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City of W heat -Midge PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA April 21, 2022 Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on April 21, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. This meeting will be conducted as a virtual meeting and in person at 7500 W. 29th Avenue, Municipal Building, if allowed to meet on that date per COVID-19 restrictions. Members of the Planning Commission and City staff will be physically present at the Municipal Building for this meeting if allowed by health guidelines. The public may participate in these ways: 1. Provide comment in advance at www.wheatridgespeaks.org (comment by noon on April 20) 2. Virtually attend and participate in the meeting through a device or phone: • Click hereto join and provide public comment (create a Zoom account to join) • Or call 1-669-900-6833 with Meeting ID 854 4026 8919 and Passcode: 564740 3. View the meeting live or later at www.wheatridgespeaks.org, Channel 8, or YouTube Live at https://www.ci.wheatridge.co.us/view 4. Attend in person (meeting will be in-person unless prohibited by COVID-19 restrictions). 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — April 7, 2022 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) (continued on next page) Planning Commission Agenda — April 21, 2022 PUBLIC HEARING * Page 2 A. Case No. WZ-21-08: an application filed by Valvoline Instant Oil Change for approval of a Specific Development Plan (SDP) for an oil change facility at Applewood Village Shopping Center on a property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and located at 12601 West 32 Avenue. B. Case No. ZOA-22-02: An ordinance amending Chapter 26 Article VIII of the Code of Laws to update the City's floodplain maps and to make conforming amendments. 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Upcoming Dates B. Project and Development Updates 9. OLD BUSINESS 10. ADJOURNMENT * Public comment is welcome during any public hearing item. The standard procedure for a public hearing is as follows: a. Staff presentation b. Applicant presentation — if applicable c. Public comment—time may be limited at the discretion of the Chair, often to 3 minutes d. Staff/applicant response e. Close public hearing f Commission discussion and decision Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. Call Sara Spaulding, Public Information Officer at 303-235-2877 at least one week in advance of a meeting if you are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. 1. 2. 9 4. City of WheatMidge PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting April 7, 2022 CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair ANTOL at 7:00 p.m. This meeting was held in person and virtually, using Zoom video -teleconferencing technology. As duly announced and publicly noticed, the City previously approved this meeting format in order to continue with normal business amid the COVID-19 pandemic and the related public emergency orders promulgated by the State of Colorado and the Wheat Ridge City Council. Before calling the meeting to order, the Chair stated the rules and procedures necessitated by this virtual meeting format. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commission Members Present: Commission Members Absent: Staff Members Present: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Melissa Antol Kristine Disney Jerry DiTullio Daniel Larson Janet Leo Jonathan Schelke Julianne Stern Will Kerns Lauren Mikulak, Planning Manager Scott Cutler, Senior Planner Rocky Macsalka, Civil Engineer 11 Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary APPROVE ORDER OF THE AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner DITULLIO and seconded by Commissioner LEO to approve the order of the agenda Motion carried 7-0. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — March 17, 2022 Planning Commission Minutes April 7, 2022 -I— It was moved by Commissioner DITULLIO and seconded by Commissioner SCHELKE to approve the minutes of March 17, 2022, as written. Motion carried 6- 0-1 with Commissioner LEO abstaining. 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda) No one wished to speak at this time. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. WZ-22-02: an application filed by John Graefe for approval of a zone change from Restricted Commercial (R -C) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) on a property located at 4501 Wadsworth Boulevard. Mr. Cutler gave a short presentation regarding the zone change and the application. He entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. He stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met, therefore the Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case. In response to questions from Commissioners DISNEY and ANTOL regarding the loss of parking due to the widening of Wadsworth Mr. Cutler confirmed there is additional parking in the rear of the building. Ms. Mikulak added that parking requirements will be a bit more flexible in the MU -N zone district. Commissioner LARSON asked if the applicant owns the property. John Graefe, applicant 4501 Wadsworth Blvd. Mr. Graefe mentioned he currently owns the building but is hoping to sell to an upholstery business if the zone change is approved. He also confirmed there is parking in the rear of the building. Public Comment No one wished to speak at this time. It was moved by Commissioner DITULLIO and seconded by Commissioner STERN to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-22-02, a request for approval of a zone change from Restricted Commercial (RC) to Mixed -Use Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 4501 Wadsworth Boulevard, for the following reasons: Planning Commission Minutes -2— April 2— April 7, 2022 1. The proposed zone change will promote the public health, safety, or welfare of the community and does not result in an adverse effect on the surrounding area. 2. Utility infrastructure adequately services the property. 3. The proposed zone change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan and is consistent with the character of Wadsworth Boulevard. 4. The zone change will provide additional opportunity for reinvestment in the area. 5. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change supports the request. Motion carried 7-0. B. Case No. WS -21-08: an application filed by Storybuilt for approval of a major subdivision for a mixed-use development including one commercial lot, 29 townhome units and a tract for parking, access, and open space on a property zoned Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) and located at 5807 & 5823 West 38ffi Avenue. Mr. Cutler gave a short presentation regarding the subdivision and the application. He entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. He stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met, therefore the Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case. In response to a couple of questions from Commissioner SCHELKE, Mr. Cutler confirmed that the commercial building houses the pizza business and the development to the east across the alley was approved to have 26 townhomes in 2021, but explained it is not contiguous with this development. Commissioner DITULLIO asked if there will be a Metro District for this development and if there is any TIF on this project. Mr. Cutler clarified that the city will require an owner's association but not necessarily a Metro District and to his knowledge, there is no TIF being used for this project. Commissioner LARSON inquired about lot 13 & 14 and the proximity of the drive aisle to the corner of the building. Mr. Cutler explained this is a typical design for alley loaded townhomes and it is the required radius for a fire truck turnaround. Commissioner LARSON asked if there is onsite detention for stormwater. Planning Commission Minutes -3— April 3— April 7, 2022 Mr. Macsalka confirmed there are two areas for underground detention central to the property: adjacent to lot 19 and adjacent to the commercial space. Jay Siegel, applicant 2150 Cherokee St, Denver Mr. Siegel confirmed there will not be a Metro District for this development, only an owner's association. Public Comment Peter Crouse, pizza shop owner 1762 Peregrine, Broomfield Mr. Crouse has concerns about the commercial building's structural issues and about how the construction will impact his pizza business. Katherine Crouse, pizza shop owner 13401 Sheridan Blvd, Broomfield Ms. Crouse echoed the concerns of her father and is curious about the plans for the commercial building especially due to the structural issues. Susan Hartley, resident 4015 Eaton Street Ms. Hartley is concerned about the density of this development along with the development across the alley that was approved in 2021. She also has concerns about the traffic that will increase, and the neighbors are not happy with either development. Todd Hartley, resident 4015 Eaton Street Mr. Hartley is curious about where cross walks will be placed on 38a' Avenue besides the current one at Harlan Street. He also had concerns of construction trash and wondered if a demolition permit was pulled. Commissioner ANTOL closed the public comment. In response to the questions asked during public comment, Mr. Siegel explained that the northern part of the commercial building will be demolished leaving the potion where the pizza shop is located. He added the remaining part of the building will be looked at to make sure it is structurally sound. Planning Commission Minutes -4— April 4— April 7, 2022 Ms. Mikulak clarified that pedestrian crosswalks along 38"' Avenue are on the City's radar; staff will be studying where additional crosswalks may be appropriate. Mr. Cutler explained there will be construction phasing plans which will take into consideration both developments. He reiterated that the two developments do not connect so the development being discussed tonight will not have vehicular access to Eaton Street. Ms. Mikulak added that Public Works required atraffic control plan during construction. In response to a question from Commissioner DITULLIO, Ms. Mikulak confirmed that potentially there will be an additional crosswalk between Benton and Harlan Streets. Commissioner DITULLIO inquired if any demolition or debris removal has taken place with the proper permits. Mr. Siegel confirmed that all the proper permits have been pulled and they are taking steps to clean-up the site from the previous tenant, so the site is looking better than before. He commented on the concerns of additional traffic and mentioned that at the neighborhood meeting the applicant team hosted, the parking and traffic concerns were discussed. In response to a question from Commissioner DITULLIO, Mr. Cutler explained that this is the plat City Council will review and if approved the Site Plan will be administratively reviewed. Commissioner LARSON inquired why the 2 subdivisions were not reviewed at the same time. _ Ms. Mikulak explained that the 2 subdivisions are separate parcels, do not touch and they had different owners/sellers even though it is the same developer/buyer. Also, they started the entitlement process at different times based on the separate real estate transactions. Commissioner LEO asked to have confirmed the where the commercial