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THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the 25th
day at January, 1951, by and be~ween \~1LI~~ J. SALTER, here-
inBfter sometimes called "Grantor," and the CITY AND COUNTY
OF DENVER, a municipal corporation of the Staoe of Colorado,
act.ing by,
through and for the use
fYI:' T,'"<T1"G'D ("It"\M
oJJ.: U^.L~.l.t 1-,'-'1'1-
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:rSSIOj,EHS, hereinafter sometimes call"d "Board," WITNESS[o;TH:
Fo!" ar:.d in ccnside~a.tic(;. of' thG SULa of VIle thousand five
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iluULll cu.
auj 5i^~y-four dollars {~1,564.00}
to t.he
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Crantor by the Board as hereinafter provided, and the receipt
of seven hundred eighty-two
dollars ($782 .00) of said swn
>'''in" h<"rehy acknowledged, the Grantor hereby grants to the
JoeI'd its successors and assigns' a right of way in which to
construct, mainwain: repair, replace, enlarge and operate a
~ater ccnj~it with necessary valves, vaults, manholes,
~.-._..- ..;
lators, and appurtenances in, through, over and across the
followinE Jescribed trace of land, sit.uat.e!l lyine- awl Leing in
the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, to-wit:
A strip of land in Lots 1, 2, 3, ~, 5, 17, IS, 19, enJ
20 Roxbury Gardens a Subdivision of QQrtiar.s of Scctious
19, 20, 29 and 30, Township 3 South,'Range 69 West of
the 6th P'~" said strip being 80 feet in width and
being 35 feet on the northeast and 45 feElt on the south-
west side of the following described center line:
Beginning at a point on the north line of that tract of
land conveyed to Joseph Pearson by Jefferson County by
warranty deed dated July 2, 1935 and recorded July 5,
1935 in ~ook 323 at page 301 of the Jefferson County
Records, which point is east from the west line of sail
Lot 1 a distance of 37.3 feet "'ore Dr less; thence soutil
480 18' east a di'itance of 3,367.5 feet Co a polllt on
the south line of said Lot 17 from which the southeast
corner of said Lot 17 bears north 890 40' east a distan,e
of 104.3 feet more or le!1s, said strip of land containin[
6.02 acrS3 mora or lags.
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between the parties herato as follows:
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1. Grantor agrees to prov~de th" Bo.~~. wi.F~ ~n a~5tract
,.~. .". (
Q.L l..1.l....LC cert:if'icd t.~ =7 a c~p~tent 8.b~tra~teth-np&.n}f of the
Sta~e of Colorado. 5hoft~ng marohantable title in himself to the
lanj he~einbQfore describ~d €XQ6pt r~~ this right of ~ay agree-
ment~ thA right of way agreement between Joseph P~&rson and the
Sity and County of Denver dated March 20. 1936 and recorde~
'larch 20, 1936 in book 379 at page 66 of the public records of
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and ~ights of way for roads or public ways
now existing, or, in lieu ~ such merchantable title, evidence
of title satisfactory to the Board said proof of merchantable
title or title satisfactory co the Board to be furnished to the
Soard within a reasonabl13 time, said. 't.ime i.n nu eVei1t to ;;XC8C:::
three years from the date hereof. Upon proof of merchantable
title or title sa~i3factori tb the Board being furnished to the
BoarJ within the period of time herein specified, the balance of
the afore~entioned SI~ of one thousand five hundred and sixty-
four dollars ($1,564.00j shall be paid without interest to the
Gl'antor by the Board. In event Grantor fails t;o provide such
pl'oof of mer"hantable title or t;itle satisfactory to the BoarJ
vlith ,;aid three year period, the Board may proceed at; its con-
venience to take steps it may consiier expedient to perfect an1
::::::1<" :::cra ~~,.t"i nits title to the right of way hereby acquire"i
char~inh all expenses incurred against the unpaid balance anj
returninh the surplusage, if any, without interest to the Grantor
after title shall have been perfected to the satisfaction of tho
r~oard c
2. The right o~ way hereby granted is for a sub-surface
riGht for said water pipe or conduit, which conduit will De in
aJditicr. to th~ c0ndu~t already laid ~~th1n the above descr~bej
trRct of land. The conduit to be constructed. maintained, rc=
paired, replaced and enlarged hereunder shall not be placed along
- 2 -
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che above described center line but ehal1be'10caced within the
bounds of the sbove described tract: of land. Said conduit shall
De la10 not less than two and one-half (2il feet below ehe
natural surface of the adjacent ground. The right of way hereby
granted is for the use of Che surface ~f the ground only for man-
holes. vontilators and other necessary surface appurtenances
the righC to maintain, repair, replace, enlarge and operate the
pipe or conduit and its appurtenances, together with the right
~T ingress and e~ress over ~hp abo~e describsd t~a~t
- ~ .. - ,
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said purposes. There is also granted to the Board the right to
n3ve the surface, of the ground, adjacent to said pipe, left un-
discurbed wichin a distance of not lese than two and one-half
(2-1/2) feet, ncr more than ten (10) feet.
