HomeMy WebLinkAboutFox Hollow on Upham SubdivisionNtLl,lh o�lef fenog FOX HOLLOW ON UPHAM SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/4 SECTION 23, T3S, R69W, 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I Randy Fortuin, PLS 27263 do hereby certify that the Survey of the boundary of FOX HOLLOW ON UPHAM SUBDIVISION was made by me or under my direct supervision and to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, In accordance with all applicable Colorado statutes, current revised edition as amended, the accompanying plat accurately represents said survey. Randy Fortuin, PLS 272U Job No: 20-2609 Date August 31, 2021 For and on Behalf of CBM Surveys, Inc. NOTICE According to Colorado Law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event may any action based upon any defect In this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. 1) SURVEY NOTES a. Per Colorado Revised Statutes Sec. 38-51-106 (L), all lineal units depicted on this Survey Plat are U.S. Survey Feet. One Meter equals 39.37 divided by 12 U.S. Survey Feet according to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. b.The geodetic point coordinate data shown herein has been derived from the NAD 83 HARN State Plane Colorado Central APS 0502 Coordinate System, and has a horizontal Accuracy Classification of 0.07 U.S. Survey Feet at the 95% Confidence level, as defined in the Geospatial Positioning Accuracy Standards of the Federal Geodetic Control Subcommittee (FGDC—STD--007.2-1998). 2) BASIS OF BEARING STATEMENT Bearings are based on City of Wheat Ridge Point #15809 (N:705840.03, E:121076.85) being the Southeast Corner of Section 23 and Point X114809 (N:708482.61, E:121063-18) being the East Quarter Corner of Section 23 both representing the East line of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. with a City of Wheat Ridge horizontal Coordinate System (see Note 3) a. below) bearing of Nocm'47"W. The monuments for these two comers are described graphically hereon and being 3.25" Brass Caps, PLS 13212. 3) GEODETIC NOTES a. The Current City Datum Coordinate System used is a ground—based modified form of the NAD 83-92 State Plane Coordinate System, Colorado Central Zone 0502. b. Vertical Datum used is the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). c. Ground to Grid combined Scale Factor is 0.99974780300, scaled from base: point PHAC 1 (Permanent High Accuracy Control Point X11) having the following NAD 83-92 State Plane coordinates: PHAC1: Northing: 1701258.75, Easting: 3118217.58, Elevation: 5471.62. 4) ON SITE ZONING: The property described herein Is Zoned R-3 (Residential -3) 5) FLOODPLAIN DESIGNATION: By graphic plotting only the property described hereon falls within the Federal Insurance Rate Map, Community Panel No. "08059CO214F" (dated February 05, 2014) Said Parcel hereon falls in Zone "X" described as "Areas determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain and Areas of 0.2% annual chance flood". 6) PREVIOUS EASEMENTS This Plat Supersedes all previous Plats, Development Plans and Easement documents. All Easements previously established or granted by Plat, Development Plan, or by separate Easement document over the subject property are hereby Terminated. Extinguished, and Removed by this Plat and replaced by the Easements shown herein. 