building is located. Mr. Cutler explained it is lot 30 and there will be townhomes on either side of it even though they are different subdivisions. Commissioner STERN commented that there is a missed opportunity to reach out to the tenant of the commercial building and how they will contribute to the community. Planning Commission Minutes - 5— April 7, 2022 Commissioner DISNEY echoed Commissioner STERN'S comments and is also concerned that the developers have not been accommodating to the neighborhood and believes the density will negatively impact the community. Commissioner LARSON wished the two subdivisions could have been reviewed at the same time. Commissioner DITULLIO noted the difference between a subdivision and zone change review. He mentioned that the pizza shop will have a more business in the future because of the walkability to the restaurant from the two new townhome projects which is a benefit to the business and also fulfills the City's vision from the 2012 mixed use rezoning of the corridor. He added that he does have some concerns about the density, but acknowledged that is outside the scope of a subdivision review. Commissioner SCHELKE inquired about the current use of the alley in between the two subdivisions. Mr. Cutler explained it is an active access easement from 38"' Avenue to the InCarnation Subdivision. Ms. Mikulak added the alley is a separate parcel owned by Incarnation and is maintained by their HOA. Commissioner ANTOL acknowledged the changes in Wheat Ridge and wants to keep the vibrancy of the community and would like to see outreach to the small businesses in the community. Mr. Siegel clarified that the developers have reached out to the pizza business twice and established a relationship and engaged a retail broker to help renegotiate a lease in the new space and want the business to be preserved. It was moved by Commissioner LEO and seconded by Commissioner LARSON to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WS -21-08, a request for approval of a major subdivision on property located at 5807 and 5823 W. 381h Avenue and zoned Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of the subdivision regulations (Article IV) of the zoning and development code have been met. 2. All agencies can provide services to the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. With the following conditions: The applicant shall pay the required fees -in -lieu of parkland dedication at time of building permit. Planning Commission Minutes -6— April 6— April 7, 2022 2. The developer shall enter into a Subdivision Improvement Agreement and a Lot Sale Restriction Covenant Agreement with the City at the time of recordation of the subdivision plat. 3. Minor plat typography and notes corrections per the Engineering Division shall be made prior to recordation of the plat. Motion carried 7-0. C. Case No. ZOA-22-01: an ordinance amending section 26-615 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning small cell CMRS facilities. Ms. Mikulak gave a short presentation regarding the ordinance. In response to a question from Commissioner DISNEY, Ms. Mikulak clarified the statement on page 2 of the staff report that the larger umbrella term of "small cell" includes 5G. Commissioner DISNEY also asked why these small cell facilities have to be installed in residential communities. Ms. Mikulak explained that it is State law makes it a use by right in any zone district and local jurisdictions cannot change that provision. She added the city can dictate what facilities look like, how tall they are, and separations, but not where they are located. Commissioner LARSON inquired about what exactly is being added to the Code. Ms. Mikulak noted that changes in the ordinance are denoted by capital letter formatting and clarified that additions include the requirement for the building permit, the request for written justification, and certain provisions related to location, height, placement, and design. Commissioner DITULLIO asked for confirmation of the Community Development Director as being the final decision maker and not City Council. Ms. Mikulak confirmed this to be true; state law prescribes this is an administrative approval not something to be reviewed as a discretionary approval by City Council. Best practice in code writing is to identify the individual responsible at the City for approval which in this case is the Community Development Director or their designee. The purpose in clarifying the role of the Director is to clarify that it's a decision of the City not the applicant. In response to a question from Commissioner LARSON, Ms. Mikulak and Mr. Cutler explained there has been no push back from cell phone carriers about this amendment and mentioned there have only been 4 poles installed in the city so far. Planning Commission Minutes -7— April 7— April 7, 2022 Ms. Mikulak added that the intent is to have the facilities blend in with other utility poles in the area. Commissioner SCHELKE wanted confirmation that the city has no control of where a 5G facility can be placed. Ms. Mikulak confirmed this to be true. Public Comment Timothy Burnett, resident 6995 West 33 Id Avenue Mr. Burnett is very appreciative to all the staff he has talked to but is concerned that the ordinance does not go far enough. He expressed concerns about future proliferation of the new technology and would like to see the code establish a hierarchy of streets where these facilities can be placed. He also asked if these facilities can be placed on existing utility poles. Valerie Cardenas, resident 3775 Jay Street Ms. Cardenas mentioned she works in the industry. She explained that the facilities are placed where there are gaps in cell service due to capacity issues or complaints. Commissioner ANTOL closed the public comment. Commissioner DITULLIO is troubled by the state making this a matter of statewide concern and limiting local control, and he would like to see a balance. He inquired if there could be a hierarchy of placement added to the code requiring small cell providers look at larger streets before local streets. He asked if it could be included as a recommendation. Ms. Mikulak mentioned it would be a question for the City Attorney which could be explored before the City Council hearing. Commissioner SCHELKE noted that those on larger streets may not want small cell facilities either. Commissioner ANTOL asked if it is feasible to have several different companies on the same street with the 100011 separation. Ms. Mikulak confirmed that with the separation there is unlikely to be more than one facility per block. Facilities do not advertise which carrier they are for and design standards make them more uniform regardless of carrier. Planning Commission Minutes -8— April 8— April 7, 2022 It was moved by Commissioner DITULLIO and seconded by Commissioner DISNEY to recommend APPROVAL of the proposed ordinance amending Section 26-615 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning small cell CMRS facilities and further move that staff have a discussion with the City Attorney about the possibility of a codifying a hierarchy of preferred locations for these types of facilities. Motion carried 7-0. 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Upcoming Dates Ms. Mikulak mentioned there will not be a May 5 Planning Commission meeting but expect to have a meeting on May 19. B. Project and Development Updates Ms. Mikulak said there is no update on Lucky's, but mentioned the timing of the Wadsworth construction may impact the timing of fillin the space. Mr. Cutler said the new building in the Sprouts parking lot will be two tenants, likely retail or service space, not restaurants. He added that there are some active building permits in the Gold's Marketplace and there was excitement for the new tenants. There was also discussion about the formatting of the voting board. 9. OLD BUSINESS 10. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner LARSON and seconded by Commissioner LEO to adjourn the meeting at 8:39 p.m. Motion carried 6-0. Melissa Antol, Chair Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary Planning Commission Minutes April 7, 2022 9— A 41 Wh6atRjLd e g TO: CASE MANAGER: CASE NO. & NAME: ACTION REQUESTED: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT Planning Commission MEETING DATE: April 21, 2022 Scott Cutler WZ-21-08 / Valvoline at Applewood Village Shopping Center Approval of a Specific Development Plan (SDP) for an oil change and minor auto repair business. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 12601 W. 32nd Ave APPLICANT (S): Valvoline Instant Oil Change OWNER (S): US Retail Partners, LLC (c/o Regency Centers) APPROXIMATE AREA: 36,805 square feet (0.845 acres) PRESENT ZONING: Planned Commercial Development (PCD) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Mixed Use Commercial, Community Commercial Center ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION Location Map r Planning Commission 1 Case No. WZ-21-08 / Valvoline atAVSC All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST Case No. WZ-21-08 is an application for approval of a Specific Development Plan (SDP) for an oil change facility (minor automotive repair) in Applewood Village Shopping Center. The site is located at 12601 W. 32nd Avenue in Lot 4 of Applewood Village Shopping Center, Filing No. 3. The Planning Commission is the final authority for approval of an SDP. The intent of the public hearing is to allow a publicly appointed body and the public at large to verify staffs conclusion that the project meets the intent and standards of the underlying zoning. The plan sheets and exhibits relevant to this purpose are included. Construction details, such as final utility and grading plans, are not included for review by Planning Commission and are under review by the Engineering Division. