1ISTANCE OF 548.12 FEET; THENCE 17'42'W,• A DISTANCE OF , CONTAINING 108,998 SAID LAND AS PER THE NAME AND.STYLE OF WHEAT F PART' OF THE. CITY OF WHEAT TS GO DEDICATE TO THE USE ;1PAL.LY OWNED AND/OR .RVICES THOSE PO ONS OF GNATED AS EASEMENTS AND 2OUND CAE 2EET AND ALL AND AGRE JED IN . KS AND UN£S. 4 X1[tl3rT- f 't -,St'i'),Z t: U.''1 !tK, Uhl "R'ffW l-LKI1[7 }['}AI' 1, 1"{t t�l3RiYCi Lrr tP7C;; -,, a �OUNDARI' OF' TH£ WHEAT ;RiFSGE INDEtSTRIAL CENTER 'AAs t�At�E' t1NF7F=R MY �� 'y,F xs ��r��`"' SUPERVISICN, RirSPONSIBILITY AND CHEcYINQ ON APRIL 23":.j99$ AND )N TO THE LEST OF MY. KNOWLEDGE, INFOR ATION: AND BELIE;:', AND IN., r ACCORDANCE WITH ALLAPPLICABLEOL¢RAgd. SES,TATUTCURREW' REVISED EDITION, 'AS AMENDED. . N COLORADO. NUMBER 1687] SS00 W. 1 4TN AVENUE:' LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80215 , 303-233-4042 .. NOTICE ACCORDING TO COLDRADO LAW,. YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY. LEGAL ACI.Q1� BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS .AFTER YOU "`• FIRST DISCOVER .SUCH "*DEFECT. W NO EVENT -MAY ANY ACTION BASED: IIDGE UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED- MORE THAN.TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION' SHOWN HEREON. OF NOTES_ I _. 5/8 INCH DIAMETEF2 RESAR WITH. . CAP STAMPED "LANE ENG. SIMV INC 16837" Scr AT POINT SHOWN THUS'.4 ALES, 2. THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE TITI-t 'SEARCH .BY LANE .A ENGINEERING SERVICE INC. BUT DEPENDS ON INFORMATION .SUPPLIED= BY THE OWNERS FOR EASEMENTS AND PIGHtS OF WAY. ED 3. THE BASIS FOR 'BEARINGS SHOWN ON THE:. GRAPHIC . PORTIOf� OF THIS PLAT IS BASED CN 'THE ASSUMPTIQN THAT THE NORTH . LINE! , 11 IE SOUTHE ST .1 /4 OF SECTION 17, BEARS .N.88' 1 f 27 E:..: 7}43 ER 4. THE.RECOVERED'MONUMENTS. HAVE B£EN ACC RTZD- A,$ C.ONTi. L (N AN ' EAST -WEST DIRECTION .ONLY, AND LOT LINEA HAVE BEEN EXTENDED OR -:. SHORTENiE'D Sb AC Th eni M4 RtC:N7-10V-(JAS' IINF. OF VICINITY MAP HEIGHTS EX. SUR Np.3 WARD WEST " r �33 N '— w r�:•a ti tiaSC k.,,•,;; ,,;� DETENTI©N:OUNI) EASZMENT,iERIMETER COURSES DISTANCE L s i o•igi 'a 23 13.45` 5< I✓ 3 N" $7'52'00'E 18.8'.• L 4 N 38434'05'W.. C 5 N 55'24'12'£ iL05` L 5 N 01'24"28"W ,..•,;_-,. L 7 ' N 34'07'34'£ 1$.62' L. 8 N 09'47'14'W 2.61' ':;-_.::'•='r;;,` L' 9 S 02'.57'2.4'E 18;44' L 10 '- S 65.'31'07'E 26.34' ,,". ':.. _ 88'Y2'28'W .26.88' ,.,,.. ; .•: L 12 S 65'21'13'W , 2175' S 20'40'WW 5.51' L 14 N 1T23'03'E . 27,26' ". L 15.5.65'10'4TE 29.64' 16 N 85'10'28'W 22.56' ' L-.17 N 42`46'l4'E 3L97` . VICINITY MAP HEIGHTS EX. SUR Np.3 WARD WEST " >TT E WEST 50TH PLACE ��}RLZNLtpN. NICHQLAS' GARDENS 0 I 1 L_ I SCALE 1'= Y[ r �33 N '— w r�:•a ti tiaSC >TT E WEST 50TH PLACE ��}RLZNLtpN. NICHQLAS' GARDENS 0 I 1 L_ I SCALE 1'= Y[ t - --- --=-- _--_--_§4156,29,W^-74.7 11S•81' f S 8t1'9'33'W ! 1 21 .71'' _ ! .,_I __ ! 1 ACCESS EASEMENT DEDICATED BY THIS PLAT— k' 1 -1 ! 1 ! CI N .2 '49' 14 . 6' i 1 -ENTI.ON PRND EASEMENT r ACATED BY THIS PLAT SEE NOTE 9 It EXISTING 9,491 SQUARE FEET BUILDING TO REMAIN t i I 0 G x-10' UTILITY EP {TYPICAL) LOT 1 B t 38,395 SQUARE FEET I 0.881 ACRES S 4'17'25'-W 102.10' CF 1 I. DETENTIQN POND EASEMENT DEDICATED BY THIS* PLAT SEE NOTE 9 IEN G S 8I'S1'31'E 47:19' ti k 219.71' _ LUT 17 STANDLEY HEIGHTS MS •98.04 WZ-84.06 W Z • 74- EO Y P.I.D. ZONING w PREPARZIAJ BYsLAN.£ E it 9301) :WEST 14TH.AVENU • .. ': , �1-' '<�0,�>-233=402 ,.I LOT 2 WHEATRIDGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER P,I.D. ZONING WHICH ARE APPt?.WLUhiT - I tit U I T yr wntAl - KIUUM. H U qui m aum� SHALL NOT 'BE PAID BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, AND TH, ANY ITEM SQ CONSYRUCTED., OR INSTALLED WHEN ACCEPTED 8Y THE CI T WHEAT RIDGE ;SHAF L BECOME THE. SOLE PROPERTY. OF SAID CITY' EXCEPT ITEMS OWNED 6Y MUNICIPALLY FRANCHISED UTILMES AND%OR THE U.S- WEST.COMMUNICATIONS.COMPANY WHICH FFEMS,'WHEN CONSIRUCTE.D.OR INSTALLED; SKALL.REMAIN- THE. PROPERTY. bF .THE OWNER AND .SHALL N.(BECOMS THE PROPERTY OF` THE_ CITY. OWN 13020 W. 56TH AVENUE AVENUE F ARVADA C9 $0002'' ARVADA, CO 50002. NOTARY PUEILIC- COUNTY OF JEFFEERSON SS. STATE OF. COLORADO THE' FOg GOING.INSTRUMENT''1JAS �CKNOWLEDGp' BEFORE ME THIS } OF. 4 BY JOHN A. CILLESSLN AND .IANEIL Y. CILLESSEN AS. OW ' WI`fNES5 .MY HAND, AND OFFICIAL SEAL MY COMMISSION U051RE5„'j-2�1-4R MAYOR'S CERTIFICATION: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO BY MOTION .OF IT'S CITY. COUNCIL DID, ON THIS GaA, 'DAY OFQ�, t99$, ADOPT AND APPROVE THE WITHIN PLAT-_ ATIE :k CITY CLERKT 'IEERING SERVICE INC. REVTSED b117lI99$ LAICZW 'CO' $0215'.- PREPARED 4/23/199$ AXi,'COU ? 2'33-079fx'' kT. `/YC1l JLlViI RUCIYLC RPiV EryL ,VV}n u�xry.. Vr End ,..rrclrx uExg nx+c.r f+r �� LOT 13, STANLEY'HEI -yt OF 7 5. IRON PIN WITH y.PAP STAMPS S LS (0102 F�£COVER�D AT PO NT' SH 131N^ THUS: err )T 6. DIMENSiQNS }N PARENTHESIS ARE Pt ATTFp DtME1VSlQ�S. F{QQ =� 3 WHEAT RIDGE IND�l�TRIAL CENTER oFFlC1AL DEVE> 9P41ENF PIAN �kNO '8Q4iv.,$�, '�. '�'� ¢ _C .. PLAT — 1ST Ald�fd.MEN%'.R£C9RAFD t#`j O f� (?; AT3P`AG£. ' S E' -• v` L. c, y 7: 3/4"-8RAS5. O1SK ;STAAApE© "L 10"102 RECCsV FLED "AT W�IINT-SEt�2ldRr"'4 �r 8. ACCESS FOR LOT 18 ANp ADJOININ(,, LOT 2 QF WHEAT f21DS,c , _- 1NDUSTRIAL CENTER OFFICIAL :DEVELOPMENT, PLAN AND e"LAT, I$T ,' s. AMENpMENT SHA> L BE OVER THE (CISTiNG 40 FOO ACCESS u?SEMEN7 .: mV 9- -THE STORMWATER DETENTION/RETENTION SHOWN HEREON �SHJAL. -:8.1 , .-;;; CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE 6WNERS, -HEIRS,: SUCCESSORS,.'• ^; w' AND ASSIGNS_ IN THE .EVENT.THgT. SAID CONSTRUCTION AND .. MAINTENANCE, IS NOT PERFORMED. BY SAI.D.QWNIER, THE.: 1TY OF. -WE :,::.:.., 1 PF RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER. SUCH AREA ANN P£RPORM Tl -!E l NECESSARY WORK. THE COST OF WHICH, SAID OWNER, HEIRS> ; SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS .4GREE5 i0 PAy UPCZN BIL!1NG. Nq• • p DAY 6UILDING OR STRUCTURE W1i3.BE.CON$TRUCEED ]N THE pE?EI+ITION/RETEN130N , AR£P.S AND Nb CNANG�S Oti ALTERATION$ . AFFECTING THE fiYpRAUiJC CHARACTERISTICS OF'THE " ` DEENTION/REiENRON AREAS WILL BE., MADE WTTHpUT THE APPROVAL OF ikE CITY- :� p -ENGIN�R• .. - 10. TEN—F00T (10'} WipE UT1L17Y EASEME�STS ARE i,Ei2EHY: GRANTED' ON PRSVATE ` PROPERTY AgJACE3J7_TO ALL PUBLIC $TREE, AND AftflIJN.D T3tE P,ERthlEiE OF. EACK LOT tN THE SUE.DIVIStGN OR PLA7fEiC AREA. TH SE EA$EMENTB ARE DEDICaiE7 FOR THE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPLACEMENT OF ELECTRIC, GA'S TELEIiSiON CA 4ND TFi) COIrESIUNICATI4>1S FACILlTtES- UT1LlTiES_'5HAL[ At O BE, l ER A1T€EP WITHIN ANY ACCESS EASEMENTS, AND PRIVATE STREETS IN THE .SUBDtVI$iOt} + PERMANENT STRUCTURES ANO WATER METERS $HALL NOT OE,PRMf[FED �4){Hl�i SA�14 T `, L UTILITY EA gMENTS. t x .6 Jtl S %Y RECORDER'S CERTIFICATION: RECEPTION NUMl36t }t i it\ THIS DOCUMENT ACCEPTED FOR FILING IN THE ,OFFICE •OF. THE COUNTY `a, ' t `' 4f,CLERK AND RECORD R.GF JEFFERSdN.COUNTY AT GOLDEN! COLORA Q .ON THE Lli4 DAY OF 199-x, AT [.R[pJ(o_0'CLQCK„_�M ' r . v t. • - :r' � r ."'� Ems. r- AND RECORDER 4 mV 1 l City of 'Wheatf dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Memorandum TO: Scott Cutler, Planner 11 FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer DATE: January 14, 2020 SUBJECT: WA -19-05, WZ-19-05 / Hinkle Consolidation — Review #5 I have completed my fifth review for the request for approval of a Consolidation Plat and of a specific development plan and variance to build a two-story, 7,000 square foot office/warehouse building at 12060 W. 52nd Avenue, received on at 12060 W. 52nd Avenue, received on January 13, 2020. This letter is to inform you that all civil engineering documents for this development have been reviewed and are hereby approved for construction by the Engineering Division. Please note the following: 1. Site Work Permit: A Site Work (Building) Permit shall be obtained from the City of Wheat Ridge Building Division (303.235.2876) prior to commencement of any on-site work. The Site Work Permit covers all horizontal infrastructure work that occurs on private property, including but not limited to, interior drives, curb, gutter, sidewalk, landscaping, irrigation, lighting, common areas, parking, and drainage - related items. The Site Work Building Permit Application shall be accompanied by an approved copy of a Construction Control Plan ("CCP"). 2. Foundation Setback and Elevation Certification: Upon form placement or concrete being poured for the building foundation, a Foundation Setback and Elevation Certification for Commercial andMulti- Family Developments form accompanied by an approved copy of a Construction Control Plan containing the as -built information shall be submitted to the Building Division. Right -of -Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing: a. ROW Permits. Prior to any construction within the public right-of-way (ROW), the necessary Right -of -Way Construction Permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Right -of -Way Construction Permits are issued by the Department of Public Works only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Hinkle SDP -Plat 12060 W52ndAve Review -5. approval. ltr.docx 11 111111C 11 ErEll 111111111110-11111 m00Er01402020 0000 2 Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, Traffic Control Plan (if applicable), Construction Control Plan and easement or ROW dedications. City standards shall be adhered to for all construction within the public ROW. b. Licensing. All work within the public Right -of -Way shall only be performed by a municipally -licensed contractor. c. 2 -Year Warranty. Upon completion of the improvements Final Acceptance will be granted by the Public Works inspector. At that time 2 - year warranty period for the completed and approved public improvements shall commence. If at any time during said 2 -year Warranty Period the City Inspector deems that the constructed public improvements are in such condition as to require repairs or replacement, the contractor shall complete such work upon request. 4. Drainage Certification/ As -Built Plans: Please note the following items required prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy: a. Drainage Certification: Upon completion of the drainage improvements, the Engineer -of -Record shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a written, signed and sealed Drainage Certification Letter (DCL) stating that the overall site grading was completed per the approved Grading and Drainage Plans, all drainage facilities were constructed per the approved construction plans and shall function as defined in the approved Final Drainage Report/Plan, and that the site has been accurately surveyed to confirm that the grading and construction of all drainage facilities was completed in accordance with these documents. The DCL shall be submitted to the City for review and approval, and shall be accompanied with As -Built Plans on the Current City Datum for all constructed drainage facilities prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. b. As -Built Plans: The following items shall be included on the As -Built Plans or CCP prior to City acceptance: i. Stormwater-related (this info referenced in DCL) 1. Detention Pond: 1. Outlet Structure rim and invert elevations. 2. Spot elevations sufficient to determine the provided volume. 2. Manholes, rim and invert elevations. 3. Drop Inlets (if applicable), grate and invert elevations. 4.Curb & gutter (on-site only). 5. Spot elevations around the site to show the site has been graded and will drain per the approved civil documents. Two (2) electronic files are to be delivered on DVD/CD-ROM as follows: i. One (1) file in AutoCAD 2015 DWG or older format, AND ii. One (1) file in PDF format (of the signed & sealed sheets). Note: The As -Built Plans/CCP will not be accepted until the AutoCAD (2015 or older) DWG file has also been received. Hinkle SDP -Plat 12060 W52ndAve Review-5.approvak1h.doex 11 111111C 11 ErEll 111111111110-11111 m00Er014E2020 111111113 Public Improvement Restoration/Debris Tracking: It will be the responsibility of the contractor for the project to repair any damage to the existing public improvements along W. 41" Avenue as a direct result of related construction traffic. Also, the contractor will be responsible for maintaining all affected roadways on a regular basis such that they remain free of construction debris and tracking from construction traffic accessing the site. 6. Materials Testing for any Construction within the Public Right -of -Way: It will be the responsibility of the developer/owner, to provide the necessary testing, as applicable for the scope of this project, for sub -grade compaction and other related material tests for any improvements to be constructed within the public Right -of -Way. (SEE ATTACHED MATERIAL SAMPLING & TESTING REQUIREMENTS) Hinkle SDP -Plat 12060 W52ndAve Review-5.approvaL1h.doex 11 111111C 11 ErEll 111111111110-11111 m00Er014E2020 111111114 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MATERIALS AND TESTING REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION Materials sampling and testing for public improvements shall be performed by an independent materials testing company at the expense of the developer, and/or utility district. Unless otherwise designated, all referenced specifications, standards or policies shall be the latest edition as revised or updated by approved supplements published and issued prior to the date of the building permit. REQUIREMENTS All materials sampling and testing shall be performed by certified, experienced and qualified materials testing technicians who work under the supervision of a registered professional engineer in the State of Colorado. All materials sampling and testing equipment shall be serviceable and have current calibrated certifications. Soil classifications and moisture -density curves shall be provided to the Department of Public Works inspector prior to in-place density testing. Materials testing technicians shall furnish copies of failed test results to the inspector as promptly as the results become available. On a weekly basis when testing is being performed, the developer shall furnish the inspector with copies of all test results taken during the prior week and a cover letter, signed by the supervising registered professional engineer, which summarizes the results and discusses any failed tests or inconsistencies. The City materials testing requirements are provided in Table 720-1. All testing procedures of verification and central lab requirements shall be as specified in the Frequency Guide Schedule of the Colorado Department of Transportation Field Materials Manual. One test is required for any fraction of the specified frequency. The reference to Section 203.07 in the table is from the Colorado Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. Hinkle SDP -Plat 12060 W52ndAve Review-5.approvak1h.doex 11 111111C 11 ErEll 11ooIIIoo-11111 m00J014E2020 ❑000 ❑ Table 720-1 City of Wheat Ridge Materials Testing Requirements Type of Test Frequency Remarks Soil Survey (Classification), 1 per 500 feet of roadway, Surveys for roadway and trench AASHTO M145 Sidewalk or pipe trench may be combined Moisture -Density Curve, 1 per on-site soil type AASHTO method determined AASHTO T99 1 per import material source By soil or materials type Embankment in-place density, 1 per 250 feet per lane per 6 -inch Minimum density per soil Colorado Procedures loose lift classification, Section 203.07 Roadway subgrade in-place 1 per 250 feet per lane Minimum density per soil density, Colorado Procedures Classification, Section 203.07 Sidewalk subgrade in-place 1 per 250 feet of sidewalk Minimum density per soil density, Colorado Procedures Classification, Section 203.07 Pipe trench in-place density, 1 per 200 feet of trench per 18 Minimum density per soil Colorado Procedures inch vertical interval Classification, Section 203.07 Aggregate base course in-place 1 per 250 feet per lane Minimum 95% of maximum density, Colorado Procedures Density, T180 Lime treated subgrade in place 1 per 250 feet per lane No less than 95% of std. dry density, Colorado Procedures density and opt. moisture, T99 Cement treated base in place 1 per 250 feet per lane Density in accordance with contract density, Colorado Procedures documents, T134 Hot Bituminous Pavement 1 per 1000 tons Within specifications of asphalt content and gradation Approved mix design, binder PG 64-22 Hot Bituminous Pavement in 1 per 100 tons 92-96% of maximum density, T209 place density, Colo. Procedures Concrete compressive strength 1 set per 50 cubic yards PCC pavement, structural AASHTO Procedures Concrete, sidewalks and curbing Concrete air content and slump 1 per 25 cubic yards PCC pavement, structural AASHTO Procedures Concrete, sidewalks and curbing Hinkle SDP -Plat 12060 W52ndAve Review-5.approvaklh.doox 11 111111C 11 ErEll 11ooIIIoo-11111 m00Er014E2020 ❑000 ❑ Hinkle SDP -Plat 12060 W52ndAve Review-5.approvakltr.docx City of Wheatjdge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29' Ave. January 6, 2020 Jim Shipton 8460 W. Ken Caryl Avenue #101 Littleton, CO, 80333 Mr. Shipton: Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 This letter is in regards to your application for approval of a specific development plan, variance, and consolidation plat at 12060 W. 52nd Avenue on a site zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD). I have reviewed your fourth submittal and have the following comments. Please also refer to the redlined copies of the draft documents and the Engineering Division comments. A public hearing at Planning Commission is required for approval of the SDP and Variance and will be scheduled for February 6, 2020. Specific Development Plan Planning and Engineering have found the SDP to be approvable. Consolidation Plat Planning and Engineering have found the plat to be approvable. Eneineerine Comments See attached letter and redlines from Dave Brossman, dated January 5, 2020. There are minor remaining comments on the civil documents, cost estimate, and CCP. Arvada Fire Comment Resolution Continue to work with Steven Parker to gain approval from Arvada Fire regarding the off-site fire access easements and off-site fire lane signage. Provide confirmation of any approvals. When you apply for a Building Permit at the City, you will be required to provide proof of submission to AFPD, and all remaining issues need to be resolved by then. This concludes the summary of comments. Please re -submit the Civils, CCP, etc. as .pdf files. For questions or clarification on any comments, feel free to directly contact me or Dave Brossman. Sincerely, Scott Cutler Planner II www.ci.wheatridge. co.us ♦SAI City Of ridge WheatR PUBLIC WORKS Memorandum TO: Scott Cutler, Planner II FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer DATE: January 5, 2020 SUBJECT: WA -19-05, WZ-19-05 / Hinkle Consolidation — Review #3 I have completed my fourth review for the request for approval of a Consolidation Plat at 12060 W. 52nd Avenue, received on January 3, 2020, and I have the following comments: PLANNING AND ZONING: Specific Development Plan 1. All previous comments have been addressed; the Specific Development Plan is found to be approvable by Engineering. Consolidation Plat: 1. All previous comments have been addressed; the Final Plat is found to be approvable by Engineering. CIVIL ENGINEERING: Final Drainage Report (Narrative): 1. All previous comments have been addressed; the Report is hereby approved by Engineering. Civil Construction Plans Sheet C3.10 (Site Plain: 1. Please remove the reference to Detail " Y in keynote #18. The entire sheet contains manhole details, so the entire sheet should be referenced. 2. All other previous comments have been addressed, and the plans will be approved upon application of the engineer's signature and seal to all sheets and completion of this one correction. HinMe SDPPlat12060 W52nd ve Re -4 it doc: 11 111111C 11 ErEll 111111111110-11111 m000-0 002020 0000 2 Itemized Engineer's Cost Estimate 1. Please remove the 15% contingency from the total. The Grand Total amount is going to be used to calculate the compulsory 3.5% Use Tax (which is for materials only and is not to include contingency). Construction Control Plan 1. The CCP appears to contain sufficient elevations. However, setbacks to the four exterior corners of the building in the locations shown will need to be added to the sheet prior to its approval. These setback distances must be shown on the Foundation Setback and Elevation Certification required to be submitted to the City's Building Division (303.235.2876) prior to vertical construction. 2. Please add the engineers' and architects' signatures for approval (surveyor will had his upon AB completion). 1. Site Work Permit: A Site Work (Building) Permit shall be obtained from the City of Wheat Ridge Building Division (303.235.2876) prior to commencement of any on-site work. The Site Work Permit covers all horizontal infrastructure work that occurs on private property, including but not limited to, interior drives, curb, gutter, sidewalk, landscaping, irrigation, lighting, common areas, parking, and drainage - related items. The Site Work Building Permit Application shall be accompanied by an approved copy of a Construction Control Plan ("CCP'). 2. Foundation Setback and Elevation Certification: Upon form placement or concrete being poured for the building foundation, a Foundation Setback and Elevation Certification for Commercial and Multi - Family Developments form accompanied by an approved copy of a Construction Control Plan containing the as -built information shall be submitted to the Building Division. Right -of -Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing: a. ROW Permits. Prior to any construction within the public right-of-way (ROW), the necessary Right -of -Way Construction Permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Right -of -Way Construction Permits are issued by the Department of Public Works only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, Traffic Control Plan (if applicable), Construction Control Plan and easement or ROW dedications Hinkle SDP -Plat 12060 W52ndAve Review-4.Ih.doex 11 111111C 11 ErEll 111111111110-11111 m000-❑ 0E2020 111111113 b. Licensing. All work within the public Right -of -Way shall only be performed by a municipally -licensed contractor. c. 2 -Year Warranty. Upon completion of the improvements Final Acceptance will be granted by the Public Works inspector. At that time 2 - year warranty period for the completed and approved public improvements shall commence. If at any time during said 2 -year Warranty Period the City Inspector deems that the constructed public improvements are in such condition as to require repairs or replacement, the contractor shall complete such work upon request. 4. Drainage Certification/ As -Built Plans: Please note the following items required prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy: a. Drainage Certification: Upon completion of the drainage improvements, the Engineer -of -Record shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a written, signed and sealed Drainage Certification Letter (DCL) stating that the overall site grading was completed per the approved Grading and Drainage Plans, all drainage facilities were constructed per the approved construction plans and shall function as defined in the approved Final Drainage Report/Plan, and that the site has been accurately surveyed to confirm that the grading and construction of all drainage facilities was completed in accordance with these documents. The DCL shall be submitted to the City for review and approval, and shall be accompanied with As -Built Plans on the Current City Datum for all constructed drainage facilities prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. b. As -Built Plans: The following items shall be included on the As -Built Plans or CCP prior to City acceptance: i. Stormwater-related (this info referenced in DCL) 1. Detention Pond: 1. Outlet Structure rim and invert elevations. 2. Spot elevations sufficient to determine the provided volume. 2. Manholes, rim and invert elevations. 3. Drop Inlets (if applicable), grate and invert elevations. 4.Curb & gutter (on-site only). 5. Spot elevations around the site to show the site has been graded and will drain per the approved civil documents. Two (2) electronic files are to be delivered on DVD/CD-ROM as follows: i. One (1) file in AutoCAD 2015 DWG or older format, AND ii. One (1) file in PDF format (of the signed & sealed sheets). Note: The As -Built Plans/CCP will not be accepted until the AutoCAD (2015 or older) DWG file has also been received. Information pertaining to the Public Works development requirements, Site Drainage Requirements, the City's Street Construction Standards & Details in AutoCAD@ DWG format, ROW maps, and City -based coordinate and land surveying information (i.e., Hinkle SDP -Plat 12060 W52ndAve Review-4.Ih.doex 11 111111C 11 ErEll 11ooIIIoo-11111 m000-❑ 0E2020 111111114 Current City Datum), is all available on the Public Works, Development Review page of the City of Wheat Ridge website at: wwwA.wheatiridee.co.us Hinkle SDP -Plat 12060 W52ndAve Review-4.ltr.docx S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO W. 52ND AVE (60' R.O.W) - --------'------- '--- FLS co 11 zl I WHEATRIDGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER SUBDIVISION S H 0 P PROPERTIES LLC 12200 W. 52N 3 AVE REC. NO. F067 939-1998 1, FENCE MOUNT f FLS FLS @ END OF DRIVE APPROX. 70' WEST WALL MOUNT FLS WALL MOUNT FLS FLS FENCE MOUNT FLS HEAD IN PARKING A EMERGENCY VEHICLE ENTRY I GRESS/EGRESS ESMT FLS ElE 0.84102000 ✓FLS I LILLY WATER II TRICT ESMT NO. 82070583 Q INGRESS/EGRESS WALL MOUNT ESMT FLS REC. NO. 84102000 FLS FLS I WALL MOUNT FLS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT ESMT REC. NO. 82070583 FLS FENCE MOUNT j FENCE MOUNT FLS TI FLS _FLS @ END OF DRIVE APPROX. 70' WEST �Poro�s HEAD IN PARKING B EMERGENCY VEHICLE REVERSE z AFPD TOWER 56 SPECIFICATIONS NOT TO SCALE W. 52ND AVE -_ (60' R.O.W) — — _ FLS_ 00 III I (DI �I ZI WHEATRI DGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER SUBDIVISION SHOP PROPERTIES LLC 12200 W. 52ND AVE ` REC. NO. F0672939-1998 1 INGRESS E E S WALL MOUNT ES T FLS REC. NO. 4 2 00 FLS I I I II II I FLS WALL MOUNT FLS V LL Y WATER DI T ICT ESMT E N .82070583 ID _ I 1 LQ - a FLS � Z FENCE MOUNT Q FLS �_ II I HEAD IN PARKING I I I I C EMERGENCY VEHICLE EXIT LEGEND TRUCK WHEEL PATH TRUCK BUMPER OVERHANG FLS FIRE LANE SIGN pm o�cpX00 0 w `eco 0zz�z kp'o C9wCOco UZwww ?QONQz�� J U 0 C z � Z � w QO JQz °�J >�a z z LU u U � J o0 Q 'IT J Z v Q Zw Z Lu — m O U 5 w 0 Lu L >J Lu Q ( L.L w U = LJ 06 V) V) CD O m O m 2 X Lu Z Q z Q J J J AJ Q Q Z=tea w O N N N N r } w > Lu w 1010- O Z N 0.7 O _ Lu Co" N O 20 10 0 20 ~ a a a 6 Lu w SCALE 1" = 20' o 0 0 0 S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION (PER WARRANTY DEED AT REC. #201800865 LOT 1, HINKLE CONSOLIDATION, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. BENCHMARK CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, PHAC 4 BEING A 16" STAINLESS STEEL ROD IN A MONUMENT WELL LOCATED DIRECTLY NORTH OF THE PARKING LOT FOR FRUITDALE PARK ATTHE INTERSECTION OF MILLER ST. AND W. 47TH AVE. IN WHEAT RIDGE. ELEVATION = 5375.38' NAVD88 BASIS OF BEARINGS BASED ON THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, ASSUMED TO BEAR N89 -11'13"E UTILITY CONTACT VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 12101 W 52ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80033 TELEPHONE: 303.424.9661 PROJECT TEAM 191T0/►19Ci S&S PLUMBING SERVICES INC. 3420 GARLAND STREET WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 CONTACT: ALICE HINKLE FRUITDALE SANITATION DISTRICT CIVIL ENGINEER 4990 MILLER STREET POINT CONSULTING, LLC WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 8460 W KEN CARYL AVE, SUITE 101 TELEPHONE: 303.424.5476 LITTLETON, CO 80128 CONTACT: TIFFANY D. WATSON, PE TELEPHONE: 720.258.6836 A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO COMCAST LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ��� 6793 W CANYON AVE #13C POINT CONSULTING, LLC VICINITY MAP LITTLETON, CO 80128 8460 W KEN CARYL AVE, SUITE 101 TELEPHONE: 303.930.2000 LITTLETON, CO 80128 1" = 2000' CONTACT: JIM SHIPTON, RLA � r ?QONQ TELEPHONE: 720.258.6836 LU Z LU �� SHEET INDEX CENTURY LINK ARCHITECT 700 W MINERAL AVE MCPHERSON ARCHITECTURE 1 OF 7 COVER SHEET LITTLETON, CO 80120 1735 NINETEENTH STREET#200 2 OF 7 SITE PLAN TELEPHONE: 866.642.0444 DENVER, CO 80202 3 OF 7 LANDSCAPE PLAN CONTACT: ZACH MILLER 4 OF 7 LANDSCAPE DETAILS J TELEPHONE: 740.978.0171 5 OF 7 BUILDING ELEVATION 1 /Z Q 6 OF 7 BUILDING ELEVATION 2 XCEL ENERGY SURVEYOR 7 OF 7 PHOTOMETRIC PLAN 10001 HAMPDEN AVENUE POINT CONSULTING, LLC LAKEWOOD, CO 80227 8460 W KEN CARYL AVE, SUITE 101 >�> O i CONTACT: DONNA SANDERS LITTLETON, CO 80128 CASE HISTORY TELEPHONE: 303.716.2072 CONTACT: CAMERON M. WATSON PLS - SURVEYOR w Q n Q w WZ-19-05 100 U WA -19-05 = 3 Q WZ-02-03 v� MS -19-05 Know what's below. 0111 before you dig. OWNERS CERTIFICATE THE BELOW SIGNED OWNER(S), OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) HEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THATTHE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED AS A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE USES, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW. I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THATTHE APPROVAL OF THIS SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN, DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANTTO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26-121 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. 12060 W. 52ND AVENUE LLC NAME: WAYNE S. AND ALICE J. HINKLE TITLE: OWNERS STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF . A.D. 20 BY WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE I, CAMERON M. WATSON DO HEREBY CERTIFYTHATTHE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF HINKLE CONSOLIDATION WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TOTHE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATURES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAN ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. SIGNATURE H cp ��� w _o ) ��0 OZZ�Z C9w�c0 Z w � r ?QONQ z0 LU Z LU �� o Qw N w Z 5 w w Z O Q /Q` O V J i i \ 1LU /Z Q /O Z LU J CA >�> O i 0 CHAIRPERSON w Q n Q w 100 U LL = 3 Q 0 v� J U Z v Q PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION z0 rn APPROVED THIS DAY OF BY TH E WHEAT RIDGE LU 5 w PLANNING COMMISSION. 0 L LU CHAIRPERSON w Q n Q w U LL = 3 v� U CITY CERTIFICATION 0 W APPROVEDTHIS DAYOF BYTHE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ATTEST q O� 0 Z CITY CLERK MAYOR m 0 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR w w 2 V) w 0 COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE U STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) Z Q Q I HEREBY CERTIFYTHATTHIS PLAN WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF Q Q THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT 0 m m m GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT O'CLOCK_. M. ON THE w N N N DAY OF A.D., IN 0 } BOOK PAGE, RECEPTION NO. U U U U U ) L/LU U JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER p N BY: DEPUTY w 0 1010- N O - O _ LU Co� N O U U U O W p O O O O N N N N = S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 1 --- -------------r T --------------�------------� --��------------- EX HYDRANT HYDRANT EX. STORM INLET W. 52ND AVE MANHOLE — — ----------------------------------------------------------- (60'R.O.W) ---------------- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — •------------------------------ EX. SIGN EX. LIGHT POLE CONCRETE — — — — — _ _ — — — M71VFWAY EX. LIGHT POLE _--- EX. LI _ \' r NVERTEDU EX.TRANSFORM R — -- 1 1-- EX. SIDEWALK �� BIKE RACK EX. SIDEWALK0. 80 QDL WHEATRIDGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER SUBDIVISION S H O P PROPERTIES LLC 12200 W. 52ND AVE REC. NO. F0672939-1998 Know whafs below. 0111 before you dig. =3 EXISTING 10' ACCESS EASEMENT RECEPTION NO. F0858118 VII NO PARKING `II FIRE LANE SIGN EX. PAVED DRIVE 1 5 r L�co 5' 0 0 i2 Z I LS 12' �\ CONCRETE I DRIVEWAY 26' III INGRESS/EGRESS 12' I ESMT III REC. NO. 84102000 NO PARKING 10' LS FIRE LANE SIGN CONCRETE I DRIVEWAY 12' 26' STOP SIGN LS CONCRETE DRIVEWAY EX. EDGE OF ASPHALT 22' 1 I� CURB TRANSITION FROM 0" TO 6" HEIGHT I F S VALLEY WATER DISTRICT ESMT REC. NO. 82070583 RETAINING WALL I — — — — — _ — LS CURB TRANSITION FROM 0" TO 6" HEIGHT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CONCRETE CHANNEL W/ DIAMOND STEEL PLATE 100' ADA RAMP ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN WHITE ACCESSIBLE PARKING SYMBOL S&S PLUMBING 7000 SF ADA RAMP s FFE: 5494.50 CONCRETE SIDEWALK CONCRETE SIDEWALK 70.0' ASPHALT DRIVE NO PARKIN FIRELANE IGN 4" HITE 18.5' PAR ING S RIPE VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER — 40.5' uq9.M STOP SIGN MANHOLE POND OUTLET 10' m Z w o C7 O U Z U o o 80' U-1 Q d III PAVEMENT MARKING 2' CURB CUT Q 8' AN 8.5' DRAINAGE EASEMENT INSIDE EDGE OF POND ASPHALT DRIVE - 18.5' ----LL{ LS VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER TRASH ENCLOSURE—\ 160.03'S89' 11'1100"W EX. ASPHALT RETAINING WALL 2' CURB CUT 33.0' 10' LS 4' CEDAR FENCE EX. BUILDING RETAINING WALL VALENTI I N0, EMANUELJ & EILEEN B 12050 W. 52ND AVE REC. NO. 92133526 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY GRASS SWALE w 0 0 A.9" m Z w LU C7 O U U o 4" THICK YELLOW UQn U-1 Q DIAGONAL III PAVEMENT MARKING o U W W LS V) I-- 0000 N N N N i i i I� 71 I�- LU 0 8.5' DRAINAGE EASEMENT INSIDE EDGE OF POND ASPHALT DRIVE - 18.5' ----LL{ LS VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER TRASH ENCLOSURE—\ 160.03'S89' 11'1100"W EX. ASPHALT RETAINING WALL 2' CURB CUT 33.0' 10' LS 4' CEDAR FENCE EX. BUILDING RETAINING WALL VALENTI I N0, EMANUELJ & EILEEN B 12050 W. 52ND AVE REC. NO. 92133526 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY GRASS SWALE w 0 0 4' CEDAR FENCE EX. BUILDING LEGEND -- PROPERTY LINE EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER CURB AND GUTTER EASEMENT BOUNDARY LS LANDSCAPE AREA SIGNAGE [ ROAD LIGHTING SITE DATA SITE AREA: 23,498 SF ZONE: PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT (PCD) BUILDING:7000SF 30% COVERAGE MINIMUM SETBACKS REQUIRED FRONT: 0-12 FOOT BUILD TO AREA FRONTAGE: SIDE: 5 FOOT MINIMUM PER STORY REAR: 15' PARKING: REQUIRED PROVIDED OFFICE (4120 SF) 1 SPACE PER 300 SF (14) WAREHOUSE (3930 SF) 1 SPACE PER 600 SF (7) HANDICAP = 1 SPACE PER 25 SPACES (1) TOTAL 21 + 1 ACCESSIBLE 23 + 1 ACCESSIBLE 4 BICYCLE SPACES PROVIDED (2 U -RACKS) LANDSCAPE REQUIRED: MIN. 20% X 23,498 SF = 4700 SF LANDSCAPE PROVIDED: 5319 SF (23%) GENERAL NOTES 1. REFERENCE SHEET CO.00 FOR PROJECT BENCHMARK AND BASIS OF BEARINGS 2. W 52ND AVE DESIGN BY CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, DATED 09.03.19. 3. APPROVED EVA SHALL BE PROVIDED DURING CONSTRUCTION. UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED, THE EVA SHALL CONSIST OF THE FIRST LIFT OF ASPHALT OR CONCRETE SHALL BE PROVIDED PRIOR TO COMMENCING VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION. 4. DESIGN FOR THE RETAINING WALL IS TO BE PERFORMED BY OTHERS. 5. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND OPERATIONALTO PROVIDE THE MINIMUM REQUIRED FIRE FLOW PRIOR TO COMMENCING VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION. 16 8 0 16 SCALE 1" = 16' 11111111111110 ocp�_��� w N'0 0 z z z �* O o U Z w � zr U' w�c0 UZwww N ?QOQ�� Z QwwU ZQO JQz U U J 3 > w0U Q z U< zw� >�> J O i C) 1 Q 00 z A.9" m Z w LU III O U U o O w UQn p > LU p III 0 U vw U W W LS V) p 0000 N N N N i i i I� IIIco lil I�- 4' CEDAR FENCE EX. BUILDING LEGEND -- PROPERTY LINE EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER CURB AND GUTTER EASEMENT BOUNDARY LS LANDSCAPE AREA SIGNAGE [ ROAD LIGHTING SITE DATA SITE AREA: 23,498 SF ZONE: PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT (PCD) BUILDING:7000SF 30% COVERAGE MINIMUM SETBACKS REQUIRED FRONT: 0-12 FOOT BUILD TO AREA FRONTAGE: SIDE: 5 FOOT MINIMUM PER STORY REAR: 15' PARKING: REQUIRED PROVIDED OFFICE (4120 SF) 1 SPACE PER 300 SF (14) WAREHOUSE (3930 SF) 1 SPACE PER 600 SF (7) HANDICAP = 1 SPACE PER 25 SPACES (1) TOTAL 21 + 1 ACCESSIBLE 23 + 1 ACCESSIBLE 4 BICYCLE SPACES PROVIDED (2 U -RACKS) LANDSCAPE REQUIRED: MIN. 20% X 23,498 SF = 4700 SF LANDSCAPE PROVIDED: 5319 SF (23%) GENERAL NOTES 1. REFERENCE SHEET CO.00 FOR PROJECT BENCHMARK AND BASIS OF BEARINGS 2. W 52ND AVE DESIGN BY CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, DATED 09.03.19. 3. APPROVED EVA SHALL BE PROVIDED DURING CONSTRUCTION. UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED, THE EVA SHALL CONSIST OF THE FIRST LIFT OF ASPHALT OR CONCRETE SHALL BE PROVIDED PRIOR TO COMMENCING VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION. 4. DESIGN FOR THE RETAINING WALL IS TO BE PERFORMED BY OTHERS. 5. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND OPERATIONALTO PROVIDE THE MINIMUM REQUIRED FIRE FLOW PRIOR TO COMMENCING VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION. 16 8 0 16 SCALE 1" = 16' 11111111111110 ocp�_��� w N'0 0 z z z �* O o U Z w � zr U' w�c0 UZwww N ?QOQ�� Z QwwU ZQO JQz U U J 3 > w0U Q z U< zw� >�> J O i C) 1 Q 00 z U, Z w LU - m O U U w O w UQn p > LU p J ^ L.L Q w U vw U W W V) V) 0 c� O m O i 7 A J J J J Q w 7 N N N O U �UU� LU LU UQn p N N V w O BOO No�o CV LU o N o U U U o W p 0000 N N N N i i i = ��� j LANDSCAPE I COVERAGE 5319 SF I I LANDSCAPE COVERAGE MAP SCALE: 1" = 30'-0" Know what's below. 0111 before you dig. S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO I - / SHE- OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE F— � H�-�I - �f �--CJI---------- �I -0- W. 52ND AVE ------- ----------- ------- ------ (60' R.O.W)------------- - --- STREETSCAPE BY CITY / ; —i— — 4 ° 4°Q a°moi 4 �. u e — A L;—Lo 3S G 4RU F" _ 2 RUS � 4 PBS I 21 SVA 4 GLS --— 9BRJ 7 RUS 4 PBS / I I i ROCK MULCH i 2 PBS - 9 SWIG BS9SWG ROCK MULCH INGRESS/EGRESS ESMT REC NO. 84102000 — —2 GLS 3 RUS :k I� IJ IT JII ROCK MULCH 3 GLS 3 RUS i VALLEYWATERESER DISTRICT ESMT REc. No. s2mass3 MCS ROCK MULCH — — — — — r —4-T- 1 4 L l_ EXISTING POWER LF T - / /8 FNB 1 GLS 1 GRT 2 BRJ �XISTI F POWER POLE 2 GLS 3 FNB 3 RUS 1 3 BRJ 2 GLS 1 SSC 3 FNB FCECVALENTNOE ANIELJ&EILEEN R2050 w. 52N 0 AVE 9 N02133526 f9 RUS / 190MI 1 rj1rnIn STEELEDGER NUTTALL ALKALIGRASS SEED MIX DECIDUOUS TREE EVERGREEN TREE 0 ORNAMENTALTREE 4)0�101:6 DECIDUOUS SHRUBS OGEVERGREEN SHRUBS ORNAMENTAL GRASSES + ) STREETSCAPE TREE LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS OPEN SPACE (5319 SF) Size Notes Habit LANDSCAPE RATIO REQUIRED PROVIDED EXISTING TREES 1 / 1000 SF 6 6 0 SHRUBS 10/1000 SF 60 79 0 PERENNIALS AND GRASSES 0 30 0 PLANT LIST Qty. Sym. Scientific/Botanic Name Size Notes Habit DECIDUOUS TREES m m LU — Cn 2 GRT GOLDENRAIN TREE 6' HT STRAIGHT TRUNK, B&B 25X25 FEET Kcelreuteria paniculata STRAIGHT SPECIMEN QUALITY, STAKED SPACING 36" O.C. ORNAMENTAL TREES Q U W Spireajaponica 'Walbuma' 2 CCP CHANTICLEER PEAR 2" CAL. STRAIGHT TRUNK, B&B 20X10 FEET Pyrus calleryana'Chanticleer' SINGLE TRUNK SPECIMEN QUALITY, STAKED SPACING T O.C. 1 SSC SPRING SNOW CRABAPPLE 2" CAL. STRAIGHT TRUNK, B&B 20X15 FEET Malus sp. 'Spring Snaa' SINGLE TRUNK SPECIMEN QUALITY, STAKED 9 EVERGREENTREES FERNBUSH 5 GAL. SPACING 60" O.C. 1 FAS FAT ALBERT BLUE SPRUCE 6'-10' HT. FULL FORM, B&B 30X15 FEET Picea pungens 'Fat Albeit' SEE PLAN SPECIMEN QUALITY, GUYED 10 2X1 FEET 2.5X5 FEET 5X5 FEET 1.5X6 FEET 4X3 FEET 0.5X6 FEET 2X3 FEET 6X3 FEET T 20 10 0 20 SCALE 1" = 20' A _ Lu `� 0 0 Z Z� ��� Z c� 4*OU w��� �Zwww ?QOC,4 `n Z o w U Z Q OJ Q Z 0U J 3 > Lu Q ZLU UU — OJ 13- 0 Q 'ITJ 00 Z DECIDUOUS SHRUBS O Q 5 RUS m m LU — Cn O U F 11 MCS MAGIC CARPET SPIREA 5 GAL. SPACING 36" O.C. —2 BRJ Q U W Spireajaponica 'Walbuma' 18"-24" HT. 5CANES MIN. W 14 GLS GRO-LOW SUMAC 5 GAL. SPACING T O.C. O O O O = Q Rhus aromatica'Grc-Lata 18"-24" HT. 5 CANES MIN. EXISTING POWER POLE 9 FNB FERNBUSH 5 GAL. SPACING 60" O.C. Chamaebatiaria millefolium 18"-24" HT 5 CANES MIN. 10 PBS PAWNEE BUTTES SANDCHERRY 5 GAL. SPACING 48" O.C. Prunus besseyi'P011 S' 18"-24" HT 5 CANES MIN. 32 RUS RUSSIAN SAGE 5 GAL. SPACING 36" O.C. _ Percy kia atriplicifolia 18"-24" HT. 5 CANES MIN. EVERGREEN SHRUBS 25 BRJ BLUE RUG JUNIPER 5 GAL. SPACING T O.C. Juniperus haizicntalis'Wiltonii' 18"-24" SPREAD 5 CANES MIN. 5 BSJ BLUE STAR JUNIPER 5 GAL. SPACING 48" O.C. Juniperus squamata'Blue Star 18"-24" HT. 5 CANES MIN. ORNAMENTAL GRASSES 33 SWG SWITCH GRASS OR INDIAN GRASS 1 GAL. SPACING 36" O.C. Saghastrum nutans ESTABLISHED 2X1 FEET 2.5X5 FEET 5X5 FEET 1.5X6 FEET 4X3 FEET 0.5X6 FEET 2X3 FEET 6X3 FEET T 20 10 0 20 SCALE 1" = 20' A _ Lu `� 0 0 Z Z� ��� Z c� 4*OU w��� �Zwww ?QOC,4 `n Z o w U Z Q OJ Q Z 0U J 3 > Lu Q ZLU UU — OJ 13- 0 Q 'ITJ 00 Z v O Q Zw m m LU — Cn O U C W O::DW U n E >J W Q (2w Q U W — V = 3 U W W W V) ' ^ �,/ J J J J J Q O m m m 7 N N N o ��O 0) V) w U n E N N "7 V W o ��O 0) N O O W O N O U U U O W O O O O = Q N N N N S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, ATTACH GUY WIRE TO TRUNK WITH SPECIFIED TREE COLLAR DOUBLE STRAND OF 12 GA. GALVANIZED STEEL WIRE TWISTED z" DIA. WHITE PVC PIPE OVER WIRE, 25" LONG MIN TEMPORARY 4" DEEP WATER RETENTION BASIN NOT NECESSARY WHEN TURF OR DRIP IRRIGATION IS OPERATING SET ROOT CROWN LEVEL WITH TOP OF SOIN IN BEDS. IN IRRIGATED TURF AREAS PLANT 3" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE APPLY SPECIFIED MULCH TO REMAIN PERMANENTLY SPECIFIED 30" STEEL POST (3 MIN.) DRIVEN VERTICALLY INTO UNDISTURVED SOIL FLUSH WITH GRADE FINISHED GRADE REMOVE ALL CONTAINMENT MATERIAL FROM THE TRUNK & SIDES OF ROOTBALL THAT IS NOT 100% HEMP REMOVE BURLAP &TWINE FROM THETOP3 OF ROOTBALL REMOVE FIBER OR PLASTIC POTAFTER PLACING IN THE PIT ROOTBALLS THAT ARE BROKEN APART AFTER CONTAINMENT IS REMOVED ARE DAMAGED AND SHALL BE REJECTED HOLE SHOULD HAVE ROUGHENED SIDES SPECIFIED BACKFILL MIXTURE AND FERTILIZER APPLICATION UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE EVERGREEN TREE PLANTING W/ GUY WIRES NOT TO SCALE SHA DE TR EES: LOWEST LI MBS MIN.6-8' FROM ROOT CROWN AFTER TWO YEARS NO LIMB SHALL BE WITHIN 8' OF PAVEMENT DO NOT CUT OR DAMAGE LEADER PRUNE ALL DEAD OR DAMAGED WOOD PRIOR TO PLANTING WRAP ENTIRE SURFACE OF TRUNK BELOW SECOND BRANCH WITH SPECIFIED TREE WRAP AND SECURE ATTACH GUY WIRE TO TRUNK WITH SPECIFIED TREE COLLAR 3" DIA. WHITE PVC PIPE OVER WIRE, 24" LONG MIN. DOUBLE STRAND OF 12 GA. GALVANIZED STEEL WIRE TWISTED TEMPORARY 4" DEEP WATER RETENTION BASIN NOT NECESSARY WHEN TURF OR DRIP IRRIGATION IS OPERATING SPECIFIED STEEL POST (2 MIN.) DRIVEN VERTICALLY TO EXTEND A MIN. OF 30" INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL SET ROOT CROWN LEVEL WITH TOP OF SOIL IN BEDS. IN IRRIGATED TURF AREAS PLANT 3" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE APPLY SPECIFIED MULCH TO REMAIN PERMANENTLY FINISHED GRADE REMOVE ALL CONTAINMENT MATERIAL FROM THE TRUNK & SIDES OF ROOTBALLTHAT IS NOT 100% HEMP REMOVE BURLAP & TWINE FROM THE TOPS OF ROOTBALL REMOVE FIBER OR PLASTIC POTAFTER PLACING IN THE PIT ROOTBALLS THAT ARE BROKEN APARTAFTER CONTAINMENT IS REMOVED ARE DAMAGED AND SHALL BE REJECTED HOLE SHOULD HAVE ROUGHENED SIDES SPECIFIED BACKFILL MIXTURE AND FERTILIZER APPLICATION UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE B DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING NOT TO SCALE L /\ I\VV I Uf uu V1f . SIDEWALK, TOP OF CURB, OR TOP OF SEAT WALL PRUNE ALL DEAD OR DAMAGED WOOD PRIOR TO PLANTING CREATE A 2" DEEP WATER RETENTION BASIN & APPLY RING OF SPECIFIED MULCH WHEN NOT IN A BED SET ROOT CROWN OF UPRIGHTSHRUBS 1" ABOVE TOP OF SOIL. SET ROOT CROWN OF SPREADING SHRUBS ATTOP OF SOIL FINISHED GRADE OR TOP OF MULCH 3" BELOW PAVED EDGE APPLIED SPECIFIED MULCH TO REMAIN PERMANENTLY SPECIFIED WEED BARRIER FABRIC UNDER INORGANIC MULCHES SPECIFIED PREEMERGANT HERBICIDE BELOW FABRIC REMOVE ALL CONTAINMENT MATERIAL FROM THE TRUNK & SIDES OF ROOTBALL THAT IS NOT 100% HEMP REMOVE BURLAP &TWINE FROM THETOP3 OF ROOTBALL REMOVE FIBER OR PLASTIC POTAFTER PLACING IN THE PIT ROOTBALLS THAT ARE BROKEN APART AFTER CONTAINMENT IS REMOVED ARE DAMAGED AND SHALL BE REJECTED HOLE SHOULD HAVE ROUGHENED SIDES SPECIFIED BACKFILL MIXTURE AND FERTILIZER APPLICATION LIGHTLY COMPACTED PLACE 3" OF SPECIFIED BACKFILL BELOW THE ROOT BALL UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE C SHRUB PLANTING NOT TO SCALE RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SOD ADJACENT TO WALKS AND CURBS MULCH ADJACENT TO WALKS AND CURBS SIDEWALK, TOP OF CURB, OR TOP OF SEAT WALL FINISHED GRADE OR TOP OF SOD LEVEL WITH PAVED EDGE SPECIFIED SOD OR SEED FULL DEPTH OF SPECIFIED AMENDED TOPSOIL PLACED APPROX. 1" BELOW TOP OF PAVED EDGE FOR SOD AND LEVEL FOR SEED SIDEWALK, TOP OF CURB, OR TOP OF SEAT WALL FINISHED GRADE OR TOP OF MULCH Z" BELOW PAVED EDGE SPECIFIED MULCH SPECIFIED WEED BARRIER FABRIC UNDER INORGANIC MULCHES SPECIFIED PREEMERGANT HERBICIDE BELOW FABRIC FULL DEPTH OF SPECIFIED AMENDED TOPSOIL PLACED THE NECESSARY DISTANCE BELOW PAVED EDGE SPECIFIED SOD OR SEED FINISHED GRADE OR TOP OF SOD LEVEL WITH TOP OF EDGER FINISHED GRADE OR TOP OF MULCH Z" BELOW TOP OF EDGER SPECIFIED MULCH SPECIFIED WEED BARRIER FABRIC UNDER INORGANIC MULCHES SPECIFIED PREEMERGANT HERBICIDE BELOW FABRIC SPECIFIED EDGER FULL DEPTH OF SPECIFIED AMENDED TOPSOIL PLACED THE NECESSARY DISTANCE BELOW TOP OF EDGER D EDGE TREATMENT NOT TO SCALE E STANDARD BIKE RACK NOT TO SCALE GLOBALINDUSTRIAL.COM, U -RACK BIKE RACK, BLACK, 2 -BIKE, FLANGE MOUNT. ITEM #T9F442804MBK igo 8'0" O.C. F CEDAR FENCE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE POST CAP 1' X8"WOOD CAP 1" X 6" VERTICAL WOOD PICKET 4" X 4" POST (TYP.) 2" X 4" BOARD (TYP.) 3" GALVANIZED DECKING NAIL (TYP.) 12" X 36" CONCRETE FOOTING (TYP.) FINISHED GRADE LANDSCAPE NOTES H 1. THIS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN IS TO BE USED IN v� ' m m m RECOMMENDED RATES. m>>> CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, IRRIGATION, ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL PLANS TO _ � o cO,04 (-,o) E 7 O LSo FORM COMPLETE INFORMATION REGARDING THIS SITE. N O O O Z Z zLuUr Z z C9w030c0 UZiwww — 0 2. LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO ALL APPLICABLE ? Q O N< c Z_ � STATE AND LOCAL CODES AND SPECIFICATIONS. J U o Q U _ U REMOVE CONTAMINATED SOIL. BACKFILL WITH SPECIFIED TOPSOIL. r tn�Z� N p wap � 3. ALL MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR, FROM DATE OF FINAL Z Q OJ o Q Z ACCEPTANCE. u U J 3 AND ORDERLYDURING AND UPON COMPLETION OF HIS WORK. � Q ^ ZU F CEDAR FENCE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE POST CAP 1' X8"WOOD CAP 1" X 6" VERTICAL WOOD PICKET 4" X 4" POST (TYP.) 2" X 4" BOARD (TYP.) 3" GALVANIZED DECKING NAIL (TYP.) 12" X 36" CONCRETE FOOTING (TYP.) FINISHED GRADE LANDSCAPE NOTES H 1. THIS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN IS TO BE USED IN v� ' m m m RECOMMENDED RATES. m>>> CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, IRRIGATION, ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL PLANS TO _ � o cO,04 (-,o) E O O O LSo FORM COMPLETE INFORMATION REGARDING THIS SITE. N O O O Z Z zLuUr Z z C9w030c0 UZiwww — 0 2. LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO ALL APPLICABLE ? Q O N< U Z_ � STATE AND LOCAL CODES AND SPECIFICATIONS. J U o Q U _ U REMOVE CONTAMINATED SOIL. BACKFILL WITH SPECIFIED TOPSOIL. r tn�Z� N p wap J 3. ALL MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR, FROM DATE OF FINAL Z Q OJ Lu Q Z ACCEPTANCE. u U J 3 AND ORDERLYDURING AND UPON COMPLETION OF HIS WORK. � Q ^ ZU U 3 4. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXAMINE THE SITE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE WORK IS TO BE Y U PERFORMED AND NOTIFY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IN WRITING OF UNSATISFACTORY CONDITIONS. DO 00 3 W p NOT PROCEED UNTIL CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN CORRECTED. w � ' ^ v z 0 'ITJ 5. BEFORE COMMENCING WORK, CONTACT APPROPRIATE UTILITY 00 COMPANIES FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS, AND COORDINATE WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR IN REGARD TO LOCATION OF PROPOSED UTILITIES, IRRIGATION SLEEVES, CONDUITS, ETC. 6. ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL MEET OR EXCEED SIZE IN SCHEDULES. 7. OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE RESERVES THE RIGHTTO REFUSE PLANT MATERIALS WHICH DO NOT MEET THE QUALITY REQUIRED FOR THE PROJECT. ALL DECIDUOUS TREES SHALL HAVE FULL, WELL -SHAPED HEADS, ALL EVERGREENS SHALL BE UNSHEARED AND FULLTO THE GROUND. PLANTING PROCEDURES SHALL CONFORM TO DETAILS. 8. ALL TREE AND SHRUB BED LOCATIONS ARE TO BE STAKED OUT ON SITE FOR APPROVAL BY OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 9. ROCK MULCH: INSTALL 3 -INCHES OF 24", LOCALLY AVAILABLE, WASHED RIVER ROCK MULCH IN ALL SHRUB BEDS OVER TYPAR 3301 WEED MAT OR APPROVED EQUAL, AFTER APPLYING PRE -EMERGENT HERBICIDE. 10. ALL B&B PLANT MATERIAL SHALL HAVE ALL WIRE, TWINE OR OTHER CONTAINMENT MATERIAL, EXCEPT FOR THE BURLAP, REMOVED FROM THE TRUNK AND ROOT BALL OF THE PLANT PRIOR TO PLANTING. 11. GROUNDCOVER IN THE DETENTION POND SHALL BE A NUT -FALL ALKALIGRASS SEED MIX FROM ARKANSAS VALLEY SEED. 12. DISTRIBUTE IMPORTED TOPSOIL OVER AREAS TO BE GRASSED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF FOUR (4") INCHES, AND TO A DEPTH OF TEN (10") INCHES IN SHRUB AND PERENNIAL BEDS. TOPSOIL TO BE NATURAL, FRIABLE, FERTILE, FINE LOAMY SOIL FREE FROM WEEDS, LITER, GRASS, STONES LARGER THAN 1", ROOTS OR ANY OTHER MATERIAL WHICH MAY BE HARMFUL TO PLANT GROWTH. 13. SOIL PREPARATION: MIX THE FOLLOWING SOIL AMENDMENTS AND APPLY TO SOD AND SHRUB BED AREAS. A. ASPEN RICH COMPOST-- 4 CUBIC YARDS PER 1,000 S.F. B. COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER (20-10-5): 10 lbs. PER 1,000 S.F. C. SUPERPHOSPHATE: 10 lbs. PER 1,000 S.F. 14. BACKFILL FOR TREES AND SHRUBS: SHALL CONSIST OF 1/3 ASPEN RICH COMPOST AND 2/3 SITE SOIL. FERTILIZE WITH AGRI-FORM TABLETS AT MANUFACTURER'S v� ' m m m RECOMMENDED RATES. m>>> v 7 N N N 0 Q 10 10 7 w Lu N O O p N (1) v 15. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FINISH GRADES IN LANDSCAPE AREAS. w z 0N O — 0 16. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL AS NECESSARY BYTHIS WORK. w rn U 0000 0 p w 17. TESTSOIL IN PROPOSED LANDSCAPE AREAS PREVIOUSLY PAVED OR BUILT ON FOR STERILENT AND V) REMOVE CONTAMINATED SOIL. BACKFILL WITH SPECIFIED TOPSOIL. 0 p J Lu 18. CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR ALL DAMAGE DUE TO HIS CONSTRUCTION AND KEEP PROJECT AREAS CLEAN J Q AND ORDERLYDURING AND UPON COMPLETION OF HIS WORK. w p ^ w U 3 w W w � ' ^ v J J J J Q 0 m m m w m>>> 7 N N N 0 10 10 7 w Lu N O O p N (1) v LL 0 10 10 7 N O O Lu 0N O o w Q 0000 = p N N N N V) fluKnow what's below. ® Call before you dig. S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CIN OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 3 TRASH ENCLOSURE FRONT 3/16" = 1'-0"J4 TRASH ENCLOSURE SIDE 3/16" = 1'-0" 1'-0" _ _ __ - _ -_ - - '_• - 1'-011 1 1/2" o a�' ;{> v `)' 1 1/211 '= _ _ •,p • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _t _ _ 'i ,i-• .,( •-f �-! 1. r p 0z O z m 0 i NORTH ELEVATION (PRIMARY STREET FRONT) I FACADE AREA -1,753 SF ii ■■■ viii I 1 GLAZING w 528 SF 30.1% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A W 287 SF 16.4% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 304 SF 17.3% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 634 SF 36.2% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL LU V) V) 0 SF _IM TRANSPARENCY 216 SF 33.3% SOUTH ELEVATION cn m m mZ:)ZDZD FACADE AREA -1,673 SF .■. Z:) C/) co 1 GLAZING 66 SF 3.9% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A V) 0 SF 0% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B LU 0 SF 0% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 0 SF 0% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL 1,607 SF 96% EAST ELEVATION FACADE AREA -1,664 SF 1 GLAZING 294 SF 17.7% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 347 SF 20.8% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 115 SF 6.9% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 344 SF 20.7% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL 417 SF 25.1% WEST ELEVATION FACADE AREA -1I664 F 1 GLAZING 297 SF 17.8% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 212 SF 12.7% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 188 SF 11.3% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 303 SF 18.2% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL 243 SF 14.6% TOTAL BUILDING FACADE AREA - 6,754 SF 1 GLAZING 1,185 SF 17.5% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 846 SF 12.5% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 607 SF 9% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 1,281 SF 19% _ _ _ �t• _ _ .-„ _ _ _ _ _ 'J tI_ ,ate_ _ •y _ - _ - 2J-'• _ sem_ _ _ _ _ :',_ _ _ _ _(•_ _ _ _ _,.- _ - 33.6% o- o- ��� I W - 2 EXTERIOR - NORTH ELEVATION I���t= � !— —���—.tet♦— I ���� --s � � - - e - f�fs�■,As�s�s�■,As�■,As�� f�s�s�� ®■■ �®moi r p 0z O z m 0 i NORTH ELEVATION (PRIMARY STREET FRONT) I FACADE AREA -1,753 SF ii ■■■ viii I 1 GLAZING w 528 SF 30.1% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A W 287 SF 16.4% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 304 SF 17.3% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 634 SF 36.2% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL LU V) V) 0 SF _IM TRANSPARENCY 216 SF 33.3% SOUTH ELEVATION cn m m mZ:)ZDZD FACADE AREA -1,673 SF .■. Em �,=-e0� mmm '_s �s��s�'■ 4 jivill MEMO -- IN � ■i�®e�®e�e�.� �■i��®ewe}®e}� �e�e�®_�� IN 54-L - - - � M - ?aE - - - kom a s` e s Is r �.i i i fiif0''��■��i-���e���-���-���e���-moi i i>e �mee a i�iie coir ea�:eaaeaaear�aaear�aaearea� bio EXTERIOR -WEST ELEVATION 3/16" = 1'-0" ROOF � 127' - LEVEL 2 112'-0" CEILING � 109' - 0" v LEVEL 1 � 100'-0" v MATERIAL LEGEND r p 0z O z m 0 i NORTH ELEVATION (PRIMARY STREET FRONT) Z FACADE AREA -1,753 SF 0 I 1 GLAZING w 528 SF 30.1% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A W 287 SF 16.4% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 304 SF 17.3% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 634 SF 36.2% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL LU V) V) 0 SF 0% TRANSPARENCY 216 SF 33.3% SOUTH ELEVATION cn m m mZ:)ZDZD FACADE AREA -1,673 SF Z:) C/) co 1 GLAZING 66 SF 3.9% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A V) 0 SF 0% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B LU 0 SF 0% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 0 SF 0% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL 1,607 SF 96% EAST ELEVATION FACADE AREA -1,664 SF 1 GLAZING 294 SF 17.7% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 347 SF 20.8% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 115 SF 6.9% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 344 SF 20.7% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL 417 SF 25.1% WEST ELEVATION FACADE AREA -1I664 F 1 GLAZING 297 SF 17.8% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 212 SF 12.7% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 188 SF 11.3% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 303 SF 18.2% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL 243 SF 14.6% TOTAL BUILDING FACADE AREA - 6,754 SF 1 GLAZING 1,185 SF 17.5% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 846 SF 12.5% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 607 SF 9% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 1,281 SF 19% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL 2,267 SF 33.6% E3 w 0 � w N W OU w = w J�Oo Uz U WS) QUOOLA�ZUQry zUzd) a: z7-LUv) Ozpp JwCLp 014 CL U ED LUJ Q OoJ Uz a- •o Q 0 J z r p 0z O z m 0 i J v z Z w 0 I 112'-0" w O� N O O o W Lu W LU w C) V w U 06 LU V) V) V) C14 C14 CN CN ROOFr 127' - 11 " p 0z O z m 0 i Z LEVEL 2 v O Q 112'-0" 0 N O O Lu W Qa a a) CD w JI Q J Q w w C14 C14 CN CN 5 cn m m mZ:)ZDZD Z:) C/) co =D m V) UUUU LU N p 0 _ O o N M [ [ [ [ TP LEVEL 1 100'-0" 10% M 0 N O O Lu o -o Qa a a) CD w � N O O O O w C14 C14 CN CN cn Know what's below. 9 ® Call before you dig. S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 2 EXTERIOR - SOUTH ELEVATION 3/1611 = 1 '-0" ROOF 127' - 11" LEVEL 2 112'-0" LEVEL 1 100'-0" LX I LKIUK - LAb I LLLVA I IUN 3/1611 = 1 '-0" MATERIAL LEGEND NORTH ELEVATION (PRIMARY STREET FRONT) FACADE AREA -1,753 SF 1 GLAZING 528 SF 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 287 SF 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 304 SF 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 634 SF 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL TRANSPARENCY SOUTH ELEVATION FACADE AREA -1,673 SF 1 GLAZING 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL EAST ELEVATION FACADE AREA -1,664 SF 1 GLAZING 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL WEST ELEVATION FACADE AREA -1,664 SF 1 GLAZING 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL TOTAL BUILDING FACADE AREA - 6,754 SF 1 GLAZING 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL ROOF 127' - 11 " �! LEVEL 112'-0" LEVEL 100'-0" 0 SF 216 SF 66 SF 0 SF 0 SF 0 SF 1,607 SF 294 SF 347 SF 115 SF 344 SF 417 SF 297 SF 212 SF 188 SF 303 SF 243 SF 1,185 SF 846 SF 607 SF 1,281 SF 2,267 SF 30.1% 16.4% 17.3% 36.2% 0% 33.3% 3.9% 0% 0% 0% 96% 17.7% 20.8% 6.9% 20.7% 25.1% 17.8% 12.7% 11.3% 18.2% 14.6% 17.5% 12.5% 9% 19% 33.6% E3_ w 0 J W � z m OU w = w J�Oo Uz U WS) QUOOLA�ZUQ� Z()Z6 QQZwv) Ozpp swap U LU LU J r, Q Q V OoJ U0 a- No 00 z r z V IL z Z CIO LU IL 0 =D LU J LU 0 CL C) V) U 06 LU V) vi V) LU C� Q LU 0 0 O z m 0 N Z 0 Q w I w Z m o J J o Q Z Q F-- o �_ O =:Eca �� o M o m m z:) o ZD Z N o N o U U cn LU U 0 o —= - N o 0 0 O z m 0 N Z 0 Q w I w Z m 10 %O o M 0 N O o0 Lu Qaaoo o^ o0 w 0 0 0o w 04 04 o CN _ S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO + +++++ +++++ +++++ +++++ +++++««« 0.0 00 00 00 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 00 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 00 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 00 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 '0.0 '00 '00 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 `0.1 '0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 00 00 00 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.0 0.0 0.0 '0.0 '00 '00 '00 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 3k� 'oo 40 '01 `01 `0.1 `0.1 `0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '01 '01 '01 `0.1 `0.1 `0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '01 '01 '01 `0.1 `0.1 `oo TO TO '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 `01 `01 `01 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 40 `oo `oo `oo TO TO 40 40 40 '0.1 '0.1 `0.1 `0.1 `0.1 `0.1 `0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 `0.1 `0.1 `0.1 `0.1 `0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0d `d1 `01 51 �?l Nl B1 '0.1/ g1\op E`01 `O1 `0.1 '0.1 '01 `0.0 `00 `00 `O0 `0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '01 01 `01 `0.1 `0.1 `02 `02 02 02 02 02 `0.1 `0.1 `0.1 `0.1 `0.1 01 01 01 `0.1 `0.1 `0.1 `0.1 `0.1 02 02 02 `02 `01 `01 `0.1 `0.1 0.1 0.1 `0.1 `00 `00 `00 `0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 01 01 01 0.1 02 02 03 03 03 03 03 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 0.1 03 03 03 02 02 02 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 01 00 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 01 01 01 02 02 03 04 04 'OS 'OS 04 03 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 03 03 03 04 04 04 ` 0. 02 02 02 0.1 ' 1 ' 1 01 01 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 '01 '01 '02 '02 '03 '04 '05 '07 08 '08 '06 '0.6 '07 '0.6 '0.6 '0.8 '07 '07 '07 '0.8 '0.6 '0.6 '0.6 '05 08 09 0.8 0 5 04 03 02 02 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 00 00 00 0.0 01 02 02 03 04 05 0] 1.0 13 14 00 1.0 13 1.1 1.1 15 13 10 14 14 1.0 1.1 13 09 + + + + + + + + + « 4 19 13 13 14 1.6 13 1.0 7 05 03 02 02 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 00 00 00 0.0 1 7 2-0 11'i - i i21 2 1 - fi +0 ` '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '0.8 '11 1 2. 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FIXTURE BB FIXTURE AA LEJ Gardco PumForm LED wali xo -ce r omfort PWS otters a sleek, low Profile design that will complement a range of architectural styles Comfort optics are designed to enhance msual comfort by reducing glare. PureForm wall sconce provides up to 10,700 (omens to accommodate multiple mounting heights up to 20, and is available with Type 2, 3, 4, optical distributions. A full range of - control options is avaElable for additional energy savings. Optional emergency battery backup option Is available for path -of -egress and Is Integral to the lummaee. S&S PLUMBING III xs. Is w"Darr..'"tow. tto-i-, nerrerv..wcmeur t z'oam..'rwwle.r'nxnx.e^mm�xvmnw wmruxr Not "loWe il.t.0 rwmazr'nrvvrmeHuft . XolawlMbwrinalMmmroloWm s xn monw. auae«nhmm.-v E MWwMaeenMn..PY. .�M.l...mvomzm 9 fool tarak➢4Mnemennrtvta'm NMp riMlyr¢BPp Pvi4-vu."rn.A rr.'Lxmn eemren rvre o+s.rers lkmrl r. 20036LEDMG-BRZ/FST Name Sandpiper AN - mom s mW- a le o w tool oNo O rryy u zw m.v all wn nN Eav Xa loo. NWAO` M'ma au IN, o'col a'w� wm gpar Nook, m o ewrromerl.u'.a'.o .u,u" mu sXem. uwr _e.ue.ss exw mo m..wazwnsuewezrsvnuxn�v.rr.i¢w.6.nt n xaaawee.nnsirMursvn.vm'_:amnd iLL4v prrwmrmerresrcwc[rue. a g©a IME n z `J' n Q WA Length r. 0.5' Z WA Width :: 4.5' Diameter:: Z M CID Project Name : S&S PLUMBING w 9" Location:: 4.5' L Type:: BB 0 Vofiage r. Quantity:: J w Wattage :: Notal:: > I No w IL 0 20036 7F1n1sh:: LL V) 541594223316 e:: Wall w ze (BRZ) 3400 Difuser:: Frosted(F5i) '0^v v AAL Finishes :: Satin (SA Aft, Diffusers :: N/A Energy Star :: Fbdure Campy Length :: WA Length r. 0.5' Width :: WA Width :: 4.5' Diameter:: 6" Diameter:: WA Extensil 9" Height:: 4.5' Height:: 18" Yes Vofiage r. Overall Height :: WA Max. N V Wattage :: DaellNpatio Specification IthotomeMcs Recommended Dimmer Location Rating:: Wet Frame Material:: Aluminum CCT:, 3000 Not Dimmable Cergficatocal cETLus Difuser Material:: Glass Cl 90 W IES File:: Yes Vofiage r. 120-277V N V Wattage :: 30W JAB Compliant:: No Lamping Type:: Dedicated Nominal Title 20 Compliant :: N/A LID W mens :: 3400 Lamping Base:: SSL Energy Star :: No2314attage Lamp : 2 Delivered ADA Complant :; No Lamp Wattage:! ::! 15 W Wmens:: Crim ppeme:: WA: ArkkaW Yana:: WA Mal Grade ;: Yes Total Wattage :: 30 W Emergency Lighting c No Lamps Included a Yes Wananly:: 5Year Limited J -Box Type:: Standard Lim Drawing 01 Lin Dewing t2 IES RIO IV 9" cw`.a .a........ t Upon Hwn I A92aoa z1 U LT 16 S 0 16 SCALE 1" = 16' IS O tT 0 Z m 0 Z Q J d 0 w 0 H 0 d N O 0 -0 W O - W U U m o U W U U U W UD., N V N M i N O -0 W O - W U U m o Q W 0000 = S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT W. 52ND AVE _ (601R.O.W) _--- Fire Lane signs will be reauired in these locations Z WHEATRIDGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER SUBDIVISION S H O P PROPERTIES LLC 12200 W. 52ND AVE REC. NO. F0672939-1998 A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO - — — — — — — — — — — JL EMERGENCY VEHICLE ENTRY 0 c lih I I zll ESMT N0. 84102000 ere is currently rking along the est side of this ilding. Show the lent of those parking Dts and how it aracts with this ning movement. AfPDiimi INGRESS/EGRESS ESMT REG NO. 84102000 W. 52ND AVE —_-- (60'R.O.W) --- 1 \ I ER LL L There is currently parking VALRICTES IT LEY EC No0 820 DIST0along the West side of this R. Bzma583 building. Show the extent of those parking spots and how it interacts with this turning movement. I WHEATRIDGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER SUBDIVISION I S H O P PROPERTIES LLC 12200 W. 52ND AVE REC. NO. F0672939-1998 I B EMERGENCY VEHICLE REVERSE AFPD TOWER 56 SPECIFICATIONS NOT TO SCALE 1— REC. NO. C EMERGENCY VEHICLE EXIT I \' WATER T ESMT 82070583 TRUCK WHEEL PATH TRUCK BUMPER OVERHANG PM Z I � VALLEY WATER LU LU 2 DISTRICT ESMT REC NO 82070E83 —O Cn ere is currently rking along the est side of this ilding. Show the lent of those parking Dts and how it aracts with this ning movement. AfPDiimi INGRESS/EGRESS ESMT REG NO. 84102000 W. 52ND AVE —_-- (60'R.O.W) --- 1 \ I ER LL L There is currently parking VALRICTES IT LEY EC No0 820 DIST0along the West side of this R. Bzma583 building. Show the extent of those parking spots and how it interacts with this turning movement. I WHEATRIDGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER SUBDIVISION I S H O P PROPERTIES LLC 12200 W. 52ND AVE REC. NO. F0672939-1998 I B EMERGENCY VEHICLE REVERSE AFPD TOWER 56 SPECIFICATIONS NOT TO SCALE 1— REC. NO. C EMERGENCY VEHICLE EXIT I \' WATER T ESMT 82070583 TRUCK WHEEL PATH TRUCK BUMPER OVERHANG PM Z CD O� O z m O a a a o 0 o LU LU 2 z LU —O Cn U J LL3 O LLJ CL >J LU o Q w U 11 Z = 3 LJ O� V) V) 00 LL Z N O O Lu o�N CC) 20 10 0 20Q SCALE 1" = 20' CD O� O z m O a a a o 0 o LU LU 2 Z Q J CL Z U LU I U_ JJ LU> Z QQQ OH_ m m F— � N N r J U LUU 00 LL Z N O O Lu o�N CC) 20 10 0 20Q SCALE 1" = 20' < a a a o 0 o LU LU 2 City of Wheatjdge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29' Ave. December 26, 2019 Jim Shipton 8460 W. Ken Caryl Avenue #101 Littleton, CO, 80333 Mr. Shipton: Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 This letter is in regards to your application for approval of a specific development plan, variance, and consolidation plat at 12060 W. 52nd Avenue on a site zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD). I have reviewed your third submittal and have the following comments. Please also refer to the redlined copies of the draft documents and the Engineering Division comments. General Comments 1. Comment Responses: Please use the provided Word file of this letter to respond to the subsequent comments and provide it as part of the fourth submittal. 2. A public hearing at Planning Commission is required for approval of the SDP and Variance. If you are able to resolve comments by January 10, 2020, the Planning Commission hearing can be scheduled for February 6. The plat will be reviewed separately and will not require a hearing, but all documents will be recorded at the Jefferson County Clerk & Recorder at the same time. Specific Development Plan Sheet 1 — Cover Sheet No comments. Sheet 2 — Site Plan 3. The reception number you provided for the new 10' ingress -egress / emergency access easement is not a 2019 reception number. Please update with a valid reception number or provide proof that the easement was recently recorded at Jefferson County under the provided number. If the easement hasn't been recorded yet, but will be after SDP approval, provide a blank so we can write it in. Sheet 3 — Landscape Plan 4. The response to the request for compliance with Chapter 3.9 of the ASDM (regarding the detention pond landscaping and wall) is not sufficient. Native grasses in the pond do not negate the requirement for the wall to be an upgraded material, since they won't be tall or dense enough to screen the wall. A veneer is preferred on the wall, but if volume can't be lost, the concrete will need to be stamped. Water/salt-tolerant shrubs are preferred to provide additional screening. 5. City Code requires trees to have a two-inch caliper. Confirm the Goldenrain Tree meets this requirement and increase the size of the Spring Snow Crabapple. If that species cannot meet that requirement, use another from Neel's recommended list that has at least a two-inch caliper. www.ci.wheatridge. co.us Sheets 4-6 No comments. Sheet 7 — Photometric 6. The cut sheets will need to be in black and white for recording purposes. Sheet 8 — Vehicle Tracking Plan 7. Confirm this has been shared with and approved by Arvada Fire. 8. This does not need to be included in the SDP and can be provided as a separate exhibit once approved by Arvada Remove line from cover sheet table of contents. Consolidation Plat Sheet 1 — Cover Sheet 9. Title company name will need to be filled in prior to approval, and title commitment info needs to be provided. 10. Same comment on the reception number for the 10 -foot access easement (comment #3). 11. Since only one utility easement is being provided, the standard easement language can be modified to read, "Utility easements are hereby granted on private property as shown on sheet two. These easements are dedicated for the installation...." Sheet 2 — Plat May 12. The detention easement and utility easement shouldn't overlap. Refer to Engineering comments. En$ineerine Comments See attached letter and redlines from Dave Brossman, dated December 21, 2019. Additional Comments At this point, you are responsible for coordinating any further comments or corrections with outside agencies and districts. Arvada Fire Protection District: Please confirm Steven Parker has approved the turning analysis and other fire -related comments from the previous submittal. On our previous comment letter, we requested you work directly with the fire district to resolve their comments. Xcel Energy: Work with Neel to establish service and resolve any other outstanding issues. This concludes the summary of comments. Please re -submit the SDP, Plat, and Civils as .pdf files as well as a DWG file for the plat. For questions or clarification on any comments, feel free to directly contact me or Dave Brossman. Sincerely, Scott Cutler Planner II Case No. WZ-19-05, MS -19-05 & WA-19-05-5&SPlumbing 'SAI City Of ridge WheatR PUBLIC WORKS Memorandum TO: Scott Cutler, Planner II FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer DATE: December 21, 2019 SUBJECT: WA -19-05, WZ-19-05 / Hinkle Consolidation — Review #3 I have completed my third review for the request for approval of a Consolidation Plat at 12060 W. 52nd Avenue, received on December 17, 2019, and I have the following comments: CIVIL ENGINEERING: Specific Development Plan 1. On Sheet 2, Site Plan: a. Please show the manhole between the pond and the ROW (the layer appears to be turned off). Consolidation Plat: 1) Sheet 1 — Cover Sheet a) In the Surveyor's Notes #2, the Tide Company name will need to be filled in prior to plat approval. b) All other previous comments have been addressed. 2) Sheet 2— Plan View a) Please remove the (original) Detention Easement line from encroaching into the 5' Utility Easement runrung along the easterly property line. b) All other previous comments have been addressed; the plat will be approvable for Mylar® upon completion of the above comments. CIVIL ENGINEERING: Final Drainage Report (Narrative): 1. Under Section B. Runoff, a reference is made to a SWMP for "further details. A SWMP is not required for projects less than 1 acre, so unless a SWMP is going to Hinkle SDPPlat12060 W52no,ve Re -3 lt doc: 11 111111C 11 ErEll 111111111110-11111 D0000 Od' 21 E201 11 0000 2 be produced please remove this sentence. 