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5208 W 38th Ave ComCheck
' INTEGRATED Rj CHAN/CAL, LLC Date: July 25°, 2022 Re: Take5—Wheabidge Mechanical Closeout Letter ComCheck Close -Out Letter Ksylyn, This office was requested to provide a final Mechanical punch walk and ComCheck Clos Dul Inspection at the Take 5 Oil Change. This office conducted this walk on July 2010, 2022, and found that all items inspected where in compliance with the attached ComCheck. This office take no exception to the energy compliance requirements. Thank you and please contact our office if you have any questions. Respectfully, Joshua K. Miller - Partner INTEGRATED MECHANICAL, LLC 21-194-Close-Out-Leffer.docx Page 1 of 1 25 -Jul -2022 970-556-0570 - 320 MAPLE ST, SUITE 110, FORT COLLZ, C© 80 �- 6COMcheck Software Version Mechanical Compliance Certificate Project Information Ene Jy Come: Project Title: Local Climam Zone: Project Type: Commuction Site: 5208 38th Ave Denver, CO 80212 20181ECC Take 5 Wheat Ridge Wheat Ridge, Colorado 5b Automation GwnerlAgent Desgner/Gontraclnr: Kyle Lucas Integrated Mechanical 320 Maple St Suite 110 Fort Collins, co 80521 970-556-0570 kyle-I@int-mech.com Mechanical Systems List Quantity System Type & Description 1 FUR-1/CU-1(Sii Zown: Resume:1 each - Cori al Furnace, Gas, Capacity =40 kmmm Proposed Efficiency = 96.00% IS, Require] Efficiency: 80.00 %E1 or W%AFUE CAolingI teeth - Split System, Capacity =18 kiamm, Evaporal Cooled Cornmeal No Economizer, Economizer exception: None Proposed EMcency =16.00 EER. Required Eficency: 12.10 EER +12S CER Fan System'. FAN SYSTEM 1—Compliance (Morar nameplate HP method): Passes Far: FAN 1 Supply, Content Volume, 675 CFM, 0.5 motor mosques hp. 50.0 Mn eflltienry greds 1 Run, 28A (Single Zane): Ronnie I earth- Radiant Heater, Gas, Capacity =40 kem0 No minimum efficiency requitement appl'res Fan Syel None 1 I1(Singe Zee): Heatitg:I each- Reliant Heater, Gas, Capacity=50 kBmM No minimum eficienq requirement applies Fan "am: None 1 EWH-1(Single Zonet Heatltg:1 each- Unit Heater, Ell Capacity =3 keel No minimum shoal requirement applies Fen System: None 1 PWH4: Electric Storage Water Header, Capacity: 3o gallons set Circulation Pump Proposed EfAcency:1.00 SL, %81(d> 12 kW), Required Eficiami 130 SL, %afi (R> 12 kW) Mechanical Compliance Statement Compliance Statement The proposed mechanical alteration projeR represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with this pernat application. The proposed mechanical systems have been designed to meet the 20181ECC requirements in COMcbeck Version and to comply with any applicable mandatory Project rine: Take 5 Wheat Ridge Report date: OU18R2 Data filename: CAUsem\Kyle-L\Integrated Mech Dmpbox\Work\Work-21\21-194 Take 5-WheaVidge- Page 1 o 14 jKM\ComCheckRl-194-comchecccck requirements listed in the Inspection Checklist. Date Project T[le: Take 5 Wheat Ridge Report date: OV18R2 Data filename: C:\Users\Kyle-Untegrated Mech Dmpbox\Work\Work-21\21-194 Take 5-Wheatridge- Page 2 o 14 IKM\ComChecW1194-comcheck.cck COMcheck Software Version V Inspection Checklist Energy Code: 2018 IECC Requirements: 0.0% were addressed directly In the COMcheck software Text in the'Comments/Assumptions" column is provided by the user in the COMcheck Requirements screen. For each requirement, the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented, or that an exception is being claimed. Where compliance Is itemized in a separate table, a reference to that table is provided. Section # ap Plan Review COmpIIHi Commands/Assumptions C103sRe :calculspecifications,andor IOCoes RR211 [PR2p:calculationshichcompllde information ;Opoes Not Not iance determined for the mechanical :ONot observable''' COMPLIES systems and equipment and ONot Applicable, document where exceptions to the standard are claimed. Load calculations per acceptable engineering standards and handbooks. C103.2 :Plans, specifications, and/or ;OComplles 1PR311 calculations provide all information C ooes Not :with which compliance can be ;,ONa[Observable determined for the service water Applicable COMPLIES heating systems and equipment and IONot document where exceptions to the standard are claimed Hot water :system sized per manufacturer's sizing guide. Additional Comments/Assumptions; Project ritil Take 5 Wheat Ridge Report date: 01/1882 Data filename: CMlserAKyle-LNmegrated Mech Dmpbox\Work\Work-2M21-194 Take 5-Wheahidge- Page 3 o 14 1KMtComoneckRl-194-comcheccock section If Footing / Foundation Inspection Compiles? CommentsfAssumptlonz d Reg.ID C403.12.25now/ice melting system and freeze OComplies protection systems have sensors and '0Does Not C403.12.3 controls configured to limit service for IO Not Obseryable) NOT IFO9P pavement temperature and outdoor IONot Applicable APPLICABLE temperature future connection to controls. Additional Comments/Assumptions: Project T[le: Take 5 Wheat Ridge Report date: UL18R2 Data filename: CAUurs\Kyle-L\Integrated Mach Dmpbox\Work\Work-21\21-194 Take 5-WheaVidge- Page 4 o 14 IKM\ComChecg21-194-comcheck.cck SeRion # plumbing Rough -In Inspection Compiles? CommeMs/Assumptlons dR ,ID 0404.5, C404.5.1, Neared water supply piping conforms to pipe length and volume []comp8es []Does Not CONFIRMED COMPLIES. C404.5.2 requirements. Refer to section details. ONot Observable: HOT WATER CIRC WITH 24" [PL6P ONut Applicable : DISTRIBUTION C404.5, C404.5.1, Heated water supply piping conforms to pipe length and volume []Complies []Does Not CONFIRMED COMPLIES. C404.5.2 requirements.Referto section details. ONot observable: HOT WATER CIRC WITH 24" [PL6P []Not applicable : DISTRIBUTION C404.5, Heated water supply piping conforms []Complies CONFIRMED COMPLIES. C404.5.1, to pipe length and volume []Does Not C404.5.2 requirements. Refer to section details. []Notobservablei HOT WATER CIRC WITH 24" IPL6P []Net Applicable DISTRIBUTION 0404.5, Heated water supply piping conforms []complies CONFIRMED COMPLIES. C404.5.1, to pipe length and volume []Does Not C404.5.2 requirements. Refer to section details. ONot Observable': HOT WATER CIRC WITH 24" [PL6P []Not Applicable : DISTRIBUTION C404.5, Heated water supply piping conforms DCompbes CONFIRMED COMPLIES. C404.5.1, to pipe length and volume []Does Not C404.5.2 : requirements.Refer to section details. []Not observable: HOT WATER CIRC WITH 24" IPL6P []Na[Appllwble : DISTRIBUTION C404,6 1, 'Automatic time switches metalled to []Complies MOTION START AND C404.62 [PL311 automatically switch off the recirculating hot-water system or heat []Does Not []Not observable) TEMPERATURE RETURN trace. []Net Applicable SHUT-OFF C404.6.3 Pumps that circulate water between a []Complies : [PU]3 heater and storage tank have controls []Does Not NOT APPLICABLE that limit operation from startup to m5 minutes after end of heating []Not observable) cycle. []Nat Applicable j C404.6.3 Pumps that circulate water between a []Complies [PVP heater and storage tank have controls []Does Not NOT APPLICABLE that limit operation from startup to []Nat Observable: <cle. — 5 minutes after end of heating []Nat Applicable P C404.6.3 Pumps that circulate water between a []complies :PUP heater and storage tank have controls []Dees Not NOT APPLICABLE that limit operation from startup to <= 5 minutes after end of heating []Not ohservablel cycle, []Not Applicable C404.6.3 Pumps that circulate water between a []Complies [PU]3 heater and storage tank have controls DDoes Not NOT APPLICABLE that limit operation from startup to m5 minutes after end of heal []Not observable) cycle. []Not Applicable C404.6.3 Pumps that circulate water between a DComplies [PVP heater and storage tank have controls DDoes Not NOT APPLICABLE :that limit operation from startup to a []Nat Observable) <— 5 minutes after end of hearing ',[]NotA co e bl : :cycle. pP Project ri lat: Take 5 Wheat Ridge Report date: 01I18R2 Data filename: CAUsers\Kyle-Dintegrated Match Dropbox\Work\Work-21\21-194 Take s-Wheatridge- Page 5 o 14 IKsoComChecki 194-comchesecock saaion a plumbing Rough -In Inspection Complies? Commems/Assumptlons SOR .ID C404.7 Demand recirculation water systems OComplies IPtap have controls that start the pump ODoea Not MOTION START AND ,upon receiving a signal from the ONoc Observable: TEMPERATURE RETURN tion of a user of a fixture or and limits the temperature ONot Applicable j SHUT-OFF :appliance of the water entering the cold water piping to 104°F. C404.7 Demand recirculation water systems OComplles [Pup have controls that start the pump Oboes Not iMOTION STARTAND action of a user osignal xture orrn ONot observablei TEMPERATURE RETURN appliance and limits the temperature ONot Applicable; SHUT-OFF of the water entering the cola water piping to 104°F. C4047 Demand recirculation water systems OComplles [pup have controls that start the pump Oboes Not MOTION START AND acon tion of al user of signal xtue or ONot obseeablei TEMPERATURE RETURN appliance and hirmometemperature ONot Applicable; SHUT-OFF of the water entering the cola water piping to 104°F. C404.7 Demand recirculation water systems OComplles Iptxp have controls that start the pump Oboes Not MOTION START AND action of a user osignal xture orrn ONot Observable TEMPERATURE RETURN appliance and limits the temperature ONot Applicable; SHUT-OFF of the water entering the cola water piping to 104°F. C404.7 Demand recirculation water systems OComplles Iptxp have controls that start the pump Oboes Not MOTION START AND upon of receiving sr of signal fixture o the ONoc observable: TEMPERATURE RETURN and limits the temperature ONot Applicable; SHUT-OFF rof the water entering the cold water of piping to 104°F. Additional Comments/Assumptions; Project T[le: Take 5 Wheat Ridge Report date: 01I181 Data filename: CMlsee\Kyle-L\Integrated Meach Dmpbox\Work\Work-31\21-196 Take 5-WheabiEge- Page 6 o 14 IKM\ComChecki21-194-comcheck.cck SeRion g Mechanical Rough -In Inspection Complies? CommeMs/Assumptlons SGR .ID C40i (Thermally Ineffective panel surfaces of OComplies IME417a:sensible beating panels have []Does Not NOT APPLICABLE Insulation >= R-3.5. ONot Observable ONot Applicable C403.11.31 HVAC piping Insulation Insulated In []Complies IME61]° accordance with Table C403.11.3. []Does Not NOT APPLICABLE Insulation exposed to weather is []Not Observable protected from damage and is ONot Applicable Provided with Shielding from solar radiation. C403.11.31 HVAC piping chip lation lneu lated In OComplies IME61p accordance with Table C403.11.3. []Does Not NOT APPLICABLE Insulation exposed to weather is i3ONot Observable protected from damage and is Applicable provided with shielding from polar IONat radiation. C403.11.31 HVAC piping insulation insulated in []Complies [ME61]' ccord ne with Table accordanceC403.�k' []Does notInsulat NOT APPLICABLE []Nat Dbservablel protected from damage and is []Nat Applicable; provided with shielding from solar radiation. C403.11.3 'HVAC piping Insulation Insulated In OComplies IME61]'cordance with Table C40i o ODess Not NOT APPLICABLE sulation exposed to weather Is Observable: phot Dbservablel protected Road damage and is Orio provided with shielding from Solar ppcablej radiation. C403.8.1 HVAC fan systems at design OComplies see me meehamcal Stahl ast far values. [ME65]3 conditions do not exceed allowable Oboes Not fan system motor nameplate by or fan []No[ Observable system bhp. ONat Applicable I C403.8.1 HVAC fan systems at design OComplies seethe mechanical systems hat far values. [ME65]3 conditions do not exceed allowable Oboes Not fan system motor nameplate by or fan ONot Observable system bhp. ONot Applicable C403.8.1 HVAC fan systems at design []Complies are me mechanical systems hat far values. [ME65]3 conditions do not exceed allowable []Does Not fan system motor nameplate by or fan ONot Observable system bhp. ONot Applicable C403.8.3 Fa ns have efficiency grade TED)> - []Complies COMPLIANT SEE MECHANICAL IME11772 67. The fare efficiency of the fan at []Does Not the design point of operation <=15% of maximum total ofnciency ofthe []Not Observable SYSTEMS LIST FOR VA LUES fan. phot Applicable, C40i Fans have efficiency grade TEG) >- OComplies IMEIIn' 67. The total efficiency of the fan at []Does Not COMPLIANT SEE MECHANICAL the design point of operation o 15% []Not Observable SYSTEMS LIST FOR VALUES Of maximum total efficiency of the pNat Applicable C403.8.3 Fans have efflclencygmdi l>= OComplies IMEnp= 67. me total efficiency of the fan at Oooes NotCOMPLIANT SEE MECHANICAL the design point of operation<=15% prion observable: SYSTEMS LIST FOR VALUES f maximum total efficiency of the ONo[ApDIIWble fan. Project Ill Take 5 Wheat Ridge Report date: 01118,22 Data filename: CAUsers\KyleiNntegrated Mech Dmpbox\Work\Work-M21-194 Take 5-Wheatridge- Page ]of 14 ]KM\ComCheckRl-194-comcherclecck SeRion # Mechanical Rough -In Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptlonz SGR .ID C403.8.4 ( Motors for fans that are not less than OComplies [ME142]2 1112 no and less than l by are ';electronically ODoes Not COMPLIANT commutated motors or ONot Observahle'I have a minimum motor efficiency of []Not Applicable 70 percent. These motors have the means to adjust motor speed C403.8.5 Each DX cooling system> 65 kBtu []complies ' 1ME143]2 and chiller wategevapomtive cooling ODoes Not .system with fans >114 by are phot observable'( NOT APPLICABLE ;designed to vary the Indoor fan aimow []Not Applicable s a function of load and comply with odetailedrequlrementsofthlssection. Ca03.12.1systems that neat outside the building OCpmpies [ME11]' envelope are radiant heat systems []Does Not NOT APPLICABLE controlled by an occupancy sensing []Not Observable': (device ortimer switch. phut Applicable C403.2.3 HVAC equipment efficiency verified Occupies I See Me Mechanical Systems list or values. [ME55]' []Does Not []Nat Observable'; []Nat Applicable j C403.2.2 Natural or mechanical ventilation is Occupies 1ME5911 provided in accordance with []Does Not COMPLIANT International Mechanical Cade a []Nat Observable', Chapter 4. Mechanical ventilation has capability to reduce outdoor air supply []NotA bl puts e to minimum per IMC CM1apter 4. C4033A Demand control ventilation provided []Complies IME59]' for spaces >500 ft2 and >25 ODoes Not ebDotesinaisdlty and w ONot Obsery able? NOTAPPLICABLE swedysm r ie Dori ] economizer, auto modulating outside air damper contro, or design airflow >3,000 am. C403.7.2 Enclosed parting garage ventilation OComplies IME11573 has automatic contaminant detection Oooes Not NOT APPLICABLE :and Capacity to stage or modulate ONot Observable (fans to 50% or less of design capacity. []Not Applicable C403.7.6 HVAC systems serving guestrooms in []Complies IME14173 Group R l buildings with > 50 Leroy Not grestrooms: Each guestroom