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS AND PROPERTY HISTORY The subject property is located in Applewood Village Shopping Center on the southern end of the development in Lot 4, just west of the main north -south roadway, the primary entrance to the shopping center from the 32nd Avenue. It is located just east of the existing Starbucks and south of the building containing Applejack Liquors. The Applewood Village Shopping Center is comprised of approximately 35 acres in western Wheat Ridge, adjacent to the I-70 corridor, and is currently the city's largest commercial center. The building site is at 12601 W. 32nd Avenue in Lot 4 of the subdivision, which is currently vacant (Exhibit 1, Aerial). The site previously contained a commercial building, which was demolished in 2017. The property owner created this lot in 2021 through an administrative subdivision process. The site is zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) which was approved as an Outline Development Plan in 2014 (Exhibit 2, Zoning). The area is primarily commercial in nature, with some residential uses across 32nd Avenue to the south. The shopping center as a whole functions a unified development; and a new building and tenant for the subject property has been part of the owner's long-range plans for several years. III. SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN The proposed SDP contains six sheets including a cover sheet, site plan, landscape plan, photometric plan, and architectural elevations (Exhibit 3, Specific Development Plan). A project narrative is also included (Exhibit 4, Applicant Letter). Use Oil change services fall under the "minor auto repair" category, which is a permitted use in the ODP for the shopping center. All C-1 uses are permitted under the ODP, plus some additional uses. The use is logical for the site given its adjacency to the I-70 corridor. Planning Commission Case No. WZ-21-08 / Valvoline atAVSC Site Design & Internal Circulation The site gains vehicular access from the existing drives on the east and west sides of the site. No new access to 32nd Avenue is proposed. A new sidewalk along the west side of the site will connect through the site and north to the Applejack building, providing an additional pedestrian connection from 32nd Avenue. The site is designed to circulate vehicles through the oil change building as well as through the site. The east -west drive aisle through the site also connects to the north, improving vehicle circulation for the entire shopping center. In some cases, entrances and exits are designed to align with existing egress across drive aisles, and in other cases they are intentionally offset to prevent conflicts. There is an additional pedestrian connection in the middle of the site, allowing pedestrians to walk directly to the building if needed. Parking A total of 14 parking spaces are provided for customers and employees. Due to the size of the building, only 8 spaces are required, but given the possibility that overflow parking is needed, the applicant has elected to provide additional parking. All parking is located in the rear of the building and is screened from 32nd Avenue. Building Orientation and Architecture The Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM) applies to this site. It requires all buildings to be oriented to the street, even auto -related uses, and requires a 0'-20' build -to requirement in this area with at least 40% of the frontage occupied by a building. Given existing easements along the 32nd Avenue frontage and the grading required to maintain ADA connections, the applicant has requested a 2 -foot waiver from these requirements, resulting in a 22 -foot setback from 32nd Avenue. Staff has no objections with this request, largely due to the enhanced architecture being provided along this frontage and because of the unique physical constraint of the easement. Sheet 6 of the SDP shows the proposed building architecture, which will include a pergola wall along the 32nd Avenue frontage. Brick, stone, and stucco all enhance the facades and large windows are provided on all frontages. The result is a building with four-sided architecture including a prominent frontage on 32nd Avenue which also serves to screen the drive-thru and parking from view to the south. Landscaping The project far exceeds the minimum requirement for 15% of the lot size to be open space, with 42.6% total open space, the majority of that being landscaped area. Sheet 4 of the SDP shows the landscape plan, which will include trees, sod, river rock mulch, and far more shrubs than required. Grading, Utilities, Drainage and Traffic Civil construction plans are under review by the Engineering Division. No additional traffic studies are required as the shopping center is zoned for intensive commercial uses and regional improvements have been made. W. 32nd Avenue is being widened slightly along the frontage to accommodate a striped bike lane and full turn lane along the property. IV. SDP CRITERIA Staff has provided an analysis of the zone change criteria outlined in Section 26-305.D. The Planning Commission shall base its recommendation in consideration of the extent to which the following criteria have been met: Planning Commission Case No. WZ-21-08 / Valvoline atAVSC 1. The proposed specific development plan is consistent with the purpose of a planned development as stated in section 26-301 of this article. The purpose of utilizing planned development zoning is to provide flexibility while accommodating well-designed, innovative developments that demonstrate efficient use of land and may not be feasible under a standard zone district. The SDP achieves these goals and proposes a high-quality building product in close proximity to the interstate and commercial facilities, and works to improve connectivity for pedestrians and vehicles within the existing shopping center. Staff concludes this criterion has been met. 2. The proposed specific development plan is consistent with the design intent or purpose of the approved outline development plan. The SDP is consistent with the intent and character statements of the outline development plan. The site follows architectural guidelines to meet the requirements of the ASDM and provides additional pedestrian pathways into and through the shopping center. Staff concludes this criterion has been met. 3. The proposed uses indicated in the specific development plan are consistent with the uses approved by the outline development plan. The SDP is consistent with the use standards of the outline development plan. The ODP intentionally included a wide range of commercial uses including some auto -related uses given proximity to the interstate off -ramps. Staff concludes this criterion has been met. 4. The site is appropriately designed and is consistent with the development guidelines established in the outline development plan. The site and buildings are designed to adhere with development standards in the ODP, which defers to the ASDM. This includes all development standards applicable to the site including setbacks, build -to, parking, open space, circulation, and building height. Staff concludes this criterion has been met. 5. Adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the subject property, or the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. All responding agencies have indicated they can serve the property with improvements installed at the developers' expense. All required infrastructure and services are provided for within this SDP, including the anticipated shifting of the 32°d Avenue curb line to accommodate a full width turn lane and bike lane. Staff concludes this criterion has been met. Planning Commission Case No. WZ-21-08 / Valvoline atAVSC 6. The proposed specific development plan is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual, Streetscape Design Manual, and other applicable design standards. As described above, the SDP is in compliance with the ASDM. Staff concludes this criterion has been met. Staff concludes that the criteria used to evaluate the SDP support the request. V. AGENCY REFERRAL All affected service agencies were contacted for comment on the SDP and subdivision, specifically regarding the ability to serve the property. Referral responses follow: Wheat Ridge Engineering Division: The SDP is approvable. Minor corrections remain on the construction documents and will be approved prior to issuance of the building permit. Wheat Ridge Building Division: No comments provided. Coordination will continue through development. West Metro Fire District: Can serve. Coordination will continue through development. Consolidated Mutual Water District: Can serve. Utility coordination is ongoing. Northwest Lakewood Sanitation District: Can serve. Utility coordination is ongoing. Xcel Energy: Can serve. Utility coordination is ongoing. Century Link/Lumen: No objections. Utility coordination is ongoing. Comcast/Xfinity: No comments provided. Utility coordination is ongoing. VI. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff has concluded that the proposed SDP is consistent with the planned development regulations, with the goals and policies of the City's guiding documents, and with the proposed ODP and supporting documents. Because the review criteria support the SDP, Staff recommends approval of the Specific Development Plan. As noted above, the Planning Commission is compelled to review the application against the SDP criteria for review. The intent of the Planning Commission's review is to allow a publicly appointed body and the public at large to verify staffs conclusion that the project meets the intent and standards of the underlying zoning. Planning Commission Case No. WZ-21-08 / Valvoline atAVSC VII. SUGGESTED MOTIONS — SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN Option A: "I move to APPROVE Case No. WZ-21-08, a request for approval of a Specific Development Plan for a minor auto repair facility on property located at 12601 W. 32°d Avenue and zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD), for the following reasons: 1. The specific development plan is consistent with the purpose of a planned development, as stated in Section 26-301 of the Code of Laws. 2. The specific development plan is consistent with the intent and purpose of the outline development plan. 3. The proposed uses are consistent with those approved by the outline development plan. 4. All responding agencies have indicated they can serve the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. 5. The specific development plan is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the outline development plan and with the City's adopted design manuals. Option B: "I move to DENY Case No. WZ-21-08, a request for approval of a Specific Development Plan for a minor auto repair facility on property located at 12601 W. 32°d Avenue and zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD), for the following reasons: Planning Commission Case No. WZ-21-08 / Valvoline atAVSC EXHIBIT 2: ZONING MAP Planning Commission Case No. W -21-08/Valvoline atAVSC EXHIBIT 3: SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN See attached. Planning Commission Case No. WZ-21-08 / Valvoline atAVSC E BENCHMARK DATA BENCHMARK -OPUS SESSION NO.IogO223nAps OP1614130690827 SITE BENCHMARK /1 -STORM MANHOLE NEAR NE CORNER OF PROPERTY ELEV. 5520.98 SITE BENCHMARK /2 -STORM MANHOLE NEAR SW CORNER OF PROPERTY ELEV. 5512.40 VERTICAL DATUM SITE DATA LOT 4 0.845± AC ZONING: PCD (PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT) LOCAL JURISDICTION: WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO CHARACTER OF DEVELOPMENT APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT #19 A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO A PART OF THE NWY4 SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, 6TH P.M. PROPOSING TO CONSTRUCT A 2000SF AUTOMOBILE SERVICE BUILDING WITH REQUIRED UTILITIES SUCH AS WATER, SEWER AND POWER TO TIE INTO EXISTING. SITE IMPROVEMENTS WILL INCLUDE NEW PAVEMENT, CURB AND GUTTER, STRIPING, GRADING, AND OTHER ASSOCIATED IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. BASIS OF BEARING BASIS OF BEARING -SOUTH LINE OF NW } SECTION 29, T3S, R69% BETWEEN A FOUND ALUM. CAP MARKED PLS 25375 C j CORNER OF SAID SECTION 29 AND A FOUND ALUM. CAP MARKED LS 13155 W j CORNER OF SAID SECTION 29. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY TABLE SITE LOCATION NE CORNER OF WEST 32ND AVE AND YOUNGFIELD ST SITE ADDRESS 12601 WEST 32ND AVE ,Q ZONE DISTRICT PCD WA VALVE PROPOSED LAND USE MINOR AUTO REPAIR 3 SITE AREA ±0.845 AC / ±36,805 SF ' BUILDING AREA ±2058 SF (5.4% COVERAGE) we UTILITY/MECHANICAL ±175 SF TELEPHONE PEDESTAL OFFICE/RESTROOM/ WAITING AREA ±200 SF Z SITE LOCATION 29 REQUIRED PROPOSED OPEN SPACE 15% (5,676 SF) 42.6% (15,688 SF) USABLE - 1,000 SF HARDSCAPE - 1,660 SF LANDSCAPE 10% (3,784 SF) 38.1% (14,028 SF) PARKING 8 14 STANDARD 7 13 ACCESSIBLE 1 1 BICYCLE 2 4 SETBACKS > >I g FRONT (SOUTH) 20' MAX 22'* SIDE (EAST) 0' 94' SIDE (WEST) 0' 57' REAR (NORTH) 0' 100' BUILD TO (32ND AVE) 40% (720) 43% (77.67') * WAIVER REQUESTED FROM 20' BUILD -TO REQUIREMENT DUE TO THE PRESENCE OF EXISTING EASEMENT AND GRADING REWIRED TO MAINTAIN ADA CONNECTION. BUILDING IS LOCATED AS FAR SOUTH AS POSSIBLE ON THE SITE TO MEET THE INTENT OF THE BUILD -TO REQUIREMENT. LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 4, APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER FLG NO 3, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO CASE HISTORY FILE NO. Wz-14-09 WZ-18-23 MS -19-04 WZ-21-08 VICINITY MAP umaffifffflm 1" = 500' EXISTING SURVEY LEGEND _ SANITARY MANHOLE ® STORM MANHOLE o WR CURB INLET ,Q W 33RD AVFj SITE PLAN WA VALVE 5 I 3 PRIVATE LIGHT ® ' EN TRAFFIC SIGNAL CABINET we TRAFFIC SIGNAL m TELEPHONE PEDESTAL j m a Z SITE LOCATION 29 W — WATER — c c GAS UNE I=_— oA o Z v ss — TELEPHONE PEDESTAL v — — — W 32ND AVE EASEMENT — ADJACENT PROPERTY z W 31ST PI m > >I g = g � C) � En _ s Z � s 22 W 31ST AVE zl cn W 30TH AVE J �� I WHEAT RIDGE LAKEWOOD VICINITY MAP umaffifffflm 1" = 500' EXISTING SURVEY LEGEND _ SANITARY MANHOLE ® STORM MANHOLE o WR CURB INLET ,Q WA HYDRANT SITE PLAN WA VALVE PH -1.0 STREET LIGHT 3 PRIVATE LIGHT ® ELECTRICAL BOX EN TRAFFIC SIGNAL CABINET we TRAFFIC SIGNAL m TELEPHONE PEDESTAL ss — SANITARY SEWER so — STORM SEWER W — WATER — c c GAS UNE I=_— ELECTRICAL LINE T— TELEPHONE/COMM LINE ss — TELEPHONE PEDESTAL CURB/GUTTER CONTOUR — EASEMENT — ADJACENT PROPERTY DISTRICT CONTACTS FIRE PROTECTION WEST METRO FIRE DISTRICT (303) 989-4307 WATER DISTRICT CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER DISTRICT (303) 238-0451 SEWER DISTRICT NORTHWEST LAKEWOOD SANITATION DISTRICT (303) 987-0835 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE DRAWING INDEX SHEET DRAWING TITLE SHEET NO. CV -1.0 COVER SHEET 1 C-1.0 SITE PLAN 2 PH -1.0 PHOTOMETRICS PLAN 3 L-1.0 LANDSCAPE PLAN 4 L-2.0 LANDSCAPE DETAILS 5 A-1 BUILDING ELEVATIONS 6 PROJECT CONTACTS: DEVELOP APPLICANT VALVOUNE INSTANT OIL CHANGE 100 VALVOLINE WAY LEXINGTON, KY 40509 (480) 261-8436 CONTACT: KENT LUPTON EEENBER GRREG FARROW 92 E. MAIN STREET, SUITE 410 SOMERVILLE, NJ 08876 (732) 537-0811 CONTACT: RASHMIKA PATEL, AIA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT JOBMAN STUDIO PLANNING AND DESIGN 5825 CLOUD PEAK DR. RAPID CITY, SD 57702 (605) 877-4804 CONTACT: MARK JOBMAN, PLA THE BELOW SIGNED OWNER(S), OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) THEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED AS A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE USES, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW. I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF THIS SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN, DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26-121 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. US RETAIL PARTNERS LLC STATE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS —SAY OF A.D. 20— BY WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF VALVOLINE APPLEWOOD VILLAGE WAS MADE BY ME OR MICHAEL WARD OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAN ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. (SURVEYOR'S SEAL) SIGNATURE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE STATE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT O'CLOCK M. ON THE — DAY OF A.D., IN BOOK PAGE. RECEPTION N0. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER 0 DEPUTY PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS DAY OF BY THE WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION. CITY CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS _ DAY OF ATTEST CITY CLERK MAYOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. CONSTRUCTION PROJECT MANAGER DAN BOYLE (720) 255-9294 CIVIL ENGINEER RIDGETOP ENGINEERING 541 E. GARDEN DRIVE, UNIT N WINDSOR, CO 80550 (970) 663-4552 CONTACT: MIKE BEACH, P.E. SURVEYOR U.S. SURVEYOR 4929 RIVERWIND POINTE DRIVE EVANSVILLE, INDIANA 47715 1-800-867-8783 CONTACT: MICHAEL WARD Know what's below. 0111 before you dig. LOGO RIDGETOP ENGINEERING & SURVEYING 541 E. Garden Ddve, T (970) 663-4552 Unit N W ddgetopeng.com Windsor, CO 80550 SEAL PROJECT TITLE VALVOLINE APPLEWOOD VILLAGE 12601 WEST 32ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO, 80033 PREPARED FOR GREENBERG FARROW 201 E. 4TH ST. LOVELAND, CO 80537 SUBMITTAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN DRAWN BY: JS CHECKED BY: MRB PROJECT NO.: 21-179-001 REVISIONS COMMENTS 10/29/21 COMMENTS 3/3/22 DATE 08/16/2021 SHEET TITLE COVER SHEET SHEET INFORMATION CV -1.0 1 Of 6 to APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT #19 A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO A PART OF THE NWY4 SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, 6TH P.M. I I LOT 1 WORK IN THIS AREA PER AGREEMENT WITH ADJACENT LAND OWNER = 5518.41' ONE STORY CONCRETE BLOCK BU 2' SIDEWALK CHASE 1d' TELEPHONE W W 10 551` 9 29 50' WATER EASEMENT 1 ® II II 26 P! V89* 06' 201E "226.80' I W W1 w T I ' EASE 'STOP" SIGN AND STOP BAR I 1(Y q10, A � A ASP 5 / / ASPHALT / W 7�7, PROPOSED STORM W / .DRAINAGE EASEMENT 92R 10R 5R w / 10'R / >: I w 4' CONCRETE / ASP T 10 'NO PARKING - T ADA RAMPFIRE LANE' SIGN c DRAIN PAN S25' 0' W n 0-65. ,4ry, 2' DRAIN PAN 50' CM WC EASE � It / 4v AND SCUPPERS REDUCED TO 30' 1 / 44'R - 15'R 8'R - T ADA RAMP Wiwi IE D. II PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT RETAIL . ff 000 SF WAWA A PERMANENT LANDSCAPING (SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN) - - PARKING of(SEE ARCH. PLANS) SIGN PERGOI -------- W "STOP' SIGN BUILDING AND STOP BAR TRAFFIC FLOW ARROW (PER MUTCD) ® 1 Joao I 1 26'R I E 4' C CiN N 8'R - DRAIN II IR 40- I I 5 R g,67T 1O'R 2131N310N O STOP BAR 25' ADA RAMP " ° 5'R J F11: 1 8PSCI I EASE I 4' CONCRETE - t?P Ohms 1 W DRAIN PAN Lu 1 23'R LOT 1 LL, 10' I w10 IQ STORM 1 W w > EASEMENT e' 56.5: + 1 WL, 4v AND SCUPPERS REDUCED TO 30' 1 / 44'R - 15'R 8'R - T ADA RAMP Wiwi IE D. II LL - 109 w 04 00 11' 07•W C-47. �' w :•+:. w ASO .� � .� .� SO.c CEy W —SS SS SS ROW DEDICATION - W --------rt-- TT s AT w 10 R am OF SURVEY" - 6 RW W w TRASH ENCLOSURE \ - - -- / W / `STOP" SIGN (PER ARCH. PLANS) w �/ AND STOP BAR _ w 1j --S13' 2 ' w 24' N 14.04' / / 64.40' ASPHALT BIKE RACKS / LIS 41.17'R m 10'R 1 fq DRAI�GE I I 23.5'R w I / W dI..V SO' 51 46 LOT Q STAMPED CONCRETE I 61.94' 5' 18.32' w SEE ARCH PLANS I LU!s? I I W w w I EXISTING STORM W I i- ❑ EASEMENT -0 > W W T1I 93.72' � �, �, �, L/S -S89' 08' 10`W ��� W W w 6, pS S89' 05 361 14.42' T'::'i• •r:'. _ •+�~L �. .fit•• 'T� 1 i�-l� E E W DEDICATION 7ADWAY PLANS FOR - 1 OF WAY IMPROVEMENTS - �-IL — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - - - - - - - - - - I I k1 W 32ND AVE I I VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT OF WAY `SD I I .. W W W W W W W W 32ND AVE I I (VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC R®HT—DF 'VAY)32ND CENTERLINE CL - A SS ss ss ss S 89'42'28" W 370.981(M�I MANHOLE TO MANHOLE BASIS OF BEARING N 89'29'29" E 1322.42'(R) N 89629'29" E 1322.06'(M) 10' PSC EASEMENT 0 LEGEND I. I PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT RETAIL r ff 000 SF 0 PERMANENT LANDSCAPING (SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN) - - COVERED , of(SEE ARCH. PLANS) PERGOI -------- SAW CUT LL - 109 w 04 00 11' 07•W C-47. �' w :•+:. w ASO .� � .� .� SO.c CEy W —SS SS SS ROW DEDICATION - W --------rt-- TT s AT w 10 R am OF SURVEY" - 6 RW W w TRASH ENCLOSURE \ - - -- / W / `STOP" SIGN (PER ARCH. PLANS) w �/ AND STOP BAR _ w 1j --S13' 2 ' w 24' N 14.04' / / 64.40' ASPHALT BIKE RACKS / LIS 41.17'R m 10'R 1 fq DRAI�GE I I 23.5'R w I / W dI..V SO' 51 46 LOT Q STAMPED CONCRETE I 61.94' 5' 18.32' w SEE ARCH PLANS I LU!s? I I W w w I EXISTING STORM W I i- ❑ EASEMENT -0 > W W T1I 93.72' � �, �, �, L/S -S89' 08' 10`W ��� W W w 6, pS S89' 05 361 14.42' T'::'i• •r:'. _ •+�~L �. .fit•• 'T� 1 i�-l� E E W DEDICATION 7ADWAY PLANS FOR - 1 OF WAY IMPROVEMENTS - �-IL — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - - - - - - - - - - I I k1 W 32ND AVE I I VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT OF WAY `SD I I .. W W W W W W W W 32ND AVE I I (VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC R®HT—DF 'VAY)32ND CENTERLINE CL - A SS ss ss ss S 89'42'28" W 370.981(M�I MANHOLE TO MANHOLE BASIS OF BEARING N 89'29'29" E 1322.42'(R) N 89629'29" E 1322.06'(M) 10' PSC EASEMENT 0 LEGEND I. I PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT BLACK "COLOR TOP" CONCRETE SEALER BY SHERWIN WILLIAMS ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK 0 PERMANENT LANDSCAPING (SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN) - - PROPERTY LINE EDGE OF PAVEMENT CURB AND GUTTER -------- SAW CUT BUILDING LIGHT POLE (SEE PHOTOMETRIC PLAN) TRAFFIC FLOW ARROW (PER MUTCD) ® PROPOSED PARKING SPACES BOLLARDS 0 ougmArm 0 ,0 20 40 1 inch = 20 ft. Know what's below. 0111 before you dig. IP ENGINEERING & SURVEYING 541 E. Garden Ddve, T (970) 663-4552 Unit N W ddgetopeng.com Windsor, CO 60550 VALVOLINE APPLEWOOD VILLAGE 12601 WEST 32ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO, 80033 GREENBERG FARROW 201 E. 4TH ST. LOVELAND, CO 80537 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN DRAWN BY: JS CHECKED BY: MRB PROJECT NO.: 21-179-001 COMMENTS 10/29/21 COMMENTS 3/3/22 08/16/2021 SITE PLAN C-1.0 2 Of 6 FIXTURE VI - SEE LUMII SCHE APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT #19 A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO A PART OF THE NWY4 SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, 6TH P.M. T POLE + 0.0 } .0 I'll 0.0 } 0.0 } } + + + + + + + + 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 }0.0 .0 0.0 }0.0 ♦0.00.0 X0.1 +0.2 +0.5 +0.7 +0.8 +0.7 + . 71 }0.0 }0 0 }0.0 }0.0 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0.4 +1.1 +1.4 1.6 +1. }0.0 }0. +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0.2 +0.5 +0.4 + +3. +1.7 +1.0 + }0.0 }0.0 0.0 }0.0 1.0 C }0.0 1+0.1 +0.1 +0.2 +0.3 +0.5 +1.2 + .6 6.2 +3.2 +1.4 +0.8 + } I+. +. + }0.0 }0.0 }0.0 }0.0 i1A1�f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1) , 1 1 ....n.. .. '.. ..tea...:' ,' ••.d ... 0 •�03�,5. 1.0 0.7 0.7 �U5 �a ' - S58' 01 030W t 14.67' + + + + + + + + + + . 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.9� 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.7 .9 0.9 0.9 0.6 0.3 0.2 NO' 11' 07OW __________ 1.61' + 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.4 4 0.9 0.7 x.0.5 0.3 �.� -0.� -0.3 0.5 0.7 0.7 O.i� �.4 0.2 0.1 i------------------------ W 32ND AVE + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + I+ I+ + + + + + + + + 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 - I VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT OF WAY LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE OPTIC CODE CS SYMBOL QTY WATTAGE 0.0 }0.0 TOTAL LAMP LUMENS LLF CATALOG NUMBER MOUNTING HEIGHT =A }0.0 }0.0 }0.0 }0.0 }0.0 } }0.0 }0.0 }0.0 }0.0 }0.0 }0.0 }0.0 0.0 }0.0 1.0 EALSO3_C5SW750 18 .nc 1 50 +0.1 }0.0 }0.0 }0.0 }0p }0.0 }0.0 S25' 10' 350W III j 3 j 50 SINGLE ABSOLUTE 1.0 65.21' }0.0 }0.0 }0.0 }0.0 0.0 }0.0 .0 0. 