HomeMy WebLinkAbout81060133 D F RHord..,j Itt o'l'1nt"k Rf'('!'ptiol" So. \ I I TIlI~DF..:o. MRd~t111~ 19 81, ht'twf'C'n IDEBORAH A. LEE AND DAVID A. LEE ..rtht' lountyorJefferson I 1 (,'l"rn.rlo.oflh.. (lr~t plitt, anti PATRICIA TREAT 12th M., !81 AIlS J 1 M /I' 35 0tIInIlr~ ih1Tnt>II "'" 01 Co. Rf"ron:!t'r ..11.1 ~G ~T A '"' dRY IIr Augus t (t and ~tRt(' or whn!\eleJfaIIUldfl'!l!lill 3205 Union "r t h(' ('ountr of Jefferson and Rtatf' of Cnlutadn, nf thl' 1U'('onrl pRtt: WrTI;F.SSETII. That thl' !laid party o(th,. fir!!t part, (()r and in ('onllidf'ration ofth.. .urn or EIGHTY-]:'IVE THOUSAND AND NO/I00-----------------_____________1~)(.[.ARS, In the ..Id party of thf' (lnl part in hanrl paid hy lhl' !lAid party of the- ucond part, the r..('eipt whl'rf'('I( i. hf',..1>)' ""nfrRlled anrl I\<,knnwl('c1irNl, hall fl'rII.ntNl, hl'ltlulnl'd. "old and convf'),..d. and by th.... r'....f'nl. dMI tyant. b.r..ain. ~('1I. conv.)' and ('onfirm, unto thl' uirl pArt)' o( th.. 1It"('und part. hili h~in .nd ...i.-n. ror~Yf'r, .n th.. (oU.,.,..ln.. dl'''l'rib..d ]ot or parrt'l o( l"n.I, lIituatt' I)'inlt and h.inlt in thf' ('ounty o( Jef ferson and State o(C'olon,do, to.wlt: ~ .ll ,.. C':' .. , t:'C)' ~ll)t ::J . ~'IO::" "" The North 100 feet of the South 120 feet of the West 140 feet of th East 165 feet of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 29, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th p, M. County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. 2l '" V) ,,111<) known all .trf"t't and numbf'r 3205 Union TOGF.Tlu:n with nil and lIinltlllRr till' h,'r.',IIIAmt'nh And aflfl\lrtt'n.nC'''' thf"r..tn twlonrinl', nr In 1H1)''IIl!.. .,'r"" tRln;nr. and tIlt' r...""tlll0n And rl'Vl'rll;Onll, tt'mnin.lt.t "nil rt'malndl"tI. r"nh. i..ut" an,t pro(lh th..ro."r; and all tht' "lItat., rlRht, tltlt',lntl"rt'lIt, ('1I..im and .It'",,,"d wh...tlllOt'Yl"r nfth. ..Id p.rty ofth. nr.' part. t'lth., In I.. tlr .qult)', "f, in ...nd to thf' ahoyl" bfl,rR...in.!! prrmilf", with thl" hll'tt'ditam.nh...nd appurt.nan('... TO IIA\'F. ^~n TO 1101.0 thl" 1Il\illl"t'Il\IIlorll .huyI" h...rr...lnl"tt and ct..C'rlhtod. wilh Ill.. apPIl,It'"ant'I'I, llnllllhf' ,aid p"rty or thfl ''''('0".1 put. hi" lu'iu ...nd """lKn. (u,,,"..r. And thl' ..Id party o( th. nut part. (or himul'. hi. h..ifl. f'l(l"rutorll, And lII,lmini"trAtorll, 110rll rOyrnAnt.lt'nnt, har.ain. ...n,la..'''.'o and ..lth th. ..Id part)' o('h", ".,nnd part. hill ht'lra an,l ""!liltn" that at tllr Ilmf' of till" "nllrallnR an,! d~liv..r)' o(tl1.... rr.'t'"t., h..l. ....n...l....t n(lh.. pr..ml.... ahoveo eonvl')'l'd, aft o( ~od, l\url', rn(N't. ahl\olull' and ind.(.uibl. ..tat. orlnht'rU.nC'. In II., in f.... .Imrl... and ha' KOO.J rhrhl, rllll f1ow.r ar,ll Iaw(ul a\lthllrity tll ..rani, huraln. ..n and fonu)' th. ..m.. in mann..r and rn,m .1 .(oreo..id. and that Iheo um!'! ar.. (reo!'! and el"a, (rom all rorm"f and oth., <<un'., bar..aln.. ..I.., lI.n.. I..... ulu'nm.nh and eneumbrant".. o(whatnf'r kind or natur.1l0Uf'r. except taxes for the year 1981 and subsequent years. Subject to restrictions, reservations, easements and rights of way of record. Also except First Deed of Trust to Mortgage Investment Company which the party of the second part assumes and agree to pay. ~ '" . 0. o 7- o ~ ~ -< v o '" anI! the nhovt'd hnTlrRin..1! prrmillrll in thr '1\1I('t ,,"d pl'at"f'abl. pO.lll"ulon o( lh. uld party of Ih,' II.rflnl't part. hI. h..i,. alld ai'llllltns altain"t "I] and l'\'I'r)' I'"r!lon or prrllflnll lawlull)' rlaimin. or to C'laim th.. ..hl'l. or an}' part th.rror. thl' said party o( thl' (;ri'lt pnrl IIh...1I An.l .....ill WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFF-SO. Th. .in(r\llar num....' ,11...11 lndud~ th(' plural. Iht' plllral thco lIinlru]ar and thl' u". or.ny ~ndf't .hal1 b. applkahl. to .1I....nd.,... IS WITSESS WHEREOf', tht' IIl1ld party nrth~ firi'll pari ha. hf'ft'unlo f1t't hill hand llind ...1 Ih. day and yur I,"t .lonv, wr1t~n. ~~ . ~ ~....,' ,~" '\., Tf( >'" -"'....~-. ,:'\' j .' ",ARL., ~. .... \ - r. , "t, ..Q ..:.0,....-- Ir' \ \'~ ~Pu1r~~~)l.ORAnO I ... ." '1__~ ~_,,- i'li'l .~~~ '~ Count)'o( Jefferson, lI'El.c Thr or~~~~nlr Inlltrument ..... arkno~I"l1llf'd bf'rorf' me thlll .~~. _~0~~_~,,~'?.P4>>iAl.1 :cl~- ~LE~~___u ISF-Al.1 VID A. 'iEE (SF-A!.I 12th day or August ,. 8lby DEBORAH A. LEE AND DAVID A. Myt"omminionuplru 4.r^^-' 131 1597 Wadsworth Lakewood, Co 80215 ~1't.132A. "\ItM.\"'in ".:.:11 LEE ,19S"'S.....wiln... my hand and tI(firlalllul. ~~~_cY-? ~<-/~._,__ !'oi..t.q..-" ... (f