2. All other previous comments have been addressed; the Report will be approvable upon completion of the one correction above and the addition of the engineer's seal and signature. Drainage Letter (Appendix): 1. All previous comments have been addressed. Final Drainage Plan: 1. All previous comments have been addressed. Civil Construction Plans Sheet C3.10 (Site Plan): 1. Please show the manhole between the pond and the ROW or add a symbol in the Legend (it appears the layer may be turned off). Sheet C4.10 (Grading Plan): 1. To all Cross -Sections, please add the property boundary lines and distances from the structures to the boundary.. Sheet C7.91 (Storm Sewer Construction Details): 1. Please cross out the standard lid in the Manhole Ring & Cover detail (the rim detail is fine to remain), and add text to that detail directing the reader to use the Phase II NPDES lid found on this sheet. Itemized Engineer's Cost Estimate 1. An itemized estimate for the materials used on all horizontal improvements, landscaping, and irrigation proposed within the site shall be required. Private infrastructure investment is subject to the assessment of the City's 3.5% Use Tax, and the approved estimate will be used to assess this tax on the Building Permit issued through the Community Development Department/ Building Division (303.235.2876). Please provide a copy of the Itemized Engineer's Cost Estimate for review and approval as soon as possible to avoid delays in permit issuance. Construction Control Plan The Construction Control Plan ("CCP') is a modified set of civil construction plan sheets used in the field to facilitate recordation of key as -built elevations and building set -back dimensions. The CCP will be developed by the design engineer and architect and shall be submitted to the City for review and final approval prior to issuance of any Site Work or ROW Construction Permits. Instructions for development of the CCP are available on the City's website under the Public Works Development Review webpage. Please provide a copy of the CCP for review and approval as soon as possible to avoid delays in permit issuance. Hinkle SDP -Plat 12060 W52ndAve Review3.1h.doex 11 111111C 11 ErEll 111111111110-11111 DOc00 00r 21 E201 ❑ 111111113 OTHER REQUIREMENTS: 1. Site Work Permit: A Site Work (Building) Permit shall be obtained from the City of Wheat Ridge Building Division (303.235.2876) prior to commencement of any on-site work. The Site Work Permit covers all horizontal infrastructure work that occurs on private property, including but not limited to, interior drives, curb, gutter, sidewalk, landscaping, irrigation, lighting, common areas, parking, and drainage - related items. The Site Work Building Permit Application shall be accompanied by an approved copy of a Construction Control Plan ("CCP'). 2. Foundation Setback and Elevation Certification: Upon form placement or concrete being poured for the building foundation, a Foundation Setback and Elevation Certification for Commercial and Multi - Family Developments form accompanied by an approved copy of a Construction Control Plan shall be submitted to the Building Division. Right -of -Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing: a. ROW Permits. Prior to any construction within the public right-of-way (ROW), the necessary Right -of -Way Construction Permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Right -of -Way Construction Permits are issued by the Department of Public Works only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, Traffic Control Plan (if applicable), Construction Control Plan and easement or ROW dedications b. Licensing. All work within the public Right -of -Way shall only be performed by a municipally -licensed contractor. c. 2 -Year Warranty. Upon completion of the improvements Final Acceptance will be granted by the Public Works inspector. At that time 2 - year warranty period for the completed and approved public improvements shall commence. If at any time during said 2 -year Warranty Period the City Inspector deems that the constructed public improvements are in such condition as to require repairs or replacement, the contractor shall complete such work upon request. 4. Drainage Certification/ As -Built Plans: Please note the following items required prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy: a. Drainage Certification: Upon completion of the drainage improvements, the Engineer -of -Record shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a written, signed and sealed Drainage Certification Letter (DCL) stating that the overall site grading was completed per the approved Grading and Hinkle SDP -Plat 12060 W52ndAve Review3.1h.doex 11 111111C 11 ErEll 111111111110-11111 DOc00 00r 21 E201 ❑ 111111114 Drainage Plans, all drainage facilities were constructed per the approved construction plans and shall function as defined in the approved Final Drainage Report/Plan, and that the site has been accurately surveyed to confirm that the grading and construction of all drainage facilities was completed in accordance with these documents. The DCL shall be submitted to the City for review and approval, and shall be accompanied with As -Built Plans on the Current City Datum for all constructed drainage facilities prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. b. As -Built Plans: The following items shall be included on the As -Built Plans or CCP prior to City acceptance: i. Stormwater-related (this info referenced in DCL) 1. Detention Pond: 1. Outlet Structure rim and invert elevations. 2. Spot elevations sufficient to determine the provided volume. 2. Manholes, rim and invert elevations. 3. Drop Inlets (if applicable), grate and invert elevations. 4.Curb & gutter (on-site only). 5. Spot elevations around the site to show the site has been graded and will drain per the approved civil documents. Two (2) electronic files are to be delivered on DVD/CD-ROM as follows: i. One (1) file in AutoCAD 2015 DWG or older format, AND ii. One (1) file in PDF format (of the signed & sealed sheets). Note: The As -Built Plans/CCP will not be accepted until the AutoCAD (2015 or older) DWG file has also been received. Information pertaining to the Public Works development requirements, Site Drainage Requirements, the City's Street Construction Standards & Details in AutoCAD@ DWG format, ROW maps, and City -based coordinate and land surveying information (i.e., Current City Datum), is all available on the Public Works, Development Review page of the City of Wheat Ridge website at: www.ci.wheatridee.co.us Hinkle SDP -Plat 12060 W52ndAve Review3.1h.doex S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION (PER WARRANTY DEED AT REC. #201800865 LOT 1, HINKLE CONSOLIDATION, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. BENCHMARK CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, PHAC 4 BEING A 16" STAINLESS STEEL ROD IN A MONUMENT WELL LOCATED DIRECTLY NORTH OF THE PARKING LOT FOR FRUITDALE PARK ATTHE INTERSECTION OF MILLER ST. AND W. 47TH AVE. IN WHEAT RIDGE. ELEVATION = 5375.38' NAVD88 BASIS OF BEARINGS BASED ON THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, ASSUMED TO BEAR N89 -11'13"E UTILITY CONTACT VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 12101 W 52ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80033 TELEPHONE: 303.424.9661 PROJECT TEAM 191T0/►19Ci S&S PLUMBING SERVICES INC. 3420 GARLAND STREET WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 CONTACT: ALICE HINKLE FRUITDALE SANITATION DISTRICT CIVIL ENGINEER 4990 MILLER STREET POINT CONSULTING, LLC WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 8460 W KEN CARYL AVE, SUITE 101 TELEPHONE: 303.424.5476 LITTLETON, CO 80128 CONTACT: TIFFANY D. WATSON, PE TELEPHONE: 720.258.6836 A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO OWNERS CERTIFICATE THE BELOW SIGNED OWNER(S), OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) HEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THATTHE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED AS A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE USES, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW. I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THATTHE APPROVAL OF THIS SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN, DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANTTO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26-121 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. 12060 W. 52ND AVENUE LLC NAME: WAYNE S. AND ALICE J. HINKLE TITLE: OWNERS STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF . A.D. 20 BY WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE I, CAMERON M. WATSON DO HEREBY CERTIFYTHATTHE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF HINKLE CONSOLIDATION WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TOTHE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATURES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAN ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. SIGNATURE H COMCAST cp ��� QQQ w _o ) ��0 OZZ�Z O C9w�c0 POINT CONSULTING, LLC VICINITY MAP Z w � r ?QONQ LU Z LU �� LITTLETON, CO 80128 o Qw Q N w Z w w Z Q O 1" = 2000' Q Z D U 1 J i i > w� Q CONTACT: JIM SHIPTON, RLA O Z w~ J U >�> O i TELEPHONE: 720.258.6836 0 100 SHEET INDEX PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION Q 0 OU J CENTURY LINK ARCHITECT COMCAST LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Z QQQ 0 �7_ w w m�� O 6793 W CANYON AVE #13C POINT CONSULTING, LLC VICINITY MAP r�� U LU moo LITTLETON, CO 80128 8460 W KEN CARYL AVE, SUITE 101 Q O O O = TELEPHONE: 303.930.2000 LITTLETON, CO 80128 1" = 2000' V Z CONTACT: JIM SHIPTON, RLA Q TELEPHONE: 720.258.6836 SHEET INDEX PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION OU CENTURY LINK ARCHITECT z rn LE MINERAL AVE MCPHERSON ARCHITECTURE 1 OF 8 COVER SHEET APPROVED THIS DAY OF BY w 55 w LITTLETON, C080120 LIT 1735 NINETEENTH STREET#200 2 OF 8 SITE PLAN PLANNING COMMISSION. 0 TELEPHONE: 866.642.0444 DENVER, CO 80202 3 OF 8 LANDSCAPE PLAN 0 12 CONTACT: ZACH MILLER 4 OF 8 LANDSCAPE DETAILS w TELEPHONE: 740.978.0171 5 OF 8 BUILDING ELEVATION 1 w J Q 6 OF 8 BUILDING ELEVATION 2 CHAIRPERSON p ^ 0— w XCEL ENERGY SURVEYOR 7 OF 8 PHOTOMETRIC PLAN = 10001 HAMPDEN AVENUE POINT CONSULTING, LLC 8 OF 8 VEHICLE TRACKING PLAN U V) LAKEWOOD, CO 80227 8460 W KEN CARYL AVE, SUITE 101 U �x CONTACT: DONNA SANDERS LITTLETON, CO 80128 CASE HISTORY CITY CERTIFICATION LU W TELEPHONE: 303.716.2072 - CONTACT: CAMERON M. WATSON PLS SURVEYOR LU V)WZ-19-05 APPROVEDTHIS DAYOF WA -19-05 BYTHE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE WZ-02-03 MS -19-05 ATTEST O O� 0 Z CITY CLERK MAYOR m 0 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I HEREBY CERTIFYTHATTHIS PLAN WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT O'CLOCK .M. ON THE DAY OF A.D., IN BOOK , PAGE, , RECEPTION NO. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER m Know what's below. 0111 before you dig. DEPUTY LU LU LU 2 V) LU F1 J J Z QQQ 0 �7_ w w m�� O O N U r�� U LU moo 00 w 1010 O O col, V LU U U U W Q O O O = S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 1 --- -------------r T --------------�------------� --��------------- EX HYDRANT HYDRANT W. 52ND AVEEX. STORM INLET ----------------------------------------------------------- (601R.O.W) ------------------ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — •------------------------------ EX. SIGN EX. LIGHT POLE CONCRETE — — — — — _ — — — 6WVEWAY EX. LIGHT POLE _--- EX. LI \' r NVERTEDU EX. TRANS FORM R — �j-1- 1 111 EX. SIDEWALK �� BIKE RACK EX. SIDEWALK r1.5' �� 89�' 1 00"0 0' EXISTING 10' INGRESS -EGRESS - - EMERGENCY ACCESS EASEMENT (BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT) RECEPTION N0. F0705019 - -� VII NO PARKING `II FIRE LANE SIGN WHEATRIDGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER SUBDIVISION S H O P PROPERTIES LLC 12200 W. 52ND AVE REC. NO. F0672939-1998 Know whafs below. 0111 before you dig. EX. PAVED DRIVE 1 5 Z I LS 12' �\ CONCRETE I DRIVEWAY 26' III INGRESS/EGRESS 12' I ESMT III REC. NO. 84102000 NO PARKING 10' LS FIRE LANE SIGN CONCRETE I DRIVEWAY 12' 26' STOP SIGN LS CONCRETE DRIVEWAY EX. EDGE OF ASPHALT 22' 1 1 I� CURB TRANSITION FROM 0" TO 6" HEIGHT I F S VALLEY WATER DISTRICT ESMT REC. NO. 82070583 RETAINING WALL I --_ -- __ -- - e LS CURB TRANSITION FROM 0" TO 6" HEIGHT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CONCRETE CHANNEL W/ DIAMOND STEEL PLATE 100' ADA RAMP ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN WHITE ACCESSIBLE PARKING SYMBOL S&S PLUMBING 7000 SF ADA RAMP s FFE: 5494.50 CONCRETE SIDEWALK CONCRETE SIDEWALK 70.0' ASPHALT DRIVE NO PARKIN FIRE LANE IGN 4" HITE 18.5' PAR ING S RIPE VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER - 40.5' uq MIN1 . STOP SIGN MANHOLE POND OUTLET 10' m QQQ Z H_ m m o C7 O U Z N 0 o o 80' U-1 Q d III PAVEMENT MARKING 2' CURB CUT ~ w Q 8' AN 8.5' DRAINAGE EASEMENT INSIDE EDGE OF POND ASPHALT DRIVE 18.5'LL -{ LS VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER TRASH ENCLOSURE-\ 160.03'S89' 11'1100"W EX. ASPHALT RETAINING WALL 2' CURB CUT 33.0' 10' 4' CEDAR FENCE EX. BUILDING RETAINING WALL VALENTI I N0, EMANUELJ & EILEEN B 12050 W. 52ND AVE REC. NO. 92133526 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY GRASS SWALE w 0 0 A.9" m QQQ Z H_ m m LU C7 O U 12 N 0 o 4" THICK YELLOW r�� U-1 Q DIAGONAL III PAVEMENT MARKING o ~ w U W LSco V) w I- I� 71 I�- 0 8.5' DRAINAGE EASEMENT INSIDE EDGE OF POND ASPHALT DRIVE 18.5'LL -{ LS VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER TRASH ENCLOSURE-\ 160.03'S89' 11'1100"W EX. ASPHALT RETAINING WALL 2' CURB CUT 33.0' 10' 4' CEDAR FENCE EX. BUILDING RETAINING WALL VALENTI I N0, EMANUELJ & EILEEN B 12050 W. 52ND AVE REC. NO. 92133526 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY GRASS SWALE w 0 0 4' CEDAR FENCE EX. BUILDING LEGEND -- PROPERTY LINE EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER CURB AND GUTTER EASEMENT BOUNDARY LS LANDSCAPE AREA SIGNAGE [ ROAD LIGHTING SITE DATA SITE AREA: 23,498 SF ZONE: PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT (PCD) BUILDING:7000SF 30% COVERAGE MINIMUM SETBACKS REQUIRED FRONT: 0-12 FOOT BUILD TO AREA FRONTAGE: SIDE: 5 FOOT MINIMUM PER STORY REAR: 15' PARKING: REQUIRED PROVIDED OFFICE (4120 SF) 1 SPACE PER 300 SF (14) WAREHOUSE (3930 SF) 1 SPACE PER 600 SF (7) HANDICAP = 1 SPACE PER 25 SPACES (1) TOTAL 21 + 1 ACCESSIBLE 23 + 1 ACCESSIBLE 4 BICYCLE SPACES PROVIDED (2 U -RACKS) LANDSCAPE REQUIRED: MIN. 20% X 23,498 SF = 4700 SF LANDSCAPE PROVIDED: 5319 SF (23%) GENERAL NOTES 1. REFERENCE SHEET CO.00 FOR PROJECT BENCHMARK AND BASIS OF BEARINGS 2. W 52ND AVE DESIGN BY CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, DATED 09.03.19. 3. APPROVED EVA SHALL BE PROVIDED DURING CONSTRUCTION. UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED, THE EVA SHALL CONSIST OF THE FIRST LIFT OF ASPHALT OR CONCRETE SHALL BE PROVIDED PRIOR TO COMMENCING VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION. 4. DESIGN FOR THE RETAINING WALL IS TO BE PERFORMED BY OTHERS. 5. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND OPERATIONAL TO PROVIDE THE MINIMUM REQUIRED FIRE FLOW PRIOR TO COMMENCING VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION. T �� 16 8 0 16 SCALE 1" = 16' 11111111111110 ocp�_ ��� w N'0 O z z z �* O o U Z w � r U' w�c0 UZwww ?QONQz�� Z QwwU ZQO JQz U U J 3 > w0U Q z U U zw� >�> J O i 0 1 Q 00 z A.9" m QQQ Z H_ m m LU III O U 12 N 0 o O w r�� N > LU Q III 0 U Vw ~ w U W LSco V) w I� III lil I�- 4' CEDAR FENCE EX. BUILDING LEGEND -- PROPERTY LINE EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER CURB AND GUTTER EASEMENT BOUNDARY LS LANDSCAPE AREA SIGNAGE [ ROAD LIGHTING SITE DATA SITE AREA: 23,498 SF ZONE: PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT (PCD) BUILDING:7000SF 30% COVERAGE MINIMUM SETBACKS REQUIRED FRONT: 0-12 FOOT BUILD TO AREA FRONTAGE: SIDE: 5 FOOT MINIMUM PER STORY REAR: 15' PARKING: REQUIRED PROVIDED OFFICE (4120 SF) 1 SPACE PER 300 SF (14) WAREHOUSE (3930 SF) 1 SPACE PER 600 SF (7) HANDICAP = 1 SPACE PER 25 SPACES (1) TOTAL 21 + 1 ACCESSIBLE 23 + 1 ACCESSIBLE 4 BICYCLE SPACES PROVIDED (2 U -RACKS) LANDSCAPE REQUIRED: MIN. 20% X 23,498 SF = 4700 SF LANDSCAPE PROVIDED: 5319 SF (23%) GENERAL NOTES 1. REFERENCE SHEET CO.00 FOR PROJECT BENCHMARK AND BASIS OF BEARINGS 2. W 52ND AVE DESIGN BY CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, DATED 09.03.19. 3. APPROVED EVA SHALL BE PROVIDED DURING CONSTRUCTION. UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED, THE EVA SHALL CONSIST OF THE FIRST LIFT OF ASPHALT OR CONCRETE SHALL BE PROVIDED PRIOR TO COMMENCING VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION. 4. DESIGN FOR THE RETAINING WALL IS TO BE PERFORMED BY OTHERS. 5. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND OPERATIONAL TO PROVIDE THE MINIMUM REQUIRED FIRE FLOW PRIOR TO COMMENCING VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION. T �� 16 8 0 16 SCALE 1" = 16' 11111111111110 ocp�_ ��� w N'0 O z z z �* O o U Z w � r U' w�c0 UZwww ?QONQz�� Z QwwU ZQO JQz U U J 3 > w0U Q z U U zw� >�> J O i 0 1 Q 00 z U, Z QQQ Z H_ m m LU - m O U 12 N 0 w O w r�� N > LU Q J L.L ( Q w U Vw ~ w U W V) V) w 0 c� O m O i 7 A J J Z QQQ H_ m m O N 0 N U r�� N U LU p moo �N o co w O N 0 o N w rn a a ~ w Q p o00 w = ��� j LANDSCAPE I COVERAGE 5319 SF I I LANDSCAPE COVERAGE MAP SCALE: 1" = 30'-0" Know what's below. 0111 before you dig. S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO I - / SHE- OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE F— � H�-�I - �f �--CJI---------- �I -0- W. 52ND AVE ------- ----------- ------- ------ (60' R.O.W)------------- - --- STREETSCAPE BY CITY / ; —i— — 4 ° 4°Q a°moi 4 �. u e — A L;—Lo 3S G 4RU F" _ 2 RUS � 4 PBS I 21 SVA 4 GLS --— 9BRJ 7 RUS 4 PBS / I I i ROCK MULCH i 2 PBS - 9 SWIG BS9SWG ROCK MULCH INGRESS/EGRESS ESMT REC NO. 84102000 — —2 GLS 3 RUS :k I� IJ ROCK MULCH 3 GLS 3 RUS i VALLEYWATERESER DISTRICT ESMT REc. No. s2mass3 m m ME"-- 01 MCS ROCK MULCH — — — — — r —4-T- 1 4 L l_ EXISTING POWER LF T - / /8 FNB 1 GLS 1 GRT 2 BRJ �XISTI F POWER POLE 2 GLS 3 FNB 3 RUS 1 3 BRJ 2 GLS 1 SSC 3 FNB FCECVALENTNOE ANIELJ&EILEEN R2050 w. 52N 0 AVE 9 N02133526 f9 RUS / 1 r41rn1n STEELEDGER NUTTALL ALKALIGRASS SEED MIX DECIDUOUS TREE EVERGREEN TREE 0 ORNAMENTALTREE 4)0�101:6 DECIDUOUS SHRUBS OGEVERGREEN SHRUBS ORNAMENTAL GRASSES + ) STREETSCAPE TREE LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS OPEN SPACE (5319 SF) Size Notes Habit LANDSCAPE RATIO REQUIRED PROVIDED EXISTING TREES 1 / 1000 SF 6 6 0 SHRUBS 10/1000 SF 60 79 0 PERENNIALS AND GRASSES 0 30 0 PLANT LIST Qty. Sym. Scientific/Botanic Name Size Notes Habit DECIDUOUS TREES m m LU — Cn 2 GRT GOLDENRAIN TREE 6' HT STRAIGHT TRUNK, B&B 25X25 FEET Kcelreuteria paniculata STRAIGHT SPECIMEN QUALITY, STAKED SPACING 36" O.C. ORNAMENTAL TREES Q U W Spireajaponica 'Walbuma' 2 CCP CHANTICLEER PEAR 2" CAL. STRAIGHT TRUNK, B&B 20X10 FEET Pyrus calleryana'Chanticleer' SINGLE TRUNK SPECIMEN QUALITY, STAKED SPACING T O.C. 1 SSC SPRING SNOW CRABAPPLE 1 1/2" CAL. STRAIGHT TRUNK, B&B 20X15 FEET Malus sp. 'Spring Snaa' SINGLE TRUNK SPECIMEN QUALITY, STAKED 9 EVERGREENTREES FERNBUSH 5 GAL. SPACING 60" O.C. 1 FAS FAT ALBERT BLUE SPRUCE 6'-10' HT. FULL FORM, B&B 30X15 FEET Picea pungens 'Fat Albeit' SEE PLAN SPECIMEN QUALITY, GUYED 10 2X1 FEET 2.5X5 FEET 5X5 FEET 1.5X6 FEET 4X3 FEET 0.5X6 FEET 2X3 FEET 6X3 FEET T 20 10 0 20 SCALE 1" = 20' A _ Lu `� 0 0 Z Z� ��� Z c� 4*OU w��� �Zwww ?QOC,4 `n Z o w U Z Q OJ Q Z 0U J 3 > Lu Q ZLU UU — OJ 13- 0 Q 'ITJ Lb Z DECIDUOUS SHRUBS Z Q 5 RUS m m LU — Cn O U F 11 MCS MAGIC CARPET SPIREA 5 GAL. SPACING 36" O.C. —2 BRJ Q U W Spireajaponica 'Walbuma' 18"-24" HT. 5CANES MIN. W 14 GLS GRO-LOW SUMAC 5 GAL. SPACING T O.C. = Rhus aromatica'Grc-Lata 18"-24" HT. 5 CANES MIN. EXISTING POWER POLE 9 FNB FERNBUSH 5 GAL. SPACING 60" O.C. Chamaebatiaria millefolium 18"-24" HT 5 CANES MIN. 10 PBS PAWNEE BUTTES SANDCHERRY 5 GAL. SPACING 48" O.C. Prunus besseyi'P011 S' 18"-24" HT 5 CANES MIN. 32 RUS RUSSIAN SAGE 5 GAL. SPACING 36" O.C. _ Percy kia atriplicifolia 18"-24" HT. 5 CANES MIN. EVERGREEN SHRUBS 25 BRJ BLUE RUG JUNIPER 5 GAL. SPACING T O.C. Juniperus haizicntalis'Wiltonii' 18"-24" SPREAD 5 CANES MIN. 5 BSJ BLUE STAR JUNIPER 5 GAL. SPACING 48" O.C. Juniperus squamata'Blue Star 18"-24" HT. 5 CANES MIN. ORNAMENTAL GRASSES 33 SWG SWITCH GRASS OR INDIAN GRASS 1 GAL. SPACING 36" O.C. Saghastrum nutans ESTABLISHED 2X1 FEET 2.5X5 FEET 5X5 FEET 1.5X6 FEET 4X3 FEET 0.5X6 FEET 2X3 FEET 6X3 FEET T 20 10 0 20 SCALE 1" = 20' A _ Lu `� 0 0 Z Z� ��� Z c� 4*OU w��� �Zwww ?QOC,4 `n Z o w U Z Q OJ Q Z 0U J 3 > Lu Q ZLU UU — OJ 13- 0 Q 'ITJ Lb Z v Z Q Zw m m LU — Cn O U C W O::DW r�� (7 >J W Q (2w Q U W — V = 3 J W W V) ' ^ �,/ J W J J Z QQQ OH_ m m O N O N U r�� (7 U o w moo DO W O N O V (7 W o 1-- U U U ~ W Q FD W = S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, ATTACH GUY WIRE TO TRUNK WITH SPECIFIED TREE COLLAR DOUBLE STRAND OF 12 GA. GALVANIZED STEEL WIRE TWISTED z" DIA. WHITE PVC PIPE OVER WIRE, 25" LONG MIN TEMPORARY 4" DEEP WATER RETENTION BASIN NOT NECESSARY WHEN TURF OR DRIP IRRIGATION IS OPERATING SET ROOT CROWN LEVEL WITH TOP OF SOIN IN BEDS. IN IRRIGATED TURF AREAS PLANT 3" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE APPLY SPECIFIED MULCH TO REMAIN PERMANENTLY SPECIFIED 30" STEEL POST (3 MIN.) DRIVEN VERTICALLY INTO UNDISTURVED SOIL FLUSH WITH GRADE FINISHED GRADE REMOVE ALL CONTAINMENT MATERIAL FROM THE TRUNK & SIDES OF ROOTBALL THAT IS NOT 100% HEMP REMOVE BURLAP &TWINE FROM THETOP3 OF ROOTBALL REMOVE FIBER OR PLASTIC POTAFTER PLACING IN THE PIT ROOTBALLS THAT ARE BROKEN APART AFTER CONTAINMENT IS REMOVED ARE DAMAGED AND SHALL BE REJECTED HOLE SHOULD HAVE ROUGHENED SIDES SPECIFIED BACKFILL MIXTURE AND FERTILIZER APPLICATION UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE EVERGREEN TREE PLANTING W/ GUY WIRES NOT TO SCALE SHA DE TR EES: LOWEST LI MBS MIN.6-8' FROM ROOT CROWN AFTER TWO YEARS NO LIMB SHALL BE WITHIN 8' OF PAVEMENT DO NOT CUT OR DAMAGE LEADER PRUNE ALL DEAD OR DAMAGED WOOD PRIOR TO PLANTING WRAP ENTIRE SURFACE OF TRUNK BELOW SECOND BRANCH WITH SPECIFIED TREE WRAP AND SECURE ATTACH GUY WIRE TO TRUNK WITH SPECIFIED TREE COLLAR 3" DIA. WHITE PVC PIPE OVER WIRE, 24" LONG MIN. DOUBLE STRAND OF 12 GA. GALVANIZED STEEL WIRE TWISTED TEMPORARY 4" DEEP WATER RETENTION BASIN NOT NECESSARY WHEN TURF OR DRIP IRRIGATION IS OPERATING SPECIFIED STEEL POST (2 MIN.) DRIVEN VERTICALLY TO EXTEND A MIN. OF 30" INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL SET ROOT CROWN LEVEL WITH TOP OF SOIL IN BEDS. IN IRRIGATED TURF AREAS PLANT 3" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE APPLY SPECIFIED MULCH TO REMAIN PERMANENTLY FINISHED GRADE REMOVE ALL CONTAINMENT MATERIAL FROM THE TRUNK & SIDES OF ROOTBALLTHAT IS NOT 100% HEMP REMOVE BURLAP & TWINE FROM THE TOPS OF ROOTBALL REMOVE FIBER OR PLASTIC POTAFTER PLACING IN THE PIT ROOTBALLS THAT ARE BROKEN APARTAFTER CONTAINMENT IS REMOVED ARE DAMAGED AND SHALL BE REJECTED HOLE SHOULD HAVE ROUGHENED SIDES SPECIFIED BACKFILL MIXTURE AND FERTILIZER APPLICATION UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE B DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING NOT TO SCALE L /\ I\VV I Uf uu V1f . SIDEWALK, TOP OF CURB, OR TOP OF SEAT WALL PRUNE ALL DEAD OR DAMAGED WOOD PRIOR TO PLANTING CREATE A 2" DEEP WATER RETENTION BASIN & APPLY RING OF SPECIFIED MULCH WHEN NOT IN A BED SET ROOT CROWN OF UPRIGHTSHRUBS 1" ABOVE TOP OF SOIL. SET ROOT CROWN OF SPREADING SHRUBS ATTOP OF SOIL FINISHED GRADE OR TOP OF MULCH 3" BELOW PAVED EDGE APPLIED SPECIFIED MULCH TO REMAIN PERMANENTLY SPECIFIED WEED BARRIER FABRIC UNDER INORGANIC MULCHES SPECIFIED PREEMERGANT HERBICIDE BELOW FABRIC REMOVE ALL CONTAINMENT MATERIAL FROM THE TRUNK & SIDES OF ROOTBALL THAT IS NOT 100% HEMP REMOVE BURLAP &TWINE FROM THETOP3 OF ROOTBALL REMOVE FIBER OR PLASTIC POTAFTER PLACING IN THE PIT ROOTBALLS THAT ARE BROKEN APART AFTER CONTAINMENT IS REMOVED ARE DAMAGED AND SHALL BE REJECTED HOLE SHOULD HAVE ROUGHENED SIDES SPECIFIED BACKFILL MIXTURE AND FERTILIZER APPLICATION LIGHTLY COMPACTED PLACE 3" OF SPECIFIED BACKFILL BELOW THE ROOT BALL UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE C SHRUB PLANTING NOT TO SCALE RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SOD ADJACENT TO WALKS AND CURBS MULCH ADJACENT TO WALKS AND CURBS SIDEWALK, TOP OF CURB, OR TOP OF SEAT WALL FINISHED GRADE OR TOP OF SOD LEVEL WITH PAVED EDGE SPECIFIED SOD OR SEED FULL DEPTH OF SPECIFIED AMENDED TOPSOIL PLACED APPROX. 1" BELOW TOP OF PAVED EDGE FOR SOD AND LEVEL FOR SEED SIDEWALK, TOP OF CURB, OR TOP OF SEAT WALL FINISHED GRADE OR TOP OF MULCH Z" BELOW PAVED EDGE SPECIFIED MULCH SPECIFIED WEED BARRIER FABRIC UNDER INORGANIC MULCHES SPECIFIED PREEMERGANT HERBICIDE BELOW FABRIC FULL DEPTH OF SPECIFIED AMENDED TOPSOIL PLACED THE NECESSARY DISTANCE BELOW PAVED EDGE SPECIFIED SOD OR SEED FINISHED GRADE OR TOP OF SOD LEVEL WITH TOP OF EDGER FINISHED GRADE OR TOP OF MULCH Z" BELOW TOP OF EDGER SPECIFIED MULCH SPECIFIED WEED BARRIER FABRIC UNDER INORGANIC MULCHES SPECIFIED PREEMERGANT HERBICIDE BELOW FABRIC SPECIFIED EDGER FULL DEPTH OF SPECIFIED AMENDED TOPSOIL PLACED THE NECESSARY DISTANCE BELOW TOP OF EDGER D EDGE TREATMENT NOT TO SCALE E STANDARD BIKE RACK NOT TO SCALE GLOBALINDUSTRIAL.COM, U -RACK BIKE RACK, BLACK, 2 -BIKE, FLANGE MOUNT. ITEM #T9F442804MBK igo 8'0" O.C. F CEDAR FENCE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE POST CAP 1' X8"WOOD CAP 1" X 6" VERTICAL WOOD PICKET 4" X 4" POST (TYP.) 2" X 4" BOARD (TYP.) 3" GALVANIZED DECKING NAIL (TYP.) 12" X 36" CONCRETE FOOTING (TYP.) FINISHED GRADE LANDSCAPE NOTES H 1. THIS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN IS TO BE USED IN v� ' QQQ RECOMMENDED RATES. LL CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, IRRIGATION, ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL PLANS TO _ � o cO,04 (-,o) E 7 O LSo FORM COMPLETE INFORMATION REGARDING THIS SITE. w O Z Z zLuUr Z - C9w030c0 16. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL AS NECESSARY BYTHIS WORK. UZiwww rn U 2. LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO ALL APPLICABLE ? Q O N< c Z_ � STATE AND LOCAL CODES AND SPECIFICATIONS. J U o Q U _ U r tn�Z� N wap 3. ALL MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR, FROM DATE OF FINAL Z Q OJ o LLUL Q Z ACCEPTANCE. u U J 3 � Q ZU F CEDAR FENCE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE POST CAP 1' X8"WOOD CAP 1" X 6" VERTICAL WOOD PICKET 4" X 4" POST (TYP.) 2" X 4" BOARD (TYP.) 3" GALVANIZED DECKING NAIL (TYP.) 12" X 36" CONCRETE FOOTING (TYP.) FINISHED GRADE LANDSCAPE NOTES H 1. THIS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN IS TO BE USED IN v� ' QQQ RECOMMENDED RATES. LL CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, IRRIGATION, ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL PLANS TO _ � o cO,04 (-,o) E O O O LSo FORM COMPLETE INFORMATION REGARDING THIS SITE. w O Z Z zLuUr Z - C9w030c0 16. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL AS NECESSARY BYTHIS WORK. UZiwww rn U 2. LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO ALL APPLICABLE ? Q O N< w Z_ � STATE AND LOCAL CODES AND SPECIFICATIONS. J U o Q U _ U r tn�Z� N wap 3. ALL MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR, FROM DATE OF FINAL Z Q OJ w p ^ Q Z ACCEPTANCE. u U J 3 � Q ZU w 4. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXAMINE THE SITE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE WORK IS TO BE Y W U PERFORMED AND NOTIFY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IN WRITING OF UNSATISFACTORY CONDITIONS. DO 00 3 p NOT PROCEED UNTIL CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN CORRECTED. z 0 'ITJ 5. BEFORE COMMENCING WORK, CONTACT APPROPRIATE UTILITY 00 COMPANIES FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS, AND COORDINATE WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR IN REGARD TO LOCATION OF PROPOSED UTILITIES, IRRIGATION SLEEVES, CONDUITS, ETC. 6. ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL MEET OR EXCEED SIZE IN SCHEDULES. 7. OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE RESERVES THE RIGHTTO REFUSE PLANT MATERIALS WHICH DO NOT MEET THE QUALITY REQUIRED FOR THE PROJECT. ALL DECIDUOUS TREES SHALL HAVE FULL, WELL -SHAPED HEADS, ALL EVERGREENS SHALL BE UNSHEARED AND FULLTO THE GROUND. PLANTING PROCEDURES SHALL CONFORM TO DETAILS. 8. ALL TREE AND SHRUB BED LOCATIONS ARE TO BE STAKED OUT ON SITE FOR APPROVAL BY OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 9. ROCK MULCH: INSTALL 3 -INCHES OF 24", LOCALLY AVAILABLE, WASHED RIVER ROCK MULCH IN ALL SHRUB BEDS OVER TYPAR 3301 WEED MAT OR APPROVED EQUAL, AFTER APPLYING PRE -EMERGENT HERBICIDE. 10. ALL B&B PLANT MATERIAL SHALL HAVE ALL WIRE, TWINE OR OTHER CONTAINMENT MATERIAL, EXCEPT FOR THE BURLAP, REMOVED FROM THE TRUNK AND ROOT BALL OF THE PLANT PRIOR TO PLANTING. 11. GROUNDCOVER IN THE DETENTION POND SHALL BE A NUT -FALL ALKALIGRASS SEED MIX FROM ARKANSAS VALLEY SEED. 12. DISTRIBUTE IMPORTED TOPSOIL OVER AREAS TO BE GRASSED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF FOUR (4") INCHES, AND TO A DEPTH OF TEN (10") INCHES IN SHRUB AND PERENNIAL BEDS. TOPSOIL TO BE NATURAL, FRIABLE, FERTILE, FINE LOAMY SOIL FREE FROM WEEDS, LITER, GRASS, STONES LARGER THAN 1", ROOTS OR ANY OTHER MATERIAL WHICH MAY BE HARMFUL TO PLANT GROWTH. 13. SOIL PREPARATION: MIX THE FOLLOWING SOIL AMENDMENTS AND APPLY TO SOD AND SHRUB BED AREAS. A. ASPEN RICH COMPOST-- 4 CUBIC YARDS PER 1,000 S.F. B. COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER (20-10-5): 10 lbs. PER 1,000 S.F. C. SUPERPHOSPHATE: 10 lbs. PER 1,000 S.F. 14. BACKFILL FOR TREES AND SHRUBS: SHALL CONSIST OF 1/3 ASPEN RICH COMPOST AND 2/3 SITE SOIL. FERTILIZE WITH AGRI-FORM TABLETS AT MANUFACTURER'S v� ' QQQ RECOMMENDED RATES. LL v m�� 0 Q O N 15. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FINISH GRADES IN LANDSCAPE AREAS. w z U O - 0 16. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL AS NECESSARY BYTHIS WORK. w rn U 0 0 = w 17. TESTSOIL IN PROPOSED LANDSCAPE AREAS PREVIOUSLY PAVED OR BUILT ON FOR STERILENT AND REMOVE CONTAMINATED SOIL. BACKFILL WITH SPECIFIED TOPSOIL. 0 J p Lu 18. CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR ALL DAMAGE DUE TO HIS CONSTRUCTION AND KEEP PROJECT AREAS CLEAN J Q AND ORDERLYDURING AND UPON COMPLETION OF HIS WORK. w p ^ w U 3 w W w � ' ^ v J J Z QQQ 0 LL w m�� 0 O N U r�� U O Lu p moo NNr 00 LL 1010 0 O Lu O <��� ,1 0 000 = Know what's below. ® Call before you dig. S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 2" E- A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CIN OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 3 TRASH ENCLOSURE FRONT 3/16" = 1'-0" J4TRASH ENCLOSURE SIDE 3/16" = 1'-0" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 'i ,i-• .,( •-( �-! 1. r J v z I IL 0 � ■■■ viii LU I w O N O J LU LU U` cV O LU Mm w C) V I w U 06 LU CL V) 0 Z a0 — N N J m V)0 Lu 0 0 N cncn N _ a - sem_ _ _ _ _ :',_ _ _ _ _(•_ _ _ _ _,.- _ - �� ��I�®�.®�.®�.®�_4r,�� �I�Isao�Isao����=®�5.r.� ■ee I�r®tel®_�I®�fsa��7_ !��®�fsao�Irao�Isao�I��� ■.■�%i ��������� ����i�■i ��■11e���r ����i®1■■.■®�e����������i- i.■.■ —ril ��������������i .■.■ ■ i ���s��s��s��s� ® MINE ��,_�a_�a_�=�� - - �� �� - - m��®��r�—�.���.E.r, ■er������—,���,���,E �,®��:���� —�� —ter ®■■ �®moi r J v z I IL 0 � ■■■ viii LU I w O N O J LU LU U` cV O LU Mm w C) V I w U 06 LU CL V) 0 Z a0 — N N J 01010101 moo. �r_�+ �a� ���������, moo�. �.;s� ��..y� �, =sem=��:��, �����+� ��i �������������� o s_+rii'.�■' �a� ��� �����:� ����� fit• �t•��_ �iall!�i��i,��t•��t•��_ ■��Ylll!�i_��_�� ��—�- I��r. fir.—�i—■�i_■� ®� !a'�ea'�ea��ear�ear,■ � ear�ear�ear�ear�ea.■ � ea!�ear�ear�.ear�va',� la'�ear�ear�ear�ean® �! 2 EXTERIOR - NORTH ELEVATION 3/16" = 1'-0" ROOF � 127' - LEVEL 2 112'-0" CEILING � 1091-01, v LEVEL 1 � 100'-0" v MATERIAL LEGEND NORTH ELEVATION (PRIMARY STREET FRONT) FACADE AREA -1,753 SF 1 GLAZING 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL TRANSPARENCY SOUTH ELEVATION FACADE AREA -1,673 SF 1 GLAZING 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL EAST ELEVATION FACADE AREA -1,664 SF 1 GLAZING 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL WEST ELEVATION FACADE AREA -1 4 F C 66 S ! 1 GLAZING 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL TOTAL BUILDING FACADE AREA - 6,754 SF 1 GLAZING 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL EXTERIOR -WEST ELEVATION 3/16" = 1'-0" 528 SF 287 SF 304 SF 634 SF 0 SF 216 SF 66 SF 0 SF 0 SF 0 SF 1,607 SF 294 SF 347 SF 115 SF 344 SF 417 SF 297 SF 212 SF 188 SF 303 SF 243 1,185 SF 846 SF 607 SF 1,281 SF 2,267 SF 30.1% 16.4% 17.3% 36.2% 0% 33.3% 3.9% 0% 0% 0% 96% 17.7% 20.8% 6.9% 20.7% 25.1% 17.8% 12.7% 11.3% 18.2% 0 14.6 /o 17.5% 12.5% 9% 19% 33.6% E3 w 0 J W � >p E ZwC� wo OU w = U w J�OUz WS) QUOOLA�ZUQ� zUzd) aQzLuv) Ozpp Jwa_p U ED LU r,J Q 0C) Uz 0-10 Q 1q_ J � r J v z IL 0 0 LU I w O N O J LU LU U` cV O LU w w C) V I w U 06 LU CL V) 0 ROOFr 27' - 11 if p 0z O z m 0 .EVEL 100'-0" z .EVEL 2 0 112'-0" v Q N O LU U` cV O w Q o, o, c6 J J Q I w z w 0 Z a0 — N N J m V)0 Lu 0 0 N cncn N .EVEL 100'-0" 00 0 N O LU U` cV O Q o, o, c6 w O O p w 04 04 Cj Know what's below. 9 ® Call before you dig. S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 2 EXTERIOR - SOUTH ELEVATION 3/1611 = 1 '-0" EXTERIOR - EAST ELEVATION 3/1611 = 1 '-0" ROOF 127' - 11" LEVEL 2 112'-0" LEVEL 1 100'-0" MATERIAL LEGEND NORTH ELEVATION (PRIMARY STREET FRONT) FACADE AREA -1,753 SF 1 GLAZING 528 SF 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 287 SF 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 304 SF 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 634 SF 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL TRANSPARENCY SOUTH ELEVATION FACADE AREA -1,673 SF 1 GLAZING 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL EAST ELEVATION FACADE AREA -1,664 SF 1 GLAZING 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL WEST ELEVATION FACADE AREA -1,664 SF 1 GLAZING 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL TOTAL BUILDING FACADE AREA - 6,754 SF 1 GLAZING 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL ROOF 127' - 11 " �! LEVEL 112'-0" LEVEL 100'-0" 0 SF 216 SF 66 SF 0 SF 0 SF 0 SF 1,607 SF 294 SF 347 SF 115 SF 344 SF 417 SF 297 SF 212 SF 188 SF 303 SF 243 SF 1,185 SF 846 SF 607 SF 1,281 SF 2,267 SF 30.1% 16.4% 17.3% 36.2% 0% 33.3% 3.9% 0% 0% 0% 96% 17.7% 20.8% 6.9% 20.7% 25.1% 17.8% 12.7% 11.3% 18.2% 14.6% 17.5% 12.5% 9% 19% 33.6% E3_ w 0 J W � z m OU w = w J�Oo Uz U WS) QUOOLA�ZUQ� Z()Z6 QQZwv) Ozpp swap U LU LU J r, Q Q V OoJ U0 a- No 00 z r z V IL z Z CIO LU IL 0 =D LU J LU 0 CL C) V) U 06 LU V) vi V) LU C� Q LU ►- z J o Quo 0 ~~� H C F- m o 00 z:) Z N o N _ U <ii U o LU o N N o 0 0 0z O z m 0 N Z 0 Q w I w Z m 00 0 N O o LU Q o^o o w 0 0 o w o 04 04 , _ S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, Wall Mount COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO CM GARDI arth comfort optics `0.0 00 `0.0 00 `00 0.1 0.1 `0.1 0.1 `0.1 0.1 `0.1 00 `00 00 00 `0.0 00 `0.0 00 `00 00 00 `00 0.0 `00 00 `00 00 `00 00 0.0 `00 00 `00 00 `00 00 0.0 `00 0.0 `00 09 '0.0 '09 '0.0 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '09 '09 '09 '09 '0.0 '09 '0.0 '09 '09 '09 '09 '09 '0.0 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '09 '09 '09 '09 '09 '09 '0.0 '09 '0.0 '09 '09 Gal an, I rUreForlnaG Nall sconce comfort PWS offers a sleek low Profile design that voll complement a range of architectural styles Comfort optics are \1 designed to enhance visual comfort by reducing glare. PureForm wall sconce `0.0 00 `0.1 0.1 `0.1 0.1 0.1 `0.1 0.1 `0.1 0.1 `0.1 0.1 `0.1 0.1 0.1 `0.1 0.1 `0.1 0.1 `0.1 0.1 00 `00 0.0 `0.1 0.1 `0.1 0.1 `0.1 0.1 0.1 `0.1 0.1 `00 00 `00 00 '0.0 00 '0.0 `00 00 \1 §4A provides up to 10.700 lumens to accommodate multiple mounting heights up n O to 20l and is available with Type 2 3, 4optical distractions Oions range emergency '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 0.1 '0.1 0 1 01 1 1 01 01 01 1 0 1 0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '09 '09 '09 '0.0 '09 '0.0 '09 '09 control di available with Tyadditionale2 gy mAfull range of battery backup option is available for path of egress and is integral to '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '02 '02 '02 '0.2 '02 '0.2 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '02 '02 '02 '02 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '09 '09 '0.0 '09 '0.0 '09 '09 the Wmmare. 0.1 0.1 '0.1 0.1 '02 02 0 '0 03 '0 03 '02 02 '02 02 02 '02 02 '02 02 '02 02 02 '0.1 0 '0 0 '02 02 '02 0.1 0.1 '0.1 0.1 '0.1 0.1 '00 0.0 00 '0.0 00 '09 0.1 '0.1 '0.1 '02 '02 '0 '04 '04 '0.5 '05 '04 '0 '04 '04 '04 '04 '04 '04 '04 '04 '04 '0 '0 '0.3 '04 '04 '04 '0. 