0 }0./0.0 .111000 }0.0 ]�9 Its no G1 FS-URGI C5 Sym metric Wide (3W) +0.1 }0.0 }0 }�.0 }0.0 B2 -UO -G1 TYPE V P5 F5 WinmetriCNidc(SN7 SymmetrlBdfide(SW1 9800 14,00 10100 15100 ....n.. .. '.. ..tea...:' ,' ••.d ... 0 •�03�,5. 1.0 0.7 0.7 �U5 �a ' - S58' 01 030W t 14.67' + + + + + + + + + + . 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.9� 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.7 .9 0.9 0.9 0.6 0.3 0.2 NO' 11' 07OW __________ 1.61' + 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.4 4 0.9 0.7 x.0.5 0.3 �.� -0.� -0.3 0.5 0.7 0.7 O.i� �.4 0.2 0.1 i------------------------ W 32ND AVE + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + I+ I+ + + + + + + + + 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 - I VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT OF WAY LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE OPTIC CODE CS SYMBOL QTY WATTAGE ARRANGEMENT TOTAL LAMP LUMENS LLF CATALOG NUMBER MOUNTING HEIGHT =A 4 44 SINGLE ABSOLUTE 1.0 EWNB-A4730 10 am 3 46 SINGLE ABSOLUTE 1.0 EALSO3_C5SW750 18 .nc 1 50 SINGLE ABSOLUTE 1.0 EALSO3_C2AN750 18 OD j 3 j 50 SINGLE ABSOLUTE 1.0 MOUNTAIN STATES CY11T4 SERIES* 14.7 • LIGHTS TO BE INSTALLED WITH ROW DEVELOPMENT 0 10 20 40 ON-SITE LIGHTS 1 inch = 20 ft. ROW LIGHTS CUSTOMER NAME Project Name Date Catalog Number Typ TYPE OPTIC CODE CS DISTRIBUTION 5v 111lneh is ldedum (SMJ TYPICA INITIAL 3000K TPM L LUMENS 450000001' & 75W TYPICAL SYSTEM WATTAGE 46 BUG RATINGS 30OCK B3 -UO -G1 ,a11: 5000K B3 -UO -G1 0 LIS Ismmetric Medium (ScA) 96K6 ]PROD WHTE 1,11I 64 Ps I Liu Ill J I LIU Li 1 nI,, r, F5 Symmetric Medium(SM) 14,00 15DD0 F 10, , let 34 no G2 B4 -UO -62 F r__(o, IIS 9/mmetric Medium (SM) TLi 20000 Fax 001-605-9058 140 IM Ln It 34-U(L62 15 Symmetric Medium(SM) 24500 25000 w 186 34 no G2 34 UO 62 1t,�, F < ImF 111 KS Symmetric kledom(6ml) ]91 .111000 ]�9 Its no G1 FS-URGI C5 Sym metric Wide (3W) 7300 75W 46 82 -UO -G1 B2 -UO -G1 TYPE V P5 F5 WinmetriCNidc(SN7 SymmetrlBdfide(SW1 9800 14,00 10100 15100 64 TO B3ITT GI B3-U0.G2 BF U0: G1 B3-00.62 H5 l5 SymmOtriOA'idcIMP Sym m eti iL Wide (3W 19700 246CC 20200 252W 140 186 64UDG2 M JIC 2 34 IT) G2 B4-0) 62 K, C5 Sym m stric Wide (WV) Symmetric M. h Arnie IS H) 29600 7600 303W 7200 239 46 BS -00.32 B3 -UO -G1 B5-1111 B3 -HD -G1 P5 Is Symmetric Tial-Angle(SH) Symmetric lion Angle(SIp 9400 14200 9600 145DD 64 1e1 B3-00.32 B4-U6r.2 B3-00.62 D4 -UD -r.2 H5 Symmetric High Ahgle(SH) 18900 193DD NO B4-00.32 8400.32 is cyrnr eC 11oh Angle (1 ll) , AT 24100 186 Ul ITI J Os-LBtei KS C4 Symmr-tdr High Angln(SHj Asymmetric Fcrward(AF: 284110 7300 20000 7500 2119 50 BS 110 7,1 B1 -UC -62 PS 1106,'. B1-00.62 D4 Asyrrii Fory crd IAF, 980E 10000 10 B2Lo {„ B2 UO 62 F4 Asymmetric Fcrw rd(AF 14700 150DO 116 B2-U0.G2 B2-00.62 H4 R) l F,,. W(AF, 19600 2000) 140 63UPIB3-UO-G3 J4 Ae,mmetric Yorw rd At [4 500 21000 106 33-LII}13 B 1Un "I TYPE IV K4 1q lis F,, aid NF; 294-C 30000 239 B3 -UO -G4 B3-00.64 14 Asymmetric H h Ana e(AH) /DOD 1200 SD B2-0632 32-ULL12 P4 kyriiiiiellic HuhP yleOPE 9`100 9600 10 132U0.G2 ByU0.G2 Y4 AsVmmerric HichAnctle(AH) 14200 14SOD 116 33-LI1}13 B LILL(i3 H4 4/ 1 l ic H'ithA.,gle(APE resod 193DD 140 33 UPI B3 0)64 14 A/ matt[ H'nh A 'th(AH) :1600 2410D 186 8311064 F.110G4 K4 4ymmeldc High Ailyle(APE 28400 2901) 239 B3-U0.Gd B3-ITI Cr Arymmetric W do(A'A) - 7500 SO 82 110 F8 82 IF Fl 63 Asymmetric Wlde(AW( 8900 101 PC 70 32JCI 32noG2 PE III F'. Arymmetrir'A9do (A'A9 14700 15100 116 Be 110 69 82 110 62 H3 Arymmetric Wlde (AVJI 19800 20200 YIQ B3-00.32 B3-00.(13 R Arymmetrir N9do(AN) 460D 2521) 186 B3 110 G2 F3 110 G? K3 Arvmmetrir Wide(gm9 39600 30300 23S 63UriBa-00.33 C2 Asymmetric Narrow/ATI - 1500 50 33 no 32 32 UO 32 02 ASymmetnr Nanwv/AutD{AN) Full 101 10 He JE 2 62-0632 PE II n H2 Arymmetrir Narmw]A"to(AN) gsymmafic Narroww/Auto;AN7 14700 19700 15m0 20200 e 116v 140 -o-62 U B3-00.33 BIII, B3-00.33 l2 K2 Asymmetric Narmw/Auto;AN) Acymmetrlc Nanew/AatD[AN) 24000 29600 25200 30300 186 239 33 UO 33 03 Fri E3 UP 33 B3-0PG3 a Daintree company Ordering Number Logic Evolve LED Wall Pack N Series IEWNBI EWN B 7 B >-nt L 0 „n 0 F II ii Fli F 2 ecs DKBZ r Do C x It 0 GRAY s a 4 -a 0 x V-13" Long w/ 3" Hook D WHTE 1,11I H PEV S2NS PP2 " nt,,,T1cble 1 nI,, r, 9r1 I e1 r. 11, _ lar t t c r F 10, , tr rin; Ir#uI For additional information on EALS files please click one of the following links: Non Shielded I Shtefdect- 30 iLF 1 HI IN B:nefl RICK 1 1, 0 F II ii 4Din 3-F DKBZ r Do L_0 F t ,i J 56 G A `11 1 ]1 GRAY I'C Itl ' 4 -a 0 x V-13" Long w/ 3" Hook r r,, •n WHTE 1,11I F F1v PEV S2NS PP2 D s1 1 41 1 nI,, r, 111 11, 1 III FE e+ e t t c r R k F r d tr rin; Ir#uI F r__(o, Phone 303E3Bi430 rlLl J1Lbew1? H Plat air$ Fax 001-605-9058 C", 5r.n:. 1. u- Jn111 1, +A # rlerDir it 9 CClIt XXX =1 Itt, w xF=_n I1 r0F rho. 1t,�, F < ImF 111 - t hull , 11fo1n..ncn ,ul' 1 ,. 1 , H + hl. 1, , nl rr :.1=•.< 11 code, 4I6r[ As ^..Imme! R,,- ,dCff HCH mU1-_O- =4N:B FJo^R F Fb4P -',C 1=E 34 sclnlne( R J <., ESC _ 31-_JaL E1 Uc{2 E'+JNBB E' 2JR:3 a4, .IES-,'ler7Sd IE: C4 FS iii Itet F I c I P,C CL 31 1 of E1 tic [ 111tr L C C IC :%'IC 175! ClI r D4 Ccp III AI F I tc 1 *Cc Cr s? E1 t: EP Uc r2 EP,' J6 CG I E-- JE G F IH E VI 3 C475C .IES E4 1, 1 F d l F< II)l IF )' FJ It A= I FVFF1 71 l F :P 1 F? F4 c s F d 29.n l lJ 1S J_ 6Ue Id= f VEF f ECJ F 5 A3 .»» t +:II F `C: 44 31 -II-Cl C1 UC IO i I C 'J' J I C C R 5 B3 n t .v.] 31 t 1 E1 UL 1 E IIB_F EC .PE L IE .'IB IE3 6 'n [ 1 ll ) EIIJ F (IH ( F .I:: IF : IF IFS D3 1 J ,., 1 S) „c 3 J LL U L JL D6, 6u L,,,1,3 L ICU E3 'r 1 1Is 110:0 1 CCE£ UC = E 1E E IE E D E H F3 t 113:9 1 9C 1'E 1 ELIC =F 7FI I I E JEF E E:P F EJ A2 J a fl 1 I ,.I FI 1 1 F H- I F T' F F .I' A c. _ B2 1 If"n-I, l_II_ _.. _1L o_.., Dl J1 ,_F1 01 U� _1 L,41it L_ U L r, I', JHL� (K .ILP C2 acmine( II c.. ?SC .., - . E Ur .2 C,MC C E3 =JR:3 ✓'. .IES - le 17E, '6C .IES r D2 F..ImrretrH .C. I '� ,. F: a FIo'IF r I f F!;'1F. I= FHT mP;r IFS E2 ,LmOgt1IK 11 TJ 1-111 s 3 621 V1Fo t. t l.. IB :,Fr t J :� F2 a{mOetn 1'_,6it 1,, 12 J _ E Ur ',p3_ -' _I_ C JVC F l.._ C, CNr r . � G PE Accessories Ito be ordered separately) 91029237 PE I I'+ &I 1 1 C I'E 1 2-1; 2829 SE (F1_ T r rS x 3 93029238 PC C •.16H 1 1C 3'C 2EP% `7 'S_ T FsTC7 44029239 IF IA( F ANiI 1 itt q 'F e( 89G3fi } I`I 14 kl MST SPCC Pw.T F 1rt1g . MSL PART # 12SRA-4.5(220)TEN.3"X3"-OPT/GFI-VBC-GAL-BK /CY11T4-VS3AR (ADD OR DEL "OPT/GFI" ABOVE DEPENDING IF YOU WANT THAT OPTION) MOUNTAIN STATES CY11 T4 SERIES CUTOFF LED FIXTURE MOUNTED ON 3" 0 x 3" HIGH TENON VERIFY LED COUNT AND DISTRIBUTION TYPE PER JOB OPTIONAL: GFI DUPLEX RECEPTACLE w/ dice TAYMAC ML40OG "IN USE" WEATHERPROOF COVER POLE SPECIFICATIONS: POLE BY MOUNTAIN STATES LIGHTING OUTSIDE DIAMETER: 4.5" WALL THICKNESS:.22" MINIMUM MATERIAL: ALUMINUM POLE WITH ELASTOMER BOLT COVER EPA: MINIMUM 20 IN 80 MPH ZONE PART # 12RSA-4.5 (.220) - TEN/3x3-OPTGFI-UBC-GAL-BK (INCLUDED IS A VANDAL PROOF 16"0x 19" TALL GALLIVAN STYLE BASE COVER MADE OF 71 LB/FTs HIGH DENSITY ELASTOMER) FINISH: PAINTED BLACK 2Y2" x 5" HAND HOLE CENTERED 12" FROM BOTTOM OF POLE LOCATED BEHIND DECORATIVE BASE. GROUND BOLT LOCATED ACROSS FROM HAND HOLE OPENING. ANCHOR PLATE DETAIL JSIS BASE PLATE MRB PLe'x10e"x10,'"(Alum.) PLATE TEMPLATE 4 SLOTTED HOLES 6" x 34") at �O 9W Use 8" O BOLT CIRCLE. �--� 4" fD WIREWAY (CNTR'D.) ANCHOR BOLTS 4 -a 0 x V-13" Long w/ 3" Hook PROJECT 3z " OUT OF CONC. PEV S2NS PP2 N r8 CH3 HH L9'ATIDN LE CH^A'4' O PP BTPO Cdl, F THIC4JEES P.].Boc149 C,,r,r, CO 80413 MOUNTAIN STATES LIGHTING Phone 303E3Bi430 Fax 001-605-9058 Note: 1. Anchor bolts have to be centered on the concrete foundation. 2. This is for standard soil conditions. Verify with civil engineer for other types of soil conditions. I Vi 0 v GRADE wheat Ridge Pedestrian LED Ficture/Pde vo-GFl SCOL- DATE'. )FAYNF DPAAING RUVEEE NTS B/2712p19 RylPmp 12SRA-CY11 T4 -GAL -2019 BEP'. 2nfi Er DIST. Mountain States POLE HANDHOLE BOLT PROJECTION SHOULD BE 3 Y2". (4) #5 REBAR WITH #2 TIES OR HOOPS. ANCHOR BOLTS e14"O x 1 r-6") SEE PLAN FOR CIRCUIT. PVC SCHEDULE 80 ELBOW - SIZE BY CONTRACTOR CONCRETE BASE PEDESTRIAN LIGHTING POLE FOUNDATION _ City of LG -A02 PED LIGHT BASE DETAIL ]0;rW heatdge PEDESTRIAN LIGHT POLE FOUNDATION oma DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LG ENGINEERING DIVISION PPPRDVED BY: aN MPNOYE.1 1MI RIGHT OF WAY PEDESTRIAN LIGHT POLE AND FOUNDATION NOTE: CONTACT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE FOR ORDERING INFORMATION IP ENGINEERING & SURVEYING 541 E. Garden Drive, T (970) 663-4552 Unit N W ridgetopeng.com Windsor, CO 80550 VALVOLINE APPLEWOOD VILLAGE 12601 WEST 32ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO, 80033 GREENBERG FARROW 201 E. 4TH ST. LOVELAND, CO 80537 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN DRAWN BY: JSIS CHECKED BY: MRB PROJECT NO.: 21-179-001 COMMENTS 10/29/21 COMMENTS 3/3/22 08/16/2021 PHOTOMETRICS PLAN • SHEET INFORI PH -1.0 Know what's below. 0111 before you dig. 3 Of 6 I C EM N CD N U J U) 0 0 z CD U) w 0 w > A W J W 0 U O 1 2 3 LANDSCAPE PLAN SCALE: 1"=10'-O" 1 2 3 4 5 WHEAT RIDGE LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS - 1 TREE / 1000 SF OF LANDSCAPE AREA. 10 SHRUBS /1000SF OF LANDSCAPE AREA LANDSCAPE AREA MIN. TREES REQUIRED MIN. SHRUBS REQUIRED 141028 SF 16 160 TREES PROVIDED SHRUBS PROVIDED 16 205 STREET FRONTAGE TREES REQUIRED (1TREE/30FEET OF FRONTAGE) TREES PROVIDED 6 TREES TURF AND LANDSCAPE AREAS EQUALS 16,723 SF OF THE TOTAL SITE. TOTAL SITE IS 36,805SF. LANDSCAPE AREAS ON THIS SITE IS ABOUT 35% OF THE TOTAL SITE. TURF AREA ON THIS SITE IS 41184 SF. THIS IS 25% OF THE TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA. PLANT SCHEDULE TREES BOTANICAL/ COMMON NAME CONT CAL SIZE QTY • Acer rubrum / Red Maple B&B 2.5" 5 Gleditsia triacanthos / Honey Locust B&B 2.5" 12 • Picea pungens 'Glauca' / Blue Colorado Spruce B&B 8' x 12' 6 SHRUBS BOTANICAL/ COMMON NAME CONT • Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' / Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass #5 48 • Euonymus alatus / Burning Bush #5 16 • Hemerocallis fulva / Orange Daylily #5 35 • Juniperus chinensis 'Armstrongii' / Armstrong Juniper #5 38 • Panicum virgatum / Switch Grass #5 15 Rosa pavement'Purple' / Purple Pavement Rose #5 62 • Rosa woodsii / Mountain Rose #5 29 n SOD/TURF/GROUND COVER SYM QTY COMMON NAME +/-4,184 SF FESCUE HYDROSEED AREA. (MAINTAINED LAWN AREA) +/-9,844 SF RIVER ROCK MULCH 2"-3" DIA.(3-4" DEEP) . moi. •: f . moi. • GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES: SEE SHEET L-2.0 FOR GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES, REQUIREMENTS, AND SPECIFICATIONS. GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL FINAL QUANTITIES. J, w w 20' chi) N J Q z 5 SCALE:1 =10 —0 0 r C 0 S T U D 1 0 planning design LIVING I architecture jobman STUDIO planning+design p: 605.877.4804 a: 5825 Cloud Peak Dr. Rapid City, SD 57702 e: mark@jobmanstudio.com PROJECT MANAGER: MarkjOBMAN, PLA X0414 12/31/2022 r Original Date of Licensure �� <) �� G NDS C App 3/ 212022 W U Ca Cn Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o Cn_ �C �. Cn LUL 0< Ca i J I ai o O °) E U)0 � � U E o mLU U)o ami ) C) __j Q U � z _ C� � a o m Cn 0 0 z I ¢ z w Q Cn z 0 U W C� Z CO) J — O CO) za� �Q Q N M N }rcn Cc Z(L) s W z J O J Q PROJECT NUMBER: 2021-010 DRAWN BY: MRJ CHECK BY: MRJ—EDS SHEET TITLE: SDP - LANDSCAPE PLAN L-1.0 ] C N O N U J U) 0 0 z CD U) LSI 0 LSI > A W J W 0 U O 1 1 2 2 3 TREE AS SPECIFIED. Shrub. ROOT Ell I IEJ I II I- -I 111 BALL - Z BACKFILL PLANTING AS PER PLANTING DETAIL. C° AVOID DAMAGE TO THE ROOT BALL WITH THE SUPPORT STAKES. STAKING DETAIL PLANTING AT TURF AREAS. KEEP TURF CLEAR FOR A 18" RADIUS CIRCLE AROUND THE TREE. MULCH WITH A 3" THICK LAYER OF SHREDDED BARK. RECESS TURF AREA 1 " TO ALLOW FOR MULCH. FINISHED GRADE AT LAWN. X x JOO p j + Comm m_ J QNB CO I Q M F- F- 0m QQQ Q O C t9C14C0 O NNN P7 BACKFILL MIX, SEE NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS. PLANT PIT DETAIL SET ROOTBALL CROWN 1 1/2" HIGHER THAN THE SURROUNDING FINISHED GRADE. SLOPE BACKFILL AWAY FROM ROOTBALL FOR POSITIVE DRAINAGE. PLANTING AT > SHRUB AREAS. KEEP MULCH 6" - 8" FROM BASE OF TREE. MULCH WATER WELL AREA TO 3" DEPTH. 