is phot observable NOT APPLICABLE provided with controls that ONotA automatically manage temperature PPicable setpoint and ventilation(see sections C403.?RA and C403.7.6.2). C403.?.4 Exhaust air energy recovery on OComplies NOT APPLICABLE IMEs?P systems meeting Table C403.?.4m 'ODoes not and C4033AR). ONot Observable []Not Applicable C403.7.5 IME1167a Kitchen exhaust systems Comply with replacement air and conditional []Complies ODoes Not NOT APPLICABLE supply air limitations, and satisfy hood []Naf Observanle; rating requirements and maximum ONot Applicable j exhaust rate criteria. C403.11.1: HVAC ducts and plenums insulated in OComplles c4o3.u.zoonstructed ::accordance with C403.11.1 and []Does Not COMPLIANT in accordance with :ONot Observable; lME6012 CA03.11.2, verification may need to :[]NO[Applicable occur during Foundation Inspection. Project Title: Take 5 Wheat Ridge Report date: O1118R2 Data filename: CAUsers\Kyleigntegrated March Dropbox\Work\Work-21\21-194 Take s-WheaVidge- Page 8 o 14 ]KM\ComCheck21-194-comcheckcck SRion # Mechanical Rough -In Inspection m Copllast Commerlt5/Aasumptlonz dat ,ID C403.4.1. Heating for vestibules and air curtains OComplies 4 with integral beating include Oboes Not [ME63]2 automatic controls that Shut Off the ONot Ob:ervablel heating system when outdoor air ONot Applicable j NOT APPLICABLE temperatures> 45F. Vestibule heating and cooling systems controlled by a thermostat In me vestibule with heating setp0int <- 60F and cooling setiamnt >— 80F. C403.3.3 Hot gas hypa5511mite0 t0: <-240 OComplles NOTAPPLICABLE [ME3512 k6to/h-50%>240 kBi-25% Oboes Not ONot Observable': ONot Applicable C40822. Air outlets and zone terminal devices OComplles 1 have means for air balancing. ODDes Not COMPLIANT [ME53]' ONot Observable, ONot Applicable C403.5, Refrigerated display cases, walk-in OComplies C403.5.1, coolers or walk in freezers sewed by ODoes Not C403.5.2 remote compressors and remote phot observable. NOT APPLICABLE [NI condensers not located in a ONotA II cable condensing unit, have fan-poweretl pp condensers that comply with Sections C403.5.1 and refrigeration compressor :systems that comply with C403 5.2.. : Additional Comments/Assumptions: Project T[le: Take S Wheat Ridge Report date: 01/18R1 Data filename: CAUsers\Kyle-L\Integrated March Dmpbox\Work\Work-31\21-194 Take S-Wbemidge- Page 9 o 14 IKM\ComCheck\21-194-comcheck. ck SRion # Rough -In ElecMcal Inspection CompllesT Commems/Assumptlons dat .ID C405.6 IEL261' ILow-voltage dry -type distribution 'electric transformers meet the OComplier Oboes Not COMPLAINT minimum elflclency requirements of ONot Observable (Table C405.6. OND[ Applicable C405.7 Electric momrs meet me minimum OComplles IEL221' efficiency requirements of Tables ODoes Not C4giency through ledthr .2(4e Efficiency through certification ONot Observable] NOTAPPLICABLE approved Other Applicable ; progrunder am the uipme teffic program or the egovided by motor ratings sM1all be provitletl by motor manufacturer (where certilcation programs tlo not exist). C405.8.2, Escalarors and moving walks comply IOCoindles C405.8.2. with ASME A17.1di B44 and have ODoes Not 1 Aromatic controls configured to IONa[ observable NOT APPLICABLE P IEL2812 reduce speed to the minimum Applicable; permittetl speed in accordance with IONot ASME A17.1/CSA B44 or applicable cal code when not conveying passengers. C405.9 Total voltage drop across me OComplles NOT APPLICABLE IEL291' combination of feeders and branch Oboes Not i circuits <= 5%. ONot observable: ONot Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions; Project T[lat: Take S Wheat Ridge Report date: O1118R2 Data filename: CAUsers\Kyle-L\Integrated Match Dmpbox\Work\Work-x1\21-194 Take 5-WM1eatridge- Page 19 of 14 IKM\ComCheai 194-comcheck.cck SeRion # Final Inspection Complies? CommeMs/Aesumptlons S*R .ID C303.3, Furnished 0&M manuals for HVAC []Complies C40e.2.5. systems within 90 days of system ODoes Not MANUALS OBSERVED - 3acceptance. fil ONot observable; COMPLAINT ONut Applicable C403.2.2 HVAC systems and equipment Ocomplies 1F12713 capacity does not exceed calculated []Does Not CONFIRMED loads. []Nat Observable'. []Nat Applicable j Ca03.2A. Heating and caoling to each zone Is []complies 1 controlled by a thermostat control. []Does Not CONFIRMED Ell Minimum one humidity control device []Nat Observable! per installed humidiflcabonldehumldlflcation ble j []NOIRpp Applicable system. C403.2A. Heating and cooling to each zone Is DComplles 1 controlled by a thermostat control. ODoes Not CONFIRMED fit Minimum one humidity control device []Not observable per installed no nudlFicabonldehumiddication ONotA Applicable system. C403.2.4. Heating and cooling to each zone Is []Complies 1 controlled by a thermostat control. UDoes Not CONFIRMED P14713 Minimum one humidity control device []Not Observable per installed humidlficabonldehumidification []NOTA bl ppica e system. Ca03.2A. Heating and cooling to each zone Is Ocomplies 1 controlled by a thermostat control. []Does Not CONFIRMED Ell Minimum one humidity control device []Nat Observable) per installed humidificabonldehumldlflcation pNatApplicable j system. C403.4.1. Thermostatic controls have a 5-F []Compiles 2 reactors. O[res Not CONFIRMED E13813 prion observable []Not Applicable C403.2.4. 'TemperaWm controls have setpoint []Complies CONFIRMED 13 overap restrictions. []Does Not Ell ONot obeeryable l []Not Applicable C403.2A. Each zone equipped with setback UComplles CONFIRMED 2 controls using automatic time clock or pones Not E13913 programmable control System. Orion ObservableP []Not Applicable C403.2A. Automatic Controls: Setback to 55-F UComplles 2.1. (heat)and 85-F (cool), day clack. 2- ODoes Not CONFIRMED C403.2d. hour occupant override, 10 hour bs ONat observable', E1 backup IONotA Applicable moble Ca03.2A. I Systems include optimum start []complies I 2.3 :controls. []Does Not NOTAPPLICABLE Ell []Nat Observable []Nat Applicable j Project T[le: Take S Wheat Ridge Report date: OL19R2 Data filename: CAUsers\Kyle-Dintegrated March Dropbox\Work\Work-21\21-194 Take S-Wheatridge- Page 11 of 14 1KM\ComOheag2l-194-comcherck.ck SaRion a Final Inspection Compiles? Commems/Assumptlons SGR .ID C404.3 [Flllls Heat traps installed on supply and :discharge piping of non -circulating Ocomplies Oboes Not NOT APPLICABLE ',systems. ONot observable ' ONo[Applicable C404A :All piping Insulated In accordance with Ocomplles P135I= section details and Table C403.11.3. ODoes Not COMPLIANT ONot observable': ❑Not Applicable C404.6A Controls are installed that limit the OComplles [1913p operation of a recirculation pump ODoes Not NOT APPLICABLE installed to maintain temperature of a ONot Observable) storage tank. System return pipe is a ONot Applicable; dedicated return pipe or a cold water supply pipe. 0408.1.1 Building operations and maintenance Ocomplies [FI5]11 documents will be provided to the ODoes Not owner. Documents will cover manufacturers Information, ONot observable': COMPLIANT specifications, programming ONO[Applicable, procedures and means of illustrating to owner how building, equipment and systems are Intended to be Installed. : maintained. and operated. C408.3.1 Commissioning plan developed by OComplies NOT APPLICABLE P12811 registered design professional or ODoes Not approved agency. ONot Observable ONot Applicable 0408.3.3. HVAC equipment