7) LOT LINES NOTE: Lots 1 through 6 and Tract A are Hereby Created by this Plat. 8) STORMWATER DRAINAGE EASEMENT TheStormwater Detention and Water quality area shown herein as 'TRACT A" shall be constructed and maintained by the owners, any subsequent owners, their heirs, successors, and assigns. In the event that such construction and maintenance is not performed by said owners, the City of Wheat Ridge shall have the right to enter such area and perform necessary work, the cost of which said owner, heirs, successors, and assigns agrees to pay. No building or structure shall be constructed within TRACT A and no changes or alterations affecting the hydraulic characteristics of said Stormwater quality/detention area shall be made without the approval of the Community Development Director. 9) SERVICE AND EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS (SEVA) EASEMENT The Service and Emergency Vehicle Access (SEVA) Easement shown hereon is hereby dedicated to the City of Wheat Ridge and shall be constructed and maintained by the owner and subsequent owners, heirs, successors and assigns. In the event that the owner(s) fail or refuse to perform any required maintenance, the City of Meet Ridge shall have the right, but not the obligation, to enter said easement and perform necessary work, and shall bill the owner(s) for the costs of the maintenance work. In the event that the City is not reimbursed for all such costs within thirty (30) days after mailing of the bill, totaling the costs incurred, the City shall have the right to piece liens against the property legally described as list each lot and block and tract of the subdivision to the full extent of all costs incurred. R 15 A RESPONSIBRI7Y — IN HONOR OF 13155 SHEET 1 OF 2 VICINITY MAP— WEST +4T" AM N W W. V � W. 43RD AVE. W. 42ND AVE. SITE V x to WEST 38TH AVE. sl WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO W. 41ST AVE. Recommended for Approval this 2184 day of Qc.J&bef- 02 by the Wheat R:dlif Planning Commission. Chairperson CITY CERTIFICATION: Approved this An day of AkJ?J-AW-_&_;tL by the Wheat Ridge City Council. ATTEST wd ov&- ,,;.y (/. Mayor un.; opmen V ire`.' COUNTY CLERKAND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE State of Colorado ) ) SS County of Jefferson ) I hereby certify that this plat was filed in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson County at Golden, Colorado, at O'Clock—L. M. on the al day of a��J_, at Reception No.GA0.111%`7q ..,rr..:F"ONr.. 2••p...,• JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER =w44'' e,; E 8F,AI, c By: Deputy ...c pAw-ra,,xa dury nd Qunrder _ REVISIONS •ICI DESC. 1 CITY COMMENTS 2 CITY COMMENTS DATE 03-18-21 5we, o� of ,trio OWNER'S CERTIFICAT *,� 3 I, Aaron Graber, Manager of Silver Cloud Properties, LLC being the owner of real property containing 56,714 square feet (1.3020 acres), more or less, described as follows: A parcel of land located in the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southeast corner of said Section 23 WHENCE the East One—Quarter corner of said Seciton 23 bears N00'17'47"W THENCE N 63440'52" W. a distance of 1,472.09 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 89'39'11" W, a