HomeMy WebLinkAbout84039527 RECEPTION NO. U~dJS5~' R~('epll(\n~(l._____ - (!~,/tI11'84 1/:.:1:! So'.ClO Recordf',ja.t ot\"ciL-- l\ECORL'\t::l' IN (011111 Y 0r ,I[T! !.I,SON ST~TE OF COLORACO ~& 3yd. I nc. II- p r ,., Kf'tClrdtr ~ ~Iamp TllI;; Dn:n, 'l.d.lh" 1:<$'''1 t-,t't....('t'n t.B.V., .i.r.y (.r a \'.>!"i'(1!"at!<'T'l d'J!Y Mcanu.td and t'XIl'tln~ under and by I'Iftut' t'lf~ht b....,. \"Of t~,..~ta:f(,f ColC'rado ..:orF"rat io.., ('Irtht'flr~trart.and T:-,e City of Whe.at Rid~e. a cunicir:tl "hClH :t',t"IlJ add~f'H" i500 h'est ~9th Avenc.e, \.iheat Ridse, Colorado 80033 {.rtltt' County"! Jefferscn {If tht' u'C'cr.d rart" Colcr3oo. r.r.d ~tatp of w w u.. >'~ ~ - < -i> Z "2 ~~..... ::> ~ '>- c.> .a: 8~~ eoJ" ,... .0: ~ Vl \\IT'\'[S:=:E:TH. Th.l t he ~A:d rarty ('If the ftr-t part. f\\f il.:"lC \T'l C'om:\l\E.'rati(ln of tlu .!Ium uf Ten Do 11 a r s (510.00) and other t;cod and ....-a1.;.able consideration Ni-:~.T~ :c' ~11.. ~"1c! ra~~y ,,! tht> fIn, r3ft in hand pa,,j t.y thi' H\Hi part Y {If tht> ft'C'('lnd part, the ri'('t'lp~ wh('r~'l'! l~ I-.t'rth' :'''l'''.:Ii'Ht'C and ad.",('w!tdj::t'd, run ~n.I\~~d. ~IHi:l\)r,t>d. 'old and c"n\.t>)"t'd .nd h}' thiud'2"e5g~t-~"t'~ j:rllnt. b...~17l1jn, l'li'i], c('IT,"ey and coT'lflrrn ur,to th~ Ul.ld rar',)' of the u'cond part, its m.":'1<- pnd "Hl~'H f(,tHer .:Il)::ht' f"llCl..mj: dt'H"ribl'd lot {\r ?lI.rtt'\ (If land, !'it'JRte.lrir.~ and t-einj;:" In thl.' C{''..J:;~y(,f Jefferson and~tlLtt'dCQicr;\d\l.ttr'I..,.t: 1:l.ore particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto 8:r'A inc.~r"florated 'h'e~ein b)" this reference. '. ~ .. " :1I~(1 kr,('..nl B! .!'~rt't't and nUfT'ber (vacant land) TOGETHER .....:~h alt arid !-ini:\l\ar the nt'ft'citamt'l"lt! and llppurter.anct>s thert>unto bt'lon,C'in~, or in 3nYW1!'t' lI:'I,...~tlW'i",[' and the l"t'\"t'~~i<,n f<r l'"1:'\'t'nir<r:' rema:nCt'a, fent!-. l!-.!'ue' and profiu tht'reofi and all tht' t'~ta:t'. ri~ht. ,~ :r.:t rt"..~. c1a\m and d1!n'.a:",d 'J. ha',H't'\'H (If ;he ~ald party oftht' fifft part, either In law or ('quit).. of, in and to tIlt' a:'(" t' t'ar~a\~;t'c. j!r~m\H\l. w\'.h '.hl.' 1-,t'rt>dnamt':1:~ and a~pufananct'!', TO H:\ \ E A~D TO HOLO '.ht' !-a~d J1n:T',l~t'~ ll~'()\"f.' l>llrt'"a:ned and ot>H'ribed. .....ith the appllrtenat1C'e~, unto thE.' ~ald ~'ar: \' o(tht.> !-t't\.'r.d part, it 5 sUCC eS~Sl;tind auis.:n, forever, And the uid part)' of the fint part. for itHlf, a~,d '.~ ..'.;,\"\'HN~ do~!- cO\"f.'nant.,l'"rant. t'ar~aln and a['ree to and with the I!'!lid party of the ~t'cond pan, i"; 5 S\; cc es SQr 5 't....;..;.t.......and a!'c.l,l'"".1' that a: :ht tlnH: of the t'nl!'t'alil~s.: and del1\'eq' of the!'!! preHmt! It i.. w\:'1I st'ltl:d \"f ',k", pam:~t" abu\'!:' C(l:1\'1:Ytd. a~ of a ~noJ. ~u,'e, perft'ct, ab!-oiute and inde[euiblt> c.!'tate of lnht;'rian,~. in lil"- :~ !"'~ '1:TIp1t' and hu J:'o{ld flllht, full PO"t'f and lawful authority to ii:'rant, bars.:ain, sell and conn'y tht' ~anw in :1,ar,",l;t a':'"o! fvrm afort'~aj(l. and thi.: the ~amt' art' {rt>e and clear from all (ormer and other ii:'tllnt$ b~q:...in,.. ....alltt'. l'.