has been tested to OComplies ; 1 ensure proper operation. ODoes Not CONFIRMED [FI3111 ONot Observable; ONat Applicable j C408.3.3, HVAC control systems have been OComplies z tested to ensure proper operation, []Does Not CONFIRMED [FI1011 calibration and adjustment of controls. ONO Observable) []Nat Applicable j C408.3.4 Preliminary commissioning report []Complies P12911 completed and Cemfied by registered ODoes NotNOT APPLICABLE design professional or approved LNot Observable) agency. ONO[ Applicable C408.3.5. Furnished HVAC as -built drawings OComplies 1 submitted within 90 days of system ODoes Not CONFIRMED P17 ]3k ONot Observable: ONot Applicable C408.3.5, An air and/or hydrunic system []Complies 3 balancing reports is provided for HVAC ODoes Not iCONFIRMED [FI4311 systems. []Not Observable: ONot Applicable C408.2.5. Final commissioning report due to []Complies 4 building owner within 90 days of Oboes Not NOT APPLICABLE [F13011 receipt of certificate of occupancy. :[]Not Observable: ;[]Not Applicable j Additional Comments/Assumptions: Project Title: Take 5 Wheat Ridge Report date: OU18R2 Data filename: CAUsers\Kyle-l-Untegrated Mach DogIox\Work\Work-31\21-194 Take 5-WheaVidge- Page 13 of 14 XPIRCorruper kRl-194-comch rsocck CEfMFIED BALANCING AND AM Testing, Adjusting and Balancing Proiect Take 5 Wheat Ridge Address 5208 38ih Ave. Denver, CO 80212 Architect CO Lab Architecture Mechanical Engineer Integrated Mechanical Contractor Ducted Comfort Balancing Supervisors Greg Barnes Date July 25, 2022 Job Number 4310 G y� 6 1Wk�X�Cy S a TecM•` T CEfMFIED BALANCING AND AM (E): Existing MAU: Make Up Air Unit Actual D.P.: Recorded Differential Pressure Motor FLA: Full Load Amperage AHU: Ar Handling Unit MVD: Manual Volume Damper AK: Area Correction NAC: No Access BV: Balance Valve NG: Not Given CD: Ceiling Diffuser NIC: Not in Contract CFM: Cubic Feet Per Minute Nom. EB.: Nominal Efficiency CHW: Chilled Water OA/OSA: Outside Air CRAC: Computer Room Air Conditioning Unit OA: Outside Air CUH: Cabinet Unit Heater OBD: Opposed Blade Damper CW: Condenser Water OD: Outside Diameter D.P. (Pump): Discharge Pressure P.F.: Power Factor Design D.P.: Design DifferentialPressme PSI: Pounds per Square Inch Diff.: Differential RA: Return Air DX: Direct Expansion RF: Return Fan EAT: Entering Air Temperature RG: Return Grille EF: Exhaust Fan RPM: Revolutions per Minute EG: Exhaust Grille RTU: Rooftop Unit ERU: Energy Recovery Unit S.F.: Service Factor ERV: Energy Recovery Ventilator S.P. (Pump): Suction Pressure EWT: Entering Water Temperature SA: Supply Air FCU: Fan Coil Unit SD: Supply Diffuser FPB: Fan Powered Box SEF: Smoke Exhaust Fan FPM: Feet Per Minute SF: Supply Fan HW: Heating Water SP: Static Pressure HX: Heat Exchanger SPF: Stairwell Pressurization Fan IN.WC.: Inches of Water Column SWD: Sidewall Diffuser ESP: External Static Pressure Tl: Terminal l Ind.Imp.Die.: Indicated Impeller Diameter T2: Terminal K Factor: Correction/Calibration Factor T3: Terminal 3 KEF: Kitchen Exhaust Fan TDI: Total Dynamic Head CS: Circuit Setter TF: Transfer Fan LAT: Leaving AirTempemmre TSP: Total Static Pressure LD: Linear Diffuser LH: Unit Heater LWT: Leaving Water Temperature VAV: Variable Air Volume MA: Mixed Air VP: Velocity Pressure CERTIFIED IFIED B CINE AND AM (� COMMISSIONING. LLC. Method of Balancing, Supply, Return and Exhaust diffusers, grilles and registers were measured with an Alnor Balometer EBT -721, which includes the flow hood, velgrid, pitot tube and airfoil. Heating and Chilled water flow rates were measured with an Alnor Hydropic Manometer HM -680 by obtaining pressure measurements. RPM was measured with a Shimpo tachometer. Amperage and Voltage readings were taken with a Fluke 930 meter. Instrumentation: Digital Manometer Flow hood Digital Pressure Gage Tachometer Digital Volt -Amp Meter Thermometer Alnor Balometer EBT -721 Alnor Balometer EBT -721 Alnor Hydronic Manometer FP"80 Shimpo Fluke 930 Alnor Balometer EBT -721 This project was completed per TABB & NEBB Procedural Standards. The data presented in this report is a record of system measurements and final adjustments that have been obtained in accordance with the current edition of the TABB & NEBB Procedural Standards for Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing Environmental Systems. Any variances from design quantities, which exceed TABB & NEBB tolerances, arc noted in the Test -Adjust -Balance Report Project Summary. If a Test-Adjust-Balancc Report Project Summary is not issued directly following this cover page, all measurements met the design requirements as specified by the design mechanical engineer. This project has a one-year guarantee on all Testing, Adjusting & Balancing from the date listed on this cover page. Greg Bames Owner/Supervisor grept@cet b.com 720-201-6274 CERTIFIED IFIED B CINE AND AM (� COMMISSIONING. LLC. Project Summary 1. Individual Notes, Explanations, and Deficiencies, if applicable, are shown underneath the associated equipment. v Certified Balancing and Commissioning, LLC. Table Of Contents PROJECT: TAKE 5 WHEATRIDGE DATE: M5=22 LOCATION: DENVER, CO CONTACT: Greg Barnes Table Of Contents Cerfthad Balancing and Commissioning Certified Balancing and Commissioning, LLC. Fan Unit PROJECT: TAKE 5 WHEATRIDGE DATE: 7Y25=22 LOCATION: DENVER, CO CONTACT: Greg Barnes PROJECT#: 0310 SYSTEMAINIT: Eli Tested By. Chuck Vengas Date'. 712212022 Fan Manufacturer COOK Rated Design AiAow 75 CFM Fan MM&NumErt GEMINI VF 100 Motor ManulacNrer MCMILLAN Motor HP 7W Motor RPM 350.11 C0 RPM Design Aldmv 75 CFM Motor Rated Volk 120.230 Vd6 Actual egfim 75 CFM Motor Phase 1 Ma1m VoIBT1-T2 125Volls Motor Hertz 60 Hz Me rAm Ti 0.23 Amps Motor FL Amps 026AmI15 Motor Sheave Model DIRECTDRIVE SYSTEMIUNIT: EF -2 Tested By: Chuck Vengas Date'. 1/22/2022 Fan Manu133urer ODOR Rated Design Ali 15 CFM Fan Model Number GEMINI VF 100 Motor Manufacturer MGMILl Motor HP 7W Motor RPM Still 1N RPM Design Alrl 75 CFM Motor Rated Vohs II0-230Vdb sets/ IMo'ry 75 CFM Motor Phase 1 Motor Volk T1-T2 125 Volls Motor Hertz 60 HE Motor AmNTt 023Amps Motor FL Areas 036A 0 Motor Sheave Model DIRECT DRIVE SYSTEMIUNIT: EF -3 Tested By: Chuck Vengas Date712212022 L*g: I EF -3 1/22/2022 Chuck Vengaa SPEED CONTROL DOES NOT WORK GendIBd Balancing and COOIO11361001ng Fan Mammacturer 0,1=1NIF�iN Fan Model Number SO 160-B X Fan Swerial Sul 17649T8 Rated Design Air 1000 CFM MmorHmIz 60 He Design Arl I ON CFM Actual Mel 59OCFM L*g: I EF -3 1/22/2022 Chuck Vengaa SPEED CONTROL DOES NOT WORK GendIBd Balancing and COOIO11361001ng Certified Balancing and Commissioning, LLC. Fan Unit PROJECT: TAKE 5 WHEATRIDGE LOCATION: DENVER, CO PROJECT#: 0310 SYSTEMAINIT: FUR -1 Fan Manufacturer CARRIER Fan MOJ&Numli 59SCRICU10IC Fan Sanel Numar IMA45565 Alrflew Di Ari 675CFM AUual ei 675CFM Motor olis Ti -T2 115 Volta Motor Ampa Tl 5.30 Amp Fan SP In -0.151n. we Fig SoOut 030in so FUR -1 Supply Outlet Summary 1 DATE: ]Y25=22 CONTACT: Greg Barnes Tested By. Chuck Vargas Date'. 