6" HIGH WATER WELL AT SHRUB AREAS. FINISHED GRADE AT SHRUBS. ROOTBALL iI 2X ROOTBALL 32" AT 15 GALLON 48" AT 24" BOX 60" AT 30" BOX 72" AT 36" BOX TREE SINGLE STAKE PLANTING 1" = 1'-0" 3 PLANT TABLETS AS NOTED OR SPEICIFIED. NATIVE SOIL MIX FIRMLY COMPACTED. FX -PL -FX -TREE -01 Root ball rests on existing or recompacted soil. Notes: 1- Shrubs shall be of quality prescribed in the root observations detail and specifications. 2- See specifications for further requirements related to this detail. ro* SHRUB - MODIFIED _S0 �IL 3/4" = V-0" 5 Root ball. 4" high x 8" wide round - topped soil berm above root ball surface shall be constructed around the root ball. Berm shall begin at root ball periphery. Prior to mulching, lightly tamp soil around the root ball in 6" lifts to brace shrub. Do not over compact. When the planting hole has been backfilled, pour water around the root ball to settle the soil. Existing soil. URBAN TREE FOUNDATION © 2014 OPEN SOURCE FREE TO USE FX-PL-FX-SHRB-03 - 3" thick layer of mulch. nished grade. odified soil. Depth varies. (See )ecifications for soil modification). <isting soil. SECTION VIEW Groundcover plants to be triangularly spaced. Mulch. Pavement. PLAN Notes: 1- See planting legend for groundcover species, size, and sl 2- Small roots (%4" or less) that grow around, up, or down t.._ normal condition in container production and are acceptable however they should be eliminated at the time of planting. Roots on the periperhy can be removed at the time of planting. (See root ball shaving container detail). 3- Settle soil around root ball of each groundcover prior to mulching. �, GROUNDCOVER n 3/4" = V-0" 5 URBAN TREE FOUNDATION © 2014 OPEN SOURCE FREE TO USE FX-PL-FX-GROU-01 QD X N W N_ U) LLI LSI Q z_ CD 0 1-J C 10 F�1 "CINCH -TIE", "GRO-STRAIT", OR S T U D 1 0 planning design EQUAL FLEXIBLE RUBBER TREE 4" layer of mulch. LIVING I architecture jobman STUDIO planning+design TIES IN FIGURE EIGHT FASHION. No more than 1" of 605.877.4804 a: 5825 Cloud Peak Dr. ATTACH TO STAKE WITH TWO mulch on top of w mark@jobmanstudio.com PROJECT MANAGER: MarkjOBMAN, PLA GALVANIZED ROOFING NAILS. root ball. (See R. JOB w p 0 01, specifications for J 12/31/2022 2" DIAMETER LODGEPOLE PINE mulch). X 00 TREATED TREE STAKE. SET LO M 3/ 212022 PERPENDICULAR TO PREVAILING Finished grade. W WIND. Q U Ca Cn Q Q 0 0 0 REMOVE NURSERY STAKE BY THE Modified soil. 0 0 co - z Depth varies. (See L END OF MAINTENANCE. specifications for soil LU modification). RTf± ROOT Ell I IEJ I II I- -I 111 BALL - Z BACKFILL PLANTING AS PER PLANTING DETAIL. C° AVOID DAMAGE TO THE ROOT BALL WITH THE SUPPORT STAKES. STAKING DETAIL PLANTING AT TURF AREAS. KEEP TURF CLEAR FOR A 18" RADIUS CIRCLE AROUND THE TREE. MULCH WITH A 3" THICK LAYER OF SHREDDED BARK. RECESS TURF AREA 1 " TO ALLOW FOR MULCH. FINISHED GRADE AT LAWN. X x JOO p j + Comm m_ J QNB CO I Q M F- F- 0m QQQ Q O C t9C14C0 O NNN P7 BACKFILL MIX, SEE NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS. PLANT PIT DETAIL SET ROOTBALL CROWN 1 1/2" HIGHER THAN THE SURROUNDING FINISHED GRADE. SLOPE BACKFILL AWAY FROM ROOTBALL FOR POSITIVE DRAINAGE. PLANTING AT > SHRUB AREAS. KEEP MULCH 6" - 8" FROM BASE OF TREE. MULCH WATER WELL AREA TO 3" DEPTH. 6" HIGH WATER WELL AT SHRUB AREAS. FINISHED GRADE AT SHRUBS. ROOTBALL iI 2X ROOTBALL 32" AT 15 GALLON 48" AT 24" BOX 60" AT 30" BOX 72" AT 36" BOX TREE SINGLE STAKE PLANTING 1" = 1'-0" 3 PLANT TABLETS AS NOTED OR SPEICIFIED. NATIVE SOIL MIX FIRMLY COMPACTED. FX -PL -FX -TREE -01 Root ball rests on existing or recompacted soil. Notes: 1- Shrubs shall be of quality prescribed in the root observations detail and specifications. 2- See specifications for further requirements related to this detail. ro* SHRUB - MODIFIED _S0 �IL 3/4" = V-0" 5 Root ball. 4" high x 8" wide round - topped soil berm above root ball surface shall be constructed around the root ball. Berm shall begin at root ball periphery. Prior to mulching, lightly tamp soil around the root ball in 6" lifts to brace shrub. Do not over compact. When the planting hole has been backfilled, pour water around the root ball to settle the soil. Existing soil. URBAN TREE FOUNDATION © 2014 OPEN SOURCE FREE TO USE FX-PL-FX-SHRB-03 - 3" thick layer of mulch. nished grade. odified soil. Depth varies. (See )ecifications for soil modification). <isting soil. SECTION VIEW Groundcover plants to be triangularly spaced. Mulch. Pavement. PLAN Notes: 1- See planting legend for groundcover species, size, and sl 2- Small roots (%4" or less) that grow around, up, or down t.._ normal condition in container production and are acceptable however they should be eliminated at the time of planting. Roots on the periperhy can be removed at the time of planting. (See root ball shaving container detail). 3- Settle soil around root ball of each groundcover prior to mulching. �, GROUNDCOVER n 3/4" = V-0" 5 URBAN TREE FOUNDATION © 2014 OPEN SOURCE FREE TO USE FX-PL-FX-GROU-01 QD X N W N_ U) LLI LSI Q z_ CD 0 1-J C 10 F�1 S T U D 1 0 planning design LIVING I architecture jobman STUDIO planning+design p: 605.877.4804 a: 5825 Cloud Peak Dr. Rapid City, SD 57702 e: mark@jobmanstudio.com PROJECT MANAGER: MarkjOBMAN, PLA R. JOB p 0 01, 12/31/2022 r Original Date of Licensure 00 G NDS C App 3/ 212022 W U Ca Cn Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 00 16 z LU �. p( LU O - L Q 0 C J Q a) O .0 O D "_) w E U)0 U E o — mLU= � U) o U) ami - 8 Q i C C � z UO _:3 o0 ma O z <0 LU Q 07 z O U W (DZ Q CO) J_ O Ov Z Q � Q c N M N }rcn Cc Z aL _ s W Z J O J Q PROJECT NUMBER: 2021-010 DRAWN BY: MRJ CHECK BY: MRJ-EDS SHEET TITLE: LANDSCAPE PLAN L-2.0 OUTLINE OF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT VALVOLINE APPLEWOOD VILLAGE NW%4 SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO METAL COPING& IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInI-m-Inl=lnrm- - =nrm= - ■ ■■.__■__.■■■■i■i■i■i■i■i■i■i■i■■__.■.__■■■■i ••. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" ��� ffiCOLUMNS — ■■ Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllle........ ■■� - �•e B.O. ACCENT Oil STOREFRONTa, Ila LED S. ME CONT. PRECAST 147777 CONC. SILL STONEVENEER mi�= WAINSCOT IMMIMIEFM else W-1 I W11 11 T.O.SLAZ't, \ \4,4F 101 BUILDING MATERIAL / GLAZING CALCULATION (WEST) EXTERIOR FINISHES REQUIRED PROVIDED MIM % SQ. FT. % SQ.FT. BRICK (PRIMARY MATERIAL) NO LIMIT -- 26.83% 399.85 STONE (PRIMARY MATERIAL) NO LIMIT -- 7.17% 106.79 STUCCO (PRIMARY MATERIAL) NO LIMIT -- 28.55% 425.51 METAL COPING -- -- 4.66% 69.51 GLAZING (TRANSPARENCY) 25% MIN. 221.84 55.06% 488.60 BUILDING MATERIAL / GLAZING CALCULATION (SOUTH) EXTERIOR FINISHES REQUIRED PROVIDED MIM % SQ. FT. % SQ.FT. BRICK (PRIMARY MATERIAL) NO LIMIT -- 30.01% 246.98 STONE (PRIMARY MATERIAL) NO LIMIT -- 5.87% 48.33 STUCCO (PRIMARY MATERIAL) NO LIMIT -- 35.22% 289.87 METAL COPING -- N1®,■ 4.06% 33.41 -00 i■ L LED SIGN ,1SPANDREL BUILDING MATERIAL / GLAZING CALCULATION (SOUTH) EXTERIOR FINISHES REQUIRED PROVIDED % SQ. FT. % SQ.FT. BRICK (PRIMARY MATERIAL) NO LIMIT -- 30.01% 246.98 STONE (PRIMARY MATERIAL) NO LIMIT -- 5.87% 48.33 STUCCO (PRIMARY MATERIAL) NO LIMIT -- 35.22% 289.87 METAL COPING -- -- 4.06% 33.41 GLAZING (TRANSPARENCY) 40% MIN. 144.46 42.92% 155.00 LANE INDICATOR SIGNS, TYP. BUILDING MATERIAL / GLAZING CALCULATION (EAST) EXTERIOR FINISHES REQUIRED PROVIDED % SQ. FT. % SQ.FT. BRICK (PRIMARY MATERIAL) NO LIMIT -- 28.22% 420.53 STONE (PRIMARY MATERIAL) NO LIMIT -- 8.21% 122.32 STUCCO (PRIMARY MATERIAL) NO LIMIT -- 28.55% 425.51 METAL COPING -- -- 4.66% 69.51 GLAZING (TRANSPARENCY) 25% MIN. 228.08 44.90% 409.63 GRAPHIC SCALE SCALE: 3116" =1'-0" T.O. TOWER METAL COPIN FASCIA (TYF STUCCO (TYP: LO PI � OUTLINE OF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT LOGO SIGN +- STUCCO (TYP. WOODEN TRELLIS COLUMNS T.O. CANOPI B CONT.PRECAS CONC. SILL T.O. SILL T.O. TOWERd% +- METAL COPING AND FASCIA (TYP.) Tom% OUTLINE OF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT STUCCO (TYP.) FACE BRICK SOLDIER (3 COURSES) T.O. ACCENT B.O. ACCENTl WOODEN TRELLIS AND COLUMNS (BEYOND) FACE BRICK CONT. PRECAST CONC. SILL STONEVENEER WAINSCOT STONE VENEEF WAINSCOT T.O. SLABAIK 80" . . T.O. DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE 7 77 T.O. FINISHED PAVING r DUMPSTER FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 3116" =1'-0" TTER ENCLOSURE THIN BRICK CONT. PREC CONC. SILL STONE VENE WAINSCOT Al I FINISH 6 DUMPSTER SIDE ELEVATION SCALE: 3116" =1'-0" OF www.greenbergfarrow.com 251 West 30th Street 10th Floor New York, NY 10001 t: 212.725.9530 COPYRIGHT NOTICE This drawing is the properly of the above rafemced Professional and is not to bs used for any purpose other than the specific project and ske named herein, and cannot be reproduced in any manner without the express wrlkal permission from the Professional N N 7�m�m E W_ Q Q W Q 0 on on � O > > 0 U) n m z � � U Q 0 0 0 O n n 0 LL BUILDING MATERIAL / GLAZING CALCULATION (NORTH) EXTERIOR FINISHES REQUIRED PROVIDED % SQ. FT. % SQ.FT. BRICK (PRIMARY MATERIAL) NO LIMIT -- 29.47% 241.72 STONE (PRIMARY MATERIAL) NO LIMIT -- 15.30% 125.49 STUCCO (PRIMARY MATERIAL) NO LIMIT -- 34.58% 283.61 METAL COPING 1-- -- 7.97% 65.33 GLAZING (TRANSPARENCY) 25% MIN. 102.08 25.47% 104.00 /W V Z LU Q =) M = 170 Z 0 ED 0 J_ i CO O Q O � D U Z Z LUi �NN Z w L1_ LU Z Q — W 0 0 Q Z EXTERIOR FINISHES STUCCO: COLOR: #627A TWILIGHT GRAY STONE WAINSCOT: MANUFACTURER: HALQUIST STONE (GRAD[ TO PRECAST SILL) 'CHARCOAL STAKLEDGE Professional Seal FACE BRICK (ABOVE WAINSCOT): INTERSTATE BRICK -''MIDNIGHT BLACK'' LIGHT TEXTURE FACE BRICK SOLDIER COURSE: INTERSTATE BRICK -''MIDNIGHT BLACK'' LIGHT TEXTURE PRECAST SILL: CUSTOM CAST STONE - "SLATE" (REFER TO SILL PROFILE) MORTAR: LEHIGH -''OLD COLONIAL'' MASONRY SEALER: ALL MASONRY SURFACES SHALL BE TREATED W/SEALER REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS. WOOD TRELLIS & ONE COAT A-100 PRIMER, TWO COATS A-100 EXTERIOR WOOD FRAMING MEMBERS: LATEX SATIN. COLOR: SHERWIN WILLIAMS SW -6079 DIVERSE BEIGE COPING AND TRIM: PAC -CLAD SNAP EDGE EXTENDED FASCIA (12-1/211) Project No. 20191263.0 PAC -CLAD COLOR "SLATE GRAY'' TRIM COLOR TO MATCH PAC -CLAD "SLATE GRAY'' Scale AS NOTED Drawn SS STOREFRONT SYSTEM: 2x41/2'' KAWNEER TRIFAB VG 451T SERIES CLEAR ANODIZED ALUMINUM STOREFRONT SYSTEM W/1" INSULATED GLAZING. Checked RP/RW H.M. DOORS & FRAMES: FIELD PAINT w/SHERWIN-WILLIAMS B66-310 PRO-CYRL Professional Incharge SCOTT LOI KITS PRIMER FOLLOWED BY (2) FINISH COATS OF B66-300 SHER-CYRL HPA. COLOR SHALL BE SW -7515 "HOMESTEAD Drawing Title BROWN''. PROVIDE MOCK-UP AND VERIFY COLOR W/OWNER. O.H. DOOR FINISH: CLEAR ANODIZED ALUMINUM PARKING LOT STRIPING SHERWIN-WILLIAMS #TM226 SETFAST TM PAINT. EXTERIOR ELEVATION N0TES COLOR SHALL BE "WHITE' HANDICAP STALL STRIPING: SHERWIN-WILLIAMS #TM2133 SETFAST TM PAINT. COLOR SHALL BE ''ADA BLUE" ELEVATIONS 1. FINAL LOCATION OF KNOX BOX, EXTERNAL NOTIFICATION DEVICE, FDC AND FIRE SPECIFIC SIGNAGE LOCATIONS SHALL BE AS PER FIRE MARSHALL REQUIREMENTS. DUMPSTER WALLS: MATCH BUILDING 2. SIGNAGE WILL BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED THROUGH SEPARATE PERMITS. 