~:-,~ ',axe!> a!H'!~rr.t'nU and i!1rurnbrarJr~" of.....h...tt>,.l:'t kind (If nature !oever: exc. e.p t e.a Se~e.n t, r e- s~rictions, reservations and covena~ts of record .. ~.': " h, :. ~., '~.l:' "t,a r~lI:ni'd prt-mi)lt'lJ 10 thE" qu il.'t II. no Pl'areabil:' pO$~e!l'i()n of the lIair! Pll.t~' or \hl.' !I!cond pa rt i: s successor s.l.o..n.and aHlfln!, aflaimt all and ",ver\' penon or ppnon!'llaw(ull)' da.iminj!: t>r \0 claim tne wnol.' "f l:l~,\- ;'!tft tr.Hf'M. the )laid pair!}' of the fir~t }Jart JlhalJ and WI!] WARRA:'-.'T AXO FORE.\'ER DEFESD. I' \I, IT'''E~!3 VI J1[REOr, Tht' !anl part). oftht' f:f"~ I,art haJl cau:!'ed its ('urporate name t.J t.:\! her~ul",\o !u'u~rtl~""l }JrtJlld..nt. and itl' (orporat,. ~t'a~ tc; bt' ht'tl"Jnto a(flxt.'d. attt'l'teti b}' it. :e~:::;;? ::Z#)t2"'" '~t~S'j ~;'7- \~:';I:':;"~_H::(J } .. Thf- flJrf'R'Olnfl inl!'trurra.nt ......all at.knowJl'dJ(t'd t..",fore me thil'l 1~8!4 by Ji~ D. Helbig Robert L. Williams E.n.D., Inc., day o( .. Ptt'l'ld('nt ..nd , ',' 1-. 5t'crt'tar\""f My Co.llmiss!-JrI t:t:?;re3t rotl'orat;',n. JulyS,l!J87 ~I)' not~rlRl c{;m/l1ls~ion nplres . 9561 We:n 54th PIg:e Yo Itnt'~~ rrl)' hilfld Rnd offlClal ~uL Arva~B. Colo, 8((jQ4 1"- I (,\-'1 ( _ ___. .:./ /.1 Ill, 'a'.:.- ..'6--:!ZS~[:?21~.____.__._-- '.' :-."\..)I',,ljl( '- ,. r. ,.._.~~ "'''' 'aK, ." \".."11 V1 'tb_l"..p.tlll.., _ 1l,.M..'d "~t<I" ,,_ '.;' '10 .,'~ ".. I .h"".,..J.(.tH":I'-. ,"", ~t, f'I'.J L. , \I{$ 110: " , ~ REt:EPT[ON NO. 1?41).!~S~J (1''-dOl/P/, l6;1:~ ~'.(I(1 RECORDED (N COUNlY or J(I !'rk~oH STli TE or: ':01.0:' ,\I)" BELL SURVEY1NG COMPANY ~oa ....L.~"" OElNtR, co eo 204 'I~JI629'O'6~ LAND SURVEYORS OO'tl Fehru.Jr)' 8. 1981. ~ (')Td,r,d By' Ef}ufty nuilders P;ucel ! Numbtf I 17,9S)A c2 A rat'c~l of ~T"I1\1nd '!'n th~ Sout1wcst It of Section 15, Tovnship ) South, R.1ngc 69 \.i~st of the 6th PrJnc1p.d H~rfdbn COllnty of Jefferson, State of Color..do more p<Jrticlll.Hly d~scrJhcJ abi foll(l"";~ B":'r.[\\\d,\~,at the SO\ltn\.lest Cl)rn~r of Lot 1 Rttpl~t of 1.ot 1 K11'11nl; 500;) nusjnl'S,", ParI FlUng No 2; thcnct= N 00. 02' 00" W 0I1nl\g tht: \.Je~terly I1n~ of Ii.3Jd l.ot 1 a di~t~llce of 115.9S fr.~t; thence C('IIlti-null'g. alol"og &31d \ole~t~Tly Un~ 01'\ a curve to the right havIng a rOldfuti of 220 (~~t and a central angle of 19. 56' 54'1 an arc di~tanc~ of 76.60 f~ct: th~ncc 5 00. 02' 00" E a dist.:lnce (l[ 190.96 [t;!.et tv 3 point on lh~ SO\lth line of said lot Ii thene.: S 89. 1.6' 17" 't./ ~1nllg said S(lllth lll\~ a di~t~l\C~ uf 13.20 f~~t tn th~ Truu Point of B~Klnnillg. Cuntaining 2194.81 ~quar~ (~~t (0,0504 acre~ more or l~~~). t ,J If-/ r' (! / ~",~-r. '::<b --1' / 1/ !/ I I iI. 1"l.!>V'~~ 1 f,'l "Z'to.o' L" 76 (,0' \1, :I' I -~ :1 ~ r. [i 11 (J iJ" tll,' r: III -tJ 'Z J!', '\) T. LO 2 11 ; Q I) ON oN Cl )( I:l . . a ~ '11' ~ V> II il'\J~ f"OHT 'f I"A6.\N\I\.16 {IOrJ ~o~ It;>' 060 . ..', "," ..t r" . , (} ;'0\:. .r..... .........~ ~ .. .;.l.~. . HOIqH \lOCALe "'::.-4-0' exhibit c 10'..,. .....'I'C; . ~u"6 :S .IA,. ",,~II""\..t I~ 'to'