HomeMy WebLinkAboutWSP-19-05LEGAL DESCRIPTION PART OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69, WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH BOUNDRY LINE OF SAID SECTION 26, WHICH POINT IS 1974.7 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE SOUTH AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH -SOUTH CENTER LINE OF SAID SECTION, 180 FEET; THENCE EAST AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION, 110 FEET; THENCE NORTH AND PARALLEL TO THE SAID CENTER LINE OF SAID SECTION, 180 FEET TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION, 110 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPT RIGHT OF WAY OVER SO MUCH OF THE NORTH 30 FEET THEREOF AS MAY BE USED FOR WEST 38TH AVENUE; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE IN DEED RECORDED OCTOBER 8, 1990 UNDER RECEPTION NO, 90086573, COUNTY OF ON JEFF R TATE JEFFERSON, S OF COLORADO. CONTAINING 16,225 SQUARE FEET OR 0.3725 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. STATEMENT OF PROPOSED USE. THE PROJECT CONSISTS OF CONVERTING THE EXISTING 6,054 SQ. FT. BUILDING INTO A BREWERY AND RESTAURANT. A 565 SQ. FT. ADDITION IS BEING PROPOSED ON THE SOUTH END OF THE EXISTING BUILDING FOR A WALK-IN COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM FOR TFtE BREWERY. THE MAIN LEVEL WOULD CONTAIN THE COMMERCIAL KITCHEN AND RESTAURANT/TAP ROOM SEATING WITH THE BREWERY OPERATION IN THE BASEMENT. AN OUTDOOR PATIO SEALING AREA WITH LANDSCAPING FEATURES AND BUFFERS ON THE NORTH END, RECONFIGURED PARKING LOT ON THE EAST SIDE. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE, THE BELOW SIGNED OWNER(S) OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) THEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW. I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF THIS SITE PLAN DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT T -P THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26-121 OF THE WHEAT FRIDGE CODE OF LAWS. TH AS D'AQUIN ON BEHALF OF CONFESSION BREWING AND KITCHEN, LLC STATE OF COLORADO } ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON } THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS_ -.-.T• _ DAY OF A.D. 20 BY _s o WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 0 'INN A; A 1) Of -"!-,,A' INI 011111k KY P, ; B 1, > , JI N Y as NOTARY PUBLIC T...,....,a F...a, CITY CERTIFICATION. L_ ell\ APPROVED THIS DAY OF ctlV_ / l BY THE CITY OF WHE AT RIDGE. y' ATTEST MMUNITYDEVELOPME --- ------- 4 (`. � 4 I SITE PLAN 1 10 -011 C) C) cY) cW i L0 AL 9 Ell R1 9UMAWaEE1 i puli 9011 SITEDEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 38TH A 4 I 1 110'-0" 15-05/8" 5'-0" 5'-0" 43'-9" 5'-0" `31- 3" 7'- 11 3/8" j DRIVE AISLE 5' PLANTER BED WJ -� PERMANENT GARDEN WALL 5' EXISJING SIDEWALK `\ EASEMENT SHOWN --FF- PROPERTY LINE TL 77� l SI SL ,GREY POCHE LIJ- -- - -- Y !. i t \ 1 Lij I Nt.i,0 ao 20'- 7 1/2" 20'- 7 1/2" STEEL EXISTINGCOLUMp , \ TRANSFORMER EXISTING POLE GATE: PATIO SEATING ,!...ANTER BED SIGN TO REMAIN I I � ! SHOV'JN DIAGONAL 100 Q �, 3 011, FIXED BIKE RACKS t iATCH EYP. ` , --- -- - OVERHEAD STRING ► ,.= ; .. - T = 43 LIGHTS, TYP.� W 1397 SF c t k 1� PLA FIRE PIT OR 1 _c. U) - o LANDSCAPE FEATURE I ., K I x � \ LO Yti r lT r W P i � J I , ----� —5 ADA ACCESS ROUTE o Y %T '-- j- r--.---------� --� _- - Q ASPHALT - T I Lo uj A I I I D VAN . ., 1 ACCESSIBLE 'Ai I �I z 11 T/ 18 19 I I i I METAL ►�, 0 O F!O I j a GATE ..ry ORAILING EYP. _--------- — EXTERIOR a :4 rn 'SCONCE, TYP L1 li - - ! U L1 L1 ENTRY ( i PROPOSED j $ -6 X 18'-0" ACCESSIBLE STALLS ROOF +:OVERHANG - 6f (j19 ! SHOv,JN DASHED 1 26- 2 3/8" 1 DINING ROOM TAF'RROOM ASPHALT RR -- - __ -- - - -- - -- OPEN L 1 106 - 1 _v j o1 ffh r � I Eo -- - -- ---- BELOW I 1083 SF_PROPOSD T50o S s_ 8'-6" X 18'-0" - W STANDARD STALLS Co Co P NEW CURB AND GUTTER @ NEW SIDEWALK SECTIONS 20 -- ON -STREET PARKING 2 4 I U) a - T Ld F__ w w ry(1) z a ------- '' j -1 15 16 17 ti --- NEW CURB AND GUTTER @ -- - -- 1 _T NEW SIDEWALK SECTIONS a 8f 6" -- -- - I -- ----------- j _ w i 51 - Off r I p ( o 21 I Lo Co 14'- 8 3/8" �- -� DISH AREA KITCHEN BAR- - --- -„w n , — i - � � ON -STREET T _ _ _ -_ _ _ __ _ _v.`__. T------ iI PARKING I '3 PROPOSED ADDITION FOR WALK-IN r=------ COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM 565 GSF ADDITION � 4 8'_6" ' V G 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS SITE AREA CV N w > OrjI . WAY/ DO NOT I, i ENTER SIGN I t I I � �R ' 5 z - ASPHALT 7 w �a 00 J I oj< j t� -- �__x I w I ---- -x CL 0 N TAP ROOM 500 SF PATIO SEATING_- -- 1,397 SF o^ 138 SF KITCHEN/BAR 792 SF I I I I 40 SF '3 PROPOSED ADDITION FOR WALK-IN r=------ COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM 565 GSF ADDITION � 4 14 - G v PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS ASPHALT � Iw 8'_6" _ EXISTING G 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS SITE AREA CV N w > EXISTING BLDG. I, i I I t I - NEW CURB AND GUTTER @ I ' 5 6 7 8 00 1,082 SF ENCLOSURE aW STORAGE j ( x=— -- �__x `Lo I ---- -x CL PROPERTY LINE 14 - G v PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS ASPHALT � Iw L; P ,P 12 - 0 G I SITE AREA CV N w > I ' L; P ,P 12 - 0 G I SITE AREA as 1 EXISTING BLDG. uj z ADDITION(NEW) ( EW) 565 GSF WALK-IN COOLER - NEW CURB AND GUTTER @ NEW DUMPSTERo 91 GSF FLOOR AREA BY USE NEW SIDEWALK SECTIONS & GREASE BIN BREWERY 1,082 SF ENCLOSURE aW STORAGE 1010 SF MECHANICAL 0j­uj-'111 `Lo 426 SF MAIN LEVEL CL va z 1,083 SF TAP ROOM 500 SF PATIO SEATING_- -- 1,397 SF I SITE D EXISTING ZONING MU -N PROPOSED LAND USE RESTAURANT/ BREWERY j SITE AREA 16,291 SF EXISTING BLDG. 6,054 GSF TOTAL ADDITION(NEW) ( EW) 565 GSF WALK-IN COOLER 474 GSF MILLING ROOM 91 GSF FLOOR AREA BY USE BASEMENT BREWERY 1,082 SF RESTROOMS 240 SF STORAGE 1010 SF MECHANICAL -------------- - _- -- 269 SF STAIRS/CIRCULATION 426 SF MAIN LEVEL RESTAURANT 1,083 SF TAP ROOM 500 SF PATIO SEATING_- -- 1,397 SF RESTROOMS 138 SF KITCHEN/BAR 792 SF - STORAGE I 40 SF STAIRS/CIRCULATION 474 SF ---------- REQUIRED /ALLOWED BUILDING COVERAGE N/A OPEN SPACE 15% MIN / 2,444 SF LANDSCAPING 35% MIN / 855 SF PLANTER BEDS ---- SOD----------- HARDSCAPE PARKING STANDARD ON -STREET ACCESSIBLE --- TOTAL ------- BICYCLE REQUIRED 10 MIN. / 26 MAX. N/A 10 MIN, J 26 MAX. 4 CASE HISTORY, WSP-19-05 SITE PLAN LEGEND, 0.37.4 ACRES BOTH LEVELS CONCRETE SHEET INDEX SHEET 1 —SITE PLAN SHEET 2 —LANDSCAPE PLAN SHEET 3 — PHOTOMETRICS PLAN SHEET 4 —ELEVATIONS Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 10 feet N%%%r6r%om%mqmmm7 0 10' 20' 30' 40' DESIGN PRACTICE INC 3325 Mariposa St Denver CO 80211 www.designpracticedenver.com info@designpracticedenver.com PHONE 303 561 3000 SITE PLAN SHEET: 1 OF 4 DATE: 924!2079 LANDSCAPE NOTES: ALL LANDSCAPING, INCLUDING THAT SHOWN IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, SHALL BE CONTINUOUSLY MAINTAINED INCLUDING, NECESSARY WATERING, WEEDING, PRUNING, PEST CONTROL AND REPLACEMENT OF DEAD OR DISEASED PLANT MATERIALS. A MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE WILL BE IMPLEMENTED TO INSURE PROPER CARE OF THE LANDSCAPING MATERIALS. ALL SHRUB / PLANTER BED AREAS SHALL RECEIVE A 2" LAYER OF ROCK OR BARK CHIP MULCH OVER FABRIC LINER. ALL SHRUB / PLANTER BED AREAS SHALL HAVE A 4" HIGH, 14 GAUGE NON GALVANIZED STEEL EDGING OR CONCRETE SIDEWALK / CURB BOUNDARY. ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS NOTED WITH ROCK OR BARK CHIP MULCH SHALL BE PLACED OVER MYRAFI FILTER FABRIC 140N OR EQUAL. FINISHED GRADES IN LANDSCAPE BEDS SHALL BE 1" LOWER THAN THE= TOP OF THE SURROUNDING CURBS OR WALKS. NO TREES SHALL BE PLANTED WITHIN 5 FEET OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITY MAIN OR SERVICE LINE. ALL UTILITY EASEMENTS SHALL REMAIN UNOBSTRUCTED AND FULLY ACCESSIBLE ALONG THEIR ENTIRE LENGTH FOR MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT. ALL SIDEWALKS SHALL HAVE ADEQUATE SLEEVES FOR THE PLACEMENT OF IRRIGATION LINES FOR THE LANDSCAPE SPRINKLER SYSTEM INSTALLATION. ALL NEW LANDSCAPED AREAS SHALL BE SERVED BY A FUNCTIONING AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM WHICH COMBINES DRIP AND SUBSURFACE IRRIGATION WITH HIGH EFFICIENCY SPRINKLERS. ALL NEW IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO BE ZONED ACCORDING TO WATER NEEDS OF PROPOSED PLANT MATERIALS. THERE SHOULD BE SEPARATE ZONES FOR TURF GRASSES AND SHRUB BED AREAS, FOR SUN AND SHADE AND OTHER CLIMATIC CONDITIONS AND ACCORDING TO THE WATER DEMANDS OF THE PLANT MATERIAL. ALL NEW IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH AUTOMATIC RAIN SHUT-OFF DEVICES. IRRIGATION PLANS TO BE PROVIDED WITH BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION. 3" STEEL TOP RAIL 3" STEEL POST 3" STEEL BRACE 2' CORTEN STEEL PANELS, TYP. COLOR: RUST RED 3" STEEL BOTTOM RAIL CONCRETE CAISON 3" STEEL CROSS MEMBER 4" STEEL VERTICAL POSTS, TYP 3" STEEL RAIL 2' CORTEN STEEL PANELS, TYP. COLOR: RUST RED 3" STEEL BOTTOM RAIL CONCRETE CAISON UPPAN 16'- 1 3/4" TRASH ENCLOSURE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 38TH AVENUE ifitfiffell 23'-3" DRIVE AISLE — ----- -- _ - --- PERMANENT TRAFFIC EASEMENT SHOWN LIGHT STREET SIGN STREET LIGHT 'y GREY POCHE OG3 P1 OG4� ,P1 ;OG4�\ `,. P1 \ \OG4 P1\ OG4 OG4 ------ ..__-- \ . i " G2 ,•. / j OGOG2 OOG1 G1 G2 2 C�- 1 OG1. OG1 OGOG1OGO ct --- - r li i\ OG3` i OVERHEAD STEEL . °G3 _ ` -- EXISTING (; - f � STRING LIGHTS, COLUMNS, 40oG TRANSFORMER OG3 I OG3 ,� �j TYP. FREESTANING TYP. r ; SOD : , i ! T WC.a()D MULCH -'OG3 - BLOCK WALL PLAtITER BEDS 1� GATE EXISTING OG3 SHOWN DIAGONAL ; OG3 .�,--, ..� ____ , � ; -- FIXED BIKE RACKS _-- ! _._ _.-_-__-- Q ( I _ �z I/ \ PATIO SEATING POLE SIGN ..TCH TYP. c\ TO REMAIN -- r\ ®wOG3 3G - fio 100 31 -0 OG3 i ----- ! j FIRE PIT OR /OG P1\ o \ FSO\ k� = U 1397 SF �� P1 G4 l z LANDSCAPE FEATURE z h , � OG3 OG3 P1' \CY) ` en f C.s ,I a4 P1 s \OG4 ? \P1 :\ 36 METAL I - OG3',"'; , '� `( oG3 Lo h► NEW 5' SIDEWALK RAILING TYP. *` v -� I. ASPHALT - -OG3 w -- CONCRETE w < \� Z �I Y OG3 - PATIO - - T1 _-�,, �— r T1 V I ! o ROOF - I! oVERHANGGATE �; EXISTING CONC, EXISTING CONC, WALK WALK DINING ROOM 7n 106 -- --- w z - CONC ' crI I UJ oI w Ij 1l IIS DISH AREA { 713 -- CID C) Q I I — ASPHALT &4 > 4.1 N � i i l STANDARD � II 1 I I 2 I I 19 , I j i 3 IL I - -- ---- - w° ON-SITE TREES (2) EXISTING ENTRY i� TAP ROOM 101 OPEN --- -. --J TO BELOW 48'- 3 3/4" 100. ZOO_. F1711 �I 61me 15 12 1 1\..JI WWL-LJ 8'-6" X 18'-0" ACCESSIBLE STALLS i ASPHALT PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS itol 13 17 ir, PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" 8'- 4 318" STANDARD STALLS PROPOSED ADDITION FOR WALK-IN COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM 565 GSF ADDITION A'�PHALT 8' 6" EXISTING 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD � II 18 ��� I 19 PLANTER BEDS 910 SF IL SOD 343 SF -------------------- - -- ---- - w° ON-SITE TREES (2) EXISTING ! ON-SITE SHRUBS NA 15 12 1 1\..JI WWL-LJ 8'-6" X 18'-0" ACCESSIBLE STALLS i ASPHALT PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS itol 13 17 ir, PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" 8'- 4 318" STANDARD STALLS PROPOSED ADDITION FOR WALK-IN COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM 565 GSF ADDITION A'�PHALT ---- PROPOSED NEW �CURB CUT SITE AREA: 16,291 SF 8' 6" EXISTING 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS �' II LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: 35% MIN / 855 SF MIN jII 12'-0"Jio PLANTER BEDS 910 SF SOD 343 SF -------------------- - -- ---- - w° ON-SITE TREES (2) EXISTING ! ON-SITE SHRUBS NA STREET TREES NA NEW DUMPSTER –' PLANT SCHEDULE 4 i li 5 6 I 7 II 8 it 9 %, 10 ��� 11 ! &GREASE BIN OG2 6 PENNISETUM PURPLE FOUNTAIN , SETACEUM GRASS OG3 22 LAVANDULA ENGLISH ENCLOSURE w ANGUSTIFOLIA LAVENDAR OG4 10 HELICTOTRICHON BLUE OAT 1 GAL N/A SEMPERVIRENS GRASS o 1 QT N/A LIBANOTICUM HOPFLOWER T1 2 EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN PLANTER BED MULCH - BARK CHIPS N Q. , PAVESTONE - HARINGTON FREESTANDING PROPERTY LINE ---- PROPOSED NEW �CURB CUT SITE AREA: 16,291 SF OPEN SPACE REQUIRED: 15% MIN / 2,444 SF MIN LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: 35% MIN / 855 SF MIN LANDSCAPING PROVIDED: 51% / 1,253 SF PLANTER BEDS 910 SF SOD 343 SF -------------------- ---- ----- HARDSCAPE PATIO 1,495 SF ON-SITE TREES (2) EXISTING ON-SITE SHRUBS NA STREET TREES NA I PLANT SCHEDULE ITEM QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE CONDITION OG1 7 MISCANTHUS SIN. JAPANESE SILVER 1 GAL N/A GRACILLIMUS GRASS OG2 6 PENNISETUM PURPLE FOUNTAIN 1 GAL N/A SETACEUM GRASS OG3 22 LAVANDULA ENGLISH 1 GAL N/A ANGUSTIFOLIA LAVENDAR OG4 10 HELICTOTRICHON BLUE OAT 1 GAL N/A SEMPERVIRENS GRASS ORIGANUM OREGANO P1 12 1 QT N/A LIBANOTICUM HOPFLOWER T1 2 EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN PLANTER BED MULCH - BARK CHIPS FREESTANDING BLOCK WALL & FIREPIT PAVESTONE - HARINGTON FREESTANDING Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 10 feet 0 10' 20' 30' 40' DESIGN LA N S C A P PRACTICE INC PLAN N 3325 Mariposa St Denver CO 80211 SHEET,: 2 OF 4 www. des ignpracticedenver.com info@designpracticedenver.com PHONE 303 561 3000 ATE: 9/24/2019 GENERAL NOTES: ANY PROPOSED LIGHT FIXTURES INSTALL ON PRIVATE PROPFRTY, ADJACENT TO THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY, SHALL BE ORIENTED IN SUCH A MANNER OR LIMITED IN LUMEN OUTPUT TO PREVENT GLARE PROBLEMS AND SHALL NOT EXCEED NATIONAL I.E.S LIGHTING STANDARDS FOR DISABILITY GLARE. NEW EXTERIOR LIGHTING TO BE FULLY CUT-OFF AND SHIELDED. LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE MEN 9 El Ll 113 95mg I Ll EXTERIOR SCONCE KICHLER LED 11251 OUTDOOR WALL SCONCE, 9.75W, 3000K, 120V INTEGRATED LED L2 6" RECESSED CAN HALO RECESSED LIGHTING W/ 35W LED BULB INSERT L3 WALL PACK LUMARKCROSSTOUR XTOR3B-W-PC1 = 26W, 4000K, 120V PC, CARBON BRONZE L4 STRING LIGHTS BULBRITE VINTAGE STRING LIGHT KIT, (15) 11W, 120V LED 11251 Up and Downfight Outdoor Wall Sconce By KIChIfer Product Options Fin is h. "lextuied Architectl ra' Bmnze. -1 extl,ired bll:'it Details P: e s b o h ff, P a n d d o w n ,i ht t i n, ci i- IM a a T',e xU,i ed 1`4 ei-a Ql_ y I., 01_f� U i,3 1`1 t ed VVe ;,a Dimensions hxtlure� ��hdtli 53", Depth (3 5' Lighting VVat, 74 Lin,,en`! 12 V,-, i V,- I A LEAD: 8" 1, "OK 4-0000 Vintage String Light Kit By BiUlbrite L, Gil f Yated Lase �ocke's (E-26) 3 f s f) a c I a jtet',, e, e c r, c- s I-etal wattage sf!, r, ;g t_ln t(? 4 s t!- I %. t- 0i 01 - ­) r, o, �vv e s ci i KJR. Si2-: 48 feet ;"I,- le W Chmia Dimensions Item. Lenqth 48l Lighting - F t c, i- 1 11 'VY a ti 0.5 L Je s _andes Volt E26 �,JpCl;w­ Base.in, C eiIt p (s 1 tl dk_d Additional Details Product URL, B!_BP86000A­,t,11' LUME Call Us 877,445.4486 Shown Ili Text i.Jl­-rc.-,.d Bia""K i. ii h (Ll) L'U M El" I S Call Us 877.44 5.4486 DESCRIPTION L u m a r k The patented Lumark Crosstour LED Wall Pack Series of luminaries provides an architectural style with super bright, energy efficient LEDs. The low -profile, rugged die-cast aluminum construction, universal back box, stainless steel hardware along with a sealed and gasketed optical compartment make the Crosstour impervious to contaminants. The Crosstour wall luminaire is ideal for wall/surface, inverted mount for fagade/canopy illumination, post/bollard, site lighting, floodlight and low level pathway illumination including stairs. Typical applications include building entrances, multi -use facilities, apartment buildings, institutions, schools, stairways and loading docks test. SPECIFICATION FEATURES Construction Optical electrical wiring compartment. Slim, low -profile LED design Silicone sealed optical LED Integral LED electronic driver with rugged one-piece, die-cast chamber incorporates a custom incorporates surge protection. 120 - aluminum hinged removable door engineered mirrored anodized 277V 50/60Hz or 347V 60Hz models. and back box. Matching housing reflector providing high -efficiency styles incorporate both a small illumination. Optical assembly Finish and medium design. The small includes impact -resistant Crosstour is protected with a housing is available in 12W, 18W tempered glass and meets IESNA Super durable TGIC carbon and 26W. The medium housing requirements for full cutoff bronze or summit white polyester is available in the 38W model. compliance. Available in seven powder coat paint. Super durable Patented secure lock hinge feature lumen packages; 5000K, 4000K and TGIC powder coat paint finishes allows for safe and easy tool -less 3000K CCT. withstand extreme climate electrical connections with the conditions while providing optimal supplied push -in connectors. Back Electrical color and gloss retention of the box includes three half-inch, NPT LED driver is mounted to the installed life. XTOR threaded conduit entry points. The die-cast housing for optimal heat universal back box supports both sinking. LED thermal management Warranty SSTOUR LED the small and medium forms and system incorporates both Five-year warranty. mounts to standard 3-1/2" to 4" conduction and natural convection round and octagonal, 4" square, to transfer heat rapidly away from single gang and masonry junction the LED source. 12W, 18W, 26W APPLICATIONS: boxes. Key hole gasket allows and 38W series operate in -40°C to WALL / SURFACE for adaptation to junction box or 40°C {-40°F to 104'1`1. High ambient POST / BOLLARD wall, External fin design extracts 50°C models available. Crosstour LOW LEVEL heat from the fixture surface. One- luminaires maintain greater than FLOODLIGHT piece silicone gasket seals door 89% of initial light output after INVERTED and back box. Minimum 5" wide 72,000 hours of operation. Three SITE LIGHTING pole for site lighting application. half-inch NPT threaded conduit Notrecommended for car wash entry points allow for thru-branch applications. wiring. Back box is an authorized DIMENSIONS ESCUTCHEON PLATES 12W, 18W, 26W 6-34'[171mml 38W li 8 1203n -ml [254 mmi 0 La I t El I I I I CERTIFICATION DATA 1JL/cUL Wet Location Listed 17-1/2 J445mml t M791 LM80 Compliant il OHS Compliant ADA Compliant Nom Compliant Models 12W, 18W, 26W 12W, 18W, 26W-^ W66 Ingressed Protection Rated 5-314'046mml 3-5/8" [92minj Title 24 Compliant 38W 38W resign Lights ConsortiumQualified' 6-5/8'. T168mm1 4' [102mml TECHNICAL DATA 17-1!2" 40°C Maximum Ambient Temperature 1445mm1 Exlemal Supply Wiring 90°C Minimum EPA Effective Projected Area (Sq. Ft.): XTORIS, XTOF12B, XT0R38=0.34 XTOR4B=0.45 SHIPPING DATA: 10'[254mml Approximate Not Weight: 33 - 5.25 lbs, 11.7 - 2,4 k9s.1 TD514013EN September 17, 2018 3:02 PM .4) (L3) SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO we] W to o Z 0.0 0.0 0.0 '0.0 10.0 .0 F'-OOF OVERHANG HOWN DASHED to. o 0.0 to . o 0.0 DRIVE AISLE I SEXISTING SIDEWALK 38TH AVENUE lIU_U SL PROPERTY LINJ Sl 5' EXISTING SIDEWALK 0.0 0 0.0 , S X 'o, A 0.0 0 _0 'k 0.0 Z 1 130.1 0,0 0.1 9 0.1 0.0 0,1 + + 0 . 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 +0.0 STEEL 0 .0 0.0 0.0 PATIO SEATING COLUMNS, TYP. 0 .0 0�'o --- 0.1 0.1 10.1 0 .0 0.1 Q.0 + 0 + 0 .0 0 0.0 100 EXISTING POLE L4 2'OVERHEAD STRING 0 .0 SIGN TO REMAIN LIGHTS, TYP, 44 0.0 0-1. 0 O'l 0.0 0_111 _0.�, +0.0 Q'. 1 6 0.0 0 .0 0.0 EXISTING LIGHT FIRE PIT OR LANDSCAPE FEAT 0 .0 TO BE REMOVED RE U n + L 0.0 0 a,1 a.1 `0 +0 1 1 0.0 '0 .1 L 4 L4 L4 L4 L 0.0 __J + 0 .0 �4 0.0 1 �0. 1 0.1 0. 1� 0 .0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0 .0 + C + 0.6 0.0 I" �0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0 0.1 -0.1 X 0 .0 0 0.0 + + 0. 0 .5 0. 7, 2.4 2. 3 2 . 4 1.0 �F�0+ 0 L2 0.Q 0 L2 0 L2 AL2 0 0.0 �'2. 0 2.4 !1. 5 2.6 2 .6 2.7 2 2. 6i 2 0 2.2 0 0 L2 0 L2 L2 L2-,-- Ll Ll Ll Ll 0 0 .0 11- 1 + 3 0-- P3 0 3 .2 1 2.5 2 7 9 4 2.( 0.1 IL I j2 0.6 41.6 ENTRY Ll 0.0 0.1 0. +41. 6 TO . 0 + 1.( 0.1 0. D1 31.2 DINING ROOM TAP ROOM 0.0 1 1 OPEN L1 RR + TO 3.� 0.1 101 106 0 1P BELOW 4i. 9 0.0 2. 0.1 0.0 RR 2 2 0.0 i ILA + + 1.1 0 . 1 + I 4. 2. 2 0.0 Q,0 + 5 0 1 0.1 3 . A;1- - a'� - rL L 1 �0. 0 0 .0 SL + 0.0 0 . �61­ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 +0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q.0 1 '-0.0 0.1 0 .0 + 2 EM, F, F 1 Ll 2 to . o 0 .0 -011 51 + + 2. C 0.1 0.0 rr 0 0 .0 '1. -4- 51.0 L 1 0.1 0.0 A r, 2. 4 to . 0 '0 .7 0 ---------- 7-7 . X4 O]LER, V1 4 AW 7 0.2 0 .0 4' 0 VA 0.0 + 1.1 0 .0 + 0.0 0.4 0.0 k + -0.0 0.2 + + 0 . 0 0 .1 0 .0 0 . 0.0 +0.0 L3 '3. 2.4 2 .4 7 + 0.0 0A 2 .0 3. 8d 9 4 . 1 3. + + + + + + + .0 0 . 0 0.0 Q.0.0 3.0 4.2 3.2 2 .0 3 4.2 3.0 0.0 0.0 W Z _J 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,7 2.4 2.7 2.4 1.6 2 3.0 2.0 0,9 0.0 W + 0 .0 0.0 TO - .0 0 .0 0.2 0 .9 1.3 1.2 0.4 1. '2 . 1 1.6 0 .3 0.0 W CL 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 . 0 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 A +0.4 + 0.1 0.0 0.0 F + + 00 0.0 o . 0 0 1 0 0 .0 0.0 0.0 o . 0 .. 0 . 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 � 0 +o 0 00 III i 23 4 5 1 6 7 9 10 11 PROPERTY LINE PHOTOMETRIC PLAN 1 It = 101-011 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 LLJ Z DUMPSTER & GREASE BIN ENCLOSURE U-1 IL 0 PERMANENT EASEMENT SHOWN GREY POCHE EXISTING TRANSFORMER PROPOSED NEW CURB CUT Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 10 feet N N 111 11 0 10, 20' 30' 40' DESIGN PRACTICE INC N 3325 Mariposa St Denver CO 80211 www.designpracticedenver.com info@designpracticedenver.com PHONE 303 561 3000 PHOTOMETRICS PLAN SHEET-: 3 OF 4 DATE: 9/24/2019 STEEL COLUMN F STRING LIGI MASONRY PA W, �qwj I 14 91; WT I A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO I r'%/Ir­r1K In A r ­ I . . - -WEST ELEVATION /8" =if-Ofl NEW CEMENTIOUS BOARD AND BATTEN MECHANICAL SCREENING BEYOND ROOF RIDGE 120 GRAIN AUGER PIPING FROM MILLING ROOM TO BREWING EQUIPMENT TRUSS BEARING 109'-011 ___LEVE_L,-1 1001-011 NEW CEMEN BOARD AND UJA I I tN SIDING @ MILLING ROOM, PAINTED WHITE DOOR EXISTING ASPHALT TIOUS BOARD AND ,HANICAL SCREENING. ITE TO MATCH EXISTING --- ------------- ROOFRIDGE1, NICAL 120 1 W PREFABRICATED OLER PANEL ROOF TRUSS BEARING 109 -off NEW PREFABRICATED COOLER PANELS COLOR: WHITE LEVEL -1 1001-011 EAST ELEVATION 1/8 1 -Off DUOR, PAINTED PANEL GARAGE ';CONCES, TYP. PLANTINGS WHITE DOOR RING LIGHTS ER PATIO ATING AREA .EL COLUMN FOR RING LIGHTS SONRY PATIO ILL al*]me WHITE PREFABRICATED COOLER PANEL WALLS - SOUTH ELEVATION 1/811 = 1 1-011 NEW CEMENTIOUS BOARD AND BATTEN MECHANICAL SCREENING. PAINTED WHITE TO MATCH EXISTING EXISTING ASPHALT NEW MECHANICAL SHINGLE ROOF PLATFORM CD EXTERIOR WALL PACK LIGHT, TYP. WHITE PREFABRICATED COOLER PANEL WALLS WALK-IN COOLER DOOR COLOR: WHITE FX1.qT1K1(; XA/()r)n ROOF RIDGE - 1201.- ill -of GRAIN AUGER PIPING FROM MILLING ROOM TO BREWERY TRUSS BEARING ------- ----- -oll 17 1091 CEMENTIOUS BOARD AND BATTEN SIDING, PAINTED WHITE TO MATCH EXISTING LEVEL. -1 100 -011 HM DOUBLE DOOR, PAINTED WHITE MVIIC­rlKlf-� A rr­ ... - NORTH ELEVATION 1 /811 = 1 I -Off 114L -VV VL-MA00 ALUMINUM ENTRY DOORS I'll_vv VV%J%JLJ Ljcuur-km I lvr- DOORS WITH GLASS SIDELIGHTS AND TRANSOM ROOF RIDGE 120 - ill TRUSS BEARING o 109 NEW EXTERIOR SCONCES, TYP, EXISTING BRICK BUILDING LEVEL -1 1001 - bl-ii NEW METAL PATIO RAILING, TYP, DESIGN PRACTICE_I NC 3325 Mariposa St Denver CO 80211 www.designpracticedenver.com info@designpracticedenver.com PHONE -303 561 3000 ELEVATIONS SHEET: 4 OF 4 DATE: 9/24/2019 IVI �4i City of ® healt R-idge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Ph 303.235.2846 Fax 303.235.2857 Approval of Site Plan The Confession Brewing and Kitchen Site Plan for a restaurant and brewery use repurposing an existing structure on property located at 7390 W. 38h Avenue (Case No. WSP-19-05 / Confession Brewing and Kitchen) is hereby approved for the following reasons: The site plan complies with zoning regulations in Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. and with the following conditions: 1. Prior to commencing Ork on site, building permits shall be obtained. - t Kennet nstone, '1C Date Community Develo ment Director City of Wheatjdge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29' Ave. September 27, 2019 Thomas d'Aquin Confession Brewing and Kitchen 9099 W. 38a' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Thomas: Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 This letter is in regards to your application for approval of a site plan at 7390 W. 38"' Avenue on a site zoned Mixed Use Neighborhood (MU -N). I have reviewed your third submittal and all Planning comments have been addressed. At this time, you may submit a full size (24 in x 36 in) plan set on bond paper with the owner's signature. You may also apply for a building permit with the Building Division. Please note that the Building Division requires proof of submittal to West Metro Fire Protection District. Because of the change of use, we also highly suggest you submit to Wheat Ridge Water District and Wheat Ridge Sanitation District as well. Sincerely, Zareen Tasneem Planner I cc: WSP-19-05 case file www.ci.wheatridge. co.us DESIGN PRACTICE SDP Review Comment Responses Sept 24, 2019 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Attn: Zareen Tasneem, Planner I Re: Confession Brewery and Kitchen Subj: Site Development Plan Review—Submittal 2 The following are our responses to Plan Review Comments received 09/24/2019: General Comments 1. Comment Responses: Please use the provided Word file of this letter to respond to the subsequent comments and provide it as part of the second submittal. Response: Completed. 2. Per my conversation with Michael Dire, if you have not done so already, please be in contact with Steve Art, Economic Development Manager, immediately regarding applying for funds for the proposed parking lot redesign and new sidewalk. It is best to start the process as soon as possible to set realistic expectations of what improvements can be made. Steve can be reached at 303-235- 2806 or sart(cDci.wheatridge.co.us and is aware that you will be contacting him. Response: Confirmed. Sheet 1— Cover Sheet/Site Plan 3. Owner's Certificate: Please confirm the ownership entity name is correct. Should there be an "and" in the name like the restaurant name? See redlines. Response: Revised to correct name. Confession Brewing and Kitchen, LLC. 4. The location and configuration of the proposed bike racks is in conflict with the transformer, too small to accommodate bikes on the racks, and too far from the patio. See redlines for explanation and suggested redesign. Response: Revised bike rack location as suggested in the redlines. 5. Site Data Table Landscaping a. Update the square footage of the proposed sod and hardscape to reflect the loss of sod to the bike parking area, which will now count towards the hardscape calculations. See redlines. Response: Revised sod and hardscape calculations have been provided. Parking b. I have updated the required parking calculation based on the floor area data you provided and in consideration of a 25% reduction in parking requirements given to properties located within a quarter mile of a transit station (i.e. bus stop). Parking spaces required are 10 (minimum) and 26 (maximum). While this requirement is met, please update the table to reflect the correct required numbers of 10 to 26. See redlines. Response: Revised parking calculations have been provided. 3325 Mariposa Street I Denver, Colorado 80211 1 303.561.3000 1 www.designpracticedenver.com Page 2 of 2 September 24, 2019 For future consideration Signage: Site signage will require separate permits and is not required to be included in the site plan set. For the freestanding sign, the sign panel may be replaced without a permit; any change to the cabinet, pole, or electrical would require a permit. Two freestanding signs are permitted because the site had two street frontages; a new freestanding sign would need to comply with current standards including a maximum height of seven feet. Wall signs are allowed on the north and east facades only at a rate of 1 square foot per linear foot of wall. Response: Confirmed. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Sincerely, Michael Dire AIA, LEED AP Design Practice Inc VICINITY MAP .. �I it . � � � .� � •��-� a.�.� � a� _ :�� ,��� � a rJ '�•�e.�� ' IIf +-'1.S ,I IfN u�l &51F •.�i� y, 4. a Q s0. 6p® I! N, ra," _e, 1. „PROJECT SITE Teasoaso,. r r { r #4 r U fC . f tl Lo 1 h e CONFESSION BREWING AND KITCHEN, LLC LEGAL DESCRIPTION 0 PART OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69, WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH BOUNDRY LINE OF SAID SECTION 26, WHICH POINT IS 1974.7 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE SOUTH AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH -SOUTH CENTER LINE OF SAID SECTION, 180 FEET; THENCE EAST AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION, 110 FEET; THENCE NORTH AND PARALLEL TO THE SAID CENTER LINE OF SAID SECTION, 180 FEET TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION, 110 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPT RIGHT OF WAY OVER SO MUCH OF THE NORTH 30 FEET THEREOF AS MAY BE USED FOR WEST 38TH AVENUE; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE IN DEED RECORDED OCTOBER 8, 1990 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 90086573, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. CONTAINING 16,225 SQUARE FEET OR 0.3725 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. 0 STATEMENT OF PROPOSED USE THE PROJECT CONSISTS OF CONVERTING THE EXISTING 6,054 SQ. FT. BUILDING INTO A BREWERY AND RESTAURANT. A 565 SQ. FT. ADDITION IS BEING PROPOSED ON THE SOUTH END OF THE EXISTING BUILDING FOR A WALK-IN COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM FOR THE BREWERY. THE MAIN LEVEL WOULD CONTAIN THE COMMERCIAL KITCHEN AND RESTAURANT/TAP ROOM SEATING WITH THE BREWERY OPERATION IN THE BASEMENT. AN OUTDOOR PATIO SEATING AREA WITH LANDSCAPING FEATURES AND BUFFERS ON THE NORTH END. RECONFIGURED PARKING LOT ON THE EAST SIDE. m OWNER'S CERTIFICATE 4 4 m m THE BELOW SIGNED OWNER(S) OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) THEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW. I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF THIS SITE PLAN DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26-121 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. THOMAS D'AQUIN ON BEHALF OF CONFESSION BREWING AND KITCHEN, LLC STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF A.D. 20 BY WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC CITY CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS DAY OF BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. ATTEST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SITE PLAN 1 of = 10'-0" SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 38TH AVENUE 4 1 110' - 0" 15' - 0 5/8" 5' - 0" 5' - 0" 43- 9" 5'- 0" 28'- 3" 7' - 11 3/8" 5' PLANTER BED W/ " °, , ° p PERMANENT DRIVE AISLE GARDEN WALL° 65' EXISTING SIDEWALK, EASEMENT SHOWN a . a ° PROPERTY LINE -TL ° : ° Q "SI 'SL ° ° ,GREY POCHE w o z 4 d w ° (I-011 aI 4� R Q �° O I 20' - 7 1/2" ��20' - 7 1/2" STEEL: "EXISTING COLUMNS, TYP..:" � :' ;rSOD�.:;" _r r ,_ , ` a -TRANSFORMER r ( EXISTING POLE - AGATE, PATIO SEATING SIGN TO REMAIN O LPLANTER BED SHOWN DIAGONAL`FIXED BIKE RACKS HATCH, TYP. Q_° OVERHEAD STRING � o :, LIGHTSTYP. ,w 5' PLANTER BED'' 1397 SF :o . ° °"I w stn FIRE PIT OR io ° LANDSCAPE FEATURE "' m in . �� a w m ° z 5' ADA ACCESS ROUTE° ASPHALT - �� �da" °j� 4' u'_< VAN . NEW CURB AND GUTTER @ NEW SIDEWALK SECTIONS ACCESSIBLE i z 20 �;. 18 19 w ° --= -_ --------°-- — --- �.. i w METAL QQ A ° _ ° D a Oi- _ a �a ° � ' a ON -STREET RAILING, TYP." . P, ° .Qa ,..---,r--=T=--_�_----a-�� . a, ; PARKING EXTERIOR GATE al ° ° a SCONCE, TYP — =a—s- L1 a . _ -tea L1 ° ° L1 ° AL1 a a o `a ° ENTRY L1 PROPOSED i �° 8'-6" X 18'-0" ACCESSIBLE STALLS ROOF OVERHANG SHOWN DASHED 6' - 0 - 25'- 2 3/8" w U) a ASPHALT iv w DINING ROOM "OM �Q N RR -- OPEN ° o 10ys TO L 1 �` PROPOSED 1083 SF _ _ 500 BELOW a{ a 8'-6° X 18'-0° Lu STANDARD STALLS00 I PROPOSED NEW CURB CUT -- °z p 2 4 v� a °d X I ° w . Z0®1, II I I - W �W V J TQ 1 15 16 17 NEW CURB AND GUTTER @ CONC J NEW SIDEWALK SECTIONS - - a 8' - 6" Q . 5'-0" a (.021 �0 _ ch 14'- 8 3/8" DISH AREA KITCHEN BAR ° _ ON -STREET 0 „ - PARKING L --- - - -- - -- - - - - J I - 0 ' o ONE WAY/ DO NOT ENTER SIGN I z ASPHALT w J J 00 co w w > O N 0 �I a 2 141 L__11 L_�l \_1 48'- 3 3/4" 8'- 4 3/8" 3 PROPOSED ADDITION FOR WALK-IN COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM 4 565 GSF ADDITION 8'- 6" EXISTING 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS 0 4_' 5 EO N. FA PROPERTY LINE -P �7 10 12 c 13 14 PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS w J U) Q N w ASPHALT - I N u a ° a 12'- 0.. Y NEW CURB AND GUTTER @ NEW DUMPSTER >- o NEW SIDEWALK SECTIONS 11 & GREASE BIN ENCLOSURE w O`er �. a z,- —X— — — X X EXISTING FENCE TO REMAIN N SITE DATA: EXISTING ZONING MU -N PROPOSED LAND USE RESTAURANT / BREWERY SITE AREA 16,291 SF 0.374 ACRES EXISTING BLDG. 6,054 GSF TOTAL BOTH LEVELS ADDITION (NEW) 565 GSF WALK-IN COOLER 474 GSF MILLING ROOM 91 GSF FLOOR AREA BY USE BASEMENT BREWERY 1,082 SF RESTROOMS 240 SF STORAGE 1010 SF MECHANICAL 269 SF STAIRS/CIRCULATION 426 SF MAIN LEVEL RESTAURANT 1,083 SF TAP ROOM 500 SF PATIO SEATING 1,397 SF RESTROOMS 138 SF KITCHEN/BAR 792 SF STORAGE 40 SF STAIRS/CIRCULATION 474 SF REQUIRED / ALLOWED PROPOSED BUILDING COVERAGE N/A 3,668 GSF TOTAL OPEN SPACE 15% MIN / 2,444 SF LANDSCAPING 35% MIN / 855 SF 51% / 1,253 SF PLANTER BEDS 910 SF SOD 343 SF HARDSCAPE 1,495 SF PARKING REQUIRED PROPOSED STANDARD 10 MIN. / 26 MAX. 17 ON -STREET N/A 2 ACCESSIBLE 1 2 TOTAL 10 MIN. / 26 MAX. 21 BICYCLE 4 4 CASE HISTORY WSP-19-05 SITE PLAN LEGEND PROPERTY OR ZONE LOT LINE EXTERIOR BUILDING FOOTPRINT ROOF LINE FENCE X X X CONCRETE a SHEET INDEX SHEET 1 — SITE PLAN SHEET 2 — LANDSCAPE PLAN SHEET 3 — PHOTOMETRICS PLAN SHEET 4 — ELEVATIONS Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 10 feet MEN 0 10' 20' 30' 40' DESIGN PRACTICE INC 3325 Mariposa St Denver CO 80211 www.designpracticedenver.com info@designpracticedenver.com PHONE -303 561 3000 SITE PLAN SHEET: 1 OF 4 DATE: 9114M019 LANDSCAPE NOTES: ALL LANDSCAPING, INCLUDING THAT SHOWN IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, SHALL BE CONTINUOUSLY MAINTAINED INCLUDING, NECESSARY WATERING, WEEDING, PRUNING, PEST CONTROL AND REPLACEMENT OF DEAD OR DISEASED PLANT MATERIALS. A MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE WILL BE IMPLEMENTED TO INSURE PROPER CARE OF THE LANDSCAPING MATERIALS. ALL SHRUB / PLANTER BED AREAS SHALL RECEIVE A 2" LAYER OF ROCK OR BARK CHIP MULCH OVER FABRIC LINER. ALL SHRUB / PLANTER BED AREAS SHALL HAVE A 4" HIGH, 14 GAUGE NON GALVANIZED STEEL EDGING OR CONCRETE SIDEWALK/ CURB BOUNDARY. ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS NOTED WITH ROCK OR BARK CHIP MULCH SHALL BE PLACED OVER MYRAFI FILTER FABRIC 140N OR EQUAL. FINISHED GRADES IN LANDSCAPE BEDS SHALL BE 1" LOWER THAN THE TOP OF THE SURROUNDING CURBS OR WALKS NO TREES SHALL BE PLANTED WITHIN 5 FEET OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITY MAIN OR SERVICE LINE. ALL UTILITY EASEMENTS SHALL REMAIN UNOBSTRUCTED AND FULLY ACCESSIBLE ALONG THEIR ENTIRE LENGTH FOR MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT. ALL SIDEWALKS SHALL HAVE ADEQUATE SLEEVES FOR THE PLACEMENT OF IRRIGATION LINES FOR THE LANDSCAPE SPRINKLER SYSTEM INSTALLATION. ALL NEW LANDSCAPED AREAS SHALL BE SERVED BY FUNCTIONING AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM WHICH COMBINES DRIP AND SUBSURFACE IRRIGATION WITH HIGH EFFICIENCY SPRINKLERS. ALL NEW IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO BE ZONED ACCORDING TO WATER NEEDS OF PROPOSED PLANT MATERIALS. THERE SHOULD BE SEPARATE ZONES FOR TURF GRASSES AND SHRUB BED AREAS, FOR SUN AND SHADE AND OTHER CLIMATIC CONDITIONS AND ACCORDING TO THE WATER DEMANDS OF THE PLANT MATERIAL. ALL NEW IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH AUTOMATIC RAIN SHUT-OFF DEVICES. IRRIGATION PLANS TO BE PROVIDED WITH BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION. 3" STEEL TOP RAIL 3" STEEL POST i 3" STEEL BRACE 2' CORTEN STEEL C PANELS, TYP. COLOR: RUST RED 3" STEEL BOTTOM RAIL CONCRETE CAISON 3" STEEL CROSS MEMBER 4" STEEL VERTICAL POSTS, TYP 3" STEEL RAIL 2' CORTEN STEEL PANELS, TYP. COLOR: RUST RED 3" STEEL BOTTOM RAIL CONCRETE CAISON 12' - 0" & SIDE GATES o 16,291 SF PROPOSED 15% MIN / 2,444 SF MIN LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: 35% MIN / 855 SF MIN 8'-6" X 18'-0" v 48'- 3 3/4" 8'- 4 3/8" v II I — — — - - - — — — - - - Ilo — — - I IIN - - N I o o io COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM & SIDE GATES o TRASH ENCLOSURE 3/8" = 1'-0" CONFESSION BREWING AND KITCHEN, LLC SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 38TH AVENUE DRIVE AISLE 0 l0 WOOD MULCH PLANTER BEDS SHOWN DIAGONAL HATCH, TYP. N ASPHALT ROOF OVERHANG Lu z �J CONC Lu a O a 5'-0" 5'-0" 43' - 9" TRAFFIC LIGHT 110' - 0" 5'-0" 5'-0" 23' - 3" STREET SIGN STREET LIGHT PERMANENT EASEMENT SHOWN GREYPOCHE v EXISTING oca 4 OVERHEAD it STEEL ��� ocavoca o- ."- oca STRING LIGHTS, ; r\ COLUMNS, oca - _ - _-_-,YSOD.'-,- \'-, TRANSFORMER TYP. FREESTANING TYP. oca BLOCK WALL OGa� GATE oca �� EXISTING oca - ° g', FIXED BIKE RACKS - - \PATIOSEATING POLE SIGN Q d, oca w TO REMAIN oca o w ° 31 0 a- 100 0 oca FIRE PIT OR i oca OGa P1 oca P11397 SF ®oca z LANDSCAPE FEATURE oca0 P1 OG4 P1 OG4 �&OG;�'M - OGa 36" METAL i O oca u a - RAILING, TYP. oca w CONCRETE w NEW 5' SIDEWALK PATIO z OG3 I Luz J T1 �� i �r i T1 18 19 -- � - ----------------- --- ---- �r0 O O O�� I a ° O EXISTING CONC. GATE EXISTING CONC. a WALK WALK ME oLu Q ASPHALT 7 N LANDSCAPE PLAN 10.-0.. ON ■ J L - ENTRY 6'-0" DINING I " L DISH AREA 3 4 KI I UHLN bAK OPEN TO 3ELOW 51 - 011 �I 11 PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" ACCESSIBLE STALLS ASPHALT PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS 15 16 17 12 13 14 16,291 SF PROPOSED 15% MIN / 2,444 SF MIN LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: 35% MIN / 855 SF MIN 8'-6" X 18'-0" I 48'- 3 3/4" 8'- 4 3/8" STANDARD STALLS k- — — — - - - - — — — - - - — — — - - - Ilo — — - I IIN - - N I o o io COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM — — - - — — — - - - - - - — — — - - - - - - — — — - - - - ASPHALT - - ro OG3 22 FRONT (STREET FACING ALONG UPHAM) STANDARD STALLS N/A TRASH ENCLOSURE 3/8" = 1'-0" CONFESSION BREWING AND KITCHEN, LLC SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 38TH AVENUE DRIVE AISLE 0 l0 WOOD MULCH PLANTER BEDS SHOWN DIAGONAL HATCH, TYP. N ASPHALT ROOF OVERHANG Lu z �J CONC Lu a O a 5'-0" 5'-0" 43' - 9" TRAFFIC LIGHT 110' - 0" 5'-0" 5'-0" 23' - 3" STREET SIGN STREET LIGHT PERMANENT EASEMENT SHOWN GREYPOCHE v EXISTING oca 4 OVERHEAD it STEEL ��� ocavoca o- ."- oca STRING LIGHTS, ; r\ COLUMNS, oca - _ - _-_-,YSOD.'-,- \'-, TRANSFORMER TYP. FREESTANING TYP. oca BLOCK WALL OGa� GATE oca �� EXISTING oca - ° g', FIXED BIKE RACKS - - \PATIOSEATING POLE SIGN Q d, oca w TO REMAIN oca o w ° 31 0 a- 100 0 oca FIRE PIT OR i oca OGa P1 oca P11397 SF ®oca z LANDSCAPE FEATURE oca0 P1 OG4 P1 OG4 �&OG;�'M - OGa 36" METAL i O oca u a - RAILING, TYP. oca w CONCRETE w NEW 5' SIDEWALK PATIO z OG3 I Luz J T1 �� i �r i T1 18 19 -- � - ----------------- --- ---- �r0 O O O�� I a ° O EXISTING CONC. GATE EXISTING CONC. a WALK WALK ME oLu Q ASPHALT 7 N LANDSCAPE PLAN 10.-0.. ON ■ J L - ENTRY 6'-0" DINING I " L DISH AREA 3 4 KI I UHLN bAK OPEN TO 3ELOW 51 - 011 �I 11 PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" ACCESSIBLE STALLS ASPHALT PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS 15 16 17 12 13 14 PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED NEW CURB CUT LANDSCAPE DATA: SITE AREA: 16,291 SF PROPOSED 15% MIN / 2,444 SF MIN LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: 35% MIN / 855 SF MIN 8'-6" X 18'-0" 51%/ 1,253 SF 48'- 3 3/4" 8'- 4 3/8" STANDARD STALLS 343 SF HARDSCAPE PATIO PROPOSED ADDITION FOR WALK-IN ON-SITE TREES (2) EXISTING ON-SITE SHRUBS COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM STREETTREES NA SETACEUM GRASS 565 GSF ADDITION ASPHALT EXISTING OG3 22 81-611 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS N/A HELICTOTRICHON BLUE OAT OG4 10 SEMPERVIRENS GRASS 1 GAL v ORIGANUM OREGANO 121-011 P1 12 LIBANOTICUM HOPFLOWER 1 QT N/A Lu EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN z o NEW DUMPSTER } ° 5 16 7 8 9 10 11 & GREASE BIN ro ENCLOSURE w O PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED NEW CURB CUT LANDSCAPE DATA: SITE AREA: 16,291 SF OPEN SPACE REQUIRED: 15% MIN / 2,444 SF MIN LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: 35% MIN / 855 SF MIN LANDSCAPING PROVIDED: 51%/ 1,253 SF PLANTER BEDS 910 SF SOD 343 SF HARDSCAPE PATIO 1,495 SF ON-SITE TREES (2) EXISTING ON-SITE SHRUBS NA STREETTREES NA PLANT SCHEDULE ITEM QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE CONDITION OG1 7 MISCANTHUS SIN. JAPANESE SILVER 1 GAL N/A GRACILLIMUS GRASS PENNISETUM PURPLE FOUNTAIN OG2 6 SETACEUM GRASS 1 GAL N/A LAVANDULA ENGLISH OG3 22 ANGUSTIFOLIA LAVENDAR 1 GAL N/A HELICTOTRICHON BLUE OAT OG4 10 SEMPERVIRENS GRASS 1 GAL N/A ORIGANUM OREGANO P1 12 LIBANOTICUM HOPFLOWER 1 QT N/A T1 2 EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN PLANTER BED MULCH - BARK CHIPS FREESTANDING BLOCK WALL & FIREPIT PAVESTONE - HARINGTON FREESTANDING Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 10 feet 0 10' 20' 30' DESIGN PRACTICE INC N 3325 Mariposa St Denver CO 80211 www.designpracticedenver.com info@designpracticedenver.com PHONE -303 561 3000 40' LANDSCAPE PLAN SHEET: 2 OF 4 DATE: 912412019 GENERAL NOTES: ANY PROPOSED LIGHT FIXTURES INSTALL ON PRIVATE PROPERTY, ADJACENT TO THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY, SHALL BE ORIENTED IN SUCH A MANNER OR LIMITED IN LUMEN OUTPUT TO PREVENT GLARE PROBLEMS AND SHALL NOT EXCEED NATIONAL I.E.S LIGHTING STANDARDS FOR DISABILITY GLARE. NEW EXTERIOR LIGHTING TO BE FULLY CUT-OFF AND SHIELDED. LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE CONFESSION BREWING AND KITCHEN, LLC O L1 EXTERIOR SCONCE KICHLER LED 11251 OUTDOOR WALL SCONCE, 9.75W, 3000K, 120V INTEGRATED LED 0 L2 6" RECESSED CAN HALO RECESSED LIGHTING W/ 35W LED BULB INSERT IZI L3 WALL PACK LUMARKCROSSTOUR XTOR3B-W-PC1 = 26W, 4000K, 120V PC, CARBON BRONZE L4 STRING LIGHTS BULBRITE VINTAGE STRING LIGHT KIT, (15) 11W, 120V LED 11251 Up and Downlight Outdoor Wall Sconce By Kichler Product Options Finish: Textured Architectural Bronze, Textured Black Details • Provides both up and downlighting • Material: Metal • Shade Material: Textured Metal • Size: Large • Dark Sky compliant • UL Listed Wet • Made In China Dimensions Fixture: Width 5", Height 12.25", Depth 6.5" Lighting • 9.78 Watt (574 Lumens) 120 Volt/277 Volt Integrated LED: CRI: 85 Color Temp: 3000K Lifespan: 40000 hours Vintage String Light Kit By Bulbrite Details • 15 outdoor rated medium base sockets (E26) • 3 foot spacing between sockets • Maximum total wattage for string run is 150OW • Can connect up to 4 string kits to one power source • Size: 48 feet • Made In China Dimensions Item: Length 48' Lighting • Fifteen 11 Watt (63 Lumens) 120 Volt E26 Medium Base Incandescent Lamp(s) (Included) Additional Details Product URL: https://www.lumens.com/vintage-string-light-kit-by-bul- rite-BLBP86000.html P,LUMENS Call Us 877.445.4486 Shown in Textured Black finish (L1) P,LUMENS Call Us 877.445.4486 DESCRIPTION L u m a i Ic The patented Lumark Crosstour- LED Wall Pack Series of luminaries provides an architectural style with super bright, energy efficient LEDs. The low -profile, rugged die-cast aluminum construction, universal back box, stainless steel hardware along with a sealed and gasketed optical compartment make the Crosstour impervious to contaminants. The Crosstour wall luminaire is ideal for wall/surface, inverted mount for fagade/canopy illumination, post/bollard, site lighting, floodlight and low level pathway illumination including stairs. Typical applications include building entrances, multi -use facilities, apartment buildings, institutions, schools, stairways and loading docks test. SPECIFICATION FEATURES Construction Optical electrical wiring compartment. Slim, low -profile LED design Silicone sealed optical LED Integral LED electronic driver With rugged one-piece, die-cast chamber incorporates a custom incorporates surge protection. 120 - aluminum hinged removable door engineered mirrored anodized 277V 50/60Hz or 347V 60Hz models. and back box. Matching housing reflector providing high -efficiency styles incorporate both a small illumination. Optical assembly Finish and medium design. The small includes impact -resistant Crosstour is protected with a housing is available in 12W, 18W tempered glass and meets IESNA Super durable TGIC carbon and 26W. The medium housing requirements for full cutoff bronze or summit white polyester is available in the 38W model. compliance. Available in seven powder coat paint. Super durable Patented secure lock hinge feature lumen packages; 5000K, 4000K and TGIC powder coat paint finishes _ allows for safe and easy tool -less 3000K CCT. withstand extreme climate electrical connections with the conditions while providing optimal supplied push -in connectors. Back Electrical color and gloss retention of the box includes three half-inch, NPT LED driver is mounted to the installed life. XTOR threaded conduit entry points. The die-cast housing for optimal heat CROSSTOUR LED universal back box supports both sinking. LED thermal management Warranty thesmall and medium forms and system incorporates both Five-year warranty. mounts to standard 3-1/2" to 4" conduction and natural convection round and octagonal, 4" square, to transfer heat rapidly away from single gang and masonry junction the LED source. 12W, 18W, 26W APPLICATIONS: boxes. Key hole gasket allows and 38W series operate in -40oC to WALL / SURFACE for adaptation to junction box or 40°C [-40oF to 104of']. High ambient POST / BOLLARD wall. External fin design extracts 50°C models available. Crosstour LOW LEVEL heat from the fixture surface. One- luminaires maintain greater than FLOODLIGHT piece silicone gasket seals door 89% of initial light output after INVERTED and back box. Minimum 5" wide 72,000 hours of operation. Three SITE LIGHTING pole for site lighting application. half-inch NPT threaded conduit Not recommended for car wash entry points allow for thru-branch applications. wiring. Back box is an authorized DIMENSIONS ESCUTCHEON PLATES 12-18W, 26W o 6-3/4" [171 mm] 38W 8" [203mml 10" 1214m ml L 17-1/2" [445mml �12W, 18W, 26WJ `12W,18W,26W 5-3/4" [146mml 3-5/8" [92mml 38W 38W 6-5/8" [168mml 4" [102mm] E_T•N Fr veering Business Worldwide uwwv.desig n I ig hts.org CERTIFICATION DATA UUcUL Wet Location Listed LM79 / LM80 Compliant ROHS Compliant ADA Compliant NOM Compliant Models IP661ngressed Protection Rated Title 24 Compliant Design Lights Consortium° Qualified - TECHNICAL DATA 40-C Maximum Ambient Temperature External Supply Wiring 90-C Minimum EPA Effective Projected Area (Sq. Ft.): XTOR19, XT011213, XT011313=0.34 XTOR413=0.45 SHIPPING DATA: Approximate Net Weight: 3.7 - 5.25 1 or [1.7 - 2.4 kgs.] TD514013EN September 17, 2018 3:02 PM (L4) (L3) SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 10.0 Lu to. 0 Z W 0.0 0-1 O at0.0 0.0 t 0.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 1 10.0 ROOF OVERHANG SHOWN DASHED 10.0 I 0 to . 0 I �0.0 t0.0 I 10.0 to . 0 I �0.0 10.0 I +0.0 10.0 1 0.0 W Z > 10.0 w� CIL. W 0.0 CIL. 0.0 DRIVE AISLE 5' EXISTING SIDEWALK 38TH AVENUE SL PROPERTY LINE 5' EXISTING SIDEWALK 0.0 0 0.0 + + 0.0 + +0.0 .0 40.1 0.0 0.1 a 0.1 0.0 0.1 n +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 STEEL o . o + PATIO SEATING + COLUMNS, TYP. +0 . 0 0 0 .\ 1 0.1 \ 0 . 1 +0 . 0 +0 . 1 +0 0 +0 . 0 +0 .0 EXISTING POLE 100 --�0 L4 'OVERHEAD STRING +0 . o ; SIGN TO REMAIN LIGHTS, TYP. +0.0 0 +0.1 `\ +0.0 +04 +0 .\1 +0.0 +9'.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 EXISTING LIGHT i FIRE PIT OR +o . o TO BE REMOVED `LANDSCAPE FEATURE +0 . 0 0 +0 . +0 . 1 vt0 . 1 0. 1 vv +0 . 0 0.1 +o . o O L4 L4 L4 L4 +0.0 0 +0.1 +0.1 +0.10.0 +0.1 +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 v � vv / +0. +0 . 0 0. 0 +0 . 0 + .0 \ 0 . 1 / 0.1 +0 . 1 . 1 +0. +0 .0 +0 . +0 . 5 2V2 2 .4 2 .3 2 .4 / +1 .0 +1 +1 . � 0 --0 -- - - - - - - - - - - -- D --- ---- +0.0 I0L2 OL2 0L2 �+ OL2 il + + + + + + + + + + 0 0. +0 D 2.0 2.4 1.5 2.6 2.6 2.7 2 2.61 2.0 2.2 +0 0 L1 L1 0L2 OL2 0L2 AL2 L1 L1 3. 0 3. 2 . 1 2. 5 2. 7E2 L24 2. 9 3. 0 4.71 2. +0 . 1 +0 . 0 +o ENTRY 41.6 L1 +0.0 +1. E +0.1 +0.0 +0. d 41.6 0.0 1. 0.1 0.0 + 0. D +31.2 +o o DINING ROOM -- TAP ROOM OPEN L1 +0 RR 106 = = 101 BELOWclIlllit +3 • +0.1 +o . o 41. 9 +0.0 -- + + + -- 2.1 0.1 0.0 +0 R["7R - - 211.2 + -- 0.0 -- +1.1 +0.1 +0.0 4. 21.2 +0.0 5 0 1. +0.1 +0.0 3. L1 +0.0 LL - - +1 . +0.1 +0 . 0 +0.0 2 . 7I - - - - 2 I. 5'-0" 17 17- 2. +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 +1. - +51.0 L F11L 1 2. 0.1 0.0 +0.7 +0.70.2 0.0 I X1.0 1.7 0.0 0.0 +0.4 + +0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 + +0 .0 0.4 2 .0 3.8L3/ 3 . 9 2 .4 2.4 4 . L3 3 . 6 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 1.0 3.0 4.2 t _�' 3.2 2.0 3.3 4.2 3.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.7 2.4 2.7 2.4 1.6 2.2 3.0 2.0 +0.9 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.2 +0.9 1.3 1.2 +0.4 1.0 2.1 1.6 +0.3 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.2 +0.4 +0.2 +0.0 +0.1 +0.4 +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.( 6 7 8 9 10 11 PROPERTY LINE PHOTOMETRIC PLAN 1 II = 101-011 SL 1+0.0 0 0. +0.0 0. +0.0 + 0.0 11111111i 1161 0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 0.0 +0.0 +0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 a � W Z DUMPSTER & GREASE BIN ENCLOSURE w CIL. NO W CIL. PERMANENT EASEMENT SHOWN GREY POCHE EXISTING TRANSFORMER PROPOSED NEW CURB CUT 1 W �w U) Q Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 10 feet OMNI 0 10' 20' 30' 40' DESIGN PRACTICE INC N 3325 Mariposa St Denver CO 80211 www.designpracticedenver.com info@designpracticedenver.com PHONE -303 561 3000 PHOTOMETRICS PLAN SHEET: 3 OF 4 DATE: 9114M019 STRING LIGHTS OVER PATIO SEATING AREA STEEL COLUMN FOR STRING LIGHTS MASONRY PATIO WALL -WEST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" NEW METAL PATIO RAILING, TYP. LANDSCAPE PLANTINGS NEW CEMENTIOUS BOARD AND BATTEN MECHANICAL SCREENING BEYOND ROOF RIDGE 120'- 1 " GRAIN AUGER PIPING FROM MILLING ROOM TO BREWING EQUIPMENT TRUSS BEARING t 109' _ 0'l [1 LEVEL -1 100' - 0" - EAST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" r- -6 EXISTING BRICK BUILDING 7, - 0„ NEW CEMENTIOUS BOARD AND BATTEN SIDING @ MILLING ROOM, PAINTED WHITE i i CONFESSION BREWING AND KITCHEN, LLC SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF EXISTING WOOD SIDING EXISTING BRICK BUILDING PAINTED WHITE i EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING EXISTING WOOD SIDING PAINTED WHITE NEW HM ACCESS NEW GLASS DOOR, PAINTED PANEL GARAGE WHITE DOOR 71-011 EXISTING EXTERIOR DOOR NEW EXTERIOR SCONCES, TYP. NEW CEMENTIOUS BOARD AND BATTEN MECHANICAL SCREENING. PAINTED WHITE TO MATCH EXISTING ROOF RIDGE NEW MECHANICAL 120'- 1" V PLATFORM NEW PREFABRICATED COOLER PANEL ROOF TRUSS BEARIN =I,109' -W NEW PREFABRICATED COOLER PANELS COLOR: WHITE DA69110"117gq LEV 100, - 1 _ 100' - 0" �1 STRING LIGHTS OVER PATIO SEATING AREA 001 NEW CEMENTIOUS BOARD AND BATTEN MECHANICAL SCREENING. PAINTED WHITE TO MATCH EXISTING NEW MECHANICAL PLATFORM EXTERIOR WALL PACK LIGHT. TYP. EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF WHITE PREFABRICATED _? WHITE PREFABRICATED _? , COOLER PANEL WALLS COOLER PANEL WALLS - SOUTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" WALK-IN COOLER DOOR COLOR: WHITE wicnNin_ IAinnn ROOF RIDGE 120'-1" V GRAIN AUGER PIPING FROM MILLING ROOM TO BREWERY TRUSS BEARING 109' - 0 — CEMENTIOUS BOARD AND BATTEN SIDING, PAINTED WHITE TO MATCH EXISTING LEVEL -1 OL 100' - 0" HM DOUBLE DOOR, PAINTED WHITE EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF ROOF RIDGE 120'- 1 " �1 8— g STEEL COLUMN FOR STRING LIGHTSr TRUSS BEARING NEW METAL PATIO MASONRY PATIONEW EXTERIOR RAILING, TYP. WALL a a i ' `? SCONCES, TYP. i n n BUISTING ILDING BRICK LANDSCAPE PLANTINGS - NORTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" NEW GLASS IVLVV VVUUU ULUUKA I IVL NEW METAL PATIO ALUMINUM ENTRY DOORS WITH GLASS RAILING, TYP. DOORS SIDELIGHTS AND TRANSOM DESIGN PRACTICE INC 3325 Mariposa St Denver CO 80211 www. desig npracticedenver. com info@designpracticedenver.com PHONE -303 561 3000 LEVEL -1 1001-01, 00' - 0" �1 ELEVATIONS SHEET: 4 OF 4 DATE: 9/2412019 City of Wheat�dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29�Ave. 303.235.2857 September 17, 2019 Thomas d'Aquin Confession Brewing and Kitchen 9099 W. 30' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Thomas: Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: This letter is in regards to your application for approval of a site plan at 7390 W. 38d' Avenue on a site zoned Mixed Use Neighborhood (MU -N). I have reviewed your second submittal and have the following comments. Please also refer to the redlined copy of the draft document. General Comments 1. Comment Responses: Please use the provided Word file of this letter to respond to the subsequent comments and provide it as part of the third submittal. 2. Per my conversation with Michael Dire, if you have not done so already, please be in contact with Steve Art, Economic Development Manager, immediately regarding applying for funds for the proposed parking lot redesign and new sidewalk. It is best to start the process as soon as possible to set realistic expectations of what improvements can be made. Steve can be reached at 303-235- 2806 or sartAci.wheatridge.co.us and is aware that you will be contacting him. Site Plan Sheet 1 — Cover Sheet/Site Plan 3. Owner's Certificate: Please confirm the ownership entity name is correct. Should there be an "and" in the name like the restaurant name? See redlines. 4. The location and configuration of the proposed bike racks is in conflict with the transformer, too small to accommodate bikes on the racks, and too far from the patio. See redlines for explanation and suggested redesign. 5. Site Data Table a. Landscaping i. Update the square footage of the proposed sod and hardscape to reflect the loss of sod to the bike parking area, which will now count towards the hardscape calculations. See redlines. b. Parking i. I have updated the required parking calculation based on the floor area data you provided and in consideration of a 25% reduction in parking requirements given to properties located within a quarter mile of atransit station (i.e. bus stop). Parking spaces required are 10 (minimum) and 26 (maximum). While this requirement is www.cimheattidge.co.us met, please update the table to reflect the correct required numbers of 10 to 26. See redlines. For future consideration 6. Signage: Site signage will require separate permits and is not required to be included in the site plan set. For the freestanding sign, the sign panel may be replaced without a permit; any change to the cabinet, pole, or electrical would require a permit. Two freestanding signs are permitted because the site had two street frontages; a new freestanding sign would need to comply with current standards including a maximum height of seven feet. Wall signs are allowed on the north and east facades only at a rate of 1 square foot per linear foot of wall. This concludes the summary of comments. Please re -submit the site plan as a .pdf file with a response to this letter. If staff finds the next submittal satisfactory, we will consider that the final submittal. At this point, you may begin assembling materials to apply for building permits. For questions or clarification on any comments, feel free to directly contact me. Sincerely, Zareen Tasneem Planner I cc: WSP-19-05 case file Case No. WSP-19-05 /Confession Brewery and Kitchen VICINITY MAP .. �� it . � � � .� � •��-� a.�.� a� _ :�� ,��� � a r�-�•�e.��n _' IfN u�l &51F •.�i� y, ®_ 4i a Q s0. 6p® 1. „PROJECT SITE II I r� fti P JJ 1, TecA°aso.. r `* J�s.i { r a e „e ... " '�` �� `�R �'• � - CJ 1 �•, �' SwF � . �. ti m� r� LEGAL DESCRIPTION PART OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69, WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH BOUNDRY LINE OF SAID SECTION 26, WHICH POINT IS 1974.7 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE SOUTH AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH -SOUTH CENTER LINE OF SAID SECTION, 180 FEET; THENCE EAST AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION, 110 FEET; THENCE NORTH AND PARALLEL TO THE SAID CENTER LINE OF SAID SECTION, 180 FEET TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION, 110 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPT RIGHT OF WAY OVER SO MUCH OF THE NORTH 30 FEET THEREOF AS MAY BE USED FOR WEST 38TH AVENUE; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE IN DEED RECORDED OCTOBER 8, 1990 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 90086573, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. CONTAINING 16,225 SQUARE FEET OR 0.3725 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. STATEMENT OF PROPOSED USE THE PROJECT CONSISTS OF CONVERTING THE EXISTING 6,054 SQ. FT. BUILDING INTO A BREWERY AND RESTAURANT. A 565 SQ. FT. ADDITION IS BEING PROPOSED ON THE SOUTH END OF THE EXISTING BUILDING FOR A WALK-IN COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM FOR THE BREWERY. THE MAIN LEVEL WOULD CONTAIN THE COMMERCIAL KITCHEN AND RESTAURANT/TAP ROOM SEATING WITH THE BREWERY OPERATION IN THE BASEMENT. AN OUTDOOR PATIO SEATING AREA WITH LANDSCAPING FEATURES AND BUFFERS ON THE NORTH END. RECONFIGURED PARKING LOT ON THE EAST SIDE. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE THE BELOW SIGNED OWNER(S) OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) THEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW. I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF THIS SITE PLAN DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26-121 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. THOMAS D'AQUIN ON BEHALF OF rONFESSION BREWING, KITCHEN, LLC j< Confirm entity name STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF A.D. 20 BY WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC CITY CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS DAY OF BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. ATTEST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR CONFESSION BREWERY AND KITCHEN M m 4 4 m 00 SITE PLAN 1 of = 10'-0" SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 38TH AVENUE Move bike parking to this location. 4 Better configuration and route to front 1 doors. More visibility 'IF110' - o" from patio area. .101 01 15' - 0 5/8" 5' - 0" 5' - 0" 43- 9" Suggested width- 6' 28'- 3" 7' - 11 3/8" � a . 5' PLANTER BED W/ " °, a .,° ° b' � , J ° .... ° PERMANENT DRIVE AISLE °. ° GARDEN WALL 65' EXISTING SIDEWALK, EASEMENT SHOWN PROPERTY LINE - TL _ a °� a ° "SI SL° GREY POCHE W o Ln ° co L 4° 0I 4<\/>� EXISTING a I "COLUMNEE, T P. „ _ c O� SOD TRANSFORMER GATE, PATIO SEATING �� EXISTING POLE O E E D ;.,:,.=� 5' PLANTER BED °� SIGN TO REMAIN -S I LI H S,- �•" SHOWN DIAGONAL HATCH, TYP. �- O �� <> ��� TYP.• °a FIXED BIKE ° __'5'11LANTERrtBED . RA KS° �� FIRE PIT OR o a ° Cf)° LANDSCAPE FEATURE C'' ° z ` 5' ADA ACCESS ROUTE ----_---------------- ' Q ASPHALT a1w . VAN Bikes would stick out into the sod. Also, might hit transformer trying to align bike to b ACCESSIBi z LE LO 20 18 I 19 z ° METAL O O° ° O a O- a a ° I . a ON -STREET RAILING, TYP." . P, ° •11V,.. ---,r-- =T=--= ---- '7-_ . a, ; �� �� PARKING EXTERIOR GATE al ° ° a SCONCE, TYP — =a—s- L1 11 ° ° L1 ° L1 J a a 0 °ENTRY PROPOSED ]Ei L� °PROPOSED NEW 8'-6" X 18'-0" ACCESSIBLE STALLS CURB CUT ROOF OVERHANG 6' - 0" 25' - 2 3/8" SHOWN DASHED I w °i. U) E EFE1 E I Q a ASPHALT N w EEHDI G OMS � OM Q N RR -- OPEN L1� ° o 106 - - TO 1 -- BELOW PROPOSED ��. I iiFii 83 500S Q — — a 8'-6" X 18'-0" I D -- a w 9 STANDARD STALLS I RR -- o 4 EF -111 a w 15 16 17 ° CONC T7 77 77 a8' - 6" Q . „w -- I °o 5'-0" _ 21 - m 14'- 8 3/8" DISH AREA KITCHEN BAR FT1 =C) T ON -STREET I PARKING I - 0 0 ONE WAY/ DO NOT ENTER SIGN I z ASPHALT w J J U) I Oi Q W aI N > 0 0 N d 0 2 _i/ 48'-0" 8'- 6 1/4" 3 PROPOSED ADDITION FOR WALK-IN COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM 4 565 GSF ADDITION 8'- 6" EXISTING 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS 0 4_' 5 EO N. FA PROPERTY LINE -P R1 10 12 c 13 14 PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS I w J co Q N w ASPHALT - I N 11 EXISTING FENCE TO REMAIN u MU -N a ° a 12'-0., ° Y J SITE AREA 16,291 SF 0.374 ACRES NEW DUMPSTER >- " o & GREASE BIN 6,054 GSF TOTAL a Z ENCLOSURE w a WALK-IN COOLER O`er X a �. z,- CORTEN STEEL TRASH ENCLOSURE SITE DATA: EXISTING ZONING MU -N PROPOSED LAND USE RESTAURANT /BREWERY SITE AREA 16,291 SF 0.374 ACRES EXISTING BLDG. 6,054 GSF TOTAL BOTH LEVELS ADDITION (NEW) 565 GSF WALK-IN COOLER 474 GSF MILLING ROOM 91 GSF FLOOR AREA BY USE BASEMENT BREWERY 1,082 SF RESTROOMS 240 SF STORAGE 1010 SF MECHANICAL 269 SF STAIRS/CIRCULATION 426 SF MAIN LEVEL RESTAURANT 1,083 SF TAP ROOM 500 SF PATIO SEATING 1,397 SF RESTROOMS 138 SF KITCHEN/BAR 792 SF STORAGE 40 SF STAIRS/CIRCULATION 474 SF REQUIRED / ALLOWED PROPOSED BUILDING COVERAGE N/A 3,668 GSF TOTAL OPEN SPACE 15% MIN / 2,444 SF LANDSCAPING 35% MIN / 855 SF 55% / 1,348 SF PLANTER BEDS 908 SF SOD 440 SF HARDSCAPE 1,397 SF Up lo: PARKING REQUIRED PROPOSED ad STANDARD 13 17 pa ON -STREET N/A 2 ha ACCESSIBLE 1 2 TOTAL 14 S41 21 BICYCLE 4 4 CASE HISTORY WSP-19-05 SITE PLAN LEGEND Required parking- 10 min / 26 max Required accessible spaces included in that count. Update standard and total to these numbers. PROPERTY OR ZONE LOT LINE EXTERIOR BUILDING FOOTPRINT ROOF LINE FENCE X X X CONCRETE a SHEET INDEX SHEET 1 - SITE PLAN SHEET 2 - LANDSCAPE PLAN SHEET 3 - PHOTOMETRICS PLAN SHEET 4 - ELEVATIONS date to reflect s of sod and lition of bike -king area as -dscaae Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 10 feet MEMO 0 10' 20' 30' 40' DESIGN PRACTICE INC N 3325 Mariposa St Denver CO 80211 www.designpracticedenver.com info@designpracticedenver.com PHONE -303 561 3000 SITE PLAN SHEET: 1 OF 4 DATE: 9111M019 LANDSCAPE NOTES: ALL LANDSCAPING, INCLUDING THAT SHOWN IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, SHALL BE CONTINUOUSLY MAINTAINED INCLUDING, NECESSARY WATERING, WEEDING, PRUNING, PEST CONTROL AND REPLACEMENT OF DEAD OR DISEASED PLANT MATERIALS. A MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE WILL BE IMPLEMENTED TO INSURE PROPER CARE OF THE LANDSCAPING MATERIALS. ALL SHRUB / PLANTER BED AREAS SHALL RECEIVE A 2" LAYER OF ROCK OR BARK CHIP MULCH OVER FABRIC LINER. ALL SHRUB / PLANTER BED AREAS SHALL HAVE A 4" HIGH, 14 GAUGE NON GALVANIZED STEEL EDGING OR CONCRETE SIDEWALK/ CURB BOUNDARY. ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS NOTED WITH ROCK OR BARK CHIP MULCH SHALL BE PLACED OVER MYRAFI FILTER FABRIC 140N OR EQUAL. FINISHED GRADES IN LANDSCAPE BEDS SHALL BE 1" LOWER THAN THE TOP OF THE SURROUNDING CURBS OR WALKS NO TREES SHALL BE PLANTED WITHIN 5 FEET OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITY MAIN OR SERVICE LINE. ALL UTILITY EASEMENTS SHALL REMAIN UNOBSTRUCTED AND FULLY ACCESSIBLE ALONG THEIR ENTIRE LENGTH FOR MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT. ALL SIDEWALKS SHALL HAVE ADEQUATE SLEEVES FOR THE PLACEMENT OF IRRIGATION LINES FOR THE LANDSCAPE SPRINKLER SYSTEM INSTALLATION. ALL NEW LANDSCAPED AREAS SHALL BE SERVED BYA FUNCTIONING AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM WHICH COMBINES DRIP AND SUBSURFACE IRRIGATION WITH HIGH EFFICIENCY SPRINKLERS. ALL NEW IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO BE ZONED ACCORDING TO WATER NEEDS OF PROPOSED PLANT MATERIALS. THERE SHOULD BE SEPARATE ZONES FOR TURF GRASSES AND SHRUB BED AREAS, FOR SUN AND SHADE AND OTHER CLIMATIC CONDITIONS AND ACCORDING TO THE WATER DEMANDS OF THE PLANT MATERIAL. ALL NEW IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH AUTOMATIC RAIN SHUT-OFF DEVICES. IRRIGATION PLANS TO BE PROVIDED WITH BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION. 3" STEEL TOP RAIL 3" STEEL POST i 3" STEEL BRACE 2' CORTEN STEEL C PANELS, TYP. COLOR: RUST RED 3" STEEL BOTTOM RAIL CONCRETE CAISON 3" STEEL CROSS MEMBER 4" STEEL VERTICAL POSTS, TYP 3" STEEL RAIL 2' CORTEN STEEL PANELS, TYP. COLOR: RUST RED 3" STEEL BOTTOM RAIL CONCRETE CAISON 12' - 0" & SIDE GATES F�7 16,291 SF 4 OVERHEAD it STEEL ��� ocavOGa 35% MIN / 855 SF MIN TRANSFORMER v 48' - 0" r v II I — — — — — — — — — — — — Ilo 1 — — I — — 11 N I o o io COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM & SIDE GATES F�7 TRASH ENCLOSURE 3/8" = 1'-0" CONFESSION BREWERY AND KITCHEN SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO DRIVE AISLE 0 lO WOOD MULCH PLANTER BEDS SHOWN DIAGONAL HATCH, TYP. I N ASPHALT ROOF OVERHANG Lu z �J CONC Lu a O a 5'-0" 5'-0" 38TH AVENUE 43' - 9" TRAFFIC LIGHT 110' - 0" 5'-0" 5'-0" 23' - 3" STREET SIGN STREET LIGHT oca 16,291 SF 4 OVERHEAD it STEEL ��� ocavOGa 35% MIN / 855 SF MIN TRANSFORMER 55%/ 1,348 SF 48' - 0" r STANDARD STALLS I — — — - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Ilo 1 — — I — — 11 N I o o io COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM — — — — — — — — — — — — — — NMI — — — — — — - ASPHALT oca — — ro OG3\ lO FRONT (STREET FACING ALONG UPHAM) STANDARD STALLS GATE TRASH ENCLOSURE 3/8" = 1'-0" CONFESSION BREWERY AND KITCHEN SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO DRIVE AISLE 0 lO WOOD MULCH PLANTER BEDS SHOWN DIAGONAL HATCH, TYP. I N ASPHALT ROOF OVERHANG Lu z �J CONC Lu a O a 5'-0" 5'-0" 38TH AVENUE 43' - 9" TRAFFIC LIGHT 110' - 0" 5'-0" 5'-0" 23' - 3" STREET SIGN STREET LIGHT oca 16,291 SF 4 OVERHEAD it STEEL ��� ocavOGa 35% MIN / 855 SF MIN TRANSFORMER 55%/ 1,348 SF 48' - 0" r STANDARD STALLS 440 SF SOD Sd STRING LIGHTS, COLUMNS, 31' - 0 COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM oca NA TYP. FREESTANING TYP. oca ASPHALT oca a BLOCK WALL OG3\ lO d STANDARD STALLS GATE �i Lu ad oca OG4 10 EXISTING oca ORIGANUM OREGANO Q \PATIOSEATING POLE SIGN 18 Q oca w ° TO REMAIN oca o w o Lu ' �� 5 16 7 8 9 10 oca U) FIREPIT OR oca v U) z �1397 SF LANDSCAPE FEATURE zO NP oca O a'4 oca O oca � 36" METAL i oca u oca w RAILING, TYP. RA 3: w CONCRETE PATIO z OG3 T1 T1 �i - i -- --------------0-- �O—0 ---0 EXISTING CONC. GATE EXISTING CONC. WALK WALK ENTRY 6'-0" ME uu J o Q LU ASPHALT 7 m 0 0 1 2 LANDSCAPE PLAN 10.