HomeMy WebLinkAbout845 247 . .. .::.......,--__~........::....;.....:_.':_..-~~'!"........ _.........__:_..,.,..,__.__.~..:'-_.....;....'--:... ..-..,....~__._~.;.._ ___...~._.___...,...__.....~ ......._..- -;:~.'.-:u=-;,=~,.......,- .,~.. .....,. C.D.II. R,O.W. }'.nn No. u).'i 9 " ~ r,,:-_ '" ,.:1 BOOK 'N~ " 24~1 MMl ~ , I rbC]ocjr./r .- 'J I~~~ Rccordcd dl/ M. ...(............ ~ '-" r.' ...,.~, (1' r.)' Reeep~JonNo.... "l.f / .;..~,. ROBERT W. I\II;:WIQ~;......Reeorder / . KNOW ALL MI'.N BY TlIJ:;8K "RESENTS, 'l'h&t I (M) ~----L-~~ CURTIS H.mIN .' '" gr&nt~r . dt the County of Jefferson anti state of Colorado Cor ~slderatlOn or Ton Dollurs, In hand paid, hereoy grants burgain S, sell S find conveys to TJlE "TATE HIOHWAY COMMIS5ION OF COLORADO, a. public corporatlon. tor the. use and benefit of the DEPART, MJ.~NT OF HIGHWAYS of the State ot Colorado, grat.lte~. and Its succesSQrs and assigns, tor present a.nd future highway purpo.,es. the following real property situate In t...e Ccun~y of Jefferson and State of Color~do> to.wlt , .'A'-trtlct-ur parcel of'la~d, No. 9-/1.' of Grant;e s Project No. .F 032":1(11- containIng l.3 S8 aer0s, more or les s. 1.n Lot s 13 and 11., Nicholas Gardens subdivision, in the NEt of Sec. 20, T. 3 5., R. 69 W., of the Sixth P.M., in Jefferson County, Colorado, said tract or parcel being more particularly described as follows: / Beginning at a point on the b. line of Lot 13, Nicholas Gardens subdjvision, from which the N1 corner of Sec. 20, T. 3 5., R. 69 W. bears N. 530 11' E. a _clLs:tance...o.f. ~6u...2 feet; 2. Thence s. 640 20"30" W. a distance of 591.5 way line ooL the -".1~?11c!9.!l_~cLJ;J._1'.: I., M._Ii.R. to N;cno1as Gardens subdivision; feet along the S. right of 1:.t1e 1'i.__.4.lJe -<If "r.oi 11l....- ___ _J I ----.-j 1. Thence N. 00 16' W. a distance of 110.7 feet along the E..lineor ~~-LOt 13, to tJie-~gIit;" of, ....ay--r:Lhe- or~he a:ba:ncrcmoo--fr".--&.'foff';-R~it-;,-- 3. Thence 5. 00 16' E. a distance of 110.7 feet along the W. line of LOt 14; c 4. Thence N. 640 .20' 30" E. a distance of 591.5 feet, more or les5, to the point of beginning. -The above describeti tract contains~58 acres, more or less. tl'gdlwl' wlth all thf' :q1pllrlpn.1 .'I1'f.:--' tnf'rf'Hotr) belr>l,ging- including- but not In Rnj- WC:'V Jim' ing if! such conv~yance, aU ,E::T<l\'(>1. ('arth, r(wk, tll'";f,('r. and ;111 oth~r nt:1t.l'rial.s". Hr>d g'rnwthfi now or l1ereafter 1.0 found on gaid properi:.y and th(' hght to remo\"(' th(' ~anJ('" [n'llI sai-n premiseS nnd. th(' right lu ma.k(' C1Jt~ 6.n fills thcreon And the -grytntnr fllf him ::;i" f - his heir~:---exccllt()rs andadm~nislra[ors, do es covenant, g-rHnt. h<1rp,"Ain antJ :lg-'Pf' tn -aPt! WIth Ill(' gTlln~-"(, and it-'> !':lIr('e:'\~rs. and a...qslgns. the above bargair,ed premises In the qlli('t and peRren hl4" p(~ssessi{.n of the- K"rantef' and its surr;essGt:,t sand a.<;signs, aga~ns{ ill anfl eveT~l person or persons lawfully claiming- or to claim the wl101p or any pa rt thereof, by. througH OT undl;'r t.1)e ~antfJr t..J warrAJl~ and! OT('"ve. defend. r. ~;--- """...- i ", "' ~ignt"d, :-,caled, and dc)i\,(>reri tT'lis '"day of ~ J' .AD., 19 ?4 .~...?{~~ CURTIS H. mnr-..!' ,,",,- r-:-=- ...n. _........_.n.... ._............._u._. .._..,....__...-'-.n...... ..._......_.... i;:... r.