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Know whafs below. ® Call before you dig. no 1671 mi air, Specifications ,"hiren�nuu am.nenmmomeaw Wet Frame Material r. i M 3 wVVd hl,,d winnow trans Nal or ve1ay z MWria Il Will ""`a`"`yMeveirnv e No evaataw,In arm call ov mm Van nor) FIXTURE BB Medal Np:: 20036LEDMG-BRZ/FST Neme:, Sandpiper O. 8 Qualifications Location :: Specifications C e Location Hating:: Wet Frame Material r. Aluminum Certification:: cETLus Diftwor Material:: Glass IES File :: Yes Voltage:: 1201 JAS Compliant: No Lamping Type :: Dedicated lime 20 Compliant:: N/A Lenders Base :: LED SSL Energy Star :: No Lamp Quantity :: 2 ADA Compliant :: No Lamp Wattage :: 15W Marine Grade : Yes. Total Wattage:: 30W Emergency Lighting :: No Lamps Included :: Yes Warranty : 5Year Limited J -Box Type:: Standard Lim Drawing p1 Lina Drawing a2 FIXTURE AA 77N S&S PLUMBING ss6Manewrxevmnwi LLrcl e .raaa6x.uns emee�svnugwimm..2vcvm�w xdix rew..rsm,m.-ss.asa nrnm � a e Mwu et¢ruarc[iMu Project Name :: S&S PLUMBING Location :: Type:: BB C e Coantity Notes :: tl1 b � Product 10 :'.20036 UPC Code'.: 641594223316 Mounting Tyle:: Wall Finish: Bronze (BRZ) Diffuser :. Frosted(FBI) At. Finishes:: Satln(SA-0 Aft. Diffusers:. N/A N ZYt\ � NI6 Fixture Canopy Length :: N/A Length :: 0.5" Width:: WA Width:: 4.5" Diameter:: 6" Diameters WA Examaicn:: 9" Height:: 4.5" Height:: 18" Overall Height:: WA Max. Photometrics Ftecommende l Dimmers CCT:', 3000 Not Dimmable CRI:: 90 Wattage:: 30W Nominal Wmens :: 34M Delivered Wmens:: 2314 Custom Options.: N/A, Mail real WA Foil Free 800-828-5483 or www luccessLightiral 11e bl9ord FoaeJrt 'A YbGe (M C@u IES File access ki Z ifflimill 16 8 0 16 SCALE 1" = 16' U o M E U U U ��o�ozz�z U' w°�ro Uz�Uw Z <Zl� Zcep Z Q O w Q Z J 3 LL Q Z G U Q 03 0 CZ) Z a w W m Z C e R e' p O tl1 b � FON O V Uu O U�Ue O 3 N ZYt\ � NI6 I N 48 J R II N Z QQe O m � m e 0 �o U�Ue w Go J w aPPm W 0 �o w o w aPPm N S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO — — — — - — — — — — W. 52ND AVE _ (60' R.O.W) trrrr— —� T �C rrrr — I� r W d WHEATRIDGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER SUBDIVISION S H 0 P PROPERTIES LLC 12200 W. 52ND AVE REC. NO. F0672939-1998 0 ESMT N0. 84102000 A EMERGENCY VEHICLE ENTRY INGRESS/EGRESS ESMT REG NO. 84102000 h I I I �I I VALLEY WATER DISTRI ESMT REC N0. 820705831 I I AfPDiaue�5fi I I I B EMERGENCY VEHICLE REVERSE AFPD TOWER 56 SPECIFICATIONS NOT TO SCALE W. 52ND AVE —_-- (601R.O.W) -- — III I 11 I 'I II II WHEATRIDGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER SUBDIVISION S H O P PROPERTIES LLC 12200 W. 52ND AVE 1 REC. NO. F0672939-1998 INGRESS EGRE ES T EC NO 4102 0 h I I II I vA Ev wnTeR oIs RaESMT Rc na 0708 I I I I C EMERGENCY VEHICLE EXIT TRUCK WHEEL PATH TRUCK BUMPER OVERHANG pm O_ E0� 0 W � W Nozz�z z* 0,0 0 U Zwt-� C9w�C0 UZiwww ?QOLO ZwQO Lu U Lu > Lu Zz UU W J 13- o0 Q 1 J 00 z I � VALLEY WATER w w 2 DISTRICT ESMT REC NO 82070583 — Cn A EMERGENCY VEHICLE ENTRY INGRESS/EGRESS ESMT REG NO. 84102000 h I I I �I I VALLEY WATER DISTRI ESMT REC N0. 820705831 I I AfPDiaue�5fi I I I B EMERGENCY VEHICLE REVERSE AFPD TOWER 56 SPECIFICATIONS NOT TO SCALE W. 52ND AVE —_-- (601R.O.W) -- — III I 11 I 'I II II WHEATRIDGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER SUBDIVISION S H O P PROPERTIES LLC 12200 W. 52ND AVE 1 REC. NO. F0672939-1998 INGRESS EGRE ES T EC NO 4102 0 h I I II I vA Ev wnTeR oIs RaESMT Rc na 0708 I I I I C EMERGENCY VEHICLE EXIT TRUCK WHEEL PATH TRUCK BUMPER OVERHANG pm O_ E0� 0 W � W Nozz�z z* 0,0 0 U Zwt-� C9w�C0 UZiwww ?QOLO ZwQO Lu U Lu > Lu Zz UU W J 13- o0 Q 1 J 00 z rn l.J a a a o 0 o w w 2 z Lu — Cn O U J LL O W CL >J W Q (2— Q W U W � = 3 w 06 V) V) W Z 1010 O W (8 N cc) 20 10 0 20Q SCALE 1" = 20' O o� O m O a a a o 0 o w w 2 z J CL Z U W I ULu_ J J Z QQQ > o m>> � N N � U U O Lu moo W Z 1010 O W (8 N cc) 20 10 0 20Q SCALE 1" = 20' < a a a o 0 o w w 2 ./�AMAULT MARTIN/MARTIN 00000"CONSULTING CONSULTING ENGINEERS November 19, 2019 Scott Cutler Wheat Ridge Community Development Department 7500 W 29`h Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303-235-2849 Email: scutler(@ci.wheatridee.co.us Re: Fruitdale Sanitation District— 12060 W 52nd Ave - S&S Plumbing -2nd Submittal Martin/Martin, Inc Project No.: 13.0053 Dear Mr. Cutler, On behalf of the Fruitdale Sanitation District (FSD), Martin/Martin Inc., acting as the District's Consulting Engineer, offers the following in response to the second submittal received November 12, 2019, concerning a proposed two story 7,000 square foot office/warehouse building development at the above referenced address. The Fruitdale Sanitation District has no objections with the proposed development conditional on the items identified herein are fully addressed. The following are general requirements for sanitary sewer service. Rules, Regulations and Standards of the District must be complied with at all times. A re -submittal is required for review and approval. Tracer wire detail is to be installed and a detail is to be place on the plans. Sanitary service line is suggested to have at least 2 -percent slope and the invert of the pipe is to be above the 10:00 or 2:00 o'clock position of the mainline. Please provide invert information in subsequent submittals. Please provide the designed use of the building and plumbing drawings. The subject lot appears to be entirely within the service and boundary area of the Fruitdale Sanitation District. Treatment of sewage generated within the Fruitdale Sanitation District is provided by Metro Wastewater Reclamation District. Existing District Sanitary Sewer Mainline(s) Fruitdale Sanitation District has the following sanitary sewer mains in the vicinity of the proposed property: • 8 -inch mainline running west to east, north of the referenced property within W 52nd Ave It appears the property may be serviced by gravity flow; however, the owner/developer is responsible for determining horizontal locations and vertical depths of the existing sanitary sewer main(s) to verify if service and gravity flow is feasible or if a private individual sewage ejector (lift station) is required. The issuance of a sewer tap permit by the District does not in any way guarantee that the property can be served by gravity flow. No underdrain or storm sump pump connections to District facilities are allowed. Utility Locates It is the developer's responsibility to provide the District, c/o Martin/Martin Inc., with an ASCE Utility Quality B utility locate mapping stamped by a Colorado PE as required in Colorado Revised Statue Title 9 Article 1.5 and ASCE 38 standards. Depending on the design, an ASCE Quality Level A supplemental survey may be required which necessitates physical contact and survey of the existing utility at crossings. All projects must meet Colorado Revised Statue Title 9 Article 1.5 for proper notification to the Notification Association by the Developer's professional engineer. It is also the owner's responsibility to include electronic locators on all new underground facilities, including service lines up to the structure or building being served. Submit details for tracer wire and associated test stations. MARTIN/MARTIN, INC. 12499 WEST COLFAX AVENUE LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80215 MAIN 303.431.6100 MARTINMARTIN.COM Fruitdale Sanitation District— 12060 W 52nd Ave - S&S Plumbing -2nd Submittal November 19, 2019 The owner/developer is required to participate in the District flow study. From the site plan provided on October 1, 2019, it appears a 1 -inch water meter (4.8 SFREs) is proposed. Please notify the District if these values are not correct. The developer will be required to provide definition of proposed generated flows from the anticipated development(s) to allow an understanding of downstream sanitary mainline capacity. If it is determined that downstream mainlines will need to be upsized due to the development, upsizing costs will be the responsibility of the owner/developer. Sampling Manhole A monitoring manhole for sampling and metering is required on all service lines in cases where commercial properties are being provided services. The District must have access to this manhole at all times. Additional information as to use within the buildings is required in order to determine if pre-treatment is required. If pre-treatment is not initially constructed, and sampling results indicate that requirements of the Metro Rules and Regulations are not complied with, then pre-treatment (e.g. grease interceptor, sand/oil separator, or other acceptable treatment system) will be required to be installed on the service line prior to discharging to the District main. All costs are the responsibility of the owner/developer. Costs All costs involved are to be deposited in advance—engineering, reviews, and inspections —are the responsibility of the Owner/Developer at the then current rate fee structure. Please be aware of the following: 1. Deposit must be made prior to reviews and further coordination. 2. All tap and development fees are due prior to connection. A water provider letter verifying water meter sizing for all units/buildings will be required prior to a tap application completion. Full addresses of each sanitary service are also required. A tap application is available online and must be submitted to the District for review. No tap fees will be accepted until conditional approval is received for the mainline extension including such items as: mainline air testing, as -constructed drawings (certified survey), and final televising of the mainline(s). If credits for SFRE's are being requested for existing units(s)/buildings, the Developer must provide existing addresses, meter size, and if applicable, abandon the sanitary tap at the mainline (District observation and fee is required) prior to final new connection acceptance. A minimum 72 -hour notice prior to construction is required following District receipt of all fees. These fee amounts can be paid directly to the District Office prior to connection, payable to Fruitdale Sanitation District, which also collects Metro Wastewater's "connection fees'. There is also an additional intensity fee of $500/SFRE/Acre for every SFRE above 3 SFREs/acre. Any questions regarding this document, please contact us at (303) 431-6100. Sincerely, Bill Willis, PE Cc: GaryCharbonnier— FruitdaleSanitationDistrict Page 212 Xcel EnergySAI PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY C [tD 000 h DOf R id 00 C 00 0 00[tI] D Om0700 DOf 0000 0 Elt 2 d Am000 0 h OC3 R id DDOC 0 D0033 Att00 Scott CCtOi Re: Hinkle - 2nd referral, Case #s WZ-19-05 and WA -19-05 Right of Way & Permits 1123 0 OC 3" A07000 D 0007'OC DOrE1J 0 00223 TO®Dh DODm03.571.3306 DD: DID ®[.603. DD1. 32 D4 d0000.0700'000 0:0®00'DOc00 lli ■■m■ ■r.m.■n■I ■.m ■ m■ ■■ ■m ■n■IIsIn■■mill I ■ ■■■■■■■ Ellin ■■e ■ ■■■■Ir III ■ milli ■I ■ ■ ■mora ■ iIi. ■ ■■ ■■■■ MINI mII■I■■■■ one ■ ■■ ■ ■■ ■ ■■r. ■■■ ■m■■ ■ ■■■ ■ m ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ m ■I ■■ ■■ r. ■m ■■ ■ ■ E]ElthErEl ■ ■ ■■I■■■. ■■■ ■I t h ■I ■ ■■ EIEEIE]EE]rE]ElflrtEithEiEttDchEd m ■r. ■■■■■ ■I Eiva[EnlEiEr EiEiEr UtWarui=tEi ■■. ■■ mill■■■ ■■I■■■ on on ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■nI■ ■■ ■mII m■ ■■ ■ ■moon. nI m■ m■ m ninn■ ■ II m ■ ■ ■■■■■. ■ ■m ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■ ■■ r ■■■m■■ r no ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■ ■m ■ ■ ■■■Ira ■ m■ ■ ■ ■■■ m ■■■ ■■■ ■■ ■ ■■ ■■■ ■ ■m r. on ■r. ■■ ■ ■ ■. nI: ■ m■ ■ ■mII m■ m nilm■ mn ■ ■mon ■■ ■■ u■■ ■n: ■. moon ■I on omminnilloinloillllllIiiii ln ■■ ■ . ■■■m■■U0001070. foull■ ■m■n■ ■m■■■. ■ ■ ■ ■m In ■■■ ■■■■■■. ■mn■ . ■ ■IIII .. �IIII■■■■■■■■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■■. ■ ■■ ■ ■■ran. ■■ ■■■■ ■ ■ . ■ NONE ■ ■ mmol ■ ■ ■ ■■ m■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■r. nn■ ■ ■■ nI. ■ . ■■■m■■ ■ ■m ■ nil■ ■ ■ nr. ■ m■ ■■ ■ ■■ . ronin■ ■ m ■ nII■ m ■ ■■ ■ m ■ ■■■ ■ ■I■ D 0000 0 Od' 00 ROht 000 DDOCd Od'011E] Ei ouic S Er0ic0 C 00 0000 DOC EiEEEr Ed 0 d 00 Oc Om Od'00 00[003030701[33000000®d0000.m0❑'EIDE] Cc0070drEll] c00 Guidelines for Planting In or Near Utility Easements and Facilities (Including Approved Species List) OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION LINES • TrOm OOOmtOMth DE]20 =t Eh DE]A not mCd 01011ffltrE1mm7O®rlhtDOI➢Q700 • TrOa1O97mtOMtha120®O Oi DE]A not OOOm OJ O1h®d1Etrm1fflO®rlhtOOO®O0 H0000}Oh OE] 007 DE] mODd at least 20 m 10mm=01flDE] 00Oh OCd mctr1dd1Etrmm ®DE] • TIDED On 0 ❑OODIDO ❑000 hElEbt OOmD th OO 20 OB 000 DE] mODd D7D7Oh O0}h OCd mctrld trOD77 m7O OCd d[Etrm®O HIDE] DD:OO Oh OO ODO OrDctO9E] 0® 077 IB 00cal D]®® tr DE] EEDcm EI1tm DE]EIO. OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION LINE STRUCTURES • TrOEE]Di0® DE] mODd at least 1 DOME VOD tral= ® D7d dOBrO)Q®OOmOOCd Or CctO'OD • ShrE1m Or 7Cd cO070E]D7d ®OOD7dO cDE] DE] Om Od 00 ED thO Dm D7D7m OCd OrD:tO9E] HDE]DZ7D Offi DOOmOOD DE] dDOrEEDd dam OD711d®O VIIDctVID OOOOCd Or CctODD ®' D7dOOD17d dD:DE] DOD D7Cd O dODrO07d Om: 0 QO®OE]®O 00 rD7ldm. UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC OR GAS LINES • AOSdI mcm DD DE]OirODE] D7d trD7D D1V D7dOO ]EDd [Mc D7d IV VOD OEM D:cFm dOO] OOD7dO 0 D7ODd D7dOOOD7d DSIm 00. Th® 0®h O®® h® t0 0 DEE] OCd DE]07I® dEarOO mOO dO®D 0 D0tD7D7CO Qd rDD7V 0011'Om0 Dm D7Cd O dODrOEDd Om: 0 QO®OE]®O DE] rD7ldm. • IOOmt® DDE]OD D7dOOOD7d EIi®0 CEED] 00 EmIaDdODIDO D QO® On rOQOtha D7D7d less than 1 D®ch DE] DJm DDdO O 0 QO TO Di Oad 00 DEE:d. • Please call UNCC for locates before you dial 18001 922-1987. Omni D71T ® 0 Vtl thEt OSCm ❑D7OO®O MEEDED7 D] DD7OtO DO OO]V9trOD7thO DE][ElrOD:h O ]EDd 200M O 0009 hOVhtO OCd OO]V9E]® 0 O 00 trOO BO 0700 tha OSCO ❑OOd DJ=IID7® hOOD ED OODOO cMEDcO DE] thmtrFm Di0® tm000} O0O7cmrEDcO7 ThO 0D®0®OtrOO D7d Oiral D721fflOh O77 0707 D71TD77d DE] OSCDID OD7OO®OMO7O7O7 D] DOOatO D] ®' Om=1 D71T 077h D7d DECIDUOUS Ad DE] O Om Om CrOa D7V] AD O MD7® A077tOd OOETrEm AODE] 0 Br®cO SODdalarO COD OOd D70 DVI COD7dO RDd ChOrO COOO®0 0m Om Cr07E]07® CDC 07S} ThOmOE]HOOth OD COD 0m SODdOD7'rO DOD7D70 M EDOO[E] AEh D0A0OmtrOO OODE]07OrO DOOD7t D®0 alfflc l0000m Rod®O O®OO®OCrD7D7m RDCD7MOD]0V] BVch SO®DSD70 Dm Om CrDSl07® TD7O HOOth ODD 0 EEhma]HD7thODE] EVERGREENS DDODAD7rm Om DO Amt Bm SODCO M DE]0 ❑®D DIODE] D®D Ma/us AdOO 0E] Acer ginnala ADE]®ITiDO Ch OrrEm EDch D7m Amelanchier gmndifbra Ulmus glabra Gal D7'dOOD011 Prunus virginiana ISmOatO Ma/us QCD]Om0 Crataegus crus-galli inermis Amelanchier laevis E100 E11100 Sorbus aucuparia Koelreuteria paniculata Viburnumlentago Prunusx cemsifem ®EDOOtO Prunus nigra ®rldEm ❑Em Ma/us IRCd®OD Amelanchierx granddbra IROmH® Betula fontinalis Ma/us ISOm SODD 0 Cmtaegusx mordenensis IFO07O Crataegus phaenopyrum cordatum Pinus nigra HO ]ODD7O]ml Picea glauca albertiana conica Pinus =go Pinus eduhs ■■ ■..lannnnm■■nn ■■■ ■ nn■n■■nn ■nn■n ■■n ■n n■ mrrmn■n■m■•■r ■■ ■ Xcel Energy=° PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Guidelines for Planting In or Near Utility Easements and Facilities (Including Approved Species List) OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION LINES • TrOm OOOmtOMth DE]20 =t Eh DE]A not mCd 01011ffltrE1mm7O®rlhtDOI➢Q700 • TrOa1O97mtOMtha120®O Oi DE]A not OOOm OJ O1h®d1Etrm1fflO®rlhtOOO®O0 H0000}Oh OE] 007 DE] mODd at least 20 m 10mm=01flDE] 00Oh OCd mctr1dd1Etrmm ®DE] • TIDED On 0 ❑OODIDO ❑000 hElEbt OOmD th OO 20 OB 000 DE] mODd D7D7Oh O0}h OCd mctrld trOD77 m7O OCd d[Etrm®O HIDE] DD:OO Oh OO ODO OrDctO9E] 0® 077 IB 00cal D]®® tr DE] EEDcm EI1tm DE]EIO. OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION LINE STRUCTURES • TrOEE]Di0® DE] mODd at least 1 DOME VOD tral= ® D7d dOBrO)Q®OOmOOCd Or CctO'OD • ShrE1m Or 7Cd cO070E]D7d ®OOD7dO cDE] DE] Om Od 00 ED thO Dm D7D7m OCd OrD:tO9E] HDE]DZ7D Offi DOOmOOD DE] dDOrEEDd dam OD711d®O VIIDctVID OOOOCd Or CctODD ®' D7dOOD17d dD:DE] DOD D7Cd O dODrO07d Om: 0 QO®OE]®O 00 rD7ldm. UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC OR GAS LINES • AOSdI mcm DD DE]OirODE] D7d trD7D D1V D7dOO ]EDd [Mc D7d IV VOD OEM D:cFm dOO] OOD7dO 0 D7ODd D7dOOOD7d DSIm 00. Th® 0®h O®® h® t0 0 DEE] OCd DE]07I® dEarOO mOO dO®D 0 D0tD7D7CO Qd rDD7V 0011'Om0 Dm D7Cd O dODrOEDd Om: 0 QO®OE]®O DE] rD7ldm. • IOOmt® DDE]OD D7dOOOD7d EIi®0 CEED] 00 EmIaDdODIDO D QO® On rOQOtha D7D7d less than 1 D®ch DE] DJm DDdO O 0 QO TO Di Oad 00 DEE:d. • Please call UNCC for locates before you dial 18001 922-1987. Omni D71T ® 0 Vtl thEt OSCm ❑D7OO®O MEEDED7 D] DD7OtO DO OO]V9trOD7thO DE][ElrOD:h O ]EDd 200M O 0009 hOVhtO OCd OO]V9E]® 0 O 00 trOO BO 0700 tha OSCO ❑OOd DJ=IID7® hOOD ED OODOO cMEDcO DE] thmtrFm Di0® tm000} O0O7cmrEDcO7 ThO 0D®0®OtrOO D7d Oiral D721fflOh O77 0707 D71TD77d DE] OSCDID OD7OO®OMO7O7O7 D] DOOatO D] ®' Om=1 D71T 077h D7d DECIDUOUS Ad DE] O Om Om CrOa D7V] AD O MD7® A077tOd OOETrEm AODE] 0 Br®cO SODdalarO COD OOd D70 DVI COD7dO RDd ChOrO COOO®0 0m Om Cr07E]07® CDC 07S} ThOmOE]HOOth OD COD 0m SODdOD7'rO DOD7D70 M EDOO[E] AEh D0A0OmtrOO OODE]07OrO DOOD7t D®0 alfflc l0000m Rod®O O®OO®OCrD7D7m RDCD7MOD]0V] BVch SO®DSD70 Dm Om CrDSl07® TD7O HOOth ODD 0 EEhma]HD7thODE] EVERGREENS DDODAD7rm Om DO Amt Bm SODCO M DE]0 ❑®D DIODE] D®D Ma/us AdOO 0E] Acer ginnala ADE]®ITiDO Ch OrrEm EDch D7m Amelanchier gmndifbra Ulmus glabra Gal D7'dOOD011 Prunus virginiana ISmOatO Ma/us QCD]Om0 Crataegus crus-galli inermis Amelanchier laevis E100 E11100 Sorbus aucuparia Koelreuteria paniculata Viburnumlentago Prunusx cemsifem ®EDOOtO Prunus nigra ®rldEm ❑Em Ma/us IRCd®OD Amelanchierx granddbra IROmH® Betula fontinalis Ma/us ISOm SODD 0 Cmtaegusx mordenensis IFO07O Crataegus phaenopyrum cordatum Pinus nigra HO ]ODD7O]ml Picea glauca albertiana conica Pinus =go Pinus eduhs ■■ ■..lannnnm■■nn ■■■ ■ nn■n■■nn ■nn■n ■■n ■n n■ mrrmn■n■m■•■r ■■ ■ City of �Wheat.p COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29' Ave. December 2, 2019 Jim Shipton 8460 W. Ken Caryl Avenue #101 Littleton, CO, 80333 Mr. Shipton: Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 This letter is in regards to your application for approval of a specific development plan, variance, and consolidation plat at 12060 W. 52nd Avenue on a site zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD). I have reviewed your second submittal and have the following comments. Please also refer to the redlined copies of the draft documents and the Public Works comments. General Comments 1. Comment Responses: Please use the provided Word file of this letter to respond to the subsequent comments and provide it as part of the second submittal. 2. A public hearing at Planning Commission is required for approval of the SDP and Variance. Once the SDP comments below are resolved, we can schedule a Planning Commission hearing date. The plat will be reviewed separately and will not require a hearing, but all documents will be recorded at the Jefferson County Clerk & Recorder at the same time. Specific Development Plan Sheet 1 — Cover Sheet 3. In the Owner's Certificate, insert the actual property owner which is 12060 W. 52nd Avenue LLC. This is also what is shown on the Owner's Certificate on the plat. Provide a blank with a name and title line as a representative of the LLC will need to sign. 4. In the Planning Commission Certification, remove "Recommended for approval" and just leave "Approved." 5. In the City Certification, remove "Wheat Ridge City Council." 6. In the Legal Description, remove the first line. The consolidation plat creates the new legal description that doesn't need to be preceded by the previous subdivision. 7. The Surveyor's Certificate needs to refer to the plat name which is Hinkle Consolidation. 8. Add MS -19-05 to the case history table. This is the consolidation plat case number. Sheet 2 — Site Plan 9. In the Site Data Table: a. The site area needs to match the plat exactly, which is 23,498 square feet. b. Add the 4 bicycle spaces below the parking table. 10. Don't show the interior floor plan. 11. New ingress/egress easement: www.ci.wheatridge. co.us a. Title the easement "Proposed 10' Ingress -Egress / Emergency Access Easement (By Separate Document)." b. Provide the reception number for the new ingress/egress easement, or a blank if it hasn't been recorded yet. This must be recorded prior to approval of the project, since without it there is no legal access from the existing easement on the adjacent property. c. Show the extent of the easement. Refer to redlines. 12. Stormwater facilities are required to comply with Chapter 3.9 of the Architectural and Site Design Manual. Rocks, landscaping, and/or decorative concrete surface treatments shall be utilized to soften the appearance of retaining walls. `By others" as shown on the site plan and CDs is not sufficient information. 13. Move the stop sign onto your property on the near (south) side of the sidewalk, not in its existing position across the sidewalk adjacent to the curb. 14. Existing utilities need to be shown on the SDP, and on Sheet C6.10 Utility Plan of the civils. Your response stated the power lines along the east property line were shown on the plans but I did not see them on the SDP or CDs. 15. Please enlarge the site plan on this sheet. It is still not very legible and can be done without affecting the scales on other documents/sheets. The plan should take up as much of the sheet as possible for maximum legibility. Comment not addressed from previous letter. Sheet 3 — Landscape Plan 16. Don't show the interior floor plan or the utilities within the right-of-way. 17. Landscaping or rocks may need to be added in the detention pond as a result of Comment #12 above, and particularly since this is proposed to be counted toward the landscape coverage. If decorative concrete surface treatments are being provided, add a section to Sheet 4. 18. Refer to the recommended tree species list provided by Neel for the trees located near the property lines along the east side of the property. Tree species and spacing may need to be modified since some trees will interfere with the power lines and will require expensive maintenance. Trees can be located as close as 3 feet to the back of curb in the parking lot, which would move them west further away from the power lines. 19. Northern Reed Grass is acceptable for the detention pond, but be aware it is not very salt tolerant so if de-icing salts are used in the parking lot, the grass may not do well. Engineering has additional comments on this species selection. Sheet 4 — Landscape Details 20. Fence detail should show concrete being 1" above finished grade to prevent rot. Sheet 5 — Elevations Page 1 No comments on this sheet. Sheet 6 — Elevations Page 2 No comments on this sheet. Sheet 7 — Photometric 21. More clearly label "AA" and `BB" on the cut sheets. Refer to redlines. Case No. WZ-19-05 & WA -19-05 — S&S Plumbing Consolidation Plat Sheet 1 — Cover Sheet 22. What is TBD shown in the Surveyor's Notes? Need to show a company name and provide the title commitment. 23. Standard Easement Language can be modified. The 10 -foot easement described in this section along the public street would interfere with the building. Utility easements can be shown directly on the plat and may only be required on the east side depending on the position of existing utilities. Graphically show easements that align with the proposed utility plan. Modify the standard note to read, "Utility easements are hereby granted on private property as shown on sheet two. These easements are dedicated for the installation...." 24. No drainage easements were shown on the plat, but the stormwater and detention pond needs one. Refer to Engineering redlines from Dave Brossman. 25. There are no platted cross -access easements within the subdivision boundary, so this section can be removed. The adjacent easement will be handled by separate document. 26. The title is incorrect as the property was previously platted in the Standley Heights subdivision. Also update the Owner's Certificate to remove that language. 27. Add a case history table with the following case numbers: MS -19-05, WZ-19-05, WA -19-05, WZ-02-03. Sheet 2 — Plat Man 28. Provide a 5 -foot utility easement along the east side of the property where known utilities (power lines) are located. Excel and Engineering have suggested other easements. 29. Show the ingress -egress / emergency access easement on the adjacent property. Title the easement the same as requested on the SDP. Civil Documents No further comments from the Planning Division. Additional Comments The application was also sent on referral to other City departments and outside agencies. Attached are the comments that were received. Wheat Ridge Engineering Division: See attached letter and redlines from Dave Brossman, dated December 2, 2019. Valley Water District: No additional comments. Coordinate with the district regarding service. Fruitdale Sanitation District: Additional comments were provided and are attached. Coordinate with the district regarding service. A submittal to the district is required prior to building permit submittals to the City of Wheat Ridge. Arvada Fire Protection District: Refer to attached redlines from Steven Parker. Please work with AFPD on the remaining comments including the requested turning analysis for the off-site turnaround. It appears the existing drive aisles would be sufficient. Case No. WZ-19-05 & WA -19-05 — S&S Plumbing Xcel Energy: See attached letter and planting guidelines from Donna George, dated November 12, 2019. The existing overhead lines need to be shown on the plans along the eastern property line. Please note the easements as shown on the Engineering redlines interfere with the build -to requirement along the northern property line, but are still relevant for the other boundaries. This concludes the summary of comments. Please re -submit the SDP, Plat, and Civils as .pdf files as well as a DWG file for the plat. For questions or clarification on any comments, feel free to directly contact me or Dave Brossman. Sincerely, Scott Cutler Planner II cc: WZ-19-05 & WA -19-05 case files Matt Ward Alice Hinkle Case No. WZ-19-05 & WA -19-05 — S&S Plumbing ♦SAI City Of ridge WheatR PUBLIC WORKS Memorandum TO: Scott Cutler, Planner II FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer DATE: December 2, 2019 SUBJECT: WA -19-05, WZ-19-05 / Hinkle Consolidation — Review #2 I have completed my second review for the request for approval of a Consolidation Plat at 12060 W. 52nd Avenue, received on November 12, 2019, and I have the following comments: CIVIL ENGINEERING: Specific Development Plan 1. On the Cover Sheet, please include the name or representative in the Owner's Certificate with next submittal. 2. On Sheet 2, Site Plan: a. Please identify the manhole between the pond and the ROW or add a symbol in the Legend. b. Need to identify the "DRAINAGE EASEMENT" that encompasses the detention facility. 3. On Sheet 3, Landscape Plan, please note the following: a. The seed mix for the detention pond shall comply with either the City's seed mix design (found on the City's website), or with the Mile High Flood District's criteria. b. Note that the pond grading, landscaping, and wall materials must comply with Sec. 26-507 of the Municipal Code of Laws. c. Please be sure the detention pond hatchpattern scale is set correctly so that it exactly matches the pattern shown in the Legend (which is more discernable). Consolidation Plat: 1) General Comments: a) All acreages should be to 4 decimal places. b) All text should be 0.10" high (min.). All dimensions should be to 0.01 foot. c) The electronic file of the AutoCAD drawing submitted does not appear to be on the Current City Datum. Please include in the next submittal of the plat. Hinkle SDPPlat12060 W52nd ve Re -2 lt doc: 11 111111C 11 ErEll 111111111110-11111 D OC 00 0d' 2 E201 0 0 000 2 2) Sheet 1 — Cover Sheet a) In the Owner's Certificate, ¶ 2, correct the Section callout to "Section 17". In ¶ 3, PW recommends replacing the phrase `MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS:' with the phrase "AS DESCRIBED IN A BARGAIN AND SALE DEED AT REC. NO. 2018008652 IN THE OFFICE OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER:". b) Add the area description as red -lined to the last line of the legal description. c) In the Owner's notarial, lengthen the month -line to accommodate a handwritten month; eliminate the "A.D." after the year. d) In the VICINITY MAP: i) Add a North Arrow ii) Show the city boundaries and label. iii) Continue Kipling Street and Independence Street across W. 58H' Avenue as red- lined. iv) Add additional street names as shown; add Kipling Street v) Correct West 44l' Avenue vi) Correct upper case street names as red -lined. e) In the Surveyor's Notes: i) The Title Company name will need to be filled in before final. ii) Note #6 — show acreage to 4 decimal places as required by City Code. I) Verify the necessity of the CROSS ACCESS EASEMENT statement. There does not appear to be any Cross -Access Easement(s) present within the platted boundary. If there aren't going to be any then please remove (it will just cause confusion for future readers). g) Please remove the word "LANGUAGE" from all of the EASEMENT statements. h) In the DRAINAGE EASEMENT LANGUAGE note: i) Revise the name to read "STORMWATER DETENTION & DRAINAGE EASEMENT" (and remove the word "LANGUAGE". ii) In the first sentence add the words "AND DETENTION" as shown. iii) In the last sentence, correct the phrase `STORM SEWER' to "STORM SEWER AND DETENTION FACILITIES". i) Add a SHEET INDEX to the sheet. Ensure that all sheet titles match each other exactly. j) Add Case History information. 3) Sheet 2 — Plan View a) Change sheet title to "Plan View" b) Show Ward Road ROW, centerlines and sections lines. c) Show city boundaries and label — add linetype to legend. d) Section corner symbols are too small — increase size — suggest more classical style. e) Spell out "Point of Commencement" and "Point of Beginning". I) There is apparently an access easement proposed outside of the platted westerly boundary of the subject property. This easement must be shown on this plat (since it abuts the boundary) and identified as "PROPOSED 10' INGRESS- EGRESS/EMERGENCY ACCESS EASEMENT (BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT)". Hinkle SDP -Plat 12060 W52ndAve Review-2.Ih.doox 11 111111C 11 ErEll 111111111110-11111 D OC 00 0d' 2 E201 0 111111113 g) Show the utility easements and the detention easement and label (verify the easement dimensions are correct). h) Correct the label for "Lot 1 A", Wheatridge Industrial Center Sub. and show the reception number. i) Label the adjacent lots as Lot 13, Standley Heights, (B. 2, P. 68) as shown. j) Remove property boundary coordinates; the City no longer requires coordinates for the platted boundary. k) In the Legend, correct the spelling of `NATION' to "NATIONAL" 1) Change the existing parcel labels from `PREVIOUSLY UNPLATTED' to "DEED" and add `BY THIS PLAT" to the phrase `HEREBY CONSOLIDATED' in both notes. CIVIL ENGINEERING: Final Drainage Report (Narrative): 1. The following comments pertain to Section C. Detention: a. The Report states that the "depth to the water table is more than 6 ft." Per the geotech report this is true with respect to the existing around, but it appears from the Grading Plan the top of the media will be at 90.52 or about 2 1/2 feet below existing ground. This means that the bottom of the 22" thick media will be about 4.5' below existing grade, or only about 1.5' above the water table. Since no infiltration is proposed this should not be a problem, but for the sake of accuracy this statement should be verified. b. While it's understood that historical drainage is to the southeast and that this is (obviously) for emergency purposes only, there is an existing building on the adjacent property directly southeast of the proposed spillway. This condition makes the current location less than ideal unless a defined path (conveyance) is provided to protect the building. I know they'd be bucking grade, but if at all possible it would be better to have the overflow on the northeast corner to ultimately flow to the roadway where it would minimize impact to the adjoining property. This may mean bringing fill into the site and designing a swale that could flow under the new detached sidewalk via chase, etc. If this just proves to be impossible, another option we might entertain is to increase the freeboard to 2' (i.e., construct a higher wall to provide additional capacity, thereby lessening the chance of overflow). c. Describe the outlet structure and orifice plate design. Provide the developed release rates (Q5 & Q100). State that the trash rack/orifice plate design shall incorporate the standard Wheat Ridge Well Screen: U.S. Filter Stainless Steel Well -Screen, or approved equivalent, using #93 vee wire with 0.139" openings between the wires. d. Include the method/formula used to determine the Q5 & Q100 release rates. e. Describe the underdrain and explain its purpose in the Detention section. 2. Under Section D. Storm Sewer, while the 0.50% meets the City's minimum grade requirements, it also leaves no room for error. Engineering highly recommends potholing be performed to ensure there won't be any utility conflicts where a Hinkle SDP -Plat 12060 W52ndAve Review-2.Ih.doex 11 111111C 11 ErEll 111111111110-11111 D OC 00 0d' 2 E201 0 111111114 redesign could prove problematic. (See Utility P & P in the civil construction plans). In the Conclusion, it should be noted that besides reducing the amount of runoff leaving the site, the proposed project will also provide water quality treatment for the site runoff that's in compliance with the federal Clean Water Act and also beneficial to the City's municipal stormwater sewer system. Drainage Letter (Appendix): 1. Include the orifice plate calculations. Final Drainage Plan: 1. The preferable location for the emergency overflow is on the NE portion of the facility, if possible. If it is to remain on the SE, then either a conveyance shall be required to the SE to protect the existing structure to the east or an additional foot of freeboard shall be provided. 2. Add Note #5: "5. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SLOPE IS 4:1. 3. Please identify on the graphic that the max. allowable slope is 4:1. 4. Please provide on this sheet to -scale Cross Sections A -A through C -C at the locations indicated on the redlined Plan. 5. Identify and dimension the emergency overflow weir. 6. Include the outlet structure design with this Drainage Plan. Civil Construction Plans Sheet C3.10 (Site Plan): 1. Please identify the manhole between the pond and the ROW or add a symbol in the Legend. 2. Need to identify the "DRAINAGE EASEMENT" that encompasses the detention facility. Please include the following Note #5: "5. THE RETAINING WALL PLANS (BY OTHERS) AND THESE CIVIL CONSTRUCTION PLANS SHALL BE SUBMITTED WITH THE SITE WORK PERMIT APPLICATION." Sheet C4.10 (Grading Plan): 1. Please provide on this sheet to -scale Cross Sections A -A through C -C at the locations indicated on the redlined Plan. 2. Please show the maximum grade percent's for the pond and the slopes along the east/southeast areas. The pond bottom is currently being designed as dead flat, which means some infiltration is going to be relied upon to fully drain the pond as required. The City requires detention/WQ ponds fully drain within 40 hours for a standard EDB, or within 72 for full spectrum detention. Please note the following: a. While Engineering acknowledges the media proposed for the bottom of the pond is 22" in depth and will allow for infiltration within the media itself, Hinkle SDP -Plat 12060 W52ndAve Review-2.Ih.doex 11 111111C 11 ErEll 111111111110-11111 D OC 00 0d' 2 E201 0 ❑000 ❑ additional information must be provided prior to design approval that will show the subgrade/surrounding native material will allow for infiltration as well (to avoid a "bathtub" effect). A minimum of two (2) percolation tests shall be performed in the area of the pond, beginning from the proposed bottom of the pond elevation and extending a minimum of 36" below that elevation. The average of the two tests will be used to determine the percolation rate - which shall be at least 1"/hour (and 3"/hr recommended). b. However since an underdrain is being proposed, an alternative to relying on any infiltration is to design the pond bottom (beneath the 22" media) with a minimum of 5% slope towards the center and the underdrain. This will ensure the pond fully drains. 