-0.. DINING I " L DISH AREA 3 4 OPEN TO BELOW KI I UHLIV bAK 51 - 011 �I 11 PERMANENT EASEMENT SHOWN GREYPOCHE FIXED BIKE RACKS 16,291 SF EXISTING 15% MIN / 2,444 SF MIN LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: 35% MIN / 855 SF MIN TRANSFORMER 55%/ 1,348 SF 48' - 0" d STANDARD STALLS 440 SF SOD Sd ON-SITE TREES (2) EXISTING 31' - 0 COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM STREETTREES NA a -- P1® OG4® P1 OG4 ASPHALT o a P1 \OG4 P1 OG4 Pi lO d STANDARD STALLS N/A NEW 5' SIDEWALK Lu ad OG4 10 SEMPERVIRENS GRASS 1 GAL v ORIGANUM OREGANO 121-011 P1 12 18 1 QT 19 J r ° z a o Lu ' } .a 5 16 7 8 9 10 11 & GREASE BIN Lu ENCLOSURE w O a'4 PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" ACCESSIBLE STALLS ASPHALT PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS 15 16 17 12 13 14 PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED NEW CURB CUT LANDSCAPE DATA: SITE AREA: 16,291 SF PROPOSED 15% MIN / 2,444 SF MIN LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: 35% MIN / 855 SF MIN 8'-6" X 18'-0" 55%/ 1,348 SF 48' - 0" 8'- 6 1/4" STANDARD STALLS 440 SF HARDSCAPE PATIO PROPOSED ADDITION FOR WALK-IN ON-SITE TREES (2) EXISTING ON-SITE SHRUBS COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM STREETTREES NA SETACEUM GRASS 565 GSF ADDITION ASPHALT EXISTING OG3 22 81-611 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS N/A HELICTOTRICHON BLUE OAT OG4 10 SEMPERVIRENS GRASS 1 GAL v ORIGANUM OREGANO 121-011 P1 12 LIBANOTICUM HOPFLOWER 1 QT N/A Lu EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN z a o NEW DUMPSTER } .a 5 16 7 8 9 10 11 & GREASE BIN ENCLOSURE w O PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED NEW CURB CUT LANDSCAPE DATA: SITE AREA: 16,291 SF OPEN SPACE REQUIRED: 15% MIN / 2,444 SF MIN LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: 35% MIN / 855 SF MIN LANDSCAPING PROVIDED: 55%/ 1,348 SF PLANTER BEDS 908 SF SOD 440 SF HARDSCAPE PATIO 1,397 SF ON-SITE TREES (2) EXISTING ON-SITE SHRUBS NA STREETTREES NA PLANT SCHEDULE ITEM QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE CONDITION OG1 7 MISCANTHUS SIN. JAPANESE SILVER 1 GAL N/A GRACILLIMUS GRASS PENNISETUM PURPLE FOUNTAIN OG2 6 SETACEUM GRASS 1 GAL N/A LAVANDULA ENGLISH OG3 22 ANGUSTIFOLIA LAVENDAR 1 GAL N/A HELICTOTRICHON BLUE OAT OG4 10 SEMPERVIRENS GRASS 1 GAL N/A ORIGANUM OREGANO P1 12 LIBANOTICUM HOPFLOWER 1 QT N/A T1 2 EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN PLANTER BED MULCH - BARK CHIPS FREESTANDING BLOCK WALL & FIREPIT PAVESTONE - HARINGTON FREESTANDING Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 10 feet 0 10' 20' 30' DESIGN PRACTICE INC N 3325 Mariposa St Denver CO 80211 www.designpracticedenver.com info@designpracticedenver.com PHONE -303 561 3000 40' LANDSCAPE PLAN SHEET: 2 OF 4 DATE: 911112019 GENERAL NOTES: ANY PROPOSED LIGHT FIXTURES INSTALL ON PRIVATE PROPERTY, ADJACENT TO THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY, SHALL BE ORIENTED IN SUCH A MANNER OR LIMITED IN LUMEN OUTPUT TO PREVENT GLARE PROBLEMS AND SHALL NOT EXCEED NATIONAL I.E.S LIGHTING STANDARDS FOR DISABILITY GLARE. NEW EXTERIOR LIGHTING TO BE FULLY CUT-OFF AND SHIELDED. LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE O L1 EXTERIOR SCONCE KICHLER LED 11251 OUTDOOR WALL SCONCE, 9.75W, 3000K, 120V INTEGRATED LED 0 L2 6" RECESSED CAN HALO RECESSED LIGHTING W/ 35W LED BULB INSERT IZI L3 WALL PACK LUMARKCROSSTOUR XTOR3B-W-PC1 = 26W, 4000K, 120V PC, CARBON BRONZE L4 STRING LIGHTS BULBRITE VINTAGE STRING LIGHT KIT, (15) 11W, 120V LED 11251 Up and Downlight Outdoor Wall Sconce By Kichler Product Options Finish: Textured Architectural Bronze, Textured Black Details • Provides both up and downlighting • Material: Metal • Shade Material: Textured Metal • Size: Large • Dark Sky compliant • UL Listed Wet • Made In China Dimensions Fixture: Width 5", Height 12.25", Depth 6.5" Lighting • 9.78 Watt (574 Lumens) 120 Volt/277 Volt Integrated LED: CRI: 85 Color Temp: 3000K Lifespan: 40000 hours Vintage String Light Kit By Bulbrite Details • 15 outdoor rated medium base sockets (E26) • 3 foot spacing between sockets • Maximum total wattage for string run is 150OW • Can connect up to 4 string kits to one power source • Size: 48 feet • Made In China Dimensions Item: Length 48' Lighting • Fifteen 11 Watt (63 Lumens) 120 Volt E26 Medium Base Incandescent Lamp(s) (Included) Additional Details Product URL: https://www.lumens.com/vintage-string-light-kit-by-bul- rite-BLBP86000.html P,LUMENS Call Us 877.445.4486 Shown in Textured Black finish (L1) P,LUMENS Call Us 877.445.4486 DESCRIPTION L u m a i Ic The patented Lumark Crosstour- LED Wall Pack Series of luminaries provides an architectural style with super bright, energy efficient LEDs. The low -profile, rugged die-cast aluminum construction, universal back box, stainless steel hardware along with a sealed and gasketed optical compartment make the Crosstour impervious to contaminants. The Crosstour wall luminaire is ideal for wall/surface, inverted mount for fagade/canopy illumination, post/bollard, site lighting, floodlight and low level pathway illumination including stairs. Typical applications include building entrances, multi -use facilities, apartment buildings, institutions, schools, stairways and loading docks test. SPECIFICATION FEATURES Construction Optical electrical wiring compartment. Slim, low -profile LED design Silicone sealed optical LED Integral LED electronic driver With rugged one-piece, die-cast chamber incorporates a custom incorporates surge protection. 120 - aluminum hinged removable door engineered mirrored anodized 277V 50/60Hz or 347V 60Hz models. and back box. Matching housing reflector providing high -efficiency styles incorporate both a small illumination. Optical assembly Finish and medium design. The small includes impact -resistant Crosstour is protected with a housing is available in 12W, 18W tempered glass and meets IESNA Super durable TGIC carbon and 26W. The medium housing requirements for full cutoff bronze or summit white polyester is available in the 38W model. compliance. Available in seven powder coat paint. Super durable Patented secure lock hinge feature lumen packages; 5000K, 4000K and TGIC powder coat paint finishes _ allows for safe and easy tool -less 3000K CCT. withstand extreme climate electrical connections with the conditions while providing optimal supplied push -in connectors. Back Electrical color and gloss retention of the box includes three half-inch, NPT LED driver is mounted to the installed life. XTOR threaded conduit entry points. The die-cast housing for optimal heat CROSSTOUR LED universal back box supports both sinking. LED thermal management Warranty thesmall and medium forms and system incorporates both Five-year warranty. mounts to standard 3-1/2" to 4" conduction and natural convection round and octagonal, 4" square, to transfer heat rapidly away from single gang and masonry junction the LED source. 12W, 18W, 26W APPLICATIONS: boxes. Key hole gasket allows and 38W series operate in -40oC to WALL / SURFACE for adaptation to junction box or 40°C [-40oF to 104oF]. High ambient POST / BOLLARD wall. External fin design extracts 50°C models available. Crosstour LOW LEVEL heat from the fixture surface. One- luminaires maintain greater than FLOODLIGHT piece silicone gasket seals door 89% of initial light output after INVERTED and back box. Minimum 5" wide 72,000 hours of operation. Three SITE LIGHTING pole for site lighting application. half-inch NPT threaded conduit Not recommended for car wash entry points allow for thru-branch applications. wiring. Back box is an authorized DIMENSIONS ESCUTCHEON PLATES 12-18W, 26W o 6-3/4" [171 mm] 38W 8" [203mml 10" 1214m ml L 17-1/2" [445mml �12W, 18W, 26WJ `112W,18W,26W 5-3/4" [146mml 3-5/8" [92mml 38W 38W 6-5/8" [168mml 4" [102mm] E_T•N Fr veering Business Worldwide uwwv.desig n I ig hts.org CERTIFICATION DATA UUcUL Wet Location Listed LM79 / LM80 Compliant ROHS Compliant ADA Compliant NOM Compliant Models IP661ngressed Protection Rated Title 24 Compliant Design Lights Consortium° Qualified - TECHNICAL DATA 40-C Maximum Ambient Temperature External Supply Wiring 90-C Minimum EPA Effective Projected Area (Sq. Ft.): XTOR19, XT011213, XT011313=0.34 XTOR413=0.45 SHIPPING DATA: Approximate Net Weight: 3.7 - 5.25 1 or [1.7 - 2.4 kgs.] TD514013EN September 17, 2018 3:02 PM (L4) (L3) CONFESSION BREWERY AND KITCHEN SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 10.0 Lu to. 0 Z W 0.0 0-1 O at0.0 0.0 t 0.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 1 10.0 ROOF OVERHANG SHOWN DASHED 10.0 I 0 to . 0 I �0.0 t0.0 I 10.0 to . 0 I �0.0 10.0 I +0.0 10.0 1 0.0 W Z > 10.0 w� CIL. W 0.0 CIL. 0.0 DRIVE AISLE 5' EXISTING SIDEWALK 38TH AVENUE SL PROPERTY LINE 5' EXISTING SIDEWALK 0.0 0 0.0 + + 0.0 + +0.0 .0 40.1 0.0 0.1 a 0.1 0.0 0.1 n +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 STEEL o . o+ `v PATIO SEATING + coLUMNs, TYP. +0 . 0 0 0 .\ 1 0.1 \ 0 . 1 +0 . 0 +0 . 1 +0 . 0 +0 . 0 +0 .0 100 EXISTING POLE �Oi L4 - OVERHEAD STRING +0 . 0 ; `SIGN TO REMAIN 9N LIGHTS, TYP. +0.0 0 +0.1 \\ +0.0 +04 +0 .\1 +0.0 +9'.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 EXISTING LIGHT i FIRE PIT OR +o . o TO BE REMOVED `LANDSCAPE FEATURE +0 . 0 0 +0 . +0 . 1 vt0 . 1 0. 1 vv +0 . 0 0.1 +o . o O L4 L4 L4 L4 +0.0 0 +0.1 +0.1 +0.10.0 +0.1 +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 v � vv / +0. +0 . 0 0. 0 +0 . 0 + .0 \ 0 . 1 / 0.1 +0 . 1 . 1 +0. +0 .0 +0 . +0 . 5 2V2 2 .4 2 .3 2 .4 / +1 .0 +1 +1 . � 0 -- ---------- - - - - -- D --- ---- +0.0 I0L2 OL2 0L2 �+ OL2 il + + + + + + + + + + 0 0. +0 D 2.0 2.4 1.5 2.6 2.6 2.7 2 2.61 2.0 2.2 +0 0 L1 L1 0L2 OL2 0L2 AL2 L1 L1 3. 0 3. 2 . 1 2. 5 2. 7E2 L24 2. 9 3. 0 4.71 2. +0 . 1 +0 . 0 +o ENTRY 41.6 L1 +0.0 +1. E +0.1 +0.0 +0. d 41.6 0.0 1. 0.1 0.0 + 0. D +31.2 +o o DINING ROOM -- TAP ROOM OPEN L1 +0 RR 106 = = 101 BELOW +3 • +0.1 +o . o 41. 9 +0.0 -- + + + -- 2.1 0.1 0.0 +0 R["7R - - 211.2 + -- 0.0 -- +1.1 +0.1 +0.0 4. 21.2 +0.0 5 0 1. +0.1 +0.0 3. L1 +0.0 LL - - +1 . +0.1 +0 . 0 +0.0 2 . 7I - - - - 2 I. 5'-0" 2. +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 +1. F_ - a(0L1 2. 0.1 0.0 +0.7 +0.70.2 0.0 X.0 +0.4 + +0.0 1.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 + +0 .0 0.4 2 .0 3 . 8L3 / 3 . 9 2 .4 2 .4 4 . L3 3 . 6 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 1.0 3.0 4.2 t _�' 3.2 2.0 3.3 4.2 3.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.7 2.4 2.7 2.4 1.6 2.2 3.0 2.0 +0.9 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.2 +0.9 1.3 1.2 +0.4 1.0 2.1 1.6 +0.3 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.2 +0.4 +0.2 +0.0 +0.1 +0.4 +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.( 6 7 8 9 10 11 PROPERTY LINE PHOTOMETRIC PLAN 1 II = 101-011 SL 0.0 11111111i 1161 0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 0.0 +0.0 +0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 a � W Z DUMPSTER & GREASE BIN ENCLOSURE w CIL. NO W CIL. PERMANENT EASEMENT SHOWN GREY POCHE EXISTING TRANSFORMER PROPOSED NEW CURB CUT 1 W �w v Q Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 10 feet OMNI 0 10' 20' 30' 40' DESIGN PRACTICE INC N 3325 Mariposa St Denver CO 80211 www.designpracticedenver.com info@designpracticedenver.com PHONE -303 561 3000 PHOTOMETRICS PLAN SHEET: 3 OF 4 DATE: 9111M019 STRING LIGHTS OVER PATIO SEATING AREA STEEL COLUMN FOR STRING LIGHTS MASONRY PATIO WALL -WEST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" NEW METAL PATIO RAILING, TYP. LANDSCAPE PLANTINGS NEW CEMENTIOUS BOARD AND BATTEN MECHANICAL SCREENING BEYOND ROOF RIDGE 120'- 1 " GRAIN AUGER PIPING FROM MILLING ROOM TO BREWING EQUIPMENT TRUSS BEARING t 109' _ 0'l [1 LEVEL -1 100' - 0" - EAST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" r- -6 EXISTING BRICK BUILDING 7, - 0„ NEW CEMENTIOUS BOARD AND BATTEN SIDING @ MILLING ROOM, PAINTED WHITE i i CONFESSION BREWERY AND KITCHEN SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF EXISTING WOOD SIDING EXISTING BRICK BUILDING PAINTED WHITE i EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING EXISTING WOOD SIDING PAINTED WHITE NEW HM ACCESS NEW GLASS DOOR, PAINTED PANEL GARAGE WHITE DOOR 71-011 EXISTING EXTERIOR DOOR NEW EXTERIOR SCONCES, TYP. NEW CEMENTIOUS BOARD AND BATTEN MECHANICAL SCREENING. PAINTED WHITE TO MATCH EXISTING ROOF RIDGE NEW MECHANICAL 120'- 1" V PLATFORM NEW PREFABRICATED COOLER PANEL ROOF TRUSS BEARING 109' - 0" �1 NEW PREFABRICATED COOLER PANELS COLOR: WHITE DA69110"117gq LEVEL -1_ 100' - 0" �1 STRING LIGHTS OVER PATIO SEATING AREA 001 NEW CEMENTIOUS BOARD AND BATTEN MECHANICAL SCREENING. PAINTED WHITE TO MATCH EXISTING NEW MECHANICAL PLATFORM EXTERIOR WALL PACK LIGHT. TYP. EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF WHITE PREFABRICATED _? WHITE PREFABRICATED _? ` COOLER PANEL WALLS COOLER PANEL WALLS - SOUTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" WALK-IN COOLER DOOR COLOR: WHITE wicnNin_ IAinnn ROOF RIDGE 120'-1" V GRAIN AUGER PIPING FROM MILLING ROOM TO BREWERY TRUSS BEARING 109' - 0 — CEMENTIOUS BOARD AND BATTEN SIDING, PAINTED WHITE TO MATCH EXISTING LEVEL -1 100' - 0" HM DOUBLE DOOR, PAINTED WHITE EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF ROOF RIDGE 120'- 1 " �1 8— g STEEL COLUMN FOR STRING LIGHTSr TRUSS BEARING NEW METAL PATIO MASONRY PATIONEW EXTERIOR RAILING, TYP. WALL a a i ' `? SCONCES, TYP. i n n BUISTING ILDING BRICK LANDSCAPE PLANTINGS - NORTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" NEW GLASS IVLVV VVUUU ULUUKA I IVL NEW METAL PATIO ALUMINUM ENTRY DOORS WITH GLASS RAILING, TYP. DOORS SIDELIGHTS AND TRANSOM DESIGN PRACTICE INC 3325 Mariposa St Denver CO 80211 www. desig npracticedenver. com info@designpracticedenver.com PHONE -303 561 3000 LEVEL -1 1001-01, 00' - 0" �1 ELEVATIONS SHEET: 4 OF 4 DATE: 9/11/2019 DESIGN PRACTICE SDP Review Comment Responses Sept 11, 2019 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Attn: Zareen Tasneem, Planner I Re: Confession Brewery and Kitchen Subj: Site Development Plan Review—Submittal 1 The following are our responses to Plan Review Comments received 09/05/2019: General Comments 1. Comment Responses: Please use the provided Word file of this letter to respond to the subsequent comments and provide it as part of the second submittal. Response: Completed. 2. Please rename the document as "CONFESSION BREWERY AND KITCHEN" or some other name that begins with a letter instead of a number. Update on all the sheets. Response: Completed. Sheet 1— Cover Sheet/Site Plan 3. Add a Case History section with the following case: WSP-19-05. Response: Completed. 4. Owner's Certificate: modify per redlines and specify the name of the person who will sign as the owner or on behalf of the ownership entity. Response: Completed. 5. The vicinity map is difficult to read. Please zoom in more so that street names are legible. Suggested scale: 1" = 100'. Turn off labels for adjacent businesses and outline the property instead of marking with a pin and arrow. Response: Revised vicinity map provided. 6. The drive aisle entrance off W. 38`" Avenue currently has right -in only access, as designated by faint directional striping. Please confirm if you intend to use as an entrance or exit and show updated directional asphalt painting and directional signs. Response: Intent is thatthis drive aisle off 38" is to be used as an entrance only. Refer to site plan showing the directional striping and added One Way/ Do Not Enter sign on the building. 7. Add "To Remain" after "Existing Pole Sign." The freestanding sign that currently shows service times in the front is not shown on the site plan; is that to be removed? If so, it's fine that it's excluded from the site plan. Response: Annotation `To Remain" added. The freestanding sign showing the service times is to be removed and is excluded from the site plan. 8. Provide a detail of the proposed trash enclosure showing the height and materials of the trash enclosure. This detail can be provided on any sheet. Trash enclosures must be compatible with the building design and materials. Response: Refer to Landscape Plan —Sheet 2 for detail of the proposed trash enclosure. 9. At least one handicapped accessible space must be signed and designated as "van accessible." Both spaces appear to meet the minimum dimensional standards. Label one as van accessible. Response: Completed. 3325 Mariposa Street I Denver, Colorado 80211 1 303.561.3000 1 www.designpracticedenver.com Page 2 of 3 September 11, 2019 10. Site Data Table a. Floor Area by Use: is 6,054 SF the total floor area for both the basement and the first floor? Please clarify use area by floor by adding rows for the basement if you intend to use that space for the business. Response: Correct the 6,054 sf is the gross square footage of both levels. Rows have been added to identify the public facing areas. b. The Building Coverage should be the square footage of the building footprint. The 6,619 SF stated appears, instead, to be the gross floor area of the building, including the proposed addition. Please provide proposed building footprint. Response: Building Coverage area has been revised. c. Four (4) bicycle parking spaces are required for all non-residential developments in MU -N. These should take the form of two hoop or "u" racks. The racks shall be well -lit and located no more than 50 feet from the primary entrance. Revise the parking section of the site data table to include the required and proposed bike parking. Revise the graphic on the site plan to show where the bike racks will be located. Response: (4) bicycle spaces have been added. Sheet 2 — Landscape Plan 11. In "Landscape Notes," correct the typo in the first line. Refer to redlines. Response: Completed. 12. There is 908 sq. ft. of planting beds, but there are only 38 plants. Increase the amount of plantings in each of the highlighted planting beds. Consider planting Oregano Hopflower (see attached image). Response: Landscaping plan has been revised to increase the amount of plants and accommodate the recommended Oregano Hopflower addition. 13. Please note that commercial properties are subject to annual inspection as part of the City's landscape inspection program. Compliance with the approved landscape plan is the basis of those future inspections. Response: Confirmed. Sheet 3 — Photometric Plan 14. The existing white light located in the front of the building, near the western tree, is not shown on the plan. Is that an ornamental light? Will it be removed with the renovation? Please clarify. Response: The existing white light is intended to be removed. Annotation has been added to the Photometric Plan. Sheet 4 — Elevations 15. Strike "SDP" from each of the elevation names. Response: Completed. 16. Rooftop equipment enclosures must be compatible with the building design, materials, and color. Please confirm. Response: Confirmed. The rooftop enclosure is to be cladded with siding and painted white to match the existing wood siding on the existing building. 17. Similarly, please confirm the new addition is compatible in the building design, materials, and/or color. Response: Confirmed. The new addition is compatible with the design of the existing building and cladded with siding and painted white to match the existing wood siding on the existing building. 18. For the new doors being proposed, is there any transparency, i.e. glass, to them? It is difficult to ascertain from the site plan. At a minimum, the new entry doors on the north elevation should incorporate some glass since they are replacing a door with some transparency. Response: Refer Page 3 of 3 September 11, 2019 to the revised annotations on the elevations identifying which doors have glass. The new entry doors are glass as well as the side lights on the large decorative door. The garage door on the east is glass as well. For future consideration Signage: Site signage will require separate permits and is not required to be included in the site plan set. For the freestanding sign, the sign panel may be replaced without a permit; any change to the cabinet, pole, or electrical would require a permit. Two freestanding signs are permitted because the site had two street frontages; a new freestanding sign would need to comply with current standards including a maximum height of seven feet. Wall signs are allowed on the north and east facades only at a rate of 1 square foot per linear foot of wall. Response: Confirmed. Wheat Ridge Public Works Wheat Ridge Public Works: While Public Works recommends the applicant build a 5 -foot attached sidewalk along Upham Street to encourage more pedestrian traffic to the site, the sidewalk is not required based on the scope of work. Any work in the public right-of-way (ROW) will, however, require a ROW permit through Public Works. See attached letter and site plan redlines from Dave Brossman, dated August 16, 2019. Response: Refer to revised site plan showing the addition of a 5' sidewalk on the east side of the property along Upham St. The 5' sidewalk as well as the parking lot reconfiguration will be constructed if funds are available from the Economic Development dept. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Sincerely, 1 j —D Michael Dire AIA, LEED AP Design Practice Inc VICINITY MAP .. �� it . � � � .� � •��-� a.�.� � a� _ :�� ,��� � a rJ '�� •�e.�� ' IfN u�l &51F • y, ®_ 4. a r Q s0. 6p® 1. - '_' '.� �. �� ... „PROJECT SITE I! I r�. ftiP JJ 1, Teasoaso,. r q -T �". : i —d r { r k F7, iT41°' z' TF ,.,_. .' #4 r f fC . f �� h e LEGAL DESCRIPTION PART OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69, WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH BOUNDRY LINE OF SAID SECTION 26, WHICH POINT IS 1974.7 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE SOUTH AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH -SOUTH CENTER LINE OF SAID SECTION, 180 FEET; THENCE EAST AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION, 110 FEET; THENCE NORTH AND PARALLEL TO THE SAID CENTER LINE OF SAID SECTION, 180 FEET TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION, 110 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPT RIGHT OF WAY OVER SO MUCH OF THE NORTH 30 FEET THEREOF AS MAY BE USED FOR WEST 38TH AVENUE; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE IN DEED RECORDED OCTOBER 8, 1990 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 90086573, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. CONTAINING 16,225 SQUARE FEET OR 0.3725 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. STATEMENT OF PROPOSED USE THE PROJECT CONSISTS OF CONVERTING THE EXISTING 6,054 SQ. FT. BUILDING INTO A BREWERY AND RESTAURANT. A 565 SQ. FT. ADDITION IS BEING PROPOSED ON THE SOUTH END OF THE EXISTING BUILDING FOR A WALK-IN COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM FOR THE BREWERY. THE MAIN LEVEL WOULD CONTAIN THE COMMERCIAL KITCHEN AND RESTAURANT/TAP ROOM SEATING WITH THE BREWERY OPERATION IN THE BASEMENT. AN OUTDOOR PATIO SEATING AREA WITH LANDSCAPING FEATURES AND BUFFERS ON THE NORTH END. RECONFIGURED PARKING LOT ON THE EAST SIDE. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE THE BELOW SIGNED OWNER(S) OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) THEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW. I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF THIS SITE PLAN DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26-121 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. THOMAS D'AQUIN ON BEHALF OF CONFESSION BREWING, KITCHEN, LLC STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS A.D. 20 BY WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC CITY CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS DAY OF BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. ATTEST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DAY OF , CONFESSION BREWERY AND KITCHEN SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 38TH AVENUE 4 1 110' - 0" 15'- 0 5/8" 5'- 0" 5'- 0" 43- 9" 5'- 0" 28'- 3" 7' - 11 3/8" 5' PLANTER BED W/ " °, , ° p PERMANENT DRIVE AISLE GARDEN WALL ° 65' EXISTING SIDEWALK, EASEMENT SHOWN a . a ° PROPERTY LINE -TL ° : ° Q "SI SL° ° ° a GREY POCHE 4 d L Q 9 W ° '5'-0", a° STEEL', : ;":�,� �,.'' - ' EXISTING a I ";COLUMNS, TYP. ''' ,r- ;,, SOD -� °: _ _ a -TRANSFORMER AGATE, PATIO SEATING EXISTING POLE LPLANTER BED �� SIGN TO REMAIN STRING LIGHTS,_ SHOWN DIAGONAL ° Q ", o HATCH, TYP. .'_ FIXED BIKE o I ° �i ° PLANTER BEDS: , ..• ° 13 0 _ RACKS° ` �w , - 0 �� FIRE PIT OR CY) � ° " LANDSCAPEFEATURE � "' `' O 0� `> <> W° m z r 5'A DA ACCESS ROUTE ASPHALT VAN . q ACCESSIBLE i z ° 20 18 I 19 w° METAL i0� O ° ° D a0i a a ° I . a ON -STREET -RAILING, TYP." . P, -. ° .Qa ,.. ---"r-- =T=--=-----a-��. 0 PARKING GATE 0 0 EXTERIOR al a o� o� SCONCE, TYP — =a—s- L1 L1 L1 ° L1 a a o `a °ENTRY PROPOSED 1 ]EI L1° PROPOSED NEW 8'-6" X 18'-0" ACCESSIBLE STALLS ROOF OVERHANG CURB CUT SHOWN DASHED --6'-_O' 25'- 2 3/8" Iw E D E 1 1 co a ASPHALT iv w DI G OMS OM Q N RR -- OPEN L1� ° o 106 -- TO 1-- PROPOSED BELOW 83 500 S J , . a Q a 8'-6" X 18'-0" I a w STANDARD STALLS I RR � o m L C? O p 2 4 4 �� i i z 4 E 11 4 T-- . 15 16 17 CONC T7 77 77 a8'- 6" Q . „w -- I °o 5'-0" _ EO 21 14'- 8 3/8" DISH AREA KITCHEN BAR z _ ON -STREET � I PARKING I -- -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - I 12 cO 13 14 0 ONE WAY/ DO NOT ENTER SIGN PROPOSED i 8'-6" X 18'-0" 1 48'- 0" 8'- 6 1/4" STANDARD STALLS w 10 z ASPHALT - w w _ U 3 PROPOSED ADDITION FOR WALK-IN - U) Q COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM I Q a 1 N 4 565 GSF ADDITION ASPHALT -� I N o N d 0 8'- 6" EXISTING 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS 12'-orr10 ° Y 1 NEW DUMPSTER °~ w CORTEN STEEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 TRASH EO & GREASE BIN w 4 co I ENCLOSURE w ENCLOSURE a i0 _ .. O`er ,. a z°- - – – –xii — – –X H --x- -x- – X_ – –x— – – x H– x 11-x- –11 x – – –x— – – x x PROPERTY LINE EXISTING FENCE TO REMAIN SITE PLAN 1 " = 101-011 W �W U) G T� I..L SITE DATA: EXISTING ZONING MU -N PROPOSED LAND USE RESTAURANT /BREWERY SITE AREA 16,291 SF 0.374 ACRES EXISTING BLDG. 6,054 GSF TOTAL BOTH LEVELS ADDITION (NEW) 565 GSF WALK-IN COOLER 474 GSF MILLING ROOM 91 GSF FLOOR AREA BY USE BASEMENT BREWERY 1,082 SF RESTROOMS 240 SF STORAGE 1010 SF MECHANICAL 269 SF STAIRS/CIRCULATION 426 SF MAIN LEVEL RESTAURANT 1,083 SF TAP ROOM 500 SF PATIO SEATING 1,397 SF RESTROOMS 138 SF KITCHEN/BAR 792 SF STORAGE 40 SF STAIRS/CIRCULATION 474 SF REQUIRED / ALLOWED PROPOSED BUILDING COVERAGE N/A 3,668 GSF TOTAL OPEN SPACE 15% MIN / 2,444 SF LANDSCAPING 35% MIN / 855 SF 55% / 1,348 SF PLANTER BEDS 908 SF SOD 440 SF HARDSCAPE 1,397 SF PARKING REQUIRED PROPOSED STANDARD 13 17 ON -STREET N/A 2 ACCESSIBLE 1 2 TOTAL 14 21 BICYCLE 4 4 CASE HISTORY WSP-19-05 SITE PLAN LEGEND PROPERTY OR ZONE LOT LINE — — EXTERIOR BUILDING FOOTPRINT ROOF LINE FENCE X X X CONCRETE a SHEET INDEX SHEET 1 - SITE PLAN SHEET 2 - LANDSCAPE PLAN SHEET 3 - PHOTOMETRICS PLAN SHEET 4 - ELEVATIONS Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 10 feet MEMO 0 10' 20' 30' 40' DESIGN PRACTICE INC N 3325 Mariposa _ St Denver CO 80211 www.designpracticedenver.com info@designpracticedenver.com PHONE -303 561 3000 SITE PLAN SHEET: 1 OF 4 DATE: 9111M019 LANDSCAPE NOTES: ALL LANDSCAPING, INCLUDING THAT SHOWN IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, SHALL BE CONTINUOUSLY MAINTAINED INCLUDING, NECESSARY WATERING, WEEDING, PRUNING, PEST CONTROL AND REPLACEMENT OF DEAD OR DISEASED PLANT MATERIALS. A MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE WILL BE IMPLEMENTED TO INSURE PROPER CARE OF THE LANDSCAPING MATERIALS. ALL SHRUB / PLANTER BED AREAS SHALL RECEIVE A 2" LAYER OF ROCK OR BARK CHIP MULCH OVER FABRIC LINER. ALL SHRUB / PLANTER BED AREAS SHALL HAVE A 4" HIGH, 14 GAUGE NON GALVANIZED STEEL EDGING OR CONCRETE SIDEWALK/ CURB BOUNDARY. ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS NOTED WITH ROCK OR BARK CHIP MULCH SHALL BE PLACED OVER MYRAFI FILTER FABRIC 140N OR EQUAL. FINISHED GRADES IN LANDSCAPE BEDS SHALL BE 1" LOWER THAN THE TOP OF THE SURROUNDING CURBS OR WALKS NO TREES SHALL BE PLANTED WITHIN 5 FEET OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITY MAIN OR SERVICE LINE. ALL UTILITY EASEMENTS SHALL REMAIN UNOBSTRUCTED AND FULLY ACCESSIBLE ALONG THEIR ENTIRE LENGTH FOR MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT. ALL SIDEWALKS SHALL HAVE ADEQUATE SLEEVES FOR THE PLACEMENT OF IRRIGATION LINES FOR THE LANDSCAPE SPRINKLER SYSTEM INSTALLATION. ALL NEW LANDSCAPED AREAS SHALL BE SERVED BYA FUNCTIONING AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM WHICH COMBINES DRIP AND SUBSURFACE IRRIGATION WITH HIGH EFFICIENCY SPRINKLERS. ALL NEW IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO BE ZONED ACCORDING TO WATER NEEDS OF PROPOSED PLANT MATERIALS. THERE SHOULD BE SEPARATE ZONES FOR TURF GRASSES AND SHRUB BED AREAS, FOR SUN AND SHADE AND OTHER CLIMATIC CONDITIONS AND ACCORDING TO THE WATER DEMANDS OF THE PLANT MATERIAL. ALL NEW IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH AUTOMATIC RAIN SHUT-OFF DEVICES. IRRIGATION PLANS TO BE PROVIDED WITH BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION. 3" STEEL TOP RAIL 3" STEEL POST i 3" STEEL BRACE 2' CORTEN STEEL C PANELS, TYP. COLOR: RUST RED 3" STEEL BOTTOM RAIL CONCRETE CAISON 3" STEEL CROSS MEMBER 4" STEEL VERTICAL POSTS, TYP 3" STEEL RAIL 2' CORTEN STEEL PANELS, TYP. COLOR: RUST RED 3" STEEL BOTTOM RAIL CONCRETE CAISON 12' - 0" & SIDE GATES F�7 16,291 SF 4 OVERHEAD it STEEL ��� ocavOGa 35% MIN / 855 SF MIN TRANSFORMER v 48' - 0" r v II I — — — — — — — — — — — — Ilo 1 — — I — — 11 N I o o io COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM & SIDE GATES F�7 TRASH ENCLOSURE 3/8" = 1'-0" CONFESSION BREWERY AND KITCHEN SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO DRIVE AISLE 0 lO WOOD MULCH PLANTER BEDS SHOWN DIAGONAL HATCH, TYP. I N ASPHALT ROOF OVERHANG Lu z �J CONC Lu a O a 5'-0" 5'-0" 38TH AVENUE 43' - 9" TRAFFIC LIGHT 110' - 0" 5'-0" 5'-0" 23' - 3" STREET SIGN STREET LIGHT oca 16,291 SF 4 OVERHEAD it STEEL ��� ocavOGa 35% MIN / 855 SF MIN TRANSFORMER 55%/ 1,348 SF 48' - 0" r STANDARD STALLS I — — — - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Ilo 1 — — I — — 11 N I o o io COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM — — — — — — — — — — — — — — NMI — — — — — — - ASPHALT oca — — ro OG3\ lO FRONT (STREET FACING ALONG UPHAM) STANDARD STALLS GATE TRASH ENCLOSURE 3/8" = 1'-0" CONFESSION BREWERY AND KITCHEN SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO DRIVE AISLE 0 lO WOOD MULCH PLANTER BEDS SHOWN DIAGONAL HATCH, TYP. I N ASPHALT ROOF OVERHANG Lu z �J CONC Lu a O a 5'-0" 5'-0" 38TH AVENUE 43' - 9" TRAFFIC LIGHT 110' - 0" 5'-0" 5'-0" 23' - 3" STREET SIGN STREET LIGHT oca 16,291 SF 4 OVERHEAD it STEEL ��� ocavOGa 35% MIN / 855 SF MIN TRANSFORMER 55%/ 1,348 SF 48' - 0" r STANDARD STALLS 440 SF SOD Sd STRING LIGHTS, COLUMNS, 31' - 0 COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM oca NA TYP. FREESTANING TYP. oca ASPHALT oca a BLOCK WALL OG3\ lO d STANDARD STALLS GATE �i Lu ad oca OG4 10 EXISTING oca ORIGANUM OREGANO Q \PATIOSEATING POLE SIGN 18 Q oca w ° TO REMAIN oca o w o Lu ' �� 5 16 7 8 9 10 oca U) FIREPIT OR oca v U) z �1397 SF LANDSCAPE FEATURE zO NP oca O a'4 oca O oca � 36" METAL i oca u oca w RAILING, TYP. RA 3: w CONCRETE PATIO z OG3 T1 T1 �i - i -- --------------0-- �O—0 ---0 EXISTING CONC. GATE EXISTING CONC. WALK WALK ENTRY 6'-0" ME uu J o Q LU ASPHALT 7 m 0 0 1 2 LANDSCAPE PLAN 10.-0.. DINING I " L DISH AREA 3 4 OPEN TO BELOW KI I UHLIV bAK 51 - 011 �I 11 PERMANENT EASEMENT SHOWN GREYPOCHE FIXED BIKE RACKS 16,291 SF EXISTING 15% MIN / 2,444 SF MIN LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: 35% MIN / 855 SF MIN TRANSFORMER 55%/ 1,348 SF 48' - 0" d STANDARD STALLS 440 SF SOD Sd ON-SITE TREES (2) EXISTING 31' - 0 COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM STREETTREES NA a -- P1® OG4® P1 OG4 ASPHALT o a P1 \OG4 P1 OG4 Pi lO d STANDARD STALLS N/A NEW 5' SIDEWALK Lu ad OG4 10 SEMPERVIRENS GRASS 1 GAL v ORIGANUM OREGANO 121-011 P1 12 18 1 QT 19 J r ° z a o Lu ' } .a 5 16 7 8 9 10 11 & GREASE BIN Lu ENCLOSURE w O a'4 PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" ACCESSIBLE STALLS ASPHALT PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS 15 16 17 12 13 14 PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED NEW CURB CUT LANDSCAPE DATA: SITE AREA: 16,291 SF PROPOSED 15% MIN / 2,444 SF MIN LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: 35% MIN / 855 SF MIN 8'-6" X 18'-0" 55%/ 1,348 SF 48' - 0" 8'- 6 1/4" STANDARD STALLS 440 SF HARDSCAPE PATIO PROPOSED ADDITION FOR WALK-IN ON-SITE TREES (2) EXISTING ON-SITE SHRUBS COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM STREETTREES NA SETACEUM GRASS 565 GSF ADDITION ASPHALT EXISTING OG3 22 81-611 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS N/A HELICTOTRICHON BLUE OAT OG4 10 SEMPERVIRENS GRASS 1 GAL v ORIGANUM OREGANO 121-011 P1 12 LIBANOTICUM HOPFLOWER 1 QT N/A Lu EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN z a o NEW DUMPSTER } .a 5 16 7 8 9 10 11 & GREASE BIN ENCLOSURE w O PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED NEW CURB CUT LANDSCAPE DATA: SITE AREA: 16,291 SF OPEN SPACE REQUIRED: 15% MIN / 2,444 SF MIN LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: 35% MIN / 855 SF MIN LANDSCAPING PROVIDED: 55%/ 1,348 SF PLANTER BEDS 908 SF SOD 440 SF HARDSCAPE PATIO 1,397 SF ON-SITE TREES (2) EXISTING ON-SITE SHRUBS NA STREETTREES NA PLANT SCHEDULE ITEM QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE CONDITION OG1 7 MISCANTHUS SIN. JAPANESE SILVER 1 GAL N/A GRACILLIMUS GRASS PENNISETUM PURPLE FOUNTAIN OG2 6 SETACEUM GRASS 1 GAL N/A LAVANDULA ENGLISH OG3 22 ANGUSTIFOLIA LAVENDAR 1 GAL N/A HELICTOTRICHON BLUE OAT OG4 10 SEMPERVIRENS GRASS 1 GAL N/A ORIGANUM OREGANO P1 12 LIBANOTICUM HOPFLOWER 1 QT N/A T1 2 EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN PLANTER BED MULCH - BARK CHIPS FREESTANDING BLOCK WALL & FIREPIT PAVESTONE - HARINGTON FREESTANDING Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 10 feet 0 10' 20' 30' DESIGN PRACTICE INC N 3325 Mariposa St Denver CO 80211 www.designpracticedenver.com info@designpracticedenver.com PHONE -303 561 3000 40' LANDSCAPE PLAN SHEET: 2 OF 4 DATE: 911112019 GENERAL NOTES: ANY PROPOSED LIGHT FIXTURES INSTALL ON PRIVATE PROPERTY, ADJACENT TO THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY, SHALL BE ORIENTED IN SUCH A MANNER OR LIMITED IN LUMEN OUTPUT TO PREVENT GLARE PROBLEMS AND SHALL NOT EXCEED NATIONAL I.E.S LIGHTING STANDARDS FOR DISABILITY GLARE. NEW EXTERIOR LIGHTING TO BE FULLY CUT-OFF AND SHIELDED. LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE O L1 EXTERIOR SCONCE KICHLER LED 11251 OUTDOOR WALL SCONCE, 9.75W, 3000K, 120V INTEGRATED LED 0 L2 6" RECESSED CAN HALO RECESSED LIGHTING W/ 35W LED BULB INSERT IZI L3 WALL PACK LUMARKCROSSTOUR XTOR3B-W-PC1 = 26W, 4000K, 120V PC, CARBON BRONZE L4 STRING LIGHTS BULBRITE VINTAGE STRING LIGHT KIT, (15) 11W, 120V LED 11251 Up and Downlight Outdoor Wall Sconce By Kichler Product Options Finish: Textured Architectural Bronze, Textured Black Details • Provides both up and downlighting • Material: Metal • Shade Material: Textured Metal • Size: Large • Dark Sky compliant • UL Listed Wet • Made In China Dimensions Fixture: Width 5", Height 12.25", Depth 6.5" Lighting • 9.78 Watt (574 Lumens) 120 Volt/277 Volt Integrated LED: CRI: 85 Color Temp: 3000K Lifespan: 40000 hours Vintage String Light Kit By Bulbrite Details • 15 outdoor rated medium base sockets (E26) • 3 foot spacing between sockets • Maximum total wattage for string run is 150OW • Can connect up to 4 string kits to one power source • Size: 48 feet • Made In China Dimensions Item: Length 48' Lighting • Fifteen 11 Watt (63 Lumens) 120 Volt E26 Medium Base Incandescent Lamp(s) (Included) Additional Details Product URL: https://www.lumens.com/vintage-string-light-kit-by-bul- rite-BLBP86000.html P,LUMENS Call Us 877.445.4486 Shown in Textured Black finish (L1) P,LUMENS Call Us 877.445.4486 DESCRIPTION L u m a i Ic The patented Lumark Crosstour- LED Wall Pack Series of luminaries provides an architectural style with super bright, energy efficient LEDs. The low -profile, rugged die-cast aluminum construction, universal back box, stainless steel hardware along with a sealed and gasketed optical compartment make the Crosstour impervious to contaminants. The Crosstour wall luminaire is ideal for wall/surface, inverted mount for fagade/canopy illumination, post/bollard, site lighting, floodlight and low level pathway illumination including stairs. Typical applications include building entrances, multi -use facilities, apartment buildings, institutions, schools, stairways and loading docks test. SPECIFICATION FEATURES Construction Optical electrical wiring compartment. Slim, low -profile LED design Silicone sealed optical LED Integral LED electronic driver With rugged one-piece, die-cast chamber incorporates a custom incorporates surge protection. 