distance of 329.02 feet: THENCE N 00'1304" W. a distance of 94.81 feet; THENCE N 89'39'11" E, a distance of 10.00 feet; THENCE N 00'13'04" W, o distance of 80.00 feet; THENCE N 89'3911" E. a distance of 318.98 feet: THENCE S 0014'00" E, a distance of 174.81 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. have laid out, subdivided and platted said land as per the drawing hereon contained under the name and style of FOX HOLLOW ON UPHAM SUBDIVISION, a subdivision of a part of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado andby these presents do dedicate to the City of Wheat Ridge and those municipally owned and/or municipally franchised utilities and services those portions of real property shown as easements for the construction, installation, operation, maintenance, repair and replacement for all services. This includes but is not limited to telephone and electric lines, gas lines, water and sanitary sewer lines, hydrants, star, .ater systems and pipes, detention ponds, street lights and all appurtenances thereto. /t Owner: Aaron Gr, er, r-Pmer, Silver Cloud Properties, LLC State of Colorado ) ) SS County of Jefferson ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before mfe��__thiis 77ns� Day of , � 20� by A�_I�fi0.[Y Mtne y a. d and official seal. My commission expires: d 0,�q Notary Pu 1 CNe15TLYM t ePINb MarrenW • aFaaaR1W Me D1 urr1 sP0Ios iiimi v- coE­ corn. mmute" MORTGAGE HOLDER CERTIFICATE: COMMERCE BANK CERTIFIES THAT IT HAS EXAMINED THIS SUBDIVISION MAP AS A LENDER FOR THE PROJECT AND DOES HEREBY APPROVE OF THIS SUBDIVISION MAP. COMMERCE BANK BY: _ _ (SIGNATURE) PRINTED NAME AND TITLE Zg� !Syoty"Ok CASE HISTORY WS -21-02 SHEET INDEX— OVEDESCRIPTION SHEE NUMBER COVER SHEET 1 OF 2 PLAN VIEW 2 OF 2 COVER SHEET CBM SURVEYS, INC. 1418 S. Addison Ct. p A IANDSURVEYING SERVICES Aurora, CO 80018 D1Y1 720-373-8376 cbmsurveys®comcast.net. _ FOX HOLLOW ON UPHAM SUBDIVISION A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF THE S.E. 1/4, SECTION 23, T3S, R69W, 6TH P.M. ' CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO,SURVEYS Drawn: RF Date: 08-31-2027 Scale: N/A Check: JF Job No: 20-2609 202609SUB.DWGI 1 of 2 FOUND 3.25" BRASS CAP - PLS 13212, IN R.B. I 0 �I M 0 MI 0 z I� Lu ll.l FOX HOLLOW ON UPHANI SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/4 SECTION 23, T3S, R69W, 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO ILL HATCHED AREA IS HEREBY DEDICATED BY THIS PLAT I(� FOR UPHAM STREET RIGHT OF WAY 3,833 Sq. Feet +/- UNPLATTED ' ZONED R-3 SHEET 2 OF 2 UNPLATTED ZONED R-3 Q I = N89'39'11"E 318.9E' I ? '16,50, 7.o sY 5" 86.71' 1 95.72' 96.05' 24.00' ' {5 10' DRAINAGE EASEMENT 1o.ao' g j UNPLATTED h �; HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT 1---------------�'39'11'W 257.59'- i 1---R� d I Jm --------------_-.__-_--------__-- I 0' ` / n ay'1 5� I F 589 9'1TW 30.661 = ZONED R-300 I I N to I� fo JEFFERSON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT vi R=28.00' A-43.98' 1 I I ZONED R-2 J w II, I� ce=Stt•39'n'w� I� I of LOT 1 N LOT 2co=39.60' N I LOT 3 W N N Z -/ o Ic w9a00'o0" / In -Op �% /: I•> 7,429 Sq. Feet N 7,564 Sq. Feet / I N I 7,583 Sq. Feet oz N / I TRACT F- 0 0 o x I A in P m f7W f46.3o' z 4,195 Sq. Ft. vW 3 0 L -------------------------- � I I W a m � V C/ SEVA UTILITY ACCESS o m AND MAINTENANCE EASEMENT I I - ap LLI ui o'-' N89'39'11 "E if / 30.00' HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLAT At ,d N z 10.00' _ F /! 