712212022 Cart)fiad Balancing and Commissioning YYNTygo Retail Design Arrow 675 CFFI Alrflew Motor Pages 1 Motor Hertz 60 1 Iz Motor a Areas 7 00 A- os 110 ]a 150 FRO Motor sheave Modi RVTT� Cart)fiad Balancing and Commissioning YYNTygo $lie L.W I D AK Fet[Or Alrflew Out CD zauc 1 15D 110 ]a 150 100 CuuN-z CD 2auc 1 11D 235 nfi 165 99 Cutle4a CD za%2c 1 11D 1 195 1 ns 175 133 LAME1-4 cD za%2c 1 sD 115 ZJu 50 100 ouuN-5 cu zauc 1 30 1m 136 3D m6 D111e46 cu zauc 1mD ss 16z ss 136 8]S 128 6]S Cart)fiad Balancing and Commissioning GENERAL MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL CODES, REGULATIONS AND ORDINANCES. PERMITS NECESSARY FOR PERFORMANCE OF WORK SHALL BE SECURED AND PAID FOR BY THE CONTRACTOR. PRE-BID FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS, THE BIDDERS SHALL PERFORM A BUILDING AND SPACE SITE VISIT PRIOR TO BID. THE ACT OF SUBMITTING A BID INDICATES THE BIDDER DOES AGREE THEY HAVE A FULL UNDERSTANDING OF THE SCOPE OF WORK INVOLVED WITH THE EXISTING CONDITIONS. DRAWINGS AND COORDINATION DRAWINGS FOR MECHANICAL WORK ARE DIAGRAMMATIC IN NATURE, AND ARE NOT INTENDED TO BE SCALED FOR EXACT MEASUREMENTS NOR TO SERVE AS SHOP DRAWINGS. CHANGES FROM THE PLANS MADE WITHOUT CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER SHALL RELIEVE THE ENGINEER OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL CONSEQUENCES ARRIVING OUT OF SUCH CHANGES. INSTALLATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. WHERE CONDITIONS REQUIRE REASONABLE CHANGES TO THOSE INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS, MAKE SUCH CHANGES WITHOUT ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. COORDINATE ALL WORK WITH OTHER TRADES. WARRANTY WORKMANSHIP, MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT AND PROPER OPERATION SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE FROM THE OWNER. INITIAL ACCEPTANCE OF WORK SHALL NOT WAIVE THIS GUARANTEE. THIS GUARANTEE SHALL NOT INCLUDE NORMAL MAINTENANCE REQUIRED BY THE OWNER AS DESCRIBED IN EQUIPMENT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS. SUBMITTALS CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT TO THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER A PORTABLE DOCUMENT FORMAT "PDF" COPY OF SUBMITTAL BROCHURES FOR REVIEW. PROVIDE INFORMATION ON ALL MAJOR EQUIPMENT AS LISTED ON DRAWING EQUIPMENT SCHEDULES, AS WELL AS VALVES, DUCTWORK ACCESSORIES AND TEMPERATURE CONTROL DIAGRAMS AS APPLICABLE. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AT THE COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT A PORTABLE DOCUMENT FORMAT "PDF" COPY OF COMPLETE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS TO THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO TURNOVER TO OWNER. MANUALS TO BE BOUND AND INCLUDE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS, REPLACEMENT PARTS LISTS AND MAINTENANCE INFORMATION ON ALL EQUIPMENT AS DESCRIBED IN THE SUBMITTALS SECTION. COMPLETED OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS ARE TO BE FORWARDED TO THE OWNER WITHIN 90 DAYS AFTER OWNER BUILDING ACCEPTANCE. MANUFACTURER MODEL NUMBERS LISTED ON THE DRAWINGS AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS ARE TO BE CONSIDERED AS THE BASIS OF DESIGN. WHERE TWO OR MORE ALTERNATE MANUFACTURERS OR MATERIALS ARE LISTED, THE CHOICE OF THESE SHALL BE OPTIONAL WITH THE CONTRACTOR. PRIOR TO THE AWARDING OF THE CONTRACT, CONTRACTOR MAY REQUEST A PROPOSED SUBSTITUTION OF MATERIALS IN WRITING TO THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER NO LATER THAN SEVEN DAYS PRIORTO SHE RECEIPT OF BIDS. THE COST OF ANY CHANGES REQUIRED BY OTHER TRADES, INCLUDING A/E DESIGN, DUE TO THE USE OF EQUIPMENT AND/OR MATERIALS OTHER THAN THAT OF THE BASIS OF DESIGN SHALL BE PAID BY THE CONTRACTOR. RECORD DRAWINGS CONTRACTORS SHALL MAINTAIN A COMPLETE AND ACCURATE SET OF MARKED UP DRAWINGS SHOWING ACTUAL LOCATIONS OF INSTALLED WORK. THESE DRAWINGS ARE TO BE FORWARDED TO THE OWNER AS PART OF THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS AT THE COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. ACCESS DOORS PROVIDE ALL ACCESS DOORS/PANELS AS REQUIRED FOR ACCESS TO VALVES, DAMPERS, CONTROL DEVICES, FILTERS AND ANY OTHER ITEMS FOR WHICH ACCESS IS REQUIRED FOR EITHER OPERATION OR SERVICING. WHERE ACCESS DOORS ARE TO BE INSTALLED IN ASSEMBLIES REQUIRED TO HAVE A SPECIFIC FIRE RATING, ACCESS DOORS SHALL ALSO BE FIRE RATED. PIPING AND DUCTWORK SEALANT THROUGH RATED ASSEMBLM PENETRATIONS SHALL BE SEALED AS REQUIRED IN ACCORDANCE WITH BUILDING AND MECHANICAL CODES TO RECT PASSAGE OF FLAME AND PRODUCTS OF COMBUSTION IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN THE RESISTANCE RATING OF THE CONSTRUCTION BEING PENETRATED. PROTECTION OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTION OF ALL WORK, MATERALS, AND EQUIPMENT PROVIDED UNDER THIS SECTION. PIPE OPENINGS SHALL BE CLOSED WITH CAPS OR PLUGS TO PREVENT THE ENTRANCE OF DEBRIS DURING CONSTRUCTION. ALL DUCTWORK OPENINGS SHALL BE SEALED CLOSED DURING CONSTRUCTION. ALTITUDE SUPPLIERS SHALL CONFIRM THAT ALL EQUIPMENT BEING FURNISHED IS APPROPRIATE FOR USE AT THE ALTITUDE OF THE SITE. EQUIPMENT AND PIPING IDENTIFICATION PROVIDE EQUIPMENT LABELS FOR ALL MAJOR EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO AIR HANDLING SYSTEMS, FANS, VAV BOXES, CONTROLS, DAMPERS, CONTROL VALVES AND PUMPS. PROVIDE PIPE MARKERS ON CW, HW AND HWC SYSTEMS. LABELS TO BE AT MAXIMUM 8 FEET APART, WITH FLOW DIRECTION INDICATED, AS APPLICABLE. ADDITIONALLY, PROVIDE LABELING ON POTABLE WATER MANIFOLDS INDICATING PLUMBING FIXTURE SERVED BY THE OUTLET, AS APPLICABLE. LABELS SHALL BE AFFIXED OR ADHERED PERMANENTLY TO EQUIPMENT. EQUIPMENT INSTALLED INDOORS TO BE LABELED WITH EMBOSSING TAPE. EQUIPMENT INSTALLED OUTDOORS TO BE LABELED WITH ENGRAVED PLASTIC LAMINATE SIGNS. PIPE MARKERS TO BE SELF-ADHESIVE, MANUFACTURED FOR SUCH PURPOSE. STARTERS AND DISCONNECTS EQUIPMENT STARTERS SHALL BE FURNISHED BY THE MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR AND INSTALLED BY THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. EQUIPMENT DISCONNECTS SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE DRAWINGS. STARTERS SHALL BE NEMA TYPE, AND SHALL INCLUDE PHASE MONITORING FOR MOTORS 5 HE AND LARGER. TESTING TESTING SHALL BE PERFORMED ON THE FOLLOWING SYSTEMS SPECIFIED. ALL SYSTEMS LISTED MAY NOT BE INCLUDED IN PROJECT, REFER TO DRAWINGS FOR APPLICABLE SYSTEMS. 3014 WASTE AND STORM DRAINAGE PIPING SHALL BE TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL CODES. DOMESTIC WATER PIPING SHALL BE TESTED AND PROVEN WATERTIGHT UNDER A PRESSURE NOT LESS THAN THE WORKING PRESSURE OF THE SYSTEM FOR A 24 HOUR PERIOD. DOMESTIC WATER PIPING SYSTEM SHALL BE CHLORINATED AND STERILIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS OF LOCAL JURISDICTION. NATURAL GAS PIPING SHALL BE TESTED WITH AN AIR PRESSURE OF MINIMUM TWO TIMES THE DESIGN SYSTEM PRESSURE, BUT NO LESS THAN 3 PSIG, FOR A PERIOD OF 24 HOURS WITHOUT PRESSURE DROP. BALANCING SYSTEM BALANCING SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A CERTIFIED BALANCING CONTRACTOR. BALANCE ALL SYSTEMS INCLUDING AIRFLOW TO AND FROM ALL OPENINGS, AND PUMPED WATER SYSTEMS INCLUDING DOMESTIC WATER RECIRCULATION SYSTEMS AS APPLICABLE. MAKE ANY ADJUSTMENTS NECESSARY TO RESULT IN CONDITIONS INDICATED AND PROVIDE READJUSTMENTS TO ITEMS IN REPORT AS MAY BE REQUESTED BY ARCHITECT/ENGINEER. SUBMIT TWO COPIES OF TEST AND BALANCE REPORT FOR APPROVAL FAN AND PUMP SYSTEMS TO BE BALANCED WITHIN PLUS OR MINUS 5 PERCENT OF LISTED VALUES. AIR INLETS AND OUTLETS TO BE BALANCED WITHIN PLUS 10 PERCENT OR MINUS 5 PERCENT OF LISTED VALUES. BALANCE REPORT TO INCLUDE: UNIT IDENTIFICATION MANUFACTURER AND NAMEPLATE DATA EQUIPMENT NAMEPLATE