120 - aluminum hinged removable door engineered mirrored anodized 277V 50/60Hz or 347V 60Hz models. and back box. Matching housing reflector providing high -efficiency styles incorporate both a small illumination. Optical assembly Finish and medium design. The small includes impact -resistant Crosstour is protected with a housing is available in 12W, 18W tempered glass and meets IESNA Super durable TGIC carbon and 26W. The medium housing requirements for full cutoff bronze or summit white polyester is available in the 38W model. compliance. Available in seven powder coat paint. Super durable Patented secure lock hinge feature lumen packages; 5000K, 4000K and TGIC powder coat paint finishes _ allows for safe and easy tool -less 3000K CCT. withstand extreme climate electrical connections with the conditions while providing optimal supplied push -in connectors. Back Electrical color and gloss retention of the box includes three half-inch, NPT LED driver is mounted to the installed life. XTOR threaded conduit entry points. The die-cast housing for optimal heat CROSSTOUR LED universal back box supports both sinking. LED thermal management Warranty thesmall and medium forms and system incorporates both Five-year warranty. mounts to standard 3-1/2" to 4" conduction and natural convection round and octagonal, 4" square, to transfer heat rapidly away from single gang and masonry junction the LED source. 12W, 18W, 26W APPLICATIONS: boxes. Key hole gasket allows and 38W series operate in -40oC to WALL / SURFACE for adaptation to junction box or 40°C [-40oF to 104oF]. High ambient POST / BOLLARD wall. External fin design extracts 50°C models available. Crosstour LOW LEVEL heat from the fixture surface. One- luminaires maintain greater than FLOODLIGHT piece silicone gasket seals door 89% of initial light output after INVERTED and back box. Minimum 5" wide 72,000 hours of operation. Three SITE LIGHTING pole for site lighting application. half-inch NPT threaded conduit Not recommended for car wash entry points allow for thru-branch applications. wiring. Back box is an authorized DIMENSIONS ESCUTCHEON PLATES 12-18W, 26W o 6-3/4" [171 mm] 38W 8" [203mml 10" 1214m ml L 17-1/2" [445mml �12W, 18W, 26WJ `112W,18W,26W 5-3/4" [146mml 3-5/8" [92mml 38W 38W 6-5/8" [168mml 4" [102mm] E_T•N Fr veering Business Worldwide uwwv.desig n I ig hts.org CERTIFICATION DATA UUcUL Wet Location Listed LM79 / LM80 Compliant ROHS Compliant ADA Compliant NOM Compliant Models IP661ngressed Protection Rated Title 24 Compliant Design Lights Consortium° Qualified - TECHNICAL DATA 40-C Maximum Ambient Temperature External Supply Wiring 90-C Minimum EPA Effective Projected Area (Sq. Ft.): XTOR19, XT011213, XT011313=0.34 XTOR413=0.45 SHIPPING DATA: Approximate Net Weight: 3.7 - 5.25 1 or [1.7 - 2.4 kgs.] TD514013EN September 17, 2018 3:02 PM (L4) (L3) CONFESSION BREWERY AND KITCHEN SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 10.0 Lu to. 0 Z W 0.0 0-1 O at0.0 0.0 t 0.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 1 10.0 ROOF OVERHANG SHOWN DASHED 10.0 I 0 to . 0 I �0.0 t0.0 I 10.0 to . 0 I �0.0 10.0 I +0.0 10.0 1 0.0 W Z > 10.0 w� CIL. W 0.0 CIL. 0.0 DRIVE AISLE 5' EXISTING SIDEWALK 38TH AVENUE SL PROPERTY LINE 5' EXISTING SIDEWALK 0.0 0 0.0 + + 0.0 + +0.0 .0 40.1 0.0 0.1 a 0.1 0.0 0.1 n +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 STEEL o . o+ `v PATIO SEATING + coLUMNs, TYP. +0 . 0 0 0 .\ 1 0.1 \ 0 . 1 +0 . 0 +0 . 1 +0 . 0 +0 . 0 +0 .0 100 EXISTING POLE �Oi L4 - OVERHEAD STRING +0 . 0 ; `SIGN TO REMAIN 9N LIGHTS, TYP. +0.0 0 +0.1 \\ +0.0 +04 +0 .\1 +0.0 +9'.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 EXISTING LIGHT i FIRE PIT OR +o . o TO BE REMOVED `LANDSCAPE FEATURE +0 . 0 0 +0 . +0 . 1 vt0 . 1 0. 1 vv +0 . 0 0.1 +o . o O L4 L4 L4 L4 +0.0 0 +0.1 +0.1 +0.10.0 +0.1 +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 v � vv / +0. +0 . 0 0. 0 +0 . 0 + .0 \ 0 . 1 / 0.1 +0 . 1 . 1 +0. +0 .0 +0 . +0 . 5 2V2 2 .4 2 .3 2 .4 / +1 .0 +1 +1 . � 0 -- ---------- - - - - -- D --- ---- +0.0 I0L2 OL2 0L2 �+ OL2 il + + + + + + + + + + 0 0. +0 D 2.0 2.4 1.5 2.6 2.6 2.7 2 2.61 2.0 2.2 +0 0 L1 L1 0L2 OL2 0L2 AL2 L1 L1 3. 0 3. 2 . 1 2. 5 2. 7E2 L24 2. 9 3. 0 4.71 2. +0 . 1 +0 . 0 +o ENTRY 41.6 L1 +0.0 +1. E +0.1 +0.0 +0. d 41.6 0.0 1. 0.1 0.0 + 0. D +31.2 +o o DINING ROOM -- TAP ROOM OPEN L1 +0 RR 106 = = 101 BELOW +3 • +0.1 +o . o 41. 9 +0.0 -- + + + -- 2.1 0.1 0.0 +0 R["7R - - 211.2 + -- 0.0 -- +1.1 +0.1 +0.0 4. 21.2 +0.0 5 0 1. +0.1 +0.0 3. L1 +0.0 LL - - +1 . +0.1 +0 . 0 +0.0 2 . 7I - - - - 2 I. 5'-0" 2. +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 +1. F_ - a(0L1 2. 0.1 0.0 +0.7 +0.70.2 0.0 X.0 +0.4 + +0.0 1.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 + +0 .0 0.4 2 .0 3 . 8L3 / 3 . 9 2 .4 2 .4 4 . L3 3 . 6 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 1.0 3.0 4.2 t _�' 3.2 2.0 3.3 4.2 3.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.7 2.4 2.7 2.4 1.6 2.2 3.0 2.0 +0.9 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.2 +0.9 1.3 1.2 +0.4 1.0 2.1 1.6 +0.3 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.2 +0.4 +0.2 +0.0 +0.1 +0.4 +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.( 6 7 8 9 10 11 PROPERTY LINE PHOTOMETRIC PLAN 1 II = 101-011 SL 0.0 11111111i 1161 0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 0.0 +0.0 +0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 a � W Z DUMPSTER & GREASE BIN ENCLOSURE w CIL. NO W CIL. PERMANENT EASEMENT SHOWN GREY POCHE EXISTING TRANSFORMER PROPOSED NEW CURB CUT 1 W �w v Q Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 10 feet OMNI 0 10' 20' 30' 40' DESIGN PRACTICE INC N 3325 Mariposa St Denver CO 80211 www.designpracticedenver.com info@designpracticedenver.com PHONE -303 561 3000 PHOTOMETRICS PLAN SHEET: 3 OF 4 DATE: 9111M019 STRING LIGHTS OVER PATIO SEATING AREA STEEL COLUMN FOR STRING LIGHTS MASONRY PATIO WALL -WEST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" NEW METAL PATIO RAILING, TYP. LANDSCAPE PLANTINGS NEW CEMENTIOUS BOARD AND BATTEN MECHANICAL SCREENING BEYOND ROOF RIDGE 120'- 1 " GRAIN AUGER PIPING FROM MILLING ROOM TO BREWING EQUIPMENT TRUSS BEARING t 109' _ 0'l [1 LEVEL -1 100' - 0" - EAST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" r- -6 EXISTING BRICK BUILDING 7, - 0„ NEW CEMENTIOUS BOARD AND BATTEN SIDING @ MILLING ROOM, PAINTED WHITE i i CONFESSION BREWERY AND KITCHEN SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF EXISTING WOOD SIDING EXISTING BRICK BUILDING PAINTED WHITE i EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING EXISTING WOOD SIDING PAINTED WHITE NEW HM ACCESS NEW GLASS DOOR, PAINTED PANEL GARAGE WHITE DOOR 71-011 EXISTING EXTERIOR DOOR NEW EXTERIOR SCONCES, TYP. NEW CEMENTIOUS BOARD AND BATTEN MECHANICAL SCREENING. PAINTED WHITE TO MATCH EXISTING ROOF RIDGE NEW MECHANICAL 120'- 1" V PLATFORM NEW PREFABRICATED COOLER PANEL ROOF TRUSS BEARING 109' - 0" �1 NEW PREFABRICATED COOLER PANELS COLOR: WHITE DA69110"117gq LEVEL -1_ 100' - 0" �1 STRING LIGHTS OVER PATIO SEATING AREA 001 NEW CEMENTIOUS BOARD AND BATTEN MECHANICAL SCREENING. PAINTED WHITE TO MATCH EXISTING NEW MECHANICAL PLATFORM EXTERIOR WALL PACK LIGHT. TYP. EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF WHITE PREFABRICATED _? WHITE PREFABRICATED _? ` COOLER PANEL WALLS COOLER PANEL WALLS - SOUTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" WALK-IN COOLER DOOR COLOR: WHITE wicnNin_ IAinnn ROOF RIDGE 120'-1" V GRAIN AUGER PIPING FROM MILLING ROOM TO BREWERY TRUSS BEARING 109' - 0 — CEMENTIOUS BOARD AND BATTEN SIDING, PAINTED WHITE TO MATCH EXISTING LEVEL -1 100' - 0" HM DOUBLE DOOR, PAINTED WHITE EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF ROOF RIDGE 120'- 1 " �1 8— g STEEL COLUMN FOR STRING LIGHTSr TRUSS BEARING NEW METAL PATIO MASONRY PATIONEW EXTERIOR RAILING, TYP. WALL a a i ' `? SCONCES, TYP. i n n BUISTING ILDING BRICK LANDSCAPE PLANTINGS - NORTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" NEW GLASS IVLVV VVUUU ULUUKA I IVL NEW METAL PATIO ALUMINUM ENTRY DOORS WITH GLASS RAILING, TYP. DOORS SIDELIGHTS AND TRANSOM DESIGN PRACTICE INC 3325 Mariposa St Denver CO 80211 www. desig npracticedenver. com info@designpracticedenver.com PHONE -303 561 3000 LEVEL -1 1001-01, 00' - 0" �1 ELEVATIONS SHEET: 4 OF 4 DATE: 9/11/2019 City of �Wheat.p COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29�Ave. 303.235.2857 September 3, 2019 Thomas d'Aquin Confession Brewing and Kitchen 9099 W. 38a' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Thomas: Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: This letter is in regards to your application for approval of a site plan at 7390 W. 38d' Avenue on a site zoned Mixed Use Neighborhood (MU -N). I have reviewed your first submittal and have the following comments. Please also refer to the redlined copies of the draft documents, Public Works comments, and landscape comments. General Comments 1. Comment Responses: Please use the provided Word file of this letter to respond to the subsequent comments and provide it as part of the second submittal. 2. Please rename the document as "CONFESSION BREWERY AND KITCHEN" or some other name that begins with a letter instead of a number. Update on all the sheets. Site Plan Sheet 1 — Cover Sheet/Site Plan 3. Add a Case History section with the following case: WSP-19-05. 4. Owner's Certificate: modify per redlines and specify the name of the person who will sign as the owner or on behalf of the ownership entity. 5. The vicinity map is difficult to read. Please zoom in more so that street names are legible. Suggested scale: 1" = 100'. Turn off labels for adjacent businesses and outline the property instead of marking with a pin and arrow. 6. The drive aisle entrance off W. 38d' Avenue currently has right -in only access, as designated by faint directional striping. Please confirm if you intend to use as an entrance or exit and show updated directional asphalt painting and directional signs. 7. Add "TO REMAIN" after "EXISTING POLE SIGN." The freestanding sign that currently shows service times in the front is not shown on the site plan; is that to be removed? If so, it's fine that it's excluded from the site plan. 8. Provide a detail of the proposed trash enclosure showing the height and materials of the trash enclosure. This detail can be provided on any sheet. Trash enclosures must be compatible with the building design and materials. 9. At least one handicapped accessible space must be signed and designated as "van accessible." Both spaces appear to meet the minimum dimensional standards. Label one as van accessible. 10. Site Data Table www.cimheattidge.co.us a. Floor Area by Use: is 6,054 SF the total floor area for both the basement and the first floor? Please clarify use area by floor by adding rows for the basement if you intend to use that space for the business. b. The Building Coverage should be the square footage of the building footprint. The 6,619 SF stated appears, instead, to be the gross floor area of the building, including the proposed addition. Please provide proposed building footprint. c. Four (4) bicycle parking spaces are required for all non-residential developments in MU - N. These should take the form of two hoop or "u" racks. The racks shall be well -lit and located no more than 50 feet from the primary entrance. Revise the parking section of the site data table to include the required and proposed bike parking. Revise the graphic on the site plan to show where the bike racks will be located. Sheet 2 — Landscape Plan 11. In "Landscape Notes," correct the typo in the first line. Refer to redlines. 12. There is 908 sq. ft. of planting beds, but there are only 38 plants. Increase the amount of plantings in each of the highlighted planting beds. Consider planting Oregano Hopflower (see attached image). 13. Please note that commercial properties are subject to annual inspection as part of the City's landscape inspection program. Compliance with the approved landscape plan is the basis of those future inspections. Sheet 3 — Photometric Plan 14. The existing white light located in the front of the building, near the western tree, is not shown on the plan. Is that an ornamental light? Will it be removed with the renovation? Please clarify. Sheet 4 — Elevations 15. Strike "SDP" from each of the elevation names. 16. Rooftop equipment enclosures must be compatible with the building design, materials, and color. Please confirm. 17. Similarly, please confirm the new addition is compatible in the building design, materials, and/or color. 18. For the new doors being proposed, is there any transparency, i.e. glass, to them? It is difficult to ascertain from the site plan. At a minimum, the new entry doors on the north elevation should incorporate some glass since they are replacing a door with some transparency. For future consideration 19. Signage: Site signage will require separate permits and is not required to be included in the site plan set. For the freestanding sign, the sign panel may be replaced without a permit; any change to the cabinet, pole, or electrical would require a permit. Two freestanding signs are permitted because the site had two street frontages; a new freestanding sign would need to comply with current standards including a maximum height of seven feet. Wall signs are allowed on the north and east facades only at a rate of 1 square foot per linear foot of wall. The application was also sent on referral to other City departments and outside agencies. Attached are the comments that were received. Case No. WSP-19-05 /Confession Brewery and Kitchen Wheat Ridge Public Works: While Public Works recommends the applicant build a 5 -foot attached sidewalk along Upham Street to encourage more pedestrian traffic to the site, the sidewalk is not required based on the scope of work. Any work in the public right-of-way (ROW) will, however, require a ROW permit through Public Works. See attached letter and site plan redlines from Dave Brossman, dated August 16, 2019. Wheat Ridge Building Division: No comments. Wheat Ridge Economic Development: No comments. Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority: No comments. Wheat Ridge Water District: No comments. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District: See attached letter from Bill Willis, dated August 27, 2019. Please coordinate with the district regarding their required submittals, including plans for the grease interceptor, and fees. West Metro Fire Protection District: No comments. Xcel Energy: No comments. Comcast: No comments. Century Link: No comments. This concludes the summary of comments. Please re -submit the site plan as a .pdf file with a response to this letter. For questions or clarification on any comments, feel free to directly contact me. Sincerely, Zareen Tasneem Planner I cc: WSP-19-05 case file Case No. WSP-19-05 /Confession Brewery and Kitchen Difficult to read. Zoom in more. [Name], OWNER or [Name] ON BEHALF OF [Entity] VICINITY MAP warm arew3 n e m W351h Ave .V 35ma 9 w3amA.. Pmteseienal(,Goagle Home Health Care Beauty Sup - - S-`*Y4rpoMa o2 _ - M „ Oak HIII Apartments 0 c Map data ©2019 Google 200 ft SCALE: 1 "=200' LEGAL DESCRIPTION Show drive aisle g directional stri in 0 PART OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69, WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH BOUNDRY LINE OF SAID SECTION 26, WHICH POINT IS 1974.7 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE SOUTH AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH -SOUTH CENTER LINE OF SAID SECTION, 180 FEET; THENCE EAST AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION, 110 FEET; THENCE NORTH AND PARALLEL TO THE SAID CENTER LINE OF SAID SECTION, 180 FEET TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION, 110 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPT RIGHT OF WAY OVER SO MUCH OF THE NORTH 30 FEET THEREOF AS MAY BE USED FOR WEST 38TH AVENUE; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE IN DEED RECORDED OCTOBER 8, 1990 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 90086573, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. CONTAINING 16,225 SQUARE FEET OR 0.3725 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. 0 STATEMENT OF PROPOSED USE THE PROJECT CONSISTS OF CONVERTING THE EXISTING 6,054 SQ. FT. BUILDING INTO A BREWERY AND RESTAURANT. A 565 SQ. FT. ADDITION IS BEING PROPOSED ON THE SOUTH END OF THE EXISTING BUILDING FOR A WALK-IN COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM FOR THE BREWERY. THE MAIN LEVEL WOULD CONTAIN THE COMMERCIAL KITCHEN AND RESTAURANT/TAP ROOM SEATING WITH THE BREWERY OPERATION IN THE BASEMENT. AN OUTDOOR PATIO SEATING AREA WITH LANDSCAPING FEATURES AND BUFFERS ON THE NORTH END. RECONFIGURED PARKING LOT ON THE EAST SIDE. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE THE BELOW SIGNED OWNER(S) OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) THEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW. I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF THIS SITE PLAN DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26-121 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS no BY: — --noun.--DATE: STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS A.D. 20 BY DAY OF , M m 4 4 1 ch r` ' E0 i WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC N � � O CITY CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS DAY OF BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. ATTEST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR CONFESSION BREWERY AND KITCHEN <l Suggested title. Correct 7*2nn 1A1 *20mrLJ AXIC �` title on all sheets. V III= SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 38TH AVENUE 4 1 110' - 01, - 0 5/8" 5'- 0" 5'- 0" 43- 9" 5'- 0" 28'- 3" T- 11 3/8" 5' PLANTER BED W/ " ° p PERMANENT DRIVE AISLE a GARDEN WALL 5' EXISTING SIDEWALK, EASEMENT SHOWN : ° teaa - PROPERTY LINE TL °� a tlsi ° - SLPF ° ° " ° a GREY POCHE a - i W1 STEEL ° COLUMNS,TYP._.. Numbers aren't SOD.- ° PATIO SEATING EXISTING _� ° Y ° `; OVERHEAD `,, ;`; - . , :_ adding up. Include �5'PLANTER BED ATE, �1 J .. _ - ,. SHOWN DIAGONAL �� �� �� POLE SIGN ° Q STRING LIGHTS, ; EXISTING a breakdown of the HATCH, TYP. TO REMAIN w °" 'T TYP.'-, _,`,. "_': „`; _ Q o TRANSFORMER floor areas by floor. o FIRE PIT OR 5' PLANTER BED - ° � LANDSCAPEFEATURE �w= z" _ _ "5'ADAACCESS ROUTE. o ASPHALT ��----------------�° MU -N z PROPOSED LAND USE 7390 W 38th Ave - Google Maps J J WI I a 1 N W > I I J FLOOR AREA BY USE Google MapS 7390 W 38th Ave UjQ N a 6,054 SF W 41st Ave VV 41 st Ave yy 41st -a L'I 1,589 SF 1 W41 st Ave 2 1,082 SF t p Good TiBurgers & Frozen Custard $ 3 _ PATIO SEATING 1,397 SF 4 w METAL Q �- O ° REQUIRED / ALLOWED ° D a O - Wendye© McDonald's 6,619 SF TOTAL OPEN SPACE 15% MIN / 2,444 SF W <em Ave a M ON -STREET PLANTER BEDS 908 SF St Pat SO °' 440 SF =------------ GATE _ Wheat Ridge Marketplace PARKING REQUIRED er&Paul 0 STANDARD PARKING w III Ave ON -STREET Jiffy LubeQ 0 2 °a PENDANT 2 TOTAL 13 21 e ©Wells Fargo Bank �' 4 bike p arkingSCONCE, n Q w3mn Ave Starbucks '�+' Stevens Elementary School y m a Palo A ®Roman C. Cherry Creek Pierogies Factory Safeway Fuel Station 0 _ wellness tamer = Coareopm( Q Mikes Camera w 3mn A.a Wheat Ridge Grange L1 TL 1 a Boston Market O Bivins & Bull spaces require d in Chase Bank PROJECT SITE PAa,9 'g ° ° �a� Little Caesars Pi -1 © VWheat Ridge Cyelery n . Wheat Ridge ri Water District g 3' Forlltyyourdeadbplt © p Midas � © Bradley Petr leum _ ENTRY Q PROPOSED _ _ X 18'0" PRC racks. Include in tl st y £ Burger King W 38th Ave ® W 38th Ave O Ed W 38th Ave © W 38th Ave L] s ]390 Weat 381h Avenue Cu 0 ©Dairy SHOWN DASHED Bridges Health Q Wellness _ ®e Vinnpla's Italian Market to _ Clancy' a Irish Pubo Right Coast Pizza Q _ quee Qd 6' - 0" 25' - 2 3/8" < n ® graphically to site g p y r 5 Wheat - Wheal Rid united Q All Schools Apparel '4 4 : =a :y Room :y Roo R gory Oral surgery U) Methodist st Methodist Church _ FIT warm Pl 2 Q Ridge Manor ran Medical Center© + QRxPlus Pharmacies QRetire gSide W3]rh ave Retirement Community I 361 PI 36tH PI Poeh Q 9 } W3a1n PI w3am ave w3am ave Q Midtown Consull no H Rocky Mountain "•y ®Lucky's Market Cardiovascular Associates W arm ave wxm nv. w `rN W3sm PI Ch'ildren's Coluradi 0 oadi ant a nd Urgent... RoNrYM111.11 All About Cab -nets Q © _ &Countertops lO M,rnetleD IV 14 WIKIPEDIAN warm arew3 n e m W351h Ave .V 35ma 9 w3amA.. Pmteseienal(,Goagle Home Health Care Beauty Sup - - S-`*Y4rpoMa o2 _ - M „ Oak HIII Apartments 0 c Map data ©2019 Google 200 ft SCALE: 1 "=200' LEGAL DESCRIPTION Show drive aisle g directional stri in 0 PART OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69, WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH BOUNDRY LINE OF SAID SECTION 26, WHICH POINT IS 1974.7 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE SOUTH AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH -SOUTH CENTER LINE OF SAID SECTION, 180 FEET; THENCE EAST AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION, 110 FEET; THENCE NORTH AND PARALLEL TO THE SAID CENTER LINE OF SAID SECTION, 180 FEET TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION, 110 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPT RIGHT OF WAY OVER SO MUCH OF THE NORTH 30 FEET THEREOF AS MAY BE USED FOR WEST 38TH AVENUE; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE IN DEED RECORDED OCTOBER 8, 1990 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 90086573, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. CONTAINING 16,225 SQUARE FEET OR 0.3725 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. 0 STATEMENT OF PROPOSED USE THE PROJECT CONSISTS OF CONVERTING THE EXISTING 6,054 SQ. FT. BUILDING INTO A BREWERY AND RESTAURANT. A 565 SQ. FT. ADDITION IS BEING PROPOSED ON THE SOUTH END OF THE EXISTING BUILDING FOR A WALK-IN COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM FOR THE BREWERY. THE MAIN LEVEL WOULD CONTAIN THE COMMERCIAL KITCHEN AND RESTAURANT/TAP ROOM SEATING WITH THE BREWERY OPERATION IN THE BASEMENT. AN OUTDOOR PATIO SEATING AREA WITH LANDSCAPING FEATURES AND BUFFERS ON THE NORTH END. RECONFIGURED PARKING LOT ON THE EAST SIDE. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE THE BELOW SIGNED OWNER(S) OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) THEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW. I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF THIS SITE PLAN DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26-121 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS no BY: — --noun.--DATE: STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS A.D. 20 BY DAY OF , M m 4 4 1 ch r` ' E0 i WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC N � � O CITY CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS DAY OF BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. ATTEST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR CONFESSION BREWERY AND KITCHEN <l Suggested title. Correct 7*2nn 1A1 *20mrLJ AXIC �` title on all sheets. V III= SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 38TH AVENUE 4 1 110' - 01, - 0 5/8" 5'- 0" 5'- 0" 43- 9" 5'- 0" 28'- 3" T- 11 3/8" 5' PLANTER BED W/ " ° p PERMANENT DRIVE AISLE a GARDEN WALL 5' EXISTING SIDEWALK, EASEMENT SHOWN : ° teaa - PROPERTY LINE TL °� a tlsi ° - SLPF ° ° " ° a GREY POCHE a - i W1 STEEL ° COLUMNS,TYP._.. Numbers aren't SOD.- ° PATIO SEATING EXISTING _� ° Y ° `; OVERHEAD `,, ;`; - . , :_ adding up. Include �5'PLANTER BED ATE, �1 J .. _ - ,. SHOWN DIAGONAL �� �� �� POLE SIGN ° Q STRING LIGHTS, ; EXISTING a breakdown of the HATCH, TYP. TO REMAIN w °" 'T TYP.'-, _,`,. "_': „`; _ Q o TRANSFORMER floor areas by floor. o FIRE PIT OR 5' PLANTER BED - ° � LANDSCAPEFEATURE �w= z" _ _ "5'ADAACCESS ROUTE. o ASPHALT ��----------------�° Q � � DI G OMS e ASPHALT iv > Q _- N °a RR- - OPEN L1 ° p 5 -- To ,> _= BELOW PROPOSED 89 a" Q 09 - - 8'-6" X 18'-0" W 9 STANDARD STALLS C )NC RR -- 2 al 0 W = 00 F p. 2 4 ]EI I � w L1 , :° _ 15 16 17 T7 771-7 77 I 8'- 6" 1 0 5'-0" ^^ EO 21 L.L m 14'-83/8" DISH AREA KITCHEN BAR 9 °° Ai �I _ ON -STREET 0 L 1 PARKING I - 0 0 I w MU -N z PROPOSED LAND USE w J J WI I a 1 N W > I I J FLOOR AREA BY USE 20 I UjQ N a 6,054 SF ADDITION (NEW) 565 SF 18 19 1,589 SF 1 BREWERY 1,082 SF STORAGE 902 SF PATIO SEATING 1,397 SF w METAL Q �- O ° REQUIRED / ALLOWED ° D a O - _ o� 6,619 SF TOTAL OPEN SPACE 15% MIN / 2,444 SF a 35% MIN / 855 SF ON -STREET PLANTER BEDS 908 SF RAILING, TYP. °' 440 SF =------------ GATE _ 1,397 SF PARKING REQUIRED PROPOSED STANDARD PARKING 17 ON -STREET N/A 2 °a PENDANT 2 TOTAL 13 21 4 bike p arkingSCONCE, TYP a_EXTERIOR n - L;a -. Ll a L1 TL 1 a spaces require d in ° ° �a� the form of 2 "u" ENTRY L18'6" ° I" PROPOSED _ _ X 18'0" PRC racks. Include in ROOF OVERHANG ACCESSIBLE STALLS Cu table and add SHOWN DASHED I 6' - 0" 25' - 2 3/8" graphically to site g p y : =a U) plan. Q � � DI G OMS e ASPHALT iv > Q _- N °a RR- - OPEN L1 ° p 5 -- To ,> _= BELOW PROPOSED 89 a" Q 09 - - 8'-6" X 18'-0" W 9 STANDARD STALLS C )NC RR -- 2 al 0 W = 00 F p. 2 4 ]EI I � w L1 , :° _ 15 16 17 T7 771-7 77 I 8'- 6" 1 0 5'-0" ^^ EO 21 L.L m 14'-83/8" DISH AREA KITCHEN BAR 9 °° Ai �I _ ON -STREET 0 L 1 PARKING I - 0 0 I w MU -N z PROPOSED LAND USE w J J WI U) Q a 1 N W > ASPHALT - W1 FLOOR AREA BY USE 21 I = Ili CJI L__11 48'- 0" 8'- 6 1/4" PROPOSED ADDITION FOR WALK-IN 3 COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM 565 GSF ADDITION 4 8'- 6" EXISTING 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS 5 6 7 EO � PROPERTY LINE 8 H 9 10 12 c 13 14 SITE DATA: EXISTING ZONING MU -N PROPOSED LAND USE RESTAURANT / BREWERY CONCRETE a - SITE AREA 16,291 SF 0.374 ACRES FLOOR AREA BY USE ASPHALT - 1 UjQ N EXISTING BLDG. 6,054 SF ADDITION (NEW) 565 SF RESTAURANT 1,589 SF 1 BREWERY 1,082 SF STORAGE 902 SF PATIO SEATING 1,397 SF w SHEET 4 - ELEVATIONS REQUIRED / ALLOWED PROPOSED BUILDING COVERAGE N/A 6,619 SF TOTAL OPEN SPACE 15% MIN / 2,444 SF LANDSCAPING 35% MIN / 855 SF 55% / 1,348 SF PLANTER BEDS 908 SF SOD MEN 440 SF HARDSCAPE 1,397 SF PARKING REQUIRED PROPOSED STANDARD 13 17 ON -STREET N/A 2 ACCESSIBLE 2 1 2 TOTAL 13 21 Case History WS P-19-05 SITE PLAN LEGEND PROPERTY OR ZONE LOT LINE EXTERIOR BUILDING FOOTPRINT ROOF LINE FENCE X X X This is the total floor area, not the building footprint. Please update. PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS CONCRETE a - w J U) ASPHALT - 1 UjQ N SHEET INDEX SHEET 1 - SITE PLAN 1 SHEET 2 - LANDSCAPE PLAN SHEET 3 - PHOTOMETRICS PLAN 12'-0" w SHEET 4 - ELEVATIONS NEW z DUMPSTER & 11 GREASE BIN Show height and g ENCLOSURE w a 00 material of enclosure on any Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 10 feet a sheet. MEN 0 10' 20' 30' 40' EXISTING FENCE TO REMAIN DESIGN PRACTICE INC N 3325 Mariposa St SITE PLAN Denver CO 80211 1 of - 10'-0" info@designpracticedenver.com PHONE -303 561 3000 SITE PLAN SHEET: 1 OF 4 DATE: I119M019 LANDSCAPE NOTES: ALL LANDSCPAING, INCLUDING THAT SHOWN t4 THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, SHALL BE CONTINUOUSLY MAINTAINED INCLUDING, NECESSARY WATERING, WEEDING, PRUNING, PEST CONTROL AND REPLACEMENT OF DEAD OR DISEASED PLANT MATERIALS. A MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE WILL BE IMPLEMENTED TO INSURE PROPER CARE OF THE LANDSCAPING MATERIALS. ALL SHRUB / PLANTER BED AREAS SHALL RECEIVE A 2" LAYER OF ROCK OR BARK CHIP MULCH OVER FABRIC LINER. ALL SHRUB / PLANTER BED AREAS SHALL HAVE A 4" HIGH, 14 GAUGE NON GALVANIZED STEEL EDGING OR CONCRETE SIDEWALK /CURB BOUNDARY. ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS NOTED WITH ROCK OR BARK CHIP MULCH SHALL BE PLACED OVER MYRAFI FILTER FABRIC 140N OR EQUAL. FINISHED GRADES IN LANDSCAPE BEDS SHALL BE 1" LOWER THAN THE TOP OF THE SURROUNDING CURBS OR WALKS NO TREES SHALL BE PLANTED WITHIN 5 FEET OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITY MAIN OR SERVICE LINE. ALL UTILITY EASEMENTS SHALL REMAIN UNOBSTRUCTED AND FULLY ACCESSIBLE ALONG THEIR ENTIRE LENGTH FOR MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT. ALL SIDEWALKS SHALL HAVE ADEQUATE SLEEVES FOR THE PLACEMENT OF IRRIGATION LINES FOR THE LANDSCAPE SPRINKLER SYSTEM INSTALLATION. ALL NEW LANDSCAPED AREAS SHALL BE SERVED BY A FUNCTIONING AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM WHICH COMBINES DRIP AND SUBSURFACE IRRIGATION WITH HIGH EFFICIENCY SPRINKLERS. ALL NEW IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO BE ZONED ACCORDING TO WATER NEEDS OF PROPOSED PLANT MATERIALS. THERE SHOULD BE SEPARATE ZONES FOR TURF GRASSES AND SHRUB BED AREAS, FOR SUN AND SHADE AND OTHER CLIMATIC CONDITIONS AND ACCORDING TO THE WATER DEMANDS OF THE PLANT MATERIAL. ALL NEW IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH AUTOMATIC RAIN SHUT-OFF DEVICES. IRRIGATION PLANS TO BE PROVIDED WITH BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION. 7390 W 38TH AVE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 38TH AVENUE 110' - 0" 51- 0" 51- 0" 43' - 9" 51- 0" 51- 0" 23' - 3" DRIVE AISLE TRAFFIC LIGHT STREET SIGN STREET LIGHT 0 OG2 OG4 OG4 O64 OG4 064 OG4 OG4 OG4 OG4 OG4 OG4 OG1 OG1 OG1 OG1 OG1 OG1 OG1 OG1 OG1 OG1 OG1 OG1 OG2 OG2 OVERHEAD STEEL STRING LIGHTS, COLUMNS, OG2 �� TYP. FREESTANING TYP. i OG2 SOD - BLOCK WALL WOOD MULCH GATE PLANTER BEDS EXISTING SHOWN DIAGONAL OG2 Q PATIO SEATING i POLE SIGN OG2 = Q HATCH,TYP. w w OG2 U FIRE PIT OR i OG2 U z 1397 SF LANDSCAPE FEATURE z 0 OG3 G3 OG3 OG3 OG3 36" METAL - oc2 RAILING, TYP. -� �� i OG2 5' 1 E A ASPHALT z CONCRETE PATIO There are only 5 plants for a 150' sq ft planting bed. This could easily be at least doubled similar to the what is shown along 38th. (Suggest they add some Hopflower Oregano.) I ir0 O O Oji a ROOFO OVERHANG EXISTING CONC. GATE EXISTING CONC. (� a WALK WALK I ENTRY PROPOSED 6, 0„ 8'-6" X 18'-0" ACCESSIBLE STALLS DINING ROOM I ASPHALT J 7R% -- -- OPEN -- TO Y LU ® 1089 SF -- AP ROOM BELOW Q PROPOSED _ w 8'-6" X 18'-0" CONC ! RR __ p STANDARD STALLS U) 500 SF z aOl U) u� I ❑ 15 16 17 5'-0 DISH AREA KITCHOEN BAR 11 \ \ 14711 _ 12 13 14 o ® I PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" 48' - 0" 8'- 6 1/4" STANDARD STALLS LU Cf) PROPOSED ADDITION FOR WALK-IN COOLER AN D GRAIN M ILLING ROOM LU ASPHALT M 565 GSF ADDITION ASPHALT 0 LANDSCAPE PLAN 10.-0.. 2 3 2 5 EXISTING 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS 0 6 7 PROPERTY LINE A PERMANENT EASEMENT SHOWN GREYPOCHE EXISTING TRANSFORMER PROPOSED NEW CURB CUT LANDSCAPE DATA: SITE AREA: 16,291 SF OPEN SPACE REQUIRED: 15% MIN / 2,444 SF MIN LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: 35% MIN / 855 SF MIN LANDSCAPING PROVIDED: v u PLANTER BEDS 908 SF SOD 12' - 0" HARDSCAPE PATIO 1,397 SF ON-SITE TREES LU ON-SITE SHRUBS NA STREETTREES z OG3 F ANGUSTIFOLIA LAVENDAR 1 GAL DUMPSTER & 9 10 11 GREASE BIN r 1 GAL N/A T1 2 EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN ENCLOSURE w PLANTER BED MULCH - BARK CHIPS FREESTANDING BLOCK WALL & FIREPIT a O a PROPOSED NEW CURB CUT LANDSCAPE DATA: SITE AREA: 16,291 SF OPEN SPACE REQUIRED: 15% MIN / 2,444 SF MIN LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: 35% MIN / 855 SF MIN LANDSCAPING PROVIDED: 55%/ 1,348 SF PLANTER BEDS 908 SF SOD 440 SF HARDSCAPE PATIO 1,397 SF ON-SITE TREES (2) EXISTING ON-SITE SHRUBS NA STREETTREES NA PLANT SCHEDULE ITEM QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE CONDITION MISCANTHUS SIN. JAPANESE SILVER OG1 12 1 GAL N/A GRACILLIMUS GRASS PENNISETUM PURPLE FOUNTAIN OG2 11 SETACEUM GRASS 1 GAL N/A LAVANDULA ENGLISH OG3 F ANGUSTIFOLIA LAVENDAR 1 GAL N/A HELICTOTRICHON BLUE OAT OG4 10 SEMPERVIRENS GRASS 1 GAL N/A T1 2 EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN PLANTER BED MULCH - BARK CHIPS FREESTANDING BLOCK WALL & FIREPIT PAVESTONE - HARINGTON FREESTANDING Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 10 feet 0 10' 20' 30' DESIGN PRACTICE INC N 3325 Mariposa St Denver CO 80211 www. desig npracticedenver. corn info@designpracticedenver.com PHONE -303 561 3000 40' LANDSCAPE PLAN SHEET: 2 OF 4 DATE: 7/29/2019 GENERAL NOTES: ANY PROPOSED LIGHT FIXTURES INSTALL ON PRIVATE PROPERTY, ADJACENT TO THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY, SHALL BE ORIENTED IN SUCH A MANNER OR LIMITED IN LUMEN OUTPUT TO PREVENT GLARE PROBLEMS AND SHALL NOT EXCEED NATIONAL I.E.S LIGHTING STANDARDS FOR DISABILITY GLARE. NEW EXTERIOR LIGHTING TO BE FULLY CUT-OFF AND SHIELDED. LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE O L1 EXTERIOR SCONCE KICHLER LED 11251 OUTDOOR WALL SCONCE, 9.75W, 3000K, 120V INTEGRATED LED 0 L2 6" RECESSED CAN HALO RECESSED LIGHTING W/ 35W LED BULB INSERT IZI L3 WALL PACK LUMARKCROSSTOUR XTOR3B-W-PC1 = 26W, 4000K, 120V PC, CARBON BRONZE L4 STRING LIGHTS BULBRITE VINTAGE STRING LIGHT KIT, (15) 11W, 120V LED 11251 Up and Downlight Outdoor Wall Sconce By Kichler Product Options Finish: Textured Architectural Bronze, Textured Black Details • Provides both up and downlighting • Material: Metal • Shade Material: Textured Metal • Size: Large • Dark Sky compliant • UL Listed Wet • Made In China Dimensions Fixture: Width 5", Height 12.25", Depth 6.5" Lighting • 9.78 Watt (574 Lumens) 120 Volt/277 Volt Integrated LED: CRI: 85 Color Temp: 3000K Lifespan: 40000 hours Vintage String Light Kit By Bulbrite Details • 15 outdoor rated medium base sockets (E26) • 3 foot spacing between sockets • Maximum total wattage for string run is 150OW • Can connect up to 4 string kits to one power source • Size: 48 feet • Made In China Dimensions Item: Length 48' Lighting • Fifteen 11 Watt (63 Lumens) 120 Volt E26 Medium Base Incandescent Lamp(s) (Included) Additional Details Product URL: https://www.lumens.com/vintage-string-light-kit-by-bul- rite-BLBP86000.html P,LUMENS Call Us 877.445.4486 Shown in Textured Black finish (L1) P,LUMENS Call Us 877.445.4486 DESCRIPTION L u m a i Ic The patented Lumark Crosstour- LED Wall Pack Series of luminaries provides an architectural style with super bright, energy efficient LEDs. The low -profile, rugged die-cast aluminum construction, universal back box, stainless steel hardware along with a sealed and gasketed optical compartment make the Crosstour impervious to contaminants. The Crosstour wall luminaire is ideal for wall/surface, inverted mount for fagade/canopy illumination, post/bollard, site lighting, floodlight and low level pathway illumination including stairs. Typical applications include building entrances, multi -use facilities, apartment buildings, institutions, schools, stairways and loading docks test. SPECIFICATION FEATURES Construction Optical electrical wiring compartment. Slim, low -profile LED design Silicone sealed optical LED Integral LED electronic driver With rugged one-piece, die-cast chamber incorporates a custom incorporates surge protection. 