589'39'11"W 86.90' 589'39'11"W 95.72' -- 11000'589'39'11"W 95.89' 3.46'5$g'�'11'W 7901' , r 5893925W 57.39 _ ---589'46'00'W 74.14---- _3 W OI I��5 `��� I 1 10' DRAINAGE EASEMENT a J I N07091' 1--� R=2&�' 1 I HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT a / O 8.52' 58 7'w 43.98' MGG - / / ; O 10. cB=NAS20'43-W I Z 41 UNPLATTED /� /f z c0=39.60' \ I 0 9'50 0=90'0000' \ _ ZONED R-3 Op �.j//. / /. 1. 1 I b, 01 LOT 6 N LOT 5 I N b LOT 4 m 7,763 Sq. Feet I o 9,170 Sq. Feet I� I o g 9,177 Sq. Feet O 7. / I O I l Z .frF�C� o ' „/..... L- 9'2?'17'W - J f.:andy . a .um, o 2. o- / I 'yl rM'•.P'': Job No: 20-2609 'r 95.70' , �-- For and on Behalf of �urveys,.M - i0oa - Date December 09, 20YT$ 27263 2a.00' POINT OF BEGINNING ss 26.50" ' 1000 87.10• HEREBY GRANTED THIS PLAT I ------------------- S. 10' DRAINAGE EASEMENT T 589'39' 1 1 "W 329.02' \ FOUND 3.25" BRASS CAP j \ Ns POINT OF COMMENCEMENT PLS 13212, IN R.B. - 3' E.S. ALLEN SUB. 1 \ 4052 S.E. COR. SECTION 23, T3S, R69W, 6TH P.M. UNPLATTED r�FIERSION COUNTY \1Y FOUND 3.25" BRASS CAP, PLS 13212 IN R.B. HOL DISTRICT \7412 1 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PT. NO. 15809 ZONED MU -N ZONED MU -N \09• 1 NORTHING = 705840.03 \ EASTING = 121076.85 ELEVATION 5428.16 I I LATITUDE 39'46'09.7627" N - LEGEND- - LONGITUDE = 105'04'19.4879" W AREA SUMMARY TABLE OO FOUND BRASS CAP, PLS 13212 SHEET INDEX- - (VALUES ARE MORE OR LESS) ■ SET #5 REBAR WITH RED PLASTIC CAP, PLS 27263 _ DESCRIPTION NUMBER Des.:r n_•+ Sc. Feet Acres COVER SHEEP 1 OF 2 LOT 1 7.429 0.1705 ALIQUOT CORNER (SECTION) AS NOTED _ PLAN VIEW 2 OF 2 _ PLAN VIEW LOT 2 7,564 0.1736 ADJACENT LOT LINE - - LOT 3 7,583 0.1741 CASE HISTORY 1418 S. Addison Ct. LOT 4 9,177 0.2107 - - BLOCK LINE CBM SURVEYS, INC. Aurora, CO 80016 CBM -- T-- - - -- [AND SURVEYING SERVICES LUT -5- 9,170 0.2105 ----------- EASEMENT WS -21-02 720-373-8376 _ LOT 67.763 _0.1782 cbm-ey.0-cost.net AK 0 ER t0 so TRACT .__4195 0.0963 -"-----'-- LOT LINE HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLAT - - FOX HOLLOW ON UPHAM SUBDIVISION ROW DED. 3,83134+0.0880 - - SECTION LINE - - TOTS_ 1.3020 SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY - - - A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF THE ( IN II'lsE1 ) 1 inch = 20 tt. - - - - - TIE LINE S.E. 1/4, SECTION 23, T3S, R69W, 6TH P.M. - - CENTERLINE OF RIGHT OF WAY CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SURVEYS Drawn: RF Date: 12-09-2021 Scale: 1"=20' 2 of 2 T Check: JF .Job No: 20-2609 202609SUB.DWG n' 11 N- ART d OIIRVFV R IC I RFCFrtNSIRII nY - IN NrtNrP nF tit FF E. Y. COR. SECTION 23, T3S, R69W, 6TH P.M. FOUND 3.25' BRASS CAP, PLS 13212 IN R.B. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PT. NO. 14809 NORTHING = 708482.61 1 EASTING = 121063.18 ELEVATION = 5391.18 LATITUDE = 39'46'35.8723" N I LONGITUDE = 105'04'19.5036" W Q I = N89'39'11"E 318.9E' I ? '16,50, 7.o sY 5" 86.71' 1 95.72' 96.05' 24.00' ' {5 10' DRAINAGE EASEMENT 1o.ao' g j UNPLATTED h �; HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT 1---------------�'39'11'W 257.59'- i 1---R� d I Jm --------------_-.