4. Identify and dimension the emergency overflow weir. 5. Please add the following text to the end of Keynote #8: "A SEPARATE BUILDING PERMIT MAY BE REQUIRED FOR THE WALL; CONTACT THE WHEAT RIDGE BUILDING DEPARTMENT (303.235.2876) FOR FURTHER INFO." Sheet C7.10 (Storm Sewer Plan & Profile): 1. General comment: All utility crossings, including but not limited to, the two gas lines and one sanitary sewer line, need to be shown on the profile. The proposed storm lateral shown is designed at the minimum 0.50% grade and leaves no tolerance for potential utility conflicts. The gas and sanitary main crossings need to be potholed, and if either gas line is found to be in conflict will have to be relocated and the applicant should be made aware of this. The sanitary main will ultimately control this storm connection design so Engineering HIGHLY recommends this be potholed in advance to avoid costly delays. Sheet C7.91 (Storm Sewer Construction Details): 1. Please include the City -standard detail for the WQ Phase II manhole lid: U -K05 Storm- Sewer -Manhole --- Phase-II-Lid.DWG. Sheet L3.10 (Landscape Plan): 1. The seed mix for the detention pond shall comply with either the City's seed mix design (found on the City's website), or with the Mile High Flood District's criteria. 2. Note that the pond grading, landscaping, and wall materials must comply with Sec. 26-507 of the Municipal Code of Laws. 3. Please be sure the detention pond hatch pattern scale is set correctly so that it exactly matches the pattern shown in the Legend (which is more discernable). Itemized Engineer's Cost Estimate 1. An itemized estimate for the materials used on all horizontal improvements, landscaping, and irrigation proposed within the site shall be required. Private infrastructure investment is subject to the assessment of the City's 3.5% Use Tax, and the approved estimate will be used to assess this tax on the Building Permit issued through the Community Development Department/ Building Division (303.235.2876). Please provide a copy of the Itemized Engineer's Cost Estimate for review and approval as soon as possible to avoid delays in permit issuance. Hinkle SDP -Plat 12060 W52ndAve Review-2.Ih.doex 11 111111C 11 ErEll 111111111110-11111 D OC 00 0d' 2 E201 0 ❑000 ❑ Construction Control Plan The Construction Control Plan ("CCP') is a modified set of civil construction plan sheets used in the field to facilitate recordation of key as -built elevations and building set -back dimensions. The CCP will be developed by the design engineer and architect and shall be submitted to the City for review and final approval prior to issuance of any Site Work or ROW Construction Permits. Instructions for development of the CCP are available on the City's website under the Public Works Development Review webpage. Please provide a copy of the CCP for review and approval as soon as possible to avoid delays in permit issuance. OTHER REQUIREMENTS: 1. Site Work Permit: A Site Work (Building) Permit shall be obtained from the City of Wheat Ridge Building Division (303.235.2876) prior to commencement of any on-site work. The Site Work Permit covers all horizontal infrastructure work that occurs on private property, including but not limited to, interior drives, curb, gutter, sidewalk, landscaping, irrigation, lighting, common areas, parking, and drainage - related items. The Site Work Building Permit Application shall be accompanied by an approved copy of a Construction Control Plan ("CCP'). 2. Foundation Setback and Elevation Certification: Upon form placement or concrete being poured for the building foundation, a Foundation Setback and Elevation Certification for Commercial and Multi - Family Developments form accompanied by an approved copy of a Construction Control Plan shall be submitted to the Building Division. Right -of -Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing: a. ROW Permits. Prior to any construction within the public right-of-way (ROW), the necessary Right -of -Way Construction Permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Right -of -Way Construction Permits are issued by the Department of Public Works only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, Traffic Control Plan (if applicable), Construction Control Plan and easement or ROW dedications b. Licensing. All work within the public Right -of -Way shall only be performed by a municipally -licensed contractor. c. 2 -Year Warranty. Upon completion of the improvements Final Acceptance will be granted by the Public Works inspector. At that time 2 - year warranty period for the completed and approved public Hinkle SDP -Plat 12060 W52ndAve Review-2.Ih.doex 11 111111C 11 ErEll 111111111110-11111 D OC 00 0d' 2 E201 0 ❑000 ❑ improvements shall commence. If at any time during said 2 -year Warranty Period the City Inspector deems that the constructed public improvements are in such condition as to require repairs or replacement, the contractor shall complete such work upon request. 4. Drainage Certification/ As -Built Plans: Please note the following items required prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy: a. Drainage Certification: Upon completion of the drainage improvements, the Engineer -of -Record shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a written, signed and sealed Drainage Certification Letter (DCL) stating that the overall site grading was completed per the approved Grading and Drainage Plans, all drainage facilities were constructed per the approved construction plans and shall function as defined in the approved Final Drainage Report/Plan, and that the site has been accurately surveyed to confirm that the grading and construction of all drainage facilities was completed in accordance with these documents. The DCL shall be submitted to the City for review and approval, and shall be accompanied with As -Built Plans on the Current City Datum for all constructed drainage facilities prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. b. As -Built Plans: The following items shall be included on the As -Built Plans or CCP prior to City acceptance: Stormwater-related (this info referenced in DCL) 1. Detention Pond: 1. Outlet Structure rim and invert elevations. 2. Spot elevations sufficient to determine the provided volume. 2. Manholes, rim and invert elevations. 3. Drop Inlets (if applicable), grate and invert elevations. 4.Curb & gutter (on-site only). 5. Spot elevations around the site to show the site has been graded and will drain per the approved civil documents. Two (2) electronic files are to be delivered on DVD/CD-ROM as follows: i. One (1) file in AutoCAD 2015 DWG or older format, AND ii. One (1) file in PDF format (of the signed & sealed sheets). Note: The As -Built Plans/CCP will not be accepted until the AutoCAD (2015 or older) DWG file has also been received. Information pertaining to the Public Works development requirements, Site Drainage Requirements, the City's Street Construction Standards & Details in AutoCAD@ DWG format, ROW maps, and City -based coordinate and land surveying information (i.e., Current City Datum), is all available on the Public Works, Development Review page of the City of Wheat Ridge website at: www.ci.wheatridee.co.us Hinkle SDP -Plat 12060 W52ndAve Review-2.Ih.doex ./�AMAULT MARTIN/MARTIN 00000"CONSULTING CONSULTING ENGINEERS November 19, 2019 Scott Cutler Wheat Ridge Community Development Department 7500 W 29`h Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303-235-2849 Email: scutler(@ci.wheatridee.co.us Re: Fruitdale Sanitation District— 12060 W 52nd Ave - S&S Plumbing -2nd Submittal Martin/Martin, Inc Project No.: 13.0053 Dear Mr. Cutler, On behalf of the Fruitdale Sanitation District (FSD), Martin/Martin Inc., acting as the District's Consulting Engineer, offers the following in response to the second submittal received November 12, 2019, concerning a proposed two story 7,000 square foot office/warehouse building development at the above referenced address. The Fruitdale Sanitation District has no objections with the proposed development conditional on the items identified herein are fully addressed. The following are general requirements for sanitary sewer service. Rules, Regulations and Standards of the District must be complied with at all times. A re -submittal is required for review and approval. Tracer wire detail is to be installed and a detail is to be place on the plans. Sanitary service line is suggested to have at least 2 -percent slope and the invert of the pipe is to be above the 10:00 or 2:00 o'clock position of the mainline. Please provide invert information in subsequent submittals. Please provide the designed use of the building and plumbing drawings. The subject lot appears to be entirely within the service and boundary area of the Fruitdale Sanitation District. Treatment of sewage generated within the Fruitdale Sanitation District is provided by Metro Wastewater Reclamation District. Existing District Sanitary Sewer Mainline(s) Fruitdale Sanitation District has the following sanitary sewer mains in the vicinity of the proposed property: • 8 -inch mainline running west to east, north of the referenced property within W 52nd Ave It appears the property may be serviced by gravity flow; however, the owner/developer is responsible for determining horizontal locations and vertical depths of the existing sanitary sewer main(s) to verify if service and gravity flow is feasible or if a private individual sewage ejector (lift station) is required. The issuance of a sewer tap permit by the District does not in any way guarantee that the property can be served by gravity flow. No underdrain or storm sump pump connections to District facilities are allowed. Utility Locates It is the developer's responsibility to provide the District, c/o Martin/Martin Inc., with an ASCE Utility Quality B utility locate mapping stamped by a Colorado PE as required in Colorado Revised Statue Title 9 Article 1.5 and ASCE 38 standards. Depending on the design, an ASCE Quality Level A supplemental survey may be required which necessitates physical contact and survey of the existing utility at crossings. All projects must meet Colorado Revised Statue Title 9 Article 1.5 for proper notification to the Notification Association by the Developer's professional engineer. It is also the owner's responsibility to include electronic locators on all new underground facilities, including service lines up to the structure or building being served. Submit details for tracer wire and associated test stations. MARTIN/MARTIN, INC. 12499 WEST COLFAX AVENUE LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80215 MAIN 303.431.6100 MARTINMARTIN.COM Fruitdale Sanitation District— 12060 W 52nd Ave - S&S Plumbing -2nd Submittal November 19, 2019 The owner/developer is required to participate in the District flow study. From the site plan provided on October 1, 2019, it appears a 1 -inch water meter (4.8 SFREs) is proposed. Please notify the District if these values are not correct. The developer will be required to provide definition of proposed generated flows from the anticipated development(s) to allow an understanding of downstream sanitary mainline capacity. If it is determined that downstream mainlines will need to be upsized due to the development, upsizing costs will be the responsibility of the owner/developer. Sampling Manhole A monitoring manhole for sampling and metering is required on all service lines in cases where commercial properties are being provided services. The District must have access to this manhole at all times. Additional information as to use within the buildings is required in order to determine if pre-treatment is required. If pre-treatment is not initially constructed, and sampling results indicate that requirements of the Metro Rules and Regulations are not complied with, then pre-treatment (e.g. grease interceptor, sand/oil separator, or other acceptable treatment system) will be required to be installed on the service line prior to discharging to the District main. All costs are the responsibility of the owner/developer. Costs All costs involved are to be deposited in advance—engineering, reviews, and inspections —are the responsibility of the Owner/Developer at the then current rate fee structure. Please be aware of the following: 1. Deposit must be made prior to reviews and further coordination. 2. All tap and development fees are due prior to connection. A water provider letter verifying water meter sizing for all units/buildings will be required prior to a tap application completion. Full addresses of each sanitary service are also required. A tap application is available online and must be submitted to the District for review. No tap fees will be accepted until conditional approval is received for the mainline extension including such items as: mainline air testing, as -constructed drawings (certified survey), and final televising of the mainline(s). If credits for SFRE's are being requested for existing units(s)/buildings, the Developer must provide existing addresses, meter size, and if applicable, abandon the sanitary tap at the mainline (District observation and fee is required) prior to final new connection acceptance. A minimum 72 -hour notice prior to construction is required following District receipt of all fees. These fee amounts can be paid directly to the District Office prior to connection, payable to Fruitdale Sanitation District, which also collects Metro Wastewater's "connection fees'. There is also an additional intensity fee of $500/SFRE/Acre for every SFRE above 3 SFREs/acre. Any questions regarding this document, please contact us at (303) 431-6100. Sincerely, Bill Willis, PE Cc: GaryCharbonnier— FruitdaleSanitationDistrict Page 212 Xcel EnergySAI PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY C [tD 000 h DOf R id 00 C 00 0 00[tI] D Om0700 DOf 0000 0 Elt 2 d Am000 0 h OC3 R id DDOC 0 D0033 Att00 Scott CCtOi Re: Hinkle - 2nd referral, Case #s WZ-19-05 and WA -19-05 Right of Way & Permits 1123 0 OC 3" A07000 D 0007'OC DOrE1J 0 00223 TO®Dh DODm03.571.3306 DD: DID ®[.603. DD1. 32 D4 d0000.0700'000 0:0®00'DOc00 lli ■■m■ ■r.m.■n■I ■.m ■ m■ ■■ ■m ■n■IIsIn■■mill I ■ ■■■■■■■ Ellin ■■e ■ ■■■■Ir III ■ milli ■I ■ ■ ■mora ■ iIi. ■ ■■ ■■■■ MINI mII■I■■■■ one ■ ■■ ■ ■■ ■ ■■r. ■■■ ■m■■ ■ ■■■ ■ m ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ m ■I ■■ ■■ r. ■m ■■ ■ ■ E]ElthErEl ■ ■ ■■I■■■. ■■■ ■I t h ■I ■ ■■ EIEEIE]EE]rE]ElflrtEithEiEttDchEd m ■r. ■■■■■ ■I Eiva[EnlEiEr EiEiEr UtWarui=tEi ■■. ■■ mill■■■ ■■I■■■ on on ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■nI■ ■■ ■mII m■ ■■ ■ ■moon. nI m■ m■ m ninn■ ■ II m ■ ■ ■■■■■. ■ ■m ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■ ■■ r ■■■m■■ r no ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■ ■m ■ ■ ■■■Ira ■ m■ ■ ■ ■■■ m ■■■ ■■■ ■■ ■ ■■ ■■■ ■ ■m r. on ■r. ■■ ■ ■ ■. nI: ■ m■ ■ ■mII m■ m nilm■ mn ■ ■mon ■■ ■■ u■■ ■n: ■. moon ■I on omminnilloinloillllllIiiii ln ■■ ■ . ■■■m■■U0001070. foull■ ■m■n■ ■m■■■. ■ ■ ■ ■m In ■■■ ■■■■■■. ■mn■ . ■ ■IIII .. �IIII■■■■■■■■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■■. ■ ■■ ■ ■■ran. ■■ ■■■■ ■ ■ . ■ NONE ■ ■ mmol ■ ■ ■ ■■ m■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■r. nn■ ■ ■■ nI. ■ . ■■■m■■ ■ ■m ■ nil■ ■ ■ nr. ■ m■ ■■ ■ ■■ . ronin■ ■ m ■ nII■ m ■ ■■ ■ m ■ ■■■ ■ ■I■ D 0000 0 Od' 00 ROht 000 DDOCd Od'011E] Ei ouic S Er0ic0 C 00 0000 DOC EiEEEr Ed 0 d 00 Oc Om Od'00 00[003030701[33000000®d0000.m0❑'EIDE] Cc0070drEll] c00 Guidelines for Planting In or Near Utility Easements and Facilities (Including Approved Species List) OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION LINES • TrOm OOOmtOMth DE]20 =t Eh DE]A not mCd 01011ffltrE1mm7O®rlhtDOI➢Q700 • TrOa1O97mtOMtha120®O Oi DE]A not OOOm OJ O1h®d1Etrm1fflO®rlhtOOO®O0 H0000}Oh OE] 007 DE] mODd at least 20 m 10mm=01flDE] 00Oh OCd mctr1dd1Etrmm ®DE] • TIDED On 0 ❑OODIDO ❑000 hElEbt OOmD th OO 20 OB 000 DE] mODd D7D7Oh O0}h OCd mctrld trOD77 m7O OCd d[Etrm®O HIDE] DD:OO Oh OO ODO OrDctO9E] 0® 077 IB 00cal D]®® tr DE] EEDcm EI1tm DE]EIO. OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION LINE STRUCTURES • TrOEE]Di0® DE] mODd at least 1 DOME VOD tral= ® D7d dOBrO)Q®OOmOOCd Or CctO'OD • ShrE1m Or 7Cd cO070E]D7d ®OOD7dO cDE] DE] Om Od 00 ED thO Dm D7D7m OCd OrD:tO9E] HDE]DZ7D Offi DOOmOOD DE] dDOrEEDd dam OD711d®O VIIDctVID OOOOCd Or CctODD ®' D7dOOD17d dD:DE] DOD D7Cd O dODrO07d Om: 0 QO®OE]®O 00 rD7ldm. UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC OR GAS LINES • AOSdI mcm DD DE]OirODE] D7d trD7D D1V D7dOO ]EDd [Mc D7d IV VOD OEM D:cFm dOO] OOD7dO 0 D7ODd D7dOOOD7d DSIm 00. Th® 0®h O®® h® t0 0 DEE] OCd DE]07I® dEarOO mOO dO®D 0 D0tD7D7CO Qd rDD7V 0011'Om0 Dm D7Cd O dODrOEDd Om: 0 QO®OE]®O DE] rD7ldm. • IOOmt® DDE]OD D7dOOOD7d EIi®0 CEED] 00 EmIaDdODIDO D QO® On rOQOtha D7D7d less than 1 D®ch DE] DJm DDdO O 0 QO TO Di Oad 00 DEE:d. • Please call UNCC for locates before you dial 18001 922-1987. Omni D71T ® 0 Vtl thEt OSCm ❑D7OO®O MEEDED7 D] DD7OtO DO OO]V9trOD7thO DE][ElrOD:h O ]EDd 200M O 0009 hOVhtO OCd OO]V9E]® 0 O 00 trOO BO 0700 tha OSCO ❑OOd DJ=IID7® hOOD ED OODOO cMEDcO DE] thmtrFm Di0® tm000} O0O7cmrEDcO7 ThO 0D®0®OtrOO D7d Oiral D721fflOh O77 0707 D71TD77d DE] OSCDID OD7OO®OMO7O7O7 D] DOOatO D] ®' Om=1 D71T 077h D7d DECIDUOUS Ad DE] O Om Om CrOa D7V] AD O MD7® A077tOd OOETrEm AODE] 0 Br®cO SODdalarO COD OOd D70 DVI COD7dO RDd ChOrO COOO®0 0m Om Cr07E]07® CDC 07S} ThOmOE]HOOth OD COD 0m SODdOD7'rO DOD7D70 M EDOO[E] AEh D0A0OmtrOO OODE]07OrO DOOD7t D®0 alfflc l0000m Rod®O O®OO®OCrD7D7m RDCD7MOD]0V] BVch SO®DSD70 Dm Om CrDSl07® TD7O HOOth ODD 0 EEhma]HD7thODE] EVERGREENS DDODAD7rm Om DO Amt Bm SODCO M DE]0 ❑®D DIODE] D®D Ma/us AdOO 0E] Acer ginnala ADE]®ITiDO Ch OrrEm EDch D7m Amelanchier gmndifbra Ulmus glabra Gal D7'dOOD011 Prunus virginiana ISmOatO Ma/us QCD]Om0 Crataegus crus-galli inermis Amelanchier laevis E100 E11100 Sorbus aucuparia Koelreuteria paniculata Viburnumlentago Prunusx cemsifem ®EDOOtO Prunus nigra ®rldEm ❑Em Ma/us IRCd®OD Amelanchierx granddbra IROmH® Betula fontinalis Ma/us ISOm SODD 0 Cmtaegusx mordenensis IFO07O Crataegus phaenopyrum cordatum Pinus nigra HO ]ODD7O]ml Picea glauca albertiana conica Pinus =go Pinus eduhs ■■ ■..lannnnm■■nn ■■■ ■ nn■n■■nn ■nn■n ■■n ■n n■ mrrmn■n■m■•■r ■■ ■ Xcel Energy=° PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Guidelines for Planting In or Near Utility Easements and Facilities (Including Approved Species List) OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION LINES • TrOm OOOmtOMth DE]20 =t Eh DE]A not mCd 01011ffltrE1mm7O®rlhtDOI➢Q700 • TrOa1O97mtOMtha120®O Oi DE]A not OOOm OJ O1h®d1Etrm1fflO®rlhtOOO®O0 H0000}Oh OE] 007 DE] mODd at least 20 m 10mm=01flDE] 00Oh OCd mctr1dd1Etrmm ®DE] • TIDED On 0 ❑OODIDO ❑000 hElEbt OOmD th OO 20 OB 000 DE] mODd D7D7Oh O0}h OCd mctrld trOD77 m7O OCd d[Etrm®O HIDE] DD:OO Oh OO ODO OrDctO9E] 0® 077 IB 00cal D]®® tr DE] EEDcm EI1tm DE]EIO. OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION LINE STRUCTURES • TrOEE]Di0® DE] mODd at least 1 DOME VOD tral= ® D7d dOBrO)Q®OOmOOCd Or CctO'OD • ShrE1m Or 7Cd cO070E]D7d ®OOD7dO cDE] DE] Om Od 00 ED thO Dm D7D7m OCd OrD:tO9E] HDE]DZ7D Offi DOOmOOD DE] dDOrEEDd dam OD711d®O VIIDctVID OOOOCd Or CctODD ®' D7dOOD17d dD:DE] DOD D7Cd O dODrO07d Om: 0 QO®OE]®O 00 rD7ldm. UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC OR GAS LINES • AOSdI mcm DD DE]OirODE] D7d trD7D D1V D7dOO ]EDd [Mc D7d IV VOD OEM D:cFm dOO] OOD7dO 0 D7ODd D7dOOOD7d DSIm 00. Th® 0®h O®® h® t0 0 DEE] OCd DE]07I® dEarOO mOO dO®D 0 D0tD7D7CO Qd rDD7V 0011'Om0 Dm D7Cd O dODrOEDd Om: 0 QO®OE]®O DE] rD7ldm. • IOOmt® DDE]OD D7dOOOD7d EIi®0 CEED] 00 EmIaDdODIDO D QO® On rOQOtha D7D7d less than 1 D®ch DE] DJm DDdO O 0 QO TO Di Oad 00 DEE:d. • Please call UNCC for locates before you dial 18001 922-1987. Omni D71T ® 0 Vtl thEt OSCm ❑D7OO®O MEEDED7 D] DD7OtO DO OO]V9trOD7thO DE][ElrOD:h O ]EDd 200M O 0009 hOVhtO OCd OO]V9E]® 0 O 00 trOO BO 0700 tha OSCO ❑OOd DJ=IID7® hOOD ED OODOO cMEDcO DE] thmtrFm Di0® tm000} O0O7cmrEDcO7 ThO 0D®0®OtrOO D7d Oiral D721fflOh O77 0707 D71TD77d DE] OSCDID OD7OO®OMO7O7O7 D] DOOatO D] ®' Om=1 D71T 077h D7d DECIDUOUS Ad DE] O Om Om CrOa D7V] AD O MD7® A077tOd OOETrEm AODE] 0 Br®cO SODdalarO COD OOd D70 DVI COD7dO RDd ChOrO COOO®0 0m Om Cr07E]07® CDC 07S} ThOmOE]HOOth OD COD 0m SODdOD7'rO DOD7D70 M EDOO[E] AEh D0A0OmtrOO OODE]07OrO DOOD7t D®0 alfflc l0000m Rod®O O®OO®OCrD7D7m RDCD7MOD]0V] BVch SO®DSD70 Dm Om CrDSl07® TD7O HOOth ODD 0 EEhma]HD7thODE] EVERGREENS DDODAD7rm Om DO Amt Bm SODCO M DE]0 ❑®D DIODE] D®D Ma/us AdOO 0E] Acer ginnala ADE]®ITiDO Ch OrrEm EDch D7m Amelanchier gmndifbra Ulmus glabra Gal D7'dOOD011 Prunus virginiana ISmOatO Ma/us QCD]Om0 Crataegus crus-galli inermis Amelanchier laevis E100 E11100 Sorbus aucuparia Koelreuteria paniculata Viburnumlentago Prunusx cemsifem ®EDOOtO Prunus nigra ®rldEm ❑Em Ma/us IRCd®OD Amelanchierx granddbra IROmH® Betula fontinalis Ma/us ISOm SODD 0 Cmtaegusx mordenensis IFO07O Crataegus phaenopyrum cordatum Pinus nigra HO ]ODD7O]ml Picea glauca albertiana conica Pinus =go Pinus eduhs ■■ ■..lannnnm■■nn ■■■ ■ nn■n■■nn ■nn■n ■■n ■n n■ mrrmn■n■m■•■r ■■ ■ S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT ASSUMING TYPE V -B CONSTRUCTION OF 7,000SQUARE FEET, THE MINIMUM REQUIRED FIRE -FLOW IS DETERMINED TO BE 2,250 GALLONS -PER -MINUTE THE FOLLOWING NOTE SHALL BE ADDED TO THIS PAGE: -FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND OPERATIONAL TO PROVIDE THE MINIMUM REQUIRED FIRE FLOW PRIOR TO COMMENCING VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION uue io inis arive Deing a dead-end exceeding 150 feet, it shall be verified that one of the East/West drives (either the new one or the existing ones) that the AFPD Tower 56 can turnaround. Provide a turning analysis showing the turnaround. Know what's below. 0111 before you dig. A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO I'—r—T—I I� EX. HYDRANT W. 52ND AVE --------------------------- (60' R.O.W) --- It needs to be verified that this drive lane is platted — — — —-------------- ---- as an emergency — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — access/fire lane. EX. SIGN EX. LIGHT POLE X. LIGHT POLE II� INORESS/EGRESS I EM ERG ENCY ESMT--4 REC. NO. XXXXXXXX NO PARKING FIRE LANE SIGN I EX. PAVED DRIVE i \ CONCRETE DRIVEWAY 1 INGRESS/EGRESS ESMT REC. NO. 84102000 NO PARKING FIRE LANE SIGN CONCRETE DRIVEWAY STOP SIGN CONCRETE DRIVEWAY EX. EDGE OF ASPHALT XROMO�'TO6" RBTRANSITION HEIGHT VALLEY WAT R \ DISTRICT ESMT REC. NO. 82070583 RETAINING WALL I I �`— I- —INVERTEDU. — EX. SIDEWALK �� BIKE RACK 1.5' '� N89° 11' 13.00"E 80.00' _ 10'1 o CURBTRANSITION u C7 ❑i FROM 0" TO 6" HEIGHT ,ii �. ❑ iii �. 5.5' co nl CONCRETE SIDEWALK �I d' ----�I F1FIIII ul -� ate___-- 5�i ���i STC o ���I� _ �� n ADA RAMP r -�F , III ! II L, Q 0 Q LS g L ' ACCESSIBLE PARKING EX. STORM INLET _ __0 _ ------ -------EX.TRANSFORMER---- CONCRETE EX. HYDRANT - —bRIOEWAY EX. LIGHT POLE STOP SIGN 1� EX. SIDEWALK —2L 10, _ 80' - 2' CURB CUT of ��-�r� SIGN8, 4"THICKYELLOW z _ CONCRETECHANNEL,--�------- m1 WHITE ACCESSIBLE DIAGONAL W/ DIAMOND STEEL PLATE PAVEMENT MARKING PARKING SYMBOL 12' 100' S&S PLUMBING 26' 7000 SF ADA RAMP 12' I FFE: 5494.50 10' LS I 12' 26' LS 22' I I CONCRETE SIDEWALK CONCRETE SIDEWALK 70.0' ADA RAMP 8.5' -r— ASPHALT DRIVE--,, LS ASPHALT DRIVE --\, I �__ VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER 40.5' TRASH ENCLOSURE NO PARKIN FIRE LANE IGN 85 4" HITE 18.5' PAR ING S RIPE VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER 160.03' S89° 11' 13.00"W TEX. ASPHALT RETAINING WALL M 2' CURB CUT 33.0' LS 10' 4' CEDAR FENCE EX. BUILDING RE1 NING WALL I VALENTIINO, LS EMANUELJ & EILEEN B 12050 W. 52ND AVE REC. NO. 92133526 I 13.9' 4' CEDAR FENCE EX. BUILDING LEGEND -- PROPERTY LINE v EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER AND BASIS OF BEARINGS CURB AND GUTTER LS LANDSCAPE AREA 1 SIGNAGE ROAD LIGHTING SITE DATA SITE AREA: 24,000 SF ZONE: PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT (PCD) BUILDING: 7000 SF 30% COVERAGE MINIMUM SETBACKS REQUIRED FRONT: 0-12 FOOT BUILD TO AREA FRONTAGE: SIDE: 5 FOOT MINIMUM PER STORY REAR: 15' PARKING: REQUIRED PROVIDED OFFICE (4120 SF) 1 SPACE PER 300 SF (14) WAREHOUSE (3930 SF) 1 SPACE PER 600 SF (7) HANDICAP = 1 SPACE PER 25 SPACES (1) TOTAL 21 + 1 ACCESSIBLE 23 + 1 ACCESSIBLE LANDSCAPE REQUIRED: MIN. 20%X 24,000 SF = 4800 SF LANDSCAPE PROVIDED: 5319 SF (22%) GENERAL NOTES H 1. REFERENCE SHEET CO.00 FOR PROJECT BENCHMARK Z v Qa AND BASIS OF BEARINGS Q m � 2. W 52ND AVE DESIGN BY CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, N DATED 09.03.19. r� L,) 0 3. APPROVED EVA SHALL BE PROVIDED DURING w (� CONSTRUCTION. UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED, Lu THE EVA SHALL CONSIST OF THE FIRST LIFT OF rn a w ASPHALT OR CONCRETE SHALL BE PROVIDED PRIOR 0 0 TO COMMENCING VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION. w w 4. DESIGN FOR THE RETAINING WALL IS TO BE = PERFORMED BY OTHERS. w Q n 0— < w U = Z V L) W V) � ' ^ v T 20 10 0 20 SCALE 1" = 20' O C� O Z m 0 J Z Qa H H CH m m � N U r� L,) U n LU 0, O N O 0, N LU rn a w Q 00 w = S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION (PER WARRANTY DEED AT REC. #201800865 THAT PORTION OF LOT 13, STANDLEY HEIGHTS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS: LOT 1, HINKLE CONSOLIDATION, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. BENCHMARK CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, PHAC 4 BEING A 16" STAINLESS STEEL ROD IN A MONUMENT WELL LOCATED DIRECTLY NORTH OF THE PARKING LOT FOR FRUITDALE PARK ATTHE INTERSECTION OF MILLER ST. AND W. 47TH AVE. IN WHEAT RIDGE. ELEVATION = 5375.38' NAVD88 BASIS OF BEARINGS BASED ON THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, ASSUMED TO BEAR N89 -11'13"E UTILITY CONTACT VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 12101 W 52ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80033 TELEPHONE: 303.424.9661 PROJECT TEAM BU 0119 11 S&S PLUMBING SERVICES INC. 3420 GARLAND STREET WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 CONTACT: ALICE HINKLE FRUITDALE SANITATION DISTRICT CIVIL ENGINEER 4990 MILLER STREET POINT CONSULTING, LLC WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 8460 W KEN CARYL AVE, SUITE 101 TELEPHONE: 303.424.5476 LITTLETON, CO 80128 CONTACT: TIFFANY D. WATSON, PE TELEPHONE: 720.258.6836 A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO H OWNERS CERTIFICATE J o � � LU c� c� c� LU _Co OZZLZ 6793 W CANYON AVE #13C POINT CONSULTING, LLC THE BELOW SIGNED OWNER(S), OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S)0 0 = Z } HEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THATTHE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED Z j� LITTLETON, CO 80128 U Z w w j HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED AS A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT IN Q O N 7 Q Z !z:: a� ACCORDANCE ITH THE USES, RESTRICONTAINED T REQU LITTLETON, CO 80128 O V Z IN IS PLAN, AND AS MAYTNS OOTHE WIISSE BE RED BY `� Z 3CONITIONS� w p LAW.I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THATTHE APPROVAL OF THIS SPECIFIC o< U 0 3 1 Q Z DEVELOPMENT PLAN, DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. U J TELEPHONE: 720.258.6836 > 0 Q VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANTTO Z w U U THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26-121 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF J PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I HEREBY CERTIFYTHATTHIS PLAN WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF U LAWS. THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT CENTURY LINK 0 GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT O'CLOCK M. ON THE w N z rn 0 } 100 700 W MINERAL AVE MCPHERSON ARCHITECTURE 1 OF 7 COVER SHEET Q BOOK PAGE, RECEPTION NO. 0 U U LLj5 J LITTLETON, CO 80120 1735 NINETEENTH STREET#200 2 OF 7 SITE PLAN [RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL/ APPROVED] THIS N NSERT NAME OF OWNER(S) OR AGENT(S) WHO WILL SIGN] STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF . A.D. 20 BY WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE I, CAMERON M. WATSON DO HEREBY CERTIFYTHATTHE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF S&S PLUMBING SERVICES INC. WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TOTHE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATURES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAN ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. SIGNATURE COMCAST LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LU w LU 0 6793 W CANYON AVE #13C POINT CONSULTING, LLC VICINITY MAP = o- V) LITTLETON, CO 80128 8460 W KEN CARYL AVE, SUITE 101 Q 00 w w TELEPHONE: 303.930.2000 LITTLETON, CO 80128 1" = 2000' V Z U COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE CONTACT: JIM SHIPTON, RLA STATE OF COLORADO ) Q ) SS TELEPHONE: 720.258.6836 COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) J Q SHEET INDEX PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I HEREBY CERTIFYTHATTHIS PLAN WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF 0 THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT CENTURY LINK ARCHITECT GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT O'CLOCK M. ON THE w N z rn 0 } 700 W MINERAL AVE MCPHERSON ARCHITECTURE 1 OF 7 COVER SHEET BOOK PAGE, RECEPTION NO. LU U U LLj5 LITTLETON, CO 80120 1735 NINETEENTH STREET#200 2 OF 7 SITE PLAN [RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL/ APPROVED] THIS N L BY: TELEPHONE: 866.642.0444 DENVER, CO 80202 3 OF 7 LANDSCAPE PLAN DAY OF BY THE WHEAT RIDGE O CONTACT: ZACH MILLER 4 OF 7 LANDSCAPE DETAILS PLANNING COMMISSION. TELEPHONE: 740.978.0171 5 OF 7 BUILDING ELEVATION 1 w J^ Q 6 OF 7 BUILDING ELEVATION 2 p 0 w_ XCEL ENERGY SURVEYOR 7 OF 7 PHOTOMETRIC PLAN U — CHAIRPERSON '^ 10001 HAMPDEN AVENUE POINT CONSULTING, LLC Z v LAKEWOOD, CO 80227 8460 W KEN CARYL AVE, SUITE 101 U �x CONTACT: DONNA SANDERS LITTLETON, CO 80128 CASE HISTORY CITY CERTIFICATION LU W TELEPHONE: 303.716.2072 - CONTACT: CAMERON M. WATSON PLS SURVEYOR LU V)WZ-19-OS WA -19-05 APPROVED THIS_DAY OF WZ-02-03 BYTHE [CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE /WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL]. O O� ATTEST 0 Z m CITY CLERK MAYOR 0 Know what's below. 0111 before you dig. LU w LU 0 N O LU COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR = o- V) w Q 00 w w 0 U COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) J Q Q I HEREBY CERTIFYTHATTHIS PLAN WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF 0 THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT m GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT O'CLOCK M. ON THE w N DAY OF A.D., IN 0 } BOOK PAGE, RECEPTION NO. U U D JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER LU N BY: DEPUTY w 10 0 N O LU o- �0� w Q 00 w S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO --_ I----------TT--rC--------- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — EX. HYDRANTW. 52ND AVE EX. STORM INLET (601 R.O.W) ------------- ------- -------- — —— — — — -------------------------- —7 -----EX.TRANSFORMER---- - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — EX. LIGHT POLE CONCRETE EX. HYDRANT - EX. LIGHT POLE EX. SIGN =p IVEWAY EX. LIGHT POLE r= — `\ — — — — — —INVERTED U. S TO -7 SIGN EX. SIDEWALK �� BIKE RACK EX. SIDEWALK 1.5' '�_ N89° 11' 13.00"E 80.00'_ _ _-2� T INGRESS/EGRESS 1 _ LS10, EMERGENCY ESMT REC. NO. XXXXXXXX NO PARKING FIRE LANE SIGN I EX. PAVED DRIVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY 1 INGRESS/EGRESS ESMT REC. NO. 84102000 NO PARKING FIRE LANE SIGN CONCRETE DRIVEWAY STOP SIGN CONCRETE DRIVEWAY EX. EDGE OF ASPHALT- CURBTRANSITION FROM 0" TO 6" HEIGHT VALLEY WAT R \ DISTRICT ESMT REC. NO. 82070583 RETAINING WALL I I Know what's below. 0111 before you dig. 10' o CURB TRANSITION u C ❑i FROM 0" TO 6" HEIGHT I"rF---7 co ❑ iii �. 5.5' cnl CONCRETE SIDEWALK d ----�Fnnii,ui 21 5i ����i ���D�C 80 o'n �H ADA RAMP CURB CU 771 _=—1 1J ' f rk�F ,1 T p Ji QC)Q LS FL_,' ACCESSIBLE PARKING of ��- SIGN8, 4" THICK YELLOW z _ CONCRETE CHANNEL ------- m1 WHITE ACCESSIBLE DIAGONAL W/ DIAMOND STEEL PLATE PAVEMENT MARKING 100' I PARKING SYMBOL 12 III 26' / 12' I 10' LS I 12 26' LS 22' I S&S PLUMBING 7000 SF ADA RAMP FFE: 5494.50 C�Ii] ► [y :� i 1 I �y I �] ilil/_111 CONCRETE SIDEWALK 70.0' ADA RAMP 8.5' -r— ASPHALT DRIVE--\ LS \ ASPHALT DRIVE --\, I �-- VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER 40.5' TRASH ENCLOSURE NO PARKIN FIRE LANE IGN 8.5' 4" HITE 18.5' PAR INGS RIPE VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER '1 S 389° 11' 13.00"W EX. ASPHALT RETAINING WALL m 2' CURB CUT 33.0' LS 10' 4' CEDAR FENCE EX. BUILDING RET/IMING WALL I VALENTIINO, LS EMANUELJ & EILEEN B 12050 W. 52ND AVE REC. NO. 92133526 I 13.9' cn Ico `0 v 4' CEDAR FENCE EX. BUILDING LEGEND -- PROPERTY LINE v EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER AND BASIS OF BEARINGS CURB AND GUTTER LS LANDSCAPE AREA 1 SIGNAGE N O ROAD LIGHTING SITE DATA SITE AREA: 24,000 SF ZONE: PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT (PCD) BUILDING: 7000 SF 30% COVERAGE MINIMUM SETBACKS REQUIRED FRONT: 0-12 FOOT BUILD TO AREA FRONTAGE: SIDE: 5 FOOT MINIMUM PER STORY REAR: 15' PARKING: REQUIRED PROVIDED OFFICE (4120 SF) 1 SPACE PER 300 SF (14) WAREHOUSE (3930 SF) 1 SPACE PER 600 SF (7) HANDICAP = 1 SPACE PER 25 SPACES (1) TOTAL 21 + 1 ACCESSIBLE 23 + 1 ACCESSIBLE LANDSCAPE REQUIRED: MIN. 20%X 24,000 SF = 4800 SF LANDSCAPE PROVIDED: 5319 SF (22%) GENERAL NOTES H o_� E0� 0 .� `eco Ozz=w z �* O '0 U Z LUU r � �Zwww ?QON Qz�� `n Z o � w � C) Z Q 0 J Q Z UZJ 3 �LOL,Q Z w ~ U U J O� o 10 Q 'ITJ 00 1. REFERENCE SHEET CO.00 FOR PROJECT BENCHMARK Z v Qa AND BASIS OF BEARINGS Q m � 2. W 52ND AVE DESIGN BY CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, N O N DATED 09.03.19. r� L,) 0 3. APPROVED EVA SHALL BE PROVIDED DURING w ~ (� CONSTRUCTION. UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED, L THE EVA SHALL CONSIST OF THE FIRST LIFT OF 0 0 w ASPHALT OR CONCRETE SHALL BE PROVIDED PRIOR 0 p TO COMMENCING VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION. w 4. DESIGN FOR THE RETAINING WALL IS TO BE PERFORMED BY OTHERS. w p n < w U LL V LU W V) � ' ^ v 20 10 0 20 SCALE 1" = 20' J Z Qa H H CH m m � O N O N U r� L,) O n LU O N O 0, N LU ~ rnrn w p 0 0 w = V) ��� j LANDSCAPE I COVERAGE 5319 SF I LANDSCAPE COVERAGE MAP SCALE: 1" = 30'-0" Know what's below. 