120 - aluminum hinged removable door engineered mirrored anodized 277V 50/60Hz or 347V 60Hz models. and back box. Matching housing reflector providing high -efficiency styles incorporate both a small illumination. Optical assembly Finish and medium design. The small includes impact -resistant Crosstour is protected with a housing is available in 12W, 18W tempered glass and meets IESNA Super durable TGIC carbon and 26W. The medium housing requirements for full cutoff bronze or summit white polyester is available in the 38W model. compliance. Available in seven powder coat paint. Super durable Patented secure lock hinge feature lumen packages; 5000K, 4000K and TGIC powder coat paint finishes _ allows for safe and easy tool -less 3000K CCT. withstand extreme climate electrical connections with the conditions while providing optimal supplied push -in connectors. Back Electrical color and gloss retention of the box includes three half-inch, NPT LED driver is mounted to the installed life. XTOR threaded conduit entry points. The die-cast housing for optimal heat CROSSTOUR LED universal back box supports both sinking. LED thermal management Warranty thesmall and medium forms and system incorporates both Five-year warranty. mounts to standard 3-1/2" to 4" conduction and natural convection round and octagonal, 4" square, to transfer heat rapidly away from single gang and masonry junction the LED source. 12W, 18W, 26W APPLICATIONS: boxes. Key hole gasket allows and 38W series operate in -40oC to WALL / SURFACE for adaptation to junction box or 40°C [-40oF to 104of']. High ambient POST / BOLLARD wall. External fin design extracts 50°C models available. Crosstour LOW LEVEL heat from the fixture surface. One- luminaires maintain greater than FLOODLIGHT piece silicone gasket seals door 89% of initial light output after INVERTED and back box. Minimum 5" wide 72,000 hours of operation. Three SITE LIGHTING pole for site lighting application. half-inch NPT threaded conduit Not recommended for car wash entry points allow for thru-branch applications. wiring. Back box is an authorized DIMENSIONS ESCUTCHEON PLATES 12W, 18W, 26W o 6-3/4" [171 mm] 38W 8" [203mml 10" 1254mm] L17-1/2" [445mm1 �12W, 18W, 26WJ `12W, 18W, 26W 5-3/4" [146mml 3-5/8" [92mml 38W 38W 6-5/8" [168mml 4" [102mm] E_T•N Fr veering Business Worldwide uwwv.desig n I ig hts.org CERTIFICATION DATA UUcUL Wet Location Listed LM79 / LM80 Compliant ROHS Compliant ADA Compliant NOM Compliant Models IP661ngressed Protection Rated Title 24 Compliant Design Lights Consortium° Qualified - TECHNICAL DATA 40-C Maximum Ambient Temperature External Supply Wiring 90-C Minimum EPA Effective Projected Area (Sq. Ft.): XTOR19, XT011213, XT011313=0.34 XTOR413=0.45 SHIPPING DATA: Approximate Net Weight: 3.7 - 5.25 1 or [1.7 - 2.4 kgs.] TD514013EN September 17, 2018 3:02 PM (L4) (L3) 7390 W 38TH AVE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO DRIVE AISLE 10.0 Lu to. 0 Z J W 0.0 0-1 O at0.0 0.0 t 0.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 I 10.0 ROOF OVERHANG SHOWN DASHED 10.0 I �0.0 to . 0 I �0.0 t0.0 I 10.0 to . 0 I �0.0 10.0 I +0.0 10.0 1 0.0 W Z > 10.0 w� CIL. W 0.0 CIL. 10.0 5' EXISTING SIDEWALK 38TH AVENUE SL PROPERTY LINE 5' EXISTING SIDEWALK SL PERMANENT EASEMENT SHOWN GREY POCHE 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 � 0.0 +0.0 .0 40.1 0.0 0.1 a 0.1 0.0 0.1 n +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 + 0 STEEL +0 . 0 �� i �� i COLUMNS, TYP. +0 . +0 . 0 0 +0 ./ 1 +0 . 0 +0 . 1 0 . 1 +0 . 0 +0 . 1 +0 . 0 +0 . 0 +0 . 0 +0 . 0 \ PATIO SEATING EXISTING �� +0 . 0 / / `/ POLE SIGN L4 - OVERHEAD STRING LIGHTS, TYP. + 0 • EXISTING +0.0 0 +0.1 ` 1 'e� +04 /i +0 ./1 +0.0 +9/.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 TRANSFORMER + 1397 SF i_ �� FIRE PIT OR + 0 . 0 `LANDSCAPE FEATURE o In +0 . 0 0 +0 . 1 +0 . 1 t0 . 1 �, 0.1 . 1 �� +0 . 0 0.1 0 - +0.0 L4 L4 L4 L4 +0.0 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0\�7�.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 0 0.0 / 0.0 +0 0 + � / �+ J 0 1 +0.1 � / +0 1 1 +0 +0. +0 +0.0 0.0 . .0 . / . . . .0 + Lu Z o.o ;0. 0.0 J 0.0 +0 . +0 . 5 2V2 2 .4 2 .3 2 .4 / +1 . 0 +1 +1 . 0 +0.0 ----------- 0 - - - - - - --- ---- �+ DI +0. w ®L2 OL2 0L2 cL2 0 + 0. a O 0 D 2.0 2.4 .5 2.6 2.6 2.7 2 2.61 2.0 2.2 d +0.0 L1 L1 0L2 0L2 ®L2 0L2 L1 L1 +0.0 3. 0 3. 2 . 1 2. 5 2. 7E2 L24 2. 9 3. 0 -4 .71 2. +0.1 +0 . 0 +0. 41.6 1 ENTRY L1 +0 . 0 +1. +0.1 +0 0.0 PROPOSED NEW . 0 CURB CUT +0. 41.6 0.0 0.0 1 \ / 1. 0.1 0.0 +0 +311 2 1 + V- DINING ROOM + 0.0 -- OPEN L1 0.0 RR 5 =_ ATO 3. +0.1 +0.0 0. - - TAP ROOM BELOW 41.9 +0.0 1089 SF =_ 0.0 1 w 1 -- 2 1 + 2. + 0.1 + 0.0 I 0. RR -- 212 W +o.o == 500 SF +o.o +1. +0.1 +0.0 21.2 4. +0.0 1 +0.0 v/ 5 0 1. S +0.1 +0.0 1 +0.0 3. ❑ L1 + 0.0 1. +0.1 +0.0 + 0.05' +2. 1 - 0" 7+2.0 + 0.0 0.1 0.0 +0.0 1. - - - - p +51.0 0.0 L1 2. 0.1 0.0 0. 7 0.7L_0.2 0.0 X1.0 0.0 1 +0.4 + +0 .0 +1. ] 0 . 0 +0 . 0 + 0.0 1 0.0 0.2 ?\4\S\\ 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 + +0.0 +0.4 2.0 3.8 L3 3.9 2.4 2.4 4. L3 3.6 / I +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 1.0 3.0 4.2 3.2 2.0 3.3 4.2 3.0 +0.0 +0.0 0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.7 2.4 2.7 2.4 1.6 2.2 3.0 2.0 +0.9 +0.0 0.0 1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.2 +0.9 +1.3 1.2 +0.4 1.0 2.1 1 .6 +0.3 +0.0 + 0.0 1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.2 +0.4 +0.2 +0.0 +0.1 +0.4 +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 0.0 v 1 ++ 0.0 0.0 + 0.0 .0 + 0 + 0 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 0 0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 0. + �[ 0.0 W Z DUMPSTER & 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 GREASE BIN ENCLOSURE w CIL. Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 10 feet NO L1_ manCIL. 0 10' 20' 30' 40' PROPERTY LINE PHOTOMETRIC PLAN 1 II = 101-011 N DESIGN PRACTICE INC 3325 Mariposa St Denver CO 80211 www.designpracticedenver.com info@designpracticedenver.com PHONE -303 561 3000 PHOTOMETRICS PLAN SHEET: 3 OF 4 DATE: I119M019 STRING LIGHTS OVER PATIO SEATING AREA STEEL COLUMN FOR STRING LIGHTS MASONRY PATIO WALL SOR WEST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" [1 ROOF RIDGE 120'- 1 " NEW METAL PATIO RAILING, TYP. NEW CEM AND BATT SCR GRAIN AUGEF FROM MILLING R( BREWING EQL TRUSS BEARING t 109' _ 011 [1 LEVEL -1 100' - 0" S4) -P— EAST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-U" LANDSCAPE PLANTINGS EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF 7390 W 38TH AVE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO - EXISTING BRICK BUILDING 71-011 EXISTING EXTERIOR DOOR NEW CEMENTIOUS BOARD AND BATTEN MECHANICAL SCREENING NEW MECHANICAL PLATFORM ROOF RIDGE 120'-1" V NEW CEMENTIOUS BOARD AND BATTEN MECHANICAL SCREENING NEW MECHANICAL PLATFORM EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF 0 0 v v -� —� EXTERIOR WALL NEW PREFABRICATED PACK LIGHT, TYP. - COOLER PANEL ROOF TRUSS BEARING N 109' - 0 PREFABRICATED PREFABRICATED ` COOLER PANEL / COOLER PANEL WALLS WALLS LEVEL -1_ ' 100' - 0" 1 NEW PREFABRICATED WALK-IN COOLER COOLER PANELS DOOR Any transparency, i.e. glass, contained in new doors? BOARD AND BATTEN DOOR PANEL GARAGE SCONCES, TYP` PLANTINGS SIDING @ MILLING ROOM DOOR RING LIGHTS ER PATIO STING AREA -EL COLUMN FOR RING LIGHTS SONRY PATIO LL SOR SOUTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" ROOF RIDGE 120'-1" V GRAIN AUGER PIPING FROM MILLING ROOM TO BREWERY TRUSS BEARING 109' - 0" 1 CEMENTIOUS BOARD AND BATTEN SIDING LEVEL -1 OL 100' - 0" HM DOUBLE DOOR SOR NORTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" ENTRY DOORS DECORATIVE DOORS RAILING, TYP. v DESIGN PRACTICE INC 3325 Mariposa St Denver CO 80211 www. desig npracticedenver. com info@designpracticedenver.com PHONE -303 561 3000 ROOF RIDGE � 120'- 1 " �1 TRUSS BEARING AL 109' - 0" I -W :TERIOR -S, TYP. G BRICK G LEVEL -1 1001-01, 00' - 0" �1 ELEVATIONS SHEET: 4 OF 4 DATE: 7/29/2019 �y�. _ ���1C[ � ,. 11 °,g�� � jf��"� m ar a, ./�AMAULT MARTIN/MARTIN 00000"CONSULTING CONSULTING ENGINEERS August 27, 2019 Zareen Tasneem 7500 W. 29`h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303-235-2852 Email: ztasneem(cDci.wheatridee.co.us Re: Wheat Ridge Sanitation District -7390 W. 38th Ave. Martin/Martin, Inc Project No.: 17.0633.C.01 Dear Ms. Tasneem, On behalf of the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District (WRSD), Martin/Martin Inc., acting as the District's Consulting Engineer, offers the following in response to a request for sanitary sewer service for a proposed brewery taproom at 7390 W. 38`h Ave. The Wheat Ridge Sanitation District can provide sanitary sewer service for the development conditional on the items identified herein are fully addressed. Rules, Regulations and Standards of the District must be complied with at all times. The property referenced above is entirely within the boundary and service area of WRSD. Treatment of sewage generated within the WRSD is provided by the Metro Wastewater Reclamation District (Metro). Existing Sanitary Sewer Mains The Wheat Ridge Sanitation District has the following sanitary sewer mains in proximity to the proposed property: • 8 -inch mainline running west to east, north of the referenced property within W. 38`h Ave. • 8 -inch mainline running south to north, east of the referenced property within Upham St. The developer will be required to provide definition of proposed generated flows from any anticipated development to allow an understanding of downstream sanitary mainline capacity. If it is determined that downstream mainlines will need to be upsized due to the development, upsizing costs will be the responsibility of the owner/developer. The developer is responsible for determining vertical depths and horizontal locations of District facilities to verify if gravity flow is capable of servicing the development or if private individual sewage ejectors (lift station) are required. A full site plan submittal is required indicating proposed improvements including sanitary service connection, grease interceptor, etc. in order to identify sanitary sewer contributions and establish procedures that will be required for servicing the property. Please note that any structures requiring sanitary service must front a District Mainline. Utility Locates It is the developer's responsibility to provide the District, c/o Martin/Martin Inc., with an ASCE Utility Quality B utility locate mapping stamped by a Colorado PE as required in Colorado Senate Bill 18-167 and ASCE 38 standards. Depending on the design, an ASCE Quality Level A supplemental survey may be required which necessitates physical contact and survey of the existing utility at crossings. All projects must meet Senate Bill 18-167 for proper notification to the Notification Association by the Developer's professional engineer. It is also the owner's responsibility to include electronic locators on all new underground facilities, including service lines up to the structure or building being served. Submit details for tracer wire and associated test stations. MARTIN/MARTIN, INC. 12499 WEST COLFAX AVENUE LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80215 MAIN 303.431.6100 MARTINMARTIN.COM Wheat Ridge Sanitation District -7390 W. 38th Ave. August 27, 2019 Wadsworth Redevelopment Corridor The referenced area for the planned development is located within the Wadsworth Boulevard Redevelopment Corridor. Effective January 1, 2012, the District adopted policy Resolution 2012-1-3, which allows the District to impose and collect a participation charge within the Wadsworth Boulevard Redevelopment Corridor. The fee amount will be provided upon the current fee assessment being completed. This Corridor participation fee is due to higher density development anticipated as a result of the recent rezoning by the City of Wheat Ridge City Council. Grease Interceptor For multi -family, commercial, and retail development where grease interceptors are required, proper sizing per District Standards, and Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) is to be submitted for review and approval. Martin/Martin, on behalf of the Wheat Sanitation District, will review the drawings calculations (upon receipt of review fee deposit) for compliance with the District's Rules and Regulations. Additional federal, state and local jurisdictional requirements may apply. • Please provide a certified copy, from the design engineer, of interceptor sizing calculations for District Records. • A District representative shall observe the installation of each unit prior to backfilling and placing in service. • Each facility shall maintain records of their operation and maintenance of the unit(s), including a log of the amount of oil/grease removed by the unit(s) and disposed of. • The District will continue to periodically observe these units to ensure that they are operated properly and receive the appropriate maintenance at the owner's cost/expense. Any fines associated with non-compliance of the standards and maintenance of the unit will also be the responsibility of the owner. • Submit layout and elevation alignment of domestic connection prior to and after interceptor. Flow Study Participation Sub -Total (WRSD): The development will be subject to participation within the District wide flow analysis to determine impacts to the collection system. A flow study participation fee will be required once a water meter size for the development is provided to the District. If the funds are exhausted during the analysis, additional monies will be required prior to continuing. Costs All costs involved are to be deposited in advance— engineering, reviews, design, legal, construction, observation and inspections — are the responsibility of the Owner/Developer at the then current rate fee structure. A fee letter can be provided upon receipt of updated site plans and detail. Please be aware of the following: 1. Deposit must be made to the District prior to reviews and further coordination. 2. All fees are due prior to connection. A water provider letter verifying water meter sizing for all units/buildings will be required prior to a tap application completion. Full addresses of each sanitary service are also required. A tap application is available online and must be submitted to the District for review. If credits for SFRE's are being requested for existing units(s)/buildings, the Developer must provide existing addresses, meter size, and if applicable, abandon the sanitary tap at the mainline (District observation and fee is required) prior to final new connection acceptance. A minimum 72 -hour notice prior to construction is required following District receipt of all fees. These fee amounts can be paid directly to the District Office prior to connection, payable to Wheat Ridge Sanitation District, which also collects Metro Wastewater's "connection fees". Any questions regarding this document, please contact us at (303) 431-6100. Sincerely, Page 213 Wheat Ridge Sanitation District -7390 W. 38th Ave. August 27, 2019 NAMPIPEZ Bill Willis, PE Cc: Mike Bakarich —Wheat Ridge Sanitation District Page 313 'SAI CIfY Of ridge WheatR PUBLIC WORKS Memorandum TO: Zareen Tasneem, Planner I FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer DATE: August 16, 2019 SUBJECT: WSP-19-05 / Confession Brewing and Kitchen — 7390 W. 38th Avenue I have completed my second review for a request for approval of a Site Plan for a proposal to convert the existing 6,054 sq. ft. building into a brewery and restaurant for the property located at 7390 W. 38th Avenue received on August 9, 2019, and I have the following comments: 1. Public Works has reviewed the proposed layout. While not a requirement, we do have a couple of recommendations: a. PW recommends that a 5' attached sidewalk be constructed against the existing curbing along the west side of Upham Street, from the existing sidewalk along West 38' Avenue to the existing sidewalk at the south end of the property. This would help encourage pedestrians to visit the brewery and restaurant. b. Public Works also recommends that an ADA -compliant driveway be constructed (use either a CDOT Type 2 or CDOT Type 3). 2. Beyond the above-mentioned sidewalk, this proposal does not entail any site changes which could trigger traffic or drainage requirements. Public Works has no further comments regarding this Site Plan. Confession Brewee➢J➢90 W3ffiMve Review) ltr VICINITY MAP LEGAL DESCRIPTION PART OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69, WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH BOUNDRY LINE OF SAID SECTION 26, WHICH POINT IS 1974.7 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE SOUTH AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH -SOUTH CENTER LINE OF SAID SECTION, 180 FEET; THENCE EAST AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION, 110 FEET; THENCE NORTH AND PARALLEL TO THE SAID CENTER LINE OF SAID SECTION, 180 FEET TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION, 110 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPT RIGHT OF WAY OVER SO MUCH OF THE NORTH 30 FEET THEREOF AS MAY BE USED FOR WEST 38TH AVENUE; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE IN DEED RECORDED OCTOBER 8, 1990 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 90086573, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. CONTAINING 16,225 SQUARE FEET OR 0.3725 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. STATEMENT OF PROPOSED USE THE PROJECT CONSISTS OF CONVERTING THE EXISTING 6,054 SQ. FT. BUILDING INTO A BREWERY AND RESTAURANT. A 565 SQ. FT. ADDITION IS BEING PROPOSED ON THE SOUTH END OF THE EXISTING BUILDING FOR A WALK-IN COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM FOR THE BREWERY. THE MAIN LEVEL WOULD CONTAIN THE COMMERCIAL KITCHEN AND RESTAURANT/TAP ROOM SEATING WITH THE BREWERY OPERATION IN THE BASEMENT. AN OUTDOOR PATIO SEATING AREA WITH LANDSCAPING FEATURES AND BUFFERS ON THE NORTH END. RECONFIGURED PARKING LOT ON THE EAST SIDE. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE THE BELOW SIGNED OWNER(S) OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) THEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW. I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF THIS SITE PLAN DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26-121 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS (BUSINESS NAME) BY: DATE: , OWNER STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS A.D. 20 BY WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC ADDRESS CITY CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS DAY OF BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. ATTEST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DAY OF , m 4 4 t ch E0 i SITE PLAN ii = 10'-011 7390 W 38TH AVE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 38TH AVENUE 4 1 110' - 01, 15'-05/8" 5'- 0" 5'- 0" 43- 9" 5'- 0" 28'- 3" 7' - 11 3/8" ° °. a 5' PLANTER BED W/ " p PERMANENT DRIVE AISLE a GARDEN WALL ° 5' EXISTING SIDEWALK, ° a . EASEMENT SHOWN : a - _ A a . PROPERTY LINE TL .Q ° "SI .. Q 'SL _ GREY POCHE - - - - - or 40 iAL Ak\ 'STEEL 0 0 _. COLUMNS, TYP._...; PATIO SEATING EXISTING _� ° Y ° OVERHEAD `,-:,'- �5'PLANTER BED oaGATE, �1 J .. - _; .- POLE SIGN ° Q t STRING LIGHTS, ; EXISTING SHOWN DIAGONAL J O w HATCH, TYP. ,TYP a a -: ;- - . RANSFORMER p. O 13 O O� W �� FIRE PIT OR i 5' PLANTER BED - ° LANDSCAPE FEATURE�w= ° - z � _ _ 5' ADA ACCESS ROUTE . o ASPHALT -� 0----_---------------70 �° recommends that a 5' attacl structed against the existing oura�ze pedestrians to visit tl z 20 Distance: 4; 18 I 19 5.00 ft b o ° � . DMETAL -- T -- �ON-STREET RAILING, TYP.Q ' a l =° _ Wr---.a°- GATE a PARKING EXTERIOR PENDANT SCONCE, TYP — ° ° I _ Q — -o—s L1 a - —a — L1 a " _ 5 L1T ° L - 1 0°� ENTRY �a PROPOSED �I ]EI L1 11, 8' 6" _ X 18' 0" _ PROPOSED NEW ROOF OVERHANG ACCESSIBLE STALLS CURB CUT SHOWN DASHED i -6' - 0" 25'- 2 3/8" W E EFE1 1 I co a : a ASPHALT iv w DI G OMS Q N RR -- OPEN 5 -- TO FL 7 1-- BELOW aj ° � 89 -- PROPOSED I � a Q° 8'-6" X 18'-0" -- a w 9 a STANDARD STALLS cc )NC RR -- 2 a� 00 F p_ T 2 4 EE11 F W 15 16 17 T7 77 1-7 77 -a"° 8' - 6" ic EO 21 ° ch 14'- 8 3/8" DISH AREA KITCHEN BAR A ,I L1 ° A _ ON -STREET oistance PARKING _ L 12 c 13 14 I 5.00 ft L------- -- — — -- — — — — -- 0 I I W ASPHALT 7390 W 38th Ave - Google Maps z w J SITE AREA J 0.374 ACRES �I U) Q Google Maps 7390 W 38th Ave W ic W I ASPHALT - N 6,054 SF W 41st Ave W41st Ave yy 4l st woe IJ d 1,589 SF W41SIAve BREWERY 1,082 SF 0 Good Times Burgers © & Frozen Custard 0 $ 3 'z y 4 REQUIRED / ALLOWED PROPOSED BUILDING COVERAGE N/A 6,619 SF TOTAL Wendy s© McDonald's 15% MIN / 2,444 SF LANDSCAPING IN 4om Av. 55% / 1,348 SF a N,A'°'• Wheat Ridge Marketplace 908 SF SOD St Peter & Paul Scl 440 SF HARDSCAPE 9) PARKING REQUIRED 0 STANDARD 13 w amh Ave Jiffy Lubeq Q ©Wells Fargo Bank N/A 2 ACCESSIBLE 2 2 TOTAL Starbucks Stevens Elementary School rt m ®Roman C. Cherry Creek Pierogies Factory Safeway Fuel Station 0 m Wellness Center > CosmoProf Mikes camera a 3 W amu ave Wheat lUdge Grange 3 Q B ton Market q O Sivins & Bunyak © Chase Bank PROJECT SITE DPAa,9 _- a, 3 Little Caesars Pizza deadbolt © `]Wheat Ridge Cyelery Wheat Ridge Water District 3' Fortify your O © Bradley Petr team QMidasQ o Burger King 0 El is .. x W 38th Ave 0 ® Health W 38th Ave 0 W 38th Ave El T © 7390 West 381h Avenue d W 38th Ave QI Dai quee ry Q Budges d Wellness n Vnnola's Italian Market® - to ® Right Coast Pizza Clency'slrish Pubo n ICent er 8r. Ridge Wheat Wheat Ridge United IllSchools A I ppere 8 ;y Room 3 f 2 Oral Surgery Q Methodist Church _ w 311hP 2 ran Medical Center © 9Ridge Manor y Q Rx Plus Pharmacies V Morning Side W 3nM1 Ave t Retirement Community L = fR aW a6IM1 PI _ 36th Pi Pilch Q q } W3aM PI wafim Are Wasth Ave Q Midtown Consulting W Rocky Moumain "•y ® Lucky's Market Cardiovascular Associates °sign warm Ave w xm Av. w"N Wa5th Pi chmren s colnrado Outpat ant and Urgent... Y M QAll About Cab-n(I) e © (ein pr n 1 0 &Countertops W M D 3St h4✓a 9 fM Irnette WIKIPEDIAN I w = wasmA.• w—Ava wa VeHome W35th Ave W35th Ave Professional700 %e v Health Care Beauty S W c A Oak Hill Apartments - - ^ Map data ©2019 Google 200 ft r SCALE: 11 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PART OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69, WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH BOUNDRY LINE OF SAID SECTION 26, WHICH POINT IS 1974.7 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE SOUTH AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH -SOUTH CENTER LINE OF SAID SECTION, 180 FEET; THENCE EAST AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION, 110 FEET; THENCE NORTH AND PARALLEL TO THE SAID CENTER LINE OF SAID SECTION, 180 FEET TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION, 110 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPT RIGHT OF WAY OVER SO MUCH OF THE NORTH 30 FEET THEREOF AS MAY BE USED FOR WEST 38TH AVENUE; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE IN DEED RECORDED OCTOBER 8, 1990 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 90086573, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. CONTAINING 16,225 SQUARE FEET OR 0.3725 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. STATEMENT OF PROPOSED USE THE PROJECT CONSISTS OF CONVERTING THE EXISTING 6,054 SQ. FT. BUILDING INTO A BREWERY AND RESTAURANT. A 565 SQ. FT. ADDITION IS BEING PROPOSED ON THE SOUTH END OF THE EXISTING BUILDING FOR A WALK-IN COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM FOR THE BREWERY. THE MAIN LEVEL WOULD CONTAIN THE COMMERCIAL KITCHEN AND RESTAURANT/TAP ROOM SEATING WITH THE BREWERY OPERATION IN THE BASEMENT. AN OUTDOOR PATIO SEATING AREA WITH LANDSCAPING FEATURES AND BUFFERS ON THE NORTH END. RECONFIGURED PARKING LOT ON THE EAST SIDE. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE THE BELOW SIGNED OWNER(S) OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) THEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW. I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF THIS SITE PLAN DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26-121 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS (BUSINESS NAME) BY: DATE: , OWNER STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS A.D. 20 BY WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC ADDRESS CITY CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS DAY OF BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. ATTEST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DAY OF , m 4 4 t ch E0 i SITE PLAN ii = 10'-011 7390 W 38TH AVE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 38TH AVENUE 4 1 110' - 01, 15'-05/8" 5'- 0" 5'- 0" 43- 9" 5'- 0" 28'- 3" 7' - 11 3/8" ° °. a 5' PLANTER BED W/ " p PERMANENT DRIVE AISLE a GARDEN WALL ° 5' EXISTING SIDEWALK, ° a . EASEMENT SHOWN : a - _ A a . PROPERTY LINE TL .Q ° "SI .. Q 'SL _ GREY POCHE - - - - - or 40 iAL Ak\ 'STEEL 0 0 _. COLUMNS, TYP._...; PATIO SEATING EXISTING _� ° Y ° OVERHEAD `,-:,'- �5'PLANTER BED oaGATE, �1 J .. - _; .- POLE SIGN ° Q t STRING LIGHTS, ; EXISTING SHOWN DIAGONAL J O w HATCH, TYP. ,TYP a a -: ;- - . RANSFORMER p. O 13 O O� W �� FIRE PIT OR i 5' PLANTER BED - ° LANDSCAPE FEATURE�w= ° - z � _ _ 5' ADA ACCESS ROUTE . o ASPHALT -� 0----_---------------70 �° recommends that a 5' attacl structed against the existing oura�ze pedestrians to visit tl z 20 Distance: 4; 18 I 19 5.00 ft b o ° � . DMETAL -- T -- �ON-STREET RAILING, TYP.Q ' a l =° _ Wr---.a°- GATE a PARKING EXTERIOR PENDANT SCONCE, TYP — ° ° I _ Q — -o—s L1 a - —a — L1 a " _ 5 L1T ° L - 1 0°� ENTRY �a PROPOSED �I ]EI L1 11, 8' 6" _ X 18' 0" _ PROPOSED NEW ROOF OVERHANG ACCESSIBLE STALLS CURB CUT SHOWN DASHED i -6' - 0" 25'- 2 3/8" W E EFE1 1 I co a : a ASPHALT iv w DI G OMS Q N RR -- OPEN 5 -- TO FL 7 1-- BELOW aj ° � 89 -- PROPOSED I � a Q° 8'-6" X 18'-0" -- a w 9 a STANDARD STALLS cc )NC RR -- 2 a� 00 F p_ T 2 4 EE11 F W 15 16 17 T7 77 1-7 77 -a"° 8' - 6" ic EO 21 ° ch 14'- 8 3/8" DISH AREA KITCHEN BAR A ,I L1 ° A _ ON -STREET oistance PARKING _ L 12 c 13 14 I 5.00 ft L------- -- — — -- — — — — -- 0 I 2 Ili \_1i / 48'- 0" 8'- 6 1/4" PROPOSED ADDITION FOR WALK-IN 3 COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM 565 GSF ADDITION 4 Jill 8'- 6" EXISTING ill ill 81 X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS 4 5 EO N. FA PROPERTY LINE : R1 10 PROPOSED 81 X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS I W ASPHALT -� z w J SITE AREA J 0.374 ACRES �I U) Q FLOOR AREA BY USE W ic W I ASPHALT - N 6,054 SF ADDITION (NEW) 565 SF N d 1,589 SF � BREWERY 1,082 SF STORAGE 0 1,397 SF ied sidewalk be curbing. This would le establishment. 2 Ili \_1i / 48'- 0" 8'- 6 1/4" PROPOSED ADDITION FOR WALK-IN 3 COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM 565 GSF ADDITION 4 Jill 8'- 6" EXISTING ill ill 81 X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS 4 5 EO N. FA PROPERTY LINE : R1 10 PROPOSED 81 X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS 11 EXISTING FENCE TO REMAIN SITE DATA: EXISTING ZONING MU -N ASPHALT -� 11 EXISTING FENCE TO REMAIN SITE DATA: EXISTING ZONING MU -N PROPOSED LAND USE RESTAURANT / BREWERY SITE AREA 16,291 SF 0.374 ACRES FLOOR AREA BY USE EXISTING BLDG. 6,054 SF ADDITION (NEW) 565 SF RESTAURANT 1,589 SF BREWERY 1,082 SF STORAGE 902 SF 1,397 SF ied sidewalk be curbing. This would le establishment. REQUIRED / ALLOWED PROPOSED BUILDING COVERAGE N/A 6,619 SF TOTAL OPEN SPACE 15% MIN / 2,444 SF LANDSCAPING 35% MIN / 855 SF 55% / 1,348 SF PLANTER BEDS 908 SF SOD 440 SF HARDSCAPE 1,397 SF PARKING REQUIRED PROPOSED STANDARD 13 17 ON -STREET N/A 2 ACCESSIBLE 2 2 TOTAL 13 21 SITE PLAN LEGEND Public Works recommends that an ADA -compliant driveway be constructed (use either a CDOT Type 2 or CDOT Type 3). EXTERIOR BUILDING FOOTPRINT ROOF LINE FENCE X X X CONCRETE a `t' J co CUj Q SHEET INDEX 0 SHEET 1 - SITE PLAN SHEET 2 - LANDSCAPE PLAN 12'-0" T SHEET 3 - PHOTOMETRICS PLAN 10 LU SHEET 4 - ELEVATIONS z DUMPSTER & J GREASE BIN W PW recommends that a 5' attached sidewalk be ENCLOSURE constructed against the existing curbing. This would a Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 10 feet 0 encourage pedestrians to visit the establishment. a 0 10' 20' 30' 40' CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PUBLIC WORKS DATE 08/09/2019 RECEIVED 08/09/2019 1st Submittal DESIGN PRACTICE INC N 3325 Mariposa _ i Denver CO 80211 www.designpracticedenver.com info@designpracticedenver.com PHONE -303 561 3000 SITE PLAN SHEET: 1 OF 4 DATE: I119M019 LANDSCAPE NOTES: ALL LANDSCPAING, INCLUDING THAT SHOWN N THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, SHALL BE CONTINUOUSLY MAINTAINED INCLUDING, NECESSARY WATERING, WEEDING, PRUNING, PEST CONTROL AND REPLACEMENT OF DEAD OR DISEASED PLANT MATERIALS. A MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE WILL BE IMPLEMENTED TO INSURE PROPER CARE OF THE LANDSCAPING MATERIALS. ALL SHRUB / PLANTER BED AREAS SHALL RECEIVE A 2" LAYER OF ROCK OR BARK CHIP MULCH OVER FABRIC LINER. ALL SHRUB / PLANTER BED AREAS SHALL HAVE A 4" HIGH, 14 GAUGE NON GALVANIZED STEEL EDGING OR CONCRETE SIDEWALK /CURB BOUNDARY. ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS NOTED WITH ROCK OR BARK CHIP MULCH SHALL BE PLACED OVER MYRAFI FILTER FABRIC 140N OR EQUAL. FINISHED GRADES IN LANDSCAPE BEDS SHALL BE 1" LOWER THAN THE TOP OF THE SURROUNDING CURBS OR WALKS NO TREES SHALL BE PLANTED WITHIN 5 FEET OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITY MAIN OR SERVICE LINE. ALL UTILITY EASEMENTS SHALL REMAIN UNOBSTRUCTED AND FULLY ACCESSIBLE ALONG THEIR ENTIRE LENGTH FOR MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT. ALL SIDEWALKS SHALL HAVE ADEQUATE SLEEVES FOR THE PLACEMENT OF IRRIGATION LINES FOR THE LANDSCAPE SPRINKLER SYSTEM INSTALLATION. ALL NEW LANDSCAPED AREAS SHALL BE SERVED BY A FUNCTIONING AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM WHICH COMBINES DRIP AND SUBSURFACE IRRIGATION WITH HIGH EFFICIENCY SPRINKLERS. ALL NEW IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO BE ZONED ACCORDING TO WATER NEEDS OF PROPOSED PLANT MATERIALS. THERE SHOULD BE SEPARATE ZONES FOR TURF GRASSES AND SHRUB BED AREAS, FOR SUN AND SHADE AND OTHER CLIMATIC CONDITIONS AND ACCORDING TO THE WATER DEMANDS OF THE PLANT MATERIAL. ALL NEW IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH AUTOMATIC RAIN SHUT-OFF DEVICES. IRRIGATION PLANS TO BE PROVIDED WITH BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION. 7390 W 38TH AVE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO DRIVE AISLE 0 lf) WOOD MULCH PLANTER BEDS SHOWN DIAGONAL HATCH, TYP. ro N ASPHALT ROOF OVERHANG 5'-0" 5'-0" 38TH AVENUE 43' - 9" TRAFFIC LIGHT 110' - 0" 5'-0" 5'-0" 23' - 3" STREET SIGN STREET LIGHT uu J LU o Q ASPHALT > 0 m 1 2 LANDSCAPE PLAN 10.-0.. OPEN TO w 7 SOD 31' - 0" NEW 5' SIDEWALK 19 PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" ACCESSIBLE STALLS ASPHALT PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS 15 16 17 PERMANENT EASEMENT SHOWN GREYPOCHE EXISTING TRANSFORMER Lu z J r Lu Lu a O ry a J—� 16,291 SF OVERHEAD % STEEL LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: DISH AREA DINING ROOM BAR PLANTER BEDS 908 SF \FM 440 SF w\ RR STRING LIGHTS, J COLUMNS, ON-SITE SHRUBS __ I z® TYP. FREE STANING TYP. _ 1 GAL ocz HELICTOTRICHON BLUE OAT BLOCK WALL CONC PROPOSED RR T1 2 EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN GATES *\O D ocz 48'- 0" PATIO SEATING EXISTING - POLE SIGN , PAVESTONE - HARINGTON FREESTANDING PROPOSED ADDITION FOR WALK-IN *OG2w� w COOLER AN D GRAIN M ILLING ROOM r FIRE PIT OR i 565 GSF ADDITION ocz C� z 1397 SF i _ LANDSCAPE FEATURE oc2 O z II � STANDARD STALLS 36" METAL i �ur)� �� 0 ocz 3: RAILING, TYP. � CONCRETE oc2 3: z z Lu r PATIO DUMPSTER & 3 4 o 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 GREASE BIN r ENCLOSURE w T1 T1 a O a EXISTING CONC. GATE EXISTING CONC. WALK WALK J L ENTRY 6'-0" uu J LU o Q ASPHALT > 0 m 1 2 LANDSCAPE PLAN 10.-0.. OPEN TO w 7 SOD 31' - 0" NEW 5' SIDEWALK 19 PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" ACCESSIBLE STALLS ASPHALT PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS 15 16 17 PERMANENT EASEMENT SHOWN GREYPOCHE EXISTING TRANSFORMER Lu z J r Lu Lu a O ry a J—� 16,291 SF 51 - 011 15% MIN / 2,444 SF MIN LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: DISH AREA DINING ROOM BAR PLANTER BEDS 908 SF \FM 440 SF w\ RR ON-SITE TREES 0 ON-SITE SHRUBS __ I z® _ 1 GAL 1089 SF HELICTOTRICHON BLUE OAT --17AP ROOM CONC PROPOSED RR T1 2 EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN i -- D a 48'- 0" 8'- 6 1/4" STANDARD STALLS PAVESTONE - HARINGTON FREESTANDING PROPOSED ADDITION FOR WALK-IN 500 SF COOLER AN D GRAIN M ILLING ROOM 565 GSF ADDITION ASPHALT EXISTING a II 81 - 611 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS uu J LU o Q ASPHALT > 0 m 1 2 LANDSCAPE PLAN 10.