3. TRANSPARENT GLAZING DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE FIELD PAINT w/SHERWIN-WILLIAMS B66-310 PRO-CRYL AND PRIME GATE POSTS: FOLLOWED BY (2) FINISH COATS OF SHERWIN-WILLIAMS 7515 Drawing No. All HOMESTEAD BROWN. SEMI -GLOSS DTM ACRYLIC B66-200. A Z EXHIBIT 4: APPLICANT LETTER Valvoline Project Description Youngfield St & W 32"d St / Applewood Village Shopping Center Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Project Summary: The proposed project develops a pad site on the south of an existing building in the Applewood Shopping Center for a new Valvoline Instant Oil Change facility. The building will have a 2,088-sf footprint and will provide three services bays for oil change and service as well as a customer waiting areas both inside and outside, restroom, office and ancillary spaces; a basement level allows the technicians access under the vehicles. The new facility will have 11 parking stalls (including one ADA stall) allocated to Valvoline's employees and for occasional customer parking. The project includes widening W 32nd Ave, the installation of a new sidewalk, and ADA ramps. Aerial below shows the existing site: Zoning and Codes: The site is located in the PCD Planned Commercial Development zone. The site is in the Mixed -Use Commercial, Community Commercial Center Comprehensive Plan area. Building and Site Design: The Valvoline facility has been designed with the Architectural and site guidelines in mind. To have the bay doors parallel to W 32nd St, the short side of the building is along the frontage; to meet the required 40% built frontage, Valvoline has included a stone base wall to either side of the building, with a pergola running the full length. The pergola then turns to provide an outdoor, semi - shaded, customer waiting area. To meet the glazing requirements, Valvoline has increased the glass along Page 1 of 2 Planning Commission 10 Case No. WZ-21-08 / Valvoline at AVSC the South elevation, and added a complementary 'window' to the north side including a shade trellis to balance the pergola theme. The materials (brick, stone, paint) were chosen to reflect a lighter, more contemporary look in keeping with the newer buildings in AVSC. Business: Valvoline is a socially responsible partner in the community, recycling 100% of materials generated from primary services and minimizing energy and water usage at every establishment. From full-service oil changes to battery replacement, Valvoline specializes in minorvehicle services (which does not include exhaust, tire, brake, or paint sales or services). The operations and customer service are built on maximizing customer comfort and efficiency—completing an entire service in as little at 15 minutes. Customers are not required to leave their vehicles, except for tire rotations, and can monitor the service via computer terminal brought to the drive. Payment is also made through the terminal. Valvoline's mission to "provide quick, easy, trusted oil changes and preventive maintenance with speed and precision and get customers back on the road quickly and safely" has led to the success of the company since 1986. Today, Valvoline owns and operates more than 500 stay -in -your -car oil change locations, and more than 700 franchises locations in the United States. The new oil change facility will employ two service providers per bay, plus up to two additional customer service employees at full capacity. Together, Valvoline will employ approximately eight employees at one time. Operation hours are planned to be 8:00 am – 7:00 pm, Monday through Friday, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm on Saturdays, and limited hours on Sunday. Hours are subject to change. Surrounding Properties: The parcel is surrounded by commercial properties within the Applewood Village Shopping Center. Project Phasing: The construction will be completed as quickly as possible once the permits are available. There is no phasing anticipated. Loading: Valvoline's limited delivery schedule (during business hours only) with no tractor -trailers, separates it from other businesses. The standard delivery vehicles for Valvoline are 26' straight trucks and product is delivered thru portholes into the lower level of the building leading to no old-fashioned barrel deliveries. A loading space adjacent to the building and in front of the trash enclosure is designated. end Page 2 of 2 Planning Commission 11 Case No. WZ-21-08 / Valvoline at AVSC Andrew Burt 64 South Kendrick Court Go/den, CO 80401 April 8, 2022 Re: Case# WZ-21-08 To Wheat Ridge Planning Commission: I own a property on Xenon and received your request for input on this project. To grant approval for their application, I would request a condition be that they provide a small piece of land sufficient to create a traffic circle at the 32nd & Xenon intersection, in order to allow people on Xenon to once again be able to turn left/right in and out, instead of being in the penalty box. The dead-end created there is very inconvenient. (This is in reference to a prior discussion a few years ago about putting a traffic circle there, where I was told the property owner wouldn't supply the small amount of land needed for a traffic circle, and that otherwise it was a reasonable idea. Perhaps this is the opportunity to accomplish that.) Thanks Andrew Burt II City of Wheatldge PLANNING COMMISSION COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT LEGISLATIVE ITEM STAFF REPORT MEETING DATE: April 21, 2022 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE VIII OF CHAPTER 26 OF THE CODE OF LAWS TO UPDATE THE CITY'S FLOODPLAIN MAPS AND TO MAKE CONFORMING AMENDMENTS (CASE NO. ZOA-22-02) ® PUBLIC HEARING ® CODE CHANGE ORDINANCE Case Manager: Mark Westberg Date of Preparation: April 6, 2022 SUMMARY: The attached ordinance proposes amending Article VIII (Floodplain Control) of Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws to adopt the most current floodplain maps, known as the Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM). There are almost no changes to the limits of the flood hazard areas, but adoption of the most current DFIRM is required by the National Flood Insurance Program. Because this is an amendment to the zoning code, Planning Commission will be making a recommendation to City Council on the legislation. Notice for this public hearing was provided as required by the Code of Laws. BACKGROUND: Existing Conditions There are three flood hazard areas in Wheat Ridge: one associated with Clear Creek, one associated with Lena Gulch, and one associated with Sloan's Lake. The Clear Creek and Lena Gulch floodplains traverse the City diagonally. The Sloan's Lake Basin is the watershed extending upstream and downstream from Sloan's Lake. The southeast corner of Wheat Ridge, an area of approximately 500 acres, is included in the watershed (shown in purple in Attachment 2). Along two Sloan's Lake tributaries, low-lying areas and structures in the City are prone to potential flooding during storm events. There are two types of regulated flood hazard areas: the federally regulated Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) and locally regulated Local Flood Hazard Area (LFHA). In Wheat Ridge, the Clear Creek and Lena Gulch floodplains are part of the SFHA. Within the City, the majority of the Sloan's Lake watershed is an LFHA that was adopted by Council in 2019. The remainder is a small portion along 26a' Avenue which continues to part of the federally regulated SFHA. The Sloan's Lake SFHA has very minor changes in the revised DFIRM. ZOA-22-02 / Revised DFIRM Adoption Floodplain Maps Periodically, floodplain maps are updated to reflect physical changes in land use and development, to reflect changes in hydrology, and/or to incorporate improved technology and refine the limits of actual flood risk. The Clear Creek and Lena Gulch maps were last updated in 2014 when the current DFIRM was adopted. The most recent floodplain update in the City occurred in 2018 related to the Sloan's Lake basin. In 2018, Mile High Flood District (MHFD), along with the Cities of Wheat Ridge, Lakewood, and Edgewater and the City and County of Denver, completed updates to the Flood Hazard Area Delineation (FHAD) and master plan, which were originally done in 1977. Many changes within the watershed and in floodplain modeling have occurred since 1977, so the previous Sloan's Lake FHAD and master plan did not accurately reflect current conditions. Having an updated FHAD and master plan provide better guidance to minimize damage from flooding. This is done by properly planning potential improvements, both public and private, and effectively regulating identified flood prone areas. The first step in the update process was to remodel the hydrology, which determines the peak flows at various locations in the watershed. The hydrology update incorporated the modeling changes as well as the land use changes within the watershed. The next step was to update the hydraulics based on the many stormwater improvements that had been implemented by the various jurisdictions that were in the 1977 master plan. This information, as well as more accurate and updated topography were then used to update the FHAD. The study then evaluated several possible improvements that could be done within the watershed to further minimize damage due to flooding. Consideration was given to costs, existing and proposed land use, existing and proposed drainage systems, known drainage or flooding problems, known or anticipated erosion problems, and right-of-way needs. The resulting master plan will be utilized to plan future improvements, including the locations, alignments, and sizing of storm sewers, channels, and detention/retention basins, and other facilities needed to provide efficient stormwater management for the watershed. No new projects were identified in the updated master plan within the City of Wheat Ridge. This is largely due to the fact that all of the storm sewer projects that were recommended in the 1977 master plan had previously been completed by the City. In addition, the 29a' Avenue storm sewer project that was completed a few years ago largely mitigated the known minor flooding issues in the southeast portion of the City east of Fenton Street. That project utilized an abandoned water main in 29a' Avenue and the new detention pond at the Richards -Hart Estate to reduce the flooding that was occurring south of 29a' Avenue east of Fenton Street. SFHA versus LFHA Even though a FHAD has existed for the Sloan's Lake Basin since 1977, the City had not regulated the flood prone areas along the tributaries because they were not included as a federally regulated Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), like