__-_--------__-- I 0' ` / n ay'1 5� I F 589 9'1TW 30.661 = ZONED R-300 I I N to I� fo JEFFERSON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT vi R=28.00' A-43.98' 1 I I ZONED R-2 J w II, I� ce=Stt•39'n'w� I� I of LOT 1 N LOT 2co=39.60' N I LOT 3 W N N Z -/ o Ic w9a00'o0" / In -Op �% /: I•> 7,429 Sq. Feet N 7,564 Sq. Feet / I N I 7,583 Sq. Feet oz N / I TRACT F- 0 0 o x I A in P m f7W f46.3o' z 4,195 Sq. Ft. vW 3 0 L -------------------------- � I I W a m � V C/ SEVA UTILITY ACCESS o m AND MAINTENANCE EASEMENT I I - ap LLI ui o'-' N89'39'11 "E if / 30.00' HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLAT At ,d N z 10.00' _ F /! 589'39'11"W 86.90' 589'39'11"W 95.72' -- 11000'589'39'11"W 95.89' 3.46'5$g'�'11'W 7901' , r 5893925W 57.39 _ ---589'46'00'W 74.14---- _3 W OI I��5 `��� I 1 10' DRAINAGE EASEMENT a J I N07091' 1--� R=2&�' 1 I HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT a / O 8.52' 58 7'w 43.98' MGG - / / ; O 10. cB=NAS20'43-W I Z 41 UNPLATTED /� /f z c0=39.60' \ I 0 9'50 0=90'0000' \ _ ZONED R-3 Op �.j//. / /. 1. 1 I b, 01 LOT 6 N LOT 5 I N b LOT 4 m 7,763 Sq. Feet I o 9,170 Sq. Feet I� I o g 9,177 Sq. Feet O 7. / I O I l Z .frF�C� o ' „/..... L- 9'2?'17'W - J f.:andy . a .um, o 2. o- / I 'yl rM'•.P'': Job No: 20-2609 'r 95.70' , �-- For and on Behalf of �urveys,.M - i0oa - Date December 09, 20YT$ 27263 2a.00' POINT OF BEGINNING ss 26.50" ' 1000 87.10• HEREBY GRANTED THIS PLAT I ------------------- S. 10' DRAINAGE EASEMENT T 589'39' 1 1 "W 329.02' \ FOUND 3.25" BRASS CAP j \ Ns POINT OF COMMENCEMENT PLS 13212, IN R.B. - 3' E.S. ALLEN SUB. 1 \ 4052 S.E. COR. SECTION 23, T3S, R69W, 6TH P.M. UNPLATTED r�FIERSION COUNTY \1Y FOUND 3.25" BRASS CAP, PLS 13212 IN R.B. HOL DISTRICT \7412 1 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PT. NO. 15809 ZONED MU -N ZONED MU -N \09• 1 NORTHING = 705840.03 \ EASTING = 121076.85 ELEVATION 5428.16 I I LATITUDE 39'46'09.7627" N - LEGEND- - LONGITUDE = 105'04'19.4879" W AREA SUMMARY TABLE OO FOUND BRASS CAP, PLS 13212 SHEET INDEX- - (VALUES ARE MORE OR LESS) ■ SET #5 REBAR WITH RED PLASTIC CAP, PLS 27263 _ DESCRIPTION NUMBER Des.:r n_•+ Sc. Feet Acres COVER SHEEP 1 OF 2 LOT 1 7.429 0.1705 ALIQUOT CORNER (SECTION) AS NOTED _ PLAN VIEW 2 OF 2 _ PLAN VIEW LOT 2 7,564 0.1736 ADJACENT LOT LINE - - LOT 3 7,583 0.1741 CASE HISTORY 1418 S. Addison Ct. LOT 4 9,177 0.2107 - - BLOCK LINE CBM SURVEYS, INC. Aurora, CO 80016 CBM -- T-- - - -- [AND SURVEYING SERVICES LUT -5- 9,170 0.2105 ----------- EASEMENT WS -21-02 720-373-8376 _ LOT 67.763 _0.1782 cbm-ey.0-cost.net AK 0 ER t0 so TRACT .__4195 0.0963 -"-----'-- LOT LINE HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLAT - - FOX HOLLOW ON UPHAM SUBDIVISION ROW DED. 3,83134+0.0880 - - SECTION LINE - - TOTS_ 1.3020 SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY - - - A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF THE ( IN II'lsE1 ) 1 inch = 20 tt. - - - - - TIE LINE S.E. 1/4, SECTION 23, T3S, R69W, 6TH P.M. - - CENTERLINE OF RIGHT OF WAY CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SURVEYS Drawn: RF Date: 12-09-2021 Scale: 1"=20' 2 of 2 T Check: JF .Job No: 20-2609 202609SUB.DWG n' 11 N- ART d OIIRVFV R IC I RFCFrtNSIRII nY - IN NrtNrP nF tit FF