HomeMy WebLinkAbout84104816 COLORAOO LANO SURVn MONUMENT RECORD AEPonT ONE MONUMENT ONLY uN THIS FOAM R['ROOUCTION Of THIS FORM IS AUTHORIZED. ^n ,'trn' t(. he- rllkod 1ft try II'\( Land SurwC'J'Ol' U1in, pmnmrnl black kU(Tm. and bnn _t1ich can ~ f(llt'OOUCC'd <t:llCf'pt)* TY pr. OF MOSU!wIENT ... 0 ~clion Corne, 0 ~nch mar" (Cnl"d onl") ~ Qu.rll"r COIner 0 Othrt L(,...l1 ., ..~\'W-d lQIU :-:r. CL 1" l t'o~! !..j 1 tl' 1'1 .f ,~ 2. or"R1rTIC)~ or 'fnNU"E~ fOUND Orlolnal calli S.t cottonwood poet, rat..d mound, pl.nt.d charr.d .take. Opened J.~' dia. hot. in 6" thick ..ph., b... cour.. 0.0" thick. :~~~~~;~r.d old ..ph. road bad, 0" thick, 1.1 it. balOH flr.t ..ph. A -- Found 1/2"K 3/9- st..l pin (20. lona'. 1.0 ft. baloN ..ph. .urfaca. 0.1 ft. W M 0.0 ft. N of ~onuG.ot O. B -- ~~~n1t~/~"~Do~~P~t~lw7o~tmo~~~~~{ ~:O ft. b.low ..ph. .u~f.c.. CONTINUED AT END OF NO. 4 BELOW 3 I)fVR l!'TlnN Or MONUMENT EST ADLlSIIED DY YOU TO P[RP~TUATE TilE LOCAT!nN OF I j, " '''1 CITY OF "'HEAT RIDGE n po.IUon of Ind.nt.Uon In SURVEY MONUMEtH monum.nt GI UNLAWFUL TO DISTURB - L.ft monument G a. found LS 13212 30~ lonO alu_. pip. Mith 3-1/4" S261S2~ bra.. cap stampede T38 Rb9W Placed in a 3-plece adjustable 1904 ca.t Iron box "iXI TCH SHnWl"'(~ RFI ~ liVE t OCATION Of MOSU\1ENT ACCESSORIES AND RFFFRE~(T r()I~"1S q", .....e, WHf 1 Hf.R FOliNO OR SET. SHOW SUPPORTlt-lG ANDrOR CONTRAOICTORY I-\'ll)r~(r wilt RI o\I'PIICAALE. 10.07 .ft. NNE to the n..r ~dQ. of . mAnhol&. 21.76 ~t. NE to U,. n.a,. .dQ@ of .. m.nholw. CQ.04 .ft. NE to the op~r.tlnQ .t~m of .. flr& hydr~nt. ~ 69.41 ft. SW to the NW corner of . hous~. 37.8~ ft. sw to.. ..t PK nail tn .. power pole. :52.-:)8 ft. WNW to.. set PK t.J..'/...nl nail 1n .. power pol.. 6 N.T.5. tJ.t 2 3 4 :l 6 .0\ CONT ItIUE:O FROM NO. 2 ABOVE C Found 8" n.ll, 1.0 ft. b.loH ..ph. .u~f.c.. 0.2 ft. 5 . 0.2 ft. W of monument G. Found .3 rebar (12" 10nQ), 1.0 ft. beloH ..ph. .urf~cr.. 0.2 ft. S ~ 0.3 ft. W of monument B. Found 3/4" rebar (f.7 ft. lon9), 1.3 ft. beloH ..ph. 5urfacw. 0.2 ft. W M 0.2 ft. B of monument u. Found 1"00 O~. pipe (lb" lonQ), 2.3 ft.. beloH ~sph. surface, and tylnQ horlzor,t~lly. Found cl~y pip., 2.6 ft. beloH ~sph. surface, with tnd.nt.tlo~ where bottom of ~onum.nt A would lie. D E F II 5. Datt or F,tld Work --AU9u,'t-7--r-t 9S+-- C1 RTIIICATlON 9.. G JOB II 83328-74. FIELD BOOK 11 336, PAGE II 2:5 Hm l~ 10 (crtify lIut I .....J,i In lupon'lb.t Chlll~t of tht 'IJI\'tyln~ .,..otll dt"'ll~d in 11m Itlord Ind IhJl to lhe ht\1 of my t.n()wltd~ Iht infomlllion pftU'nltd htftin i' IIue J,nd corftct. FILE AVAILABLE AT THE CITY OF [hlc _Oc_~_~,-~~~_lie4 WHEAT RIDllE t~ l Silf'llllft ( ~\..oV"- 'h...<...~ tll,tllUl.D.a.- - '\"~\t~~7""~ 6. IDCA110N DIAGRAM ,,~.:::..'S ..0*' ....""11,. 1"'\ Md, ;)~'....'~~tSSIO~' ~ ,:. c::, , ~ 4t' o,'~ iJ-,t :.A tfB ~*: 13212 -- + :t N:, ~ :I ! ~\... lAll\) Jo/ _: S + i \...<J'~o...{UR,~i~%.~ , .7.I'f'-O"f9. ~'" "'l'fy,,,;ar. eIJ\.: \,,' """"'.1""" .([>0 nul rill in) Acc~p!f'd ror Filing 51.1f' A(l~rd of Rf'II":lrlllion fot Prof~~~ion.1 Enlinf'f'l~ and Land SUrVf'yofs: Ry O.I#" Rf.CElVf.O AT OFFICE OF TilE COUNTY CLERK, COUNTY . . t...o.:allcm or Mcnumtnl Ry ST. INTER. , w. J2nd .. PI.~c~ 7 St.C~, T~_. R A'll'L.Jlth_PM COUNTY J.H. INDEX REF NO 21 G O.l~ Rf'COld 10 b~ {i\td by lndn R~fetence Number. num~llc.lIy. then .lph.bf!otic.lIy, under 'PPlD- rril'll'" Tn.....n-:hif' Ran"" .nd Mf'rldiAn. 8. sl'C._, T_. R _._rM. n)l''''''ITY l'lprX Rl r NO 0:: - .:> - , ! / -' - ::