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d.,., Fabru.ry, _
HITCHELL, Husblnd .nd I
oftb. Covnt,.r J41fferson ...-... I':
Colo,ad...ftb.lint...,t.ond IlALPH A. DEORIO .nd CHARLES J.
wb_locol add,... I. II
80033 , '
.rtho Cou.t, or Jefferson oLd lKa.....c.........of tb. -.l ,.rt: I
../TJI'r:lIlIr.m.t.... tho..l4,.rt les "'tho n..,.rt, r.r..... 1ft _1deraUOn ...tho....... ___u__uu -- I
TllIRTY"'"E lllOUSAllO SEVEII IMlOllElI FIFTY ($39,150.00)---------------- OOLloAlIlI. !
THIs DEED, V.d. thl.
1',79, ...."..n
12550 West 44th Avenue, Whelt Ridge
to lite .w perl i es of ebe nnc. pert In...........,. t........,...... -'die..... .,.n.tM f'lIIClftfIl ..,.,...,.......,'" ; l
unr...... and uknowledpd, ha Vt'zranted. b.,....n". 1014 and conn,"_ an" b7 th... preNTIl. do
Ir1'8nt. barpln...n. eonYlt7 and connrm unto the ..Id partin otthe NeOn. part. tMirha In and ...1.". (orenr, nut in
kn.n~ In common but In joint ten.ne" an the 'ollowln.. cleKrtbed lot. or pareel orland, .ltua"e,lrln,. .nd belnl' In \
tho Count, of Jefferson .nd Slalo ofCoJo,... 10 wit:
lIeglMing .t . ;ooint on UfIter 11M 01 Vest IMdI *'- ~ . oolnt est.bllshe4
by county survey .. Intersection oIl1orth .nd Soudl UfIter line 01 Section 20,
Township 3 South, ~nge 69 Vest ..,d cent.r line 01 Vest 44th A_ beers 1I0rth !i
89050' East, 221.4 feet; thence South 0032' East, 327.83 feet; thence South iI'
89025' West, 100 feet; thence North 00 32' Vest, 328.385 feet; thence North I
890 50' Eest, 100 reel lO POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT .ny of the subject property
tyIng In the right of w.y for Vest 44th Avenue, end EXCEPT.II that pert of the Ii
property previously sold to the Stete 01 Colorado for roe6loey purposes, .nd "
~~~~~s~t~::,t~~.~:dD~~~ts 01 11I8)'; Together Wlec.'~ (I) Inche 01 Wllter frOl'l Ii
.._.............n........ 1~30 West 44th A~,:~:,.~t Ridge, Color.do 80033. 'I
'roGETHER _b aD .nd ain""lo, tho __Ia .......-- t""""to -ncln~. or in lUI7'I'iw 'I
appntain'"... lh. rnenlon and ,.....nlon.. ,e-.atnd" aM ..........,.,.....te,.....e. and. ,."nta L.W,"'; and.O the
enate, rlchl. title, Inure.t. cl.l~ and demand wh.laoe.,., of the .ald part le5 or the nnt p.rt. elth.r In taw or
equit,. .,(.In and to the .boY.- barpfMd pre_INa, with tIN herHJta.... and a"urt9nA1W'H.
TO HAVE AIID TO HOLD tho ..,. "..._ ...... ........ tlIt4 ~ with t'" ."""rton....., unto lho
did ,.rtIoa of tho MCond part, 1_ lwIn ... ......,........ AM die .... ~ les ... tho flnt part, r.r t'--
odYes. their -.._.....M__..'."~'___.........pitJ....._........wltbl...
laid port," of 1100 __d ,.rt, I....' lwIn ... ........ Uoat 0& die u.. ... tIN ......... ... _..,. of t_
........t. they _0 aoIud of 1100 "..._ ...... ~ .. of ..... oare. po,roct. ......Ialo .nd 1".,......lblo i
eatate or Inhentance,l" ta..., 1" re. .Imp)., and have aoodI rfaftt. run ponran41awf'alaathorit,. w cram.. t.......tn. I
_11 and ~n1''' th.. .am. In manner and lorm .lor...ld. and th., the ..m. Ir. free and ellar lrom an lormer and \
other vanta. baTIaina. .a1fl.lwna. tau" ........nt aft' ene1Im'branen of.h.tn~ kind or nature ...,..r,
except .ny e.s_U of record end taxes for 1979 Ind subseq..nt years, II
:~~:=~::..~;::_~:~ho;:.""=~~~~:.~.:::-..:.~=~:::;::: II
tho nld part les oltho nnt part .hollond will WARRANT AND vaREVER DEYEND. \
II: WITNESS WIIEREOF tho uld part les ., Iho nrot po", he ve h.,."nla Htthelrhonds and
..olS Ih,d.,.nd,.arnntob...."rttlon, /7 ~ '
l1...od.ll..lod...d DoH...... In tho Prownuof tfit(;ftf.~;:~ .t;<~E^LI Ii
-;A{f(,l{~:.1(/1lhd/. (SEALI I:
Husblnd .nd iWI fe (SEAl.) I
__C.unt, or ...J.affJla.ot1-
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n~Io;itP1ar~;..iJt~~nt..aa.dcnow1'''pd''''or'JD.thla 10th Aa"ot F6~rUlJry.
~.~,';)rcP,lJ'~."H!.tChell .nd Ju11th H. Hltchell, Husband .nd Wife.
~'7til i~"'~'''h>,(.irp;~., ", Fe b rue ry 14 ,I. 81 ,WII.......' hand and .mcl.) ...1.
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