0111 before you dig. S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHE- UHL- OHE — OHE — OHE— OHE OHE�HE�-" _ — LC`II _ �T WTR WTR WTR WTI VTR— —WTW-— — VTR— — — TTI — WTR — —VTR— — rI --------------- ---------- ------------------- LIASA STREETSCAPE BY CITY GAS GAS ;GAS SAN SAN SAN _ _ F1 N N— — �N SAN — a a — _� a —-- GAS GA GAS— eA5 e —GAS _ `GAS 7SLG S _ 2 RUS \ 4 PBS \ II \ W 21 SWG 4 GLS — — 9 BRJ 7 RUS / 3 4 PBS R CK f ULCIO I , —2PBS 9S G CY rn RO K (V�ULCH NGRESS/EGRESS ESMT REC. NO. 84102000 2 GLS \ 3 RUS /3 I/ 3/ ROK MULCH 3GLS 3 3 RUS VALLEYWAT9 �► DISTRICT ESMT / REC. NO. 82070583 0 / IiL � u II 2 H F I �m MCS U iI UtLLlil L� LI lUl= S&S PLUMBING/ 7000 SF i R& N}U :-j/j-3 SIG 4 RU' 2 BRJ / / MCS CCPD / B� / — GAS G GAS GAS — � e / 1CiAS4 GAS — / FNB 1 GLS 2 BRJ ROCK MULCH O i 2 GLS 3 FNB 3 RUS 3 BRJ _ f 2 GLS FNB PIR LENTI INQ MANUELJ EILEEN B W. 52ND AVE NO. 92133526 milimm M/ 5 RUS 3 MCS 1 CBS F7--5 RUS 2 BRJ 1 r41rnin STEELEDGER NORTHERN REEDGRASS SEED MIX DECIDUOUS TREE EVERGREEN TREE 0 ORNAMENTALTREE 4)0�101:6 DECIDUOUS SHRUBS OGEVERGREEN SHRUBS ORNAMENTAL GRASSES + ) STREETSCAPE TREE LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS OPEN SPACE (5319 SF) Size Notes Habit LANDSCAPE RATIO REQUIRED PROVIDED EXISTING TREES 1 / 1000 SF 6 6 0 SHRUBS 10/1000 SF 60 78 0 PERENNIALS AND GRASSES 0 30 0 PLANT LIST A _��� Lu `�00 Ozz�z Z LUU r C LU LU ?QOC14 `nZ o U �� w Z. JQz UZLU 3 >Lu Z U-1 U U J O0 Q 1 J 00 Qty. Sym. Scientific/Botanic Name Size Notes Habit H H CH m m � DECIDUOUS TREES N to L,) U n 3 SKH SKYLINE HONEYLOCUST 2" CAL. FULL CROWN, B&B, STAKED 45X35 FEET Z V Gleditsia tdacanthos inermis 'Skyline' SINGLE TRUNK SPECIMEN QUALITY Q J 0_ ORNAMENTAL TREES O 2 CCP CHANTICLEER PEAR 2" CAL. STRAIGHTTRUNK, B&B 20X10 FEET Z U Pyrus calleryana'Chanticleer' SINGLE TRUNK SPECIMEN QUALITY, STAKED w EVERGREEN TREES D_ 'w 'nn V 1 CBS COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE 6'-10' HT. FULL FORM, B&B 40x20 FEET Picea pungens f. glauca SEE PLAN SPECIMEN QUALITY, GUYED I w J ~ DECIDUOUS SHRUBS W 11 MCS MAGIC CARPET SPIREA 5 GAL. SPACING 36" O.C. 2X2 LLJJ Spirea japonica'Walbuma' 18"-24" HT. 5 CANES MIN. U _ 14 GLS GRO-LOW SUMAC 5 GAL. SPACING T O.C. 2.5X6 FEET ' ^ Rhus aromatica'Grotow' 18"-24" HT 5 CANES MIN. �/ J 9 FNB FERNBUSH 5 GAL. SPACING 60" O.C. 5)6 FEET U �C Chamaebatiaria millefdium 18"-24" HT. 5 CANES MIN. � C45 10 PBS PAWNEE BUTTES SANDCHERRY 5 GAL. SPACING 48" O.C. 1.5X6 FEET I /1 Prunus besseyi'P011S' 18"-24" HT. 5 CANES MIN. �/ � 31 RUS RUSSIAN SAGE 5 GAL. SPACING 36" O.C. 4X3 FEET Perc skia atdplicifdia 18"-24" HT 5 CANES MIN. EVERGREEN SHRUBS 0 ON 25 BRJ BLUE RUG JUNIPER 5 GAL. SPACING 5' O.C. 0.5)6 FEET Juniperus horiziontalis'Wiltonii' 18"-24" SPREAD 5 CANES MIN. 5 BSJ BLUE STAR JUNIPER 5 GAL. SPACING 48" O.C. 2X3 FEET 0 Juniperus squamata'Blue Star 18"-24" HT. 5 CANES MIN. Z m ORNAMENTAL GRASSES O 33 SWG SWITCH GRASS OR INDIAN GRASS 1 GAL. SPACING 36" O.C. 6X3 FEET Sorghastrum nutans ESTABLISHED Z Q LU 0_ U V) 0 z J w Z N O 0 LU o� 20 10 0 20 1-- rn a w SCALE 1" = 20' < FD o w cl 2 J Z Qa H H CH m m � N UrU L,) U n LU w Z N O 0 LU o� 20 10 0 20 1-- rn a w SCALE 1" = 20' < FD o w cl 2 S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, ATTACH GUY WIRE TO TRUNK WITH SPECIFIED TREE COLLAR DOUBLE STRAND OF 12 GA. GALVANIZED STEEL WIRE TWISTED z" DIA. WHITE PVC PIPE OVER WIRE, 25" LONG MIN TEMPORARY 4" DEEP WATER RETENTION BASIN NOT NECESSARY WHEN TURF OR DRIP IRRIGATION IS OPERATING SET ROOT CROWN LEVEL WITH TOP OF SOIN IN BEDS. IN IRRIGATED TURF AREAS PLANT 3" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE APPLY SPECIFIED MULCH TO REMAIN PERMANENTLY SPECIFIED 30" STEEL POST (3 MIN.) DRIVEN VERTICALLY INTO UNDISTURVED SOIL FLUSH WITH GRADE FINISHED GRADE REMOVE ALL CONTAINMENT MATERIAL FROM THE TRUNK & SIDES OF ROOTBALL THAT IS NOT 100% HEMP REMOVE BURLAP &TWINE FROM THETOP3 OF ROOTBALL REMOVE FIBER OR PLASTIC POTAFTER PLACING IN THE PIT ROOTBALLS THAT ARE BROKEN APART AFTER CONTAINMENT IS REMOVED ARE DAMAGED AND SHALL BE REJECTED HOLE SHOULD HAVE ROUGHENED SIDES SPECIFIED BACKFILL MIXTURE AND FERTILIZER APPLICATION UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE EVERGREEN TREE PLANTING W/ GUY WIRES NOT TO SCALE SHA DE TR EES: LOWEST LI MBS MIN.6-8' FROM ROOT CROWN AFTER TWO YEARS NO LIMB SHALL BE WITHIN 8' OF PAVEMENT DO NOT CUT OR DAMAGE LEADER PRUNE ALL DEAD OR DAMAGED WOOD PRIOR TO PLANTING WRAP ENTIRE SURFACE OF TRUNK BELOW SECOND BRANCH WITH SPECIFIED TREE WRAP AND SECURE ATTACH GUY WIRE TO TRUNK WITH SPECIFIED TREE COLLAR 3" DIA. WHITE PVC PIPE OVER WIRE, 24" LONG MIN. DOUBLE STRAND OF 12 GA. GALVANIZED STEEL WIRE TWISTED TEMPORARY 4" DEEP WATER RETENTION BASIN NOT NECESSARY WHEN TURF OR DRIP IRRIGATION IS OPERATING SPECIFIED STEEL POST (2 MIN.) DRIVEN VERTICALLY TO EXTEND A MIN. OF 30" INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL SET ROOT CROWN LEVEL WITH TOP OF SOIL IN BEDS. IN IRRIGATED TURF AREAS PLANT 3" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE APPLY SPECIFIED MULCH TO REMAIN PERMANENTLY FINISHED GRADE REMOVE ALL CONTAINMENT MATERIAL FROM THE TRUNK & SIDES OF ROOTBALLTHAT IS NOT 100% HEMP REMOVE BURLAP & TWINE FROM THE TOPS OF ROOTBALL REMOVE FIBER OR PLASTIC POTAFTER PLACING IN THE PIT ROOTBALLS THAT ARE BROKEN APARTAFTER CONTAINMENT IS REMOVED ARE DAMAGED AND SHALL BE REJECTED HOLE SHOULD HAVE ROUGHENED SIDES SPECIFIED BACKFILL MIXTURE AND FERTILIZER APPLICATION UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE B DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING NOT TO SCALE L /\ I\VV I Uf uu V1f . SIDEWALK, TOP OF CURB, OR TOP OF SEAT WALL PRUNE ALL DEAD OR DAMAGED WOOD PRIOR TO PLANTING CREATE A 2" DEEP WATER RETENTION BASIN & APPLY RING OF SPECIFIED MULCH WHEN NOT IN A BED SET ROOT CROWN OF UPRIGHTSHRUBS 1" ABOVE TOP OF SOIL. SET ROOT CROWN OF SPREADING SHRUBS ATTOP OF SOIL FINISHED GRADE OR TOP OF MULCH 3" BELOW PAVED EDGE APPLIED SPECIFIED MULCH TO REMAIN PERMANENTLY SPECIFIED WEED BARRIER FABRIC UNDER INORGANIC MULCHES SPECIFIED PREEMERGANT HERBICIDE BELOW FABRIC REMOVE ALL CONTAINMENT MATERIAL FROM THE TRUNK & SIDES OF ROOTBALL THAT IS NOT 100% HEMP REMOVE BURLAP &TWINE FROM THETOP3 OF ROOTBALL REMOVE FIBER OR PLASTIC POTAFTER PLACING IN THE PIT ROOTBALLS THAT ARE BROKEN APART AFTER CONTAINMENT IS REMOVED ARE DAMAGED AND SHALL BE REJECTED HOLE SHOULD HAVE ROUGHENED SIDES SPECIFIED BACKFILL MIXTURE AND FERTILIZER APPLICATION LIGHTLY COMPACTED PLACE 3" OF SPECIFIED BACKFILL BELOW THE ROOT BALL UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE C SHRUB PLANTING NOT TO SCALE RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SOD ADJACENT TO WALKS AND CURBS MULCH ADJACENT TO WALKS AND CURBS SIDEWALK, TOP OF CURB, OR TOP OF SEAT WALL FINISHED GRADE OR TOP OF SOD LEVEL WITH PAVED EDGE SPECIFIED SOD OR SEED FULL DEPTH OF SPECIFIED AMENDED TOPSOIL PLACED APPROX. 1" BELOW TOP OF PAVED EDGE FOR SOD AND LEVEL FOR SEED SIDEWALK, TOP OF CURB, OR TOP OF SEAT WALL FINISHED GRADE OR TOP OF MULCH Z" BELOW PAVED EDGE SPECIFIED MULCH SPECIFIED WEED BARRIER FABRIC UNDER INORGANIC MULCHES SPECIFIED PREEMERGANT HERBICIDE BELOW FABRIC FULL DEPTH OF SPECIFIED AMENDED TOPSOIL PLACED THE NECESSARY DISTANCE BELOW PAVED EDGE SPECIFIED SOD OR SEED FINISHED GRADE OR TOP OF SOD LEVEL WITH TOP OF EDGER FINISHED GRADE OR TOP OF MULCH Z" BELOW TOP OF EDGER SPECIFIED MULCH SPECIFIED WEED BARRIER FABRIC UNDER INORGANIC MULCHES SPECIFIED PREEMERGANT HERBICIDE BELOW FABRIC SPECIFIED EDGER FULL DEPTH OF SPECIFIED AMENDED TOPSOIL PLACED THE NECESSARY DISTANCE BELOW TOP OF EDGER D EDGE TREATMENT NOT TO SCALE E STANDARD BIKE RACK NOT TO SCALE GLOBALINDUSTRIAL.COM, U -RACK BIKE RACK, BLACK, 2 -BIKE, FLANGE MOUNT. ITEM #T9F442804MBK 8' 0" O.C. F CEDAR FENCE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE POST CAP 1' X8"WOOD CAP 1" X 6" VERTICAL WOOD PICKET 4" X 4" POST (TYP.) 2" X 4" BOARD (TYP.) 3" GALVANIZED DECKING NAIL (TYP.) 12" X 36" CONCRETE FOOTING (TYP.) LANDSCAPE NOTES 1. THIS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN IS TO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, IRRIGATION, ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL PLANS TO FORM COMPLETE INFORMATION REGARDING THIS SITE. 2. LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO ALL APPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL CODES AND SPECIFICATIONS. 3. ALL MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR, FROM DATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE. 4. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXAMINE THE SITE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE WORK IS TO BE PERFORMED AND NOTIFY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IN WRITING OF UNSATISFACTORY CONDITIONS. DO NOT PROCEED UNTIL CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN CORRECTED. 5. BEFORE COMMENCING WORK, CONTACT APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANIES FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS, AND COORDINATE WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR IN REGARD TO LOCATION OF PROPOSED UTILITIES, IRRIGATION SLEEVES, CONDUITS, ETC. 6. ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL MEET OR EXCEED SIZE IN SCHEDULES. 7. OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE RESERVES THE RIGHTTO REFUSE PLANT MATERIALS WHICH DO NOT MEET THE QUALITY REQUIRED FOR THE PROJECT. ALL DECIDUOUS TREES SHALL HAVE FULL, WELL -SHAPED HEADS, ALL EVERGREENS SHALL BE UNSHEARED AND FULLTO THE GROUND. PLANTING PROCEDURES SHALL CONFORM TO DETAILS. 8. ALL TREE AND SHRUB BED LOCATIONS ARE TO BE STAKED OUT ON SITE FOR APPROVAL BY OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 9. ROCK MULCH: INSTALL 3 -INCHES OF 24", LOCALLY AVAILABLE, WASHED RIVER ROCK MULCH IN ALL SHRUB BEDS OVER TYPAR 3301 WEED MAT OR APPROVED EQUAL, AFTER APPLYING PRE -EMERGENT HERBICIDE. 10. ALL B&B PLANT MATERIAL SHALL HAVE ALL WIRE, TWINE OR OTHER CONTAINMENT MATERIAL, EXCEPT FOR THE BURLAP, REMOVED FROM THE TRUNK AND ROOT BALL OF THE PLANT PRIOR TO PLANTING. 11. GROUNDCOVER IN THE DETENTION POND SHALL BE A NORTHERN REEDGRASS SEED MIX. 12. DISTRIBUTE IMPORTED TOPSOIL OVER AREAS TO BE GRASSED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF FOUR (4") INCHES, AND TO A DEPTH OF TEN (10") INCHES IN SHRUB AND PERENNIAL BEDS. TOPSOIL TO BE NATURAL, FRIABLE, FERTILE, FINE LOAMY SOIL FREE FROM WEEDS, LITER, GRASS, STONES LARGER THAN 1", ROOTS OR ANY OTHER MATERIAL WHICH MAY BE HARMFUL TO PLANT GROWTH. 13. SOIL PREPARATION: MIX THE FOLLOWING SOIL AMENDMENTS AND APPLY TO SOD AND SHRUB BED AREAS. A. ASPEN RICH COMPOST-- 4 CUBIC YARDS PER 1,000 S.F. B. COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER (20-10-5): 10 lbs. PER 1,000 S.F. C. SUPERPHOSPHATE: 10 lbs. PER 1,000 S.F. 14. BACKFILL FOR TREES AND SHRUBS: SHALL CONSIST OF 1/3 ASPEN RICH COMPOST AND 2/3 SITE SOIL. FERTILIZE WITH AGRI-FORM TABLETS AT MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDED RATES. 15. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FINISH GRADES IN LANDSCAPE AREAS. 16. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL AS NECESSARY BYTHIS WORK. 17. TESTSOIL IN PROPOSED LANDSCAPE AREAS PREVIOUSLY PAVED OR BUILT ON FOR STERILENT AND REMOVE CONTAMINATED SOIL. BACKFILL WITH SPECIFIED TOPSOIL. 18. CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR ALL DAMAGE DUE TO HIS CONSTRUCTION AND KEEP PROJECT AREAS CLEAN AND ORDERLYDURING AND UPON COMPLETION OF HIS WORK. H 0cp_E � Z 0 0 w 0 �m �So OZZ,Z �* C9wZiw O�cC-o0 UU z��r U w ?QONQZF=� Lu Lu o Qw N w Z w w w Z/ Q`O ow 00 31-011, O V J i i JQz \ Lu Q 1-0' /U 4� Z LU F CEDAR FENCE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE POST CAP 1' X8"WOOD CAP 1" X 6" VERTICAL WOOD PICKET 4" X 4" POST (TYP.) 2" X 4" BOARD (TYP.) 3" GALVANIZED DECKING NAIL (TYP.) 12" X 36" CONCRETE FOOTING (TYP.) LANDSCAPE NOTES 1. THIS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN IS TO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, IRRIGATION, ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL PLANS TO FORM COMPLETE INFORMATION REGARDING THIS SITE. 2. LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO ALL APPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL CODES AND SPECIFICATIONS. 3. ALL MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR, FROM DATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE. 4. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXAMINE THE SITE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE WORK IS TO BE PERFORMED AND NOTIFY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IN WRITING OF UNSATISFACTORY CONDITIONS. DO NOT PROCEED UNTIL CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN CORRECTED. 5. BEFORE COMMENCING WORK, CONTACT APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANIES FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS, AND COORDINATE WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR IN REGARD TO LOCATION OF PROPOSED UTILITIES, IRRIGATION SLEEVES, CONDUITS, ETC. 6. ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL MEET OR EXCEED SIZE IN SCHEDULES. 7. OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE RESERVES THE RIGHTTO REFUSE PLANT MATERIALS WHICH DO NOT MEET THE QUALITY REQUIRED FOR THE PROJECT. ALL DECIDUOUS TREES SHALL HAVE FULL, WELL -SHAPED HEADS, ALL EVERGREENS SHALL BE UNSHEARED AND FULLTO THE GROUND. PLANTING PROCEDURES SHALL CONFORM TO DETAILS. 8. ALL TREE AND SHRUB BED LOCATIONS ARE TO BE STAKED OUT ON SITE FOR APPROVAL BY OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 9. ROCK MULCH: INSTALL 3 -INCHES OF 24", LOCALLY AVAILABLE, WASHED RIVER ROCK MULCH IN ALL SHRUB BEDS OVER TYPAR 3301 WEED MAT OR APPROVED EQUAL, AFTER APPLYING PRE -EMERGENT HERBICIDE. 10. ALL B&B PLANT MATERIAL SHALL HAVE ALL WIRE, TWINE OR OTHER CONTAINMENT MATERIAL, EXCEPT FOR THE BURLAP, REMOVED FROM THE TRUNK AND ROOT BALL OF THE PLANT PRIOR TO PLANTING. 11. GROUNDCOVER IN THE DETENTION POND SHALL BE A NORTHERN REEDGRASS SEED MIX. 12. DISTRIBUTE IMPORTED TOPSOIL OVER AREAS TO BE GRASSED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF FOUR (4") INCHES, AND TO A DEPTH OF TEN (10") INCHES IN SHRUB AND PERENNIAL BEDS. TOPSOIL TO BE NATURAL, FRIABLE, FERTILE, FINE LOAMY SOIL FREE FROM WEEDS, LITER, GRASS, STONES LARGER THAN 1", ROOTS OR ANY OTHER MATERIAL WHICH MAY BE HARMFUL TO PLANT GROWTH. 13. SOIL PREPARATION: MIX THE FOLLOWING SOIL AMENDMENTS AND APPLY TO SOD AND SHRUB BED AREAS. A. ASPEN RICH COMPOST-- 4 CUBIC YARDS PER 1,000 S.F. B. COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER (20-10-5): 10 lbs. PER 1,000 S.F. C. SUPERPHOSPHATE: 10 lbs. PER 1,000 S.F. 14. BACKFILL FOR TREES AND SHRUBS: SHALL CONSIST OF 1/3 ASPEN RICH COMPOST AND 2/3 SITE SOIL. FERTILIZE WITH AGRI-FORM TABLETS AT MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDED RATES. 15. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FINISH GRADES IN LANDSCAPE AREAS. 16. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL AS NECESSARY BYTHIS WORK. 17. TESTSOIL IN PROPOSED LANDSCAPE AREAS PREVIOUSLY PAVED OR BUILT ON FOR STERILENT AND REMOVE CONTAMINATED SOIL. BACKFILL WITH SPECIFIED TOPSOIL. 18. CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR ALL DAMAGE DUE TO HIS CONSTRUCTION AND KEEP PROJECT AREAS CLEAN AND ORDERLYDURING AND UPON COMPLETION OF HIS WORK. H 0cp_E � Z 0 0 w 0 �m �So OZZ,Z �* C9wZiw O�cC-o0 UU z��r U w ?QONQZF=� Lu Lu o Qw N w Z w w w Z/ Q`O ow 00 O V J i i JQz \ Lu Q /U Z LU J CS O� o 0 Q 'ITJ 00 U V) w W w ' ^ � v N I Lu Lu 2 G J Z Qa �7_ �m w m� 0 UN ru v) U Lu LL 0 N O Lu p �� w ow 00 = Know what's below. ® Call before you dig. S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CIN OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 3 TRASH ENCLOSURE FRONT 3/16" = 1'-0"J4 TRASH ENCLOSURE SIDE 3/16" = 1'-0" 1'-0" _ _ __ - _ -_ - - '_• - 1'-011 1 1/2" o a�' ;{> v `)' 1 1/211 '= _ _ •,p • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _t _ _ 'i ,i-• .,( •-f �-! 1. r p 0z O z m 0 i NORTH ELEVATION (PRIMARY STREET FRONT) I FACADE AREA -1,753 SF LL ii ■■■ viii I 1 GLAZING w 528 SF 30.1% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A W 287 SF 16.4% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 304 SF 17.3% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 634 SF 36.2% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL LU V) V) 0 SF _IM TRANSPARENCY 216 SF 33.3% SOUTH ELEVATION 0 Z_ FACADE AREA -1,673 SF .■. ca z:) 1 GLAZING 66 SF 3.9% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 0 SF 0% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B V) 0 SF 0% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 0 SF 0% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL 1,607 SF 96% EAST ELEVATION FACADE AREA -1,664 SF 1 GLAZING 294 SF 17.7% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 347 SF 20.8% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 115 SF 6.9% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 344 SF 20.7% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL 417 SF 25.1% WEST ELEVATION FACADE AREA -1I664 F 1 GLAZING 297 SF 17.8% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 212 SF 12.7% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 188 SF 11.3% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 303 SF 18.2% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL 243 SF 14.6% TOTAL BUILDING FACADE AREA - 6,754 SF 1 GLAZING 1,185 SF 17.5% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 846 SF 12.5% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 607 SF 9% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 1,281 SF 19% _ _ _ �t• _ _ .-„ _ _ _ _ _ 'J tI_ ,ate_ _ •y _ - _ - 2J-'• _ sem_ _ _ _ _ :',_ _ _ _ _(•_ _ _ _ _,.- _ - 33.6% o- o- �����:- iamb immor I���t= � !— —���—.tet♦— I ���� --s � � 2 EXTERIOR - NORTH ELEVATION ■■■ fid■7i1� e - f�fs�■,As�s�s�■,As�■,As�� f�s�s�� ®■■ �®moi r p 0z O z m 0 i NORTH ELEVATION (PRIMARY STREET FRONT) I FACADE AREA -1,753 SF LL ii ■■■ viii I 1 GLAZING w 528 SF 30.1% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A W 287 SF 16.4% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 304 SF 17.3% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 634 SF 36.2% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL LU V) V) 0 SF _IM TRANSPARENCY 216 SF 33.3% SOUTH ELEVATION 0 Z_ FACADE AREA -1,673 SF .■. mm mmm��—e��—e�� ■ ■� ��■7i�s As�iaAs�iaAs��s� '_s �s��s�'s 4 jivill MEMO -- IN I � ■i�®e�®e�e�.� �■i� ®1 ! .� � IN ! � � jD -- - 54L �c - - ?aE - - - a s` e s Is � r �.i i i fiif0''��■��i-���e���-min ���-���e���®i i i>e �mee a i�iie coir ea�:eaaeaaear�aaear�aaearea� bio EXTERIOR -WEST ELEVATION 3/16" = 1'-0" ROOF � 127' - LEVEL 2 112'-0" CEILING � 109' - 0" v LEVEL 1 � 100'-0" v MATERIAL LEGEND r p 0z O z m 0 i NORTH ELEVATION (PRIMARY STREET FRONT) Z FACADE AREA -1,753 SF LL 0 I 1 GLAZING w 528 SF 30.1% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A W 287 SF 16.4% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 304 SF 17.3% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 634 SF 36.2% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL LU V) V) 0 SF 0% TRANSPARENCY 216 SF 33.3% SOUTH ELEVATION 0 Z_ FACADE AREA -1,673 SF ca z:) 1 GLAZING 66 SF 3.9% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 0 SF 0% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B V) 0 SF 0% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 0 SF 0% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL 1,607 SF 96% EAST ELEVATION FACADE AREA -1,664 SF 1 GLAZING 294 SF 17.7% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 347 SF 20.8% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 115 SF 6.9% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 344 SF 20.7% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL 417 SF 25.1% WEST ELEVATION FACADE AREA -1I664 F 1 GLAZING 297 SF 17.8% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 212 SF 12.7% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 188 SF 11.3% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 303 SF 18.2% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL 243 SF 14.6% TOTAL BUILDING FACADE AREA - 6,754 SF 1 GLAZING 1,185 SF 17.5% 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 846 SF 12.5% 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 607 SF 9% 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 1,281 SF 19% 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL 2,267 SF 33.6% E3 w 0 J W � w OU w = w J�Oo Uz U WS) QUOOLA�ZUQry zUzd) a: z7-LUv) Ozpp JwCLp 014 CL U ED LUJ Q OoJ Uz a- •o Q 0 J z r p 0z O z m 0 i J v z Z w LL 0 I 112'-0" w O� N O o W Lu W LU w C) V w U 06 LU V) V) V) w ROOFr 127' - 11 " p 0z O z m 0 i Z LEVEL 2 v LL 0 Q 112'-0" 0 N O Lu W Q o^ °' °' w J w J w J ' 5 0 Z_ ca z:) =D � ULU p m V) ;z 04 ILA _ LEVEL 100'-0,, LL 0 N O Lu o. Q o^ °' °' w 00 w o0404[[_ Know what's below. 9 ® Call before you dig. S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 2 EXTERIOR - SOUTH ELEVATION 3/1611 = 1 '-0" ROOF 127' - 11" LEVEL 2 112'-0" LEVEL 1 100'-0" LX I LKIUK - LAb I LLLVA I IUN 3/1611 = 1 '-0" MATERIAL LEGEND NORTH ELEVATION (PRIMARY STREET FRONT) FACADE AREA -1,753 SF 1 GLAZING 528 SF 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 287 SF 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 304 SF 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 634 SF 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL TRANSPARENCY SOUTH ELEVATION FACADE AREA -1,673 SF 1 GLAZING 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL EAST ELEVATION FACADE AREA -1,664 SF 1 GLAZING 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL WEST ELEVATION FACADE AREA -1,664 SF 1 GLAZING 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL TOTAL BUILDING FACADE AREA - 6,754 SF 1 GLAZING 2 MANF. STONE COLOR A 3 MANF. STONE COLOR B 4 TEXTURED METAL PANEL - PEBBLE FINISH 5 RIBBED METAL PANEL ROOF 127' - 11 " �! LEVEL 112'-0" LEVEL 100'-0" 0 SF 216 SF 66 SF 0 SF 0 SF 0 SF 1,607 SF 294 SF 347 SF 115 SF 344 SF 417 SF 297 SF 212 SF 188 SF 303 SF 243 SF 1,185 SF 846 SF 607 SF 1,281 SF 2,267 SF 30.1% 16.4% 17.3% 36.2% 0% 33.3% 3.9% 0% 0% 0% 96% 17.7% 20.8% 6.9% 20.7% 25.1% 17.8% 12.7% 11.3% 18.2% 14.6% 17.5% 12.5% 9% 19% 33.6% E3_ w :W 0 J W � 9 >p zwC7 m OU w = w J�Oo Uz U HQUO0n°�ZUQ> Z()Z6 QQZwv) Ozpp �wCp U ED LU J Q � �,VQ OoJ U0 a- No 00 z r z V IL z Z CIO LU IL 0 =D LU J LU 0 CL C) V) U 06 LU V) vi V) LU C� Q LU z J J Q 0 C=C G m m z:) z:) N N U �~ U U cn N O N Lu N 0 0 O z m 0 N Z 0 Q w I w Z m 0 N O Lu o ^ `o Q °' °' w 00 w o0404,,_ S&S PLUMBING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A SPEC IFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NORTH LINE OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 t t + + t t + + + t + + + t + + + t t + + t t + + t t + + t t + + + t + + + t + + + t 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +� + + \++ + + + + + + + + + + + + 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0. ° 1 0.1 7�1��.i 0 1 1�1 0.1 1 0. 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0. 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 .1 .1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.7 .5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.4 0.6 1.0 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.5 1.3 1.0 1.4 1.4 1.0 1.1 1.3 0.9 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1.4 1.9 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.3 1.0 .7 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.2 .1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 + + + + + + + + + + + + _- - -- -- -- -- -- _ _ _ -.� -2-0 -1 i �:� - . -2� 1- - JI:� �.0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.8 1.1 2. 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"AA" LIGHTS TO BE WALL MOUNTED AT +11'-6" AFG. 2. "BB" LIGHTS TO BE WALL MOUNTED AT +10'-6" AFG. Know what's below. 0111 before you dig. Gardco PureForm LED wall sconce comfort PWS offers a sleek, low profile design that will complement a range of architectural styles. Comfort optics are designed to enhance visual comfort by reducing glare PureForm wall sconce provides up to 10.700 lumens to accommodate multiple mounting heights up to 20', and is available with Type 2, 3.4, optical distributions A full range of control options is available for additional energy savings- Optional emergency battery backup option is available for path -of -egress and is integral to the luminaire. L1F7A Ordering oowo prol•ct �rrolJ OZZ�Z a 0 U Z� � Loostlon r (H2 ,, nn V w 00 obLr) U Z LU `-' w ? Q O I Q Z H 0 C►t No' 1yDr, ns -E �JUo �C Leri 1H, N N U H oe Z K Z De 0 Note Lu S&S PLUMBING 0 U O _j w Q U J _ CL J Emergency Lighting LU Z�J UU Warranty :: 5 Year Limited � 3 0 Total Wattage:: Z C) Q Lamps Included � J 00 Ordering guide IES File :: Yes JAB Compliant:: No Title 20 Compliant :: N/A example: PWS-140L-550-NW-G2-2-UNV-aGY ADA Compliant:: No pW5 Yes Emergency Lighting ::No Warranty :: 5 Year Limited 15W Total Wattage:: 30 W Lamps Included :: Yes (D Standard W 06 = W , w V) M Q CS o Fac Q o MMS 1401 494 1NW-61 2 EAP IIrY g3A O IDV Eytn wl drmmng hpARl P[A Fusing TeKte ed IN PureForm MOLEDs 450mA Warm While Comfort Emergency 120-27N kciMroh W otheV High -Frequency PFpioconlrol Fry Smile BK Black C '66oG°a � wall 7000K.70CR1 TYW2 Bailwypack FMFiddAdlustable mot ion sensor button'"" 1120.177 WH WW4 � (A CD In uonca Geneotron2 WIN30 Wattage•' mregraI 347VAC)'^ az Bro e y ,� L 0 1r gN--,V � 5VA NAr-62 3 Comfat EAPC Emergence SMI nleda, Module DGY Dark Gray Qi w & p G � � p � 0 t wa 1150 Neubal White Type 3 13YIny Pad 20 MGY Medlum �i � w w 1� LL 1159mA' 4000K, 70CG1 Coldlypaingcrs RDY gu Irde" -res • (208.240. 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Bo CRI:hours 747 5P2 Increased RAL7024) a Custom Generation 2' y/7y CE50 Economy 508 Damming. 24kA color AM -62 am 9Mu" IMSO Ali Nqo 50% Dimming .Must Direct Amber ►aOV 020 SKY, nvXr%Dw,4ro . supply soler (-Soo-) Genbuian 7hotes Ch p for EM3t1 Median 301k Domrmng required B 110uK :( lac lary 10 JOS 1corgmy Dimming. quote) 9 neon bA30 Ali NSM 30%Dimrlsmg input voltage 1 11110.167W and 1100rnA tea[ avadabla with emerges cv SNot iWrNL11e wghmol" sesta 10 Mus[ spruly battery lac lup 479p)5 Nota weablowithplsolocomroi it Not available with SlleWhe(SyytandwIn"s comirol RLC] 2 2100mA not aeadable w,th emevgency battery backup 7 Nolamical"n347w OOV 17 NW ovaria bre wins SueWne (SYY/a DynWlmmer (C$/C14fCEJDA] cold weather(EBPCI 8 AYaElder n alk a 120 ge 277y 13 Nu AV4401C wnh SnaWbe CSM, Wireless corltro I(I.I.Q. br 3 EitendedleadbmesaPply [onia<t factory for detach 9 MMRI no eyaaaw with [mNgMtY batletY Nam Dyn+Drmmn(C SICIAKEIDA) A Not avmlab le with or her co ntrol options cold wealhei(EBPC) PWS-PureForm wall-sconce_comfart 112/18 page 1 of 5 Model No: 20036LEDMG-BRZIFST Name:: San dpi per Qualifications Location Rating:: Wet Certification;: cETLus IES File :: Yes JAB Compliant:: No Title 20 Compliant :: N/A Energy Star:: No ADA Compliant:: No Marine Grade:. Yes Emergency Lighting ::No Warranty :: 5 Year Limited Specifications 90 Frame Material :: Aluminum Drffu ;er Material:: Glace Voltage :: 120-277v Lamping Type:: Dedicated Lumens:: LED Lamping Base:: SSL Lamp Quantity:: 2 Lamp Wattage:: 15W Total Wattage:: 30 W Lamps Included :: Yes J -Box Type:: Standard Phatometrics CCT:: 3000 CRI ;: 90 Wattage :: 30 W Nominal Lumens:: 3400 Delivered IL Lumens:: 2314 Recommended Dimmers Not Dimmable Options N A Additionsi Items:: NIA Line Drawing M1 Line Drawing N2 IES File ll. w 9" -a Toll Free 800-828-54W or www.AccessLighting.com ������ 14410 Word RDac -a -- _ _6W rhe n ro nr, iyjr, p' id.d a s.bjaek to c!-wa3e widuut note-:- - ;-:,ley G qS_.t r Ad rghts Mswve<. Rs 2+}1902 Rers-m.e_: 24,-' -- '_.._-_ -V" TM I 16 8 0 16 SCALE 1" =16' V) ' V Q J ILL 7 I- LU ED p U IL C L LLi 0 LU W CV O o i W J Q Q CLW = U 3 W 06 = W , w V) 0, 4 Z Q J W W I - CW O H O 2 IL J O ED W m Z:) �N 1010 CV O W W ~ Z to IQ C4 I I I I I I I O 1010 CV O W 0 I- I- p� p; w Q (S (S 04 04 = 1 I I I I I V) Xcel Energy- Right of Way&Penelb 1123 Weet3-Avenue PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Darner, Colorado 60223 Telephone: 303.571.3306 Facsimile: 303. 571.3264 donna.l.george®xcelenergy.cam October 11, 2019 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 291' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Attn: Scott Cutler Re: Hinkle SDP, Case #s WZ-19-05 and WA -19-05 Public Service Company of Colorado's (PSCo) Right of Way $ Permits Referral Desk has reviewed the site development plans for Hinkle. Please be aware PSCo owns and operates existing natural gas and electric distribution facilities within the proposed project area, including overhead and underground electric facilities that are not shown (and should be) on the plans along the easterly property line. These may be in conflict with the proposed detention pond. Acmm®dommfflbtrra ®c®oo-omo o,m❑ 111 ®o The property owner/developer/contractor must complete the application process for any new natural gas or electric service, or modification to existing facilities via xcelenerov.com/InstallAndConnect. The Builder's Call Line is 1-800-628-2121. It is then the responsibility of the developer to contact the Designer assigned to the project for approval of design details. Additional easements may need to be acquired by separate document. Acmoo®dood As a safety precaution, PSCo would like to remind the developer to call the Utility Notification Center by dialing 811 for utility locates prior to construction. Acmm�lrlOCtl Donna George Right of Way and Permits Public Service Company of Colorado dba Xcel Energy Office: 303571-3306—Email: donna.I.george@xcelenergy.com ./�AMAULT MARTIN/MARTIN 00000"CONSULTING CONSULTING ENGINEERS October 10, 2019 Scott Cutler Wheat Ridge Community Development Department 7500 W 29`h Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303-235-2849 Email: scutler(@ci.wheatridee.co.us Re: Fruitdale Sanitation District— 12060 W 52nd Ave - S&S Plumbing Martin/Martin, Inc Project No.: 13.0053 Dear Mr. Cutler, On behalf of the Fruitdale Sanitation District (FSD), Martin/Martin Inc., acting as the District's Consulting Engineer, offers the following in response to the site plan received October 1, 2019, concerning a proposed two story 7,000 square foot office/warehouse building development at the above referenced address. The Fruitdale Sanitation District has no objections with the proposed development conditional on the items identified herein are fully addressed. The following are general requirements for sanitary sewer service. Rules, Regulations and Standards of the District must be complied with at all times. Tracer wire detail is to be installed and a detail is to be place on the plans. Sanitary service line is suggested to have at least 2 -percent slope and the invert of the pipe is to be above the 10:00 or 2:00 o'clock position of the mainline. Please provide invert information in subsequent submittals. The subject lot appears to be entirely within the service and boundary area of the Fruitdale Sanitation District. Treatment of sewage generated within the Fruitdale Sanitation District is provided by Metro Wastewater Reclamation District. Existing District Sanitary Sewer Mainline(s) Fruitdale Sanitation District has the following sanitary sewer mains in the vicinity of the proposed property: • 8 -inch mainline running west to east, north of the referenced property within W 52nd Ave It appears the property may be serviced by gravity flow; however, the owner/developer is responsible for determining horizontal locations and vertical depths of the existing sanitary sewer main(s) to verify if service and gravity flow is feasible or if a private individual sewage ejector (lift station) is required. The issuance of a sewer tap permit by the District does not in any way guarantee that the property can be served by gravity flow. No underdrain or storm sump pump connections to District facilities are allowed. Utility Locates It is the developer's responsibility to provide the District, c/o Martin/Martin Inc., with an ASCE Utility Quality B utility locate mapping stamped by a Colorado PE as required in Colorado Senate Bill 18-167 and ASCE 38 standards. Depending on the design, an ASCE Quality Level A supplemental survey may be required which necessitates physical contact and survey of the existing utility at crossings. All projects must meet Senate Bill 18-167 for proper notification to the Notification Association by the Developer's professional engineer. It is also the owner's responsibility to include electronic locators on all new underground facilities, including service lines up to the structure or building being served. Submit details for tracer wire and associated test stations. MARTIN/MARTIN, INC. 12499 WEST COLFAX AVENUE LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80215 MAIN 303.431.6100 MARTINMARTIN.COM Fruitdale Sanitation District— 12060 W 52nd Ave - S&S Plumbing October 10, 2019 The owner/developer is required to participate in the District flow study. From the site plan provided on October 1, 2019, it appears a 1 -inch water meter (4.8 SFREs) is proposed. Please notify the District if these values are not correct. The developer will be required to provide definition of proposed generated flows from the anticipated development(s) to allow an understanding of downstream sanitary mainline capacity. If it is determined that downstream mainlines will need to be upsized due to the development, upsizing costs will be the responsibility of the owner/developer. Sampling Manhole A monitoring manhole for sampling and metering is required on all service lines in cases where commercial properties are being provided services. The District must have access to this manhole at all times. Additional information as to use within the buildings is required in order to determine if pre-treatment is required. If pre-treatment is not initially constructed, and sampling results indicate that requirements of the Metro Rules and Regulations are not complied with, then pre-treatment (e.g. grease interceptor, sand/oil separator, or other acceptable treatment system) will be required to be installed on the service line prior to discharging to the District main. All costs are the responsibility of the owner/developer. Costs All costs involved are to be deposited in advance—engineering, reviews, and inspections —are the responsibility of the Owner/Developer at the then current rate fee structure. Please be aware of the following: 1. Deposit must be made prior to reviews and further coordination. 