AMPERAGE AND ACTUAL AMPERAGE RPM (DESIGN AND ACTUAL) FAN CFM (DESIGN AND ACTUAL) FAN STATIC PRESSURE (DESIGN AND ACTUAL) PUMP GPM (DESIGN AND ACTUAL) PUMP DISCHARGE AND SUCTION PRESSURE REGISTER, GRILLE, DIFFUSER REFERENCE NUMBER AND LOCATION INLET/OUTLET CFM (DESIGN AND ACTUAL) FLOW DEVICE PRESSURE DROP, CFM OR GPM A FINAL BALANCING REPORT SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE OWNER AFTER COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. Cl FANINC. AT THE COMPLETION OF WORK, ALL FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE THOROUGHLY CLEANED AND DELIVERED IN A CONDITION SATISFACTORY TO THE ARCHITECT. ALL FILTERS SHALL BE REPLACED WITH NEW PRIOR TO OWNER ACCEPTANCE OF THE BUILDING. GENERAL._.MECHANICAL NOTES 1 MECHANICAL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. VERIFY ALL REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO SUBMITTING BID OR COMMENCING WORK. THE MECHANICAL DESIGN IS BASED ON THE 2018 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE. 2 ALL DUCTWORK SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF GALVANIZED SHEET METAL - CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION SHALL CONFORM TO THE CURRENT EDITION OF SMACNA OR AS REQUIRED BY ALL APPLICABLE CODES. 3 CONSTRUCT ALL SUPPLY AND RETURN DUCTWORK TO SMACNA 2" PRESSURE CLASS. 4 CONSTRUCT ALL EXHAUST DUCTWORK TO SMACNA 1" PRESSURE CLASS. 5 DIMENSIONS OF DUCTWORK SHOWN INDICATES CLEAR INSIDE DIMENSIONS - WHERE DUCT LINER IS TO BE ADDED, INCREASE THE SIZE OF SHEET METAL ACCORDINGLY. 6 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, THE SIZE OF THE BRANCH DUCT SERVING A SINGLE DIFFUSER SHALL BE THE SAME AS THE NECK SIZE OF THE DIFFUSER SERVED. FLEXIBLE DUCTWORK SHALL NOT EXCEED 8'-0" IN LENGTH. FLEXIBLE DUCTWORK SHALL BE UL181 LISTED WITH 50/25 SMOKE/FLAME RATING, CONSISTING OF POLYESTER FILM ENCAPSULATING AN INNER CORROSION RESISTANT STEEL WIRE HELIX CORE. FLEXIBLE DUCT SHALL INCLUDE AN EXTERIOR FIBERGLASS INSULATION WITH FOIL SCRIM FILM VAPOR BARRIER JACKET, R-6. MAINTAIN A MINIMUM 10'-0" SEPARATION FROM OUTSIDE AIR INTAKES TO EXHAUST TERMINATIONS AND PLUMBING VENTS. 8 MAINTAIN A MINIMUM 3'-0" SEPARATION FROM EXHAUST TERMINATIONS TO OPERABLE WINDOWS AND DOORS. 9 WALL MOUNTED THERMOSTATS AND SENSORS SHALL BE INSTALLED 48" ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. THERMOSTATS AND SENSORS LOCATED ON EXTERIOR WALL SURFACES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH AN INSULATED SUB -BASE. 10 THERMOSTATS FOR COOLING AND HEATING EQUIPMENT SHALL BE 7 -DAY PROGRAMMABLE TYPE, 4 PERIODS PER DAY, 10 -HOUR BATTERY BACK-UP, 2 -HOUR OVERRIDE, 5 DEG DEAD -BAND, HEAT/COOL/OFF/AUTO CHANGEOVER, AUTO SETBACK TO 55 DEG F (HEAT) AND 85 DEG F (COOL), LOU BACKLIT DISPLAY, HARD WIRED POWER, HARD WIRED CONTROL. 11 TEMPORARY HEATING: THE PERMANENT HVAC SYSTEM MAY NOT BE UTILIZED FOR HEATING UNTIL ALL GYPSUM WORK L` COMPLETED AND HAS BEEN PAINTED. IF THE PERMANENT HVAC SYSTEM IS UTILIZED DURING CONSTRUCTION, ALL DUCT INTAKES SHALL BE COVERED WITH FILTER MEDIA (MERV-8 RATING). IF EXCESSIVE DUST OR DEBRIS HAS ENTERED THE SYSTEM THEN ALL COIL AND DUCT SURFACES SHALL BE CLEANED. NEW FILTERS ARE TO BE PROVIDED JUST PRIOR TO TURNOVER TO OWNER. TEMPORARY HEATING OF THE BUILDING PRIOR TO ANY USE OF THE PERMANENT HVAC SYSTEM SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE C.C. 12 REFRIGERATION PIPING FOR SYSTEMS 5 TONS AND LESS SHALL BE KIT TYPE. THE KIT SHALL BE SIZED AND PROVIDED BY THE EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER AND INSTALLED BY THE MC. THE SUCTION LINE SHALL BE INSULATED WITH MINIMUM 1 INCH CLOSED CELL FOAM INSULATION. INSULATION INSTALLED OUTSIDE OF THE BUILDING SHALL BE ADDITIONALLY ENCASED IN A UV/TEAR PROTECTIVE SLEEVE. 13 TEMPERATURE CONTROLS SHALL BE DESIGN BUILD, CUSTOM, FIELD FABRICATED TO MATCH CORRESPONDING EQUIPMENT, THE SYSTEM SHALL UTILIZE STAND ALONE ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROPERLY SELECT, PROVIDE AND INSTALL SYSTEM(S) INCLUDING ALL COMPONENTS NECESSARY FOR A FULL AND COMPLETE, OPERATIONAL SYSTEM. THIS INCLUDES, BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO: LOW VOLTAGE WIRING. THERMOSTATS, DAMPER MOTORS, SOLENOIDS, RELAYS, CONTACTORS, STARTERS, TIME CLOCKS, CONTROL PANELS, SYSTEM COMMISSIONING AND OWNER TRAINING. ALL LINE VOLTAGE INTERFACING SHALL BE COORDINATED DIRECTLY WITH THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. PROVIDE SUBMITTALS ON COMPONENTS AND WIRING DIAGRAMS PRIOR TO ORDERING 14 HANGING, ANCHORING AND SUPPORT OF EQUIPMENT, DUCTS, PIPING AND ACCESSORIES IS DESIGN BUILD BY THE MC. THE SUPPORTS SHALL MEET CODE. 15 ALWAYS INSTALL EQUIPMENT PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. INSULATION NOTES AND MECH ENERGY CODE 1 THE MECHANICAL DESIGN IS BASED ON THE 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE. ALL SUPPLY, RETURN AND EXHAUST DUCTWORK SHALL BE SEALED AIRTIGHT WITH DUCT SEALANT ALONG ALL SEAMS AND JOINTS. SEE HVAC INSULATION SCHEDULE ON SHEET H8.1 FOR DUCT INSULATION REQUIREMENTS. HVAC LEGEND: .................................................................................... -- RECT DUCT (NEW SHADED/EXISTING UNSHADED) ROUND DUCT (NEW SHADED/EXISTING UNSHADED) RECT DUCT SIZE CHANGE RECT DUCT CHANGE TO ROUND M RECT ELBOW UP (SUPPLY) .<®a RECT ELBOW UP (NON -SUPPLY) RECT ELBOW DOWN (SUPPLY) -- RECT ELBOW DOWN (NON -SUPPLY) ® ROUND ELBOW UP ROUND ELBOW DOWN RECT ELBOW W/ TURNING VANES ROUND ELBOW y ROUND TAKE -OFF W/ DAMPER FROM RECT MAIN ROUND TAKE -OFF W/ DAMPER FROM ROUND MAIN RECT TAKE -OFF W/ DAMPER FROM RECT MAIN RECT TAKE -OFF W/ DAMPER FROM ROUND MAIN [ROM DIFFUSER WITH FLEX DUCT z RETURN GRILLE (UNDUCTED) RETURN/EXHAUST GRILLE (DUCTED) �A& AIRFLOW PATTERNS Q2. THERMOSTAT WITH ZONE TAG Q2 SENSOR WITH ZONE TAG CARBON DIOXIDE SENSOR OF FIRE DAMPER TAG FS FIRE/SMOKE DAMPER WITH DUCT DETECTOR �D SMOKE DAMPER WITH DUCT DETECTOR DUCT WITH VOLUME DAMPER EP DUCT WITH MOTORIZED DAMPER It DUCT WITH COUNTERBALANCED DAMPER W/ DEMOLISHED DUCTWORK -RL— REFRIGERANT LIQUID RS— REFRIGERANT SUCTION _HP— REFRIGERANT HIGH PRESSURE LP REFRIGERANT LOW PRESSURE MECHANICAL DRAWING INDEX SHEET NUMBER SHEET NAME H0.1 HVAC NOTES, LEGEND, AND DRAWING INDEX H1.1 HVAC DEMO PLAN H2.1 HVAC PLAN H7.1 HVAC DETAILS H8.1 HVAC SCHEDULES Cl f�3 ARCHITECTURE STUDIO 50M GOGGMAN STREET TIMNATH, COLORAW 80547 H W W N cD ¢O =O L0 0 F L / M> W N N Z W r a Permit Set Revisions SD INeme - -- Progress' 010620U Name Pemft 01.18.202z Name ConstmMon I Name 21-194 HVAC NOTES, LEGEND, AND DRAWING INDEX H001 FLAG NOTES: 1 ROUTE 6"0 OUTSIDE AIR UP THROUGH ROOF AT APPROXIMATE LOCATION INDICATED. TERMINATE WITH ROOF INTAKE CAP AT 2"-0" ABOVE ROOF. 2 COMBINE (2) 6"0 EXHAUST DUCTS IN VERTICAL INTO SINGLE 87'0 EXHAUST DUCT UP THROUGH ROOF. TERMINATE UP THROUGH ROOF WITH ROOF CAP AT MINIMUM 18" ABOVE ROOF. 3 NEW CONDENSING UNIT TO BE PLACED ON MANUFACTURER'S 3" INSTALLATION PAD. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION WITH GC. 4 INSTALL ELECTRIC WALL HEATER PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. INSTALL BOTTOM OF WALL HEATER AT 1'-0" A. F. F. 5 INTAKE LOUVER TO BE INSTALLED AT 12'-10" A.F.F. PROVIDE WITH 120V MOTORIZED DAMPER INTERLOCKED WITH EF -3. 6 TERMINATE 4"0 COMBUSTION AIR UP THROUGH ROOF WITH MANUFACTURER'S VERTICAL INTAKE KIT, PER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. MC SHALL WRAP ALL EXPOSED COMBUSTION AIR PIPING WITH 0.5" THICK FIBERGLASS INSULATION WITH ALL SERVICE JACKETS. 