-0.. OPEN TO w 7 SOD 31' - 0" NEW 5' SIDEWALK 19 PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" ACCESSIBLE STALLS ASPHALT PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS 15 16 17 PERMANENT EASEMENT SHOWN GREYPOCHE EXISTING TRANSFORMER Lu z J r Lu Lu a O ry a J—� 16,291 SF 51 - 011 15% MIN / 2,444 SF MIN LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: DISH AREA KITCHEN BAR PLANTER BEDS 908 SF \FM 440 SF w\ 1,397 SF ON-SITE TREES (2) EXISTING ON-SITE SHRUBS � I NA _ 1 GAL 12 13 14 HELICTOTRICHON BLUE OAT OG4 10 SEMPERVIRENS GRASS PROPOSED N/A T1 2 EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN i 8'-6" X 18'-0" 48'- 0" 8'- 6 1/4" STANDARD STALLS PAVESTONE - HARINGTON FREESTANDING PROPOSED ADDITION FOR WALK-IN COOLER AN D GRAIN M ILLING ROOM 565 GSF ADDITION ASPHALT EXISTING 81 - 611 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS v u 12' - 0" Lu DUMPSTER & 3 4 o 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 GREASE BIN r ENCLOSURE w a O a PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED NEW CURB CUT LANDSCAPE DATA: SITE AREA: 16,291 SF OPEN SPACE REQUIRED: 15% MIN / 2,444 SF MIN LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: 35% MIN / 855 SF MIN LANDSCAPING PROVIDED: 55%/ 1,348 SF PLANTER BEDS 908 SF SOD 440 SF HARDSCAPE PATIO 1,397 SF ON-SITE TREES (2) EXISTING ON-SITE SHRUBS NA STREETTREES NA PLANT SCHEDULE ITEM QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE CONDITION MISCANTHUS SIN. JAPANESE SILVER OG1 12 1 GAL N/A GRACILLIMUS GRASS PENNISETUM PURPLE FOUNTAIN OG2 11 SETACEUM GRASS 1 GAL N/A LAVANDULA ENGLISH OG3 F ANGUSTIFOLIA LAVENDAR 1 GAL N/A HELICTOTRICHON BLUE OAT OG4 10 SEMPERVIRENS GRASS 1 GAL N/A T1 2 EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN PLANTER BED MULCH - BARK CHIPS FREESTANDING BLOCK WALL & FIREPIT PAVESTONE - HARINGTON FREESTANDING Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 10 feet 0 10' 20' 30' DESIGN PRACTICE INC N 3325 Mariposa St Denver CO 80211 www. desig npracticedenver. com info@designpracticedenver.com PHONE -303 561 3000 40' LANDSCAPE PLAN SHEET: 2 OF 4 DATE: 7/29/2019 GENERAL NOTES: ANY PROPOSED LIGHT FIXTURES INSTALL ON PRIVATE PROPERTY, ADJACENT TO THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY, SHALL BE ORIENTED IN SUCH A MANNER OR LIMITED IN LUMEN OUTPUT TO PREVENT GLARE PROBLEMS AND SHALL NOT EXCEED NATIONAL I.E.S LIGHTING STANDARDS FOR DISABILITY GLARE. NEW EXTERIOR LIGHTING TO BE FULLY CUT-OFF AND SHIELDED. LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE O L1 EXTERIOR SCONCE KICHLER LED 11251 OUTDOOR WALL SCONCE, 9.75W, 3000K, 120V INTEGRATED LED 0 L2 6" RECESSED CAN HALO RECESSED LIGHTING W/ 35W LED BULB INSERT IZI L3 WALL PACK LUMARKCROSSTOUR XTOR3B-W-PC1 = 26W, 4000K, 120V PC, CARBON BRONZE L4 STRING LIGHTS BULBRITE VINTAGE STRING LIGHT KIT, (15) 11W, 120V LED 11251 Up and Downlight Outdoor Wall Sconce By Kichler Product Options Finish: Textured Architectural Bronze, Textured Black Details • Provides both up and downlighting • Material: Metal • Shade Material: Textured Metal • Size: Large • Dark Sky compliant • UL Listed Wet • Made In China Dimensions Fixture: Width 5", Height 12.25", Depth 6.5" Lighting • 9.78 Watt (574 Lumens) 120 Volt/277 Volt Integrated LED: CRI: 85 Color Temp: 3000K Lifespan: 40000 hours Vintage String Light Kit By Bulbrite Details • 15 outdoor rated medium base sockets (E26) • 3 foot spacing between sockets • Maximum total wattage for string run is 150OW • Can connect up to 4 string kits to one power source • Size: 48 feet • Made In China Dimensions Item: Length 48' Lighting • Fifteen 11 Watt (63 Lumens) 120 Volt E26 Medium Base Incandescent Lamp(s) (Included) Additional Details Product URL: https://www.lumens.com/vintage-string-light-kit-by-bul- rite-BLBP86000.html P,LUMENS Call Us 877.445.4486 Shown in Textured Black finish (L1) P,LUMENS Call Us 877.445.4486 DESCRIPTION L u m a i Ic The patented Lumark Crosstour- LED Wall Pack Series of luminaries provides an architectural style with super bright, energy efficient LEDs. The low -profile, rugged die-cast aluminum construction, universal back box, stainless steel hardware along with a sealed and gasketed optical compartment make the Crosstour impervious to contaminants. The Crosstour wall luminaire is ideal for wall/surface, inverted mount for fagade/canopy illumination, post/bollard, site lighting, floodlight and low level pathway illumination including stairs. Typical applications include building entrances, multi -use facilities, apartment buildings, institutions, schools, stairways and loading docks test. SPECIFICATION FEATURES Construction Optical electrical wiring compartment. Slim, low -profile LED design Silicone sealed optical LED Integral LED electronic driver With rugged one-piece, die-cast chamber incorporates a custom incorporates surge protection. 120 - aluminum hinged removable door engineered mirrored anodized 277V 50/60Hz or 347V 60Hz models. and back box. Matching housing reflector providing high -efficiency styles incorporate both a small illumination. Optical assembly Finish and medium design. The small includes impact -resistant Crosstour is protected with a housing is available in 12W, 18W tempered glass and meets IESNA Super durable TGIC carbon and 26W. The medium housing requirements for full cutoff bronze or summit white polyester is available in the 38W model. compliance. Available in seven powder coat paint. Super durable Patented secure lock hinge feature lumen packages; 5000K, 4000K and TGIC powder coat paint finishes _ allows for safe and easy tool -less 3000K CCT. withstand extreme climate electrical connections with the conditions while providing optimal supplied push -in connectors. Back Electrical color and gloss retention of the box includes three half-inch, NPT LED driver is mounted to the installed life. XTOR threaded conduit entry points. The die-cast housing for optimal heat CROSSTOUR LED universal back box supports both sinking. LED thermal management Warranty thesmall and medium forms and system incorporates both Five-year warranty. mounts to standard 3-1/2" to 4" conduction and natural convection round and octagonal, 4" square, to transfer heat rapidly away from single gang and masonry junction the LED source. 12W, 18W, 26W APPLICATIONS: boxes. Key hole gasket allows and 38W series operate in -40oC to WALL / SURFACE for adaptation to junction box or 40°C [-40oF to 104of']. High ambient POST / BOLLARD wall. External fin design extracts 50°C models available. Crosstour LOW LEVEL heat from the fixture surface. One- luminaires maintain greater than FLOODLIGHT piece silicone gasket seals door 89% of initial light output after INVERTED and back box. Minimum 5" wide 72,000 hours of operation. Three SITE LIGHTING pole for site lighting application. half-inch NPT threaded conduit Not recommended for car wash entry points allow for thru-branch applications. wiring. Back box is an authorized DIMENSIONS ESCUTCHEON PLATES 12W, 18W, 26W o 6-3/4" [171 mm] 38W 8" [203mml 10" 1254mm] L17-1/2" [445mm1 �12W, 18W, 26WJ `12W, 18W, 26W 5-3/4" [146mml 3-5/8" [92mml 38W 38W 6-5/8" [168mml 4" [102mm] E_T•N Fr veering Business Worldwide uwwv.desig n I ig hts.org CERTIFICATION DATA UUcUL Wet Location Listed LM79 / LM80 Compliant ROHS Compliant ADA Compliant NOM Compliant Models IP661ngressed Protection Rated Title 24 Compliant Design Lights Consortium° Qualified - TECHNICAL DATA 40-C Maximum Ambient Temperature External Supply Wiring 90-C Minimum EPA Effective Projected Area (Sq. Ft.): XTOR19, XT011213, XT011313=0.34 XTOR413=0.45 SHIPPING DATA: Approximate Net Weight: 3.7 - 5.25 1 or [1.7 - 2.4 kgs.] TD514013EN September 17, 2018 3:02 PM (L4) (L3) 7390 W 38TH AVE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO DRIVE AISLE 10.0 Lu to. 0 Z J W 0.0 0-1 O at0.0 0.0 t 0.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 I 10.0 ROOF OVERHANG SHOWN DASHED 10.0 I �0.0 to . 0 I �0.0 t0.0 I 10.0 to . 0 I �0.0 10.0 I +0.0 10.0 1 0.0 W Z > 10.0 w� CIL. W 0.0 CIL. 10.0 5' EXISTING SIDEWALK 38TH AVENUE SL PROPERTY LINE 5' EXISTING SIDEWALK SL PERMANENT EASEMENT SHOWN GREY POCHE 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 � 0.0 +0.0 .0 40.1 0.0 0.1 a 0.1 0.0 0.1 n +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 + 0 STEEL +0 . 0 �� i �� i COLUMNS, TYP. +0 . +0 . 0 0 +0 ./ 1 +0 . 0 +0 . 1 0 . 1 +0 . 0 +0 . 1 +0 . 0 +0 . 0 +0 . 0 +0 . 0 \ PATIO SEATING EXISTING �� +0 . 0 / / `/ POLE SIGN L4 - OVERHEAD STRING LIGHTS, TYP. + 0 • EXISTING +0.0 0 +0.1 ` 1 'e� +04 /i +0 ./1 +0.0 +9/.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 TRANSFORMER + 1397 SF i_ �� FIRE PIT OR + 0 . 0 `LANDSCAPE FEATURE o In +0 . 0 0 +0 . 1 +0 . 1 t0 . 1 �, 0.1 . 1 �� +0 . 0 0.1 0 - +0.0 L4 L4 L4 L4 +0.0 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0\�7�.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 0 0.0 / 0.0 +0 0 + � / �+ J 0 1 +0.1 � / +0 1 1 +0 +0. +0 +0.0 0.0 . .0 . / . . . .0 + Lu Z o.o ;0. 0.0 J 0.0 +0 . +0 . 5 2V2 2 .4 2 .3 2 .4 / +1 . 0 +1 +1 . 0 +0.0 ----------- 0 - - - - - - --- ---- �+ DI +0. w ®L2 OL2 0L2 cL2 0 + 0. a O 0 D 2.0 2.4 .5 2.6 2.6 2.7 2 2.61 2.0 2.2 d +0.0 L1 L1 0L2 0L2 ®L2 0L2 L1 L1 +0.0 3. 0 3. 2 . 1 2. 5 2. 7E2 L24 2. 9 3. 0 -4 .71 2. +0.1 +0 . 0 +0. 41.6 1 ENTRY L1 +0 . 0 +1. +0.1 +0 0.0 PROPOSED NEW . 0 CURB CUT +0. 41.6 0.0 0.0 1 \ / 1. 0.1 0.0 +0 +311 2 1 + V- DINING ROOM + 0.0 -- OPEN L1 0.0 RR 5 =_ ATO 3. +0.1 +0.0 0. - - TAP ROOM BELOW 41.9 +0.0 1089 SF =_ 0.0 1 w 1 -- 2 1 + 2. + 0.1 + 0.0 I 0. RR -- 212 W +o.o == 500 SF +o.o +1. +0.1 +0.0 21.2 4. +0.0 1 +0.0 v/ 5 0 1. S +0.1 +0.0 1 +0.0 3. ❑ L1 + 0.0 1. +0.1 +0.0 + 0.05' +2. 1 - 0" 7+2.0 + 0.0 0.1 0.0 +0.0 1. - - - - p +51.0 0.0 L1 2. 0.1 0.0 0. 7 0.7L_0.2 0.0 X1.0 0.0 1 +0.4 + +0 .0 +1. ] 0 . 0 +0 . 0 + 0.0 1 0.0 0.2 ?\4\S\\ 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 + +0.0 +0.4 2.0 3.8 L3 3.9 2.4 2.4 4. L3 3.6 / I +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 1.0 3.0 4.2 3.2 2.0 3.3 4.2 3.0 +0.0 +0.0 0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.7 2.4 2.7 2.4 1.6 2.2 3.0 2.0 +0.9 +0.0 0.0 1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.2 +0.9 +1.3 1.2 +0.4 1.0 2.1 1 .6 +0.3 +0.0 + 0.0 1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.2 +0.4 +0.2 +0.0 +0.1 +0.4 +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 0.0 v 1 ++ 0.0 0.0 + 0.0 .0 + 0 + 0 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 0 0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 0. + �[ 0.0 W Z DUMPSTER & 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 GREASE BIN ENCLOSURE w CIL. Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 10 feet NO L1_ manCIL. 0 10' 20' 30' 40' PROPERTY LINE PHOTOMETRIC PLAN 1 II = 101-011 N DESIGN PRACTICE INC 3325 Mariposa St Denver CO 80211 www.designpracticedenver.com info@designpracticedenver.com PHONE -303 561 3000 PHOTOMETRICS PLAN SHEET: 3 OF 4 DATE: I119M019 7390 W 38TH AVE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SDP WEST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" NEW CEMENTIOUS BOARD AND BATTEN MECHANICAL SCREENING BEYOND ROOF RIDGE 120'- 1 " GRAIN AUGER PIPING FROM MILLING ROOM TO BREWING EQUIPMENT TRUSS BEARING t 1091.01, [1 LEVEL -1 1001-01, SDP EAST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" EXISTING BRICK BUILDING 7'-0 NEW CEMENTIOUS NEW HM ACCESS BOARD AND BATTEN DOOR SIDING @ MILLING ROOM EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING NEW GLASS PANELGARAGE DOOR NEW EXTERIOR SCONCES, TYP. SDP SOUTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF NEW CEMENTIOUS BOARD AND BATTEN MECHANICAL EXISTING ASPHALT EXISTING BRICK BUILDING NEW CEMENTIOUS SCREENING EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF BOARD AND BATTEN NEW MECHANICAL SHINGLE ROOF MECHANICAL SCREENING PLATFORM ROOF RIDGE " V ROOF RIDGE " �1 7' - 0" NEW MECHANICAL 120' - 1 28' - 0" 120'- 1 PLATFORM STRING LIGHTS - GRAIN AUGER PIPING OVER PATIO FROM MILLING ROOM SEATING AREA v TO BREWERY -� -� EXTERIORWALL STEEL COLUMN FOR 6 NEW PREFABRICATED N PACK LIGHT, TYP. STRING LIGHTS - COOLER PANEL ROOF TRUSS BEARING TRUSS BEARING 1091-01, 109' - 0" MASONRY PATIO NEW METAL PATIO � 11 u 11 WALL RAILING, TYP. PREFABRICATED PREFABRICATED ` COOLER PANEL WALLS COOLER PANEL WALLS CEMENTIOUS BOARD AND BATTEN SIDING LEVEL -1_ LEVEL -1 OL 100' - 0" 1 100' - 0" LANDSCAPE PLANTINGS EXISTING EXTERIOR NEW PREFABRICATED WALK-IN COOLER HM DOUBLE DOOR DOOR COOLER PANELS DOOR SDP WEST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" NEW CEMENTIOUS BOARD AND BATTEN MECHANICAL SCREENING BEYOND ROOF RIDGE 120'- 1 " GRAIN AUGER PIPING FROM MILLING ROOM TO BREWING EQUIPMENT TRUSS BEARING t 1091.01, [1 LEVEL -1 1001-01, SDP EAST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" EXISTING BRICK BUILDING 7'-0 NEW CEMENTIOUS NEW HM ACCESS BOARD AND BATTEN DOOR SIDING @ MILLING ROOM EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING NEW GLASS PANELGARAGE DOOR NEW EXTERIOR SCONCES, TYP. SDP SOUTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF ♦6 A♦ City of WheatlRidge CommuNLTy DEVELOPMENT Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Ph: 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 Community Development Referral Form Date Mailed: August 9, 2019 Response Due: August 26, 2019 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a site plan at 7390 W. 381h Avenue. No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: WSP-19-05 /Confession Brewing and Kitchen Request: The applicant is proposing to convert the existing 6,054 sq. ft. building into a brewery and restaurant. It was previously used as a church and a drive through bank. A 642 sq. ft. addition is being proposed to be added to the south end of the existing building for a walk-in cooler. The main level would contain the commercial kitchen and restaurant/tap room seating, while the brewery operation would be located in the basement. An outdoor patio seating area is proposed to the north of the building where landscaping currently exists. A reconfiguration of the parking lot layout to the east of the building is being proposed. Please respond to this request in writing regarding your ability to serve the property. Please specify any new infrastructure needed or improvements to existing infrastructure that will be required. Include any easements that will be essential to serve the property as a result of this development. Please detail the requirements for development in respect to your rules and regulations. If you need further clarification, contact the case manager: Case Manager: Zareen Tasneem Phone: 303.235.2852 Email: ztasneem@ci.wheatridge.co.us Fax: 303.235.2857 DISTRIBUTION: Wheat Ridge Public Works Wheat Ridge Building Division Wheat Ridge Economic Development Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority Wheat Ridge Water District Wheat Ridge Sanitation District Ge rapM1 c Informd on Systems Laoentl Q &bj a Property M" a 191 �1 # iL } e'E'1I Vicinity Map � L Lr �I � at I r wad v, NOTE: Land use applications must be 1� Asubmitted BY APPOINTMENT with a 11 City of planner. Incomplete applications will not -6 W heat id ore be accepted—refer to submittal checklists. LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenue • Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 • Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all information) 'I J %. N e Vee Ol t L id ►f d Owner $ PhoiS791-G3197 Email _ ��►'t-Q�r'1100 (ory� Address, City, State, Zip 0 LJ R �3 Address, City, State, Zip Email r tS9(&Vc. Qn m#,% kDAk ' 6®3 (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) Location of request (address): �S q © L. .LW- _ Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): O Change of Zone or Zone Conditions O Special Use Permit O Subdivision - specify type: O Planned Development (ODP, SDP) ® Conditional Use Permit O Administrative (up to 3 lots) O Planned Building Group Site Plan O Minor (4 or 5 lots) O Temporary Use, Building, Sign O Concept Plan O Major (6 or more lots) O Variance/Waiver (from Section 26- ) 0 Right of Way Vacation D Other: Detailed description of request: I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this actio is behalf. Notarized Signature of Applicant State of CoIgXad,$$� ` County of<&y i� } ss The f egoing instr ent (Land Use Processing Application,l was acknowledged by me this F day of . , 20� by h ° LINDA K KNUTSEN NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO �^-- My commission expires �/la/2 I NOTARY ID 20074040694 t y Public MY COMMISSION EXPIRES OCTOBER 30, 2019 To be filled out bv staff: Date received I G1 Fee $ _� Case No. - —� Comp Plan Design. Receipt No. C JJQZf S39 Quarter Section Mang 111S Related Case No. Pre -App Mtg. Date G • ZD -[9 Case Manager - 1 _ 94JW7 Assessor's Parcel Current Zoning M G - A! Current Use Size (acres or sgftProposed Zoning Proposed Use Rev 1/22/ 2016 ~ !%ee A+ 2� 77R42§A(£ cpi 2ES «&Da§ƒ1 mz / TOTfit r NORTH AMERICAN A TITLE COMPANY Like Clockwork 6 O&E REPORT Attn: Michelle Jacobson Company: Phone: Fax: Order Number: 10534648 Date Ordered: 5-31-2019 Client Reference No.. Receipt Number: Property Information Owner: 7390 W. 38TH INVEST, LLC Address: 7390 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 County: Jefferson Parcel Number: 300024293 Legal Description 9 part of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North Boundary line of said Section 26, which Pomt is 1974.7 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Section; Thenge South and parallel to the North-South center line of said Section, 180 Set; Ghence East and parallel to the North Boundary line of said Section, 110 Eet; thence North and parallel to the said center line of said Section, 180 feet to the North Boundary line of said Section; thence Westerly along the North Boundary line of said Section, 110 feet to the Point 0 beginning, Except right-of-way over So Much of the North 30 feet thereof, as Ma be Used for West 38th Avenue, and Except that portion conveyed to the City' 350212.33; Ridge in Deed recorded October 8, 1990 under Reception No. County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Ownership Doc Type Grantor Grantee Date Reference # Warranty Deed Roger P. Loecher and Eileen 7390 W. 38TH INVEST, LLC 10-12-2018 2018[Z3822 F. Loecher Warranty Deed HORSESHOE BEACH DEVIL Roger P. Loecher and Eileen 3-22-2018 2018025845 LLC F. Loecher - Deed of Trust/Mortgages Item I Payable to jAmount Date Reference # Deed of Trust Solera National Bk $1,100,000.00 10-15-2018 12UM14L2A Other Documents Requested Item Payable to jAmount Date lReference # Prepared By: len schrad NORTH _ AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY Like Clockwork 0 Invoice 1 Customer: Attn To: Michelle Jacobson Client Reference No.: Order No: 110534648 Invoice Date: 15/31/2019 Property Address: 7390 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Owner: 7390 W. 38TH INVEST, LLC Invoice Description Amount 10534648 $5.00 Total Due: 1$,5.00 Please send payment to: North American Title Attn: Tracy Gill 101 University Blvd. #310 Denver, CO 80206 303-316-3400 Please remit invoice with payment. Phone: 719.330.7991 Date: 5/31/2019 THE INFORMATION PROVIDED DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE INSURANCE COMMITMENT, GUARANTEE OR POLICY. Therefore, the information provided does not contain the requirements and exceptions that would appear in a commitment to insure and does not contain the exceptions that would appear in a guarantee or policy. No express or implied opinion, warranty, guarantee, insurance, abstract or other assurance is given about the status of title to the land. The Company assumes no liability for any documents, instruments, or proceedings which may contain defects that would render such document, instruments or proceedings null, void or defective, and the Company assumes no liability for any inaccuracies or defects in any of the documents, instruments, proceedings or information attached. The Company's liability for the information provided is limited to the amount paid, and extends only to the party for which the information is prepared. 2018093822 10/12/2018 4:38 PM PGS 2 $18.00 DF $0.00 Electronically Recorded Jefferson County, CO Faye Griffin, Clerk and Recorder TD1000 N SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED, made this 12r" day of October, 2018 between Roger P. Loecher and Eileen F Loecher of said County of Jefferson State of Colorado, grantor. and 7390 W 38ei Investment, LLC whose legal address is 13701 W. Jewell Ave., Ste. 200-20, Lakewood, CO W228 grantee: WITNESSETH, That the grantor for and in consideration of the sum of Tea Dollars ($10.00) the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell. convey and confirm, unto the grantees, their heirs and assigns forever, all the real property together with improvements, if any, situate, lying and being in the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado described as follows: SEE ATTACHED EX1B1T "A" Also described as: 7390 W. 38'k, Wheatridge, CO 80033 TOGETHER with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of the grantor, either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises above bargained and described with the appurtenances, unto the grantees, their heirs and assigns forever. The grantor, for themselves, him/herself, his/her heirs. and personal representatives. does covenant, grant, bargain. and agree that shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND the above -bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the grantees, their heirs and assigns, against all and every person or persons claiming the whole or any part thereof, by, through or under the grantor. WHEREOF, the grantor ha executed this deed on the date set forth above. -Roger P. cher -• Eileen. ee Date �� Date STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF JEFFERSON The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /-? day of October, 2018 by Roger P. Loecher and Eileen F. Loeeber. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission expires: 7—/.-/—/g Return to: Scott Rodh 13701 W. Jewell Ave., Ste. 200-20 Lakewood, CO 80228 It,i C otary Public Euy== ANDREA ARY PUBLIC File N: US 102401 Special warranty Decd, dot Exhibit A O Part of the NWI/4 of the NEI/4 of Section 26,. Township,3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., described as follows: Be inning at a point on the North boundary line of said Section 26, which thint is 1974,7 feet Nest of the Northeast corner of said Section] ence South and parallel to the. North-South center line of said Section, 180 feet, thence East and parallel to the North boundary line of said Section, 310 feet; thence North and parallel to the said center line of said Section, 180, feet to the North boundary line of, said Section; thence westerly along the North boundary line of salad Section, 110 feet to the Point of Beginning. Except right of way over ao much of the North 30 feet thereof, as may be used for West 38th Avenue, andcept that portion conveyed to the City* of Wheat Ridge in.Dead recorded October 8, 1990 under, Reception No. 90086.573, - County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED, dated March 26, 2001 between Horseshoe Beach Development, LLC ofthe said County of Arapahoe, and State of Colorado, \ Roger P. Loecher and Eileen F. Loecher whose legal address is 55 West 44th Avenue 4W IIIIII VIII VIII ILII illl Ili!' IIIII�IIII VIII VIII IIII llll 0$45.55 2018025843 03/22/2018 01:40:51 PM 2 Page(s) JEFFERSON COUNTY, Colorado ,grantor and of the said *County of Denver and State of Colorado, grantee(s): WITNESS, that the grantor, for and inconsideration of the sum of Four Hundred Fifty -Five Thousand Five Hundred Twenty -Six and 07/100 ($455,526.07) DOLLARS, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, it has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm, unto the grantee(s), their heirs and assigns forever, all the real property, together with improvements, if any, situate, lying and being in the said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, described as follows: See Exhibit A also known by street and number as: 7390 West 3gth Avenue, Wheatridge, CO assessor's schedule or parcel number: TOGETHER with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof. and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of the grantor, either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and appurtenances, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises above bargained and described, with the appurtenances, unto the grantee(s), heirs and assigns forever. The grantor, for itself, its heirs and personal representatives, do covenant, grant, bargain and agree to and with the grantee(s), its/his/her/their heirs and assigns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents, it is well seized of the premises above conveyed, has good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance, in law, in fee simple and has good right, full power and authority to grant, bargain, sell and convey the same in manner and form as aforesaid, and that the same are free and clear from all former and other grants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments, encumbrances and restrictions of whatever kind or nature soever, except those of record. The grantor shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND the above bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the Grantee(s), its/his/her/their heirs and assigns, against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming the whole or part thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the grantor has executed this deed on the date set forth above. Beach Development, LLC B1 y Daniel E. McCabe�stant Manager STATE OF COLORADO I )SS. County of Arapahoe The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this a `Q� day of By Daniel E. McCabe, Assistant Manager Horseshoe Be Development, LLC MY m 00 nc_ - my han anNol" , Ca1� �-�� e c mission xpires: Exhibit A 102 Part of the NW1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., described as follows: Beegginning at a point on the North boundary Line of said Section 26, which pint is 1974.7 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Section; - thence South and parallel to the North-South center line of said Section, 180 feet; thence East and parallel to the North boundary line of said Section, 110 feet; thence North and parallel to the said center line of said Section, 180 feet to the North boundary line of said Section; thence Westerlyalong the North boundary line of said Section, 110 feet to the Point oBeginning, Except right of way over so much of the North 30 feet thereof, as may be used for West 38th Avenue, and Except that portion conveyed to the City of Wheat Ridge in Deed recorded October 8, 1990 under Reception No. 90086573,- County 0086573,County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. •w„ 14� RECORDATION REQUESTED BY: Solara Nations! Bank 319 South Sheridan Blvd Lakewood, CO 80226 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Solara National Bank 319 South Sheridan Blvd Lakewood, CO 80226 SEND TAX NOTICES TO: Solara Notional Bank 319 South Sheridan Blvd Lakewood Ca a022E__ _ 2018094124 10/15/2018 2:21 PM PGS 7 $43.00 DF $0.00 Electronically Recorded Jefferson County, CO Faye Griffin, Clerk and Recorder TD1000 N FOR RECORpER'S USE ONLY DEED OF TRUST MAXIMUM PRINCIPAL AMOUNT SECURED. The Lien of this Deed of Trust shall not exceed at any one time 91,900,000.00 except as allowed under applicable Colorado law. THIS DEED OF TRUST is dated October 12, 2018, among 7390 W 38th Ave Investment, I.I.C. a Colorado limited liability company ("Grantor"); Solara National Bank, whose address is 319 South Sheridan Blvd, Lakewood, CO 80226 (referred to below sometimes as "Lender" and sometimes as "Beneficiary"); and the Public Trustee of Jefferson County, Colorado (referred to below as "Trustee"). CONVEYANCE AND GRANT. For valuable consideration. Grantor hereby irrevocably grants, transfers and assigns to Trustee for the benefit of Lender as Beneficiary all of Grantor's right, title, and interest in and to the following described real property, together with all existing or subsequently erected or affixed buildings, improvements and fixtures; all easements, rights of way, and appurtenances; all water, water rights and ditch rights [Including stock in utilities with ditch or Irrigation rights); and all other rights, royalties, and profits relating to the real property, including without limitation ail minerals, oil, gas, geothermal and similar matters, (the "Real Property") located in Jefferson County, State of Colorado: Part of the NW114 of the NE1/4 of Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North boundary line of said Section 26, which point is 1974.7 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Section; thence South and peratlel to the North-South center line of said Section, 180 feet; thence East and parallel to the North boundary line of said Section, 110 feet; thence North and parallel to the said center line of said Section, 180 feet to the North boundary lute of said Section; thence Westerly along the North boundary line of said Section, 110 feet to the Point of Beginning, Except right of way over so much of the North 30 feet thereof, as may be used for West 38th Avenue, and Except that portion conveyed to the City of Wheat Ridge in Deed recorded October S, 1990 under Reception No. 90086573. County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. 7390 W 38th Ave.. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 The Real Property or its address Is commonly known as 7390 W 38th Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033. CROSS -COLLATERALIZATION. In addition to the Note, this Deed of Trust secures all obligations, debts and liabilities, plus Interest thereon, of Grantor to Lender, or any one or more of them, as well as all claims by Lender against Grantor or any one or more of them, whether now existing or hereafter arising, whether related or unrelated to the purpose of the Note, whether voluntary or otherwise, whether due or not due, direct or Indirect, determined or undetermined, absolute or contingent, liquidated or unliquidated. whether Grantor may be liable individually or jointly with others, whether obligated as guarantor, surety, accommodation party or otherwise, and whether recovery upon such amounts may be or hereafter may become barred by any statute of limitations, and whether the obligation to repay such amounts may be or hereafter may become otherwise unenforceable. Grantor presently assigns to Lender (also known as Beneficiary in this Deed of Truett all of Grantor's right, title, and interest In and to all present and future leases of the Property and all Rents from the Property. In addition, Grantor grants to Lender a Uniform Commercial Code security interest in the Personal Property and Rents. THIS DEED OF TRUST, INCLUDING THE ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND THE SECURITY INTEREST IN THE RENTS AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. IS GIVEN TO SECURE (A) PAYMENT OF THE INDEBTEDNESS AND (B) PERFORMANCE OF ANY AND ALL OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE NOTE, THE RELATED DOCUMENTS, AND THIS DEED OF TRUST. THIS DEED OF TRUST IS GIVEN AND ACCEPTED ON THE FOLLOWING TERMS: PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE. Except as otherwise provided in this Deed of Trust, Grantor shall pay to Lender all amounts secured by this Deed of Trust as they become due, and shall strictly and In a timely manner perform all of Grantor's obligations under the Note, this Dead of Trust, and the Related Documents. POSSESSION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPERTY. Grantor agrees that Grantor's possession and use of the Property shalt be governed by the following provisions: Possession and Use. Until the occurrence of an Event of Default, Grantor may (1) remain In possession and control of the Property; (2) use, operate or manage the Property; and (3) collect the Rents from the Property. Duty to Maintain. Grantor shall maintain the Property in tenantable condition and promptly perform all repairs, replacements, and maintenance necessary to preserve its value. Compliance With Environmental Laws. Grantor represents and warrants to Lender that: (1) During the period of Grantor's ownership of the Property, there has been no use, generation, manufacture, storage, treatment, dispoeel, releaae or threataned release of any Hazardous Substance by any person on, under, about or from the Property; (2) Grantor has no knowledge of, or DEED OF TRUST (Continued) Page Z reason to believe that there has been, except as previously disclosed to and acknowledged by Lender in writing, fat any breach or violation of any Environmental Laws, fb) any use, generation, manufacture, storage, treatment, disposal, release or threatened release of any Hazardous Substance on, under, about or from the Property by any prior owners or occupants of the Property, or 40 any actual or threatened litigation or claims of any kind by any person relating to such matters; and 431 Except as previously disclosed to and acknowledged by Lender in writing, is) neither Grantor nor any tenant, contractor, agent or other authorized user of the Property shall use, generate, manufacture, store, treat, dispose of or release any Hazardous Substance on, under, about or from the Property; and Ib) any such activity shall be conducted in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations and ordinances, Including without limitation all Environmental Laws. Grantor authorizes Lender and Its agents to enter upon the Property to make such inspections and tests, at Grantor's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate to determine compliance of the Property with this section of the Deed of Trust. Any inspections or tests made by Lender shall be for Lender's purposes only and shall not be construed to create any responsibility or liability on the part of Lender to Grantor or to any other person. The representations and warranties contained herein are based on Grantor's due diligence In investigating the Property for Hazardous Substances. Grantor hereby (1) releases and waives any future claims against Lender for indemnity or contribution In the event Grantor becomes liable for cleanup or other costs under any such laws; and (2) agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Lender against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, damages, penalties, and expenses which Lender may directly or indirectly sustain or suffer resulting from a breach of this section of the Deed of Trust or as a consequence of any use, generation, manufacture, storage, disposal, release or threatened release occurring prior to Grantor's ownership or interest in the Property, whether or not the some was or should have been known to Grantor. The provisions of this section of the Deed of Trust, Including the obligation to indemnify and defend, shall survive the payment of the Indebtedness and the satisfaction and reconveyance of the lien of this Deed of Trust and shall not be affected by Lender's acquisition of any interest in the Property, whether by foreclosure or otherwise. Nuisance. Waste. Grantor shall not cause, conduct or permit any nuisance nor commit, permit, or suffer any stripping of or waste on or to the Property or any portion of the Property. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing. Grantor will not remove, or grant to any other party the right to remove, any timber, minerals )including oil and gas), coal, clay, scoria, soil, gravel or rock products without Lender's prior written consent. Removal of Improvements. Grantor shall not demolish or remove any Improvements from the Real Property without Lender's prior written consent. As a condition to the removal of env Improvements, Lender may require Grantor to make arrangements satisfactory to Lender to replace such Improvements with Improvements of at least equal value. Lender's Right to Eller. Lender and Lender's agents and representatives may enter upon the Real Property at all reasonable times to attend to Lender's interests and to Inspect the Real Property for purposes of Grantor's compliance with the terms and conditions of this Dead of Trust. Compliance with Governmental Requirements. Grantor shall promptly comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations, now or hereafter in effect, of all governmental authorities applicable to the use or occupancy of the Property, including without limitation, the Americans With Disabilities Act. Grantor may contest in good faith any such law, ordinance, or regulation and withhold compliance during any proceeding, including appropriate appeals, so long as Grantor has notified Lender in writing prior to doing so and so long as, In Lender's note opinion, Lender's interests In the Property are not jeopardized. Lender may require Grantor to post adequate security or a surety bond, reasonably satisfactory to Lender, to protect Lender's Interest. Duty to Protect. Grantor agrees neither to abandon or leave unattended the Property. Grantor shall do all other acts, in addition to those acts set forth above in this section, which from the character and use of the Property are reasonably necessary to protect and preserve the Property. DUE ON SALE - CONSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's option, declare Immediately due and payable all sums secured by this Deed of Trust upon the sale or transfer, without Lender's prior written consent, of all or any part of the Real Property, or any interest in the Real Property. A "sale or transfer" means the conveyance of Real Property or any right, title or interest in the Real Property; whether legal, beneficial or equitable; whether voluntary or involuntary; whether by outright sale, deed, installment sale contract, land contract, contract for deed, leasehold Interest with a term greater than three (31 years, lease -option contract, or by sale, assignment, or transfer of any beneficial interest In or to any land trust holding title to the Real Property, or by any other method of conveyance of an interest in the Real Property. If any Grantor is a corporation, partnership or limited liability company, transfer also includes any change in ownership of more than twenty-five percent 12696) of the voting stock, partnership Interests or limited liability company interests, as the case may be, of such Grantor. However, this option shall not be exercised by Lender it such exercise Is prohibited by federal law or by Colorado law. TAXES AND LIENS. The following provisions relating to the taxes and (ions on the Property are part of this Deed of Trust: Payment. Grantor shall pay when due (and in all events prior to delinquency) all taxes. special taxes, assessments, charges (Including water and sewer), fines and impositions levied against or on account of the Property, and shall pay when due all claims for work done on or for services rendered or material furnished to the Property. Grantor shall maintain the Property free of all liens having priority over or equal to the interest of Lender under this Deed of Trust, except for the lien of taxes and assessments not due and except as otherwise provided in this Deed of Trust. Right to Contest. Grantor may withhold payment of any tax, assessment, or claim in connection with a good faith dispute over the obligation to pay, so long as Lender's interest in the Property Is not jeopardized. If a lien arises or is filed as a result of nonpayment, Grantor shall within fifteen (16) days after the lien arises or, if a lien Is filed, within fifteen (lb) days after Grantor has notice of the filing, secure the discharge of the lien, or if requested by Lender, deposit with Lender cash or a sufficient corporate surety bond or other security satisfactory to Lender In an amount sufficient to discharge the lien plus any costa and attorneys' fees, or other charges that could accrue as a result of a foreclosure or sale under the lien. In any contest, Grantor shall defend itself and Lender and shall satisfy any adverse judgment before enforcement against the Property. Grantor shall name Lender as an add4tional obligee under env surety bond furnished in the contest proceedings Evidence of Payment. Grantor shall upon demand furnish to Lender satisfactory evidence of payment of the taxes or assessments and shall authorize the appropriate governmental official to deliver to Lender at any time a written statement of the taxes and assessments against the Property. Notice of Construction. Grantor shall notify Lender at least fifteen (16) days before any work Is commenced, any services are furnished, or any materials are supplied to the Property, if any mechanic's lien, materialmen's lien, or other lien could be asserted on account of the work, services, or materials. Grantor will upon request of Lender furnish to Lender advance assurances satisfactory to Lender that Grantor can and will pay the cost of such improvements. PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. The following provisions relating to insuring the Property are a part of this Deed of Trust. Maintenance of Insurance. Grantor shall procure and maintain policies of fire insurance with standard extended coverage endorsements on a replacement basis for the full insurable value covering all Improvements on the Real Property in an amount sufficient to avoid application of any coinsurance clause, and with a standard mortgagee clause In favor of Lender. Grantor shall also procure and maintain comprehensive general liability insurance in such coverage amounts as Lender may request with Trustee and Lender being named as additional insureds in such liability Insurance policies. Additionally, Grantor shell maintain such other Insurance, including but not limited to hazard, business interruption, and boiler insurance, as Lender may reasonably require. Policies shall be written In form, amounts, coverages and basis reasonably acceptable to Lender and issued by a company or companies reasonably acceptable to Lender. Grantor, upon request of Lender, will deliver to Lender from time to time the policies or certificates of insurance in form satisfactory to Lender, including stipulations that coverages will not be cancelled or diminished without at least thirty 1301, days prior written notice to Lender. Each insurance policy also shall include an DEED OF TRUST (Continued) Page 6 No WeIver by Lender. Lender shall not be deemed to have waived any rights under this Deed of Trust unless such waiver is given in writing and signed by Lender. No delay or omission on the pert of Lender in exercising any right shall operate as a waiver of such right or any other right. A waiver by Lender of a provision of this Deed of Trust shall not prejudice or constitute a waiver of Lender's right otherwise to demand strict compliance with that provision or any other provision of this Deed of Trust. No prior waiver by Lender, not any course of dealing between Lender and Grantor, shall constitute a waiver of any of Lender's rights or of any of Grantor's obligations as to any future transactions. Whenever the consent of Lender is required under this Deed of Trust, the granting of such consent by Lender in any instance shall not constitute continuing consent to subsequent instances where such consent is required and in all cases such consent may be granted or withheld In the sole discretion of Lender, Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of this Deed of Trust to be Illegal, invalid, or unenforceable as to any circumstance, that finding shall not make the offending provision illegal, invalid, or unenforceable as to any other circumstance. If feasible, the offending provision shall be considered modified so that it becomes legal, valid and enforceable. If the offending provision cannot be so modified, it shall be considered deleted from this Deed of Trust. Unless otherwise required by law, the illegality, Invalidity, or unenforceability of any provision of this Deed of Trust shall not affect the legality, validity of enforceability of any other provision of this Deed of Trust. Successors and Assigns. Subject to any limitations stated in this Deed of Trust on transfer of Grantor's interest, this Deed of Trust shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and assigns. If ownership of the Property becomes vested in a person other than Grantor, Lender, without notice to Grantor, may deal with Grantor's successors with reference to this Deed of Trust and the Indebtedness by way of forbearance or extension without releasing Grantor from the obligations of this Deed of Trust or liability under the Indebtedness. Time Is of the Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Deed of Trust. Waive Jury. All parties to this Deed of Trust hereby waive the right to any jury trial In any action. proceeding, or counterclaim brought by any party against any other party. Waiver of Homestead Exemption. Grantor hereby releases and waives all rights and benefits of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Colorado as to all Indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust. DEFINITIONS. The following capitalized words and terms shall have the following meeninga when used in this Deed of Trust. Unless specifically Stated to the contrary, all references to dollar amounts shall mean amounts in lawful money of the United States of America. Words and terms used In the singular shall include the plural, and the plural shall Include the singular, as the context may require. Words and terms not otherwise defined in this Deed of Trust shall have the meanings attributed to such terms In the Uniform Commercial Code: Beneficiary. The word "Beneficiary" means Solare National Bank, and its successors and assigns. Borrower. The word "Borrower' means 7390 W 38th Ave investment, LLC and Includes all co-signers and co -makers signing the Note and all their successors and assigns. Dead of Trust. The words "Deed of Trust" mean this Deed of Trust among Grantor. Lender, and Trustee, and includes without limitation all assignment and security interest provisions relating to the Personal Property and Rents. Default. The word "Default" means the Default set forth in this Deed of Trust in the section titled "Default". Environmental Laws. The words "Environmental Laws" mean env and all state, federal and local statutes, regulations and ordinances relating to the protection of human health or the environment, including without limitation the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, as amended, 42 U.S.C. Section 9601, at seq. 1"CERCLA"I, the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986, Pub. L. No. 99-499 f"SARA"), the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C. Section 1801, at seq., the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 6901, at seq., or other applicable state or federal laws, rules, or regulations adopted pursuant thereto. Event of Default. The words "Event of Default" mean any of the events of default set forth In this Deed of Trust in the events of default section of this Deed of Trust. Grantor. The word "Grantor' means 7390 W 38th Ave Investment, LLC. Guarantor. The word "Guarantor" means any guarantor, surety, or accommodation party of any or all of the Indebtedness, Guaranty. The word "Guaranty" means the guaranty from Guarantor to Lender, including without limitation a guaranty of all or part of the Note. Hazardous Substances. The words "Hazardous Substances" mean materials that, because of their quantity, concentration or physical, chemical or infectious characteristics, may cause or pose a present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when Improperly used, treated, stored, disposed of, generated, manufactured, transported or otherwise handled. The words "Hazardous Substances" are used in their very broadest sense and Include without limitation any and all hazardous or toxic substances, materials or waste as defined by or listed under the Environmental Laws. The term "Hazardous Substances" also includes, without limitation, petroleum and petroleum by-products or any fraction thereof and asbestos. Improvements. The word "Improvements" means all existing and future Improvements, buildings, structures, mobile homes affixed on the Real Property, facilities, additions, replacements and other construction on the Real Property. Indebtedness. The word "Indebtedness" means all principal, interest, and other amounts, costs and expenses payable under the Note or Related Documents, together with all renewals of, extensions of, modifications of, consolidations of and substitutions for the Note or Related Documents and any amounts expended or advanced by Lender to discharge Grantor's obligations or expenses incurred by Trustee or Lender to enforce Grantor's obligations under this Deed of Trust, together with interest on such amounts as provided in this Deed of Trust. Specifically, without limitation, Indebtedness Includes all amounts that may be indirectly secured by the Cross -Collateralization provision of this Deed of Trust. Lender. The word "Lender" means Solers National Bank, its successors and assigns. Note. The word "Note" means the promissory note dated October 12, 2018, in the original principal amount of $1,100,000.00 from Grantor to Lender, together with all renewals of, extensions of, modifications of, refinancings of, consolidations of, and substitutions for the promissory note or agreement. Personal Property. The words -Personal Property" mean all equipment, fixtures, and other articles of personal property now or hereafter owned by Grantor, and now or hereafter attached or affixed to the Real Property: together with all accessions, parts. and additions to, all replacements of, and all substitutions for. any of such property; and together with all proceeds (including without limitation all insurance proceeds and refunds of premiums) from any sale or other disposition of the Property. Property. The word 'Property" means collectively the Real Property and the Personal Property. Rant Property. The words "Real Property" mean the real property. Interests and rights, as further described in this Deed of Trust. Related Documents. The words "Related Documents" mean all promissory notes, credit agreements, loan agreements, environmental agreements, guaranties, security agreements, mortgages, deeds of trust, security deeds, collateral mortgages, and all other instruments, agreements and documents, whether now or hereafter existing, executed in connection with the Indebtedness. rJW 8.5.19 Re: 7390 W 38th Ave To Whom it May Concern: As the owner of 7390 W 38th Ave, I hereby give my permission to Thomas d'Aquin, Victoria Olheiser and Donald Olheiser to apply for a building permit at 7390 W 38th Ave. The party is currently under contract to purchase the property mid september. In good faith, I am letting the party apply for a building permit to expedite the application and building process. Please let me know if you have any questions. Regards, Dan McCabe 7390 W 38th Ave Investment, LLC Rev. 5/2014 i� Ity of Wheat�d�e COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Submittal Checklist: Site Plan Project Name: 17q o 1 to $ E Project Location: 3� o v✓ �,g, f/� ✓t'. ���}-�' 91 !]C -E 5 ao ?'a Application Contents: The site plan is used to confirm that new development, redevelopment, or significant fagade improvements meet all applicable zoning or design standards. The following items represent a complete site pian application. 1. Completed, notarized land use application form _2. Application fee — —3. Signed submittal checklist (this document) 4. Proof of ownership—e.g. deed — 5. Written authorization from property owner(s) if an agent acts on behalf of the owner(s)� _6. Written request and description of the proposal _7. Plan set—including site plan, landscape plan, building elevations, streetscape plan, photometric ✓ Two (2) full size paper copies (24" x 36") V One (1) reduced size paper copy (11" x 17") 8. One (1) color reduction of building elevations �9. Civil documents, if required - _10. Electronic (Adobe .pdf) files of all submittal documents—these may be provided via email, CD, DVD, or USB flash drive - Form and content of Plan Set: Note: Depending on the size of the site, Site Plan it may be necessary to provide one ect information overall site plan and additional pages to Pro 71. Title of document—centered at top of page show the location of all buildings, ,e�_2. Vicinity map fences, signs, parking, etc. J3. Scale and north arrow—scale not to exceed 1 "=100' 4. Date of plan preparation and name/address of who prepared the plan 5. Legal description 6. Appropriate signature blocks—see cover sheet handout 7. Signed surveyor's certification Case history with applicable land use case numbers Y9� . Statement of proposed uses and compliance with zoning 0. Site data in tabular form (numeric and percentage), including the following: ✓ a. Total area of property, gross and net �b. Building coverage 2c. Amount of open space required and provided—include breakdown of usable open space, hardscaped open space, and landscaped open space d. Number of parking spaces required and provided _Ze. Gross floor area by use ,Ll.lrf. Number of residential units and density 11. Justification of provided parking ratio, especially where shared parking is proposed Community Development Department • (303) 235-2846 • www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Sample Site Data Table [more or less information may be required depending on the development proposal] Existin zoning Proposed land use Total area Lot # Lot # Floor area by use ft ft net Gr phical information 12. Legend 13. Property lines and dimensions 14. Adjoining property lines, buildings, access, and parking ./ 15. Location of improvements that are proposed and those that are existing and will remain: a. Buildings—identify floor area, setback dimensions, proposed land use b. Parking and loading areas—identify handicap parking c. Open space/landscaping—identify size (sq ft) and type (eg living, sod, hardscape) d. Fences, walls, or hedges—identify height and material e. Exterior lighting f. Signs—identify type and height g. Trash containers or storage area—identify height and material of screen walls h. Areas for outside storage/display—identify height and material of screen walls 416. Easements, utilities, or other encumbrances that may impact development 6._117. Drainage ways, pond areas, ditches, irrigation canals, lakes and streams—if applicable 1J�18. Streets and rights-of-way both adjacent and within the site—include names, widths, location of centerlines r4/r19. 100 -year floodplain—if applicable Landscape Plan ✓ 1. Title of document (centered at top of page) ,2. Scale and north arrow (scale not to exceed 1"=100') 3. Legend 4. Property lines and dimensions 5. Proposed buildings and parking areas 6. Proposed open space/landscape areas—identify dimensions/square footage _7. Proposed materials for all landscape and hardscape areas—identify type of ground cover, pavers, and plant material Required Proposed Building coverage % max / sq ft max % / sq ft Open space/landscaping % min / sq ft min % / sq ft Useable % min / s ft min % / s ft Sod % max /s ftmax % / sq ft Hardsca e % max / sq ft max % / sq ft Parkin Standard # # Accessible # # Bicycle # # Gr phical information 12. Legend 13. Property lines and dimensions 14. Adjoining property lines, buildings, access, and parking ./ 15. Location of improvements that are proposed and those that are existing and will remain: a. Buildings—identify floor area, setback dimensions, proposed land use b. Parking and loading areas—identify handicap parking c. Open space/landscaping—identify size (sq ft) and type (eg living, sod, hardscape) d. Fences, walls, or hedges—identify height and material e. Exterior lighting f. Signs—identify type and height g. Trash containers or storage area—identify height and material of screen walls h. Areas for outside storage/display—identify height and material of screen walls 416. Easements, utilities, or other encumbrances that may impact development 6._117. Drainage ways, pond areas, ditches, irrigation canals, lakes and streams—if applicable 1J�18. Streets and rights-of-way both adjacent and within the site—include names, widths, location of centerlines r4/r19. 100 -year floodplain—if applicable Landscape Plan ✓ 1. Title of document (centered at top of page) ,2. Scale and north arrow (scale not to exceed 1"=100') 3. Legend 4. Property lines and dimensions 5. Proposed buildings and parking areas 6. Proposed open space/landscape areas—identify dimensions/square footage _7. Proposed materials for all landscape and hardscape areas—identify type of ground cover, pavers, and plant material --,,/8. Schedule of proposed plantings, including: /a. Amount of open space required and provided—include breakdown of usable open space, hardscaped open space, landscaped open space, required and provided shrubs, required and provided trees, required and provided street trees b. Species name—common and botanical c. Quantity of each species –7d. Size of plants/trees—gallon size of container, caliper or height of trees e. Type of ground cover f. Quantity of ground cover—identify total size in square feet and as a percentage of total open space �g. Supplementary notes—regarding irrigation, size of plant container, balled and burlapped, depth of non -living material/rock/bark, etc Sample Landscape/Plant Schedule [more or less information may be required depending on the development proposal] Trees Required Botanical Name Proposed Open sace/landsca in % min / sq ft min % / sq ft Useable % min / s: ft min % / Sq ft Sod % max / s.q ft max % / s ft Hardsca e % max / sq ft max % / sq ft On-site trees # % / s # Fa ade B On-site shrubs # % / s # Street trees # # Trees Qty Botanical Name Common Name Ground floor transparency Shrubs Q Botanical Name Common Name ft Fa adeB % min /s Street Trees Qty Botanical Name Common Name EIFS/CMU/metalpanels/siding .. Farade A Building Elevations 1. Title of document (centered at top of page) _j/ 2. Detailed elevations for each fagade ,3. Detailed elevations for accessory structures 4. Detailed elevations for trash enclosures/screen walls 5. Material and color information 6. Structure dimensions—overall building height, overall building width, floor -to -floor heights 17. Summary table of materials and transparency by fagade—where material or transparency standards apply, include a table identifying required and proposed materials Sample Building Materials Summary [more or less information may be required depending on the development proposal] Required Proposed Ground floor transparency Far,adeA % min /s ft min%/s ft Fa adeB % min /s ft min I %/s ft Secondary material EIFS/CMU/metalpanels/siding .. Farade A % max / sq ft max % / s ft Fa ade B % max / sq ft max % / s ft Streetscape Plan i /A It may be possible to combine this sheet with the Landscape Plan as long as public street trees are disaggregated in the plant schedule. Refer to the Wheat Ridge Streetscape Design Manual for streetscape design requirements. 1. Ph Title of document (centered at top of page) _2. Scale and north arrow (scale not to exceed V= 100') _3. Location of all existing and proposed streetscape elements/furnishings, including: a. Sidewalk and amenity zones—location, dimensions, materials _b. Street trees—identify spacing dimensions _c. Street lights _d. Pedestrian lights _e. Street furniture—benches, trash cans, etc _f. Bus stops _g. Signs h. Irrigation system i. Utilities and utility boxes j. Curbs and ADA ramps �4. Schedule of proposed plantings, including: _a. Species name—common and botanical _b. Quantity of each species _c. Size of plants/trees—gallon size of container, caliper or height of trees _d. Type of ground cover _e. Quantity of ground cover—identify total size in square feet and as a percentage of total open space f. Supplementary notes—regarding irrigation, size of plant container, balled and burlapped, depth of non -living material/rock/bark, etc _7. Schedule of proposed streetscape furnishings, including: a. Manufacturer b. Product number _c. Color _d. Quantity 7torn Plan 1. Title of document (centered at top of page) ✓ 2. Scale and north arrow (scale not to exceed 1 "= 100') ,�7'3. Site plan showing the location of all exterior lights and a numerical grid of lighting levels in foot candles or as isoilluminance curves ✓ 4. A fixture schedule that includes all luminaries shown on the plan and specs for each fixture: a. Manufacturer and model a. Fixture type and wattage 7b. Mounting height of all fixtures �5. Cut sheets showing the design and finishes of all fixtures, including designation of cutoff fixtures 4 Additional information which may be required: Depending on the size, scope, and complexity of the request additional documents may be required. The submission of these documents will be discussed during the pre -application meeting. This includes, but is not limited to, the following documents (one paper copy plus Adobe .pdf file is required): 1. Trip generation letter or traffic study 2. Drainage report 3. Soils report 4. Erosion control plan As applicant for this project, I hereby ensure that all of the above requirements have been included with this submittal. I fully understand that if any one of the items listed on this checklist has been excluded, the documents will NOT be distributed for City review. In addition, 1 understand that in the event any revisions need to ber e`after the second (2"d) full review, 1 will be subject to the applicable resubmittal fee. � Signature: � P Name ( ase print): Gry+al.S��1 r►. . Date: E-7 - 1 r Phone: � 2 d '3n 18 �- I yl � CURB CUT PERMANENT EASEMENT REC # 90086587 (EXCEPTION #9) BRICK STORE FROM BUILDING A.L.T.A./N.S.P.S. LAND TITLE SURVEY PARCEL LOCATED IN THE N 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN 7390 WEST 38TH AVENUE l64 NE CORNER NWYi 35.00, NEY4 NWY4 NEY4 SECTION 26 329.26' 1. 54' 02'W WEST 38TH AVENUE NORTH LINE NE Y4 SECTIONN 2� 30' REC 1974.9' AM (CITY Y. SECTION I S89. 541021w 1.110.00' AM -& REC CURTIS E. CARROLL, PLS COLORADO REG.#37552 sn -.�'� by Curtis E. Carroll Date: 2019.07.23 16:20:43 -06'00' -- 25.0' .., aa-.. i- rn• •. �� 49.0 1,; t 7FKF°D 771 • f5.4°� #7390 - BRICK & FRAME CHURCH - 2.1 FLOOR = 5443.2 64.1' 4-�J �a PERMANENT EASEMENT REC # 90086587 i (EXCEPTION #9) / IT 4 L ./; 30.1' CURB CUT y ` / ? FLOWLINES ASPHALT SURFACE 51.4' i S89' 54' 02'W #3715 110.00' AM & REC 1 STORY APARTMENTS I 30.6' F w 3 N� I = N W 0 OUR CUT to BLOCK WALL GUY WIRE NEY4 SECTION 26 :V70,UND CROSS CUT IN CONCRETE A FOUND MONUMENT IN RANGE BOX EI SET 1" BRASS DISK PLS 37552 ■ FOUND 1" BRASS CAP PLS ILLEGIBLE 0 FOUND 3" BRASS CAP PLS 13112 O SET #4 REBAR & CAP PLS 37552 R -O -W - RIGHT-OF-WAY A.M. - AS MEASURED IN FIELD REC. - DEED OR PLAT DISTANCE TQ 6' x 4.3' TRANSFORMER PAD EB ELECTRIC BOX CB CABLE BOX ® GAS METER p SCHOOL CROSSING SIGN ® FLASHING SCHOOL SPEED LIMIT SIGN b CHURCH SIGN ® STREET LIGHT LIGHT POLE [J7 UTILITY POLE Q9 WATER METER `�. HANDICAP PARKNIG OR RAMP -OH -71H - OVERHEAD UTILITIES - '- '- FENCE LINE FL - FLOWLINE GRADE WC - WITNESS CORNER 0 CONCRETE & FLAGSTONE AREA zlx SPOT ELEVATION BENCHMARK: NGS MARKER "CTMC" C.O.R.S. NAVD 1988 L1 PHASE CENTER 6022.48 GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN I= ) 1 mch - 20 R 44TH AVENUE 38TH AVENUE w o w N � a 3 � WEST 32TH AVENUE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PART OF THE NW'/. OF THE NE'/.OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION 26, WHICH POINT IS 1974.7 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE SOUTH AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH -SOUTH CENTER LINE OF SAID SECTION, 180 FEET; THENCE EAST AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION, 110 FEET; THENCE NORTH AND PARALLEL TO THE SAID CENTER LINE OF SAID SECTION, 180 FEET TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION, 110 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPT RIGHT OF WAY OVER SO MUCH OF THE NORTH 30 FEET THEREOF AS MAY BE USED FOR WEST 38TH AVENUE; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVENED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE IN DEED RECORDED OCTOBER 8, 1990 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 90086573, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. CERTIFICATION: TO: FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, CONFESSION BREWING, KITCHEN LLC, 7390 W 38TH AVE INVESTMENT, LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, THOMAS D'AQUIN AND VICTORIA OLHEISER AND DONALD OLHEISER. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP OR PLAT AND THE SURVEY ON WHICH IT IS BASED WERE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2016 MINIMUM STANDARD DETAIL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALTAIACSM LAND TITLE SURVEYS, JOINTLY ESTABLISHED AND ADOPTED BY ALTA AND NSPS, AND INCLUDES ITEMS 1,2,3,4,5, 7A,8,9,AND 11A OF TABLE A THEREOF. THE FIELD WORK WAS COMPLETED ON JUNE 25TH, 2019, DATE OF PLAT OR MAP: JULY 18, 2019, THIS SURVEY CONFORMS TO ALL APPLICABLE STATE LAWS AS DEFINED IN TITLE 38, ARTICLES 50, 51, AND 53 OF THE COLORADO REVISED STATUTES AND THIS LAND SURVEY PLAT ACCURATELY DEPICTS THE RESULTS OF SAID SURVEY. 1. NOTICE ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW, YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 2. MONUMENT DEFACING STATEMENT ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY REMOVES, ALTERS OR DEFACES ANY PUBLIC LAND SURVEY MONUMENT OR LAND BOUNDARY MONUMENT OR ACCESSORY, COMMITS A CLASS TWO (2) MISDEMEANOR PURSUANT TO STATE STATUTE 18-4508, C.R.S. 3. THE SURVEYOR RELIED UPON THE TITLE REPORT PREPARED BY FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, 100-N0022898-030-TH, AMENDMENT NO. 1, DATE: JUNE 24, 2019, FOR THE PREPARATION OF THIS SURVEY. 4. P.L.S. SEAL, DEPICTED HEREON, VALID ONLY WITH WET SIGNATURE AND DATE WRITTEN THROUGH IT. 6. CERTIFICATION AND USE OF THE WORD CERTIFY IS DEFINED AS FOLLOWS! SAID CERTIFICATION OR USE OF THE WORD CERTIFY AS A STATEMENT IS BASED UPON THE UNDERSIGNED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR'S KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE AND IS NOT A GUARANTY OR WARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED (PER COLORADO STATE BOARD RULE NO- 6.2-2). 7. ALL LINEAL DISTANCE UNITS SET FORTH ON THIS SURVEY ARE EXPRESSED IN U.5. SURVEY FEET AND DECIMALS THEREOF. A U.S. SURVEY FOOT IS DEFINED AS EXACTLY 1200/3937 METERS. 8 THE AREA OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS 15,225 SQUARE FEET OR 0.3725 ACRES MORE OR LESS, 9. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS ENTIRELY WITHIN ZONE X (NOT WITHIN A 100YR FLOOD ZONE) PER FIRM MAP FOR COMMUNITY NO. 08059CC1214F DATED FEBRUARY 5, 2014. 10. SIXTEEN (16) STANDARD AND ONE (1) HANDICAP PARKING SPACES EXIST ON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. 11. BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY DESCRIBED WAS ASSUMED TO BEAR S00°09'04"E, BETWEEN TWO BRASS DISK AS SHOWN HEREON. VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE THE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS: 1. ANY FACTS, RIGHTS, INTERESTS OR CLAIMS THAT ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS BUT WHICH COULD BE ASCERTAINED BY AN INSPECTION OF THE LAND OR THAT MAY BE ASSERTED BY PERSONS IN POSSESSION OF THE LAND.(NOT PLOTTABLE) 2. EASEMENTS, LIENS OR ENCUMBRANCES, OR CLAIMS THEREOF, NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS,(NOT PLOTTABLE) 3. ANY ENCROACHMENTS, ENCUMBRANCES, VIOLATION, VARIATION, OR ADVERSE CIRCUMSTANCE AFFECTING THE TITLE THAT WOULD BE DISCLOSED BY AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE LAND SURVEY OF THE LAND AND NOT SHOWN BY PUBLIC RECORDS.(NOT PLOTTABLE) 4. ANY LIEN OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, FOR SERVICES, LABOR OR MATERIAL HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FURNISHED, IMPOSED BY LAW AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.(NOT PLOTTABLE) 5. DEFECTS, LIENS, ENCUMBRANCES, ADVERSE CLAIMS OR OTHER MATTERS, IF ANY, CREATED, FIRST APPEARING IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OR ATTACHING SUBSEQUENT TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF BUT PRIOR TO THE DATE THE PROPOSEDINSURED ACQUIRES OF RECORD FOR THE VALUE THE ESTATE OR INTEREST OR MORTGAGE THEREON COVERED BY THIS COMMITMENT.(NOT PLOTTABLE) 6. WATER RIGHTS, CLAIMS OF TITLE TO WATER WHETHER OR NOT THESE MATTERS ARE SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.(NOT PLOTTABLE) 7. ALL TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS, NOW OR HERETOFORE ASSESSED, DUE OR PAYABLE.(NOT PLOTTABLE) 8. ANY EXISTING LEASES OR TENANCIES, AND ANY AND ALL PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH OR UNDER SAID LESSEES.(NOT PLOTTABLE) 9. EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT: GRANTED TO: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PURPOSE: PERMANENT EASEMENT RECORDING DATE: OCTOBER S. 1990 RECORDING NO.: RECEPTION NO. 90086587 (ASSHOWN) 10. TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, AGREEMENTS AND OBLIGATIONS CONTAINED IN THE RESOLUTION NO. 12-2001 AS SET FORTH BELOW: RECORDING DATE: JULY 19, 2001 RECORDING NO.: RECEPTION NO. F1279301 (NOTPLOTTABLE) 11. TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, AGREEMENTS AND OBLIGATIONS CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CORPORATE BOUNDARY AS SET FORTH BELOW: RECORDING DATE: JANUARY 7, 2009 RECORDING NO.: RECEPTION N0. 2009001396 (NOT PLOTTABLE) COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: DEPOSITED THIS DAY OF 2019, AT M. IN BOOK OF THE COUNTY SURVEYOR'S LAND SURVEY PLATS/RIGHT-OF-WAY SURVEYS AT PAGE_ RECEPTION NUMBER BEAR CREEK LAND SURVEYING 8801 WEST JEWELL PLACE LAKEWOOD, CO 80227 PHONE (720)-933-4791 Digitally signed CURTIS E. CARROLL, PLS COLORADO REG.#37552 sn -.