2. All tap and development fees are due prior to connection. A water provider letter verifying water meter sizing for all units/buildings will be required prior to a tap application completion. Full addresses of each sanitary service are also required. A tap application is available online and must be submitted to the District for review. No tap fees will be accepted until conditional approval is received for the mainline extension including such items as: mainline air testing, as -constructed drawings (certified survey), and final televising of the mainline(s). If credits for SFRE's are being requested for existing units(s)/buildings, the Developer must provide existing addresses, meter size, and if applicable, abandon the sanitary tap at the mainline (District observation and fee is required) prior to final new connection acceptance. A minimum 72 -hour notice prior to construction is required following District receipt of all fees. These fee amounts can be paid directly to the District Office prior to connection, payable to Fruitdale Sanitation District, which also collects Metro Wastewater's "connection fees'. There is also an additional intensity fee of $500/SFRE/Acre for every SFRE above 3 SFREs/acre. Any questions regarding this document, please contact us at (303) 431-6100. Sincerely, Bill Willis, PE Cc: GaryCharbonnier— FruitdaleSanitationDistrict Page 212 Thanks for the atltlttlonal inb. Please make them aware, that as part ofthis they will need to bring up the fire lane signage into conformance Therefore, they wall need to provide a signage plan indicating where existing fire lane signs are, and where proposed signs will go. Steven Parker EEO Fire Marshal Arvada Fre Protection District 7903 Allison Way Arvada, CO 80005 303403 0477 www arvadafire com From: Scott Cutler Gscutler@ci whatrdge cc us, Sent Monday, October 14, 20199.07 AM To: Steven Parker w even. parker@ arvadafiream> Subject: RE'. Wheat Ridge Referral —WZ/WA-1905 TM1anks As pan of project we are requesting an In grewEegrese easement estension for the driving site funder separate ownership) to allow accesem the new site via the existing drive, so there will be understanding from the existing occupants The driving drive is platted asafire lane; refer to Pagel of M1e attached document You an see the site of the proposed building where the 'vicinity map" is on this page, and the fire lane to the west which eMends down to afire hydrant Itappears the access easement is 40' but the Fire Lane is specifically called out will provide your feedback to the applicant and encourage them to reach out to you directly. I'm In agreement that we'd need to see agreement Tom the existing occupants/ownersthat use of driving easement is okay. Smtt cutler TO S.0 man attract: RE Whi nA,n l_SSELVA1 Data: Mancii ockber 14, 2019 9 49 05 AM Thanks for the atltlttlonal inb. Please make them aware, that as part ofthis they will need to bring up the fire lane signage into conformance Therefore, they wall need to provide a signage plan indicating where existing fire lane signs are, and where proposed signs will go. Steven Parker EEO Fire Marshal Arvada Fre Protection District 7903 Allison Way Arvada, CO 80005 303403 0477 www arvadafire com From: Scott Cutler Gscutler@ci whatrdge cc us, Sent Monday, October 14, 20199.07 AM To: Steven Parker w even. parker@ arvadafiream> Subject: RE'. Wheat Ridge Referral —WZ/WA-1905 TM1anks As pan of project we are requesting an In grewEegrese easement estension for the driving site funder separate ownership) to allow accesem the new site via the existing drive, so there will be understanding from the existing occupants The driving drive is platted asafire lane; refer to Pagel of M1e attached document You an see the site of the proposed building where the 'vicinity map" is on this page, and the fire lane to the west which eMends down to afire hydrant Itappears the access easement is 40' but the Fire Lane is specifically called out will provide your feedback to the applicant and encourage them to reach out to you directly. I'm In agreement that we'd need to see agreement Tom the existing occupants/ownersthat use of driving easement is okay. Smtt cutler 01 Pnone 31 f Zd�e From: Steven Panzer G4even oan:ei arvadafire com Sent Monday, October 14, 2019 5:29 AM To: Scott Cutler G3oIIer9 c whea6cal c0 Subject: RE'. Wh eat Ridge Referral —WZ/WA�1905 Scott, Inth eery this an work Wh at I n eed to see th an lsthat this ed at n g on ve is platted as a fire land, and thatthere Is a ndersta Pon g ft om the prison O¢u pants that MIa Pa 11 be used for the new Fri Iding Furthermore, Mere wall need t0 be addition al agnage atltlatl t0 the ed4ing site, Pecan thlsarea Is notorious for doggin g up the on yes, th erefore retlu on g th e fi To lin e a Pal land it Tone41µ it won ld be beat lfthere was the anality t0 have access on este, but I unPersian it their concern. I am Just hesitant Pecan as Me prison on ve Is not very acoesoble Steven Parker EEO Fire Marshal Arvada Fre Protection OI4rict 7903 Allison Way Arvada, CO 50005 3034030477 www arvadafire com e4i1R�11�' �11� From: Scott Cutler G3oII ei whei c0 Sent Wednesday, OROber9, 20191256 PM us To: Steven Parker G4even oahei arvadafire di Subject: RE'. Wheat Ridge Referral —WZ/WA-1905 1 see what you're saying The attached screenshot dmwsthe private drive t0 the west which Isalso used asflre accessforthat industrial center There Isa fire hydam t0 the southwest ORhe proposed building which l atltlatl to the diagram to provide confer. WOuld this suffice and allow forthe 150 requirement to all portions? This ams up In the or, application meshing and they were untlertbe Impression Fire could usethat cry, to thewest since its alreatly an acc ss easement with a fire hydrant. Seen cutler Communits, Development a artment Core Phone: 303 235 2&49 ��Wk.°"eazRZige From: Steven Raman 6teven ri straitmm Sent Wetlnestlay, October9, 20191245 Pro To: Scott Carl <5C rterlrvN whmfi tloe o Subject: RE' Mayo Flags Refeml- WVWA 19 05 Well they have two optl ons. The first would be to Ended, access on and the secontl would be to sprinkler the bull tll ng. These are their only optl ons beaus, from W 5200 Ave they cannot meet the 150 foot requirement to al I portions of the eA rior of the structure Ode I IF SOE M1I,MMNG J EF F.F.E=EOW.M Steven Parker EEO Fire Marshal Arvada Fre Protection District 7903 Allison Way Arvada, CO 30005 3034030477 www arvadafire com From: Scott Cutler GsgIIer9 c whea6deeco Sent W son asks S October 9, 201911:53 AM us To: Steven Parker Osteven oarkei arvadafre di Subject: RE'. Wh eat Ridge Referral —WZ/WA-1905 Thanks Can fire accessbe maintained born W Send Avenue and the drying private drive to the waves l tlltl not think they were planning for anon e¢e fire accessroad through the parking lot since the building Is lessthan JO wide and 100' deep. The western drive Is approximately 40' wide. Scott cutler Panner 11 Community Development Department DNISPhone 3039s0e49 Ridge From Steven Parker G4even oarkei arvadafre mm Sent Wednesday, October 9, 201911.40 AM To: Scott Cutler GsoII ei whea6tlee co Subject: RE'. Wheat Ridge Referral —WZ/WA�1905 Scott, Attached are the APED comments fortbls referral. Steven Parker EEO Fire Marshal Arvada Fre Protection Ol4rlct 7903 Allison Way Arvada, CO 30005 3034030477 Peeve arvadafire com From: Scott Cutler <soII ei whea6dee cc us Sent Tuestla µ October 1, 20199:57 AM To: Steven Parker G4even oarkei arvadafre com Subject: Wheat Ridge Referral — WZ/W A PETS Steven, 10/01/19 TUE 08:36 FAX 303 424 0828 VALLEY WATER DIS I - VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 12101 wF.S'r 52N1) AV FNLJF WHEAT RTT)(,F, (".01,0RADO 80033 '1'LLEPHONL 303-424-9661 October 1, 2019 PAx 303-424-0828 SCO11 Culler cilly ol'Whcat Ridce 7.500 W. ?g"b Avenue. Wheat. Ridge, CO 8003:1 Dear Scutt: In reference to Carse No. 1V/...-19-05 R WA -19-05 / Flinkiv SM), ihc. 'Va.11ey 1VrAO' DiStrict has revieNved the inquiry and the tullowin" items '1hhly. I . \!alley Water Dim ict can provide wer service: to the pwposcd prcOccl sukOvc:l Io Valley Water f)i$triet rules and regulations and Deliver \Valcr 1)cparlmenl �ilrcrrctitt .. rules. 2. Additional water main lines, (ire hydrants or Are sprinkler lines may be needad to meet'. Valley Water District, Deriver Water Department and Arvada Tire Protection District requirements which would be at owner's expense. >. lradditional walc:r main lines, fire hydrants ur tiro sprinklUT lute~ ttre neeclecl. 11u. owner wc:,uld need to provide any nmessary e.a,cment . All Conslrucl 011 rrIust be ill coinpliarrce with the terms c:1l`the casement. 4, The uwner will be respintsible for the cost. oCdoniesUC Ups, irri ;atiOl1 MI)S curd lire lice laps hwhdl1 g Service lines and inner installation. All tnp installations will be subject to the rules and regultttions orlhe VaNcy Water District and the Denver Wtlter Dolm.rlmcut. 5. The owner of he propealy Ivill nued to contact Valley \Vater Districl ,r t. 303-42-1- 966 1 -42-1- 9661 prior'to development orthe projeo to disc-uss :ap&Pc: wale.i system doign needs, 6. Due to the City or Wheat Ricig e''s pNnnerd reconslrucl.ion cal" W. 52" I Avenue, coordination with the District will be: importam to avoid a street cut and asphalt rr.1mir in the newly Naval street, The property owner can obtain a stub-irr permit which Will ullov" the water tap to be made and service line run ort to the properly while the streel is under construction. Tarp foes would not be due until service: is act'iv;ttc+d. 0001 Xcel Energy - PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY D ct0011r 11 E20111 li■ on ■■ ' f1 ■■ on ■ mom ■ ■■■tot■■ ■■i ■n: ■ ■■ ■ n■■■ ■ma0cc Att00 Scot CQDY Re: Hinkle SDP. Case #s WZ-19-05 and WA -19-05 Right of Way & Permits 1123 0 m 3i° A DDIgM=M m223 TDHQ 0S](D03.571.3306 =M=03. M1.3201 dOm DIgMO a=D00cm ■■ml.. ■ ■r.■ ■■ ■■■■ ■■ ■■ ■.■m m ■■�■ ■■■ ■■ ■ ■■ ■mn■ ■. ■ ■o■ . ■nm■■ ■■ ■m■■ m ■mon ■■ ■■■ ■n ■ ■■■■■. ■■■ ■ ■■ ■■Ill III■ ■■ ■ ■■ [1011 ■■. IlUctrId d11Itr11I1Et10111 111 Il 111 ■ n III ■ ■ 1111■■■. ■ ■m ■ ■■■m m. m■ ■n ■■. ■■. ■11.11 ■ 111111. ■m r. m nom■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ 1111 ■ 111■. ■ ■■r1 ■■1111■ I I ■ ■111■■ ■III■■ ■ 000 ■ 111 ■ 000 ■ IIII■ ■■■ ■ on on 111 ■■nLi 1111■ ■■ ■ 1111 1111■ IT []Hctrl■■ ■G 1111 IT .• - . ■ ■nt III■ 111 Il 111 ■111 ■ ■m■■ ■■ ■■ n■■ ■tc ■. ■■■■ ■ : n: ■ m ■m m■ m nn � nv ■r m ■■ ■0n■■■Il1■ ■ ■■ton 1■. ■mn■■. ■ ■ ■ ■m m 0 mono ■ ■1111 .. filll■■■■■■■■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■■. ■ ■■ ■ moll■. ■■ ■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ nm ■ ■ ■ ■■ m■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■r. nn■ ■ MOM. 1 ■ . ■nm■■ ■ ■m ■ ■o■ ■ ■ m: ■ m■ ■■ ■ ■■. mono u m ■ nil■ nt. ■ ■■ ■ m ■ ■■■ ■. m■ D0000 0 ODr00 Rat 000 DD Old 1111r0 0000 S DTOdO C 00 0000 OCC DDYC'd 0 d 00 11c0070DT00 0®00303®D1 E33000000®d0000070DT000 D;01011]Dr 00 c00 'SAI City Of ridge WheatR PUBLIC WORKS Memorandum TO: Scott Cutler, Planner II FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer DATE: October 11, 2019 SUBJECT: WZ-19-05 & WA -19-05 / Hinkle SDP — Review #1 I have completed my first review for the request for approval of a specific development plan and variance to build a wo-story, 7,000 square foot office/warehouse building at 12060 W. 52nd Avenue, received on October 1, 2019, and I have the following comments: PLANNING & ZONING: Specific Development Plan 1. Public Works did not receive an SDP with this submittal. CIVIL ENGINEERING: Final Drainage Report (Narrative): 1. No Final Drainage Report was included. Please have the applicant include the Report with the next submittal. Drainage Letter (Appendix): 1. No Final Drainage Report was included. Please have the applicant include the Report with the next submittal. Final Drainage Plan: 1. No Final Drainage Report was included. Please have the applicant include the Report with the next submittal. Civil Construction Plans Sheet C3.10 (Site Plan): 1. The Ingress -Egress Easement along the west side of the subject property does not appear to extend to the boundary of the subject property (there seems to be about a 10' gap between them). If this is indeed the case, then a separate easement will need to be obtained from the adjacent owner to (legally) allow access through their Hinkle SDP 12060 W52nd ve Review) It doc: Dooms 11 ErEll 111111111110-11111 Oct 00dr 11 012010 0000 2 property prior to approval of this design. 2. Need to move the middle ADA ramp along the east side of the building to the north a bit to ensure 24" clearance between the top of the ramp and the door to meet ADA requirements. 3. Please be advised that all detention/WQ facilities shall be located a minimum of ten (10) feet from any external property line per the City's Site Drainage Requirements. As such, the grading for the proposed EDB must commence at least ten (1) feet from the property line. (This is to protect adjacent property from impacts of the grading, infiltration, seepage, etc. that may be caused by the facility). 4. Within the 10' setback for the pond, a manhole shall be constructed just inside the bounds of the subject property. The reason for this requirement is the pipe running from that MH to the main within the W. 52°d Ave. roadway will belong to the City, and we need a definite place where public maintenance begins and private responsibility terminates for the pipe. 5. Please be advised that a Stormwater Detention Easement shall be required for the area within the 100 -year W SEL boundary of the pond. Since this property is not being platted, the easement shall be granted to the City on the standard Permanent Easement document furnished with this letter. The Easement must contain the following language on it: "THE NON -BUILDABLE STORMWATER DETENTION/ WATER QUALITY AREA HEREIN DESCRIBED SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER AND SUBSEQUENT OWNERS, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNER, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH AREA AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID OWNER, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS AGREES TO PAY. NO BUILDING OR STRUCTURE WILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE DETENTION AREA AND NO CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS AFFECTING THE HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DETENTION AREA WILL BE MADE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS." 6. It appears the retaining wall may be proposed directly on the property line. Please be advised if this is the case that the construction activity will likely encroach onto the adjacent property to the south. Construction activities on neighboring properties will trigger prior written approval to be obtained from all affected landowner(s) prior to approval of this design. Public Works suggests moving the proposed wall at least a foot off of the property line to avoid this requirement. Sheet C4.10 (Grading Plan): 1. As stated above it appears the retaining wall may be proposed directly on the property line. Please be advised if this is the case that the construction activity will likely encroach onto the adjacent property to the south. Construction activities on neighboring properties will trigger prior written approval to be obtained from all affected landowner(s)rn iorto approval of this design. Public Works suggests moving the proposed wall at least a foot off of the property line to avoid this requirement. 2. Please show the maximum grade percent's for the pond and the slopes along the east/southeast areas. 3. Please add the following text to the end of Keynote #8: "A SEPARATE BUILDING PERMIT MAY BE REQUIRED FOR THE WALL; Hinkle SDP 12060 W52vdAve Review-1.1h.doex 11 111111C 11 ErEll 111111111110-11111 ❑ct000r 11 FD01 ❑ 111111113 CONTACT THE WHEAT RIDGE BUILDING DEPARTMENT (303.235.2876) FOR FURTHER INFO." 4. Please add General Note #5: "5. SLOPES SHALL NOT EXCEED 4:1 MAXIMUM." Sheet C6.10 (Utility Plan): 1. Please add the following Note #5: "5. NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR: IF MORE THAN THREE (3) STREET CUTS OCCUR WITHIN 250 LINEAR FEET, ADDITIONAL MILLING/OVERLAY REQUIREMENTS WILL APPLY. REFER TO THE TERMS OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ROW CONSTRUCTION PERMIT (THAT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, 303.235.2861, PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK)." 2. Please darken the anticipated boundaries of all street cuts (as shown on Sheets C5.10 - C5.12). Itemized Engineer's Cost Estimate 1. An itemized estimate for the materials used on all horizontal improvements, landscaping, and irrigation proposed within the site shall be required. Private infrastructure investment is subject to the assessment of the City's 3.5% Use Tax, and the approved estimate will be used to assess this tax on the Building Permit issued through the Community Development Department/ Building Division (303.235.2876). Please provide a copy of the Itemized Engineer's Cost Estimate for review and approval as soon as possible to avoid delays in permit issuance. Construction Control Plan The Construction Control Plan ("CCP') is a modified set of civil construction plan sheets used in the field to facilitate recordation of key as -built elevations and building set -back dimensions. The CCP will be developed by the design engineer and architect and shall be submitted to the City for review and final approval prior to issuance of any Site Work or ROW Construction Permits. Instructions for development of the CCP are available on the City's website under the Public Works Development Review webpage. Please provide a copy of the CCP for review and approval as soon as possible to avoid delays in permit issuance. OTHER REQUIREMENTS: 1. Site Work Permit: A Site Work (Building) Permit shall be obtained from the City of Wheat Ridge Building Division (303.235.2876) prior to commencement of any on-site work. The Site Work Permit covers all horizontal infrastructure work that occurs on private property, including but not limited to, interior drives, curb, gutter, sidewalk, landscaping, irrigation, lighting, common areas, parking, and drainage - Hinkle SDP 12060 W52vdAve Review-1.1h.doex 11 111111C 11 ErEll 111111111110-11111 ❑ct000r 11 FD01 ❑ 111111114 related items. The Site Work Building Permit Application shall be accompanied by an approved copy of a Construction Control Plan ("CCP'). 2. Foundation Setback and Elevation Certification: Upon form placement or concrete being poured for the building foundation, a Foundation Setback and Elevation Certification for Commercial and Multi - Family Developments form accompanied by an approved copy of a Construction Control Plan shall be submitted to the Building Division. Right -of -Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing: a. ROW Permits. Prior to any construction within the public right-of-way (ROW), the necessary Right -of -Way Construction Permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Right -of -Way Construction Permits are issued by the Department of Public Works only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, Traffic Control Plan (if applicable), Construction Control Plan and easement or ROW dedications b. Licensing. All work within the public Right -of -Way shall only be performed by a municipally -licensed contractor. c. 2 -Year Warranty. Upon completion of the improvements Final Acceptance will be granted by the Public Works inspector. At that time 2 - year warranty period for the completed and approved public improvements shall commence. If at any time during said 2 -year Warranty Period the City Inspector deems that the constructed public improvements are in such condition as to require repairs or replacement, the contractor shall complete such work upon request. 4. Drainage Certification/ As -Built Plans: Please note the following items required prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy: a. Drainage Certification: Upon completion of the drainage improvements, the Engineer -of -Record shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a written, signed and sealed Drainage Certification Letter (DCL) stating that the overall site grading was completed per the approved Grading and Drainage Plans, all drainage facilities were constructed per the approved construction plans and shall function as defined in the approved Final Drainage Report/Plan, and that the site has been accurately surveyed to confirm that the grading and construction of all drainage facilities was completed in accordance with these documents. The DCL shall be submitted to the City for review and approval, and shall be accompanied with As -Built Plans on the Current City Datum for all constructed drainage facilities prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. Hinkle SDP 12060 W52vdAve Review-1.1h.doex 11 111111C 11 ErEll 111111111110-11111 ❑ct000r 11 FD01 ❑ ❑000 ❑ b. As -Built Plans: The following items shall be included on the As -Built Plans or CCP prior to City acceptance: i. Stormwater-related (this info referenced in DCL) 1. Detention Pond: 1. Outlet Structure rim and invert elevations. 2. Spot elevations sufficient to determine the provided volume. 2. Manholes, rim and invert elevations. 3. Drop Inlets (if applicable), grate and invert elevations. 4.Curb & gutter (on-site only). 5. Spot elevations around the site to show the site has been graded and will drain per the approved civil documents. Two (2) electronic tiles are to be delivered on DVD/CD-ROM as follows: i. One (1) file in AutoCAD 2015 DWG or older format, AND ii. One (1) file in PDF format (of the signed & sealed sheets). Note: The As -Built Plans/CCP will not be accepted until the AutoCAD (2015 or older) DWG file has also been received. Information pertaining to the Public Works development requirements, Site Drainage Requirements, the City's Street Construction Standards & Details in AutoCAD@ DWG format, ROW maps, and City -based coordinate and land surveying information (i.e., Current City Datum), is all available on the Public Works, Development Review page of the City of Wheat Ridge website at: www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Hinkle SDP 12060 W52vdAve Review-1.1h.doex City of Wheatjdge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29' Ave. October 16, 2019 Jim Shipton 8460 W. Ken Caryl Avenue #101 Littleton, CO, 80333 Mr. Shipton: Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 This letter is in regards to your application for approval of a specific development plan and variance at 12060 W. 52nd Avenue on a site zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD). I have reviewed your first submittal and have the following comments. Please also refer to the redlined copies of the draft documents and the Public Works comments. General Comments 1. Comment Responses: Please use the provided Word file of this letter to respond to the subsequent comments and provide it as part of the second submittal. 2. Document Formatting: The required Specific Development Plan (SDP) items need to be separated from the Civil Documents packet. The SDP is recorded at Jefferson County and needs to be a cohesive document, including a cover sheet with signature blocks; see attached SDP cover items handout for required cover sheet items. Refer to the attached SDP checklist to ensure everything is included (a separate streetscape plan and aerial perspective are not required). The SDP document needs to include the following items: a. A cover sheet with the required items from the attached SDP checklist, including signature blocks, project info, vicinity map, case history table (with cases WZ-19-05, WA -19-05, and WZ-02-03), legal description, contact info, and the site data in tabular form. This will be the first sheet in the SDP packet. The SDP set should have cohesive numbering with a table of contents, and a title block on each page. b. Site plan c. Landscape plan and details d. Building elevations e. Photometric plan with lighting locations (not included in this submittal); cut sheets should be provided as separate 8 '/z x 11 exhibits, not included in the actual SDP document. Comments on the missing items will be provided as part of the next review, once the submittal resembles an SDP set. 3. Civil Construction Plans: Resubmit revised CDs as part of the second submittal based on the comments provided by Public Works. 4. Consolidation Plat: A consolidation plat to remove the internal lot line is required to be approved prior to issuance of the building permit for this site. Staff recommends submitting the plat for review as part of the second submittal of the CDs and SDP document. 5. Resubmittal: All documents (SDP, CDs, and other requested items) should be submitted via email or Dropbox download at the same time. No hard copies will be required for future submittals until requested at time of final approval. www.ci.wheatridge. co.us Construction Document Packet Sheet 1 — Cover Sheet (CO. 00) 6. Some of these items (legal description, vicinity map, contacts) can be used for the required SDP cover sheet. The provided redlines attempt to show what this sheet would look like as a cover sheet for the SDP document. 7. The plat will be recorded before the SDP, so the legal description should be new consolidation plat name: Lot 1, Subdivision Name, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Staff suggests "Hinkle Consolidation" for the subdivision name to remain consistent with the approved ODP. Sheet 2 No Planning comments on this sheet. Sheet 3 — Site Plan 8. This page should also be included in the SDP document. The requested edits below should be included on the site plan sheet for the SDP. Refer to redlines. 9. Make the site plan larger so it is easier to read. 10. The construction notes don't need to be provided in the SDP, or can be simplified to just be labels for various items (trash enclosure, accessible parking, signage, etc.). 11. In the Site Data Table: a. Confirm the exact lot area. We will reference the future survey (consolidation plat) to determine the exact area, and to calculate the landscaping and building coverage percentages. b. The zone district is Planned Commercial Development (PCD). c. No ROW dedication is required for this project. Remove references to dedication. d. For landscape coverage, if the true area is 24,000 square feet (since ROW dedication is not required), 4,800 square feet of landscaping is required to meet the 20% requirement. Provided landscaping will need to increase by 55 square feet. A parking space may need to be removed. e. The parking ratios shown are incorrect and only apply to the Mixed Use zone districts. Revise the parking section as follows: 12. One on-site "inverted u" bicycle rack is required by City Code. This should be located close to the main entrance or W. 52°d Avenue and needs sufficient space around it to be usable. Sheets 4-12 Planning has no comments at this time. These pages will not need to be included in the SDP document, just the CD set. Sheet 13 — Utility Plan This page will not need to be included in the SDP document, but it is a useful exhibit. Revisions may be required based on coordination with the utility districts. Case No. WZ-19-05 & WA -19-05 — 5&S Plumbing Required Provided Office (4,120 sf) 1 space per 300 sf (14) Warehouse 3,930 s 1 space per 600 sf 7 Total 21 + 1 accessible 25 + 1 accessible 12. One on-site "inverted u" bicycle rack is required by City Code. This should be located close to the main entrance or W. 52°d Avenue and needs sufficient space around it to be usable. Sheets 4-12 Planning has no comments at this time. These pages will not need to be included in the SDP document, just the CD set. Sheet 13 — Utility Plan This page will not need to be included in the SDP document, but it is a useful exhibit. Revisions may be required based on coordination with the utility districts. Case No. WZ-19-05 & WA -19-05 — 5&S Plumbing Sheets 14-16 No Planning comments. Sheet 17 — Landscape Plan (L3.10) 13. This page should be included in the SDP document. 14. Make the landscape plan larger so it is easier to read. 15. It is unclear what groundcover is going in the landscaped areas, including the space on the north side between the building and sidewalk. Edge Treatment is shown on Sheet 18 but no details are provided for where the various treatments are going. Is it all rock mulch? If so, state this on the plan and provide different patterns if the groundcover/mulch type varies. Note that Section 26- 502 has minimum sizes for river rock and limits the amount of non -living groundcover to 35% of the minimum landscape area Shrub beds with nonliving groundcover may not be subject to the 35% limit if they are densely planted so as to be predominantly living. 16. The detention pond is located adjacent to the public sidewalk and must be fenced along that portion to protect pedestrians. This can be in the form of a low wall (up to 4 feet in height) that matches the building or a wood or iron fence. It should run between the entrance drive and eastern property line. Landscaping should also be provided along the top edge, per Section 26-507 (stormwater facilities). The design and/or location of the pond may need to change based on the provided comments from Public Works. 17. The plant list table is blurry and will not be legible when printed or reproduced. 18. City Code requires ornamental trees to have at least a 2 -inch caliper. Increase the caliper size of the Chanticleer Pear and Goldenrain Tree to 2 inches. 19. The provided landscaping square footage on this sheet (4,791 sf) does not match the figure on the site plan (4,745 sf). Confirm which is correct and make sure they match. Provide a separate exhibit that shades/shows the areas that are being counted toward the minimum 20% landscape coverage. 20. Remove the street frontage section. The build -to requirement supersedes the requirement for trees in the front setback, and the City is adding street trees and sidewalk in the right-of-way as part of the 52°d Avenue Investing 4 the Future bond project. Label as "Streetscape by City." Sheet 18 — Landscape Details (L3.90) 21. This page should be included in the SDP document. 22. Provide details of the screening device or fencing for the detention pond as requested in comment #16. Elevations 23. There are still concerns about the quality of the elevations, particularly the street -facing (two- story) portion. Extended eaves on the roofline, wall -mounted downlighting, articulation of widows (with larger sills or pilasters), and/or architectural fins would go a long way in adding visual interest to the building. Refer to Chapter 4.2, Section A of the ASDM for other design standards and tools. Planning Commission ultimately will review and make a decision on this project and often has specific comments about architecture and whether the submitted elevations meet the requirements and intent of the ASDM. Examples are provided on page 6 of this letter. 24. Blackline elevations need to be included in the SDP document (Sheets A-100 and A-101 in the elevations provided). The additional graphics do not need to be provided. 25. Provide an elevation for the trash enclosure. Code requires it to match the building. Case No. WZ-19-05 & WA -19-05 — S&S Plumbing 26. The blackline elevations should more clearly show the various materials. The shading shown will not reproduce or scan when transferred to mylars. 27. Provide a materials table with the square footages of each material for each fagade. This will help us confirm whether each elevation meets the primary material requirement. 28. Is the overhang over the entrance on the west side proposed to span over the sidewalk? If so it needs to be shown on the site plan and the location of the support poles needs to be considered so the sidewalk/ramp access is not blocked. What are the materials for the overhang? For future consideration 29. Variance: Staff is able to recommend approval of the variance notwithstanding the public comment period. This is primarily due to the fact that the site can accommodate the additional parking required for office space, so the site will not have a negative impact on its surroundings. The variance will be reviewed by the Planning Commission at the same time as the Specific Development Plan. The application was also sent on referral to other City departments and outside agencies. Attached are the comments that were received. Wheat Ridge Public Works: See attached letter and redlines from Dave Brossman, dated October 11, 2019. Of particular notes are comments related to the detention pond and retaining walls. A Final Drainage Report will need to be provided. Wheat Ridge Building Division: No comments at this time until plans are submitted for permits. Wheat Ridge Economic Development: Provided support of the project. Valley Water District: See attached letter from Kathleen Kadnuck, dated October 1, 2019. The district can serve the property, but due to the planned reconstruction of W. 52°d Avenue, new water connections and stub -ins need to be coordinated with the district. Please coordinate with the district regarding service and timing of the project. Fruitdale Sanitation District: See attached letter from Bill Willis, dated October 10, 2019. Please coordinate with the district regarding service. Arvada Fire Protection District: See attached redlines and emails from Steven Parker. I followed up with Steven regarding some of his comments, which are also attached. It is potentially possible to use the adjacent drive aisle to the west for fire access, but please work directly with Steven regarding his comments and concerns, since he originally requested widening the drive aisle to 26 feet for an on- site fire access lane. The drive aisle on the adjacent property would need to be brought into conformance including the addition of fire lane signs with a signage plan. Xcel Energy: See attached letter from Donna George, dated September 16, 2019. I believe that the manhole she is referring to is actually in the public right-of-way so unless the sidewalk is being disturbed that comment is not relevant. Please coordinate with the district regarding service. Comcast: No comments. Case No. WZ-19-05 & WA -19-05 — S&S Plumbing Century Link: No comments. This concludes the summary of comments. Please re -submit the site plan as a .pdf file and provide the civil documents with the neat submittal. For questions or clarification on any comments, feel free to directly contact me or Dave Brossman. Sincerely, Scott Cutler Planner II cc: WZ-19-05 & WA -19-05 case files Matt Ward Alice Hinkle Case No. WZ-19-05 & WA -19-05 — S&S Plumbing Articulation Examples Fins, storefront glass, and eaves add visual interest Extended eaves (both) and fins/support arms (left) provide shadow lines, depth, and visual interest �M" Coverings on the top and side of the windows add shadow lines, depth, and visual interest ecrar�reec 1 f lM L Extended eaves add shadow lines, depth, and visual interest; wall -mounted lighting adds visual interest and breaks up blank walls Case No. WZ-19-05 & WA-19-05-S&SPlumbing 'SAI City Of ridge WheatR PUBLIC WORKS Memorandum TO: Scott Cutler, Planner II FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer DATE: October 11, 2019 SUBJECT: WZ-19-05 & WA -19-05 / Hinkle SDP — Review #1 I have completed my first review for the request for approval of a specific development plan and variance to build a wo-story, 7,000 square foot office/warehouse building at 12060 W. 52nd Avenue, received on October 1, 2019, and I have the following comments: PLANNING & ZONING: Specific Development Plan 1. Public Works did not receive an SDP with this submittal. CIVIL ENGINEERING: Final Drainage Report (Narrative): 1. No Final Drainage Report was included. Please have the applicant include the Report with the next submittal. Drainage Letter (Appendix): 1. No Final Drainage Report was included. Please have the applicant include the Report with the next submittal. Final Drainage Plan: 1. No Final Drainage Report was included. Please have the applicant include the Report with the next submittal. Civil Construction Plans Sheet C3.10 (Site Plan): 1. The Ingress -Egress Easement along the west side of the subject property does not appear to extend to the boundary of the subject property (there seems to be about a 10' gap between them). If this is indeed the case, then a separate easement will need to be obtained from the adjacent owner to (legally) allow access through their Hinkle SDP 12060 W52nd ve Review) It doc: Dooms 11 ErEll 111111111110-11111 Oct 00dr 11 012010 0000 2 property prior to approval of this design. 2. Need to move the middle ADA ramp along the east side of the building to the north a bit to ensure 24" clearance between the top of the ramp and the door to meet ADA requirements. 3. Please be advised that all detention/WQ facilities shall be located a minimum of ten (10) feet from any external property line per the City's Site Drainage Requirements. As such, the grading for the proposed EDB must commence at least ten (1) feet from the property line. (This is to protect adjacent property from impacts of the grading, infiltration, seepage, etc. that may be caused by the facility). 