7 TERMINATE 4"0 FLUE DUCT UP THROUGH ROOF WITH MANUFACTURER'S VERTICAL FLUE TERMINATION KIT, PER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. FLUE MATERIAL TO BE PER SELECTED MANUFACTURER'S REQUIREMENTS. 8 UNDERCUT DOOR f' FOR RETURN AIR PATH. 9 THIS SPACE IS CONSIDERED NATURALLY VENTILATED. REFER TO NATURAL VENTILATION SCHEDULE ON SHEET H&L 10 SIDEWALL EXHAUST FAN TO BE INSTALLED WITHIN SIDEWALL AT APPROXIMATELY 10'-0" A.F.F. COORDINATE WITH GC. 11 INFRARED RADIANT HEATER TO BE MOUNTED AT A 30° ANGLE TOWARDS NORTH WALL. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER"S INSTRUCTIONS. 12 PROVIDE, INSTALL, AND CONTROL 24V MOTORIZED AND MANUAL VOLUME DAMPER. INTERLOCK 24V MOTORIZED DAMPER TO OPEN WITH FURNACE OPERATION. BALANCE MANUAL DAMPER TO OSA VALUE LISTED ON SCHEDULE. 1/4' - 1 -0., .......... . ............................................................................................. i'`' HVAC PLAN M ........................................................................................._.... .................. 1(3 Cl f�3 ARCHITECTURE STUDIO 50M GOGDM4N STREET TIMMAT COLORADO 8Q 7 H W W N MOO HU Q M W W N N Z W V a Permit Set Revisions SD IName Progress' 01062012 Name Pemft 01.18.2022 Name ConstmMon I Name 21-194 HVAC PLAN H201 OUTSIDE AIR VENTILATION ....................................................................A AREA ROOM SF Az SCHEDULE BASED ON 2018 IMC .......................................................................I'N"...............................................................�.............................................................................�..... OCC NUMBER PEOPLE OA RATE REA OA RAT BREATHING ZONE DISTRIBUTION OA INTAKE OA DENSITY PEOPLE [CFM/PERSON] [CFM/SF] OA [CFM] FFECTIVENES [CFM] ROVIDE SYSTEM REMARKS q/1000SF (Pz) (R ) (Ra) Vbz=R xPz+RaXA2 (Ez) Vot=Vbz/Ez CFM] TRAINING 156 50 8 5 0.06 49 0.8 61 1 EC NTERNA ELEC AMPS REMARKS HALL 42 - - - 0.06 3 0.8 4 EE3312T2RP REMARKS WALL OFFICE 71 5 1 5 0.06 9 0.8 11 OLIAGE 25 FUR -1 CARRIER 59SC2-040-14 VERT 675 0.18" 80 0.75" 76 80 FUR -1 2" NATURAL VENTILATION SCHEDULE ........................... .......... .®...................... OCC ZONE TOT OPENING %OPENING ARE ROOM AREA AREA TO OCC ZONE ON IMC 2018 SEC. 40 SERVICE BAY 1 3129 1 760 247 4 10'-0" 1 12'-0" 1 480 OP DOORSFT 2 1 10'-0" 9'-0" O180 S P DOORFT 1 1 10'-0" 1 1(1 100 OP DOOR O O MINIMUM OPERABLE AREA TO OUTDOORS SHALL BE 4% OF FLOOR AREA BEING VENTILATED PER 2018 INC, SECTION 402, ELECTRIC HEATER SCHEDULE FEG D oM 14-14 Speed Coniml 1 14xxxi(VII NUMBER MAKE & MODEL NUMBER ORIEN- TOTAL CFM HOUSING HOUSININTERNA 1 EC NTERNA ELEC AMPS REMARKS B Aluminum 15-12 OA TATION WATTS CONST COLOR TSTAT DISCON DATA EWH-1 MARKEL EE3312T2RP REMARKS WALL 1 1000 175 18 GA STEEL STD YES YES 120/1 8.3 SEMI -RECESSED EF -3 ® COOK a®M XWD VF Propeller Wall Fan a Direct Drive II' Me Electronically Commutated Vari-Flow® Motor r c STANDARD CONSTRUCTION FEATURES: Aluminum propeller blades attached to a steel hub - Propellers are A Air Flow statically and dynamically balanced -Spun steel venturl - Welded Sq' �_% - 1 Son D Io wall base corners - Lorenizetl powder int finish - Plated steel P Pa motor mountlwire guard resistant fasteners -Sin le 9 9 LC phase motor. G ppee F wllenlw IVByV IImr �Me . inbls,de. 1 Parfarmannix Cablog OtY Number Flow (CFM) SP Fan Power (inwc) NPM (HP) FEG D oM 14-14 Speed Coniml 1 14xxxi(VII 1000 1 .350 1 ,386 223 mg<1HP) EC Annume try: Depu I emperature (r): I Motor Information HP RPM' Voltstileft I Enclosure RLA 114 1725 1 11511/60 1OPEN -EC 3.2 %vCFf-Flow 'Non, Po rmi w ma, me•d of 1417 Mak Ri vi on mmlw invueelffle, Jela It innelmned HP ii M, RPM. Moo, la alaclnnRalry prolec,ad. SPEED CONTROLLER MOUNTED AT FAN FOR JRPOSES OF BALANCING. WITH EC MOTOR. PROVIDE WITH 120V MOTORIZED BACKDRAFT \MPER. COORDINATE WITH EC FOR SEPARATE )WER CONNECTION TO DAMPER. PROVIDE WITH WALL SLEEVE AND WEATHER VIA 120 V WALL TIMER SWITCH c N Fan Curve Logend CFM vs SP CFM vs HP Point of Operation O System curve Dimensions filches Abg. 20-3116 p160 B Maa. 5-INE3 C 2-12 D oM 14-14 E 4-12 F 1-516 Wall Opening' 20-]116 nWepM(Ihsl-'v Shlppin9 Uni[ 135 Fan Curve 203 V 06] 000 0 No 1000 1500 2000 me Flow (CFM) Page 105 EF 1, EF -2 ® COOK a�w GEMINI Vari-Flow° Ceiling Fans P 100 Series - eo STANDARD CONSTRUCTION FEATURES: JLF Forward curved injection molded polypropylene fan wheel - Injectionmoltletl game reslstan[fan housln with round outlet duct -22 a9 9gatvan zed steel stet box Isolation mounted motor, mounted to onery I - Permanently piece galvanized stamped steel integral motor mounNnlet 0J O.D. Permanentl lubricated electronically commutated variables speed motor Y Y l + H G L withbuilt-in anmentwthelectronic recatlprotection andepronnectplug-Fleltl .. M wiring compae, high with acceptable -Adjustable prepunched mounting Gtllb GrIIIe bracket - White, high impact styrene injection molded grille -Shipped in ISTA certified transit tested packaging Catalog Ory Numbs ffi■■■■■■■■■ SP (inwc) Nominal RPM Input Watts Speed Control 1 1Gi 75 1 250 839 ] 1 EC NUMBER MAKE & 1114 B Aluminum 15-12 OA N 14 D 4 MBH SL AFUE FLUE P 1512 E 0 TSTAT O 12 . 1 1.1:+■1111,■1111■■■ REMARKS FURNACE REMARKS COXL LA CFM STATIC INPUT OUTPUT CONN CONN TYPE TYPE OLIAGE 25 FUR -1 CARRIER 59SC2-040-14 VERT 675 0.18" 80 0.75" 40 39 96% 2" 2' 2" 7 -DAY CO -1/ g7 15 120/1 OOO STEEL YES WITH TRIM FRAME 120/1 1/2" DIFFUSER O O O IRH-4 SOLARONICS GQG40-10AN RETURN PLENUM 40 TUBE PLEATED FROG DXC-1 TITUS 30ORL-1 SIDEWALL SUPPLY 10'x4" 6 O PROVIDE WITH CONCENTRIC VENT TERMINATION O PROVIDE WITH GASKETED FILTER RACK O CONDENSATE NEUTRALIZATION KIT YES AND HANGERS O ALUMINUM REFLECTORS FLEX DIFFUSER 203 V 06] 000 0 No 1000 1500 2000 me Flow (CFM) Page 105 EF 1, EF -2 ® COOK a�w GEMINI Vari-Flow° Ceiling Fans P 100 Series - eo STANDARD CONSTRUCTION FEATURES: JLF Forward curved injection molded polypropylene fan wheel - Injectionmoltletl game reslstan[fan housln with round outlet duct -22 a9 9gatvan zed steel stet box Isolation mounted motor, mounted to onery I - Permanently piece galvanized stamped steel integral motor mounNnlet 0J O.D. Permanentl lubricated electronically commutated variables speed motor Y Y l + H G L withbuilt-in anmentwthelectronic recatlprotection andepronnectplug-Fleltl .. M wiring compae, high with acceptable -Adjustable prepunched mounting Gtllb GrIIIe bracket - White, high impact styrene injection molded grille -Shipped in ISTA certified transit tested packaging Catalog Ory Numbs Flow (CFM) SP (inwc) Nominal RPM Input Watts Speed Control 1 1Gi 75 1 250 839 ] 1 EC Annu06 (R): 0z6U temperature pi IU Motor Information VoN lPh/Hz Nameplate Amps n5/vs0 zs WV0ry-F1ows Sound Data Inlet sound Power by OLMVe Band 1 2 3 4 5 fi] 6 LwA tlBA Sones 45 46 49 51 44 3T 31 32 59 39 15 Notes: 1. GRAVITY BACKDRAFT DAMPER 2. EC MOTOR WITH INTEGRAL SPEED CONTROLLER CONTROL VIA OCCUPANCY SENSOR WITH DELAY OFF, PROVIDED, CONTROLLED, AND WIRED BY EC. A Plasgc 134M ■■■■■■■■■■ H e-3IB a Plaago 15-12 O.D. S1&16K -_-_'________. 12-314L FRAME NUMBER 6-11116M I I_,��I.■■■■ NUMBER MAKE & 1114 B Aluminum 15-12 OA N 14 D 4 MBH SL AFUE FLUE P 1512 E 0 TSTAT O 12 F 12 G Y8 nWaightllbal-� Shipping 20 Unl[ 9 Fan Cum 0. 0 0 c N 0 0 Fan Come Le end CFM vsSIf CFM vital Us 0. 