the floodplains along Clear Creek and Lena Gulch. The SFHA associated with Sloan's Lake along 26a' Avenue was also regulated. Cities can choose to regulate flood hazard areas outside of the SFHA and many local jurisdictions do as LFHA. ZOA-22-02 / Revised DFIRM Adoption In 2019, Planning Commission reviewed and City Council officially adopted the Sloan's Lake FHAD as a Local Flood Hazard Area. The City now regulates those identified flood hazard areas the same as the flood hazard areas within the SFHA, but without the insurance requirements of the SFHA. The practical implications and differences between the SFHA and LFHA are described below This code amendment does not make any changes to these requirements. Flood Hazard Notification Notification of the potential for flooding is an important component of a well-managed floodplain program. Properties in a flood hazard area within a FHAD and SFHA receive an annual mailing from MHFD that alerts and reminds them that they are within an area of potential flooding. As a part of its public outreach, the City also does an annual mailing to all properties in a SFHA (properties within the Clear Creek and Lena Gulch floodplains). With the FHAD adopted as a LFHA, the City mailing also includes the areas identified in the LFHA (properties within the Sloan's Lake floodplain). Federal notification of flood risk does not occur for the LFHA, but State and City regulations require that sellers notify buyers during real estate transactions of the flood risk. Flood Insurance Requirement Properties in a SFHA are required to purchase flood insurance if they have a federally backed mortgage. For all other properties, the flood insurance is voluntary and less expensive. While often seen as a burden and an unwanted expense, flood insurance provides important coverage for damage that is caused by flooding. With the flood hazard areas adopted as a LFHA, property owners and tenants are advised of the risk and are encouraged to purchase voluntary flood insurance. Flood Insurance Rates Flood insurance rates for properties that are not in a SFHA are typically less since the properties are seen as having a lower risk of flooding. This is the case for properties in an LFHA. Floodplain Regulations The purpose of the City's floodplain regulations is to decrease the risk of flood damage to or caused by improvements that are proposed by property owners. Properties that are included in a LFHA receive the additional protections resulting from being subject to the City's floodplain regulations. This includes requirements like raising the lowest floor at least one foot above the base flood elevation (BFE), using flood resistant materials, and anchoring. Proposed Code Amendment City Code specifies the exact floodplain map that is adopted, referencing it by name and date. This code amendment adopts the revised Jefferson County Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM), effective date of August 2, 2022 as the City's official floodplain maps. The only change on the DFIRM within the City is for Sloan's Lake Drainageway and its tributaries. These changes are relatively minor in nature; the changes are mostly limited to the public right-of-way along 26a' Avenue and do not affect any structures. There are no changes to the Clear Creek and Lena Gulch floodplains in the updated DFIRM. ZOA-22-02 / Revised DFIRM Adoption 3 Procedurally, the federal government has reviewed the DFIRM, and a Letter of Final Determination (LED), dated February 2, 2022, was received from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The LED notifies the City that the revised DFIRM has been adopted by FEMA. The revised DFIRM will be effective on August 2, 2022. The LED requires that the City adopt the revised DFIRM by the effective date. The City must adopt these new maps in order to be in compliance with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and to participate in the Community Rating System (CRS). The City's long-standing participation in the CRS program provides a 25% discount for all flood insurance policies within the City. Public Outreach A neighborhood meeting was held on March 30, 2022, in conjunction with the City's annual floodplain outreach meeting, to educate the residents of adoption of the revised DFIRM. None of the attendees commented on the adoption of the revised DFIRM. Schedule for Adoption Since the process requires a series of legislative stages, staff is following the schedule below for making revisions to the floodplain ordinance to adopt revised DFIRM before the federal deadline: • April 21, 2022 — Planning Commission Meeting • May 9, 2022 — City Council lsr reading • May 23, 2022 — City Council 2°d reading • August 2, 2022 — New floodplain maps become effective RECOMMENDED MOTION: "I move to recommend approval of the proposed ordinance amending Article VIII of Chapter 26 of the Code of Laws to update the City's floodplain maps and to make conforming amendments. Exhibits: 1. Proposed Ordinance 2. Sloan's Lake Watershed Map ZOA-22-02 / Revised DFIRM Adoption CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER Council Bill No. Ordinance No. Series of 2022 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE VIII OF CHAPTER 26 OF THE CODE OF LAWS TO UPDATE THE CITY'S FLOODPLAIN MAPS AND TO MAKE CONFORMING AMENDMENTS WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado (the "City"), is a Colorado home rule municipality, duly organized and existing pursuant to Section 6 of Article XX of the Colorado Constitution; and WHEREAS, pursuant to its home rule authority and C.R.S. § 31-23-301(1), the City, acting through its City Council (the "Council'), is authorized to adopt rules and regulations concerning the location, construction, occupancy and use of buildings and structures on and along any storm or floodwater runoff channel or basin; and WHEREAS, under such authority, the Council previously adopted floodplain regulations, codified as Article VIII of Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws ("Code"); and WHEREAS, On February 2, 2022, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) adopted the revised Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) as the official floodplain maps; and WHEREAS, the Council desires to amend a section of said Article VIII to adopt the revised DFIRM as the official floodplain maps. WHEREAS, the Council desires to amend Paragraph G of said Article VIII to more clearly designate the source of the official floodplain maps and Local Flood Hazard Area (LFHA) that was adopted in 2019. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO: Section 1. Subsection 26-802 — Definitions of the Code is hereby amended to incorporate the additional definitions as follows: Flood hazard area delineation (FHAD). The local flood maps that serve as the floodplain maps for floodplain management purposes when adopted as LFHA. Local flood hazard area (LFHA). The land in the floodplain subject to a one (1) percent or greater chance of flooding in any given year that is adopted by the City but is not included in the DFIRM. Properties within the LFHA are subject to all the requirements in this Article. ATTACHMENT Section 2. Paragraph G of Subsection 26-803 of the Code, concerning official maps and engineering reports, is hereby repealed and replaced as follows: G. Official maps and engineering reports. The location and boundaries of the SFHA shall be as identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in "The Flood Insurance Study for Jefferson County, Colorado and Incorporated Areas," dated August 2, 2022, and any amendments or revisions thereto are hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this article. The location and boundaries of the SFHA shall be as shown in the following engineering reports and accompanying maps: Digital flood insurance rate map (DFIRM) panels dated August 2, 2022 for portions within the City of Wheat Ridge. The location and boundaries of the LFHA shall be as shown in the following engineering reports and accompanying maps: 1. Sloan's Lake FHAD dated July 2018 for portions within the City of Wheat Ridge. The DFIRM constitute the current flood insurance study for the City of Wheat Ridge and is fully incorporated herein by this. The DFIRM and FHAD are on file at the Wheat Ridge Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Section 3. Safety Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this Ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this Ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the Ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 4. Severability: Conflicting Ordinances Repealed. If any section, subsection or clause of this Ordinance shall be deemed to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, the validity of the remaining sections, subsections and clauses shall not be affected thereby. All other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect fifteen (15) days after final publication, as provided by Section 5.11 of the Charter. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of _ to on this 9th day of May 2022, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for May 23, 2022, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., as a virtual meeting and in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado if allowed to meet in person on that date per COVID-19 restrictions and that it takes effect 15 days after final publication. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of to , this day of 12022. SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of 12022. Bud Starker, Mayor ATTEST: Steve Kirkpatrick, City Clerk Approved As To Form Gerald E. Dahl, City Attorney First Publication: , 2022 Second Publication: , 2022 Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date: , 2022 I' I IO°0 38thlAve ounta; 4-0 M n O, 0 800 1,600 4 o (Kori (/) m (/) Feet h era�c N �� � '� h� N L _ C: U) c ~ 'E _,._._:.T,.._ ___--__ ---- � 32nd AV I 32nd Ave 73N � I Gray S1r��� T, • . e I Fill o ry n C n Wheat Ridge — — - I 29th Ave Je ff a rso ou ty I , (Unincorperated) I _ -------------- ----- I.._.._Lr�!—� L --J of Denver 26th Ave ) MPtie%c9&Street Tributary h/dna .• I 287 0,p.r.._ • m l� �d/j� •�•• I O e Lakewood ` r ' Edgewater dge�dy`"""' ID 23rd Ave 1 I Sloan's cn Ni ® i Laake DrainageWaY I Lake ,o N 20th Ave '•• — o �.._.._.._.._.*, I—� I N I I = N r 0 x I�1 I OLE ® o N' 121 _J L — 17th Ave 0 L L , U 1 Sloan's Lake Drainageway it ...................% U) pm i U _ILL 0 • N Legend 40 Colfax Ave N Study Reach Jurisdictions Ditch/Gulch/River L _ City & County of Denver 14th AveU) 0 }, Highway L _ Edgewater 4-1 U I I Light Rail Line Lakewood gglu 13th Ve >, X U) Sloan's Lake Watershed Wheat Ridge Dry Gulch L 0 Boundary (4.9 Sq. Mi)Jefferson County (Unincorporated) _ I N +' y L _ City Boundary ti C6 Waterbody/Detention I —110th Ave _ N o, ® Publically Maintained filch 0 N o ® Privately Maintained Lakev000d G Weir Gum Y U N fl- designed by: / 8- O, D� ; drawn by: �M URBAN DRAINAGE AND FLOOD MAJOR DRAINAGEWAY PLAN FGE atrix,,,, \ checked by RK CONTROL DISTRICT, SLOAN'S LAKE DRAINAGEWAY WATERSHED MAP LU IGNGROUP,date:tno.: 07/22/.026 ° CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER AND TRIBUTARIES J AN EMPLOYEE -OWNED COMPANY date: 07/22/2016 An i�1 � No. DATE DESCRIPTION APPR. ATTACHMENT 2