J. In addition to all the agreements herein contained,
the Grantor represents that he has a subsisting and enforceable
gravel contract ...:i th Brannen Sand and Grat"el Company under \:rh1 ch
thac company has agreed to dispose of certain unusable material
on Grantcrts land a~ he may direct. It is ~nerefore agreed that
when excavation is made for installation of the pipe line to be
constructed in
-.'- -
right of way conveyed
herein. the material
t.herefrom will be left on Grantor'8 l@.nd adjacent to the rit;ht of
way and Grantor agree$ to secure tho backfilling of said trench
with wa~te sand
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prowidad that no ffio&e
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inches of muck may be used and that only at the surface of the
ground. the trench ~o be allowed to remain open as shore a ti~~
as reasonably possible, and in no event for more chan two (2)
weeks. The Board shall not be obligated to observe this special
provision as to the crossing of the stream of Clear Creek where
the natural gravel may be used by "he Board, or its Con"ractor.
for backfill. If, for any reason ~he Grancor shall not De in a
- 3 -
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pcsiti~n ~n do the baek~illlng within the two woek6 hereinabove
mentioned, no responeibility shall rest on ci~ntQr to make such
ba.ckfill, and
its Contract,or~ .=hall rueks
backfill by using excavated material from the trench. It 1s
mutually agreed that it is the intent of the parties hereto that
this paragraph shall be construed as severable from the rest of
this aGreement, and any breach thereof by either party hereto
s~all not affect the validity of the grant herein made.
4. Any damage done to growing creps as the result of
construction, repair or other work done by the Board in the
eXerc~s8 of iL~ rights hcre~~~:r, shell h~ rAId by the Board to
the owner of such crops.
5. The Grantor shall have the undisturbed use of the
~rounJ hereinabove described insofar as such use does not interf6re
WiC0 ~he rights herein granted to the Board, and except as herein
otherwise expressly provided.
c. The Grantor shall not erect or place any building, or
pl~n~ a~y treA on any 01 the aboY~ ~escribcJ right of WZY. Anj ~ne
~oarl shall not be liable for damages occasioned by their removaj
or injury when done to protect its facilities.
7. The BoarJ shall, during the time of construction of
said facilities~ erect and maintain gates or cacLle gu~~d5 ~0 cc~-
struc::ed as to be adequate to prevent pas~ag'" therethrough of
horses or cattle at all fences crossing the above mention~d right
of way, as said fen~e8 shall exist at the time of construction,
and shall keep said gat~s closed at those points where the Board
elects to erect E,&tes ra.ther thal~ install cattle guards.
In esse the Board shall
abandon the right of
J:::,.(iHi.tad and cea..se to U8e the ~ame: all right!' title and interesT..
hereunder of the Board shall cease and terminate, and the Grantor
shall hold said premises as the same may then be free fr~~ this
--4 -
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. ,;;'. .", '.'.. ',' .'... ''.;'nll'''''':'~~Hii and structurea
right ofnl' ~d lIhl,1.l .~ at:!" .b~_,~ot!~"",,=."~,
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'er the Board on the r~t 'Ot,,~h~~t,:.<<ran't~.