0 Point of operation O satem Curm-........... 0.00 We 60.0 90.0 120 150 Flow (CFM) LOUVER SCHEDULE NUMBER MAKE & MODEL NUMBER FIXED CONST DUTY WIDTH HEIGHT DEPTH CFM SF FREE FPM APD 20 PEN FRAME COLOR SCREEN REMARKS INCHES INCHES INCHES AREA ® CFM ® CFM VEL -FPM STYLE LVR-1 POTTORFF EFD-435 YES ALUM INTAKE 24 24 4 1,000 1.9 678 0.07 966 FLANGED PER ARCH BIRD OO O PRIMER FINISH - TO BE FIELD PAINTED O2 WITH 120 V LOW LEAK DAMPER INTERLOCKED WITH ASSOCIATED FAN OPERATION. PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BY MC, WIRED BY EC. FURNACE ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................E.................................................................R.E....A......................... ■■■■■■■■■■ 6666----------------- GAS NECK -_-_'________. FRAME NUMBER MAKE & MODEL NUMBER I_,��I.■■■■ NUMBER MAKE & MODEL NUMBER ORIEN- CFM OA EXT MBH MBH SL AFUE FLUE CA FILTER TSTAT CU/COIL MCA MOCP . 1 1.1:+■1111,■1111■■■ REMARKS FURNACE REMARKS COXL LA CFM STATIC INPUT OUTPUT CONN CONN TYPE TYPE OLIAGE 25 FUR -1 CARRIER 59SC2-040-14 VERT 675 0.18" 80 0.75" 40 39 96% 2" 2' 2" 7 -DAY CO -1/ g7 15 120/1 OOO STEEL YES WITH TRIM FRAME 120/1 1/2" DIFFUSER O O O IRH-4 SOLARONICS GQG40-10AN 0.00 We 60.0 90.0 120 150 Flow (CFM) LOUVER SCHEDULE NUMBER MAKE & MODEL NUMBER FIXED CONST DUTY WIDTH HEIGHT DEPTH CFM SF FREE FPM APD 20 PEN FRAME COLOR SCREEN REMARKS INCHES INCHES INCHES AREA ® CFM ® CFM VEL -FPM STYLE LVR-1 POTTORFF EFD-435 YES ALUM INTAKE 24 24 4 1,000 1.9 678 0.07 966 FLANGED PER ARCH BIRD OO O PRIMER FINISH - TO BE FIELD PAINTED O2 WITH 120 V LOW LEAK DAMPER INTERLOCKED WITH ASSOCIATED FAN OPERATION. PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BY MC, WIRED BY EC. FURNACE ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................E.................................................................R.E....A......................... SCHEDULE 6666----------------- GAS NECK -_-_'________. FRAME NUMBER MAKE & MODEL NUMBER MBH IN AT S. L. NUMBER MAKE & MODEL NUMBER ORIEN- CFM OA EXT MBH MBH SL AFUE FLUE CA FILTER TSTAT CU/COIL MCA MOCP ELEC REMARKS FURNACE REMARKS COXL TATION CFM STATIC INPUT OUTPUT CONN CONN TYPE TYPE OLIAGE 25 FUR -1 CARRIER 59SC2-040-14 VERT 675 0.18" 80 0.75" 40 39 96% 2" 2' 2" 7 -DAY CO -1/ g7 15 120/1 OOO STEEL YES WITH TRIM FRAME 120/1 1/2" DIFFUSER O O O IRH-4 SOLARONICS GQG40-10AN RETURN PLENUM 40 TUBE PLEATED FROG DXC-1 TITUS 30ORL-1 SIDEWALL SUPPLY 10'x4" 6 O PROVIDE WITH CONCENTRIC VENT TERMINATION O PROVIDE WITH GASKETED FILTER RACK O CONDENSATE NEUTRALIZATION KIT YES AND HANGERS O ALUMINUM REFLECTORS DX COIL SCHEDULE SCHEDULE 6666----------------- GAS NECK -_-_'________. FRAME NUMBER MAKE & MODEL NUMBER MBH IN AT S. L. TYPE NUMBER MAKE & MODEL NUMBER CpTION COCFM GPSTDROP SIZE TMBHL MBNH DEG. DF DEG. WF AMDB NT IRCUITS DAMPER UNIT FURNACE REMARKS COXL ARCHITECTURAL UNI-FLO 6"o CU -1 CARRIER 24ACC6-24 WHITE 1 1 16.0 TYPE VALVE 25 208/1 DXC-1 CARRIER CAPMPI8 VERT 675 0.18" 18 16 80 62 95 R -410A YES CU -1 FUR -1 3 O CONDENSATE OVERFLOW SWITCH WHITE 24"x24" SURFACE STEEL YES WITH TRIM FRAME 120/1 1/2" DIFFUSER O O O IRH-4 CONDENSING UNIT ............................................................................_......._................ SCHEDULE 6666----------------- GAS NECK -_-_'________. FRAME NUMBER MAKE & MODEL NUMBER MBH IN AT S. L. TYPE SEER WLBS T MAMPSR DESCRIPTION SIZE IUNITR REMARKS COLOR SIZE STAGES IRCUITS DAMPER FUSE VOLTAGE COXL ARCHITECTURAL UNI-FLO 6"o CU -1 CARRIER 24ACC6-24 WHITE 1 1 16.0 110 17.6 25 208/1 DX -1 FUR -1 O1 OO O MOUNT ON 3" THICK PAD O LINE SET SIZED AND SELECTED BY EQUIPMENT SELECTOR O3 LOW AMBIENT KIT AND CONTROLS GRILLES, REGISTERS AND DIFFUSERS SCHEDULE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL COUNTS HEATER SCHEDULE 6666----------------- GAS NECK -_-_'________. FRAME FRAME FRAME MBH IN AT S. L. TYPE TAG MAKE & MODEL NUMBER DESCRIPTION SIZE COUNT DUTY COLOR SIZE TYPE CONST DAMPER REMARKS D-2 TITUS OMNI -1 ARCHITECTURAL UNI-FLO 6"o 3 SUPPLY WHITE 24"x24" SURFACE STEEL YES WITH TRIM FRAME SOLARONICS GQG40-10AN 0.70 DIFFUSER TUBE 12'-1/2" NAT 4"0 4"0 <3AMP 120/1 1/2" 1.5 D-2 TITUS OMNI -1 ARCHITECTURAL UNI-FLO 8"e 3 SUPPLY WHITE 24"x24" SURFACE STEEL YES WITH TRIM FRAME 120/1 1/2" DIFFUSER O O O IRH-4 SOLARONICS GQG40-10AN RETURN PLENUM 40 TUBE 12'-1/2" NAT D-4 TITUS 30ORL-1 SIDEWALL SUPPLY 10'x4" 6 SUPPLY WHITE NECK SIDEWALL STEEL YES AND HANGERS O ALUMINUM REFLECTORS FLEX DIFFUSER SET TO 60°F(ADJ) WITH PLASTIC VENTED THERMOSTAT COVER O 300 MOUNTING +2 1 H05 ROUND DUCT IN CEILING SPACE WITH NO ROOF D-4 TITUS 30ORL-1 SIDEWALL SUPPLY 10"x6" 1 SUPPLY WHITE NECK SIDEWALL STEEL YES _ H06 ROUND DUCT IN SPACE ADJACENT TO EXTERIOR ROOF DIFFUSER WRAP +2 0.75 6.0 G-3 TITUS 8F-1 PERFORATED FACE 22"x22" 1 RETURN WHITE 24"x24" SURFACE ALUM NO 1.5 12 GRILLE 0.95 CONSTRUCTION. WRAP NOT ACCEPTABLE INFRARED RADIANT HEATER SCHEDULE 6666----------------- GAS FIRED -_-_'________. NUMBER .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6666...... MAKE & MODEL NUMBER MBH IN AT S. L. TYPE TUBE LENGTH GAS TYPE FLUE CONN CA ELEC ELEC CONN AMPS DATA GAS CONN CONTROL REMARKS ............ IRH-1 SOLARONICS GQG40-20AN VALUE 40 TUBE 21'-9" NAT 4"0 4"0 <3AMP 120/1 1/2" O O O O IRH-2 SOLARONICS GQG40-10AN 0.70 40 TUBE 12'-1/2" NAT 4"0 4"0 <3AMP 120/1 1/2" 1.5 O OO 6.0 IRH-3 SOLARONICS GQG50-20AN H03 50 TUBE 21'-9" NAT 4"0 4"0 <3AMP 120/1 1/2" O O O O IRH-4 SOLARONICS GQG40-10AN RETURN PLENUM 40 TUBE 12'-1/2" NAT 4"0 4"0 <3AMP 120/1 1/2" O O OO O O O 16 GA ALUMINIZED STEEL TUBE O STAINLESS STEEL CLAMPS, CHAINS, AND HANGERS O ALUMINUM REFLECTORS FLEX O 24 VOLT WALL MOUNTED THERMOSTAT SET TO 60°F(ADJ) WITH PLASTIC VENTED THERMOSTAT COVER O 300 MOUNTING ANGLE HVAC INSULATION SCHEDULE __.------------- .. 6666----------------- .. ----- _. ___-66__66... ..--- ----- -_-_'________. INSULATION THICKNESS DENSITY TOTAL R ACCOUSTICAL KEY INSULATION DESCRIPTION TYPE (IN) (PCF) VALUE (NRC) H01 RECTANGULAR DUCT IN CEILING SPACE WITH NO ROOF LINER 1.0 15 4.2 0.70 H02 RECTANGULAR DUCT IN CEILING SPACE ADJACENT TO EXTERIOR ROOF LINER 1.5 1.5 6.0 0.80 H03 RECTANGULAR DUCT IN CEILING SPACE ADJACENT TO EXTERIOR ROOF AND SPACE IS A LINER 1.0 1.5 4.2 0.70 RETURN PLENUM H04 FLEXIBLE DUCT TO DIFFUSER FLEX L5 1 6.0 1 H05 ROUND DUCT IN CEILING SPACE WITH NO ROOF WRAP L5 0.75 4.2 _ H06 ROUND DUCT IN SPACE ADJACENT TO EXTERIOR ROOF WRAP 2.1 0.75 6.0 w H07 RECTANGULAR DUCT EXTERIOR TO BUILDING ENVELOPE. DOUBLE WALL WATER TIGHT LINER 3.0 1.5 12 0.95 CONSTRUCTION. WRAP NOT ACCEPTABLE H08 ROUND DUCT EXPOSED IN CONDITIONED SPACE NIB I H09 RECTANGULAR DUCT EXPOSED IN CONDITIONED SPACE LINER 1.0 1.5 4.2 0.70 BID ROUND OR RECTANGULAR OUTSIDE AIR DUCT WRAP 5.0 0.75 12 Hll ROUND DUCT IN VENTILATED CRAWL SPACE WRAP &0 0.75 12 H12 RECTANGULAR DUCT IN VENTILATED CRAWL SPACE LINER 3.0 1.5 12 0.95 H13 BURIED ROUND DUCT INTERNAL 1 6.0 IMAGE. IS A GENERIC REPRESENTATION AND IS NUT '1'0 111'.. 1134:11 FOR AURIN. LAYULAYOUTROOF _ (X091 � (X091 =1 �(Np81 (xi \�cxfi c �� eruxc (Xoel� (Xafi1\_ �Eml (Non..-_ CEHaKi 1NTaw0X aAl..- --�-� �\ 7oaXn Ri ��e �\(xo souxoATlox�% / 1 S,AN ON CXAD / -_ - Gux) (X19) i� � RIR E Ye C �(,(HillnXAaI9 CC f�3 ARCHITECTURE STUDIO 5000 GOODMAN STREET TIMNATH. COLORADO 80547 Permit Set Revisions SD IName - -- Prog,Hss: 01062022 Name --- Pe,mX: md8.2022 Name --- Construdion I Name .......... 21-194 HVAC SCHEDULES H801