�'� by Curtis E. Carroll Date: 2019.07.23 16:20:43 -06'00' 1. NOTICE ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW, YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 2. MONUMENT DEFACING STATEMENT ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY REMOVES, ALTERS OR DEFACES ANY PUBLIC LAND SURVEY MONUMENT OR LAND BOUNDARY MONUMENT OR ACCESSORY, COMMITS A CLASS TWO (2) MISDEMEANOR PURSUANT TO STATE STATUTE 18-4508, C.R.S. 3. THE SURVEYOR RELIED UPON THE TITLE REPORT PREPARED BY FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, 100-N0022898-030-TH, AMENDMENT NO. 1, DATE: JUNE 24, 2019, FOR THE PREPARATION OF THIS SURVEY. 4. P.L.S. SEAL, DEPICTED HEREON, VALID ONLY WITH WET SIGNATURE AND DATE WRITTEN THROUGH IT. 6. CERTIFICATION AND USE OF THE WORD CERTIFY IS DEFINED AS FOLLOWS! SAID CERTIFICATION OR USE OF THE WORD CERTIFY AS A STATEMENT IS BASED UPON THE UNDERSIGNED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR'S KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE AND IS NOT A GUARANTY OR WARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED (PER COLORADO STATE BOARD RULE NO- 6.2-2). 7. ALL LINEAL DISTANCE UNITS SET FORTH ON THIS SURVEY ARE EXPRESSED IN U.5. SURVEY FEET AND DECIMALS THEREOF. A U.S. SURVEY FOOT IS DEFINED AS EXACTLY 1200/3937 METERS. 8 THE AREA OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS 15,225 SQUARE FEET OR 0.3725 ACRES MORE OR LESS, 9. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS ENTIRELY WITHIN ZONE X (NOT WITHIN A 100YR FLOOD ZONE) PER FIRM MAP FOR COMMUNITY NO. 08059CC1214F DATED FEBRUARY 5, 2014. 10. SIXTEEN (16) STANDARD AND ONE (1) HANDICAP PARKING SPACES EXIST ON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. 11. BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY DESCRIBED WAS ASSUMED TO BEAR S00°09'04"E, BETWEEN TWO BRASS DISK AS SHOWN HEREON. VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE THE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS: 1. ANY FACTS, RIGHTS, INTERESTS OR CLAIMS THAT ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS BUT WHICH COULD BE ASCERTAINED BY AN INSPECTION OF THE LAND OR THAT MAY BE ASSERTED BY PERSONS IN POSSESSION OF THE LAND.(NOT PLOTTABLE) 2. EASEMENTS, LIENS OR ENCUMBRANCES, OR CLAIMS THEREOF, NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS,(NOT PLOTTABLE) 3. ANY ENCROACHMENTS, ENCUMBRANCES, VIOLATION, VARIATION, OR ADVERSE CIRCUMSTANCE AFFECTING THE TITLE THAT WOULD BE DISCLOSED BY AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE LAND SURVEY OF THE LAND AND NOT SHOWN BY PUBLIC RECORDS.(NOT PLOTTABLE) 4. ANY LIEN OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, FOR SERVICES, LABOR OR MATERIAL HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FURNISHED, IMPOSED BY LAW AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.(NOT PLOTTABLE) 5. DEFECTS, LIENS, ENCUMBRANCES, ADVERSE CLAIMS OR OTHER MATTERS, IF ANY, CREATED, FIRST APPEARING IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OR ATTACHING SUBSEQUENT TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF BUT PRIOR TO THE DATE THE PROPOSEDINSURED ACQUIRES OF RECORD FOR THE VALUE THE ESTATE OR INTEREST OR MORTGAGE THEREON COVERED BY THIS COMMITMENT.(NOT PLOTTABLE) 6. WATER RIGHTS, CLAIMS OF TITLE TO WATER WHETHER OR NOT THESE MATTERS ARE SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.(NOT PLOTTABLE) 7. ALL TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS, NOW OR HERETOFORE ASSESSED, DUE OR PAYABLE.(NOT PLOTTABLE) 8. ANY EXISTING LEASES OR TENANCIES, AND ANY AND ALL PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH OR UNDER SAID LESSEES.(NOT PLOTTABLE) 9. EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT: GRANTED TO: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PURPOSE: PERMANENT EASEMENT RECORDING DATE: OCTOBER S. 1990 RECORDING NO.: RECEPTION NO. 90086587 (ASSHOWN) 10. TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, AGREEMENTS AND OBLIGATIONS CONTAINED IN THE RESOLUTION NO. 12-2001 AS SET FORTH BELOW: RECORDING DATE: JULY 19, 2001 RECORDING NO.: RECEPTION NO. F1279301 (NOTPLOTTABLE) 11. TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, AGREEMENTS AND OBLIGATIONS CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CORPORATE BOUNDARY AS SET FORTH BELOW: RECORDING DATE: JANUARY 7, 2009 RECORDING NO.: RECEPTION N0. 2009001396 (NOT PLOTTABLE) COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: DEPOSITED THIS DAY OF 2019, AT M. IN BOOK OF THE COUNTY SURVEYOR'S LAND SURVEY PLATS/RIGHT-OF-WAY SURVEYS AT PAGE_ RECEPTION NUMBER BEAR CREEK LAND SURVEYING 8801 WEST JEWELL PLACE LAKEWOOD, CO 80227 PHONE (720)-933-4791 VICINITY MAP I A.e w3 n e w35tn A"e .v:asma 9 w3amA.. Pmtessionall;,Goagle Home Health Care Beauty Sup - - S-`*Y4rpoMa o2 _ - Oak HIIl Apartments0 c Map data ©2019 Google 200 ft SCALE: 1 "=200' LEGAL DESCRIPTION 0 PART OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69, WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH BOUNDRY LINE OF SAID SECTION 26, WHICH POINT IS 1974.7 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE SOUTH AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH -SOUTH CENTER LINE OF SAID SECTION, 180 FEET; THENCE EAST AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION, 110 FEET; THENCE NORTH AND PARALLEL TO THE SAID CENTER LINE OF SAID SECTION, 180 FEET TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION, 110 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPT RIGHT OF WAY OVER SO MUCH OF THE NORTH 30 FEET THEREOF AS MAY BE USED FOR WEST 38TH AVENUE; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE IN DEED RECORDED OCTOBER 8, 1990 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 90086573, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. CONTAINING 16,225 SQUARE FEET OR 0.3725 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. 0 STATEMENT OF PROPOSED USE THE PROJECT CONSISTS OF CONVERTING THE EXISTING 6,054 SQ. FT. BUILDING INTO A BREWERY AND RESTAURANT. A 565 SQ. FT. ADDITION IS BEING PROPOSED ON THE SOUTH END OF THE EXISTING BUILDING FOR A WALK-IN COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM FOR THE BREWERY. THE MAIN LEVEL WOULD CONTAIN THE COMMERCIAL KITCHEN AND RESTAURANT/TAP ROOM SEATING WITH THE BREWERY OPERATION IN THE BASEMENT. AN OUTDOOR PATIO SEATING AREA WITH LANDSCAPING FEATURES AND BUFFERS ON THE NORTH END. RECONFIGURED PARKING LOT ON THE EAST SIDE. M OWNER'S CERTIFICATE 4 4 m C? E0 THE BELOW SIGNED OWNER(S) OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) THEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW. I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF THIS SITE PLAN DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26-121 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. (BUSINESS NAME) BY: DATE: OWNER STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF A.D. 20 BY WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC N ADDRESS CITY CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS DAY OF BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. ATTEST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SITE PLAN 1 of = 10'-011 7390 W 38TH AVE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 38TH AVENUE 4 1 110' - 01, 15'- 0 5/8" 5'- 0" 5'- 0" 43- 9" 5'- 0" 28'- 3" 7' -11 3/8" PLANTER BED W/ " p PERMANENT 5 DRIVE AISLE a .. aWALL 5'EXISTING SIDEWALK, a EASEMENT SHOWNGARDEN PROPERTY LINE - TL °� a "SI ° - SL a GREY POCHE 'a- _ _ - - - _ - - - - - - - iAL aI 4 Q 4 0 00 STEEL . 4 COLUMNS, TYP._.. �; >` SOD. PATIO SEATING EXISTING _� ° Y ° OVERHEAD �5'PLANTER BED oaGATE, �v J .. _ _; .- POLE SIGN ° Q t STRING LIGHTS, , EXISTING SHOWN DIAGONAL J O w HATCH, NAL a a TYP'L"', TRANSFORMER p . I O O °oFIRE PIT OR i 5' PLANTER BED - � ° LACY)NDSCAPEFEATURE �w= 5' ADA ACCESS ROUTE . o ASPHALT �v--------------�—�° - T 4" i z Ts 20 a m; � � J 18 19 METAL Q 0- a ON -STREET RAILING, TYP.�" .Qa °---,r-------a-��. � PARKING CD ° Q °: a l ° GATE Q„ a _ EXTERIOR -°4 'PENDANT ° SCONCE, TYP' a ` a . — -o—s L1 a _ —a — L1 a - a " _ 5 L1T ° L1 0°� �{ ENTRY �\ PROPOSED JI � L1 8'-6" X 18'-0" a� ROOF OVERHANG ACCESSIBLE STALLS SHOWN DASHED -6' - 0" 25'- 2 3/8" w CIO E1111Q I �" a . ASPHALT iv w rl El DI G OMS Q N RR— — OPEN ° o IL1 TO _= BELOW PROPOSED a Q — — 8'-6" X 18'-0" Eul-- a w 9 STANDARD STALLS CONC 89 2 I'l-C)" PROPOSED NEW CURB CUT RR =_ 00 F 0 p. 2 4 EI U F" w L1 15 16 17 T7 77 1-7 77 al ° 8'-6ll 5'-0" ° I o 21 ° ch 14' - 8 3/8" DISH AREA KITCHEN BAR A L1 ° a FT]_ ON -STREET 0 1 I PARKING I - 0 0 I w MU -N Z -� 7390 W 38th Ave - Google Maps J J WI U) W 1 N W > ASPHALT - WI FLOOR AREA BY USE Google MapS 7390 W 38th Ave EXISTING BLDG. 6,054 SF ADDITION (NEW) 565 SF W 41st Ave VV 41 st Ave yy 41st -a L'I 1,082 SF W41 st Ave 2 PATIO SEATING t p Good Ti Im Burgers 8 Frozen Custard $ 3 _ REQUIRED / ALLOWED 4 BUILDING COVERAGE N/A 6,619 SF TOTAL OPEN SPACE 15% MIN / 2,444 SF LANDSCAPING 35% MIN / 855 SF 55% / 1,348 SF Wendye© McDonald's 908 SF SOD W 40th Ave 440 SF M 1,397 SF PARKING REQUIRED St Pat SO STANDARD 13 17 ON -STREET Wheat Ridge Marketplace 2 ACCESSIBLE er&Paul 0 2 TOTAL wImh Ave 21 Jiffy LubeQ 'Oz` a ©Wells Fargo Bank �' n Q w3mn Ave Starbucks '�+' Stevens Elementary School y m a Palo A ®Roman C. Cherry Creek Pierogies Factory Safeway Fuel Station 0 _ wellness Carterw = Coareopm( Q Mikes Camera 3mn A.a Wheat Ridge Grange Boston Market O Bivins 8 Bull Chase Bank PROJECT SITE PAa ,9 'g LittlPi­1 Caesars Pi deadbplt © VWheat Ridge Cyelery . n Wheat Ridge ri Water District g 3' Fortify your © p MidasQ � © Bradley Petr leum _ Q tl y y £ Burger King W 38th Ave ® W 38th Ave O Ed W 38th Ave © W 38th Ave s ]390 Weat 381h Avenue 0 ©dairy Bridges Health Wellness _ ®e Vinnpla's Italian Market en _ Clancy's Irish Pubo Right Coast Pizza quee Q _ Qd < n ® r Wheat - Wheal Rid united All Schools Apparel '4 4 :y Roo :y Room R Oral Surgery Bey st Methodist Church _ warm Pl 2 Q Ridge Manor ran Medical Center© + QRxPlus Pharmacies QRetire gSide W3]rh ave Retirement Community I 361 PI 36tH PI Poeh Q 9 } W3a1n PI w36th ave wn. H ave Q Midtown Consull noLL Rocky Mountain ' "•y "� 9Lucky's Market Cardoyescular Associates warm ave "'N w35m Pl Ch'ildren's Coluradi Outpatient and Urgent... -yM Aut Ceb-nets QAIIbo © 111.11 O &Counte ops M,rnetleD IV rh WIKIPEDIAN I A.e w3 n e w35tn A"e .v:asma 9 w3amA.. Pmtessionall;,Goagle Home Health Care Beauty Sup - - S-`*Y4rpoMa o2 _ - Oak HIIl Apartments0 c Map data ©2019 Google 200 ft SCALE: 1 "=200' LEGAL DESCRIPTION 0 PART OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69, WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH BOUNDRY LINE OF SAID SECTION 26, WHICH POINT IS 1974.7 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE SOUTH AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH -SOUTH CENTER LINE OF SAID SECTION, 180 FEET; THENCE EAST AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION, 110 FEET; THENCE NORTH AND PARALLEL TO THE SAID CENTER LINE OF SAID SECTION, 180 FEET TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION, 110 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPT RIGHT OF WAY OVER SO MUCH OF THE NORTH 30 FEET THEREOF AS MAY BE USED FOR WEST 38TH AVENUE; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE IN DEED RECORDED OCTOBER 8, 1990 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 90086573, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. CONTAINING 16,225 SQUARE FEET OR 0.3725 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. 0 STATEMENT OF PROPOSED USE THE PROJECT CONSISTS OF CONVERTING THE EXISTING 6,054 SQ. FT. BUILDING INTO A BREWERY AND RESTAURANT. A 565 SQ. FT. ADDITION IS BEING PROPOSED ON THE SOUTH END OF THE EXISTING BUILDING FOR A WALK-IN COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM FOR THE BREWERY. THE MAIN LEVEL WOULD CONTAIN THE COMMERCIAL KITCHEN AND RESTAURANT/TAP ROOM SEATING WITH THE BREWERY OPERATION IN THE BASEMENT. AN OUTDOOR PATIO SEATING AREA WITH LANDSCAPING FEATURES AND BUFFERS ON THE NORTH END. RECONFIGURED PARKING LOT ON THE EAST SIDE. M OWNER'S CERTIFICATE 4 4 m C? E0 THE BELOW SIGNED OWNER(S) OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) THEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW. I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF THIS SITE PLAN DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26-121 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. (BUSINESS NAME) BY: DATE: OWNER STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF A.D. 20 BY WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC N ADDRESS CITY CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS DAY OF BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. ATTEST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SITE PLAN 1 of = 10'-011 7390 W 38TH AVE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 38TH AVENUE 4 1 110' - 01, 15'- 0 5/8" 5'- 0" 5'- 0" 43- 9" 5'- 0" 28'- 3" 7' -11 3/8" PLANTER BED W/ " p PERMANENT 5 DRIVE AISLE a .. aWALL 5'EXISTING SIDEWALK, a EASEMENT SHOWNGARDEN PROPERTY LINE - TL °� a "SI ° - SL a GREY POCHE 'a- _ _ - - - _ - - - - - - - iAL aI 4 Q 4 0 00 STEEL . 4 COLUMNS, TYP._.. �; >` SOD. PATIO SEATING EXISTING _� ° Y ° OVERHEAD �5'PLANTER BED oaGATE, �v J .. _ _; .- POLE SIGN ° Q t STRING LIGHTS, , EXISTING SHOWN DIAGONAL J O w HATCH, NAL a a TYP'L"', TRANSFORMER p . I O O °oFIRE PIT OR i 5' PLANTER BED - � ° LACY)NDSCAPEFEATURE �w= 5' ADA ACCESS ROUTE . o ASPHALT �v--------------�—�° - T 4" i z Ts 20 a m; � � J 18 19 METAL Q 0- a ON -STREET RAILING, TYP.�" .Qa °---,r-------a-��. � PARKING CD ° Q °: a l ° GATE Q„ a _ EXTERIOR -°4 'PENDANT ° SCONCE, TYP' a ` a . — -o—s L1 a _ —a — L1 a - a " _ 5 L1T ° L1 0°� �{ ENTRY �\ PROPOSED JI � L1 8'-6" X 18'-0" a� ROOF OVERHANG ACCESSIBLE STALLS SHOWN DASHED -6' - 0" 25'- 2 3/8" w CIO E1111Q I �" a . ASPHALT iv w rl El DI G OMS Q N RR— — OPEN ° o IL1 TO _= BELOW PROPOSED a Q — — 8'-6" X 18'-0" Eul-- a w 9 STANDARD STALLS CONC 89 2 I'l-C)" PROPOSED NEW CURB CUT RR =_ 00 F 0 p. 2 4 EI U F" w L1 15 16 17 T7 77 1-7 77 al ° 8'-6ll 5'-0" ° I o 21 ° ch 14' - 8 3/8" DISH AREA KITCHEN BAR A L1 ° a FT]_ ON -STREET 0 1 I PARKING I - 0 0 I w MU -N Z -� W J J WI U) W 1 N W > ASPHALT - WI FLOOR AREA BY USE 21 2 141 I Ili \_1i 48'- 0" 8'- 6 1/4" PROPOSED ADDITION FOR WALK-IN 3 COOLER AND GRAIN MILLING ROOM 565 GSF ADDITION 4 8'- 6" EXISTING 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS 4 5 EO N. FA PROPERTY LINE -P R1 10 12 c 13 14 PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS 11 EXISTING FENCE TO REMAIN vv u I 12'-0" 10 W z DUMPSTER & GREASE BIN ENCLOSURE w 0- 0 O a w J U) C) Q N W N i 0 SITE DATA: EXISTING ZONING MU -N ASPHALT -� 11 EXISTING FENCE TO REMAIN vv u I 12'-0" 10 W z DUMPSTER & GREASE BIN ENCLOSURE w 0- 0 O a w J U) C) Q N W N i 0 SITE DATA: EXISTING ZONING MU -N PROPOSED LAND USE RESTAURANT / BREWERY SITE AREA 16,291 SF 0.374 ACRES FLOOR AREA BY USE EXISTING BLDG. 6,054 SF ADDITION (NEW) 565 SF RESTAURANT 1,589 SF BREWERY 1,082 SF STORAGE 902 SF PATIO SEATING 1,397 SF REQUIRED / ALLOWED PROPOSED BUILDING COVERAGE N/A 6,619 SF TOTAL OPEN SPACE 15% MIN / 2,444 SF LANDSCAPING 35% MIN / 855 SF 55% / 1,348 SF PLANTER BEDS 908 SF SOD 440 SF HARDSCAPE 1,397 SF PARKING REQUIRED PROPOSED STANDARD 13 17 ON -STREET N/A 2 ACCESSIBLE 2 2 TOTAL 13 21 SITE PLAN LEGEND PROPERTY OR ZONE LOT LINE EXTERIOR BUILDING FOOTPRINT ROOF LINE FENCE X X X CONCRETE d�° a SHEET INDEX SHEET 1 — SITE PLAN SHEET 2 — LANDSCAPE PLAN SHEET 3 — PHOTOMETRICS PLAN SHEET 4 — ELEVATIONS Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 10 feet MEN 0 10' 20' 30' 40' DESIGN PRACTICE INC N 3325 Mariposa _ i Denver CO 80211 www.designpracticedenver.com info@designpracticedenver.com PHONE -303 561 3000 SITE PLAN SHEET: 1 OF 4 DATE: I119M019 LANDSCAPE NOTES: ALL LANDSCPAING, INCLUDING THAT SHOWN N THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, SHALL BE CONTINUOUSLY MAINTAINED INCLUDING, NECESSARY WATERING, WEEDING, PRUNING, PEST CONTROL AND REPLACEMENT OF DEAD OR DISEASED PLANT MATERIALS. A MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE WILL BE IMPLEMENTED TO INSURE PROPER CARE OF THE LANDSCAPING MATERIALS. ALL SHRUB / PLANTER BED AREAS SHALL RECEIVE A 2" LAYER OF ROCK OR BARK CHIP MULCH OVER FABRIC LINER. ALL SHRUB / PLANTER BED AREAS SHALL HAVE A 4" HIGH, 14 GAUGE NON GALVANIZED STEEL EDGING OR CONCRETE SIDEWALK /CURB BOUNDARY. ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS NOTED WITH ROCK OR BARK CHIP MULCH SHALL BE PLACED OVER MYRAFI FILTER FABRIC 140N OR EQUAL. FINISHED GRADES IN LANDSCAPE BEDS SHALL BE 1" LOWER THAN THE TOP OF THE SURROUNDING CURBS OR WALKS NO TREES SHALL BE PLANTED WITHIN 5 FEET OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITY MAIN OR SERVICE LINE. ALL UTILITY EASEMENTS SHALL REMAIN UNOBSTRUCTED AND FULLY ACCESSIBLE ALONG THEIR ENTIRE LENGTH FOR MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT. ALL SIDEWALKS SHALL HAVE ADEQUATE SLEEVES FOR THE PLACEMENT OF IRRIGATION LINES FOR THE LANDSCAPE SPRINKLER SYSTEM INSTALLATION. ALL NEW LANDSCAPED AREAS SHALL BE SERVED BY A FUNCTIONING AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM WHICH COMBINES DRIP AND SUBSURFACE IRRIGATION WITH HIGH EFFICIENCY SPRINKLERS. ALL NEW IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO BE ZONED ACCORDING TO WATER NEEDS OF PROPOSED PLANT MATERIALS. THERE SHOULD BE SEPARATE ZONES FOR TURF GRASSES AND SHRUB BED AREAS, FOR SUN AND SHADE AND OTHER CLIMATIC CONDITIONS AND ACCORDING TO THE WATER DEMANDS OF THE PLANT MATERIAL. ALL NEW IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH AUTOMATIC RAIN SHUT-OFF DEVICES. IRRIGATION PLANS TO BE PROVIDED WITH BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION. 7390 W 38TH AVE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO DRIVE AISLE 0 lf) WOOD MULCH PLANTER BEDS SHOWN DIAGONAL HATCH, TYP. ro N ASPHALT ROOF OVERHANG 5'-0" 5'-0" 38TH AVENUE 43' - 9" TRAFFIC LIGHT 110' - 0" 5'-0" 5'-0" 23' - 3" STREET SIGN STREET LIGHT uu J LU o Q ASPHALT > 0 m 1 2 LANDSCAPE PLAN 10.-0.. OPEN TO w 7 SOD 31' - 0" NEW 5' SIDEWALK 19 PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" ACCESSIBLE STALLS ASPHALT PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS 15 16 17 PERMANENT EASEMENT SHOWN GREYPOCHE EXISTING TRANSFORMER Lu z J r Lu Lu a O ry a J—� 16,291 SF OVERHEAD % STEEL LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: DISH AREA DINING ROOM BAR PLANTER BEDS 908 SF \FM 440 SF w\ RR STRING LIGHTS, J COLUMNS, ON-SITE SHRUBS __ I z® TYP. FREE STANING TYP. _ 1 GAL ocz HELICTOTRICHON BLUE OAT BLOCK WALL CONC PROPOSED RR T1 2 EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN GATES *\O D ocz 48'- 0" PATIO SEATING EXISTING - POLE SIGN , PAVESTONE - HARINGTON FREESTANDING PROPOSED ADDITION FOR WALK-IN *OG2w� w COOLER AN D GRAIN M ILLING ROOM r FIRE PIT OR i 565 GSF ADDITION ocz C� z 1397 SF i _ LANDSCAPE FEATURE oc2 O z II � STANDARD STALLS 36" METAL i �ur)� �� 0 ocz 3: RAILING, TYP. � CONCRETE oc2 3: z z Lu r PATIO DUMPSTER & 3 4 o 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 GREASE BIN r ENCLOSURE w T1 T1 a O a EXISTING CONC. GATE EXISTING CONC. WALK WALK J L ENTRY 6'-0" uu J LU o Q ASPHALT > 0 m 1 2 LANDSCAPE PLAN 10.-0.. OPEN TO w 7 SOD 31' - 0" NEW 5' SIDEWALK 19 PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" ACCESSIBLE STALLS ASPHALT PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS 15 16 17 PERMANENT EASEMENT SHOWN GREYPOCHE EXISTING TRANSFORMER Lu z J r Lu Lu a O ry a J—� 16,291 SF 51 - 011 15% MIN / 2,444 SF MIN LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: DISH AREA DINING ROOM BAR PLANTER BEDS 908 SF \FM 440 SF w\ RR ON-SITE TREES 0 ON-SITE SHRUBS __ I z® _ 1 GAL 1089 SF HELICTOTRICHON BLUE OAT --17AP ROOM CONC PROPOSED RR T1 2 EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN i -- D a 48'- 0" 8'- 6 1/4" STANDARD STALLS PAVESTONE - HARINGTON FREESTANDING PROPOSED ADDITION FOR WALK-IN 500 SF COOLER AN D GRAIN M ILLING ROOM 565 GSF ADDITION ASPHALT EXISTING a II 81 - 611 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS uu J LU o Q ASPHALT > 0 m 1 2 LANDSCAPE PLAN 10.-0.. OPEN TO w 7 SOD 31' - 0" NEW 5' SIDEWALK 19 PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" ACCESSIBLE STALLS ASPHALT PROPOSED 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS 15 16 17 PERMANENT EASEMENT SHOWN GREYPOCHE EXISTING TRANSFORMER Lu z J r Lu Lu a O ry a J—� 16,291 SF 51 - 011 15% MIN / 2,444 SF MIN LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: DISH AREA KITCHEN BAR PLANTER BEDS 908 SF \FM 440 SF w\ 1,397 SF ON-SITE TREES (2) EXISTING ON-SITE SHRUBS � I NA _ 1 GAL 12 13 14 HELICTOTRICHON BLUE OAT OG4 10 SEMPERVIRENS GRASS PROPOSED N/A T1 2 EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN i 8'-6" X 18'-0" 48'- 0" 8'- 6 1/4" STANDARD STALLS PAVESTONE - HARINGTON FREESTANDING PROPOSED ADDITION FOR WALK-IN COOLER AN D GRAIN M ILLING ROOM 565 GSF ADDITION ASPHALT EXISTING 81 - 611 8'-6" X 18'-0" STANDARD STALLS v u 12' - 0" Lu DUMPSTER & 3 4 o 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 GREASE BIN r ENCLOSURE w a O a PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED NEW CURB CUT LANDSCAPE DATA: SITE AREA: 16,291 SF OPEN SPACE REQUIRED: 15% MIN / 2,444 SF MIN LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: 35% MIN / 855 SF MIN LANDSCAPING PROVIDED: 55%/ 1,348 SF PLANTER BEDS 908 SF SOD 440 SF HARDSCAPE PATIO 1,397 SF ON-SITE TREES (2) EXISTING ON-SITE SHRUBS NA STREETTREES NA PLANT SCHEDULE ITEM QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE CONDITION MISCANTHUS SIN. JAPANESE SILVER OG1 12 1 GAL N/A GRACILLIMUS GRASS PENNISETUM PURPLE FOUNTAIN OG2 11 SETACEUM GRASS 1 GAL N/A LAVANDULA ENGLISH OG3 F ANGUSTIFOLIA LAVENDAR 1 GAL N/A HELICTOTRICHON BLUE OAT OG4 10 SEMPERVIRENS GRASS 1 GAL N/A T1 2 EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN PLANTER BED MULCH - BARK CHIPS FREESTANDING BLOCK WALL & FIREPIT PAVESTONE - HARINGTON FREESTANDING Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 10 feet 0 10' 20' 30' DESIGN PRACTICE INC N 3325 Mariposa St Denver CO 80211 www. desig npracticedenver. com info@designpracticedenver.com PHONE -303 561 3000 40' LANDSCAPE PLAN SHEET: 2 OF 4 DATE: 7/29/2019 GENERAL NOTES: ANY PROPOSED LIGHT FIXTURES INSTALL ON PRIVATE PROPERTY, ADJACENT TO THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY, SHALL BE ORIENTED IN SUCH A MANNER OR LIMITED IN LUMEN OUTPUT TO PREVENT GLARE PROBLEMS AND SHALL NOT EXCEED NATIONAL I.E.S LIGHTING STANDARDS FOR DISABILITY GLARE. NEW EXTERIOR LIGHTING TO BE FULLY CUT-OFF AND SHIELDED. LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE O L1 EXTERIOR SCONCE KICHLER LED 11251 OUTDOOR WALL SCONCE, 9.75W, 3000K, 120V INTEGRATED LED 0 L2 6" RECESSED CAN HALO RECESSED LIGHTING W/ 35W LED BULB INSERT IZI L3 WALL PACK LUMARKCROSSTOUR XTOR3B-W-PC1 = 26W, 4000K, 120V PC, CARBON BRONZE L4 STRING LIGHTS BULBRITE VINTAGE STRING LIGHT KIT, (15) 11W, 120V LED 11251 Up and Downlight Outdoor Wall Sconce By Kichler Product Options Finish: Textured Architectural Bronze, Textured Black Details • Provides both up and downlighting • Material: Metal • Shade Material: Textured Metal • Size: Large • Dark Sky compliant • UL Listed Wet • Made In China Dimensions Fixture: Width 5", Height 12.25", Depth 6.5" Lighting • 9.78 Watt (574 Lumens) 120 Volt/277 Volt Integrated LED: CRI: 85 Color Temp: 3000K Lifespan: 40000 hours Vintage String Light Kit By Bulbrite Details • 15 outdoor rated medium base sockets (E26) • 3 foot spacing between sockets • Maximum total wattage for string run is 150OW • Can connect up to 4 string kits to one power source • Size: 48 feet • Made In China Dimensions Item: Length 48' Lighting • Fifteen 11 Watt (63 Lumens) 120 Volt E26 Medium Base Incandescent Lamp(s) (Included) Additional Details Product URL: https://www.lumens.com/vintage-string-light-kit-by-bul- rite-BLBP86000.html P,LUMENS Call Us 877.445.4486 Shown in Textured Black finish (L1) P,LUMENS Call Us 877.445.4486 DESCRIPTION L u m a i Ic The patented Lumark Crosstour- LED Wall Pack Series of luminaries provides an architectural style with super bright, energy efficient LEDs. The low -profile, rugged die-cast aluminum construction, universal back box, stainless steel hardware along with a sealed and gasketed optical compartment make the Crosstour impervious to contaminants. The Crosstour wall luminaire is ideal for wall/surface, inverted mount for fagade/canopy illumination, post/bollard, site lighting, floodlight and low level pathway illumination including stairs. Typical applications include building entrances, multi -use facilities, apartment buildings, institutions, schools, stairways and loading docks test. SPECIFICATION FEATURES Construction Optical electrical wiring compartment. Slim, low -profile LED design Silicone sealed optical LED Integral LED electronic driver With rugged one-piece, die-cast chamber incorporates a custom incorporates surge protection. 120 - aluminum hinged removable door engineered mirrored anodized 277V 50/60Hz or 347V 60Hz models. and back box. Matching housing reflector providing high -efficiency styles incorporate both a small illumination. Optical assembly Finish and medium design. The small includes impact -resistant Crosstour is protected with a housing is available in 12W, 18W tempered glass and meets IESNA Super durable TGIC carbon and 26W. The medium housing requirements for full cutoff bronze or summit white polyester is available in the 38W model. compliance. Available in seven powder coat paint. Super durable Patented secure lock hinge feature lumen packages; 5000K, 4000K and TGIC powder coat paint finishes _ allows for safe and easy tool -less 3000K CCT. withstand extreme climate electrical connections with the conditions while providing optimal supplied push -in connectors. Back Electrical color and gloss retention of the box includes three half-inch, NPT LED driver is mounted to the installed life. XTOR threaded conduit entry points. The die-cast housing for optimal heat CROSSTOUR LED universal back box supports both sinking. LED thermal management Warranty thesmall and medium forms and system incorporates both Five-year warranty. mounts to standard 3-1/2" to 4" conduction and natural convection round and octagonal, 4" square, to transfer heat rapidly away from single gang and masonry junction the LED source. 12W, 18W, 26W APPLICATIONS: boxes. Key hole gasket allows and 38W series operate in -40oC to WALL / SURFACE for adaptation to junction box or 40°C [-40oF to 104of']. High ambient POST / BOLLARD wall. External fin design extracts 50°C models available. Crosstour LOW LEVEL heat from the fixture surface. One- luminaires maintain greater than FLOODLIGHT piece silicone gasket seals door 89% of initial light output after INVERTED and back box. Minimum 5" wide 72,000 hours of operation. Three SITE LIGHTING pole for site lighting application. half-inch NPT threaded conduit Not recommended for car wash entry points allow for thru-branch applications. wiring. Back box is an authorized DIMENSIONS ESCUTCHEON PLATES 12W, 18W, 26W o 6-3/4" [171 mm] 38W 8" [203mml 10" 1254mm] L17-1/2" [445mm1 �12W, 18W, 26WJ `12W, 18W, 26W 5-3/4" [146mml 3-5/8" [92mml 38W 38W 6-5/8" [168mml 4" [102mm] E_T•N Fr veering Business Worldwide uwwv.desig n I ig hts.org CERTIFICATION DATA UUcUL Wet Location Listed LM79 / LM80 Compliant ROHS Compliant ADA Compliant NOM Compliant Models IP661ngressed Protection Rated Title 24 Compliant Design Lights Consortium° Qualified - TECHNICAL DATA 40-C Maximum Ambient Temperature External Supply Wiring 90-C Minimum EPA Effective Projected Area (Sq. Ft.): XTOR19, XT011213, XT011313=0.34 XTOR413=0.45 SHIPPING DATA: Approximate Net Weight: 3.7 - 5.25 1 or [1.7 - 2.4 kgs.] TD514013EN September 17, 2018 3:02 PM (L4) (L3) 7390 W 38TH AVE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO DRIVE AISLE 10.0 Lu to. 0 Z J W 0.0 0-1 O at0.0 0.0 t 0.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 I 10.0 ROOF OVERHANG SHOWN DASHED 10.0 I �0.0 to . 0 I �0.0 t0.0 I 10.0 to . 0 I �0.0 10.0 I +0.0 10.0 1 0.0 W Z > 10.0 w� CIL. W 0.0 CIL. 10.0 5' EXISTING SIDEWALK 38TH AVENUE SL PROPERTY LINE 5' EXISTING SIDEWALK SL PERMANENT EASEMENT SHOWN GREY POCHE 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 � 0.0 +0.0 .0 40.1 0.0 0.1 a 0.1 0.0 0.1 n +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 + 0 STEEL +0 . 0 �� i �� i COLUMNS, TYP. +0 . +0 . 0 0 +0 ./ 1 +0 . 0 +0 . 1 0 . 1 +0 . 0 +0 . 1 +0 . 0 +0 . 0 +0 . 0 +0 . 0 \ PATIO SEATING EXISTING �� +0 . 0 / / `/ POLE SIGN L4 - OVERHEAD STRING LIGHTS, TYP. + 0 • EXISTING +0.0 0 +0.1 ` 1 'e� +04 /i +0 ./1 +0.0 +9/.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 TRANSFORMER + 1397 SF i_ �� FIRE PIT OR + 0 . 0 `LANDSCAPE FEATURE o In +0 . 0 0 +0 . 1 +0 . 1 t0 . 1 �, 0.1 . 1 �� +0 . 0 0.1 0 - +0.0 L4 L4 L4 L4 +0.0 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0\�7�.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 0 0.0 / 0.0 +0 0 + � / �+ J 0 1 +0.1 � / +0 1 1 +0 +0. +0 +0.0 0.0 . .0 . / . . . .0 + Lu Z o.o ;0. 0.0 J 0.0 +0 . +0 . 5 2V2 2 .4 2 .3 2 .4 / +1 . 0 +1 +1 . 0 +0.0 ----------- 0 - - - - - - --- ---- �+ DI +0. w ®L2 OL2 0L2 cL2 0 + 0. a O 0 D 2.0 2.4 .5 2.6 2.6 2.7 2 2.61 2.0 2.2 d +0.0 L1 L1 0L2 0L2 ®L2 0L2 L1 L1 +0.0 3. 0 3. 2 . 1 2. 5 2. 7E2 L24 2. 9 3. 0 -4 .71 2. +0.1 +0 . 0 +0. 41.6 1 ENTRY L1 +0 . 0 +1. +0.1 +0 0.0 PROPOSED NEW . 0 CURB CUT +0. 41.6 0.0 0.0 1 \ / 1. 0.1 0.0 +0 +311 2 1 + V- DINING ROOM + 0.0 -- OPEN L1 0.0 RR 5 =_ ATO 3. +0.1 +0.0 0. - - TAP ROOM BELOW 41.9 +0.0 1089 SF =_ 0.0 1 w 1 -- 2 1 + 2. + 0.1 + 0.0 I 0. RR -- 212 W +o.o == 500 SF +o.o +1. +0.1 +0.0 21.2 4. +0.0 1 +0.0 v/ 5 0 1. S +0.1 +0.0 1 +0.0 3. ❑ L1 + 0.0 1. +0.1 +0.0 + 0.05' +2. 1 - 0" 7+2.0 + 0.0 0.1 0.0 +0.0 1. - - - - p +51.0 0.0 L1 2. 0.1 0.0 0. 7 0.7L_0.2 0.0 X1.0 0.0 1 +0.4 + +0 .0 +1. ] 0 . 0 +0 . 0 + 0.0 1 0.0 0.2 ?\4\S\\ 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 + +0.0 +0.4 2.0 3.8 L3 3.9 2.4 2.4 4. L3 3.6 / I +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 1.0 3.0 4.2 3.2 2.0 3.3 4.2 3.0 +0.0 +0.0 0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.7 2.4 2.7 2.4 1.6 2.2 3.0 2.0 +0.9 +0.0 0.0 1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.2 +0.9 +1.3 1.2 +0.4 1.0 2.1 1 .6 +0.3 +0.0 + 0.0 1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.2 +0.4 +0.2 +0.0 +0.1 +0.4 +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 0.0 v 1 ++ 0.0 0.0 + 0.0 .0 + 0 + 0 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 0 0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 0. + �[ 0.0 W Z DUMPSTER & 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 GREASE BIN ENCLOSURE w CIL. Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 10 feet NO L1_ manCIL. 0 10' 20' 30' 40' PROPERTY LINE PHOTOMETRIC PLAN 1 II = 101-011 N DESIGN PRACTICE INC 3325 Mariposa St Denver CO 80211 www.designpracticedenver.com info@designpracticedenver.com PHONE -303 561 3000 PHOTOMETRICS PLAN SHEET: 3 OF 4 DATE: I119M019 7390 W 38TH AVE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SDP WEST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" NEW CEMENTIOUS BOARD AND BATTEN MECHANICAL SCREENING BEYOND ROOF RIDGE 120'- 1 " GRAIN AUGER PIPING FROM MILLING ROOM TO BREWING EQUIPMENT TRUSS BEARING t 1091.01, [1 LEVEL -1 1001-01, SDP EAST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" EXISTING BRICK BUILDING 7'-0 NEW CEMENTIOUS NEW HM ACCESS BOARD AND BATTEN DOOR SIDING @ MILLING ROOM EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING NEW GLASS PANELGARAGE DOOR NEW EXTERIOR SCONCES, TYP. SDP SOUTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF NEW CEMENTIOUS BOARD AND BATTEN MECHANICAL EXISTING ASPHALT EXISTING BRICK BUILDING NEW CEMENTIOUS SCREENING EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF BOARD AND BATTEN NEW MECHANICAL SHINGLE ROOF MECHANICAL SCREENING PLATFORM ROOF RIDGE " V ROOF RIDGE " �1 7' - 0" NEW MECHANICAL 120' - 1 28' - 0" 120'- 1 PLATFORM STRING LIGHTS - GRAIN AUGER PIPING OVER PATIO FROM MILLING ROOM SEATING AREA v TO BREWERY -� -� EXTERIORWALL STEEL COLUMN FOR 6 NEW PREFABRICATED N PACK LIGHT, TYP. STRING LIGHTS - COOLER PANEL ROOF TRUSS BEARING TRUSS BEARING 1091-01, 109' - 0" MASONRY PATIO NEW METAL PATIO � 11 u 11 WALL RAILING, TYP. PREFABRICATED PREFABRICATED ` COOLER PANEL WALLS COOLER PANEL WALLS CEMENTIOUS BOARD AND BATTEN SIDING LEVEL -1_ LEVEL -1 OL 100' - 0" 1 100' - 0" LANDSCAPE PLANTINGS EXISTING EXTERIOR NEW PREFABRICATED WALK-IN COOLER HM DOUBLE DOOR DOOR COOLER PANELS DOOR SDP WEST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" NEW CEMENTIOUS BOARD AND BATTEN MECHANICAL SCREENING BEYOND ROOF RIDGE 120'- 1 " GRAIN AUGER PIPING FROM MILLING ROOM TO BREWING EQUIPMENT TRUSS BEARING t 1091.01, [1 LEVEL -1 1001-01, SDP EAST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" EXISTING BRICK BUILDING 7'-0 NEW CEMENTIOUS NEW HM ACCESS BOARD AND BATTEN DOOR SIDING @ MILLING ROOM EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING NEW GLASS PANELGARAGE DOOR NEW EXTERIOR SCONCES, TYP. SDP SOUTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF DESIGN PRACTICE -INC SDP Proposal Narrative July 31, 2019 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department 7500 West 29`" Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Attn: Zareen Tasneem Re: 7390 W 38" Avenue Subj: SDP Proposal Narrative The following is a brief narrative description of the proposed work to be done at 7390 W 38" Ave.: We are proposing to convert the existing 6,054 sf building into a brewery and restaurant. A new 565 sf walk-in cooler/mill grain room will be added to the south. The main level will be public facing with the commercial kitchen and restaurant/ tap room seating. The brewery operation will be located in the basement. A reconfigured mechanical platform on the south roof with additional mechanical screening. An outdoor patio seating area is proposed to the north along 38`" with landscape planter beds and features to buffer the seating area from 38`" with additional landscaping bed and sod areas to exceed the minimum landscape requirements. Reconfiguration of the east parking area to better the parking lot per City of Wheat Ridge recommendations. Construction will commence as soon as permits are available (Sept -Oct) with a build duration of approximately 6 months. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Sincerely, Michael Dire AIA, LEED AP Design Practice Inc 3325 Mariposa Street I Denver, Colorado 80211 1 303.561.3000 1 www.designpracticedenver.com