4. Within the 10' setback for the pond, a manhole shall be constructed just inside the bounds of the subject property. The reason for this requirement is the pipe running from that MH to the main within the W. 52°d Ave. roadway will belong to the City, and we need a definite place where public maintenance begins and private responsibility terminates for the pipe. 5. Please be advised that a Stormwater Detention Easement shall be required for the area within the 100 -year W SEL boundary of the pond. Since this property is not being platted, the easement shall be granted to the City on the standard Permanent Easement document furnished with this letter. The Easement must contain the following language on it: "THE NON -BUILDABLE STORMWATER DETENTION/ WATER QUALITY AREA HEREIN DESCRIBED SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER AND SUBSEQUENT OWNERS, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNER, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH AREA AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID OWNER, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS AGREES TO PAY. NO BUILDING OR STRUCTURE WILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE DETENTION AREA AND NO CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS AFFECTING THE HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DETENTION AREA WILL BE MADE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS." 6. It appears the retaining wall may be proposed directly on the property line. Please be advised if this is the case that the construction activity will likely encroach onto the adjacent property to the south. Construction activities on neighboring properties will trigger prior written approval to be obtained from all affected landowner(s) prior to approval of this design. Public Works suggests moving the proposed wall at least a foot off of the property line to avoid this requirement. Sheet C4.10 (Grading Plan): 1. As stated above it appears the retaining wall may be proposed directly on the property line. Please be advised if this is the case that the construction activity will likely encroach onto the adjacent property to the south. Construction activities on neighboring properties will trigger prior written approval to be obtained from all affected landowner(s)rn iorto approval of this design. Public Works suggests moving the proposed wall at least a foot off of the property line to avoid this requirement. 2. Please show the maximum grade percent's for the pond and the slopes along the east/southeast areas. 3. Please add the following text to the end of Keynote #8: "A SEPARATE BUILDING PERMIT MAY BE REQUIRED FOR THE WALL; Hinkle SDP 12060 W52vdAve Review-1.1h.doex 11 111111C 11 ErEll 111111111110-11111 ❑ct000r 11 FD01 ❑ 111111113 CONTACT THE WHEAT RIDGE BUILDING DEPARTMENT (303.235.2876) FOR FURTHER INFO." 4. Please add General Note #5: "5. SLOPES SHALL NOT EXCEED 4:1 MAXIMUM." Sheet C6.10 (Utility Plan): 1. Please add the following Note #5: "5. NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR: IF MORE THAN THREE (3) STREET CUTS OCCUR WITHIN 250 LINEAR FEET, ADDITIONAL MILLING/OVERLAY REQUIREMENTS WILL APPLY. REFER TO THE TERMS OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ROW CONSTRUCTION PERMIT (THAT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, 303.235.2861, PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK)." 2. Please darken the anticipated boundaries of all street cuts (as shown on Sheets C5.10 - C5.12). Itemized Engineer's Cost Estimate 1. An itemized estimate for the materials used on all horizontal improvements, landscaping, and irrigation proposed within the site shall be required. Private infrastructure investment is subject to the assessment of the City's 3.5% Use Tax, and the approved estimate will be used to assess this tax on the Building Permit issued through the Community Development Department/ Building Division (303.235.2876). Please provide a copy of the Itemized Engineer's Cost Estimate for review and approval as soon as possible to avoid delays in permit issuance. Construction Control Plan The Construction Control Plan ("CCP') is a modified set of civil construction plan sheets used in the field to facilitate recordation of key as -built elevations and building set -back dimensions. The CCP will be developed by the design engineer and architect and shall be submitted to the City for review and final approval prior to issuance of any Site Work or ROW Construction Permits. Instructions for development of the CCP are available on the City's website under the Public Works Development Review webpage. Please provide a copy of the CCP for review and approval as soon as possible to avoid delays in permit issuance. OTHER REQUIREMENTS: 1. Site Work Permit: A Site Work (Building) Permit shall be obtained from the City of Wheat Ridge Building Division (303.235.2876) prior to commencement of any on-site work. The Site Work Permit covers all horizontal infrastructure work that occurs on private property, including but not limited to, interior drives, curb, gutter, sidewalk, landscaping, irrigation, lighting, common areas, parking, and drainage - Hinkle SDP 12060 W52vdAve Review-1.1h.doex 11 111111C 11 ErEll 111111111110-11111 ❑ct000r 11 FD01 ❑ 111111114 related items. The Site Work Building Permit Application shall be accompanied by an approved copy of a Construction Control Plan ("CCP'). 2. Foundation Setback and Elevation Certification: Upon form placement or concrete being poured for the building foundation, a Foundation Setback and Elevation Certification for Commercial and Multi - Family Developments form accompanied by an approved copy of a Construction Control Plan shall be submitted to the Building Division. Right -of -Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing: a. ROW Permits. Prior to any construction within the public right-of-way (ROW), the necessary Right -of -Way Construction Permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Right -of -Way Construction Permits are issued by the Department of Public Works only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, Traffic Control Plan (if applicable), Construction Control Plan and easement or ROW dedications b. Licensing. All work within the public Right -of -Way shall only be performed by a municipally -licensed contractor. c. 2 -Year Warranty. Upon completion of the improvements Final Acceptance will be granted by the Public Works inspector. At that time 2 - year warranty period for the completed and approved public improvements shall commence. If at any time during said 2 -year Warranty Period the City Inspector deems that the constructed public improvements are in such condition as to require repairs or replacement, the contractor shall complete such work upon request. 4. Drainage Certification/ As -Built Plans: Please note the following items required prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy: a. Drainage Certification: Upon completion of the drainage improvements, the Engineer -of -Record shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a written, signed and sealed Drainage Certification Letter (DCL) stating that the overall site grading was completed per the approved Grading and Drainage Plans, all drainage facilities were constructed per the approved construction plans and shall function as defined in the approved Final Drainage Report/Plan, and that the site has been accurately surveyed to confirm that the grading and construction of all drainage facilities was completed in accordance with these documents. The DCL shall be submitted to the City for review and approval, and shall be accompanied with As -Built Plans on the Current City Datum for all constructed drainage facilities prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. Hinkle SDP 12060 W52vdAve Review-1.1h.doex 11 111111C 11 ErEll 111111111110-11111 ❑ct000r 11 FD01 ❑ ❑000 ❑ b. As -Built Plans: The following items shall be included on the As -Built Plans or CCP prior to City acceptance: i. Stormwater-related (this info referenced in DCL) 1. Detention Pond: 1. Outlet Structure rim and invert elevations. 2. Spot elevations sufficient to determine the provided volume. 2. Manholes, rim and invert elevations. 3. Drop Inlets (if applicable), grate and invert elevations. 4.Curb & gutter (on-site only). 5. Spot elevations around the site to show the site has been graded and will drain per the approved civil documents. Two (2) electronic tiles are to be delivered on DVD/CD-ROM as follows: i. One (1) file in AutoCAD 2015 DWG or older format, AND ii. One (1) file in PDF format (of the signed & sealed sheets). Note: The As -Built Plans/CCP will not be accepted until the AutoCAD (2015 or older) DWG file has also been received. Information pertaining to the Public Works development requirements, Site Drainage Requirements, the City's Street Construction Standards & Details in AutoCAD@ DWG format, ROW maps, and City -based coordinate and land surveying information (i.e., Current City Datum), is all available on the Public Works, Development Review page of the City of Wheat Ridge website at: www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Hinkle SDP 12060 W52vdAve Review-1.1h.doex ./�AMAULT MARTIN/MARTIN 00000"CONSULTING CONSULTING ENGINEERS October 10, 2019 Scott Cutler Wheat Ridge Community Development Department 7500 W 29`h Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303-235-2849 Email: scutler(@ci.wheatridee.co.us Re: Fruitdale Sanitation District— 12060 W 52nd Ave - S&S Plumbing Martin/Martin, Inc Project No.: 13.0053 Dear Mr. Cutler, On behalf of the Fruitdale Sanitation District (FSD), Martin/Martin Inc., acting as the District's Consulting Engineer, offers the following in response to the site plan received October 1, 2019, concerning a proposed two story 7,000 square foot office/warehouse building development at the above referenced address. The Fruitdale Sanitation District has no objections with the proposed development conditional on the items identified herein are fully addressed. The following are general requirements for sanitary sewer service. Rules, Regulations and Standards of the District must be complied with at all times. Tracer wire detail is to be installed and a detail is to be place on the plans. Sanitary service line is suggested to have at least 2 -percent slope and the invert of the pipe is to be above the 10:00 or 2:00 o'clock position of the mainline. Please provide invert information in subsequent submittals. The subject lot appears to be entirely within the service and boundary area of the Fruitdale Sanitation District. Treatment of sewage generated within the Fruitdale Sanitation District is provided by Metro Wastewater Reclamation District. Existing District Sanitary Sewer Mainline(s) Fruitdale Sanitation District has the following sanitary sewer mains in the vicinity of the proposed property: • 8 -inch mainline running west to east, north of the referenced property within W 52nd Ave It appears the property may be serviced by gravity flow; however, the owner/developer is responsible for determining horizontal locations and vertical depths of the existing sanitary sewer main(s) to verify if service and gravity flow is feasible or if a private individual sewage ejector (lift station) is required. The issuance of a sewer tap permit by the District does not in any way guarantee that the property can be served by gravity flow. No underdrain or storm sump pump connections to District facilities are allowed. Utility Locates It is the developer's responsibility to provide the District, c/o Martin/Martin Inc., with an ASCE Utility Quality B utility locate mapping stamped by a Colorado PE as required in Colorado Senate Bill 18-167 and ASCE 38 standards. Depending on the design, an ASCE Quality Level A supplemental survey may be required which necessitates physical contact and survey of the existing utility at crossings. All projects must meet Senate Bill 18-167 for proper notification to the Notification Association by the Developer's professional engineer. It is also the owner's responsibility to include electronic locators on all new underground facilities, including service lines up to the structure or building being served. Submit details for tracer wire and associated test stations. MARTIN/MARTIN, INC. 12499 WEST COLFAX AVENUE LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80215 MAIN 303.431.6100 MARTINMARTIN.COM Fruitdale Sanitation District— 12060 W 52nd Ave - S&S Plumbing October 10, 2019 The owner/developer is required to participate in the District flow study. From the site plan provided on October 1, 2019, it appears a 1 -inch water meter (4.8 SFREs) is proposed. Please notify the District if these values are not correct. The developer will be required to provide definition of proposed generated flows from the anticipated development(s) to allow an understanding of downstream sanitary mainline capacity. If it is determined that downstream mainlines will need to be upsized due to the development, upsizing costs will be the responsibility of the owner/developer. Sampling Manhole A monitoring manhole for sampling and metering is required on all service lines in cases where commercial properties are being provided services. The District must have access to this manhole at all times. Additional information as to use within the buildings is required in order to determine if pre-treatment is required. If pre-treatment is not initially constructed, and sampling results indicate that requirements of the Metro Rules and Regulations are not complied with, then pre-treatment (e.g. grease interceptor, sand/oil separator, or other acceptable treatment system) will be required to be installed on the service line prior to discharging to the District main. All costs are the responsibility of the owner/developer. Costs All costs involved are to be deposited in advance—engineering, reviews, and inspections —are the responsibility of the Owner/Developer at the then current rate fee structure. Please be aware of the following: 1. Deposit must be made prior to reviews and further coordination. 2. All tap and development fees are due prior to connection. A water provider letter verifying water meter sizing for all units/buildings will be required prior to a tap application completion. Full addresses of each sanitary service are also required. A tap application is available online and must be submitted to the District for review. No tap fees will be accepted until conditional approval is received for the mainline extension including such items as: mainline air testing, as -constructed drawings (certified survey), and final televising of the mainline(s). If credits for SFRE's are being requested for existing units(s)/buildings, the Developer must provide existing addresses, meter size, and if applicable, abandon the sanitary tap at the mainline (District observation and fee is required) prior to final new connection acceptance. A minimum 72 -hour notice prior to construction is required following District receipt of all fees. These fee amounts can be paid directly to the District Office prior to connection, payable to Fruitdale Sanitation District, which also collects Metro Wastewater's "connection fees'. There is also an additional intensity fee of $500/SFRE/Acre for every SFRE above 3 SFREs/acre. Any questions regarding this document, please contact us at (303) 431-6100. Sincerely, Bill Willis, PE Cc: GaryCharbonnier— FruitdaleSanitationDistrict Page 212 10/01/19 TUE 08:36 FAX 303 424 0828 VALLEY WATER DIS I - VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 12101 wF.S'r 52N1) AV FNLJF WHEAT RTT)(,F, (".01,0RADO 80033 '1'LLEPHONL 303-424-9661 October 1, 2019 PAx 303-424-0828 SCO11 Culler cilly ol'Whcat Ridce 7.500 W. ?g"b Avenue. Wheat. Ridge, CO 8003:1 Dear Scutt: In reference to Carse No. 1V/...-19-05 R WA -19-05 / Flinkiv SM), ihc. 'Va.11ey 1VrAO' DiStrict has revieNved the inquiry and the tullowin" items '1hhly. I . \!alley Water Dim ict can provide wer service: to the pwposcd prcOccl sukOvc:l Io Valley Water f)i$triet rules and regulations and Deliver \Valcr 1)cparlmenl �ilrcrrctitt .. rules. 2. Additional water main lines, (ire hydrants or Are sprinkler lines may be needad to meet'. Valley Water District, Deriver Water Department and Arvada Tire Protection District requirements which would be at owner's expense. >. lradditional walc:r main lines, fire hydrants ur tiro sprinklUT lute~ ttre neeclecl. 11u. owner wc:,uld need to provide any nmessary e.a,cment . All Conslrucl 011 rrIust be ill coinpliarrce with the terms c:1l`the casement. 4, The uwner will be respintsible for the cost. oCdoniesUC Ups, irri ;atiOl1 MI)S curd lire lice laps hwhdl1 g Service lines and inner installation. All tnp installations will be subject to the rules and regultttions orlhe VaNcy Water District and the Denver Wtlter Dolm.rlmcut. 5. The owner of he propealy Ivill nued to contact Valley \Vater Districl ,r t. 303-42-1- 966 1 -42-1- 9661 prior'to development orthe projeo to disc-uss :ap&Pc: wale.i system doign needs, 6. Due to the City or Wheat Ricig e''s pNnnerd reconslrucl.ion cal" W. 52" I Avenue, coordination with the District will be: importam to avoid a street cut and asphalt rr.1mir in the newly Naval street, The property owner can obtain a stub-irr permit which Will ullov" the water tap to be made and service line run ort to the properly while the streel is under construction. Tarp foes would not be due until service: is act'iv;ttc+d. 0001 Xcel Energy - PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY D ct0011r 11 E20111 li■ on ■■ ' f1 ■■ on ■ mom ■ ■■■tot■■ ■■i ■n: ■ ■■ ■ n■■■ ■ma0cc Att00 Scot CQDY Re: Hinkle SDP. Case #s WZ-19-05 and WA -19-05 Right of Way & Permits 1123 0 m 3i° A DDIgM=M m223 TDHQ 0S](D03.571.3306 =M=03. M1.3201 dOm DIgMO a=D00cm ■■ml.. ■ ■r.■ ■■ ■■■■ ■■ ■■ ■.■m m ■■�■ ■■■ ■■ ■ ■■ ■mn■ ■. ■ ■o■ . ■nm■■ ■■ ■m■■ m ■mon ■■ ■■■ ■n ■ ■■■■■. ■■■ ■ ■■ ■■Ill III■ ■■ ■ ■■ [1011 ■■. IlUctrId d11Itr11I1Et10111 111 Il 111 ■ n III ■ ■ 1111■■■. ■ ■m ■ ■■■m m. m■ ■n ■■. ■■. ■11.11 ■ 111111. ■m r. m nom■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ 1111 ■ 111■. ■ ■■r1 ■■1111■ I I ■ ■111■■ ■III■■ ■ 000 ■ 111 ■ 000 ■ IIII■ ■■■ ■ on on 111 ■■nLi 1111■ ■■ ■ 1111 1111■ IT []Hctrl■■ ■G 1111 IT .• - . ■ ■nt III■ 111 Il 111 ■111 ■ ■m■■ ■■ ■■ n■■ ■tc ■. ■■■■ ■ : n: ■ m ■m m■ m nn � nv ■r m ■■ ■0n■■■Il1■ ■ ■■ton 1■. ■mn■■. ■ ■ ■ ■m m 0 mono ■ ■1111 .. filll■■■■■■■■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■■. ■ ■■ ■ moll■. ■■ ■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ nm ■ ■ ■ ■■ m■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■r. nn■ ■ MOM. 1 ■ . ■nm■■ ■ ■m ■ ■o■ ■ ■ m: ■ m■ ■■ ■ ■■. mono u m ■ nil■ nt. ■ ■■ ■ m ■ ■■■ ■. m■ D0000 0 ODr00 Rat 000 DD Old 1111r0 0000 S DTOdO C 00 0000 OCC DDYC'd 0 d 00 11c0070DT00 0®00303®D1 E33000000®d0000070DT000 D;01011]Dr 00 c00 Thanks for the atltlttlonal inb. Please make them aware, that as part ofthis they will need to bring up the fire lane signage into conformance Therefore, they wall need to provide a signage plan indicating where existing fire lane signs are, and where proposed signs will go. Steven Parker EEO Fire Marshal Arvada Fre Protection District 7903 Allison Way Arvada, CO 80005 303403 0477 www arvadafire com From: Scott Cutler Gscutler@ci whatrdge cc us, Sent Monday, October 14, 20199.07 AM To: Steven Parker w even. parker@ arvadafiream> Subject: RE'. Wheat Ridge Referral —WZ/WA-1905 TM1anks As pan of project we are requesting an In grewEegrese easement estension for the driving site funder separate ownership) to allow accesem the new site via the existing drive, so there will be understanding from the existing occupants The driving drive is platted asafire lane; refer to Pagel of M1e attached document You an see the site of the proposed building where the 'vicinity map" is on this page, and the fire lane to the west which eMends down to afire hydrant Itappears the access easement is 40' but the Fire Lane is specifically called out will provide your feedback to the applicant and encourage them to reach out to you directly. I'm In agreement that we'd need to see agreement Tom the existing occupants/ownersthat use of driving easement is okay. Smtt cutler TO S.0 man attract: RE Whi nA,n l_SSELVA1 Data: Mancii ockber 14, 2019 9 49 05 AM Thanks for the atltlttlonal inb. Please make them aware, that as part ofthis they will need to bring up the fire lane signage into conformance Therefore, they wall need to provide a signage plan indicating where existing fire lane signs are, and where proposed signs will go. Steven Parker EEO Fire Marshal Arvada Fre Protection District 7903 Allison Way Arvada, CO 80005 303403 0477 www arvadafire com From: Scott Cutler Gscutler@ci whatrdge cc us, Sent Monday, October 14, 20199.07 AM To: Steven Parker w even. parker@ arvadafiream> Subject: RE'. Wheat Ridge Referral —WZ/WA-1905 TM1anks As pan of project we are requesting an In grewEegrese easement estension for the driving site funder separate ownership) to allow accesem the new site via the existing drive, so there will be understanding from the existing occupants The driving drive is platted asafire lane; refer to Pagel of M1e attached document You an see the site of the proposed building where the 'vicinity map" is on this page, and the fire lane to the west which eMends down to afire hydrant Itappears the access easement is 40' but the Fire Lane is specifically called out will provide your feedback to the applicant and encourage them to reach out to you directly. I'm In agreement that we'd need to see agreement Tom the existing occupants/ownersthat use of driving easement is okay. Smtt cutler 01 Pnone 31 f Zd�e From: Steven Panzer G4even oan:ei arvadafire com Sent Monday, October 14, 2019 5:29 AM To: Scott Cutler G3oIIer9 c whea6cal c0 Subject: RE'. Wh eat Ridge Referral —WZ/WA�1905 Scott, Inth eery this an work Wh at I n eed to see th an lsthat this ed at n g on ve is platted as a fire land, and thatthere Is a ndersta Pon g ft om the prison O¢u pants that MIa Pa 11 be used for the new Fri Iding Furthermore, Mere wall need t0 be addition al agnage atltlatl t0 the ed4ing site, Pecan thlsarea Is notorious for doggin g up the on yes, th erefore retlu on g th e fi To lin e a Pal land it Tone41µ it won ld be beat lfthere was the anality t0 have access on este, but I unPersian it their concern. I am Just hesitant Pecan as Me prison on ve Is not very acoesoble Steven Parker EEO Fire Marshal Arvada Fre Protection OI4rict 7903 Allison Way Arvada, CO 50005 3034030477 www arvadafire com e4i1R�11�' �11� From: Scott Cutler G3oII ei whei c0 Sent Wednesday, OROber9, 20191256 PM us To: Steven Parker G4even oahei arvadafire di Subject: RE'. Wheat Ridge Referral —WZ/WA-1905 1 see what you're saying The attached screenshot dmwsthe private drive t0 the west which Isalso used asflre accessforthat industrial center There Isa fire hydam t0 the southwest ORhe proposed building which l atltlatl to the diagram to provide confer. WOuld this suffice and allow forthe 150 requirement to all portions? This ams up In the or, application meshing and they were untlertbe Impression Fire could usethat cry, to thewest since its alreatly an acc ss easement with a fire hydrant. Seen cutler Communits, Development a artment Core Phone: 303 235 2&49 ��Wk.°"eazRZige From: Steven Raman 6teven ri straitmm Sent Wetlnestlay, October9, 20191245 Pro To: Scott Carl <5C rterlrvN whmfi tloe o Subject: RE' Mayo Flags Refeml- WVWA 19 05 Well they have two optl ons. The first would be to Ended, access on and the secontl would be to sprinkler the bull tll ng. These are their only optl ons beaus, from W 5200 Ave they cannot meet the 150 foot requirement to al I portions of the eA rior of the structure Ode I IF SOE M1I,MMNG J EF F.F.E=EOW.M Steven Parker EEO Fire Marshal Arvada Fre Protection District 7903 Allison Way Arvada, CO 30005 3034030477 www arvadafire com From: Scott Cutler GsgIIer9 c whea6deeco Sent W son asks S October 9, 201911:53 AM us To: Steven Parker Osteven oarkei arvadafre di Subject: RE'. Wh eat Ridge Referral —WZ/WA-1905 Thanks Can fire accessbe maintained born W Send Avenue and the drying private drive to the waves l tlltl not think they were planning for anon e¢e fire accessroad through the parking lot since the building Is lessthan JO wide and 100' deep. The western drive Is approximately 40' wide. Scott cutler Panner 11 Community Development Department DNISPhone 3039s0e49 Ridge From Steven Parker G4even oarkei arvadafre mm Sent Wednesday, October 9, 201911.40 AM To: Scott Cutler GsoII ei whea6tlee co Subject: RE'. Wheat Ridge Referral —WZ/WA�1905 Scott, Attached are the APED comments fortbls referral. Steven Parker EEO Fire Marshal Arvada Fre Protection Ol4rlct 7903 Allison Way Arvada, CO 30005 3034030477 Peeve arvadafire com From: Scott Cutler <soII ei whea6dee cc us Sent Tuestla µ October 1, 20199:57 AM To: Steven Parker G4even oarkei arvadafre com Subject: Wheat Ridge Referral — WZ/W A PETS Steven, CORRUGATED METAL SIDING AND ROOF S&S, PLU;,,---',..Bl,::".G SERA ICES I 'C. WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS OS SPANDREL PANELS IN ALL MEZZANINE LEVEL STORAGE AREAS NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" = V-0" _ MEZZANINE CEILING 211-0" TEXTURED METAL PANEL (PEBBLE FINISH) P. MEZZANINE FLOOR -12,-0" _ -FIRST FLOOR CEILING 91-011 MANUFACTURED STONE VENEER EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 1001-011 MEZZANINE CEILING 21'-0" TEXTURED METAL PANEL (PEBBLE FINISH) MEZZANINE FLOOR 12'-0" FIRST FLOOR CEILING 91-0" MANUFACTURED STONE VENEER McPherson DISCOVERArchitcture _ POT[ NTIAL 1735 19TH STREET SUITE 200 DENVER COLORADO 80202 MCPHERSONARCHITECTURE.COM Li Z W O V � 1 O Lu p w U 1� W Z 0 CO Ck: D _ J 2018 WPhawn Amhlb gin, All Pighb Reserve I. wa d ift ew°ep�o�'r�analr"ee�ro'8roa0nele�'n. m aotlwnrieae. pd—,lmaaannemr y name Uywmenlxotlu pt tram odgi a etOleE In enY ae0re. memµ for 0n original Mall,srl" elle rer wlIlh 0 - IeE, mneem ardphy%IpP�°�°naeo . .m.r V oPlkrmry IN hwewhichrMimall. end In 0. arch lrel Yrork(e) IenreeeMeO neleny. gml6�apo� , Ingy na eo momnea ra aly M �1 W M Phmern A AiEseWn. Y. not meas by McPlnnen AMule"un w110s e1 wertendee, asPress eM"illplieG Indutllnp, w0llout Iinllelion, any PeN�NYY or merthennDI Ity a MnBee io a allar W rpose. EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A-100 MEZZANINE CEILING 21'-0" TEXTURED METAL PANELS (PEBBLE FINISH) MEZZANINE FLOOR 12'-0" FIRST FLOOR CEILING 9'-0" MANUFACTURED STONE VENEER 585 PLUMBING SERVICES INC. WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 70'-0" SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" MEZZANINE CEILING 21'-0" MEZZANINE FLOOR 12'-0" FIRST FLOOR CEILING 9'-0" CORRUGATED METAL PANELS TYP. WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 100'-0" 1 RUGATED METAL :LS TYP. DISCOVERctuW . POTENTIAL 1735 19TH STREET SUITE 200 DENVER COLORADO 80202 MCPHERSONARCHRECTURE.COM 20111 McPh— Amh%W m, Al Rama neaer"d, Workh We. Thm eDdlTe.1 MaulDmpp wi mu m..n�a end a rwlm 4oea ..t loch Mreln..(m = or otharnme esaotl.tee wlm tltle decimarel um"y're�r�..dctIn erry mee'm, Bxmpl hr 0"�"ie od�pDul rMwut pdm wdmn a.nsem.1 MCP Mllk.clure, wh1.hmim.0 ht—rd °ar"muamp1Om° i°ommlew re;�m nme n e° n the This et rl ey M D. rigdfW rw any puryma eatapl DY MfAMrbn MY1itepure. My modification rwl mace D MCPtrereon Mra.aWre was an x"�n1i.., emcee. e irtpiiad Intludlnp, viVRm IDrtlmtldt,eny weeamy W memhmedgldy or tlDiees (or . perDwbr purycsa. EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A-101 September 26, 2019 Ms. Stephanie Stevens Senior Planner City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: S&S Plumbing Services Inc, 12060 W. 52nd Ave Wheat Ridge, CO. Dear Stephanie, Please find enclosed the pre -application materials for the proposed "S&S Plumbing Services Inc", an approximate 0.5 -acre office/warehouse development located at 12060 W. 52nd Ave Wheat Ridge, CO The proposed plan incorporates a 2 -story office/warehouse building on a currently vacant lot along W. 52nd Avenue in Wheat Ridge. The proposal includes the 7000-sf building, 26 parking spaces, and builds upon the city's proposed streetscape plans. The site is currently vacant undeveloped land and will have access from the private drive within the current industrial development to the west of the site and a public entrance from W. 52nd Ave. to the north. If you should have any questions, or need any additional information, please don't hesitate to call or email. We appreciate your insight and are looking forward to working with you on the success of this project. Sincerely, 9**L> Jim Shipton Point Consulting, LLC Point Consulting, LLC 18460 W Ken Caryl Avenue #101, Littleton, CO 80128 720-258-6836 1 www.pnt-llc.com ♦6 A♦ City of WheatlRidge CommuNLTy DEVELOPMENT Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Ph: 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 Community Development Referral Form Date Mailed: 11ct017Or 1 E2010 Response Due: Octmllr 1X010 Tho 0 hoot RCdoo Coo 0 0011IODOm01100 DOt D000to OD h00rDco1IIDd 0 r0000C1 OCr ODITOm0000 o7CCH8 dOm01100 00t 00110 o0d o7®Oco [it 12000 0 . 172m Am000. 00rOm000011100 mDOrrrFC000Ql0toho0ID000000lct®ODo-cODcErOOrDOo-d®0th®o-OODOOD Case No. o 0 oCi oOo 0 o ACI oEDo off ®o®SDO Request DTh0 000MOOt 011 r000000110 ooErommoo oEiDCD@ d000®oo oot o®o o0J 0T01]Dco to oold 0 to oat o-000ED00 D7Do-o OJo DE000I orEh 0000 00ld 0110 [it 120 D0 0 . 172m AD7000. Th 0 or000to ®corroo® oocoot oDd ® D7oDd 0®ooDd Coo o Erc®moD70I1oo 0o O7CDo Tho 01to Onb om Dccoo ito 172m Am000 o® o 000 0001111 DOtrODCO oo tho 000 Dido ootho on:] o0 00® 0o CCcooitotho ErMo dr01100o th o 00o Od o thot® Ih o-Dd ooth o oth or IIDd E11r0110001111 01100 ®tho oroo. Tho 0T01OCDr00000: ®t0 1111cr=0tho oorcoot000 000Em0 0 iDco oDd t0 d DcrOD0 ] th o oorcoot000 000 orEh oom 07Oc0000 r000OCI DJ oo th o 000m oEtoo o®o o®o coo 0000 A®oho- otoodordo oo coo o® oQh tho 000r000d o of®o Dom®oo oot 0®o DO th ol or000t Duni IIDd ®o ooro®o oDd ®od Cx00®0. Tho or0000Dm101100 mDUct to 000 00011c hoo-®o [it 0®00®0 COO 0 ®0IDt0 r00110 tho 0 ]DCD@ d000®oo Dot 00110 ood 0T01]DCO r00000t. A coomdo®o 000 0101100 r0®TDd to 070 oo tho lot0-0 DmCx C1IADd OQh tho SDO 00011co®0 0 ®000 romoDd t o th ®rOODOo ® 0r1tI®D r00Erd ®D mo- DODIDDt O D0 -m th O ErODotO 0011000 mDc® 000 000 ®DOCIrDct Er0 000JDd or ® oromo oOtOtO DOIIII0110 ®DOorCctDrOthot 0®Or000DOd. IDCCIJ1do 000 00000 0010 th ot 0101100 00m11t®o 0 0?m th o ErODotO 00 O rOEEA ooh ®d om®oo o0t. 0 ®Cm d OtOQQh O r0001= ooto DO dom®oo oot ® r0mOCt to mQ r00110 oDd r000C1III01100 Tomo ooDd 001hor caomot®oo cootDct th o c om o 00000ro Case Manager: Scot Cota Phone: 303.230.2D40 Email: Ccoto:ro c1E1hoEtrCd00.c0.00 Fax: 303.230.2000 DISTRIBUTION: Valley Water District Fmitdale Sanitation District Arvada Fire Protection District Xcel Energy Comcast Century Link Wheat Ridge Public Works Wheat Ridge Building Division Wheat Ridge Economic Development City of Arvada Jefferson County Planning , �2ND AVE \«\/- .j«�., ... \mak )© �� ° w . wl, 2018008652 1129/201810:10 AM PGS 3 $23.00 DF $0.00 Electronically Recorded Jefferson County, CO Faye Griffin, Clerk and Recorder TD1000 N WHEN RECORDED, RETURN TO: Often Johnson Robinson Neff & Ragonetti PC 950 171" Street, Suite 1640 Denver, Colorado 80202 Attn: Thomas J. Balniat SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE BARGAIN AND SALE DEED [Statutory Form - C.R.S. § 38-30-115] [TRANSFER FOR NO CONSIDERATION — NO DOCUMENTARY FEE REQUIRED PURSUANT TO CRS §39-13-102(2)(a)] WAYNE S. HIlVKLE and ALICE J. HINKLE, as individuals, whose street address is 3420 Garland Street, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 (collectively, "Grantor"), for the consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, hereby sell and convey to 12060 W 52"d AVENUE, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company ("Grantee"), whose address is 3420 Garland Street, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033, the real property in the County of Jefferson, Colorado that is described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof, with all its appurtenances. Signed this j_lp day of November, 2017. GRANTOR: tWAY i S. HINKLE, an individual STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this {0 day of November, 2017, by Wayne S. Hinkle. WITNESS my hand and official seal. C Notary Public 0 .Cr 4 NO qRV PPUBUC i My Commission expires: ' ADAMS .J BTATEOFCOLORAW NOTARY 11D 190740OWS VCiiYM +F%I?id�81tAY AU GRANTOR: r ; t ALICE J. HIN E, an individual STATE OF COLORADO ) ss. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this j_�p day of November, 2017, by Alice J. Hinkle. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary Public i JOtA ADAVS N NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF eOLORADQ My Commission expires: r _) _ NOTARY 10 18974DDa4aI p COMMISM01 EXpI1 >lE� g Ay a3 202f EXHIBIT A to Bargain and Sale Deed Description of Real Property 'I I I ATP(AtTION Or 1,07 11, STAN r"m "mcmrs MCWt', AS; RECINNIM. A V A POIN't 160 WET WEST(M ITE M)UIWASI CORNER OF 1,01 01 1111"AW.A."WiNKIN1C. t 0111-11 PARALIX I, TO T111; EAC.-TI.INUOPSAID WU 0, 150 1HEMINWIT Be ONT TO V IK IN IRT1113NEMSMD IA I, THENCE EAST SO FkKr TO'" IR romroF OFCOLORADO, AND, BEGINNING A -r,% miNwrmi "j.wy of THE VORNIVAst-comommuYT morANDI.VIT [I FICUTS-. TITI-NCT 1IMNINTINCSOUTH PARALI.E.1- I'll h FASI, 1111NE01"'.Al D L(YVI.1. I EN(71, WESTATRUl"T ANGIYS SO FEKTJIMENCIONORM 150 MVF 10 It I L NO It 1'11 MINE' (11, :SAID 1,01 J.Q M UNCh KA IF M) PLUITO FIVE VOIN 1 (J1, I1PA;UNNIN6, COU.NTN 0F.1hYFERSON. SV A-11. OF C.01,I)RAT00 September 26, 2019 Community Development City of Wheat Ridge Attn: Stephanie Stevens 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 Dear Sir/Madam: Alice & Wayne Hinkle, 12060 W 52ND Avenue, LLC, the owner of the real property commonly known as 12060 W. 521d Ave Wheat Ridge, Colorado, authorizes Matt H. Ward, Manager for Real E Solutions LLC, and Point Consulting LLC, to submit and apply for land use applications for the subject property. Sincerely, 414KI� Wayne Hinkle 12060 W 52nd Avenue, LLC NOTE- 1 -and use applications must be — -- submitted Rl' .41'POINTNIENT vi•ith a > 4 planner. Incomplete applicationswil{not City cif accepted—refer to submittal checklists. �geLle LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community'. Development Department 7500 Nest 29"' Avenue • Wheat Ridg,il itO 80<033}- Phone (303) 235-2846 (t lease;print or type ' LLC Matt Ward Phone Everq een5C0 80439 mattwCa�realesoiutionsi,vork Applicant Real E Solutions, Address. City, State, Zip 26897 Evergreen Spnn s Owner 12060 W 52nd Ave, LLC - Alice Hinkle Phone 303-274-2- C0 800033 Email aliceta'�sspsdenver.com — Address, City, State, Zip 3420 Garland Street Wheat Rlda Contact Jim Shipton -Ilc.com Phone 303-257-9689 Email ishipton(U-N)i - Address, City, State -H, 60 nJ Ken Caryl Avenue #101 Littleton, CO 80333 post estication- provide (1'lte person listed as contact ill t'e `, t�utttile tstai7 report tprio'r to Pons u lic�l aring tno . anld shall be responsilble'tobr i'oM warding all all verbal and taritten public hewing signs, «vill rccei C a Col-, communication to appliunrt ,111;1 ," ` i Location of request (address): 12060 W. 52nd Avenue Wheat Ridae. CO 80033 — Type e of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): )P 0 Special Use Permit Cl Subdivision - sped y type: Ci Change of Lone Or Zone Condi ns � Conditional Use Permit IR _Administrative (up to 3 lots) ,Planned Developnl,'r�l ((ll , i -)P) Site Plan O Minor (4 or S lass) Cl Planned Building Group C7 Concept Plan Cl Major (6 or more lots) CI Temporary Use. 1:3tlildinu. `�i<;n 0 Right of Way Vacation Other:_.—.--- W"Variance/Waiver (from Section 26-__._) g se Detailed description of request: The proposed plan ates ioOWheat Ridgesquare . Che proposal includes building ncl desthe 7000 1 t2 acre lot along W. 52nd A sf building, a minimum of 13 parking spots, and builds upon the city's proposed streetscape plans. l' cel.4& that the in/i:�r�r�r�rir�r� :it',1 exhibits hereu.'i h submitted 01-C,ti Ue afid Correct to the be.it of'my knowledge COX tFttz its filing this applicse c atio,r. i rrrr .rcr rr� t+ iih the knowledge unci consent °rthrose pens rier'sIs ,1ni st . bragled �iit1 roti carr o allot !c?ser,t the requested actian� uumlol "'ol.V dh° be accornplished. Applicants of tc oarmll Cady froin the owner tthich appro. Cd 0/ this action on his behalf. NOTARY PUBLIC -STATE of COLORADO _ Notarized Signature of APP11cau — NOTARY tib 20t1W" 93 State of Colorad_o�. ss MY COMMI5SICiN E%RIFA OT,I /21 County of of a F1.70--- The foregoing i strum [it E i t J '. �'rucessinr, Application) was acknowledged by me this c day _ -F by r t My cornmission expires % Il'�/20 Notary Public N+s — (9-05 To be filled out by stat"c � � Fee $_ IS.VO �����!(l �Q.WA 0 Me No. ✓� .b b �� �G Date received — Quarter Section Map Comp Plan Design. Receipt No. —_ _ Related Case No. _ Pre -App Mtg. nate _ -1 �_ CaseManager r.,� � Assessor's Parcel Dai Current Zoning _ cm -rent Use �- Size (acres or sgft) --_ —.._-.—.—_-_. Proposed Zoning Proposed Use Rev U22) 2016