, '."" .~J . -'" i ~~, ..,
,. 9. The ,~d\ agrees t..1Fin ne'l\t Hor its, Contractor
'\. ., .,,.
backfills the trGnch air the water Pipe line to b.. com.tructed
within ~h6~iih~ of ~~y n~~ab7 gr.h~cd end in ev~nt the soil
rapl~c;d c~~r th~ same hy the Board or its Contractor shall
settle or subside ae the r7~ult ot the work done by the Board,
that it shall fill all halea caused by such settlement and shall
level the sarne with the adjacent Burface of the ground, but with-
out increasing the cover over the pipe to a greater depth than
ten (IO} feet. In avant Granter secure! the backr111ing of the
trench, the cover over the pipe shall not be' increased to a
~~==~2~ ~~~th ~h~n ten (10) feat. and the Board shall have the
right but not the obligation
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caused by settlement:
10. The Board agrees that it shall not interrupt or
interfere with the flow of water in any ditch or lateral supply-
ing or carrying water to the premises of the Grantor, and that
if, in the construction of said water pipe line, it is necessary
to cross any such ditch or lateral, the water thereof shall be
flumed across the ccnstl"'ucticn work.. and in such manr~Elr as ,,-:iIl
not delay or diminish ~he supply of i~rigation water for ~~1d
11. Upon 120 days' written notice to the [1oarol, tr,e
:;r!:!.ntor shall hsve the right to move the pipe to be =crl~t ruct.pd
hereunder and the pipe aL.Ab:dy in place provided Grantor has
first constructed or caused to be c9nstructed at his expense
equal facilities for the Board, the question of whether said
facilities are equal to be determined solely by the Board or its
duly authorized representative and provided that there is no in-
terrup~ion in service whatsoev~F. This par~g~~ph con~tit~tes a
p~r3on~1 agr~ement ~th the Gr~ntor and shall not inure to the
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benefit Cof the lAea1 representatives. heirs; administrators"
Bxecutors or assigns ot the Grantoro
12, "either party has made or authorized any agreement
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i.o the subJoct matter of this inst!"\Jment other than
>sxprr:s:-::}y set forth herein, and no oral .('epresent..::d<.iolL: ~romise>;
or consicJerar.ion different from the terms herein contained shall
ue hiniin~ on either party hereto with respect to the subject
J3.tter of t,};:s i.nstrument~
:1~ Grantor warrarl~~ that he h~s full riEh~ and lawful
a1,+:~1orit:' to r.:al.e the gr-a7"l't hereinabove contained, and prom:i ses
~rll a~rees to .iefenj the Bcarj in its exercise of rjghts here-
,111'.;1 ..:1t'd.~.~,3:-_ G.':".j- =::2'"'. .;~ ~io:::: f"irlp t.O the lanJ involvej or
'.is rirh" :0 make the gra.nt hereinabove cor~tai;le'ill
except noS
:'oa,l.~ ()[' ru ,1~<' ....,rl~.s presentlY existinr within the ahov(-; ie-
:J .. r h':! 1 J;' .?::-. i. .'3 e;; .
~~~ ~,R~h ani everyone of the benefits an'! o~rjen~ o~
'113 a~rg0mant 3hall inure to and he hinting upon the ~0spertiVE
'0~~1 r:~~esc~"~~~V23) heirs! executors, aJ~:nistrators, :u~:e~-
':J;~ 1- j a:-;-iF-ll~ O!' t..'1e part..jes nerC1..0 exccr: as in ~_3.~E![:~F! -
// h:r:~r 0~! :;!""Wi:::it ;rov:3e'i..
1',. T' i~ "llrt!12r acreeJ that "!"-he PO'3r,j
a}~ la\~: t
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:"10+ ~x:~e,jin~ two (2) years fro:r. vI e dat.E: of this arrcc;;:cr.+:-.
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];"\"S~) ..:I:'I.t.(I1", the J,art.ie~ hereto nave eXel.;;t.2J ::-r
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R'"'J o:.the day a:l'; year fir.:sC D.l-ove we tt.,Crl.
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i..illia;~~ .J.. !Salt~r
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County of ~~
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before me by William J. Salter
~""""""7 ' 1951.
on this
day of
~~ '9ommission expires
.. \;. -: .1. U'"
".:,......Wi'e~3il"my hand and official seal.
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IIy Com:"ission Expires Feb, 5, 19~
~.,..,~ Co ......,
Notary Pul;>H c
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acting b), through and for tL.~
use of its
BCARL Of 'vIATt:R CO:-~USS,C,,:o!("
Vice resident
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~dEineering D1vision
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